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fanfictiondreamscape · 3 years ago
"Lord Death is my dad now. Sorry, Kid." - Meeting DTK’s Father HCs
Request: Hey! If that's okay could i request some headcanons for Lord Death acting as a father figure to Kid's s/o?
And maybe kid's s/o doesn't have a good relationship with their actual parents but as soon as Death started acting this way they're immediately like "okay you're my dad (in law!) now."
The whole thing is just-
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Btw can you tag me once it's ready? Thanks!
Feel free to ignore if you're not comfy with it!!
Title: "Lord Death is my dad now. Sorry, Kid." - Meeting DTK’s Father HCs
Genre: fluffy, v e r y comedic, angst if you squint, and frankly a lil romantic at some points
Pairing: Death the Kid x GN!Reader
Notes: Okay, the second I saw this in my inbox, I was excited. Like, really excited.
Not only because of the meme included, (though that was one things that caught my attention, to be fair-) but also due to the request itself. I can totally see Lord Death doing this and Kid being so embarassed, and the whole gang clowning him for it- 
A whole treasure trove of ideas slapped me square in the face, and I really appreciate you for that! On another note, I decided to roll with headcanons, so I hope that’s alright. 
Do note that there will be some slight mentions of familial abuse/neglect, so proceed with caution if you wish to read it. 
That said, I hope you enjoy it! 
Below the cut!
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being a student at the DWMA was a fun experience, just as much as it was dangerous
and you were most definitely more open than you were when you first started schooling
but most people chalked that up to meeting death the kid
you came in after the main group did, even after kid did, so you were to be guided around the school by someone.
you didn’t have a partner yet, but that would be soon to come, and it just happened to come to be by the end of the day.
normally, that itself would have been a milestone
you didn’t expect that lord death’s son would be the one to give you the guide
you had been instructed to arrive at 7 to pick up any information and ask any questions about protocols that were needed (a staff member met you outside) 
but were told that your tour would start at 8 am as opposed to when you were done with your questions
which was weird, until kid showed up and proclaimed happiness at seeing you there on time
it clicked then, and you had been intrigued since
its been a few years now, you had met the group and had gotten along with them and your partner did as well
but the thing that not a single person expected to happen (aside from certain teachers and staff, of course) was that you and kid got close
and closer
and closer
until liz caught on and called you both out in the middle of a basketball game in the park’s court
seriously, she shouted at the both of you
“kiss and get over the tension already!” to be exact
so you two did
on your second date- 
but yeah, that started the roller coaster ride that is called your relationship with death the kid
on a more serious note, though this was completely unexpected
the only reason you had a partner was because they were an old friend of yours and you both applied to the DWMA 
and got lucky enough that you two were accepted
so you two obviously collaborated when you ran into each other and eventually became a weapon and meister pair
but again, that was due to the bond you two had growing up
your parents never really reacted well around each other, and thus the relationship you wanted with the both of them never came
in fact, it twisted what you already had and now you refuse to contact them unless absolutely neccessary
really, you wanted something more meaningful with the both of them, but their approach to relationships, love, and life in general turned you away from anyone that you just...couldn’t trust 
and kid just so happened to understand your hesitance to speak on it, and respected it
(almost) everyone else tried to pry, but he didn’t
and the way that he handled it just felt...diffferent than the way others did
you respected it
and you knew he respected you and your boundaries as well
so yeah
that trust was the reason
it wasn’t until you had been brought to the death room with him to meet his father that you saw your chance
“heya, kiddo! who have you got here with you?”
“father, this is my partner, (y/n).”
“hello, lord death.”
he sounded super cheery, extremely far off from what you expected
but it wasn’t an unwelcome surprise
“just call me pops, kid!”
that moment was when it clicked
kid was deathly embarassed, but you?
yeah, you were basking in it
from that point forward, if you were to ever see lord death, you would always do things that you wanted to do with your parents
card games, stupid paintings, discussing stupid things
hell, he even managed to pull out images of kid as a baby when you had dropped in to bring something to him before you and kid actually began your date
that was a story lol
“(y/n), dear, i���m so sorry about him-”
“no, no, no, it’s fine, kid!”
“as fine as it may be, it was quite sudden and he is often like that...”
“i can tell, but really - it’s fine, kid.”
he sighed a sigh of relief
“...but you were an absolutely a d o r a b l e baby, y’know that?”
cue kid slamming his face into the table at the cafe you were currently at 
and that’s not all 
whenever lord death would drop by the gallows mansion, he would always be sure to ask about you you weren’t there
it honestly made kid a little jealous 
but it was all in good fun
kid knew of your family issues, so he knew what lord death was to you 
which made even more sense when you had to get something off your chest but you just couldn’t bring yourself to tell kid
your parents had tried to contact you, pestering you and ridiculing you for not coming over and not calling them to inform them of your state
you knew they didn’t really care, you knew they only wanted to mooch off your status as the partner to lord death’s son
it really rubbed you the wrong way, and you had to rant, kick, scream, and cry
but you didn’t want to burden kid with that
whether he would understand wasn’t what you were afraid of, rather it was burdening him
you knew that he would listen and do what he could possibly do to ease your tension
but you needed a nice card game and some tea to talk it over
so you went to lord death
(after checking if he was available, obviously) 
he was curious, admittedly, but no matter
why wouldn’t he welcome a student just wanting to talk?
especially considering that things were going as normal
(and that you were making kid happy anyway-) 
you went over, and he had already been doing some shuffling
tea wasn’t made, obviously
but you still came in
“ah, (y/n)! what brings you in, kiddo?”
you waved, slightly
“some family stuff. you don’t mind if i stay here and talk it out with you, do you?”
“of course not! let’s have a seat and then we can talk, hmm?”
you smiled slightly, nodding
“i’d like that.”
and so tea was brought in, cards were set up, and you began to play a multitude of card games 
you ranted, telling him of why you came here
(he suspected something was going on because most people that come in from out of town without their parents imply some indication of homesickness)
(you didn’t) 
how your parents were neglectful, failing to not only praise your achievements, but also failing to truly care for you
it was similar to matilda, to be frank
you even compared that movie to your life
your parents were greedy and materialistic
and you didn’t fall in with what they wanted
you could honestly care less about what they wanted from you at this point,
but the fact that they had called you and demanded - yes, D E M A N D E D - that you share the spoils of death the kid and lord death...
it tipped you over the edge
it was then that death saw what kid saw in you, the reason as to why he came to this point
not only were you respectful, intelligent, and highly capable
you were also extremely strong to endure that 
lord death let you scream, cry, even break a couple of objects that weren’t needed anymore to blow off steam
and once you were done, he gently patted your head and handed you the last cookie that was on the plate
“if you need to talk ever again, come on back. i’m here to help you, kiddo!”
you laughed brushing the nonexistent dirt off your pants before you thanked him
(and grabbed the cookie. obviously.) 
he was curious as to why you didn’t tell, kid, though...
you were walking out when he stopped you once more
“if i could ask, though, why didn’t you tell kiddo?”
you shrugged, making a face
“i don’t want to burden him. he’s already stressed out enough, i couldn’t do that to him.”
“oh, don’t worry about kid! i promise he’ll understand, (y/n).”
you nodded once more, thanked him once again, and left the death room.
and from that point forward, you and kid had lord death as your biggest fan.
on multiple occassions, you and death would team up to help kid
you both were cheering him on when blackstar wanted to challenge him to a fight to test his improvement
you were in there to tell him about the new progress you and your partner had made
but then maka had sent you a text saying that kid and blackstar were going at it
(yes, we’re gonna act like they have cell phones)
you giggled at it, told lord death, and then proceeded to watch from a window
after you told maka to access it, of course
when the image came up, you were both armed with pom-poms and confetti
kid balked and soul, the twins, as well as maka bust out laughing
(blackstar just shouted about how he was going to win and that you two should be supporting him lol)
that fight went well
(for kid) 
and the next day was spent playing basketball with the gang
it was there that you did the same thing
and who did the same thing when kid had reported progress?
of course, the one and only lord death! 
there were even a couple occassions that you would drop in with kid when he would go to report progress ‘
(or you, it happened both ways) 
that things would get sidetracked before the progress could be communicated,
and death would pull out something that kid loved when he was younger to show you
baby pictures, an old stuffed animal, some old drawings that he’d done
you loved it, lord death enjoyed it, and kid was perpetually embarrassed
(though he always knew it was all in good fun) 
he did have to admit that it made him really happy, though
he wasn’t sure if you would get along with his father considering the relationship you had with yours was far from ideal
but his worries proved false
it allowed comfort for the both of you,
and lord death really appreciated and respected you for helping kid come to terms with his OCD and help him when he would panic or simply require backup
and as for you? 
you had a lot of ammo to fire at kid if the time came for you to surprise him 
(read: lighthearted blackmail) 
and you also had a good source of information to reach out to when you were stumped for a gift 
all in all, it worked out perfectly
and, when it came time to either become a death scythe or get your weapon to becoming a death scythe
lord death had paired you, your partner, kid, and the twins altogether as a team
you not only managed to gain acclaim, but also a father that truly loves his child and a boyfriend that respects you and treats you as you both know you deserve to be treated
(plus the inside jokes that came from talking with death confuse kid often, so that’s another plus) 
- @dexpairs-blog​ - 
936 notes · View notes
xreaders-and-imagines · 8 years ago
Spirit Albarn x Fem Reader
#4 “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
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It was a slow Friday, which was quite unusual. Friday was when all the lonely and tired men got off work early, and would drink their woes away until it was time to head home. You hummed and cleaned up a little around the small pub, when Spirit Albarn walked in.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Albarn!” You chirped. He raised his eyebrows a little.
“Hey, Y/N.” He looked around. “Is it just me today?” You nodded.
“Yes sir, we’ve barely had any business all day.” Spirit sighed and sat on the couch, just like he always did. Every day he’s come in, get drunk, and cry on your shoulder until closing time. It wasn’t exactly your job to comfort him or anything, but over the time you’d spent making him feel better, you’d taken a liking to him.
“Y/N, you wanna sit with me?” He asked, his voice sounding tired. Without saying anything you walked over and sat next to him. He leaned his head back and rested his neck on the top of the couch. “I have had…an awful day..” He said with another sigh.
“What happened?”
“Maka. She totally hates me. Won’t even talk to me now.” You gave a reassuring smile, along with a blush, which surprised you.
“I’m sure she’s just having a tough time, is all. She’ll be back to her old self in no time.” He didn’t say anything, and closed his eyes, drifting through his past memories. You gazed at him. Everything about him seemed to calm you. The way his long, red hair hung in front of his eyes, or the way his chest slowly moved up and down as he relaxed. You swallowed.
“Hey, uh, Mr. Albarn?” He opened one eye and looked at you from the side.
“I told you before you can call me Spirit. What is it?” He asked with a low and tired tone.
“Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?” He lifted his head up, opened both eyes, and looked at you, a bit surprised. Your blush was getting darker, and you bit your lip to try and conceal it.
“Y-Yes. If you don’t want to, I-“
“You kidding me? After the day I’ve had, a massage sounds great.” He smiled warmly. He shifted on the couch, and turned his back to you. You raised your hands to his shoulders, when he stopped you. “Wait, hold on.” He took his black coat off, and set it on the arm rest. “Okay, now you can start.” You began to massage him firmly through his gray shirt, and he let out a relieving groan.
“I-Is that good?”
“Yeah…right there..” His shoulder relaxed, and his red hair brushed against your fingers as they pressed up against his neck and shoulders. He cocked his head to the side, and smiled, though you couldn’t see it. “Wow Y/N, you’re really good at this...where’d you learn?”
“I guess it’s always been a skill of mine. It’s not like I ever took classes or anything.” You let out a nervous laugh. In all the times he had pulled you close and cried his eyes out on you, you had never once even blushed, but now that you’d really taken time realize how broken and kind he really was, you couldn’t help but like him. He needed some form of comfort, and it was always you. You were pulled from your thoughts as he let out another groan.
“A little to the right, if you don’t mind.” He said softly. You moved your hands, and felt him stiff up, but quickly relax as you pressed on the knot in his shoulder.
“Whoa, do you ever get massages?”
“Nah, no one’s ever offered. You’re the first.”
“That explains why this knot it so huge.” You smiled and tried massaging it from all different angles, and his soft and quiet breaths encouraged you to keep going.
“Don’t you close early today?” He asked, with a lighter tone.
“Yes, I think today is a holiday. That’s why.” Suddenly he leaned forward and stood up off the couch.
“Then I won’t keep you any longer.” He turned and smiled at you after collecting his jacket. “Thanks, Y/N. I mean it.” He rotated his neck in circles, and you forced yourself to look away, fearing you’d crumble. “You really helped, I feel so much better.” You looked up, and your eyes met.
“So…I’ll continue tomorrow?” You asked quickly.
“Yeah, definitely.” He gave you one last grin before turning around and walking out, giving you something to look forward to in the next day.
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fanfictiondreamscape · 3 years ago
“Put me down, already!” - When You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder
Request: Heyo omgggg your whole blog is the only thing keeping me going rn and for that I would like to say thanks :] <3
Can I please have Soul Evans, Spirit Albarn and Death The Kid with an s/o who picks them up at random times like they could be talking to someone and their s/o would just pick them up and just run off making the other person be like "🕴🏽"
Anyways have a nice day and please stay safe please remember to drink and eat!!
(!! if this makes you uncomfortable in anyway please delete !!)
Title: "Put me down, already!” - When You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder
Genre: if anyone expected this to be anything aside from funny and fluffy, you’re wrong - very wrong. 
Pairing: Death the Kid/Soul Eater Evans/Spirit Albarn X GN!Reader (Separately) 
Notes: Alright, so, let’s get this straight: I am absoluteloy in L O V E with the fact that this is the introduction that Spirit gets to the blog. Maybe a bit obsessed with it, but hey! 
Anyway, I wasn’t sure what format you wanted, so I decided to roll with a mix of headcanons and a short drabble to go with it. Note that this is mostly because I can’t help myself and I just have to do something to put more focus on it - can you tell I love this prompt yet?
Either way, thank you for requesting! I’m so happy to hear that my writing has helped you! Really. That’s why I put this stuff out for others to see, and it always makes me so happy to see that people look to this for comfort and enjoyment. So, I thank you for that! :)
That said, I hope all readers enjoy! 
Below the cut! 
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Death the Kid 
with kid, i just know that he would really appreciate being with someone super strong
it isn’t often that your partner can kick ass into next week, 
or that they can bench almost four to five times your body weight,
but that is about where it ends in regards to acknowledging it
it’s you, what more can he ask for? 
but really though
he really admires your strength and your tenacity
it’s something that he can’t admire enough
he will never get used to you using your strength to tease him to no end
everyone else enjoys seeing him loosen up around you
but what they never expected was seeing the stoic and strong kid get hauled around like a child with a toy by you 
you can count the amount of times it has happened, he can’t
and the twins are on constant guard of counting but they’re always off
(it’s happened around 117 times, just to let you know-) 
it leaves him a flustered mess
it leaves you a giggly one
it’s great, really
he also really appreciates that you care enough to see him smile
but he’d really like if you could calm it down a little bit
(unless the situation calls for it)
(sometimes the boy gets scared, and needs someone to haul him out of dangerous situations) 
(please help him in those situations) 
YOU AND KID had been out on a date since the early morning. It was his day from the twins, and your day from your partner (and workplace).  The sun was beating down on the two of you as you both continued your stroll through Death City. 
“(Y/n), dear?” Kid began, a bit quietly. You nodded, humming to him. “Would you want to get some lunch? I’m getting a bit hungry.”
You laughed, nearly curling over on the sidewalk. Kid was trying to cover the sight, brushing the event off as you coughing for a second. “Kid, hun, if you want to get food, you don’t have to ask like that! We can go ahead and do it!” Standing back up, you took a final breath to recover from the laughing fit that just occurred. “That said, what do you want?”
An agreement came with a small coffee shop on the outskirts of town; quiet and quaint is really all you needed at the moment. You both ordered your drinks, and each got an item off the menu, and then came to the decision to go to the park to eat it. 
It wasn’t too far away, so the shade and the bench was the perfect place to rest for the time being. Especially with a dinner being planned for later with everyone, a break from the world would be very much warranted for the moment. 
Once at the park, you both settled onto the bench by the basketball court and cuddled next to each other. You had your phone out scrolling through videos on DeathTube while Kid had his out, scrolling through DeathGram instead. 
You ran through multiple videos, playing snippets and exiting them, until you found one with a commentator that you really enjoy. They had been reviewing a knock-off movie on their latest video, so you pulled it up. “Hey, wanna watch this with me?”
Kid peeked over your shoulder and shrugged. “Sure, it looks interesting,” and then laid his arm over your shoulder as you kept a grip on your cellular. 
Cracking joke after joke, it managed to get a chuckle out of him and a nearly full-blown coughing fit out of you. 
Yes, he was worried. No, you didn’t choke on your beverage.  
Either way, some time had passed and then you heard the bouncing of a ball and the unmistakably brash tone of Blackstar. Well, you heard him and everyone else (aside from Maka. She had a great book at her apartment and refused to leave). 
“Are they really coming here now?” 
“Seems so,” Kid uttered. It rolled off his tongue almost like a chant - not like it wasn’t one by now. 
“Hey, Kid! I thought you were out on a date?” Patty’s voice rang through the area, almost bouncing off the net itself. 
“Yeah, we though you were gonna stay home,” came Liz. You pursed your lips, a bit bothered to be around everyone already, but Kid recovered quickly and pitched into the conversation. He’d tapped you on the shoulder and gestured for the both of you to stand up. 
“I wasn’t planning on staying there with them all day, it was nice out.” He appraoched them and brushed a bit of Liz’s sleeve to even the shirt she wore out. You stood by and continued staying behind. 
Soul and Tsubaki came by to talk to you, and you showed them the video you had been watching, but even then your social battery was already being drained. 
And being a bit drained and even slightly bored...
Well, an idea hit you like a train. 
You had bid Soul and Tsubaki goodbye after sharing some conversation about the coming evening, but they already knew what you were planning. Oh, did they know. (Soul was always a sucker for this, he found it hilarious) 
You ran over to Kid, standing in front of Blackstar, Liz, and Patty, and proceeded to haul him straight over your shoulder and then book it back to Gallows Manor. 
Full speed, he’d lost his empty bag somewhere along the way, and he was wriggling around. “(Y/n), why must you do this? Why?”
Smug as all hell, and willing to do it again, you let out a snort. “Because it’s fun! Now, let’s get back to the manor and watch a movie.”
Meanwhile, the twins were holding back laughter, Blackstar was confused, Tsubaki was left a little shocked, and Soul was about ready to pass out from laughing so hard. 
Number 118, knocked out. 
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Soul Eater Evans 
i feel like soul would silently love it
like, l o v e i t 
he just would refuse to say it.
(everyone knows he loves it) 
(he thinks he’s really good at hiding it) 
either way, he really admires your ability to hold out a routine for this so well
in his own words, “it’s really cool.”
but again, there’s that little factor of you being sneaky and feeling the need to pick him up and haul him out of a conversation 
anywhere, anytime
he will play it off like he hates it, probably about ready to cuss you out 
(yeah right) 
but really?
oh, he also loves that
is it sudden? 
hell yeah it is
is it a good way to stay on his toes?
hell yeah it is
is it actually really cute seeing you get so excited about doing so?
cue the biggest, fattest, and most gigantic H E L L Y E S
honestly, he’ll put up with being embarrassed if it means that you remain happy
SOUL HAD BEEN stuck at school all day. You had been laying at his shared apartment with Maka, when she also had to jump ship and accompany him. It left you lonely.
You’d tried to combat it by flipping through channels on the television, scrolling through videos upon videos you had already seen, and even checking DeathGram - the last resort of last resorts to you. 
Yeah, none of it was working. Not in the slightest.
At least, you thought so, so you went to check your messages. Tired, bored, left alone - really, you just scrolled to scroll. 
Until a small pinging noise came from your cell. 
It was a message, and when you went to check it, you saw that it was from Liz. She was asking if you wanted to go get some coffee or something with her, simply because she was bored. 
Seemed like a disease today, but hey, whatever! Coffee with her? Bound to be gossip, so why not? 
So, you texted her back and proceeded to meet her at DeathBucks. 
Of course, a couple hours went by, and you both were done. Liz’s phone rang as your were throwing away the trash that the both of you had accumulated, and though you wanted to eavesdrop (as nicely as possibly, of course), you were too far away. Pity.
Your eavesdropping plan went bust, though, since she’d come to you looking exasperated. 
“Okay, Kid wants Patty and I at the school right now. I’m gonna have to hit it, like, now,” were her words. You shrugged. 
“I’ll join you. Soul’s been there all day, anyway.”
With that determined, you both left the establishment and proceeded to go on about your day. Showing some funny pictures you snuck of the gang, and her showing you some really cool makeup looks and nail art, let the time pass by really quickly. It almost left you upset at how fast the time went by. 
No matter, business called, and eventually Liz had to split up with you and meet up with Kid and Patty. 
“See ya’, (Y/n)!”
“See ya’!”
Pouting, you decided to roam the school anyway. Maybe drop in to see Dr. Stein or someone else, even Spirit would be welcome! 
Boredom is really a bitch, because even the idea of reading that new novel Maka bought you for your birthday crossed your mind. Rock bottom was dawning on you - really, truly dawning on you.
You yawned, and instead of doing anything really worth time, you went back to scrolling. 
Whether that was through DeathGram, DeathTube, or some other miscellaneous social media site, it didn’t matter. 
Time was going at a snail’s pace, and the sites were beginning to blend together. So much so, actually, that you could have sworn that you saw the same meal pic that someone had posted about four or five times.
“Ugh! This sucks...” you moaned, leaning back against the pillar you had seated yourself in front of. When you did, you didn’t remember, but it happened! 
The shade covered your face as the sun sunk into your pants, overheating you and making you wish you’d just decided to stay inside or at DeathBucks. Seriously, the least that you could have done would have been some homework or even hopping onto an online chatroom and going crazy. 
At least, the thought crossed your mind before you heard the combination of three very familiar voices. 
Soul was trailing behind Maka and Dr. Stein, silently observing them with a raised brow. It was almost a face of pure confusion, but not quite. 
Now was your chance. 
Revenge for leaving you alone all day? Oh, most definitely, you had to do it now. 
So, with precision (at least, as much as you could have when there were two meisters with insane soul sensing abilities), you ran towards the boy and held him over your shoulder. 
A devilish laugh left you as he started shouting, “Hey, what the hell? Put me down!” and stuff like, “This is so not cool...”
But as common it was to see him held over his partner’s shoulder, Maka was still a little taken aback. Dr. Stein, on the other hand, was about ready to laugh, even if he’d never seen it before. 
Simply for that stunt, you got your cuddles but you had to make dinner that night. Win-win, I guess? 
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Spirit Albarn “Death Scythe”
spirit is absolutely in love with it
you know that one audio that’s like
“i would love a woman that could just kill me” or something like that? 
yeah, some variation of that has most definitely left his mouth 
most likely in public, too
(unashamed, is what he is) 
you hated that unabashed aspect in those moments, but whatever
(cuz big buff partner make brain go brr-)
he really won’t mind it
in fact, i just know that he would encourage it
he wouldn’t expect it, no
but he would highly encourage it
he may also be very prone to flirting in the process of it 
and please note that by flirting, i mean sex jokes
super cheesy ones, but sex jokes nonetheless
you also have maka’s respect for doing this, too
it’s nice to see someone that can keep her playboy pops in check
either way, though
please do it
despite his personality, i also feel like he’s really touch-starved
so, i reiterate:
please, pick him up
SPIRIT WAS LAYING on a bench beside the school, watching the sun intently. 
Was he in thought? Most likely. 
Was a Spirit in thought ever a good idea? Rarely. Very rarely. 
No one ever really had much of an idea what was going through his head when he wasn’t thinking, but chances are that he was thinking about Maka and his ex-wife. Never really a good thing.
That is, to Maka, at least. 
You had been advising a fight on school grounds when you had been alerted to Spirit’s stone-faced and quiet attitude. According to Stein, it had been happening for the past half hour. 
Maka had been pointing out things about the fight, elaborating upon some things you had brought up as well as providing points and questions if she happened to have any. 
It was a nice way to get her to bond with you, and that made everyone happy. It took her mind off her father and his habits, and allowed her to get to know you. 
It also allowed her to see the effect you had on her father. 
As much as she hated to admit it, you brought out something in Spirit that she hadn’t seen since the last time he ever truly respected her mother. It definitely hurt, but she had already began to see you as a mother figure. 
It honestly helped her see him as less of a deadbeat and more of an actual dad, too. 
Didn’t negate the fact that he played scummy games and won a shitty prize, but hey! 
The fight was almost over when you received the doctor’s message, your text ringer going off. The crowd around you didn’t really catch it, but due to Maka’s proximity to you, she did.
“What’s going on?”
“Hmm?” You turned your attention to her, watching intently as she gestured to the cell in your hand. A look of realization crossed your face as you figured what she was asking. “Oh, nothing to worry about. Spirit’s getting into his head again.”
Maka rolled her eyes, pouting and huffing. “Of course he is. What’s it about this time?”
You chuckled at her reaction, quickly sending a response and tucking your phone away into your back pocket. “No clue. Probably just a little tired, he didn’t get much sleep last night.”
You kept your eyes on the fight in front of you as you watched the students’ battle come to a close. “He was making sure that you were getting some good luck sent your way for the upcoming exam. Not that it’s really surprising, though.”
With a groan, she deflated. “Again? Really?”
“Yes, really. Now might be the time for you to get back to class, though,” you began. “The fight’s about to end.”
Shaking her head, she turned around. “Alright, alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, though, right?” 
“Hopefully, kid. Now get to class, I can tell it’s killing you to stay here.”
And with that, she ran and the kids brawling finished. You sent them off and went to do your part in bringing the red head down from an already predestined trip. 
Waving to some of the students as you passed them, you entered in the vacant E.A.T. classroom to see Stein and Spirit centered in front of the righthand corner of the room. 
Stein looked bored, possibly even bothered by it, but Spirit looked dead. Eyes sunken, skin pale, huddled into a ball. It would have been depressing had he not been babbling about ‘Maka doing well’ and ‘providing my dear daughter with good luck’. 
“Ah, you came. I was wondering when you’d arrive,” Stein announced, side-eyeing Spirit’s hunched form as he approached you. 
“No problem, was just supervising a brawl. It had to happen today, apparently.”
The doctor sneered slightly, shaking his head and pressing the palm of his hand to the screw stuck in it. He turned it slowly as the cigarette in his mouth continued to burn. “Of course it did. The amount of students being reckless isn’t surprising.”
Chuckling, you walked past the man and patted his shoulder with a common familiarity. “I’ve got it from here. You had to meet Sid and Naigus, right? Get on with it, already.”
Turning the screw once again, he let a little laugh slip past his lips and exited the room. 
As silently as possible, you crept towards your partner as he continued to worry. He was already so far in thought that you could have, in all honesty, shouted every profanity known to man and he wouldn’t have responded. 
However, you had the oh-so-amazing trump card you could use. 
A smug grin plastered itself onto your face as you approached him, arms outstretched and in a defensive position. 
Within seconds, you had run up to the male and thrown him over you shoulders, dashing out of the room and to the entrance of the school. 
Shaken as he was, he was still walking, and no longer fussing. “What the hell, darling?”
“What do you mean, ‘what the hell’?” Astounded, you gently smacked the back of his head. “You’re tired, I can tell. Get the hell home and get the hell to sleep.”
“Okay, that was attractive- but I need to be there for my daughter-”
“In order to ‘be there for you daughter’, you’ve gotta get some sleep! You can’t support her if you’re so down and out that you can barely stand.”
Nagging as it was, he sighed, pouting and nodded. “Alright, alright...but you’ve gotta stay with me.”
Laughing, you grabbed him by the hand and faced him. “Got it. Now can we go so you can get some rest?”
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fanfictiondreamscape · 3 years ago
Self-Care Sesh, Check!
Request: hello!! i love ur writings theyre just *chefs kiss* SO CUTE HHH i was wondering if i can request headcannons for death the kid from soul eater on what it would be like to have a relaxing day with him like skincares, face masks, painting his nails, cuddling, etc?? just over the top fluffy ness please! thanks!! <3 (preferably female pronouns, thanks!)
Title: Self-Care Sesh, Check!
Genre: f l u f f y - like, s u p e r f l u f f y. some comedy as well, ahahaa.... yeah that’s about it- 
Pairing: Death the Kid X Fem!Reader
Notes: The second I saw this, I melted - again, a HUGE t h a n k y o u for that! Otherwise, a whole storyline struck me when I saw this. That and a lot of funny moments. Seriously, there’s so much potential here! 
Otherwise, I wanted to say that I hope you enjoy this! (That, and the fact that I cannot for the life of me find the same gif to use for each character, anyways-) 
Below the cut! 
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first things first here: 
liz has brought this up multiple times
she’s managed to even drag soul and blackstar into these things, 
crona even! 
but kid has never budged
maka’s done self-care stuff with her, patty has, tsubaki has - 
hell, so have you!
but not kid, never kid
you had an idea
he usually budged to you...
and you had learned a few things from liz....
see where i’m heading here? 
yeah, it’s pretty obvious lol
you had caught him one night after a mission
he’d just returned, and wanted to have the night alone with you 
liz and patty had decided to hang out with maka, soul, blackstar, and them
but you stayed at your apartment with him
he was laying back, reading a book
classical music was playing in the background 
you had been scrolling through your phone with your head on his shoulder
but then boredom hit 
and the thought that you hadn’t spent much time to yourself lately struck you
you hadn’t really done anything special to your hair, or your nails, or even your skin lately
it felt nice to do it every once in a while
and since kid hadn’t experience that as of yet, you pieced an idea together
“hey, kid?”
you cuddled into him further as he looked away from his novel
“would you want to do some facemasks with me?”
his eyes narrowed
“liz put you up to this, didn’t she?”
you gasped, dramatic as ever, and raised a hand to your chest
“not a chance! I was just asking if you wanted to try it.”
you smirked
“i know you can’t say no to me...”
he scrunched his nose, turned away and playfully scowled
“...fine, i guess. just nothing too insane.”
cue sparkles surrounding you
“thank you, thank you, thank you!”
one last glomp was all it took and you were dashing to your bathroom to get everything you needed
face masks, cleanser, moisturizer, serums, oils, you name it
it was all there, ready to use
you knew that you would have to ease him into it either way
so you started
you let him pick what music gets played, any of the shows or movies you guys ended up watching 
it helped him
you washed your face first, let him go next, and then proceeded onto the next steps
“okay, so - time for the face masks.”
“damn you, woman...you were waiting for this.”
your smug face said it all
he slid in front of you and left you go to town
eye masks went on, face masks went on, and even a couple cucumbers after a bit of time 
you were surprised that he had let you do so much already 
but no complaints! no complaints
just surprise
he actually seemed to be enjoying it
(as long as he wasn’t seeing the mask application in the mirror)
you couold have sworn that he was literal putty when you two were riding out the wait time on a peel-off mask
quiet relaxation
...until you got another idea
you had noticed your nails were looking a little...nasty lately
and you noticed kid’s hands
they were clean, but his nails were a little long
and his hair even looked a little dry
“...hey, kid?”
an almost uncharacteristic lazy hum came from him
“could i paint your nails? i’ll let you do mine, and you can choose the color.”
he raised an eyebrow, looked at his hands, looked at yours, then looked at you 
“as long as you’ll let me pick the colors.”
your semi-dry and almost unmovable face wiggled into a smile
you about spoke, about to ask about his hair-
“and yes, i will let you do my hair. same stipulations apply, though, darling.”
it took all of your willpower to not glomp him yet again
but what mostly stopped you was the fact that the mask might get stuck on your clothes and you didn’t want that
there was still one more mask to put on, that one being a moisturizing peel-off
so, you let him do yours, and you did his
(in the bathroom. obviously)
(like hell that gloopy stuff would reach your carpet)
that in itself took a hot minute since kid was determined to make your mask even
and he was so gentle while doing it too, it made you red-
and you had made sure to repay him by making his as symmetrical as possible in return
once the masks were on and the bathroom was cleared, you dug out your nail care materials
cuticle scissors, a metal cuticle remover, orange sticks, polish remover, multiple different colors of nail polish, base coats, top coats, et cetera et cetera
there was a lot
but no matter, you were going to do it
“that’s a bit much, don’t you think?”
“hmm? trust me, it’s really not when everything is ready, kid.”
sucking in a breath, he then sighed
“...alright, i’ll trust you on this. but i’m still picking the colors we’re using.”
and you left him to it.
you gathered all of the items you needed to show him how to care for the nails before the polish (as well as the base and top coats)
and kid had began to look through the colors you had.
he’d pulled out a simple black for him, and consulted you for yours
a (fav/color) polish and (black/white) were his picks for you
“how about this? would you like these colors?”
“kid, of course! i’m good with whatever you choose.”
“hmm, alright. i’m ready to begin.”
and so, it begins
you started on him, letting him watch what you did 
from getting rid of the excess dead skin around the nails, to buffing them to prep for the polish
even how to properly apply the nail polish to the nail
(though that ‘proper technique’ could be debateable-)
you let him dry his nails off before he did yours as well
he was adamant about that
he really wanted them to last :’)
(it really was sweet)
you could tell that he had paid attention to your teachings, too
he was making sure to cleanly and carefully care for your nails
the time it took was a bit long, but hey!
he did really well, and it made you really happy
and then did things get even more particular
he’d buffed the nail lightly, brushed away the dust, and when he went to put on the base coat
he nearly knocked the bottle of acetone over
“oh no!”
“i’ve got it!”
you caught it before it hit the ground, luckily
and only a tiny bit fell out
but it was still a little terrifying and left you a little more wary
kid was a little bit frozen
“kid, darling?”
you rolled your eyes, leaning in and pecking him on the lips
his ear turned red when you did
“...yes, i’m alright. let’s continue.”
so he did 
and he did wonderfully! 
the colors alternated per nail
(matching on each hand, obviously) 
and the cuticles were free of polish
nail shapes were perfect
everything was beautiful
and with that, you let them dry
you’d leaned your head against his shoulder once again, his arm draped softly against your shoulders
you peeked at the glossy black on his hands and smiled before letting the gentle music run through the room
and then it came time to remove the masks and do the hair
he was up first, obviously
(he said it was because he wanted to rest, but you knew he was beginning to see why nights like these were so great)
(that, and he wanted to learn how to do it himself) 
you had him tilt his head back against the bathtub in your bathroom
starting the water, finding the perfect temperature for it, and starting the showerhead all followed within seconds
he had his eyes closed and was sighing despite the uncomfortable position
you grabbed your shampoo and conditioner, preparing to wash his hair
and give him a head massage
“ah, (y/n) darling?”
“could you, perhaps...move a little closer to my temples?”
“of course.”
so you did.
he probably had a headache, or just some stress that he needed to relieve
it felt great for him, and he really did nearly fall asleep as you washed out the conditioner
(you already washed out the shampoo, don’t worry)
then, finally you grabbed the clear hair gloss and applied it to his hair, massaging that into his hair 
and while that settled, you laid back and kid washed your hair
gentle, and sweet, and very careful would be the only thing that could be used to describe the way he did your hair 
you had explained everything to him, and he took it in eerily well
buy hey, you couldn’t complain
he was never as relaxed as he was in that moment, and you wouldn’t ever wish to be the one to ruin the moment for him
when it came time to apply the gloss, he thoroughly did so
again, massaging it into your hair
and switching out once again to wash it out of his hair and apply a leave-in conditioner just to make sure that it stays nice, soft, and healthy
and you showed him how to do that, and he took it in once again and repeated the care process on your hair
and then came the fun part:
the drying process
you both had used a hair towel that wrapped around your heads to get most of the moisture out, but then you pulled out a hairdryer
“is that really necessary?”
“it’s easier to do and takes less time. plus, it’s been proven to be healthier for the hair.”
“fine then.”
you dried his hair on low heat, slowly using a comb and brushing it through the super slight and rare knots in his raven head
he observed you in the mirror as you did so 
(he loved the sight, but he would rather be sentenced to purgatory than admit that) 
(in the moment, at least) 
if you have straight/not-so-wavy-or-curly hair, then:
you handed the hairdryer to him, and he followed your example to the letter
he really tried to target any of the knots that were in your hair
and it tugged a bit hard a couple times
but that’s what comes with brushing and drying the hair
once the drying was done, you both combed out the remaining knots and proceeded to relax
if you have wavy/curly hair, then: 
he let you walk him through the process of drying and care
(not much here since the process is different for everybody)
but no matter, you both decided to lay back down on the sofa in the living area and watch a random tv show
you had you rhead laid against his lap
he had a hand running through your hair, and the other held your hand that was laid against your chest
“how was that, kid? you enjoy it?”
he hummed
“yes, i did. though i don’t really see myself doing it too often.”
“yeah, right. give me a call when you want to do it again.”
“yes, of course, my dear. now, how about we watch the show?”
rolling your eyes, you turned your head to the television and watched
kid wasn’t paying attention to the show, rather to you
but no matter
it relaxed him, and he frankly couldn’t ask for anymore from a night with you
(when he went home that night, liz and patty noticed his nails and gave him hell for it though)
(he decided then that he could only put up with you doing this for him rather than liz or patty)
(seriously, they teased the everloving hell out of him for caving to the self-care process)
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fanfictiondreamscape · 5 years ago
S/O Volunteers at a Daycare
Request: Im not entirely sure how to request but I did read your rules! So is it alright if I request DTK and Ciel with an S/O who works at her mother’s daycare during the weekends?
Title: S/O Volunteers at a Daycare 
Genre: fluff abound, and maybe a little comedic 
Pairing: Death the Kid/Ciel Phantomhive x Reader (separately) 
Notes: Okay, so this prompt made me flat out UwU shamelessly. Seriously, this was an adorable idea! That said, these are two of my favorite characters, so this made it even better!
So, thanks for the request! It made me feel bubbly and motivated, despite being almost stuck over the past week. Otherwise, the only things I would want to make you aware of are that I wrote them as headcanons because I felt that they would work best for the request, I tried to provide a small story for each set of headcanons, and - I think that’s it! I hope you enjoy it! (It also may be a little short, sorry!) 
Below the cut! 
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Death the Kid
straight outta the gate, he knew about your work at your mother’s daycare
he had to deal with a particularly dangerous kishin that attacked the workplace a while back, and he saw you as he took care of the tainted soul despite you already prepared to use your arm to fight against the monster
but what he didn’t know was that you worked so well with the children.
your intelligence is what drew him to you, and though he had his suspicions about your great understanding of children
this was unexpected.
he seriously thought that you would be more likely to take up the receptionist position.
you were very sociable, so that was where he thought you’d decide to volunteer as it would utilize your sociability and intelligence.
but this was odd.
he was patrolling around Death City, not failing to notice what he needed to
but this?
yeah, no - this was new.
he saw you and your mother, standing outside beside the playground with the kindergarteners
pushing them on the swings and lifting them onto higher structures if needed
frankly, the sight was adorable.
he noticed the way your eyes lit up when you were around the children, almost a motherly appeal in them
and when he saw the whole picture, he was even more starstruck by you.
you are so good with children,. 
like seriously.
most of the time, they look at him and look away or decide to make a fuss about his - shiver - hair. 
so this was something only he could dream about. 
it’s only when he brings this up to you that you realize he had seen you that day. 
“so, dear, you volunteer at the kindergarten downtown?”
“uh...yeah. why are you asking?”
“well, i was asking on behalf of an event that you could participate in.”
turns out he wanted to invite the kids to see the DWMA, and wanted to know if you’d be willing to go with him and guide the group despite it being a weekday. 
if your mom was down, so were you
luckily, your mom was ecstatic
and lord death was 100% down for it
so this was happening
eventually the day came, and all of the students were so happy to hear that they would be seeing the big school that they always saw from different points in town. 
when they saw you, though, they all ran to hug you tightly.
the sight made kid a little jealous lol
either way, they also spotted the boy beside you, and a few of them questioned who he was.
so, before he could go on a formal route, you stopped and introduced him yourself
“his name is death the kid, and he’s lord death’s son.”
“is he your boyfriend?” 
cue the matching tomato faces
your mom knew, she loved him
and normally she would stop this immediately, 
but the scene right in front of her eyes was entertaining and not harmful so- 
the tour of the school started, and as you and kid introduced the rooms and class system to the kids,
he had an almost vice-grip on your hand the whole time. 
sometimes, his grip could be painful, but this was one of those secure ones where you didn’t feel like you were going to slip at any second.
it made you feel happier, maybe a little more confident to present what you were presenting
until it hit lunchtime, where the children gathered around you and listened intently as you told stories of goings-on at the DWMA
kid and your mom listened to the occurrence from behind
“so you and my daughter?”
“miss/ms./mrs., if i may-” 
overall, though, the whole scene left the dual color-haired teen feeling even more happiness at the sight of you.
intelligent, gorgeous, talented, and kind and sweet? 
what more could a man want than someone as perfect as you?
following the tour, you and kid sat down and talked.
after some time, you and him came to the conclusion to take him with you sometimes.
because some of the kids really were starting to like him. 
eventually, it became a common occurrence for him to join you when volunteering on the weekends.
at one point, they targeted kid and called him big brother when you brought him to the kindergarten.
so yeah, you and kids? the sight is the perfect way to get him to turn firetruck red, so use it. 
and him and kids? vice versa, he can and will use it. 
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Ciel Phantomhive
listen, he knows you’re the closest thing to an actually good angel
but this was a whole new level of angel
he never really completely understood why you decided to do what you do, but he knows you’re pure-hearted
so could someone please explain to short blueberry wealth over here why he was surprised to see that you volunteered at a kindergarten?
let’s just say that when your mom was called upon to answer questions about the last time she had seen a notorious burglary suspect
and he saw you interacting with the children inside on his way out.
he blushed.
he couldn’t help it! the scene was too cute, and it made him feel something domestic!
(yeah, sebastian had a field day with the scene of ciel trying to cover his completely red face with his outerwear.)
anyway, the event made him see you in an even brighter light.
your kindness knows no bounds, does it? 
either way, he had to uphold an image.
as much as he wanted to gush about how sweet it made him feel and how much more beautiful it made you, he couldn’t
whether that was because he just couldn’t be overly sweet by nature or if it was his mature aura he had to exude to do business, he didn’t know
but yeah
he loved the image, and he went to any lengths to see it happen.
in fact, he took some extreme lengths for the children the kindergarten.
after doing some basic research on the kindergarten, it didn’t charge much for people to send their children there. 
at all. 
so he became aware that it was a kindergarten for poor families. 
(and he became flustered again. sebastian saw, teased him for it, then got commanded to clean up whatever mess the other servants of the manor had made.)
with this knowledge, he had specifically asked for Funtom toys to be sent to the kindergarten and gifted to the children. 
he originally planned to keep his name out of the endeavor, but that plan went bust when he remembered the image.
again, the domesticity that he felt from the image just- 
yeah, he was blushing again
and this was his reason behind showing up at the kindergarten and formally giving the children the toys.
you hadn’t known that he was going to do this, so your shocked face was very obvious.
the kids were shocked, but very grateful.
one of them even called him brother, and though it was odd, he found the statement oddly endearing and awkwardly patted the small boy’s head.
that’s when you blushed. 
after all of the children had their gifts and were sent off for nap time, your mother thanked him face-to-face. 
you were stood beside her in the doorway, trying to simultaneously keep an eye on the children and keep an eye on your short significant other
the blush never left your cheeks, and as you saw his hesitance to show any real “emotion” (if you get what i mean) you chuckled.
ciel still found the image so loving, and he still couldn’t help but get flustered but,
after all of this and the many times after that he provided support for either the kindergarten itself or the kids, you started to tease him.
(on the sidelines, sebastian was teasing the two of you which always resulted in him being instructed to do some offhand task elsewhere as a ploy to get him to leave the room)
(good times) 
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fanfictiondreamscape · 5 years ago
S/O has ADHD
Request: Hi! May i request Death the kid with a s/o who has ADHD? Tbh i headcanon him to take meds for his ocd, so i think it would be really sweet if they helped each other out🥺 Sorry this kind of headcanons are a huge comfort to me👉🏻👈🏻
Title: S/O has ADHD (Death the Kid x Reader) 
Genre: fluffy! mega floof (seriously, not teeth-rotting, but very fluffy)
Pairing: Death the Kid x Reader
Notes: Hey! Thank you for the request again! 
I tried to do some typical things with this before writing it (research, anecdotal accounts from friends, etc.), so I hope that this is to your liking! I also hope that you can find comfort in this as I struggle with writing this like this even generally accurately (at least, that’s what I feel). Either way, please enjoy the headcanons! 
(Sidenote: more writing for supposedly dead fandoms? Totally down for it, this is the second request I’ve gotten for Soul Eater and honestly? I’m ecstatic. Seriously, thank you for requesting for Soul Eater.)
Below the cut! 
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since dtk (essentially) canonically has ocd (though it is usually played off for comedic effect and is very over the top) i think he’d be able to grasp that his female s/o’s adhd is nothing to laugh at
which also means, if the two were dating, they’d both carry meds for the other
the alternative to that would be his s/o packing them when he and the twins weren’t looking, and dtk packing them when his s/o and their partner weren’t looking 
(it can go either way, weapon or meister.) 
that is only if the missions they take are away from Death City, though.
otherwise, the two would be each other’s fall back if they were to forget their meds or have a break in thinking 
so, when kid is going into an anxiety attack because something at his home isn’t symmetrical, his s/o would be beside him and rubbing his shoulder until they can pull him away to talk.
i imagine he wouldn’t date anyone unless he could trust them, so if he were to let you pull him away to calm down, that right there-
that’s a true sign of trust on his part. 
if he didn’t take his meds that day, too?
she’s on it, right in her bag! 
she’d be very much on top of his health and wellbeing
vice versa, though
he’d be immediately on guard and almost overly protective of her if she were to deal with any issues
no meds? everyone, stay away. let me get her medicine, and leave us be for a few minutes. 
panic attack? it’s okay, darling, you can cry on my shoulder. talk when and if you feel comfortable.
an injury? everyone, back away and have someone call an ambulance/the nurse. (depending on the situation of course.) 
and, since the likelihood that you two met in school while at the DWMA is very high, both of these scenarios can happen to the both of you.
on the other hand, these things are normal occurrences for the both of you alone.
since you two understand each other’s problems on a certain level, there would be a deep sense of relation on both your parts
with that being there, i can’t imagine that either of you would leave the other’s side in their times of need.
though, sometimes, these things can become overbearing in the relationship
that doesn’t mean that the feeling lasts forever.
you both are there whenever you two need each other
so, if you get extremely hyper on any occasion, dtk is there and prepared to calm you down.
if he gets very controlling and commandeering in terms of symmetry, you are there to stop his tyrant attitude and bring him down a few pegs
you forgot to refill your meds? well, he’s there to help you from your panic until you get the refill
he can’t find his meds? you always have some spares for him with you when he needs to take them.
just, overall?
the common ground the two of you have is a very stressful thing to deal with, but you two are just what you need to bring you both down from your struggles with the problems.
and this also leads to some very romantic gestures on both parts, though mostly from dtk
if you suffer from more scary episodes, he will not hesitate to treat you to a big and fancy dinner, nor will he hesitate to provide a big bouquet of red roses for you
just, generally a big fluffy and secure relationship.
and yes, while he isn’t the best with his emotions at the beginning of the relationship, he learns very quickly.
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fanfictiondreamscape · 4 years ago
Maka Comfort HCs - “Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to Me.”
Request: Hello, so i recently just read some of your soul eater content and I’ve been watching the anime a bit, so can I ask for a Maka x Reader with a friend that needs a little help, having no one to talk about their serious problems? Thanks, I just need some comfort.:)
Title: Maka Comfort HCs - “Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to Me.”
Genre: Comfort, lil bit angsty
Pairing: Maka Albarn x Platonic!GN!Reader
Notes: Hey! So, I know that this is later than it should have been (something that I don’t think I’ll ever allow myself to live down in the near future), but I thought I’d toss it out now before I start to cram homework. 
I also didn’t know if you wanted it in any specific format, so I put it into headcanons as that is the way that I feel I can portray feelings and issues like this best. It sounds bad, but emotions aren’t necessarily my strong suit and I find that, when they do hit, shorter sentences and actions do more than elaborate and extensive sentences. (I may have failed at that, though, so beware.) 
I hope that this is enjoyable, though I do know that this is late. I, again, sincerely apologize for that. 
Below the cut! 
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everything was failing you this past week
seriously, everything.
your grades were slipping
you were having a falling-out with your partner and your soul wavelengths were off
your parents were forcing you to take on extra classes so you could become an amazing student at the academy
and your insecurities were coming back to bite you hard.
so, everything was failing you
the last time this happened and you tried to talk to someone, though, people just brushed you off
Lord Death didn’t, but we all know that he’s busy and the most he could have given you was a short pep talk that he used to reassure that you are an amazing student
it didn’t help, though
(you gave him props for trying, though. a good principal cares)
with those past experiences, you have just begun to shut yourself away from everyone around
whenever someone would try and offer that you go out with them to the park, or that you go to a party that DTK is throwing, you would cover and say that you had work that you needed to do
everyone noticed the change
you were never particularly crazy, but your happiness was very obviously depleted as of late
it worried to whole of the group, but maka especially
she was the first friend you made when you arrived at the academy
she welcomed you with open arms and showed you around the school
even when blackstar challenged you to a fight, she gave you pointers on how to get to him to trap him and get the upper hand
(with help of soul, of course, but she gave some really good tips)
that said, she had been the one asking if you would join them
maka, even though she wasn’t fond of basketball and would rather have her head in a book under the shade, was persisting that she would play with you if you came
and after you had bailed for the umpteenth time in three weeks, she knew she had to jump in to action
she and soul went to your apartment and, under circumstance that she let him know if she needed anything, soul left for the park and maka stayed with you
“hey, y/n, it’s maka. can i come in?”
you didn’t move from your spot, though you were tempted to say something back 
(if she’d hear it, you wouldn’t care, but you just...didn’t) 
“y/n? please, i want to help you.”
still sitting. still quiet.
she had to plot something, and if this had to be the way, she’d do it.
“i’ve got your favorite movie and some candy here. we don’t have to talk, i just want to know if you’re okay.”
that is what got you
you could never say no to your favorite movie with your best friend.
so you sluggishly got up.
once you opened the door she made eye contact with your dull, blood-shot, and sunken eyes and she almost burst into tears
but she had self-control.
so she waited until you stepped out of the way to enter and set the items down on the nearest clear surface (the coffee table in the living room)
you only had to see her open arms when you looked over at her and you nearly burst into tears
but you held them back long enough to accept her invitation to hug her.
you started crying when you made contact with her
“tell me what’s going on when you’re ready, okay? i’ve got all day.”
so you did.
when your tears subsided for a short amount of time, you spoke.
“everything is going wrong.”
“my grades are slipping, my partner and i can’t work through this argument that we’re in so we can’t fight together, and my parents are throwing more and more crap onto my shoulders. i can’t even look at myself in the same way anymore.”
she just held you quietly, rocking back and forth as you gripped her tee
she let you cry what else you had in you before leaning away and wiping your tears away with a tissue 
(she found a box under the coffee table)
you let her wipe them away, a gentle look on her face
“hey, listen to me.”
you nodded, loosening your grip on her and setting your hands in your lap softly.
“you are one of the most intelligent and capable people i know. just because your grades are low now doesn’t mean that they will be within the next month.”
another tear, and another tissue.
“if you need it, i can help you, you know.”
“your parents, on the other hand, just want the best for you and they want you to succeed. but they don’t realize that this isn’t the way to do it. i’m sure if you tell them what you’re feeling, they’ll loosen up a little bit.”
you were lucky there, then. this was the only thing that they enforced and encouraged that rubbed you wrong.
“as for your partner, you need to talk to them. i can’t promise that anything will work immediately, but you and them work great together when you are together. you two understand each other well, and this is only a bump in the road.”
you took it in. 
“and finally, you are easily the most trustworthy, loving friend that anyone could ask for. you are gorgeous, you are intelligent, you are strong, and you are amazing with all of your so-called flaws.”
after settling, you were only sniffling, but you still found your voice
“thank you, maka.”
“don’t mention it! you always set aside time for me when i need it, so why wouldn’t i do the same for you? besides, you don’t have to be afraid to talk to me if you need to.”
you smiled, though meek, and settled further into the couch.
“now, how about that movie?”
you laughed, remembering the items she brought with her
“you brought popcorn, too?”
“yup, now, how about i go pop this popcorn and get some drinks and we can watch that movie, hmm?”
“sounds good to me, albarn.”
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fanfictiondreamscape · 5 years ago
Request: Like I already told you for my Liz Thompson x Boyfriend! Reader where the two of them are going on a road trip and the reader has to take photos of the trip and LIz: The eldest of the Thompson sisters request. I would like this request written as an one-shot
Title: Polaroids
Genre: I hope you don’t mind the request being marked as a fluffy and romantic piece! 
Pairing: Liz Thompson X Boyfriend!Reader
Notes: Fair warning before I begin, I want to preface everything I say with this: the work is cheesy, the work will be very cliche, but I do hope that it comes off as cute and acceptable. Thanks for the request!
(Also, I took some small liberties and made the characters older for the idea to work. I hope you don’t mind that!) 
Below the cut! 
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Death City was sparkling under the sun, the heat pounding on the walkways and buildings. People were walking around from ice cream stand to cafe, and the weather was making itself obvious on their faces. 
The rushing crowd was big, but nonetheless, Liz and (y/n) had managed to sneak away for the time being. You had dragged Liz on a date, and it was a time spent trying to get Kid to let Liz go for the day - “He needs his weapons, and he had to have symmetry!”
Safe to assume, Liz was able to be free of the teenage reaper for the day (as long as she was prepared to come by if a kishin were to show up), and she was as happy as could be. In typical fashion, she was complaining, but (y/n) and her wouldn’t have it any other way.
The couple were holding hands, a safer way to go through the town without dealing with heatstroke, when an idea hit the male. “Weird idea, how about a road trip? Maybe later this week, possibly even today?” 
The dirty blonde blanched before responding, “Kid would flip, babe.It would take a lot of convincing.” (Y/n) groaned at the realization - his girlfriend’s right, Kid wouldn’t allow it. That is, unless...
“What if we invite them to come with? Or, at least give them the warning?” he inquired. Liz had stopped for a second, trying to deliberate the idea quickly. (Y/n) found the image of her pouting just the slightest super cute, though he knew he had to hold off from doing that if it meant the thought would come somewhat to fruition. 
She smiled after a few seconds, “Tell me about the plan over coffee, and we may have a deal.” 
(Y/n) snickered at the compromise, rolling his eyes with a grin, but gently tugged her to the nearest Deathbucks. “First things first....”
Overall, the idea deliberation went fairly well, but the fact of the matter was: the rest of the group would be a hazard to a peaceful experience. 
The couple had come to this conclusion by the time their date had come to an end, and this led to a compromise in which (Y/n) and Liz would do the trip themselves, and if needed, could allow the team reason to find them in the case of a kishin attack. 
It seemed to flow pretty well, and the idea was considered and confirmed. After all, a meister needs their weapon, and with Kid you had to be careful. Luckily, the plan went by well with him (Patty was flipping out throughout the whole pitch) and Liz had already started to get her stuff together. Once you got the confirmation, you did the same. 
It took a few days to pass, but everything was prepared and you two left at an ungodly hour (4:30 AM to be specific). Liz was extremely tired, so she didn’t last too long with the softer music playing from the speakers of the taller male’s vehicle. Though he was also tired, (Y/n) had to stay alert if the drive was to be safe.
The specialized playlist had continued to play throughout the time on the road, as well as when (Y/n) had peeked over at his girlfriend in the passenger’s seat. Her hair was strewn about the headrest despite being tied into a ponytail, her jacket had slipped off her shoulder, and her eyelashes were casting shadows on the top of her cheeks.
“An opportunity, perhaps...?” the male had inquired under his breath. His own thought overwhelmed him and he pulled off at a nearby rest stop.
(Y/n) had to get the picture, and what Liz didn’t know was that her boyfriend had brought a polaroid camera with his stuff. And it was sitting in the bigger pocket of his travel bag in the backseat of the vehicle.
Given the scenario and the photo op, he quietly leaned back and grabbed the camera. After checking to make sure she was still asleep, he snapped a picture and waited for the photo to come out. 
Once it was in his hands, he put the picture in his wallet and slid the camera back into his bag. ‘I’ll tell Liz later, she’ll have a field day if I tell her now.’
He had checked the time once more, and with it now hitting 7:30, hunger pains were bound to strike them soon enough. With no food, the couple (on both fronts) would definitely be angry. 
“:Liz? Hey, Liz, baby?” He had started to shake the sleeping female, which only elicited a groan. “Liz, come on.” Still shaking her, still shaking her, still shaking her.... “Baby, come on. We need to eat.” 
The mention of the food was what caught her attention, and she opened one eye while muttering about food under her breath. “Food?...Mmm, I’m getting up....”
The male deadpanned and watched as she lethargically pulled herself up, making eye contact and smirking just the slightest as she flung the vehicle door open energetically. 
“What the- you weren’t asleep were you?” Liz giggled as she was able to recount the photography moment. The male’s jaw was on the floor, but he trailed after his girlfriend and partook in mutual teasing throughout breakfast. 
Eventually the two had to switch out. There was a plan, after all (courtesy of (Y/n)), and they had to keep it going strong if they wanted to make it to their predetermined destination before 2 PM. 
Now, seeing as it was pushing time for the two to leave from breakfast, they had to hurry. Guess whose job it was to drive this time? 
That’s right, Liz’s. And boy, oh boy, was she hesitant. 
That being the case, though....
(Y/n) had taken the liberty of paying, so that left Liz to start the car up. That also left her some time to snag the polaroid and snap a picture or two. So, snag she did.
‘He’ll never know~.’
Either way things worked out, as he left she snapped a picture of him in the sunlight. The wind had been flowing, he was shielding his eyes from the light, and he was fair distance away so the chances that he would suspect she had taken a picture was very low. 
Thought the walk wasn’t that short, she had rummaged around in her bag and hid the camera behind it as the photo processed and came out. When it was out, she had hid it in a compartment in her stuff and grabbed her sunglasses before moving the camera into the blanket in between their stuff. 
Liz, looking posh with her dark sunglasses and pristine white tank top and denim shorts, had noticed the taller male looking at her through the windows of the vehicle.
Fake ogling, ‘aah’ing, and a  raised eyebrow were a result of that. He had encouraged her to strut even more than she already was and was dead set on making his jaw drop on the floor before the end of the night. 
She was already working there, and (Y/n) had burst out laughing when she had opened the door and her smirk lifted into a goofy Grinch face. She eventually broke out into belly laughs after he sent one back at her. 
Yes, little words were exchanged, but the whole scene was refreshing for them (considering they deal with kishins fairly often). 
The sun had only gotten brighter as the time had passed by. When they had gotten stopped at a light from time to time, too - well, prime time to listen to her hilarious rants of anger regarding life in general. 
Granted, (Y/n) did the same, but his angry rants never matched up to her’s if they were to pop up out of the blue. 
They had spent a good hour belting along to songs blasting through the speakers as well, and given the chance that (Y/n) had reached behind to the backseat to grab a water bottle, he had also grabbed the camera. 
Though it was becoming a game of back-and-forth with a camera, he wasn’t bothering to hide the fact that he was down to take a picture (or five) of his glowing girlfriend. 
In fact, when she was singing along to some obnoxious road-trip rock, they had been going along a forest road after leaving the city. The trees letting in small glimpses of sun through their branches framed her face perfectly, and the little wisps of hair that had popped out of her ponytail were visible. 
The perfect, aesthetic, and beauty capturing photo of Liz Thompson. A woman he is proud to call his girlfriend. 
As he lifted the camera to the light and took the picture, his nimble fingers froze when Liz peeked over at him and rolled her eyes. (Y/n) let out a short giggle when she looked away and continued belting the notes out of tune. 
A quick snap sound didn’t phase her as she just chuckled and continued on her action as he waved the photo to see it better after it was ejected. 
“You are loving that camera aren’t you, babe?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’m loving the camera? Are you sure you aren’t, princess - cause it definitely loves you.”
“Oh, shut it. I could say the same for you, you loser.”
The laughter that filled the room following the banter was contagious, though that moment allowed it to be reserved for the two of them alone. 
Yet again, as lunch began to loom over the two, the sun had continued to beat down upon the couple. They were able to determine that they wouldn’t last much longer without any filling food, as well. 
Yeah, they needed to find a restaurant or rest stop soon, or else their angry rants and singing would become more obnoxious and annoying. The conversations they were having were also beginning to cut themselves a little short. 
That, though, was not going to be allowed throughout the course of the trip. (Y/n) had pointed out where things were as they were nearing a small town en route to their destination. The quickest place to go just so they could maintain time happened to be a small hometown diner. 
It was bustling with life, seeing as it was lunchtime, and people were smiling excitedly over coffee and homemade hamburgers as the couple observed the scene through the window. Liz was pulling into the decently sized parking lot, and as she did so, the male beside her had reached behind him to grab his wallet from his bag. 
The sound of her moving the gear shift to ‘P’ alerted the male as the car stopped. He held his leather wallet in his hand as Liz pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them to him - they hit him in the shoulder when he tried to dodge. 
“Oh my Death, what the-”
“You of all people should’ve seen it coming, babe.”
“Oh yeah? Well, I was going to pay for both of our meals, but if you don’t want food, I guess...”
(Y/n) chuckled at his girlfriend’s antics before opening the car door and leaving the vehicle. Liz pouted and rolled her eyes before doing the same.
While they were walking to the front door, Liz snatched the camera from her boyfriend’s hands and snapped a quick picture of his shocked face before waiting for the photo to come out. He laughed and snagged it right back. 
“Had to get your fill of payback, didn’t ya, princess?”
“Okay, you seriously need to stop calling me that.”
“No can do, princess.”
The both of them had been seated by a sweet middle-aged woman who then took their order. She had a huge smile on her face, and (Y/n) was beginning to find it addicting. 
As the woman went back to get their drinks of choice, Liz had sent a look towards her boyfriend after noticing the look that settled on his face. He had a simper that stretched to his eyes as he held the camera up and grabbed her hand that had been resting on the table in front of them.
With a playful glint in his eyes, he raised a question. “So, who’s taking the picture?” As he finished his inquiry, Liz rolled her eyes.
“You really are a romantic, aren’t you?”
“So I guess it’s me, then.”
She let out a snort and gestured to their intertwined hands on the table. “Go ahead, you idiot.”
A calm smile made its way onto the male’s face as he snapped a picture of their hands from above, the light hitting their flesh through shadows that were cast from the condiment bottle set up beside other consumer-used additions. 
They (read: (Y/n)) had continued to snap photos of extra cheesy moments shared between them over lunch.
One photo consisted of Liz, a burger in her one hand and her other reaching to cover the lens. Another consisted of (Y/n) stuffing his face with his food, which Liz found hilarious and couldn’t resist the urge to take a photo of. The final photo in the ever-growing stack of their lunch endeavor was one in which there was a kiss - a short peck on (Y/n)’s cheek on the way out of the establishment. 
As they left the diner, Liz tossed the keys to the towering male and slid into the passenger’s seat as soon as the doors were unlocked. (Y/n) slid the camera to Liz as he entered the vehicle, and she took another picture of him from the seat beside him. 
He just shook his head with a loving smile on his face, watching as she waited in clam delight for the picture to come out so she could see it. He then directed his attention from his girlfriend in the passenger’s side and to the vehicle, turning it on and leaving the lot in favor of the road. 
There wasn’t much more time until they reached their destination.
Given the scenario ((Y/n) behind the wheel, Liz holding the camera in the passenger’s seat), it wasn’t shocking when they both went on about their day as they had been - off-key singing and taking charge of the other’s road rage. 
While the upbeat music had continued to play throughout the surrounding speakers, Liz had the polaroid up against the sun. She had snapped a few pictures of the passing skylines through the trees, of the clouds in the sky at just the right angle. And the best ones? Well...
In her mild frenzy of photography, she had snuck multiple photos of the male beside her while he was driving. Some were funny (sometimes catching him pretending to belt out a high note, sometimes catching him holding up a finger to the driver in front or behind them with a disgusted grimace on his face), others were just beautiful. 
His silhouette was outlined by the afternoon sun, his sunglasses glinting in the light, and everything reflected just perfectly. ‘Yeah, I regret nothing.’
“Hey, princess, you done admiring those photos of me you took?”
Liz rolled her eyes at (Y/n) as he smirked at her expression. “You mean your mug? Yeah, right...”
“...mhm, be honest.”
“Fine - yeah, I was. Happy you cocky loser?” Liz uttered sarcastically, a smile sweeping across her features. (Y/n) had a similar joking smirk cross his face as she finished her statement. 
Soon, they reached a stoplight. It was here that Liz snapped another picture of the male and waited for it to eject from the camera as (Y/n) had checked the street signs. 
“Hey, Liz. We’re almost to the peak.” Her ears seemed to perk up at the statement. 
“Really? We’re almost there?” she questioned excitedly, her boyfriend observing her reaction from his peripheral vision. A smirk began to rest itself on his face, and he chuckled just the slightest. 
“Give it a few minutes, okay? If you’re thirsty, we can stop somewhere and get something to drink before we get there so we don’t die of dehydration.” 
Liz rolled her eyes at him, snapping a picture of his overdramatic expression - a hand, positioned on his forehead, in a woeful pose. He let out a chesty laugh after the image was taken and continued on the road to the peak. 
Time had seemed to slow down as Liz’s adrenaline started to kick in. She had suggested that they go to the peak, but she wasn��t sure that (Y/n) would agree with the idea. He’d never been the most romantic type, nor had she, but she wanted to try to be. 
It seemed that he wanted to as well, because he had told her what he had originally planned. Liz was ecstatic when she became aware of his romantic sunset-date that he had thought of. 
While the time was starting to get to her, especially after (Y/n) had run in a gas station and picked up something for the two to drink other than warm water. Things did come to a head when they made it to the destination, though.
This image in front of them made the two of them become quiet.
The both of them had only ever imagined what the view would look like, though (Y/n)’s was much more gorgeous than the setting sun in front of them. Liz, lit up by the purple and orange glow of the sun with the shadows of trees behind her acting as a frame, made his cheeks flush and his eyes flash with hearts.
Liz had left the polaroid in the vehicle in her rush, and the male had noticed it. The amount of joy he had when he realized that, had he not grabbed it, this moment couldn’t and wouldn’t be captured was through the roof.
He had to get a picture. Now. So he did.
The sound of the camera shutter drew Liz’s attention away from the rocky, glowing landscape. “What was that for, you loser? You distracted me.”
With a laugh to start, (Y/n) uttered a statement that made her cheeks flush tomato red. “I couldn’t help it, you were glowing. That, and the angle was perfect - you literally made the landscape so much more beautiful.”
Her boyfriend’s words shocked her, but she knew that this wouldn’t last long and her blushing face would be the target of teasing if she didn’t do something. So, she leaned up and kissed him quickly.
He froze at the action, and kept a tight grip on the camera as he stood still. ‘Okay, not happening.’
With almost superhuman speed, he had turned Liz’s body to face him and pressed his lips to hers gently. She had responded quickly, and in the moment, he had taken a picture of their lips intertwined.
The setting sun had made the whole scene take on a purple hue and, as it continued to set, everything throughout the day fell into place. All of the words settled into the chilly night air, their hands seemed to fit together even better than before, and the way that their heartbeats seemed to beat in time got even more synchronized.
The kiss got very passionate, and once the picture was taken, the hand holding it was dropped to the male’s side while his other went up to cup Liz’s cheek. She had a grip on his wrist and her other hand was resting on the back of (Y/n)’s head, and she had begun to push it into the base of his head as the kiss continued.
Before time had picked up, they had pulled away from the other and stared into the other’s eyes. Smiles slid onto their faces, but that was swapped for a look of surprise as Liz snagged the camera and took a picture of (Y/n)’s blushing face.
The fun continued to play out for another minute or so before they reached into the vehicle and set up a small rest spot. Liz had the blanket and pillows they had brought while (Y/n) had the drinks and leftover snacks. 
Five minutes passed as they set up, and the rest of the night passed by with stargazing, constellation games, and more teasing and kisses. 
By the time they had finished their items, their phones indicated the time, and they both packed up and got ready to head home or find a motel to crash at for the night. 
Morning had already struck, and Liz was behind the wheel while (Y/n) slept in the passenger’s side seat. His hair hit the headrest in a certain way, the coffee that was sitting in the cupholders halfway empty an indicator of a caffeine crash he had a couple hours back.
‘6:45. Great, it shouldn’t be too much longer until we get back home.’
She smiled lovingly at the (h/c) beside her before redirecting her attention to the road and continuing back to Death City. 
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