prim-moth · 2 years
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Friends & I played a ttrpg based on Arietty called Under the Fooorboards 🌻 I played as the human, Juno :)
Here’s her and her fam <3
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dollya-robinprotector · 7 months
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Just a very normal day after school. REF: Frieren ep. 21 and this pic
Bonus for Lya and M!Robin
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N.N.N is over, it's time for D.D.D
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thecapitolprincess · 1 year
[Caesar] My dear, welcome back to the show. It's always a delight to have you back! I must ask, how are you doing after the guilty verdict of Alaric Tripp?
The woman flashed Caesar a dazzling smile. She had perfected it years ago, just as she had her posture, her make-up, her tone, her everything.
Lyah knew how to perform. She lived for this.
"Oh Caesar, it's so wonderful to see you again," she gushed, tone bright but not overly enthusiastic. Sincere. She meant it. "Truly. Thank you for having me back. It's always such a treat getting to spend the afternoon with you."
Lyah settled into her seat, her tone becoming more serious. The address Snow had given before the execution was difficult to forget, as was the feeling of betrayal that came from learning of Alaric's allegiance to the rebels. She gave Caesar a remorseful smile.
"The whole thing has been terrible, Caesar," Lyah began. "I'm honestly just so heart broken. The Capitol has been nothing but kind to me over the years, bringing me so much joy. I cannot imagine how someone could take this life and everything you all have given us as victors for granted. The love, the support, the opportunity. You've given us the most incredible gift, and for anyone to turn their back on that...I can't imagine what Alaric must have been thinking."
She paused for a moment, eyes full of sadness and regret on behalf of her fellow victor. "I think it speaks to just how dangerous the rebels are, honestly. Alaric lost everything because of their pervasiveness. It's such a tragedy, really, but I think that we need to look at this as a reminder of just how terrible the rebellion is. I mean look at all the beautiful people we have lost because of them. We need to stay motivated in this fight to protect our country and stay true to our values as a nation. We can’t allow any more of the good people of Panem to fall victim to the rebellion and their blatant lies. It’s too devastating to think about.”
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unowneyenon · 1 year
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i feel like i cant keep UP just SOOOO MANY PEOPLE ARE FINDINF INFO EXTREMELY FAST so by using my personal update list and the findings of others, here’s the update list, updated for the second time!
🏡BEFORE WE JUMP IN, i’d wish to highlight some weird things i personally experienced throughout the site🏡
more than one have i heard a sound while using my headphones that sounded like faint morse code.
i feel like i’ve heard a static/white noise on the site before
after exploring the “secret” version of the site, i thought i heard a heartbeat
one more thing that’s probably important! the company who made welcome home’s merchandise—Marlo— has a logo that looks like this
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hmmm totally not suspicious using wally’s colors inside of an eye inside of a home silhouette!!
the morse code i am POSITIVE about. enough of that, onto the records and bug videos!
🐛the BUGS🐛
thanks to @underscore-duendie (for searching for hours i salute u solder 🫡) and @angel-lyah ‘s VERY useful masterlist, we now have what seems like a complete collection of all the bugs!! here are all of them, in order (as screenshots tho because tumblr dot com won’t let me post all the urls)
this is @underscore-duendie ‘s post!
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@angel-lyah ‘s list covered this VERY well, even putting all of them together in a message👏👏👏 all of these audios have wally speaking directly to us. not sure if there’s more, but here’s what was found! (this is a screenshot btw i use tumblr on my phone)
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angel also put them all together stacked on top of each other! it creates a whole conversation between us and wally! go check it out!
ALSO ALSO @gandalfsbongwater informed me that if you click on the red button on the phone of the “it’s for you” toy (the merch page) it leads you to wally’s duet audio!
@angel-lyah graciously covered this hidden secret too—the safe!
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there’s nothing to click on except the “it’s in here” button. at least, not that i know of. here are the images found on the site! (side note uhh what are those things in the background of the white screen?? like, next to the pictures?)
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s-pyder · 5 months
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ventique18 · 4 months
I'm having a physical reaction everytime I have to type out Maleanor LOL. It feels like a typo. I'm also revising my head's pronunciation of it. I used to pronounce it as "Me-Lyah-nor" being the Filipino I am, but Ma-Lyah-nor actually doesn't flow as well. I'm currently wiring my head to say "Ma-leh-nor" instead. I remember during my first time opening twst, I used to call Malleus Mah-leh-yoos because that was how we non-fancy kids pronounced it in Elementary, until I heard people calling him in-game and concluded the word was actually pronounced Mahl-yoos.
Raverne is hard to type for some reason. I have to really think out the letters one by one because I've never encountered a name like that before.
Baur is just vile. I hate it so much.
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maximilliansblog · 8 months
Welcome Home Hyacinth Theory 🏠🪻🐛
Hello Tumblr! Most Welcome Home theories are just little bits and pieces or “Wally is evil, guys look!”/”Wally is not evil! He is a goober!” etc.
This theory is fully fledged and provides a plot and evidence. I call it the Welcome Home “Hyacinth” theory, after the myth that it is based on. This will be a very long post so here is a TLDR: Julie kills Eddie while they are playing croquette-bowling out of jealousy because he is getting too close to Frank, who is supposed to be her boyfriend/best friend within the show. Either just Eddie or everyone involved gets replaced, except for Wally, who witnessed everything. This is why we have all of those videos of Wally dissociating.
I have been sitting around in my toom rambling to myself about this theory like a madman for over a week so I decided to share it.
Please reference this post from @/partycoffin (the creator of Welcome Home) when discussing Welcome Home and be respectful in the comments and reblogs.
Extra information from @theneighborhoodwatch:
Welcome Home Observation Document
Welcome Home Livestream Trivia
Welcome Home Archive Links + Backup Screenshots
Fanmade Welcome Home Wiki (I don't recommend the Fandom wiki)
Extra information on exploring the website from @angel-lyah:
Welcome Home Website Secrets
Alright, let’s get into it! I have evidence to back up every single one of those claims, and I will include it in this post.
I want to be very thorough with explaining this. I’ll start by establishing that there are three main plots within Welcome Home (that I have noticed, anyways):
The plot of the late 60’s - early 70’s TV show, Welcome Home - only related to published episodes, books, audios, etc. that would have been shown to the public at the time of airing Welcome Home
“Behind the show” - feelings and actions of the puppets outside of the show (such as Frank and Eddie being a couple, or Frank being nonbinary)
The Welcome Home Restoration Project - people working to restore the TV show, Welcome Home, and find any and all information related to it and who made it
Okay so for the rest of this essay, when I mention BtS, it is related to the “behind the show” plot. I will color these things blue. When I write WtS, it is related to the “within the show” plot. I will color these things green. When I write WHRP, it is related to the Welcome Home Restoration Project. I will color these things pink. I will also mention things that have been said either on Clown’s Tumblr blog, Clown’s Twitter, or old streams. I will say CS, meaning “Clown source” to denote these things and color them orange. Clown source and behind the show areas often overlap, so Clown source information is dominant over behind the show information (if it is both I will just color it orange). Good? Good.
Now let’s establish our characters (only the ones related to this theory) and their relationships to one another. We’ll go alphabetically, starting with Eddie, then moving onto Frank, Julie, and Wally. 
I’m going to assume that if you are reading this, you have already visited the website (clownillustration.com) and have a basic understanding of who Eddie is. So I will only focus on the elements of his character that will be relevant in this theory.
Eddie (WtS) is clumsy and overworks himself. He is often dragged into Julie’s games. His house (post office) looks like this:
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Note the hyacinth flowers and the butterfly. Eddie (BtS) loves Frank. (CS) He is married to Frank in one art on Clown’s Tumblr. BY THE WAY IT TOOK FOREVER TO FIND THIS IMAGE!!!! THEY ARE IN THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER!!
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Frank (WtS) is Julie’s boyfriend as it is implied that they are a couple within the show (I know a lot of us don’t like hearing this, but remember the three plots) (also for everyone that is going to argue with me on this, go look on their little profiles in the neighborhood section of the website and come back to me) and best friend. His house looks like this:
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Note the sunflowers. Frank (BtS) loves Eddie.
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(CS) As I said before, in one art on Clown’s Tumblr, Eddie and Frank are married (you can tell by the rings on their fingers in that image) . Frank is nonbinary but uses he/him pronouns (Clown refers to Frank on his blog with only he/him pronouns, so that is what I will use. Nonbinary people do not have to use they/them pronouns! Pronouns are not equal to gender!)
(WtS) Julie is a rainbow monster. Her thing is that she likes to make up and play games. She seems to be very strong (perhaps related to her being a rainbow monster), as she can easily lift Wally and is indirectly referenced to [throw a baseball very well] by Barnaby in the Live Interview audio. She also incorporates bowling into a lot of games where it is unnecessary. She seems to be immature, which is usually used to make her a playful character. Her and Frank are a couple. In several arts, her horns are different shapes or even nonexistent, implying that she has some ability to change her form. Her house looks like this:
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Note the heart motif throughout the design. (BtS) Julie is best friends with Frank. (CS) She is genderfluid (she is only referred to using she/her pronouns on Clown’s blog, so that is what I will use). 
(WtS) Wally is the main character in Welcome Home. His house is alive and is named Home. Home is often considered to be a ninth neighbor. Wally often communicates for Home. (WHRP) Wally signs Home’s name in the guestbook (as Home does not have hands) (please stop with the tentacles I have seen the art please stop for the love of god where did that even come from). (WtS) The other neighbors frequently ignore and talk over Wally, but he doesn’t seem to mind, saying that he loves all of his friends in the live interview audio.
Okay so now that that is established, let’s look at some promotional art. Promotional art is not necessarily canon and may contain outdated designs, but may hint at the plot of Welcome Home. 
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There is one more artwork that I would like to add, but it is on Clown’s KoFi. Here is a link to it that you can look at if you are subscribed to Clown’s KoFi:
[link to Clown’s KoFi here]
I won’t describe the image because some of you may not be subscribed to Clown’s KoFi. But if you are, you will see that the image supports my theory.
While we are discussing that image, I would also like to say that I believe that the puppets are some kind of biological organisms. I don’t have much evidence for this right now, but I may make a theory in the future. 
We will come back to those promotional arts soon. Right now, let’s look at Frank and Eddie’s houses and discuss some symbolism and mythology.
Frank’s house has sunflowers outside of it. Sunflowers are a symbol of Apollo. Eddie has hyacinths outside of his post office, obviously a symbol of Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus and Apollo were lovers, but Hyacinthus tragically died. Let me tell the story so we have context. (I am really into Greek mythology by the way, it’s always been a special interest since middle school but I am also a Hellenic pagan, you should follow my witchcraft and paganism blog, creatively named @maxiswitchcraftandpaganblog)
So Apollo, god of the sun, art, archery, and LOTS of various other things, loved Hyacinthus, who was a mortal Spartan man. And Hyacinthus loved him too, by the way. The god of the (west? don’t feel like googling it) wind, Zephyrus, was jealous of Hyacinthus, because he also loved Apollo. 
One day, Apollo and Hyacinthus were playing discus (like frisbee but the frisbee is giant and made of metal, kind of like a shield). Apollo threw the discus to Hyacinthus, but Zephyrus blew the discus off course with the wind, causing it to hit Hyacinthus in the head and kill him. Apollo created the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus’ blood as he died, but in some myths made him a god. (read more on Apollo and Hyacinthus here)
I’m going to draw some parallels here. Frank = Apollo, Eddie = Hyacinthus, Julie = Zephyrus. Now Frank’s and Eddie’s parallels make sense because of the flowers, but where did I get Julie=Zephyrus from? Recall that (WtS) Julie and Frank are supposed to be a couple. Now, (BtS) Julie may or may not like Frank in that way, but she certainly enjoys being close to him as his best friend. Since she is already established as an immature character, it would make sense that she would be jealous seeing Frank get closer to Eddie.
Pause. So WtS, Frank and Julie are together. BtS, Frank and Eddie are together. If these are separate, then what is Julie jealous about? (WtS) Frank has been seen getting closer to Eddie even in the official material of the show. An example of this is him telling Eddie that he works too hard at the end of the “Eddie’s Big Lift” storybook record. So his BtS love for Eddie is leaking into the WtS canon. That is a problem for Julie, who is supposed to be Frank’s girlfriend WtS. So she comes up with an idea to fix this, much like the jealous god, Zephyrus. 
So what does she do? Let’s turn our attention to the “Just So” song demo. This song was never finished with instrumentals, and for a reason. The puppets function as actors in the show, as it is obvious that they have their own free will, and Julie does something that the writers do not expect later in this episode. So the song was never finished because the episode was ruined. 
In the “Just So” song demo, Frank and Julie are about to play croquette bowling. It was supposed to be just croquette, as Frank put on his croquette bow tie, but last minute, Julie added bowling to the mix. 
Wally knocks on the door and interrupts their song, saying that Home wants to play croquette bowling too. This implies that Julie told someone else that they would be playing croquette bowling after she added bowling. I feel like Wally and Home overheard Julie telling Eddie that they would be playing croquette bowling. This would make sense, as Wally often stands by and listens while the other neighbors talk. It is not unusual for Eddie to participate in Julie’s games, either, as we see from Julie playing “business woman in the big city” with him. [add a photo]
The song recording ends before we see them playing croquette bowling together. But I have a piece of evidence to tell us how it ends. Look at this promotional art again.
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You probably assumed that the figure in the back was holding a hammer, but that could actually be a croquette mallet!
It’s covered in some gory-looking stuff, probably from Eddie. Now look at the flower. Whose eyes look like that? Almond-shaped, round pupils. Only one character: Wally. Wally was a witness, which would make sense for him, since he often watches on as the other neighbors do things. 
Julie is holding the flower in front of her, looking innocent. This is a stretch, but I think that this might be symbolism for her saying that she didn’t do it on purpose, Wally saw the whole thing, ask him! And Wally doesn’t know what to do. I don’t know what he does from there.
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Maybe this image is a clue? I genuinely don’t know. Once again, promotional art is not necessarily canon, but we can use the concepts from it in theories.
This next part is also a bit of a stretch. The neighbors having a memory of something like that happening would ruin their “acting” (I think they are just being recorded as they do what they would naturally do). The show can’t have that. The solution? Replace everyone involved. 
Now go back and look in the promotional art section and look at that art of Frank. It looks like Frank is laying among extra puppet parts. They have extras!
And this is why Wally is dissociating in the videos we see when we click on the bugs. They did not replace him, because like the neighbors, they didn’t even notice he was there.
Okay yeah that’s the theory. It was really hard to get this into a coherent Google Doc and gather all the links. I was just rambling to myself about this in my room over and over pacing around for like a week. But yeah here you go, hope it's a good theory, sorry if it's not lol please be nice to me
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lyahh483 · 5 months
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About Me:
Hi, my nickname lyah (Lee-yuh) im 16, I go by she/her, I’m bisexual, & a matt girl🫧
I will not mainly write but I will try every once in a while.
I love the Sturniolo triplets ofc, journaling/writing, music (like all types of music), film & cinematography, cooking & baking, Sanrio, manifesting,tmnt, marvel, fall(I’m so in love with fall).
I would love some moots in any fandoms and If you have any suggestions with YouTubers, hobbies, artists, or anything etc lmk💗
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poutyrootveggie · 4 months
I love when I'm in the middle of drawing characters before I draw the hair and they just look upset they are Bald
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meet lyah btw I guess she's a preexisting oc that I'm making a touchstarved mc for
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theprettygirlblog · 8 months
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Crackships Lyndsy Fonseca & Luke Mitchell
request by @lyah-malek
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prim-moth · 2 years
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Attic burrow gang ily 🌻
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dollya-robinprotector · 3 months
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I've been busy doing and only posting commission for the past few days so maybe it's time to actually post something for the fandom UwU) Luckily I had this piece months ago I didn't post yet, so have a Lyah taking Robin out and buy her more pretty clothes please!!
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Also a more "revealing" version on my Twitter. It's nothing, really, but I'm not betting with Tumblr and its broke ass algorithm anymore.
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Welcome, to the Night of Pink Bunnies
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Artist: Noir Luna (Facebook)
Lyah (left) belongs to Dollya - me Lunariel (right) belongs to Noir Luna
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Please go and check out Noir's profile if you're interested, they're one of my highly recommended artist friends if you ever want a pretty piece of art like the above~
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mockhound · 1 year
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GIFT ART FOR FRIENDS MASTER POST!!! All art made around July
Above Sunny for @marblesmocha
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Enn for @fungsly
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Chi for @chiibea
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Johny for @johnnydarling
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Piper for @rainbowskykitten
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Wendel for @judas-satanas
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Dorror for @glamiers
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Nebula for @sparky-n-smiley69
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Gwen for @masokissykiss
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Marinus for @pyrohypactivity
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Ray for @ghostlydork
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Sheldon for @worriedalex
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Callisto for @fruitlerdoodler
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Eve for @nekosanddragons-draws
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Maverick for @evangelina830
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Grace for @angel-lyah
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Melanie for jikookie
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Lulu for @yumiibon
gift art gift art //throws confetti
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theneighborhoodwatch · 10 months
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okay this is fucking ridiculous.
@artblockedgremlin @angel-lyah @cloudysunflowr @catnix328 @elliot-maggot @cyanwyrmy @cloudy-dreams @finikpao @permo2003 have any of you guys been getting a HUGE influx of bot followers lately? or have any idea what to do besides just blocking + reporting? i notice these blogs always tend to follow a couple other bots and then the same handful of people who are all known for posting about welcome home.
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