tangian · 5 months
Takte ang cool ng moment na to:
bigla huminto sa waiting shed tong sinasakyan kong bus, tapos meron babae (minor palang siguro to) nagkatitigan kami. Nasa waiting ahed siya, nasa bus naman ako nakaupo.
tapos tinuro niya wrist niya, tapos tumingin ako saglit sa phone ko af ini-spell ko ang 8, 2, & 6 sa mga daliri ko. Tapos nung na-copy niya, nagthumbs up siya at nag-thumbs up din ako. Kakaibang moment llang na mutual understanding agad at ang cool nung batang yun.
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bliamapriori · 8 months
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(Belated) Lexember Day 25
“sewing needle”
Language: Infernal Natively Known as: Pulyazayū or Guile of the Tongue Spoken Commonly by (but not limited to): Tieflings of Faerûn, Devils, Warlocks Setting: *Forgotten Realms [*Homebrewed for Character Backstory but built upon words in the Forgotten Realms wiki.]
Etymology: LOANWORD; Elven: llang (pin)
Declension: Definite Single NOM: šani ACC: šanya GEN: šaniṭī DAT: šanitu
Definite Plural NOM: šanina ACC: šaniyan GEN: šaniṭīn DAT: šanitun
Indefinite Single NOM: šanihe ACC: šaniyet GEN: šanizī DAT: šaniwu
Indefinite Plural NOM: šanihen ACC: šaniyen GEN: šanizīn DAT: šaniwun
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Verbal Morphology Part 3
OK, TAM time now. Again, there's a mess of a system morphologicall, with mostly suffixes but one fairly important prefix with some complexity and variations in their interactions. In terms of semantics, the primary locus of the system is mood contrasts, with aspect and tense coming having to in effect fit in around that system.
Firstly, we should note that the verb in Frislandic is perfectly happy not to bother with TAM marking at all. This 'simple' verb can be used with various semantics that don't fall under the forms listed here, including habituals, narrative pasts and unmarked near-futures (ones that are basically guaranteed to happen).
The sole prefixal TAM form is a simple irrealis i+, which might still have been some kind of clitic in Proto-Frislandic times given that it triggers lenition but precedes the applicative de- which does not: i-lang-a 'I would speak', be-d-llang-a 'I tell you (pl.)', b-i-ð-llang-a 'I would tell you (pl.)'. This can be used whenever a generic irrealis sense is required, including when referring to future time or to counterfactuals. When combined with the complementiser particle ge it forms a polite kind of imperative/optative construction.
There are four main suffixes which mark TAM forms. The first is a progressive in -nd, deriving from a grammaticalization of a verbal noun in the dative case. As a progressive it is used for ongoing actions, both in the present and the past. Thus am be-d-llang-end ællto 'I am/was telling you again'; (ni) me-vwn-end 'they are/were mocking me'.
There are two past (perfective) markers -te (1SG -sja) and I-ið. These are distinguished primarily by their evidential force: -te is technically unmarked, but is typically use for directly witnessed/experienced events as I-ið is used as an indirect evidential, both reported and inferred. It's clear how this came about historically: -te was a perfective derived from a grammaticalization of toz 'come', while I-ið was originally a perfect construction deriving from the existential verb ijð.
We can imagine then a scenario of a murder investigation. A direct witness would tell an officer kajn-le-te gombell gæm 'he was killed with a hammer' but the officer tells the detective kæjn-l-ið gombell gæm 'ibid.' and the pathologist, upon examining the crime scene would also says kæjn-l-ið gombell gæm.
Finally, there is the conditional -jo, 1SG -eva. I say 'conditional' because that's what it's traditionally been called on the model of traditional European grammar, but actually originally this seems to have originally been a conative (signalling an attempt, usually implied to be failed), perhaps deriving from a grammaticalisation of giv 'pretend, play at', though the vocalism causes problems (some dialects do have a variant of this root with a mid vowel, for example Dorsiðesi geav [ke̯au̯], while Kampaj gev [keu̯] and Bondeduoj göv [køy̯] are ambiguous between the two variants, which is at least suggestive).
In terms of usage, as the name implies, it is in part a marker of a condition when combined with the conditional particle gið along with a main clause, which may be any of the other suffixal TAM values. Thus gið uok-jo-k ni, kajn-ek 'if you eat it you will die', gið uok-jo ni, kæjn-ið 'if he ate it, he would die'. The irrealis i+ may optionally be included (though if so both verbs must have it), with an additional implication that the speakers believes such a scenario to be unlikely, akin to adding 'ever were to' in English. Thus gið j'uok-jo-k ni, i-kajn-ek 'If you were ever to eat it, you would die'. With a past time reference this gives a conterfactual: gið j'uok-jo ni, i-kæjn-ið 'If he had ever eaten this, he would have died'. When used in a main clause, however, the conative semantics take precedence: be-d-llang-ev-a 'I try to tell you'; ∅-ræd-jo-r 'we (will) try to fight them'.
The exact was these forms can combine does vary significantly across dialects, particularly with regards to which forms may combine, but that can be left for another time. Next time, we'll tackle person marking on the verb.
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gagolangako · 2 years
Ikaw ang kumpas 'pag naliligaw
Ikaw ang kulay sa langit na bughaw
Sa bawat bagyo na dumadayo
Ikaw ang kanlungan na kailangan ko
Kahit hindi mo alam
llang beses mo akong niligtas
Ikaw ang hantungan at aking wakas.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Japan Planning the Seizure of Jehol Province,” Brantford Expositor. January 7, 1933. Page 1. ---- By James A Mills, Associated Press Correspondent ---- CHANGCHUN, Manchuria, Jan. 7 — (AP) — Activities of Chinese troops will determine how soon Japanese occupation of the Mongolian province of Jehol will begin it was disclosed here to-day at the Japanese army headquarters. 
EXPECT OFFENSIVE Military leaders indicated that It was planned to begin the drive no earlier that late February but that a Chinese "offensive” may cause the Japanese to act sooner. They said Marshal Chang Hsiao-Llang, North China war lord, was continuing to mass large fences in the province, former summer playground of Chinese emperors. ALLEGE PLOT At the same time the army headquarters made a sensational disclosure of an alleged Chinese plot to assassinate General Nobuyoshi Muto, Japan’s supreme representative in Manchuria, which it said was responsible Iidirectly for the outbreak of the three-day battle this week at Shanhaikwan. 
It accused the highest Chinese authority in the north, Marshal Chang himself, of financing the scheme which allegedly included the killing of other powers in the Japanese-fostered Manchukuo government in Manchuria. The Japanese headquarters asserted a Korean, Kigyo son, member of the alleged terrorist organisation commissioned to carry out the plot, was captured at Tientsin and was being transported to Changchun just before the Shanhaikwan battle started Sunday.
RESCUE TRIED Chinese tried to rescue him at Changli, southwest of Shanhaikwan, the Japanese said, and failing, in this later threw three bombs in the Japanese police headquarters at Shanhaikwan on the Manchurian border. This provoked the Shanhaikwan battle. (Chinese military leaders accused the Japanese of placing the bombs themselves). 
The Japanese said money raised in Canada, the United States, and other countries here Chinese were residents was forwarded to Marshal Chang and used to finance the scheme.
Russians and Japanese Communists were reported among the conspirators.
UNOFFICIAL WAR SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 7— (AP)— Spread of an unofficial war between Japan and China in northern China was regarded in foreign circles to-day as an imminent possibility. 
It was estimated that at least 6000 Japanese troops now were concentrated at Shanhaikwan, China’s northern railway terminal, which the Japanese captured early this week and Chinese were reported rushing reinforcements to Chinwangtao, the port of the Yellow Sea, 10 miles westward.
Telegrams were pouring in on the Nationalist Government at Nanking from various war lords throughout China asking for orders to march against the Japanese. Among these were Tsai Ting-Kai, who commanded the 19th route army which defended Shanghai Province against the Japanese last February. 
Chinese leaders here declared they were determined to defend the province of Jehol against the anticipated Japanese drive to bring that territory within the Manchukuo boundary. They said a further Japanese advance either northwestward in that direction from Shanhaikwan or further southward toward Tientsin and Peiping would be resisted.
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techcreecamper · 1 year
Erster Werkstattbesuch nach dem Kauf
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Nach ca. 8.000 Kilometern haben wir einen Termin in der Werstatt gemacht. Was repariert werden musste.
Diesen Bulli haben wir in einem verglleichsweise sehr guten Zustand gekauft und dennoch war uns klar, dass immer wieder einmal etwas zu reparieren sein wird. Immerhin ist der Bus Baujahr 2012 und wurde duch Paketzustellung, etc. auch entsprechend strapaziert. Man kann mit sicher gutem Gewissen behaupten, dass ein VW Bus, gerade auch ein T3/T4 oder der T5 eines der wenigen wertbeständigen Autos ist. Und wenn wir die Anschaffungskosten der neuen T6 und T6.1 uns anschauen, dann sprechen wir hier micht von einem Fahrzeug zum Schnäppchenpreis.
Wertbeständig sind letztlich aber Fahrzeuge auch nur dann, wenn man sie pflegt und auch etwaige anstehende Reparaturen fortlaufend machen lässt und nicht llange aufschiebt. In unserem Fall hatte uns der Händler den Bus mit einer Car-Garantie verkauft. Die läuft ab dem Zeitpunkt des Kaufs dann 12 Monate und je nach km- Laufleistung werden bestimmte Materialkosten/Ersatzteile prozentual übernommen. Beispielsweise ab 100.000 km Laufleistung immernoch 50%. Arbeitsleistung zu 100%.
Aber wie das mit Versicherung ja so ist. Wann zahlen die überhaupt und für was genau. Jedenfalls wäre es schlecht etwaige Reperaturen aufschieben, wenn überhaupt möglich. Im konkreten Fall musste Hand angelegt werden bei der Vorderachse und wer sich auskennt wird nun gleich vermuten, dass es um die Querlenker oder die Antriebswelle geht. In unserem Fall wurden die Gelenke der Antriebswelle auf beiden Seiten ausgetauscht und der Händler hat alles mit derr Versicherung geklärt und auch eigene Kulanz gewährt.
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Ein weiteres Thema ist der Öldrucksensor. Es gibt also immer wieder ein Warnton und Warnsymbol (rote Ölkanne), welche dann nach kruzem wieder ausgeht. Am Öl kann es nicht liegen, es ist wohl ein Defekt oder Fehler am Sensor. Das aber lläuft noch und es gibt daher noch kein Endergäbnis im Bezug auf diese Fehlermeldung. Persönlich mache ich mir nichts vor. Ich hoffe zwar, dass die Dinge nach und nach so auftreten und errledigt werrden können, dass es nicht auf einen Schlag unbezahlbar wid.
Aber wie gesagt. Das gehört zum Besitzen eines Bullis dazu. Wrr Glück hat, schafft einen Gebrauchten an, der weniger Probleme bekommen wird oder hat, wer Pech hat, hat zu einem Fahrzeug gegiffen mit mehr Poblemen. Die ganzen Themen hat man dann aber ja auch irgendwan meh oder weniger im Griff. Ganz großes Thema wäre eiin Motorschaden. Hier sollte es bei unserem Bulli aber hoffentllich hablwegs gutgehen. Der hat eine von der Leistung her kleine Maschine drinnen. Viel anfälliger sind da die Fahrzeuge mit dem starken Motor, wie bspw. die 150 PS Variante beim VW T6.1.
Während man also bei einem herkömmichen Auto irgendwann massiv gegen den Wert des Fahrzeugs repaierren muss, so ist das beim Bulli nicht ganz so. Eben weil die Nahcfrage so groß ist und die Fahrzeuge insgesamt kaum an Wert verlieren. Eher umgekehrt. Modelle vor dem T3 in gutem Zustand und nicht aus Brasillien sind heute nicht nur Ikonen, sondern auch unbezahlbar. Aber das ist ein anderes Thema.
Naja, schauen wir mal, was als nächstes ansteht ;-)
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techcree · 1 year
Noch eine Notiz-App? Cursive App?
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Es soll eine Neuerung sein. So zumindest werden Chromebook Nutzer derzeit nach einem der letzten Updates informiert.
Es nennt sich Cursive App. Sie ist eine Browser-Anwendung und wird nun Chromebook Nutzern als Neuerung angezeigt. Jedenfalls, wenn man sich die Updates/Neuerungen ansieht. Dort wird auf Funktionen hingewiesen, über die die App aber noch garnicht verfügt. Irgendwie ist das schon etwas merkwürdig, zumal es ja eigentlich eine Notzizen App bereits seit langer Zeit gibt und die kann sogar mehr.
Da muss man sich ernsthaft die Frage stellen, warum man sich innerhalb des eigenen Hauses bei den Apps ständig selbst Konkurrenz schafft und zwei ooder mehr Anwendungen nebeneinander her entwickelt. Am Ende wird es dann doch wieder eingefangen und Apps landen dann mehr oder weniger ohne Begründung auf dem großen App-Friedhof von Google.
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Tragisch ist es, wenn sich Nutzer erstmal an etwas gewönt haben. Und warum die Cursive App gerade für Chromebook Nutzer so toll sein soll, ja dies ist so auch nicht so recht nachvollziehbar. Sicher, es zielt hier speziell auf die Nutzung von Eingabestiften ab. Einige Chromebooks und ChromeOOS Tablets, die ja leider auch Chromebooks genannt werden, verrfügen über einen Toutchscreen.
Der kann dann nunmal auch dazu verwendet werden handschriftliche Zeichnungen oder Notizen anzufertigen. Die uns allen aber llange bekannte Notizen App, welche ja auch über den Schnellstart zu finden ist, bietet mehr und dürfte daher auch für viele eher die erste Wahl sein. Mit dem "Schnellstart" sind die neun Punkte neben dem Profilbild genannt, wenn man also die Gooogle Startseite aufruft und natürlich auch eingeloggt ist. Also ein Google Konto nutzt.
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Auch hier können Notizen oder Zeichnungen handschriftlich erstelllt werden. Zudem lassen sich die Notizen auch besser wiederfinden und anpinnen, um sie vorangestellt vor allen anderen zu finden. Irgendwie macht das also nicht so recht viel Sinn und die Cursive App ist zudem keine ChromeOS Anwendung, sondern auch nur eine von viellen Websites, die man kennen muss, da diese eben nicht wie die Ursprungs-Notizen App in der Google Anwendungswelt schon fest verankert ist.
Beim ersten test überzeugt mich die Cursive App ganz persönlich nicht so recht und vermutllich werde ich diese App in Zukunft niemehr verwenden. Das mag für andere Nutzer anders sein. Gerade wenn diese die Notizen App so noch nicht auf dem Radarschirm hatten. Wer aber Lösungen anderer Anbieter kennt, wie diese gerade auch bei Apple etabliert sind, der wird an der Cursive App von Google kaum sonderlich gefallen finden können.
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undelightfuly · 1 year
I dont know where to start, hindi ko na matandaan kung paano tayo naging close czar pero ang pagkakatanda ko naging seatmate kita nung highschool at lagi tayong naguusap,nagkokopyahan at kinakabahan pa kapag may recitation hanggang sa nagkakachat na rin tayo sa messenger non kung ano ano pang pinagchachat natin sa isat-isa noon nagvovoice message nagsesendan ng emoji's masaya ako noon dahil nakilala kita ata pareho pa tayong mahilig sa mga pogi kaya lalo tayong nagkasundo pareho din tayong mailap sa tao non pero habang tumatagal nagiging maldita na charot sobrang na touch ako nung ginawan moko ng letter nung 16 yrs old tayo sobrang effort ng letter na ginawa mo sakin kayo ni ey sobrang sobrang natouch ako non. Tapos naalala ko pa nung 2nd yr nagpapapicture tayo sa mga pogi non sa mariano sinamahan moko magpapicture sa crush ko tapos sinamahan din kita magpapicture kay vaughn hahahaha kilig na kilig pa tayo non sobrang babaw ng kaligayahan hahahahaha nakakamiss na ganon lang mga iniisip natin non hahaha. Hanggang sa naging close na rin tayo non nila ey di ko alam kung paano nangyari yon siguro dahil magkakilala kami ni ey at magkakilala tayo bigla na lang tayong nagclick tatlo 🤍 hanggang nagkaroon na tayong gc tatlo lagi pa nangngutang sayo si ey sa filipino hahaha tapos sinusulat mo pa siya non sobrang bait mo pa non di ka makatanggi hahaha tapos nagpalot pa tayo ng bio non sa twitter ginawan pa kita ng twiitter kasi wala kapa non hahahha ako pa nagtitweet sa twitter noon hahahah para lang pare-pareho tayo nila ey 😔 pagkakatanda ko di ka namin na surprise ng bday mo kasii nabusy ang wapols kaya gumawa na lang me ng video or pic ba yon tapos gumawa rin ako ng letter para sayo kasi gusto ko bumawi sa ginawa mo sakin :( tapos nagulat ako nung sinabi mo na aa adu ka rin magaaral natuwa ako kasi magkakasama us at pati si im nahiwalay nga lang si ey dahil dream school nya ang pup. Mas lalo tayong naging close ng shs dahil tayo ang magkakilala doon lumabas na yung pagiging makulit natin halos lahat ng first time nagawa natin nung shs di nga lang ang pagjojowa as maarteng nilalang tayo na akala mo kagaganda HAHAHAHAH first overnyt at cavite natin shs natin nagawa mej maluwag na satin non kaya tuwang tuwa tayo halos maubos pera natin kakagala at mej gabi na rin us nakakauwi pero uuwi pa din tayo dahil baka makita na natin sa labas yung damit natin paguwi hahahaha lagi tayong sabay umuwi minsan kapag nashoshort ako lagi mo akong nililibre ng pamasahe tapos pinapautang mo ako para lang makasama sobrang natotouch ako non dahil yun yung mga panahon na sobrang sakto lang ng baon ko dahil nagbabayad pa kasi ng tuition at wala kaming pera non dinadagdagan moko para lang makasama ako sa mga gala sobrang thankful ako non di mo lang alam kaya kapag may sobra ako nililobre talaga kita at nireregaluhan kahit simple lang ahaha naalala ko yung bday mo nung 18 mo sabi mo wala ka sa bahay at di kapa nakakauwi ayaw mo kasi ako pumunta kaya pumunta na lang ako sa bahay nyo dinala ko yung cake na diy ko para sayo kinabahan kapa kung ano nakalagay hahaha happy bday llang naman yon hahahha sana natouch ka man lang non ayun lang nakayanan nng budget ko hahaha gusto ko lang talaga kita bigyan ng cake. Before Graduation sa adu naiyak kapa kasi sobrang malapit tayo sa mga kaklase natin nung shs nakakamiss rin naman taoaga sobrang daming memories.
College Yung mageexam na us para sa college di natin malaman kung saan tayong school kasi nga naghahanap us ng libre lang yung walang tuition di mo na naantay ssa rtu kasi waiting ka rin don kaya gumora kana sa earist kasi no choice ka sinamahan pa kita magenroll buong araw dalawang beses pa us bumalik paraagasikaso sinasamahan kita kasi alam kong di mo gamay dito sa manila kaya lagi kitang sinasamahan kapag nagpapasama sana napansin mo na andito lang ako lagi sa tabi mo kahit minsan nagtatalo us kasi di tayo nagkakasundo hahahah pero di naman tayo nagkakagalot tapos sobrang moody mo pala nung shs iba iba lagi mood tapos di na lang kita kinakausap kapag galit or wala ka sa mood pero magkasabay tayong umuuwi non HAHAHHA parang ewan lang hahaha katawa pa nung first inom natin nahihilo pa tayo 3 sanmig lang naman ang ininom hahahaha hays kamiss. Sorry din kung nabasag kko pala yung ipad non kinabahan ako malala pero nagulat ako nung hindi ka nagalit nasa isip isip ko non babawi ako sayo kapag nagkatrabaho ako babayaran lo yung ipad mo kaso ayun di na ako makakabawi sayo sa lahat 😔 sinasamahan mo pa ako sa pagggawa ng plates ko non ikaw pa gumawa nung iba kong plates sa dami 😔 sobrang thankful na naman ako sayo non, sobrang dami mong nagawa para sakin czar kaya sobrang hirap di ko alam kung paano tong nararamdaman ko pero sobrang sakit czar ikaw lang naman din yung pinagssasabihihan ko ng lahat ng nangyayari sa buhay ko , dahil hirap din ako magopen sa iba ata alam kong mapagkakatiwalaan ka talaga, kapag may nagsabi sayo ng secret di mo talaga sasabihin isa yon sa nakakatuwa sayo😢 Ngayon czar wala na ako matatag sa mga nakikita kong relatable na post , sa tiktok wala na rin kahit sa ig hays wala na akong mapagsasabihin ng chikas sa mga oppa hindi ako sanay. Di man lang tayo nagkita bago ka man lang nawala ang daya daya mo naiinis ako sayo! sana pala pinilit na kitang gunala non hays.
Bakit kasi ang bilis mo naman mag give up kala ko strong tayo at binabalewala lang natin ang problema sa buhay te sana nagmaldita kana lang alam kong magiging successful pa tayo sa buhay akala ko magiibang bansa pa us dalawa naiisip ko na nga na magkasama us hanggang sa pagtanda na kaso bigla mo naman akong iniwan 😭. Pinipilit kong hindi ipakita yung sakit na nararamdaman ko pero ang hirap kasi ikaw lang rin naman ang bestfriend ko czar wala nmana iba sana alam mo yon. Gabi-gabi parin akong naiiyak at naiisip parin kita lagi.Lalo na kapag nagchachat ang mama mo alam kong magagalit ka sakin pero wala naman ako g magawa kailangan nila malaman ang totoo. Sa totoo lang mej nagagalit din ako sakanila sa nangyari di ka man lang nila kinamust tapos ngayon sobra yung iyak nila at mahal ka daw nila sana dati palang sinabi na nila naramdaman mo man lang sana yon. Pero promise czar di kita kakalimutan cecelebrate ko parin bday mo kahit wala kana magtatapos ako para kahit isa man lang satin nakatapos ng pagaaral tulungan moko czar ah 😔 gumagaan pa naman ang loob ko pag nailalabas ko sayo yung problema sana naging ganon ka rin sakin 😭 mamimiss kita czar hindi kita kakalimutan 💛🖤💛🖤 sana gabayan mo ako dito sa mundong to 💛 I LOVE YOU!!!!
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ca7lix · 1 year
Chapter 6
Wicked and Compass Chapter 6: Two Sides of the Coin
Two Sides of the Coin Winter of January 2014 Hardin, Empire of Eden On the next morning, Lushan drove to a psychiatric clinic to visit her personal psychiatrist prior to heading to work. “How many hours of sleep have you been getting this time since the last time you visited me, Milady?” Dr Llang asked but Lushan initially only stared at her. Lushan soon sharply sighed, tearing her eyes away…
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cxcox · 2 years
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Hirap naman ng nga matatanda na to pabagsakin hayup HAHAHAHAHAbuti na llang nagwagi yung kabutihan kahit hilong hilo na HAHAHSHAHAHAHHAHA
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fratboykate · 4 years
Clark came back in one of those crossover specials (I think in the supergirl episode) from the CW! Tom is a smart boi tho so he didn’t have a plot, it was just one quick cameo of him and Lois.
Thank’s for letting me know. A few people sent me links and Erica is just as bad as I remember and her and Tom still have zero chemistry. NOTP status still very much intact. If it’s not Clana I don’t want it. She was the one he married and had girls with. That’s the multiverse we should’ve visited lol
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Had to look up what actual chemisty and a real endgame looks like to wash the bad taste of Clois out of my mouht jklsfldhgjkfdg
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cakerollk · 3 years
i had three glasses of espresso martini and almost posted nsfw on my tumblr wheezes
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Verbal Morphology Part 2
OK, let's move onto voice morphology, which kinda follows on nicely as kind of a tag on to stem-formation more generally.
As with most languages, verb roots may be either unmarked transitive or intransitive. However, the language generally lacks ambitransitive verbs, making use of overt voice markers to increase or decrease valency.
Furthermore, Frislandic in general dislikes unergative verbs, preferring basic intransitives to be unaccusative. Thus, for a verb such as sjæ 'burn', the only reading of the bare stem accessible is of an object which is on fire; exclaiming 'it burns!' when you are the person on fire/being burnt is not grammatical Frislandic (excluding varieties that have been influence by languages such as English with looser transitivity constraints).
The first valency-changing operation is the causative, marked by a suffix -l. As with causatives across languages more generally, this is primarily used to derive monotransitive verbs from intransitives, for the simple reason that causativising a transitive does awkward things to the argument structure (we'll discuss how to deal with that below). Thus sjæ 'it burns/is burning' → jæ-l-a 'I set it on fire', me-jæ-l 'it causes me to burn/it burns me'; biz 'they know, understnad, comprehend' (technically an intransitive, but that's for another post) → viz-l-a 'I teach them/cause them to understand'; ikk 'it runs out' → ikk-l-a 'I drain it' and so on.
The second valency-changing operation is the applicative, which is marked by a prefix d-. This raises an oblique argument to core status, but the semantics are somewhat variable. As it is clearly etymologically related to the dative case suffix -ð, it has much of the same semantics, including:
recipients: ke-ð-sa-v 'I give (it) to you' (but note ke-ron-a 'I give to you'; maybe a discussion on the semantics of sa vs. son might make a post someday); am be-d-llang-end 'I am telling you (all)'; ø-ð-akkaðon-sj-a 'I painted him with colours'.
beneficiaries: me-ð-arað-te 'they bore [it] for me'; am ke-ð-keteljan-end 'I'm boiling the kettle for you'; ke-ð-dokkott-sj-a 'I made you a doll'.
maleficiaries: me-ð-kajn-te 'they died on me'; me-ð-sjæ-nd 'it's burning me'; me-ð-ikk-te 'I have run out of/lost it'
associated locations: k-i-ð-makkvæd-a 'I will visit you'; se-d-gwng-end 'They're staying at ours'; ke-ð-mas-sj-a 'I sat([down) by you'.
This form may also take the reflexive possessive to produce the 'autobenefactive' prefix otte-. This appears to be in the process of becoming a reflexive, though other strategies are available (to be discussed in a future post) and there still needs to be some kind of benefactive/malefactive semantics, e.g. not otte-sjiriv-sj-a 'I wrote a note to myself', gængævl, otte-gangav-l! 'physician, heal thyself!'
The final valency-changing operation has been described as variously a passive, mediopassive, middle or impersonal; fundamentally it demotes an agent argument and (with transitive verbs) raises the erstwhile object to subject position. Most basically this is marked with a -t suffix, and remains as such in the 3rd person and in the progressive and indirect (which don't take/replace person inflections).
Gal mijk-et æte zie 'God is worshipped everywhere'
Upp bwl-t-end ge zin-er 'You are being ordered to disperse'
N'usk nesj-t-ið 'the bag (was) split open'
However, it combines idiosyncratically with the 2nd person singular and the 1st/2nd person plural. In the case of the former, the old Grassman's Law rears its head again as the aspiration dissimilation gives -ðek (a rule which must have applied to verb roots too and still is found in some related derivations, e.g. uos 'food' from uok 'eat' + -s (-*tʰ-i), where deaspirated /kʰ/ resultes in a historic /g~ɣ/ which is then lost: see e.g. Kampaj oahs /oa̯ɣs/ [ˈoɐ̯xs] where the velar fricative is retained (dialectal morphology is going to get a separate post or two for sure). With the 1st/2nd person plural, there is an idiosyncratic metathesis of I-r + -t to I-st. We'll come back to the person marking system in more detail in a future post.
These three formatives may be combined, with the (medio)passive following the causative in suffixing order. This ordering reflects the semantics: Frislandic has a morphological passive causative ('be made to X') but not a caustive passive ('cause to/let be X'). Part of this is the general dislike of unergativity, as in many cases a simple caustive serves as the equivalent of a causative passive anyway, e.g. tæ-l can both mean 'let fall/drop' and also 'cause to be dropped/let be dropped', which aren't semantically all that distinct. Specificity can be acheived by a biclausal complementisation strategy with sa, e.g. sa ge tæ 'let it/have it fall' (literally 'put [it] so that it falls') vs. sa ge tæ-t 'let/have it be dropped'.
The applicative interacts with these two forms in more complex ways. This is in part due to is morphological position, not having a defined ordering relative to the causative and passive (being a prefix) and partly because of its complex mix of functions, often not being entirely clear how it fits into the case structure of the sentence. For example, a form such as ke-ð-nab-l-a is potentially ambiguous between 'I make [them] go to you' (a causative of ke-ð-nab 'they go to you') and 'I make [them] go on your behalf/in your place' (an applicative of ∅-nab-l-a 'I make them go'). In this case context is normally sufficient to disambiguate the two functions, but once again the biclausal structure can serve to disambiguate if desired, thus ∅-ra-v ge ke-ð-nab 'I make them go to you' vs. ke-ð-sa-v ge nab 'I made them go on your behalf/in your place'
However, things become especially complicated when it is noted that with transitive verbs a demoted (nominal) agent normally takes the dative case (e.g. ne zott-eð uok-l-a ne kell 'I made the man (zott) eat the fish (kell)'; you can have full glosses when I start talking syntax). By implication, this might be taken to indicate that pronominal demoted agents should take the applicative. In fact this is not usually an issue. The key detail is that with causatives a demoted pronominal transitive subject (of a basic transitive verb) is typically expressed using simply the pronominal prefix, without accompanying applicative. This is generally possible because causativising a verb which already had a prefixed pronominal object is generally dispreferred (in keeping with its primary usage as a transitiviser with intransitives): thus m'uok-l-ek 'you make me eat' (from uok-a 'I eat) is fine, but ?me-luok-el ukkeð 'they make me choose you' (from ke-luok-a 'I choose you'), while notionally possible, would seem off; once again, a biclausal me-ra ge ke-luok-a 'they make me choose you' would be used instead.
As a result, this frees up the form with the applicative prefix to mark a retained applied argument instead of the demoted subject. Thus ke-ð-llang-el [ameð] 'they make [me] talk to you' (as opposed to me-lang-el 'they make me talk'); se-d-bir-el-te [torok] 'they deprived us of [mercy]' (literally 'they caused [mercy] to be missing from us'). And of course a biclausal alternative is available too, e.g. me-ra ge ke-ð-llang-a 'they make me talk to you'; sa-te ge torok se-d-bir 'they deprived us of mercy' (and yes the uses of this complementiser ge are numerous and worthy of their own post too).
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ultimate-fangirl34 · 4 years
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