#Lopmon’s Dark Evolution
sluggybasson107 · 8 months
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Image Description: A digital drawing of Lopmon's dark evolution in bad lighting. They stare directly in the camera with a ripped up green jacket and dead hand sticking out of their mouth. Blood stains their fur and horn at the top of its head. Their mouth is slightly open with their dead stare expression. The background is black. End Image Description.]
Day 6 of @surviveweek: Loss
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rnsk-kousatsu · 23 days
"Becoming as One" and the Themes of Harmony in Digimon Survive
Overanalyzing Aoi and Shuuji again, because this is my new hobby ever since I played Survive.
They share many parallels, both obvious and subtle, that I feel are often overlooked. One of the lesser-discussed similarities is how their corruption arcs culminate in “bio-merging” with their respective partnermon, a process where the human and partnermon become a single entity. Since both characters are Harmony-aligned, I believe it’s worth exploring how these instances of bio-merging relate to and represent the themes of Harmony. More under the cut.
TWs: discussions of self-loathing and suicidal thoughts
Given that the partnermons are meant to reflect their human partner’s true self, I find it somewhat ironic that in two out of the three instances of bio-merging in Survive, the result paradoxically embodies a loss of self. While it makes sense when you consider the Harmony kids’ common thread of seeking conformity, one might expect that merging with one’s true self would lead to the realization of true selfhood. Instead, these unifications become vehicles of self-erasure, where the former self is submerged by a new identity, as they are represented as dark evolutions that occur when the ideals of Harmony are taken to an extreme.
To get what I mean, let’s consider Kaito’s corruption arc. Symbolically, Kaito letting go of Dracumon by fusing Vamdemon (Dracumon) with Piemon can be seen as him discarding his conscience to further his selfish desires without any regard for others. This makes sense to most of us easily, because we’re consistently shown how Dracumon acts as Kaito’s restraint throughout the story — his “moral compass”, if you will. Without Dracumon, there’s no one who can keep Kaito in check anymore. So, the “death” of Dracumon being the metaphor for Kaito going morally bankrupt feels pretty intuitive, at least to me personally.
In contrast, I didn't find the symbolism in Shuuji’s and Aoi’s corruption arcs—particularly their fusion with their partners—as immediately intuitive, for the reasons I’ve outlined earlier. However, after mulling over their arcs a bit more, I’ve come to the realization how both of them becoming one with their respective partner can actually carry multifaceted symbolism that may not be immediately apparent. Also, the different nuances in how the themes of Harmony manifest in their arcs mean that the symbolism works a bit differently in each of their arcs too. Let me explain.
First off, we’ll look at Shuuji and Lopmon. Shuuji’s arc revolves around his struggle with self-acceptance. Through his father’s relentless expectations, he’s always made to feel inadequate, and in turn it drives him to constantly force himself into an imaginary mold that he doesn’t fit into. He does this by repressing his true feelings while trying to live up to (what he believes to be) his father’s idea of a perfect self. His very apparent hatred of Lopmon is mostly meant to represent his self-loathing, among many other things — in a way, Lopmon serves as a reminder for Shuuji that he hasn’t truly changed into the person that his father wants him to be. This is why Shuuji keeps trying to force Lopmon to change as well, even if it means cruelly pushing him beyond his limits.
The outcome of Shuuji’s arc depends on whether he comes to recognize his mistaken beliefs. If he fails to do so, Lopmon evolves into Wendimon and devours him. As this post has already described, this scene serves as a metaphor for Shuuji succumbing to the self-hatred that has been eating away at him from within, leading to a complete loss of self. Because, in both a figurative and literal sense, no trace of Shuuji’s former, “true” self remains—just as there’s nothing left of the Lopmon we once knew in Wendimon.
Most people believe that this is the moment where Shuuji finally dies, but I think that isn’t the case. In Survive, the lore states that a partnermon dies the moment their human dies. However, Wendimon doesn’t die right after he completely consumes Shuuji, and instead, he gains the ability to speak. Make of this what you will, but in my opinion, this gives a clue that Wendimon being alive after consuming Shuuji isn’t merely a narrative convenience to keep him around for the fight, and that Shuuji has actually been absorbed into Wendimon. In other words, Shuuji and Lopmon are finally unified in their suffering as Wendimon, with Wendimon’s monstrous form serving as a visual manifestation of both Shuuji and Lopmon’s new identity, warped beyond recognition even to themselves.
If you pay close attention to Wendimon’s speech, you’ll notice that he actually speaks with two voices — both Shuuji’s and Lopmon’s. It can be hard to tell since the voices are heavily filtered, but Shuuji’s voice has a slightly deeper pitch than Lopmon. Even if you can’t tell, the story hints at this detail by showing how the other kids and partnermons can distinguish between the voices when Wendimon speaks.
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I bring this up because it’s intriguing how Wendimon speaks in dual voices despite supposedly being a single entity. It’s as if the story is trying to convey that, even in their merged state, Shuuji and Lopmon aren’t truly reconciled — and it’s because Shuuji hasn’t silenced the part of himself that continues to question and doubt. To understand this, notice how Wendimon wails about two entirely different things: in Lopmon’s voice, he cries about how he doesn’t want to do any of this anymore, how he’s scared of this and how it hurts. Meanwhile, in Shuuji’s voice, he rants about not knowing what he should have done to make others happy (but especially to please his father, as I believe his words are primarily directed at his father) and wonders if it’s better for him to disappear if his existence is a nuisance to other people. While Lopmon continuously voices Shuuji’s true feelings that he buries deep inside, Shuuji himself remains fixated on seeking external validation and is concerned about what others think of him even at the expense of his own well-being.
To understand why Wendimon having dual voices is relevant to this discussion in the first place, let’s now turn our attention to Aoi and Labramon. Aoi’s character arc revolves around her desire for authority and proactiveness, which she struggles with because her self-consciousness constantly holds her back from taking actions. This is largely why Aoi and Labramon’s dynamic is vastly different from Shuuji and Lopmon’s relationship, because while Aoi also represses the side of her that Labramon displays — whether subconsciously or not — Labramon’s outspokenness instead embodies the part of Aoi that she wishes she could express more freely but is suppressed by her insecurity.
When Aoi merges with Labramon, the situation is slightly different from Shuuji’s experience, though it carries its own tragic implications: in an effort to save Aoi, Labramon sacrifices her own “self” to become the new force that sustains Aoi’s life. Perhaps because it’s also fueled by Aoi’s overwhelming guilt and frustration over her perceived powerlessness, the act leads them to bio-merge and dark-evolve into Plutomon.
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While not entirely analogous, I think it’s fair to make a comparison between Plutomon and Wendimon. The game itself does this as well: upon seeing Aoi becomes Plutomon and kills Piemon, Kaito instantly makes a remark of Aoi becoming like Shuuji. In English, the line is worded as:
“Don’t tell me this is like with Shuuji… When he turned all evil!?”
However, in Japanese, the line is:
“まさか……シュウジのように……暗黒進化か!?” “Don’t tell me… she’s become like Shuuji… is it a dark evolution!?”
It’s interesting to me that Kaito immediately draws a parallel between her and Shuuji. And I have to emphasize that it’s specifically Shuuji, not Lopmon. I’m saying this because they all perceive Plutomon as Aoi instead of Labramon (the game emphasizes this too by having Plutomon’s name initially written as “Aoi?”), whereas we (as the players) tend to perceive Wendimon as Lopmon instead of Shuuji. See where I’m getting at here?
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“Aoi, you say? No, I’ve cast off that weak persona.”
Now, unlike Wendimon, who retains both Shuuji’s and Lopmon’s voices, Plutomon speaks only with Aoi’s voice. One interpretation that we can draw is that, unlike Wendimon, the singular voice might represent Aoi and Labramon reaching a true level of mutual understanding and harmony where they don’t have to speak over each other in order to be heard. But I think there’s more to it: given that Labramon is consistently depicted in the story as voicing Aoi’s inner thoughts that she keeps holding back from expressing, I think this is meant to also symbolize her internal resolution where she no longer has the need to externalize her inner thoughts through Labramon, as she now fully embodies those thoughts herself. This might seem empowering at first, seeing how her newfound confidence seems to have conquered her lingering self-doubt that used to haunt her. However, on the other hand, the loss of Labramon’s separate voice means that Aoi has lost an external perspective. The implication is that Aoi is now entirely self-reliant, with no external check on her thoughts or actions. In other words, Aoi has lost the ability to see herself from an outside perspective that used to keep her grounded and connected to the world outside herself.
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“Labramon agrees, from deep down inside me.”
(I put the screenshot above because I find it interesting — I think the fact that Aoi speaks on behalf of Labramon, rather than letting Labramon speak for herself, further supports the interpretation of Aoi having absorbed Labramon’s voice into her own, leaving no room for external input anymore.)
This ultimately leads Aoi to form a singular belief system, one that’s entirely shaped by her internal convictions. And it drives her into a dangerously inflexible mindset where any form of disagreement or differing perspective is perceived as a threat to her newly discovered harmony. In her mind now, the only way to ensure peace and unity is to eliminate the possibility of conflict altogether by merging everyone with their partnermon, creating a single, unified consciousness. And Aoi is absolutely resolute in this, because she has now isolated herself in her certainty by silencing other voices, becoming rigid and intolerant of any challenge to her worldview — one rooted in a distorted sense of harmony that results in a situation where disagreement is eradicated, not resolved.
Some of you might find it ironic that, despite supposedly embodying the corruption of harmony, Aoi (as Plutomon) seems to act more on her own selfish ideals rather than striving for true consensus, even if flawed. However, this makes sense when you contrast her motivation with Shuuji’s: while Shuuji is driven by external pressures and doesn’t necessarily “enjoy” conforming to others’ expectations, Aoi’s actions stem purely from her own self-imposed ideals. Aoi genuinely values social propriety and seeks to uphold it (as @digisurvive puts it, she’s the reason why the group is very hierarchical — she always makes sure that everyone follows the rules of conduct properly), so it’s natural that the themes of Harmony would manifest this way in her corruption arc. So, while Shuuji being absorbed into Wendimon through devouring represents the ultimate death of self, Aoi’s bio-merging with Labramon into Plutomon instead gives her an epiphany of her ideal version of “Harmony”—one she feels compelled to enforce on everyone.
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digi-lov · 2 years
We talked about the Twin Digimon last week. This week, I wanna take a closer look at their (standard) evolution lines.
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As you can see, they each have a "regular" and a "dark" evolution line. In Lopmon's case, the "dark" evolution line specifically has a corruption theme. This is, of course, because Lopmon and its entire "dark" line were designed for the movie Hurricane Touchdown, which had its corruption as the main plot point. As a result, Lopmon's lines are very different from each other, while Terriermon only gets simple classic recolors.
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Possibly the most corrupted among them is Wendimon.
Wendimon first gets introduced in the movie, and it posesses a chilling presence throughout all of it. However, not just Hurricane Touchdown, but all iterations of Wendimon, across the franchise's media, depict it as somehow corrupted beyond reason, usually not even being able to talk in cohesive sentences.
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I wanna take a short moment to talk about its name origin. I'll not delve into too much detail, as I'm sure there are more educated people on this topic, but Wendimon is named after an evil spirit from Anishinaabe cultures, which name you are not supposed to say, as to not draw the spirit to you. I just wanted to share, in case some of you weren't aware.
But, moving on
The "regular" adult levels Gargomon and Turuiemon. Comparing the two, I really like how Gargomon has a long-range armed combat theme and Turuiemon a close-range combat theme. Gargomon, as mentioned before, appeared in Hurricane Touchdown and appeared plenty in Tamers as Jian's partner. Turuiemon, unfortunately, didn't have any big appearances until recent years. It had its debut in December 2001 as a card in Hyper Coloseum, in a Tamers themed booster.
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Next up are Lopmon's perfect Level evolutions, Antylamon and Antylamon (Deva). The original Antylamon from Hurricane Touchdown is a Virus type. For Tamers, they decided to have Antylamon as the Deva representing the Hare, and so a Data type variant was created. It had its debut in Hyper Coloseum, in a booster featuring all Deva, a month before first seen in the anime at the end of 2001. The biggest visual difference is the purple scarf of Antylamon (Deva), but it also has a crest, like all Deva, on its chestplate (more on that maybe at some point?). Video games predominantly feature Antylamon (Deva) over Antylamon (Virus).
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Now, if you remember, Terriermon and Lopmon were specifically designed for the movie Hurricane Touchdown. With Terriermon first showing up in its child form and Lopmon in its adult form, Wendimon, Gargomon and Antylamon are each twins' first evolution we get to see them actually evolve into during the movie. Because of this, it's interesting to me that these two share a distinct symbol, Antylamon on its arms and Gargomon on its face.
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Another evolution we get introduced to in the Hurricane Touchdown movie is Rapidmon (Armor). Most people are probably more familiar with the green Perfect level Rapidmon as we see it in Tamers. Looking at the Digimental of Fate, you can see the classic Armor Digimon - Digimental resemblance. Rapidmon's abdomen comes from the sphere part of the Digimental, the base below that resembles its boots, and the wing on top resembles the ear-wings. Because the Perfect level Rapidmon uses essentially the same design, the jump from Gargomon to Rapidmon seems a lot bigger than the one from Terriermon to Gargomon. On a little side note, the official Bandai artwork of Rapidmon (Perfect) has an open helmet, even though the anime uses a closed helmet like the Rapidmon (Armor). BlackRapidmon, despite being a recolor, has a closed helmet as well.
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Lastly, a short look at Cherubimon (Virtue) and Cherubimon (Vice). Both of them, again, debuted in the movie Hurricane Touchdown, which influenced their design. We get to see the corrupted, mad Cherubimon (Vice) first and only briefly see it in its Cherubimon (Virtue) form.
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I believe the simple but effective changes between their designs were in part to allow this nice transition at the end of the movie.
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The Lopmon line, especially, gets used in a lot of media for the sake of corruption/dark evolution story lines. Most noteworthy, Cherubimon (Vice) is the (first) main villain in the Digimon Frontier Anime season.
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scrubf1re · 1 year
I think I’ve figured out the reason why I prefer Meiko’s Meicoomon over Wallace/Willis’ Lopmon.
If you’ve been in the digimon fandom long enough you’ve probably seen/hear comparisons between Wallace/Willis’ Lopmon from Hurricane Touchdown and Meiko’s Meicoomon from tri.
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The similarities between both of them that plenty of digimon fans have pointed out are that they are both partner digimon with uncontrollable evolved/digivolved (or in Meicoomon’s case mutated) forms with their respective human partners going through character arcs about realising that for as much as they love their partner digimon and how much it pains them to do so, they’re too dangerous to let live so they end up letting them die to save everyone and put them out of their misery (I have seen some people compare Meicoomon to Yujin's Offmon but I feel Offmon is more comparable to Ryo’s Monodramon and I’ve already made a rant comparing those two). Keep in mind that for this comparison I’m only looking at the partner digimon themselves and not their human companions since I actually like both Wallace/Willis and Meiko which unfortunately I cannot say the same for the partner digimon and I’m going to go over where I felt Meiko’s Meicoomon succeeded where Wallace/Willis’ Lopmon failed. And the reasons are actually a lot more simple than you’d think. My biggest problem with Lopmon and by extension Hurricane Touchdown as a whole is how little character and personality Lopmon has outside of the fact that he’s a partner digimon under the effects of a virus and having undergone a dark evolution/digivolution which can be attributed to how little screentime Lopmon’s personality outside of his dark evolution/digivolution. That aspect of Lopmon’s character only gets two scenes dedicated which is strange given that Lopmon’s dark evolutions/digivolutions get plenty of screen time which can be attributed to bad pacing on Hurricane Touchdown's part. I do think it’s a little weird how I seem to be the only person who has this complaint with Lopmon that I know of.
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First is the flashback involving Wallace/Willis, Terriermon and Lopmon’s backstory and how he turned into Wendimon/Wendigomon.
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And the second being before he dies and... that’s all we get to see of what Lopmon’s character is like outside of his dark evolutions/digivolutions. The only two personality traits I could get from both of these scenes are that he’s childlike and playful which doesn’t even enough to stand out amongst the other partner digimon in the adventure continuity since plenty of other partner digimon have shown traits of being childlike and playful (as well as those two traits not even being their only character traits including Meicoomon). I’m a firm believer in the idea that there is a huge difference between a character being simple (for example Jo/Joe’s Gomamon comes to mind as while being undeniably simple, as he’s rather brash, confident and loud to contrast his partner) and a character being underwritten (I’ve already criticised Ryo’s Monodramon for more or less the same thing before) and unfortunately in a story where we are supposed to feel sad when Lopmon dies I don’t think it’s an unreasonable thing to criticise said story if the character dying doesn’t have much character to begin with.
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In comparison Meicoomon has plenty of scenes where we get to see what her character is like outside of the fact that she’s the source of the infection and how her mutations have much more violent personalities. The first 20 minutes of part 2 of tri being a great example of this since even when we limit ourselves to just the first quarter of determination since we see multiple different traits of Meicoomon such as her having a tendency to wonder off on her own, being easily scared, playful, being rather dependent on Meiko and naive despite being an adult/champion level. These aren’t even the only times we get to see the traits as they are more consistent than you’d think since we actually do see them again in later points in tri including flashbacks.
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I don’t think it takes a genius to see where I’m coming from since a lot of the points I made in Meicoomon’s favour can basically be attributed to the fact that Hurricane Touchdown is only a single movie whereas tri is 6 OVAs (or 26 episodes if you’re watching it on a streaming service like crunchyroll and other examples that I don’t feel like typing down). I feel like another contributor is the fact that when we first see Lopmon in Hurricane Touchdown he’s already dark evolved/digivolved into Wendimon/Wendigomon whereas when we first see Meicoomon in tri it’s kept a mystery as to what her importance to the plot is which is why she gets so much more screentime dedicated to establishing what her character is like compared to Lopmon who only gets a single flashback and 1 scene afterwards.
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Because of this, it’s way easier to get sad over Meicoomon’s death since we actually get a decent amount of screen time to what her personality and character is like outside of the infection (which is still a simple character mind you, but being a simple character is not the same as being badly and/or underwritten).
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A point I have seen some people made in Lopmon’s favour in comparison to Meicoomon that I don’t really seem to get is that when Lopmon dies he briefly becomes Cherubimon (Virtue) before disappearing whereas Meicoomon doesn’t briefly become Rasielmon when she dies. The reason I don’t get this criticism towards Meicoomon is that the people I’ve seen make this complaint claim that her not becoming Rasielmon means she wasn’t purified when she died even though Meicoomon appearing in her regular non mutated self could also be interpreted as her being purified since that’s what Meicoomon is like when she’s not a rampaging mutated digimon. Gonna be honest this complaint feels more like an excuse to complain about a lesser known digimon not getting their anime debut in a scene where if that did happen... you’d change absolutely nothing about the story other than Rasielmon waving goodbye to Meiko (a digimon Meiko’s never seen before mind you) instead of Meicoomon before disappearing. Honestly if Cherubimon (Vice) briefly turned back into Lopmon instead of Cherubimon (Virtue), you’d change absolutely nothing about Hurricane Touchdown’s plot since Cherubimon reverting back into Lopmon could still be interpreted as him being purified anyways. I dunno this complaint feels very surface level and difficult for me to agree with given the points I’ve made. Anyways TLDR: the reason why I feel Meiko’s Meicoomon is better written than Wallace/Willis’ Lopmon is that Lopmon is extremely underwritten outside of the fact that he’s a partner digimon under the effects of dark evolution/digivolution and that digimon’s personality and character outside of that has way too little screentime anyways whereas Meiko’s Meicoomon doesn’t have the same problems. I don’t really know what else to type here.
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otakween · 4 months
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 48
Lol, I'm so done with this show, the writing in this episode was so stupid. Everything felt like an ass pull. I'm also very underwhelmed by them using the same weak-ass digivolutions they've been using since the first dozen of episodes on the final boss (especially Chackmon and Fairymon, sorry, but no). Then again, Digimon is always doing nonsense like that. The only thing I'm looking forward to now is the epilogue, the final battle just feels like something I gotta get through.
So Lucemon FD Mode just destroyed everything so he could rebuild (including all the moons), but now he's like "jk lol I'm aiming for the human world instead." I can't tell if he's going for both or just realize the human world was a better prize.
The kids barely reacted at all when Bokomon told them what LordKnightmon said about Koichi. I guess it's underwhelming news after you've just witnessed the apocalypse, but I expected an "oh no!" at least lol
Some deus ex machina nonsense going on left and right. A fireball conveniently strikes Bokomon's lore book at the perfect time to reveal hidden text about the consequences of digimon entering the human world. Then Patamon, Plotmon, and Lopmon are like "light and dark gotta combine if you want to defeat Lucemon, duh!" as if that's common knowledge they knew all along. Why didn't they say something sooner!?
I don't remember there being anything about digimon causing distortions in the human world in Adventure, but that was definitely a thing in Tamers. I'm not sure which I prefer. The drama is kinda better in the latter but I miss digimon hanging out in the real world without consequences ;w;
What is Lucemon's "Dead or Alive" lol sexy volleyball game supposed to represent? It looks like a 3D cypher or something. Wondering what that has to do with "light and dark combined"
Again...seeing them use super weak "beginning of the season" attacks was painful. We're on episode 48 of 50 gdi! >:/
Lots of "dramatic anime nudity" (when nudity is used to make people look ethereal) in this one. It was hard to take seriously ngl (I'll just assume they didn't see Koichi's junk cuz he was too shiny lol). I noticed they censored Koichi a bit in the dub which was funny.
Uh...the name of the episode is "light and dark combined," Lucemon monologues about combining light and darkness...and then Takuya and Koji combine (fire and light) -_- I know that Koichi was somewhere in the mix too but...it doesn't show up in Susanoomon's design, so it felt awkward and anticlimactic
Speaking of Susanoomon. I do like his design, it seems like a really even mix of Takuya and Koji's digivolution elements. I think the ornament on his back (is it a sun?) really brings things together. I don't really like his tiny head though.
RIP to Koichi I guess? I bet he'll come back in some form or another
Edit: hilarious comment on MAL (credit: ETHEREALEVIL): "Tbh Koichi was cursed to die from the start his slide evolution is KaiserLeomon"
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ask-digimon-hunters · 3 months
Nick finally finished his lessons with Gankoomon, and now he believed that he could get Lopmon back. After half an hour of walking he finally saw her, he never liked seeing the dark evolutions of any Digimon. He finally came across her.
“Coco?” He said towards her in a questioning tone.
“Nick, alive.” Wendigomon said, putting her hand on his face as if to check if he was real.
Nick reaches up and grabs her hand. Then suddenly a gray Dynasmon jumps out of the trees. “Well, this one is ruined, if I kill her, Zwart will never know.” It says to itself.
Wendigomon steps in front of Nick, going to defend him, then Nick steps beside her.
“I have a plan Coco.” He says to her.
Link Digivolution!!
Erlangmon stands beside Gardermon. Gardermon looks down at her hands as if surprised that this happened. They look at each other and nod. Erlangmon swings their weapon around themselves, creating a barrier preventing Hallow Dynasmon from leaving, then Gardermon jumps in to take him down.
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thebl00dmaster · 1 year
Limbus Tamers
The limbus brainrot is terminal and digimon has been worming its way back so why not combine the two together. I’m not the biggest Digimon nerd (mainly watched some Adventure, 02 and Tamers and played Digimon world 3 and Cybersleuth) so I’ve been using Wikimon to help with the evolution lines, while  yes I could just mix and max anything I tried to use Digimon that actually evolve into one another.
I may do another one with Dante, Charon and Vergilius plus any Sinner I want revisit. So onward to my dubious picks!
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For Yi Sang I chose this line mostly for his desire to have wings and his association with crows. Plus Yatagaramon is cool.
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For Faust I focused on her witch imagery, what with her base E.G.O. giving her a broom and her codename being Walpurgisnacht, and her vast knowledge with Impmon being a stand in for Mephistopheles (I know Mephismon exist I already had settled on witchmon and needed a rookie). AncientWisemon could have gone to Yi Sang since he invented the mirror we use to pull the gacha but it still have that sorcerer vibe.
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For La Creatura I settled for the Guilmon line mostly because Gallantmon/Dukemon, being a Royal Knight, fitted with her knightly delusions and also because I remember Guilmon going feral at some points in Tamers. Plus if we go for Dark Digivolutions,when Don completely snaps she could go down the Megidramon (or even ChaosDukemon) route similarly to Takato.
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I hesitated a bit with Ryoshu so I ended doing both ideas: I kinda cobbled this one together trying to concile her ties to fire (her E.G.O inflict burn,the “cooking” of the Kebab and that one picture of her burning everything using as her steed) and art with Etemon being a singer and Piedmon being a clown (and circus artist in general).  Plus the Dark Master have throwing knives/swords. 
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This one was more was more based on her swordplay and the fact she’s ... ok maybe not “honourable” but she’d rather not do it the “coward’s way”, she straight up refused to disguise herself during the casino heist and wanted to face the Shi assassin head on in Canto IV. So Musyamon popped into my mind and then went up the evo line to try and keep the samurai/ronin theme and Kunemon is here because I couldn’t use Kotemon as it doesn’t digivolve into Musyamon. 
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Mr Salt got the Andromon line because he’s very robotic at times, a cog in the machine if you will, plus he is a tank of a man so Guardromon fits well. Also I thought it would be funny if somehow the machine Digimon ended up being more prone to make judgements than its human partner. 
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I didn’t know where to go with Hong Lu, I tried with the Devas and little more with Lopmon’s line then I saw QueenChessmon and went “Chess is pastime for hoity-toity rich folk and Hong Lu is a rich boy” and went from there. Not really satisfied but it just clicked in the moment. ... If Hong Lu is playing some 5d chess with us I SWEAR TO -
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Another double feature with the other sinner with double seats privilege ... this was completely incidental. This one is based on the brutish side of Heathcliff though Ogremon can be cunning as can our angry british. Titamon is also connected to revenge (specifically against the Olympos XII) so it fits as well. I know Rebellimon doesn’t digivolve to Titamon but fuck it ! I didn’t want Digitamamon on here and that’s the only exception I made, I just wanted to keep mean green demon all the way.
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This one came frame from a flash about Telepole Heathcliff and since He’s a bastard I couldn’t him give a regular Gabumon.
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I just had to give Fishmael a Whamon because of Moby Dick. As for the rest: I picked Gomamon because I thought it’d be funny to have a laid back partner with how rigid she can be; Dolphmon to transition between Gomamon and Whamon and Plesiomon because it’s a traditional Mega for Gomamon alongside Vikemon.
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I must admit being stumped and just going “Waifumon go !”. Might revisit her with a more fitting line sometime.
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For Sinclair at first I wanted to give him an avian line then stumbled upon Tsukaimon digivolving into Pidmon and went “time to go the angel route” as a spin on Patamon. Outside of MagnaAngemon (and Angewomon for that matter) I tried not to use Adventure/02 digimon. I picked Dominimon but hesitated between it, ClavisAngemon and SlashAngemon.
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For Outism I first wanted to have an Olympos XII member then wondered whether or not there was a trojan horse digimon, Lo and behold there was ! As for the rest I worked my way down : Cherrymon being a duplicitous tree (he tried to manipulate Yamato during the Dark Master arc) fit Outis being suspicious, kiwimon is kind of a filler pick and Alraumon is a fake Palmon. 
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Finally for Gregor I picked the Wormmon line though with some changes. I chose Snimon instead of Stingmon to harken to G Corp Gregor and while there’s a roachmon I felt it was too on the nose. As for Bloomlordmon I hesitated with going with GranKuwagamon or HeraclesKabuterimon but leaned more on this one mainly to distance a bit from bugs since Gregor has two plant based E.G.O.
That should be it for now.
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dats-hq · 2 years
I dont hate Lopmon at all, but I definitely find myself wishing that Shuuji had a different partner. Lopmon is fine, but I really do feel that Lopmon itself affects people's treatment of Shuuji :(
I find myself of two minds on this. On the one hand, I do think Lopmon being a cute little smoosh does contribute to the fandom's treatment of Shuuji.
On the other hand, Lopmon being this small, soft, physically weak Digimon is really good symbolism. Shuuji is a gentle soul who is made to feel who he is simply isn't good enough. If he lets his father shape him into a crueller person, his authentic self will be consumed. So too with Lopmon. I don't think the story would hit as hard with a less cute Digimon.
And sure, you could swap Lopmon out for pretty much anyone and have a dark evolution available still, but there's specific symbolism with Wendimon and Turuiemon that I like a lot. Becoming a cannibal vs curing the world of a plague. Giving up your humanity vs saving everyone's humanity. It's good stuff that mirrors Shuuji's role in the group across the different routes, and I'd hate to give that up and make the story worse just to appease incurious people with worse media literacy.
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kitty8804 · 2 years
What if the Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon? Pt 2
Part 1, Part 3 , Part 4(I will add links as I get more done)
Hello everyone I am back! The only reason that this was was done relatively quickly was because I already had the digimon of this character planned, and I had a lot of free time. I just thought adding them last post would make it too long. I explain what the heck I am doing in part 1 so go check it out. But I do want to clarify a couple things I did not make clear in the first post.
1. Almost everyone will be given a dark digivolution of some kind. (There will be a couple exceptions that I will explain if I do those characters.) Since Danganronpa has a hope vs despair theme I think having an evolution that represents despair would be fitting. It is not a default digivolution though. It’s an Agumon to SkullGreymon scenario. They can happen at any stage (except rookie) since a dark digivolution has happened at least once in every stage in digimon media. So different characters are going to have dark digivolutions at different stages. Alternate evolutions (not dark ones) are a possibility but not a guarantee.
2. I will be doing my absolute best to not include repeats. If I do repeat it will only be one digimon in the line. But I will be more lenient with that rule if I do end up doing characters from different casts. This is mostly because a good handful of characters have similar (or in some cases the same) Ultimate talents, which do play a huge part in my decision process.
3. I realized that while making this post tumblr will only allow me to use 10 images per post. This is obviously a problem if I want to include pictures of a full digivolution line, including dark digivolutions and alternate forms, and the character. This makes it almost impossible for me to do more than one character with everything that I want in one post. So I will have to do only one character per post. But since some might take more thought than others, or I just really want to do more than one, separate posts could be posted on the same day.
Kaede Akamatsu
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Before I start can I just say how hard it was to find digimon for Kaede! I wanted a music theme since she is the Ultimate Pianist and I knew trying to find something piano themed would be impossible. I did not realize that the most well know music themed digimon are the Gekomon line and I didn’t think they suited Kaede. When I thought I had something that kinda worked the Ultimate ruined it, so I had to scramble to find something that works. So her digimon line might seem a little odd but I think it works.
Rookie: Cutemon
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After a lot of searching once I remembered Cutemon I thought that it would be a good rookie for Kaede. I believe that Kaede likes adorable things and Cutemon definitely fits into that category. Also since a lot of her color scheme is pink I figured a pink digimon would work well. Cutemon also has headphones which can kind of relate it back to the music/sound theme that I originally wanted. Rabbits also have big ears and have sensitive hearing which can tie back into music? I know it’s a stretch but like I said there are not a lot of music themed digimon and even less that fit Kaede. I briefly thought about using Shoutmon, but quickly decided that Cutemon was a better fit. (Shoutmon would be a better choice for a certain musician) I can totally see Kaede constantly cuddling and hugging this digimon because Cutemon is just so adorable.
Champion: TeslaJellymon
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Yeah this is when things are starting to get a little weird for this evolution line. I originally wanted to use Turuiemon and then the rest of the default Lopmon line after. While I still think that would have worked there was a certain ultimate that was so perfect for Kaede that I needed to use it. While digimon do not need a super obvious or coherent transition, I still think that after I reveal the other digimon in the line many would agree that the transition from Turuiemon would have been a little wack. So I had to find some way to connect Cutemon to its future Ultimate. I thought about Seahomon since it’s head kinda looks like a trumpet and it can tie into the music theme, but that had the same problem as Turuiemon. Not as bad, but I wanted something better. In the end I figured that TeslaJellymon was the best choice. You can kinda see Cutemon in there. The antennae look similar to rabbit ears, the tentacles (?) look similar to Cutemon’s scarf, and the bits of pink kinda look like Cutemon burst out of its own fur. I actually think that the sweet Cutemon being given a more mischievous Champion form serves as a good parallel with Kaede. A lot of people look at Kaede as see a very cute, sweet, and innocent girl. While the first 2 are true Kaede is far from innocent. This can be seen through her more … perverted side of her personality. Have you seen her interactions with Tsumugi? She is very dirty minded! This can also be seen through her trying to kill the mastermind. TeslaJellymon also easily leads into an aquatic theme that will be very important for the transition into the Ultimate and Mega. 
Ultimate: Sirenmon
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Ah yes the digimon that is the cause for all my grief. This digimon is the whole reason I had to revamp Kaede’s digimon line. Once I found out that Sirenmon existed I knew that I needed to give it to Kaede. Sirenmon fits into the music theme that I wanted for Kaede perfectly! It even has music notes in its design! It’s a perfect fit! But obviously going from a fighter rabbit to this bird/fish to another rabbit was not going to work, which is why I dropped the idea of using most of the Lopmon line. Since TeslaJellymon is a jelly fish and Sirenmon has fish-like characteristics I figured that the aquatic theme would provide a smooth enough transition. Sirenmon is also super adorable like Cutemon and I think it and Kaede would get along well.
Mega: AncientMermaimon
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So the Mega left me kinda stuck for a while. I originally wanted to use Cherubimon Virtue, but I already explained why it wouldn’t work. So I decided to stick with the aquatic theme and use AncientMermaimon. Mermaids are commonly associated with songs and sirens, so it can kinda fit into the music theme I wanted. I could have gone more of the bird route with FrosVelgrmon, but other than the fact that it looks like it can be in the same line as Sirenmon there is no other good connection for it. It doesn’t really connect to Kaede at all. At least AncientMermaimon has some connection with Kaede working for it, even if I am searching for crumbs at this point.
Now it’s time for a dark digivolution. So I will once again be going into fanfiction/anime mode. I feel like the cause of her dark digivolution would be very similar to Tai and Takoto. Kaede can be very pushy and will get tunnel vision so bad that she won’t notice the problems that she will cause others. Her intentions are good, but everyone just ends up suffering. This can be seen through her insistence of the cast to keep going through the death road of despair, despite everyone repeatedly failing and getting injured. I can totally see her trying to force her partner to digivolve either because she is in a rush to get stronger or something bad happens and in her rush for revenge she forces her partner to digivolve to Cherubimon Vice.
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Now that Cherubimon idea I had can finally be put into use. We lose the aquatic theme, but still think this works as a good dark mega for Cutemon. Not much for me to say. Cherubim on Vice is one of the most well known examples of a dark digivolution. Just the idea of something so cute turning into something so evil fits Kaede really well for some reason.
I will admit this line might not be the best pick, so feedback is always appreciated. I know the sudden aquatic theme may seem weird, (especially if I do a certain swimmer eventually), but I still think they managed to fit Kaede in some way. Sadly no alternate evolutions in this line. I just couldn’t find a lot to go off of, and I didn’t want to cause more suffering than this line already did.
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aanabear2803 · 4 months
If anyone is ever curious on what my fav digimon is
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If yall have ever seen Lopmon and its branching evolution from either light or dark youd know why 🫡
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
Finally Finished Chapter 5 of Survive and OH BOY I HAVE THOUGHTS ABOUT SHUUJI!
Thoughts under the cut content warnings for discussions of self-hatred and suicide and uh Chapter 5 ending stuff. Thoughts May Change Who Knows
I remember reading in an interview a month ago I think that the Digimon are reflections of the human in Digimon Survive so Shuuji immediately caught my attention for his terrible relationship with his partner. Chapter 5 takes all of that Shuuji-Lopmon tension and goes "hey let's make this really fucked up mate."
So they did.
Shuuji gets eaten by Lopmon's Dark Evolution, which, emotionally is Something.
Shuuji sucks he's a coward, he's bossy, he always escalates conflict no matter how hard he tries not to, and consistently makes a situation worse, and he always wants to be the leader and he gets really really mean about it, and it's kinda hard not to hate him considering he's both verbally and eventually physically abusive to Lopmon.
But...Shuuji is not simply a terrible person, I'm not saying he's a GOOD person but he didn't wake up and decide "Lopmon is the the worst thing in existence which gives me the right to bully and mistreat him." he's hurting Lopmon...because Lopmon reminds him of himself.
Shuuji talks a lot about his "uselessness" in Chapter 5...the thing he's been ascribing to Lopmon this entire game, and even then Shuuji does cry a lot and tends to get really scared and isn't the greatest leader but he's obviously trying to make sure everyone is alive...just like Lopmon. Simply put Lopmon is a Mirror he can Punch Twice.
Really him getting eaten by Lopmon is...a very literal metaphor for Shuuji as a character, Shuuji is at his lowest moment, and in that moment his self-hatred and feelings of uselessness and despair and unresolved anger take over him and eventually it consumes him whole.
Lopmon and Shuuji even speak as one being after Lopmon consumes him, the things Lopmon feels are the same things Shuuji Feels, and that's Really Damn Interesting,
And also really depressing cause they constantly talk about how much they hate themselves and should die and how scared there are I just felt extremely sad reading those words knowing that information. Shuuji isn't a great person but I can't help but feel sad for him.
I don't want to talk much about Shuuji's family considering the very small info I have of them but it doesn't paint a pretty picture, there seems to be a chain of abuse going on here which is really depressing.
Also something I noticed while playing, Shuuji responds terribly if your concerned about him, it's most noticeable in Chapter 5 when he's at the start of his breakdown but even before that he didn't respond well to concern. I just find that a neat character detail.
I don't think he's my favorite, it's currently a three way tie between Minoru, Kaito and Miu, but he is incredibly interesting and really depressing. Excited to see more of him when I can save him, truly do wonder what happens when he digivolves properly and fixes his relationship with Lopmon.
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I am REALLY NOT happy with how Digimon Survive is using/treating character deaths. Spoilers for common route and Harmony Route below.
So I have a lot of complaints about this game but the biggest offender is the absolute WASTED potential of so many characters and story choices. And deaths are the worst example of that.
Ideally, a character death should be an effective gut punch for the audience as well as serve some narrative purpose - as in it dramatically affects the remaining characters/relationships going forward, or it’s a fitting end to a character’s arc, etc.
The two “common route” deaths - Ryo & Shuuji - KIND OF accomplish this, to varying effectiveness. In Ryo’s case, as the first death it’s shocking, both to the players and to the cast. But it is a little underwhelming in that if anyone was GOING to die, Ryo was the easy/obvious choice. He completely fell apart and was becoming more and more distant from the group, so he was an easy, exploitable weak link to attack. And that’s exactly what happened. His death was only meant to scare the group and teach them the importance of sticking together and STEPPING IN WHEN OTHERS NEED HELP.
And that WOULD have been fine, if the gang actually learned their lesson from that, but... they didn’t. After the fact, they all moaned about how they “saw the signs” that he was falling apart and needed help, that they should have done more to get through to him... but they then proceeded to sit back and let Shuuji go down a self-destructive path as well.
The story EXPLICITLY has the characters wishing in hindsight that they had done more to help Ryo, but when Shuuji starts spiraling, even though they ALL see it and talk about it amongst themselves... the ONLY one to even try to talk to him is Takuma, who intervenes too little and too late.
Thus Shuuji is allowed to continue to spiral and he treats Lopmon worse and worse until he FORCES it to evolve, resulting in Wendigomon eating him. This is, IMO, the only death that really works on all fronts (note that I haven’t played Wrath route yet but I know who dies, just not HOW; I don’t have high hopes though). There is plenty of buildup for this death to make it narratively satisfying - people that KNOW Digimon lore will probably see the dark evolution coming, but even people that don’t would expect SOME repercussions for Shuuji’s behavior. The death is also still shocking and a gut punch in just how BRUTAL it is, especially considering you have to fight Wendigomon right after, all while feeling terrible for Lopmon (and Shuuji).
That death continues to hold narrative weight afterwards as well, since the group is then fractured by the idea that the other Digimon could turn on them. Regardless of whether you think that plot beat was done WELL, at least Shuuji’s death had a lasting impact.
(Personally I found chapter 6 really frustrating/stupid - I’m NOT saying Shuuji deserved to die, but the fact that NO ONE looked back at the situation and blamed HIM for what happened rather than blaming LOPMON who was ABUSED AND FORCED into that situation is... upsetting.)
The group bands together and stays solid until the route split, and this is when things go from mildly annoying to INFURIATING.
Miu’s death was a slap in the face in so many ways. I was already annoyed before it even happened because things were RANDOMLY playing out differently in this route compared to Moral route, which I did first.
I know the POINT of routes is for different things to happen, but it should be clear Cause & Effect, not just characters acting differently for NO reason. Takuma’s actions and dialogue were UNCHANGED, yet for SOME reason in this version of events Kaito rushed off to fight which meant Miu wasn’t able to find the escape route first? There’s no clear cause for the change, it’s just. Different. That’s a pet peeve of mine. Changes in a route should come about from YOUR choices - the change should have started with TAKUMA saying/doing something that then altered everyone else’s behavior, instead of that just randomly happening.
Even if I can look past that though, the way they chose to have Miu die was just FRUSTRATING. There were literally two or three “acceptable” times for Miu to die and have it feel emotionally satisfying, but the game chose to ignore those in favor of having Takuma make it in time to save her, LITERALLY EVOLVE AGUMON INTO A MEGA FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR HER SAKE, and then SUCCESSFULLY fight off the enemies... only for her to rush off into danger AFTER SHE WAS SAFE and get quickly, anticlimactically killed.
They had an opportunity for things to go wrong WHILE TAKUMA COULDN’T HELP, and they didn’t take it. Imagine if after fighting the battle with Saki & Aoi, you got a scene of Kaito & Miu surrounded, and Miu died THEN.
You would have felt helpless and devastated (I mean this in a good way), because Takuma could have gone to help them earlier, but instead by helping Saki & Aoi, he’d doomed Miu. It would have HURT, but at the same time you would have to accept it, because maybe Saki and Aoi NEEDED his help to survive.
Rather than fighting to save her, Takuma would then be fighting to save Kaito and avenge Miu, and that’s still a totally good time & reason to evolve Agumon.
Even having Takuma make it in time to join the fight wasn’t too late! The battle could have cut off early, or immediately after the fight rather than Miu and Kaito being safe, have MORE enemies show up and Takuma is unable to protect them, thus Miu dies then!
That would have felt a little cheap coming after everything, but it’s STILL way better than going through SO MUCH to save her and PULLING IT OFF only for her to get herself killed right after.
Her death is SO anticlimactic and sudden, and coming right after everything else, the only thing I felt was cheated. Everything I (and Takuma and Kaito) did to save her was a wasted effort, and she ran off and got herself killed like a DUMBASS.
The one saving grace of her death is it sets up the main story/conflict of the Harmony route - namely, Kaito being unable to accept it and going off the rails as a result.
This COULD have been a really great character arc - at first he tries and fails to deal with it, then he gets Triggered by Renamon, and he absolutely regresses/devolves into madness. Eventually, his friends manage to break through to him and convince him he’s going down the wrong path - and in theory it’s not too late to actually save things! He could have had a GREAT redemption arc of recognizing what he’d done and trying to do better, and addressing his flaws (namely his temper and violent tendencies) and becoming a better person while properly overcoming Miu’s death and still doing what he can for her sake/in her memory.
As far as I can tell, even while in a blind, revenge-fueled rage, Kaito never killed anyone or anything. He made a lot of threats and beat up some digimon, but the ones we see on screen explicitly survive. The ONE thing he does that he can’t take back is fusing Dracmon to get Boltboutamon - and honestly I like that, because it means that there are SOME consequences to his actions that he’ll have to live with!
Except, uh, he doesn’t live. And neither does the Professor or Miyuki (or Renamon, because 2-for-1 deal). All of them go down in THE MOST STUPID, ANTICLIMACTIC WAY possible. Kaito coming to his senses is good; that being what caused Dracmon to fade away/lose out to Piedmon is fine (since the story gives a clear explanation).
Piedmon wanting/needing Miyuki makes sense, and I can’t fault the Professor and Kaito for trying to stop him, but... having ALL THREE characters abruptly die because “lol I can absorb you” is... incredibly lame and again makes me just feel like the characters are DUMBASSES. If they hadn’t rushed in to save her, they wouldn’t have died!
At this point it feels like the deaths are just for shock value or to hurt the player, but the deaths didn’t make me sad, they made me FURIOUS. They’re so STUPID AND POINTLESS and they wasted the potential of the characters involved. And Kaito’s death can’t even be a good “redemption equals death” case since his death ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING. He died trying to save Miyuki but he made no difference whatsoever! He and the Professor might as well have been flies that Boltboutamon swatted.
Is there anyone that finds that end more satisfying than an outcome where he lives and has to actually own up to his actions and work to be better? Especially considering the hopeful tone the rest of the cast had taken, how DETERMINED they were to get through to him... They actually DID IT, but just like with Takuma saving Miu earlier, it didn’t even matter, because Kaito then immediately got himself killed anyway.
IMO Kaito had SO MUCH potential and the game actively refused to explore it (this is true of MOST characters, but especially Kaito). He spent so much of the game as a character with two main personality traits - siscon and hot tempered - and THIS was the chance to flesh him out and help him MOVE PAST his worst flaws, and instead the game just. Killed him. Without warning, without reason, without him accomplishing ANYTHING of note.
And it took the Professor and Miyuki (and Renamon) with him. ALL of their deaths served NO purpose beyond making the characters and player feel sad. They were pointless and wasted. RIP any and all character arcs involving them.
I can understand Miyuki dying since Piedmon WAS after her specifically (plus it also serves as “punishment” for Renamon on this route; Renamon would have indirectly been responsible for Miyuki’s death in this case which is poetic), and MAYBE the Professor could still die trying to save her if only because HIS story/arc is saved for Moral route anyway. Whether or not he dies, he doesn’t have much purpose in THIS route.
But Kaito ABSOLUTELY should have lived. He should have had to face up to his actions. He should have had to apologize to all his friends. He should have had to stand back and let the others KILL Boltboutamon - kill what was left of Dracmon. He should have had to deal with the fact that because of his rage, his choices led to the death of his partner - maybe forever, or maybe he’d get an egg and EVENTUALLY, he’d get Dracmon back. After he EARNED it.
Instead, literally the moment he came to his senses, he did something stupid and died immediately (once again making all my efforts for nothing!), without managing to change anything. And I’m not sure I can forgive the game for that.
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just-jammin · 2 years
ok so i have an idea of the archetypal Digimon (mostly based on Adventure) that the main Omori gang would have, plus some ideas about how the AU would work, so lemme type this out and see if that works ig??
disclaimer that i’m depending on what i vaguely remember + their TV Tropes pages for both Digimon and Omori, so apologies if i get a bunch of details wrong from both parts
(especially since it’s been years since i’ve completed the first five seasons of the anime, i haven’t finished season 6 and Tri., and i’m not even past Vast Forest in Omori)
if you wanna add on with more ideas or inform me of some stuff i missed, please ask me in my inbox!
the speculation stuff’s under the cut bc it gets LONG (also bc there could be slight spoilers for the new Digimon game out there)
For this alternate universe, I feel like the plot would have similar initial vibes and entrance to the Digital World as Digimon Adventure, as well as the DARK content that comes later on from Digimon Survive.
Right now, I feel like it takes place a couple of weeks or months after whenever Mari’s death would happen in the game (but it will still happen; it just happens differently), so the whole gang would be present. I don’t really know much about what they were doing before the Isekai plot happens… but a possible plot starter would be the gang going on a trip after SUNNY and MARI's successful recital! So this is (initially) an Everyone Lives AU too!
(another possibility is that this would be a one-off adventure BEFORE the game's events happen, so that the kids are eventually gonna forget about it… especially since it CAN be overshadowed by Mari’s death in the way it happens in the game)
Anyways, speculations for the peeps and their partner Digimon time!!
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First off, I already decided that HERO would be the resident ‘Gogglehead’, but I doubt that he’d even wear his Goggles most of the time (kinda like Marcus/Masaru ig), opting to put it in a bag or sometimes wearing it on his neck. I also think that the ‘not-wearing-goggles-all-the-time’ thing might allude to Hero not being the main focus of the AU, as well as his personality not being, uh, really energetic & assertive like the other Goggleheads.
In extension of being a Goggle Boy, his partner Digimon would be a reptilian-type, which is somehow the norm for all leaders in the main Tamer teams. However, it’s possible that Hero’s partner Digimon would be more serious & focused on the task at hand than the others. A possible candidate would be Huckmon and its whole digivolution line, with the assumption that its characterization is somewhat similar to the one in Adventure Tri.
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KEL is another easy one, but like Hero, he’s kinda different from the usual characters that bear the archetype that he has right now. He’s technically a Lancer to Hero, and therefore has a mammalian Digimon partner. Buuut his personality is a LOT more similar to the usual Gogglehead.
I don’t have a specific Digimon for Kel (and for some of the others, too), but a possible personality for it would be that of a stereotypical depiction of a dog since I thought of giving him a canine Digimon to reflect the brothers having Hector back on the Real World. And by stereotypical depiction of a dog, I mean absolutely happy-go-lucky guy with kind of a lack of object permanence and gets easily distracted. I wonder how Kel would deal with that…
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The archetype I chose for AUBREY before now was her having an avian or bird Digimon, but then I realized… that doesn’t make any SENSE! Like, from what I’ve seen, there isn’t any depiction of a bird motif for her in the game, so I thought ‘screw that’ and decided to give her a bunny-like Digimon!
Methinks the partner Digimon would have a rather child-like demeanor, but it’s also wise for a Rookie level Digimon. Lunamon and its evolution line would be very good candidate for Aubrey, along with maybe Lopmon and its good evolution line? But then again, it depends on whether or not i can get a good look on the List of Digimon—
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Man, it’s s a no-brainer when it comes to BASIL’s archetype. After all, he’s the plant guy, so why not give him a plant Digimon? Although I gotta admit, I did briefly consider him having an insectoid Digimon for the irony, but I didn't go through with it for reasons I'll explain later.
Anyhoo, the partner Digimon would probably be a snooty type with quite a large ego, despite being only a Rookie Digimon. It also would somewhat unintentionally put others down to bring itself up, much to the other Digimons' chagrin. Not sure what to pick for Basil's partner Digimon, though...
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Next up is MARI! I'm gonna give her a Digimon that eventually evolves to a Holy-type, but I do desire to make a cruel joke and give her a partner that is related to the Leomon-species... or I could give her a ghastly or spirit Digimon to foreshadow some stuff…
Her partner Digimon’s personality would be, er, probably loyal to Mari (but not as intensely loyal as Kel’s Digimon), but it doesn’t regard its own safety to protect others. This could be an important plot point in the AU, where Mari is EXTREMELY concerned about her Digimon’s sacrificial protector attitude.
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And then there’s SUNNY, the main character of the game, and in extension, this AU. I thought about his Digimon’s archetype a LOT more than the others, and it’ll show in this description. I think he’ll have an overall dark or demonic Digimon, but its personality is not like that at first, having a child-like curiosity, paired with being very soft-spoken and outright mute at times. Tsukaimon would probably be his Rookie, but its evolutions are… more complicated than that.
You see, I first thought about his Digimon’s Champion, Ultimate, and Mega forms to correspond with the fears that he has to overcome in the game. While this fits with the randomness of some Digimon evolution lines, it still doesn’t make much sense in a way.
And then I remembered how Gammamon evolves in Digimon Ghost Game, having four different Champion forms, which are used depending on the situation at hand. Sunny’s Digimon would evolve somewhat similarly, with one Champion form and three Ultimate forms that correspond with each one of Sunny’s fears. They could also fill in the rest of the archetypes, with the avian, insectoid, and aquatic Ultimate evolutions.
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ask-digimon-hunters · 3 months
“Nick, I don’t say this a lot, but you look terrible.” Lizz says, watching Nick and Rose enter the house.
“What happened?” Sam asks frantically.
“We got into a fight with Knightmaremon, we won but Nick got seriously hurt and Lopmon dark evolved.” Rose explains.
“Oh my king,” Riley starts, “do you know the name of the dark evolution?”
“No.” Rose says.
Just as Rose sits down on one of the chairs, a woman walks in, takes a look at Nick and gets furious.
Nikki yells, “If another person I care about gets hurt, I think I’m ending it here and now!”
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years
Data Squad AU
Yes, I know my name is from a ship of Pokemon but DIGIMON. There was one post about like "don't play other video games while hyperfixating otherwise you get some strange results" and I'm here to tell you: I like the strange results.
Anyways... Psychonauts+Digimon AU.
The Psychonauts are not the Psychonauts. They're a branch of the Data Squad. An international group that works with Digimon and defeats evil Digimon. This was mainly fleshed out with some OCs, but I'm here to just give some Digimon to the other Psychonauts characters.
Razputin. You may expect me to give a protagonist him something simple like Agumon or Gabumon, but no. Raz, despite being the main character, is not that basic at all. Therefore he is going to get a Digimon that fits him the best. Orcamon. A bipedal Orca with a life jacket and life saver ABSOLUTELY fits with Raz. This is based on the idea that Raz has a fascination with water and technology but can't swim, making Orcamon save him and Raz get recruited by the Data Squad after failing to hide his Digimon from his family. Orcamon I don't think would ever de-digivolve, but as a treat I will give it a dark-digivolution in Piranimon. Basically if Razputin were to go Razigula, Orcamon would become Piranimon.
Lili! The deuteragonist of the Psychonauts series, and the first character with an actual FULL digivolution list. Yuramon -> Tanemon -> Floramon -> Kiwimon -> Blossomon -> Gryphomon. Originally, I really wanted to give Lili RedVegimon, due to her powers in Psychonauts canon, but unfortunately, RedVegimon's line doesn't really go into any of the digimon I think would fit Lili cleanly. I wanted to stay away from more humanoid Digimon, and thankfully, going down the list of pre-evolutions of RedVegimon, Floramon gave way to a WONDERFUL line that absolutely fit the little fire flower girl.
Sasha is a calculating individual, and there are a lot of early digimon that could fit with him. My choice for Sasha's main digimon is Mechanorimon. His full digivolution list is: MetalKoromon -> Kapurimon -> Hagurumon -> Mekanorimon -> Megadramon -> Machinedramon When having his Mekanorimon digivolve, he will usually force a warp digivolution, skipping over Megadramon. Though Megadramon will come out if Sasha's emotional state is affected enough.
Milla is free and fun. The opposite and compliment to Sasha. I wanted to jump on the Lopmon line, but it's usually paired with Terriermon and I didn't think that fit with Sasha, plus, bunnies are Coach's thing. Milla I also believe would befriend a Digimon that could become human, thus giving me more freedom with her character. I needed a digimon that was free flowing and light as air. Preferably without fire. So instead, I will be cobbling many digimon lines together with help from the two Digimon Wikis. Puttimon -> Tokomon (X-Antibody) -> Sistermon (Blanc) -> Rhinomon (X-Antibody) -> MagnaAngemon -> Venusmon
Coach ah yes. The one whose line stays mostly the same. You have a person who's facade is being a part of the army and also loves bunnies? In 2005? When only 3 years ago there was Digimon tamers who had GARGOMON!? Yeah, Coach is getting the full Terriermon line but with his Gargomon becoming BlackRapidmon and BlackMegaGargomon.
Loboto is one who befriended a digimon at a young age, and his parents tried everything to get him to stop being with this thing, leading to both the Mad Dentist, and his WaruMonzaemon.
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