#Love don’t lie
Hey there again! Your last fic was amazing, so I was wondering if you do a more challenging one , which is enemies to lovers! (Joe fic)
Can't wait to see it!! ✨
thx for this request! Here it is:
Love Don’t Lie (Joe Elliot X Reader)
a/n: I wrote this with my bestie @elliotts-personal-property! She’s so talented ❤️
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Joe Elliott. There were many words I’d use to describe him. He was a loudmouth, a know it all, a bit cocky, and overall just irritating. I got a headache just thinking about him. It was as if he got a kick out of seeing me get all riled up over him. Of course luck would have it that I’d be his next door neighbor. I had the absolute joy of knowing him since I was seven, when my family first moved into the neighborhood. My luck didn’t seem to want to end, because it turned out both our fathers went way back, from when they were in primary school. Those two thought it was the greatest thing that we lived next door to each other. They would always go on and on about how we’d “carry on the family tradition and best best friends.” That couldn’t have been any further from the truth. From the beginning we got off on the wrong foot, which didn’t help. “Do you like football?” he asked with clear excitement laced in his voice. “It’s alright, but I much prefer netball.” “That game’s for sissies.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him. From then on there was always one little offhand comment or another from him. He always felt the need to voice any and all of his opinions to me. That got old, and fast. We disagreed on just about everything. Constantly fighting like cats and dogs from the moment we met at seven up until we turned sixteen.
Every time he’d come over he either bother the hell out of me or give me the silent treatment, which I actually preferred. I couldn’t even escape him in the comfort of my own home when he wasn’t hanging around. Being next door neighbors in a terraced house there was never any peace. His bedroom was situated right next to mine, and I swear it was his life's mission to make as much noise as humanly possible. I couldn’t count the number of times I had banged my hand against my bedroom wall, hoping he would turn his music off or down at the very least. In school he was a bit better and we ignored each other the best we could, considering we had multiple classes together. He did try to strike up a few conversations every once in a while, which I for the most part would shut down. Without looking away from the teacher he half whispered to me, “We’ve got a test today?” “Yeah, I thought you knew. Since you seem to know everything else.” “Oh don’t even start with me Y/N.” “Is there a problem you two?” Our English teacher asked. “No-” “Yes.” “Sorry sir,” I said with a fake smile, “Everything’s alright,” I added, getting the final word in after he had tried to cut me off.
Throughout the years our parents would always have us hang out, since they were convinced we were best buds. As we got older, anytime our parents wanted us to hang out we’d make an agreement to pretend to go out, only to immediately abandon each other to go on our own separate ways until we had to go back to our respective families. There was one day though that was different. I watched as my fathers car took off down the street and out of sight. “You can go now,” I told him. I glanced over at him to see that he hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch. “Eh, I don’t really feel like it,” Joe said, kicking his feet up and resting his hands behind his head, making himself more comfortable. “Since when?” He replied with a smile, “Since now I guess.” I sighed in defeat, knowing there was no point in trying to get him to leave now. “Fine. I don’t want you bothering me though.” I eventually headed upstairs to my room, which he quickly followed behind. I couldn’t tell if he was following me around just so he could be a nuisance or not. He stayed there in my room with me for the whole duration of our hang out. We both mostly kept to ourselves, but every now and again he’d ask me different questions. Joe looked through my records before asking, “You like Queen?” Barely glancing up from my book I nodded, “Yeah, who doesn't?” He held out my copy of Sheer Heart Attack to see, “Can I put it on?” My demeanor towards him slightly changed as I flashed him a quick smile,“Sure.” That was one of the very first days I felt like we actually got somewhat along. I didn’t seem to mind having him around. For once I didn’t feel like ripping my hair out by the time he had left. It felt a bit weird after that, knowing in the back of my mind how normally I couldn’t stand him.
But there are some exceptions. Over the years I’ve noticed Joe getting bullied for his personality. Now don’t get me wrong, I hate the guy, but a guy in our art class one day made fun of Joe’s band posters. I think it might have been a Thursday afternoon, like the second to last class of the day. I was sitting in the back of the class sketching humans. I wasn’t good at drawing, but it was a fun thing to do. Joe loved music, rock n’ roll specifically and he wanted to make something related to that as an art project for class. He made band posters of famous bands and one band I hadn’t heard of before, “Deaf Leopard” I think it was. I’m not gonna lie, that band name did not sound bad. 
That Thursday afternoon, Joe was finishing up his “Deaf Leopard” poster, like final touches or something, I try my best to not pay attention to him. 
“Your music posters are lame,” I heard someone say. The Joe I know would respond quickly with a retort, but this Joe remained quiet. He was looking down at his poster. 
“What? Are you gonna cry?” Teased a friend of the guy. This was getting on my nerves, so I stood up.
“Hey!” I yelled from the back of the classroom, yeah, it got the attention of everybody, they all turned their heads, “What’s your problem?”
“You’re really gonna let a girl stand up for you?”  Joe just watched what I was gonna do. 
“And you’re really just gonna stand here making fun of my boyfriend’s drawings? ‘Cause that’s lame of you.” I honestly did not care that I called Joe my boyfriend, I didn’t try any other ways, but this seemed like the only way to get the arsehole to piss off. 
I definitely think that the guy had other things to say, but instead of saying them, he and his friends just walked away. And by then, class had ended, Joe and I decided to walk to our next class together. 
“Hey, thanks for stickin’ up for me,” 
“No need to thank me, Joe. I’m only stickin’ up for ya ‘cause you’re an incredible artist. They’re jealous. Honestly, I’m jealous too.” 
“Nah, I’ve seen your art. It’s incredible.” 
We made it to our next class, science. Joe sat in the second to last row and I sat behind him in the last row. 
“Welcome, children.” Said Mr. Smith, our science teacher,, “We are gonna be doing a lab today.” As usual, the students groaned. Mr. Smith began telling us which groups we were gonna be in. 
“Joe, Y/N, you two will be a group.” Of course we are. We got up and went to our lab. I poured water into one of the graduated cylinders and then put it on the scale. 
“Joe, could you tell me how much the water weighs?” 
“Uh, according to the scale, it weighs about 10 grams.” I nodded and wrote it down in my notebook. 
What we did most of the class was observe how the temperature of the water changed depending on the type of salt that was put in it. It wasn’t all that interesting, I prefer biology over chemistry. 
“Alright, thanks everyone for today’s class. See you all tomorrow.” I usually walked out of the classroom to leave the school as fast as I could so that I could get away from Joe. Something in me made me stop this time, I stopped to wait for Joe and I have no clue why. 
“Are you waiting for me?” He asked.
“Yeah…” I hesitated, supposedly embarrassed by this. He had a knowing smirk on his face, but how could he possibly know, if I don’t know why I waited for him. 
We walked out of the school and in the direction of our houses. I usually walk on the sidewalk, but Joe wanted to take this path in the forest that rarely anyone ever goes on. 
“I got a question for you, y/n.” 
“Why did you call me your boyfriend in art class today?” Heat rushed to my cheeks quickly and I wanted to hide.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tried, but Joe saw right through me. 
“Y/N, don’t lie to me.” 
“I wasn’t lying, I had no idea what came over me.” Joe frowned at my response, like he wanted to hear something else. 
“Are you sure? The Y/N know would never call me her boyfriend. In fact, Y/N hates me. Do I hate her?” He paused and looked into my eyes, I looked back at him too, waiting for an answer to the question, “No, no I do not. In fact, I never have. We were just so different and it was so difficult for us to get along that I managed to convince myself that we hated each other.” The way he said those words was so powerful. It really got me thinking.
“I hated you because I thought you hated me…” ” He stepped closer to me and took my hands in his, “Joe, I felt an emotion for you that is actually the opposite of hate. And for a very long time too.” 
He leaned down a little bit so he was closer to my height, “What if I told you that I feel the same way?”
“Can you prove it to me?” I smirked, he nodded and lifted me up. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. Then, we both leaned in at the same time and kissed. 
After years of convincing ourselves that we were enemies, it all comes down to this. I won’t deny that Joe is the love of my life, except when our parents ask, then we’ll both deny it, but I don’t mind holding his hand while walking to class or lightly kissing on our walks back home. I love you, Joseph. 
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This is the only thing stuck in my head rn thanks to @littlemissheavenonearth 🫶🫶
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weirdglassthing · 7 days
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Don’t give a mouse a cookie but it’s don’t give an artist a canon detail about a character anyways torbeks favorite movie!!
Sorry for inactivity but I’ve got some FIRE things coming up 🫡
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
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not to victim blame but maybe if you closed your gay little mouth every once in a while and stopped smiling like an anime school girl seeing her crush all the goddamn time your mouth wouldn’t get spit in 🙄
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giddlygoat · 2 months
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mario + peach is such a good ship istg they’re so good. straight ship so good it feels gay
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blondeheaven · 3 days
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The sexiest hips you will ever see
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constarlations · 4 months
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🍊 Big Sis Nemona 🍊
my favorite Unovan/Latina Pokémon trainer ever created
Twitter Link
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bunniidollii · 2 months
trailerpark!rafe 🤝 spanking like need i say more
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it was the small things that set you off, always leaving you in a bad mood for the rest of the day whilst rafe had to deal with your attitude. he tries his best to be patient, but when the whining turns full temper tantrum, he’s had enough and is quick to bend you over his knee. at home it’s easy, the car is risky yet still possible, but in public, you’d find yourself escorted (practically manhandled) to the nearest empty room. and that’s how you found yourself, mid summer bbq, hips uncomfortably trapped between the sink and your boyfriend’s form leaning over you. first it was because the dress you had planned on wearing turned out to have a massive stain all down the front. then rafe took too long getting ready, and you ended up late. they then ran out of veggie burgers, so you were stuck eating the squeaky halloumi while your boyfriend devoured his burger. a neighbour had made a comment about the length of your skirt, which left you snappy with anyone else who attempted to make conversation with you. it was after a nasty run in with your aunt who had never approved of your relationship, that led to rafe pulling you into the small downstairs bathroom. he was quick to flip up your skirt to expose your backside that was barely covered by the white lace you were wearing. his calloused hands pulled at the thin material, causing your hips to rise slightly to avoid the friction and a whine to leave your lips. a hand was placed over your mouth, and rafe tugged harder on your panties in response, before finally speaking.
“you havin’ fun embarrassin’ me out there, with all your whining— hey, don’t you go stomping your feet now” his gruff voice was cut off when you tried to do your usual attempt of retaliation by stomping your feet and whinging until rafe gave in. annoying him beyond extent always got you your way, while the little punishments to try and stop you only spurred you on.
“things weren’t going my way—” you were cut off by a sharp slap on your ass as rafe pulled your panties impossibly higher, with the friction against your clit causing you to let out a light moan. “things don’t always go your way, kiddo, you gotta learn to deal with that.” another slap as his free hand snaked around your throat, “cant be going round havin’ a big ol’ tantrum when something don’t end up how you wanted it to, s’not how real life works.”
rafe gave you another few slaps, leaving a blush of red subtle enough to not draw attention when you returned to the bbq. “you gonna stop being such a crybaby now, doll?” you were turned around, still wedged between your boyfriend and the counter, but facing him instead. he could see the tired look in your eyes and knew you were bordering past your social battery. you just latched your arms around his neck, rafe following your cue as he picked up your legs to wrap them around his waist, picking you up and setting you down on the counter. you just pawed at the collar of his shirt, not bothering to look up at him as you sank into his embrace. “gotta handle just an hour longer, and then we can head on home, alright? and we can forget all about today in a bit, i’ll take care of that, don’t you worry.”
“yes daddy” the familiar doe eyed look on your face as you stared up at rafe with nothing but adoration in your eyes.
“‘s rafe, baby” he reminded you before placing a quick peck on the lips as he helped you rearrange yourself to your former socially acceptable state. he guided the two of you out, and you stood happily by his side for the rest of the evening with the hope of rafe fucking you brainless when you got home.
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the-meme-monarch · 9 months
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hey you may remember these posts from recent. these were originally just coincidental and separate unrelated drawings but i was asked this and resolved to find a third doll outfit for cap’n and afterward i was suggested this vinyl scratch figurine by gracebeth3604 and i liked it :] you may also remember that last linked post where i said i didn’t know where the skirt that i used for sweet’s outfit came from and well good and bad news I found out what it was. if you know you know I don’t want to go into in on a post like this. divorced from that context i think it’s fun that 2/3 of them turned out to have outfits from unicorn characters. and that I was sure it was a skirt like on a human shaped doll but it was in fact a dress and that’s how I drew it on them. anyway
if you ship scc go away from me please 👍
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peekaboo6293 · 2 months
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byler forehead touch hope you guys enjoy or smt
close up on the doofuses and yapping under cut you’re warned
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okk so the main idea is basically an s5 scenario where Will and Mike are about to leave the UD — they’ve already confessed their feelings in the UD at this point. but remembering it’ll still be difficult for them when they return to Hawkins (considering it’s conservative smalltown indiana in the 80s, homophobia central woo, the shame IS on the other side hahaha…….🥲), they share a quiet moment before they go. partially inspired off the jancy forehead touch moment in s3’s finale.
also I can just imagine some of the Hawkins crew waiting for them and being clueless af like: “??? what’s taking them so long” (bonus if Steve’s holding the rope and is like: “whatever you lil shits are doing you better speed it up cuz my hands hurt…”)
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housecow · 22 days
my grandmother lost 150+lbs on the keto diet (also after a gastric bypass or smthn like that) and she’s managed to maintain the same weight over the last decade, give or take ~30lbs… she’s always dieting somehow and i like to take it upon myself to always give her a chocolate or a treat or smthn when i visit. i support her with this but *one* thing will not hurt and it makes her happy!
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wasabi-gumdrop · 5 months
dunmeshi modern labru au where Kabru wants to try fromsoft games to understand why they’re so popular.
he gives elden ring a shot and surprise he gets fucking rolled. can’t get past tree sentinel, tries to fight Margit at level 15, put all his stats in intelligence and not enough dex, hasn’t even found a proper staff, picked warrior as his starting class.
he’s ready to uninstall but he paid full price for this game, he’s at least gonna defeat one boss goddammit. so he tries summoning players for aid and just his luck, he summons cooperator WolfChimeraWyvern.
and this cooperator is SO GOOD, he solos Margit without getting hit, and Kabru is just. in awe. so he adds him as a friend.
and that’s how he meets Laios, expert on all things fromsoft (has literally read every item description, knows the most obscure lore by heart, don’t ask him how many hours he’s played, he has all the platinums)
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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I drew Ted from the wonderful @nabwastaken ‘s Time Bastard Au! The original design is by the talented @midnightnautilus , and was so very fun to draw!
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cassandracain52 · 3 months
This weeks Tim/Steph content
A throwback to that time Steph got bored waiting for Batman to show up to the Batfamily meeting he’d called and tried to get Tim to make out with her:
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Detective comics issue #1000
“I like this question. If I show you is that an answer?” “No. Maybe”
They’re both so ridiculous 😭 I love them🖤
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bitchslapblastoids · 5 days
do you remember exactly where you were when basically im gay dropped? are there other d&p videos/content that you’ve had that experience with? am reminiscing and curious
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thranduel · 2 months
how was this monologue real
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