#Literary Endings
ancientroyalblood · 10 months
Crafting Compelling Endings: The Art of Resolving Storylines
As writers, the conclusion of a story holds immense power, leaving a lasting impression on readers. Crafting a compelling ending isn’t just about tying loose ends; it’s about delivering a satisfying resolution that resonates. This guide aims to explore the intricacies of creating impactful conclusions that leave a lasting emotional imprint. Understanding the Essence of Endings: Endings serve as…
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fairydrowning · 1 year
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– Via "twinnedpeaks" on Tumblr
[TEXT ID: / july didn't even say goodbye. the years don't kiss you goodnight anymore. they just leave behind this empty space, a phantom pain. and still i ache, i ache, i ache! / END ID]
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Do you have any recommendations for gaining access to these books? I have a pretty long list of ones I want to read but can't afford most of them. The library has the big ones (Whipping Girl, Detransition Baby, Nevada) but the newer or less well known ones have been difficult to find
No this is actually so real though. Let's talk about it.
One of the big problems that I'm trying to address here is the fact that there is a lack of ability for trans books to reach their perhaps core audience, trans people. Over the last few years trans librarians have been trying to increase the number of trans books in circulation, but that's super contingent on where you live. Not to mention the fact that, at least in the US, states are actively trying to criminalize circulating trans books in libraries.
I know Tumblr is allergic to economics a lot of the time, but you've gotta look at the math to understand why this is the current state of things. Essentially it's a vicious cycle. Lots of trans people can't afford to buy a $25 hardcover on a whim, and traditional publishers put a lot of stock into how well a book performs on release, cause that's how they make money. So when the core audience can't afford it and isn't marketable, they register that as a lower demand, which means that fewer trans books get published, fewer end up in libraries, and the cost of an individual book is driven higher. Low demand, high price. Then because the price is high, trans people cant afford the books, and the cycle continues.
It is the dilemma of the transfemme author that most of their core audience is also gonna be transfemme. It's a self-selecting process that's very hard to break out of. And at the end of the day, there just isn't very much money to go around in the trans community because trans people so frequently get cut off from generational wealth. So when you get an ecosystem of transfemmes selling books to other transfemmes who also sell books to them....
I took a class on the Sociology of Art a few years ago, and one of my core takeaways was that the boundaries of a field (yes my teacher liked Bourdieu, come for her ass, not mine) are fundamentally governed by institutions and entities with the money and power to dictate their rules of play. In Althusser's language, you would call those ISAs (Ideological State Apparatuses). When you read Weber, he talks about how culture needs to have some level of social legitimation in order to become a force of power in the world (I butchered that but it's the gist lol). And it's like.
The people who have the money to read the books dictate which books receive the money. Organizations like Lambda Literary, presses, big name publishers, etc. One of the big problems in the field of trans literature up to this point is that the only people who've had the money to produce social legitimation from the organizing schema/matrix of an ISA have also only chosen to read a very small slice of the extant literature. Then, because those non-profits and presses and companies only champion a small selection of books, that in turn dictates for those who have less money which of those books deserve social attention, critical acclaim, sales, library slots, etc.
And like, all of that is an illusion, but it produces a material reality for the transfemme author. It dictates the material conditions for the reproduction of said literature and who can participate in it.
So, what's to be done about it?
"Buzz" is a big deal in the publishing industry. A good review, an award, a thinkpiece - all of that can be the difference between a successful book and a flop. Publishers look for that. If nobody talks about a book and it doesn't sell well, they'll drop the author faster than you can say Susan. Again, vicious cycle. But like, at the end of the day, a "field," an "ISA," a "legitimated" work of art, that's all just a class prerogative. The different between a Very Important Literary Blog and a "person talking about books on the internet" is money. Like. It's just money. The reality of it is really banal.
It's who has the money to read books. It's who has the money and time to write about books. It's who has the money to gain institutional access to book. It's who has the money to read enough to say, "Oh, well that might seem true, but if you look at X, Y, and Z it's clearly not." It takes money to fact check. It takes money to challenge institutional myths. It takes money because when an institution makes a claim about a book and none of the people who care enough to argue with them have the cash to challenge it, the claim tends to stand.
And like, the honest truth is that between the books, the website, and the education, I've spent a lot of money bringing this website online in the form you're reading it in. A lot of the books I've read were really fucking expensive. I grew up in a wealthy family, my parents were accepting. They have both the means and the desire to support my passion projects. I'm lucky.
The goal of The Transfeminine Review is to create at least one independently trans-run website that can challenge that brand of institutional legitimation work from non-profits and big publishers and cis outlets, a website that can actually highlight transfeminine literature as it exists in the world, not as the Big 5 publishers have dictated it. Topside, Metonymy, Arsenal Pulp, LittlePuss, etc. They've all taken on that challenge from the angle of producing books, but there hasn't been a corollary trans secondary ecosystem dedicated to documenting and critiquing them. Or there is, but it's extremely diffuse and hard to find if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. Then there are the general queer outlets, like them. and whatnot, and they do their best but literature is a side hustle at best. There's the queer-helmed literary outlets like Electric Lit (shout out Denne Michele Norris) but they spend most of their time talking about cis authors. None of it is designed to help or review self-published literature from poor authors, and let's be frank, most transfeminine publishing is still done indie or self.
It's an investment, essentially. On the longshot, the hope is that this website will inspire others to do similar work, and that eventually through the collective efforts of trans authors and their readership, we can begin to change the math on trans publishing and help to spread it to a wider audience.
None of this changes the current reality that trans lit is expensive.
Unless you're lucky, you're probably not gonna find much trans lit at the local library even if you dig for it. Another good place to find free trans books is transreads.org, but their selection is mostly non-fiction, and the fiction is, again, largely the same few books you can find elsewhere. Another good online queer library is https://www.queerliberationlibrary.org/, which might be a good place to look (shoutout to Skye for bringing it to my attention!)
There are a couple of cheaper places to find trans books. If you shop around on itch.io, a lot of self-published trans authors have "name your price" models, which can be more accessible. Creators on itch will also bundle their work on a fairly regular basis, so you can get like 10-20 books for $10, which is, by my token, an excellent price.
If there's a particular author you're interested in, a lot of self-pub trans authors have Patreon accounts where they serialize their novels. You also can find serial (pre-edit) versions of a bunch of books on Scribblehub.
This has gotten steadily less affordable over the last few years cause Amazon is evil, but Kindle Unlimited ($11.99 a month, but there's a free trial) has thousands of trans books. Most of them are erotica, but like, there are a lot of hidden gems in there, and if you're a voracious enough reader, then it'll definitely be much cheaper per book than buying trad.
The problem with all of these, though, is that they tend to favor specific genres and tropes. Like there's only so much variety on itch.io or Scribblehub or transreads.org or KU. So if you like the genre conventions, then awesome! But if you don't it's probably not for you.
And none of it will give you access to some of the rare older tradpub books or the new but scarce releases that I've been going through unless you're willing to pay the full price for them.
I wish I had a better answer, but that's unfortunately the current state of the industry :/
Hopefully this ramble is helpful.
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snaileer · 4 months
Call to My Bedside - Part 2
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/snaileer/733019972168761344/call-to-my-bedside
Danyal wakes the next time with a weight to his limbs. From the moment he opens his eyes, he realizes he is not where he is supposed to be.
This is a medical bay, but it is not in the league, the constant twittering of League doctors monitoring his health is suspiciously gone. No shadows on guard outside the door.
The most glaring thing though, there was no Lazarus Water in his veins.
Perhaps Ra’s had decided he was no longer worth the expense, had decided-
It was something else. That wasn’t an option he would consider.
Danyal tested the feeling of thin metal on his right wrist. Handcuffs, not shackles. It was odd.
But again, this wasn’t the league.
But he’d need to go back before Ra’s became angry. Danyal couldn’t fail.
He glances to the door as it opens, an old man-the one from before- and a younger, slender man standing just behind him.
Danyal stays still, his breathing even, forcing his heart to stay at a constant, stable rate. He watches them, analyzing.
The old man blinks, “It’s good to see you’re awake, young sir-,” He steps into the room, left foot a second slower, old weakness?- English accent, in Europe? the man behind him follows- stiff posture, rib injury, core focused strength, gymnast, combat trained and familiar- Richard Dick Grayson, Nightwing, he’s in America, Batman- “You gave us quite the shock earlier, myself especially.”
Nightwing watched Danyal warily, he saw him as a threat, and by the angle of his feet, a threat to the older man. He remembers now, he’d attacked him before, Nightwing was here to prevent it again.
They are heroes.
He was a part of the League of the Assassins.
He doesn’t fit here, could never.
Danyal considers the merits of speaking English, he wants to, deeply, and perhaps it would even benefit the situation; but his chest clogs with fear before he can even compose a sentence. It’s been too long anyways, the League dialect is easier.
“How long have I been here?” Danyal says, still not moving enough to even jostle the cuff at his wrist.
Nightwing sighs deeply, “We rescued you and Damian from a League of Assassins boat yesterday.” The words of the language are stilted, either by unfamiliarity or awkwardness, and who’s Damian? There’s a pause, “Do you know who I am?” Nightwing asks, caution in the words.
Danyal takes a deep breath, finally sitting up, despite the rattling of the chain on the cuff, “You are Nightwing, Dick Grayson, correct?”
Nightwing nods, his eyes briefly flitting to the elder man, “And you?”
Danyal’s eyes narrow, trying to find the trap, “I am Danyal Al Ghul, Heir of the Demon’s head, Blood of the Batman.”
Danyal watches the eyebrow of the old man tick up in his peripheral.
Nightwing pinches the bridge of his nose, “God I can’t believe Talia did it again,” He murmurs under his breath. In English. And Danyal would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to hear the language again, even just a little.
“Perhaps it would be best to bring Master Bruce back from his meeting,” the old man says pointedly. Danyal ignores as he changes and resets the IV attached to him, familiar with the autonomous care. With or without his consent.
“I’ve already notified him, he should be here soon.”
“Very good. In the meantime,” he turns to Danyal, “I am Alfred Pennyworth, the Wayne family butler. It seems I did not get the chance to introduce myself the last time you were awake.”
Danyal can’t help but blink at the almost joking tone Alfred says it with, knowing that Danyal had been the one to knock him out. It makes his lip twitch, and he silently huffs, surprising himself with the action.
The amusement vanishes as the door opens once more, footsteps barely audible in the second before.
The man standing there is large, tall and broad shouldered, strong- dangerous, calloused hands from training- his eyes stay glued to Danyal, blue and steady amidst the square jaw and sharp features, black hair tussled like he’d been rushing, just like Dad always-
Danyal feels his jaw wire shut, back straightening.
The thin chain of the handcuff jingles in the sudden silence.
This he remembers. This is Batman. The Dark Night of Gotham. The Detective.
The source of every expectation Ra’s Al Ghul has ever placed on Danyal.
He feels his face try to screw into a sneer, because he hates him and everything he’s done that has ever affected Danyal, but his face remains still. Controlled. Because there’s nothing he can do about it anyways.
Batman had introduced himself before.
As another name. A civilian. His training forces him to remember it.
Bruce Wayne.
It means next to nothing to him. But the man doesn’t stop looking.
It’s Nightwing that speaks next, “Danyal, this is Batman, Bruce Wayne, your father.” The smile is at odds with the weary tone of the words, “He was there when we saved you and Damian a few.. yesterday. God that feels like longer.”
Saved? The sentiment makes him want to scoff. He doesn’t, because Batman’s eyes already narrow with Nightwing’s words, and Danyal doesn’t need to make it worse.
A thousand more questions rush through his head. Each one bitten back with practiced force.
Instead he dips his head briefly, aiming for a show of respect, whatever that might mean here. However little he means it. Danyal can adjust regardless.
Danyal lifts his head. That was the only response?
They uproot him entirely, chain him, throw him into unfamiliar waters where everything-everyone- is in new danger and all he does is grunt?
Danyal bites his tongue hard, letting his head lift, carefully non-defiant. He’s not quite sure his eyes get the message because he can feel the glare from them.
“Master Bruce,” Alfred pipes in, tone sharp.
Batman sighs, but the set of his shoulders changes, no longer so heavily lined with suspicion.
“What do you know about why Damian was-" There’s an even sharper cough from Alfred. Another sigh, “Fine. What has Talia already told you about me?”
Danyal glances between them, purposefully keeping his eyes from jumping down to the metal around his wrists.
No one else speaks.
“I know that you are Batman, the Dark Night of Gotham. You are also the detective, great enough to impress the Demon’s Head, Ra’s Al Ghul. The Demon’s daughter informed me you were dead.”
There’s a slight twitch on Batman’s face. “I survived Darkseid’s attack, although it led to me being lost in time and assumed dead for nearly a year,” Batman’s eyes flick across the room, almost considering, “Red Robin was responsible for my return just over a year ago.”
Red Robin. Timothy Drake. The one Ra’s favored. The second source of expectations placed on Danyal.
And he was lost in time? What did that consist of, what did it mean for Batman? Did it matter if it didn’t affect Danyal?
“I see.” He says. Silence lingers. They still expect him to speak. He hedges his bets, asking something he actually cares about, “Why am I here, Batman?”
The question seems to be expected and yet still strike with surprise.
“I… regrettably, did not know you were… present at the league. I do not believe in their methods and would not have left you there had I known.”
And that makes it all okay. Danyal wants to scream. But he narrows his eyes instead, only more suspicious, “And why were you there then?”
“We followed the shadows that had taken Damian. He told us who you were.”
Danyal pauses, leaning back slightly. They were willing to answer his questions, to actually talk with him. Of course they were, they were meant to be heroes.
But it had been so long since he’d actually talked with anyone other than Ra’s, and their conversations were a battleground of expectations and tests.
He fights with his conscious knowledge of this and the habits that have been beaten into him so thoroughly.
“Who is… Damian?” He asks, watching their reactions for the answer.
All three seem surprised by the question. But not angry. Of course not, he reminds himself.
“You’ve mentioned him several times like I am supposed to know who he is.” He had barely been told anything since his forceful return, and any knowledge he had from before stopped at Dick Grayson. And then Timothy Drake.
Danyal had purposefully ignored the hero world he had lived in-
He forces his eyes up to meet Batman’s, noting the hesitance in the set of his shoulders.
“Damian is… your brother. He was.. Talia’s son, before he came to me just a few years ago. He was raised in the league.”
Danyal blinks, anger disbelieving in his chest. Is that what she did?
There’s no response, save a twitch of Batman’s eyebrow.
“When,” Danyal says again, his breathing controlled, “Did he come to you? How old was he? How long ago?”
They seem to pick up on the way Danyal’s tone has changed. Good for them.
“Nearly three years ago. He was ten.” Batman answers, voice rough. Tinged with curiosity and unfulfilled questions.
Danyal breathes deeply, his heart rate picking up against his wishes. Icy rage flares.
The beeping of the machine at his side matches the pounding in his chest, uneven, unbalanced, uncontrolled.
Keep it under control. Keep it. Under. Control.
Control is power. Control is strength. Control is the only thing that will ever be enough.
He breathes deeper. Holding his breath. Once. Twice.
The beeping is steadier with each tone.
“Danyal?” An old voice asks beside him. It’s Alfred. The butler.
Danyal shifts his jaw from its clench, “I am fine.” His eyes slide back into focus, still on Batman, “Damian is your son then.”
Batman nods solemnly, a heavier sigh through his chest, “Talia and I have had an… interesting relationship. But I loved her. Once. She has never failed to make me regret it.”
That was why she had visited him. Her words. What she had almost said. Talia had wished he was Damian, wished he was Bruce. Just not Danyal of course. The weapon she discarded for a better version. One she could love.
One who would be heir.
Batman continues, “Talia is Damian’s mother, told him he would be my heir, as I’m sure you were but-” Batman stops, looking at Danyal as confusion flicks across his face, “You weren’t.”
“I was never told I would be heir of the Batman, only of the Demon’s head.” This, at least, Danyal is familiar with, “That’s the only reason they needed me: to be their weapon made from the Demon Head’s enemy.” Danyal breathes, “A weapon does not have parents, and I have never been more than a weapon to them, crafted for the league’s purpose. For Ra’s.” 
Ra’s is the reason Danyal is alive at all. Is the only reason he has survived the league, but he is also the reason Danyal had to, no- has to survive.
Danyal drops his eyes, tired, so so tired, like he always is. Unerringly, his eyes find the shine of the metal around his wrist. Arm held carefully still to keep from jostling it, even as his other hand has found its way to his lap.
“You can’t really believe that,” Dick says, disbelief in his own voice, unsurety in the frame of an unfamiliar language.
“It doesn’t matter what I believe.”
And it doesn’t. It only matters what he can do. That’s he’s strong. He just has to be strong enough. Ra’s is the reason Danyal suffers, has always been, and Danyal will never let him escape that.
Silence lasts. Danyal quickly grows tired of it.
Luckily, Batman breaks it, “Why were you exposed to the Lazarus waters?” He asks, voice rigid and flat once more. 
Perhaps the casualness is getting to him because Danyal manages to lift one lip in a slight sneer, “The only reason anybody uses the Lazarus Pits.”
The Batman stays silent, clearly talking about the unorthodox method of exposure they had resorted to.
Danyal sighs this time, serious, “My heart is damaged. Electricity. The pits are a short term solution for it. Grandfather had said he found a long term one.” Danyal doubts it matters now. Whatever care his grandfather’d had was fragile, dependent on Danyal’s performance. 
The palm of his left hand tingles sharply.
Would this be enough to tip the scale against him? What would he lose for being here? Who would he-
Danyal looks into Batman’s eyes, “Am I to be a prisoner here?”
The man glances over him at the two on the other side, Danyal doesn’t follow it, nor the silent conversation he’s sure is happening.
Instead, Danyal focuses his ears, senses sharpened by training, by the pits, by his accident… and turns his attention to the person hiding in an alcove above them.
Low breathing, higher pitched, the scent of sword polish and hair gel. The person was small and armed.
“You’re not a prisoner… but if you leave.. you’ll be in danger,” Batman says, voice deep, “We can’t let that happen.”
So either be followed or don’t leave. What great options.
Danyal tries not to scowl, not to show any inflection at it, “And do I have to stay here? In your…. Cave?”
“It might be difficult to move- uh.. the medical things-” Nightwing starts, but Danyal cuts him off by swiftly removing the IV tucked in the crook of his elbow.
He presses his thumb against the small well of blood as he looks forward.
Alfred shouts, jolting towards him, “Master Danyal! That is hardly sterile-“
Danyal’s eyes snap to him the moment the title leaves his mouth, heart stilling for a second, commands in his eyes. Alfred falls still.
Danyal lets it fall away the next second, barely two beats missed. The beeping starts again.
“I see.” Alfred straightens, stepping forward slowly to turn off the IV and coil it, removing other monitors, “Another one for the dramatics then.”
Nightwing steps up, hands out placatingly, “There’s..mm really no need, Danyal, uh-” He glances back to Batman, “Of course you can leave the cave-,” the next words are in bright clear English, “I’m sure there’s already a room picked out for you.”
“Right you are Master Dick,” Alfred says, “Young sir, do you need any help moving?” He directs to Danyal.
He wants to rip his hand from the metal cuff. Snap the thin chain to pieces.
Instead he looks to Nightwing, then Batman, “The restraints?” He says, voice as empty of want as he can make it.
The click of the key in the lock echoes in his ear and it’s only through practiced calm that Danyal does not immediately jerk his arm away from it. Instead, he calmly retracts his hand, bracing slightly against the bed as he turns and plants his feet on the floor.
The others have already moved out of his way, watching intently, waiting for him to fall- to fail.
Danyal straightens his legs. He stands. He breathes. He controls his heart. He walks forward.
He does not fall. He doesn’t have the option to fall.
“I can go now.” He says, looking at them. His knuckles are white on the edge of the bed.
Nightwing looks at Batman once more. The man grunts, then turns from the room in a way that he can only imagine would perfectly flare a cape.
Danyal’s feet feel like they’re filling with cement. Nightwing stares at him expectantly. Danyal understands expectations- but these ones, it leaves him helpless and-
“Follow me then, dear boys,” Alfred says, stepping in front smoothly, already moving towards the door, “We can go upstairs, I’ll start on a meal and Master Dick can show you the rooms.”
Nightwing goes next, leaving Danyal to follow not quite behind him, the angle purposeful to keep him in sight.
Nightwing casts a wary glance to him every few minutes, continuing a light chatter with Alfred. Danyal stares forward, taking in the cave from his peripheral - computer, showers, training mats, an unfamiliar shadow watching him, armory, swords, knifes, suits, cars and vehicles lined up on platforms, a t-Rex, giant penny, a glass case- Danyal lets his eyes linger on the shadow, never faltering his steps.
His neck itches at the attention.
He looks forward. Nightwing is looking at him again, snapping forward the moment Danyal’s eyes narrow. Good.
The steps are slightly narrow, dark, but they come out to a warmly lit study. Dark wood, papers, books on shelves, a portrait on the wall, pictures on the desk, three black hair boys, another of only a single with stiff posture, a ballet dancer- they keep walking. The door-clock- closes behind them like the clamping of an artery.
Nightwing and Alfred’s conversation continues in smooth, low-toned English. Danyal blinks, slowly, slower than he needs to, for a breath of a second relishing in the almost familiarity of it all, the dissonance from the last three years alone enough to well emotion in his chest.
His eyes open. He continues after them.
“This is where I’ll leave you, I’ll be up with some food young sir,” Alfred says abruptly, turning towards a swinging door that reveals a glimpse of a stainless kitchen.
“So…” Nightwing says, swinging his arms a bit at his sides, “uh… I can show you the room you can sleep in, yes?”
Danyal’s shoulders tighten, rising from a subconscious millimeter slouch. He nods stiffly.
His heart remains under control. Always under control.
“So this is the Wayne Mansion, you can go for food any time, uh…” There’s an unsure pause as they start up the stairs, “You can meet the rest of us soon maybe, a correct introduction to Damian…depends on Bruce really… he can be … over …over.”
Nightwing looks at Danyal properly, “I’m usually better at this, most of the bat kids know the League dialect but… I haven’t exactly practiced it.”
Danyal stares at him. He doesn’t want to hear the sound of the League’s twisting words, he wants to leave. He wants to find his family, protect them, get them as far away from Ra’s al Ghul and the league as possible. He wants to go back to Ra’s convince him to let his family go if Danyal stays willingly. Wants a blade strong enough to run the man through and-
“I know you are probably stressed and this is all unfamiliar but … we want you to stay… you won’t be hurt here. This is different than the league, you’re safe.”
Danyal scoffs, not bothering to stop it, he hasn’t been safe since the day he tripped over a wire and died.
Nightwing doesn’t seem surprised by the response.
“This can be your room,” He says, opening a door in the hallway and gesturing a wide arm to Danyal. “The rest of us are just down the hall.”
Danyal steps in, looking around, counting exits, tactical advantages, possible listening devices- He turns around, giving Nightwing a stiff nod, “Thank you for the room.”
Nightwing still stands at his door, “Anything else I can help with for you?” He says.
Danyal considers staying silent, obedient, but he hates hearing the language at every turn, he never wants to hear it again, the words they forced in his mouth, ripping away what was in their place-
“Can you just speak English?” He says, realizing too late how weak it sounds, “You don’t have to use the league tongue, I can-English is.. fine.” Fine. Better. Familiar. A remnant of a family he’s almost certain he’s lost now.
Nightwing barely quirks a brow, eyes flicking over him.
“Can do,” He nods, “Well then… Welcome to Wayne Manor, Danyal.”
And he closes the door behind him.
'It’s just Danny, please.' He wants to whisper to the silence. But he’s grown too used to shadows and it catches in his throat.
He goes and sits on the bed. Staring out of the window. A window he can’t leave from. Where would he go? He doesn’t have anyone, they’re all in danger because of him. He can’t leave.
He’s trapped.
Always trapped.
Bound. Stuck to one place. One thing.
Emotions well in his chest, in the back of his throat, thick and dark and painful. He wants to cry. He can’t. Emotions constrict around his lungs.
And Danyal sits, staring at the wall, wishing he could cry. But the emotions just twist themselves until they’re tight enough, heavy enough to fall down, settle back like a layer of heavy chainmail over his insides.
Danyal turns on the bed, facing the wall.
It’s empty tan-beige. Neutral colors. No personality. Temporary.
This is familiar to him. This he can do.
Danyal stands again, he strips down his tunic, his shin-guards and pants- notes the lack of his typical weapons- methodically placing it on the dresser. Not his dresser, he already has one, painted blue with yellow stars back in-
Danyal gets in the shower, glad to find soap there, contemplating not using it, not wasting the energy. He watches condensation develop on the glass walls, water droplets collecting until they finally rush down the glass.
His finger lifts, already wanting to trace the letters he knows. Three lines, an H. One. i. Or e, he could write hello. Or ghost. Mom. Dad. Jazz, Sam, Tucker. Write it in English so he wouldn’t forget the way they were meant to be spelled, let the water wash it away.
His fingers ache where they’d been broken for it. For tracing letters in dirt or on mirrors, in the foggy glass at night. A break for every word.
Danyal can see his hand shake, inches from the glass. Pain and fear a leech on his bones.
He drops the hand. Turns to wash away the soap and get out, towels left on the counter.
He doesn’t even glance at the mirror as he goes out.
His tunic is where he’d left it, neatly set on the dresser top… but…
Danyal opens the drawers, changing into the boxers, the next one is dress pants and collared shirts, but in the third-
Rough denim scuffs against his fingertips.
They’re dark wash jeans, fancy and nothing like the ones his mom would buy on sale from the thrift store but…
He doesn’t let himself debate it further, he has to wear clothes and no one is here to tell him which. They put them here so they should expect him to wear it- it could be a test but he doesn’t care, let them do what they want if only to pretend the jeans are stiff from ectoplasm stains instead of fresh starch.
He chooses a white t-shirt, ignoring the collared shirts and polos that are probably meant to go over it.
He breathes, letting his shoulders drop, tilting his head back with his eyes closed, pretending for only a second that he’s getting dressed for school. Jazz is across the hall getting her books together, Sam and Tuck are on their way to walk together, his parents are already downstairs working.
'See?' He wants to say, 'I’m still the same person, nothings changed!'
The metal of the door knob clicks and Danyal’s head snaps towards the sound.
There’s nothing. Danyal doesn’t trust it, eyes narrowing as he scrutinizes the tall double doors.
“I know you’re there!” he calls out, fists ready, “Open the door and show yourself or I will!”
There’s a harsh tutt behind the door before it swings open, revealing a kid standing there. Short, black hair- hair gel-, dress slacks and shirt hiding multiple bladed weapons-
“Clearly I meant for you to know I was here, I am not incompetent,” The kid scoffs. So Nightwing wasn’t lying about them all knowing the league dialect…. Yet somehow, it sounds different coming from the kid, familiar in a way that makes Danyal's skin burn. He looks irritated, arms crossed in front of him even while his eyes wander over the room and Danyal with curiosity. And judgement.
Danyal rolls his eyes at it, “Did you need something from me, or did you just want to stand there looking like a hair gel commercial?”
The boy’s face goes red impressively fast, “How dare you-” he moves- and a knife is flying at his face, Danyal dodges, catching it in a second, shifting to throw it back but stops, half way extended. He looks at the hilt, there’s a League marking engraved on the bottom no larger than a droplet.
Danyal's eyes flick up to the boy still standing in front of him, glaring him down.
That’s all it takes before the boy jumps forward, another knife in his hand.
Danyal blocks it, twisting the arm as he drops his own acquired knife to his other hand and lunges forward.
The boy flips over his arm, and Danyal doesn’t let his surprise show as he reaches to grab the second knife he’d forced the kid to drop.
The boy tutts at him again, “So this was who Mother replaced me with? Street rabble?”
Danyal blinks, Mother? Then it clicks.
So this was Damian. The child the demon’s daughter wanted, beloved by all. Treasured. Preserved.
Danyal grits his teeth against the bitter taste in his mouth. He lunges forward, already expecting the larger dagger Damian uses to block him as he’s forced to retreat.
Danyal doesn’t stop, continuing to press him, “The Demon’s Daughter is no mother of mine,” he spits as he slams a kick against Damian’s elbow, blade dropping once more. Danyal cuts a shallow slash across Damian’s left cheek before dropping his own stolen knives.
He doesn’t stop though, continuing to push Damian back- Damian swerves to the side, grabbing his arm, flipping him, Danyal retaliates, grabbing the others shirt and taking him with him.
He catches his feet a second before the other, using it to pin him face to face with Danyal’s arm at his throat, “Maybe if you were good enough, you wouldn’t have had to be replaced at all and I never would have been forced to be here, this is your fault. I was free,” He grits out, teeth bared, “You got to live these last three years because I paid for it, and you’re angry because they don’t want you!?”
There’s something startling in Damian’s wide eyes, “What are you talking about?” He snaps, “I am Damian Al Ghul, Heir to the League, Ibn al X-“
Danyal slams him harder against the floor, cutting him off. Green simmers, almost boiling, under his skin. He grits his teeth harder against the sharp pain through his chest.
He leans closer to Damian, snarling, his grip bruising, “You don’t even know what you escaped, what Ra’s really wanted with you, do you? What being heir means. You’re nothing more than a -”
Damian jerks his head upwards, colliding with Danyal’s forehead and knocking him back with a grunt. Danyal’s grip loosens momentarily and Damian pulls free.
He slams a palm strike into Danyal’s front, pain lancing through his chest as he gasps, heart convulsing.
He moves through it by force, both rolling off each other with violent hands.
They stand opposite each other once more. Blood drips from the cut on Damian’s cheek. Danyal’s ragged breaths join Damian’s in the silence. He can hear footsteps on the stairs. His heart clenches in his chest painfully. There’s barely enough Lazarus water in his veins to keep it pumping for a week, less if he keeps this up.
The door flings open with a slam, both of them turning to look.
Batman stands there, battle calm in his eyes.
Damian turns fully at the sight of his father, but Danyal doesn’t shift from his stance.
“Father, I-“ Damian starts, but Batman just lifts a hand, silencing him.
“What. Happened.” Batman says, looking straight at Danyal, not even a question. A demand. Green tinted steel shoots up Danyal’s spine and he does nothing but glare back at the man.
Batman doesn’t break eye contact, “Damian.”
“I was determining if he was a threat. He is from the League, Father,” Damian says  shortly, standing tall despite the blood on his face.
Batman looks between them briefly, and oh what a picture they must make.
Two kids, both born in the same cage, one trying to claw his way out of the chains and the other trying to fight his way in.
Exhaustion washes over Danyal, and he drops his fists, letting them hang by his sides.
Batman hums, barely a sound, but a muscle twitches in Damian’s jaw.
“Go Damian. Now.”
Damian looks back at him, not-quite-hate in his eyes, before dropping to a crouch to grab the knife closest to his feet with one hand and turning to leave.
Faced with Batman’s sole attention, Danyal lifts his chin defiantly, daring him to take action, to punish him, to do something that he can predict, can defend, can justify the anger he feels when he sees him.
“I know it was different in the league, but here, this is not acceptable.”
Danyal half-scoffs. He finally steps out of his stance, “I could leave.”
“That’s not-” Batman pinches the bridge of his nose, voice like gravel, “I am trying to protect you, the manor is not the league. I understand what it must have been like to be raised like that, but you can’t hurt others, no matter what teachings you’ve had. I can guarantee you won’t be hurt here, I won’t let-”
Danny huffs a dry laugh, “You won’t let?” He steps forward, rage bubbling back up, “Hurt me? I’m not worried about me, Batman. You can’t stop him. Ra’s is going to get what he wants, and as long as that is me, everyone around me is in danger, I’m dangerous. I'm a weapon, a weapon of your enemy. You can’t fix that, can you?”
“We can protect ourselves-”
Danyal scoffs again, “Because you’ve done such a good job of that already? Don’t forget, all of this is because of you, they wanted you, and now they want me because of you, Batman. You.”
Something stricken shoots through the man’s face before it flattens. Batman nods and steps back, a hand on the doorhandle, “Don’t leave.” Is all he says, before the door clicks shut.
Danyal feels the walls closing in on him like a cell.
He looks to his left.
The bathroom door is open. He can see his reflection in the mirror, any condensation gone.
Danyal stares.
When he had been younger, back in- before. Danyal would stand in front of a mirror and pick out parts he thought looked like his parents. Like a Fenton. His shoulders were from Jack obviously. His eyes and hair too. His jawline was from Maddie, his hands from Jack, and the love of engineering and planning from Maddie. He had the same legs as his mom. Same voice as his dad, always loud. If he didn’t look too hard, he could almost convince himself he was really their kid, their son.
But he could never quite place his tanned skin, or the texture of his hair. The shape of his eyes and nose. Always just a little bit wrong.
What had pretending done but put them in danger?
Danyal turns on his heel, flicking the lights off and putting a glass soap bottle on the door handle.
He knew he’d wake up regardless… but he wasn’t taking any chances.
Danyal rubs his chest with the heel of his palm as he lays down on the far side of the bed, his back to the door, staring out at the city beyond the window glass.
How close would he come to freedom before he’d have to give it up again?
And he knew he would.
For his family, he would give the Demon’s Head anything.
If that’s what it took.
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to pretend he would fall asleep.
Bruce runs over Danyal’s words again and again during the flight.
'This is because of you, Batman,'
He flicks a switch.
The landing gear lowers.
'You can’t fix this.'
He can see the way the shadows of the forest twist around the clearing.
Wheels touch grass. Batman lands at the coordinates, just on the side of the field in front of the woman waiting for him.
'Because of you.'
He breathes.
“My Beloved, how are you?” She greets him as he descends the ramp.
Bruce says nothing. He cannot even begin to fathom what he would say if he did.
Instead, he stares at her. A woman who had once meant so much to him, whom he had nearly thrown away everything for. And who had nearly done the same for him.
But she hadn’t. Wouldn’t. And it had hurt him, but he had recovered.
And then she hurt him again.
She had stolen and lied to him in his vulnerability.
And still, he had found himself loving her.
Had allowed her to continue hurting him. Again and again. Out of a vain hope that she would change. Because he thought that he could change her. That she would change for him.
It was foolish. It was senseless.
Yet he found it just as impossible to stop.
And so she had hurt him again.
“Talia.” Her name grated against his heart, “Why did you not tell me I had another son?”
“The boy is no more yours than he is mine, Beloved,” She says with a roll of her eyes, as if explaining a basic fact, “He belongs to my father. And to the league.”
Bruce is silent. He notices a slight bruise forming on her left cheek.
Talia’s face is tight, “Do you not care about the son I have given you? Has Damian not satisfied you?”
Bruce feels the leather of his gauntlets stretch over his clenched fists.
“I deserved to know,” He near growls, “Just as I did Damian, just as I did with Jason. You cannot continue to keep my children from me-“
“If it was not for that boy, you would not have met Damian at all,” Talia snaps.
Bruce blinks. Hard.
“His return brought Damian into your arms, you should be grateful.” She spits at him like an accusation, “Damian is ours, Bruce. From our love. That boy was made before we truly knew each other, before we understood each other as we do now. He was borne of nothing more than my father’s obsession. Damian is our son, not him.”
“His name is Danyal, Talia!” Bruce bellows, “He is a child, and he is a person! Just like you, and me, and Damian, and he deserves more than to be written off as one of Ra’s al Ghul’s projects! He deserves better than this!” Than us, he doesn’t say. Deserves better than him.
Talia straightens from already perfect posture, “I made a choice Bruce, for Damian. To protect Damian. I knew our son was never meant to bear my father’s hands, he was never meant to be what Danyal is.” Talia pauses, eyes sharp on him, and he can see when she chooses her next words. Already knows they are meant to cut him, to hurt him. He steels himself and listens anyways.
“Perhaps you should ask him where he’s been all these years I’ve supposedly kept him from you, Beloved.” She says coyly, stepping forward.
“What are you talking about.”
She takes another step, “The truth of the matter is that Danyal could have gone to you any time he wanted. He chose not to. Chose to stay away.”
He stays silent.
“Oh- Did the boy not tell you?“ Talia says, barely hiding the falseness, “Danyal was living in America before he returned to his rightful duty. Almost didn’t work, but…” Talia hummed, “His gifts were fortuitous in the end. A risk well calculated, my father’s doing I suspect.”
Talia almost seems blaisé as she talks about it, but he can see the way it irks her. Her father had tricked her. Somehow. Or had manipulated her into some choice she hadn’t known about.
Batman says nothing, analyzing, taking in clues.
“Beloved,” Talia sighs, “Surely you must know, the boy must return.”
“And surely you know: I can’t let that happen.”
Talia glowers at him.
“It’s him or Damian, Bruce, you must choose, just as I did.”
“No.” Bruce growls.
“You cannot have both,” She snaps at him.
Batman stands firm, staring her down, resolute.
“You invite his anger on them both,” She snarls, “You save no one.”
Batman ignores the words. He has made it his job to make sure that’s not true. He’ll die before it is.
“Fine.” She snaps again. But she lingers for a few seconds more. The lines of her face softening.
“I remember I once loved that same unbending drive.”
It feels odd to hear her confirm something he’s not sure ever really existed.
Then Talia turns away and walks into the forest. Shadows contort and reform around her at the edges of the clearing. Slowly emptying until there’s nothing left but the trees and the grass and him, standing alone at the center of it all.
He turns to leave.
He won’t choose between his children.
He climbs the ramp.
He will protect them.
He sits down in the pilots chair, flicking switches and gears.
All of them.
Engines roar to life below him.
He will not fail.
And yet… he cannot forget her words. Twisted they may be, and just as easily lies.. but, her irritation at her father’s plans… he had always been good at telling when it was real.
'Living in America… chose to stay away,'
Living in America?
Had he been secluded at one of their bases here? Had it even been close?
Had Danyal been just miles away, suffering, and Bruce hadn’t known?
But it felt wrong. What Talia had said sat like a jagged puzzle piece, poking and prodding at him, not quite fitting the theories he threw at it.
Did she only mean returned to the League’s home base? Closer to their original strongholds in Asia?
It didn’t make sense. She would have crafted the words differently, to drive her point home.
She’d said ‘supposedly kept him from you’ like she hadn’t. Like she hadn’t kept Danyal hidden, the way she had Damian. It didn’t add up.
She could have just been lying. Bruce didn’t think she was. It couldn’t be that simple. No, there was something specific about the way she’d phrased it all, like she was telling him a secret. Like it was something Ra’s had hidden. Like something Danyal was hiding.
Batman narrowed his eyes, staring out at the landscape in front of him as it rushed past.
Whatever it was, whatever she wasn’t telling him, Batman needed to figure it out before it came back to hurt him or his family. Danyal included.
Then there was the rest of it.
The ‘gifts’ that Talia had mentioned.
He knew Danyal had been forced to interact with the Lazarus waters, but he didn’t know to what extent. What it had done to him.
It’d had an effect on him, that much was clear by the acid green of his eyes when he stood off against them in the Batcave. And earlier when Bruce had first interrupted the fight with Damian.
He didn’t even think Danyal had noticed they were glowing then. Too defensive to think about it. Or perhaps he was used to it.
How many times had he been submerged? Had been so injured that Ra’s saw fit to put him in?
How many times had Bruce not been there to protect him from it?
Even if he was only acting out of defensiveness… was that not Bruce’s fault too?
That he still felt unsafe in the Manor. That he didn’t know if Bruce would act the same as Ra’s, as the League.
And Danyal was right, he was responsible for the pain the league caused him, for them hunting him. If he had never let himself be pulled into Talia’s web- or if she was to be believed… even before that.
When exactly? When had Batman become enough of a threat that Ra’s had decided to use him? Was it because he had refused to be his heir? Or before that? Before or after Dick? Jason?
He doesn’t even know how old Danyal is. How long Batman had let him suffer because of h-
“I do hope you aren’t planning to brood like this with your children around, Master Bruce,” Alfred says, cutting through his thoughts, “I don’t believe your pride would survive the repercussions.”
Bruce glances at the monitor Alfred has decided to call from.
“Hn.” Bruce grumbles.
Alfred is right, his children would tease him mercilessly for ‘brooding’ as they called it. If only Dick at least, who hasn’t missed a chance to do so since he’d been a freshly christened Robin.
How would Danyal fit into that? Would he grow to tease like the others? Or remain stoic like Damian?
“I’ll be approaching in 30 minutes, A.” He says. ‘Will Danyal be there?’ He doesn’t say.
Alfred says nothing in response. The engines fill the silence.
He grits his teeth, he just wants to know the situation, to stay updated, he wants to know if something’s happened or anything’s changed.
He sighs, forcefully loosening his jaw, “Who’s going out tonight?”
“Mm, I believe Miss Brown and Master Tim were discussing going together. Master Thomas is in bed, as is usual, though he did mention he’d be out early.. and I believe Madame Cassandra is staying in. She seems to have found a new project.”
Batman hums in confirmation. He wants to know what Cass had found interesting. More than that, he wants to know if Danyal was okay, Damian too.
“It seems it circles around our newest resident, though she hasn’t shown herself to him yet. Master Dick also seems to think the young sir is his duty as much as Master Damian had been.”
Batman feels his lips tug downwards as he grunts in response. Damian’s first year with them was… a regret. His own absence was devastating. He’d have to find some way to assure Dick that Danyal wasn’t his responsibility this time, that he could still be his own person. Perhaps he should encourage Dick to return to Blüdhaven. Affirm the family would be alright without him.
Batman sees Gotham’s cloud of smog come into view. The bay follows soon after, and the buildings next.
“I’m coming in now.”
“Very good sir.” Alfred answers, nodding in his peripheral before the call clicks off.
When the Batplane arrives to the cave, Alfred is nowhere to be seen. The other’s suits are missing as well, meaning they are already out for the night.
Batman doesn’t pause more than to look around, already heading to the Batcomputer with determined steps.
He enters his access codes, running through his security checks unconsciously, mind spinning on theories and clues.
He picks apart his and Talia’s interaction again and again, trying to pull everything he can from it and put it into his report file. Maybe if he can just read over it again, remember something else, maybe it will be enough to protect Danyal, maybe it will be enough to stop Ra’s, maybe it will be enough understand why Talia did this to h-
A gentle hand slides over his just as his finger goes to slam the enter button of the keyboard.
He looks over his shoulder, already recognizing the feeling of stitching against his suit.
Cass looks at him meaningfully. Her gentle hand shifts into a lean against his arm, the pressure a comfort. She stares up at the Batcomputer and reads through his writing piece by piece.
Bruce waits for her. He knows she struggles with so many words. Knows that she gained more from watching him type it than she will from reading an exact account but the details will be helpful anyways.
She nods to him, fingers tapping lightly against his arm as she thinks it over, scanning and rescanning the document.
Cass has been developing fidgets recently, small twitches of movement that don’t serve a purpose than to let her move.
Bruce wants to smile every time. He’s pretty sure they’re on purpose, but still.. it’s freedom for her.
She nudges him, reaching for a button across the keys. It flicks to a camera screen a second later.
The one in Danyal’s room.
Bruce feels a twinge of guilt at the disappointment Cass aims at him before they both refocus on the image.
The empty image.
Danyal is not in the room, and Bruce feels his eyebrows scrunch as he goes to pull up the other camera feeds to locate him, make sure he hasn’t been taken-
“Downstairs.” Cass says.
Batman gets a half turn around, checking the cave for a foreign presence, before Cass stops him again.
She points to the screen, drawing his attention to a bottom square.
Danyal stands in the hallway of the manor, staring at the portraits on the walls.
He feels a light tap on his shoulder in parting before Cass’s presence at his side disappears silently.
He stares up at the figure of his son standing in the hallway, mind still whirring about possibilities and clues and lies and secrets.
Danyal continues to stand in front of the portrait for another minute, clenching and unclenching his fists at his side.
He rips his eyes away from the portrait, turning down the hallway and ducking into the kitchen.
It’s empty when he gets there. Then again, the whole mansion had seemed empty. Aside from the ever constant, ever familiar feeling of eyes weighing down on him.
Danyal considers making himself food.
He considers jumping out of the window and seeing how far he could get.
He wonders if their cabinets have something he’d know and could do himself or if he’d be hopelessly lost.
He wonders how long it will take for the Demon’s Head to find him. Wonders what he’ll do when he does. Wonders if his-
He stops himself short.
“May I offer you some tea and snacks, young sir?”
Danyal turns slightly to face the old butler-Alfred- who’d entered behind him and nods.
Can he even say no?
Alfred gestures to a chair set up by the built in breakfast nook.
He sits. Even as the domesticity of it all throttles his heart in his chest. The way they must eat together every morning, appear together in every photo, smiling. A family portrait. Batman’s family. Batman got to keep his. But Danny’s is tra-
Danyal breathes purposefully, staring down at his hands, clenching them tighter.
Suddenly a hand reaches across his vision, pressing a button on an ancient looking miniature TV sitting just tucked into the kitchen corner.
It flickers to life on some random news channel, low mindless chatter softening the air.
Danyal feels his shoulders lower slightly, just barely, as the silences retreats. He glances up, expecting to find Alfred there staring at him, questioning him, why he’s acting like this, why he-
Alfred’s back is to him. The man busy at the stove with the tea kettle.
“I hope you like lemon ginger tea,” the man says, getting a small jar from a cupboard, “It’s been quite a bit since I’ve had the opportunity to make some.”
Danyal doesn’t quite trust it, still watching the man warily. He doesn’t understand why they would welcome him into their house, Batman or no, he was a threat to them. He was nothing but a threat.
“How about something to eat?”
Danyal watches the man move over to the fridge.
Something moves in his peripheral and his eyes jump to the side.
Narrowed eyes comb over the fancy china case against the wall. But he can’t see anything odd. The glass is clear, refracted reflection shining back him over the china. A dark phone sitting on the ledge. Dark wood pressed against the wall. He doesn’t know what he saw.
Alfred sets a small plate down in front of him with a light clatter, immediately turning back as the tea kettle begins to screech.
The movement makes a small carrot tumble off, rolling across the counter to Danyal.
He stares at it.
He breathes in, out, in out, in out in out too fast. Too fast-
A finger rolls to a stop in front of him and he can only stare at it as strong arms grip and pull him back, keeping him restrained.
Granite counters blend until they are stone floors.
He can’t look away from it. Confusion bleeds in with denial and regret and bloodthirsty stubbornness.
“Look at me, boy.”
Danny’s head is jerked back by his hair, forcing his eyes up to his instructor.
The man glares down at him.
“I have taught warriors better than you by a thousand, and you dare to try to escape under my hand?”
Danny tries to grin, barely managing a crude sneer, coppery blood in his teeth, “You should have kept a better eye on me, you fucking nutcase.”
His eyelid flicks closed automatically as cold gunmetal rests against it.
“Say that again.”
Danny swallows his regret, in for a penny in for a pound. He juts his chin up, forcing the man to follow the movement with his gun.
“What, were you dropped as a bab-” His open eye strains to see his instructor’s thumb press down the hammer of the gun. A warning.
He can feel his hands shake under the assassins hold. His throat burns.
“You scared of a chil-?” He barely has time to register the hand moving before the butt of the gun slams into his nose with a sickening crack.
Pain floods his face. He gets half a shout out before his chin is grabbed by unforgiving hands.
He stares into the man’s cold eyes.
Danny says nothing. Too focused on trying to breathe when his nose is filling with blood and his mouth is clamped nearly shut.
He resists the urge to spit in the man’s face as he steps back, straightening and waving a hand to the assassins. Even without their hands on him he can feel their presence looming behind him.
Danny drops his head, curling in on himself as much as he can, trying to ignore the feeling of blood as it slides down his face.
His eyes are left to stagnate on the finger thrown to the ground in front of him.
Pale skin stands stark against dark floors, contrasted by blood and dirt marring it. He can see the calluses and small scars.
He doesn’t understand.
He might.
He doesn’t want to.
“You are not the only one I can punish to get my point across, boy.”
He looks closer at the finger. At the nicks of careless knives and tools, of a hand that had cradled- no- please no-
“The oaf was very insistent it be him.”
Danny snaps his head up, fear striking through his chest, “No! Please-“ he catches himself, “Please don’t hurt them! They don’t- Hurt me, just me! They don’t deserve it, they didn’t do anything-!”
Sharp eyes stab into him. Fury behind them.
“Hurt me, Master Shrike, just me. Please.”
There’s a pause as the man continues to stare down at him before he lifts one lip in a sneer, “Do you think you command me, child?”
Danny freezes, “I don’t- I- No, Master. I don’t.”
“Then why,” Shrike near growls, “Do you beg me? Why do you plead like you have a right to ask for anything?”
“I don’t-” 'I don’t understand,' he starts to say but he’s cut off by Shrike’s boot hitting his face. He’s learned by now when not to dodge. He can’t give them another reason to hurt his family.
A second kick lands.
“You will be quiet!”
Danny waits for a beat, then slowly pulls himself up from the floor, not lifting his eyes.
He can still see his father’s finger on the floor.
“You do not command me. You are a tool! A weapon in the Demon’s hand! I choose to act, to punish or break you! You do not act, do not speak until you are to be used!”
Danyal stays silent.
He wants to scream, to fight back, they train him and they train him but he can’t fight back because if he does- his eyes flick to the bloodied finger.
He can let them. For his family, he can let them call him a weapon, can let them say he has no will. He can do this one thing.
He’s not giving up, he tells himself. But for his family’s safety, he can let them think he is. Just this once.
Danny stops, eyes shutting for just a second as he bends into a kneel, holding his hands up in front of him.
There’s a pause, cruel satisfaction radiating off the man in front of him.
Danyal licks his lips, steeling himself, “I am ready for my lesson,” Danny forces the words out, “Master Shrike.”
He doesn’t bother to look up and see the man’s sneer.
He sees the kick coming.
He still doesn’t move.
He stays still.
The world moves around him. Voices. Muttering. The sound of dishes, water being poured.
There’s a carrot.. orange and bright in front of him.
His heart is beating too fast. His eyes sting.
Calm down. Control it. Control it. Stop, stop-
A tea cup clatters in front of him.
“Sir Danyal, are you quite alright?” He hears someone ask. Alfred. It’s Alfred. Batman’s butler. He’s not-
He tries to speak, ‘I’m fine’ he tries to say. But his throat constricts. He simply nods, staring down at the carrot.
A freaking carrot.
It’s ridiculous.
He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s. Fine.
Danyal takes a deep breath. He breathes out. Silently.
He does it again.
He holds it until his heart slows down, stops stuttering from beat to beat.
He breathes out.
He reaches for the tea, ignoring the eyes on him-always watching him- ignoring the way his hands shake.
He drinks the tea. Let’s it burn his throat and distract him.
He breathes.
Alfred does not turn to look at him. Staying busy at the sink with dishes that already look clean.
He is thankful.
He breathes.
Low murmurs fill impenetrable silence. Danyal drags his eyes over to the small TV.
His breath stops.
A banner of words crawls across the bottom of the screen.
‘DalvCo factories shutting down after mass destruction.’
He tries to tear his eyes away.
‘Four buildings exploded just after midnight on Saturday in downtown Chicago, Elmerton, and Red Lake. 12 workers dead. Police have not caught the perpetrators.’
And they won’t.
Danyal can recognize a message.
He knows what it means. Who is sending it.
He tries not to let it show how his mind begins spinning. Churning out plans and strategies- If an attempt had cost his father a finger, what would they do to them now, because of Danyal?- he had to fix this.
He looks down to his shaking hands. He stops them. And the tea in his cup stills.
He stops. Pauses. He eyes Alfred still at the sink without looking up.
He places it just on the edge of the counter. Then turns away and lets go.
The cup falls.
It shatters against the floor. Danyal jumps up from his seat at the same time Alfred turns around.
“What’s happened?” He says, already hustling over with a towel. “Are you hurt?”
Danyal steps away and around him, towards the door.
He almost bumps into the display case until the reflection of light off the phone catches his eye. A small ballet sticker sits on the back of the case.
His hand moves before he can think and slips it into his pocket. He looks at Alfred.
“It’s no trouble, Young Danyal,” Alfred says as he crouches over where Danyal had been sitting, “I’ll clean this up and get you more. You can help me prepare for breakfast-“
Danyal considers knocking him out, so he can’t stop him, or alert anyone, but a body is more suspicious. Instead he paints his face with fear and steps out of the room as quick as he can.
He turns down the hallway, trying to remember where he’d walked from the cave.
Mere hours ago.
He goes the opposite direction, following a halls as far to the outer edges of the mansion as he can, typing in Vlad’s number with nervous hands as he goes.
He makes a final turn before he opens a window, glances backwards, and jumps out.
He lands in a roll, already running. His finger presses call and he listens to the phone ringing as he runs.
Once. Twice. He swipes branches out of his way. Three times. Four. Five. Six.
‘We’re sorry the number-‘
Danyal hangs up and presses again.
He doesn’t stop running.
He just has to protect them. He has to warn Vlad. Warn whoever he can. Tell someone.
It rings again. Once. Twice. Three times. Four. Five. Six- ‘We’re sorr-‘
Danyal presses it again and runs faster.
If he can get caught by the League maybe Ra’s will overlook it. Maybe he can still protect them. He can fix this. Please just let him fix this.
‘We’re s-‘
He tries again.
And Danyal continues rushing through the woods, wishing his feet would carry him faster, further, higher-
The sound of his steps pounds in his ears. The phantom feeling of eyes on his back.
He slams his finger down on Vlad’s number again, letting the dial tone drown his heartbeat out.
Once. Twice. Three times, Frick! Vlad pick up! Four- the speakerphone clicks.
There’s barely a pause, “DANNY!?”
Danny nearly trips, his heart stuttering dangerously, hopefully.
“Dani?…” He says, then jolts to his senses and continues running, a glance thrown behind him, “Dani, how do you have Vlad’s phone, are you okay? Have you been to Amity?”
“Danny, where the hell are you!? I’ve been looking all over for-“
“Dani, you have to listen okay, there’s dangerous people after me- after us-“ Danyal jumps another log, scaling a small stone wall, “You can’t fight them, you have to run, they’ve got my family, Tuck, Sam-“
“Danny wait no listen to me-!”
“You can’t fight them! You can’t, okay!?” Danny scans his eyes back and forth frantically as he runs, mind spinning, calculating how he’s going to get out, away, controlling his heart rate as much as he can, “You have to promise me! Just find Vlad, get out of Amity. Warn him- I couldn’t - my parents- you have to-“
“Danny, listen to me!” Dani yells, stopping him in his tracks.
“Your parents are out, Danny,” She says, voice rushed, but his ears barely hear it. “They escaped, they called us weeks ago to start looking for you- Danny, they’re out.”
She goes quiet. Waiting for Danny.
His parents were-
Danny draws in a deep breath, standing stock still in the middle of the trees, stolen phone still pressed to his ear.
He couldn’t believe it.. they were-
Something clangs against a tree behind him and Danyal whips around ready to-
His head blossoms with pain.
Everything goes dark.
This is included in my one-shot collection(for now) on Ao3, under same name. The collection is Things that Could Exist by Snaileer.
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/snaileer/760212137159294976/call-to-my-bedside-3?source=share
@thecrystallabyrinth @isnt-that-grape @riverdancingwerewolves @mimblizzy @chaos-deimos-et-eris @miraculousandmore2 @mys-tia @jitteryjuttury @moonlight-opal @nerdypaintbrush @thedragonqueen1998 @luminanightfall @cowarddragon @cyrwrites @kamireadsmcu
631 notes · View notes
lyndentree63 · 10 months
Oohhhhhhh. So far, all of Aabria's Dimension 20 seasons are intensely literary Misfits and Magic - Harry Potter ACOFAF - Jane Austen, Bridgerton Burrow's End - Watership Down, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Animal Farm, 1984, etc.
There's something delightful hearing her talk about not coming to TTRPGs through high fantasy like Lord of the Rings and Wheel of Time, but yet there's so much bookish influence on her GMing work. Diversify the literary influences!
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bogkeep · 1 month
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i reread captive prince trilogy for the third or fourth time recently
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pangur-and-grim · 1 year
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botanautical · 11 months
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(textless version below the cut)
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t1sunfortunate · 8 months
I truly do think one of the largest pitfalls among the "media consumption is my passion" crowd is the tendency to treat characters as human beings with agency rather than narrative tools manipulated by the author
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volitioncheck · 1 year
nvm this is still on my brain. kim does not like to watch harry suffer… to say that kim takes satisfaction in harry’s pain is a huge misconstruing of his character.
the “getting thrashed like a schoolboy” line comes from a board game, lol. it’s a tease, not a cruelty. there’s never any line that implies that Kim enjoys seeing Harry taking actual morale damage.
he can be amused if you fail a check, but the check is always relatively inconsequential, and again, Harry isn’t taking damage in these.
Failing to pry the trash bin open:
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Failing to shatter Ruby’s lorry window:
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(also in both of these examples he only responds smugly if you choose for Harry to stubbornly dig in his heels. if Harry gets huffy, Kim teases. If Harry backs down right away Kim won’t rub it in, which feels significant to me! it reminds me of that recent post goin around about Kim meeting your energy!)
and here’s some reactions to failed checks where he does take damage.
Failing the jump to get your cloak:
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Failing to break down Plaisance’s door:
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he’s not laughing if Harry’s taking damage because he’s not a dick lol.
aaaaand here’s some other instances of morale/health damage and kim’s reactions.
alternate dialogue for failing the harbor jump:
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after the call with precinct 41:
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seeing bullet holes in the wall:
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most significant examples to argue this point for me come when harry has done something to jeopardize the RCM’s image. which kim goes on and on about the importance of maintaining— and yet even here, he still extends worry and assurance.
telling Billie about her husband and handling it badly:
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hardie authority check failure cock carousel:
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aaaaand the car. this line is one of the most mask-off kim moments we get in the game in my opinion, honestly.
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tying this back to the schoolboy line— that line doesn’t show up if you have a negative reputation with Kim. if you have <1 rep, it gets replaced with him calling it “about four hours of our lives that we'll never get back,” lol.
it’s affectionate ribbing!! twisting it into anything else is bizarre 2 me lmao!
anyways. kim is a foil to every other cop we meet in the game specifically because he doesn’t view harry as a punching bag or a lost cause. gottlieb does nothing but sling jabs and glib jokes about harry’s health. torson+mclaine and the others laugh at harry’s panic attack over the radio. in response to harry’s suicide-by-car attempt(!!!!) jean yells about RCM budget. all kim’s lines in response to harry’s check failures and health-damage are consistent, explicit textual contrast against the callousness of the rest of the RCM. twisting kim’s character here requires a bad faith interpretation of the whole game.
846 notes · View notes
the-broken-pen · 1 year
Honestly the pipeline of “reading the-modern-typewriter snippets at midnight on the floor of my bathroom at age eleven so I wouldn’t get caught” to “being a tumblr writer myself” is a wild one.
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5bi5 · 1 month
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Kendra with a sword
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tamelee · 1 year
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Panel redraw (sorta). Based on this ask, hope you and the one who suggested this panel- 🫣💕 like it. I'm not sure if it turned out well..
Bridge scene ⃩/Naruto's resolve
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inoreuct · 10 months
thinking about mermaid sanji and sailor zoro,,,
the sky is cloudless, the sun’s glimmering off the calm water, the crew’s relaxing on the deck as they’re sailing through a clear patch of ocean; by all accounts, it’s a perfect day. luffy hasn’t gotten them into another shenanigan as of yet and zoro’s chilling up in the crow’s nest, half asleep and lethargic with the heat— and then he swears he hears laughter. and it isn’t coming from the ship.
he’s up on his feet immediately and squinting against the glaring light, wondering for a second if he’s seeing a mirage or a trick of the heat shimmer, because they’re sailing by a large, flat rock.
a rock with merfolk on it.
zoro’s shimmying down the mast in record time, ropes lashing around him as his boots hit the deck and he tries not to look like he’s running to the taffrail to catch a better look. (look, he’s curious, alright? merfolk aren’t a total myth, but they aren’t a common sight either.)
(that, and he feels oddly like someone has cast out a fish hook and it’s lodged behind his sternum, tugging him forward and forward until his hands are pressed palm-flat to the railing and he’s leaning over the edge.)
he hears that laugh again, rich and bright, wide eyes snapping to the mer who made it. golden waves shimmer over a leanly muscled shoulder, curling around a sharp jaw to reveal the mer’s pale, slender throat as they tip an oyster back into their mouth. leaning back on his hands — zoro is rather sure he is a he now, as a deep, smooth voice fills his ears, though he’s had enough tongue-lashings from nami to know not to assume — and tossing his hair back affords zoro a glimpse of a beautiful smile and bright blue eyes, blue as the goddamn sky. or maybe the sea. or perhaps the bioluminescent algae that had speckled the walls of this one cave that he’d been to ages ago—
he’s getting sidetracked. some sound must escape him, because suddenly a gaze so keen he feels his skin prickle is on him and he gulps involuntarily. and then for some reason, he opens his mouth. “are you a siren?”
the man’s curly brows narrow in irritation. “are you dead yet?” he snarks, casting zoro a flat stare and sighing in annoyance when zoro just stares back blankly. “no, I’m not a damn siren. lucky for you, we happen to be their… less bloodthirsty cousins.”
“less bloodthirsty meaning…?”
he shares a bored, bemused look with the woman on her elbows beside him, a mer with the richest purple colouring zoro’s seen in his life and a one-shoulder top made of shiny black kelp. “meaning we wouldn’t drag you down to the depths and feast on your carcass, but keep running your mouth and I might just change my mind.”
the mer’s tail is folded elegantly to the side as he lounges, fan-like tail fin trailing in the water, turning his body so that he can look at zoro properly as he tips back another oyster like it’s his god-given right. a tiny voice at the back of zoro’s mind whispers that this isn’t a good idea, whatever this is. it goes ignored. flaxen hair flutters in a slight breeze, sticking to the man’s milky skin in darker spirals where the tips are wet, and zoro’s breath catches as he watches the mer smile with teeth that are just erring on the side of too sharp.
the words register all at once and zoro lurches back, away from the railing, away from golden curls and blue eyes and pale skin. “what did you do,” he grits, resisting the urge to press the heel of his hand into his chest where it suddenly aches.
the mer shrugs. “nothing.”
“what’s the matter, sailor? feeling charmed?” that laugh, again, and zoro feels his heart throb. he watches the other man cock his head, studying another oyster in his hand, tilting the shell back and forth as he sucks on his teeth. “we can’t thrall,” he says finally, posture slackening with a sigh and a pout that seems to say what a shame as he picks up a knife and spins it deftly, shucking the shell open with a neat flick of his wrist. “only sirens can do that. whatever you’re feeling, whatever it may be, hasn’t been borne of any influence of mine.”
the oyster goes down and somehow, that sentence makes zoro feel even worse. it’s like he’s had the air punched out of him; he’s rooted, eyes wide, breathing hard as the mer makes a noise of pleasant surprise and pulls a pearl from his mouth, shimmering between his elegant fingers under the sun.
(zoro doesn’t know it yet, but he’s doomed. he was doomed from the start.)
back under the ocean, sanji has a crisis. he doesn’t see humans. he doesn’t meet humans. he and robin had just gone up to enjoy the sunshine and then this— this— brute swings by, with his stupid green hair and his three earrings and his obscenely grimy used-to-be-white shirt— sanji is fuming and he doesn’t know why. swimming laps back and forth across his cave isn’t helping either.
"might you possibly have something to get off your mind?" robin asks lightly, the pages of her book drifting in the water.
sanji does an about-turn and holds in a screech with all his might, forcing himself to relax with an exhale. "i'm just fine, my dear. peachy keen."
"you're making grooves in the floor."
"i'm redecorating."
he rolls the pearl from earlier between his fingers, squeezing it tight until his hand aches. "are you a siren, he asks," he mutters mutinously, fins fluttering as he throws himself onto a seaweed bed with a scowl. "how could a human be so stupid? if we were sirens he'd have been a waterlogged ball of moss on the sea floor by that point— and that hair. he looks like— like—"
"algae?" robin supplies helpfully.
"algae! sentient plant life, that's what he is, a kelp bed. water lettuce. duckweed, even." oh, he's so mad. that marimo pisses him off. the whole lot of them had sailed away, good riddance, because sanji never wants to see any of them ever again. they probably all smelled horrid anyway.
the merman's been following them.
the crow's nest is zoro's territory for a reason; he's the crew's lookout, and he's damn good at his job. for the past few days he's been seeing flashes of a broad tail fin and twists of golden hair. (he very firmly tells himself that he's not just seeing what he wants to see, because one, he might have one remaining eye but his eyesight is still as sharp as he keeps his cutlass, thank you very much. and two, why the hell would he want to see that merman? he isn't about to win any awards for his own manners but that guy had been stuck up and prissy and just rude. he's only been allowed to tag along this far because he hasn't presented himself as an outright threat. zoro doesn't want to see him. nuh-uh.)
(zoro sees things in his dreams, too. ocean eyes and a sly smile. a pale torso, knife in hand and teeth too sharp. he reaches out to see if the other man's hair feels as soft as it looks and he always wakes before he finds out.)
rum doesn't help to loosen the tension that settles against his spine at night, like he's waiting for something. he doesn't know what. anticipation, maybe, would be a better word— but that has a slight positive connotation, and— no. this man might not be a siren, but zoro’s enough of a sailor to know that it sure as hell doesn’t mean he isn’t dangerous.
he can't afford to go off chasing pretty mermen when he has a crew to protect.
the ship docks for a few days at a barren island. sanji swims laps around the sandy coast and pretends that the thought of his the sailor being beyond his reach doesn't make an anxious itch ripple beneath his scales.
water splashes against the side of the boat, and zoro's at the railing in an instant whether he wants to be or not.
“hello, marimo.”
the merman treads water leisurely, golden hair swirling about his shoulders and gleaming in the faint lantern light. it's early enough after sunset that the stars aren't out yet and it's dark as hell. zoro squints.
a laugh echoes in his ears, light and melodious. already familiar. zoro tries to be mad about that. “a little more to your left, moron.”
“well, i can’t very well fuckin’ see, can i?” he scoffs, and bites back a gasp when the water starts glowing, what the fuck. his stupid heart stutters when he sees him, lit up with gentle blues and yellows from below, flickering with the push and pull of the tide and sweeps of that powerful tail. "hey."
"hello," the mer hums again, lashes long and wet enough that they catch the wavering light. "gonna tell me your name, sailor?"
zoro almost lets it slip. almost. but he bites his tongue as he feels a chill run up the back of his neck; sure enough, a glance over his shoulder confirms that nami is glaring at him. don't do anything stupid, her gaze says, and he turns away with a shudder. their navigator is a threat in her own right. "no."
"okay. marimo it is."
"you— that is insulting," he hisses, because it is. he is roronoa zoro. he came from nothing and made a life for himself out of it. he's one of the best swordsmen on the damn seas and he's part of the best crew he's ever known, and he's been reduced to, what? a floating ball of moss?
"it's accurate," the other man corrects with a smirk. "unless you tell me what else to call you."
zoro fumes, fingertips digging into the taffrail. he's sure his nails are gouging scratches in the wood. "no."
"shut up."
"shut up!"
"algae-brained, kelp-haired, water cabbage-headed—"
the mer finally stops, lashes fluttering as something passes over his face.
"my name," he ekes out, "is zoro." nami swears somewhere behind him.
the merman's lips part around the syllables of the word, before he draws in a breath and grins, smug. "okay, marimo."
"wh—?!" zoro throws his hands up in exasperation, scofffing. "you bastard!"
"i asked for your name. never said i would use it."
"you're a piece of shit, blondie."
"call me that again and i'll show you how hard i can bite," the mer sneers with all his teeth on show, blue eyes lit up furious, turning away as he prepares to dive and—
"wait!" zoro yells before he can stop himself, and he curses under his breath. ah, fuck it. already got one foot in it anyway. "what's your name?"
"...oh, darling," the mer sighs, half-amused and airy, his voice slipping away. "you're gonna have to work a little harder for that."
it feels like hours later when zoro steps back with a shaky sigh. the merman reminds him of a strong brandy he’d had what feels like lifetimes ago, burnt caramel and warm sugar and smoke with enough hidden bite to take you by surprise, to sink its teeth into you three shots down. enough to intoxicate if you weren’t careful.
he yelps when nami slaps him across the back of the head, faking a lunge at her with bared teeth even as he rubs a hand over his aching scalp with a huff. her nagging about being more careful barely registers. his hair's getting long; maybe he needs a trim.
(that little voice in the back of his head is wary. hesitant. but now it's asking what if.)
the ship docks again. this island is teeming with life, thriving, lush with rich green foliage and thick forestation— and beautiful women who all seem to find zoro the height of masculine appeal, apparently. sanji curls himself into a nook in the coral reef and lets his fins trail in the water, the corner of his mouth ticking up a little when a baby clownfish comes to nibble curiously at his fingertip. he's not sulking. he's not. that would be fucking embarrassing for so many reasons and he refuses to think about even one of them.
it's the first time that he starts to feel a little stupid. it had been all fun and games, in the beginning when he'd upped and left on a whim; curiosity and intrigue and the good old urge to stick his fingers in all the cracks this human had until sanji understood every part of him, laid out in the sand like the skeleton of a great sea beast.
but now he's so far away from home, aimlessly following a ship— no, not even a ship. following one person on a ship for no real reason at all.
the clownfish ducks beneath his hand, and sanji cups it carefully in his palm. "you're lucky you don't have to deal with romance yet," he tells it sagely before gently shooing it out of his hiding spot. the water above ripples. it's dark again; the crew must have returned to their boat for the night. sanji sighs and unfurls his tail.
it honestly seems like blind optimism at this point, but he really hopes he's not being played for a fool.
zoro's there when he surfaces, peering over the railing and backlit by the lanterns. sanji focuses and brings out his bioluminescence until the little cove they're in is filled with coloured light. "marimo."
"swirly brow," zoro greets in return.
sanji raises one said swirly eyebrow. "that's new."
"i've got more. blondie, of course. curly head. fishboy—"
"fishboy?!" he squawks, enraged. "fuck you!"
"you wish."
"more like the ladies did," sanji scoffs, and immediately wants to try drowning himself.
zoro frowns. "the hell you talking 'bout, curls?"
the burst of bitterness at the back of his throat is just enough to take him by surprise and loosen his tongue. "they were hanging off your arm like—" mm. nope. he's not gonna go there.
the swordsman's eyes widen like he's just realised something, and sanji does not like that at all. "you're jealous."
"you are!"
"fuck you," he spits, gills flaring. "i am not." he has no reason to be jealous. they are nothing. this— there is nothing between them.
zoro just grins. "catch."
a white thing drops downwards and sanji darts forward on instinct to let it fall into his cupped palms. "what, s'this supposed to be a present for me, marimo?"
"it's— yeah."
he opens his mouth to reply, before he realises what exactly it is he's holding.
the water lotus fills his hands, its soft white petals edged in pale pink, velvety against his fingertips. something catches in his throat and he dips beneath the water to submerge his gills, carefully holding the flower aloft. his heart squeezes.
the waves lap at the bridge of his nose, hiding half his face as he watches zoro rub at the back of his neck, uncharacteristically shy. zoro isn't shy. sanji knows this much. he is loud and unabashed and unashamed with everything, with how he lives, with how he talks, with how he loves his crew and everything they entail.
but he looks almost— he's blushing, just a little, red across the tips of his ears as his gaze darts away, looking very much like he's mad at himself. "nami said it means strength and resilience, or something." the breath he huffs is harsh as he scratches at his nape. "i don't know, it's stupid, curly, i just—"
"sanji. my name."
sanji doesn't want to know what he looks like as he rises out of the water to cup the flower to his collar. dumb, probably. rightfully so, because all of this is a very dumb decision and it's probably going to end in shambles with his heart broken into pieces in the silt but zoro— he looks up, floating on his back, and zoro's already looking at him with something that could be wonder, if sanji dared to name it.
"where did you get this?" he murmurs, tail fin creating large ripples as he swims a circle, holding the lotus like it's fragile.
"there was a pond full of them on the island. thought you'd like it."
"you don't know what i like." it comes out breathy. his hair melts against his shoulders as he tries to push himself closer, closer, across the space between them, like a fool. "you don't even know me."
and yet, he startles back when zoro jumps the railing, splashing feet-first into the water boots and all and shaking his head like a dog when he resurfaces. sanji shrieks and shields the lotus with his body, everything else momentarily forgotten as he whacks zoro with his tail just hard enough to send the sailor back underwater with a sputtered laugh. "you fucking brute!"
"i want to."
"that made no sense—"
"i don't know you, but i want to." zoro treads closer, and sanji's light ripples off his skin. his eyes are grey. warm granite and the inside of an oyster shell. "will you let me?"
sanji wants. there is nothing between them, but he wants there to be. he wants so hard it hurts. it feels like he's holding his heart in his hands and not a flower. it's the only way to explain how he's suddenly aching, hollow, in the face of something that isn't even a goddamn confession but feels too much like one. there is a flower in his hands and he wants.
“dunno.” he gets a shrug, blunt and earnest as ever even as zoro’s mouth twists up at the edge. “maybe i’m charmed.”
he swallows hard, his mouth dry, and he doesn't want to say it but he has to. "if this is some sick thing about me being a mer—"
"wh—? no!" zoro blurts, and he looks so fucking horrified at that moment that it settles something in sanji's stomach instantly. "god, fuck, no. no. it's not like that. i swear on my life."
there are reasons why merfolk don't interact with humans. sanji grew up with the stories. he's seen the skeletons on the sea floor, mangled with the hunting tools of man, incomplete remains of his kin tossed away to their deaths, unable to swim or save themselves— still a better fate than the ones who never returned. the ocean is gentle after the burn of her salt; her waves are familiar, and her children are raised in their push and pull. captivity, at the hands of men for whatever reason, is never so kind.
he inhales sharply as callused hands cup his.
"i'm sorry," zoro says softly, rushed and maybe a little desperate, throat bobbing as his eyes dart across sanji's face. "i'm sorry. i didn't think of that at all."
"good," he finds himself replying as he looks down. "that means it didn't cross your mind."
a muscle ticks in zoro's jaw. "that's fucking sick, curls."
"i know." sanji's tone is matter-of-fact. "but it's what we have to deal with, sometimes." he deflates with a soft huff at the expression on the other man's face, looking away. "if you start saying shit like i'll protect you or whatever, i'm gonna smack you. i can handle myself."
zoro sighs through his nose, slowly, and his hands tighten around sanji's. "i know you can. i've watched you hunt. doesn't mean i can't be mad about it."
his eyebrows go up. "you saw me hunting?"
"mhm," the swordsman hums. "you're strong. fast. resourceful, too."
sanji preens. he knows he is, knows he’s one of, if not the best, but hearing it from zoro is another thing entirely.
"...also, my captain's been begging me to get you to fish for us because we're all crap at it."
that startles a laugh out of him, and he smiles so wide so quick that his cheeks ache. "that can be negotiated."
up this close, it's easy to see that zoro's hair is shorter than it was before, shorn short at the back and blunt enough that it just had to be freshly cut. the possibility of it being for him does something funny to his chest. the dark green strands are spiky, sticking up everywhere now that they're wet, and sanji wants so badly to touch.
he looks down at the flower in their hands, and he doesn't.
"this can't survive in saltwater," he murmurs instead, carefully putting his lotus into zoro's scarred palms. "take care of it for me."
he watches zoro trudge back to shore, one hand with the flower held above his head. he yells, "it better still be alive the next time i come check, marimo!" and he doesn't bother waiting for an answer. he knows zoro heard him.
sanji's gonna play this slow. he's gonna play this smart. and if zoro fucks up, well— he’s on friendly terms with a particular shiver of great whites.
zoro does not, in fact, fuck up. but now he’s constantly being given shit about his pretty merman boyfriend and as much as he pretends he hates it, he really doesn’t. luffy takes one look and declares that sanji’s crew now, zoro, you can’t hog him! dinners are now seafood more often then not, mussels and clams and all sorts of fish, even lobster when sanji finds out it’s nami’s birthday, and franky engineers some sort of transportable bathtub to get him on board.
(sanji brings robin around and franky falls all over himself making transportable bathtub 2.0, but that’s not the point.)
“bioluminescence, right? am i saying that right?” zoro asks, spinning this way and that as he tries to get a good look at sanji’s glowing tail under the water, eyes wide.
“mhm.” the mer lifts his tail fin out of the water, pulling himself closer so zoro can hold both of them up seeing as the pool they’re in is shallow enough to stand in. zoro’s hands twitch around nervously until sanji reaches out and grabs his wrist, pressing his palm flat to wet scales, and his chest aches at the look on zoro’s face.
the cave they’re in is small enough for every little sound to echo. sanji’s tail drips rhythmically, punctuated by the staggered breath zoro sucks in as he hauls sanji closer with an arm low over his stomach. careful fingers trace over the glowing patterns on his tail, fading upwards into his torso, and zoro slides a palm flat against sanji’s spine to lift him up as he presses their foreheads together.
“beautiful,” he breathes, reverent. the reflections from the water dance off his wet skin, and his eyes are mother-of-pearl.
sanji wants to touch, and so he does. he winds his fingers into zoro’s hair and pulls him down and kisses him, tastes salt and rum and the promise of blood when his teeth catch and zoro doesn’t shy from the bite. for the first time in a long time he is safe enough to let himself drift; his tail drapes itself over zoro’s side like a elaborate feather fan, and he giggles at the mental comparison.
he feels zoro smile at his laughter. feels calluses and gentle hands as zoro carries him back out to sea. tastes love when zoro pulls him in for one last kiss before saying goodbye for the night.
it starts with more flowers. then jewellery, intricate metalwork that would be hard to come by under the sea, fishnet cords and crystal pendants and pretty trinket rings, then daggers, silver hairpins with edges sharp enough to slice bone and a particularly beautiful watered-steel knife in a sheath of butter-soft leather. sanji cannot help but feel like he’s being courted, which makes no sense, because zoro knows nothing about merfolk courting traditions.
and then they talk as zoro braids shells into his hair the way perona taught him to (“you didn’t tell me you had a sister?!” “she just never came up!” “what do you mean she just never came up, marimo, what the fuck! this is important?!”) and sanji finds out zoro talked to robin about it, the sneaky bastard.
a tail doesn’t stop him from tackling zoro to the sand to kiss the crap out of him, braids unfinished and hair wound through zoro’s fingers. his heart feels fit to burst when zoro turns to ensure he takes the brunt of the fall because they both know how much sanji hates getting sand stuck in his scales.
the first time sanji gets hurt, zoro goes rather frantic.
it’s barely a scratch, just a slice near the base of his tail courtesy of a rock he hadn’t been able to avoid while hunting, but zoro bodily hauls him back to the ship between bouts of very concerned yelling and yanks off the black bandana always on his arm, scrubs it clean in hot water for good measure before wrapping up his wound, all while making sure no parts of sanji were drying out in the tub.
“marimo, i am fine,” sanji stresses for the twentieth time, shifting up to cup zoro’s face and sighing in resignation as zoro just shakes his head again.
“i don’t care,” the swordsman announces, throwing his hands up like deal with it. “i don’t care. no more hunting until this is completely healed.”
“it is a scratch. a scratch.”
“i don’t give a shit. you’re staying with me for the next few days.”
sanji groans and grumbles and bitches about it, and when zoro bickers right back it just riles him up even more.
(he stays put. he lets zoro scoop him into his lap with unnecessary care. he leans into the kisses zoro presses to his temple and he feels like crying because he is grateful. always.)
slavers attack the ship. sanji may not be a siren, but that does not mean he isn’t dangerous. he has his tail, and his knives, and his love for his crew. this is his crew.
he drags those slavers into the ocean and drowns them one by one.
now, sanji’s friend ivankov is a literal sea witch— so when they toss sanji an amulet and a wink on his birthday, sanji already knows it’s gonna be good.
the amulet gives him fucking legs.
only while he wears it, of course, but when he stumbles out of the surf like a newborn fawn zoro nearly chokes in shock. they spend the day falling over each other laughing as sanji tries to walk. he eats shit more times than he can counts and gets enough sand in his mouth for a lifetime.
later, there is a blanket beneath them and the moon above them and the endless ocean, shimmering under the light as zoro gathers his hair out of his face and kisses him so softly it hurts.
“beautiful,” zoro breathes. he preaches it like the truth. swears it like a promise.
their hands fit, calluses against calluses as zoro thumbs over the tiny patch of scales on sanji’s wrist, iridescent yellow-blue. their fingers lace in a motion they’ve done hundreds of times and still it never feels different than the first.
sanji lays back, and all he sees are stars.
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slythdiaries · 4 months
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And the last exam of the last semester is over😳
too many mixed up feelings right now, a sense of an ending (and also a beginning)... and I guess I'll let that feeling sink for now🍵
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lucky-slice · 6 months
low key i think to deny Riko's trauma is to deny his narrative importance in the story.
like Riko's trauma related to his father parallels neil's. His concept of brotherhood adds complexity to Andrew and Aaron's relationship. He acts not just as an antagonist but as a foil to other character's relationship to trauma and violence.
to solely view riko through the lense of his actions is to miss the point. He is a character in a story, not a real breathing human being.
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