#Lol I need to make a cleaner version of this
fanficwriter284 · 2 years
How would u rewrite the chucky series?
OH BOY!!!!! How I would personally rewrite the series?
Ok if we're going to keep the generic plot the same, Chucky going after teens.
I would keep most of the episodes the same. Season one wasn't horribe....well.....
Ok I would ENTIRE REMOVE NICA X TIFFANY.....because it's toxic and horrible. Second, I would remove the awful backstories given Chiffany. Because that's what really made them one-dimensional. To make an enjoyable character they need layers and REASONS behind their motives. Because I'm still trying to figure out the whole purpose of Nica x Tiffany......there was no point.
And the stupid take over the world think can go too. I'd picture Chucky having a bigger motive than that, because the whole point of him being a doll was to commit murders with nothing tracing back to him, if people know what he is then what? People will just stop the production of Good Guy Dolls.
Tiffany ratting Chucky out to the cops? OUT THE DAMN WINDOW! Don needs to take some lessons on how to write a damn plot twist. Because NO. DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. And how would she know to ask for Detective Mike Norris specifically? She loved that man with every inch of her heart and she ain't a petty bitch.....well not that petty.
And making Chucky born a killer? Uh uh....this can only be achieved by characters with no personality such as Michael Myers because he is portrayed as a killing machine. BUT CHUCKY, he has a life and is capable of loving others (Tiffany in bride and Seed). He was given depth, and emotion, and making him born evil just doesn't make sense. If someone is born evil and a killer, they are a psychopath and aren't capable of emotion or loving others.
I enjoyed Jake and Devon I loved their relationship, it was so cute from beginning to end. I liked Lexi's character development.
Season two was kinda everywhere.....
So the whole doctor Mixter thing? NOPE....uh uh.... Cannibal Chucky no makes no sense. I came out of no where, that was Chucky's other plan for Andy? To just eat him? No.
Glen and Glenda must be protected at all costs.
Oh and bitchy Tiffany? She can be dropped into hell for all I care. I don't care that they tried to give her a mini-redemption arc by saving Glen. That wasn't earned at all. I would want Glenda to just end Tiffany and put her soul into the Bell doll....AND NO SHE AIN'T WALKING FREE....Glenda's going to get some info out of Tiffany and that cage? Oh, that would come in handy.
Tiffany doesn't get a free pass NO....after all she's done? I would make her redemption arc long and earned.....and she has to give something up....something of value.......a sacrafice.....or punishment..... which is where Glenda comes in to learn about the past.
I don't understand why Jennifer Tilly was brought back and immediately killed...I want her to get some revenge.....because she has one of the saddest lives. Forcefully impregnated, losing her two twin babies, her potential lover, her life and career, ALL IN THE SAME DAY.....now that's tragic.
Back to the church
All the OG characters meeting YES, Andy and Kyle, YES....only highlights of the show, as well as the twins.
Nadine.....my precious little angel!!!!!! AHHHHH it still hurts my heart.
I'll keep the rest the same....but oh god was this show a train wreck.
Lexi's mom? Dead
Junior? Dead
The Priest? Dead
Glen and Glenda? Dead (Thankfully they no longer have that hole in their chest and are together again)
Devon's mom? Dead
Bree? Dead
Oh and that random twist with Caroline at the end turning bad....no makes no sense. Sure, they hinted towards it, but I wouldn't expect it to happen so soon. Especially with what happened to her dad. And knowing Chucky's BAD....Like come on.
Ok so off topic, but what made Chucky interesting as a villain in the first films, was that we didn't know anything about his past. Which left him a nuanced character. Which is something good in writing, we didn't know anything about him or his mindset only his goal. HOWEVER, when we find out about his past all that goes to shreds, learning that he does it because he was born that way. Which completely ruins his whole character. Making h
im a trope, which is something you don't want. There has to be a balance.
AND ANOTHER THING I NEEDED MORE BONDING TIME WITH CHUCKY AND THE TWINS........He didn't even get to met Glen...and that scene where he threats to teach them a painful lesson because they disobeyed him.....no......in Seed he showed genuine care for the twins. I would write that out, and add some more moments in with him and the twins.
Lol sorry, I need to make another one of these that's clearer.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 15
Pairing: mick schumacher x hamilton!reader (she/her)
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and alcohol, mentions of sex (no smut tho), tooth-rotting fluff, not proofread, etc etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 4.1k
part. 14 | series masterlist | part 16 | taglist
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he throws cautious carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
A/n: There are a bunch of moments between Gina and Yn, and Yn and Corrina, and especially Mick and Yn. I know some of you are curious as to what happened after the last smau chapter, but I need to show Yn and Mick before so that you can understand what happens and why it happens when it does. I hope you guys like it! Thank you so much for all the reblogs, comments, and likes, it means a lot and I would love it if you guys kept it coming (they really motivate me to get things done faster lol). I will probably be posting some extras during this week and, hopefully, chapter 16 which will be a regular chapter too. Let me know your thoughts, and make sure to send my work or this fic to a friend as a rec *mwah*
*The first part happens right after the China GP (chapter 10 here)
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“Can you turn it off?” Yn mumbled, moving her face closer to Mick’s neck, burying herself there as if by a miracle the sound wouldn’t reach her from that spot. 
The German scratched his eyes with the back of his hands, stretching his body as far as he could with Yn’s weight on top of him, “I fear we have to get up.” 
“No, can’t do,” she answers while trying to merge her body with his, which takes a bunch of her curls to Mick’s face. It tickles him, and Mick can only chuckle, especially when she adds, “I think I’m still hungover. How can you even consider leaving the bed?” 
“C’mon, I gotta shower and find something healthy to eat before getting to the paddock,” it’s the German’s response, fingers tenderly trailing down Yn’s body. 
The Hamilton pushes herself up, elbows propped on Mick’s naked chest, her sleepy brows raising, and her hand confidently lifting to him in a greeting manner. Mick snickers, foreseeing her dirty joke, but Yn did not crack, only smirks and joshes, “Nice to meet you. Did you know my middle name is Healthy? Pretty close to Hamilton as you can tell too.”
She looked so pretty, he thought, all giddy and smiley, wearing nothing but his shirt, perched on top of him, body still soft with sleep, and coated by a post-orgasm glow. Mick huffed moving one of his hands to her waist to keep her in place while the other pulled some of her curls from her face. Her brown skin gleamed under the natural light coming from the big window in front of them. He swore he could spend days admiring her without getting even remotely bored. 
Meanwhile, Yn was doing the same, studying him study her. The way his blue eyes would move attentively, sometimes using his fingers to trace the path his eyes took. He would brush it around her collarbone, under her chin. He would draw her lips without even noticing he was doing so, and she would smile because nothing ever felt quite like that. 
Nothing ever felt as natural as being with Mick.
“Shower sex?” she breaks the moment with another playful joke and shrieks when the blonde gets up, hauling her body on his shoulders and power walking to the bathroom. Their laughs echoed right before their moans and silent promises. They had yet to choose which one was their favorite symphony. 
Yn had just finished drying her hair and was now giving the final touches, Mick was sitting patiently on the marble of the sink, attentively observing her movements, “We should go sightseeing later today,” he suggested. 
“That would be nice, actually,” the Hamilton agreed, breaking the distance between their bodies with short steps. Less than a second and she was standing between his legs, grinning up at him, “thought, I would agree to do about anything if it meant staying close to you,” she confessed, and Mick felt his heart falter a beat. It was still new for him the way she openly praised and confessed what she was feeling and thinking. 
He was enchanted. 
Mick beamed pinching Yn’s chin between his pointer and forefinger and bringing her face for a tender kiss. Their lips brushed tentatively, and she found a home for her hands on his shoulders and waist, her gentle touch made him humm in appreciation right before he dived into her, exploring each other as much as the physics of the position permitted. Everything was amplified by the feeling of their body heat and the fast pumping of their hearts. Tingly stomach, clenching lungs, burning cheeks, sweaty palms. Kissing someone never felt like this before, and they were both over the moon to experience it with the other. 
It would be hard to go around their days without touching after discovering every little detail and feeling they did. Yn could only pray her eyes didn’t turn her in. 
And as it turns out, her eyes didn’t turn her in because they were together for almost a month. What did screw things up, however, was the internet. The media started to speculate even more, which meant tons of paparazzi around her and, worse, Mick’s family. Lewis was used to the flashes and the comments, and he knew his sister and the Schumacher were together, Yn told him during the Baku week, nonetheless, he was stressed about how everyone was invading their privacies, things went as far as the oldest Hamilton giving a rude answer when asked about it. 
So that meant Yn was as stressed as ever, and she felt responsible for putting everyone on the spot. That’s what she told Corinna while they were having breakfast at the paddock. It was the Miami race week, things were hectic, everyone was super busy with everything, and still, they had to deal with the internet’s attention. Both Yn and Corina were aware that their breakfast trip too would be all around Twitter before the day was over. 
“It’s not your fault, honey,” the oldest Schumacher assures Yn, hands extended at the table, fingers intertwined in an attempt to calm Yn.
“How did you deal with this when you were younger?” Yn asked, but then added, “If you’re comfortable, I don’t want to make you talk about something that may make you sad.”
Corina smiled at Yn’s consideration. She was always a sweetheart, yet would joke around and make everyone laugh. The Schumacher understood why Mick was head over heels for the youngest Hamilton. “You get used to it, sometimes you gotta set boundaries and tell people what's off limits, but there’s a part of your life that inevitably has to be public,” she explains. “You’re both famous in different fields, but connected by your brother’s career too, so I think that’s the reason why everyone wants a peek into your relationship,” Corina’s voice was soft and she delivered every word holding tightly Yn’s hand, the oldest woman knew how it felt to have to choose between love and privacy. She knew how hard it was in the beginning and she knew the importance of having guidance. It wasn’t just being exposed as a person, but as a couple, and that added extra pressure to the relationship. “I love Michael, so it was an easy choice. It didn’t change the fact that I had to get used to everything, but it helped me think about our future and present together whenever I got anxious.” 
Yn took a deep breath. She liked Mick more than she initially thought. Being closer to him, sharing secrets, thoughts, fears, and affection with someone always brings them closer, and the Schumacher was so near her heart that she was afraid he was already with half of his body inside, making a home for himself there. Still, it’s a difficult situation when you’re in between with your feelings, and you don’t know if you love them or you just like them a lot, and it gets hard to make decisions such as Corina’s. It puts you in the mirror facing your own wrongdoings and fears, you have to ask questions and deliver honest answers because the next step will be supported by it. One wrong wording, and you can trip. 
“I’m really sorry for putting you in the spot again with all the paparazzi and internet comments,” Yn glances at her untouched plate, heart heavy and body tired. 
“Hey,” Corina calls, “I don’t care about it. It is an inconvenience, but it’s nothing new to me or Gina, or Mick. What I do care about is my children's happiness, and Mick cares for you, he smiles more when you are around, and even Angie seems to be obsessed with you. I can’t be more unbothered by noisy people who don’t really know about our family, talking on the Internet,” she offered.
They shared eye contact for another minute, smiling knowingly and affectionately at each other. And so with her heart warm and with a big smile on her face, Yn tossed part of her fears away and started a new topic, a fun one, finally biting on her food. 
Sunday proved to be a tough experience for both Hamilton’s. One dealing with privacy problems, and the other dealing with a sixth position in a race that was supposed to treat him right. Yn watched everything with her dad, Corinna, and Gina by her side, and although it wasn’t the outcome they were waiting for, it was a good experience to share that moment with them. Gina was an avid watcher, whilst Mick kept attentive eyes on the screen, only occasionally speaking, Gina would cheer and grab Yn whenever Lewis had to slow down for a curve or a car got too close. It took a couple of jump scares for Yn to get used to how Gina would suddenly go for her arms or almost yell something, but by the middle of the race, the Hamilton would be ready for her friend’s manner. 
When the race was finally over, Yn was leaning on her father, a small pout on her lips thinking about how bummed her brother must be with the results. Lewis, just like her, would always set high goals and would do just about anything he physically could to reach it. It was something that she admired about him, and he admired about her, and both worried about each other. Their similarities made them share similar problems too, and at those times one of the few people who could calm their racing minds would be their dad. 
“It’s time to get you cape, super dad,” Yn tried to lighten the mood, and Anthony, her dad, chuckled. He turned, planting a kiss on her forehead, and smiled when he saw Mick approach them. 
“Gina’s in the bathroom,” Yn pointed behind her, and the German nodded.
“Yeah, I saw her leaving… I- uhm got you some water and the chocolate bar you like,” he moved the two things in his hand, “I didn’t see you eat nor drink during the race. I thought this could lift your mood a bit too.” 
Anthony watched everything unfold in front of him. The way his daughter stared at the blonde in front of them, how her lips curled in a genuine smile and her eyes twinkled in a way that only someone who had known her since forever would notice, the way it did when she was trying to bottle her emotions, to keep her reaction’s a whisper, instead of let it be heard by others. 
“Thank you, mouse,” Yn smiled, taking a swing from the water and eagerly opening the sweet bar, but nothing tasted sweeter than knowing Mick was paying attention, that he thought about her, that he worried about her even when his mind was focused on something else. 
“Would you like something too, Mr. Hamilton?” Mick asked. “I didn’t-” 
Anthony interrupts with a playful chortle, “You didn’t pay attention to me,” it’s a statement, but although it could be interpreted as a bad thing, it doesn’t sound like something terrible for the oldest Hamilton seeing as he is smirking at Mick. “But you did share your attention between the race and my daughter, so I gotta give you that.” Anthony jokes, and Mick relaxes. “I’m good, got some water and food while you kids were focused on not cursing or screaming.” 
Just as he finished his sentence, Gina returned from the bathroom. “I’ve been watching races since a kid, but it still stresses me and makes me wanna curse a pilot or two,” 
“Or twenty,” Yn added, and the whole group shared a laugh. 
“Or twenty,” she agrees.
“Twenty what?” it was Corinna’s voice approaching.
And so they tried to focus their conversation on the light topic before Yn and her dad went to Lewis for some much-needed family time. Yn let her dad do the talking, while her brother leans on her, sweaty forehead on her shoulder and one of his hands clasped on hers. It’s their silent way of communicating they got each other’s back. A reminder that the other is there and won’t leave. Lewis tried to argue about how sixth wasn’t good, but neither of the Hamiltons’ were having that, so they stayed together until Lewis had media duties, now with his mind in the right place. And Yn made him promise her they would go out with their friends to celebrate the points. 
And that they do. 
Monday starts early, or at least that’s what Yn gathered when she woke up to soft kisses on her naked back. The room was still fairly dark just a bit of light was spilling from the sides of the big curtains giving the space a nice coloring. She spotted her clothes scattered on the ground along with Mick’s, and she mumbled in her hazy state when his lips found her shoulders.
“It’s time to wake up,” it was a whisper, but his voice was always thicker in the morning, which gave Yn chills. 
“Two more hours,” was her plea. 
Mick laughed, his lips now on the sweet spot of her neck, kissing and biting, and taking a meowl out of Yn’s lips, “You’re the one who came up with the idea of going out today. C’mon, it’s a beautiful day,” his voice is so melodic, spoken between kisses, in synchrony with his exploring and gentle hands on her. It feels like a beautiful day indeed, but Yn just wanted some more hours of sleep after spending most of the Sunday night talking in bed with Mick. She could still hear their laughs and feel her belly hurting from how much they did it. 
“How come you know it’s a beautiful day if the curtains are closed?” It’s her sassy response, but Mick knows she’s just trying to buy a bit more time. He will answer, she will mumble something back, he will answer yet again,  and this time she will be snoozing. 
He’s attentive. 
Mick loves to observe Yn. 
So his answer is simple yet effective, “We went to bed together and woke up together. How could it not be a beautiful day?” 
And that get’s Yn full attention. She turns, her back now on the mattress, Mick’s weight deliciously on top of her, his sweet, yet sleepy smile takes her breath away for a second or two, “You’re so cheesy,” she whispers, one hand rubbing her eyes, the other holding Mick’s bicep as if silently telling him to stay close. 
“I got you to wake up.”
Yn nods her head lightly, eyes closing again, but this time to contain her lips from forming their own sentence, confessing what her mind has yet to discover. She smiles, and it’s so beautiful. Mick wants to keep the image in his head forever. 
“You’re right.”
“About what?” Mick asks, dipping his head to kiss her naked skin again. Yn’s fingers thread throw his blond strands messing his hair a bit more. 
“It’s a beautiful day.” She opens her eyes again, big brown orbs getting lost in the soft details of Schumacher’s face. “Why can’t we stay here forever? This could be our kingdom,” it’s her sleepy comment, but something she has been thinking about a lot. Life was so much simpler when it was just the two of them inside a room. She wanted to keep and cherish their feelings. It was so precious and intimate sometimes Yn wished it could be their secret for longer than they knew would be. 
“Queen of my heart,” Mick purred in her ear, lips trailing kisses from that spot to her face. 
“King of mine,” she breathed her confession lacing her arms around his naked chest and melting into the hug that followed. 
Both of them were aware of what their confession meant. 
It felt too soon to say I love you, but it was never too soon to swim through it, to discover their feelings, to get used to how each praise and word sounded, to the secrecy and intimacy of sharing how falling for the other felt. 
There were many ways to confess, show and feel love.
Mick and Yn were discovering it day by day. 
“And don’t take forever, please, Sir!” Yn joked, and Lewis rolled his eyes before slamming the bathroom door. Mick laughed at the siblings' antics. 
It was about an hour after the couple had woken up, and they were now in the process of dragging Lewis out of his room. The oldest Hamilton was usually, contrary to Yn, the early bird. Lewis would be up and doing just about everything before the clock hit seven am, but it was a post-race Monday, and sometimes he gave himself the luxury of sleeping in (which would usually consist of sleeping until eight am).
Today, however, Lewis was woken up by his sister and his friend, chaotically fussing him to change so they could have breakfast. And what else could he do if not follow? How could he ever say no to his sister when she was so radiant and smiley in the morning? 
Lewis played the older brother part and pretended to be annoyed by the duo before finally giving in and following their script.
Which consisted of breakfast in the hotel with part of the grid, who was going to go with them, half of the morning at the beach enjoying the Miami weather and clear sand, and then a boat party, which was not supposed to be a party but rather just a gathering with some low music and drinks, but Lando was one of the few who volunteered to get everything together, so neither Yn nor Mick was surprised when the boat friendly gathering turned into a yacht party. 
Yn remembers drinking and swimming with Gina, drowning shots with Pierre and Yuki, and spending over an hour discussing music with Lewis and Charles. Between every conversation and interaction she had with her friends, her eyes would always find Mick from across the boat or in the water. They would smile at each other, sometimes stare for as long as possible without raising people’s attention, and then go about their day. She wanted to stop by his side and kiss him or help him with sunscreen on his cheeks and back, but although they were friends, they were still a secret for some new guests, and there was always the possibility of cameras catching. So they kept it to themselves.
Or at least they tried.
And they did it for most of the party.
Until they couldn’t anymore.
That’s how they found each other in the bathroom, on the bottom floor of the yacht. 
Flush cheeks, warm bodies, and loose giggles. The music from the party was muffled, and they reveled in each other’s touch. Eager hands exploring every surface of the other’s body. Mick’s arm curled around Yn’s waist, pressing against each other harder and moaning in her mouth. She grinned into the kiss, humming and biting his lower lip. He tasted like alcohol, with a salty tinge to it thanks to the sea and the sunscreen. His hair was still damp from when he was swimming, and Yn threaded her fingers between them, pulling lightly.
They pulled away to catch their breaths, and Yn attached her lips to his collarbone, kissing and biting it, enjoying the way he leaned into her, as if in surrender to her caressing. Mick cups Yn’s cheeks between his hands, staring into her eyes, and it’s like time freezes for a second. 
She smiles. 
He smiles too. 
His lips parted to say something, but before he could, there was a knock on the door. 
“Occupied!” they both shout over the muffled music and the closed door, and they laugh after noticing that now whoever is on the other side knows that a couple is making out in the bathroom. 
“We should get back to the party,” Mick sighed, and Yn silently agreed, standing on her tiptoes to give him another kiss. 
“See you up there,” it’s whispered on his lips, and he smiles, giving her another peck and finally letting her body go. 
He watches as Yn fixes her bikini in front of the mirror, and blows him a kiss before opening the door and leaving. Mick takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, and all the blood rushing through his body. He can still feel her body pressed against his, her smile on his skin. He takes some time to get ready before going back to the party, and when he does, Yn is sitting with Gina, her hands now occupied with a drink, and one of her big smiles gracing her lips. 
“This party was the best idea ever, Yn,” Gina gushed, passing Yn a water bottle. “I’m letting loose before the competition in two weeks. I feel like I was getting too anxious,” she confessed, and Yn nodded. 
“When is it happening?” Yn asked and then added, “The exact date, I mean.” 
Gina took a sip from her drink, sitting cross-legged and turning her body slightly in Yn’s direction. They watched as Mick strolled toward them, a tipsy smile on his lips, seeing the two interact. He sat on the ground, body leaning on the seat, parting Yn’s legs to accommodate his large shoulders.
“May 28th,” was the oldest Schumacher answer.
Yn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “It’s the date of the Monaco race, right?” She asked, and Gina shrugged and nodded. “You’re going?” Yn nudged Mick with her feet, and he grabbed it, directing her calf on top of his shoulders and in front of his chest. 
“I tried, but it’s a hectic season. And it’s literally race day. I couldn’t get the day off,” Yn observes Gina’s and Mick’s instance. They seem bummed with the whole situation. But who wouldn’t be? It’s his sister's tournament, and he won’t be there to cheer for her. And she felt her heart squeeze with the idea of Gina competing without a familiar face in the stands for her. 
“But Corinna’s going, right?”
Gina shook her head, and Yn bit her lip in thought. 
“She originally would, this ride was supposed to happen in the middle of the week, but something came up, and they had to reschedule,” the blonde girl explained.
The youngest Hamilton played with the strings of her swimsuit, while her mind came up with solutions for the current problem, “I could go,” she suggests. “If you want me there, that is. Only if you’re comfortable,” Yn is quick to add. 
Yn witnesses Gina’s face change from a small frown to a big smile. Her eyes twinkled, and her posture relaxed, before she pursed her lips, questioning, “But how about Lewis? He’s racing, isn’t he?” 
“Yeah, but Dad will be there, and so will Mick,” Yn grins, catching Mick’s eyes for a split second before looking back at Gina.
“Would you do it? Would you trade Monaco for Oklahoma to watch me ride a horse- It’s noisy, and very country. Do you like country stuff? Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?” now Gina’s rambling, excited but also nervous with the perspective of Yn regretting her decision. 
“G, breathe,” Mick reminds his sister, and she catches her breath, takes a sip of her drink, and then turns to Yn again.
“You’ll have a familiar face rooting for you in the stands. I will need a cowboy hat, though. I don’t have any.” 
The blonde lets out a small squeal and lunges to hug Yn spilling their drinks in the process. They laugh, and ignore the sticky and sweety tinger of the alcohol and fruity juice, embracing each other.  
Yn can’t see, but Mick is watching them from his spot on the ground. Neck turned in an attempt to get an even better view of the bond between them being straightened. He feels his heart warm with the image, how Gina’s eyes are closed and her lips spotting a large smile, how she looked more relaxed, happier because of Yn.
All because of Yn.
It’s a beat before they exchange some more words, Mick is too deep into his own thoughts, he only notices Gina getting up in the direction of the hose by the end of the yacht, and he takes the opportunity to get up. 
“I think we will need another trip to the bathroom,” he whispers in Yn’s ear, and she smiles.
“I can clean up in th-” She stopped herself when she saw his expression. A mix she now knew to be admiration and arousal. 
“Thank you for sacrificing Monaco for Gina,” he mumbled when they reached the corridor, not even waiting until they got to the bathroom to smash their lips in a kiss. 
“It was nothing,” she dismisses it, and he shook his head.
“It was beautiful, and it was a lot. You’re too beautiful.” He praised, and Yn could only let her lips be devoured, her body be consumed, and her mind convinced of every compliment Mick whispered to her in their little bubble. 
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @mellowpizzapuppy @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @Dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @chaoticevilbakugo @carojasmin2204 @wondergirl101ks
(let me know if your tag was supposed to be only for my other works and you don't wanna be tagged on the series! <3)
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glisterdemon · 5 months
I haven't posted in like what... one million years :'D Well its been a while and I basically abandoned Tumbler (Which I didn't mean to lol) ANYWAY here is something I'm making
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I decided to make my own version (au???) of qftim because I need it to have a space in my heart :> There is info below (Its a lot to read so sorry in advance)
So here is Bendy! When I looked at the original version with the personality traits and stuff I was confused and I wanted more character to him. The ones I wrote down aren't perfect (because I cant write to save my life) I like the idea that only Bendy works as a mechanic and, slightly inspired by The Inky Mystery, I love the idea how both Bendy and Boris were kids on the streets (I have only read to like... chapter 20?? I forgot). But as a change, and because I love 1920s America kind of fashion and stuff, I'm makin Boris work at a speakeasy which Betty Boop owns and performs sometimes. I'm also making Boris around 14 to 15 because Boris (personally) being 12 bothered me a little. Also so he can be a moody teen. Back to his job, he would work as the cleaner basically cleans dishes, tables and others. I will also strictly only use characters in the original comic (ask blog??) whatever you call it >:P I love the characters in the Inky Mystery from how little I have read :'] If you have read my little rant thank you and sorry for not posting In a while!!!
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Okay, so, since you asked, here's some stuff. Keep in mind this is more things you can try if you want rather than criticism since at the end of the day you do what you want with your art and it looks awesome anyway.
Maybe try some smoother/connected lines? Your style can be sketch-like, which is of equal merit, but smooth lines can make colouring easier (bless the fill tool on reference layer my beloved).
In addition to point one, I've noticed your colouring is pretty freeform. Again, equal in merit, I just wonder if you've experimented with cleaner colouring before.
This is only my personal method for doing lineless, so take it with a big grain of salt. When I do it, though, I tend to keep separate colours and things 'closer'/'farther' from the viewer on separate layers. This makes shading a lot easier, as the clipped shading layers won't go over onto a different object in a different place relative to the light source.
As for anatomy stuff, I don't really have much to say since your style is so cartoony it really doesn't matter as much. The most I can say is maybe go looking at different figures online for pose/fat/muscle practice as just a routine thing. I say this as someone who has to do that myself.
I...Really don't have much actual criticism. I genuinely love your art so much, it's so cool to look at. I also love how you have these different variations of the same sorta style (lineless, lined, the textured brush for colouring version), it's really cool to see how versatile your stuff can get!
I actually have done some smoother coloring in the past! The most recent time I remember was probably May-June? I've also done smoother linework before, but not really connected lines. I haven't found a style I like with that, anyway. (So maybe ill try to practice that?)
And I understand what you mean with the lineless work too... I generally do my work on the same layer to save time but I need to try out that method, too.
With the last one, i for sure need to get back to doing those. I have a couple of times but I haven't committed to doing it. I think I'll prioritize that. (I also don't think I've done any fat/muscle studies at all)
THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING!!! To be honest i started getting the feeling no one cared about the post lol. And I'm really happy you love my art too!! :)
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
Hi hi! Absolutely LOVE the edits you've done with your HOF MC with that body type <3 Would it be alright to request transparents of the body and outfits?
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening!
Absolutely darling!!! 🌻 Thank you so much, I'm glad you like them! I was actually thinking of making a post to that effect -- sharing what I've got so far, and letting people know that if they have outfit requests for that body type, to send me an ask with an image of the clothing they want and I could try* and edit them to fit!
(*Keyword try, bc most of the choices outfits have straight sleeves, so I'll probably struggle a bit with that lol. I've done it a couple times but its hard. Things like this that are sleeveless work best! Send me a couple if you want to 😊)
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Lets call this version one, bc I want to do some touch ups to these sprites 😅 But here you go! Ty for the ask lovely, I hope you have a great day too!
Base Sprites w Lingerie - No Hair
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WIP Base Sprites that need fixed lol
I did a dumb thing with my layering here so I can't give you all the versions with minimal straps right now. Most MC files come completely nude, but background characters dont -- I'm in the process of trying to make something with as minimal straps in the way as possible but its a hard one lol. Hopefully V2 will be better!
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Hands only - Layer these on TOP of clothing
These are super quick and dirty -- I'll make cleaner versions with shadows for V2
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HOF Edit Clothing
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Other Misc Clothing
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grahamcarmen · 4 months
i kinda wished gray was angry at carmen instead of relieved just for yknow angst and stuff like at the jail when he was like "how did u know i was here" and shes like "all in good time gray" i wish he was like "its graham. whos gray?" cuz lol yea idk if this makes sense i suck at typing
Alright i might go off on a tangent so like feel free to clarify if its too far off base from intent
But i am personally actually ok with the angst on Gray’s side being saved for later, there are so many angsty moments already stuffed in there
->the fight being draining and difficult and ultimately a failure to keep them off him
->the parallel to gray disappearing from sight because of the cleaners
-> gray still getting pain pang and helping carmen where he can
->carmen desperately trying as many keys as she can when the robot finally comes
->carmen screaming for gray after he screamed for her
Like…phew thats alot happening and i think that it would get lost in the fray
Side note:
-> him taking the info that ACME finds carmen shady and she decided to work with him and actually wondering who gray is especially because she came to find him…hmm fun
-> gray watching all those civilian gets mistaken as spy movies and going ahhhh.ha.
BUT on the sentiment of gray being angry and not just relieved.
He does start to say it’s graham before he’s interrupted. And he has always been exasperatedly trying to put it aside to try and just be with her in the moment
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Like…askjdnfdaksjf look at this face
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Relief is not the only emotion here
And it does come to its breakpoint
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because well  [the point is she’s lying to him.- bugs life voice]
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And what a breakpoint it is because Carmen is not allowed to pretend that the person in front of her doesn’t have a thing to say about who she was protecting* 
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So its not angst denied but angst delayed if that makes sense and the himalaya caper puts it into more focus than the jail could
Like  “alas why did he not simply look into her yearny eyes and make a decent life choice for once” aside [which is so fun to say]...
but the thing is …it's something that i do think gray gets to be mad about at that moment [not that he isn’t making a terrible life choice on the side but-]
…she lied to him by omission and flat out. And only came to rescue a fake version of him as far as he’s concerned. A fake version it seems she was pretending even further with by calling him gray and not graham.
And no just enemy who !had his chance at the cotillion you! doesn’t work as the final verdict either >:0
 [you're making the carmen sad and that has literally never worked plus carmen is just wrong for this on some level]
They’re so messy dude…like there’s so much to unravel and him being firm but straightforward about it is at least picks at this issue good enough for the moment…oof…was a lot like …oogh
But necessary. Gray is a person who actually has a reaction to this ya know [or character i mean- same thing].
His anger tends to be overshadowed by a lot else is all…[T.T multiple mistakes in a row babeyyyyyyyyyy] + his own prioritizing when it comes to his own emotions
They just need to tone down the nonsense…be even more honest with each other …they be wild out here…ya’ll can do it with time i believe in ye, even if that will mean more tough conversations with each other, i think they like each other enough
But yes. Him mad at it DOES make good angst. ..and tbh not even for just that moment…because …
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supremechancellorrex · 5 months
I've been hearing a lot of people say that Ozai in the Avatar: the Last Airbender cartoon isn't supposed to be "developed" because he's a "symbol". My problem with this is that a character can both be well-developed and a symbol at the same time, so why choose otherwise? "It makes sense because he's supposed to represent" doesn't justify leaving the writing a little loose.
In the cartoon, Ozai is hardly a character to sink your teeth into. You can surmise and speculate things about him, but ultimately every discussion was more about Zuko or another character overcoming him and how satisfying that was than any character depth of Ozai himself. On the Day of Black Sun, Zuko and Ozai's confrontation is less an argument and ideological battle with layers between two human beings and more an extremely developed character yelling at an evil cardboard cutout.
The Problem With Ozai
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Zuko: "It was cruel and it was wrong."
Ozai: "Lol."
Zuko: "We need to replace this era with an era of peace and kindness."
Ozai: "Lame." (*scowls in annoyance, tries to leave*)
Zuko: "Stay or I'll cut you." (*waves swords*)
Ozai: "Fine. Whatever. Go on" (*proceeds to sit back down and wonder if he's having spiced fire rice cakes for dinner*)
The way the cartoon presents it, Ozai just was a bit too a moustache-twirling villain and that's even considering his actions. It's not even him being morally bankrupt or sadistic, but that his entire character only exists on the surface level. Him being "superficial" and "ruthless" isn't even a character trait because he has no real character beyond "I'm arrogant, selfish and evil". Even some of the worst dictators in human history from Hitler and Stalin to Mussolini and Mao have more complex 'psychological depth' than Ozai, despite committing the most evil and awful acts against other human beings.
I got they want to reflect the toxicity of the Fire Nation with him as a symbol, "fear" and "ruthlessness", but these are symptoms and the result of an ideology, and Ozai and this ideology need a bit more than "The Fire Nation's ideology is that they're superior, share the greatness and just kill people". We never see Ozai really talk about this ideology, how he is *civilising* the other nations (well, besides, setting them on fire). Why does he think Fire is superior? Why does the Fire Nation? We can speculate it's the unity of the Fire Nation and its industrialisation, that maybe the Fire Nation thinks they have better tea ceremonies and cleaner cities, but none of the Fire Nation characters really talk about this. Sharing their 'greatness', how?
And, of course, we know and the show know their 'greatness' is a lie and farce really, but for their citizens to buy into this farce realistically for 100 years, sending sons and even daughters to die for it, presumably working in factories endless hours to keep up war production like that giant drill, one would think the smokescreen would be a little more convincing than a couple lines. Yes, in the Headband, they show the kids are taught a warped version history with the Air Nomad army, but what is the unifying ideology of the Fire Nation exactly? And how does this reflect Ozai? Beyond ruthlessness and being a smarmy jerk?
And this brings me to a scene I have quite a problem with. The War Meeting flashback in Sozin's Comet Part 1, essentially Ozai just goes from 'How do we quell rebellion?' to 'We will destroy their hope by killing them all with fire'. Hehe, well, I mean, why even talk about "destroying hope" when they'll be too dead to despair? Of course, Sokka says after hearing that literally "I always knew the Fire Lord was a bad guy, but his plan is just pure evil". Then they throw in an Ozai baby picture to pretend they have some nuance, and then blah, blah, Energybending turtle appears out of near nowhere.
A Better Ozai
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(I want it noted how hard it was to get a decent gif of cartoon Ozai, especially in his Pheonix King regalia. That is how little people care about or are interested in him. There is more Daniel Dae Kim gifs from the live-action than the cartoon version)
The funny thing is Ozai burning the Earth Kingdom could have worked if they actually gave him character arc in the cartoon. Have Ozai start out believing he can civilise the Earth Kingdom, who he views as inferior and needing to be kept in check. We see in the show Earthbending is banned in Fire Nation colonies and annexed territory, but they should also show him introducing policies to ban certain styles of Earth Kingdom dress, specifically their green national colour dress, and customs, forcibly *civilising* these territory with authoritarian laws. Earth Kingdom children have to go to Fire Nation school to be indoctrinated in how their cultures and homes are inferior, and told to report on their parents.
However, as time goes on, Ozai becomes increasingly disenfranchised with the war, as colonised Earth Kingdom citizens continue to resist, Earthbend and continue banned cultural practices in secret. He feels rising disgust at these people's Earthbender stubbornness and 'backwards' practices, resisting engaging in and conforming to Fire Nation's 'superior' cultural practices, science, and education. How dirty they are, so unFire-Nation, he thinks more and more. He begins to unravel in his hate and think to himself things like how "You just can't take the root edge out of people, so I should burn the root to the ground. Make the world clean, pure and Fire Nation".
If they showed Ozai in the cartoon shifting from the standard position of his father Azulon to an even more extreme and horrifying position over time, reacting in all the worst ways to whatever the world throws at him increasingly and increasingly, his turn as the Pheonix King could have been far more chilling. Azula isn't the only one who has to go "crazy" due to the Fire Nation's twisted teachings. It would have further emphasised the cycle of toxicity in the Fire Nation that Sozin set in motion.
Imperialism and fascism is often driven by a number of things in conjunction, commonly economics, but also vain pride, fear and discomfort; pride of your own nation at the expense of others, as well as fear and discomfort of others, how 'different' they are, their 'weird illogical customs' diluting the 'pure culture of yours' that you understand, their 'strange appearances' changing the face of the culture you know, that you like and think is the greatest and should be eternal. They could be spies, enemy agents of chaos and degeneration. They need to be 'civilised' or 'exterminated' to silence conflict and bring order, this 'dark horde' of backwards people who just can't ever be allowed to be 'in charge'. I think a weakness here is that Ozai is never shown to show any discomfort, he's just so confident and evil about everything, but if he were to reflect the dark face of the Fire Nation, a people they say aren't wholly evil demons, he does a bad job showing the twisted human face of evil and it makes him irrelevant in a way as a character with the themes other than "Defeat evil guy".
Lessons Taught Improperly
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Now some would try to defend Ozai in that Avatar: The Last Airbender is a kid's cartoon, but I would say that makes it more important when discussing real-life issues. What is the point of lesson if it is taught improperly? Sometimes that can do more harm than good.
Avatar includes a number of mature themes, including the genocide of Aang's entire people and Gyatso's skeleton. Judging by the Tibetan influences in Air Nomad culture, a real-life people who have also been genocided, I think it is necessary and good practice for even kid's shows to make sure the lessons on real-life evils like the concepts and systems of imperialism, colonialism and nationalism are taught well. Because otherwise you get an inaccurate picture of what it is and how it actually works, and what is the point of that?
Stories want to impart lessons on things being "bad" as a message, but often I think they fall short in getting to the point of why they happen. I wonder if that makes them a little pointless in a way, because the reasons why characters/people and nations do things is both important to good writing and real life. If you aren't taught it properly, how well can you recognise it in your own country? And if you can't, then hasn't the lesson failed to be imparted?
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stuckasmain · 5 months
I love thinking about the Retrofuturistic world of 2001 and how fascinating it is. As it’s partly responsible for pushing the aesthetic but also just how the 60s and the space age in general had a lot of future spectating and inventing a TON of stuff that, lasted shortly then but we have versions of how. It also exists in a fascinating in between spot where it appears to “diverge” from our version of things sometime in the late 80s— and as someone who likes referencing music/film that’s great for me lol.
I love how this version of the future got to the end of the 80s then “ok the 60s had some cool plans let’s do them” when there was a technological boom to get them to the point we see in 2001. Space stations, underwater hotels- established bases on the moon and mars etc.
Anyway here’s some inspo and ideas I have when it comes to writing/drawing for the fandom:
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It’s a shame that 2010 (movie) didn’t stick as close to the world of the first film as I would’ve LOVED to see the expansion of how things looked on earth (we get some remote idea with advertised space flights but not fully). AND like I was saying before it’s a shame Clarke continued the series when he didn’t want to because all the optimism and world building sort of disappears… what I propose here and above sort of follows the initial 2.
Smart phones never become a thing. Videophone’s are more in vogue and stationary. However there’s enough booths and ones set up in homes where you wouldn’t need to carry one around
However, I’d say this world’s version of a “smart watch” would be like a small video phone and personal secretary (?) set reminders, book a few things, keep important information on.
Monorails. (Retrofuturistic, effective public transport), cars still exist but in a cleaner form
Shapes! Physicality! Funky furniture!
I really think the world would follow the grand romantic view of “Progress” where technology makes certain things conviennent but everyone has a good ethic to get along, explore, better tomorrow - hold hands type thing.
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nami-moittli · 7 months
What’s this? Another Twst x pkmn thing so soon? Wow! She must really like those guys!
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Yes, I gave him seven pkmn. Either SandyShocks & Spiritomb switch out, or Idia is just a cheat 🤷‍♀️
Porygon Z is a stolen pick, admittedly, but it fits him so well so I stole it. Same with Silvally (tho from different people lol) Absol reminded me of Idia, so I gave him one and Umbreon is also a good one. Yes this means that he has two shinies, he’s rich and is thus allowed color coding in his partners. Spiritomb was another one that I was attached too and I feel like Chandelure is obligatory (esp since I didn’t give Ortho a Litwick 😰) As for SandyShocks, I gave Ortho a future paradox pkmn, so I decided to give Idia a past paradox pkmn to match, and I landed on SandyShocks!
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(I couldn’t find the 10% form for Zygarde on the site I was using, so I looked it up instead. I also recolored the red to blue myself bc I didn’t feel like trying to find an actual blue version)
Ortho… also had 7 pkmn. Uh- sorry? You could get rid of Morelull to make it cleaner, or you could interpret her Rotom as Rotom(Ortho Form), thus technically there is nothing stopping her from stepping into the pkmn battle herself if all of her usual pkmn faint-
Anyway, Rotom, for obvious reasons, and I feel like Klinklang is another obvious choice. I chose Golurk and Iron Valiant for similar reasons, as both are like, “protection” pkmn, if you will? You get what I’m going for, right? Something ancient and mysterious yet futuristic that needs to have a guard dog. If that makes sense. Speaking of guard dogs, I gave her two Zygarde 10%s to represent the two dogs she has in canon! I originally gave her just one Mega Houndoom, but then I realized that there were much better fits. I still do think that Houndoom would be a great choice for her tho! As for Morelull, that’s mainly due to the fact that I like to give her Hypnos symbolism (who is the Greek god of sleep) but if you add on the fact that it’s a fairy type, then you also get a reference to Fairy Gala IF!
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avoicefromthestars · 9 months
I kinda feel like I should let you know now in case it becomes relevant to you: there's people saying that you're using ai to smoothen gifs (like as in people are sending asks to blogs they see reblog your gifs??) because fucking ai "art" and the theft associated with building its datasets has apparently made people so wary of anything using any form of ai that using it in a way that doesn't violate the rights of creators is now also a no-no? Something I think people should have to spend at least five minutes considering an issue before taking it as a reason to talk about people behind their backs. And that's if it's even true. Anyway, just thought I'd give you a heads-up. No need to publish this ask if you don't want to but you deserve to know
i was informed a couple of days ago lmao (have they been doing it more??) but thanks for the message!
as i've said, i think most people who have been giffing voyager/ds9 (otherwise really not of a quality for people to be making big gifs out of) for the past few years have been using an 'upscaled' version of the shows that's been put through the Topaz Video AI software? If that bothers anyone, for... whatever reason, they can simply not reblog instead of weirdly 'warning' people about it lol
plus, i think those of us who have been asked about it have been more than willing to tell people what we're using! (no because it's... ethically questionable but so that they too can make cleaner looking gifs of 90s tv shows <3)
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astraykidz · 2 years
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❄️For Nini/@minchanz for Stayblr Secret Santa 2022!❄️
hi nini!!! I swear i didn't ghost you after the last couple asks, i've just had. a helluva time lately, hence this being posted last minute lol it's just barely 2023 for me, oops but i finished it finally 💀
This was drawn from reference using one of his noeasy promo pictures, on thick sketchbook paper in pencil. i drafted, scrapped, and attempted so many different styles and concepts for a drawing to make for you (hence the many asks) before i decided i just needed to go with my strengths which are... drawing realism and chan lol i wish i'd had the time to make a cleaner (or at least as clean as pencil can be lol) finalized version, maybe even in color, but i redid this in a few different ways so many times 😵‍💫 you might be able to tell i extended the top with another piece of paper and that there's another piece of paper where the head is, that's because i redid it so many times there was very clearly stuff that wouldn't erase anymore so i put another sheet of paper over it, and then also because i drew just barely too close to the top of the paper so i couldn't quite fit all his hair comfortably lmao... i definitely bit off more than i could chew with this one, but i did it!!
I've been working on it off and on whenever i could for like. 2 weeks now i think? i also wasn't able to work on it the last few days because i had a minor surgery on my dominant wrist, but i can draw comfortably now so i was able to finish it! i worked on it pretty much all day today, i'm pretty happy with it! i hope you like it 💕 and i will definitely tag you when/if i make a cleaner or color version of this ☺️ 🩷
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honeybyte · 11 months
didn't want to ask this in the replies but what is your process like for designing clothing for characters bc not only do they look gorgeous but you always put so much thought into your stuff, esp the historical kind. it smthin i've always kind of struggled with tbh and you make it so interesting
oh man it kinda. varies? depending on what kind of clothing i want out of a character. this gets kinda long too but bear w me lol
the fashion pieces i do, i spend a lot of time going thru fashion editorials for poses and pick up pieces of different outfits or silhouettes that i want out of a piece. for stuff like a set occupation (hunter, butcher, blacksmith) it's abt knowing time period and finding the pattern between different photos.
the more complicated ones are like. odelia and euan. where im creating a whole piece that's frankensteined from a couple different styles (rococo, georgian, regency, etc). i think the three main types of information i depend on are Goal, Silhouette, and Fabric.
so Odelia and Euan. the goals for them are very different, bc Odelia strives to be the center of attention while Euan tries to blend in with the background.
Odelia needs something extravagant and flashy, maybe brightly colored and shiny; pastels and wide skirts would be good for her, and rococo is a good place to find both. satin is good for shine and lace is good for detail, and both are relatively light materials. Euan would want something a little more subdued, possibly a tighter silhouette so he's not taking up much space. i found a picture of a russian noble while i was sifting thru various noble clothing designs, and i liked the way the silhouette was tighter and cleaner. he'd also need darker colors if he wants to hide in the shadows. i like the way darker colors look in velvet, and it's a thicker, heavier fabric, which was another trait in the photo i was referencing. i also like the weight and thickness of quilted fabric so throw that in there for fun and detail. lastly, being as they're twins and high priests, they need a way to tie the designs to each other, and i settled on a thicker neckline that suits both styles in different ways. the finished concept looks a bit like this.
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granted this is always subject to change, and its a v simple version of the design i want, but its a good start
with designs like that i also like looking for textiles! rococo patterns are so pretty too, so i picked one for Euan as well. the off white would be shared between the two designs, the lighter blues for Odelia, and the darker blues for Euan
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wheeze that's a rough estimation of how i go thru designs, there's a type of practicality and personality i want out of most of them so i try to research what i can when i want smth specific. part of this is admittedly bc i. am a lil obsessed w period clothing, so i already have some of that in my back pocket, but i also think just typing in "[year] fashion" is a fair place to start. regardless, having fun is a Must when you're designing clothes for a character so dont forget that bit lol. i wish you luck and godspeed, friend!
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I was waiting for your review 😅 i def prefer the alternate version. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I hybe would realize not every song needs a rap verse. The was the song ended in the jack harlow ver just felt incomplete compared to the alternate vers.
As for the mv, I'm a little disappointed. I honestly loved the seven mv so much, so I had huge expectations for 3d, but I was let down. I prefer a story rather than them just singing lol but that's probably just me
Both Seven and 3D have plain instrumentals and don't even have a bridge, so I imagine that the rap sections was their way to make the song trendier and less monotonous, as well as "edgier" and more explicit without having Jungkook straight up talk about hitting pussy lmao. Also, apparently "champagne, confetti" does not actually mean champagne and confetti... Does Jungkook even know that? Not unless someone told him? Imagine that conversation.
Yeah, why let Jack Harlow end the song and not Jungkook? I at least expected Jungkook to repeat "in 3D" at the end. The alternate version is so much better. Honestly, I did like the guy's rap but the lyrics are too awful. Had he rapped anything else... Also, the alternate version has Jungkook's run and adlibs which are the most Jungkook-like parts of the song, and when he actually shows off his vocals.
The L&R MV is so much cuter and it includes actual product placement lmao! This sexy bad boy image is so limiting. Jungkook is boxing himself in instead of branching out like he thought. He wants to change his image, but going from sexualized yet babied baby boy, to even more sexualized yet still babied bad boy who apparently can only do sexy concepts, is not really the freedom he desires imo.
I don't care for story in MVs, and I hated the story Seven told - though the idea behind it was far sweeter than the execution, but that's 2/2 of me accusing solo era Jungkook of sexism, yikes - but I thought 3D would be worse than it was. All the truly bad bits belonged to Jack Harlow - god... don't even want to think about it. I should've expected Jungkook dancing in the rain lmao. It was definitely cliché. Seven was more natural in that regard (with the storm scenes).
Seven really is a whole ass masterpiece compared to 3D, I can't believe it. I'm really starting to appreciate Seven now haha. Even the 3D choreo seems like a Seven rip off. And now 3D will block the queen from becoming the fastest song to reach 1B streams on Spotify lmao.
I've come to the conclusion that David Stewart should stay away from BTS. He wrote 3D and Dynamite and the lyrics to both are too try hard. I noticed how Jungkook's accent in Seven is much more subtle and his pronunciation is cleaner and more natural, because the lyrics flow better and are easier for him. Whoever wrote 3D (David Stewart, presumably) didn't consider that words like "girl" are actually hard to pronounce and that the lyrics don't flow very well making it harder for Jungkook to sound natural. It's already so lame when men call grown ass women girls in that whiny tone, but Jungkook's accent makes it sound worse. It's not his fault, I don't mind that his English is flawed but the lyrics should've been adjusted so a non-native speaker could sing them more easily. His accent actually takes away from the song at times, which doesn't happen in Seven, or even in the English trilogy. And, yeah, just, overall, the lyrics are bad and try to be clever but aren't. Dynamite was accused of the same thing.
Thank you for awaiting my review! I just gave you a second one lmao. Thank you for sharing your thoughts too! I look forward to hearing them more if you want to share :)
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the-enzyme · 1 year
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More of my Leon S. Kennedy repaint work. Now, it's my DAMtoys RE2 Remake Leon. I got the classic version head sculpt, parted out specifically to repaint him. Just a few days ago, actually. I was hoping this one would have better/nicer paint apps than the regular release, that I got when that one came out a few years ago. However, from what I saw (I haven't unboxed mine due to lack of display space) in his box, this one isn't nicer/cleaner/precise nor accurate to the prototype. Factory paint wise. At least the particular head I got, doesn't seem all that cleaner, or even close to the prototype. I don't doubt the prototype had better photographer, as I am not one by any stretch of the imagination. However, I'm pretty certain the prototype had better paint apps in general than what we got in box/actual-figure-release.
I want my Leon to look like a mixture of Remake and the hyper-realistic Fantasytoys 1:2 Leon bust. When I saw that bust for the first time my jaw dropped to the floor! It's a gorgeous rendition of Remake Leon, so of course I wanted to repaint my Damtoys figure for a long time, ever since. I just was too lazy to unbox him just to get his head sculpt out. The Remake first release head sculpt was going for too much by that time, but now that I got a chance to get a parted out classic version, since it just recently released in the USA. I was able to get a second HS to repaint, without having to unbox mine! Yay! And for not an eye off the face, like the first release is going for nowadays.
I can f-this one up all day, and not worry about regretting it later. Lol! I still need to clean his eyes, brows and lips a bit further, and I want to make him a touch tanner, since the parted Damtoys Remake Leon's body I got from the first release is a lot darker tanned, leaning towards sunburnt. My repaint doesn't look quite as tanned IRL, as he appears in my crap-photos, but his original factory paint was a lot darker tanned, and grayish. More so than the parted-out body (more gray, not tanner). I won't be using that body for him, however, since I do own the whole Remake figure, I will be displaying that full-set figure with this repainted head, once I get more display space/detolfs... who knows when that will happen. >___>;;
The 1st image is how he looks so far vs default Damtoys factory paint. The others are progress photos along the way, and from various angles and lighting positions. (:
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allhandsondeck1 · 8 months
Do you have a friend, partner, sibling, etc. that loves kpop? Is their birthday soon? Do you want to give them a bouquet, but don't know what flower to give them? I HAVE THE PERFECT THING FOR YOU! A BIAS BOUQUET!!!
Okay so along with my sister's birthday being.. literally rn (it's 1 am for me at the time of posting this), it's also right before valentines day! She's my best friend, and my sister, and she deserves a bouquet. She is obsessed with kpop. Like, can hear the first few seconds of a song and name the group, song, album, and who is singing at each moment(she scares me). She has like, a million favorite groups, so I had made a list and broooo.. I didn't even use half of the list, and the list was at least 20 or more members.. AND IT WASNT EVEN ALL OF THEM
So you can tell what my motive for this was, yeah? It's actually hella easy! I didn't take progress shots, because I got school later and didn't have the time to stop and take pictures, but here's what you need!
An editing or art app
lamination sheets
Wooden skewers
A foam cone
Tissue paper
Pipe cleaners (optional)
Sticky notes (optional)
Soo to start I went to pinterest and downloaded a few photos of my sister's favorite idols. You don't have to do all of them, you can do one group or just a bunch of photos of their favorite person! Whatever you want. I used the app IBISPAINTX to put them all together in different sizes, so it was easier to print and cut out and they can vary in sizes. Use whatever app or website you think works!
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I basically just put them in collages like this.
I emailed them to myself and then printed them out on cardstock paper, just so they were stiffer and would last longer, but if you don't want to/don't have that, regular printer paper will work!
Jm using a digital version, just to show it(also in courtesy of the girl bc its my sister's favorite and I forgot to print her out 😭) but after they are printed, cut your idols out, just the perimeter around it!
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Then, this is also optional, but I used lamination sheets over the pictures! Try and fit as many of your idols on the sheets just to save, but be careful, because you want to make sure when you cut them out, they have a small gap on the lamination, just so the lamination doesn't peel off. The lamination will just make the pictures last longer, so your person can keep them after! *the gray represents the lamination!*
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Now, I bought a foam cone fromWalmart, but yoh can probably grt it at micheals or any craft store! Mine was a little small, I don't have exact dimensions cause I just guessed, but I think eying it and guessing too will do just fine! I also got some skewers, which can be found anywhere, I just found them in a drawer lol. Next thing is tape!
Youre going to take your idols and your skewers, just tape the back onto the skewer before you stick it into the foam. Now, this part is optional too, but I used some purple pipe cleaners to wrap around the skewers! I just measured the part that was stuck into the foam, then I taped the idol on after I pulled it out,and then I wrapped the pipe cleaners above the line and to the bottom of the picture, and stuck it back in
Another optional thing is to make paper hearts! I found a tutorial on YouTube to make inflatable ones! I used the skewers to poke through the top and then layer purple and pink ones. I made seven so it could start on one color and end in the same color! I made three of these pattern heart things, but you can make as many as you want! (This works well if it's for a romantic partner or for valentines day!)
Finally I just used purple and pink tissue paper to hide the cone, and taped it together to keep it in place! Here's the final product in horrible lighting
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I can only name like, 5 people on this bouquet, and then the girl on my demonstration but idk how to spell her name lol
Anyways! There's a good, decently cheap present for your local kpop lover!
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ladytauria · 1 year
tagged by @almostbutnotdeadenough. thank you~
I use Tauria in fandom spaces mostly! But I also go by Livvy, which is the penname I plan to publish under~
Where do you call home?
My grandparents’ house, where I live lol
Favorite Animal
Dragons. I don’t really have a fave IRL animal, tho—but when ppl ask I usually default to cats and/or whales.
Cereal of Choice
I go back & forth depending on cravings. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Froot Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, Raisin Bran, Strawberry Awake, & Honey Bunches of Oats are my main rotations~ (Though, I usually buy the off-brand versions.)
Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic learner -
Visual & Kinesthetic. I’m terrible with auditory instructions, but show me some clear examples & then let me try/fail through them myself & I’m good.
First Pet
A calico cat named Cali, or a black lab named Honey. I don’t remember which came first, lol.
Favorite Scent
🤔 Hmm… It depends on what it’s for! I like candles with spicier scents, like cinnamon. For lotions I’m partial to vanilla or coconut. Cleaners… citrusy scents tend not to bother me too much? I also like the smell of mint, in general.
The one thing I DO know is I don’t like the smell of lavender xD Tastes okay, though.
Do you believe in astrology?
No. I think it’s fun, though, & I like using it for character building.
How many playlists on Spotify/Apple music?
My main music app has 169 playlists. Some have been ported to my Spotify, which has 68 playlists, several of which need to be culled because I only made them for the “suggested songs” pages. & now I know of a website that does it better, lol.
Sharpies or highlighters?
Song that makes you cry:
Hold On - Chord Overstreet.
Song that makes you happy:
Many xD But atm: She’s Pretty - Beth McCarthy
Do you write/draw/create?
Yes. I write~ And I draw a little, sometimes. Usually just maps, tho. I also like to play around with typography, moodboards, etc. But mostly I just write xD
No pressure tag… @hardlycats ; @bi-bats ; @candra-hearts ; & @the-alice-of-hearts.
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