yourhoneymoongirl · 9 months
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🧺🐑🍒🍧𝜗𝜚˚ ₊‧
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kylacxie · 6 months
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sulasnsleep · 4 months
“Love doesn’t conquer everything. And whoever thinks it does is a fool.”
—Donna Tart, The Secret History
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academic-vampire · 9 months
“Could he be an animal if music moved him so?”
-Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis
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ovcrpotions · 9 months
"But what does a mirror know? What can it show us of ourselves? Oh, it might reveal a few scars, and perhaps a glimpse - there, in the eyes - of our true nature. The spirit beneath the skin. Yet the deepest scars are often hidden, and though a mirror might reveal our weakness, it reflects only a fraction of our strength."
- Nicholas Eames, Kings of the Wyld
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cathedral-ceilings · 2 years
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“Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king."
Andúril, November ‘22.
By Erstellt Designs
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thrifteddivacup · 11 months
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“I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again.”
― Sylvia Plath, from Mad Girl's Love Song
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cynicaltrilobite · 1 year
So, I'm reading the unabridged Dracula for the first time, and y'all it is WILD. I read someone say something to the effect of "Describing the plot of Dracula to someone who hasn't read it sounds like you're making it up on the spot."
Things that ACTUALLY happen in Bram Stoker's 1893 horror classic Dracula. Spoilers below the cut. But seriously, go read Dracula, it's a classic for a reason.
• No one reacts appropriately to the VERY obvious vampire nonsense going on around because this was the piece of media that gave us most of the extremely popular vampire tropes.
• Our first POV, solicitor Johnathan Harker, is picked up by a mysterious coach driver (it's Dracula) who takes him to the castle and also makes numerous pit stops to mark spots in the surrounding wilderness that contain buried treasure. How does Dracula know this? The ethereal blue ghost flames denoting the treasure, of course.
• Dracula has hairy palms, glowing red eyes, something akin to a long handlebar-esque moustache, and pointy ears. Again, he SCREAMS vampire to those of us with a modern sensibility.
• Eventually, Dracula steals Johnathan's clothes and parades around town with them on.
• He also scales straight down a castle wall. The movements and manner of which are likened to a lizard.
• Johnathan witnesses not one, but two children being consumed by Dracula and his sexy vampire brides.
• Dracula summons an army of wolves from the forest to eat a woman who comes to the castle attempting to rescue her child.
• Dracula is also just a massive dick. Like a huge smarmy asshole. Johnathan tries to send a coded letter to his fiance, Mina, Dracula finds the letter and brings it to Johnathan. Instead of accusing him of anything, he asks Johnathan who he thinks may have written such a thing.
• Later, Johnathan demands that he leave and Dracula takes him to the front door, opens it, and there's like 50 wolves waiting in the courtyard for them. Dracula's like "Ok, go on then."
• Johnathan finds piles and piles of dug up gold in Dracula's "bedchambers." This is where he keeps the treasure he digs up apparently.
• Johnathan finds Dracula in his coffin, gets very frustrated, and then whacks Dracula on the head with a shovel a couple times. He then comically falls over himself and accidentally seals the coffin shut again.
• Dracula leaves for England and Johnathan is left to be consumed by the sexy vampire ladies. His last ditch attempt at escape is to climb the castle walls as high as he can go??? We later learn that this somehow works.
All this insane nonsense is the first four chapters! There's even more crazy stuff in coming bits. Maybe I'll share those another day.
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pretty-toastie · 9 months
i felt the urge today, out of nowhere,
to announce to you
how i refuse to wear matching socks
for no particular reason.
i want to show you all my shining pieces,
tell you about my favorite kinds of tea,
i want to ramble to you about my interests,
about literature and succulents, music and art,
about Angela Carter's Werewolf and Anne Carson's Geryon,
about Sisyphus and Sir Gawain,
about Tolkien's dragon and Beowulf's fate---
i want for you to want to listen,
if not for the words then just for the sound of my voice,
for the sound of my excitement.
i want to pour myself out to you,
spill my secrets,
one by one, torrential,
like half-formed snowflakes,
until you know me inside and out.
i've never wanted that before.
for you, i realise, i would submit
to the mortifying ordeal of being Known.
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vintage-till · 8 months
erstmal eine Frage an die schoethe Community, gibt es eigentlich irgendwelche Gruppen, Discord sever idk whatelse zum Thema Weimarer Klassik oder direkt schoethe oder wenn nichts der beiden zumindest generell klassische Literatur oder so?
Danke schonmal für eventuelle Antworten 🥰🙏🏻
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sh-93s · 1 year
And I do nothing but dream every day that at last I shall meet some one. Oh, if only you knew how often I have been in love in that way....
- How? With whom?
...With no one, with an ideal, with the one I dream of in my sleep.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky - White Nights
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yourhoneymoongirl · 1 year
“I don't know what it is like to not have deep emotions. Even when I feel nothing, I feel it completely.”
— Sylvia Plath
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sulasnsleep · 1 year
“You loved me—then what right had you to leave me?”
— Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
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gabriellieb · 1 year
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Poemas Humanos - CESAR VALLEJO 🚬🍂
Si tan solo amaras lo no amable.... 🍁
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bloodwriter1998 · 5 months
Master of Puppets
People will act like they care, for you to feel safe to share. They'll wait for you to dare, patiently watching to be fair.
Willingly help you when you're broken, for you to be comfortable and slowly open. They'll be your shoulder to cry on, someone you can definitely lean on.
But there's a catch in this game, they don't feel any shame. Master manipulators as they are, and they'll always go so far.
They'll show you concern, but they want something in return. Be on your knees and kiss their feet, on their golden thrones, they take their seat.
But if you ever fight back, congratulations! You're now a snack. Of these manipulative hideous monsters, making sure you'll be left in disasters.
You suddenly realize their game, it suddenly ignited a flame. A flame you were suppressing, and now you are freely releasing.
Stay and play if you dare, as if they'll even care. But there is something dear at stake, it is your soul for them to take.
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dying-weeds · 2 years
"The feeling that she had never really lived in this world caught her by surprise. It was a fact. She had never lived. Even as a child, as far back as she could remember, she had done nothing but endure. She had believed in her own inherent goodness, her humanity, and lived accordingly, never causing anyone harm. Her devotion to doing things the right way had been unflagging, all her successes had depended on it, and she would have gone on like that indefinitely. She didn't understand why, but faced with those decaying buildings and straggling grasses, she was nothing but a child who had never lived."
- Han Kang, The Vegetarian
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