#Love you so damned much
draegonkin · 5 months
Warren's Peace
Today I said goodbye to the grumpiest, crankiest, and best cat I have ever known.
Just barely seventeen years ago he was the last one of his litter not spoken for. He had four sisters and everyone (even me, admittedly) wanted to take one of them home instead. He was mine, though, and when I saw him I couldn’t have been happier. Fate works wonders sometimes. Even though he liked my wife and kids well enough, I was the one he loved and would put up with just about anything from.
Even as a kitten he was ornery, and grumpy, and mean and as he grew older he would gain quite a reputation (especially among vets - spicy, fractious, a note in his file marked: dangerous) for his attitude. Over the years he was directly responsible for the death of five mice (one those being an ex-snake snack, turned pet, turned escapee) and one human emergency room visit (where the doctor mistakenly assigned my mid-twenties-at-the-time wife to the pediatrics ward). He also put holes in COUNTLESS SOCKS. The menace.
He was also with me for most of my adult life:
He’s lived with me in three apartments (including my very first), one temporary basement dwelling, and two houses. He was part of what made each of them a home.  
He saw me at my first job, through one failed college degree, one successful one, and he saw me go from line cook to engineer. 
My wife-to-be was how I met him and he was with us through every bump and trial, every day of our marriage, and every day of the lives of our kids. As grumpy as he was with everyone else, he was patient and kind to them. They were just big, noisy, kittens and he could live with that.
He saw me get back into D&D and find my passion for storytelling. He watched me run seven campaigns (four complete, two failed, and one current) and play in countless others. 
And he was a great friend and companion through every day that he was at my side.
But today his journey found its end. His story is told, but it is a permanent part of mine and will always be. His fight is over and he can rest peacefully now.
I am a sucker for stories about love, as everyone that knows me knows. Love doesn’t always look the same, and for you it was letting me pick you up no matter what you were doing. Of putting up with me brushing you. It was you sitting in my lap, claws slowly and contentedly sinking into my leg as you relaxed. It was meowing for your food every morning. It was butting your face against mine while I drew and played games. It was jumping onto battle maps and playing with my dice. It was sleeping in sunbeams. It was purring when I scratched your head (but never past your shoulders). You were loved, Warren, and that will never change even if today is goodbye. The least I can give you is a heartfelt (and nerdy) farewell.
Today Kentha met you and guided you to Selanna’s Gate at last.
Today you were greeted by the Keeper and asked to tell your story. He’ll walk with you, side by side (letting you take as many naps as you need), towards the Halls where your story will be kept forever.
Today you were able to find rest until we see each other once again.
Goodbye, my old friend. My life wouldn’t have been the same without you.
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dasketcherz · 1 year
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it was a pretty cool dlc, i enjoyed it a lot
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coffinwoodx · 4 months
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couple of screenshots of kim’s wikipedia page that i felt so deeply in my soul
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junodoom · 7 months
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behold, my favorite part of scum villain (the AMOUNT of headcanons let me tell you)
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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nat-20s · 9 months
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14 and Donna textposts
+ A bonus 15
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astrobolical · 1 year
As much as I love feral Satan, who lets his instincts run wild and growls, bites and everything else… his soft side is so fuckin’ cute.
The Satan that stares at you in confusion as you tend to a small cut on his hand he’d received on one of his rampages, unbothered by the mess around the two of you and concerned solely with him. How he doesn’t quite know why his chest feels so warm and tight as he looks at your gentle, concerned expression.
Satan, who doesn’t understand why he feels so weightless with you, why his heart flutters and why he wants to hold you so gently, as if cradling something precious.
Satan, whose anger fades just from your presence alone, overtaken with feelings he’s never experienced, that baffle him entirely but he can’t get enough.
Satan, who desperately throws himself into research just to understand you a little more, to put a name on how he feels about you— who’s just as afraid of his own feelings as he is elated by them.
Satan, who worries you’ll be frightened of him if his temper rises, but you never are, even when he tells you that you should be.
Satan, who lays beside you, watching your sleeping face and utterly baffled that you trust him so completely to allow him to see you in such a vulnerable state… who knows deep down he’ll protect you forever.
Satan, who fumbles each time he tries to explain any of this to you, whose face becomes adorably reddened with each failed attempt.
Satan, who realizes that you’ve accepted him entirely, his every fault, his everything, before he had even come close to accepting himself. Who loves you more than he could ever put to words, or that he could ever really comprehend.
Just him. You know? Ahh, just helping him come to terms with everything he doesn’t know, to grow and understand. Helping him, in the end, to love.
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RIP Will Campos the only person who was murdered this episode.
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kkoct-ik · 2 months
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yttdisms now im moved in
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monzterbatz · 24 days
could you draw N screaming "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" ?
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he's so proud <3
(og screenshot below cut ofcofc)
BTW i love getting suggestions but i wont guarantee ill do smth detailed!! :3
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popsicle-stick · 1 year
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“Why, this beats even shorthand! May I hear it say something?”
a commission of jack and mina from the scene where he's showing her the phonograph!
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theeroticlover · 3 months
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Missed you 😘 !!!!
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hrokkall · 10 months
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Text from a post by @bedrock-to-buildheight about angel anatomy and the physical manifestations of regret that can only be purged in a bloody vivisection.
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earlgodwin · 5 months
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I don't want Naples yet. I want my sister.
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