#Lost Boys (LB 1)
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percontaion-points · 2 months ago
Lost Boys chapters 41 & 42
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Chapter 41
When I finally managed to drift into sleep, the nightmares came to haunt me. I dreamed that I was drowning and couldn’t breathe. I woke up every time sweating and breathing fast, and started crying all over again until I was exhausted and drifted into sleep and yet another round of horrible nightmares. 
My mom, Tiff and the boys came every day to try to talk me out of my depression. But the only time I talked was to tell them to go away. But they kept coming back. 
This is actually an appropriate time for the author to gloss over a lot of time super quickly. 
However, the fact that this has been the go-to method of communication for probably half of this book drastically lessens the impact of this scene. 
Because rather than to show how little Joe has been paying attention to the things going on in her life
 It’s simply business as usual. 
“You seriously don’t know? It’s your birthday, Joey.” 
I swear the first tag on goodreads claims that this book is a young adult. 
She’s goddamned 19 now, and this is literally book one of three!
I ended up falling asleep on the couch and dreamed about a frozen desert, where a sun made of glittering ice floated in the cold sky; but now, strangely, snow fell on the soft warm sand, melting as soon as it touched the ground 

Chapter 41 summary: Obviously Joe mopes around a lot, feeling depressed and sorry for herself. Eventually, the boys convince her to eat something, and to go take a shower for the first time in days. (Also worth noting that Joe complains that the pain isn’t leaving, but like
 it’s clearly only been like 3 days
They then have to remind her that it’s her birthday tomorrow, and that they have something great planned for her. 
Chapter 42
“Vigil. Vigil. Vigil. Vigil. Vigil,” I repeated to myself.
Is he fucking Beetlejuice? Does repeating his name summon him?
“But I have a proposal for you,” I said, leaning in closer to her. “Let’s make a deal, right here, right now, just you and me. You bring Tristan back to me, without any magic deadlines or tricks like last time – and in a way that Vigil’s people have no say over, because it won’t be a mistake that needs to be fixed. You bring him back and I promise you the best show yet for your personal enjoyment. It’ll be a life full of possibilities that you can watch and enjoy. Plus, you can always visit, whenever you want. When you’re off work, you know. That’d be cool. I’m sure no one has ever offered that to you before,” I said, watching for her reaction closely. She was impossible to read, though.
I love how Joe simply takes and takes and takes, and offers up nothing in return. 
Like these sorts of things usually take some kind of sacrifice. And she’s like “Do this for me because you think I’m cute! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?!”
 “I will go fetch him now. He should be there when you get back. Take care, Grays,” she said, bowing slightly at me and Vigil, and then she shimmered away without waiting for a reply. 
I’m honestly waiting for the catch. There’s two more books, after all. The second one is called “Lost Girl”, and that can’t possibly be full of sunshine and rainbows. 
I had my ghost boy to love, my band of brothers reunited, and together we were ready for anything – life was again full of possibilities.
Chapter 42 summary: Joe summons Vigil by basically screaming his name over and over. When he shows up, she begs for him to help her get Tristan back. After a while, he agrees to help her, but only as a birthday present. 
He does something to her to help her send her to Sky again. There, Joe basically begs “You give me Tristan. I give you nothing.” For some unholy reason, this somehow works and Sky eventually agrees, promising that he’ll be there when she wakes up. 
Joe wakes up alone, and searches the house for Tristan, but he’s not there. She then goes to the cemetery, but again, finds nothing. After a while, she finds footprints in the snow, and follows them to find Tristan. The series probably should have ended here, but for some reason, there’s two more fucking books after this. 
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trashart00 · 11 months ago
Less than 12 hours until the release of “The Tortured Poets Department”!
Hence, I present to you, “The Tortured Catboy Department”
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Track List:
SIDE A: Deux Semaines (feat Ladybug) / The Tortured Catboy Department / My Lady Abandons Only Her Favourite Partners / Down Bad
SIDE B: So Long, London / But Daddy I Love Her / Fresh Out the Slammer / Akuma !!! (feat Monarch)
SIDE C: Guilty As Sin? / Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me / Even Ladybug Can’t Fix This / loml
SIDE D: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart / The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived / The Cataclysm / Adrien Agreste
Bonus Tracks: The Black Cat / Solitude / DoppelgÀnger / Tell-Tail Heart
(Love how so many of the original track names still work)
My takes of what each song is about/inspired by under cut (but, if you feel like it, tell me yours :D)
I’m picturing all of these to be from Adrien’s perspective so they reflect mostly his version of the situations rather than the objective reality (especially the Laybug centered ones)
Deux Semaines (feat Ladybug): This one would focus on the sequence in Multiplication where Monarch doesn’t attack and how LadyNoir’s relationship recovers from the events of Season 4.
TTCD: Kept the “Catboy” singular because while there are multiple Catboy identities, there is only one boy underneath them all. Hence while I think it would be about him just stating his issues with everything, it would also focus on loneliness and how his department is understaffed :(
MLAOHFP: All of the Season 4 LadyNoir separation arc angst, with the “Favourite” being a callback to Risk (and kinda a jab at Rena because he thinks that she’s really her favourite, but y’ know, she didn’t abandon her so Rena can’t be her actual favourite)
Down Bad: Mainly about how Chat’s love for LB makes him excuse her behaviors, but also makes him act out (maybe a reference to Elation).
SL,L: About the whole arc of Gabriel sending Adrien to London and all of the memories he would have surrounding this ordeal - key point, not “So Long, Paris” because he didn’t want to leave, and in the end he comes back to a changed world.
BDILH: This one’s either about the Chat Blanc breakup or Gabriel’s dislike of Marinette in Season 5 (or both, with maybe a line about how he feels like this has happened before)
FOTS: Adrien realizing his father is a Bad Person.
Akuma !!! (feat Monarch): This one would be like a song about his daily life and then the chorus would start with a shout of “Akuma!!!” and it would switch to him as Chat Noir. I feel like it would start out with normal life being boring/hero life being fun but as it goes on he grows exhausted. Monarch has a rap verse.
Guilty As Sin?: Chat Blanc centeric - would ask who is to blame for the destruction of the world, like is it Chat because he lost control or Hawkmoth because he took advantage of his son’s emotion?
WAoLOM: Chat Blanc centric at first (like a villain song) but ends with Adrien reflecting on the events of Evolution-Destruction-Multiplication-PS night
ELCFT: I think it would be about his relaction ship with his father and how he wishes there was something he could do to go back to how they were when Emilie was alive but there’s no easy fix and his father keeps on getting worse and worse after any attempt.
loml: A song for Marinette with a bittersweet air - she’s the love of his life but he can’t tell her everything, and she can’t tell him everything either
ICDIWaBH: CatWalker centric - him going back to Ladybug in Kuroneko.
TSMWEL: I actually have three for this one - 1. About Gabriel and his need to domineer because he feels small and powerless. 2. About Adrien feeling small and insignificant. 3.About Plagg because he’s a smol boi (it would be like a lighthearted, cheeky song, like when you sing to your pet about how adorable they are)
The Cataclysm: Literally about how he cataclysmed Monarch, but also about how the event impacted his perception of self.
Adrien Agreste: Ending the album with a song that’s his own name :o.
Now for the variants:
The Black Cat: This one has Chat on the cover and the song is mostly about his bad luck. ‘I Love You It’s Ruining My Life” works both directed at Ladybug and his father.
Solitude: With Chat Blanc on the cover, this one’s about his mother. I think the “You Don’t Get To Tell Me About Sad” is pretty self-explanatory.
DoppelgĂ€nger: CatWalker is on this one, his song would be about how he may literally be the same person but he doesn’t fully feel like himself. He had to repress a lot of himself to be CatWalker hence I thought “Am I Allowed To Cry?” fit him really well (especially with Plagg not giving him the time to fully recover before he had to jump back in). Please note the crossed out name (unlike Chat Blanc) because he’s reinventing himself.
Tell-Tail Heart: This one has Ladybug on the cover - wait she’s not a Catboy?? The song is titled “Tell-Tail Heart” as a reference to Edgar Allan Poe’s “Tell Tale Heart” and would explore Chat’s perspective of Ladybug’s guilt for keeping secrets, how any excuse she makes is ultimately unimportant because she would do it either way. The fact that this is the only song title with a pun references how Chat tries to lighten the mood and avoid serious conversations, and the “Tail” is supposed to refer to Rena Rouge. The flowers she’s holding are meant to be foxgloves which symbolise secrets and insincerity (they’re also poisonous and damage the heart :)). I also really liked the “Old Habits Die Screaming” for her as it could mean both Chat Noir’s love for her being an old habit that he cannot get rid of, but also her habit of keeping things from him (especially with how she does it again at the end of season 5) being something she can’t stop. It is also him being able to see that, despite what she tells him, her “Heart” is tells him otherwise.
(also would like to point out that he wouldn’t mention Rena by name, he’s upset, not evil)
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gremlins-hotel · 2 years ago
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From the notes of Capt. Alfred Jones: "Davie was a bus and the 'Flying Fortress' moniker seemed to pass her by, but it was a ship with a brave crew. The trudge of getting back to England from enemy territory is a story for another day. I miss her and sometimes I miss the boys we lost that day."
-âœȘ- -âœȘ- -âœȘ-
B-17F "Dear Davie": *U.S. Army Model B-17F-65-BO Air Corps Serial No. 42-29670 Delivered Cheyenne 31/1/43; Pueblo 18/2/43; Salina 15/2/43; Brookley 19/3/43; Smoky Hill 23/3/43; Dow Field 18/4/43. Assigned to the 333rd Bomb Squadron/94th Bomb Group [TS-L] "DEAR DAVIE" 22/4/43; Missing in Action near Hamburg 25/7/43 with Alfred "Comet" Jones, **Co-Pilot: Daryl "Speed" Reed, Navigator: Richard Reed, Bombardier: Charlie Marstaller; Radio Operator: Johnathan Graves, Flight Engineer/Top Turret Gunner: Clyde "Pepsi" Ray, Ball Turret Gunner: William Ortlieb, Waist Gunner: Leslie Lipsey, Waist Gunner: Paul Rapoport, Tail Gunner: Thomas Pugh (6 Killed in Action); "DEAR DAVIE" lost to flak/anti-aircraft fire, crashing near Uetersen, 15 miles NW of Hamburg, Germany.
-âœȘ- -âœȘ- -âœȘ-
[nerd things & acknowledgements below cut]
Notes on the B-17F... The B-17F was an upgrade of the previous E model, with several notable changes: A one- or two-piece plexiglas nose cone, as opposed to the ten-paneled cone of previous versions. Reinforced landing gear allowed for a greater maximum payload, from 4,200 lb (1,900 kg) of ordnance to 8,000 lb (3,600 kg). Flight and combat range of the F model was improved by 900 mi (1,400 km) with the addition of nine self-sealing rubber fuel cells in the wing root, aka, "Tokyo tanks". The F model was generally characterized by being tail-heavy - which lead to part failure - and woefully undefended from the front; the early F models had no front-facing armament, leaving a 60° blind spot to the direct front of the aircraft - a flaw which was exploited by German pilots, who held air superiority. Later F models would see a list of possible available modifications (factory and field) such as inserting two .50 caliber machine guns into the nose cone to solve the blind spot. Other modifications to later F models were bulged cheek turrets, as opposed to the window-mounted guns of earlier iterations, and the available addition of the iconic "Bendix" chin turret. The chin turret is far more common on the subsequent G "gunship" variant. ("Dear Davie" is an early F model without the nose mount, bulged cheeks, or chin turret.)
*This model production block, serial no., and fate are borrowed from real-life B-17F #42-29670, "Thundermug." "Thundermug" was an aircraft that originally served in the 333rd Bomb Squadron/94th Bomb Group alongside my great-grandfather and his usual steed, "The Gremlins Hotel." It was transferred to the 544th BS/384th BG, at which point it went Missing in Action over Hamburg from flak/aa-fire; 8 of its crew became POWs while 2 were KIA. I have had the honor to speak to descendants of both of its crews and help them research "Thundermug"; I wish to voice a mere glimpse of their stories in a unique way.
**All names of Alfred's crew are either cobbled-together family names throughout our history here or entirely fictitious - though some were inspired by real people whom I grew up with stories of. All inspirations were individuals that lived good lives post-war.
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weirdo09 · 2 years ago
estas bien, mami?(gn)
a miles g/prowler! miles x reader
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requested by anonymous
teasing to the point of short term periods of not eating
slight eating disorder
possibly sensitive topics
tooth rotting fluff
annoying brothers
any of these seems uninteresting to you, don’t read.
you know how your younger brother can say stupid shit at times but you really didn’t think it affected you until that day. every now and then, you’d get little comments from your brother like “oh, she’s eatin’ again? fattie.” or “why do you eat up all the food?” it didn’t really effect you, all it did was annoy you but as it persisted, the more you started to wonder if he was actually right.
the first time he ever said anything was at a cookout with your extended family in georgia. you were on your second plate of food when you heard him and your boy cousins snicker bout how much you were eating. “look, watch out! y/n’s gonna leave us hungry with the way she’s eatin’!” they said, you just rolled your eyes and went to sit with your other cousins. it was nothing but a harmless joke at the time.
the second time was when you and him were at the dinner table. “you sure you wanna eat all that? i mean, you look pretty big already.” he whispered past you, getting his fill on mac n cheese and chicken. you huffed and put up the finger, your momma scolded you and sent you upstairs to finish your dinner. “estĂșpido.” you said under your breathe, that you learned from miles. (y’all aren’t dating officially yet) that night, you didn’t eat as much as you normally did but it wasn’t like anyone would notice, right?
the third time was when you two were over a friend’s house, your momma forced you to bring your brother over for ‘quality time’ or some shit. as you left downstairs to eat, he popped up, snickering with your friend’s brother. “look at the hippo!” they squealed, unfortunately your friend and her mom barely heard so your mood was officially ruined for the rest of the night. you eat a moderate size amount of food and you would soon suffer the consequences for your stomach growled most of the time there.
the fourth and final time before the ‘day’, was the day after getting back from your friend’s house. you didn’t even bother getting breakfast not like your family cared, apparently. you went down for lunch and got a apple while your brother was staring at you.
“all for today, hippo?” he asked, you nodded and ran up the stairs. you walked over to the bathroom, you decided to weigh yourself just out of curiosity. surprisingly, you lost 20-25 pounds in the last week. the last time you weighted yourself, you were 199 lbs. you thought about going lower, maybe then he would stop picking on you. so you decided you go down to 160, losing 39 pounds was easy.
as the weeks passed, you were getting slimmer and slimmer. you smiled at the console of getting skinny, you weren’t an ideal type for boys. maybe then they’d start to notice you. your mom also made quick remarks about your unknown weight loss and about how she was so proud that you stopped eating as much. you weighted yourself and saw that you slimmed down to 146.
‘yes!’ you thought, you were finally perfect. or should you go lower? ‘do it, y/n.. you know you want to..’ a voice said creepily, you shivered. you got off the scale and made way to your room. that was a strange thought but you managed to look past it. you thought about it for hours, it was slowly eating away at you. 1-2 weeks later, you were down 130. you felt tired but happy.
after that, you were getting more and more exhausted. simple tasks began to take a toll on you. one day, ‘the day’, you went on the scale and passed out. you woke up, laying on the bathroom floor. you tried to get up but you were too tired. then you thought about calling miles, ‘he wouldn’t want to see you
 not when you look so ugly, so disgusting
 you should be ashamed..’ the voice said again.
going against it, you rang up miles. “quù pasa, mami?” he asked, you sighed deeply. “nothin, could y-y-you come over? i wanna see you.” you said, gasping for air. “alrigh’, ma, hang on tight.” he said, hanging up. you passed out again.
“hey, mrs. [last name], you do know where y/n is?” miles asked, the lady shook her head. “maybe try in her room?” she suggested, he thanked her. he walked up the stairs and made way to your bedroom before he saw the bathroom door open with you lying on the floor. miles stared in concern and walked towards you. “mami? puedes oírme?” miles asked, shaking your body for a response. “nnghhh
” you groaned, “stop shaking me!” you said in annoyance, miles pulled you into a hug.
“ma, estás viva!” miles exclaimed, holding you close and smiling down at you. “yeah? i’m fine, miles.” you said, staying in his hold a little longer before attempting to get up. you fell before miles caught you. “estas bien, mami?” miles asked, worried. you looked down at your body and began to tear up, “no, miles, no, i’m not ok..” you whispered, miles picked you bridal style and walked downstairs.
gladly, there was no one there to stop him from taking you to his house because best believe he would fight if he had to. you hid in his chest most of the way there. once you got there, miles made way to his room and closed the door with his foot. he placed you down on his bed.
“mind tellin me why i found you on the floor passed out?” he asked, staring into your eyes. “i just tryna ‘ose a few pounds, ‘s all..” you mumbled, miles frowned. “mila, mi vida,” he began to say, getting down on his knees to hold your hands. “eres tan hermosa, mi niña bonita.” he finished, kissing up your arms to your lips. it was short and sweet.
you started to tear up again, miles frowned deeply. “ah, mami, no lloles, pol favol, odio verte molesto
” he said, rocking you in his arms. the two of you ended up cuddling, miles hummed a song softly to you while tracing your face. you lied against him, content. “who said that you needed to lose weight?” miles asked, his demeanor changing slightly though he still traced your face with his finger.
“uhm, no one-.” you began to say when miles shot you a “tell me the truth or i’ll fight a random nigga” look. you sighed, “my brother..” you spat out, miles stopped tracing your face to look at you properly. “and my mom, a bit.” you confessed, miles’ usual warm hazel eyes turned cold. “you’re with me for a few days, mami, ok?” he said, though it sounded more of a command. you nodded, rio’s cooking was amazing. “good..” miles whispered, kissing your cheek. you cheesed softly. “estĂĄs a salvo conmigo, niña..” he whispered in your ear, him speaking spanish always made you fall head over heels.
quù pasa, mami? - what’s up, mommy?
mami? puedes oĂ­rme? - mommy? can you hear me?
ma, estás vivas! - ma, you’re alive!
estĂĄs bien, mami? - are you ok, mommy?
mira, mi vida - look, my life
eres tan hermosa, mi niña bonita - you are so beautiful, my pretty girl
ah, mami, no llores, por favor, odio verte molesto.. - ah, mommy, please don’t cry, i hate to see you upset..
estĂĄs a salvo conmigo, niña.. - you’re safe with me, baby girl
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stereax · 27 days ago
hi hello hey !!!
Are you already tired of Four Nations Faceoff? Don't want to watch Canada and America have a little politicized catfight? Don't have a way to watch it?
Or: Do YOU want some relatively low-stakes hockey that's highly French, starting at 7 PM Eastern time?
After the success of Wednesday Night in the Dub, the QMJHL took a look at the WHL and said "we're gonna do the same thing, but in Quebecois" and enter: Duel du jeudi soir!
This week's matchup is the Chicoutimi Saguenéens vs... wait for it... the Drummondville Voltigeurs!!! MY BOYS!!! This match, unlike last week's, is between two top teams - the Sags are in 4th place in the Q while the Volts are in 3rd.
Also, if you're a Dawson Mercer fan (and we all are): this is the fight of his QMJHL teams! He was a Volt for 2.5 seasons, then got traded to the Sags in his draft year and played for them for 1.5 seasons before making the NHL.
Here's some players I'm keeping my eye on:
do i have to mom? okay
Emmanuel Vermette (#28) - 23 goals, 27 assists. Leads the team in goals and points.
Thomas Desruisseaux (#17) - 14 goals, 30 assists. Leads the team in assists.
LoĂŻc Usereau (#72) - 30 assists as a defenseman and 8 goals on top of it. Not bad. 15 goals last year too.
Jonathan Prud'homme (#27) - 5'10" defenseman, 168 pounds, and... 93 penalty minutes in 51 games?!? And only one 5-minute major (+ ejection for high-sticking). Wow. Lowkey impressive. Got three separate roughing penalties one game and got an unsportsmanlike for it... this entire team might be full of thugs, actually...
Ethan Gauthier (#79) - Tampa Bay draft pick (Volt to Bolt?). First overall QMJHL selection in 2021. Born in Phoenix, Arizona. Current linemates with the other two skaters profiled below, but they seem to be line shuffling a lot recently. Stapled to the side of the captain (see below).
Sam Oliver (#47) - The leading goalscorer of the team. As in, 45 goals and 21 assists in 53 games, which is double the goals of the next leading goalscorer on the team (22) and leads the league. 17 powerplay goals. Got a hatty two games ago. (They still lost 5-7.) The epitome of pucks on net.
Riley Mercer (#67) - The Volts' starting goalie. He's been decent for the past few years, but realized he's goated in last year's Q playoffs (0.934 sv%) and is currently rocking a 0.930 sv%. That being said, apparently his numbers are slipping month on month. I'm not too concerned. Okay, maybe I'm a little concerned...
"Wait, Mercer like - " YEP HE'S DAWSON'S BABY BROTHER!!!
Luke Woodworth (#19) - BOY OF ALL TIME. I can and WILL ramble about him for hours. But I'll try to keep it short.
He is tiny (5'9", 164 lbs) and a center.
His birthday is wrong on EliteProspects (March 1, not April 1).
He scored like, 19 assists this year before he finally got his first goal of the season, including two 4-A nights.
He's had three separate 8-game point streaks this season.
He's leading the team in assists (56) and points (72), and is leading the league in assists.
He can score though, check it. (And an Oliver assist!)
He got penalized this season for "throwing a stick or equipment" and I wish I had the clip of it.
He's from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, and he's a big hometown boy.
He's going to play for Nebraska-Omaha in the NCHC next year! CHL->NCAA pipeline...
He's the captain of the Volts!
He wears glasses sometimes.
And has a GOD awful playoff mustache.
Okay here are pictures:
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oh also these two might be in love a little bit forgot to mention whoops
The Volts are my favorite boys. Can you tell? Reigning Q champs. Gearing up for one big final Memorial Cup push for their overagers (Riley and Luke among them); it's unclear whether they'll be contending next year, especially with the departure of several key pieces. Also, every time I look at them, they decide to be my failchildren and flail around on the ice; every time I ignore them, they go on hot streaks.
So, are you in? Great! You can watch DDJS FREE on YouTube here! (They archive past DDJSes too!) The game tonight starts at 7 PM Eastern :D
And if that doesn't convince you... well...
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Hope to see you in the #ddjs lb tag tonight!!
Programming note - I'll likely miss the first period, as I have mock trial stuff to do, but I'll try to watch on mute and LB a little bit :) have some volts trophy rings as an apology!
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according2thelore · 10 months ago
it always bothered me that in the show, when dean learns that sam kept the amulet at the end of s11, he didn’t immediately put it back on—esp since from what i heard, that was an actor preference, not a storytelling one!!! (the samulet chipped his teeth â˜č)
anyway i wanna imagine that in your time travel au it doesn’t happen like that đŸ„č it takes es dean five days to notice that his older self isn’t wearing it (in his defense, he’s not used to looking at himself from the outside!), and when he does it makes him so mad. and that’s what drives ls dean to - out loud - say that yeah, he wishes like hell he had it, but he doesn’t, okay? what do you want me to do here, kid??
.. cue older sam like uh well i mean hmm. do you mean that.
although now i’m thinking of es SAM being the one to notice, and he notices right away, but he doesn’t use at as a barb until all the little upsets boil over. oh man. that kills me too. poor kiddo. you don’t get to go to law school AND your loml brother threw away his wedding ring amulet.
anyway you don’t have to do anything with any of this!! just thank you for letting me play in your sandbox!!!!
this ask made me start BARKING. let's discuss!
for those who didn't know--yes, the samulet leaving the show was a choice made by jensen because it split his lips a lot and eventually cracked his tooth. i can understand his choice to have it taken off of the character (as much as i simultaneously hate it) especially since it seems that it was chosen as a prop during preproduction of the show at random. they lost a lot of jewelry from S2-4 (i'm looking at you skull bracelet, ring, and jelly bracelet), but the amulet got an emotional backstory so it had a longer life on the show.
but as for ES/LS verse YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!
ES!Dean is so distracted by how fucking huge these guys are (LS!Sam cough cough bouncy tits cough), and how discombobulating everything suddenly is (1 lb laptops? cellphones that are a flat screen? TVs thinner than a DVD player? IPADS???) to notice immediately. and you're so right! he's used to the amulet being a mostly physical thing--a weight around his neck so familiar that he hardly notices it until it moves--so not seeing it visually doesn't register.
but when he does, he's mostly confused at first. where is it? do we not wear it every day now? why not? we didn't fucking lose it, did we? did it get destroyed? i would know immediately if it fell off, so it didn't do that. hell, i don't even take it off in the shower, where the fuck is it? seriously, dude, look at me, what the fuck did you do to it?
LS!Sam gets more and more uncomfortable, because he's probably the only one at the table that knows it's not buried deep in a landfill in some random state. but he's not sure how dean will react to the fact that sam's kept it all these years, that he got on his hands and knees in a motel room and dug it out of the trash, wiped cold, damp coffee grounds off the pendant, and put it in his pocket with fingers that shook.
then, as you wrote so in character it made my teeth hurt (!!!!), LS!Dean snaps. i don't fucking have it. i threw it away, and i wish like hell i didn't, but it's gone. what do you want me to do here, kid?
and AHHHH!!! you are so right!!! LS!Sam goes fucking rigid like uhhhhhhhhhh...on a scale of 1 to 10 how much did you mean that be so serious rn đŸ„ș like hmm. well. hmm. let's say for argument's sake...đŸ„ș 👉 👈 ...
ES!Sam notices IMMEDIATELY that LS!Dean isn't wearing it, and it's one of the main reasons he's positive the LS!Boys are some kind of demon/shifter/ghoul/trick. because if this was actually dean, he'd have the amulet.
LS!Dean notices ES!Sam glaring daggers at his sternum, the spot where it used to be, as LS!Sam does all the usual tests and tries to calmly explain what's going on. he feels even more guilty as hell, whether or not he knows LS!Sam still has it yet. he crosses his arms over his chest and stares back, not quite able to muster the heat of a proper glare.
it breaks his fucking heart a little, because yeah, it is a betrayal, isn't it? even if his body is copy-able, or mutable, or not able to be trusted, sam should be able to trust a landmark that dean disposed.
but when ES!Sam finds out what exactly happened to the amulet?? oh lord. complete and total meltdown to be frank. "you don’t get to go to law school AND your loml brother threw away his wedding ring amulet." KNOCKED ME OUTTTTTT
because literally!! not only does sam not get a normal life or a nice job or an apartment that's not a windowless bomb shelter but he and his brotherwife got DIVORCED????? he's all but shaking LS!Sam back and forth like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???? HOW DID YOU FUCK IT UP THIS BAD??
no one tell ES!Sam that he and dean found out they were soulmates and dean threw his wedding ring necklace out on the same day. he will knock a hole into the bunker wall just so he can jump out of it.
on a more serious note, it is very much "not only are we still on dad's insane revenge mission," *points furiously at LS!Dean* "we're apparently not even a goddamn team anymore!" his voice cracks "can we even stand each other? are we still brothers?"
your characterizations for them were so spot on!!!!! canon to me!!!! this ask is a beautiful painting--babygirl (gender neutral) this is OUR sandbox!
thank you for this lovely & insightful & incredibly written ask anon!
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layraket · 6 months ago
Day 1 - Race Against the Clock
Characters: Ocarina (LBS)
Words: 784
Summary: Local musical boy fucks around with time and finds out how bad it is for his well being
Whump scale: 1 (see the full scale here)
There is a kid that came last night, Romani said that he left the ranch at first hour of the day without waiting for breakfast. Cremia wanted to give him some milk for the trip and ask him for help to bring some products to Clocktown.
She had heard rumors about him; helping all the people he could, always wearing some sort of mask –now that she thinks about this, nobody has seen his real face–, and carrying all kinds of weapons with him.
They all had their theories: a kid without parents who had to bite back when surrounded, a kid who had to grow up faster that he should, a kid who lost something and is searching for it in this forgotten world.
“Grasshopper has always a fairy with him, I think he came from the forest!” Romani has told her. It is possible, fairies aren’t common in Termina, and if they were found they will be hunted for their blessed blood.
If it wasn’t that he looked ready to chop an arm off to whoever who dared to make a wrong move, that fairy would have been already killed.
Even with that, Cremia knew that he was a sweet child, he helped taking care of the young mare that she found wandering around and seemed that she knew him. He was strong too, enough to carry the boxes full with milk bottles to the cottage where they save them.
Maybe everyone was just exaggerating a little, he had moments where it was obvious that he was still a kid, he even wore a Keaton mask! It was possible that he just liked the toy so much for taking it off.
The first time that she saw him show any type of emotion aside from hesitant was when he came to the ranch looking nothing better than a sick cow.
She offered the bottle of milk that she saved for him in the morning, receiving a low tune that was translated as a ‘no’ by the fairy.
That was another thing that everyone has pointed out about him: he didn’t talk, like, at all. The only sound that he makes is with that blue ocarina he always carries with him, being the fairy the only one who understood what each note meant. It was weird, but maybe is just another thing that the people from the forest do.
“If ye’re not gonna drink it, then help me ta bring it all to Clocktown, will ya?” A nod and they were already on their way.
Some thieves always came to destroy the product, the Romani Ranch provides milk to the bar for a fair price and when the festival was coming. This year, with the whole deal with the moon falling the demand is higher than past years.
It went as expected; the thieves appearing and trying to destroy where the milk was and the boy dealing with them with his bow and finally escaping from them without any loss.
They arrived at the gates before morning, now safe and ready to deliver all the product. She was about to ask the kid to help her bringing the boxes inside when a thump was heard.
When I turned to see the origin of the sound I saw the kid in the floor, grabbing his stomach.
“Hey! Are you okay?!” I came closer to make sure that it isn’t some wound that he got from the thieves.
The fairy was flying around him, panicked.
“Link get up! Don’t scare me, this is not the time!” Now she was bonking his head with her own body without much force.
There wasn’t any answer from the boy, Cremia could swear that she could see one eye without so much of a spark from a small opening of the Keaton mask.
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She came closer and gently checked on him, he was so thin and scarred, cuts and bruises that haven’t had the time to heal properly.
“Oh dear
” She looked towards the fairy “How long has he been neglecting himself?” She didn’t expect an answer, and she wasn’t given one.
Cremia grabbed the boy and left him on the carriage, she didn’t dare to try and wake him up. The fairy –even if she acted that she was just upset that he suddenly blacked out– stayed with him to make sure that nothing happens to him.
Bringing the milk inside wasn’t that hard, she didn’t lack strength after all. When she came back the kid was gone, just the blanked that she put on him left in the carriage.
“Wonder why he didn’t even wait for 20 minutes
” She thought aloud with a hint of worry.
A kid shouldn’t be in that state, like if any second lost is like losing a life.
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siilvan · 1 year ago
OC File: Emiel "Nightfall" Scholten de Ridder
uh y'all want another oc bio? my boy? my son? petra's "little" brother? mini's husband in some universes?
as per petra's post... thank you to my mutuals with their wonderful ocs and everyone who gave support for petra, it's genuinely giving me the confidence that i've desperately lacked despite making ocs since i was 11 years old 😭
profile art to come soon, men are hard to draw đŸ‘»
very long post BTC (again)...
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again, credit to cptnprice for the file!!
Name: Emiel "Nightfall" Scholten de Ridder II
Nicknames/Aliases: Nightfall, Night, "The Reaper", Stalker-5, STAR 1, Jonkie (by MylĂšne)
Rank: Sergeant
Gender: Male
Birth Date: September 17, 1993
Nationality: Dutch
Affiliations: Royal Netherlands Army, Korps Commandotroepen, Coalition (Warcom), Task Force 141, SpecGru
Birthplace: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Current Residence: The Hague, Netherlands
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'4" (1.93 m)
Weight: 220 lbs (100 kg)
Build: Athletic (Big. Slutty waist.)
Blood Type: O-
Marks: Arm tattoos (pictured below), scar across face (think smth similar to Adler's scar), scarring around left wrist, black prosthetic left hand
Faceclaim: Wouter Peelen
Sexuality: Bisexual (no preference king)
Languages: Dutch (native), English (C2), German (C1), Russian (B1), Arabic (B2)
Education: Intelligence Studies BA from the University of Amsterdam
Preferred Hairstyles: Keeps it decently short and manageable pre-MWII, lets it grow out to shoulder length after (it gets curly <3)
Preferred Mission Attire: Usually wears stylized combat fatigues (think Reaper Ghost or SC), also wears normal long-sleeved shirts, jeans, cargos, hoodies, or t-shirts depending on the weather. Wears black 99% of the time, occasionally blue or white. The most key part of his outfit: mask. Almost always is wearing at least a half mask, often wears a balaclava or full-face mask (think Io or Atom). Typically wears a hood if he's got a mask on, too. Winter Soldier-Stitch (Black Ops) vibes.
Preferred Civilian Attire: Like his sister, very casual. Jeans typically, with plain t-shirts, henleys, flannels. Wears hoodies, bomber jackets, leather jackets, anything to keep him cozy. Again, wears black 99% of the time. Occasionally brown, blue, green, or white. Likes layering, simultaneously looks put-together and disheveled.
Favorite Color: Black, Ultramarine (iykyk)
Favorite Flower: Marigold
Myers-Briggs Type: INFJ-T. Introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging, and turbulent. Night prefers to make a difference and seek fulfillment in quieter ways, like hobbies with no "goal" or work that can go uncredited. He strives to prove himself via helping others, often shouldering burdens that others shy away from for the sake of getting things done without forcing those around him to suffer discomfort. Insight, passion, altruism, and principled tendencies often conflict with defensiveness, stubbornness, perfectionism, and forgoing his beliefs and values for the sake of the "greater good."
Father: Colonel Hendrik "Chimera" Scholten de Ridder. Former KCT commander and military legend-turned terrorist. (deceased)
Mother: Johanna Scholten de Ridder (née van den Bos). Former MEDINT analyst for the BVD and MID. (deceased)
Sister: Lieutenant MylĂšne "Petra" Scholten de Ridder. KCT operative and one of the commanding officers of TF141; MEDINT and chemical warfare expert. The two keep in contact despite the covert nature of Night's assignments.
Uncle: Unnamed paternal uncle. Father's younger brother, civilian military engineer. Lost his life in a terrorist attack in the mid-1990s. (deceased)
Aunt: Special Agent Merel "Songbird" van den Bos. Mother's older sister, former agent for the BVD and MID. Specialist in foreign relations and espionage. May or may not be living in the USA and married to Frank Woods (spoiler: she is).
Grandfather: General Emiel Scholten de Ridder. Paternal grandfather, former commander of the Royal Netherlands Army. Yes, he's named after him. (deceased)
Fighting Style: Adaptable, but prefers to avoid direct fights. Studied kickboxing, Wing Chun, and Krav Maga in his youth – CQC is influenced by these.
Weapons: Can use whatever is available.
Preferred Weapons: MCPR-300 (22″ OMX-456 barrel, Corio Laz-44 V3 laser, Nilsound 90 muzzle, .300 Mag Explosive ammunition), X13 Auto, Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, karambit, throwing knives
Special Skills: Specializes in sniper techniques, special reconnaissance, VIP protection, prime target elimination, demolitions, and sabotage. Has passed every marksman test with flying colors; never misses a shot, even in the worst conditions. Does his best work alone and in the dark. Swift and deadly.
Hobbies: Cooking, baking, reading, sports (baseball, climbing, kickboxing, swimming, soccer), music (guitar), photography, motorcycling
Former Hobbies: Did archery in his youth. Doesn't have time for it anymore, but it should be obvious why he's a sniper now.
The name Emiel can mean "to strive, excel, rival, emulating", Scholten refers to a schout (government official that handled administration of justice), and de Ridder means "the knight".
His callsign Nightfall is in reference to his preference to work in the dark – both literally and figuratively. It's also a play on the phrase "lights out", since his work is best described as "putting people to sleep." (Because he's an assassin-type. Get it?)
Took interest in guitar shortly after he turned six, right before his mom died. He didn't play for years after her death, but decided to pick it up again as a young adult.
Greatly resembles his father and the other men on his paternal side. He's been described as having his mother's eyes and some of her "softer" features, though. Absolutely built like a brick wall.
Jokes about having a lot of experience, has slept with maybe 3 people in his entire life – and, none since his capture in 2017. He's willing to date, but is incredibly reserved after that incident. He desperately needs someone who can ground him.
Much like his sister, he skipped a year in primary school, which is why he graduated at 17 despite attending a VWO school.
His prosthetic hand is primarily made of titanium! It's also detachable so, yes, he will throw it at someone when they ask him to give them a hand with something.
Can and will sleep whenever and wherever is available. It's not uncommon to find him dozing off in a corner, on a couch, or even on top of a wall that he's scaled. He never sleeps hard, so it's easy to wake him up.
Is a very occasional smoker. Petra hounds him over it, so he only smokes when he's not at risk of getting caught by her. He's very health-conscious, otherwise!
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Tattoo One (Right Arm) A full sleeve blackwork tattoo with sun, celestial, and water themes. The sun is often seen as a symbol of life, light, warmth, power, positivity, and clarity. The celestials of the night sky can represent the unknown, mystery, the unconscious mind, and one's own deepest thoughts, desires, and fears. It can also be seen as an introspective and reflective symbol. Water, similarly to the sun, is seen as a universal representation of life, with other symbols including depth, ephemerality, sadness, purification, hope, and rejuvenation.
Tattoo Two (Left Shoulder) A compass, much like his sister! The symbolism is fairly obvious, no? Guidance, direction, the interconnected nature of every direction. The compass can serve as a reminder that one is free to choose the course of their life, or to help them find the path again after losing their way. It can also be seen as a symbol of awakening and self discovery for these very same reasons.
⋆ CW: themes of child abuse, torture, violence, and overall mary sue levels of tragedy
Born on September 17, 1993 in the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands, to Hendrik Scholten de Ridder and Johanna Scholten de Ridder, Emiel had a normal – if not privileged, thanks to his family's prominent histories – early childhood. From birth, he had a close relationship with his older sister, Mylùne, who he quickly came to rely on for guidance and support.
In the late fall of 1999, when Emiel was only 6 years old, his mother was killed by enemies of his father originally seeking to hold her and the children hostage for ransom. This event, paired with the traumas he sustained over his years in the military, drove his father to "near insanity" as he became consumed with paranoia and grief. The rest of his and his sister's adolescence was defined by the trauma of his father's abuse; he subjected the siblings to rigorous physical and psychological training in order to mold them into "perfect soldiers" and prevent any further loss.
Despite this, his father was publicly viewed as a war hero. He would often leave the two alone when he was on deployment, forcing MylĂšne to care for herself and Emiel with nothing more than a roof over their heads and grocery money provided. The siblings developed an unbreakable bond during this time that would extend into their adulthoods, rendering them a synergic duo both at home and in the field, with Emiel promising to repay his sister for her efforts someday.
After finishing secondary school at 17, Emiel enlisted in the Royal Netherlands Army, serving in the Regiment Huzaren van Boreel in the 11 Air Assault Brigade. He also studied at the University of Amsterdam – taking online classes – and frequently visited his sister during her time in the 400 Medical Battalion, eventually graduating with a BA in Intelligence Studies. He spent 3 years participating in air assault and armored reconnaissance operations before passing selection for the Korps Commandotroepen in 2014, wherein he was quickly recognized for his natural skills in anything covert.
Specializing in sniper techniques, prime target elimination, VIP protection, demolitions, and sabotage, Emiel established himself as an elite operative who excels in hostile areas and hazardous environments. His exceptional accuracy and uncanny proficiency when operating in the shadows eventually earned him the nickname "Nightfall".
In early 2015, Nightfall joined his sister – now a KCT lieutenant nicknamed "Petra" – Captain Price of the British SAS, and Nikolai in an unsanctioned operation to kill or capture Chimera after the latter was discovered to be a traitor. The small team managed to track the Colonel and his supporters to a base deep in the Alps, where they successfully wiped out the entire group and killed Chimera. After the mission, much like his sister, Nightfall felt indebted to Price.
From then on, he continued to carry out covert and overt operations worldwide. Sometime in the next year, Nightfall managed to wipe out an entire base of Al-Qatala soldiers in one night without a single alarm being raised. The sole survivor referred to him as "The Reaper" when describing him, as he hunted every enemy whilst cloaked in darkness. Nightfall was later awarded the Military William Order, the Bronze Lion, and the Cross of Merit for both this operation and his following work within the KCT, establishing himself – or rather, his marksmanship – as a minor legend within the elite commando corps.
Another year later, around mid-2017, however, Nightfall was assigned to a unit led by Captain Price and Petra, tasked with infiltrating and securing an Al-Qatala base located in Kastovia. He served as the team’s scout sniper and overwatch during the mission, until he lost contact with the rest of the team. When the rest of the team finally reached his location to investigate, several IEDs planted in the area went off and forced the group to retreat. Despite his sister's attempts to rescue him, Nightfall was declared dead in absentia after demolition teams failed to locate his body the following day.
In reality, Nightfall was alive, being held as a prisoner of war by Al-Qatala’s commanders. The explosions caused him to lose one of his hands and left his face scarred. For the next two and a half years, Nightfall was interrogated, tortured, and subjected to inhumane conditions while imprisoned in Eastern Europe, though he still tried to support and protect the other POWs in the prison, regardless of which side they supported or whether they were civilian or military.
About a month after the formation of Task Force 141, CIA Station Chief Kate Laswell pinpointed the location of a prison in Georgia believed to be used by Al-Qatala to hold POWs. Reconnaissance of the prison confirmed this and the identity of several of the prisoners; Nightfall was identified as one of the POWs. His sister, leading an elite KCT unit, raided the location shortly thereafter, securing the captives, Nightfall, and intel about Al-Qatala's plans.
Following his rescue and intensive recovery in the hospital, Nightfall was deployed in Verdansk alongside other Coalition operatives under Armistice, where he relentlessly worked to prove himself once more.
As a valuable ally to the 141 and a near-fabled assassin with a long list of confirmed kills and countless unconfirmed, Nightfall has pledged his life and his very conscious to his work, his only saving grace being the characteristic pitch black masks obscuring his face every time he appears in the field – on the rare occasion he's visible, that is.
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bbygirlky18 · 1 year ago
Mami's Breakthrough!
Chapter 1
Part 1
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem reader
Description: Rhea was getting tired of Finn and Damian fighting so when she arrived at the hotel she decided to take a walk when she came across this wrestling show and she met the diva who runs it and wrestles in it.
A/N: This is the for the first chapter of my fanfic Mami's Breakthrough! Enjoy.
Word Count: 662 for Part 1 (The total of the whole first chapter is 2663)
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Rhea's POV: "Let's go to the hotel. I'm tired of you guys fighting." I said as I grew more pissed at Finn and Damian. The ride to the hotel was full of silence and once we arrived at the hotel the arguments started back up.
"Why is JD in Judgement Day business? It's only allowed to be Judgement members." Damian said to Finn. "JD is my friend. We've been friends forever. Plus you don't hear me complaining about you talking to Bad Bunny after you said that you would end his career at Backlash in Puerto Rico and you lost." I stopped in my tracks and grabbed my jacket, my phone, the room key, and my purse. I texted Liv Morgan and it went like this.
Rhea😈: Hey Liv. I’m going for a walk out on the town. Do you want to come? I need to get out here before I kill Finn and Damian.
Liv💙: Yeah sure. I heard that there’s this wrestling show going on right now and Trinity (Naomi) apparently knows the girl who runs it. Do you want me to invite Trin?
Rhea😈: Yeah bring her along. I could use the girl time right now. 
Liv💙: Ok. Meet us downstairs. 
Rhea😈: Ok. Bring your room keys and your purses. I’m heading downstairs right now.
Once I was done texting Liv I looked at Dominik, Finn, and Damian. I said “I’m heading out before we have to go out with WWE. Finn and Damian if you don’t get your shit together we’re gonna have problems.” I walked out of the room and I walked to the elevator and went to the first floor. While down on the first floor I saw Stephanie and Hunter and I said “Hey me, Liv and Naomi are going for a walk out on the town we’ll meet you at the bar. Is that ok?” Stephanie said “Yea don’t worry about it, Rhea. I’ll have someone text you, Liv, or Naomi when we’re at the bar and you 3 can just meet there.” I said “Ok. Thank you.” They walked off and I heard the elevator ding. I see Naomi, Liv, Jimmy, and Jey all get off the elevator. I said “Hey girls. Sup twins.” Jimmy and Jey waved. Naomi said, “I tried to tell them that it was a girl’s night for you and you wanted us to come so you can breathe and get your mind right but they told me that they are not going to let me go alone only cause of the creepy guys who are out so I just told them that they could come.” I nodded and said “That’s fine with me. I just need to get out and blow off steam before I kill Damian and Finn.”
We all left the hotel and we walked into this place that had like at least 137,379 people in it and this beautiful, gorgeous, astonishing woman walked out and said “Welcome to Eastern Oustanding Amazing Entertainment Pro Wrestling aka EOAEPW where everyone is accepted. Even though I’m the owner I will be wrestling for you tonight. My name is Gretchen Foster but my full name is Gretchen Wilhelmina Janene Dodie Foster but in the ring, I’m known as “The Nightmare Demolisher” Eliora “Evie” King. I’m glad that you’re here. Let’s get the show started. The first match scheduled for one fall is for the Demon’s Championship Belt. Introducing the champion weighing in at 6’6”, 272 lbs from Ogdensburg, New Jersey, Nathan “Quickdraw” Bernard, and introducing the challenger weighing in at 6’3”, 160lbs from Streetsboro, Ohio, Shane "Big Boy" Stone.” We sat and watched the match. Shane put up a good fight, but in the end, Nathan was able to secure the victory and retain his championship belt. After the match, Nathan celebrated with the crowd, as Shane accepted defeat with a humble nod.  Nathan and Shane embraced each other and the crowd cheered in appreciation. Nathan then thanked the crowd for their support and Shane did the same.
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steve0discusses · 2 years ago
Ep 46 Pt 2: Seto is Sad Now
I just want to take the time to fully appreciate Seto and Yami on the back of this horse.
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You can’t tell me that the image alone of them on horse back where Seto is just on the back like it’s a motorcycle or something? Two cousins trying not to be weird about this mode of transportation while the tall one sits in the tiny seat?
 (which by the way, I didn’t realize it at the time, but uh my condolences to the shippers of Yami and Seto, they are...damn! They sure are cousins, aren’t they? Like a reverse Sailor Uranus/Sailor Neptune situation right here. Well, you still got modern Seto, but...sooo many lost fanfics out there, I’m sure, who were...probably not happy with this revelation.)
So I had to look this up because I’m not a horse girl, regrettably, I do not know enough about horses to know if two grown men can fit on the back of a horse without busting that horse’s spine in half. But, what I found out is: you don’t do this to a horse. I mean you can, but you shouldn’t.
Thing is...Yami is technically a kid in size, if memory serves, Yugi is still less than 100 lbs.
Maybe this horse is OK? this horse they occasionally use to skate down mountainsides? It’s not a real horse anyway, and honestly, this whole idea of the two on a horse is very funny to me so who cares.
(read more under the cut)
Also speaking of scientifically incorrect things in Yugioh, this was also very funny,
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FAR BE IT FROM ME to get all technical and make some weird youtube video about all the historical inaccuracies in TV shows (which damn, I sure do hate those videos) but I can still laugh at it when it happens.
Bro just told me “bold of you to trust Google” and he’s correct. For all we know some AI just lied to me just now, so if you know some deep lore about trebuchets don’t be afraid to speak up.
Their horse pulls up to the line of out of touch trebuchets and warriors flanking the city, where we reunite as a cast minus Karim.
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Yami then dumps this on me and it was so outlandish I could not tell if this was canon to the manga/original translation or if the dub decided this would be OK to do.
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Just let the man die! He divorced his wife on horseback and then did not raise Seto, he abandoned this boy to kill thousands of people, just let Aknadin freakin die. Please, Yami, this is not up for debate, Yami. Let Aknadin freakin die he hella deserves it.
Agh, Dartz all over again, I swear this show didn’t used to feel the need to redeem it’s villains, youknow? Or maybe it was always like this but I forgot because of freakin long covid wiping a year of my life, I don’t freaking know. But if/when Aknadin comes back I genuinely can’t see how he and Seto could ever fix their relationship on this planet Earth.
Anyway, speaking of being tired beyond your ability, Yami remembers just how many fireballs he took to the chest today and decides to just keel over. Good thing he didn’t do this on the back of the horse.
Relatable, honestly, this is what I do nowadays when I have to stand too long because I decided to cook 2 things instead of 1. Yami just has long covid, he’ll be fine. Just find a couch and do a big sittie, Yami.
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Like damn, Yami, maybe should’ve let Seto at least drive the horse?
And so the trebuchets fire off with all this animation that a bunch of people looked at, and after them, these scenes passed over like 100 more people’s hands, and no one at any point said “yo they used sleds instead of wheels in Egyptian sands, right?” and they were...like they were from the wrong anime really, but please admire the wings on these “trebuchets”
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freakin nerf guns made out of logs hahaha.
Anyway, Bakura noticed.
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Sad Seto starts botching it so poorly that it, in fact, triggers the end of the world.
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Could’ve been Isis commanding the troops. Or Grandpa. Or Shad- no wait, no actually...
...probably shouldn’t be Shada.
But I think that Isis would not have needed that necklace to know throwing logs at the enemy would not work. Especially since this particular enemy is like...all log.
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Thanks for the America shout-out Yugioh, my warm and fuzzy patriotic vibes go off in my heart every time I see lady liberty in an apocalyptic setting, not gonna lie.
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I make fun, but it really did take Yami a while to figure out what the hell Bakura was implying here.
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Lets admire the guy in the very back who looks like he just lost his glasses so he’s just gonna sit it out directly on the ground.
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I will not revise the death count. They died. They died right in front of me. This is clearly a ghost.
They’re just back now. They’ve done this before where they magically come back to life, it’s never explained, and I’m used to it. Rex and Weevil are god tier and it’s never ever explained. I’m ready for them to die again every time I see them on this show. But this show will never let go of these bastards because like...well I don’t know, really, but it feels like the show runners REALLY like these two and I’ll let them have their comfort OCs.
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So I know I was going to put a towel on this boy’s enormous smiling dong, but it would, in fact, make it more obscene to put the towel on him in this particular scene than to go without the towel.
And yes, it did grow larger than the last time we saw it, and no... I don’t think we should analyze that.
Meanwhile we have run out of useless logs and their out of place trebuchets.
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Blue Eyes just sitting on the bleachers being like “no dawg, it’s fine! I’m fine, we’re all fine!”
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And then we uh, killed Shadi.
It happened so quickly I think the dub actually removed a scene where he gets hit. Like suddenly Yami’s in danger, then it cuts away, and then Shadi is just on the ground like “you get em buddy” and he kicks it.
What an unceremonious way for this creep to die.
And of all the times! He has been threatening to die this entire season! And I guess it’s better than getting bricked in the head by Aknadin, but still...a lightning bolt huh?
And in case you were like “so why is he this weird ghost that haunts us 5000 years later?” That’s apparently answered in like the movie, from what bro tells me. I forget which. I want to say it’s Dark Side of Dimensions, that movie I keep threatening to watch. He hasn’t seen it either, he doesn’t know.
Anyway, we made it through another episode, and yes, it was Shadi who died.
I cannot believe how long Grandpa has held out this season, can you? I can’t believe it at all.
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We’ll catch up again next episode, where...it feels like this is the finale guys. Wow. We’ve come so far. And again, I wish I was in a better state to write, because I feel like I used to be a lot more in depth and just...more analytical. 
But really, this season is just pretty freaking weird. Like there is stuff to analyze here. There are things to get out of it. But I spend so long being like “and then this weird thing happened, and that weird thing happened” that I’m still just stringing together the nonsense and I’m not really appreciating the forest for the trees.
But I’m sure those things will come to me in time, if they really are that important to glean from this season, even if it may be in some later episode or some sort of post-season essay I feel like writing (I probably won’t). But until then, we’ll just admire the dickface they convinced 4kids to put on TV.
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achy-boo · 26 days ago
Jieun Hyun Byeol
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“Ramshackle’s Insomniac Prince. A boy with a mask to hide his mouth, eyes of the forbidden and the dammed but is he..truly..himself? Or Is he manipulating to hide his true self?..”
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â•­â”€â”€ăƒ» Basic Information
Name: Jieun Hyun Byeol
Romaji: Byeol Hyun Jieun
Quote: “Sleep? How disgusting
Insomnia is my true friend..”
V/A: Uta(Japanese) and Kenkei Ken(English) from Tokyo Ghoul
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown for now
Age: 17
Birthday: April 30th
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Eye color: Red and black
Hair Color: Jet black
Height: 6’0
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Human? (Later reveal to be an undead Vampire at Chapter 5)
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Marie Byeol(Mother; Deceased)
Milo Byeol(Little brother age 8; Deceased)
Grant Byeol(Father; Unknown{Assumed Dead})
â•­â”€â”€ăƒ» School Information
School Status and Fun Fact
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: 1st Year
Class: 1-A
Student Number: No.56
Occupation: None
Club: Light Music club
Best Subject: History
â•­â”€â”€ăƒ» Interests
Favorite Color: Dark or neutral colors
Favorite Food: Almost anything really
Least Favorite Food: He..don’t like some of the French foods..
Likes: reading, being alone, hitting Ace(Bc he is an dumbass), Yuuken, insomnia, food, boba tea, fashion, rainy/cloudy days, cold days, anime, Manhwa
Dislikes: sleep, Crowley, Loud noises, Vargas, Azul, Rook, sunny days, heat, summer
Hobbies: making plushies, playing his violin, walking in rainy days with or without umbrella.
Talents: Sense auras from miles away, skills with blades, read the room
â•­â”€â”€ăƒ» Other information
Nicknames: Ramshackle’s Insomniac Prince(Title)
Other nicknames:
@queen-of-twisted’s ocs
-Silver’s long lost twin(Minako),
- Sleepless Head(Victor)
@yumeko2sevilla’s ocs
Erin: "Jien-Jien!"
Tsukuyomi: "Little Sleepy."
Hitsuji: "Jie"
Yukikaze: "Byeul"
@kousaka-ayumu’s ocs
Jieun-kun(Sonomi, Yumeri, Taiyou, Mizuko, Hokori, Yuri, Geneva)
J(Kaida, Farah, and Chris)
Byeol(Alain, Raclette)
Mr. Sleepless(Bernice)
Appearance and Personality:
Appearance: Jieun had jet black hair that reach his shoulder blades. Red and black eyes with a pale skin tone. He wears the normal Ramshackle outfit with few items that reminds him of his inner child. He wears a mask to cover his face. Eye bags is a common sight to see with two different earrings on each side. In class through, Jieun wears a Victorian style outfit(all black) and he had some sort of necklace.
Personality: Emotionally detached is what people and strangers describe Jieun at first glance. He is an selective mute, respectful, intelligent and an observant person. He never talks much only if necessary and is often too aloof for people to approach him. People think that this is the true him but
is it really?
Jieun however is more dangerous as they made him out to be. Cunning, sadistic, arrogant he is. But he knows who is his enemies and who is his friends. He knows what flaw to target and trauma to use against someone. Thanks to his father, he had sadly changed. From a sweet and caring older brother and eldest son to a man that hold a dark side to him
a side not even his own deceased mother would be proud of
- He can live without sleep
- He was the only one who is not afraid to put certain students in their place
- Never a pushover
- Had to kill to survive
- he is ambidextrous
- He had a extremely loyal butler named Malice
- He prefers observe from the shadows
- He wears that mask of his almost every day
✶ Unique Magic
⟡Name: The Book of Logos
⟡Chant: "Curiosity and knowledge are two different things...mixed them together and your curiosity will lead to your downfall. Let your curiosity killed your cat, The Book of Logos."
Jieun will send the person into the room with no door while holding a book. If the person read it, they will be addicted to read more and more while obvious that the book is cursed. If the thrill of knowledge or curiosity gets the best of the person, a unidentified stranger will appear and turn you into a book instead.
If you want to go on the sadistic part, he will forced you to read your past as a book. You will be unable to stop reading your past no matter how traumatized and dark said past is.
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percontaion-points · 3 months ago
Lost Boys chapters 39 & 40
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Click here for the rest of the series!
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 39
“You tricked me with your frail looks, trying to make me think you were weak, but you’re really not. And you’re not remotely human, but you’ve made yourself look like one. That’s a lie of sorts,” I pointed out. 
Literally none of that is Vigil’s fault, though? Like that’s on her for randomly taking a look at this complete stranger and assuming things about him. 
“As soon I explain, I’m doomed. I will be chaos myself, something out of its natural order. They will ‘fix’ me then.”
 “Fix as in 
” I asked, dreading the answer. 
“Cease to exist.”
 “They will kill you.”
 “If you prefer to put it in those terms,” he said and smiled at me. “If you ask me, I will comply. But I need to know, Joe. Now you know what will happen if I attend to your wish, would you still ask me not to do my job?”
The thing that’s bugging me about this
 Is that he probably knows that they’re going to send others to collect Tristan’s “lost” soul. Even if they kill Vigil, nature will still try to correct itself. 
“And now this is the part that ‘he’ needs to know to make his decision,” Vigil said, turning to look at Tristan, sadness shining in his fathomless black eyes.
Chapter 39 summary: Christmas ends, and new year’s sneaks up on them faster than they’d like. On December 30th, Tristan goes into Joe’s room, and they talk about how far they've come in the year since they’ve known each other. Since we were there for all of this (at the start of this book), it falls a bit flat. Well, that and how little the author seems to care about any of this.
On the 31st, they go to the cemetery, where Vigil shows up. Joe shows him the “tattoo” she got when she hurt him, and he tells her that it’s punishment for what she did, and that he can’t remove it.
He then freezes time and insists on talking with her. He explains to her that when she named him, she not only gave him an identity, but also made him begin to experience human emotions for the first time. He tells her that he loves her, but in this way of coming from somebody who has never once experienced a human emotion since the dawn of time. He acts like he can literally eat chicken noodle soup to get rid of it, which is obviously a bit amusing to Joe. 
However, he goes on to say that if she were to say the word, he’d stop trying to grab Tristan. But, this would lead to the others destroying him, aka to end his own life. Joe obviously doesn’t want that, but doesn’t want to let Tristan go, either. 
Vigil unstops time, and says that he has to talk with Tristan now. 
Chapter 40
Tristan was gone, and he was never coming back.
Chapter 40 summary: Vigil goes over to Tristan, and pointedly explains to him that if he chooses to remain among the living, others will come for him. But that since they wouldn’t be able to find Tristan, they’d focus their attention onto Joe, and torture her for the info. He doesn’t have high hopes for how long that Joe would last. Obviously, Tristan chooses to go with Vigil now, to spare Joe the agony of all that. Even if it means that she’s going to be sad that Tristan is gone. 
Joe then passes out, and wakes up some time later. It’s snowing, she’s alone, and also mostly frozen. Vigil appears before her and tells her to get out of there (aka before she herself dies). However, she’s weak from the cold, and can’t really do much to help herself. She ends up calling Josh. He comes to find her, and manages to help her back to Rose’s house. Once there, he explains that Vigil appeared before him and told him where to find Joe. 
After getting Joe’s body temperature up, she reads a sad goodbye note from Tristan and cries about it. Again, this was probably pretty impactful before the series was finished. But now that it is
 Who fucking cares? We know she’s going to go on a journey to get Tristan back, and then they’ll have their happy ending. 
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zeniriri · 11 months ago
Hi I don’t really use this blog for anything but reblogging stuff I like but I do have two other blogs @grapeyvscanvas and @mood-ring-fanfiction and those are the ones I treasure..
ANYWAY so uh update on my life, I finally moved out from living with my father like I’ve wanted since 2019, and while I am happy, I’ve basically just transferred into another undesirable situation. I’ve gained more weight (I used to be 180 lbs in 2022, now I’ve become 255 lbs), my fiance and I (oh yeah did I mention I’m engaged now?) were about to move into an apartment but ended up having a financial surprise because my fiancé’s car broke, so I had to move in with his parents, we were also going to get married that same month but when I came here I found out that his grandmother and aunts freaked out that we weren’t gonna have a wedding, and so we decided to had to plan for one to avoid family drama, and I also found out my fiance also wanted a wedding but I didnt listen to him because I was being selfish. I have more food options I can eat but it’s also still limited because his mother gatekeeps it all “for recipes”, I started having anxiety episodes almost every night due to my weight gain and it’s stressed me out a bunch, I had a job but then had to quit due to numerous undesirable working conditions and violations that I couldn’t handle contributing to, and now it’s super hard to find a job all of a sudden. My fiancĂ© is now super stressed too because he just quit and got a new job but it pays way way less ($2 an hour but apparent tips are supposed to make up for it??? He barely gets any tips!!!). We have deadlines for multiple payments like car, attending my best friend’s wedding next month, a family reunion in August, our own wedding in September, and getting our own place to live in, and together right now we only have like $1 to our name.
It’s okay though, I’m not worried because now I have more options and opportunities, and I’m with my fiancĂ© so I know we both can get through it. I just need to keep supporting him, calling him a good boy, and I just need to keep searching for jobs all day every day, and keep intermittent fasting. I’ve already lost 2 lbs after 9 days of fasting. Imagine how much more I could lose if I add in exercise

Also I started using 4chan and it’s fun, I’m gonna post all the art I made in the past few months on my art blog @grapeyvscanvas okay byeeeeeeeeee
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minato-division03 · 2 years ago
Miku Shirazuki
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes."
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Miku means "beautiful" (矎) (mi) and "sky" (ç©ș) (ku)
Shirazuki means "white" (癜) (shira) and "moon" (月) (tsuki)
Character Information
Kanji: 癜月 矎ç©ș
Romaji: Shirazuki Miku
MC Name: Hex 13
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 19
Birthday: January 13
Star sign: Capricorn
Blood type: A
Occupation: ex-idol
Division: Minato
Team: R.I.P MĂ€rchen
Height: 162 cm (5’3 1/2) / 167 cm with high tops (5’5 1/2)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lb.)
Hair color: metallic ice blue
Eye color: ice blue
V/A: Miyu Tomita
Rap voice: Yena Choi
Stage actor: Yena Choi
Miku is an average-height girl with rosy skin and small piercing ice-blue eyes. She has straight, metallic ice-blue hair that reaches down the middle of her back and is shaped into a wolf cut, her fringe parting in a messy left side-part.
Her street attire consists of a cropped black lace-up tank, black high waisted skinny jeans, a translucent jacket that gradients to a midnight-blue color and litters with star-shaped sequins, white high tops, and a black baseball hat. She has four piercings on each ear: two lobes and her lower and upper helixes. She tends to wear different jewelry everyday, depending on her mood, but one piece of jewelry she doesn’t leave the house without is her silver sword necklace. A habit that she has picked up during her many years as an idol is that she never leaves her apartment without makeup. She currently sports minimally smoky eyes with blue, white, and silver fine glitter.
When she’s at home, she sports a loose cream-colored button-up with a deep neckline, exposing the top of her lacy blush-pink bralette, finished with white satin shorts.
Miku is generally a mature, serious person with somewhat of a short temper and does not like being pestered. As a result of multiple incidents in the entertainment business, she developed a cold and distrusting attitude toward most people. She has lost all patience for overeager and aggressive netizens who continue to accost her in public and inconvenience others.
However, she does have a softer side to her and still remains humble, despite her popularity as an idol. Queen Card notes that one of Miku’s best traits is that she is incredibly loyal to the people she cares about, be it her fans, family, or friends.
Her rap ability, Curse, allows the impact of her blows to linger in her opponent’s mind, even when it's no longer her turn.
Miku is left-handed.
She likes grapes, dancing, crystals, astrology, and scented candles while she dislikes naivety, deception, and judgmental people.
Her favorite food is miso-grilled corn while her least favorite food is cucumbers.
She can play the piano, guitar, flute, karimba, erbane drum, and the harp. Even before her signing to a talent agency, she was writing her own music and composing songs of her own, leading her to become a prodigious idol after her debut.
Due to her mother being her vocal coach growing up, she grew proficient in singing in several different genres and styles aside from pop, ranging from: throat singing, rock, metal, opera, and musical theatre.
Her parents are Reiaki’s neighbor, and they live on the same floor. When she was an idol, she was living in the same apartment as her manager.
She was homeschooled all throughout her idol career.
Plot (Contains Spoilers and Sensitive Topics)
Behind The Glass Stains
Two days before the Division Rap Battle preliminaries, her makeup artist and friend, Reiaki Suzubyashi, is celebrating the first birthday of her roommate's son, Ayato Yumesato. Despite not being able to attend due to the hectic schedule that comes with being an idol during promotion season, she had her mother deliver a birthday present to the birthday boy in her stead. Reiaki video chats to Miku as she's waiting for her turn to perform for the night. Miku takes notice of Ayato's mother, Juri Yumesato, and reacts in a wary manner, announcing her worry for her and the toddler.
After the music show that took place at Yokohama's broadcast station ended that night, a sleepy Miku gets into her manager, Shohei Ikeishi's car to rest before the repeating the same schedule the following day. She responds unenthusiastically at the thought of repeating the same schedule yet again, which prompts Ikeishi to point out that Miku is burnt out due to her workload. She stubbornly denies his statement and expresses that she works hard for the sake of her fans, refusing to admit that she was overworked. The exchange dies down as she points out to Ikeishi that he missed the exit he needed to get them home, to which he points out that they were being followed ever since they left the broadcast station. She is horrified upon learning this and her drowsiness takes over, blacking out completely. The next morning, news break out that the vehicle that carried Miku and Ikeishi had crashed violently into Yokohama's container port, where Ikeishi was reported dead and Miku missing from the scene.
Several days later, Miku gains consciousness, though still lethargic, and finds herself chained to a bed and bandaged carelessly. She is met with a man whose face she can't quite make out in her state, though he claims to be a loyal fan. When she fully comes to, she is horrified to find that the unfamiliar room she is contained in is covered from floor to ceiling in photos of herself, and strangely enough, less horrified to learn that the man had sex with her unconscious body. When he is called out for his assault, he attacks her back viciously with the fact that idols are supposed to save their love only for their fans and yet Miku had already lost her virginity before him. She begins to reflect on the day she signed to Universal Key Entertainment. Eager to be able to sing and perform for a living, and even more eager to see "the colors that surrounded the idols," her dreams were quickly crushed when she learned that in exchange for signing a contract with the label and being a top model, she would have to have sex with CEO Hayashida whenever he called for it, though he stated that she would have to hide this from her manager he would assign to her. Unwilling to give up on her dream, she agreed to the terms. She begins evaluating her six years of idol work along with the odd and dangerous encounters with other fans, ultimately deciding it was still worth it for the fans who did find solace in her music. Hearing this revelation, her captor seemingly cools down and "forgives" her for "such a whorish past".
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babykentthegent · 2 years ago
An Austin Adoption
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It’s been one week since the newest member of our family joined this world. Looking back at this past month feels surreal. It’s true what they say...once you have a child, you forget what life was like before them. The purpose of this blog is to share with family and friends Kent’s journey and development in his first year. One thing is for sure - he is one happy boy! This kid cannot stop smiling. Either he’s exceptionally happy or he is one gassy dude, haha. Let’s go with the former. He’s also remarkably bright! He’s already trying to hold the bottle for himself and is a great self-soother. His diet consists of formula and he is A-ok with it being room temperature. When he does cry, it’s always warranted and is his way of communicating his need. We then quickly run down the list: Does he need a diaper change? Is he hungry? Is he too cold/hot? Is he gassy? Once we identify the issue and take care of it, he’s back to being all smiles. 
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It was Thursday, May 18th at 11:37 PM when we received a text from the birth mom that read “And go!” She also told us to drive safe and not speed. This was after our false alarm fiasco on Cinco de Mayo...a story for another time. Let’s just say it involved a full moon, a cyclone of a storm complete with thunder and lightening, torrential downpour so hard the windshield wipers failed their only job, roads flooding, tree branches falling, followed by me puking so hard I popped all of the blood vessels in my face and neck. But this blog isn’t about me, so back to baby Kent. We made our way to St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, stopping to buy milk for the birth mom who had requested it for her heartburn. She tried to buy it herself but got impatient with the clerk and yelled at him that she was in active labor then left. We spent the evening and morning with the birth mom in her hospital room. While she was only 2 cm dilated, the doctors proceeded with inducing her, and eventually gave her an epidural. For hours she slept through her contractions. Epidurals are no joke! When she finally did wake up, the painful contractions didn’t last long. The doctor’s scrubbed me up as I was the person in charge of catching the baby and announcing the gender. Rob held the birth mom’s hand and opted to be her coach on the north end of things. The midwife checked her cervix to see if she was ready and I could already see the top of Kent’s head! Just three pushes later, at 1:49 PM on May 19th, he was born! I quickly shouted, “it’s a boy” to the room. A whopping 6 lbs 15 oz and 20″ long. A tiny but long little dude! The whole thing happened so fast that I barely had time to process it all. And just like that, we became parents. 
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We spent the next 48 hours in the hospital with Kent by our side. In Texas, the right of revocation for the birth mom is 48 hours. Kent’s birth mom was kind to allow us this bonding time with him which also allowed us to get a crash course from the hospital nurses on his care. We had to wake up every hour to feed him, but eventually he took to the bottle and never looked back. In our 12 years together, I’ve never seen Rob so happy. And he’s a natural! He’s now a pro at diaper changes, feedings, and soothing Kent like he’s been doing it for years. The way he looks at him brings tears to my eyes. Is someone cutting onions? It’s the same unconditional love that I have for Kent. 
After my mom died, I lost that level of bonded connectedness that a mother and child share. That all changed the day that Kent came into our lives. Once again the bond is back and I feel it stronger than ever. Not having family, especially my mom, there to be with us was difficult to say the least. One night I called my sister crying in need of support and within hours she hopped on a plane from California to come be there. Kent is so lucky to have an Auntie that would do that for the three of us. Once she arrived, she commented on our hospital room number (222). She shared that this was an angel number and that there were angels by our side. When I looked it up, I learned that it’s the angels’ way of telling you to let go and relinquish control of the situation and to trust the process. It was then I knew that we weren’t alone in that room and that everything was going to be okay. I could feel a strong presence and was certain that my mom, Rob’s dad, and Rob’s grandpa Kent were with us. It brought us another layer of comfort that we so desperately needed.
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Before we knew it, it was time to sign the adoption paperwork. After the signing, I felt overwhelmed with emotion and just sobbed. The build up to this had been a bit stressful and hectic to say the least, but once it was all said and done we were over the moon with joy. The hospital took photos of Kent before we were discharged. Shortly after, we buckled our newborn in his carseat and were off to the races. We went back to our friend’s house, where we stayed while in Texas, and spent the rest of the time getting to know our new little one. We had to wait for the state of Texas to process the paperwork before we could get the green light to fly home. In the meantime, we have enjoyed every moment we’ve had with him and we just can’t get enough.
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Kent is so alert and just loves to look at you. When he’s being fed, or just relaxing in your arms, he likes to cross his ankles. He has the cutest little mouth with puffy, adorable lips. He absolutely loathes being cold and when he’s cozy in his swaddle or sitting on the back porch in the humid weather, he is a happy boy. We’ve quickly learned how much laundry a tiny human produces, not to mention the diapers. He’s peed on us several times. It’s like a dang firehose! Sometimes right after we change a poopy diaper, he’ll immediately poop in it again...then we’re on to diaper three in a matter of moments. The first several days were late nights with little to no sleep. Yet, one week in, Kent is already letting mommy and daddy sleep a bit longer. On his three day checkup, the pediatrician here in Texas gave him a clean bill of health! Our favorite thing to do is sit outside as a family, drink coffee, and listen to the birds chirp. 
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We gave Kent his first bath back at the house and he handled it like a champ. It’s funny how similar babies and the elderly that require long-term care...you can’t trust a fart and you have to rely on others to feed and sponge bathe you. He got the tiniest little diaper rash, so we’ve been going above and beyond to try to help it heal. Even going to the extent of pulling his butt cheeks apart and blowing air on him to dry. That’s how much we love this kid - enough to blow on his butthole. The things you do for love. I tried to clip his nails when we got home and cut off part of his skin, causing it to bleed a little. He didn’t cry or seem to notice, but I cried and felt horrible! Lucky for me, my sister-in-law called to tell me that parents aren’t perfect and you’re going to make mistakes. This put me at ease because it’s so easy to feel like you’re a bad parent when you do make a mistake. 
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It’s true what they say - it takes a village. We’ve been so fortunate to have the support of friends and family. Our friends have allowed us to bunk up at their house and use their car this whole month, saving us a ton of money. My stepdad is house sitting and getting it ready for our homecoming. Rob’s parents are always there to talk to when we need them and helping out at home where they can. We’ve had family watch our dogs so we don’t have to worry about them. Other family that has sent us gifts and even dinner one night. It truly does take a village and Kent’s village is massive. 
In just four days we will be taking a flight back to Seattle. We can’t wait to get our routine and life started with him there. We fall more in love with him each day and are excited to watch him grow, learn, develop, and progress. He really is our little gentleman. His name is Kent, some call him KJ, I call him bubba or booboo or whatever obnoxious nickname that rolls off my tongue in response to his cuteness. Kent John, you have an exciting life ahead of you little dude. And we couldn’t be happier to be the ones to show you the world. 
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mint-moon25 · 1 year ago
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Live Chat - Jasmine - Why is
being attacked associated
with Boost Infinite as Partially
Blind - Example -
Lee County - Fort Myers
Front of my Opthalmologist
Eye Centers of Florida - est
10:28A - FAT - Hispanic Pig
was - 215 lbs - Raped - Kate
early morning - on - Heroine
Homeless - Divorced - Half
Pinay - Daughter - Pinoy Hubby
Divorced - Get Lost - More
Beautiful than Marilyn Monroe
Same Birthday - Being on yes
Heroine - Effective Rape as FL
watch - Illegal Screen Doors
Property Manager always
Trespassing with Hispanic
Lawyer - Hispanic Maintenance
Fooling around - Dead Tenant's
Restroom - All murdered asthma
Oldest - and - Original tenant
since over 20 years - Can't
lock screen door - Section 8
Hud - Illegal - No Landlord
Past - Karen - Prune - Bag
failed 2 give reasonable yes
Protection 4 Criminal Intrusion
Tanaka Films
Ning Ning - takes - Kate's
Karina - Aespa - takes my place
10:28A - getting laundry - was
yelling from outside fat hispanic
'Little Mermaid' - Like Stork was
already there
Grieving Kate - and - Jonghyun
2nd Amendment
No fully auto machine gun
No knife 2 gut - Japan girl
who grabbed my baby boy
8th month - He sang as my
As my 5th baby
Public Park - American blond
ordered his taking 4 auctions
Asian Babies - Talent - Smart
8th month - was - hard
Pregnancy paid - Twins
or regular - Called me - fat pig
tub - Fat ugly train - Show your
breasts - ugly fat porky pig
Tokyo female police - Ugly pig
That night - Male Tokyo Police
2 - brought me 2 paid hospital
2 - held my twins - 9P - 9:10 P
Identical - felt was coming out
10 min - they came out
Boost Infinite - No exception
New Babies - Baby - Taken
Jasmine - Your baby stolen
from you - what has that to
do with - Billing Questions
Jasmine - Live Chat - Finger
Typing - South Korean Girls
Where safe - Stand like you
are removing dust of shoes
sandals - say for the evil
men and women of Boost
Infinite - Lousy Service but
Google Fi - Illegal and Worst
Both - shake your - Sandals
HDG - App - Daily - Shake
Foot Apparel them and the
United States - Age 246
Shake Feet about Haiti
American Blks - Hispanics
500 Billion Won - x - 500
Tax Paid - Daily
Never go 2 USA - same Won
Daily - Tax Paid
Janette Rivera - Apt 1
gave - Blow Job - 2 - Apt 2
Mental USC - David Iorio
No beatings happened
Forgive with a knife he
wanted me 2 stay - Clean
his toilet and apartment
Looked like Hunchback
Notre Dame - Dad former
NYPD - family wealth other
relatives - Hispamic male
police - looking 4 hole on
forehead wanted 2 arrest
me 4 not allowing more
beatings - not enjoying rape
Fort Myers - Roaches Rabbies
Humans - Illegal Courthouses
Lee County Courthouse
Marilyn Monroe St
Apt 1 & 2
Me partially blind
Partly Quadraplegic
She boxed L and R arm
Didn't feel anything
No Bruises - R arm
Courthouse - Prove beatings
b4 - Midnight - Internal Bleeding
Top L Shoulder edge - Beautiful
Light Blue circle - showed white
male worker - was chat she is a
Philippines - Mental - Psychiatrist
Hispanic Fat Doctor - Subscribed
Meds - You are on Heroine and
Cocaine from urine sample
Janette Rivera Fat Lesbian
Hispanic Pig - Kicked me &
boxed and kicked touched
breasts - Yelled while I was
Sony listening 2 Jonghyun
'Always be with you'
You want 2 hit me with
chair - Grabbed - Steel
chair what I used for
Thanksgiving Dinner
Hit my head several times
Faint and suck mouth live
Suck vaginal area for city
of Fort Myers - Rabbies 2
Not Jews and Rabbis
then grabbed left and
right ear area and hit
my face on cement
several times told deceased
now - Joe - asthma - former
Apt 3 - a knife - finished off
Kidney - Bladder - $9,000
each - kept slamming
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