#ok so at first I wanted to do these with maribug but then I started trying to come up with alternative names and it dawned on me
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trashart00 · 11 months ago
Less than 12 hours until the release of “The Tortured Poets Department”!
Hence, I present to you, “The Tortured Catboy Department”
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Track List:
SIDE A: Deux Semaines (feat Ladybug) / The Tortured Catboy Department / My Lady Abandons Only Her Favourite Partners / Down Bad
SIDE B: So Long, London / But Daddy I Love Her / Fresh Out the Slammer / Akuma !!! (feat Monarch)
SIDE C: Guilty As Sin? / Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me / Even Ladybug Can’t Fix This / loml
SIDE D: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart / The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived / The Cataclysm / Adrien Agreste
Bonus Tracks: The Black Cat / Solitude / Doppelgänger / Tell-Tail Heart
(Love how so many of the original track names still work)
My takes of what each song is about/inspired by under cut (but, if you feel like it, tell me yours :D)
I’m picturing all of these to be from Adrien’s perspective so they reflect mostly his version of the situations rather than the objective reality (especially the Laybug centered ones)
Deux Semaines (feat Ladybug): This one would focus on the sequence in Multiplication where Monarch doesn’t attack and how LadyNoir’s relationship recovers from the events of Season 4.
TTCD: Kept the “Catboy” singular because while there are multiple Catboy identities, there is only one boy underneath them all. Hence while I think it would be about him just stating his issues with everything, it would also focus on loneliness and how his department is understaffed :(
MLAOHFP: All of the Season 4 LadyNoir separation arc angst, with the “Favourite” being a callback to Risk (and kinda a jab at Rena because he thinks that she’s really her favourite, but y’ know, she didn’t abandon her so Rena can’t be her actual favourite)
Down Bad: Mainly about how Chat’s love for LB makes him excuse her behaviors, but also makes him act out (maybe a reference to Elation).
SL,L: About the whole arc of Gabriel sending Adrien to London and all of the memories he would have surrounding this ordeal - key point, not “So Long, Paris” because he didn’t want to leave, and in the end he comes back to a changed world.
BDILH: This one’s either about the Chat Blanc breakup or Gabriel’s dislike of Marinette in Season 5 (or both, with maybe a line about how he feels like this has happened before)
FOTS: Adrien realizing his father is a Bad Person.
Akuma !!! (feat Monarch): This one would be like a song about his daily life and then the chorus would start with a shout of “Akuma!!!” and it would switch to him as Chat Noir. I feel like it would start out with normal life being boring/hero life being fun but as it goes on he grows exhausted. Monarch has a rap verse.
Guilty As Sin?: Chat Blanc centeric - would ask who is to blame for the destruction of the world, like is it Chat because he lost control or Hawkmoth because he took advantage of his son’s emotion?
WAoLOM: Chat Blanc centric at first (like a villain song) but ends with Adrien reflecting on the events of Evolution-Destruction-Multiplication-PS night
ELCFT: I think it would be about his relaction ship with his father and how he wishes there was something he could do to go back to how they were when Emilie was alive but there’s no easy fix and his father keeps on getting worse and worse after any attempt.
loml: A song for Marinette with a bittersweet air - she’s the love of his life but he can’t tell her everything, and she can’t tell him everything either
ICDIWaBH: CatWalker centric - him going back to Ladybug in Kuroneko.
TSMWEL: I actually have three for this one - 1. About Gabriel and his need to domineer because he feels small and powerless. 2. About Adrien feeling small and insignificant. 3.About Plagg because he’s a smol boi (it would be like a lighthearted, cheeky song, like when you sing to your pet about how adorable they are)
The Cataclysm: Literally about how he cataclysmed Monarch, but also about how the event impacted his perception of self.
Adrien Agreste: Ending the album with a song that’s his own name :o.
Now for the variants:
The Black Cat: This one has Chat on the cover and the song is mostly about his bad luck. ‘I Love You It’s Ruining My Life” works both directed at Ladybug and his father.
Solitude: With Chat Blanc on the cover, this one’s about his mother. I think the “You Don’t Get To Tell Me About Sad” is pretty self-explanatory.
Doppelgänger: CatWalker is on this one, his song would be about how he may literally be the same person but he doesn’t fully feel like himself. He had to repress a lot of himself to be CatWalker hence I thought “Am I Allowed To Cry?” fit him really well (especially with Plagg not giving him the time to fully recover before he had to jump back in). Please note the crossed out name (unlike Chat Blanc) because he’s reinventing himself.
Tell-Tail Heart: This one has Ladybug on the cover - wait she’s not a Catboy?? The song is titled “Tell-Tail Heart” as a reference to Edgar Allan Poe’s “Tell Tale Heart” and would explore Chat’s perspective of Ladybug’s guilt for keeping secrets, how any excuse she makes is ultimately unimportant because she would do it either way. The fact that this is the only song title with a pun references how Chat tries to lighten the mood and avoid serious conversations, and the “Tail” is supposed to refer to Rena Rouge. The flowers she’s holding are meant to be foxgloves which symbolise secrets and insincerity (they’re also poisonous and damage the heart :)). I also really liked the “Old Habits Die Screaming” for her as it could mean both Chat Noir’s love for her being an old habit that he cannot get rid of, but also her habit of keeping things from him (especially with how she does it again at the end of season 5) being something she can’t stop. It is also him being able to see that, despite what she tells him, her “Heart” is tells him otherwise.
(also would like to point out that he wouldn’t mention Rena by name, he’s upset, not evil)
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sidsinning · 6 months ago
This is not going to be an extremely thorough essay about why my opinions of mlb are completely right from every angle you could ever think of its 10 am and I'm running on 0 hrs
This is just what I've been thinking about the show
I feel like every time the show defies a gender stereotype it doubles down on like 5 more at the same time
VERY unpopular opinion: sometimes the stalker trope can be funny but I feel like the creators don't do it well which is why everyone shits on Mari for it so hard + they overdo it
I really don't think Mari's shtick is actually making kids think diving into trashcans to spy on your crush is ok to do- everything she does is cringe on purpose so I don't see kids aspiring to be like her in this way
Felix's intricate arc felt so abruptly cut after he became Kagami's boyfriend; I feel like it's a shame Feligami were so rushed bc a slow development of their relationship could've strengthened his character arc even further. I feel like it merced both their characters by having it be so quickly put together. Bc why is Kagami saying she loves him enough to defy her mom already and why are they making out all the time. Like I didn't need that personally
Lots of missed opportunities in general regarding Felix
Kagami telling Felix Marinette is Ladybug after 1 ep he got with her like what the hell kind of insane betrayal??? They try to brush off???? Hello????
The way she found out was so stupid too
Man I will miss the -will they, won't they- Ladynoir; I feel like they were the most entertaining and well developed pair in terms of the LS, with the most addicting dynamic
I'm pretty sure most of us were drawn in by "cute flirty cat boy simping for our badass heroine who playfully rebuffs his advances" in the first place
Season 5 was batshit and filled with plotholes like holy
Idek what to think about Chloe now it's messy
The most corrupt adults getting abrupt redemption arcs (principal, mayor Andre, arguably Gabe)
Sabrina just decided to. Turn. Morality somehow appeared when the plot needed it to. Soccer
"I need to break up with Luka bc I am LB"
Tikki and Plagg: "Adrienette can't be together bc of the burden of LB and CN"
Then they get together just fine after becoming superheroes again where nothing about the stress of the job changed, so I guess Tikki and Plagg took away their miraculous for nothing
Luka in the guardian fit 💀
Idk man Kagami's resurfacing feelings for Adrien made me sigh ngl like did I really need this filling up screentime
Kagami being easily manipulated by Lila for plot bc their friendship was built off screen after their terrible interaction in Oni-chan
Lila in general
AI Adrigami taking over Paris' mind via fake AI video kidnapping on glorified apple watch starting the big finale 🧎‍♂️ like what even is this
Adrien being literally asleep for the finale- I get the message. Adrien shouldn't have to fight his dad. Adrien fighting his dad wouldn't be a moment of triumph for Adrien, only sadness. Adrien is a victim of abuse who wants to be rescued and that is ok. Mari rescuing him from his prison is beautiful.
But idk. Maybe have him help in a significant way before he gets neutralized for the whole finale besides providing Maribug with his ring? Idk I love love love Mari getting the spotlight in her show but. Hm. Cutting him off so clean like that is a lil weird considering how important he is, and how Ladynoir's relationship is so essential to the show? I'm still kinda torn on this
Bug Noir slayed at least
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Other shit but yeah I'm just rambling
holding back on the surge of ml criticism my brain just produced
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evera6234 · 4 years ago
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter I
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
Lemme know if ya wanna be tagged
OK. Umm.. First fic on AO3. K. We doin this, and we starting with this god awful piece of trash. Yes. Life. Fuck. 
Things ur signing up for:
Big boi Mari & Chloe Friendship Good Vibes TM
My ass shitting on Adrien bc im a salty bitch (and if u aint about that life, its ok. U can leave bc im not interested in fighting with people. No offence or disrespect to adrien stans but yea)
And Adrien stalker moments
Lila and Alya salt (plz see “im a salty bitch”)
Shitty update schedule, if any. I’m counting on yall to harass me to write.
Marinette & Jason “sibling-esque” relationship bc we all need that
An obscene amount of cursing (as you can already tell)
The class will not be  “Our singular communal brain-cell is fucking dead, help.” levels of dumb, but still “I have the IQ of a wet potato sack” levels of dumb.
Eventual negation of canon bc we live that life
“Espresso with a dash of Depresso” Moments TM
I'm originally an MLB fan. So do what you will with that info.
The good old “Ozmav AU” but with some lime and spice
As slow burn as I can
Mental Health stuff and the repercussions of having multiple identities treated completely differently
And the crown jewel of this entire fic… Auntie Harley and Ivy.
And….. sorry…. Ppl will kinda be OOC but im trying my very best. 
Tbh I have no idea where this going rn but... i mean… it going somewhere (specifically hell) because everything does. Leave ideas plz, don’t kill me. Just bully me. 
So yea. Lemme know what u want and if I want to, I might just squeeze it into the fic (if it fit ofc, im not just gonna add random 50 year time-lapses). I'll try my best ;)))) (<-- my quadruple chin)
Chloe’s head hangs heavy on Mari’s shoulder as the pressurised air surrounding them vibrates with the sounds… of well… a plane. Chloe had a tough couple weeks; late night combat practises with the new team (LB, Hornet, Viperion and Ryuuko) has obviously taken a toll on her partner. Both wrapped in a thick velvet blanket that Chloe remembered to pack (thank kwami) sharing a pair of headphones, both were lulled into a peaceful slumber.
Alya laughs as Lila tips her small glass of diet coke (that a flight attendant painstakingly poured for her) on a sleeping Marinette’s side of Chloe’s blanket, effectively waking her up. “Oopsies! Sorry Marinette! You see, the cabin air has really been worsening my arthritis. I didn’t mean it! I swear! Cross my heart!” apologized Lila with fake concern as Alya giggles beside her. 
Marinette, literally seeing Lila’s crossed figures behind her back says “At least Chloe is still sleeping, she needs the rest.” Alya, Lila and her empty cup saunter beck to their seats nearby. 
Mari and her class finally land in Gotham’s cold December night. Freshly hushed into a private shuttle, the class are driven to their hotel. It is late: around 3:30 AM. With heavy eyelids the class gazed out the bus’s windows in awe. The merging view of traffic and Christmas lights chase them to their residence. No one really remembers or knows what happened that night. Just the feeling of falling, be it into a white fluffy hotel comforter or into the crisp Gotham air. 
“Oh! My! Gosh!!!” hears Marinette as Lila on the bus to Wayne Enterprise. “I feel so. At. Home!” In Marinette’s tired ears, there were more exclamation marks. 
“Of course… The only thing that can inhabit Gotham alleyways are cockroaches and villains,” Chloe grumbles beneath her breath, looking out the window.
“What have I ever done to you Chloe?” Lila cries, “I understand why Marinette bullies me, she is a jealous and vile girl. But I thought you, Chloe, want to be a better person, not a bully like that bitch, Marinette!”
“How dare you. How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!” Chloe yells as the recent words loop in her mind, 
“Not gonna call your daddy, huh?” Alya taunts. 
Chloe, with tears in her eyes begins, but is quickly interrupted by Marinette, “No she will not. She doesn’t need to. Chloe grew a lot over the last couple months, I’m so proud of her. She doesn’t need your bitch-ass approval.” Marinette grasps Chloe’s hand which previously wrapped itself around the fabric of Chloe’s heavy caramel winter coat.
“Quiet on the bus!”, A yell came from the front.
“But, Mr. Bus Driver… Marinette is being a…”
“Shut it! Y’all want me to kamikaze this shit into a building? I’m guessing y’all value your lives so shut it!” 
“Ms.Guardian, can I please have a cookie?” Pollen softly asks from the inside of Chloe’s giant white faux leather handbag.
“Shh… Pollen! Now’s not the time!!!” stresses Tikki.
“Please Ms. Guardian!!! I’m so so so hungry. This bag isn’t very warm and it’s taking all my energy to keep warm. A lil blubber wouldn’t hurt…. please!!”.
“Of course Pollen,” quietly respond Mari with a grin, “Here you go.” She pulls out a couple cookies from a Tupperware and hands them to Pollen. “Please share them with Tikki,” whispers Marinette into the bag. 
Marinette and Chloe then hears two tiny “thank you”s followed by the sound that can only be described increasingly aggressive chomping. Both girls giggle quietly.
“Welcome to Gotham,” says an unenthusiastic man at the front desk. “Congratulations, you are…” He checks his computer. “On time? Interesting.”
“Yes, we are aware,” grumbles Mrs. Bustier, already done with the man’s attitude.
“Okay so before the tour starts I’m doing to need the student who set-up this field trip to sign a couple forms and stuff. Here ya go.” The man pushed a thicc pile of paper into the teachers hand. 
“Oooh! That would be me sir!” Lila chirped, intercepting the papers before skipping back to her posse of her’s. A few seconds after beginning to fill out paperwork Lila cries “Ouch! My wrist! My arthritis! Can someone help me filling out all these form.” 
“I’ll fill them out, I’m only going to need your signatures,” offered Max.
“Thank you Max, you are so sweet!” Lila complements. 
“Of course, your arthritis was badly affected by the altitude yesterday, you shouldn’t be staining your wrist so early!” Max blushed. 
“Maribug, you gonna to say something?” 
“Nah, just watch. Entertainment without a Netflix membership.”
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sir-adrien-swagreste · 5 years ago
Shipping with Myself - A ML Fanfic
(Based on the following post: <Click Here> )
It was a normal Akumaless day in Paris. Adrien Agreste was busy practicing the Piano when he was talking to Plagg about the possibilities of someone discovering his Identity as Chat Noir.
“Hey Plagg, do you think there’s anyone who thought about me being Chat Noir?”
“Kid, if that happened that reporter girl from your school would be on top of it ASAP. You’re good kid.”
“I don’t know....Oh I know! Let’s search online and see if anyone has tried to search up my and Chat Noir.”
Adrien goes to his computer at his desk and searches “Adrien Agreste Chat Noir”. The results were a little shocking for him as he got 1,000+ results. The first link brought him to a Fanfiction called “A Chatastic Night”. Curious, he clicked onto the link to see what it was about. As he began to read it, he couldn’t help but be impressed with how well the Author nailed Chat Noir & all of his Puns. Unfortunately for our Sunshine, his intrigue was going to shift to pure shock.
“Ok, I’m just getting out of the Shower when Chat arrived.....wait why does Chat have a Red Rose in his Mouth?”
Plagg is watching his child read this clearly lewd Fanfic while trying not to laugh & is kinda curious to see how far it goes.
“Chat walks towards the partially dressed Model and begins to undress himself as he grabs the Chatastic Model & gives him a passionate kiss. Chat then grabbed the towel wrapped around Adrien and....”
“OH MY GOD!!!!” Adrien shouted!
“Bwahahahahaha oh my god!” Keep reading! I got to hear how this goes! Let’s see “Adrien then grabbed Chats tail and pulled it off while whispering in his Ear “Purr for Daddy”. Kid.....this is Unreal! Also this has been read by 50,000 + people”
“PLAGG SHUT UP!!! OMG OMG OMG! Ok it’s no big deal. I just have to close the page, clear my history & no one will ever...”
“Adrien? I heard you scream. Is everything ok”
Adrien stopped in his tracks immediately. It was Ladybug. She was standing just outside his window. She walked into see how Adrien was doing while also trying to stay calm as she was I her crushes room.
“M’L..I mean Ladybug! I’m rood..I mean I’m good. I just uhhh stubbed my toe. That’s all. No worries here.”
Ladybug sign in relief. “Glad to hear it. I thought that maybe an Akuma showed up or something. I’m glad to see that you’re so fine..I mean that you are okay. I better....”
Ladybug paused as if she was in deep thought. Adrien was curious to see if she was ok when he realized that she was looking at his computer screen. With a Raunchy Chat Noir X Adrien Agreste Fanfic open on his screen. Adrien suddenly began to panic.
“LADYBUGITSNOTWHATITLOOKSLIKE!! I-I-I-I Just found the link by accident. I wasn’t reading this becau..”
Ladybug was about as red as her costume. Unable to know what to say she bolted out of the window screaming that she had to run! Adrien fell over in defeat and anguish. Not only does his Lasy think he likes someone else, but it a guy and more importantly it’s himself! Plagg came out of hiding u able to hold it in any longer.
Adrien proceeded to hide himself under his pillow and remained in his room for the rest of the day.
Meanwhile, Ladybug silently arrived home and transformed back into her civilian form and was about to follow suit and crawled into bed hugging a pillow while screaming.
“Marinette? Are you okay?” Asked Tikki
“Ok? OK?!? NOO!! I’m not okay!! Adrien is in love with Chat Noir!!”
Marinette began to tear up. Marinette reaches out to her laptop and began typing onto it. The page brought her to a website with the User “The Y-Bug”. In the links of things on the users page included a certain link. A link to a Fanfic by that very Author. The link was to none other then “A Chatastic Night”.
“Why did I have to make that stupid Fanfic?!? What if Adrien finds out that I wrote that?!?”
Tikki attempted to comfort her Master while also trying to figure out why Adrien was on that page to begin with since she knows Chat & Adrien are one and the same.
Several days pasted and Adrien was not to be seen in school at all. Apparently he was sick and was unable to come to school. Everyone was concerned, but Marinette was panicking since she thinks it was because of what happened.
When she went home she immediately walked up to her room and sat by her computer to quickly get all of her work done and retire early for the night.
“Ugh! This is the worst!”
Suddenly she heard a ping come from her computer. Apparently it was from a User from the Fanfiction site who went by “SwagChat”. They claimed that their Agreste/Noir Fic was really well made & had sent them a link to a Fanfic of their own. Trying to get her mind off of what happened, she decided to give it a read. Maybe this would help make her feel better.
The title of the Fic was called “A Spotty Situation”. It stared Ladybug as the Main Character & went through the Adventures between her and Chat Noir. Seeing this helped put a smile on her face. She was also impressed that the Author has her character down to a T.
“Whoever this is must be a real big Ladybug Fan.”
She continued reading the Fanfic. Apparently the Ladybug in this wanted to find herself a new style for her Super Suit but was having dificulties getting ideas. Ladybug then mentions one of the people she once saved who she knew was also a Rising Star in the Fashion World. The person she was going to was none other then Paris’ own, Mari eye Dupain Cheng.
“....Marinette?!? That’s me!!! Why am I in this. Also Rising Star?!?”
Marinette was both shocked and also flattered that whoever wrote this thought so highly of her. As Marinette continued to read the fanfic, Tikki was listening and reading from behind. Tikki was also curious as to how this individual knew her and Ladybug so well. This is when a sudden thought dawned onto her.
“No way.....it couldn’t be....”
In the fanfic Ladybug & Marinette apparently became fast friends. Marinette happily helped Ladybug come up with ideas for a new style for her Suit. Marinette asked Ladybug if she could take a few measurements & Ladybug allowed. As Marinette was taking Ladybug’s Measurement, she accidentally tripped and fell on top of Ladybug.
“OMG Ladybug, I’m so sorry are you al..”
Marinette stopped as her eyes suddenly locked with Ladybug. Both were silent, both of their hearts began to race and both started to get a little Red in the face.
“It’s...ok. Uhh....I....I....”
A shout can’t from outside. Soulds like there was an Akuma Attack going on. Ladybug quickly collected her thoughts as she and Marinette got up and Ladybug prepared to leave. Before she left, Marinette called out to her.
“Ummm will.....will I see you again Ladybug?”
Ladybug began to blush just as Marinette had.
“Of...of course. Can’t wait to see you again!”
Ladybug then left in order to stop the Akuma that was reeking havoc.
Marinette still red in the face with her heart feeling like it was going to leap out of her chest.
“See you soon.” A soft smile appeared as she said this. End of First chapter of “A Spotty Situation”.
Marinette just finished reading this with a face so red it put her Ladybug Suit to shame.
“What The Hell Is This?!? Why is there a Marinette x Ladybug Fanfic here. And Who The Hell is SwagChat?!? OMG I swear if this is Chat, I will kick his fine ass!! But even if this was him it’s not like he’d know that this was my user.”
Tikki remained silent. (“Well you’re not incorrect.” “Plagg, this was your idea! I’m sure of it! When I see you, we will have words!”)
Meanwhile at the Agretes Mansion, Adrien was sitting at his desk in his pajamas with a flush face. In truth he was actually a little under the weather although that didn’t make him guilt free. Not long before, he had just finished Writting the first part of a MariBug Fanfic. “Why did he choose Marinette?” To him, she was his everyday Ladybug. It felt somewhat fitting to use her. Plus she knew Ladybug and Chat Noir so it wasn’t too far fetched. He just hoped she’d never see this or find out he wrote it. He couldn’t imagine how she’d react if she found out one of her Best Friends was writing a fanfic where they pair her with Ladybug.
Plagg is currently eating Cheese while thinking to himself “Oh kid, if only you knew!”
Adrien looked over to his computer and saw that he just got a IM from the user “The Y-Bug”. Y-Bug?!? Wait wasn’t that the one I sent the link to? They read it already? Let’s see.
“SwagChat. First off thank you for your comments about my fanfic. I was surprised when you sent over this link & even more so after I read it. What inspired you to write it?”
Adrien was nervous since he didn’t want to reveal too much & also wanted to respond so they didn’t try to inquire more about him and possibly find out that he was Adrien or worse Chat Noir.
“Hello Bug. I guess my inspiration was a few things. First was your Fanfic. As for the second.....I....Actually am somewhat farmiliar with both Ladybug & Marinette. I’ve been a fan of Ladybug since her debut and as for Marinette....well I’ve a fan of some of her work. She’s a new Self Designer but if you asked me, she could even give Gabriel Agreste a run for his money. I really admire her so when I think of two girls in my life as a Pairing, it kinda make me feel....happy.”
Marinette fell silent. Whoever this person is, they must really know her well to think so highly of her. Both of her. Despite being pissed earlier, she couldn’t help but feel happy. She then wondered if she knew this user and tried to see if she could get them to reveal anything about themselves.
“Nice try, Bug. Can’t do that. Cats got my tongue. Though maybe if we can chat some more maybe I’ll feel more comfortable seeing you in person. Afterall, it sounds like you also live in Paris so maybe we will bump into each other. Can’t help but be curious about who made this Fic. Chat out.”
Marinette was half convinced at this point.
“It’s Chat! I’m sure of it! He saw my post and is trying to get back at me by making this post.”
Tikki decided to jump in.
“If it is him....are you upset?”
“At first I was, but now....I can’t help but find myself smiling. Oh No! Am I falling for Chat now? Speaking of there’s still the Adrien/Chat situation. Ugh...what do I do?”
Adrien just finished loggin off his computer when Plagg landed onto his head to talk about “Y-Bug”.
“So kid.....how do you feel?”
Adrien was silent for a second.
“I’m...okay Plagg. Y-Bug really wanted to know who I was. Can’t help but wonder if she suspects anything. Also.....”
“I feel like I know them somehow. I don’t know why but I just have this feeling that I know who the Author is but I can’t put my finger on it...”
Plagg sighs as he begins to think to himself.
“Good thing I flew over to Marinette’s house the other day to see if my hunch was right. It’s also good that Adrien was sick sleeping all day yesterday so he didn’t realize where I went. After this, I’m getting tired of waiting for these two to figure it out. I hope my plan to hook these two up somehow using these “Fanfics” of theirs works. I guess only time will tell.”
Hope you all liked this.
Tags: @buggachat for starting this, @gale-of-the-nomads for inspiring this particular idea, and also @masked-bixch since I usually tag you in posts like this.
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spooky-z · 6 years ago
Lovechild au - 2
Marivenger where Sabine and Tom are SHIELD agents protecting Marine. The daughter of three Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America and Winter Soldier), born of a Hydra experiment.
Part 1
Marinette could be a brat when she wanted
With them disguised as a beautiful family of bakers, newcomers to Paris, she takes the opportunity to play tricks on people
At the bakery opening, she managed to convince everyone that she didn't understand/spoke French
As everyone mumbled about how cute she was, Marinette (in Mandarin) commented on ways to kill someone with just a baguette, an innocent smile on her face.
Every time a client asked what she was talking about, Tom and Sabine lied saying they were compliments
Everyone believes, because like, it's a child! There was no way she could say something very bad
Tom puts this in the daily reports and Tony, despite worrying about macabre ideas, is proud of his little demon
At school, Marinette (who is seven years old in the papers) enters Ms. Bustier's class.
For the first few weeks everyone was uncertain around her because they thought she didn't understand French very well
One of the times Chloe tries to mess with her, Mari goes to the principal's office, not bothering to talk to Ms. Bustier, knowing that the woman would do nothing.
“Sir, I came to complain about my classmate Chloe Bourgeois. She's been making racist jokes about my parents and me, talking about how I'd better get back to my country.” She says seriously. The director is momentarily speechless, shocked. “If you refuse to punish her, I will be obliged to contact my parents and lawyers for justice.”
When Chloe is called in the principal's office, everyone is surprised and Mari just sits there, in the back of the room, enjoying her tea
The mayor appears trying to stifle the case, but Marinette faces him
André Bourgeois is not ashamed to admit that he had to change his pants right after the girl Dupain-Cheng left the room
Chloe was suspended for three days and had to write a letter of apology to Marinette's family
After that day, Mari secretly became Dupont's heroine even though no one talked to her
She enters the school athletic club at 8 (6)
It was no surprise to her family that she became the team star
In this au, Marinette wants to follow in the footsteps of Tony and Bruce and be a science nerd
So, she ends up becoming the cute-badass-nerd at school
At 9 (7) she and Chloe become friends after the blonde is finally honest with her apology
Marinette forgives because they are children and children are sweetheart
The class keeps an even greater distance
Chlonette bff
Mari helps Chloe with her problems (parents) and Chloe helps Mari show more (sincere) emotions around other people.
"Adrikins" doesn't happen
But "Maribug" does
When an older student tries to intimidate Chloe because she is the mayor's daughter, Marinette doesn't think twice before punching the boy in the balls.
It doesn't take long for rumors to start hanging around school
The best rumor is that she tried to kill Eric with a pudding
But she and Chloe don't care.
Time passes, the class was getting used to the brunette's way
Not with Chloe, because Chloe was only nice with Marinette
When she does 11 (9) Tikki, Miraculous and Ladybug happen
It doesn't take long for her to find out that Chloe is Chat Noire, her partner against Hawkmoth.
Because it was obvious and she was a genius
... Needless to say, that Master Fu came to live with a constant headache after that
With not-so-secret identities, Mari decides to tell Chloe the truth about everything (parents and hydra)
“I knew a normal person wouldn't have the courage to face Chloe Bourgeois.” That's all the blonde says before they watch SAW again.
Then Adrien starts attending Ms. Bustier's class
Female school population boils
The two friends barely blink for the blonde's presence at school
"Um, there's a model in our class now... What do you think about train after class?"
"Model? Cool... Sure! First I have to talk to my parents.”
He befriends all but both, because everyone warned him of Marinette's behavior and how possessive Chloe was.
Until the two save him from being torn in the middle by his fan club
Mari fully carries him in her arms like a bride
Do you hear the reverse crush going on? I know!
Marinette oblivious, blushy Adrien and jealous Chloe
The class ships Adrinette
Dads don't approve
Chloe wants to strangle the model
Sabine just wants to end this mission and take a vacation in Hawaii
Tom thinks that the croissants needed more love
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geeky-diary · 5 years ago
Princess Justice: Part 4
For those who aren’t caught up, here is the rest of the story!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Adrien’s eyes scrunched up, his hands balled into fists. Saying he was mad at Plagg would have been an enormous understatement. What was Plagg thinking? He mentally screamed in his head, not having enough emotional energy to even whisper. How could his kwami do this? Sure, the little black cat sometimes did crazy and stupid things without thinking. Sure, he had let himself and Ladybug’s kwami be discovered by a teacher, which almost caused his identity to be revealed. But Plagg had never intentionally tried to reveal Adrien’s identity. So why was he doing so now?
“Adrikins…” A high-pitched voice muttered, breaking him from his thoughts.
With a deep breath, the blonde boy opened his eyes to analyze the scene. God, it felt like hours had gone by since they had all entered that locker room, yet it had to have been half an hour at most. Alya, with her palms pressed together, hovering in front of her mouth, stared keenly at the little kwami. She looked as if she were studying the creature, though he already guessed that she had figured out what the creature signified. Meanwhile, Chloe stood in utter shock, her mouth agape and eyes widened. The fact that she had never expected her childhood friend to be Chat Noir, it made him feel a little bit of an accomplishment.
Then his eyes wandered over to Plagg, expecting to see his usual smirky grin. However, the only emotion that showed on the little black cat’s face was one of sorrow and worry. The look that he would give Adrien when he was concerned for him. 
Now the boy felt like an idiot. Of course, the little cat would be worried, whether it be for him or for Ladybug’s kwami. With a sad smile, the boy held out his hand for the kwami, an offering of understanding, and thanks. Plagg flew over and landed in his hand, accepting it.
“Guys, this is Plagg. He is my kwami.” Adrien said, feeling better than he had initially been. 
“So, you’re Chat Noir.” Alya replied, but it was more of a statement than a question. The blonde boy nodded his head, hoping he didn’t need to explain himself further. Before she could continue, Chloe decided to speak for herself.
“How can that be possible? You and Chat Noir don’t resemble each other at all! Sure, you may look slightly similar, but neither of you act in the same way!”
While the blonde girl just kept piling on reasons as to why he couldn’t be Chat Noir, the boy found it to be an excellent opportunity to think. There was no he could take on all of the akumas alone; he knew that. So he would definitely get the fox and bee miraculous for Alya and Chloe, though those are the only allies he could have since he didn’t know the other ones. But he would also have to figure out where Master Fu is hiding. He remembered Marinette… no Ladybug had said that their master had moved locations after that amok had attacked him. However, he didn’t even know where his original position was, so who knows where he had moved too. However, it was still plausible. Yeah, so he was going to find Master Fu, get the bee and fox miraculous, and then -
“How are you going to save Marinette and get her miraculous back?” The Creole girl’s voice pierced through Adrien.
Instantly, he froze where he stood. All of his thoughts had flown away, leaving not a single trace in his mind. Truth be told, he didn’t know what to do about Marinette much less how to get her miraculous back. His previous panic and frustration started to bubble up within him once more. Before he could burst out again, Plagg decided to cut in.
“Hey, leave the kid alone! He hasn’t had much time to process everything yet. He needs time to come up with a plan.” 
For all their disagreements, Adrien knew Plagg would always have his back. That helped snapped Adrien back to his right frame of mind. While Ladybug could conjure up a scheme in at most a minute, he couldn’t and needed more time to think. However, while he didn’t have the full plan laid out, he still had time to work on the details. The akumas were only after Chat Noir, so if he didn’t transform, then they could delay the battle for just a bit longer. But for now, they could start with phase one.
“It’s alright Plagg, I’ve come up with something of the plan.” He pronounced, trying to produce a morsel of confidence in his voice. “Firstly, I won’t be able to fight that many akumas on my own, so I’m going to get both of your miraculous. We’ll have to meet in a place that is inconspicuous as to not attract the akumas’ attention.”
“How about we just meet back up in here.” The blonde girl suggested. “I doubt the akumas are going to come back here, and everyone else in the school has either already found their perfect hiding spot or has fled the premises.”
“Good point. Alright, you two stay here while I go get your miraculouses.”
The blonde boy turned around and ran out of the locker room. If he was going to have to look for Master Fu, then he better do so now then later. Before he could exit out of the school, he heard someone calling his name.
“Adrien! Wait up!” Alya shouted, racing towards him. Once she had caught up to him, she halted her steps and held onto his shoulder as if to make sure he didn’t leave before she said her peace. “I’m sorry for pressuring you back there, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine, Alya.” Adrien replied, taking her hand off his shoulder. “I know you’re just worried about Marinette. I am also worried about her, but I know she wouldn’t want us to be. Even without Ladybug’s help, we’ll save her.”
Before he could take off to start his search, the Creole girl snatched onto his wrist. 
“I’m not done. When you are getting our miraculouses, make sure you grab Carapace’s as well.”
“What? I don’t know who he is.”
“You don’t, but I do. I’ll fill Carapace in on the situation and bring him to the locker room. Just bring his miraculous as well. After all, four heroes would be better than three.” She confided.
Alya’s hazel eyes pleaded with him, begging him to trust her. She could be lying about the identity of Carapace; however, she wasn’t the type to lie in dire straits. If she really knew who Carapace was, then he could be a big help in defeating Princess Justice. So he decided to trust her.
“Alright, I will.” Adrien responded, sprinting off to find out where the miraculous guardian had hidden.
FINALLY, ADRIEN IS GOING TO BE OUT OF THE FUCKING LOCKER ROOM! I To bad he’ll probably end up back there by the end of next chapter. I literally realized after I published the last chapter that they were still in that god damn locker room. 
Ok, I know this update took a while. I’m sorry but I’ve been busy with college and getting ready for finals. I also had a hard time writing this chapter because I didn’t really know where to go with this one. Like, I had a general idea about what I wanted this chapter to do but I didn’t have a clear idea with it as I did with the first three parts and with some of the other part. Plus, I got distracted with other story ideas that I wanted to write so that didn’t help.
I do just want to let y’all know that I probably won’t be able to start writing the next chapter till winter break, so please be patient with me. I do appreciate all the love this story has gotten, especially since I haven’t been able to write a story in about two years. Y’all are the best! ❤️❤️❤️
Tag Squad (If you want to join, just ask and I’ll add you!) @inkshila @aliana6021 @kindastupidbutkindanot @maribug-adrienoir @noire19 @stormysamurott @cumbernuggets @inkyknight @lulema @housekittysden @shinekivi @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo @chlobos-doodles
Edit: Part 5
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years ago
Teen Titans AU Part 12
This chapter is longer since I’ve taken longer to update! Today we’ll meet a certain redeemed blonde Bee miraculous holder. Maybe she’ll have a love interest 😉.
Gabriel Agreste had been working with Slade for a while. He knew who the traitor of the Titans was and he knew all the information given. He also knew that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was Ladybug, it was too risky to tell his son though. They needed Ladybug removed and if he knew his so-called ‘princess’ was Ladybug he might refuse to fight her or hesitate. In the end, Gabriel always knew what was best for his son and his grand plan. He chuckled to himself as he walked the streets of Jump City, until he finally made it to his destination. He was in need of a certain Italian girl’s assistance.
“Ah!!!! Guys they’re online! They’re online!” Jon screamed at the top of his lungs. “Coming!!!” Garfield yelled as he shoved a pancake into his mouth. The team assembled in the common room as Jon hit the accepted the video call. There on the screen was a smiling Marinette with hair in twin braids and a scowling Damian who seemed to be...holding Marinette’s hand?! Raven gave a sly smile as Gar grumbled and discretely passed her twenty dollars. “So when did that happen?” Raven asked in a monotone with a hint of a smirk on her face. Marinette blushed, “I-I guess technically yesterday.” Damian glared at Raven, but he had a nagging feeling once again, guilt. It was awful, he felt...bad for Jon, especially after telling him he didn’t want to date Marinette. He felt almost like he had lied to Marinette, what if she wanted to be with Jon but thought that he didn’t like her so Damian was her only option?! “Oh.” Jon coughed. “Anyway,” Marinette said oblivious to the situation, “We wanted to catch up with everyone. Maybe individually if that’s alright with you guys?” The team took the bait, “Of course! I need some Mari time!” Gar exclaimed doing some jazz hands, “And Damian time too of course.” Marinette giggled but then realized, Gar could be the mole. She sighed and knew when she found out who the traitor was, it would hurt like hell. Jamie shoved the computer away from the rest of the team. “Me first, I have something I want to run through you guys.” Marinette nodded kindly and Damian’s face held the same amount of brooding on it as before. Before the others could protest Jamie took the computer to his room.
“Sorry, this is really important and I think you’ll want to know.” He took a deep breath, “So I asked my scarab if searching for miraculouses could be done since you mentioned you’re missing some. You won’t believe where it found a bunch.” Damian raised an eyebrow, “Spit it out Reyes.” Jamie rolled his eyes, “Ok ok. A storage unit in slightly south of here. An hour out from Gotham and an hour out from Jump City. The scarab said that both the horse miraculous and butterfly are active. I didn’t know if that meant anything to you.” Marinette nodded though she was internally freaking out, she really hoped Gabriel hadn’t gotten out of prison. “Thanks Jamie. I’ll have to get them as soon as possible. This is extremely important. In the wrong hands the miracle box is the most dangerous weapon ever. Although if only two miraculouses are active that means Hawkmoth has only one other co-conspirator, I’m guessing Slade.” Marinette’s mind went at 100 miles a minute, she’d need to find the box as soon as possible.
Jamie nodded and smiled, he went back to the room to give the computer to someone else. Damian muted it, “You know we were supposed to stick to the plan.” Marinette nodded and squeezed her boyfriend’s hand, “I know Dami but it can’t be him if his scarab can track miraculouses. Chat Noir would already have mine.” Damian scowled and unmuted the computer.
Everyone else passed by easily, Damian and Marinette gave each of them a different location where they were ‘hiding’ the Ladybug miraculous. The plan was off without a hitch, all they had to do was wait, well wait and Damian had to talk to Jon. Marinette had gone downstairs to clear her head, she still couldn’t believe someone who she’d been living with betrayed her and the team. Jon got on the computer, he didn’t look too mad so Damian was slightly relieved. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jon depanned. “I-I it just happened. I’m sorry, I really wanted to tell you.” Jon nodded and then sighed, “It’ll take awhile but I’ll get over Marinette. If anybody I’m glad she’s dating you. Besides,” he said cracking a smile, “I won the bet.” Damian stared at him confused. Jon laughed, “We’ve had this bet ever since I got to the tower. Betting on if you’d ever date anybody. Most people said no, but Raven and I said yes and we both are twenty bucks richer.” Damian scowled, “You bet on me?!” Jon cracked up and nodded. “Anyway, why did you talk to everybody individually. It was super weird.” Damian crossed his arms, “The Titans have a mole.”
Jon’s eyes widened, “W-what?! Since when? Who?! Are you sure?!” Damian rolled his eyes, “I don’t know when or who but I am sure. That’s what we’ve been trying to find out. Don’t make me regret telling you and don’t tip off the rest of the team!” Jon nodded still in a stupor. Marinette hopped back upstairs and into the room, she sat down next to her boyfriend and waved, “Hey Jon!” Jon smiled, “Hey Marinette, how's it going?” “Pretty good. Sorry I’ll have to cut this short, I realized it’s almost time for lunch. What do you want Damian?” Damian shook his head, “You know Alfred can go out for that.” Marinette shrugged, “I need to stretch my legs.” Damian nodded, he was slightly concerned, but he knew she needed this because she had been so stressed since the mole debacle. “I don’t want you running off alone in Gotham. I’m coming with you.” Marinette giggled, “Okay, I’d be fine if you didn’t come though.” Damian patted her on the shoulder, “I know Angel, but you can’t help me being paranoid.” Jon smiled, he had to admit they were a cute couple, “I’ll let you guys go then. Bye!” Marinette waved and Jon hung up. “Ready?” Marinette asked standing up. “Sure. Where’d you want to go?” Marinette tapped her chin, “Since you’re coming maybe we could go somewhere, you know for our first real date.” Damian blushed, “Any places in mind?” “Well you know the area better than me, but how about Gotham Diner? It’s near the fashion district.” Damian chuckled, “Sounds perfect Angel.”
Marinette grabbed her bags, they ended up going into stores before they ate and of course Marinette bought new fabrics. Damian insisted on paying but Marinette refused, he pouted and said he’d pay for lunch. Marinette giggled and agreed. As Marinette walked down the street, sunshine radiating off of her, Damian followed smiling a little to himself. Gothamites gawked as they saw the Ice Prince with his girlfriend, they were surprised he could smile, that he had a girlfriend and that he was back in Gotham. Some people snuck pictures. As Marinette walked, with Damian in tow a blonde girl with her hair cut in a short bob squealed and ran up to her. Damian was shocked and they Marinette and the blonde started talking excitedly in France, he almost didn’t catch it.
“Dupain-Cheng!” Squealed the blonde. “Chlo?” Marientte turned to see her ex-bully turned best friend. She thrust her into a hug and squeezed her. “Look Dupain-Cheng Im glad to see you too, but I do like breathing,” Chloe strained. Marinette released her, “Sorry it’s just that I haven’t seen you in so long. Wait, what are you doing in Gotham?” Chloé narrowed her eyes, “Could ask you the same question DC and who’s this?” She asked motioning to Damian. “That’s Damian,” Marinette exclaimed, “my boyfriend.” Although Marinette turned pink and rushed her statement a little Chloé screamed, “FIRST YOU’RE IN GOTHAM WITHOUT TELLING ME AND NOW YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND! THAT��S IT WE’RE CATCHING UP NOW!” Chloé grabbed Marinette by the arm and stormed off. Damian stood there in a stupor, his girlfriend was just sister-snatched before his eyes. Chloé whipped her head back, “You coming or not?!” Damian didn’t say anything, he knew from his family that you do not mess with strong willed women like Chloé, he followed obediently like a dog.
Chloé led them to a small café where she sat down at the closet empty table. She sat down and wasted no time, “Why are you in Gotham Dupain-Cheng?!” Marinette giggled, she’d always enjoyed Chloé’s...directness. “Damian took me here to meet his family?” Chloé narrowed her eyes, “You!” She pointed at Damian, “How long have you been dating Maribug?” Damian’s eyes widened, “What’d you call her?” Chloé hissed in Marinette’s face, “He doesn’t know?” Marinette sighed, “He does, and we’ve been dating since yesterday but we’ve known each other for months. Anyway, Damian this is Chloé otherwise known as Queen Bee, and Chloé this is Damian, he does have a name.” Chloé rolled her eyes, “Whatever. You do realize it’s stupid to go with some random guy to a different city right?!” Marinette nodded, “Damian’s not-“ “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Stop going off with random dudes Maribug! And don’t tell them you’re identity!” Chloé flicked her in the head. “Um Chloé, I distinctly remember you telling everyone you’re Queen Bee.” Chloé rolled her eyes once again, “That’s different Dupain-Cheng, you know I can’t hide this fabulosity.” Chloé flipped her hair as Marientte giggled, “But you still shouldn’t tell random people that you’re Ladybug!” Damian decided to step in, “I’m not a random person.” “Excuse me?!” Chloé said, turning shooting daggers with her eyes. “I said I’m not a random person.” Damian repeated plainly. Marinette shrank down in her seat as Damian and Chloé continued their intense staring contest. “He’s a keeper Maribug.” Damian shook Chloé’s outstretched hand. “Chloé Bourgeois, daughter of Paris’s mayor and fashion designer Audrey Bourgeois.” Damian nodded, “Damian...Wayne.” Chloé sprung up from her chair, “You bagged a Wayne?! Yes Maribug, way to use what I taught you! He’s definitely a keeper!” Marinette started cracking up until Chloé saw a shadowy figure in the distance. “Don’t look now but I think a certain alley cat followed us. Why is he here anyway?!” Chloé scowled. “I recently joined a team, ever since then he’s been getting intel from one of them about my whereabouts.” Marinette sighed. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! RIDICULOUS, UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! GET ME MY MIRACULOUS I’M GOING TO KILL THIS TEAMMATE AND THIS STUPID CAT!” Damian cracked a smile, finally something he could agree on. “Chloé, no killing. But I might be able to get your miraculous back. Once we deal with a certain black cat we can find the miracle box, Damian pull up the location Jamie said the box was.” Damian obliged and pulled up a map. “Got it, but what will we do about that idiot?” Damian asked while motioning to Chat. Chloé smirked deviously. “I’ve got a couple ideas.”
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