#Lullaby Zelda
joyouzz · 1 year
LU/ATLA: The Avatar
The Avatar, the one who brings peace and balance to the world.
The one who vanished one hundred years ago when the world needed them the most.
The only one who can bring true peace to this endless nightmare of corrupted spirits and bloodshed wars.
To understand the current state of the Avatar, one must understand what truly happened one hundred years ago.
The final battle of Avatar Rauru and Ganondorf.
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The Western Air Temple Trap
After severing the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Air Temples from the surface and bringing them into the sky. Avatar Rauru went to the final temple.
The Western Air Temple.
Rauru knew there would be no one to save there, it was far too late. No, he knew it was a trap set up by the Fire Nation. By Ganondorf. And Rauru was not going to hide from this.
Avatar Rauru is no fool, he knew that Ganondorf would not rest until he found Rauru. Killing whoever he needed to just to get to the Avatar. The Air Nomads were certainly not the only ones killed by the actions of Ganondorf.
No, Rauru needed to end this. And if that meant heading straight into a trap? So be it. Ganondorf will not stop this path of destruction, he needs to be taken down.
As Avatar Rauru left the newly Sky Island Temples, he knew it would be the last time he would ever see the three temples.
Ganondorf will not win.
The Battle that Shattered Worlds
The final battle has begun. Avatar Rauru battling Ganondorf. Their battle taking them deep beneath the depths of the earth, down old ancient tunnels that have long been forgotten.
Both fighters exhausted, taking blow after blow, both unwilling to admit defeat.
In the midst of battle, Avatar Rauru did not know what was coming. For Ganondorf led the Avatar down in these ancient tunnels for one reason.
It is deep within the final chamber, a huge circular dome shaped room that Ganondorf’s plan revealed itself.
Runes of ancient times light the room, humming with old ancient spirit magic that has been lost to time.
How was that Ganondorf came upon these ancient runic magic is unknown.
As if he knew this magic once, in a past life.
In the center of one of these ancient runic circles, did Avatar Rauru find himself frozen, suspended in the air, locked in place by an invisible force with no control over his own body.
It is then where Ganondorf revealed how he will transfer the Avatar Spirit into his own body, achieving his lifelong goal.
Stepping into the center of another runic circle, the runes glow with magic. Rauru and Ganondorf battling once more, a battle of mental strength as the Avatar’s very spirit is ripped out of him.
Even with his soul hanging between him and his opponent, Rauru still breathed, knowing his last breath will come soon.
Struggling to even breath the very element he was born with, Rauru knew he could not let this tyrant win. For Ganondorf shall bring ultimate death upon the world.
It is there, in those final moments that Rauru made a decision that still conflicted him in the afterlife.
Using what little strength he had left, Rauru reached out and grabbed the Avatar Spirit.
And shatters it.
With the magic of the ritual stopping violently, everything breaks.
Ganondorf’s screams of agony as his very body and soul torn into pieces. Magic ripping through the matters of space, tearing holes into the Spirit Realm. Light erupts the room, in a blink of an eye the Avatar Spirit shatters into ten pieces and scattered.
Fragments of the Avatar
Damaged, broken, and scattered, the Avatar Spirit still lives.
The stress of the ritual took its toll on the Avatar Spirit, making the shattered pieces take time before they were reincarnated once more.
In the past, it is upon the Avatar’s death was a new Avatar born. But not now. For each piece took time to heal, to restore whatever strength it had left before it was reincarnated.
It is in the Earth Kingdom where the first piece of the Avatar reborn, seventy years of waiting to be reborn.
Born to the Empress of the Earth Kingdom, Princess Zelda (Lullaby), is the first to be reincarnated.
An Earth Bender, for her fragment piece held onto, unable to hold the other elements.
After this birth, did the other fragmented pieces of the Avatar started to be reincarnated.
In the Fire Nation, the grandchild of former True Fire Lord Rhoam, Princess Zelda (Artemis) is born. Fire Bender.
In the far north, another is born. Born to the Chieftess and Chief of the Northern Water Tribe, Zelda (Dusk) is a strong water bender. Breaking the tradition of female water benders as healers only, through time and great patience.
In the Sacred Temples of the Air Nomads, Skyloft, Zelda (Sun), lives in the skies. Learning the ways of the Air Nomads.
On the Fire Nation Islands, Zelda (Fable), is born. Learning fire bending, she gives Fire Nation Rebels valuable information to aid them in the fight against the Yiga.
Scattered in the Earth Kingdom, three more are born.
In the villages of the Earth Kingdom, Zelda (Flora), is born to noble Rhoam Bosphoramus. Grandchild of Avatar Rauru, with insistence by her father, she was pressured to become the best water bender healer ever.
Near the swamps of the Earth Kingdom, another one is born. Zelda (Dawn), an Earth Bender.
Near the swamps, another Earth bender is born, Zelda (Dawn).
Born to an Earth Kingdom noble man, Zelda (Dot), she is taught in secret by her Air Nomad father the ways of air bending.
From the Southern Water Tribe, another reincarnation is born. Captain Tetra (Zelda) sails the seas with her Pirate crew. An Water bender.
Quick Facts about the 9 Fragments:
• Each fragment only has 1 element
•With how weak the fragments were after the Avatar Spirit broke, each fragment could only handle one element
•This also means that the past lives of the other Avatars were split with these fragments
• It is possible for them to learn another element, but only one other and it would be the next element in the Avatar cycle
•But not powerful by any means
•Say if one learns earth as their second element, they can only do small beginner moves
•Like moving pebbles
•Their Avatar Spirit fragment can only handle so much without exhausting themselves
• None of them know about their soul fragments
• If they meet another, they will feel a ‘pull’ towards the other
•Like meeting an old friend
•Why is there two of each element except water who has three benders?
•Simple, Water was the next element in the Avatar cycle
Ganondorf and the 10th Fragment
What happened to Ganondorf?
Simple answer: He died.
The failure of the ritual was too much on his body, tearing it apart and killing it.
But it didn’t kill him.
While the ritual was unsuccessful, but it didn’t completely fail.
Ganondorf has it.
The tenth piece of the Avatar is the only reason why Ganondorf hasn’t died yet.
His soul weak, fragile, and adjusting to the new fragment piece with his soul, Ganondorf could not live in the Mortal Realm no longer.
And seeing the torn portal in front of him, Ganondorf went through.
Recovering in the Spirit Realm, Ganondorf began to regain his power and learn what this new soul fragment can do.
With his newfound power, Ganondorf discovered he could ‘corrupt’ the spirits of the Spirit Realm, sending them back into the Mortal Realm to find the other fragments.
He knew at this point the other fragments would reincarnate. But this will not stop him.
For he is Ganondorf, King if the Gerudo and Fire Lord.
He will not stop until he gets what he deserves.
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linderosse · 3 months
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The Zeldas play a game
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kheprriverse · 1 year
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OOT Zelda! This took like... 3 days LOL
I'm still a bit iffy on the colors used for her, so this may change in the future until I figure out a good palette.
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the-little-robyn · 3 months
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Tetra messing with the new girl. A parody of the scene from the spongebob viking episode.
A little comic I made if the Zelda from echoes of wisdom turns out to be a completely new Zelda. I know there is a high possibility that she would just be Fable but, can you imagine if she's a whole new Zelda? We're getting a new pair joining LU the party ya'll!
Also Since EoW!Zelda is new, she doesn't know that they all have nicknames for each other yet so, Tetra tries to mess with a little bit, Dot is in on the action while the rest just watches lol, but eventually, EoW!Zelda will be told about the nicknames and gets her own as well (idk what she's going to be called, i'll just roll with what ya'll decide).
I've been binge reading the LU comics lately and i'm OBSSESSED and as well the Wisdomverse comics by @linderosse I love the idea of all the different versions of Links and Zelda in a huge crossover AU 💖 and I can't wait for echoes of wisdom to be release!
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weepingtalecowboy · 1 month
Fanfic prompt : time and wind get seen by some gossip lady who immediately starts a rumor about wind being an illegitimate child of time's
The rumor spread so quickly that by the time the chain leaves it has already reached castle town and talon hears it from a customer
That rumor in itself is nothing new because every other week a rumor about such bullshit appears on the market
What makes it so weird is the fact that it involves his daughter's husband (again odd but not too weird link would at some stage be the main storyline considering the hero thing)
And a child who was apparently seen by the entire Village
Even the ones who don’t start rumors or anything are telling him that the child had a striking resemblance to link
And it only gets worse when he realizes that link was sent out on some “ hero business” by his childhood friend Zelda
When he returns Malon seemed to be doing okay and link was missing again and he didn’t want to talk about it with Malon in case it was just a really good rumor
Unfortunately he had to leave by the time link returned
Time quickly finds out about the rumor and after talking with Malon , lullaby and wind about a particularly fun game he thought about
He also starts to never leave wind's side and act much more fatherly then he has ever acted before
If the people want to think this about him who is he to tell them not to
When Talon returns he immediately starts grilling him about the kid
Talon “pointing at wind” : What is that link ?!?!
Time being his cryptic self and referring to the abandoned timeline : my sweet little mistake that both me and Zelda created by accident I only found out about him recently
It only got worse from there
Talon : What’s his name !?,
Malon: his mom called him link
Talon : so you’re not the mom
Malon : thank goddess hylia I wasn’t pregnant I will just take link from his mom
Talon never got an explanation and it physically pains him how nonchalant his entire family is about the situation and the husband who lost first name privileges to Link Jr is still together with Malon
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fire-plays-totk · 1 year
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blueskittlesart · 5 months
not only am i a miku fan i have her living in my computer 😁😁😁
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sobbing-quietly · 4 months
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Some people have guessed that the next place they will go is Skyloft or Sky’s Hyrule which is nice by itself. Which had me thinking and going back to so panels with sky and can across this one.
The song that he’s playing is the ballad of the goddess. Sky says that he is playing because he’s homesick but time thinks otherwise and then sky says that he misses his Zelda. So when sky is missing sun he plays the ballad of the goddess which I find interesting as a song choice.
If sky was missing Zelda I would think that he would maybe play Zelda’s lullaby. It could be that Zelda’s lullaby doesn’t exist yet because it is the ballad of the goddess backwards. I could maybe be a way that sky thinks of sun. Idk it just some thoughts.
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nastiiuu · 1 year
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In safe hands
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zerorock41 · 3 months
Another Linked Universe Headcanon/idea!
Girls born into the Royal Family are all named Zelda as a tradition (that only became genuine law in the Decline Timeline). Whenever there is more than one living Zelda, the eldest one keeps the name, while the others take on other names, usually their middle name but not always.
Lullaby (Time's Zelda) doesn't remember her non-Zelda name anymore. She was so young when she lost her mother, and was so confused when everybody started calling her a different name.
Tetra, when she returned to her ship at the end of Wind Waker, ordered her pirates to share any stories and traditions they knew about the old Hyrule, as she did have interest and respect for the drowned kingdom (if she didn't, she wouldn't have kept the name). She regretted this order when Gonzo shared the name tradition, meaning all the crew thought they had to start calling her Zelda now. This is the reason for the opening scene in Phantom Hourglass.
Dot only just became Zelda a few months before Minish Cap started. In truth, she wasn't comfortable with everyone in Hyrule Town calling her Zelda, though she hid her discomfort well. Only Link/Four still called her Dot, and he still calls her Dot to this day, three journeys later, and while traveling with the Chain.
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melit0n · 4 months
There's no way I'm hearing his ass play Zelda right now
Credits: @/eepydeity on twt
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linked-constellation · 8 months
Prince of time
(Ocarina of time)
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Click on the pictures for a better quality ! :)
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linderosse · 1 month
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The Founder’s Call — Part 6
Tetra learns that people die when they are killed. Flora goes full nerd mode <3.
If you’re curious about where all the girls were when they accepted the summons (and therefore, where their bodies currently are), check out The Founder’s Call: Intro! The plot-important stuff from there will also be addressed in the comic eventually.
I like to think Dot picked up a love of dark humor while she was hanging out with Shadow during the events of the FSA manga :).
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korokposting · 1 year
just finished my replay of botw and uh. zelda asking "do you really remember me?" when basically all of link's recovered memories have been centred around her. link knows more about her than he knows about himself.
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morkiemcfly · 1 year
The TOTK post credit/epilogue scene really ended the “Wild” era off on a bittersweet but still very positive note. On one hand, Mineru, who was Zelda’s great great great (etc.)aunt and older sister figure finally passes on, leaving her without a mentor or familiar figure to look up to, besides Impa but tbh she probably doesn’t have much time left either. But on the other hand, the new sages and Link band together give their vow to help protect Hyrule and stand by Zelda’s side as she finally accepts that she’s ready to become Queen. Hyrule has a bright future now and ready to be rebuilt and protected by these new Leaders. They’re gonna be okay. And to me, that’s beautiful.
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bluesdesk · 2 months
I was playing Tomodachi Life and Lullaby (OoT Zelda) had feelings for Wars (HW Link) and since I had just turned the game on I thought I could see how it went and in case he said yes I would just turn off the 2ds.
So I made Lullaby and Wars meet in the park and FABLE (alttp/albw Zelda) showed up saying she loves him more, and then MY OC THUN showed up and said she was rhe one who loved him the most?!?!?!?
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>> Thun: I love you more!
(the others are Fable and Lullaby respectively)
Wtf this is a really Hyrule Warriors thing to do, the poor man is lucky I haven't added Lana or Cia
And Warriors
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>> Wars: I'm sorry but you aren't the people for me
Warriors said no to everyone
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