#Like congratulations. The popular thing you don't like is not simply a thing you don't like. It's Bourgeoise!
wedding-shemp · 4 months
I don't even like Taylor Swift but some of you talk about her like she's Henry Kissinger
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schizopositivity · 3 months
Whenever I make a post simply pointing out that a popular Internet trend it sanist/ableist and people should probably stop, I get tons of replies from people who are not schizo-spec or psychotic being like "but I think it's funny!!" or "how is that harmful? I haven't noticed it being harmful" or "how dare you sensor me!!!"
If you think this trend of blatant sanism/ableism is funny, that says a lot about you. You are kind of just exposing yourself for not caring about schizo-spec or psychotic people, and you are showing that again by arguing with me about what I find personally offensive. Also usually it literally isn't even that funny.
If you can't personally see how it is harmful to schizo-spec and psychotic people, then congratulations!!! You have the privilege of not experiencing the highly stigmatized symptoms that we do. Maybe you could use that privilege to listen to us and advocate for us, since your voice will be respected more by others who are not schizo-spec or psychotic.
And lastly, I do not have the power to sensor anyone. I don't own a social media website, and I am not part of any governing body. When I state my opinion on what is offensive to me and my community, who are a part of a highly stigmatized minority group, I have no power over what you can say. I am simply asking you to consider my point of view for a change, and it seems like you can't do that if you are immediately defensive.
All this is to say, please actually consider what I am saying before you argue. And obviously I'm not perfect, I can get things wrong, and I appreciate when people genuinely try to correct me when it comes to wording things properly or spelling. But for the most part, those posts are just me saying what I find offensive as a schizophrenic person, and comments like those ones feel like nonschizophrenic people arguing and saying I shouldn't be offended, or they just don't care and will continue anyway. Just please think about why you are defending something sanist/ableist to someone directly affected by it.
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l1li4n · 3 months
ok so i know i disappeared again. but i have thoughts about the austrian gp and yes specifically about that incident. whatever happened, was both of their faults. the ratio may be different but this is racing. things like this always happen. they're always going to happen. people saying that max should've let lando pass, are you actually being fr? do you what sport this is? if he let lando pass he might as well retire. and lando in the press saying that they'll be friends only if max apologies?? like lan, i love you but that's not "friendship" is it? look i'm not saying that it wasn't max's fault. it was. it was lando's fault too. just because he's a popular driver and the other is a "villain", all the hate is being funnelled towards the latter. and don't get me wrong i understand that lando was frustrated and that he was very disappointed. but again THIS IS RACING. stuff like this is always gonna happen. heck it happened in the last race. it happens in almost all races. basically it just made me sad that after the video of max saying lando is his best friend on track, lando goes on to say in the pen that'll they'll only remain friends if he apologies. when i think it's common knowledge that max struggles with friendships, especially on the grid.
(edit: one of my mutuals told me as to how what a lot of lando has said has been translated from here to there. from what i first saw and read people were saying how he wouldn't be friends with max if he didn't apologize. but that's not what he said. he said he would simply lose some respect. which again, in the moment, understandable.)
and also i do totally, totally understand lando's frustration. and whatever he said was probably in the heat of the moment. they'll talk it out and it'll be fine. stuff like this has happened before as well.
and congratulations to george, oscar and carlos ofc. this meant so much to carlos as the shitshow that was spain. and ofc it meant a lot to merc too after the win for lewis too last race. i'm glad they're somewhat getting it together.
i'm sure they're fine since they're, yk, ADULTS. we all should honestly stop with all the hatred towards both of them. it's stupid and childish.
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
You Don't Know Me
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 -> Bucky Barnes x NB Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> Nat’s charity auction doesn’t quite go off without a hitch – but luckily, Buck is on hand to help out, reluctant as he may be. Until he meets you, that is.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Language
𝐀/𝐍 -> I have no idea. Random fluffy oneshot goodness. Utter candyfloss Bucky, sweetly understanding reader.
Prompts fulfilled; ‘Himbo’ and ‘Bachelor Auction– @buckybarnesevents (Build-a-Bucky Bingo); “I Understood Most of That.” – @fandom-free-bingo (Flight Edition); ‘We Can’t Even Compromise or Not Needing to be Told’ – @julybreakbingo (Pre-July Flash); ‘Social Media’ – @fandombingo; ‘Coming out’, “My pronouns are they/them.” and ‘Queer’ – @lgbtqbingo; ‘I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing’ – @multifandom-flash Thanksgiving Flash (7026); ‘Awkwardness’ – Gen Prompt Bingo (Here on Dreamwidth) Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Stagbug sticker used in cards from here.
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“Not a fucking chance.”
Nat turned her emerald eyes on Bucky’s, wide and pleading. “C’mon, James! Steve got called away at the last minute- we promised an Avenger! It’s all over social media, and it’s packed out there. Can’t we compromise?”
“What about Clint?” he grunted, and she fluttered her eyelashes, sidling closer.
“He’s not as popular as you...” she purred, resting her head on his shoulder to gaze up at him adoringly, earning a laugh from the soldier.
“You don’t want to hand over your boyfriend, more like,” he snorted, shaking his head, and letting out a heavy sigh when she simply continued to stare, a fond smile curving the bow of his lip. “Fine, fine... What do I have to do?”
Her face split wide in a broad grin, and she clasped her hands together, shifting excitedly. “Nothing! Just stand there and look pretty.”
He flexed and stretched pointedly, a companionable arm draping over her shoulders as he wondered what he’d gotten himself into. “Fortunately, that comes naturally to me.”
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All of Bucky’s bravado faded as he stood awkwardly on the stage, spotlights shining down on his uncertain grin as his eyes scanned the audience, absently listening to Nat wax lyrical about his many positive attributes (and carefully not mentioning that he was most known in the Tower for his intense nightmares that woke up anyone within three floors). Bucky simply hooked a thumb in the pocket of his jeans, leaning back on his heels, flashing a cocky smirk, his heart pounding a little harder at the sighs and sounds of delight from those in the crowd. He was an attractive man, and he knew it – but that made this process all the more daunting. Since he’d joined the team, the only people he’d managed to date were either chasing the fame, or just interested in one thing.
It seemed that anyone he spent time with had their own expectations of who he was; the problem was, he wasn’t that person. Perhaps he had been, once upon a time, but he’d lived a long life, and times had taught him that just because people found him attractive didn’t mean he had to bed everyone he could.
The unfortunate reality was that nobody seemed to stop and ask; nobody took the time to get to know him, to learn about him and how he worked. Not that he minded, especially – pleasure was pleasure, and if he truly didn’t want to, he made it clear. He simply longed for someone to care.
And yet, here he stood, with dozens of eyes assessing him. It was nice, but…
“Sold! Now, remember the rules, folks. This is a charity auction; keep it clean, or the contract is null and void. Come and collect your prize!” Nat added, gesturing into the blur of faces.
And that’s when his eyes met yours at last, pale blue meeting deep brown, and his smile widened, just a little, as you blushed.
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You stood beside him uncertainly, head ducked and fingers knotted together, and he grinned down at you politely. “So… You won me for the evening, huh? Congratulations. It was a pretty fierce competition.” You nodded, cheeks growing darker, and he bit back a chuckle at your shyness. “What did you have planned?”
“I thought you might like dinner,” you whispered tentatively, and his eyebrows raised.
“I- I mean, I can try, I suppose. I’m not much of a cook, but-”
You cut off his stammering with a quick shake of your head, looking up at last. “No! No, I wouldn’t- I meant that… I’d like to take you for dinner. I imagine you don’t get to just… Have a nice meal and some relaxed company very often, so…” You shrugged, toe scuffing the ground, and his eyes lightened as he smiled.
“That sounds really nice,” he assured you gently, reaching out to squeeze your bicep gently with strong metal fingers. “I’d like that…” He paused, head cocked, and you barked out a laugh.
“Oh. Yeah. Uh- Bug. You can call me Bug… My pronouns are they/them,” you added quickly, brow furrowing just a little. There was an edge of uncertainty to your voice, and you winced as you heard it, but he simply continued to smile, nodding once.
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“- and then that couples the neutral stimulus to the unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. It’s pretty simple, really.”
Your eyes were bright as you explained the basic principles behind – yet another – training method from your work, quickly followed by your cheeks flushing pink and your eyes lowering. “I- Sorry. I could talk about this forever.”
“Feel free,” he replied, chuckling, his head cocked endearingly to one side as he took you in. “I understood… Most of that, and it’s nice to see some enthusiasm; I don’t get a lot of it in my line of work.” Your eyebrow raised in disbelief, and he laughed. “Well, I suppose that’s not quite true. They’re enthusiastic in some ways, but it’s not…” His hand cycled thoughtfully as he hummed. “… Passion, you know? It’s something they do because they kind of have to. They have these gifts, and, one way or another, they ended up in the team, and that’s… Just the way it is.” His brow furrowed a little, lips pursed, and you leant onto your elbows, considering him quietly.
“You said ‘they’. Like you don’t consider yourself one of them.”
Blinking in surprise, he paused for a moment before nodding slowly. “I suppose not. I am, I guess, but… The only one who really knows me is Steve. And even he doesn’t know everything,” he added with a rueful smile, shrugging a shoulder.
“He doesn’t?” you mused aloud, eyes still locked on his. Your focus was entirely on him – there was no glancing around, no checking to see who saw the two of you together. There was no discreet – or not-so-discreet – flicks of your gaze to the muscles of his chest or his exposed forearms. You were paying attention to him, as a person behind the persona, and he was enchanted.
“I’m not... Nobody- I-” He’d begun quickly, but paused as he faltered, blowing air up to clear the hair that was falling into his eyes as they flitted away uncertainly. “I… Guess not. Does anyone ever know anyone else, really?” he added cryptically, offering you a wry smile. “I can’t believe I finished the entire thing…” The redirect was clear as he nodded towards his empty plate, the heaping helping of carbonara having been eagerly eviscerated by his increased metabolism.
You simply watched him in silence for a moment, head cocked curiously, before offering him a reassuring smile of your own. “How about I tell you a little about me?” you prompted softly, hardly waiting for a nod of confirmation before continuing. “I’m non-binary. Folks don’t always understand that – what it means to be outside the societal expectations of male and female. But for me, it just feels… Like me, you know? Like neither of those labels quite fit right. I’m somewhere in between – or something else entirely, I suppose. It’s just who I am.” He nodded again, his brow furrowed slightly with curiosity, and your lips quirked higher. “I’m also bi… And I’m somewhere on the asexual spectrum – though I can never quite settle on where!” You chuckled slightly, resting a chin on your hand, mahogany eyes locked on his diverted pale ones. “Do you know much about asexuality? I’m happy to tell you more, if you like.”
“I’m familiar,” he replied quietly, still unable to meet your gaze,  and you reached out to squeeze his hand gently.
“I think I’d like to get to know you,” you murmured, smiling a little wider when he finally looked up, “if you’d let me, of course. I think we might have some things in common, huh?”
He hesitated for a moment, then frowned, eyes shifting to your hand on his. “You just want to know the Soldier… That’s what everyone wants. The fame. This,” he added, his tone free from ego as he gestured at himself with his free hand, and you quirked an eyebrow.
“While I’m sure you’re very irresistible to the allosexuals of the world – ace, remember? This,” - you mimicked his gesture playfully – “doesn’t do all that much for me. You’re a pretty man, sure. But… I’m most interested in why you do what you do. You risk your life on a daily basis for complete strangers; I’m curious about what makes someone quite so altruistic. I’m interested in you, James. You seem like a good guy, and I think you don’t have too many people in your life who want to hear about you without all the muscle and cameras.”
He could only stare in surprise, stunned into silence by your short speech, and leant forward, just a little. “I think I’m demisexual,” he blurted quickly, his cheeks colouring crimson at the words.
You simply smiled, fingers squeezing gently around his. “It’s nice to meet you, James.”
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"Character X is Y sexuality" is such a dumb take to invalidate people's shipping.
If canon mattered that much in people's shipping/headcanons, Zutara wouldn't be popular. Everyone would (correctly) be disgusted by the concept of Z*c*st. Shipping wouldn't even be an actual thing, fanfic wouldn't be a thing.
People have always taken supposedly cishet characters and made them queer in their fan works.
("Azula is straight" gives me the same vibe of "Yelena is ar*-ac*". It's not explicitly mentioned in canon.
Oh, but she only showed interest in men.
So did Korra until she didn't and guess who she ends up with.
Kyoshi says she has to convince herself she's not in love with Yun and guess who she ends up with.
They'll kill Azula off, probably, take away her bending and finish ruining her character before there's a chance she's canonically queer.
Canon still doesn't mean much.
Unless clearly stated, anything is a headcanon.
Including "Azula is straight".)
This is a good ass blog, but that kind of take just ruins all of it for me.
"To invalidate people's ships" You're REALLY gonna pretend you didn't see me literally list all the lesbian ships I have for Azula, and that I didn't say I would love for her to be bisexual, huh? Again, I don't give a damn what people ship or what kind of fan content they want to create, I only don't like being told to treat fanon (even fanon I like) as canon because it leads to dishonest analysis of a show.
You: Unless something is clearly stated, it is not canon!
Also you: Azula canonically only ever shows interest men and never in women, and I personally think the writers would rather torture and kill her character than show her as a queer woman. But if you say that means she's canonically straight, I'll yell at you.
Make it make sense.
Also "Korra ended up with in a relationship with someone that the writers, by their own admission, never made her be explicitly or implicitly interested in because they were two cowards that were not at all interested in rocking the boat" is NOT the winning argument you think it is. And that doesn't retroactively make Azula bi or a lesbian, it's just extra proof that the writting for Legend Of Korra was TERRIBLE!
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"Kyoshi SAYS a thing that confirms she's bisexual"
Congratulations! You found actual representation! Aka something being considered canon to a particular story BECAUSE IT WAS EXPLICITLY SHOWN TO THE AUDIENCE THROUGH THINGS THAT WE SEE PLAY OUT!
"Oh, but Azula never said she is NOT into women, so even though she is only ever shown to be attracted to men, we can't rule out the possibility of her secretly liking women too until she full on says it!"
Wanna go there? Fine. Then you cannot tell me that the Fire Nation royal family doesn't have a tradition of incest like many real life royals did, and that Zuko and Azula did not at least consider the possibility of marrying each other to avoid an Agni Kai for the crown like we saw in the finale. Sure, that is never explicitly confirmed by canon, but it was never explicitly stated to NOT be the case either, and according to you that TOTALLY means it is not at all impossible for this kids' show to have secretly said "incest is wincest" all along, because apparently the writers need Zuko and Azula, the two characters in a KIDS show, to look at the camera and say "Our family tree is not a circle" for us to understand that this family that has never been stated to practice incest, does not, in fact, practice incest.
"Canon doesn't mean much anyway" Then why are you mad that I said "Even though I would like for Azula to be bisexual, that is simply not canon. There's sadly just no way any character in a kid's show made in 2005 was meant to read as anything other than straight"?
Considering you felt the need to:
1 - Point out that Zutara is a ship with no canon basis AND that you like my blog, literally called "Zutara was never CANON."
2 - Randomly mention the fact that my OTP, Zucest, is also not canon AND that plenty of people, you clearlt included, find it absolutely disgusting (like I somehow didn't get the memo on that).
3 - STILL cherry pick stuff to claim Queer!Azula could totally stealthly be a canon thing.
I'd say you only have a problem with me saying things like "X is canon, Y is not" because YOU very much think of canon as being inherently better than fanon, so when I point out something you dislike is not canon that means my blog is awesome to you because you see it as validating your opinion that something is trash, but the second I go "But this other thing you (and I) like/are neutral on is not canon either" suddenly I'm the devil because I'm "attacking" people for something that is just harmless fun.
The whole "Azula is not canonically bi/gay, so any headcanon of her being queer is bad" is in YOUR head, honey. You're never gonna hear that kind of crap from me, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped putting words in my mouth.
And as a bisexual woman, I'd appreciate some ACTUAL REPRESENTATION of bisexuality being praised, instead of garbage like the incredibly insufferable Korra/Mako/Asami love triangle ending with a nonsensical conclusion that people praise just because it had two women *gasp* holding hands! And even THAT being hidden away since Korra's last season was basically dumped online because the show's ratings were terrible.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Hello! I hope I am not bothering but I just wanted to get someone off my chest. I was wondering what the Kubo meant when she said that rinks were similar to what members of the same club wears. It just kinda confused me when she says that considering how romantically the ring exchange scene is (seriously who gives each other rings in front of a church platonically!?)
No need to worry, I like discussing things too deeply😂 so you are not bothering at all! But another fujo rant comes in 3... 2... 1...
So yeah, the those rings are for clubmates interview... Imo, to understand why she said that, or why it was written (because she didn't say that publicly, so we can never know for sure), we need to talk about the difference between how western fandom approaches "representation" and how Jp fandom does.
Japanese fandom and representation
Things are progressing in Jp, too, but even to this day, a lot of people (that doesn't mean all) who call themselves "fujoshi" don't want "representation" and don't want to be allies. They simply consume BL and, let's face it, p0rn, for their own enjoyment. It's in Jp only, but some time ago, somebody posted on twitter their graduation project on this topic - an article and video - if anyone can understand some Jp and is interested in this topic, it's worth giving a watch. The title is "同性愛嫌悪的にBL・GLを愛でる私たち", "We, who homophobically love BL and GL" .
I've mentioned it before, but in case of YoI, there was, eg., a random article from a gay journalist, a figure skating fan, who wrote about how good that dinner scene in ep. 10 was. And it was really, really good - Jp is a country, where a lot of people still think that being gay is bad for society, that gay people are unproductive, so it's okay that they face discrimination. So that scene, where Phichit just congratulates Y&V on their marriage like it's the most natural thing in the world, is incredibly powerful. Yet in fujo spaces, that article was bashed, obviously - "Why did he write something like that? It doesn't have anything to do with those LGPTs. We just like playing with the characters, but they are not gay...".
BL is not LGBT?
Why you ask? Well, if you like fantasies about semes raping ukes etc. then you probably don't want to be told "hey, that's actually discrimination and homophobia, you really should stop that... Semes and ukes don't exist, most people switch...". That's why a lot of fujos insist that BL is something completely separate from LGBT issues. And that leads us to...
Another thing that I also ranted about in the past - that fujos hijack almost all depictions of same-sex attraction between men in mainstream media deeming them "fujoshi fanservice". So YoI is most often discussed as "fujo-pandering anime", and not as "anime with gay representation" the way it is in the western fandom... And it also had a lot of antis, because quite a lot of people dislike fujos. Some of the most popular lines you see in YoI reviews are: "it would be so much better without the weird fujo pandering...", "it was good, but that weird fujo pandering was unnecessary".
Went so far, so why no confirmation?
So finally giving the answer to the question... I believe, that there was very little incentive from the marketing point of view - society is homophobic, industry is homophobic, fandom is homophobic - to actually announce that Y&V are really gay and in love. Most fujos are only interested in Yuuri being uke and Victor being seme (so many fujos wished for IceAdo to fail and I hope that karma will come back to them...). So after the show ended, in my opinion, what is in Jp called koushiki (so people who run the IP and seriously it's not "Mappa"...) really wanted to get rid of the "fujo pandering" reputation (and fujos to a certain extent too, probably, because they've got so rabid that a bunch was even sued for online harassment) and started to backtrack on some things - avoiding rings, avoiding Y&V only arts, even avoiding Y&V only merch, which would sell like crazy. And yeah, Mitsurou and VAs sometimes pushing the narrative that "it's not that serious". They also started promoting Yurio instead. I think, from their perspective, it was the safe choice for the IP... Make it for "everyone", not only for fujos.
Where we are now...
Only it wasn't, in the end... The great koushiki vs. fujos war started (fujos started acting as "rings police", attacking staff members on twitter, doxxing Avex's employees, so on) and long story short, two years later YoI+IceAdo trailer did very bad at cinemas (in the first week out of ~170000 seats, only ~17000 were sold, that's ~90% empty seats - well, a little less maybe, because I'm not sure if special tickets are included in these statistics)... That's my opinion, but I think that was the most likely reason why IceAdo wasn't released in 2019. With such a big Jp distributor, they probably started to fear it will flop. Or the other way - the distributor decided that it would probably flop after seeing these numbers - allegedly, the first rumor that something is wrong was from that distributor's employee.
The very sad reality is that we are in 2023 now, and koushiki pretends YoI doesn't exist... If you think about it, it's really extraordinary... Even without the movie, they could release "VicYuu merch" and it would sell like crazy, but their stance has always been "Well yeah, but we prefer to not earn money, actually 😘 Want to play a game where Victor and Yurio bully Yuuri together, maybe?".
That was long again... I'm sorry, but it's just not possible to give an honest answer in a few sentences.
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kokusfluffyhair · 2 years
Christmas with the Tsugikuni Twins🎄
So, congratulations! The Tsugikuni Twins invited you over for Christmas!
When you got to their apartment, you were greeted by Michikatsu. He had an annoyed expression on his face and was wearing an ugly purple sweater that had lots of eyes on it. When you laughed, he narrowed his brows at you, but you saw that the corner of his mouth twisted up into a little smirk. Michikatsu cleared his throat and stood there awkwardly, thinking about whether to hug you, shake your hand, or do nothing of the sort.
But when you say "Merry Christmas, Michikatsu!" and stand on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek, he turns into a blushing mess and turns away from you.
"J-Just go in, already," he says, hiding his face from you.
You know how he is, so you chuckle to yourself and go in. It isn't long after you step inside that you're attacked by a Yoriichi hug bomb.
"Merry Christmas, y/n!" he says with a big, bright smile as he pulls you into an excited hug.
"Merry Christmas, Yoriichi!" you say and enthusiastically hug him back.
Yoriichi smells like cinnamon and sugar. He smells so nice. He must have been baking (the twins can COOK and you've tried to convince them to make a YouTube channel or something to show their dishes but they refuse). When Yoriichi pulls away from you, you see that he is wearing a Santa hat and a red sweater with sun prints on it.
Yoriichi is so happy to see you. His eyes are sparkling and he's a giant walking tower of fluff :)
By this time, Michikatsu had closed the apartment door and got his flushed face in order. He comes over and takes the bag out your hands (inside of it are the presents your brought for the twins).
"You don't need to carry this. I'll put them under the tree," Michikatsu says.
"Oh, right. Thanks, Michikatsu," you say with a smile. You're tempted to find a way to kiss him again to see his reaction, but he catches on to you quick and distances himself.
"Nii-san, don't open them until it's time," Yoriichi says.
"I'm not going to open anything," Michikatsu grumbles and walks over to the tree. He takes the two boxes out of the bag, holding the one that has his name on it a little longer and studying it.
Yoriichi is watching his brother like a hawk. He likes the presents to be surprises.
"It's okay," you whisper to Yoriichi. Your closeness and breath sends pleasant shivers down his spine. "He won't be able to guess."
Out of the two, Yoriichi makes it the most obvious that you've gotten to his heart. His cheeks turn pink from the closeness of your whispers and he smiles softly at you.
You smile and decide to tease Yoriichi a bit. You cup your palm to his cheek and he settles in right away. His hands travel to your waist and he looks at you with such enamoured eyes. He says nothing. He simply enjoys the moment. He's not ready to grab you and kiss you just yet. He's way too shy to do such a thing unless it's in private, or unless he's been loosened by some alcohol.
Just as you expected, Michikatsu suddenly appears to your side. He pushes his body a bit between you and Yoriichi.
"Am I disturbing something?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.
Michikatsu is a jealous, jealous man, especially when it comes to his brother. Yoriichi always did better than him -- better grades at school, better at sports, more popular with others (even though neither of them were very social). And Yoriichi achieved this naturally without putting in much effort. Michikatsu, on the other hand, had to study very hard and practise a lot to be well above average. Even though he mostly got over it as he grew into adulthood, he still resented how much easier his brother seemed to have it, and these feelings came out much more whenever Yoriichi seemed to be "winning" compared to him.
And you touching Yoriichi so gently and letting him hold you at your waist was a form of Yoriichi "winning".
"Am I disturbing something?" Michikatsu asks again.
"No, nothing," you say and take your hand off of Yoriichi's cheek. Yoriichi looks a bit disappointed and he takes his hands off of your waist. You feel a little bad for teasing him (and also kind of using him to annoy Michikatsu). He really is too pure for you.
"Nii-san, it's Christmas. We should all be a bit closer to each other today," Yoriichi says.
"And Yoriichi does smell so good," you say.
Oops. That made Yoriichi blush again and made Michikatsu fold his arms across his chest.
Michikatsu looks at Yoriichi. "Yoriichi, watch some Netflix. I'll take care of the rest of the cooking."
"But Nii-san, I already started everything and it's probably best that I finish it."
"No. I say that you rest and I finish the cooking."
"Nii-san, I've been following the recipe in my own way and you might not be able to do the same --"
Michikatsu looks at you. "Y/n. Do you think I'm a good cook?"
Both brothers have their eyes on you.
"Ehm ... ehm ..." You're starting to get flustered. "I think you both are ..."
Yoriichi smiles. Michikatsu frowns.
"But who's the better cook?" Michikatsu asks.
"Well ..." You really don't want to answer this question. You don't want them to fight on Christmas. "Michikatsu, you're better at savoury dishes, and Yoriichi, you're better at sweet ones."
"So, I can't cook sweets?" Michikatsu asks.
"I didn't say that. I just said that Yoriichi does a better job."
"It's fine, Nii-san," Yoriichi says with a smile. "That means that you do better with a lot of delicious recipes."
"But not with sweets."
"You two are going to give me a headache," you say.
Both brothers are at your side, checking your pulse and feeling your forehead.
"Does she have a fever, Nii-san?" Yoriichi asks.
"No. She seems well." Michikatsu looks at you with concerned eyes. (Actually, he knows why you say you think you'd get a headache. He feels guilty, but he won't admit it.) "Y/n." He puts a comforting, protective arm around your shoulders. "Do you want to help me check on the main dishes cooking? I won't touch the sweets, I promise."
"Sure," you say with a small sigh of relief. You smile at Yoriichi and he smiles back. He goes on the couch to relax and watch Netflix while you join Michikatsu in the kitchen.
Under your watchful eye, Michikatsu does leave all the sweets baking alone and doesn't try to improve them. You two add some finishing touches to the savoury items. By the way, Michikatsu looks so handsome when he's cooking. He wears a purple and black apron with a bee-hive pattern on it, and because he's VERY careful to not get his hair in the food, he ties it up into a man-bun. It gives you a clear vision of Michikatsu's strong looking neck, but you control yourself even though you want to nibble on it so badly.
Actually, Michikatsu wants you to nibble on his neck so badly too, but if you did, he would certainly scold you.
Everything goes smoothly once dinner is finished. The twins insist that you sit down and they serve you, so you do. Yoriichi finished setting the table while you and Michikatsu were cooking, so all that's needed is for them to bring out the food and drinks. Michikatsu, still in his apron and man-bun, pours you a drink of your preferred alcohol. He's smirking a little, because he knows that Yoriichi is watching him with a slight pout on his lips. (They might have fought earlier in the day on who would be the gentleman to serve you your drink.) You then have to wait for Michikatsu because he's going to take off his apron and put his hair back into his typical ponytail before you eat. Yoriichi is impatient because he doesn't want the food to get cold.
Once Michikatsu the hair diva finally gets back to the table (nothing is cold, don't worry), the three of you have a delicious meal. The twins made sure to make Christmas food from your country and they did a fantastic job. They didn't even ask you for any tips! They figured it out all by themselves (and with Google, of course).
After you eat, it's time for the presents. You're all sitting on the floor by the tree. The twins want you to open yours first. Yoriichi is almost jumping up and down in his seat, as he's so excited to see your reaction. You're surprised to find that there's only one present for you -- and it's from BOTH of the twins! You were expecting that they would try to out-do each other with who gives the best gift, but they actually worked together! You're already so happy and you're beaming. It doesn't matter what it is, it's the best gift ever for you to know that they didn't compete against each other. When you open it, it's the one thing you had wanted the most (no matter how big or small that may be). The twins paid attention to your conversations and came to the perfect decision on what to get you :)
Yoriichi looks like he might cry because you're so happy. Michikatsu is just a blushing mess (both from seeing you happy and from the alcohol he drank during dinner).
It's now time for them to open their presents. Their presents are identical boxes of the same size and weight. The only difference is that one has "MICHIKATSU" written on it and the other has "YORIICHI". Yoriichi looks confused. Michikatsu had taken a good look at the boxes earlier when he put them under the tree and just takes his and starts shaking it.
"Nii-san! Don't do that! What if there's something breakable inside!" says Yoriichi. (Poor soul is genuinely concerned)
You snicker a little. "Yours is the more fragile one, Yoriichi." You wink at him. "I knew what I was doing."
Oh, how fast Michikatsu stops shaking that box of his.
You smile. "So, come on! Open them!"
They can't say no to your smile. Each brother meticulously unwraps his present, though Michikatsu is a quicker than Yoriichi. Yoriichi is the type who is very cautious with the wrapping paper, as if he will somehow be using it again for later. He might cut it up into different shapes and glue them onto a poster paper in a special design, just because it was the wrapping paper you chose. He's sentimental like that.
Michikatsu isn't. It's paper.
Michikatsu is the one to first reveal the cardboard box. He then opens it to find it stuffed with so much paper weighted together so that it would match the weight of Yoriichi's present. Michikatsu raises an eyebrow and starts throwing out all of the paper until he finds two PS5 controllers and an envelope containing a gift card to use at a gaming store. Michikatsu immediately softens. No one knows this but you and Yoriichi, but he likes video games a lot, especially the ones you can play with a partner. He's very competitive, but he takes it less personally if he loses on a game, versus in something that happens in real life. So, he and Yoriichi play together on their PS3. They've wanted to upgrade for YEARS, but never got the money together. (And if they did get together the money for the PS5 this Christmas, they spent it all on your gift, instead of using it on themselves.)
Michikatsu looks so touched. Your gift went straight to his heart. He feels so loved that he isn't even thinking of the samurai and military games he could get for the console. He watches Yoriichi as he still very carefully opens his present to eventually reveal that his box held the PS5 console. Yoriichi lights up like a little kid when he sees it. His eyes are glowing, his cheeks are glowing, he's smiling so big.
Before you know it, you are sandwiched between a hug from both of the twins. They're thanking you and telling you how great your gift is, and that they can't wait for all three of you to play together.
"Well, there's only two controllers, so I don't think all of us can play," you say (you don't mind -- it's fun to watch them too!).
"We're getting a controller for you first thing when the stores open again," Michikatsu says decisively. He looks at you and puts his finger to your lip. "And we're paying so don't say no and don't try to talk us out of it."
"That's right, y/n," Yoriichi says and gives you a kiss to your cheek. "Just let us take care of everything."
"But I still want to play tonight, so, I say we make teams," Michikatsu says. He smirks at Yoriichi and takes your arm. "Y/n and I are playing together. Us against you, Yoriichi. You're on your own."
Yoriichi gets these puppy dog eyes. "No, that's not fair, Nii-san!"
Michikatsu pulls you closer to him again. "It is fair because I'm [pronoun] favourite."
Yoriichi pouts. "No! I'm [pronoun] favourite!"
"Guys! Guys!" You break free from their grasps (damn, it's hard to break free from Michikatsu, he's decided that you are HIS). "Let's not fight."
"We aren't fighting," the twins both say.
You sigh. "I'll start playing with you, Michikatsu, and then I'll switch with Yoriichi for a bit. Okay?"
Michikatsu is determined that you will NOT switch, but he will agree for now. "Sure," he says.
Yoriichi knows exactly what his brother is thinking and eyes him suspiciously. He then turns to you with a smile. "All right, y/n. That sounds perfect!"
You all set up the console to their TV together and buy a game online to play for the night. Yoriichi goes on with his plan to get his time with you -- alcohol. Michikatsu is a bit of a lightweight (don't tell him, he will deny it until his dying day) and he also likes alcohol too much (he will never admit it, so don't even try to get him to). Yoriichi has a higher alcohol tolerance and is more disciplined. So, as you're playing, he keeps offering drinks, which Michikatsu takes with a grin, and eventually Michikatsu becomes drunk enough that he isn't focusing on you being beside him playing with him. So, you get to switch over to Yoriichi's side ...
... which doesn't last for long because when you take a break from the game to go pee, Michikatsu lays on the floor and closes his eyes. By the time you and Yoriichi are ready to start again, he's snoring a little.
"Oops. Never thought that would happen," Yoriichi says.
You know he's lying and you knew exactly what he was doing with those drinks but you don't care. Yoriichi says he'll get some blankets and pillows. When he's gone, you give Michikatsu a light kiss to his forehead. He looks so innocent when he sleeps.
When Yoriichi is back with the pillows and blankets, you tuck Michikatsu in, being very careful not to wake him (which you won't -- the man is drunk and k/o for the night). You and Yoriichi still don't want to make much noise, and you're getting a bit tired, too. So, you shut off the game and put on Netflix with very low volume and subtitles. You choose a movie that both of you know. While the movie is starting, you and Yoriichi set up the pillows and blankets on the floor so that you can lay together next to Michikatsu and watch.
And of course, before the movie comes to an end, all three of you are curled up and asleep next to each other, with you comfortably in between the twins.
It was the perfect Christmas ...
... except for Michikatsu's hangover the next morning ;)
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federthenotsogreat · 1 year
🌠Multiverse travel🌠 in MCIR 👑
Demonsoul's ability to travel through the multiverse is one of the most important aspects of MCIR, which is why I'll be going over what that means and how that works in this post! I'll go over
🌟- Types of traveling
🌟- How to travel
🌟- Anomalies due to travel
I recommend reading my post on how the multiverse works first, which you can do here!
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🌟Types of traveling🌟
There are two different ways to travel the multiverse which, for the sake of conveniency, we'll call "soul travel" and "side by side travel" in this post.
-Soul travel:
Contrary to popular belief, everyone in the entire multiverse is theoretically able to soul travel. This technique splits apart body and mind, leaving the mind to travel off to the desired universe, while the body remains stuck in its own reality. The traveler is in control of their physical body, as well as their soul, now in another dimension.
-Side by side travel:
Side by side travel can only be utilized with the help of someone extremely potent and knowledgeable in soul travel. You travel side by side with a partner, who drags you into another reality, as long as you consent to it. With this method, you are able to take your body with you, leaving your own universe behind completely. In the new universe, you also remain invisible to every other life form, except your partner, who will appear in soul form to you, but normal to everyone else.
In MCIR, Demonsoul always uses soul travel, while Cackletta and Fawful almost always rely on side by side travel!
🌟How to travel🌟
If you want to travel the multiverse, you will want to use soul travel!
To make use of soul travel, you basically just need to imagine yourself at the place you want to be in. Let's create a hypothetical scenario in which we want to travel to another universe, and the desired location is a forest! Try to stand up right with enough room to slightly move around in. Close your eyes, and imagine the fresh air around you. Can you feel the wind on your shoulders, the dirt under your feet, the smell of tree resin in the air around you? Try to separate your mind from your body to the best of your abilities. To further strengthen your now established connection to the other universe, try to touch one of the trees, try to feel it's texture. Maybe spin around a bit, take a few steps forward. It's also always a good idea to mimic the movements of your soul with your physical body.
Congratulations, you have successfully accended to another reality! To snap back to your reality, simply open your eyes again or if you haven't closed them in the first place, just fully bring your mind back to your current state of existence!
Now, side by side travel feels very different from soul travel, as you don't have to envision yourself in a new environment at all, since your partner simply teleports you there, which is why I'll focus a bit more on how it works in general!
The only thing needed for side by side travel is for all participants to consent basically. Your partner will simply "teleport" you to the desired reality (most commonly their own), which for them will feel like they're simply traveling back to their own universe. Your partner will automatically create another "layer" to their own universe which you can exist in, remaining invisible to everyone except your partner, who now exists in both layers separately. You can still interact with objects, which will remain unseen by everyone but your companion.
Allow me to demonstrate via my impressive art skills
Here, the "base layer" that the universe always works in, is covered in green, while your layer is covered in red. The space in between both layers where your partner resides is colored blue
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By interacting with an object (in this case, a glass of water placed on top of a table) the universe will create a duplicate of the object on your "layer", now only visible to you and your partner, while it remains untouched for everybody else.
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Once you've established a strong connection to the universe your partner always teleports you to, you may even be able to go there completely by yourself without having to rely on your companion, as long as they still consent to that. Basically the more connected your reality becomes with that of your partner, the better your chances are at "teleporting" there completely on your own!
🌟Anomalies due to traveling🌟
As mentioned in my post about the multiverse right here, the multiverse isn't fond of universe traveling at all. This is since the multiverse will collapse if one reality exists twice in the exact same way. Let's take Demonsoul's story as an example.
Since the universe has to cover every possible reality, there already exist two universes (inside a bubble) that Demonsoul likes to switch between, which isn't dangerous, since both universes exist inside a bubble that specifically exists so that the rules can be broken. Now, if the Demonsoul that we know decides to travel to another universe, then the reality inside the bubble and the reality she travels to are the same. As you can see, universe B is now a copy of universe CB.
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Luckily, the multiverse knows that something is fishy and doesn't fall apart. Yet.
The new universe will try it's best to kick you out. The two most common ways it attempts this are:
- distorting
Here the universe alters the area around you. The area you are in/you're own movements might start to distort, maybe causing you to trip, or run against objects. You might lose control completely if you don't keep calm and focus. Distorting can also become apparent through people acting weirdly or out of character, or speaking complete garbled nonsense that your brain can't decipher.
- altering the timeline
This is more of a side effect to travel than the universe trying to kick out out. Here the universe might create completely nonsensical scenarios and upon realizing its blunder, completely erase them from existence later, making people forget that they ever happened in the first place. (Imagine it as the universe fixing a "plot hole")
Most often distorting is caused by the universe trying to get rid of you, while an alteration in the timeline is mostly caused by the universe slowly starting to crumble.
The more you travel to a specific universe, the more connected that universe will get to yours, causing distortions and alteration to take place in both realities, however it is far more common for the reality you are traveling to to crumble. If you leave the other universe alone again, the multiverse will try to clean up your mess as quickly as possible and hopefully succeed.
Universe travel is safe, but traveling frequently would be rather unwise. The multiverse is strong and it will try it's best to keep itself stable, but at one point, it might just snap. So it's better to stay in your own reality, no matter how badly you want to live in another.
That was a lot, sorry for that! I tried to keep it short, but there's just lots of crucial information that I can't leave out!
Thank you for reading this far! I know this topic is complicated, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :3
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papirouge · 1 year
I think it's weird that that Irish guy compared women reading erotica to men watching porn, when a more apt comparison would be men reading hentai. Like both written erotica and hentai are bad for the soul, but don't have any victims outside of the reader and writer (out of their own will, but victims in a way). None of these have actors drugged up so they can perform very humilliating acts and risking STDs, pregnancy and UTI.
Plus I hate when people try to equalize what men and women go through. Like, most people who watch porn are men (including some Christian ones, lets be honest here), and porn its literally catered to their fantasies. It's messed up when women stumble upon porn too because they are being fed degrading male fantasies that they might think its normal het sex, and might feel pressured to perform (many girls already admit to this). But then, I guess het porn is so depraved and male centered that somehow womens most watched category is lesbian porn (most of them being straight women). I think its weird he points out to porn with no women involved, because while that its true and bad in itself, het and lesbian porn are far more popular than gay porn. Like this are just facts that can be looked up.
Not to mention that most degrading and horrible acts are performed on the woman, and when its on the male its the bottom in gay porn. They are usually the ones getting choked, spit on, having semen thrown on their faces or being forced to swallow it, being the receiver on anal, having proplapses, being fisted on the vagina or anus, and so on. Its all based on violence and simply focuses on male pleasure. No gentle caressing for the women, or comfortable digital sex, or cunnilingus. Not that Im saying these things shoiuld be included, all porn should be erradicated, but the viewer watching this might expect their sex life to go the same way.
Also, I think its weird this same guy who wants to paint men and women on the same light as culprits on the sex industry, does not care to mention or see women who watch porn as victims and how it affects their self esteem and sex life, only the poor men and their ED and lack of motivation and incel tendencies.
This dude is sooooo corny and annoying ; he really think he's a Nice guy just because he's against post and agrees prostitution is a form of rape. Big deal. Congratulations for doing the bare minimum I guess?
And he won't make the comparaison with hentai bc the imbalance of male vs female consumption would be even more glaring. Hentai is an industry entirely dedicated to male. There's no female hentai author. Female author making drawn porn are either doing yaoi or yuri (although yuri made by women is closer to erotica than porn - you can easily clock yuri made by men because it's very male gaze-y). And you'll notice that either in yaoi or yuri, are the protagonist dehumanized like in hentai. Yaoi is infamous for sloppy toxic 'love' relationship, but there's still a storyline (tbh some yaoi characters can address interesting/deep issues such as repressed homosexuality, late blooming, etc.). In hentai, the female is treated like a sexual OBJECT with no substance whatsoever. I always said japanese male author were some of the worst are writing female characters and I stand by this word. Most iconic female manga characters were written by women. Period.
Even erotica isn't as bad as porn in male representation: men aren't reduced as "holes" to be "f*cked", and degraded into sex objects to be disposed of.... So even if we can agree exposing yourself to sexual content is ALWAYS spiritually damaging, the fact he removed any of that nuance to his statement lumping porn and erotica together was highly suspicious....
I mean the simple fact he lost his tits the moment people (bc I wasn't the only one) told him porn and erotica didn't have the same impact is everything you need to now about how his statement wasn't about acknowledging the damage of erotica, but rather equalizing male & female consumption of sex as an "entertainment", because men collectively have an extremely hard time to take accountability without trying to rub it onto women.
Remember that post I made a while ago saying some good Christian men on Tumblr pretended caring about radfem calling pro life and tradfem "pickme" and how "misogynist it was, and me pointing out that they actually didn't care about misogynist slurs directed at women, but pretended to do so to diss other women? Because when men defend women it's only to shove under the bus other women. That's precisely what he did there. That irish guy did the same by pretending caring about female consuming erotica...but what's interesting, is that to defend his shitty take, he suddenly got like "we don't speak enough about MALE victim of porn consumption ". See what he did there? He ultimately outed himself by straight up admitting he did all of this because of the poor male victims of porn consumption. Interestingly, in none of his posts he extended the same compassion for women who are reading erotica and who, following his own logic, are victims too. He ultimately only shown himself dragging women down to assimilate them to male pattern mediocrity (disingenuously lumping erotica as something as much damaging as the IRL porn industry), and elevate young boys as victims. Typical.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
They are bootiful, and I wuv dem, and gods damnit I need to clear off enough space on my desk so I can doodle them too. Also, I am happy to see steadily more and more people popping up to compliment Sides, he deserves to be in the spotlight. Sunny may have traditional beauty down, but Sides is that handsome boy next door whom spends their entire youth as an outdoor-playing sort of "dirty", and then cleans up and all of a sudden every girl within a five mile radius suddenly does that one spongebob meme of "Oh no, he's hawt!". And he deserves to be recognized for it, hehe. Even if both mechs are far too confident to get blushy from compliments, which is a true crime, tbh, cause both need to be seen hella positively flustered.
Also! I took Friday off of work because the jerkweed at my job was insistent on buying us lunch as a bribe, and I have too many complex feelings about people giving me things to let myself feel like I owe him. So I got to hang out with my dad, and we're gonna be sealing up my ladybug leaking window today after work. In other news /dun dun/ I was goofing around playing modded Ark: Survival Evolved (specified, cause I talk to a lot of people who don't know what that is, its about dinosaurs) and said mod was hybridization. So I made a manta omanite abomination monster. Twas chthulu, but as a bird. And I love him. I am naming him Flappy when I get home.
On an even different note, cause I've been doing my coloring books again recently, I've been debating on posting the progress of my books onto tumblr, cause I bought a one-sided-page book simply for the express purpose of being able to take the pages out and gift them to friends, so I thought it would be cool to have a visual timeline of what I have done, and how far along I got with different pieces. It would also mean I can take my watercolor pencils to the page the way I wanted to, without worrying about ruining the next page. Downside, I am terrified of posting stuff online, because I internalize everything negative people say about me, whilst simultaneously disregarding all the nice things people say. I am working on unlearning that, which being slightly more active in the interwebs would help with (exposure therapy, whooooo....)
Did/do you celebrate easter?
~Smooch 💜
Hehe, you are very welcome Smooch.
I'm glad you liked them. Sideswipe is a growing favorite I've noticed, and it really is a lot of fun to watch happen. Sunny is still probably the most popular of my designs, but his brother is coming on fast hehe. I REALLY want to draw some more robots soon, despite my other projects. I'm the mood for Mirage and Tracks atm, so we'll see what happens hehe
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While the circumstances were not ideal, it is good that you got to spend time with your dad. And I guess congratulations are in order for your avian Cthulu lol Also congratulations for finding time to do your coloring books again. Coloring books are supposed to be really therapeutic(so I hear).
On your possible tumblr posting: I too like to have a timeline on some of my projects just as a record/checkpoint. Tumblr blogs are really good for that I have to admit. Your downside is my downside as well. It's hard to accept compliments and even harder to deal with negative nancy barking up your notifications. I still get nervous over pieces I post, particularly my original works, so don't feel bad. I admit that exposure therapy HAS helped me, but if you feel like it won't help you, then don't do it. But unfortunately, you won't know until you try.
And yes, I do celebrate Easter hehe. I play piano for my church so that's one of my busier times of year outside of Christmas (dear Lord at the Christmas carols…). I even dyed Easter eggs to give out to the kids at church this year, so I really got into it this time. It's also the time of year I get together with some of my extended family, so it's fun (and kinda tiring hehe)
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trolleytracksmoved · 2 years
Okay but, I just had a thought, what were the Playground Hosts in the original Toontown Lore?
I mean, the Doylist answer is that they were probably only there for the sake of "Wolverine Publicity", but I'd love to know the Watsonian explanation.
Yeah, Goofy owns the Speedway and Chip 'n Dale run the Minigolf Course, but does Pluto own the entire Brrrgh?
I don't expect any server to actually explore this lore unless they can create lawyer friendly OC's to fill in their roles (like the Captain in Barnacle Boatyard if we're talking Corporate Clash), but it's still a fun thing to ponder about.
i know that mickey was the mayor of toontown and goofy had a hand in changing toontown's economy according to the trading cards but other than that their presence in-game was simply because they're disney's mascots. gyro's the only old disney character with plot relevance but even then that's ambiguous if what you said about jesse schell in your reblog is true.
it's a shame, but at the same time i never really paid any mind to them because i knew they were irrelevant to toontown overall..? like yeah cool to know mickey is mayor ig but.. we're more familiar with flippy. if you ask people who they think the mascot or "face" of toontown is, people will most likely say flippy lol. he greets us in the toontorial, is the face of the launcher, congratulates us on getting our final bossbot part... you get the gist.
speaking of, funny thing about the brrrgh is that gyro's the reason why the area is constantly snowy per the brrrgh's postcard/trading card so like it'd make sense if gyro was the npc instead by that information alone, but i suppose because pluto is more popular than gyro and it'd feel weird not to have mickey's dog in the same game mickey's in, the decision on who to put in was clear.
it's funny though.. pluto gets his own neighborhood for reasons stated above, and donald gets two because his name and the playgrounds he's associated with also starts with a "d", but gyro gets squat. it's absolutely unbelievable. #justiceforgyro !!
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northwest-cryptid · 3 months
Using internet forums is the equivalent to "touching grass" to me.
Hear me out on this, what do people mean when they say "touch grass" exactly? Well they're basically telling you that your views are too centralized on your internet culture. You said or did something that would be fine within your virtual space, but not in "real life" so to speak. Touching grass is to say, go outside; experience a world away from your computer.
Internet forums typically have their own moderation, and are likely to have their own cultures and sub-cultures. From what I've experienced a lot of forums are hot spots for people who either seek refuge from the centralized internet culture of twitter, reddit, tiktok, and tumblr; or who simply wish to discuss the specific topic the forums are based around.
The key difference between internet forums and reddit is that reddit still operates as a sort of social media. You have all these upvote down vote politics. In other words, if you don't fit in, we'll all down vote your post into oblivion. You'll be ousted from the community, and more popular or "more trusted" users will speak over you.
Most forums do have these sort of cliches all the same, but also lack the voting system, so if someone doesn't like your words; they have to match that with their own words. This leads to a really interesting back and forth.
If you take the bait and lash out, you typically get removed by a moderator, but that's on you and your actions. Congratulations, you failed the test; you didn't touch grass. If you instead walk the walk and talk the talk you can easily turn the tide in your favor; remember they can't be "voted" most right by the community.
This means if you come to a forum post talking about say, board games; and you say "I really like THIS board game" and then some other user comes on and replies to you spewing the r-slur or something. You now have a chance to engage with this, or simply just ignore/block them and move on. They are one voice in a sea of many, and here's the real truth. If everyone on the forum acts like they do, then you can just leave and jump forums to a better site.
On the other hand, however; you can meet them head on with a reply of your own, with the good of the forum in mind of course. See if you match their energy, you will likely be ousted as you're new here. However if you explain that you merely wish to discuss the topic and that their slanderous words and rude remarks are not only unnecessary but unwarranted and off-topic. Now you're merely citing the rules of the forum, you're just trying to keep the discussion civil; there's no need to lash out like that on their part, and you're politely making that known. Moderators can't just look away from that because it's public, so they might issue a warning or something, if this continues the offending user will often be removed even if they're a senior member.
I've seen this happen first hand, the thing you need to understand is that a lot of these forums have their own cultures and MANY have the culture of "freedom of speech" meaning you can say whatever you want on the basis that "you can" and nothing more.
The flip side to this is issuing the challenge of "why?" They are now put on the defensive because they need to find some actual reasoning to defend why they attacked you so abrasively. The truth being that they were hopeful you'd lash out and they could point and laugh at the sensitive leftist or whatever. When you meet them in a manner that shows you carry yourself with a level of self respect they didn't expect you to have; you show them, and the forum at large; that you're not some stereotype they can exploit for popularity points.
More often than not, this won't be the case; but it happens from time to time; especially if you care about being unique online. Which is ironic since a lot of the forums I visit talk openly about how much they favor the individual and how they hate the hivemind nature of sites like tumblr and twitter.
My point here is that yes, Twitter, Tumblr, Tiktok, Reddit, Facebook, the lot of them; they do have a sort of centralized mind set. It's because there's so much crossuse between them. You carry tumblr's values with you to twitter, and then to Reddit; and then to TikTok. Along with that you enforce a sort of standard culture whether you intend to or not.
A lot of us do this because we feel, genuinely; that our culture is ultimately morally good. That's not a bad thing, but it makes you sheltered all the same. Going onto various small sites and internet forums might anger you at first since it's unlikely they follow the same code of ethics even if they align with your political views.
I witnessed a forum in which users were primarily left leaning and yet some users still insisted they had the freedom of speech to use slurs that honestly, shouldn't just be said openly no matter who you are in my opinion. Of course I had to "touch grass" and realize it's not my place to step in an argue with them. At the end of the day this would reinforce their belief in "people like me" and instead I'd opt to simply not engage with these users.
Forums are not social media, you can't really get "notes" or "likes" or whatever that amount to anything. You can't become a celebrity there, and more often than not these days they're populated by a good few hundred people at most. You stand to gain literally nothing from making your posts, other than the interaction of your peers.
Tumblr fails to meet the same criteria as we don't often use responses the same way as a forum.
For example if I make a post on tumblr that states a question like "is anyone playing any fun video games lately?" I might get a half dozen replies (not reblogs) that all say various things; I might get a reblog or two that say "oh I'm playing this or that" sure, but they're not all listed alongside each other.
On a proper forum this would be made into a thread, my post would have substance to it. I would still ask the same question in the title, but the post itself might include information about what I've been playing or whatever.
Then a reply would literally be posted under it similar to how a reblog shows up, this would bump the thread but more importantly, a new user viewing the post could directly quote things said earlier, or simply add their own response.
Then another reply would come in and be able to see all previous responses, they wouldn't be hidden in the reply section or under a specific reblog. I wouldn't need to be following any specific users; I'd simply see everything anyone has posted about this topic.
I'm not really going anywhere specific with this post, my brain is fried from not having enough food or water today unfortunately since I'm sick. However it's interesting to be able to skim a post and it's responses and immediately get a sense for not just what everyone's talking about, what their views are and how they discuss them; but also the general culture of the thread based on the responses.
If I say "anyone playing fun games?" and everyone is saying things like Call of Duty or Halo or Shooter Game 42432 you kinda get a vibe for who these people are or at least what this thread is about, you're less likely to come in with "yea I've been playing fuckin' Nerd Shit #3" which is both good and bad, it's good because you can get a strong sense of what the atmosphere is before you make that post; but it's bad because given the atmosphere you may not make that post; even if in reality everyone would immediately respond "oh man I've heard that one's really good but I haven't played it yet" or something.
Forums are interesting and they lend themselves to a sort of community I've sorely missed since the old web "died"
0 notes
So I've finally come to terms that I will likely never roleplay again. I think I'm just tired of doing so, or I simply outgrew it. Idk. I just don't feel the same joy that I did way back when I first started. Either way, in order to congratulate myself for this discovery I felt like posting all of the characters I created. There will likely be some that I can't remember the names of and would be unable to find them, since the forums they were on have vanished. Or I would simply be too lazy to go look them up.
Let's start with the ones I created for this website.
Pokemon OC - Duke. An ex team rocket member and his team. Techinacally I didn't create him for rping on here, but I did try importing him over. I never really did anything, so that fell flat. I'll talk about him later when I get to the part where I first created him.
OC - Sadie. So this one was supposed to be more of an ask blog, back when those were popular. She was supposed to be an exiled alien princess. She was exiled because of her sadistic tendencies.
I never really got to do much with her because in search of images to reblog to build her character and what she'd like, it ended up becoming a porn blog. In which I learned quite a bit about myself.
Ever heard of Tentacl? Probably not. Am I misspelling the name? Maybe, but I think this is right. Anyways on to the characters.
OC - Name unknown. Yeah, I don't really remember much about this, other than the fact that it was a supernatural rp; not the show, the genre. I think they were either a vampire, ghost, or werewolf. While it was not my first time erping, it was the first time I actually tried. I believed it would help broaden my horizons. While I can't remember it, I'm sure it was cringe and I'm glad it is gone forever.
RP Nation
I believe this is the most famous rping sites out there, but I'm not a huge fan. Most of the rps require you to use CSS to make it look nice, but I really didn't care for it.
Star Wars OC - Name Unknown. He was created as a clone during the clone wars. He was a sniper, and much like Crosshair from Bad Batch, he had a mark around his eye. But this was before Bad Batch was a thing. The rp didn't go very far. I think the style the creator tried to force us to go with was just really not my style and everyone just stopped posting after they tried to force it.
There might have been other characters, but I can't remember them. They could have just been ideas instead of fully fleshed out. I really can't remember.
Google +
Yeah, you read that right. They had some rping going on over there. All these characters were from the same forum. It was a mish mash of OCs and established characters like the Doctor or Sentry. I much preferred creating my own characters rather than using someone else's.
OC - Eznho LastName. I don't know if I spelled the name correctly, I know there's an h in there somewhere, but oh well. He was a native american, back in the days of early colonization. He and his tribe were killed, except he came back to life. With this new immortality he went out and got revenge. Ladda ladda, years later, present time, he became a vagabond. Trying to hide who he was, because the government is evil. His immortality only works when he dies. His body heals itself to brand new, forgetting the sensations, except for his mind. And being experimented on for years left him scarred. He wasn't that fun to play with the other characters, but it wasn't too bad.
OC - Arsinoe LastName. This one was much more fun to use with the people there. She was an alien princess, or noble with an army of nanobots. So, her planet revolted against the ruling class and her side was losing poorly. One day she fell into a coma and came out with psychic powers which had disappeared from the gene pool years ago. They start winning some battles, but it's not enough. So they try to boost he powers by giving her nanobots. It works! Then the nanobots take over and destroy the world. Then she regains control over the nanobots, but now she's evil. She's a little psycho, but clear headed.
There night have been another one, if there was I never used them.
I think I might have spent the most time here rping. It was a lot of fun, and where I made the most memories. A lot of it cringe, but that's the best part.
Young Justice OC - Frank Gorbachev Gorbak AKA Dark Blade. Jesus, Dark Blade? Talk about an edgy teen, lol. So, I initially created him with the last name Gorbachev because at the time they had a tournament thing going separately from the main story. I wanted my character to go into the tournament and have the announcer say "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down the wall." With the wall obviously being his opponent. But I created him too late. His power, was that he was able to pull swords out from anything, but they all ended up being black, hence Dark Blade.
He was supposed to be this cool edgy character, but after interacting with the others, he ended up being a complete dork and doofus. I did not stick to his original personality whatsoever, and honestly disappointing. He became a stereotypical anime pervert.
However, due to some conflict with the owner of the forum and one her friends, the forum was nuked, but brought back. There, he changed a bit, like normal comic book characters. It was here where I changed his name. Made him less of a pervert and into a raging misogynist. Not what I was going for, but how it ended up. I changed how his powers work a little. Instead of a whole ass sword from like a paper, the sword had the attributes and thickness of the material he used.
This was also the forum that got me to start cursing. Before that, my mouth was clean. There is also a bunch of other stories with this forum, but that's for another day.
Dragon Age OC - Name Unknown. I started this one after I finished Dragon Age 2, which I really liked. And the people in the forum were from another one that I was in, so it really shouldn't have been that bad. Except only playing 2, I had no idea what they were talking about. It lasted for a short while before everyone just stopped.
Monster Hunter OC - E. Yeah, just a letter for a name. It was based off of my character in game. You can tell I'm great with names. He was brash and energetic. A bit of a dumbass for sure. The forum was fun and lasted for a while. I had him die at one point because I was bored of the forum, but I brought him back. I tired to change his personality as a way to spice things up, but I eventually dropped it as a whole.
Monster Hunter OC - Sebastien Ottobahn. He was fun to write. A hermit hunter who has the power to transform into a monster because the setting allowed it. He ended up killing his old party accidentally in a fit of rage, which is why he is a hermit. He hates himself for what he is, and blames that for why he killed his friends. There are others like him in the world, both natural and artificial, and he hates them all. After some conflict with the other characters he gets defeated. The forum ended before it finished. Like right at the end. So in order to give him a good ending I made a little story to wrap up his arc.
Monster Hunter OC - Ismene LastName. Another fun one. She has voices in her head. Much like Sebastien, same forum, she has a monster side, but hers is artificial. She was a member of the Dark Guild, who focused on ridding the world of monsters, using science! And much to her credit she is quite smart. However, she has the wisdom of a sack of rocks. Being a genius at a young age and being told no, meant she had to do it anyway. She created a mixture that would allow her to transform into a monster all by herself, without notes, when it took the other scientists years to do so. Buuut, she messed up. Now she has hundreds of different souls of monsters trying to take over her body which has slowly reduced her sanity. Only reason she keeps them in check is because the sould of the founder is keeping them at bay, hoping to take over.
She meets the protagonists as an enemy, is defeated easily and decides to join them for fun. No loyalty. She helps their side fight in the war, and the forum ends before we get to a conclusion. sad
Pokemon OC - Johnathan (or maybe another Sebastien). He was an old trainer who almost had title of champion. He gave it up because at the time he was sure he'd win easily and didn't want to be disappointed with a boring battle. After he'd travel the world helping young trainers on their journey, all the while looking like a lazy bum, cuz he sleeps all day, and only trains at night. I did not use him a lot. Having an OP character when everyone else are just beginners felt awkward.
Pokemon OC - Duke Mense. Finally got back to him. He's an ex-Rocket member, as they had been dissolved, and was looking to start his own team. In doing so he slipped into Plasma and worked as a spy trying to get info for his own. That's really all there was to him. He never really interacted with the other characters, due to him being a villain. But when I made him I felt much more attachement and wanted to do more and expand his history. Which is why I failed to start the one in the beginning. I could write a story, but I'm bad at writing and all that other stuff. I have made oneshots here and there with him and the others, but they're all garbage.
Pokemon OC - Name Unknown. This is actually two characters. They were brothers and gijinkas. One was a yanmega, and the other a sabelye. Once again, they were bad guys and left on the background and didn't get to do much. I'm great at creating characters that isolate themselves and wonder why I don't rp that much.
RWBY OC - Farren Sicks. I created him after watching hunter x hunter and a stick figure fight. I made his weapon a shield and his semblace the ability to create fog. No fairy tale for this guy, but his name does match a color. Farren for steel, which is gray; and Sicks, read as six, which in hexidecimal I believe all 6's would make a gray. I don't remember much, it didn't get very far, or I just dropped it.
Fiction Press
FF sister site and probably where I created the most characters and spent most of my rping time. Since these are all OC's I won't need to denote that.
Johnathan E. Zachfire. This was a zombie rp and probably the first one I tried out in earnest. He accidentlly killed a couple he was robbing and was sent to jail. He was there when the virus broke out, which helped him break out. He made it to a shelter, but it pretty much ended there. There was only two of us and the other guy disappeared.
Name Unknown (Lucifer). Another zombie rp, but with vampires. I don't remember his actual name, but had a split personality ala movie trope, who went by Lucifer. And since the main body was wet cardboard, the evil side was more fun to play. There was a good cast of characters and it was fun. eventually people dropped out and it died. That was a bit heartbreaking because I believe it was the first one I got real attached to. Looking back though, it was cringe. At least I was. I got so needlessly angry when a character criticized mine, in character. I took it as a personal attack. It was bad.
Names Unknown. This one was a historical rp. There were a few characters I created. One for the american revolution, another for another time period, and another for another. I don't really remember that much, but I do know it wasn't too bad. I eventually ended up dropping it.
Names Unknown. This was a supernatural rp. ther premise was that every angel demon, pagan god, what have you fought a giant war, died, and was reborn as humans with power. One character was a demon who had the ability to heat the surrounding area. Not himself, just the air around him. The other was the reincarnation of Tartarus and was a warden at a jail, real original. That didn't last long either, but was fun while it lasted.
Name Unknown. This was a spy rp. Or more accurately an assassin rp. My character had a temper and was almost not allowed to join the organization during his trial run, but was given another chance. He just had to kill someone else. In that mission, I felt like no matter what I did, or how much my character was prepared they were going to to lose. My character sneaks in, gets caught immediately because of some dumb bs, and things of the sort. I tried to play around it, but gave up and left. It went on for a while after I left and then it died,
Name Unknown. This one was a pirate rp. My character was an ex dread pirate whose crew mutinied. He ended up another pirates crew as a cook, planning on taking over. The owner wanted to wait for more people before starting, it never started.
Name Unknown. This was a fantasy rp. The setting was card themed. four kingdoms with spades, cloves, diamonds, and hearts. There was a forest in between them which was forbidden to enter because diplomacy. My character was thief from the poor kingdom, tried to steal from the richer one and was chased out. It felt like there could have been a romance to bloom between the poor bad guy and the good rich girl. It was fun, but died too soon.
Name Unknown. This was a fantasy rp. The setting, the world stopped rotating, and the world went dark. I don't believe we talked about the other side, but that didn't matter. In the darkness were monsters that ate humanity. and humans were stuck in small villages with lights surrounding because it kept the monsters out. My character was born out in the darkness and learned to get around. He is eventually found and brought to a village, but the light burns his eyes. The idea was interesting, but this too died quickly.
Name Unknown. this was a supernatural rp. I really don't remember anything about this one, other than the fact that my character was a vampire who experimented on himself. He made himself a lot heavier and moved his fangs to his throat. That way they came out like an eels.
Names unknown. This was a fantasy rp. the setting, time has frozen still. Those who are still able to move gained powers, but are being hunted down. My character was kidnapped and beaten just before the event. Then he gained teleportation and freed himself. Now he was afraid of people, but eventually teamed up with another person. Due to some miscommunication between me and the other player, we ended up fighting and both just stopped. The other character I played was the main villain. Some old guy from Ancient Egypt who stops time and grants power, only to steal it away to gain extra years of his life. Apparently the owner liked the way I played villains.
Name Unknown. This was a sci-fi rp. Setting wasn't very clear. My character was an ex alien slave who had the power transform his body for a few hours at a time. Somehow he learned that by eating people he can keep that form permanently. He starts a rebellion and frees his people. He then goes across the universe freeing other worlds from slavery. His cannibalism allows himself to extend his life by replacing body parts with the ones he's eaten. It doesn't need to make sense. His species however only lives up to 50 years, and he was like 150, so his mind was all there. When he meets the other characters it wasn't too bad. But like a dumb fucking idiot I thought "You know, I should give him a flaw to round him out a bit more. What could a person who frees slaves have as a flaw? Oh I know, I'll make him a pedo. Genius!" And then he starts simping for a little hours old baby! Like how dumb could I be to miss the huge flaw that is him being a fucking cannibal?! And then I tried to pass it off as normal? Like jesus christ bro, what were you thinking? Yeah, that rp didn't last much longer after that, and I don't blame them. If you were from there and end up reading this, I'm so sorry.
These are for all the others that I have forgotten about or just don't fit neatly into the other categories.
I have 5 dnd characters. Whose names elude me, but they were a human paladin, a tabaxi rogue, a gnome sorcerer, a half-elf barbarian, and a hombrew creature druid. Because of scheduling these never did get anywhere.
DBZ OC - ???. Yeah that was his name. He was created on some dbz forum website. I got like one post in before I stopped. I had no idea what I was doing. He was also the first rp character I ever created.
If I remember anymore characters I'll update.
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helsikiderven · 2 years
Gift giving made easy: 5 occasions chocolate is perfect for
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If you're having trouble finding the ideal present and don't want to settle for a gift certificate, chocolate is the solution. For any occasion, chocolate makes the ideal gift. Chocolate is a wonderful gift for a celebration, to congratulate, thank you, to express sympathy, and for the best sobbing breakups and thank you parties.
A chocolate present can be delightfully personal or entirely professional. You can send chocolate to your mom, your coworker, your boss, your staff member, the kids' soccer coach, or your amazing divorce attorney. A luxury chocolate gift basket would be a welcome addition to any occasion.
Finding the ideal chocolate gift basket for any occasion:
A gift of chocolate need not be romantic. Sending wine and chocolate baskets to family members in honor of a birthday or other significant event is a nice, elegant gesture. If you are planning a gift delivery for someone but are unsure of their preferences, choose a hamper that includes a mix of sweet goodies, savory nibbles, and chocolates is a terrific choice.
For Mother's Day, chocolate is a wonderful present. To truly brighten your mother's day, pick a chocolate basket that contains a pampering present. You may choose a gourmet treat like premium chocolate truffles or chocolate-covered coffee beans for something a little different. Your mother might not purchase artisanal goods and distinctive chocolate delicacies for herself, making them all the more wonderful to receive as gifts.
During the holiday season, you can never have too much chocolate! Put away the candy canes. Shop online and set up a chocolate delivery service to their door if you need to buy presents for multiple family members or friends. It adds to the holiday spirit to include a bottle of red wine. Or a breezy Christmas picnic is excellent with a light, refreshing white wine.
It's also a nice gesture to offer a new mother some delicious chocolate sweets along with a baby gift. For that much-needed energy boost for new mothers, the greatest baby hampers for mom and baby should always include chocolate.
And we haven't ignored Dad either! We know your dad would adore our full collection of Father's Day spirit hampers filled with the tastiest dark chocolate presents. You can't go wrong with a chocolate and nut hamper for a dad who appreciates the better things in life, like silky dark chocolate, when paired with port, whisky, cognac, or wine. Give your dad the best chocolate presents from our Father's Day hamper collection if he enjoys sweets and chocolates.
Why are Christmas presents for businesses made of chocolate such a popular choice?
It's not always simple, they say, to choose the ideal present. We're not exactly clear what those people are referring to, though. Because even the ancient Mayans recognized what people desired, chocolate has been one of the most popular gifts to offer for more than 4,000 years! Even after all these years, chocolate remains the highlight of any special event and the best option for a "just because" surprise. Here are the additional arguments for why chocolate makes the perfect present, in case you need them:
Continue reading to find out why it's not mysterious.
● Chocolate is an ageless favorite.
There once was a period when style and grace were essential. Luxury chocolates that have been updated with modern styling can recreate the elegance and style of that bygone age. They serve as a blank canvas for your company identity in addition to being consistently stylish. a wonderful combo!
● Chocolate makes people happy.
It's impossible to consider each recipient's preferences when you're purchasing 1,000 gifts at a time. Everyone, however, adores chocolate! (We've heard rumors about people who say otherwise, but that's probably just fiction.) There will always be people with really particular tastes, so keep the big picture in mind and delight your recipients. A true moment of pleasure is simply impossible to quantify. Simply put, if you present chocolate as a corporate Christmas gift, people will remember you as the joygiver!
● Chocolate is adaptable.
Luxury personalized chocolates are frequently included in gift baskets for VIP clients, on dinner tables at PR events, and in goody bags. With the wide variety of box sizes available, there is sure to be the ideal chocolate Christmas gift to suit every budget. Chocolate can satisfy on so many occasions, especially at Christmas.
● Delivery of all of your presents
Chocolate hampers for Christmas gifts can be delivered directly to your customers without effort. However, our "despatch to customer" service does exactly that! Send us your gift preferences and mailing list, and we'll handle the rest while you focus on your business.
● Traditions and memories are formed.
The history of chocolate is extensive and is rooted in social and familial customs. Chocolate was first consumed by the Mayans in Central Mexico hundreds of years ago as a treat during important ceremonies and events. Later, Europeans began to consume chocolate on special occasions as a break from religious fasting laws. Now that we have so many high-quality coatings, wafers, chips, and other chocolates available, you can start new customs of baking and eat with your loved ones. Many families and cultures place a specific emotional significance on chocolate.
● Simply put, it looks lovely.
Christmas nuts gift UK are simply naturally enticing regardless of what flavor or type you favor! Anyone can be won over by the straightforward snap of a chocolate bar or the creamy glaze's trickle. Unlike cookies and cakes, enticing food does not require elaborate embellishments or decorations. The nicest part is usually the actual discovery of the chocolate concealed inside, even if we frequently gift-wrap, package, or otherwise customize them before giving them to someone we love. Giving is incredibly simple with this attractive treat.
The Final Talk
When you take into account all the benefits of chocolate as the greatest choice, choosing the ideal present is fairly simple. Making a single decision will be the most difficult. (But no one forces you to!) Browse our huge selection of the greatest premium chocolate, sweets, and more to find the ideal present for you!
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ivesambrose · 2 years
♕ 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓼 𝓽𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱 : 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫𝐲 ♕
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1. 2. 3.
Yes, this is a long one. Why? I want y'all to prosper that's why.
Pick a picture that evokes a strong emotion in you and if all of them call to you, so be it. Do not limit yourself.
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query.
You can book this particular pick a card question or any book one from this list.
Tips are highly appreciated 🤎
1. Golden snakes
Your definition of luxury : is to follow one's bliss and get whatever the heck you want. 'I want it, I will most certainly get it.' and you likely do.
You're more than open to face adversity and some challenges just so you can use your wits and determination to solve them in order to enjoy the fruits of your labour. To you, luxury is something you'd want to build long term. For instance, saving up money in order to get that one thing from your wishlist and smiling proudly to yourself like, "I did THAT. I really did THAT."
You believe in delayed gratification instead of instant gratification. You have certain values and morals in life that has come either via, a mentor you've looked up to, by re-parenting yourself or by building and achieving something by yourself from scratch. Regardless of your age you have a lot of wisdom that you have saved for yourself and select few. You don't claim to be a know it all nor are you the kind to give a Ted Talk on your journey. You don't want to share said journey, you simply want to do things that excite you without feeling bogged down by 'hustle culture'. You believe in gatekeeping yourself
Your ideal luxurious life : is likely to be known, accomplished, popular, magnetic yet secretive.
You may want an empire of your own but instead of making people work under you, you want to either guide or influence them. You want multiple things and some.
You seek to leave behind a tumultuous time, place or situation seek your own adventure. You may even want to leave behind your hometown and find your calling elsewhere. Your ideal luxurious life includes freedom, peace and excitement. Although you have lived your life so far with a particular idea of how to manifest wealth and luxury that is through hard work and you may also have faced delays, obstacles and several difficulties along the way you want a change from this mindset. Ideally, sometimes you crave that instant gratification too. Thing is, if you desire it, you'll have it. Deep down, you know you will.
Best way to manifest :
Gratitude journal
Even affirmations like,
"luxury loves me / money loves me" "I am__", "I always have __," "it is mine."
Your words and persistent thoughts indeed manifest quick. There is power in them, honor it.
You may have a close friend who is also big on manifesting and see eye to eye with you / you both share similar beliefs. So picturing telling them about having manifested luxury or wealth is also a great way to manifest.
Visualizing yourself being congratulated or receiving what you desire
You will most likely build your luxury by working one on one with people, networking with the right people, helping or influencing the right people, being in the right place at the right time, maintaining harmonious and honest connections. Be mindful of the company you keep because this influences your mindset the most, make sure you're not absorbing the projections of other people and their beliefs that you don't want manifesting in your reality or influencing you in ways you do not want.
2. Golden crown
Your definition of luxury : is to put down the burden of all the definitions and ideas that have been told to you growing up of what what life, wealth, career and luxury is supposed to be. You don't want to hoard, you just want to have enough.
I think you may feel over saturated with information or what you may be currently doing so you simply want to leave it behind. You believe there is more to life than slaving away and accumulating something you can't share. You may feel a bit like an outcast due to these ideals and maybe these perceptions will change in a few years or a decade but right now you simply want to live and form said perceptions by yourself. I just sense that you're tired and haven't gotten a break so your ideal of luxury is a career you can likely do remotely and not make it your entire personality and sole reason of being. You'd rather sit down and observe the beauty in the mundane or little things you missed out on. Infact if you could go offline and just live without seeking validation it'll be ideal for you.
Your ideal luxurious life : Is to stop chasing anything including luxury. You don't want to chase and endlessly work you just wanna have, cuz I feel you have put in ample amount of work but haven't received enough credit or people keep telling you that in order to get xyz you need to do an entire advhdjkk with additional god knows what and still it won't suffice cuz 'nothing comes easy'. I feel you're so done that you want to turn back to them and say, "to you!" and walk off. Your ideal life is already living from it connecting with yourself instead. Like I said, you just want enough and you just wanna be and that's perfectly fine you don't need to explain yourself. You're the type to get your manifestions and simply go off the radar and exist as a beautiful myth should you desire one moment and next do something that gets you really excited and happy and also get celebrated for then you disappear again. One lovely thing about you is that you never wanna stop improving and learning new things even if it's something as random as learning how to read ancient Egyptian heliographics or baking or making spooky pottery. You're brimming with ideas and you simply seek the luxury to do most of them. Here's to reminding you that you don't have to limit yourself anymore.
Best way to manifest :
Faking it till you make it.
Talking to yourself, literally looking at the mirror and giving yourself a pep talk.
Music and sound influences you greatly so you can literally have a playlist of songs that cater to you.
Affirmations like,
"things always work out in my favor.", "no, I'll get what I want. This is my reality.", "not my circus, not my clowns.", "I am more than capable and worthy of this."
I sense you might also be into esoteric or some spiritual practices so even praying, (I think some of you may also work with moon phases or have the belief that you manifest best when you're feeling any strong emotion - joy, rage etc use it to your benefit) having your own niche ways to manifest will work just fine.
You need to fully accept that your circumstances can change overnight and will. Nothing is too far fetched. You don't have to continue trying or pushing yourself, you simply need to accept.
3. Hand dipped in golden paint
Your definition of luxury : is to never to have to struggle for wealth and security ever again.
You may have had a difficult upbringing or faced circumstances in your life that made you feel financially insecure or you may have seen someone go through these circumstances that may have severely impacted your mindset. You could have grown up with the mentality that money is hard to make or that you have to go the extra mile for it or you can only generate wealth by the conventional means. You are thankful for the gifts you posses, how much you have honed your skills and your craft as well. You're a very humble person at the same time very generous. To you, luxury should be shared, no one should have to struggle for it. It's not supposed to be for a handful of people, everyone's just as deserving.
Your ideal luxurious life : Deep down you feel you have a particular life Path or destiny. Some of you are already aware of it some of you are still in the process of discovering. (your subconscious is already aware though) you'd like to have the freedom of pursuing it without having to worry that you'll run out of income sources or that said destiny / path becomes your path to luxury. You'd like a deep, like rooted deep transformation of your circumstances and your past as well. Likely there are some lingering doubts that surface due to past traumas. Go easy on yourself and know that your traumas don't define you and regardless of anything, you're deserving of your ideal life. Your ideal life would be to stop taking orders from people with a selfish and sharp tounge so that they continue to grow richer while you keep putting double the work, your ideal life would be to discover your own identity and being proud of yourself and your achievements, to have something of your own and to have more than enough. Wealth you can save, grow and share and be comfortable and content with. You simply desire security and peace, you'd be happy perhaps having a garden or a small business of your own, you do have a philanthropic streak to you and you intend to have enough to donate to good causes. You relish the simple things in life, whatever brings you comfort and healing, you are meant to have it regardless of whatever people have told you.
Best way to manifest :
Anything that makes you feel at ease. You can manifest simply by being in the flow of things. This reminds me something I read on twitter a while back where the girl started asking the universe to show her how good things can get. So simply asking your subconscious / higher self / universe / whatever it is that you have faith in to, "show me how good things can get. Bring them to me. Bring me ease." is more than enough.
You're prone to having breakthrough moments that set you on the right path so set your intention accordingly that, "hey you know, the solution will come to me. It always does." it'll happen.
Self talk is extremely crucial of what I'm picking up, you have to be gentle with yourself and talk to yourself in a way you would talk to your best friend or someone in need of comfort.
Visualizing, dreaming, day dreaming with intention, meditation, vision boards etc are also super easy and fun ways to manifest for you.
I sense you're very sensitive to what you see and the visuals you consume, your mind tends to picture things too vividly sometimes. So be sure to surround yourself with things you'd rather see regardless of whatever, be mindful to feed yourself thoughts that evoke feelings that align with your desires. Read, read a lot, read things that make you happy or simply for leisure. You manifest best when you don't have to strain yourself at all. You got this!
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messedupfan · 2 years
Reaching Out to The Stars (Wanda Maximoff x Reader) Part 3
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No pronouns used
A/N: Thank you all so much for your support and for reading!
Masterlist | All Parts
“Come on boys! I'm already late for work,” Wanda calls out as she gathers her notes into her briefcase. It had been several days since your shuttle launched. Wanda invited Peggy, Pepper, and Bucky over so the group of them could support each other as they watched their loved ones lift off into space. Carol and Jean came over as well simply because they had to be there for Wanda.
The twins thought it was the coolest thing seeing the space shuttle launch, knowing that you were inside. Wanda almost didn't let them watch because she was afraid they'd witness your death. But, of course, all was well.
Now, they couldn't wait to get to school to brag to everyone that one of their parents is in space along with other members of their family. But they were struggling to get the picture frame open so they could bring one of the many family photos as proof for the kids at school. No one would believe that you were their parent without it. That's how Wanda finds them. In your study, trying to break open a picture frame.
“What are you two doing?” Wanda startles them, causing Billy to drop and break the picture frame. Wanda shakes her head with a sigh. “Scoot,” she directs them with her fingers. They dutifully separate from each other and she bends down to pick up the item. Her lips curl up to the side at your grinning face through the cracked glass in the picture. “I miss them too, but why are you trying to steal a picture before school? Don't you have plenty on the iPods they got you last week?”
“Yeah, but we can't bring them out at school to show everybody,” Billy explains.
“Right! And this is so cool! We have to! Please mom! We have to show everybody!” Tommy begs her excitedly. Wanda loves that the boys are proud of you but as they were already running late, she had to usher them out of the office without photographic proof after she placed the broken frame on your desk.
Once Wanda arrives at work, the first thing she sees is her own twin's smiling face on the television in the lobby. He was an anchorman of a popular local news station. She stops to watch him for a second and smiles when she sees your face beside his before her attention is pulled away with an emergency. Assuming it was just another congratulations report she ignores what her brother is saying and rushes to the dressing room to get into her scrubs.
Pietro reads off of the teleprompter with his winning smile until he understands the words he is saying. “...and Natasha Romanoff have all— Guys what the fuck is this? Is this real?” He directs his attention to the crew behind the camera. “When did this happen? When did this come in?” He angrily rises from his seat. “This isn't funny… someone better confess! I'm not laughing! This is a sick joke guys,” the camera stays on because no one knows what to do. They're all frozen, not just from Pietro's reaction but from the news itself. Pietro frantically begins to try and pull out his mic pack. “Wanda. Shit. I have to go, I have to go!” His co-host, Raven, helps him out of the gear and sends him off.
When he arrives at the hospital he is brought to a waiting room full of red eyes. “She’s in a surgery… w-we can't tell her yet.” Jean brokenly explains. Pietro sighs and sits down next to Bucky. He gives his friend a sympathetic pat on his shoulder. It hurts him to see Pepper and Peggy there as well but he appreciates that they all came for his sister in this tragic event. He looks down to see Peggy holding her newborn and quickly looks away.
His phone rings and he has to prevent himself from crying when he answers. “Hi mom,” she asks him if what was said on the news was true. “Yeah, mom, it's looking like that.” He hears her gasp. Two men in uniform arrive into the room and Bucky stands up to remove them. He wanted them out of there and never wanted to see their faces again. Pietro looks away to talk to his mother. “No, she doesn't know yet… because she's with a patient. She has to do her job… Yes, I'm staying here… Can you please pick up the kids… You're right. Dad should do it. How'd he take the news?”
Carol abruptly stands and everyone looks at her. “I… can't be here,” she takes off her badge and hands it to Jean. The redhead starts to shake her head, knowing her friend's pattern. But Carol doesn't want to hear it. “I’m sorry but I…” she fails to finish her sentence.
“They wouldn't want this for you and you know it!” Jean argues.
Carol scoffs, “It doesn't matter what they would want anymore! They're no longer—”
“Watch it!” Pietro cuts her off. “If you're going to throw your life away, that's on you. Don't use this as an excuse. It's not fair to them.” He moves his glare away from her and brings his cell back to his ear. “Sorry mom, what were you saying?”
Carol looks to Jean one last time before leaving the waiting room to drive to the nearest bar. It had taken you two years to help her quit drinking. By then it was already too late for her marriage but you helped remind her that she still had herself and her daughter, Monica, to stay sober for. Now, she just doesn't believe that she has the strength to face this kind of pain without a drink.
Jean bites her lips to keep from crying, she felt that it wasn't fair for her to break down when everyone else was still holding it together. Bucky returns with a confused expression, “I just saw Danvers leave. What happened?” Jean looks up at him with glassy eyes and he frowns. Bucky replaces Carol and puts his arm around Jean. “It’s going to be okay,” he comforts her, which only makes her feel worse. This isn't fair. None of this was fair.
It isn't another few hours until Jean gets the warning page that Wanda is out of surgery and headed to the room. Carol returns just then, surprisingly sober. “I bought a few shots but… I kept hearing Y/n’s nagging voice in the back of my head and I couldn't do it. I'm sorry for the dramatics. Does she know yet?”
“Does who know what yet?” Wanda’s voice startles the blonde. When she turns around she sees her smiling friend, the sight nearly breaks her. “What is this? Why is everyone… here?” Her words slow down as her smile fades and the dots start to connect. She looks to her twin. If anyone was going to tell her what she didn't want to hear, she wanted it to be him. But he remains silent. “Pietro,” she demands. Bucky opens his mouth but she holds her hand up to stop him. “Pietro,” she calls again.
The man adjusts his jaw and takes a steady breath. He tilts his head towards the ceiling to hold back the tears a little longer before he finally stands and walks over to his sister. “The shuttle has gone offline. There's no trace of it anywhere. They think…” he takes another breath, this one much shakier than the last. “They lost contact a few days ago and haven't found them anywhere. They have all been declared… dead.” He finally says the word and it hits every person in the room harshly.
Out of disbelief, Wanda strikes Pietro across the face. She stares up at him with an anger that he knows isn't towards him but he was the only one there to receive it. She raises her hand again but he catches it and pulls her against him in a hug despite her struggle against him. She screams at him to get off of her but he continues to hold her until she collapses against him in utter despair. One by one, everyone in the room stands from their seats to offer Wanda as much comfort as they could.
“This is ridiculous,” Wanda grouches as she adjusts her hair in the mirror. “Y/n isn't dead. I don't know why everyone is acting like they are. Natasha, Thor, Steve, Tony, Loki… they are all out there! They wouldn't give up on us if it was the other way around so why are we?” She shouts at her mother. The woman was sitting on your bed, listening to her daughter rant yet again about the possibility that everyone was still alive.
“I know that this is hard for you sweetheart. But you need to keep this to yourself, at least around the boys—”
“Why? Shouldn't they believe that Y/n is alive? Shouldn't they believe in miracles? That's what we agreed to teach them!”
“Honey, it's confusing enough as it is without you giving them this false hope—”
“False hope? Mom, I know the person I married. Y/n would've never abandoned our family! If something truly bad happened there would have been evidence, there would have been a trace of… I don't know… Something! But there wasn't!” Wanda argues back to the tired woman. She sighs, not wanting to argue with her daughter but knowing it was for the benefit of her grandsons.
“And what happens when they don't come back? Huh? What do you plan on telling Tommy and Billy when Y/n doesn't come home like they were supposed to? Please, let's just go to the funeral. You can believe whatever you want to but today you are letting those boys say goodbye.”
Wanda scoffs, unphased by her mother's stern tone that would have her tail between her legs as a child. “I am not burying an empty coffin and letting my kids think their parent is dead.” Wanda starts to take her jewelry off.
“Not even to support your friends? They lost their loved ones too, Wanda! I did not raise you to be so selfish.”
“Stop saying that! We didn't lose them forever! None of them are dead! Why won't you believe me?” Iryna throws her hands up and asks her daughter to explain why Wanda is so sure that you were still alive. “Because I would've known if I lost my soulmate for good. I would have felt it! But I didn't. You want to know why? It's because I can still feel them! They are still alive, I know it! They just need to send a rescue team or look harder! They gave up so fast… they just need to keep looking.”
Iryna pinches the bridge of her nose. “Honey, they have denied every request you've made. No one is going to—”
“Stark!” Wanda shouts. “Of course! Why hadn't I thought of this earlier?” She quickly grabs the jewelry to wear again. Her mom asks her what she is doing and she rolls her eyes as if the answer was obvious. “Tony’s dad, mom. Howard Stark. He's loaded and has a lot of connections. There's no way he won't help me.”
“No!” Iryna shouts. “You will not bother this man at his son's funeral!” Wanda scoffs at the word again. She found it ridiculous that they were calling it a funeral. To her it was just an extravagant way of announcing that everyone had given up. She still wanted no part of it but how else was she supposed to get a hold of such an important and busy man. “You will not manipulate that poor man into funding your delusions today!” Irritated by her daughter, Iryna leaves the room as Wanda finishes getting ready.
Pietro asks his mother if his sister will be joining them and she tells him no. That they should get going. He tries to offer to talk to her but Iryna claims that Wanda is hysterical and should be left alone. “That’s when she shouldn't be left alone, mom. She needs someone to stay with her.” Iryna sighs and drops her face into her hands.
“I don't want her to go to this event, okay? She's only going to be disruptive and these people deserve to grieve in peace!” Iryna throws her hands in the air. She then grabs Tommy and Billy's hands, “Let’s go boys. We don't want to be late,” she speaks to the sad children softly. Pietro looks to the stairs and sighs as he follows his mother out to the car. Maybe she was right to keep Wanda away from something she didn't even want to attend.
Unfortunately for them, Wanda does show up. She is quiet until the coffins are in the ground and everyone is able to disperse. Pietro watches his sister carefully throughout the event and doesn't see her shed a single tear. He finds it odd since his mother described her as hysterical. As he moves to go to her, he sees that she's already gone. She is making her way to Howard Stark. It takes him less than a second to realize what she is trying to do and he rushes past people to get to her. But he wasn't fast enough.
Wanda taps the grieving man on his shoulder. “Excuse me sir. I'm not sure if you remember me much, we've only met a handful of times. I was one of Tony's friends.” The man acknowledges her with an apology for the loss of her spouse but she doesn't accept it. “What would you do if I told you that they were all still alive. My spouse, your son, their friends. All of them!”
“Wanda!” Pietro scolds. “Stop this.”
“No, Pietro. He can help, he can help us find them.”
Howard holds his hand up to stop Pietro from getting after his sister. “Young lady, why do you think it has taken several months for this funeral to be arranged?” Wanda is unable to form an answer and Howard stops her before she can. “It's because I have been breathing down the neck of every man capable of finding my son. I didn't want to believe it either. I have pulled every string, exhausted every resource and the results are all the same. They are gone. There is no trace of them anywhere. Now, I am terribly sorry for your loss. Please, let this go.”
He walks away from the twins and Pietro gently places his hand on Wanda's back. She pushes him away and walks off to her car. She needed to be alone to have time to process. The man's harsh truth made it feel like you were slipping away from her. She needed to feel close to you again. So she drove straight to the bar the two of you met. She orders the same drink that she did that night and she waits. For some reason she thought that would bring you back to her. That all she had to do was recreate the moment almost completely. But you don't walk through those doors. You don't convince her to take a shot of tequila. You don't spend the night entertaining her. She hadn't realized she was crying until the bartender asked if she needed to call someone to pick her up.
Wanda shakes her head as she pays for her drink and leaves. She knew that needed to learn how to keep going without you. If not for herself or for the kids then at least for you. She knew that you wouldn't want her holding onto some hopeless dream. The last thing you would want is for Wanda to be living on that barstool in an old outfit for the rest of her life, waiting for you to return.
That night, after she cries herself to sleep, she feels a dip in the bed and a familiar body curl up against her. “I had to get to you,” you mutter tiredly. You give her a lazy kiss on the cheek and sigh as you hold her a little tighter. She feels you slip away, unable to keep you in her arms. And just like that, Wanda knows that you're gone for good.
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