#Luca Hosseini
toothgapgf · 1 year
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musicalcastingideas · 4 months
Succession The Musical Hypothetical Casting
I’m doing this in one shot and off the top of my head, so I will be missing characters, I do also welcome suggestions.
Logan Roy: Patrick Page
Is this the obvious first choice? Yes. Is it the correct one? Also yes.
Kendall Roy: Lucas Steele
Kendall is just Anatole if he didn’t have a close relationship with his sister.
Roman Roy: Brandon Uranowitz
He played a nice neurotic freak in Falsettos, let's see him play an evil neurotic freak.
Shiv Roy: Eden Espinoza
I'll be honest, if I was genuinely casting a Succession musical as a real casting director, I would look for a more unknown performer to play Shiv, because I firmly believe that Shiv Roy should be an alto part, heavy in the lower range (like basically a tenor). Shiv's plot revolves around trying to push past her gender to be taken seriously, and I think having her being an alto who stays in her lower register would really highlight how hard she's trying to be taken seriously. That said, I would not at all be disappointed to have Eden Espinoza in the part. She's insanely talented, and I would love to see her interpretation of Shiv.
Connor Roy: Josh Groban
So there's a clip of The Opera from "Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812" where the ensemble sings "Pierre, the cuckold, sits at home", and then Pierre pops up saying "No, I am enjoying myself at home this evening" while giving a sad little thumbs up, while his wife is off banging another man? That's the energy I want for my Connor Roy.
Tom Wambsgans: Brian D'Arcy James
Is he maybe a little old for the part? Sure. But age onstage is fucky, and Brian D’Arcy James would absolutely kill it as the combination ass-kisser and ruthless bastard that is Tom Wambsgans. Also he gives Minnesota.
Greg Hirsch: George Salazar
I kinda don’t feel like I have to explain this one.
Gerri: Bernadette Peters
Icons playing icons.
Frank: Mandy Patinkin
Sunday In The Park With George reunion!
Willa Ferreyra: Samantha Pauly
I rewatched her All You Wanna Do again last night (and cried again) and when I thought about Willa, that popped into my head. (Not in the sense that I think Willa is a victim like Katherine Howard, she’s a consenting sex worker, more the fact that in the succession world, women, like Willa, are only valued for their sexuality.) Anyway, Sam Pauly also just kills every part she’s in so…
Stewy Hosseini: Tony Yazbek
He’s played Billy Flynn on Broadway, so he’s good at being a smarmy yet charming asshole (I say this with love, I love both Stewy and Billy Flynn)
Lukas Matsson: Aaron Tiveit
He’s hot but can also be scary.
Hard Cuts/ Impossible:
Edward Herrman as Karl
Would he be fun in the role? Yes. Is he dead, and therefore incapable of doing it? Also yes.
Daniel Radcliffe as Roman
Barrett Wilbert Weed as Shiv
Mandy Patinkin as Logan
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evil-cherub · 1 year
MATSSON WAS RIGHT, kendall’s numbers are gay CONFIRMED:
stewy kisses guys on molly
he is kendall’s third-oldest friend
they partied & did drugs together
therefore, kendall is at least partially gay
therefore, his numbers are gay
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scarletttries · 1 year
How Succession Characters would react to getting you pregnant...
Pairings: Kendall Roy x Reader, Roman Roy x Reader, Tom Wambsgans x Reader, Greg Hirsch x Reader, Lucas Mattson x Reader, Stewy Hosseini x Reader
Author's note: Thank you for this fun request! Here is a little bit of thoughts on how a bunch of the Succession characters would react to finding out their partner (the reader) is pregnant ☺️
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Kendall Roy
This man has had the importance of succession literally bred into him. His struggles with infertility and trying to be the kind of father he wishes he could be have taken a toll on poor Kendall, making him feel like he'll never have the family he's always wished for. That starts to ease when the two of you get together, slowly coming around to the idea that maybe he doesn't need anything else as long as he has you. But when your period is late, expect Kendall to notice, always keeping track of your body in the back of his mind in a way he just can't help but obsess over. He daren't say anything, certain that in the next week it will turn out to be nothing, his body once again failing to deliver him what he craves so much.
A few days later when you bring him lunch at the office he's all but pushed that hopeful thought out of his head until you present him a carefully wrapped box, inside of which sit a dozen positive pregnancy tests. He's in complete disbelief at first, eyes welling up and repeatedly asking if you're sure, and more uncomfortably for him, if it's definitely his. Once you've suitably convinced him of both of those facts, you'll get full, smiling, happy Kendall, scooping you into his arms and telling you exactly how 'fucking excited he is' loud enough that by 2pm that day everyone in the Waystar office has heard the news.
While you're pregnant Kendall can't stop telling everyone that the two of you are expecting, overflowing with pride and joy and love for your growing family. He's the kind of person to fly in the best midwife/doula/doctor in the world to make sure everything goes exactly to plan, making sure you don't have to lift a finger for the whole nine months. He'd also be an absolute menace for not being able to keep his hands off you, the way you glow as you start showing driving his little brain insane, wanting more than anything to just put baby after baby inside you.
Finally when the baby comes expect Kendall to be there. Yes he'll have a few wobbles and won't be perfect, the reality of his experience of fatherhood making him doubt he'll do anything good enough for this baby, but every time he sees the two of you, he knows he needs to step up and do whatever it takes for his little family, now that he finally has what he's been dreaming of.
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Roman Roy
It's taken a long time for Roman just to get comfortable being intimate with you, a slow but not unpleasant journey that the two of you have been on since he first fell embarrassingly hard for you while working at Waystar. Given the months of longing looks and lingering touches it took to get to your first kiss, you never really thought about needing to use protection with Roman, until one particularly special night he finally wanted to try 'the whole thing' with you, surprised and delighted at how perfect it felt take make love to someone he truly cared for, allowing himself to be vulnerable in every way with you. As if wanting to make up for lost time, that night would lead to a real Honeymoon phase of Roman not being able to keep his hands off you, desperate to feel that incredible connection again and again.
You can hardly feel too surprised as the nurse confirms your suspicion, a follow up appointment made and a heavy piece of news on your shoulders as you ride silently in the town-car back to yours and Roman's home. He's his usual ball of emphatic energy as you step through the door, bounding up to you before stopping in his tracks at the clear weight on your chest. The words spill out before you can overthink it, watching carefully as you watch him process it all, slinking down to the floor and sitting cross-legged in silence as he contemplates. Roman had never planned to have a child, not ever expecting to find someone like you to share his life with, and he didn't exactly have the best relationship with the concept of fatherhood, a chill running down his spine at the thought of Logan ever laying a hand on his kid. Then a realisation began to calm him; that he was nothing like his father. And while he wouldn't be perfect, his immature brain sure to make mistakes along the way, he knew he would always make his child feel safe, something he wished someone had done for him all those years ago. So then he'd smile, and pull you down to the floor with him, and laugh his teary-eyed hyena laugh, and wrap you in his arms, protecting all three of you for the next chapter of your lives.
It's safe to say his family would be extremely surprised by the announcement, particularly Logan, who'd rejoice in a way that made Roman feel even more sure that he'd never be that kind of cruel, manipulative father that only wanted his children for what they could do for him. Throughout the pregnancy Roman would be up and down, jubilant and terrified, proud and ashamed, the whole thing trudging up more than its fair share of childhood trauma. But when it comes down to it, he'll be there to step up, immediately swearing to do whatever it takes to make sure your little one never feels the way he spent his life feeling.
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Tom Wambsgans
Despite all the venom and acid that burned him in his first marriage (this one's for you team Tomshiv divorce), Tom is peak fatherhood material. You only have to look at the intensely caring way he talks about Mondale, the bizarre energy he's put into raising Greg, and of course, his absolute undying affections for you, to know this man would coddle a child like no one's business. You wouldn't even be scared to tell him, the news unplanned but certainly not unpleasant, the way this man fucks like a freight train clearly no match for the average condom.
You'd make an event of it, ordering balloons and cake and flowers to your shared duplex, so when he got home to a sea of congratulations there would be no doubt. A midwest man through and through, if you weren't already married he'd buy you a ring the very next day, the floods of happy tears stopping long enough to let him pick a perfect diamond. He'd spend half the week on the phone telling everyone he knows, so excited to grow your little family, and be the kind of man he'd been raised to be. He's definitely type to read an unhelpful number of articles to make sure he's doing everything he can 'to serve you and your growing child during this strenuous time', calling his mother to fly across the states to help out as you get closer to your due date. This man already has a short-list of the best preschools in New York by the time your bundle of joy comes in the world, ready to be a present father and husband, even if it means for once his career has to take a backseat.
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Greg Hirsch
You had worked very very hard to make it crystal clear to Greg that whatever happened between the two of you was strictly on a casual basis, not wanting to get drawn into his complex family dynamics, or end up the centre of ATN news story. Despite his clear infatuation he had agreed, following every boundary and rule you set out to the best of his slightly clueless abilities. So when you triple checked the calendar and realised what had happened, you couldn't help but lock yourself in the Waystar women's bathroom and scream enough curses to make Kendall Roy blush. After deciding this was something you wanted, you'd finally let Greg buy you dinner, surprised by the calibre of restaurant he picked for what was really just a first date.
When you tell him the news, and make it clear you don't expect anything from him, you'd be pleasantly surprised by how loudly and excitedly he proclaims "that he loves kids!" earning a few uncomfortable looks from the tables around you. He'd be stressed and feel unprepared for sure, but he wanted more of a relationship with you and this was going to put that on the cards for him, plus he'd always wanted a family of his own so he couldn't wait to tell 'Uncle Tom and Great Grandpa Ewen' the news.
Realistically he'd be quite a useless partner, buying you your favourite sushi without realising you can't have it, and wanting to throw a party in your favourite bar to celebrate, forgetting you can't drink, but the thought would always be there. And if you need anything done, he's ready and waiting, even if he needs the clearest possible instructions and will end up having to call you for more information anyway. No matter how much trouble it gets him in with work/Tom he'd be at every appointment, proud to have a reason to pull himself together and excited to be a grown up, if it means being one by your side. Once you have your baby, he'd 100% bring them into the office, showing them around Waystar and being shocked at anyone implying its not appropriate to bring your baby to work, having Tom back him that it's important for all the Roy family to be there together.
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Stewy Hosseini
Coming from the happiest family in the Succession universe, Stewy's often thought about having a family of his own, but his lifestyle of late nights and kissing boys on Molly means it's not something that he's ever really applied himself to pursuing. So when the two of you start dating he takes it seriously; he can tell he could have a real future with you, the type of warm, intelligent, kind person he's always wanted to find and settle down with. It wouldn't be long until you were introduced to his parents, watching over his nieces and nephews together and giving Stewy no choice but to pray you'll be the mother of his children. He'd want to go through the traditional order of things, getting married and building a home together before you started to grow your family, but when a happy night of too much rose in the hot tub on his balcony leads to a positive pregnancy test, he'd be absolutely elated. He'd call in every favour he was owed across the city to get your dream wedding together within a month, dragging you round viewings of townhouses with little gardens he immediately describes as 'perfect for the little one.'
Stewy would still respect your independence though, making his hopes and preferences known, but ultimately letting you call all the shots, just a helping hand and credit card to make whatever you're dreaming of come true. He's less protective than some of the others, but only because he knows you're tough as nails now and always, not wanting you to feels smothered and wrapped in bubble-wrap, still making sweet plans for just the two of you before and after the baby comes. Stewy would be such a happy and excited father, truly just a joy to be around.
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Lukas Mattson (warning: darker themes, reader discretion advised)
Even just being seduced by Mattson would feel a little bit unsettling; uncertain of exactly how much of what he said he really meant, and what was all just charm and bravado that seemed to effortlessly ooze out of him. So when he insists that you don't need protection, or says he'll pull out but always does it a moment too late, you don't realise what he's up to until it's too late. You see from the moment Lucas met you, he knew you had to be his, and the easiest way to tie your lives together forever is to get you pregnant.
He'd pretend to be shocked by the news, like he hadn't worked night and day to baby-trap you, asking you sincerely if you want to keep it, and telling you you'd want for absolutely nothing if you just let him look after the two of you. He says it so sweetly, so sincerely, hovering his shaking hand just shy of your stomach and looking down at you with nothing but awestruck affection in his eyes that you can't help but fall for him, this image of devotion exactly what you want for your future. And as you say you want to keep it, and have your family with him, he'll fall to his knees and tear up, his whole life feeling like it lead to this moment, a child to make the best future he can for.
He'll throw himself into his work for a lot of your pregnancy, a new perspective on his work with AI, tinkering with the latest baby tech to make sure you two have everything you could possibly want to help you with this stage of your lives. You'll grow slightly more used to his intensity as he points it in a helpful direction, worshipping the ground you walk on and trying desperately to make everything as good as it can be for your little family.
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chaithetics · 1 year
Can you please do something like youngest Roy is secretly dating Stewy and he sees Lucas Mattson hitting on her. And he gets jealous and wants to go public with their relationship thank you!!!!
Jealous Disclosures
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) Reader
Word count: 4.6K
Author's note: Thank you so much for this request Nonnie! I'm sorry for the delay in getting it out to you! It's been busy and I take a bit longer with jealousy/find it harder to write. I really hope you enjoy this, please do let me know! Also, this is obviously not proofread lol. I hope you all enjoy it and would love feedback :)
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established/secret relationship, some smut, jealous Stewy, icky Lukas Matsson, and douchey, douchey Roman! (Sorry about that).
It was Kendall’s 40th birthday party. You knew that this event was going to be something else, Kendall Roy always went above and beyond for a party, especially when he was in these kinds of states. Your more timid nature in comparison to your siblings' abrasive one meant that you naturally weren’t the biggest fan of big events but you could and would be able to suck that up for a night for your older brother. 
You and Connor were the only ones of your siblings to have been officially invited. It was especially tense amongst Roy siblings at the moment, which was saying a lot because frankly, when wasn’t it? Fortunately not being involved at Waystar meant that you didn’t have to bite the bullet and deal with the tension like the middle three Roy children did. But you certainly still felt its effects. 
You were in a corner chatting away with Rava, you’d gladly clutched to her company as soon as she had arrived despite the fact that she initially wasn’t intending to stay for long. She was the nicest and most genuine of any of the partners that the Roys had ever brought back to the family. Well other than Willa you quickly thought, you liked Willa and had from the get-go, she was down to earth and easy to get along with. She also made an impressively good balance to the often well-intending but very chaotic nature of your eldest sibling. 
“Wow wee, Little Bo Peep!” A voice blurted, grabbing your attention and forcing you to turn. You found that Roman had awkwardly jumped onto the seat next to you with a poor landing that he brushed off as he completely ignored Rava, solely focusing his attention on you. 
“Wait what? Is that a nickname? What kind of nickname is that? And  Rava was talking-” 
“The kind that losers like you get.” He instantly quipped back. 
“How charming.” You sighed as you took a sip of your drink. 
“You didn’t bring a date?” Roman questioned. 
“Rava and I were having a conversation, Ro.” Roman just looked at you blankly. “Remember Rava? Kendall’s wife for over a decade, the mother of your niece and neph-” 
“Hey Rava,” Roman says turning to face her for a brief second before turning his attention back to you, Rava just scoffs, already exposed and more than used to these antics. “So, did you bring a date?” 
“No, did you?” 
“Not tonight didn’t really feel like it.” He says dryly and then looks back up at you. 
“Fair enough.” You respond. Anxiously waiting. 
There’s bound to be more. There’s always a biting and inappropriate comment seconds away from leaving Roman’s mouth. 
“But so, are you like seeing anyone?” 
“What the fuck Roman?!” You spoke and Rava had an expression of disbelief over the audacity of Roy men but not in shock, she was well acquainted with it. 
“Well, I’m not asking because I’m interested. Because trust me, I’m not.” He says with that proud, troublemaking smirk. 
“Oh, my god.” You sigh, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Perfect! I’ll take that as a no!” Roman practically leapt out of his chair in the most chaotic way possible. He pinched your arm once he was out of his chair as he grabbed your arm to pull you along. 
“Come on, I barely touched you. I want you to meet someone.” Roman said as he held your arm in his grip leaving to navigate the crowd. “You have treehouse access right?” 
“I was talking to Rava, Rome!” You said trying to squirm your way out of his grip. 
“She’ll still be there and if not, you can get brunch and get drunk off mimosas and cry over those really mean but rich Roy men.” He teased as he said the last half of that sentence in a mock crying voice. 
“Jesus, Rome!” You sighed. “Who are you introducing me to?” 
“Lukas Matsson.” 
“Wait what?” You halted in your tracks making Roman stop his walk, he turned to face you looking irritated that you’d delayed his plans. You weren’t too familiar with the name but you recognised it, certain that Kendall had mentioned it earlier in the week. 
“Kendall won’t give me fucking  treehouse access!” Roman practically shouted, loud enough to be heard over the party, and then his voice quietened down to a more reasonable volume. “And Matsson’s like a weird, bored giant apparently so I’m introducing you two. I don’t know, maybe money once removed from the family business is new money’s type?” 
“Before we even get into what you just said, did you only come to Kendall’s party because of that guy?” You sighed and asked looking at Roman. He scoffed and looked down for a moment, kicking at nothing.
“It’s in our name isn’t it?” He looked back up, with a smirk on his face.
“Oh my god Rome.” 
“What, come on. You’re my little sister, not my mom so maybe quit that tone, yeah? And maybe Matsson will be a philanthropist and you can get off your moral high horse and you two can fuck it out and I’ll be namedropped in your wedding speeches. Doesn’t sound too shabby for a Roy does it?” Rome quipped, in his cartoony, douche voice, signalling that talking to him was a losing battle. “Just get me in, maintain a conversation for a couple of minutes and I won’t tell everyone about that summer with mom.” 
“You’re such a tool.” You huffed out and started walking towards the treehouse.  
“You adore me.” Roman teased as he held your arm less tightly than before as you made your way over. 
“So, as the adored older brother you are, you’re trying to pimp me out for a business deal?” 
Roman just laughed at that and didn’t answer. But that verbal silence minus the laugh was more than enough of an answer. You entered the treehouse with surprisingly little fuss. You looked around and raised an eye at Roman.
“The Swedish giant over there. Come on, get that award-winning therapist smile out. If you diagnose him with something in five minutes, I might say happy birthday to Ken-doll.” 
“You’re literally the biggest jerk of my brothers right now, you know that right? And I have three, so that kind of says a lot.” You said quietly, as Roman and you made your way over to the tall blonde man that looked bored out of his brains. “Full disclosure, I’m telling Ken about this.” 
“Ugh, you’re such a bitch. Do you really need to be a narc?” Roman said as you both continued to walk over. 
You rolled your eyes at your brother, as you got closer you were able to fully see the tall blond man. Personally, you thought it was almost rude, the way he was sitting and playing some crappy game on his phone, looking the most bored you’d ever seen someone. He was like a child dragged along on errands with their parent but wanting to be anywhere but there. Roman started the conversation with him, he said your name as a means of introduction and the Swede visibly perked up slightly. 
“The youngest Roy finally comes out to play!” Lukas said with the look of an overexcited child. 
“I suppose so.” You pause for a second. “It’s nice to meet you, Lukas.” 
“Romey, I think you should get your sister a drink, she looks thirsty…” 
You shudder at that, he hadn’t given you good vibes and this was uncomfortable, you looked at Roman to beg him not to leave you alone with Matsson but he completely ignored you and went off. 
“So you’re not in the family business essentially at all, right?” Lukas asked as he quirked his brow as he looked you up and down. 
“Nope, my involvement is pretty non-existent.” You paused for a moment watching him. Rome would owe you big time for whatever the fuck this is you thought. You hated it. “But based on my brother’s eagerness over you, I’m assuming that you’re looking at an in?”  
“To the business or the family?” He has a large smirk on his face as if he’s said the wittiest thing ever. Lukas leans forward in his chair watching you intently. 
“I was meaning business but I guess there’s not much separation in family or business matters there.” Lukas raises an eyebrow briefly at that, he’s not surprised at that observation but he is a little taken aback at your air of candour. 
But that’s how you are with everyone. You tell yourself that if Roman didn’t want you to say such things, he wouldn’t have left you alone, he knows you. He was practically asking for it by bringing you into this awkward mess of an interaction. 
“The business potentially, I suppose the family is a bit more complicated…” He teases. 
“Buy into Waystar, you’re in the Roy’s den somewhere.” You respond somewhat cynically and absentmindedly as you look away trying to find Roman or well any familiar face. 
“Well, Miss Roy-” The way he says it makes you shudder and you immediately correct him. 
“Dr. Roy.” His eyebrows raise again, he looks borderline amused and laughs a little. He has the nature of a spoiled child in a tall, 40-something-year-old’s body you think. 
“Dr. Roy. Sorry, you’re not quite what I was expecting.” 
“Why, did you meet my sister first? Then Rome?” You quip back with a dry chuckle. 
It wasn’t the first time and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time that somebody had said something to that effect, often because of what they’d assumed based on either their interactions with your family members or the general reputation of your family. 
“I haven’t met her yet. But no, you’re just different- which I’d heard of course, but still. It’s different seeing different in the flesh you know?” “I guess so.” “Not a bad thing though.”
“Well thanks, I really needed that ego boost.” You sigh. 
He licks his lips and leans even closer, “Did you maybe want to head out? I’d love to pick your delightful brain amongst other things-” 
“How the fuck did Ken get you here Matsson?” Stewy’s voice cuts in, more serious than usual. 
Lukas doesn’t seem to notice and they must be acquainted you think, it doesn’t surprise you though. If Ken knows him, Stewy’s bound to, and regardless of Ken, Stewy magically knows everyone. You look up at Stewy, feeling slightly more relaxed as he stands near your chair. He doesn’t look at you, not even for a second which is unusual for him, even at public events. There’s always some acknowledgement in his eyes at the very bare minimum. 
You knew that Stewy was coming tonight but you didn’t expect to see him so soon. Like every event you both attended, your entrances and exits were perfectly timed. Coordinated flawless, unsuspicious executions. You’d come 3 hours earlier than Stewy to this and you’d leave with at least an hour gap between you both. That had been the plan but you didn’t think it had quite been the 3 hours yet, just over 2 hours you thought. It made more sense optics-wise for you to be here longer and Stewy to just pop through.  
“Oh, Hosseini- what a sight for bored eyes you are man,” Matsson says as Roman appears.
“There, slurp up.” Roman’s eyes hesitantly shift to Stewy as he hands you the mysterious alcoholic drink for your ‘thirst’. 
“I’m not drinking that.” You quickly respond, giving the drink back to Roman and he rolls his eyes, nonchalantly taking a generous sip from the glass as if to prove a point. 
“Shouldn’t you be in a bathroom with Kendall somewhere?” Roman directs at Stewy. 
“No, unfortunately, we’re waiting. They’re all occupied.” His eyes meet Roman’s but before they do he finally makes eye contact with you, his gaze is firm and he doesn’t look impressed. 
The whole energy of this interaction is making you severely uncomfortable. You’d seen and heard of Stewy giving others non-impressed glances and quips but you’d never seen him make eye contact with you before with an expression like that. That paired with Roman and Matsson playing some weird business game of chicken at Kendall’s birthday was not how you wanted to spend the night. You wished you were still talking to Rava or chatting to Willa wherever she and Connor were. Or that you were home. That was the ideal situation here. There’s a tense air between everyone and despite it being earlier than being agreed upon, you’re ready to head off now. You’d already talked to Ken and given him a present, seeing him and showing face for a bit for his sake was the priority of the evening.
“I need to go-” You start to say before you’re cut off. 
“Don’t abandon us, Dr Roy!” Lukas exclaims playfully like a spoilt child. 
“Sorry but I need to hit the powder room, I’m on my period.” You lie in a manner as if you’re just bluntly stating a fact as you stand up. Stewy chuckles softly, it's the softest you’ve seen his eyes look all night, well for all of the duration of your awkward interaction with Matsson. While Stewy sees through the lie and you’re sure that Roman does as well, the false candour, unfortunately, intrigues Lukas more. 
“Regular? Super? Wait, just bring me back your tampon please?” Roman asks looking up at you. 
“I don’t use tampons.” You sigh as you start to walk off. Immediately regretting your genuine candour this time. 
“Right, sorry.” Roman then looks at Lukas and Stewy. “Well you’ve seen my mum’s vagina tonight but here’s a secret about my sister’s, it’s that tight she can’t use tampons.” 
You glare at Roman who looks absolutely chuffed with himself, he starts to giggle like the child he still is inside and you roll your eyes. Stewy looks at you with a very tight lip smile, struggling not to laugh, even with jealousy coursing through his veins. 
“Maybe stop talking about your family’s vaginas Rome?” Stewy raises an eyebrow at Rome. 
“I don’t know how I always forget about your condition, always snapping dicks. Serial pad user this one.” Rome says to you, directing it at Matsson and completely ignoring Stewy. 
“I don’t have vaginismus which is a very real and not a birthday tech/finance bro over drinks discussion, so stop implying that please and go back to your weird networking.” You say as you walk off, not looking back at the trio of the men. 
“Moderna vagina dentata!” Roman calls out after you. 
“She’s like a diplomatic firecracker right?!” Lukas laughs looking at Roman who smirks and shrugs. 
You finish washing your hands and unlock the door, getting ready to leave. You’ve gone toilet and you know Roman will be busy sucking up to Matsson and you can make a quick, silent, unnoticed exit. You’ve stepped out and are leaving the bathroom but as soon as you do you feel hands immediately pounce on you, it’s a blur at first and you initially flinch but quickly see it’s Stewy. 
“Get in.” He says as he holds your hips firmly, guiding you back into the bathroom. 
Stewy’s hands leave your body for a moment as he locks the door behind him once you’re both in but they quickly return to where they previously were. 
“Somebody might’ve seen-”
“I don’t fucking care.” He says as he presses his lips against your neck, pinning you to the wall. “Everyone can know baby.” You scoff slightly at that. 
“Well, that’s interesting and surprising, considering you wouldn’t look at me two minutes ago.” He stops kissing your neck and sighs, he tilts his head against your shoulder. “What was going on Stewy? We’re always amicable in public…” You gently probe. 
He nods as his head is still pressed against your shoulder, he sighs again and tilts his head. You can feel his breath on your collarbone and his fastidiously trimmed beard brushes against you, it’s a brief little burn. In another moment it would probably feel more ticklish than it does right now, you’d probably giggle at it like you have in the past. 
“What if we weren’t?” Stewy implores. You pause for a moment, deciphering his meaning. 
“And be what…hostile?” You question somewhat incredulously. 
A change in the method of the public side of your relationship now would surely draw more attention, it certainly would raise eyebrows and questions from those closest and it would become ridiculously complicated. Even with you not being involved at Waystar. 
“No, no. Just open. No more running around, hiding, game of fucking cat and mouse. We don’t even need to say anything, we can just do it. It’s so simple.” He’s moved his handsome head so he’s now looking at you with those wide brown orbs. You exhale slightly and move your hands so that they’re now combing through his hair. It’s handsomely styled but you like it when it has less product and his natural curls are freer. 
“What’s prompting this?”
“And that’s relevant?” 
“I’m just surprised, can you please talk to me?” You ask softly, pleading with him as you continue to gently run your hands through his hair. His hand is rubbing a burning circle on your waist. His eyes are wide and there’s something there that you don’t think you’ve seen before, he almost seems manic. 
“I didn’t like that discussion out there baby.” He says, his tone becoming a bit more serious. 
“This might come as a surprise to you honey but I also am not a fan of when Rome talks about Shiv’s and I’s reproductive systems.” You reply, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. 
“No, I-I didn’t like that but I was meaning with Matsson.” 
“Oh, he’s a creep.” You immediately respond. 
“You’re telling me.” He kisses your lips softly but quickly deepens it, his hands firmly grip onto your hips. You lightly tug on his hair as you moan into his mouth. “He was eye-fucking you like his goonie life depended on it.” 
You chuckle at how he describes it but his face is serious, similar to how it was when he came over during that awful interaction. You don’t know why it took you so long to pinpoint it, it’s jealousy. Stewy Hosseini was jealous. 
Stewy Hosseini was jealous of that interaction, even though you’d both immediately agreed Lukas Matsson was a creep. You kiss him softly and move one of your hands to his shoulder. He eagerly returns the kiss back, filled with hunger. 
“Stewy?” You ask quietly. 
“Are you jealous…?” 
His brow noticeably furrows at that question, it’s quite a sight. His hair was now tousled and curlier from your tugging and raking through them, his eyes wide with lust and the aforementioned jealousy and his lips kiss-swollen. He was painfully handsome and you wished that you two weren’t in a bathroom at a party. 
“Did you only just put that together baby?” He asks after watching you for a moment, a cocky smirk on his face. You sigh with a small nod and roll your eyes, which just makes his smirk grow even more. “I don’t want anybody to ever look at you like that again and nobody ever gets to touch you but me.”
He immediately presses his face against yours for another passionate and extremely hungry kiss, you open up your mouth for him and he immediately accepts the invitation. It’s a fiery clashing of teeth and lips, you quickly get lost in it, one hand gripping onto his shoulder as the other one tugs on his hair not so gently this time. 
He groans out against your mouth as you tug on his locks. His hand pinches your hip before he moves it down and then pushes up your dress, his hand then dances along your thigh while the other bruisingly pinches your hip. 
You moan out against his lips as his fingers press against your underwear, you can feel him pressing his fingers against you and dancing along the clothed area. You writhe slightly against him at the pressure. 
His lips leave yours and he kisses along your jaw, trailing the kisses down your neck. He sucks and licks softly around your pulse, then as his mouth gets closer to your collarbone he nips you teasingly. You whine out at the sensation as your fingers dig deeper into his hair and he immediately kisses over where he’d bit you. 
As he does this, he pushes your underwear to the side so that his fingers can slip through. Your arousal had already started to quickly build between your legs and now he was able to take advantage of that. You moan out as his fingers now run through your folds without the barrier of your underwear, he slips a finger inside of you as his thumb gingerly traces over your bundle of nerves. He kisses your shoulder as he hears your breathing quickly change. 
“You’re so beautiful like this, you know that right?” Stewy asks. His voice was slightly more gentle. “Nobody else ever gets this.” He says more firmly. 
“Only you Stewy.” You breathe out as calmly as you can manage as he inserts a second finger into you. He continues on with his ministrations as he kisses along your neck, reaching that spot he knows you cannot ever get enough of. 
“That’s my girl.” He chuckles as he leaves your neck to kiss your lips again. You're desperate to feel him, it can’t have been more than 2 minutes since his lips left yours but you need to feel him there again. Especially when he’s having his way like this with you. You need Stewy in every sense of the meaning. 
His kiss to your mouth is firm and hungry, you get lost in the feeling of his plump lips as he continues to overwhelm you and provide the most delectable of sensory overwhelms that you could ever imagine. But it is of course, unfortunately not long enough. The world’s longest kiss wouldn’t be long enough with Stewy though, which you of course know but it never stops you from wanting, needing longer, needing and craving more. 
When he breaks the kiss, Stewy slides down to his knees on the floor of the bathroom. In your right mind, you’d probably be too focused on the unhygienic nature of this environment but you don’t even think of that. You are just desperate for Stewy, aching for him in any and every way in which you can have him. You don’t think anyone has ever felt as desperate for someone as you do for Stewy.  
He expertly but gently spreads your legs out, putting one over his shoulder as he softly kisses along your thighs. The kisses are soft and hot and as you feel his breath against your sensitive thighs, you feel your core clench and every nerve ending of yours tingle in desire and anticipation for him. 
Stewy continues to pump his fingers in and out of you as his kisses get closer to your core, you squirm slightly as he does. He gives a few gentle kisses to your vulva, your arousal is covering his fingers and running down his hands and he licks through your folds. Softly groaning at that as you let out a whimper at the contact, the noise coming from you is so beautiful, melodic to Stewy. 
The noise spurs him on and his tongue gingerly circles around your bundle of nerves, the pressure is so perfect and the build-up from his teasing and the making out just adds to the feeling. Your hands tangle in his dark hair, gripping it for leverage and as a way to communicate just how he makes you feel. He continues to lick and kiss at your clitoris and you know it won’t be long till you reach your peak at this rate. 
Stewy’s fingers continue at their work, getting deeper and reaching that spongy spot that makes you sharply gasp. Stewy smirks against you as he hears that, he hums against your bundle of nerves and the vibrations make you shudder, bringing you so much closer. 
“Oh my god, Stewy!” You moan out as you roughly tug at his hair. 
“Come on, come for me, baby. I want to taste you and feel it all over my face.” He says in between kisses to your bundle of nerves and around it. You nod and he continues to finger you and to give your clitoris attention, it isn’t much longer until you feel your climax coming on. 
“I’m going to- oh baby!” You whimper out, and he continues at the same pace as you shake against him as your peak arrives and you ride it out. He smirks against you as he tastes you. 
After your orgasm, he stays there, looking up at you in awe for a moment, supporting your body as it’s still somewhat weakened from that orgasm. He then stands back up, he pulls your dress back down and smirks.  Stewy holds your hip gently and his free hand comes up to gently stroke your cheek. The pad of his thumb feels so soft against your cheek. You can’t help but smile at him, so absolutely in love with him and he returns the grin. 
“You might want to clean that up, honey.” You say with a smirk as you lean against the wall, enjoying the feeling of him pressed against you so intimately. 
“Nope.” He immediately firmly says. 
“I don’t care who knows, honestly I want everyone to know. Everyone should know about us and that I’m the only one who gets this baby. Fuck Matsson, fuck anyone else.”
“I think a decision like this should have a proper conversation, one that isn’t just jealously induced sweetie.” You respond as softly as you can, as you close your eyes for a moment. You hear a small scoff.
“Such a tease.” He says and you can’t help but smile when seeing the devilish expression on his face. He’s simultaneously charming, and handsome but also arrogant and you love it so much. 
“I don’t want you to regret it.” You genuinely mean it. “I never would.” He immediately responds. 
“I love you.” 
It’s not a conversation you can have right now, the bathroom at your brother’s 40th birthday party is not the right environment for this. It needs to be one at home that isn’t post-sex acts either.
“I love you too.” He says as he rubs his forehead and sighs briefly. “Go home, I’ll leave fifteen minutes after you. I know- small risk but it’s worth it.” You chuckle and kiss him on the cheek. “I expect you to be in bed waiting when I get there though.” He says earnestly but still playfully. That’s your Stewy, always playful and blunt. 
“Sure thing Mr. Hosseini, maybe write me a love poem on the way home?” You tease with a small giggle. 
“Oh baby, you didn’t get my love poem?” He has that loveable but chaotic, cocky smirk on his face. 
“What?” You raise an eyebrow at him. 
“That was my love poem.” As he delivers that line his smirk somehow grows by ten times. You roll your eyes at him as you kiss him on the lips softly. “Wait, do I need to better emphasise next time?” He teases with a wicked grin and laughs. 
“Get better material, Hosseini.” You immediately quip back with a smirk as you leave the bathroom stall to make an Irish Goodbye from Kendall’s birthday to go home, our home you think. 
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deverys · 1 year
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hi, i’m kali/klowdy/k. this is my main, i try to post gifsets once in a while and my writing on occasion.
here you will see reservation dogs, stranger things, horror movies and just whatever im watching or listening to at the time. (lowkey turning into a hockey blog)
i also OC post :3
current ocs on my mind ₊˚⊹☽₊
Cynthia Moose, stranger things
Lennox Slater, mcu
Brie Williams, spn
Mac Stilinski. teen wolf
fics on ao3 ₊˚⊹☽₊
rough ⭑ eddie munson x cynthia moose
dealer's choice ⭑ eddie munson x cynthia moose
fallin' and fallin' until i... ⭑ eddie munson x cynthia moose
links ₊˚⊹☽₊
ao3 ᯓ★ pinterest ᯓ★ spotify ᯓ★ klowdy tag ᯓ★ video game blog: @kingscanyon wrestling blog: @mjfs
favorite characters ₊˚⊹☽₊
elora danan postoak, WILLIE JACK, bear smallhill, cheese <3 (MY SON), eddie munson, leatherface, john murphy, stewy hosseini, flash thompson (mcu flash defender til i die srry), bellamy blake, lisa swallows, bucky barnes, sam carpenter, kira yukimura, chad and mindy meeks-martin !!!, most characters played by owen teague, scott mccall, josie from bottoms, argyle, have i said eddie munson?, lucas and erica sinclair, bucky from rez dogs,
if u read this far ily, this is us RN!!!🫶🏼☁️💫🤠
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thank u !!
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comfycel · 1 year
rules: list your top ten favourite comfort movies
ferris bueller's day off
marcel the shell with the shoes on
sing street
bill and ted's excellent adventure
the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society
the map of tiny perfect things
emma (2020)
speech and debate
tagged by: @s0ftpining and tagging @romulusty @skeilig @hosseinis and @faghowardhamlin
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naufal-portofolio · 8 months
Review / Ulasan
Katastrofe Mala oleh Utiuts: Ulasan Buku
A Kitchen in the Corner of the House oleh Ambai: Ulasan Buku
Balada Ching-Ching oleh Maggie Tiojakin: Ulasan Buku
Sisters of the Revolution oleh Ann dan Jeff VanderMeer (editor): Ulasan Buku
A Wrinkle in Time oleh Madeleine L'Engle: Ulasan Buku
Dear Tomorrow oleh Maudy Ayunda: Ulasan Buku
A Sarah's Scribbles Collection oleh Sarah Andersen: Ulasan Buku
Rainbirds oleh Clarissa Goenawan: Ulasan Buku
Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang oleh Ayu Utami: Ulasan Buku
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? oleh Philip K. Dick: Ulasan Buku
Koci, My Frienemy oleh Dian Kristiani: Ulasan Buku
Perempuan Patah Hati yang Kembali Menemukan Cinta Melalui Mimpi oleh Eka Kurniawan: Ulasan Buku
Your Perfect Year oleh Charlotte Lucas: Ulasan Buku
Pulang oleh Leila S. Chudori: Ulasan Buku
Vegetarian oleh Han Kang: Ulasan Buku
Buku Panduan Matematika Terapan oleh Triskaidekaman: Ulasan Buku
Winter People oleh Jennifer McMahon: Ulasan Buku
Basirah oleh Yetti A. KA: Ulasan Buku
Monsoon Tiger and Other Stories oleh Rain Chudori: Ulasan Buku
The Kite Runner (novel grafis) oleh Khaled Hosseini: Ulasan Buku
Jakarta Undercover Series oleh Moammar Emka: Ulasan Buku
The Perks of Being A Wallflower oleh Stephen Chbosky: Ulasan Buku
Beginnings, Middles, and Ends oleh Nancy Kress: Ulasan Buku
The Fiction Writer's Toolkit oleh Bob Mayer: Ulasan Buku
The Place between O & K oleh Auri Hirao: Ulasan Buku
Kicau Kacau oleh Indra Herlambang: Ulasan Buku
Cinta. oleh Bernard Batubara: Ulasan Buku
Joker oleh Valiant Budi: Ulasan Buku
Dash and Lily's Book of Dares oleh Rachel Cohn dan David Levithan: Ulasan Buku
Untuk Indonesia yang Kuat oleh Ligwina Hananto: Ulasan Buku
Amy and Roger's Epic Detour oleh Morgan Matson: Ulasan Buku
Sejarah Tuhan oleh Karen Armstrong: Ulasan Buku
People of the Book oleh Geraldine Brooks: Ulasan Buku
Grey & Jingga (The Twilight) oleh Sweta Kartika: Ulasan Buku
Empat Musim Cinta oleh Adhitya Mulya dkk: Ulasan Buku
Pertemuan Jingga oleh Arumi E: Ulasan Buku
Pay It Forward oleh Emma Grace: Ulasan Buku
Pintu Harmonika oleh Clara Ng dan Icha Rahmanti: Ulasan Buku
Love Journey oleh Dee An, Lalu Abdul Fatah, dkk: Ulasan Buku
Tea for Two oleh Clara Ng: Ulasan Buku
Always, Laila oleh Andi Eriawan: Ulasan Buku
Our Story oleh Orizuka: Ulasan Buku
Tiba-Tiba Malam oleh Putu Wijaya: Ulasan Buku
The Old Man and the Sea oleh Ernest Hemingway: Ulasan Buku
Azazil oleh Youssef Ziedan: Ulasan Buku
Tidak Hilang Sebuah Nama oleh Galang Lufityanto: Ulasan Buku
Negeri Bawah Air oleh Ary Nilandari: Ulasan Buku
Di Bawah Lindungan Kabah oleh Buya Hamka: Ulasan Buku
Cado-Cado Kuadrat (Dokter Muda Serba Salah) oleh Ferdiriva Hamzah: Ulasan Buku
Filosofi Kopi oleh Dee Lestari: Ulasan Buku
Malaikat Jatuh oleh Clara Ng: Ulasan Buku
Area X oleh Eliza V. Handayani: Ulasan Buku
0 notes
human-antithesis · 2 years
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Hermit’s Lair - Human Antithesis https://t.me/Human_Antithesis
Void of Silence - The Grave of Civilization (January 5th, 2010) Country: Italy Genre: Funeral Doom Metal, Ambient Drone Reuploaded: FLAC
Brooke Johnson - Vocals
Ivan Zara - Guitars, Bass
Riccardo Conforti - Drums, Keyboards
Prelude To The Death of Hope - 03:02
The Grave of Civilization - 17:31
Apt Epitaph - 12:27
Temple of Stagnation (DFMI MMX) - 09:50
None Shall Mourn - 15:21
Empty Echo - 04:43
Miscellaneous Staff:
Dennis Israel - Mixing, Mastering
Mauro Berchi - Artwork, Layout
Luca Hosseini - Photography
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imperial-waterboy · 6 years
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spxllcxstxr · 4 years
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Before requesting, please read through this entire page! Thank you!
Marauders Era
Lightning Era
Lord of the Rings
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
The Bear
Types Of Content I’ll Write
Blurbs (1k words and fewer)
Fics (anything above 1k, but will take longer)
Characters I’ll Write For
James Potter
Sirius Black (Marauders and Lightning Era)
Remus Lupin (Marauders and Lightning Era)
The Marauders (Platonic)
Regulus Black
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Dorcas Meadowes
Mary MacDonald
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Oliver Wood
Angelina Johnson
Lee Jordan
Cho Chang
Cedric Diggory
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Bridgerton Sibling!reader
Lord of the Rings
The Fellowship
Merry Brandybuck
Pippin Took
Game of Thrones
Sandor Clegane
Tyrion Lannister
Podrick Payne
Brienne of Tarth
Robb Stark
Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
Eddard Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Petyr Baelish
Margaery Tyrell
House of the Dragon
Rhraenyra Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Daemon Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Cregan Stark
The Bear
Michael Berazatto
Carmen Berazatto
Richie Jerimovich
Sydney Adamu
Chef Luca
Berazatto Sibling!reader
Kendall Roy
Roman Roy
Siobhan Roy
Stewy Hosseini
Tom Wambsgans
Greg Hirsch
Roy Sibling!reader
What I Will Write
Child!reader (all platonic of course)
Any Middle Earth race!reader
Soulmate AU (as long as you give me the type)
If you don’t see something here, don’t be afraid to send me an ask!
What I Won’t Write
Muggle AU
Modern AU
Professor x student
Real people fics
Detailed triggering topics
What To Put In Your Request
Basically, put what you want!
Main pairing, reader pronouns (she/her or they/them), if you want a specific line, plot, reader’s house (if that’s an important part of the story), etc.
Don’t be too vague! Give me some detail!
Don’t put in any specific names/features like body type, height, weight etc. I want these to be as inclusive as possible!
Important Things To Keep In Mind
I am still human!
I will try to get to requests as fast as possible, but not only do I want to write something good, I’m going to be quite busy with other things, so please be patient!
Blurbs under 1k, and headcanons will be easier for me to write, but that doesn’t mean I won’t get to a fic request!
If I don’t feel comfortable with a request, I won’t write it. However, if that happens, I will let you know.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! I can’t wait to get your request!
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
ok wait after u sent me that ask i have to know ur top books!!! dw if u don't feel like it but i would love to hear them 🌷
This is so sweet and considerate! Thank you Eva, you gave me 5 so I’ll try to keep it to that # as well 💖🐰 off the top of my head:
🌷 The Stormlight Archive series, especially the second book, Words of Radiance. Stormlight is like 4 books + 2 novellas right now, and is projected to be 10 books and ???novellas eventually. And on top of that each main book is 1000+ pages and while you can read Stormlight on its own, most of the other books by the author, Brandon Sanderson, are part of this larger fictional universe called the cosmere. Each series takes place on a different planet, and if you are invested in the whole cosmere, there’s Easter egg references to other series in other series. So like! While I rec these books often, most people understandably don’t take me up on it wgshshh 🤭 Sanderson’s non-Stormlight books are all MUCH shorter but also much more flawed imo. Like I wouldn’t count him among my favorite authors were it not for Stormlight. anyway I’m a die hard fantasy fan so the length didn’t deter me, and I picked these up because a friend told me the world building in these books was genuinely unique instead of the typical very lazy maps composed of like. Fantasy Russia and its hostile mysterious neighbors Fantasy General East Asia and Fantasy Africa lol. and she was right! The world building is exquisite and refreshing and almost every character is canonically of color. They live in a society with an eye color based caste system and it’s.., so hard to sum up this massive series with four main characters and a ridiculous(ly fun) amount of plot lines, so I’ll cut this short and say 1) the first book, The Way of Kings, is highly expository but the ending is so so worth it, and if you enjoy the ending you’ll find merit in continuing with the series 2) Words of Radiance is my favorite book so far partially because I haven’t read the newest, Rhythm of War, yet, and also because it’s the book with the most scenes that solidified Kaladin Stormblessed (one of the main characters) as one of my favorites of all time. Another one of the best things about this series is how Brandon Sanderson portrays mental health in very natural ways, and it makes Kaladin’s growth so incredibly soothing to follow (I MEAN. He has low points that sometimes hit too close to home, but it makes you root for him harder) he really is just. Truly my definition of a hero, if we wanna get cheesy about it, and I had to pick one solid example. I love him so much this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg as to why 😭!
🌷Jane Eyre. Silly frivolous teenaged girl that I am this book swept me off my feet when I first read it and I condone every problematic aspect of it❤️ (I DONT ofc but like! I love drama and being played like a fiddle by narratives and the book delivered on both fronts! And it couldn’t have without its unsavory plot twist soooo 😙💖) (the hate this book and especially one specific character gets is funny to me just because like. Hate for the former (imo) usually stems from people taking the book too seriously while simultaneously missing the point (JE and du Maurier’s Rebecca (highly influenced by the former) are oft considered loose Bluebeard retellings for a reasonnnn!) and hate for the latter is usually just like. Warranted and then taken over the top like... he’s just a fake funny little man you guys :( and the book would’ve been boring if he wasn’t so twisted and out of touch and passionate ): not to mention I do personally in a mean ish way think it’s funny how for some people this character is one of the worst examples of men they can imagine. Like good for Them! I don’t want them to have lower standards for horribleness in people But also omg 🤭 it just reminds me of how... irony of all ironies, I’m semi frequently told I’m too harsh on real life men and then when I love twisted ones in books (for being funny and entertaining and good solid characters) I like. get the most interesting side eyes (whether figurative or literal) bwjswnhshe anyway I have nothing against Austen, I definitely enjoy her, but from what I’ve read so far, I prefer the Brontës a lot more... I need adventure! Show me horror show me rot etc etc❤️ also I’m. A stupid sucker so the fact that the book was Charlotte Brontë’s attempt to write a plain looking lady protagonist and to make her praiseworthy and virtuous and worthy of spellbinding romance makes me... 💗💓💕
🌷Keturah and Lord Death — Martine Leavitt. I haven’t seen it officially stated anywhere but to me it’s p clear this book is a retelling of/highly inspired by Godfather Death (the Grimm tale) Very simple, predictable but effective plot, and the characters are just. So much fun. From my url you can probably tell I love stories in which women (or anyone but you know. Death and the Maiden is its own trope for a reason) outsmart/face off against death. If they also k*ss, when done right, I think that’s swell as well.
🌷A Thousand Splendid Suns — Khalid Hosseini. By far the heaviest book I will mention in this ask, and I don’t rec it willy nilly for that and a few other reasons. It’s a forever fave to me because I read it at the exact right time in my life, where I was like... noticing a ton of things irl and things at home were tumultuous, and when I saw very similar things unfold in this book while I was being silenced and made to feel crazy by the adults around me, it meant so much to me to see reality as I was experiencing it in real time reflected back at me via this novel. The context of the story is wildly different from my own life and the stakes the characters face are far higher, and it is if I remember right mostly a novel about the horrors of war, which isn’t something I pretend to have any firsthand experience with, but! It was legitimately cathartic to read when I read it, and it especially meant a lot to me at the time that the author was a grown man. Not to mention how my mother is not and never has been a reader, and somehow the one and only book I ever managed to get her to read was this. Hilariously she got mad at me for only (“only”) reading depressing things (there’s... a grain of truth to that but she doesn’t need to know! 🤫) but also... she was hooked I could tell! (I got all tmi explaining this one gag I’m so sorry)
🌷A Slight Trick of the Mind — Mitch Cullin. Retirement-era Holmes! Holmes as an old man! A sad old man who keeps bees!! It’s the novel the movie Mr. Holmes was based off of (haven’t seen it yet) and I was not expecting it to get me all sentimental like it did 🤨😪 but anyway it’s like. A prolonged character study and explores some of the most interesting (to me, anyway) parts of Holmes that are only lightly touched upon in canon, like his occasionally huge follies when navigating his few close relationships and how he copes with them afterwards, his fatigue at the random injustice of the world, how he’s often mistaken both by characters that surround him and people irl as a man without feelings, etc etc. like there’s no Dr. Watson or Mrs. Hudson in this book, and the people he interacts with are almost entirely original characters, but as I listened to the audiobook it barely occurred to me to miss Watson and Hudson (I know! 😦) and the author’s original characters interacted with Holmes so believably that I sometimes forgot they weren’t ever Doyle’s. Def recommend to any flexible Holmes fan that’s not a total stickler for canon (though you don’t actually have to know much about Holmes to read this book and enjoy it! 🐝)
🌷Sleepless — Sarah Vaughn + Leila del Luca. I began with the longest book, so let me end with the shortest. It’s a 2 volume long graphic novel series and that it’s so short is the only long standing, legitimate complaint I have of it! Gorgeous art, really effectively written romance, a dark skinned girl who gets to be the proactive, lively protagonist and stunning, pined after love interest at the same time, a cast of characters that is majority of color, the perfect %-age of drama and angst etc etc. if you can find it via your library or online or smth, you can knock it out in one sitting and leave the experience eternally altered in the funnest way 👁👄👁
Honorable mentions: The Botany of Desire — Michael Pollan, Troubling Love — Elena Ferrante, The Girl from the Garden — Parnaz Foroutan
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fulltimehabibti · 4 years
stewy hosseini, luca guadagino (your hatred of), and the class traitor daniel larusso joke
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historias-descritas · 6 years
Os melhores Livros que li em 2018
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   O ano de 2018 acabou (amém!) e para mim, graças a Deus, foi um ano bom na quantidade de livros lidos (129). Então hoje sendo o dia do leitor (07/01), decidi compartilhar os melhores livros que li em uma listinha bem simples e direta.
Anjos e Demônios, do autor: Dan Brown
Sem duvida nenhuma, esse foi um dos melhores do ano, senão o melhor! Dan Brown é um escritor excelente, com uma escrita maravilhosa.
A Depressão de Spurgeon, do autor  Zack Eswine
Um livro que eu recomendo muito para quem tem depressão, ou para pessoas que conhecem alguém com depressão.
A Sutil Arte de Ligar o F*da-se, do autor: Manson Mark
Se você ainda não leu, precisa ler. Por quê? Porque sim!
A trilogia Talker,  da autora: Alma Katsu
Ladrão de Almas
Refém da Obsessão
The Descent (que infelizmente ainda está em inglês, mas vale muito à pena)
Uma obra muito instigante, confesso que comecei meio morna a leitura desse livro, mas quando dei por mim, já tinha acabado e queria mais.
Corações em Silêncio, do autor: Nicholas Sparks
Para os apaixonados pelo gênero Romance, está aqui um livro que gostei bastante e recomendo!
Donnie Darko, do autor: Richard Kelly
É tipo um "extra" pós filme, um prato cheio para os fãs desse filme topzeira!
Memórias de uma Gueixa, do autor: Arthur Golden
Tão instigante e rico em detalhe que entrou para a minha lista dos favoritos antes mesmo de finalizar à leitura.
Menina Má, do autor: William March
Um thriller muito instigante!
O Caçador de Pipas, do autor: Khaled Hosseini
Emocionante, triste, inspirador, revoltante... Você precisa ler! Sério!
O Estranho Caso de Benjamin Button, do autor: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Um conto curtinho (que você pode ler tranquilamente em um único dia, em pouquíssimas horas) e que vale cada minuto!
O Leitor, do autor: Bernhard Schlink
A história é muito interessante, apesar de ser um pouco parada, ainda assim vale à pena.
O Conto da Ilha Desconhecida, do autor: José Saramago
Este é outro conto curtinho para ler em um dia. José Saramago tem uma escrita divina, lendo você não vai se arrepender.
O Papel de Parede Amarelo, da autora: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Novamente temos um livro curtinho para ler em um dia. Este livro é sufocante de tão verdadeiro.
O Poder do Hábito, do autor: Charles Duhigg.
Importante para quem busca mudanças!
Poesia que transforma, do autor: Bráulio Bessa
O melhor livro do ano! MELHOR! De fato o autor é um grande poeta!
Quatro vidas de um cachorro, do autor: W. Bruce Cameron
Um livro emocionante que vai te deixar com os olhos cheios d'água... Ou não né? Mas vale à pena, por garantia, prepare o lenço.
Star Wars: A Trilogia, dos autores: George Lucas, James Kahn, Donald F. Glut.
Um parto cheio para os fãs da saga!
Um Estranho no Ninho, do autor: Ken Kesey
Vale MUITO à pena ser lido! O final do livro você fica digerindo por dias, triste e esperançoso.
  Optei por não falar muito dos livros/enredo para não dar Spoiler.
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thebookwormsnest · 6 years
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Ho controllato il New York Times. Ho controllato il Telegraph. Ho controllato Le Monde. Ho controllato la BBC. Ho confrontato le proposte delle migliori case editrici italiane. Ho setacciato mezzo internet per poter stilare una lista al contempo più completa e più varia possibile.
E, alla fine, ce l'ho fatta.
Clicca su "Continua a leggere" per scoprire l'elenco completo dei duecento libri da leggere prima di morire! 
1984 – George Orwell
1Q84 – Haruki Murakami
A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
A ciascuno il suo – Leonardo Sciascia
A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
A me le guardie! – Terry Pratchett
A sangue freddo – Truman Capote
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie – Lewis Carroll
Alla ricerca del tempo perduto – Marcel Proust
Altri libertini – Pier Vittorio Tondelli 
Amabili resti – Alice Sebold
Amore e Psiche – Apuleio
Anna dai capelli rossi – Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anna Karenina – Lev Tolstoj
Artemis Fowl – Eoin Colfer
Ayla figlia della Terra – Jean Auel
Bar sport – Stefano Benni
Black Beauty: autobiografia di un cavallo – Anna Sewell
Bleak House – Charles Dickens
Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
Buchi nel deserto – Louis Sachar 
Buona apocalisse a tutti! – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Caino e Abele – Jeffrey Archer
Canto di Natale – Charles Dickens
Casa Desolata – Charles Dickens
Cent'anni di solitudine – Gabriel García Márquez
Charlotte's Web – EB White
Cime tempestose – Emily Brontë
Comma 22 – Joseph Heller
Cristo si è fermato ad Eboli – Carlo Levi
Cuore – Edmondo de Amicis
Cuore di tenebra – Joseph Conrad
David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
Delitto e castigo – Fëdor Dostoevskij
Diario – Anne Frank
Dieci piccoli indiani – Agatha Christie
Dio di illusioni – Donna Tartt
Don Chisciotte della Mancia – Miguel de Cervantes
Dracula – Bram Stoker
Dune – Frank Herbert
Emma – Jane Austen
Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
Favole al telefono – Gianni Rodari
Finzioni – Borges
Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
Furore – John Steinbeck
Gente di Dublino – James Joyce
Germinale – Emile Zola
Gita al faro – Virginia Woolf
Gli indifferenti – Alberto Moravia
Gormenghast – Mervyn Peake
Grandi speranze – Charles Dickens
Guerra e pace – Lev Tolstoj
Guida galattica per autostoppisti – Douglas Adams
Harry Potter – J. K. Rowling
Ho un castello nel cuore – Dodie Smith
I Buddenbrook – Thomas Mann
I cercatori di conchiglie – Rosamunde Pilcher
I Dolori del Giovane Werther – J. W. Goethe
I figli della mezzanotte – Salman Rushdie
I fiori del male – Charles Baudelaire
I fratelli Karamazov – Fedor Dostoevskij
I Malavoglia – Giovanni Verga
I Miserabili – Victor Hugo
I pilastri della terra – Ken Follett
I Promessi Sposi – Alessandro Manzoni
I Tre Moschettieri – Alexandre Dumas
Il barone rampante – Italo Calvino
Il bianco e il nero – Malorie Blackman
Il buio oltre la siepe – Harper Lee
Il Cacciatore di Aquiloni – Khaled Hosseini
Il canto del cielo – Sebastian Faulks
Il Codice da Vinci – Dan Brown
Il Colore Viola – Alice Walker
Il Commissario Maigret – George Simenon
Il Conte di Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
Il diario di Bridget Jones – Helen Fielding
Il Dio delle piccole cose – Arundhati Roy
Il dottor Jekyll e Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
Il dottor Zivago – Boris Pasternak
Il fu Mattia Pascal – Luigi Pirandello
Il Gattopardo – Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini – Giorgio Bassani
Il giardino segreto – Frances Hodgson Burnett
Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca – Vamba
Il giovane Holden – J. D. Salinger
Il grande Gatsby – Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Il leone, la strega e l'armadio – C. S. Lewis
Il maestro e Margherita – Bulgakov
Il mago – John Fowles
Il Mandolino del Capitano Corelli – Louis De Berniere
Il mondo nuovo – Aldous Huxley
Il Nome della Rosa – Umberto Eco
Il Padrino – Mario Puzo 
Il paradiso degli orchi – Daniel Pennac
Il passaggio segreto – Enid Blyton
Il Piccolo Principe – Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Il potere e la glori – Graham Greene
Il Processo – Franz Kafka
Il Profeta – Kahlil Gibran
Il profumo – Patrick Süskind
Il ragazzo giusto – Vikram Seth
Il ritratto di Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
Il Rosso e il Nero – Stendhal
Il signore degli anelli – J. R. R. Tolkien
Il signore della magia – Raymond E. Feist
Il signore delle mosche – William Golding
Il vecchio e il mare – Ernest Hemingway
Il velo dipinto – W. Somerset Maughan
Il vento tra i salici – Kenneth Grahame
In culo al mondo – Antonio Lobo Antunes 
Io, robot – Isaac Asimov
Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë
Katherine – Anya Seton
Kitchen – Banana Yoshimoto
La casa degli spiriti – Isabel Allende
La ciociara – Alberto Moravia 
La collina dei conigli – Richard Adams
La coscienza di Zeno – Italo Svevo
La Divina Commedia – Dante Alighieri
La donna in bianco – Wilkie Collins
La fabbrica di cioccolato – Roald Dahl
La famiglia Winshow – Johnathan Coe
La fattoria degli animali – George Orwell
La fattoria delle magre consolazioni – Stella Gibbons
La fiera delle vanità – William Makepeace Thackeray
La lettera scarlatta – Nathaniel Hawthorne
La luna e i falò – Cesare Pavese
La Storia – Elsa Morante
La trilogia della città di K – Agosta Kristof
La verità sul caso Harry Quebert – Joel Dicker
La versione di Barney – Mordecai Richler
L'alchimista – Paulo Coelho
L'amore ai tempi del colera – Gabriel García Márquez
L'arte della guerra – Sun Tzu
L'arte di essere felici – Arthur Schopenhauer 
Le affinità elettive – Goethe
Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie – Lewis Carroll
Le Avventure di Pinocchio – Collodi
Le Avventure di Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Le Cronache del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco – George R. R. Martin
Le notti bianche – Fedor Dostoevski
L'eleganza del riccio – Muriel Barbery
Lessico Familiare – Natalia Ginzburg
Lettera a un bambino mai nato – Oriana Fallaci
L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere – Milan Kundera
L'isola del tesoro – Robert Louis Stevenson
Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte – Mark Haddon
Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
L'ombra del vento – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
L'ombra dello scorpione – Stephen King
L'opera completa di Shakespeare
Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
Mattatoio n. 5 – Kurt Vonnegut 
Memorie di Adriano – Marguerite Yourcenar
Memorie di una geisha – Arthur Golden
Middlemarch – George Eliot
Moby Dick – Herman Melville
Morty l'apprendista – Terry Pratchett
Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale – Remarque
Night watch – Terry Pratchett
Noi, i ragazzi dello zoo di Berlino – Christiane F.
Non ora, non qui – Erri De Luca
Norwegian Wood – Haruki Murakami 
Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
Oceano mare – Alessandro Baricco
Odissea – Omero
Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
Opinioni di un clown – Heinrich Boll
Orgoglio e pregiudizio – Jane Austen
Pastorale americana – Philip Roth
Persuasione – Jane Austen
Piccole donne – Louisa May Alcott
Possession – AS Byatt
Preghiera per un amico – John Irving
Quel che resta del giorno – Kazuo Ishiguro
Queste oscure materie – Philip Pulman
Racconto di due città – Charles Dickens
Rebecca, la prima moglie – Daphne du Maurier
Ritorno a Brideshead – Evelyn Waugh
Se questo è un uomo – Primo Levi
Shining – Stephen King
Siddharta – Hermann Hesse
Sostiene Pereira – Tabucchi
Storia di una gabbianella e del gatto che le insegnò a volare – Luis Sepulveda
Suite francese – Irene Nemirovsky
Sulla strada – Jack Kerouac 
Tess dei d'Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy 
The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton
The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
Tre Uomini in Barca – Jerome K. Jerome
Uccelli di rovo – Colleen McCullough
Ulisse – James Joyce
Un Uomo – Oriana Fallaci
Una città come Alice – Nevil Shute
Uomini e topi – John Steinbeck
Via col vento – Margaret Mitchell
Via dalla pazza folla – Thomas Hardy
Vita di Pi – Yann Martel
Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne
Mi sembra strano che autori come Baudelaire, Wilde o Shakespeare siano stati citati un'unica volta, così come il Diario di Anna Frank o Ulisse di Joyce - che per carità possono piacere o non piacere, ma sono comunque importanti dal punto di vista storico il primo ed il padre del modernismo inglese il secondo - mentre Harry Potter o Il Signore degli Anelli erano presenti in tutte le liste - anche qui, importantissimi per la storia del fantasy e perfino rivoluzionari, ma paragonarli a Shakespeare?
E voi, cosa ne pensate? Siete d'accordo, anche parzialmente, o ci sono grandi assenti? Fatemelo sapere nei reblog :)
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volghan · 3 years
سایت اقامتگاه توریستی PALAZZO SAN LUCA رو با کلمه کلیدی Hotel San Marco و Hotel San Luca #سئو کردم و امیدوارم خیلی زود بیاد صفحه اول #گوگل https://t.co/gMO2mYAFQa
سایت اقامتگاه توریستی PALAZZO SAN LUCA رو با کلمه کلیدی Hotel San Marco و Hotel San Luca #سئو کردم و امیدوارم خیلی زود بیاد صفحه اول #گوگل https://t.co/gMO2mYAFQa
— VOLGHAN Hosseini (@volghan) Feb 7, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/volghan
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