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Video and music are not mine
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Soul Eater Edit, for Liz and Patty
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Thompson’s Interlude
[LIZ] I may not live to see our glory
[SOUL] Maka, there’s a letter for you from South Carolina
[LIZ] But I will gladly join the fight
[MAKA] It’s from Liz Thompson. I’ll read it later
[SOUL] No, it’s not
[LIZ] And when our children tell our story
[MAKA] Will you read it?
[LIZ] They’ll tell the story of tonight
[SOUL] “On Tuesday, the twenty-seventh, Lieutenant Colonel Liz Thompson was killed in a gunfight against British troops in South Carolina. These troops had not yet received word from Yorktown that the war was over. She’s buried here until her family can send for her remains. As you may know, Lieutenant Colonel Thompson was engaged in recruiting three thousand men for the first all-black military regiment. The surviving members of this regiment have been returned to their masters.”
[LIZ] Tomorrow there’ll be more of us
[SOUL] Maka, are you alright?
[MAKA] I have so much work to do
A/N: To be honest Liz is Laurens because she’s from New York
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Love this
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i would die for patty, that is all
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Song and pictures are not mine
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This is so adorable 😀😀😀
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Three Little Goats
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Re blog if you ship
Reblog If You Ship Kid and Liz
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Soul Eater (Hamilton AU)
Spirit as Hamilton Stein as Burr or Laurens Sid as Burr or Laurens Tezca as Laffyette Excalibur as Hercules Lord Death as Washington ? as Jefferson ? as Madison Asura as King George III Justin as Samuel Seabury ? as Phillip ? as Theodosia II Azusa as Angelica Kami as Eliza Marie as Peggy or Theodosia Nygus as Peggy or Theodosia Eruka as Maria Reynolds Giriko as James Reynolds
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Um, actually I was doing the SoMa prompt, but then……I dunno, TsuStar feels just suddenly attacked me? Hahaha
So, here is a late teen! Black Star revealing his love to his weapon in Black Star’s way. And that’s poor Soul who still doesn’t have enough gut to tell his partner he loves her but acts as if he knew everything about confessing to girls :)
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This is cute
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@metalosse asked for my Top 5 SoMa moments in the SE manga and i went a little too extra… ((thank you for asking me friend <3 i missed you!!))
please click the images!!!
bonus for the Top 5 favorite Pokemon is in the keep reading below! (sorry i had to make this a separate post from your ask since there are a lot of pictures hehe)
ask me for top 5 anything
Keep reading
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Reblog If You Ship Black Star and Tsubaki
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"You're Weapon is Pissing me Off!"
Chapter 3
Liz sighed in relief when she noticed Soul’s room wasn’t a complete mess. She could still see the floor so that was good “Thank you.” she said taking off her shoes and snatching the bowl of caramel corn as she sat at the foot of the bed “I don’t bite, you know.” Soul said crossing his arms from his place on the bed “I know you don’t but your body odor is the worse and I’m afraid I’ll find some leftover slice of pizza or something.” Liz frowned when she noticed Kim Possible was on the TV. She made it clear that she was going to pick what to watch during the commercials.
“What the heck, Soul.” she scowled “I called picking what to watch for commercials.” Soul raised a brow “So…” he urged “So, give me the remote.” Liz explained “ If you want to pick so bad then come and get it.“ Soul held up the remote “Bring it on rich boy, I’ve beaten Patty at this little game before and there’s no way I’m going to lose now, so just give me the remote.” Liz reached for the remote but Soul held it out of reach “As owner of this room. I think, it’s only fair I get to choose.” he declared holding Liz back "Well as guest of this apartment I think you should shut your stupid face sharkboy!” Liz pushed forward…
Maka had read and reread the same sentence in her book three times already and still had this nagging feeling to go to Soul’s room and tell them to join her in the living room “Maybe I should just check.” she said to herself and before she had a chance to second guess her decision and go back, a muffled sound of something hitting the floor made it clear. The blonde stood up and walked cautiously towards her partner’s room and opened the door quietly “Hey if you want I don’t mind going to my room if you two…” Maka paused when she notice the position her fellow friends were in.
Soul was on top of Liz, who seemed to be struggling, while he looked at Maka, and looked back at Liz, and back at his meister “Maka…” “I know what this look like but-” “CHOP” Soul couldn’t process any more words due to the book smashed in his head. It took a few minutes for him to process any more words but he was able to manage “Damn Maka what is it with you and getting the wrong idea?!” Soul asked holding a pillow over his head “Me!? I’m not the one going around assuming that just because a girl is in my room that means easy acc-” “He didn’t do anything.” Liz was trying to hold back her laughter at Soul’s misfortune "We were just fighting over the remote.” she explained picking the item mentioned up off the floor and shook it “And guess who just won.” she said in a sing song voice. Soul just huffed and sat back down in defeat…
Kid took advantage of the fact Liz wasn’t in her room to make it symmetrical, without disrespecting her privacy of course. He could only imagine the asymmetrical hell Liz would put him through if that were to happen “Now what should I fix first?” Kid asked himself avoiding the closet because Liz would kill him if he messed with her clothes and as long as he couldn’t see them there would be no urge to fix them.
Kid looked around trying to find asymmetrical things to fix but everything was symmetrical. Two stacks of books on each side of her desk, she had two mirriors facing each other and eight nail polishes. Each of them kept clean and balanced on her vanity “Maybe I underestimated her.” Kid said to himself as he explored his weapon’s room “What is this?” he muttered picking up a frame on her night stand….
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"You're Weapon is Pissing me Off!"
Chapter 2
After Soul left, Kid and the girls ate dinner and went on with their day. Patty drew giraffes as she watched a Disney movie, Kid read a book on the couch, and to Kid’s dismay Liz practiced the notes Soul taught her. Kid sighed, It’s not like Liz can’t enjoy playing the piano or learn how tho play the piano he just doesn’t like having Soul as her teacher and he had no idea why. Maybe it was the way Soul was teaching her that annoyed him? Or maybe annoyed at the fact Liz wasn’t bothered by it? He wondered… “Hey Liz?” Liz paused to look at her meister “Why did you decide to play the piano?” Kid asked still not understanding why Soul being near her made him mad. Liz looked at the keys with a puzzled look “I don’t know. It could be just because I want something to do and Soul offered to teach me some time after that fight you had with Black*Star.” she shrugged and continued to practice.
Kid huffed “So you’re saying the idea of playing piano didn’t cross your mind before Soul offered?” he asked wanting to take those words back when he noted how harsh it sounded but to his surprised Liz answered the question “Well, it wasn’t so much the fact that Soul had offered to teach me piano, it was the fact he wasn’t going to charge me. I mean, if Maka wanted to teach me how to use a scythe, or if Tsubaki wanted to teach me how to cook, I would’ve taken them up on their offers as well. I’ve got shopping but that can only be interesting until I’m bored out of my mind.“ Liz joined Kid on the couch. The shinigami felt his face grow warmer when he noticed her next to him, a smile on her face as she kept an eye on Patty. What was she doing to him?
The next day….
“Hey.” Soul opened the door “Got the takis?” he asked before letting Liz in. Liz held up the bag, “You got the caramel?” she asked “Popped and ready to eat. Now let’s go it’s about to start.” Soul snatched the bag and was on his way “Hey Maka.” Liz greeted the girl reading on the couch “Hey Liz, need me to move so you guys can watch the documentary?” Liz shook her head “We’re going to watch the movie in his room since you tend to use logic and ruin everything good about the show.” Liz teased with a small smirk “When have I ever done that?” Maka asked in disbelief “Remember when we were watching our Devious Maids marathon and Tsubaki cried about Pablo dying?“ Maka nodded “Remember when you made it worse by saying there wasn’t any reason to have a character like him and there was only a matter of time before he died or got killed?” Liz asked arms crossed “Liz! Hurry!” Soul shouted from his room.
Liz sighed “You wanna join us.” she invited Maka to watch the documentary “Liz I’m going to start eating the caramel corn if you don’t hurry!” another shout came from Soul’s room “Wait! Don’t eat any of it without me!” Liz whined and nearly tripped trying to get to his room. Maka thought of following her but felt like she shouldn’t because she barely understood jazz let alone the history of it, yet she felt like something else was holding her back
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"Your Weapon is Pissing me Off!"
Summary: Soul just wants to give Liz piano lessons. Liz just wants piano lessons. Maka wants Liz to stay away from Soul. Kid wants Soul to stay away from Liz. Find out what happens when Liz and Soul bond more than their meisters are comfortable with. Warning Soul will be a bit OOC
Chapter 1
“Seriously, Liz?” Soul asked face palming after having to hear Liz play the piano in a terrible manner “Give me your hands. Pay close attention to how my fingers move.” Soul aligned his fingers with Liz’s and played the first three notes to ‘Hot Cross Buns’ “You think, you got it?” he asked leaning a bit closer “Uh?” Liz once again messed up the notes. Soul sighed “Okay. Put your hands on top of mine.” Liz did as she was told but Soul growled “This is a difficult position. Give me a second to adjust.” he stood and placed each arm on either side of her neck “Your hands.” Liz place her hands on his once again “Now pay close attention to how your fingers move.“ Soul said his head beside her own. Liz put on a determined face ( ・`ー・´) + and nodded.
Soul played the notes once more and Liz paid close attention “You got it?” Soul asked again. Liz exhaled and placed her fingers on the keys “E… D… C… E… D… C…” she sang the notes in place of the lyrics “You got it!” Soul exclaimed “I got it!” Liz repeated his words. Soul removed his arms and pet her on the head “Good girl.” he teased “I’m not a dog you jerk!” Liz pouted “Yeah,” Soul agreed “A dog would have gotten it sooner.” Liz punched him “Ow!” Soul frowned “You’re right,” Liz smirked “A dog would also have been better at teaching me.“ she chuckled “You wanna bet?” Soul asked sitting next to her and placed the rest of the song.
Liz rolled her eyes “That proves nothing.” she said nudging him “Hey, at least I don’t sing off-key.” Soul purposefully hit the wrong note “And you’re mister cool?” Liz raised an eyebrow. Soul gave a silly smile and wiggled his eyebrows “Pfft…” Liz finally gave in and laughed at Soul’s pun. This caught the attention of a certain shinigami that happened to be making every thing in his kitchen symmetrical and he didn’t quite like how close Soul was to his weapon, so he decided to speak to them.
“How’s the lesson going.” he asked shooting an imaginary death glare at Soul “She’s got the first few notes down, all she needs is a little more practice.” Soul stood up and got into the same position he taught Liz E… D… C… “What the hell are you doing?!” Kid shot an actual death glare at Soul “Just teaching her the rest of the notes.” Soul gulped and moved away from the gun. Kid sighed “I think she’s had enough practice for one day… Soul why don’t you come back tomorrow and finish teaching her the song.” he said in a calm manner “We can’t.” Liz shook her head “Soul and I are going to watch a documentary on the history of jazz at his place.” Kid’s eye twitched “Then Soul should just go.” he pushed the boy with white hair towards the door “Remember the caramel corn!” Liz yelled “Bring the nitro takis!” Soul replied before she heard the door close.
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