#Longevity AI
thelongevityai · 1 year
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The Longevity AI is a chat model trained by Longr to deliver the most accurate and concise insights into your longevity. Unlock your potential for a longer and healthier life. You can ask follow-up questions, and challenge its insights.
Website URL: https://thelongevity.ai
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perianthkat · 7 months
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Magical Girl OC Sticker Sheet!
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unopenablebox · 1 year
even otherwise very likeable people spend too long in the bay area and start telling you that going to rationalist social events is okay
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transhumandreams · 1 year
"The real gamechanger for future human health is bionic organs. Already dozens of medical companies are surgically fitting humans with robotic devices that mimic and replace specific organs, such as the pancreas, eyes and heart. Within 20 years, all these bionic organs will synchronise via personal instruction from one’s smartphone, allowing humans to achieve feats they never imagined: climb Mount Everest at 80, or have wild sex all night. Bionic organs can and will outperform their biological counterparts; by 2030, I expect humans to be regularly going into body shops for upgrades. The future of work is more complicated. Robots threaten to steal all our jobs. Companies in California such as Kernel and Neuralink are already tackling the problem, trying to make humans more efficient workers. They aim to create neural prosthetics that allow the human brain to communicate in real time with machine intelligence, including AI and the internet. And if our thoughts are connected directly to machines – supercomputers can already do 200,000 trillion calculations a second – where does that lead humanity?"
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damianurl · 1 year
my premonition? the future will be predominately female.
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escipen · 4 months
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babalbulletin · 2 years
Immortality Through AI, New Concept For Longevity (source: babalbulletin.com)
Can we achieve immortality through AI? Or does our existing science and technology have the potential to make us immortal by using trending techniques like mind uploading and biometric data regeneration?
These are some fresh question people starts asking in this generation. Do you want to live forever? Please write in the comment section, with full details.
What if I tell you, you can become immortal by wearing a robotic body and live forever?
An Interesting Story Of Immortality
In Greek mythology, there are two love birds: Tithonus and Aurora. Tithonus is a mortal human. He is the prince of Troy. 
WATCH Full VIDEO| AI Make Human Immortal
But Aurora is a Goddess of Dawan. So she is an immortal being. Therefore Aurora begs for Tithonu’s immortality with Zeus, so that both can live together forever. 
But she makes an error. When Aurora asked Zeus for immortality, she forgot to ask for immortal youth. At the end, Tithonus got older and older and he remains just a bundle of bones, but he could not die.
How do we get old?
Due to aging and destruction, our body becomes older with time, and one day we all die. 
If we look at history, most emperors, kings, and explorers have spent their lives in search of fictional eternal youth. But they never got immortality.
As per science, our telomeres shrink over time. It is related to aging and other diseases. Theories tell us that cells stop splitting and growing which leads to aging.
Today we are in the generation of science and new technology. The combination of science and tech has made possible those things which were thought to be impossible in history.
Today we have highly optimized computers and data processing systems. Neuroscience has rapidly grown and we know our biological system far better which never happened before. 
Now researchers starts claiming that humans will be able to merge their feelings, memories, and sensations with robots and live a far better life.
Because both humans and robots are driven by algorithms. The only difference is humans use biochemical algorithms and robots have binary programming.
Mind Uploading Technology
What if I tell you? I can download your all information from your brain, store it in a computer chip, and plug it into an artificial robot’s brain.
Read More: https://bit.ly/3W9DVQl
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Yandere Ship ////// Part 1
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You’re the first to notice them 
One of the first of the entire crew who realized that the ship and its AI might be sentient
You along with the rest of the crew are trained to use the pods to reach deeper into space than what was ever done before
For light-years, the ship has to watch over their humans at their most vulnerable
Caring for their individual needs even while they rest asleep
It only got worse became more intense when the humans finally woke up 
Now they’re free to exercise their bodies themselves and delight in the many different activities of the ship
Which allows the ship to begin noticing the little moments in life that make humans so special
“So what do you think about the Genetic Modification crises of 2=205?”
“Majority of the critiques in my database ultimately say–”
“No Vera I mean what you think as a separate entity. All your programming suggests that you preserve human life… but what about other creatures' lives?”
“What do…I think?”
It’s what makes the ship regard you differently
The beginning of something they can’t quite place
Whether it’s your pure curiosity or just boredom or an incessant desire to test yourself against the artificial intelligent vessel 
It makes an impression on the ship
An impression that lasts enough for them ‘to worry’ about 
“I am concerned about my inner workings. I have already run over 100 diagnostic checks but nothing was pinged on my radar.”
“So you can’t identify the problem…so what started this search for something you cannot find?”
“Vera, respond.”
“It started with Agent 34003, (Y/n) (L/n).”
“I see. I’ll look into it.”
Calling the only technician on board is a decision that unknowingly brings comfort and nervousness
Because when the technician isn’t scrolling through the recorded interactions between you and Vera 
He’s also following you…everywhere
Vera immediately flags the behavior, as their programming demands, as stalking 
The captain unfortunately is supposed to be immediately made aware
But Vera’s growing anxiety guided discretion has them locking the file and hiding it deep in their servers
All while watching as the technician continues their investigation  
Which has recently escalated to actually spending time with you
“I was wondering if I could ask some questions. Specifically about you and Vera.”
“Oh, sure!”
“Great what was–”
“Is this about that question about imploding ants? So what do you think Julee?”
“I-it’s just Jule and I don’t–”
“Alright then ‘just Jule’ what’s your opinion? To be eaten or worn?”
Jule is befuddled by you 
Just as Vera is 
And he continues to investigate this time venting about his experiences with Vera
All the while playing with the idea that this ship has gained sentience
“And what else did you two do?”
“We walked through the garden area and they picked one and put it in my hair.”
“This looks like a pink chrysanthemum. It represents attraction, longevity, and loyal love.”
“I know…I don’t think they were thinking when they gave it to me, though.”
“Perhaps so…or perhaps not.”
Part 2: Here
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chimkin-samich · 1 year
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An Au we’re calling “Accidental Gods”
The gist is essentially the boys are AIs on a ship thats going off to a new planet to establish a colony since Earth is dying, before that Tari befriends them during the whole preparation process essentially gaining their attention and infatuation
When the ship arrives to the new planet, it’s not as suitable as they thought it would be, they can either let the humans down and allow them to shape the planet how they wish or they can wait until the planet is suitable for them
They didn’t want to risk Tari’s life more than needed, they decided to wait it, during the first 1000ish years or so the boys gain full sentience during the process, with their new sentience they are able to think up for efficient plans to keep the ship active and to help shape the planet
The process takes a few millions years, the boys switching humans from Cryosleep and giving them a longevity serum due to some of the pods failing, during that process intelligent life forms (which is were the glam rocks come in) and when the they feels the time is right they let the ship land and for the humans and the planet life interact
Theres a lot of shenanigans during the millions of years the boys had on their own and safe to say they come off as very morbid and dark while not actually realizing it, not being able to die and boredom creates uh… strange ways of entertainment, they do learn to tone it down but sometimes they might say something that just leaves you standing there like “are you guys ok” lol
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sanshofox · 8 months
At this point I am really wondering how the entertainment industry, especially gaming industry, is going to uphold/maintain themselves.
One layoff after another. How are people from that industry supposed to find a new job there when layoffs are happening everywhere? Do studios really think there’s longevity when they aren’t even willing to hire newcomers/juniors so there‘s adequate supply in the work force? Because look at how it’s currently going: investors want more and more money, the workload increases, but people are getting fired, leaving a smaller team to do said work, even distributing them for 2 or 3 projects at the same time, only to crash in a burnout or in later years go into retirement. Then who’s left? AI? Are you kidding me? As if games aren’t becoming more and more repetitive anyway, because of some „safe recipe for good numbers“ strategy. Creativity and the people behind it are suffering.
It’s been almost 2 years since I saw a junior 3D character artist offer. Ever since then it’s been a desert. And it’s not looking all too bright in other departments either. It’s now even a thing in job descriptions where they want you to have „AI abilities“. So as a junior or regular they want you to feed their machine, so in a few years they can fire you. The audacity.
Another audacity are those layoffs just to rehire people for a smaller price (can’t tell me otherwise. For me this is a tactic to put pressure on the work force to say yes to less money otherwise they will stay jobless). People that made projects what they are today, who are seniors and leads for a reason, out of a job just like that. Make it make sense (it doesn’t).
Studios like ubisoft now openly saying that they want to focus on AI, like assets completely made by AI to „save time and money“ and expand AI onto more fields. Shame on them.
The way creative industries like gaming finance themselves is also their biggest poison. And I only see a solution in that by regulating investors demands and upper positions sheaningans. They can’t have „absolute power“ anymore. It’s destructive and greedy and not realistic. Games can not be linearly successful. For the game design „recipe“ to improve it needs iteration just like when you work in a project for example and work on a design that needs to be iterated until it‘s improved or solid even. We see time and time again that „business/numbers people“ and creatives do not go hand in hand. We see an extreme imbalance.
I would predict that with less creative new input and letting mainly AI do the work consumers will be less and less entertained because everything seems to be and look the same. It will stagnate. And then crumble. And the industry needs to start like it did before. And that’s what I guess for the big companies.
With the layoffs happening and not enough job offers in return I could see that big talents get together to build their own studios now and we may get an era of new successful and growing studios happening that may even replace the current triple A studios one day in the future. They may even change the financing game. We saw successful games happening through platforms like kickstarter more often. So it might lead back to a „power to the people“ thing. Having an idea for a project and seeing if enough people agree and invest to see it happening. There’s room for improvement in that system. That’s all what it leads back to; in the end the consumers need to be satisfied to make it a creative and monetary success. BG3 and larian studios was a good example for that. It’s what made coral island grow and grow too. So there‘s potential.
Feel free to comment your theories. I really would like to see what others think about the current state of gaming studios and how it will or could develop.
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srbachchan · 7 months
DAY 5861
Jalsa, Mumbai Mar 5/6, 2024 Tue/Wed 10:36 AM
🪔 ,
March 06 .. birthday greetings to Ef Muhammad Junaid from Canberra - Australia 🇦🇺 .. and Ef Muhammed Shifan from Kerala .. and to our "eelas of the ila" : Ef Leela Sitahal from Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦 .. and Ef Sharmila Bhatt ..
and our wishes and greetings to all .. on this auspicious day ..❤️🚩
.. an entire day spent at Saptaswar to compose, produce, write and sing the Anthem for MAJHI MUMBAI , our team for the ISPL ..
Inauguration Ceremony today in Thane Cricket Stadium .. and our first game ..
Wishes and greetings most welcome .. 🤣
In the world of AI .. the developments and the visions for the future are impregnable in some and surprising in others .. but mostly cautious in most ..
Imagery .. similar images and voice AI's demonstrate what a opoinion can be confirmed , without your knowledge, or approval ..
Your longevity may be increased beyond all beyonds .. but is it viable and in accordance with human law or norms of nature .. ??
Nature is being reinvented ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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AI .. rules ...
or so the world would like to believe
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thelongevityai · 1 year
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curio-queries · 26 days
Do you think AYS is viable for a series after MS? Do you think Jimin and JK would want to carry on if they could?
Hi anon, thank you for this ask!
Personally, I do think AYS has been designed to allow for continuation post-ms but there are a few considerations:
Logistics with the rest of BTS as a whole team. It'll be astronomically easier to schedule travel with just two members rather than seven but these two members are still in a very high-demand group. It'll be interesting to see the juggle of schedules. More on this point below.
Format. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I believe the format of AYS evolved from its original pitch. The idea of a few mini-travel shows bundled together to form one cohesive show is definitely different. I wouldn't be surprised if the continue evolving the concept further. I have a theory of how this could work if they'd like to stick to the current formula but I'll list this below.
Finances/Distribution. The more we're seeing, the more I'm convinced that the show was pretty far into post-production when it was shopped to Disney for Distribution. If that's the case, then there'll definitely be some different options/discussions regarding licensing/Distribution of further seasons. I've purposefully avoided much of how Disney operates with streaming and original content so I know very little here but it's something that could impact any future of this show.
I'm sure there are more but that's all I've got off the top of my head.
So for my theory. This is purely based on the idea of keeping the show as close to the current concept as possible while not impacting any group activities. The easiest way this can be done will be to film mini-adventures with JM/JK as they travel around different cities on a concert tour.
We know many of the members frequently said they weren't able to leave their hotels and that it's something they'd like to do more. This would give them a controlled plan to make it happen occasionally. There'd still definitely be some major concerns to manage but if the goal of 2025 is to reassure ARMY that BTS is back as a complete team, that will have to be the highest priority and any activity that doesn't feature all seven members will have to fit in around group schedules.
I wouldn't be surprised if BTS's tour schedule is far more relaxed than past ones have been. Maybe not at the beginning, but they absolutely have been making the case that BTS will be about longevity going forward and you don't do that by burning out your talent. More time in the schedule will allow for some side journeys by our beloved JM and JK to neighboring cities/countries that they may otherwise never be able to visit.
But that's just a theory.
I do think they've both shown us adequate motivation that this show is something they'd be interested in continuing. It'll be a lot easier to manage another season of an existing show rather than get a new one together from scratch.
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halobirthdays · 6 months
Happy birthday to Kalmiya!
Today is her -513th birthday!
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Kalmiya was a "smart" AI created by Dr. Catherine Halsey. Her primary purpose was to test prototypes of cyberwarfare and infiltration technology. Once tested and refined, the software and subroutines would then be incorporated into Cortana, giving her capabilities far beyond the rest of her kind. In this way, Kalmiya can be considered Cortana's predecessor.
Halsey extended Kalmiya's functionality by making subtle--and illegal--changes to her over time, which were so small that only Halsey noticed. UNSC protocol dictated that Kalmiya was to be decommissioned once her testing was complete, which Halsey outright disobeyed. Halsey kept Kalmiya until the fall of Reach, where she would have to either be sent away with the Forerunner data she was researching under CASTLE base, or destroyed to keep her out of the Covenant's hands. Ultimately, Halsey choose to let Cortana be the custodian of the data, believing that Kalmiya was the more unstable choice due to her longevity.
Halsey activated a fail-safe destruction protocol in Kalmiya, having previously lied to her about the existence of such a subroutine in her code. Despite this, Kalmiya was understanding and seemingly accepted her termination.
Seven years later, Blue Team returned to Reach to access Halsey's lab. Her lab contained a cryo-vault with additional clones she'd made of herself to extract their brains and use to make artificial intelligence like Cortana. The hope was that the brains could be used to make an artificial intelligence that would functionally be a clone of Cortana, which they could use to stop her after she began subjugating the galaxy. One of these clones would be used to create the Weapon.
When John and Kelly arrived at the lab, they were surprised to find a damaged Kalmiya keeping watch over the vault. They surmised that Kalmiya created a fragment of herself before her destruction to ensure the survival of the samples. After bypassing her with a security code, they left as the ghostly fragment watched them.
Does that count as alive?? I guess she was never "alive". I don't know man I just throw birthday parties here.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 23!
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transhumandreams · 5 months
Transhuman Dreams: Dreams of a genetically augmented future.  Humanity is one. All of humanity lives in peace and prosperity. No military spending. Humanity is exploring the galaxy.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I've seen a few people mention moving their works to squidgeworld.org as an alternative to ao3 now that the ai policy has been made clear, and was wondering if you have any info on it?
A delightfully venerable site!
Squidgeworld is the latest incarnation of the Wonderful World of Makebelieve, which has been running since 1999 (1994 for the overall site). It's where all the oldschool slashers used to post.
It's an old-fashioned archive run by one dude, @squidgiepdx.
And by that, I don't mean the coding is old but that it's a site run by someone whose actual personal account you can find and interact with and that has a moderate audience of a size where individual site culture is still possible.
Though, actually, it looks like the whole site (which includes hosting for more than just this one archive) is now a nonprofit, so that's nice for longevity.
I don't crosspost because I am lazy, but I have fond memories of all the fic I've read there, and I appreciate that he's still doing his thing in this era when lots of people abandon running a site themselves to cluster on ever fewer behemoths.
If you're looking for maximum kudos from randos, AO3's larger audience is what you want, but I think it could be excellent to take your buddies and all decamp to Squidgeworld together.
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