#Lost World Of Sinbad
movieposters1 · 6 months
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tyrannoninja · 2 months
"Sinbad and the Lost Continent" Book Trailer
A daring sailor from the Arabian Nights…a lost world where the past survives…a fierce tribal princess with a proud legacy…and the adventure of a lifetime.
This is the tale of my upcoming novella "Sinbad of the Lost Continent", in which a poor Baghdadi landsman named Sinbad ibn Hassan, after hearing about the seven voyages of his more famous counterpart of the same name, sets out in search of treasure in the lost continent of Lemuria. There, along with his loyal friend Kishore, their navigator Omar, and the fierce and beautiful local princess Nemong, will brave the Mesozoic monsters that call the continent's jungles home. But dinosaurs are not the only peril they must face together on their treacherous yet romantic quest…
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music-in-my-veins14 · 4 months
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Hi! I literally LOVED your morgie fic! I was just wondering if I could maybe request something like the siren scene from sinbad where reader is sailing with hook and his crew and they all become like entranced by the sirens and reader saves the day and at the end hook is like super proud of her? Sorry if that made like no sense😭
Ahh! I won’t lie I’ve never seen Sinbad so I had to go watch the scene but now I’m gonna have to watch the whole movie. I’m taking some creative liberties obviously to avoid making this toooo much like the movie but I literally LOVE the concept of this. Also, I made the reader Harry’s mom in the future, I hope that’s okay but I wanted to make a fic of them reminiscing when Hook sells the Jolly Roger to Uma anyway so I kinda used this as a “two birds one stone” situation. You made perfect sense, Baby, don’t you worry!
Also!! I saw that crowpickingss also got a very similar request and i didn't read his yet because I was scared of accidently getting inspiration from it, just to be clear.
Call of the Sirens
Captain James Hook x Pirate!Reader
Pronouns Used: she/her/hers
Summary: Hook and his wife retell the tale of when she saved a whole pirate crew from the song of sirens.
Warnings: a touch of swearing, the pirate crew is a little sexist to the reader, sirens are their own warning around these parts, death mentions but mainly in passing, concubine mention, pet names but with my writing that's basically a given, underage alcohol mention
Word Count: 2.2K
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     “I just can’t believe you’re selling the old girl,” she shakes her head as she speaks, looking over the ship she’d loved so much in her youth. The body of mighty oak and rope that held the hand of her wanderlust way of life until it landed her behind the barrier of the Isle, deeming her one of the lost simply by being in the Captain’s crew. (Y/n) loved being a pirate, the salty spray that seemed to constantly coat her skin and hair, the rum and laughter on warm nights, the adrenaline rush when something would begin to go wrong. Everything about being a member of the Jolly Roger’s crew set her heart on fire. Even if it did get her deemed a villain, it gave her more than life outside the barrier ever could. 
    “Darling, she’s run her course with us,” he sighs, strutting across the deck to lovingly cradle his wife’s face, “Time for her to host a new set of teenager’s wanderlust egos has come so we can grow old together.” She looks over his shoulder as her son and his two best friends inspect the ship, the niece of their old dear friend seeming to glow as she studied the old body of the boat. “I’m surely going to miss this boat, she was too good to us.” He hums, shaking his head as he can’t fight the smile that threatens his features, “She got us into a world of trouble.” The comment leads the teenagers closer to them, Harry leading as he gets closer to his parents. “That’s not fair and you know it,” (Y/n) shakes her head as she raises a finger to tap against his nose, “You got us into all that trouble, not the Jolly Roger.” “If I remember right,”  he dips her down, smirking down at the glare of the sun on her face, “You seemed to be the one getting us out of it. A right hero you were, aye?” 
      Harry cringes as his father leans down to place a teasing kiss on his mother’s lips, letting out a forced gag that anyone who knew the Hooks would know was playful. “Sounds like Mom was the Captain then.” It causes Hook’s head to snap up, glaring daggers at his son. “I’m the captain, I will always be the Captain. Your mother was just the best under pressure.” She laughs, standing back up and walking to her son, brushing off his shoulders and fixing his collar as she speaks, “I wasn’t even first mate, your father would’ve never let me in on the action by choice. But someone had to keep an even mind on the old girl, you wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t. The two of us would’ve been well past dead before we even turned eighteen.” She shoots a look back at her husband, taking in the adoring look on his face as he watches the two of them, “Especially that one.” 
     “Had I not been so scared to lose her, she would’ve made a fine first mate,” his hook slinks around her waist, looping into a belt loop as he kisses her cheek. “You threatened it once.” “Aye,” he turns his attention to his son and his friends, truly making a show of the exchange, “I’ve never been so proud of her. Saved me and our whole crew.” Harry nods, looking between them, “So the day that I was born would be second?” Hook waves his good hand, “Third.” It catches him a swat to the chest, leading him to chuckle. “Darling, tell them about the sirens.” 
   “Sirens? You faced sirens?” Uma stares at the woman as if she’s the coolest thing on the seven seas, wide eyes aglow with excitement, “No one faces sirens and lives to tell the tale.” The woman smiles, shaking her head, “We wouldn’t have, if the siren song worked on women, or dogs.” “Dogs?” Harry looks at her with confusion, “We used to have a dog?” “I used to have a dog, Cocktail. He was the best dog a girl could’ve had, bless him. They took him from me when we got put on the Isle.” The kids watch her intently, each taking a seat on the deck like dominos falling in a line “Well, get on with it Momma.” 
     Caves were never her thing. Open waters, lagoons, abandoned islands, she’d take anything over sailing through caves. “James,” her voice is soft as she approaches him, hand slipping onto the steering Captain’s shoulder, “You know how I feel about caves.” She hated to sound whiny, weak. She gave the crew enough reason to think she didn’t belong there. Certain members of the crew even spoke to her as if she was nothing more than James’ concubine. But caves had an evil air to them that the girl couldn’t stand. Nothing good ever came from one, and she was positive that one of these days one would crash in on them. The unstable caverns tended to do so to overzealous explorers.
      “Yeah, Captain, you know she’s too much of a scaredy cat to go through a cave. She’s gotta whine the whole time, in case it gets her,” Starkey teases, rolling his eyes before turning back to his conversation with Turk. She glares daggers at him; next time Tick tock came by she wouldn’t think twice about tossing his brutish ass overboard. Let the creature have him instead of the captain. “It’s just the fastest route, Darling. We’ll be out of here in no time,” he pays no mind to his crew as he addresses her worries, sending her a cocky grin over his shoulder. She sighs, giving him a nod as she goes back to her previous seat on the deck of the ship, Cocktail resting his head back on her thigh as she did. Her hand finds its way to the top of his head, nails scratching gently against his skin as she tries to think of anything but how uncanny the cave was. With its muggy atmosphere and dark edges. Rigid calcium buildups hanging from the ceiling with sharp rocks jutting out the water. The air around her smelt dank and the dripping of water from the ceiling's build ups coupled with the odd harmony that hung in the air was enough to drive her insane. 
      The harmony? Since when did caves have their own harmonies? What is that sound?
She gets up to head back over to her lover, Cocktail hot on her heels as she does. “Aye, Captain?” He hums, seemingly not paying attention to her. “Do you hear that? There’s something off about this cave.” She waited for another snarky comment to come from the rest of the crew but nothing does. Carefully, as her hand finds its foundation on James’ shoulder, her eyes scan the deck. Every man on the ship seemed to stare off, a strange haze taking over their faces. Cocktail begins to bark at her side, nose pointed at the edge of the ship in alert.  She looks back to James, the same haze over his face, hand losing the grip he had on the steering wheel. Something about this place was entirely wrong; cursed. That’s what it was, there was some sort of black magic that hung in the air around the place. She just couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.
    (Y/n) grabs hold of the steering wheel, holding it steady as she looks around in the water. Faint ripples and flashes of large black and deep violet tails. The melody began to make sense, and she took a moment to wonder how the group had been lucky enough to avoid the creatures until now. Never the wisest in their adventures. Seems it was catching up to them now. 
   “Captain,” she bumps his hip with hers as she speaks, earning no response from his statuesque form. “James,” her fingers snap in his face, not stirring so much as a blink from the boy. “Mr. Smee?” He’s looking over the edge of the ship, blowing a kiss to one of the creatures in the water. “Starkey? Tusk?” Nothing, they were all entranced. Everything had to fall on her now, the realization of it all making her stomach feel as if it was in her throat. Heart beating so loud that it sounds like cannon fire between her ears as she pushes James off of his post. Lip between her teeth as she catches the wheel again, attempting to pull it steady from the way his body weight had swung it right. 
    Water splashes over the sides of the deck from where the sirens beckon to her crew,  the men heading further to the edge as they do. She was losing them, and Hades as her witness (Y/n) was not ready to lose the crew that she’d learned to see as her own twisted form of a family. She leans down as far as she’ll allow herself to, “Cocktail, baby, you're going to have to help me here.” Her fingers grasp around a rope, tossing it to her beloved pet, “Go 'round the deck.” The mastiff takes off, dashing forward with the rope clenched between his teeth, wrapping the crew up in the harsh lead. It was rough, surely something that would catch her hell later, but it was tight enough to stop them. “Good boy, my god, you’re such a good boy.” She calls, focusing her energy back onto steering the ship. She could see the exit of the dreadful dugout now and if she could just avoid the rock to her left they’d be out free. Sirens hated the daylight, thank Merlin she’d remembered to attend class that day. 
     As she focuses on steering she notices the rise of something maroon in the corner of her eye. James making his way to the edge of the ship, the song getting louder as the siren realized she’d soon have control of the ship’s Captain. And (Y/n), unsure whether it be from love or jealousy, could not let that happen. “Cocktail,” her voice is stressed and jagged, catching the dog’s attention as his head tilts. “Go get Hook!” The large ball of fur barrels forward, entrapping the man’s good arm between his jaws. It solicits a sharp gasp from the pirate, Hook attempting to rip his arm from the dog’s mouth with little success as he tries to reach forwards for the dreadful creature calling out to him. Instead, Cocktail throws his head back, sending the boy stumbling into (Y/n). His lips crash against hers but it’s not right. Sloppy and hazy, like a kiss after a few too many drinks. If only true love’s kiss could work on a siren’s song, she’d have help instead of his dead weight pressed against her. It makes her feel uneasy, shoving her boyfriend off of her as she attempts to regain control of the wheel he’d knocked astray yet again. Just a few hundred more feet and one ugly jagged rock until she’d be far enough into the light that the creatures would lose their control on her ship’s crew. She was almost there. 
     What (Y/n) had no way of knowing  was that there would be a waterfall at the end of the cave. The girl making it all the way to the edge just to plummet to the lower seas. Body being thrown to the ground and on top of the captain's, holding her breath as she waits for the worst. The way their bodies all slam back into the deck as the ship’s hull hits the water again seems to stir something in the crew. Hook sitting back up with a firm grip settling on her, hand ghosting over her cheek. “What the hell happened?” She only laughs, grabbing his face and kissing him as if she was never coming up for air. (Y/n) could feel the stress melt from her shoulders as she leaned further into the boy’s lips, near whining against them. He’s the first to pull back, brows furrowed as he stares into her eyes. “My love, what happened.” She shakes her head, “You drove us into a siren’s lair is what happened,” a soft slap falls to his chest, “No more caves.” Each word is said as if it's punctuated, an accusatory finger hitting his chest as she says them.
     “I hate to agree with the girl,” Starkey sighs, attempting to undo the rope around him and the rest of the crew, “But no more caves, Captain.” The statement is followed by the rest of the crew, each member seeming to suddenly share the girl’s hatred of caves. “Alright alright,” he pushes her off his lap to stand as Cocktail makes his way over to his owner. “No more caves. Though,” he looks around his ship, nodding in approval, “It seems you may have a rival for first mate, Smee. My girl did a darling job of taking care of my ship and my crew, look at this.” He looks to her with a genuine smile before leaning down to untie his crew, “A marvelous job, Darling.” Starkey glares at the Captain, a breath of jealousy in his eyes, “Says the man who doesn’t currently have rope burn.” The comment earns him a hook under his chin, Hook’s eyes squinting as they look into his own, “I’d watch your mouth matey. Seems to me that she just saved your life.” 
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spunsugarmusings · 7 months
Freakazoid! Starter Sentences
Sentence starters taken from the 1995 animated superhero comedy "Freakazoid!". Some entries have been edited for clarity. Change pronouns and tenses as necessary, and please enjoy!
"If this were an afterschool special, you would pay a bittersweet price for your little deceit. Like getting big oily zits! Or eating off the same plate as David Lee Roth!"
"You want to see something strange and mystical?"
"The scariest thing in the world would be if all the air in the world turned to WOOD!"
"The scariest thing in the world would be if they gave Sinbad another TV show!"
"The broadcasting industry has all sorts of safeguards to prevent that sort of thing."
"I think there's a thumbtack under my fanny."
"Most people your age die. Why won't you?"
"If I wanna blitz myself into some papaya-induced hallucination that's MY business!"
"Can you make slow, overweight birds appear out of thin air?"
"This was only a test. If there had been an actual emergency, we would have gone like this: AAH! HELP! HELP US! NO! GET US OUT OF HERE! HELP ME! HELP EVERYONE! AAH!"
"Hey, so I'm picking up a few bucks. Don't tell the IRS."
"I'm not going down there. It smells like poo-gas!"
"A bowl! I found a bowl! GOOD FOR ME!"
"There's a door not ten feet away. A fine invention. You should try it."
"Don't let me fall into nothingness! I won't be happy there!"
"They called me mad! Insane! WENDELL!"
"You think I've got a clock in my head, don't you?!"
"That's what I just said! Can you hear me or is there a wee goblin in your head eating my words!?"
"This is frightening behavior in adults. I hope none of them touches me."
"When I again rule all, perhaps I'll keep you about as a jester, or a chimp, or something."
"Will you hug me? I'm needy."
"You're very popular in a number of state institutions."
"Get her something a girl would want, like banjo lessons or a new turban."
"Oh, yes, let ME get the tea! I'd hate to see you actually have to walk the three feet through this frightening and mysterious new world we call the kitchen. You might get lost or attacked by the dishwasher!"
"If not, we'll be unemployed!"
"That was shallow, cheap, and based solely on hormones. Works for me!"
"How come you have the IQ of a biscuit?"
"How would you like me to twist your body into funny balloon animal shapes?"
"Hey. Cut it out."
"I went to all the trouble to think up this brilliant plan, the least you can do is chase me around."
"Oh, is he going to get it! I'm very passive aggressive!"
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
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Request Open!
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Hey, Brother do you still believe in one another?
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader | Platonic! Shinichi Kudo x Brother!Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
Status; Ongoing & Being Rewritten
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Summary; After Shinichi's disappearance you had lost the ground beneath you. Still you pulled through and stood as tall as you could. Though how much could you take till you break?
Based Songs -> Hey Brother | Saudade | Last Impression | I can't stop my love |
01. Saudade
02. Exhausted
03. Of Jealousy and Blessing
04. Awkward
04.2. Keeping Secrets
05. Nightlife
06. Love Sick
07. Love Letter
08. Therapy
09. (Self)hatred
10. Osaka Trip - Stalking
11. Osaka Trip - Abducted
12. Osaka Trip - Dubious love making
13. Osaka Trip - Fever Migraines
14. Osaka Trip - Rising Hope
15. Osaka Trip - Survival
16. Osaka Trip - Saving Knights
17. Osaka Trip - Recovery and Dates
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
Mini Story to Hey, Brother
Status; Complete
Summary; 365 Days and you remain in all of them — through the good and bad times, Heiji and You would never break the bond of love you both had for one another as this love is for eternity.
01. Arguments
02. Cold Crash
03. Sensitivity
Batfamily x Male Child Reader
Fandom -> Batman/DCU
Status; On Hold & Discontinued
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Summary; All you wanted was a good night story from your family, not being kidnapped.
01. Not now
02. Mommy's Love
03. Hope
04. Rescue
Christmas Special
05. Chana
06. Sleepless
07. Disasters
One Shots;
Tokyo Revenger
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Mikey Sano
Swimming | Brother Reader
Shinichiro Sano
Bread baking gone wrong | Male Reader
Goth Moth | Male Reader
Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
First Date Magic | Male Reader
Sickly Summer | Male Baby Reader
Detective Conan/Case Closed
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Heiji Hattori
I can't stop my love for you! | Male Reader
Waiting | Male Reader
False Brother | Male Reader
Flirtatious Conversation | Male Reader
Marriage Arrangement | Male Reader
Ghost Stories | Male Reader
Matsuda Jinpei
Big in Japan | Male Reader
Tonight in Japan! | Male Reader
Rei Furuya/Amuro Toru
Locked out of Heaven | Male Reader
MAGI - The Labyrinth of Magic
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Kouen Ren
Caring in Secret | Male Reader
Sleep | Male Reader
Puns | Male Reader
Koumei Ren
World of Silence | Deaf Male Reader
Treacherous Love | Male Reader
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Trevor Belmont
Small steps to forgiveness | Male Reader
Fucked up again | Male Reader
Turned | Male Reader
Attack on Titan
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Levi Ackermann
Sweet family of mine | Male Reader – Single Dad & Modern Era AU
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Bruce Wayne
No second chance | Male Reader
Hal Jordan
Clark Kent
Memento Mori | Male Reader
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Peter Quill
Coming Home | Son!Reader
BatFam #1
BatFam #2 -> Participating in the Metropolis-Gotham Olympics
Batman #1
Detective Conan/Case Closed;
Kaito Kid
Hearts Thievery | Soulmate AU
Shinichi Kudo
Denial and Acceptance | Soulmate AU
Tranquility |
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bestanimatedmovie · 5 months
Welcome to Revenge of the Underrated!
Some of you asked me to put a "haven't watched both" to be more fair to the more unknown movies, but I've seen other tournaments doing this and I think it limits too much who can participate in the polls. So what I decided to do is a double elimination!
What does that mean? That means a movie has to lose twice to be eliminated. In other words, there will be a sorts of losers bracket that'll be part of main bracket. I'm undecided on whether to do this for only one round or the whole bracket, as it would make the tournament very long. Do let me know if you have any opinion about it.
Anyway, Revenge of the Underrated, Round 1:
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Miss Hokusai vs Happily N'Ever After
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
Ballerina vs Book Girl
On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Cats don't Dance vs The Flight of Dragons
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge vs The Girl Without Hands
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix vs Flatland: The Film
Felidae vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Unico in the Island of Magic
Rock and Rule vs Rock-A-Doodle
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
The Plague Dogs vs The Magic Riddle
Pokemon Heroes vs The Pebble and the Penguin
Strange Magic vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16.Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
17.Titan A.E. vs Ico, the Brave Horse
18.The Adventures of Mark Twain vs A Troll in Central Park
19.The Case of Hana and Alice vs Once Upon a Forest
20.Underdogs vs Long Way North
21.Mars Needs Moms vs The Twelve Months
22.Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe vs Blinky Bill
23.Robot Carnival vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24.One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
25.Ruben Brandt, Collector vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26.Lupin III: The First vs Pippi Longstocking
27.The Three Caballeros vs The Legend of Manxmouse
28.Princes and Princesses vs The Snow Queen
29.A Letter to Momo vs Seven Days War
30.The Wild Thornberrys Movie vs The Rabbi's Cat
31.Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32.The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
33.Patema Inverted vs Bartok the Magnificent
34.Next Gen vs Padak
35.Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
36.Thumbelina vs Catnapped!
37.Early Man vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38.Junk Head vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39.Charlotte's Web (1973) vs The Princess and the Goblin
40.Shaun the Sheep Movie vs Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
41. Redline vs Balto
42. The Addams Family vs Inu-Oh
43. Epic vs Mary and the Witch's Flower
44.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time vs Vivo
45.Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Kronk''s New Groove
46.Waking Life vs The Transformers: The Movie
47.Barbie in the Nutcracker vs Barbie as Rapunzel
48.Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back vs Cool World
49.The Land Before Time vs When the Wind Blows
50.The Secret of NIMH vs Summer Wars
51.The Black Cauldron vs All Dogs go to Heaven
52.The Red Turtle vs FernGully: The Last Rainforest
53.Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs Ron's Gone Wrong
54.The Boxtrolls vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
55.Arthur Christmas vs One Piece Film Red
56.Barbie of Swan Lake vs The Rescuers Down Under
57.Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Secret of the Wings
58.The Castle of Cagliostro vs Pokemon: The Movie 2000
59.Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
60.Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
61.Mind Game vs Tekkonkinkreet
62.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Dragon Ball Super: Broly
63.Mirai vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
64.The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase
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drzime · 26 days
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You can view the big picture here!
I've been wanting to do this project for years, and I finally did it!
Here it is! One month's worth of drawing and coloring dragons of all sorts! How many do you recognize?
Included are:
Cassie (Dragon Tales)
Charizard (Pokemon)
Day Fury (How to Train your Dragon)
Devon and Cornwall (Quest for Camelot)
Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown)
Draco (Dragonheart)
Dragon (Shrek)
Drogon (season 1)(Game of Thrones)
Droofus (How Droofus the Dragon Lost his Head)
Elliot (Pete's Dragon)
Faffy (Dave the Barbarian)
Falcor (The Neverending Story)
Figment (Disney World)
Gorbash (The Flight of Dragons)
Haku (Spirited Away)
Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)
Mushu (Mulan)
Reluctant Dragon (The Reluctant Dragon)
Ruth (The Dragonriders of Pern)
Saphira (Eragon)
Seventh Voyage Dragon (The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad)
Shenron (Dragonball)
Singe (Dragon's Lair)
Sisu (Ray and the Last Dragon)
Smaug (The Hobbit)
Spike (My Little Pony)
Spyro (Spyro)
Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
Vermithrax (Dragonslayer)
Volvagia (The Ocarina of Time)
Zym (The Dragon Prince)
This was a lot of fun! I might so something similar in the future with mice or something.
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queenofanime · 2 years
Can you do kouha ren headcanons with his wife but she’s pregnant
Why of course I can! (Secretly one of my favorite characters. LOVE that little psycho)
Photo uploaded by Anime Icons on Pinterest
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Kouha Ren x pregnant wife reader
Kouha has always been and will always be protective. He was protective of his mother, of his outcasts, of his brothers and sisters, so it's only obvious that he will be protective of you. 
Honestly, I don't believe the pregnancy was planned. Kouha wasn't trying to prevent it, but he definitely wasn't trying to conceive either. 
After he finds out about it, he doesn't react the way you would have hoped. In fact, he doesn't react at all. The old Kouha would have probably been ecstatic and excited. Now, he feels detached from the situation. 
His aloofness makes you wonder if he has lost interest in you (believe me, that is far from the truth). That man adores you! He loves you all the way to the moon and back. It's just that sometimes his head can get in the way.
After everything that happened. Hakuryuu, the betrayals, the execution, Kou, Sinbad. His faith has taken the hit. He feels a bit of a failure, and he doesn't want to keep failing, failing you.   
You'll have to confront him about it. And save the poor guy from his own demons. 
Throughout the whole pregnancy, Kouha will be leaning on you more than he should, but I mean, you did marry a toddler. 
Once your belly starts showing, the reality sinks in, and the emotion in his eyes will return. He already treated you as royalty (technically, you are), but as the months progress, Kouha will treat you like porcelain. 
Kouha never thought about all the things that could go wrong in a pregnancy. Therefore, he is visibly distressed when you're in pain but he makes up for it. The best at cuddles and comfort. Him, talking about everything and nothing, helped you get distracted.
Won't ever say what gender he wants out loud, but he secretly wants a girl. He would spoil her rotten (lucky thing). He even came up with the nickname 'pineapples' and has his heart set on calling his daughter that. 
Very goofy when he feels the baby's kicks. Can't stop looking at his hand all day, reliving the sensation.
The doctor said the baby would arrive on April 29. That gave Kouha a chance to organize his thoughts and have time to prepare. That plan, however, goes out the window when you go into labor at 26 weeks. 
Kouha will never forget your scared expression. When the baby is born, it is so small and fragile that the doctor tells you not to keep your hopes up. Premature babies rarely survive. Your spirit might be shattered, but Kouha isn't giving up on his child. Truth be told, pineapples survives. (That's not how you name your child, don't worry)
After the scare, Kouha will never be seen without his daughter/son.   
We all know he loves fashion, meaning he chooses the clothes, you don't. Also braids hair so don't worry if you suck at it.
Overall, he becomes a more attentive husband and dad (something you didn't know was possible). He always tries to make you smile. 
You know you marry one of the good ones.
Hope this is okay. I really enjoyed writing it!
If you enjoy my writing, even just a little bit... can you follow my insta?
I'm trying to grow my newly created art account: nena_rpa
Your support would mean the world to me :)
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morimakesfanart · 7 months
Sindria's Prophet #37
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[AO3] [wattpad]
*CW-Long term affects of medical denial & child abuse, living with PTSD *Kink & toys mentioned
((I keep forgetting to tell you guys: Lyly is pronounced "lee-lee." It's short for their middle name, Llyn/Lynn (<-genderfluid affected spelling)))
~POV Mori~ I woke up gasping. I sat up and wrapped my arms around myself so I could tell the difference between actual physical touch and the phantoms left over from my night terror. My body wouldn't stop shaking; I needed Lyly's help. When I got out of bed I froze. Not only did my bed not have curtains, this wasn't my room. No. This was my room. Sinbad picked it out for me in the guest tower. I was in Sindria; in a whole different dimension. All of the adrenaline supporting me left and I sank to the floor. I was still trembling but I wasn't scared anymore. The people who hurt me couldn't reach me here. I had that dream because after spending the past month hyperfixated on the present, I had been triggered into remembering one of the worst parts of my past, so now I was remembering the rest too. 'Sorry, Lyly.' The safety I had gained in this world was invaluable. I couldn't imagine going home willing. Based on how little light was getting through the curtains it was still the middle of the night. I was drained from my dream, and my hips were still aching but it took a while for my mind to calm back down. Tomorrow and the distractions that came from it couldn't come soon enough.
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--- "Alright now, Mx. Prophet," the doctor gave me my diagnosis. Sinbad had him sent first thing in the morning, and his arrival woke me up. "You need to rest for a few days. I'll have painkillers sent over to help with your hip pain, fever, and migraine." With his job done, he saw himself out. 'I can't miss the Morning Assembly! ...But-!' I knew the doctor was right deep down. I was in no condition to do much of anything. I was fine resting when I didn't have obligations, but I had a job now. If I was back home I would have had to give Lyly my keys so I couldn't leave. Five years just wasn't enough to fully rewrite my base instincts. Although, from the new memories I was gaining, the me back home was doing a bit better. Those new memories were why I was healed and practiced enough to stop myself even if a doctor hadn't told me to... especially since I had a fever. As long as both me's kept whatever this connection was then maybe we would also keep the benefits from both sides. --- ~POV Sharrkon~ Mori was the only person that missed the morning Assembly. Yamuraiha had a growing smile throughout the meetings, and now that it ended she mumbled something to Pisti. Shar groaned; he knew where this was going. "Yup." Pisti giggled. "I heard from a reliable source," probably 1 of her boyfriends, "that Mori's not 'sick'. Her hips were injured and her body over worked last night." The King refused to look at the gossips. His silence spoke volumes compared to the past month of him adamantly defending that there was nothing special between him and 'his Beautiful Prophet.' "Oh ho~! It finally happened after I left!" Hina slapped Sharrkan on the back with a laugh. "Looks like the 2 of us have to pay up! But I guess you lost the most, huh?" "Oh, no! I ain't paying nothing! Nothing happened!!" Shar had a hurt ego to nurse and he would not let them step on it harder. "Mori got hurt dancing. Our King had nothing to do with it!" Sharrkon felt a shiver run down his spine that made him hold his tongue. Hina looked to the others for confirmation. "Is that true?" Drakon answered him. "It's true. However, it's also true that Sin carried Mori all the way to their room from the festival." "Oh~? That's proof enough for me." Drakon, Ja'far, Yam, and Pisti agreed with their own comments. The man in question still refused to comment, so Hinahoho addressed him directly. "You're really not going to say anything, Sin? After all of that time, telling us how you don't want to get married?" "Fine. Fine." King Sinbad finally turned to them with his arms crossed. "It's simple really. You know I'm not the type to reveal my hand until I'm certain." Sinbad was smiling, but Shar knew instinctually the King was the threat that told him to stop talking. The giant laughed. "Is that so?" "I know you're aware this is a first for me." Sharkkon's wallet cried with him. He had lost 2 out of 3 bets. It was only a matter of time before he lost the 3rd.
---- ~POV Mori~ The Great Bell rang out. The morning Assembly was definitely over. There were several things I had wanted to do today, and I couldn't do any of them since I had to rest. I needed to meet with Queen Artemina before she left Sindria. I had to solidify our connection as allies, but she was set to leave in a day. As I wrote a letter to send her, the waves shifted. This was the right choice for me, and the future I wanted. The letter would need time to dry before I could send it. I got up from my chair and stopped. I didn't want to lay down again yet no matter how much my body needed it. 'Damnit! How much more of my life am I going to spend sick??' I groaned into my hands. I was born with a weak raspatory system, so I get sick multiple times a year and often end up bedridden. "I am allowed to rest even though I can sit up and walk. Pushing will only make it worse." My mom eventually stopped acknowledging when I would get sick due to the expense which is why I struggle to let myself rest as an adult. I made a point of putting the truth into words to fight her conditioning. I climbed back in bed even though I knew that meant I would be stuck with just my thoughts until I fell back asleep. This was the perfect opportunity to process everything that had happened with Sinbad, but I couldn't think about it at all. Being triggered, recognizing these new memories, and that night terror just made me think about home more -well the place I came from. Even when I was in my room there I often couldn't help but think 'I want to go home' because even though it was comfortable and familiar, I couldn't feel safe. My last therapist told me that as long as I stayed in that house full of reminders there was only a slim chance of me recovering from my CPTSD. If only I could have afforded to move out.
In the new memories I got, our dad finally agreed to reorganize all of the living spaces, so that me and Lyly weren't getting as many flashbacks anymore. Hell, he even apologized for everything and started acting like a real dad some of the time. The me that stayed home was able to persevere until an opening for change finally came. 'If they got Isekai now I wonder if they would want to go home?' The thought had never occurred to this me -just like it never did back when I was in in-patient. Although I was still worried about Lyly like I was then. I rolled over to pull out a scroll from the bedside dressers. When I was on the ship I had worked on all sorts of scrolls and one was a memoir of my life back home. One of the first things I did was draw the people important to me before I'll inevitably forget their faces. I unrolled the scroll. Lyly's face stared up at me from the page. As difficult as that place was to live in all of my loved ones were there. In this world there was no one that knew me, and I wasn't sure if I could let my self get that close to anyone here -especially Sinbad. He already knew how deep some of the scars on my heart are. I didn't want him to think any less of me, or use my pain against me. And even more than that, I was scared that the safety I had here would shatter if I made a wrong step. 'I thought I was doing better.' This world had treated me so well that I fell into a false sense of security. Not being surrounded by reminders of my traumas made me feel like I was somehow cured and could restart from scratch. But that's not how healing works... Being away from triggers just made it easier to avoid having an attack. It's only after feeling safe that we let ourselves feel the emotions that are unsafe to feel in the moment. A few tears fell down my cheeks. I placed the scroll on the bedside table and rolled back towards the middle of the bed. Surely it was okay for me to cry in a situation like this. I allowed myself the luxury even though the tears didn't last long. When I was young I cried just as often from joy as sadness. The abuse I experienced made it unsafe to cry at all, so I learned to cry silently until I eventually stopped crying altogether. Being in this world made me feel like it was okay again. Letting myself actually feel these emotions was an important step in the healing process. Beating myself up for getting triggered and relapsing wouldn't help at all. I needed to forgive myself.
--- One day of rest should be enough, right? It's not like I still had a fever. I didn't want to stay in my room and make an even worse impression. My hips would hurt a little if I over worked them, but that would just act as a limiter. ((<<= This person is in denial))
I got dressed after breakfast, but as soon as I grabbed the doorknob I froze. "Yeah, no." I was not in the mood to see Sinbad in person yet, and I would have to if I left my room. As soon as I took Queen Sinbad's choker back off I felt a wave of relief. It had given me so much dopamine and serotonin when it was part of a fantasy, but now it was a reminder of my fears. How could I mark myself with it when I couldn't feel safe in my own desires? Wearing it felt like a lie. I definitely wouldn't be able to wear it for a while.
'Guess I haven't completely lost my sense of self-preservation.' Besides, I hadn't actually had time to do most of the things I like doing to relax since I got to this world. Going out in this state would be worse than not going out. Another day off as I recover from the stress had to be reasonable.
But what options did I have to relax?
Everyone else was busy with work at this time of day, so I could masturbate without having to worry about being interrupted. But my toybox didn't isekai with me; I only have my hands, and some ribbons for mild shibari. Sinbad said I could make requests, but there was no way in hell I was letting him find about this, let alone use his money for my sex toys. I'll figure out where to get some after payday. The night terror was still fresh in my memory anyway.
Video games, comics, and anime were obviously out of the question. Printing still isn't big enough for fiction to be popular to write -that's part of why Sinbad's Adventure story was such a huge success. I had 3 cats back home, but I can't exactly adopt a new pet while sick. I do sing a lot to relieve stress, but it would be embarrassing to be overheard without knowing. 'Note to self: get carpets to hang up to dampen the sound.' There were places I could go that would be harder to be heard but leaving wasn't an option until I was better. That only left me: writing and drawing.
'Working on Fate scrolls it is!'
The flow of ink was good for my brain. It did more than help calm me; it gave me more perspective but it couldn't give me true answers. 'I wish we could just go back to how things were before that night. How am I supposed to know when I will be ready to see Sinbad again?' He isn't any of the people that hurt me, so why can't I just like him without being afraid of betrayal?
Were Sinbad's actions manipulation, or earnest? Could I trust the safety I felt around him? It was definitely a combination of how he treated me, what I knew from reading his Fate, and how familiar I was with being around those types of manipulation. But there was something strange. When I looked for signs of his manipulation in how he dealt with me, or any expected fallout, nothing came from it. In fact, everything kept ending in my favor. The cycle I was expecting was coming from me, not Sinbad. The waves swirled as I finally let myself think about it.
What was he actually going to say when I cut him off? Even if it was what I thought, would I be able to believe him? Even if I didn't have relationship trauma I don't think I could trust him romantically after reading his Fate. He claimed he wasn't playing the flirting game, but that could have been manipulation. Was it my heart or pride that would be hurt more if he was lying? I couldn't tell yet.
I was lonely. Both in general, and in this world. There was no one that knew me here. And I was too scared to trust the person getting closest to my heart. Even though I didn't want to be seen like this, I didn't actually want to be alone; I just couldn't shake the fear of rejection or punishment I thought was inevitable. I left my windows open just in case. ---
~POV Sinbad~ The King sat on the edge of Mori's bed. He had been unable to visit the first time she was sick. Now that he understood his own feelings he couldn't stay away unless he was on the other side of the world. The only reason he didn't visit the first day was because he knew she needed space away from him. The waves had been trying to guide him here for a while though. Who was he to deny them? No one answered the door when he knocked or called out. The silence and waves worried him. The last report said her current fever was mild, but it could have spiked since then. Mori developed an extremely high fever on the ship several hours after everyone saw she was unwell. He entered without permission only to find his Beautiful Prophet was sleeping peacefully. He had gotten to see her; that would have to be enough. Mori turned her head in her sleep and her bangs fell onto her eye lashes. Sinbad leaned over to move her hair out of the way. He tried to keep his touch light to not wake her, but her eyes fluttered open. Unfocused eyes watched him. "Sin..?" The sound of their voice was a relief. It didn't sound strained at all, only weak from sleep.
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"How are you feeling?" They weren't anywhere near as bad as last time. "~*yawn* Better now that I'm awake." "Oh? Did you have a bad dream?" They watched him as what he asked slowly processed in their newly conscious state. "Yeah, I did. Thank you for waking me." "Anytime." Sinbad returned their weak smile with his own. "I guess that's why it wasn't just my waves leading me here." He hesitated. "Mori, what do you think about moving into the Purple Leo Tower? It will be easier to care for you when you get sick. You'll be safer there. And your waves could reach me faster." The same fear from the other night started seeping into their expression. "I'm fine here." But he wasn't fine. "Besides, it will be harder when I have to move out of the Palace." For a moment he forgot how to breathe. "Why would you have to move out?" Why would she ever think she had to leave?? "Would you really be okay with me staying after my visions run out?" The King couldn't stop his hand from reaching to caress their cheek, but he was able to hold back from making contact. "Of course." Mori's brow creased farther and they glanced at his hand. "What about after I share all the knowledge I have from my world? I wasn't an engineer. I only know the basics." Sinbad's heart dropped. From the beginning Mori had been marketing herself as a resource, and he had only ever responded positively. Yet another way he'd messed up without even realizing it. "Of course, I'll still want you by my side." The more he was able to peer into Mori's heart the more worried he got. "You are a person, not a resource. You do know that, don't you?" Mori closed their eyes and leaned their head towards his hand; he took that as permission. Their cheek didn't feel feverish. They spoke flatly about their emotions like they did the night of the Announcement. "I know that logically, but I struggle with knowing how to act if I'm not helping someone." They brought a hand up to his. "I really do like helping people, but sometimes it feels like that's all I am. It's what I had to do to survive since I was little." Ah. He could understand that thought process. Sinbad had been a caregiver for his mother and village from a very young age, and went straight from that to king's candidate. There was very little time in his life when he wasn't working towards helping someone. Drinking, and philandering became his break from that -although he would hopefully be narrowing that last point to one person soon. "You seemed to do just fine at the festival." So fine that he couldn't deny his feelings anymore. "Huh? -Oh. Yeah. I guess I did." Her expression softened into a genuine smile. "It was probably going around the festival that got me sick though." It was mainly stress according to the doctors' report. Mori closed her eyes with a yawn. "I'll have to keep more distance between me and the citizens next time. I didn't realize I was so interesting." "You're incredibly interesting." They let out a quiet chuckle. "If you say so." Sinbad watched and felt as they turned their face into his palm, and sighed. Mori relaxed more into his hand with each breath as if his scent and touch were comforting. It bubbled up desires he knew he shouldn't act upon with a sick or unconscious person and yet he couldn't make himself leave either. He took a moment to ground himself but it did little good. He couldn't bring himself to leave until after Mori let go of his hand. To think another person would have this much power over him. "You really are amazing." There was absolutely no way he'd ever allow anyone else to see this side of them. Mori would be moved to the Purple Leo Tower in time, and would just have to learn through experience that he had no intentions of letting them go. ---
~POV Mori~ I woke up to the Great Bell the next morning. Sinbad being here was not a dream. I had just been too groggy to question the situation. What was the point of staying home, if he was going to visit me in person?
On the plus side, seeing Sinbad while I wasn't stuck in my trauma brain helped break the cycle of questions. Sinbad might be stubborn but through his whole life he is shown being someone fully willing to change his mind when given enough information. At this point in the story he is someone with conviction who says his truth directly -even if he often speaks in a manipulative way. So when he said he's chosen a new path, he meant it -even if I don't know what that means yet. And when he is shown seducing women, the idea of moving any of them into the Purple Leo Tower would never be considered, let alone offered -even in private. And yet he offered that to me.
Sinbad was changing and I'd never be able to accept how if I stayed cooped up in my room. To understand myself, and Sinbad I needed to spend more time around him. My rest was over. I didn't need to jump all the way in at once. I'd see him at the morning Assemblies, swap pleasantries, and part ways until the next day. 'Slow and steady.' --- ~POV Sinbad~ Was this how Hina and Drakon felt when they looked at their wives before they got together? Just seeing Mori enter the halls of the White Capricorn Tower made his heart swell. And hearing their voice? Well, he was starting to understand why Ja'far had been so upset with him since they returned from Balbadd. Even seeing Mori dressed androgynously didn't shake his feelings -though it was a bit jarring after how they dressed for the Announcement. It just cemented that what he felt wasn't simply based on how Mori presented. They were undeniably the most beautiful person in the world to him now.
After going through more options than necessary, the first thing the Dungeon Capturer managed to say to Mori was, "I'm happy to see you're feeling better."
"Yes. And thank you for visiting me while I was resting." Mori's smile made him feel at peace. Seeing them up close confirmed that they cut their bangs some. "But never enter my room without explicit permission again." Their sharper tone pierced him repeatedly with each sentence. "That includes the bird by the way. If my curtains are closed or I don't answer the door: don't enter my room."
He wore a smile to ease their anger. "Of course. It won't happen again."
Even as Mori accepted his response and left, the King couldn't get his heart to stop racing. Why did there have to be so many large risks of ruining his chances when he already knew she liked him from reading his Fate?
--- ~POV Mori~
As soon as the Assembly was over, I fled to the Black Libra Tower. 'He said he was happy I was better! AND he didn't say anything about about my change of gender expression!' Sinbad said all of two words directly to me and I started short circuiting. I remembered that he offered to move me to his tower -the one he sleeps in???- and immediately went on the defensive. I was not as ready as I thought!! I was going to need my favorite hyperfixation to survive the rollercoaster I was trapped on. And if it didn't exits yet, then I was going to reinvent it myself! It would be relatively easy to make a printing press since this fanfic was in English instead of whichever Arabic language was the region's canonical one, or Japanese like the series was originated in. Both require significantly more characters than English, and some kanji can be too intricate to make with this world's current level of technology. Speaking of which, this world had stamps and seals so this next level of printing shouldn't be too crazy of a change. I took some print making classes in high school and college, so I got to use a few different scale printing presses. I knew enough to draft prototypes. I excelled at typography in college too -so well that the department head signed off on me skipping a few courses so I could get to the high level stuff faster. The typography was digital, but I still learned enough to draft prototypes of stamps and such. ('A shame I couldn't afford higher than an Associates Degrees.) Since I was working on a table in the middle of one of the libraries, people came up to ask me about what I was doing. I gave a brief summary to the latest onlooker, before I pointed to the examples I was drafting. "I see." His voice was familiar but I was too focused to register it. The person moved around the table to read the part I had finished this morning. He made a few sounds of recognition as he read. "Won't spelling out each word every time be a hassle?" "Well, yeah. It's better to have most words premade. And full lines of text can be fused together to make reprinting more issues easier and faster." He pointed to a spot on the parchment. "Ah- that's what this part is then." My eyes were drawn to the glint of his rings. Every cell in my body remade itself as my brain finally acknowledged who was talking to me. "That is convenient." Sinbad's voice was unmistakable now that I was paying attention. I prayed to every God I knew of that my emotions didn't show in my actions or voice. "This might be a new technology here, but you won't have to completely reinvent the wheel thanks to my 'visions.'" I had to focus on my breathing to keep my heart rate down. I was able to keep the conversation moving, but I wasn't sure I would remember it well. I was more focused on not looking like an idiot. We had exchanged greetings at the morning assembly but this was the first time I was talking to him fully sober in days. His polite gestures and this conversation made my heart swell, but he wasn't flirting; he was just existing while being attractive. 'Why did I have to start thinking it could be mutual??? I can't even enjoy it like this!' If anything starts there's going to be an end.
--- ~POV Sinbad~ Sinbad didn't have a 'real' reason for visiting Mori in Black Libra Tower on their first day back, but, as King, there was no one who would question him. Although, Ja'far would come to get him if he's away from his responsibilities for too long. He arrived a bit after lunch to find Mori sitting at a table in the middle of the library where anyone could and did come talk to them. The proof being that they didn't beat an eye at his questions. In fact, it sounded like they had explained about this stamp system multiple times. Mori needed their own office in the tower. He'd make sure they got one asap. As interesting as this new technology was, Sinbad kept finding himself staring at his Beautiful Prophet more. It was hard enough to focus at his own desk -let alone when Mori was right in front of him. Sinbad had heard that acknowledging the feeling makes it stronger, but he wasn't expecting this. Mori tensed for a moment before scooting their chair away from him. He had been leaning closer to them without realizing, and they moved away. How was this the same person that fell asleep holding his hand the previous day? Were they just too tired back then to remember what was going on? Did they think it was a dream? He definitely shouldn't flirt with them while they were this uncomfortable to be around him. Would they even be willing to hold his arm while they walked together? He didn't think so. Sinbad took a moment to ground. Even if Mori had turned into a feral cat or wild rabbit around him, the way they watched him when they thought he wasn't looking was a sign that they wouldn't mind being tamed by him. They had enjoyed his company before; he just needed to remind them of that. The only question was if he could regain Mori's trust before he had to leave for the Kou Empire.
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((OMGOSH I did not expect this to take this long. At least a month of that gap was from back-to-back illness too, so it took even longer. My digestive track turned off for 24 hours and took 48 to fully come back online. While I was in recovery I caught a really bad upper raspatory infection that gave me a 103F fever for a week. So of course my period hit me like a freight train a week later. Somehow I was ill the weeks around the holidays and not on them, but it was a still a super rough couple of weeks. I'm better now :D which is why I was able to have the energy to write.
I processed a lot of my emotions while working on these chapters. They're all things I already knew, but consolidating them like this helped me see more of the places they were affecting me, and cement in my head that it is okay to move forward. :D
This arc is 3 chapters long including this one. Since I do have the next 2 written already, I just need to refine them and make the art, so there shouldn't be as long as a break for the next chapter. Like this chapter, they will have scenes of Mori processing their emotions. I needed a lot of time to edit them down a ton since there's obviously things I don't intend to post on the internet, and I want the story to feel good to read chapter to chapter. I've already got the next arc started too. It's a lot of character confrontations that became discarded drafts of earlier arcs, but definitely need to happen now. Since I have those drafts as a basis, I hope to get that arc ready before I finish posting this one. I have another DeadEnd chapter to post, and a few one shots I almost have ready. I've been posting wips and art for for them on patreon, but I won't be posting them here until I have full chapters ready U-U))
24 notes · View notes
icy-watch · 2 months
Alright, today's episode is Edge of the World.
Whenever I hear "edge of the world", my mind goes to Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003). Great movie, totally recommend it. <- Hasn't watched it in 7 years.
Mostly bc there's a whole sailing to the edge of the world thing in the movie to get... something.
Anyway. Edge of the world.
We're getting close to the season finale, and there's still a lot to even address.
We have King's whole storyline. That's a big 1.
Luz still needs to carve her Palisman.
Hunter's on the loose. Who knows if he's lost or got a skinned knee.
There's a revolution brewing inside the city walls.
Belos is working on that door, and he's nearly done.
There's probably something I'm forgetting. I just know it.
Something more will be addressed with the revolution. Probably right at the end again. I can't see it effecting the main storyline too much atm.
We're going to get a little of Belos. Maybe someone letting him know that they're hunting Hunter. But Belos is going to call it off. He's already working on a replacement.
So, would the edge of the world be referring to Luz or to King here? Most likely... King. Maybe he has to travel far away - almost to the edge of the world - to learn more about his family.
Yeah, let's go with that.
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In terms of personality, in addition to being a master manipulator, I see Roo as being evil for the hell of it (pun very much intended). She does have higher goals when it comes to spreading her influence throughout creation, but for the most part she just does whatever amuses her, no matter how depraved or cruel. She can keep her sadism in check when it isn't to her benefit to indulge, but if she can get away with it she'll do everything she can to rooin your life (I'll stop punning after that one) in the worst way she can think of. I also think she enjoys toying with her foes/victims and dragging out their suffering for as long as possible and being chatty with them all throughout. Similar to Alastor in a way, but lacking his nuance and standards.
Given how she's been set up as the Endgame villain for Hazbin, I feel like this would make her a perfect antithesis for Charlie. While Charlie is a classic all-loving heroine who gives hope and second chances to those willing to accept it like Halloween candy simply to make life in Hell happier, Roo is a classic card-carrying villain who enjoys crushing hopes and dreams under her heel for sh*ts and giggles while only caring about fulfilling her vices and goals.
This interpretation could be wrong but until she appears in person to disprove it, that's my take on the Root of Evils character.
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Greetings again,
Please keep going with puns. I'm a sucker for puns and dad jokes even if they do make me face palm and cringe.
I agree full heartedly. It's how I imagine Roo. I basically imagine her being a near carbon copy of Eris from the Dreamworks Sinbad movie. Or at least, what I remember from it. It's been like 10-15 years since I watched it.
I remember being mesmerized by her animation movements. She moved like smoke and shadow...which seem on par what Roo will turn out to me. And very flowy hair that move like she was moving around underwater.
She Is the goddess of chaos and discord. Now, that's not inherently evil but Its how Imagine our ROOt of all evil will strive and relish in.
Eris in Sinbad from what I remember, was a relatively calm and collective carefree person who was like 3-5 steps ahead of the protagonist. Her life wasn't going to be ruined when Sinbad ultimately ruined her plans. She's a damn goddess. So its not like she stressed out about her little plans. Her creating chaos was just fun and games. The mortals were her play things to be entertained with. She set the scene and watch them played it out. She had a prefered ending but at the end of the day, the events didn't really affect her.
I imagine Roo be similar. Except I think Roo does have an objective/end goal she trying to reach. I think something is restraining her to be a real player to do so, so she force to have agents to act out her will that will free her *cough couch ALASTOR couch*....or something similar.
Eris is She was manipulative, cunning, intimating, and alluring. She just tricks people to do her bidding to make the world into chaos and just enjoys the discord of it all. Which is something I see Roo doing.
*Side note: I think Roo will have seem and look mysterious and alluring for people to be tempted towards the path of evil.
Also Eris in the end, kept her promise to Sinbad when she lost. Which seem on par what Roo would do with how deals work in Hazbin. So essentially, when I talk about Roo, I have my memory from 10 years ago of Eris in mind of what Roo would be like. Both being an ancient deity of chaos for the thrill of it while keeping their words and moving around like shadowy smoke.
However, Roo probably be crueler than dreamworks Eris for the fact that...family movie vs adult cartoon. Roo causing pain, harm and suffering on her own whims which wasn't something we witness with Eris.
I also think she enjoys toying with her foes/victims and dragging out their suffering for as long as possible and being chatty with them all throughout. Similar to Alastor in a way, but lacking his nuance and standards.
This is exactly why I think Alastor is bond to her. They are too similar. I believe it was Roo that sought Alastor out and struck a deal. He enjoys what he does without remorse. Killing and riling people up for fun and entertainment. But unlike most manic killers, Alastor can also work discreetly. Subtle and and careful plant seeds that would grow into chaos.
I also just really love the idea Alastor think redemption is unachievable for him. Beside him being bored out of his mind in Heaven so he wouldn't want to seek redemption. But he also think the options is complete out of his grasp as he literal an extension of the embodiment of evil as he is a servant of her will.
Given how she's been set up as the Endgame villain for Hazbin, I feel like this would make her a perfect antithesis for Charlie. While Charlie is a classic all-loving heroine who gives hope and second chances to those willing to accept it like Halloween candy simply to make life in Hell happier, Roo is a classic card-carrying villain who enjoys crushing hopes and dreams under her heel for sh*ts and giggles while only caring about fulfilling her vices and goals.
It would be interesting how Charlie would want to deal with her. She believes everyone deserve a second chance and wouldn't want to go against that principle. Charlie will definitely be going through some type of change. It may not be necessarily good either. I would hate to see sunshine and rainbow princess having to lose that and lose herself and principles to do what is necessary. I mean, who isn't a sucker for good over evil. But Charlie may have to go through...well not really go through a villian arc...but less...heroic arc? Take off the rose tinted glasses and learn hard lessons? who knows. The hard lesson probably involved Alastor sudden but inevitable betrayal by being Roo servant and enacting her will.
What I'm curious on is if they make Roo multileveled and dimensional. Because I am viewing Roo like Eris...but Eris is very one dimensional villain. There's no backstory or origin. She a goddess of chaos from the start of creation I suppose. Her only purpose and motivation is to create chaos and discord. For their own entertainment. Which all see very Roo qualities.
But...I won't oppose or complain if Roo is like that and nothing more. But I would be more appreciative if the creator can someone make Roo more then one dimensional. That there is some type of backstory. Some type of motivation and purpose...beside "for funsies and entertainment"
And I think we might have a dribble of something. Because I do Roo has motive to extend her reach of evil. Her backstory develop watching millenia of humans and their good and evil. I'm sure theres something there to work with I'm just not exactly sure what.
It would be interesting if the creators can somehow twist the ROOt of evil-evil incarnate to be a halfway decent person like the other sinners and Sins we get to witness. which is pretty much what the shows about.
The sinners are not great people but they still have heart and some good humanity in them. (well, some anyways)
Then you have the sin of Gluttony and Lust embodiments from Helluva Boss...who wants their Sins partaken in a responsible manner.
I be content and fine if Roo is just a straight up villain. But if creators can someone twist Evil incarnate into having heart (like the other characters in their show) despite working towards their more then likely very evil plan. I would be freakin impressed.
I had to look up eris and link a scene of her.
Now, I have to find something streaming this movie to watch soon.
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tyrannoninja · 8 months
Sinbad and the Lost Continent
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Inspired by the accounts of Sinbad the Sailor’s seven escapades, another Baghdadi by the same name has ventured out into the Indian Ocean in search of the treasures of ancient Lemuria. Before having even landed on the lost continent’s shores, this Sinbad’s already run into trouble with its indigenous wildlife!
The Sinbad you see here is actually the second of two characters named Sinbad in the 1001 Arabian Nights. He is a poor landsman to whom the famous sailor narrates his seven adventures back in Baghdad (then under the rule of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid). One wonders if he might have been inspired by the other Sinbad to strike it rich out on the high seas!
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music-in-my-veins14 · 2 months
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mama-qwerty · 10 months
The Knucklesverse Guide
Updated December 15, 2023
A group of us on our Knuckles-centric discord server kind of accidentally created an au inspired by the Spiderverse movies. The Master Emerald—who loves her guardian something fierce—creates a special place where all the versions of her guardian from across different universes can come and socialize, be safe, and not feel so all alone anymore. This place exists in a little pocket dimension the ME created, and is called The Sanctuary.
While at the Sanctuary, the different Knuckles are called by what media or au they come from. Movie Knux is called Wachowski, Sonic Boom Knux is Boom, etc. There are a few au Knuckles that were created in that server that we play with as well, so I figured it would be a good idea to make a kind of cheat sheet so readers will know who these other Knux’s are. I’ll update this if/when I add more to whatever bits of writing I do for the Knucklesverse.
I have done A LOT of writing for this au in the server. They’re a lot of fun to play with.
There are more Knux in the Sanctuary—Archie, OVA, and Underground, for example—whom I will probably not include, mainly because I am not familiar with their backstories and personalities well enough. My main group is the Shatter Triplets, Boom, Wachowski, and a few of the new aus.
Anyway. Here we go!
Boom – age 16-18
from Sonic Boom tv show
the most emotionally aware Knux
the tallest of the batch – stands close to 5 feet tall
acts as the “big brother” to the others, because of his size and emotional intelligence
is very open with physical affection, giving hugs and forehead presses whenever one of the others need it – he’s the only one some of the more stoic Knux’s will accept this from
he’s less stupid in the Sanctuary, because the lack of a ME in his world is what contributed to his spacey thinking
Wachowski – age 16
from the live action Sonic movies
he knew his tribe, so can pass on customs and traditions and the language to the others
lost his tribe at age 6 and wandered the galaxy searching for the ME shortly after, being caught and forced to fight in arenas and such at a young age
typically has the calmest head of all the Knux
Dread – age 22-25
from Sonic Prime tv show – the shatterspace No Place
he, Gawain, and Sinbad are the three eldest out of the rest of the Knux
the shortest of the Shatter triplets, and has a bit of a belly
has a special bond with Boom, and is protective of his brother Gnarly
being in the Sanctuary helps calm the madness within him – his lack of a ME in his world is what made him go kinda bonkers and the Prism Shard didn’t help matters
over time he becomes less selfish and more protective of the others – but he’s still him and will turn to violence if he deems it the best course of action
Renegade (aka Ren) – age 18-20
from Sonic Prime tv show – the shatterspace New Yoke City
no-nonsense and blunt – he’s Prime Knuckles’ sense of duty and protection ramped up to 11
the most responsible of the Shatter triplets, but still gets pulled into shenanigans by Dread and Gnarly (mostly Dread)
gets ‘bad vibes’ when something’s wrong
doesn’t really like Dread all that much, but will step up to help if Dread needs it
Gnarly – age 15ish
from Sonic Prime tv show – the shatterspace Boscage Maze
grew up anxious and paranoid, thinking the trees were talking to him – he’s Prime Knuckles’ chaos sensitivity, and was ‘hearing/seeing’ the chaos energy in all the living things around him
while in the Sanctuary, the ME calms his mind
he’s still fidgety and a little jumpy with anxiety issues
tall and lanky, like a gangly teenager – always hungry and isn’t picky about what he eats
Dark – age 47
from the Dark Mobius storyline in Archie comics
became Enerjak, almost conquered the planet
arrogant and cruel – sucked out people’s souls to make them his minions
when he lost his power he became this old and wrinkly lump of nastiness
none of the other Knux like him, but the ME pulled him in because he’s a Knux and she believes everyone is worthy of redemption (spoiler alert, he doesn’t want redemption, he wants his power back)
he constantly tries to play on the others’ weaknesses and insecurities, to manipulate them into giving him back the power he so desperately wants again
Gawain – age 22-25
from Sonic and the Black Knight video game
essentially forced to be king when Sonic noped out
very protective of his country and people
has strong sense of duty and honor and failing at any mission or task is NOT an option
Sinbad – age 22-25
from Sonic and the Secret Rings video game
a sailor who butts heads with Dread
can use his World Ring to control storms
treasure hunter, but doesn’t have the best luck
X – age 16
from Sonic X anime
shortest temper, easy to rile up
most gullible, but still has the Knuckles heart of gold
always believes in second chances, even for enemies who were trying to kill him a moment before
can be very rude, but cares deeply about his friends
From the various Knuckles aus created by folks on the Echidna's Parade discord server
Cyber - age N/A
created by folks on the Echidna's Parade server
he was made into an A.I by getting assimilated into cyberspace 
was saved from cyberspace but ended up with many ai behaviors
is cold but feels bad about it
more logical than other Knuckles’
can summon Holographic screen he can display information on
Jax – 20ish
created by folks on the Echidna’s Parade server
a storybook au that follows along the lines of Black Knight and Secret Rings, based on Alice in Wonderland
ex-knight to the Queen of Hearts (Rouge)
she abused him for much of his life – he put himself in harms way to keep others safe, especially his world’s version of Tails
suffered much of his life due to this mindset of self-sacrifice
the queen cut his quills short – in his world quills are held in high honor and cutting them is a sign of shame and cowardice
one of the more quiet and reserved Knuckles and can have panic attacks
Quetzal (aka Q) – age 16ish
created by folks on the Echidna’s Parade server
a shapeshifter, who can transform into a large dragon, or a mid-size form between the dragon and echidna
has abandonment issues – his parents were killed as they protected his egg and their hoard, and when he hatched he instinctively began to protect the hoard as he waited for their return
adopts his friends and loved ones into his ‘hoard’ and is fiercely protective of them
was prophesied to bring death and destruction in his world, but he simply doesn’t want to so avoided that whole mess
communicates in chirps, whistles, growls and trills while in dragon form
behaves a lot like a lazy cat – loves to nap and force others to nap if he thinks they need it
gives off golden retriever energy when excited
typically not a fighter
Zombie/Zombby (aka Z or Little Z) – age 12
created by folks on the Echidna’s parade server
he was raised by his tribe to be the guardian of the ME, taught and groomed by the priests since he was barely hatched
they betrayed his trust, wanting to use the ME’s power for themselves
when he came of age at 12, they attempted to connect him to the ME but were overzealous and flooded his little body with so much chaos energy it killed him
they tried to hide their crime by burying him in a small grave, but the ME worked her magic and over the course of thousands of years, she ‘marinated’ him in her energy, reviving him
he’s technically still dead, but the abundance of chaos energy within him reanimated him
he can detach his limbs for comedic effects
classic baby of the family – can do just about anything and the others can’t stay mad at him for long
he has a bit of a limp – the others tend to carry him on their backs or shoulders because of this
doesn’t remember much of his life
Nile (aka Mummy Knuckles) – age unknown
personality created by the folks on Echidna’s Parade server
the Mummy skin from the game Sonic Forces: Speed Battle
holds himself in a regal manner
can be cold and distant, but has special soft spot for Zombby
is usually followed by at least 3 ghosts, but can conjure others at his command
very blunt and to the point
went through the mummification process for reasons (I don’t think we’ve hammered those out yet) – it was his choice to do so and he feels very proud for the honor
didn’t retain much memory from when he was alive, so pieced together who he was from the murals on the walls of his tomb – which depicted him as this stiff, regal person
Metzli and Yunuen (aka ‘the twins’) – age 17ish
created by the folks on Echidna’s Parade server
the twins are fundamentally Knuckles split in two
Yunuen was a body-less eldritch being, billions of years old, who wandered the galaxy and inhabited the bodies of mortals to give himself something to do
he would seep into the body of a mortal, copy their mind and memories and personality, and eject the soul of that body, dooming it to roam endlessly or vanish into the ether without that mortal tether
he did this time and time again, sending countless souls to their damnation
one day he came upon a lone figure on a floating island, and decided to inhabit him
Knuckles was copied, and his soul was ejected (after a bit of a struggle, which was unusual) and the being moved in and assumed Knuckles’ life
Knuckles’ soul refused to give up and stuck around, using his new ghost-like abilities to try and contact his friends
after some time, the eldritch being was ‘reverse corrupted’ due to Knuckles’ pure heart and overwhelmingly self-sacrificing nature
wracked with guilt, the being begged for forgiveness, his past atrocities weighing heavily on his mind
the ME recognized true remorse, and refused to let the now changed being leave forever, so she constructed a new body for Knuckles’ soul to inhabit
to avoid confusion the two adopted new names – Yunuen for the eldritch being in Knuckles’ original body, and Metzli for the new body created for Knuckles’ soul
Yunuen is anxious and fearful, his past haunting him
Metzli is very protective of his brother – he holds no ill will toward the being he was
they each retain some powers from their previous forms – Metzli has the ability to astral project, and Yunuen can alter matter and tap into his eldritch form when necessary (I’m not sure what that entails – don’t think we’ve really hammered that all out, either)
Okay, I think that’s all the Knux I typically work with. I’ll update this with more if/when I get more writing out that includes someone new I forgot.
Check out my Knucklesverse bits under snippets!
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament Match ups: Round 1
Should start tomorrow!
Bracket A/Tier 1:
Hondo Ohnaka vs Beast
Davy Jones vs Disco Yeti
Lava Monster vs Kylo Ren
Anna (Hong Kong version) vs Mr. Potato Head
Jack Sparrow vs BB8
Stitch vs Hopper
Lumiere vs Sven
Belle and Prince Adam vs Tiana
Stunt Spiderman vs Clawhauser
Wheezy vs Tiki Room Stitch
Rocket Raccoon vs C3PO
Shaman of Songs vs Elsa (Hong Kong version)
Ursula vs Lieutenant Bek
Dragon under castle vs Olaf
Hatbox Ghost vs Lantern Belle
Albert vs Dwarves in Mine Train
Bracket B/Tier 2:
Madame Leota vs Fantasmic dragon/Murphy
Giant from Sinbad's Storybook Voyage vs Swedish Chef
Finale conductor Sebastian vs Big Al
Roger Rabbit vs Br'er Porcupine
Dreamfinder vs Constance Hatchaway
Redd vs Munchkins
Skippy vs DJ R3X
Singing Geese vs 1900 Patricia
Daisy Duck vs Mary Poppins
Trixie vs The Five Bear Rugs
Jack Skellington vs Carnotaurus
Buzz Lightyear vs John
Aladar vs Zazu
RX-24 vs John Wayne
Max, Buff and Melvin vs Teddi Berra
Iago vs Panchito
José vs Uh-oa
Sun Bonnet Trio vs Br'er Raccoon
Figment vs Little Leota
Horned King vs Roz
Malestrom trolls vs Donald Duck
Abraham Lincoln vs Q’aráq
Statler and Waldorf vs Gene Kelly
Marshmallow vs Wicked Witch of the West
Will Rogers Jr/Lasso cowboy vs ExtraTERRORestrial Alien
Farming bunnies vs Frank
Timekeeper vs VR Grandma
Luggage Scanner Droids vs Railway end Mickey
Scuttle vs Bean Bunny
S.I.R.(Tim Curry robot) vs Liver Lips Mcgrowl
Buzzy vs Phantom
Ellen Ripley vs Sonny Eclipse
Bracket C/Tier 3:
Hitchhiking Ghosts vs Blue Fairy
Mr Bluebird vs Hag with apple
Richard the pineapple vs Sea Serpent
The Muppet Penguin Orchestra vs The Lost Safari
Horizons Robot butler vs Girl with goose
POTC Donkey vs Goat with dynamite
Jessica Rabbit vs Tiki room birds
Evil queen in window vs dancing Ariel
Puffins vs Mickey Mouse Review Alice
Little Red vs Unnamed laundry girl
Computer engineer woman/Foxy vs Indiana Jones snake
Hula Girls vs Disappearing butterfly
Splash Mountain finale chickens vs Sauropod
Tiger with umbrella vs Br'er Fox and Bear end scene
Donald's butt vs Drunk hats stealing pirate
Xenomorph vs Sally
Drew Carey vs Figaro
Rover vs Nemo seagulls
Exercise Patricia vs Tiki room Jose
Rosita vs Small World hippo
Darla vs POTC prison dog
Beating heart bride vs Barnstormer chickens
Boothill Boys/Vultures vs Ballroom dancer ghosts
Pansy, Poppy and Petunia (Splash opossums) vs Pig pirate
"Here kitty kitty" pirate vs Evil queen turns into hag
Skeleton ship pirate vs Small World cowboy
Singing birds of paradise vs Primeval World diorama
Jungle cruise elephants vs Barker Bird
Uncle Orville vs Granny ghost
Carlos' wife vs Energy dinos
Rabbit family with carrot vs jungle cruise hippos
Dirty foot pirate vs FSU gopher
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