#heartbreaking πŸ’”
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samirahmed125 Β· 1 month ago
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This scene sums up the story of all the residents of Gaza. We lived in the worst conditions. We will not submit to anything and cling to our land despite the destruction and pain. We will remain on our land and we will rebuild it. Please give me hope so I can heal and build our home with my parents I don't want to be helpless all my life. This feeling is killing me. I ask you and I beg you to help me undergo operations and walk on my feet. Nobody asks about us. I am trying to travel for treatment, but there is no one to take care of my treatment and perform the operations. Please help me
@feluka @powderdoom
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fandomwe1rd0 Β· 1 year ago
Just finished rewatching fear no Mort. Crying. Vomiting. Sobbing. Morty's greatest fear is that Rick doesn't care about him, when Rick cares so so so so so much. I would even go as far as to say he cares about Morty more than anyone else. He could've just walked away if he didn't care about Morty. But he stayed and immediately sounded happy when Morty was shown to be fine. He even tried to hug Morty back...but Morty was terrified that if Rick hugged him back he would still be in the hole...
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The fact that Rick didn't jump into the hole when Morty told him not to, even if he could've seen Diane again. The way he has a picture of Morty in his wallet, the fact that it's well worn out, the fact that it's in the front pocket, the fact he walked away looking so proud of his grandson...he immediately disproved what Morty was scared of and Morty didn't even see it. I...I cry
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chyarui Β· 10 months ago
What happens when padawan quin miraculously comes back from a shadow mission gone wrong…
More quinobi, now with a side of angst!!
And look, I adore quinlans locks, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the plot (I will not ask for forgiveness)
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although most of his beautiful hair clasps are gone, at least obi was able to hold onto one for him (what he thought was likely the last piece of quin he had left) πŸ’”
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joansiesbeloved Β· 4 months ago
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Joan Kennedy admiring photos of her late brother-in-law at the JFK Library Exhibit. First Photo, Circa, May 5th, 1965. Second Photo, Circa, August 18th, 1964.
β€œ β€˜I just kept saying, β€œIs he dead? Not Jack… not Jack… poor Jackie… tell me he’s alive.’ I loved Jack; he really was a brother to me. And Jackie, the children…it was so awful.” β€” Joan after finding out that Jack had been shot.
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grits-galraisedinthesouth Β· 1 year ago
History Repeating Itself πŸ’”
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Joe Biden’s Role in the Yom Kippur War
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Joe Biden had his first meeting with an Israeli leader, Golda Meir, on the eve of the Yom Kippur war, right after meeting with officials in Cairo. During the then junior senator’s meeting with Meir, Biden suggested that Israel make a unilateral withdrawal from settlements for peace, criticizing the settlement policies of the Labor Party, and suggesting they represent a form of β€œcreeping annexation.” Though Biden assured Meir that Egyptian officials were convinced of Israel’s military superiority, 40 days later, Sadat initiated a surprise attack against Israel.
This is the gist of a bombshellΒ tweetΒ from Israel’s Channel 13 reporter Nadav Eyal containing excerpts from a classified memo from an Israeli official who attended that fateful meeting. While it may have been the first meeting between Biden and an Israeli prime minister, it was certainly not the last. In subsequent meetings with Israeli prime ministers, Biden threatened Menachem Begin with withholding U.S. aid, and publicly upbraided Benyamin Netanyahu because it had been announced in a town council meeting that 1600 homes were to be built in future in the Jewish Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo (more about thisΒ here). Β Β 
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Joe Biden paints thatΒ early meeting with GoldaΒ as something precious that cemented in his mind how important Israel is to the Jewish people. It is clear, however, that Joe Biden has always been against the Jewish people settling their indigenous territory. The very thought of Jews planning to build homes in Jerusalem makes him furious. Therefore, contrary to the love fest with Golda he has often described, Biden used the first chance he had to meet with an Israeli prime minister to broach the subject of unilateral concessions.
One wonders how much clout the young senator wielded at that time. Not to mention the timing of subsequent events, with the surprise attack on Israel by Egypt occurring just 40 days after Biden’s meeting with Meir. Is it possible that Golda Meir incurred wider U.S. displeasure by refusing to entertain Biden’s suggestion of unilateral concessions? Was Egypt perhaps emboldened by this state of affairs to attack Israel without fear of American intervention?
During its years in office, Israel fought the 1956 Sinai War, the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War. Labor agreed toΒ UN Resolution 242Β and the notion of trading land for peace. Nevertheless, successive Labor governments established settlements in the disputed territories and refrained from dismantling illegal settlements, such as those established in 1968 at Qiryat Arba in Hebron by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, and others set up by Gush Emunim. By 1976, more than thirty settlements had been established on the West Bank; however, their population was fewer than 10,000.
Joe Biden’s Role in the Yom Kippur War
In January 1973, Joe Biden was sworn in as Senator from Delaware.
September of that year found him in the Middle East on a trip to Egypt. Shortly thereafter, Biden was in Israel in a meeting with Israeli PM Golda Meir.
In that meeting, Biden convinced Meir that Egypt would not attack Israel by convincing her that Egypt thought that Israel had absolute military superiority.
The meeting was documented on October 2, 1973 in a secret letter (below) written by Israel Foreign Ministry official Gideon Jordan. Four days later Egypt attacked Israel.
Foreign Ministry official Gideon Jordan summed up Biden’s words as follows: β€œOf all the personalities (in Egypt) he (Biden) met, he heard that there was not one of them who disbelieved in Israel’s perfect military superiority and therefore stated that it is not possible for Egypt to go to war against Israel now. According to the people he spoke to Egyptians, time will take its course and when God wills, he will find the solution.”
What this letter calls into question is Joe Biden’s extreme misreading of Arab β€œpersonalities” and their intentions. His misreading–and that of Israeli intelligence–had disastrous consequences in the Yom Kippur War. One cannot help but think of similar Biden misreadings when it comes to Iran, Lebanon, and elsewhere.
Gideon Jordan later notes in the secret document that Biden was interested in more than Egypt: β€œThe senator repeatedly said that Israel should do a unilateral act, that is to withdraw from some territories, of course not from those territories of strategic importance such as the Golan Heights, Sharm el-Sheikh and the Gaza Strip–but to withdraw without even any negotiations or an agreement with the Arabs.”
Jordan remarks that Meir immediately disagreed with Biden about unilateral withdrawals without achieving true peace. Again, one cannot help but think about the disastrous Biden unilateral withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the unilateral concessions that the U.S. has demanded from Israel in the current Lebanon β€œagreement” talks.
The secret letter is below for those of you who read Hebrew:
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When Biden met Meir: Joe Biden advised Jewish PM to trade land for peace - The Jerusalem Post
Β Biden meeting betweenΒ Joe BidenΒ and former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, described in a memo published by Israeli reporter Nadav Eyal, sheds light on the former Vice President's thought process at that time, and what he believed Israel should do shortly before the Yom Kippur war broke out. The meeting took place following his return from Egypt where he discussed with Saadat several things, roughly 40 days before the surprise attack that would turn into the Yom Kippur war.
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kraeki Β· 11 months ago
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Proof that Trent is a cat
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mars00 Β· 1 month ago
Hi dear donors ! ❀️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❀️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.πŸ˜­πŸ˜“
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need
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lewishamiltonstuff Β· 1 year ago
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I don't wanna say goodbye 'cause this one feels forever 😭
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oeuvrinarydurian Β· 7 months ago
Throwing out a One-Word Wednesday, largely because I’ve been working on the S7 project all night and I don’t want to say good night to Morse yet, but I can’t stare at my monitor anymore.
Given my headspace, today’s word is… Angst.
It’s so prevalent, I can’t believe we haven’t gotten to it already. οΏΌ
I’m going for a little bit of a curveball, because I’m not going for the most overtly angsty image.
Instead, I’m going for a more subtle angst.
This is immediately following the big β€œI didn’t give her cancer” scene in β€˜Scherzo’.
Win brought him an aspirin and he’s just about finished with the glass of water. It’s the very end of their scene.οΏΌ
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β€œI’m sorry you’ve had a bad go”.
He’s exhausted, he’s hung over, he’s drained, he’s devastated, he seems heartsick, and I get all of that from a shot from the rear, over his shoulder, of a profile. οΏΌ
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sulasnsleep Β· 10 months ago
β€œLove doesn’t conquer everything. And whoever thinks it does is a fool.”
β€”Donna Tart, The Secret History
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fallevs Β· 1 month ago
Susy’s Wonderland
⭐️ final chapter ⭐️
Here I am at the end of this little Christmas adventure for @klainesecretsanta2024
Thanks to everyone who appreciated, commented and left kudos. It really meant a lot to me, since I'm constantly insecure about everything I do, it gave me the confidence to finish it.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❀️
No small spoilers behind the line this time!
This story is officially complete! You can read the penultimate chapter here, or start from the beginning here.
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youidiotwecouldbeenus Β· 2 years ago
I was thinking about the last scene. When Azi said "You're at liberty to go" in episode one, he knew, that this tactic always works, and Crowley will come back, because he tried it earlier. When he said "Well, then there's nothing more to say" and things like that, he tried to use that tactic I'm dying
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darlin-djarin Β· 2 years ago
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i can't believe jar jar and qui gon broke up :(
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saedjamelalhorokly Β· 5 months ago
Welcome My name is Saed from Gaza I will tell you a simple overview of what we live and suffer from the harsh scourges of war. We suffer from basic and food supplies, and we also suffer from scarcity of water and appropriate food. We have lost most of what we own, including a home, an office, and a job, and nothing is left for us in the country. Therefore, my family and I decided to leave the country because it does not guarantee us a decent living. Therefore, we ask you to help us leave the country at any cost. Thank you for supporting us
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I hope everyone will donate and participate to save me from death
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iamtired10 Β· 6 months ago
just had a gut-wrenching reality check that finding a woman like her is an impossible dream :(
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I've been thinking (overthinking) about this costume of Khem's
It could be that he is portraying some heroic figure from one of the many jataka tales. A commoner perhaps.
But I also think, from what little we can see of it, (which is a crime,) that it has some elements that really remind me Lanna folk dances. Specifically the dance that comes from Jerng, the ancient Northern Thai martial art form.
There are two types of this dance:
Forn Jerng (barehanded)
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Forn Jerng Daab (sword dance.) sometimes you will see flags in place of swords.
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The headband and the rope around the arms is what gives me that impression but I'm just guessing here as we see no glimpse of the dance itself and barely anything of the costume.
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