#Lynn loves
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massivementalitynut · 5 months ago
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My Anniversary Couple Comm from @avonyxx
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lynnedwardswrites · 2 years ago
One of the best parts of being married:
Unlocking new abilities to do things for each other.
I was feeling really sad about writing this week, struggling to get my feet under me and feel like what I was doing meant something to someone. I tried talking to my husband about it and he kinda started to track down the same paths we've gone down before. "The story is right, it has to be the way you're doing it, don't change that, you'll break the characters!" and pretty soon I was getting frustrated, like, "Yeah! I know *rationally* that I'm on the right track but if no one wants to read it, then who cares??" and he was like "People are gonna want to read it!" and I was like "What people?? You??"
And lovely reader, he was like "Yeah! I keep getting frustrated that you keep starting over because I want you to get to the end! I want you to write the climax!"
And like... sorry you didn't have the context to get this, but that kinda blew my mind??? Because as much as I've talked about wanting the book to be for him, I've never actually heard him say "This book feels important to me." I've never heard him say "Hell yeah I identify with the male character in this relationship." I've never heard him say "Of course I want to read a love story in which a man can have feelings like anger and still be worthy of his partner's love."
But! He! Said! Those! Things!
And now I am writing absolutely feverishly with an energy I have been craving for weeks because my husband wants me to write the story for him, he even said so himself, out loud to my very face and like
if that's not love idk what is.
(Also the ability he unlocked was realizing that I do, in fact, deeply need this kind of validation, the validation that what I am doing is good for him, will benefit him, will entertain him, because that is the entire basis of my sense of purpose in writing, but I mean *who knows* how he got the idea in his head that drawing attention to ways that my work benefits him would be uncouth and therefore he shouldn't do it (*cough* I'm looking at you, mormon strategies for coping with privilege shame).)
(Since that conversation he has been asking the best, most interested questions that have been lighting my inspiration well ON FIRE. (Yes, I will absolutely make sure that metaphor is clear, oh absolutely there will be so many interesting comparisons between those two characters). It's like something clicked in his brain and mine and this new little nugget of our relationship is DIVINE.)
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owlarchivist · 3 months ago
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what saw III did y'all watch
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spinaholi · 10 months ago
sandra lynn’s dating history now includes:
the most red-flag, gaslighting, married guy who became a world renowned insidious televangelist and ruined her perception of love and self-worth
the saddest, wettest, cardboard-box-living, yogurt covered man with an ancient hereditary curse of bad luck
the arch devil of gluttony and living embodiment of insatiable desire and hunger
a former drug addict, high school student councillor, werewolf, who’s probably the most mentally healthy person to ever exist
sexy pirate
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saltair-and-webweaves · 10 months ago
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Who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me?
you say you don’t want a boyfriend, but you know that’s not true - Charlotte Green/the voice - Anaïs Nin/the unabridged journals of Sylvia Plath - Sylvia Plath/tolerate it - Taylor Swift/the unabridged journals of sylvia plath - Sylvia Plath/the unexpurgated diary of anaïs nin - Anaïs Nin/ @treebloods/@lovebeing-a-girl/@ sanwtch on instagram/ @onlyanothermundane/@tullispink/I am an observer, but not by choice - @fatimaamerbilal/the prophecy - Taylor Swift/criss cross - Lynne Rae Perkins/Vladimir Mayakovsky in a letter to Lili Brik/what I could never confess without some bravado - Emily Palermo/little weirds - Jenny Slate
requested here
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brodorokihousuke · 3 months ago
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fascinated by these entries in the 30th Anniversary CAPCOM Character Encyclopedia (released 2013, pre-Dual Destinies)
I beg you to look at them all. they're funny as hell. but i'll summarize my favorite details.
Klavier listed as Apollo's 'archenemy'
Not only that, but Gumshoe having an archenemy- being Franziska
Gumshoe's 'weapon of choice' being "Good-natured Incompetence"
Maya noted as "...generously get[ting] herself kidnapped or framed for murder whenever things get a little slow at the agency"
Edgeworth's role in AAI/GK2 applauded as "...he could devote his considerable mental talents to actually solving crimes instead of just prosecuting whichever poor dope the cops had fingered." Ouch!
Phoenix's weight listed as "varies" (???)
Phoenix's hairstyle summarized as "the world's biggest cowlick"
Ghost trick ones under the cut because they deserve some love too
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Sissel's weapon of choice being "Heavy crates conveniently dangling from cranes" is funny as hell
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boytransmission · 1 year ago
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Four photos from Lynn Welburn's series of leatherdykes in gear found while exploring cybergay graveyards. More can be seen on Gay-MART.
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imagine ur garthy o’brien, just trying to fuck this hot ranger you met at your brothel that you own, except her teenage kids/wards/bosses keep knocking on the door to your bedroom and interrupting you guys and THEN you learn that she’s actually in a committed relationship but didn’t tell you, so THAT sucks but THEN one of the teens comes and finds you in the middle of the night yelling about how his friend is gone and they can’t find him and he might be in danger, so you help him teleport to his friend, and then when they all get back, looking extremely upset and dejected, you apologize to the ranger’s daughter for making her feel uncomfortable by fucking her mother and in the process SHE reveals to you that her mom’s boyfriend is actually this really cool werewolf guy that you KNOW and have fucked on multiple occasions
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rqg179 · 11 months ago
the way brennan lee mulligan plays single mothers needs to be studied because i have been thinking about the delivery of "maybe we could bump up the priority on de-cursing the old ... my only daughter in the world" for 4 days now
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thoughtkick · 2 months ago
If you have to speculate if someone loves you and wants to be with you, chances are they don’t. It’s not that complicated. Don’t waste moments waiting and wondering. Don’t throw away your time dreaming of someone who doesn’t want you. No one is that amazing, and certainly not someone who would pass you up.
Donna Lynn
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spookiesloop · 2 months ago
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Buying flowers for doctor boyfriend and doctor girlfriend
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massivementalitynut · 3 months ago
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My Scrapbook Couple Comm from @mypillowpaper
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lynnedwardswrites · 2 years ago
(A Love Letter) You learn some things about the human race, as a writer.
One of the earliest problems you have to solve, one of the earliest human *things* you have to discover, is what makes a person (a character) likeable. Turns out that what a person *does* is important, but heroic deeds and impressive sacrifices are insufficient to convince a reader to spend fifty or a hundred hours reading about someone. Much more critical is what the character *wants*. More specifically, *that* they want something. Freedom maybe, or safety. To be seen. To protect someone they love from harm. Stability, at any cost to others. Stability, even at an impossible cost to themself.
It doesn't matter which one you pick, so long as you pick *something*. Many readers will follow a character--hero or villain--to the ends of the earth, if the author provides a convincing enough desire to drive the journey.
Real people are like that, too. When deciding who *we* want to follow to the ends of the earth, we hear words, we watch actions, but we *feel* the desires behind them. To love someone, truly, is to know them well enough to understand the motive behind the choice, and to smile at the knowing and say, "Oh yes, I want to be with *you*. Whatever the consequences of following this desire, I want to be there to help carry them."
So let me tell you a story.
Let me tell you a story of a man who wants to be Good.
Of course, "Good" is an impractically imprecise word for the purposes of this story. When some people say they want to be good, they mean they want to be accepted, that they want to be *seen* as good, but that is an entirely different thing. The desire to be seen as good is often the desire to be loved muddled with the ill-founded belief that one must do certain things to earn love, and that is not what the man in our story is after at all. (Which is not to say that he *doesn't* want to be loved, because he most certainly does, but that's a separate desire that we'll get to later. He's a complex, multi-dimensional character.)
What I mean by "Good" in this story is that the man wants to live his life in a way that the people around him are genuinely benefited by his existence. He wants to have a positive effect on his world, and not merely a neutral one. It's not good enough, for this man, to be "beyond reproach" (in fact, he's reached a point where "irreproachable" is almost a bad word). It's not good enough, for this man, to have good intentions. His effect must be objectively, measurably *positive*. Not the rose-colored glasses of blissful ignorance that are eventually shattered by the weight of reality. Good in a way that is robust, durable, lasting. Good in a way that acknowledges that his time is limited and so are his resources, so effort has to be invested strategically.
Note that I haven't said that the man wants to be "perfect" either. Perfect is the enemy of good. Perfection is a binary, a yes or no. Perfect is zero, perfect is nil. Perfection is a comparison to a static state. It's "Reproachable, or Not?" But Goodness is not a binary, it's a spectrum, or a direction. It's growth, it's messy, it's complex. Difficult, but *possible*. Goodness is one, and then two, and then three.
*That* is what the man wants to be.
And so he listens, when I say that there is this big, heavy, social system that is weighing me down and hurting me. He listens, and then he thinks about what I've said, and he asks questions, and he thinks about it some more, and he starts brainstorming solutions, and testing them, and asking more questions. I praise him and he appreciates that, but he's also busy reading more about what other people experiencing the same thing have said and "oh, did you know about this?" and "gosh, I want to be able to do that for you." The system becomes not-just-an-abstract and when he doesn't anticipate my reactions he asks questions again and the next time he *does* anticipate in a way that eases my burdens and I tell him and he is fierce about the fact that I have always deserved to be treated with the respect and care that feels like a wild luxury to me. He reads some more and soon he is telling me things I didn't know, things I *ought* to have known and that feel true the moment he says them because they are so deeply and thoughtfully grounded in the reality I live in. Soon I am trusting him to understand me before I have spoken. Soon I am trusting him to speak on my behalf, because it is just that clear that he *actually* gets it, even if he hasn't lived the life I have lived, because he has taken the effort to learn what I know.
*And he doesn't stop there.* Always, he is questioning what has been done, what the consequences really were. Goodness drives him, like a puzzle. He's always trying to unlock more of it, like he craves the satisfaction of knowing a little more, creating something a little better. He does this for other people, too, and how could I not love him for it? How could I not want to follow him to the ends of the earth? How could I not pledge all of my love, my life, my own effort to the man who is so deeply invested in making sure that I get what I want, that I get what makes me happy, what is Good for me? How could I not take pleasure in all the little pleasures that fill in the rest of him? His love for numbers, and food, and heavy metal? The jokes he tells and his yearning to express himself with beautiful art, and his unadulterated adoration of our cats, and every time he's ever decided to try something just because it makes him a little nervous.
How could I not want to fulfill every single other tiny fleeting whim he's ever had? How could I not want to love him so deeply that he brims over with joy and contentment and belonging and acceptance and adoration? How could I not write him long love letters that get posted to the internet because he ought to be loved publicly, too, have his praises shouted from the rooftops and across the social media hellscapes and into the faces of people who failed him. How could I not fight and bleed and weep and sing for him? How could I not do all of this like a cheering, adoring fangirl who wants to plaster his face on everything I own, even though I know he's just going to laugh at me and carry on with his hunting-for-Goodness because he's *not* doing it for me, or for the attention, which is *exactly* what makes everything about it so trustworthy in the first place?
His life is a story, it's a beautiful story, and the fact that I'm really here alongside him has a magic in it that makes me blink my eyes and pinch myself sometimes. My hero, my anti-hero, my partner, my friend, my lover. *My* story is entirely different without you, but I'm hooked on us, to the 1,000,000th sequel, to infinity.
I love you, Digital Raven Husband. You are so Good. And you deserve to be loved in every way that's been invented.
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owlarchivist · 3 months ago
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Heavy are the hips that wear the strap😋😋✂️✂️✂️
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sunnyaliceart · 9 months ago
❗❗Ghost Trick Spoilers Below❗❗
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Cats and Dogs can get along
[Image description: a comic of Ghost Trick characters. Kamila and Lynne watch as Cat Sissel and Missile sit a few feet apart from each other, looking at each other as if just introduced. Kamila says: "Don't worry, he's friendly!" and Lynne replies: "I'm sure, but Missile can be a lot..."
Sissel and Missile nuzzle up against each other, and Missile wags his tail intensely. Kamila gasps and says: "See?! They like each other!" Lynne replies: "Whoa! You're right!"
Missile rolls on his back, and Sissel jumps up in a playful pose. As Kamila smiles, Lynne comments: "You know, with the way they're acting... It's almost like..."
She continues: "They already know each other..." as Missile and Sissel keep playing across several scenes. Sissel lies on top of Missile, then they curl up to sleep together.
Next, Sissel's body loafs while his ghost possesses a baseball, which Missile chases. The last drawing shows Missile in a green bandanna to match Sissel, barking excitedly as Sissel seems to listen. End ID.]
Happy Ghost Swap Week! Another combo of @fyeahghosttrick prompts:
@astrofiish - Missile and Sissel being the best of friends
@caravanlurker - Sissel's first few interactions with a recently reborn Missile in the New Timeline
and an anonymous prompt of Sissel and Missile reuniting in the New Timeline
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latenightsundayblues · 1 year ago
Lil switcheroo AU I couldn't stop thinking about ever since I saw that one drawing by @gattobamboom
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Adam's in the role of Amanda, Lawrence's in the role of Lynn and vice-versa
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