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fanfictiondreamscape · 3 years ago
“Put me down, already!” - When You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder
Request: Heyo omgggg your whole blog is the only thing keeping me going rn and for that I would like to say thanks :] <3
Can I please have Soul Evans, Spirit Albarn and Death The Kid with an s/o who picks them up at random times like they could be talking to someone and their s/o would just pick them up and just run off making the other person be like "🕴🏽"
Anyways have a nice day and please stay safe please remember to drink and eat!!
(!! if this makes you uncomfortable in anyway please delete !!)
Title: "Put me down, already!” - When You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder
Genre: if anyone expected this to be anything aside from funny and fluffy, you’re wrong - very wrong. 
Pairing: Death the Kid/Soul Eater Evans/Spirit Albarn X GN!Reader (Separately) 
Notes: Alright, so, let’s get this straight: I am absoluteloy in L O V E with the fact that this is the introduction that Spirit gets to the blog. Maybe a bit obsessed with it, but hey! 
Anyway, I wasn’t sure what format you wanted, so I decided to roll with a mix of headcanons and a short drabble to go with it. Note that this is mostly because I can’t help myself and I just have to do something to put more focus on it - can you tell I love this prompt yet?
Either way, thank you for requesting! I’m so happy to hear that my writing has helped you! Really. That’s why I put this stuff out for others to see, and it always makes me so happy to see that people look to this for comfort and enjoyment. So, I thank you for that! :)
That said, I hope all readers enjoy! 
Below the cut! 
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Death the Kid 
with kid, i just know that he would really appreciate being with someone super strong
it isn’t often that your partner can kick ass into next week, 
or that they can bench almost four to five times your body weight,
but that is about where it ends in regards to acknowledging it
it’s you, what more can he ask for? 
but really though
he really admires your strength and your tenacity
it’s something that he can’t admire enough
he will never get used to you using your strength to tease him to no end
everyone else enjoys seeing him loosen up around you
but what they never expected was seeing the stoic and strong kid get hauled around like a child with a toy by you 
you can count the amount of times it has happened, he can’t
and the twins are on constant guard of counting but they’re always off
(it’s happened around 117 times, just to let you know-) 
it leaves him a flustered mess
it leaves you a giggly one
it’s great, really
he also really appreciates that you care enough to see him smile
but he’d really like if you could calm it down a little bit
(unless the situation calls for it)
(sometimes the boy gets scared, and needs someone to haul him out of dangerous situations) 
(please help him in those situations) 
YOU AND KID had been out on a date since the early morning. It was his day from the twins, and your day from your partner (and workplace).  The sun was beating down on the two of you as you both continued your stroll through Death City. 
“(Y/n), dear?” Kid began, a bit quietly. You nodded, humming to him. “Would you want to get some lunch? I’m getting a bit hungry.”
You laughed, nearly curling over on the sidewalk. Kid was trying to cover the sight, brushing the event off as you coughing for a second. “Kid, hun, if you want to get food, you don’t have to ask like that! We can go ahead and do it!” Standing back up, you took a final breath to recover from the laughing fit that just occurred. “That said, what do you want?”
An agreement came with a small coffee shop on the outskirts of town; quiet and quaint is really all you needed at the moment. You both ordered your drinks, and each got an item off the menu, and then came to the decision to go to the park to eat it. 
It wasn’t too far away, so the shade and the bench was the perfect place to rest for the time being. Especially with a dinner being planned for later with everyone, a break from the world would be very much warranted for the moment. 
Once at the park, you both settled onto the bench by the basketball court and cuddled next to each other. You had your phone out scrolling through videos on DeathTube while Kid had his out, scrolling through DeathGram instead. 
You ran through multiple videos, playing snippets and exiting them, until you found one with a commentator that you really enjoy. They had been reviewing a knock-off movie on their latest video, so you pulled it up. “Hey, wanna watch this with me?”
Kid peeked over your shoulder and shrugged. “Sure, it looks interesting,” and then laid his arm over your shoulder as you kept a grip on your cellular. 
Cracking joke after joke, it managed to get a chuckle out of him and a nearly full-blown coughing fit out of you. 
Yes, he was worried. No, you didn’t choke on your beverage.  
Either way, some time had passed and then you heard the bouncing of a ball and the unmistakably brash tone of Blackstar. Well, you heard him and everyone else (aside from Maka. She had a great book at her apartment and refused to leave). 
“Are they really coming here now?” 
“Seems so,” Kid uttered. It rolled off his tongue almost like a chant - not like it wasn’t one by now. 
“Hey, Kid! I thought you were out on a date?” Patty’s voice rang through the area, almost bouncing off the net itself. 
“Yeah, we though you were gonna stay home,” came Liz. You pursed your lips, a bit bothered to be around everyone already, but Kid recovered quickly and pitched into the conversation. He’d tapped you on the shoulder and gestured for the both of you to stand up. 
“I wasn’t planning on staying there with them all day, it was nice out.” He appraoched them and brushed a bit of Liz’s sleeve to even the shirt she wore out. You stood by and continued staying behind. 
Soul and Tsubaki came by to talk to you, and you showed them the video you had been watching, but even then your social battery was already being drained. 
And being a bit drained and even slightly bored...
Well, an idea hit you like a train. 
You had bid Soul and Tsubaki goodbye after sharing some conversation about the coming evening, but they already knew what you were planning. Oh, did they know. (Soul was always a sucker for this, he found it hilarious) 
You ran over to Kid, standing in front of Blackstar, Liz, and Patty, and proceeded to haul him straight over your shoulder and then book it back to Gallows Manor. 
Full speed, he’d lost his empty bag somewhere along the way, and he was wriggling around. “(Y/n), why must you do this? Why?”
Smug as all hell, and willing to do it again, you let out a snort. “Because it’s fun! Now, let’s get back to the manor and watch a movie.”
Meanwhile, the twins were holding back laughter, Blackstar was confused, Tsubaki was left a little shocked, and Soul was about ready to pass out from laughing so hard. 
Number 118, knocked out. 
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Soul Eater Evans 
i feel like soul would silently love it
like, l o v e i t 
he just would refuse to say it.
(everyone knows he loves it) 
(he thinks he’s really good at hiding it) 
either way, he really admires your ability to hold out a routine for this so well
in his own words, “it’s really cool.”
but again, there’s that little factor of you being sneaky and feeling the need to pick him up and haul him out of a conversation 
anywhere, anytime
he will play it off like he hates it, probably about ready to cuss you out 
(yeah right) 
but really?
oh, he also loves that
is it sudden? 
hell yeah it is
is it a good way to stay on his toes?
hell yeah it is
is it actually really cute seeing you get so excited about doing so?
cue the biggest, fattest, and most gigantic H E L L Y E S
honestly, he’ll put up with being embarrassed if it means that you remain happy
SOUL HAD BEEN stuck at school all day. You had been laying at his shared apartment with Maka, when she also had to jump ship and accompany him. It left you lonely.
You’d tried to combat it by flipping through channels on the television, scrolling through videos upon videos you had already seen, and even checking DeathGram - the last resort of last resorts to you. 
Yeah, none of it was working. Not in the slightest.
At least, you thought so, so you went to check your messages. Tired, bored, left alone - really, you just scrolled to scroll. 
Until a small pinging noise came from your cell. 
It was a message, and when you went to check it, you saw that it was from Liz. She was asking if you wanted to go get some coffee or something with her, simply because she was bored. 
Seemed like a disease today, but hey, whatever! Coffee with her? Bound to be gossip, so why not? 
So, you texted her back and proceeded to meet her at DeathBucks. 
Of course, a couple hours went by, and you both were done. Liz’s phone rang as your were throwing away the trash that the both of you had accumulated, and though you wanted to eavesdrop (as nicely as possibly, of course), you were too far away. Pity.
Your eavesdropping plan went bust, though, since she’d come to you looking exasperated. 
“Okay, Kid wants Patty and I at the school right now. I’m gonna have to hit it, like, now,” were her words. You shrugged. 
“I’ll join you. Soul’s been there all day, anyway.”
With that determined, you both left the establishment and proceeded to go on about your day. Showing some funny pictures you snuck of the gang, and her showing you some really cool makeup looks and nail art, let the time pass by really quickly. It almost left you upset at how fast the time went by. 
No matter, business called, and eventually Liz had to split up with you and meet up with Kid and Patty. 
“See ya’, (Y/n)!”
“See ya’!”
Pouting, you decided to roam the school anyway. Maybe drop in to see Dr. Stein or someone else, even Spirit would be welcome! 
Boredom is really a bitch, because even the idea of reading that new novel Maka bought you for your birthday crossed your mind. Rock bottom was dawning on you - really, truly dawning on you.
You yawned, and instead of doing anything really worth time, you went back to scrolling. 
Whether that was through DeathGram, DeathTube, or some other miscellaneous social media site, it didn’t matter. 
Time was going at a snail’s pace, and the sites were beginning to blend together. So much so, actually, that you could have sworn that you saw the same meal pic that someone had posted about four or five times.
“Ugh! This sucks...” you moaned, leaning back against the pillar you had seated yourself in front of. When you did, you didn’t remember, but it happened! 
The shade covered your face as the sun sunk into your pants, overheating you and making you wish you’d just decided to stay inside or at DeathBucks. Seriously, the least that you could have done would have been some homework or even hopping onto an online chatroom and going crazy. 
At least, the thought crossed your mind before you heard the combination of three very familiar voices. 
Soul was trailing behind Maka and Dr. Stein, silently observing them with a raised brow. It was almost a face of pure confusion, but not quite. 
Now was your chance. 
Revenge for leaving you alone all day? Oh, most definitely, you had to do it now. 
So, with precision (at least, as much as you could have when there were two meisters with insane soul sensing abilities), you ran towards the boy and held him over your shoulder. 
A devilish laugh left you as he started shouting, “Hey, what the hell? Put me down!” and stuff like, “This is so not cool...”
But as common it was to see him held over his partner’s shoulder, Maka was still a little taken aback. Dr. Stein, on the other hand, was about ready to laugh, even if he’d never seen it before. 
Simply for that stunt, you got your cuddles but you had to make dinner that night. Win-win, I guess? 
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Spirit Albarn “Death Scythe”
spirit is absolutely in love with it
you know that one audio that’s like
“i would love a woman that could just kill me” or something like that? 
yeah, some variation of that has most definitely left his mouth 
most likely in public, too
(unashamed, is what he is) 
you hated that unabashed aspect in those moments, but whatever
(cuz big buff partner make brain go brr-)
he really won’t mind it
in fact, i just know that he would encourage it
he wouldn’t expect it, no
but he would highly encourage it
he may also be very prone to flirting in the process of it 
and please note that by flirting, i mean sex jokes
super cheesy ones, but sex jokes nonetheless
you also have maka’s respect for doing this, too
it’s nice to see someone that can keep her playboy pops in check
either way, though
please do it
despite his personality, i also feel like he’s really touch-starved
so, i reiterate:
please, pick him up
SPIRIT WAS LAYING on a bench beside the school, watching the sun intently. 
Was he in thought? Most likely. 
Was a Spirit in thought ever a good idea? Rarely. Very rarely. 
No one ever really had much of an idea what was going through his head when he wasn’t thinking, but chances are that he was thinking about Maka and his ex-wife. Never really a good thing.
That is, to Maka, at least. 
You had been advising a fight on school grounds when you had been alerted to Spirit’s stone-faced and quiet attitude. According to Stein, it had been happening for the past half hour. 
Maka had been pointing out things about the fight, elaborating upon some things you had brought up as well as providing points and questions if she happened to have any. 
It was a nice way to get her to bond with you, and that made everyone happy. It took her mind off her father and his habits, and allowed her to get to know you. 
It also allowed her to see the effect you had on her father. 
As much as she hated to admit it, you brought out something in Spirit that she hadn’t seen since the last time he ever truly respected her mother. It definitely hurt, but she had already began to see you as a mother figure. 
It honestly helped her see him as less of a deadbeat and more of an actual dad, too. 
Didn’t negate the fact that he played scummy games and won a shitty prize, but hey! 
The fight was almost over when you received the doctor’s message, your text ringer going off. The crowd around you didn’t really catch it, but due to Maka’s proximity to you, she did.
“What’s going on?”
“Hmm?” You turned your attention to her, watching intently as she gestured to the cell in your hand. A look of realization crossed your face as you figured what she was asking. “Oh, nothing to worry about. Spirit’s getting into his head again.”
Maka rolled her eyes, pouting and huffing. “Of course he is. What’s it about this time?”
You chuckled at her reaction, quickly sending a response and tucking your phone away into your back pocket. “No clue. Probably just a little tired, he didn’t get much sleep last night.”
You kept your eyes on the fight in front of you as you watched the students’ battle come to a close. “He was making sure that you were getting some good luck sent your way for the upcoming exam. Not that it’s really surprising, though.”
With a groan, she deflated. “Again? Really?”
“Yes, really. Now might be the time for you to get back to class, though,” you began. “The fight’s about to end.”
Shaking her head, she turned around. “Alright, alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, though, right?” 
“Hopefully, kid. Now get to class, I can tell it’s killing you to stay here.”
And with that, she ran and the kids brawling finished. You sent them off and went to do your part in bringing the red head down from an already predestined trip. 
Waving to some of the students as you passed them, you entered in the vacant E.A.T. classroom to see Stein and Spirit centered in front of the righthand corner of the room. 
Stein looked bored, possibly even bothered by it, but Spirit looked dead. Eyes sunken, skin pale, huddled into a ball. It would have been depressing had he not been babbling about ‘Maka doing well’ and ‘providing my dear daughter with good luck’. 
“Ah, you came. I was wondering when you’d arrive,” Stein announced, side-eyeing Spirit’s hunched form as he approached you. 
“No problem, was just supervising a brawl. It had to happen today, apparently.”
The doctor sneered slightly, shaking his head and pressing the palm of his hand to the screw stuck in it. He turned it slowly as the cigarette in his mouth continued to burn. “Of course it did. The amount of students being reckless isn’t surprising.”
Chuckling, you walked past the man and patted his shoulder with a common familiarity. “I’ve got it from here. You had to meet Sid and Naigus, right? Get on with it, already.”
Turning the screw once again, he let a little laugh slip past his lips and exited the room. 
As silently as possible, you crept towards your partner as he continued to worry. He was already so far in thought that you could have, in all honesty, shouted every profanity known to man and he wouldn’t have responded. 
However, you had the oh-so-amazing trump card you could use. 
A smug grin plastered itself onto your face as you approached him, arms outstretched and in a defensive position. 
Within seconds, you had run up to the male and thrown him over you shoulders, dashing out of the room and to the entrance of the school. 
Shaken as he was, he was still walking, and no longer fussing. “What the hell, darling?”
“What do you mean, ‘what the hell’?” Astounded, you gently smacked the back of his head. “You’re tired, I can tell. Get the hell home and get the hell to sleep.”
“Okay, that was attractive- but I need to be there for my daughter-”
“In order to ‘be there for you daughter’, you’ve gotta get some sleep! You can’t support her if you’re so down and out that you can barely stand.”
Nagging as it was, he sighed, pouting and nodded. “Alright, alright...but you’ve gotta stay with me.”
Laughing, you grabbed him by the hand and faced him. “Got it. Now can we go so you can get some rest?”
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shutupkerm · 3 years ago
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fumisketchies · 5 years ago
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SteinxSpirit comic 👀
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animegart · 5 years ago
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More stock adds. It's going to be a productive weekend, at least. :) #thatssocutedesigns #thatssocutebuttons #souleater #souleaterstein #souleaterspirit #deathscythe https://www.instagram.com/p/B46MQvODuvn/?igshid=130pjthcrwd37
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mikeorrmike · 7 years ago
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Look at those lil bloomers! #souleater #spirit #souleaterspirit #souleatermedusa #medusa #babybloomers #bloomers #mikeorrmike #tyorrty #dwma #deathweaponmeisteracademy #grimreaper #deathroom #as #adultswim #toonami #cn #cartoonnetwork #anime #manga
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