#Linus Tech Tips
irishthings · 2 years
So Linus Tech Tips built a PC for the YouTuber The Spiffing Brit, liquid cooled it with tea, lots of Union Jack flag decals and stuff right
And then they hid this on the inside
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queen-of-bad-opsec · 9 months
wow linus tech tips really juat said ubuntu is difficult to install. honestly what the fuck
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transfaguette · 1 year
whenever another victim chooses to share their story when the perpetrator is currently already under social media scrutiny assholes are always like "hmm convenient timing to come out with your story" like yeah actually its a lot easier to speak out against someone when their bad behavior has already been exposed vs when their public opinion is at an all time high. who would have thought.
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raspberrycreamsoda · 6 days
Osaka Tech Tips
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stimtoy · 2 years
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average profreshional salmon run shift
💥 💥 💥 . 🐟 🐟 🐟 . 💥 💥 💥
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thisismybrainrot · 25 days
thank you, content creator ADHD awareness
(tw: mental health)
I recently watched the “accidental technical difficulties podcast” Jan (PChal) and Tanner (Smallant) made, and it made me feel so validated and hopeful.
For context: I got diagnosed with ADHD earlier this month, but have probably had it since childhood. I've been struggling with it hard, and have had severe self-worth issues due to my seeming inability to get anything done productively and control my impulsive tendencies. I suspected that I had it for a while now, but between self-doubt and a waiting list that was over a year long, getting the diagnosis took some time.
In the video, Jan and Tanner talked about their ADHD, how they deal with it, and that they know a lot of other content creators that have it (with Jan going so far as to say he thinks content creation might self-select to favor people with ADHD). I heard that, and felt so much better about the situation I'm in. These are creators I look up to, who's work I respect, who do things I wish I could be able to do. That made me, for the first time really, be hopeful about my future.
I've since found out about many other content creators I know have ADHD, like Jacob Alpharad, Linus with the Tech Tips, RubberRoss, Giwi etc. (I guess Jan might be onto something). It's been a great awakening, and I guess I'm writing this to say thanks:
Thank you, all you content creators, that are open about your ADHD.
It really means the world to me to have you to look up to as role models, as a proof for me that there are ways to deal with this, do the things you love, and live a happy and successful life.
PS: Here is the link to the "podcast" episode mentioned at the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYMbif-BmWM
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haboab · 2 years
keeping ur code clean
just dump it in a corner nobody will notice
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ierofrnkk · 4 months
Is this too niche
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cyber-clown · 2 months
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Linusian Florpletippps
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fontesdev · 1 year
How that apology came off to me, to be honest
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syn4k · 1 year
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kirbyddd · 1 year
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stgroversfire · 1 year
off topic but if anyone who sees this watches linus tech tips i'd recommend you unsub and never support them again
atrocious fucking treatment of a female employee- harassment, physical and verbal abuse, belittlement, no unbiased HR team to do anything about it
misrepresented a small startup company and then sold their prototype when they were supposed to return it
monetized the apology video
some of the most disgusting behavior ive seen. fucking embarrassing
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one of my friends asked me to write a fic abt him, so here I go
Contains: YouTuber Linus Tech Tips; A Highly requested God of War reference; Tentacles (non-sexual); Brief Explicit Reference to an iPad (but imo not enough to bar it from gen fic status)
@dildoboi69420 this one’s for you
Madness had always seemed such a slow thing to you. Like a parasite that festered under your skin, chewing at your nerves until all you could feel was a jumbled up stew of your worst emotions, set to a low simmer for 3 hours. You hadn’t expected to go so quick—for all your nerves to snap at once and send you down. Yet there you were.
It had seemed so simple. All you’d needed to do was jailbreak your new iPad, and you’d be free to fidget with the iOS to your little goblin heart’s content. And being the alpha sigma gigachad programmer that you were, you’d thought it would be easy. It was only two hours, three hormonal enhancers, and one new mental illness later that you realized the extent of your hubris.
They say that when you hit rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up. What they had neglected to tell you was how. Were you expected to scale your way to salvation with nothing but your own shriveled up bean brain to aid you? No, there was no escaping it. You would either finish what you’d started, or you would die, here, devoid of courage, bitches, and a shiny iOS to play with. But how? How did you expect to succeed where greater men had failed? You would need more: more than your wits, your guts, your coccyx. More than any man could muster. A simple hero would not do—you needed a god.
And so, in the face of a task too great for Heracles himself, you spat and cried out “Bye Felicia!” before promptly partaking in the time-honored tradition of paying someone else do it for you. Although in this case, you’d be using a more unconventional currency.
As soon as you had spoken, you began to hear royalty-free music playing in the distance. You didn’t dare move, didn’t even breathe, afraid that the smallest motion would undo the ritual. The music grew louder, its corporate approved beat quickening to the tempo of your pulse. Faster and faster until it seemed like the air was about to burst. Then, in a professionally edited transition, he appeared. He had a look that could only be described as gentrifier elf core: grey sweats, small, silver earrings, and brown hair no doubt tousled with product that cost more than your phone, giving him a ‘just got out of bed look.’ [Which, in all fairness, was a pretty effective way of convincing people you slept.] In middle school, he had definitely told people that his father worked at Epic Games, or whatever the Millennial equivalent of that was. Oh, and there were like ten tentacles sticking cut of his back.
You fell to your knees, awe-struck by his godly aura and twinkish beauty. “Mr. Tech Tips, I’m honored—truly honored—to be in the presence of such a—”
“Hey kid, that’s really nice and all, but I’m on a schedule. You’re lucky I was able to swing this. You got the iPad?”
You managed a shaky nod, and handed it off to him. As soon as he touched it, he began to glow. Molten gold ran through his veins, so bright it might’ve blinded you, had you not possessed the superior eyesight of a Gamer. When the light reached his eyes, his feet left the ground, tentacles waving every which way. The iPad took on his hue. He cried ichor. And so it was done.
“Now try it,” Linus said, handing you the iPad. It was warm, like a freshly baked brownie that had been sitting out for a bit. You opened it and nearly gasped. There was the iOS, laid out before you, naked. Vulnerable. Yours to deflower.
You let out a “thank you,” voice cracking as tears land on the grooves of your already-cracked screen. “I never thought that I would—this is. . . Wow. I can’t believe—”
“Okay,” Linus interrupted. “Now that your life is mine and all that, I’ve got something for you do.”
You nodded vigorously, your skull shaking like a maraca. “Anything, my king.”
“I need you to kill Neal Mohan in my name and make me the supreme god king of YouTube forever.”
The end. Like for Part 2
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bluisgayandmoregay · 1 year
I'm just gonna say it. Linus Media Group is just another shitty company owned by another shitty rich white guy. Maybe Linus is "nicer once you get to know him" or some other bullshit like that, but everything that has happened and has been happening with them is down right sad.
No one should ever be dismissed or told off or belittled or shamed for coming forward about assault in the workplace, hell anywhere, and Madison deserved much better when coming forward to higher-ups.
If LMG responds to Madison's allegations the same way they've been responding to all the inaccurate videos callouts and the whole Billet Labs controversy, then Terren should consider taking a long hard look at who he employes while he gets situated as CEO
On related topics, first my opinions about the "mandatory meeting" video from
this link (credit u/Nitazene-King-002 on Reddit. It was originally posted 6 months ago around when Madison left, however the comments on the original post are upsetting).
This is the most corporate bullshit response Linus could've given. I've heard some of these exact phrases a dozen times working for Big Corporate™ before.
The fact that barely anyone knew about an internal anonymous reporting feature is highly concerning as that implies no one told them either purposely or accidentally. And either way is shady.
James's "joke", while maybe funny to some of a certain inner circle, was very clearly poorly timed and disgusting given the circumstances of the meeting itself.
Second, my opinion about the Billet Labs waterblock prototype scandal.
In LTT's video addressing the data inaccuracies and "how the company will move forward from this"
(credit: Linus Tech Tips on YouTube)
They say that they simply misplaced and mislabeled the waterblock and auctioned it off at the LTX convention, and, after finding out that it was supposed to be sent back to Billet Labs, handled refunding the auction in a very unprofessional way.
Third, my opinions on the inaccurate graphs and lazy post production fact checking.
While LMG is certainly not the biggest tech company trying to give people data on products, they most certainly have the time, money, and effort to fact check everything in their videos, despite what Linus has said on both the LTT forums and the WAN show. While they do address and focus on this topic in the above YouTube video, it is once again filled with corporate copypasta phrases and empty feeling promises as they try to calm everyone down. The video feels half assed and like most of them aren't taking it seriously as they insert inside jokes to the script. (but that is just my opinion)
Fourth, my opinions on Madison's allegations.
A link to Madison's thread
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(credit: @suuuoppp on Twitter. It's a long read and heartbreaking, but worth it if you still believe LMG is a good company)
explaining everything that happened to her while working for LMG, and exposing higher ups for how they dismissed and belittled her for feeling attacked by other coworkers.
In my opinion this thread alone should be enough to tell people that something is wrong at LMG. She did not deserve anything that was mentioned there, whoever dismissed her cries for help should be fired for putting an employee's mental health in danger.
I believe Madison without a doubt, the behavior of some of her coworkers is completely unacceptable.
All in all, I expected better from LMG. I feel bad for Terren for having to deal with this right as he joins, but perhaps he's going to be part of the problem later.
I hope some of the smaller teams in LMG like TechLinked/GameLinked and Mac Address come out ok. Maybe Riley takes the linked writers and an editor to make his own tech news channel, or Horst can do the same with Mac Address.
And I genuinely hope the best for Madison. She was a wonderful part of any video she was in and never deserved anything that wronged her during her time there.
(Small explanations for certain parts:
Remember that these are opinions about facts, while I do literally state that Linus "is another shitty rich white guy", that is my opinion. I've never met him nor anyone who I'm hating on in this post.
It is entirely possible that Madison is lying, but knowing what it's like to be a woman in the corporate tech industry. Right now I believe her 100%.
I am aware of and have seen Gamers Nexus's video calling out LMG about the inaccurate graphs and lazy fixes and the Billet scandal. This post is essentially in tandem and agreeing with their video, while also adding Madison's allegation.
And for those confused as to why James's joke "Are you gonna dance on that table, or just stand on it?" is bad. That line is a reference to someone performing in a place like a strip club, and the way it was said was (in my opinion) satire on the way people in a club might say it in a demeaning way to a performer. I'm not sure who he said it to or why he said it in the first place, but closing a meeting about discussing assault or harassment in the workplace with that line is very disgusting.)
And of course I don't know everything, I'm just putting my opinions on the Internet™. If I've missed anything you know about you can reply/reblog/send an ask and I'll edit/add it on. Same for if I've gotten anything wrong.
#tl;dr I think Linus Media Group sucks right now.
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jojje94 · 1 year
this one-two combo of the gamers nexus exposé and madison coming forward with her allegations might unironically kill LTT lmao jesus christ
i'll be honest when i heard about linus being anti union cause it was like "nooo we're such a cool gang here we're all friends" that should've raised a bigger red flag than it did
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