#Lucy x Lisanna
moxiepoxart · 4 months
Hi if your doing request would it be alright if I request Nalu please ; I saw your NSFW piece for Lucy x Cana and I was wondering can I request a NSFW for nalu please 🙏
if you wanna do another pairing maybe Lisanna x Lucy instead ?
Or I could do BOTH!?!??!
slight NFSW warning
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thatbirdrestaurant · 10 months
Tired of this:
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Give me THIS:
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Guys I’m literally Hiro Mashima this is canon trust me bro trust me so much
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zqttixx · 24 days
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any naluli fans out there 💔💔
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Lucy Heartfilia/Lisanna Strauss (Fairy Tail)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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starlightoath · 12 days
Lisanna: Come be dyed white white with us
Lucy: Not in front of Elfman and Mira-san! Squeeze time is private time!
Elfman: Otoko?!
Lisanna: Never mind that. Let yourself be dyed white
Lucy: Capricorn Form!
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
by any chance can i get romantic lisanna x lucy headcaons 😭🥺🫶
You absolutely can!
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You're not gonna believe this, but Lisanna actually feels a little intimidated. To her, Lucy is one of those Upper Echelon Fairy Tail Wizards Who Are So Awesome And Cool. Since she wasn't around for Lucy's early days in the guild, all she knows about her is that she's crazy strong and has way more golden spirits than the average celestial wizard.
Lisanna also feels a little insecure because she's the youngest sibling, and she knows Mirajane and Elfman are seriously cool in their own respects and she feels trouble measuring up. Lucy assures her she's felt the same way on occasion and that it's not really like that.
Lisanna is incredibly driven, and will not give in on something she feels strongly about. Lucy is the exact same way, so these two do have their share of fights like any couple. However, they're also two of the sweetest and most down-to-earth girls in the guild, so they always make up and come back stronger.
Lucy is maybe a tad jealous of Lisanna's (super soft) white hair and pretty blue eyes, while Lisanna is comparatively jealous of Lucy's figure and dress sense. They're often complimenting each other and soothing each other's concerns.
Mirajane, biggest shipper in the guild, is absolutely delighted that her little sister is dating Lucy.
If Lucy is ever cold, Lisanna does not do that basic "here's my jacket" thing. She just transforms into a giant bunny and boom, warm pillow for all your fuzzy needs.
Gurl they stop traffic when they walk down the street together in short shorts. They know and they smile.
If you threaten Lisanna, Lucy jumps straight to the whip and/or Aquarius. If you threaten Lucy, Lisanna busts out her meanest Animal Soul spell: Legion.
You said romantic so I left it at the above, but if you want ns/fw stuff just reply here and I'll reblog with an update!
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ace-of-fairytail · 1 year
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(Definitely spelling errors, try and work with me…)
I love how Mirajane and Minerva’s stories parallel eachother so well. It doesn’t seem intentional to be honest, but it’s done well.
They’re switching personalities every stage of their life, even Mirajanes satan souls and Neo Minerva. I feel like they’d have a different type of understanding of each other even though they’re in different steps of their healing journey.
Young Mirajane would’ve envied Minerva, going to see all the grand magic games matches, young Minerva would’ve looked up to Mirajane indefinitely. Not to mention how the two would’ve interacted the other way around, Minerva showing Mirajane her demon markings and hands to Mirajane who was insecure about hers. Mirajane doing Minerva’s hairs and basically being the only positive role model around her.
Plus the Erza rivalry, I always think about what type of kid a character was, and weather they’d be team Mirajane or team Erza. Minerva definitely would’ve been team Mira even though they were so different. I don’t even think she would’ve disliked Erza, actually they probably would’ve been good friends. I just don’t think young Minerva could’ve hated anyone yet.
They’re so cute, no interactions tho…?
Minerva is an amazing cook, while Mirajanes an amazing baker. Every week Minerva tries to create a new dish, and Mirajane will bake treats in case it turned out shit. Because of the towers of heaven, Erza’s eating habits will be forever fucked, but whenever she finds something she likes she can eat it over and over.
She had trouble trying Mirajanes baking for the first time when they were younger but she fell in love with the strawberry cheese cake she made, just like she had trouble trying Minerva’s cooking. But now she won’t eat food from anyone else, Minerva’s not mad at it but she doesn’t cook everyday, so she kind of feels bad.
There’s not much conflict in this house but shit just keeps on disappearing, everyone freaks out.
Minerva has a motorcycle, and she handy asf when it comes to anything that runs off an engine. If they ever had kids, she’d build a motorcycle with them, like her mom did with her. (I like to believe her mom was a mechanic, and spent a lot of time with Minerva before she passed)
Minerva gets upset because they’re so social, Erza litterally knows everyone to walk the planter earth, Mirajane is so close with everyone she meets it gets bothersome. Minerva sticks to her group, while a bunch of people always want to be around her gfs.
Mirajane and Erza really got close to her group, Sting and rogue got really close with Erza after the grand magic games because they were never good at holding a grudge. And yukino and Mirajane just keep getting closer and closer, it’s weird for her because she doesn’t know when any of them met.
Mirajane works at the guild so it’s extremely rare for her to go on quests. While Erza and Minerva are always out, to everyone else it seems like the don’t spend much time together but Minerva just doesn’t go to the guild after a quest and Erza will go to the guild long after she finishes a quest. Only team natsu will know when they’re all back in magnolia because they’re on the missions with Erza.
Minerva eventually grows to love Natsu like sting and rogue after watching him and Erza jump from topic to topic in the span of 20 minutes. They’ll talk about their hyper fixations all day, Erza almost never stops smiling, they’re in the own world when there together, Minerva likes to listen to them while doing any activity, she just zones out and it feels like less of a chore.
Whenever they realize they can be doing things while they talk they’ll get up and take over the cleaning and laundry and such. They’re very productive if no one interrupts them, if they’re not lost in conversation they lose every ounce of productivity.
Demons and dragons aren’t even supposed to get along because there were just differences between the two, but demons and dragons alike will chew on ice, dragons while teething, and demons to relive stress.
Dragons don’t realize they’re being messy because they’re can task a lot of things at once. They’re multitasking but their brains can remember things reguardless of how organized it is so most don’t waste time organizing, Mirajane is always right behind Erza picking up things as their put down. She doesnt mind, she just moves on auto pilot, she’s used to cleaning up after the guild and her two younger siblings. It’s actually a demon thing, she only noticed when she saw Minerva and grey do it.
Demons feel more comfortable when everything mimics the way it is in their mind. If they can’t envision where it’s supposed to be they might just throw it away on impulse. Usually when it happens Mirajane gives it to Lisa a or yukino depending on if she thinks she’ll ever want it back. It’s a good thing to have because it keeps their house clean, but if you envision things in weird places then it can ruin your house.
Sometimes Irene stops by? It’s weird because of everything that happened but her and Erza will just talk casually as if their old friends. She mostly comes if Erza and Wendy are both there, sometimes she’ll even bring heine and Juliette everyone else thinks it’s weird but they don’t really mind. Wendy was 100 percent convinced she was dead… (rip Irene)
I’ve considered all kinds of Cana ships, but this is low key my favorite. Like Juvia throwing herself into greeds enchantments in front of Cana when she first joined the guild to “prove” herself. I feel like Cana is the same kind of person and plays it off through humor, and drinking.
Like that one episode where Lucy finds Cana passed out in the snow, and they have a really deep moment, then after the grand magic games it’s all fine again because guildarts wants to be a father.
Nope, Cana was one of the first to join the guild, she’s just always been there. Is her mother dead? Did she have any siblings? Who brought her to fairy tail? Howd she know her father was apart of fairy tail, and why’d she leave everything to be in the same guild as a man who doesn’t even know of her existence?
Mirajane mostly looked after her even since they were kids I feel like Cana would look after the younger Strauss siblings because she appreciated those times. I think Juvia would be the one of the only ones to notice how separated Cana feels for the guild.
They’d definitely live in a cozy one bedroom, one bathroom house near the guild. Juvia would have a bunch of plants and Cana would probably have a bird or something. Juvias not so good at taking care of things but camas is amazing at task management (nobody else in the guild knows this).
Grey visits a lot but natsu wasn’t allowed in from the jump because fire, plants, and animals don’t mix, and he’ll come and eat all their food. Erza’s not invited because she has a sweet tooth and Juvia will always bake if asked, Erza doesn’t stop asking.
There’s always a Strauss over, I feel like Mirajane Lisanna and elfman argue a lot, surprisingly. So lisanna of elfman are always sleeping on their couch, Mirajane hates it because she’d rather leave the house when their arguing. Low key Lisanna and elfman do it to piss her off and make her stop being mad faster. Plus they don’t even live with Mirajane anymore, they just have a house that they pay for just in case.
Evergreen visits a lot, and Cana and Juvia often babysit Aska for extra money here and there, because they hate being away from eachother for a long time and the lower class mission only pay so much.
+ Juvia helping Cana sober up. Just think about it…
(Cana x Lucy x Juvia x Lisanna)
I’m coming out of my budget a little here, but consider it. It’s mostly a ship that works all ways but they’re gfs. Lucy and Lisanna living together in a little flat near a bunch of antique shops so Lucy can pick up magic items and such as soon as they arrive, and Lisanna being close to a bunch of clothing shops because that’s what she gifts everyone on their birthdays, plus she likes to pick up small gifts of her guild mates and girlfriends.
They’re pretty far from the guild so they sleep at Cana and Juvias house most of the time, all of them cuddle up in a large bed, they don’t change sleeping order at all. Thayve made the perfect sleeping arrangement in order to garentee the most amount of sleep for each of them. Lucy made the sleeping order because she had to make one for team natsu too (idea by @mousecracker ) it would be prefect if they didn’t keep eachother up all night playing games. They usually decide if they’re not sleep by 3 am then they just get up and start their day.
Elfman usually asks if Lisanna and Lucy are staying with them when he’s mad at Mira and lis. They all hate when there is 6 people in the house, it’s one too many. There’s the four of them + one guest. No more. Because it gets too loud,
but they’re the same ones who start their day at 3 am, first thing they do is cook and clean. Sizzling pans, blenders, vacuums all on at the same time. And they all have to eat at the same time, so best believe you’re gonna hear ruckus at very orchestrated times during the day.
Lucy and Lisanna only go over to Cana and Juvias house because they have a lot of plants to take care of, Cana and juvia have to be very detailed with quests so they’re not gone from the plants for too long, and Lisanna was the one who named their pet bird. She names everything, his names Phoenix because he’s red and orange. Cana wouldn’t let her name the bird at first because she named happy. But when Cana and juvia are on missions, Lucy and Ali’s take phoenix’s to their house and water the plants every other day.
Happy is allowed to stay at Lucy and lisannas house but not Cana and Juvia, because anywhere Happy goes, natsu follows. Natsu allowed to stay at Lisanna and Lucy’s house all the time unless their not there, they lock their windows all the time. Camas house has a patio and they always open the window that the flowers are near and let the sunlight in.
Soltear (sorano x ultear)
Ultear said if they’re gonna tell yukino that their dating they have to tell grey right after because he’s like a baby brother to her. Lyon finds out years after they’re married when he walks into their apartment and sees wedding photos, (greys in them). He always thought when they were talking about their house, they meant they were roommates. He’s painfully oblivious, No one lets him in on these things.
When they move into an apartment Yukino, lector, and sting are always there, they aren’t dating or anything. They come over and talk about all the drama going on in the guild, far away from the guild, because rogue hates gossip. They’re always sitting on the kitchen counters talking about it and Ultear usually instigates it. Yukino really grows to love ultear, most people thought they wouldn’t get along much but it wasn’t true.
The most random interactions happen at the soltear house because you’ll walk in and see sting and jellal casually conversations like they’ve met before. All the exceed will be there sometimes, it’s like their meeting place.
Natsu would rather Ultear teach him transformation magic instead of Mirajane because ultear shows him how to transform into old creepy men, and Mirajane shows him the basics. So he knows how to transform into old creepy men but it doesn’t help him on missions because he can’t transform into anything else.
Ultear tells grey that if anyone should’ve replaced her it should’ve been him, he jokes that Ur would slap him for saying that, which she already did (ultear knows that)
Sorano is definitely a hoarder, yukino often comes around insults her on the fact, even though she comes and grocery shops in their house. “Wait is this the grand magic games prize from the magic council from 5 years ago?” *takes*
Yukino collects everything, she’s not really a hoarder because she often uses the things that she gets ahold of but she’ll have a vast collection of random collections that don’t mean anything to anyone else but she’d die for it. They rarely increase in value and anytime they do Minerva suggest she sells it, it pisses her off.
And Yukino and Sorano have split contracts with their keys meaning they can just give it to one another and use them as is. Yukino would kill Sorano if any of her keys get broken so Sorano does a lot less borrowing.
Ultear always calls Sorano angel unless she’s mad at her, then she just calls her by her name. If Sorano really wanted to piss ultear off she’d argue with her over something stupid, then when ultear give up, she says never mind. Ultear tries not to get roped into it but fails, every time it pisses her off so much.
She hates the word never mind in general, if you tell her something and she can’t hear then you say never mind it pisses her off. No one knows why, it’s because Ur was a young mom and didn’t know mental gymnastics would have a long lasting effect on children.
Greytsu (grey x natsu)
Grey doesn’t know how his name is spelled and he goes back and forth between grey and gray. It always comes back to brute him on legal paperwork and account logins. Natsu is his password for everything, Erza can litterally guess all of his passwords, sometimes he’ll have sticky notes laying around with his password and username because he can’t remember. He has too many and they’re all so similar.
They have two matresses pushed together because their body temperatures ruin each others sleep. When it gets to being too much, natsu will drag his bed away from greys. They both have body pillows for when they have to sleep separately.
Neither of them can cook so Natsu will always try to go get pick up but grey usually drags him over to Lucy and Lisannas to pick up whatever they’ve put together. Natsu hates it because usually it’s just what they didn’t end up eating so he never feels full.
Whenever natsus really mad at grey he walked up and turns the air condition all the way up at 3 am, grey turns it all the way down when he wakes up and it’s a never ending war until they forget about it. Happy usually stays with Lucy and Lis during their temperature wars.
They still argue in the guild all the time, when Cana says they argue like a married couple it still sets them off, but they have no response because Cana, juvia, Lucy, and lisanna are perfect for eachother.
Erza always pops up at their house at random times, they’ll be freshly waking up as she walks in to get something. They don’t know how she gets in but natsus doesn’t even care to ask, they store food at Erza, Mira, and Minerva’s so he’ll pop up when ever to get food too.
Minerva gets annoyed whenever she sees either of them in her kitchen, it bothers her so much. But it’s fine whenever sting and rogue randomly pop up. The Minerzajane house is the meeting sport for dragon slayers, mostly because it’s big but also because it’s betrayal ground. Even Erik pops up. The exceeds aren’t allowed, except Carla and lily. Carla will come to get away from the other exceeds half the time, while lily just enjoys being around the dragon slayers.
Actually lily pops up the most, he won’t admit it but he’s trying to get off of “levy duty” because levy is heavily pregnant and Gajeel freaks out and doesn’t know what to do, so panther lily has to help out. Actually Levy’s often invited to the dragon slayer meetings, everyone enjoys her being there. Everyone’s always upset that their so can’t come so sting and rogue make fun of them.
Wendy invites sherria when she wants, who’s gonna tell her other wise? It’s her big sisters house. Greys upset he’s not allowed to attend, sometimes it sounds like he’s the only significant other that’s not invited. He’s allowed to come any other time, just not the dragon slayer meeting, reasons because he’s not close to a dragon slayer like sherria and he’s not pregnant.
He invites Mirajane, and Cana and deinvites natsu to be petty. So natsu invites Erza and levy over too. It’s because they were team Erza and team mirajane as children. Cana and levy weren’t really apart of the rivalry at all. They were great friends. (+levy being the oldest and shortest head cannon)
Greytsu uses their insults as pet names.
Shendy (sherria x wendy)
They bought an apartment together when Wendy was 15 and sherria was 16, everyone was against it even Carla, but Erza gave them the thumbs up so they did it anyway. They don’t even stay in the same city so it’s mostly Wendy’s house while sherria visits, and stays there when she’s in magnolia since neither want to leave there guild.
They bought it in magnolia because everyone in fairy tail was starting to move in together and wendy didn’t want to third wheel anyone’s relationships, and because sherria has a room in the lamia scale guild while fairy tail hills doesn’t let you have anyone in your room past a certain time. And you could only sleep there if you’re apart of the fairytail guild.
Lyon is often in their apartment because he’s scared they’re doing bad stuff, slowly the numbers stack up one by one until a bunch of people are making sure there not doing bad stuff and Erza has to drag them all out.
The only reason that they ended up being allowed to get the apartment was because they got a two bedroom. Wendy and sherria sleep in one while Carla takes the other.
Carla was worried that Wendy wasn’t gonna be able to keep up with rent but she does and has a lot of extra money so she’ll go with lisanna to buy clothes and gifts.
Wendy had a hammock hanging up in her and sherrias bedroom so it looks like Carla sleeps in there, in all honesty Carla hates hammocks, so she’s glad she had her own room and bed. Sherria just keeps the stuff she leaves in the apartment in Carla’s room. It’s the perfect cover up, all they wanna do it cuddle.
Sherria has trouble sleeping at night so Wendy tells her about all the stuff her team gets into on missions, and even after sherria falls asleep wendy will continue talking until she can hear jar breathing slow down so she knows that she’s sleep.
Even though everyone’s worried about them do stuff now that they have an apartment, they often laugh about how they started dating and kissing while they were in lamia scale and no one knew.
Sherria always asks team natsu what she should get Wendy for a gift, while Wendy always asks sherry since they’ve always been close, she never asks Lyon because he freaks out and goes overboard with possibilities. But he’s really good with decorations so she asks him and Mira when sherrias birthday rolls around.
Sherria doesn’t like pink, Wendy’s a little off put by it but she doesn’t say anything. Her favorite colors are pink and white, sherria says that those colors are too bright.
Wendy asks Gajeel for relationship advice, he seemingly got the furthest and levy and sherria are a lot alike. Everyone thinks she’s praying for her downfall but usually levy gives her some tips, She and sherria are never on bad terms so she just asks Gajeel about small gestures he does for levy, often it’s good advice. Other times he tells her to make extreme declarations of love, she knows what to ignore.
Sherria found out that Wendy’s favorite jolly ranchers were blue, so she told her she didn’t like the blue ones so wendybhapily collects them out of the bag. Sherria doesn’t mind living without blue jolly ranchers while she’s in magnolia.
Whenever wendy is holding too many bags to carry Carla, sherria will take most of the bags because she knows they feel most comfortable with each other. Sherria buy wendy sweets all the time because she knows she’s a sweet tooth.
They’ll sit in the living room on the floor with a bunch of candies on the table, while they watch a movie. Carla often joins them staying up past 3 am
( + they definitely have a fireplace and mounted tv)
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noisyclodhoagieoaf · 15 days
Friday of seduction ~
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Pup.
I decided to replace my Freed x Lucy x Rufus oneshot with this one because I liked this request.
I hope you enjoy!
Comforting a Damaged Star (Lisanna x Lucy)
Lisanna ran through the halls of the structure where the Grand Magic Games were being held. She wasn't rushing to the arena. No. She was rushing to the infirmary. The tag team battles were undergoing, she hadn't been listening to the announcer, too focused on getting away from her guildmates when she saw that Fairy Tail's team returned to their seats. She had immediately turned and rushed away from the rest of Fairy Tail, worry and anger ran through her veins and enveloped her body.
Worry because her girlfriend was in the infirmary, bruised, damaged, and upset. Anger because she had just watched her girlfriend get tortured, possibly even nearly killed. She pushed her legs further, desperate to reach the blonde woman whom she was aching to hold and comfort.
Lisanna finally reached the infirmary, nearly wrenching the door off of its hinges as she threw it open. Stepping into the room, she found Lucy laying in the bed, her head turned so that she was looking at the wall, facing away from Lisanna. The take-over mage slowly made her way over to the blonde, sitting on the edge of the bed. She gently laid her hand on Lucy's thigh, which was covered by a blanket.
Her blue eyes roamed over Lucy's blanketed form, wincing slightly upon seeing the bandages that were wrapped around her girlfriend's body. Marks that were bound to bruise within a day or two could be easily seen and she wouldn't be surprised if Lucy had a few broken bones.
Tears threatened to fall as she looked upon the damage that had been done. It was unfair. It was an injustice. Lucy didn't deserve this treatment. She had lost her battle with Flare because that rotten guild cheated. As she remembered this fact, Lisanna reminded herself of the mental note she had made of repaying Laxus back for the number he had done to that red-haired wretch. And now, Lucy had been humiliated for a second time. She had just been rendered powerless by having her keys get taken away, only to be tortured by a bitch wearing terrible makeup.
Lisanna felt sympathy for her girlfriend, knowing that she surely was feeling horrible about herself. She didn't like that. Lucy was perfect, in her eyes. Forgiving, kind, beautiful, strong, and so much more. She could go on about what made her girlfriend so amazing. The white-haired woman was angry. She was furious. She wanted Sabortooth blood. Her fingers twitched, itching for the satisfying feeling of beating up every member of Team Sabertooth, especially the woman.
But, for right now, her only concern was comforting her girlfriend. Her eyes went back to Lucy's face, seeing that the celestial wizard had screwed her eyes closed and twisted her face in an attempt to not cry. Her body trembled noticeably. Lisanna's heart clenched and twisted painfully at the sight. Her fury also became stronger, so much so that it took a great amount of self-restraint to keep herself from getting Fairy Tail disqualified by taking her anger out on Team Sabertooth.
She then heard Lucy mutter a question, "why aren't you watching the matches?" Her voice was small and broken, making the take-over mage clench her fists that were laying on top of her thighs.
Lisanna answered, her voice soft, as if she was scared that speaking at a normal volume would break the fragile woman before her, "because you're here. Do you expect me to just stay with the others while you're here, alone and miserable? What kind of girlfriend would I be?" She then placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder gingerly, continuing with a softer tone, "I'm not leaving you, Lucy."
Lucy buried her face further into the white pillow that was under her head, tears slipping past her eyelids and dripping onto the pillow. Before Lisanna could even try to comfort her, she heard her girlfriend utter between sniffles, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry f-for being w-weak."
Lisanna crawled onto the bed, turning Lucy around to face her. She then pulled the blonde against her chest, wrapping her arms around the woman's damaged body. She rubbed comforting circles on the celestial wizard's back as she whispered into her ear, "You're not weak, Lucy. Far from it. You're one of the strongest mages I've ever met." There was a slight pause before she added, "You did nothing wrong. There's no need to apologize. And you can cry. There's nothing wrong with crying."
She then noticed that her girlfriend was clinging to her shirt, her fists balled into the fabric in a death-like grip. It was as if Lucy was scared that if she lessened her hold even a little bit, then Lisanna would disappear and never return. That was, of course, not true in the slightest. There wasn't a force in Earth Land that would make her leave Lucy's side, especially not when she was in her current condition.
Lisanna tightened her hold on her girlfriend, feeling her tremble as she silently cried and curled further against her body. Tears pricked the corners of her own blue eyes. The moment cemented her decision to get vengeance upon those Sabers. She did care what Makarov might say. She didn't care about the rules of Fairy Tail. She was determined to make them pay for the pain that they caused her girlfriend.
Every member of Team Sabertooth would know pain. They would regret laughing at Lucy. They would pay for every scar and bruise on Lucy's body. They would wish that they never became mages. Lisanna would ensure this. Nothing and nobody would be able to stop her from making those pathetic mages suffer worse than they made Lucy suffer.
Lisanna would show them, and everybody else, that she didn't just have the souls of cute and cuddly animals. She also had the souls of animals that could hunt, terrorize, and kill. She pulled Lucy closer, almost as if she wanted to melt their bodies together. She would first tend to the woman in her arms. In the meantime, she would let her guildmates deal with Sabertooth, knowing that she wasn't the only Fairy who was thirsting for the blood of Sabers. She knew that Lucy's closest friends especially would get their revenge.
As soon as she got the chance, Lisanna would find Team Sabertooth and get her own revenge. It was only a matter of time before they learned from her that the worst mistake they could ever make was messing with Lucy. They'd awoken a bloodthirsty beast, and it wasn't going to calm until it ensured that those cursed Sabers were sorry.
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sirclowniey · 3 months
im so glad everyone grew out of hating lisanna and making her the main antagonist in all of those youtube nalu slideshow fanfictions and gacha stories 😭
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happilychee · 9 months
how fairy tail takes care of you when you're sick
cw: descriptions of being sick
I have covid and I wanted to cheer myself up :(
♡ it's a normal day at the fairy tail guild. the job board is crowded with papers, drinks and food are flowing, someone's starting a fight (natsu), and the air is filled with lively chatter. there's only one thing off: you're not there.
♡ gray is the first one to notice. he's at a table with lucy, cana, and erza. he and erza just got back from a stealth mission that paid them well, and he's looking forward to relaxing. except... "where's [name]?" he asks. lucy furrows her brow. "they weren't in yesterday... should we check on them?" gray nods, and the four of them leave the guild hall.
♡ you feel like someone threw you through a wall. your nose is clogged, feeling stuffy and congested. your throat itches and every time you cough it feels like you're hacking away at your lungs. there's a building pressure in your head, a pulsing pain that signals the onset of a migraine. you think that you'd be able to handle the usual symptoms of a cold, except for the burning aches in your lower back. your coughs shake your entire body as your muscles scream in protest, and you curse whatever virus decided to infect you.
♡ you manage to get yourself out of bed and into your kitchen, hoping to make yourself some rice or hot tea with honey. instead, you start seeing black spots swim across your vision, and the world starts tilting like you're swaying on the prow of a ship. you lower yourself onto the cool tile floor, relishing in the soothing temperature against your burning skin. you're so out of it that you don't register the knocks at your door turning into insistent bangs.
♡ finding you half passed out on your kitchen floor was not on gray's to-do list for the day. his worried hands hover over your shivering form, unsure what to check first. erza settles the matter by scooping you into her arms, Requiping out of her armor as she carries you to the couch.
♡ gray takes charge of the kitchen, your favorite recipes coming to kind. he settles on a warm and hearty soup, sure to soothe your hunger and your aches. he starts chopping vegetables, turns on the stove, and soon enough, the kitchen is filled with a delicious and appetizing aroma.
♡ erza is the one who takes your temperature, gets you back to enough coherency to explain your symptoms, and then finds the right medicine for you. she props your back up with pillows, tucks a blanket around you, and feeds you the disgusting cold medicine that porlyusica and wendy swear by.
♡ cana would love to help you and take care of you, except lucy looks pale as a sheet and a little green. she helps the blonde sit at the kitchen table, patting her arm soothingly. lucy mumbles that her mom passed from an illness, and seeing you so sick makes bad memories come back. cana soothes her, reassuring her that you'll be fine. lucy only relents when your eyes crack open, and you direct a gooey smile at her.
♡ you fade in and out of consciousness, snippets of sound and touch registering in your brain. someone is petting your hair while singing, their soft hands braiding and unbraiding your locks. a hand trails over your back, warm and calloused fingers digging into the knots in your shoulders. you purr under the sensation, leaning into the comforting touch. a soft arm, usually covered in armor, wraps around you to sit you up as a chilly hand brings a spoonful of something warm and delicious to your chapped lips. cold bangles brush against your skin as someone lifts you up, carrying you to the land of dreams.
♡ when you regain consciousness, your friends don't let you lift a single finger. gray cooks every meal for you with cana as his sous chef, erza is on top of your medication, natsu distracts you by telling silly stories, and wendy casts pain-relieving spells to help you recover faster. lucy refuses to leave your side until you're fully healed, so she's always fluffing your pillows, bringing you hot tea with honey, and feeding you snacks. the only time she calms down is when you ask her to read for you. her calming voice lulls you in and out of sleep as you listen to her read about a fairy tale princess's adventure.
♡ levy drops off books at your place so you can occupy your mind. most are either your favorites or her recommendations, but gajeel manages to sneak in a spicy book or two, which has you laughing so hard you start coughing.
♡ mira cooks up a storm in the guild hall, partially out of a desire to help you and partially out of worry. there's enough soup to feed fairy tail ten times over, and she insists that half of it be sent to you. lisanna ans juvia also stop by with some homemade baked goods. juvia gives you a steaming hot loaf of banana bread, some cookies and muffins, and a bunch of pastry buns. "it's just a cold, you didn't have to do all this." you try to reason, but no one listens to you when you look nauseous and your shoulders are shaking.
♡ there's someone at your place every day while you're recovering. it could be natsu and happy raiding your pantry and making a mess, it could be lucy and gray cleaning up their mess while erza yells at them, it could be wendy with balms and salves and a story to tell you, it could be the strauss siblings with more food and cheer than you'd ever seen before, it could be juvia with gajeel, lily, and a basket of your favorite buns. point being, fairy tail doesn't take their eyes off you for a moment while you're under the weather.
♡ when you feel well enough to come to the guild hall, everyone starts cheering. laxus fires up the grill, mira pours drinks in a flurry, and cana drags you into some drinking game. the entire guild hall roars to life, partying the night away, because what better reason is there to celebrate than the return of a dear friend?
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moxiepoxart · 6 months
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Lisanna appreciation post <3
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minnimayhem · 1 month
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wip update!!!
I finally finished the top row, now I just have the bottom row left.
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zqttixx · 3 months
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sweetsugarcakes · 2 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Cana, Lisanna, and Lucy? Thank you!
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General relationship headcanons
Cana, Lisanna and Lucy
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Cana Alberona
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🍺this drunk girl is the best girlfriend
🍺you carry her every time she passes out from drinking so much
🍺she’s so perverted with you. She gropes you everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE
🍺she also is VERY flirty. She would occasionally do pick up lines when she’s tipsy even though you two are dating.
🍺when you come back from a mission, Cana always wants celebrate with a drink that you came back safe
🍺she always brags and talks about how great and amazing you are to everyone in the guild
“Yea [Name] is better than any of your soulmates. They’re the fricking best.” She said as she laughs and goes back drinking her barrel.
🍺her father Gildarts is so happy that Cana found someone good for her. He might be intimidating but coming to Cana he’s soft and loving.
🍺 when you two are on dates she’s a whole different person wanting to look elegant for you.
🍺she’s a teaser. She’ll tease you if she sees you blush or embarrassed. The worst part is she won’t stop.
🍺she is grateful everday that she has someone like you by her side. You make this girl so happy and loved.
Lisanna Strauss
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🦋like her sister she’s such a cutie
🦋she so easy to fluster even if you say “I love you” she’ll turn red and giggle
🦋she gets so annoyed when people mention that she had crush on Natsu in front of you which isn’t true and tells you that
🦋the two of you definitely own a pet together
🦋she also a caretaker where if you got hurt she’ll heal your wounds and stay with you for the night
🦋she asks Mirajane for help to plan out your dates.
🦋she gives you stuffed animal plushies to remember her since she shifts into them.
🦋she gives you kisses like every second of the day. she’ll cling onto you especially coming back from a mission.
🦋Lisanna loves being with you so much she invites you over to her apartment where you two stay in and cuddle all night
🦋she’s the youngest out the Strauss family so don’t break her heart or you’ll have to deal with the older Strauss siblings
Lucy Heartfilia
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🔑 Lucy is a silly girl who loves to write and go on adventures.
🔑she’s def the girlfriend that writes you love poems about you.
🔑she always kisses your cheek either randomly or when she sees you or goes on a mission
🔑if you do something in front of her team their going to tease her to death especially Natsu and Happy until they get punched
🔑Lucy would always think about when she’s on missions and occasionally plans dates to when she comes back from the mission to make it up to you
🔑your always at her apartment and when you two have a romantic time sometimes her team would interrupt you and she gets mad but you find it funny
🔑this girl would give a Lucy kick to anyone who talks poorly about you
🔑she is the jealous type as well just doesn’t show it but later she’ll cling to you
🔑she has introduced her celestial spirits to you especially Aquarius, she was so surprised that Lucy got a soulmate but she actually…approved the relationship therefore for Loki and Taurus they weren’t happy but got over it but it did take a bit of time
🔑she’s such a sweetheart shower her with kisses she deserves it
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cinniipuppiii · 3 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Cana, Lisanna, and Lucy? Thank you!
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Relationship HCs with Cana, Lisanna, and Lucy! (SEPERATE)
Includes:....Cana, Lisanna, Lucy, and GN Reader (a bit of fem reader pictured, but it's not stated.)
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Let's be real, there's NO way you can match her when it comes to drinking.
If you can, you're like a godsend to her.
Anyways. She's protective and easily jealous when it comes to you.
Like, someone could look at you the wrong way and she'd be like: "You got a problem??"
She tells you what the cards say about you two because she gets excited.
She's chaotic and you love her for it. I mean, come on. Who wouldn't!
She always has an arm wrapped around you. She just loves feeling your skin against hers.
She's a big spoon for sure. She just loves hugging you tight.
She will ALWAYS fight with you and go on missions with you. You two are a duo that NO ONE can break up.
She calls you things like: "Dollface", "Doll", and "Darling".
She does anything to see you get red in the face. She finds it so adorable.
Be prepared to be shown off EVERYWHERE. She loves showing you off because of how special you are to her.
She'd be the type to have rudely sweet advice. Like, she'd tell you that you're fucking stupid for thinking you're ugly, but mean it affectionately.
Your clothes are hers, but her clothes are hers.
She's the man of the relationship, even if you're amab or afab. She don't care.
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She's very similar to her sister. She's just the cutest girlfriend.
She's not jealous because she trusts you, but she does defend you no matter what.
If you're wrong, she will let you know in the kindest way possible.
There's no arguing with her. She's too sweet to let it go that far.
She brought you to her siblings the first week you two were dating to see if they liked you.
They did, which made her happy.
She called you thins like: "Sweetheart", "Love", and "Honey".
You two got promise rings!!
She was the little spoon!! She loved feeling your arms around her. It made her feel so safe.
When she passed, you put her promise ring on your left hand while yours was on the right.
You never got into another relationship after her. You felt as if it would disrespect her, seeing as how you both planned on getting married.
You visit her grave every day since she died. You clean it and bring new flowers everytime. You talk to her as if she's still there.
You know she's gone, but you can't help but hold her near and dear to your heart.
You know she's watching over you. You stay strong, for her sake and her siblings' sake.
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CONSTANT sleepovers. You basically live with her at this point.
She's more of a gift kind of person. She prefers spoiling you to show her affection. That and quality time.
You two plan out dates whenever you're free. Movie dates, picnic dates, watching the stars dates, etc. Nothing is out of the picture!
She's the little spoon. She likes when you hold her, since she feels safe with you.
She's a little awkward when it comes to initating pda, so you're usually the one who does it first.
You're her protector. You fight for her no matter what and she loves you for it.
She's the one who patches your wounds and calls you an idiot for being reckless.
Her spirits LOVE you. Even Aquarius is nice to you, which surprises the hell out of Lucy.
When Aquarius first met you, she interrogated the hell out of you.
Eventually, she came to like you and actually congratulated Lucy on pulling.
You were the first to read her book, sorry Levy!!
She trusts you with her life.
She calls you things like: "Babe", "Darling", and "Idiot".
She's definitely rude. But like, in the way you can tell she cares deeply about you and is just joking around.
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