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sitioliterario · 9 months ago
“…nós sentimos como indivíduos e julgamos como humanidade; por outra, o juízo tem uma alçada que se estende fora da esfera pessoal.” ⠀ O TRATADO DO SUBLIME, LONGINO
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popolodipekino · 2 years ago
good friday
nel parsifal di wagner il terzo atto comincia con il good friday spell, che è bellissimo:
parsifal, detto anche il puro folle, perché insomma è un po’ tonto però in fondo buono nell’animo... tanto per dire, appena arrivato nel regno dei cavalieri del graal prima cosa che fa è ammazzare un cigno sacro, attirandosi le reprimende dei cavalieri: ma che cosa fai, ma sei scemo, ma non sai dove siamo qui ecc.
vien fuori che il poveretto non ricorda nemmeno il proprio nome, sicché si decide di soprassedere alla malefatta e lo si fa partecipare al rito del graal - ché qui se glielo spieghiamo a parole si fa notte
la cerimonia è presieduta da amfortas, il capo dei cavalieri che è afflitto da una ferita incurabile, inflittagli tempo addietro da klingsor - il cattivo della storia – con nientedimenoche la sacra lancia (di longino, quella che ferì il costato di cristo sulla croce). solo l’arma che causò la ferita può guarirla, epperò amfortas la lancia non ce l’ha (ha solo il graal): secondo una profezia un puro folle giungerà che sarà il suo salvatore
il terzo atto, dicevo, si apre in un venerdì santo, con parsifal che torna finalmente al regno del graal dopo lunghe peripezie alla ricerca della lancia. torna vincitore, ma stanchissimo: ma per fortuna è una splendida mattina di primavera, c’è un magnifico prato fiorito, un ameno boschetto, una limpida fonte, la capanna di un eremita (il cavaliere che lo riconoscerà e lo accompagnerà alla corte di amfortas). è tutto meraviglioso come in un sogno: è l’incanto del venerdì santo, quando il mondo si rinnova e riacquista la pace, l’amore e l’innocenza originarie
in realtà wagner ci ha ricamato un po’ su, su ‘sta storia del venerdì santo, nella sua autobiografia, dove scrive:
il venerdì santo mi svegliai ed il sole splendeva per la prima volta in questa casa: il giardino era di un verde raggiante, gli uccelli cantavano e potei finalmente sedermi in terrazzo e godermi la tanto anelata pace con il suo messaggio di promessa. Pieno di questo sentimento, realizzai d’improvviso che era venerdì santo […] e di getto concepii un intero dramma, di cui buttai giù una bozza in pochi tratti di penna, dividendolo in tre atti.
successivamente sua moglie lo smentisce, ricordando che lui stesso avrebbe commentato l’episodio in questi termini:
non era affatto venerdì santo – solo un amabile spirito nella Natura mi fece pensare “ecco come un venerdì santo dovrebbe essere”
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pietroalviti · 10 months ago
Ceccano, la lancia di Longino sulle fontane storiche da salvaguardare
di Vincenzo Angeletti Latini* Su tutte le vasche delle fontane storiche di Ceccano, ad eccezione di quella in Piazza Municipio, viè incisa la punta della lancia romana conosciuta come la Lancia di Longino, nella tradizionecristiana legata alla crocifissione di Cristo. Queste fontane che potrebbero essere oggetto di un prossimo Trekking storico-culturale cittadino sono collocate in via S.…
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lookcaitlin · 2 years ago
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frikatilhi · 4 months ago
I keep thinking.. part of Jere making Bojan (JO) feel at home in Finland, among Jere being a perfect host, is probably him pulling some industry strings as well. Not like in a priviledge way but in a "I learned my lessons hard way so let me make it easier for you" kind of way. It's in his nature to share things and knowledge he has. What I'm saying is that stars are very much aligned for Bojan to mention "yeah creating and recording abroad was fun, we might do it again", and Jere to chime in with "if you want.. I know a place here that can give you good deal 🤓"
This is a total fantasy of course, but I've just been thinking how Jere loves sharing things with Bojan, and what's better to share than their actual passion for creating music 👀 I think a probability of them cooking is very real
Funny you should say this, I think someone mentioned this just last night.. I think that someone was me
The next time JO needs time away, somewhere to be creative out of their normal scene, maybe they won't go to a busy, anonymous metropolis, maybe they'll choose somewhere more... peaceful? Somewhere with lakes and forests and clean air mellow weather?
And if the bonus is getting to create with a favourite person of theirs... what's a win-win, surely?
JO can pay back by pulling the industry strings of their own and finally getting that gig for Jere in Slovenia so there
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gregdotorg · 3 months ago
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These snapshots of On Kawara and his family at Gerhard Richter's New Year's party were sent by the artist to art historian and curator Anne Rorimer. They were included in an exhibition of material from Rorimer's archive, organized by graduate student Alan Longino, at the University of Chicago. She discussed the show and the photos in a conversation at Dia Beacon in June 2024.
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ashesofmars · 1 year ago
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“Can There Be a Feminist Science?” Helen Longino, Hypatia 1987
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year ago
clapperboards from the inside billions season 7 video, with corresponding information about episodes, filming dates, and directors:
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7x03 winston dick energy, dir. darren grant, filming 12/09/22
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7x06 the man in the olive drab t-shirt, dir. shaz bennett, filming 02/25/23
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7x10 (title not yet known), dir. dan longino, filming 04/20/23
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rosetta-j-stone · 1 year ago
Adorable <3
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someone get this man his three kaksi ananas lonkero STAT ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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Del Sublime, Pseudo-Longino
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sersi · 7 months ago
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FALLOUT (2024 - ) 1.04: The Ghouls dir. Daniel Gray Longino
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sitioliterario · 9 months ago
Ter sorte
“Demóstenes declara que, na vida comum dos homens, ter sorte é o maior dos bens; o segundo, não inferior ao primeiro, é tomar boas decisões e quando falta este, se anula totalmente o primeiro”. LONGINO OU DIONISIO: DO SUBLIME
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horror-aesthete · 1 year ago
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Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein, 2019, dir. Daniel Gray Longino
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astoundingbeyondbelief · 9 months ago
Kaiju Week in Review (March 10-16, 2024)
"It looks as though its Japanese producers, assisted by a stray American—fellow named Terry Morse, who is an alumnus of Hollywood's Poverty Row—made a close study of the old film, "King Kong," then tried to do substantially the same thing with a miniature of a dinosaur made of gum-shoes and about $20 worth of toy buildings and electric trains." —Bosley Crowther, reviewing Godzilla, King of the Monsters! for The New York Times
"The special effects are hardly special, but hey, what do you expect in a Japanese monster movie?" —Tony Kiss, reviewing Godzilla 1985 for the Asheville Citizen-Times
"Sure it's bad filmmaking. Sure it's a guy—actor Tsutomu Kitagawa—clad in a nearly vintage latex Godzilla getup and stomping through Tokyo, knocking down cardboard mini-buildings and upending toy-sized cars with his gnarly feet. But that's the point." —Bob Longino, reviewing Godzilla 2000 for The Palm Beach Post
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Godzilla Minus One won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects at the 96th Academy Awards, sending a stunned Takashi Yamazaki (VFX supervisor), Kiyoko Shibuya (VFX director), Masaki Takahashi (3D CG director), and Tatsuji Nojima (VFX artist/compositor) to the Dolby Theatre stage. Said Yamazaki, reading from prepared comments in English, "To someone so far from Hollywood, the possibility of standing on this stage seemed out of reach." I could scarcely believe what I was watching myself, despite having given a presentation for a Wikizilla stream mere hours before on Minus One's very real chances of beating more expensive American contenders. Everything I said about its nomination goes triple for its victory; we'll be talking about this one forever. To those of us who remember when Godzilla was basically a joke in the American consciousness (including my Wikizilla colleague Darthlord1997, who had a speech of his own prepared), it's the ultimate vindication.
Never one to rest on his laurels, Takashi Yamazaki directed an ad for Ajinomoto about food waste which released this week. It features the unsubtly-named Foodlosslla attacking Tokyo and facing an Ultraman-esque defense team. As with Minus One, the ad's visuals are a clever combination of high-end (a detailed CG monster) and low-end (dropping plastic fruit on top of fleeing extras).
Last year, the 4Kids Flashback podcast interviewed Mike Pecoriello, producer and writer for the company's renditions of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Ultraman Tiga, and he delivered some major news about the latter. Although only 23 episodes of Tiga aired in the U.S., 4Kids dubbed the whole thing. At the time of the podcast's recording, he thought he made copies of all the episodes, but while that doesn't seem to be the case, he did provide 4Kids Flashback with the series finale. It's a good deal more serious than the episodes which aired, with the quips kept to a minimum. Let the hunt for the rest commence!
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SciFi Japan has details on Kaiju Yarrow, a Japanese comedy doubling as a tourism ad for the city of Seki. The premise is very self-aware:
KAIJU YARROW! is set in Seki City, Gifu Prefecture. One day, 30 year old Ichiro Yamada, who works in the tourism department of a government office, is ordered by the mayor to produce a "local film.'' However, Yamada, didn't want to produce the typical "mediocre local movies'' that are everywhere nowadays, so he comes up with the idea of making a "monster movie'', which has been his life-long dream. However, his dreams develops into a major incident involving the city government...! Will Yamada be able to complete his life goal of making a monster movie??
Junichiro Yagi will direct; YouTuber Gunpee will star. Unknown quantities both when it comes to kaiju, so how this will turn out is anyone's guess.
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Tickets for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire have gone on sale in the U.S.—and as a reminder, the brief GKIDS theatrical release of The End of Evangelion wraps tomorrow.
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joseandrestabarnia · 15 days ago
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CRUCIFIXIÓN, CON ESCENAS DE LA PASIÓN Y LOS EVANGELISTAS SIGLO XVIII Tamaño - 80 x 60 Material - madera Técnica - temple al huevo Número de inventario - Inv.22302 Recibido de una exposición extranjera a través del Museo Ruso. 1934
La composición representa una versión ampliada de la iconografía de la Crucifixión. Además de la Madre de Dios y Juan el Teólogo, están representados las mujeres portadoras de mirra, el centurión romano Longino y los soldados que echan suertes. A la izquierda y a la derecha de Cristo se representan ladrones crucificados. La pieza central está rodeada por un marco barroco dorado con grandes medallones con escenas de la Pasión y otros pequeños con inscripciones situadas en él. En las esquinas del icono están los evangelistas.
La iconografía de la imagen es un ejemplo sorprendente de un enfoque recopilatorio del uso de muestras de Europa occidental. Así, por ejemplo, en el centro, la figura de un guerrero ecuestre está tomada, sólo que, en un espejo, de un grabado de Hieronymus Virix basado en un dibujo de Bernardino Passeri del Evangelio de Natalis, y el grupo de guerreros en el El pie de la cruz es de la Biblia de Borcht-Piscator. Las composiciones de los sellos se remontan a los grabados de la Biblia de Borcht-Piscator y la Biblia de Piscator.
Una característica especial del programa del ciclo de la pasión en medallones es una narración detallada del sufrimiento de Cristo durante su encarcelamiento y detención (sellos 8, 10, 13, 14).
Composición de los sellos (de izquierda a derecha, línea por línea):
1. Última Cena; 2. Resurrección; 3. Lavarse los pies; 4. Oración por la copa; 5. Cristo derrota a los soldados con las palabras: “¿A quién buscáis?”; 6. Beso de Judas; 7. Cristo ante Ana; 8. Cristo ante Caifás; 9. Profanación de Cristo (“Profetiza a nosotros, oh Cristo, que te golpeaste”); 10. Cristo ante Pilato; 11. Vestir a Cristo de púrpura; 12. Flagelación de Cristo; 13. Colocarse sobre la corona de espinas; 14. Cristo ante el pueblo (“¡He aquí el hombre!”); 15. Pilato se lava las manos; 16. Llevando la cruz; 17. Clavar en la cruz; 18. Descendimiento de la cruz; 19. Descenso a los infiernos; 20. Entierro.
Información e imagen de la web de la Galería Tretyakov.
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drugsforaddicts · 8 months ago
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I bought my student overalls when I first started uni but I’ve never actually worn them.. now that my little sister started studying too, she’s dragging me to my first ever student party and I hope my änänäs longino and Joker Out badge will help me get through that 💀
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