Request: Like I already told you for my Liz Thompson x Boyfriend! Reader where the two of them are going on a road trip and the reader has to take photos of the trip and LIz: The eldest of the Thompson sisters request. I would like this request written as an one-shot
Title: Polaroids
Genre: I hope you don’t mind the request being marked as a fluffy and romantic piece! 
Pairing: Liz Thompson X Boyfriend!Reader
Notes: Fair warning before I begin, I want to preface everything I say with this: the work is cheesy, the work will be very cliche, but I do hope that it comes off as cute and acceptable. Thanks for the request!
(Also, I took some small liberties and made the characters older for the idea to work. I hope you don’t mind that!) 
Below the cut! 
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Death City was sparkling under the sun, the heat pounding on the walkways and buildings. People were walking around from ice cream stand to cafe, and the weather was making itself obvious on their faces. 
The rushing crowd was big, but nonetheless, Liz and (y/n) had managed to sneak away for the time being. You had dragged Liz on a date, and it was a time spent trying to get Kid to let Liz go for the day - “He needs his weapons, and he had to have symmetry!”
Safe to assume, Liz was able to be free of the teenage reaper for the day (as long as she was prepared to come by if a kishin were to show up), and she was as happy as could be. In typical fashion, she was complaining, but (y/n) and her wouldn’t have it any other way.
The couple were holding hands, a safer way to go through the town without dealing with heatstroke, when an idea hit the male. “Weird idea, how about a road trip? Maybe later this week, possibly even today?” 
The dirty blonde blanched before responding, “Kid would flip, babe.It would take a lot of convincing.” (Y/n) groaned at the realization - his girlfriend’s right, Kid wouldn’t allow it. That is, unless...
“What if we invite them to come with? Or, at least give them the warning?” he inquired. Liz had stopped for a second, trying to deliberate the idea quickly. (Y/n) found the image of her pouting just the slightest super cute, though he knew he had to hold off from doing that if it meant the thought would come somewhat to fruition. 
She smiled after a few seconds, “Tell me about the plan over coffee, and we may have a deal.” 
(Y/n) snickered at the compromise, rolling his eyes with a grin, but gently tugged her to the nearest Deathbucks. “First things first....”
Overall, the idea deliberation went fairly well, but the fact of the matter was: the rest of the group would be a hazard to a peaceful experience. 
The couple had come to this conclusion by the time their date had come to an end, and this led to a compromise in which (Y/n) and Liz would do the trip themselves, and if needed, could allow the team reason to find them in the case of a kishin attack. 
It seemed to flow pretty well, and the idea was considered and confirmed. After all, a meister needs their weapon, and with Kid you had to be careful. Luckily, the plan went by well with him (Patty was flipping out throughout the whole pitch) and Liz had already started to get her stuff together. Once you got the confirmation, you did the same. 
It took a few days to pass, but everything was prepared and you two left at an ungodly hour (4:30 AM to be specific). Liz was extremely tired, so she didn’t last too long with the softer music playing from the speakers of the taller male’s vehicle. Though he was also tired, (Y/n) had to stay alert if the drive was to be safe.
The specialized playlist had continued to play throughout the time on the road, as well as when (Y/n) had peeked over at his girlfriend in the passenger’s seat. Her hair was strewn about the headrest despite being tied into a ponytail, her jacket had slipped off her shoulder, and her eyelashes were casting shadows on the top of her cheeks.
“An opportunity, perhaps...?” the male had inquired under his breath. His own thought overwhelmed him and he pulled off at a nearby rest stop.
(Y/n) had to get the picture, and what Liz didn’t know was that her boyfriend had brought a polaroid camera with his stuff. And it was sitting in the bigger pocket of his travel bag in the backseat of the vehicle.
Given the scenario and the photo op, he quietly leaned back and grabbed the camera. After checking to make sure she was still asleep, he snapped a picture and waited for the photo to come out. 
Once it was in his hands, he put the picture in his wallet and slid the camera back into his bag. ‘I’ll tell Liz later, she’ll have a field day if I tell her now.’
He had checked the time once more, and with it now hitting 7:30, hunger pains were bound to strike them soon enough. With no food, the couple (on both fronts) would definitely be angry. 
“:Liz? Hey, Liz, baby?” He had started to shake the sleeping female, which only elicited a groan. “Liz, come on.” Still shaking her, still shaking her, still shaking her.... “Baby, come on. We need to eat.” 
The mention of the food was what caught her attention, and she opened one eye while muttering about food under her breath. “Food?...Mmm, I’m getting up....”
The male deadpanned and watched as she lethargically pulled herself up, making eye contact and smirking just the slightest as she flung the vehicle door open energetically. 
“What the- you weren’t asleep were you?” Liz giggled as she was able to recount the photography moment. The male’s jaw was on the floor, but he trailed after his girlfriend and partook in mutual teasing throughout breakfast. 
Eventually the two had to switch out. There was a plan, after all (courtesy of (Y/n)), and they had to keep it going strong if they wanted to make it to their predetermined destination before 2 PM. 
Now, seeing as it was pushing time for the two to leave from breakfast, they had to hurry. Guess whose job it was to drive this time? 
That’s right, Liz’s. And boy, oh boy, was she hesitant. 
That being the case, though....
(Y/n) had taken the liberty of paying, so that left Liz to start the car up. That also left her some time to snag the polaroid and snap a picture or two. So, snag she did.
‘He’ll never know~.’
Either way things worked out, as he left she snapped a picture of him in the sunlight. The wind had been flowing, he was shielding his eyes from the light, and he was fair distance away so the chances that he would suspect she had taken a picture was very low. 
Thought the walk wasn’t that short, she had rummaged around in her bag and hid the camera behind it as the photo processed and came out. When it was out, she had hid it in a compartment in her stuff and grabbed her sunglasses before moving the camera into the blanket in between their stuff. 
Liz, looking posh with her dark sunglasses and pristine white tank top and denim shorts, had noticed the taller male looking at her through the windows of the vehicle.
Fake ogling, ‘aah’ing, and a  raised eyebrow were a result of that. He had encouraged her to strut even more than she already was and was dead set on making his jaw drop on the floor before the end of the night. 
She was already working there, and (Y/n) had burst out laughing when she had opened the door and her smirk lifted into a goofy Grinch face. She eventually broke out into belly laughs after he sent one back at her. 
Yes, little words were exchanged, but the whole scene was refreshing for them (considering they deal with kishins fairly often). 
The sun had only gotten brighter as the time had passed by. When they had gotten stopped at a light from time to time, too - well, prime time to listen to her hilarious rants of anger regarding life in general. 
Granted, (Y/n) did the same, but his angry rants never matched up to her’s if they were to pop up out of the blue. 
They had spent a good hour belting along to songs blasting through the speakers as well, and given the chance that (Y/n) had reached behind to the backseat to grab a water bottle, he had also grabbed the camera. 
Though it was becoming a game of back-and-forth with a camera, he wasn’t bothering to hide the fact that he was down to take a picture (or five) of his glowing girlfriend. 
In fact, when she was singing along to some obnoxious road-trip rock, they had been going along a forest road after leaving the city. The trees letting in small glimpses of sun through their branches framed her face perfectly, and the little wisps of hair that had popped out of her ponytail were visible. 
The perfect, aesthetic, and beauty capturing photo of Liz Thompson. A woman he is proud to call his girlfriend. 
As he lifted the camera to the light and took the picture, his nimble fingers froze when Liz peeked over at him and rolled her eyes. (Y/n) let out a short giggle when she looked away and continued belting the notes out of tune. 
A quick snap sound didn’t phase her as she just chuckled and continued on her action as he waved the photo to see it better after it was ejected. 
“You are loving that camera aren’t you, babe?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’m loving the camera? Are you sure you aren’t, princess - cause it definitely loves you.”
“Oh, shut it. I could say the same for you, you loser.”
The laughter that filled the room following the banter was contagious, though that moment allowed it to be reserved for the two of them alone. 
Yet again, as lunch began to loom over the two, the sun had continued to beat down upon the couple. They were able to determine that they wouldn’t last much longer without any filling food, as well. 
Yeah, they needed to find a restaurant or rest stop soon, or else their angry rants and singing would become more obnoxious and annoying. The conversations they were having were also beginning to cut themselves a little short. 
That, though, was not going to be allowed throughout the course of the trip. (Y/n) had pointed out where things were as they were nearing a small town en route to their destination. The quickest place to go just so they could maintain time happened to be a small hometown diner. 
It was bustling with life, seeing as it was lunchtime, and people were smiling excitedly over coffee and homemade hamburgers as the couple observed the scene through the window. Liz was pulling into the decently sized parking lot, and as she did so, the male beside her had reached behind him to grab his wallet from his bag. 
The sound of her moving the gear shift to ‘P’ alerted the male as the car stopped. He held his leather wallet in his hand as Liz pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them to him - they hit him in the shoulder when he tried to dodge. 
“Oh my Death, what the-”
“You of all people should’ve seen it coming, babe.”
“Oh yeah? Well, I was going to pay for both of our meals, but if you don’t want food, I guess...”
(Y/n) chuckled at his girlfriend’s antics before opening the car door and leaving the vehicle. Liz pouted and rolled her eyes before doing the same.
While they were walking to the front door, Liz snatched the camera from her boyfriend’s hands and snapped a quick picture of his shocked face before waiting for the photo to come out. He laughed and snagged it right back. 
“Had to get your fill of payback, didn’t ya, princess?”
“Okay, you seriously need to stop calling me that.”
“No can do, princess.”
The both of them had been seated by a sweet middle-aged woman who then took their order. She had a huge smile on her face, and (Y/n) was beginning to find it addicting. 
As the woman went back to get their drinks of choice, Liz had sent a look towards her boyfriend after noticing the look that settled on his face. He had a simper that stretched to his eyes as he held the camera up and grabbed her hand that had been resting on the table in front of them.
With a playful glint in his eyes, he raised a question. “So, who’s taking the picture?” As he finished his inquiry, Liz rolled her eyes.
“You really are a romantic, aren’t you?”
“So I guess it’s me, then.”
She let out a snort and gestured to their intertwined hands on the table. “Go ahead, you idiot.”
A calm smile made its way onto the male’s face as he snapped a picture of their hands from above, the light hitting their flesh through shadows that were cast from the condiment bottle set up beside other consumer-used additions. 
They (read: (Y/n)) had continued to snap photos of extra cheesy moments shared between them over lunch.
One photo consisted of Liz, a burger in her one hand and her other reaching to cover the lens. Another consisted of (Y/n) stuffing his face with his food, which Liz found hilarious and couldn’t resist the urge to take a photo of. The final photo in the ever-growing stack of their lunch endeavor was one in which there was a kiss - a short peck on (Y/n)’s cheek on the way out of the establishment. 
As they left the diner, Liz tossed the keys to the towering male and slid into the passenger’s seat as soon as the doors were unlocked. (Y/n) slid the camera to Liz as he entered the vehicle, and she took another picture of him from the seat beside him. 
He just shook his head with a loving smile on his face, watching as she waited in clam delight for the picture to come out so she could see it. He then directed his attention from his girlfriend in the passenger’s side and to the vehicle, turning it on and leaving the lot in favor of the road. 
There wasn’t much more time until they reached their destination.
Given the scenario ((Y/n) behind the wheel, Liz holding the camera in the passenger’s seat), it wasn’t shocking when they both went on about their day as they had been - off-key singing and taking charge of the other’s road rage. 
While the upbeat music had continued to play throughout the surrounding speakers, Liz had the polaroid up against the sun. She had snapped a few pictures of the passing skylines through the trees, of the clouds in the sky at just the right angle. And the best ones? Well...
In her mild frenzy of photography, she had snuck multiple photos of the male beside her while he was driving. Some were funny (sometimes catching him pretending to belt out a high note, sometimes catching him holding up a finger to the driver in front or behind them with a disgusted grimace on his face), others were just beautiful. 
His silhouette was outlined by the afternoon sun, his sunglasses glinting in the light, and everything reflected just perfectly. ‘Yeah, I regret nothing.’
“Hey, princess, you done admiring those photos of me you took?”
Liz rolled her eyes at (Y/n) as he smirked at her expression. “You mean your mug? Yeah, right...”
“...mhm, be honest.”
“Fine - yeah, I was. Happy you cocky loser?” Liz uttered sarcastically, a smile sweeping across her features. (Y/n) had a similar joking smirk cross his face as she finished her statement. 
Soon, they reached a stoplight. It was here that Liz snapped another picture of the male and waited for it to eject from the camera as (Y/n) had checked the street signs. 
“Hey, Liz. We’re almost to the peak.” Her ears seemed to perk up at the statement. 
“Really? We’re almost there?” she questioned excitedly, her boyfriend observing her reaction from his peripheral vision. A smirk began to rest itself on his face, and he chuckled just the slightest. 
“Give it a few minutes, okay? If you’re thirsty, we can stop somewhere and get something to drink before we get there so we don’t die of dehydration.” 
Liz rolled her eyes at him, snapping a picture of his overdramatic expression - a hand, positioned on his forehead, in a woeful pose. He let out a chesty laugh after the image was taken and continued on the road to the peak. 
Time had seemed to slow down as Liz’s adrenaline started to kick in. She had suggested that they go to the peak, but she wasn’t sure that (Y/n) would agree with the idea. He’d never been the most romantic type, nor had she, but she wanted to try to be. 
It seemed that he wanted to as well, because he had told her what he had originally planned. Liz was ecstatic when she became aware of his romantic sunset-date that he had thought of. 
While the time was starting to get to her, especially after (Y/n) had run in a gas station and picked up something for the two to drink other than warm water. Things did come to a head when they made it to the destination, though.
This image in front of them made the two of them become quiet.
The both of them had only ever imagined what the view would look like, though (Y/n)’s was much more gorgeous than the setting sun in front of them. Liz, lit up by the purple and orange glow of the sun with the shadows of trees behind her acting as a frame, made his cheeks flush and his eyes flash with hearts.
Liz had left the polaroid in the vehicle in her rush, and the male had noticed it. The amount of joy he had when he realized that, had he not grabbed it, this moment couldn’t and wouldn’t be captured was through the roof.
He had to get a picture. Now. So he did.
The sound of the camera shutter drew Liz’s attention away from the rocky, glowing landscape. “What was that for, you loser? You distracted me.”
With a laugh to start, (Y/n) uttered a statement that made her cheeks flush tomato red. “I couldn’t help it, you were glowing. That, and the angle was perfect - you literally made the landscape so much more beautiful.”
Her boyfriend’s words shocked her, but she knew that this wouldn’t last long and her blushing face would be the target of teasing if she didn’t do something. So, she leaned up and kissed him quickly.
He froze at the action, and kept a tight grip on the camera as he stood still. ‘Okay, not happening.’
With almost superhuman speed, he had turned Liz’s body to face him and pressed his lips to hers gently. She had responded quickly, and in the moment, he had taken a picture of their lips intertwined.
The setting sun had made the whole scene take on a purple hue and, as it continued to set, everything throughout the day fell into place. All of the words settled into the chilly night air, their hands seemed to fit together even better than before, and the way that their heartbeats seemed to beat in time got even more synchronized.
The kiss got very passionate, and once the picture was taken, the hand holding it was dropped to the male’s side while his other went up to cup Liz’s cheek. She had a grip on his wrist and her other hand was resting on the back of (Y/n)’s head, and she had begun to push it into the base of his head as the kiss continued.
Before time had picked up, they had pulled away from the other and stared into the other’s eyes. Smiles slid onto their faces, but that was swapped for a look of surprise as Liz snagged the camera and took a picture of (Y/n)’s blushing face.
The fun continued to play out for another minute or so before they reached into the vehicle and set up a small rest spot. Liz had the blanket and pillows they had brought while (Y/n) had the drinks and leftover snacks. 
Five minutes passed as they set up, and the rest of the night passed by with stargazing, constellation games, and more teasing and kisses. 
By the time they had finished their items, their phones indicated the time, and they both packed up and got ready to head home or find a motel to crash at for the night. 
Morning had already struck, and Liz was behind the wheel while (Y/n) slept in the passenger’s side seat. His hair hit the headrest in a certain way, the coffee that was sitting in the cupholders halfway empty an indicator of a caffeine crash he had a couple hours back.
‘6:45. Great, it shouldn’t be too much longer until we get back home.’
She smiled lovingly at the (h/c) beside her before redirecting her attention to the road and continuing back to Death City. 
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mothgutz · 5 years
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« 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. » ______ Kiddo makes a return (swipe for a bit closer)! Remember when I said I was gonna post consistently LMAO;; These first two weeks have been incredibly busy and I miss everyone on the west coast but college has been pretty good so far! @ east coasters, please give me boba places to try,, I’m in NEED (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) . Also, thank you for giving so much love to my recents! They’ve been doing really well and I appreciate it sm (*´∇`*) . QUESTION: Would you guys rather me post more on weekends or week days? I wanna try to figure out a new posting schedule! ______ Photography/editing: @kat.sumii ______ From Instagram
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ocanna24 · 5 years
@baoziyibob , @liz.thomps & @brammermia walking for @rickowensonline Spring Summer 2020 Tecuatl womens during Paris Fashion Week / #fashion #rickowens #tecuatl #tecuatlwomens #baoziyi #lizthompson #Model #miabrammer #TopModel #SuperModel #Supermodelo #parisfashionweek #parisfrance #rickowensss20 #RickOwensspringSummer2020 #springsummer2020 #spring2020 #avantgarde #fashionnews (en Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IiR6TFN67/?igshid=1e0phi05fh00x
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creationsbykd-blog · 6 years
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Some old anime drawings of mine. #lizthompson from #souleater (signed by her voice actress!), #sebastianmichaelis from #blackbutler , and #shizukanekonome from #rosariovampire
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instadw · 3 years
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the Chagos Archipelago — Global Issues
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Soul Eater Edit, for Liz and Patty
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twiztidskull · 7 years
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Liz and Patty Soul Eater cosplays anime usa 2016 cosplayers: Rintare (Liz) and Lilitare (Patty) of @tare.tare.tare #lizandpatty #souleater #ausa #animeusa2016 #ausa2016 #animeusa #lizthompson #pattythompson #cosplay
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alex-waddles · 5 years
#i couldn't have been the only one who heard this
#anime #souleater #deku #lizthompson #izukumidoriya #bnha #myheroacademia
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thechasefiles · 7 years
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In 1995 then MINISTER OF HEALTH and the Environment Liz Thompson decked in a Sanitation Service Authority spent 4 collecting on a SSA TRUCK collecting Garbage. Fast Forward to 2018 Independent Candidate for The City of Bridgetown Miss Natalie Harewood did it on her own without pomp or pageantry. Neither were there state run trucks at her disposal or government workers to assist. Decked in a skinny jeans, boots & a white t-shirt she put on her protective gloves & mask before getting to the task. Ably assisted by her campaign manager Charlie Spice they removed old cars and piles of garbage from the City she is seeking to represent. What elected MPs failed to do in 10 years she did in a day. Well if that’s not a good start I don’t know what is. Good job Miss Harewood. Continue to keep your head up. #missharewood #natalieharwood #cityofbridgetown #cleanupcampaign #lizthompson #whenyuhbackbroadyouremainfocused #ilovetheunderdog #theysaidsheisntrelevant #isaysheisVERYrelevant #poorpeopleprincess
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unownzone · 7 years
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Liz as #pokemon #nursery #sister #souleater #lizthompson #crossover #cowboyhat #denimjacket #jeans #daycare #rude
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godlywitchstudent · 7 years
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""Anime, and books and kiss, and, and it's not real!" - from Soul eater lemon/ SoMa (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Yi2ATpaQiE
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ghostbananac · 7 years
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I don't really know what's going on in this. @charuu as DTK and Sara as Liz. #animegirl #cute #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaywig #cosplaygirl #instadaily #instagirl #model #fakemodel #souleater #patty #pattythompson #lizthompson #deaththekid #anime #souleatercosplay #souleateranime #funimation #me #photoshoot #photography #wig #throwbackmonday #flashbackphoto #animelove
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godlywitchstudent · 7 years
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""Anime, and books and kiss, and, and it's not real!" - from Soul eater lemon/ SoMa (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/o7RdXJ9PiE
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