#lgbtq bingo
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sizzlingbarbarianblaze · 1 year ago
I told him I was trans after our date…turns out he didn’t care 😈🏳️‍⚧️
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idabbleincrazy · 8 months ago
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: M
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Word Count: 3010
Warnings: s4 au, crossdressing, corsets, Lex learns the truth, reconciliation, hurt/comfort
Summary: Lex comes to talk things out, and learns Clark has more secrets than he thought.
A/N: prompted by @leatafandom May become a two-parter. Set somewhere before Devoted.
Squares Filled: Boy Next Door, Lying/Betrayal/Secrets/Omission/Exclusion, Coming Out, Lingerie/Garters/Crotchless Panties/Corset/Stockings/Only a Large Shirt ( @julybreakbingo ), "Collect and treasure every memory, and never count the cost" ( @fandombingo - Wonderland Bingo), Corset ( @fandom-free-bingo ), Estrangement ( @hurtcomfort-bingo ),
Coming Out ( @anyfandomgoesbingo ), Coming Out ( @lgbtqbingo )
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Lex wasn't sure why he was even here. Well, he was, but he wasn't being that honest with himself at the moment, so no, he didn't know why he was pulling his car to a quiet stop along the dirt path that led to the Kent's barn. He also didn't know why he got out of the car with more than a little trepidation, keeping his steps silent, not wanting to alert the young man he knew would be up in the loft of the old rust red barn he was walking towards to his presence, allowing him a chance to pull off one of those infamous disappearing acts that never actually happened. 
His relationship with Clark had been the dizziest of rollercoasters ever since the summer they'd both gone missing; one by betrayal, one by choice. They'd come back to this quaint, not-so-quiet town and found each other again, their friendship right back where they'd left it; at first. But slowly, deeper secrets and deepened trust issues had worked their way between them, culminating in the discovery of one secret that never should have existed in the first place. 
He hadn't been able to get Clark to speak to him since he'd found out about the room that was and wasn't about him. Three long, miserable months since Clark had shown up at the courthouse and pushed past him without a word, testimony given and gone in the blink of an eye. Three months of realization that life was never so desolate as when the light that followed Clark Kent around was refused to him. 
And so, here he was, trying one last time to reach out, to stand and bask in the effulgence that was a teenaged Kansan farm boy, and hope he would be able to give a good enough apology to no longer be denied the shining beacon that made his life a little less dismal. He didn't care about what Clark was hiding from him anymore, didn't care if the young brunette was a mutant, or something more, or just a normal boy who just so happened to be a little more heroic than the average teen. He just wanted him. However much of him he could get. 
He kept his steps quiet even as he trudged up the stairs ro Clark's Fortress of Solitude, taking care to avoid the creaky step halfway up. Reaching the top, he was glad he had. Otherwise, he never would have learned this secret.
Standing at the top of the steps, Lex had to stifle the gasp of surprise that filled his throat as he looked across the loft, sure that the moonlight streaking in through the open window was causing his eyes to play tricks on him. Surely, Clark Kent was not standing at the other end of the loft, in front of a full length mirror, shirtless. In leather pants. And holding a red and black corset to his chest. 
Blinking, waiting - and dreading - for the image to disappear, he watched Clark wrap the leather corset around himself, muscles straining as he tried to tighten the stays. The image never vanished, and after a minute of watching the impossibly erotic struggle, Lex took pity, brushing aside all the why's and how's, and took a step further into the loft. 
"Need some help?"
Clark yelped in shock, dropping the corset as he whirled around to face the unexpected intruder into his sacred space.
"Lex! Wha-what are you doing here?" His voice was caught somewhere between fear, fury, embarrassment, and indignation, fluctuating from squeaky to gravely and back again. Lex watched his foot out of the corner of his eye as it tried to kick the now offensive garment into the shadows of the room. "Why are you here?"
"Well, you haven't been answering my calls, texts, or emails, Clark, and I figured you probably wouldn't appreciate me giving the town gossips more fodder, so I decided to cancel the skywriting. If Mohammed won't go to the mountain…" Lex trailed off with a shrug, trying to keep his face blank of the arousal he felt coursing through him, thickening his cock. He nodded his head at the pile of fabric on the floor. "Your secret's safe, by the way."
There was enough light in the room to see the deep blush that darkened Clark's golden skin, the flush traveling enticingly from his cheeks to his neck, and down over his chest. Lex's eyes followed the rise of color, down over the expanse of exposed skin, gaze soon distracted by the reminder of the existence of leather pants, fabric stretched so tight across broad thighs they looked like they were painted on. His brain didn't know what to do with the fact that the groin area was bulging slightly out, and so simply refused to acknowledge it. 
Apparently angered by his own reaction to Lex's soft comfort, Clark let out a snort of derision. 
"Yeah, right. Safe. Where is it safe, Lex? In your private little stalker room?" Clark stepped forward, hands clenching into tight fists at his sides, and Lex couldn't help a shiver, of fear, of arousal, not when the evidence of all those surmised muscles were actually bared to his sight. "Gonna take a picture, Lex? Add it to your collection of me? Bet it would make a nice addition to that digital scrapbook you've got going. Or, wait, maybe you could take the corset with you, put it on display front and center, next to that bullet-mobile."
Lex pinched the bridge of his nose, his erection still not deflating despite the beginnings of a headache. This was exactly what he didn't want. He came here to make amends, not start the same argument all over again. 
"Clark, please, just stop and listen." Lex chanced a glance up at Clark's face, letting out a sigh of relief as the brunette heaved a breath but remained silent. The fact that Lex hardly ever used the word please must've given the young man pause, as Lex could see how badly Clark wanted to continue his - somewhat justified - rant. "I didn't come here to argue. I came to give you the explanation you wouldn't give me the chance to voice that day. Look, I get how that room could be taken as an invasion of privacy. I do. But I wasn't lying when I said that room was more about me than anything else."
Unable to just stand there anymore, Lex stepped away from the top of the stairs and carefully sat down on the tattered couch, turning his body to an angle that would hopefully diminish the obviousness of the tenting of his slacks. Clark turned, but didn't step any closer to him, chest heaving out breaths like a well-run horse, no doubt restraining a desire to grab Lex by the throat and toss him from the loft window. 
"Clark, ever since you first rescued me, I've been given so many second chances. I…I just want…I need to know why. And yes, so much of what has happened to me during my time here in Smallville has circled around you, but I can't help that. It's also centered around Chloe, and Lana, and Pete-"
"But none of their pictures are up on those walls, Lex. None of them. Just me, and my parents."
"Nobody's picture is up on those walls now, Clark. It's all gone. Except for the Porsche, compressed into a clump of twisted metal. It's the only reminder I've allowed myself to keep."
That brought Clark up short, his head cocking back, eyes narrowing in suspicious confusion. 
"Why? Why get rid of it all now?"
"Because I realized it wasn't worth it. None of it. The questions, the answers. None of it matters if it costs me the best friend, the only real friend, I've ever had." Lex turned back towards Clark, no longer caring if the brunette witnessed the truth his body revealed. "I'm a Luthor, Clark. Boundaries were always things to be crossed, not heeded, I never fully comprehended what I was putting at risk by satisfying my curiosity. I didn't realize what was at stake."
"Collect and treasure every memory, and never count the cost."
"Have we gone down the rabbit hole, Clark?"
"I think you've finally pulled yourself out of it." Clark heaved a gusty sigh, turning back towards the mirror, and Lex watched his reflection as green eyes fell closed. "I don't want to fight anymore, Lex. I don't want to hold onto that anger. I've missed you, these last few months, but I just don't…I don't know if I can trust you, Lex, not after that. And now, this."
"I meant what I said, Clark. Your secret's safe. All of them. Even the ones I don't know."
Clark's head hung down, chin against his chest, and Lex watched a shudder run through the broad frame. He stood and silently stepped up behind him, gulping down his nerves when Clark tensed, inexplicably alerted to his presence.
"I'm still a curious man, though, Clark. It's just my nature. And, I can't help but wonder about this new mystery." 
"Why don't you sound disgusted?" Clark's eyes opened and met his in the mirror, emeralds shimmering with unshed fearful tears.
"Should I be?" Lex reached out and placed a hand on Clark's shoulder, unable to stop his eyes from fluttering at the feel of warm, golden skin beneath his fingers. "Clark, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's just unexpected, that's all. You know, Achilles disguised himself as a woman to try to circumvent a prophecy; Joan of Arc dressed in men's clothes just to make life simpler and for better protection in battle. It's not like you're the first person, nor the last, to wear clothes designated to the opposite gender. It's not disgusting, Clark; quite the opposite. I'm sure you look just as stunning in a corset as you do in a t-shirt and jeans."
Lex waited for the last bit of his consolation to sink in, nervous as to how Clark would react. Plenty of men and women crossdressed without even a smattering of attraction to the same sex, simply wearing what they felt good in, what made them feel like themselves. Ed Wood wore angora, but never once sought out the sexual companionship of another man. Clark could still very much be straight. 
Confusion and unsurety shone in Clark's eyes, a glint of hope peeking out behind them. Lex took pity once more and bent down to pick up the discarded pile of silk and lace. 
"I'll help you into this, if you tell me when this started."
Clark watched Lex straighten from his bend, calculating. Lex kept silent, trying to keep his heart from thumping out of his chest as he awaited an answer. 
It came in the form of Clark lifting his arms out from his sides, peridot eyes slipping closed once more with a stuttered sigh.
"How long, Clark?" 
"Since Metropolis." The words were quiet, barely discernible. Lex stepped closer and reached around Clark with the corset in one hand, the other looping around his other side to catch the fabric and wrap around his torso, slipping the silky contraption into place from just beneath his armpits down to just above the waistband of his leather pants. Clark's hands lowered to spread flat along his waist, holding the corset in place for Lex to work the stays. "I found out a lot about myself that summer. I was at a club, one night, and I dunno, it just kinda happened. I don't really like talking about those months."
Lex looked up from where his fingers were threading thin silk ribbon in and out of eyelets, catching the grimace on Clark's face.
"I know what you mean. Wasn't exactly my best summer vacation, either." 
Clark's eyes opened and met Lex's in the mirror, grimace softening into sympathy, green and blue sharing their pain. Clark swallowed hard, and Lex watched the movement of his Adam's apple over his shoulder, his cock still painful against his zipper. 
"This, though…this just…felt right. I-I can't…I don't know how to explain it."
"I understand, Clark." Lex wrenched his gaze away from the mirror, refocusing on lacing up the corset. Once he finished threading the laces, he adjusted the corset, making sure the supporting cups and boning were aligned properly to maximize the intended result once the corset was tightened. He could already see how the garment would turn Clark's pectorals into the perfect illusion of breasts. He had to swallow before speaking. "How tight? I don't want to cause you discomfort."
Clark looked back at him in the mirror, his gaze startlingly open. 
"You can't hurt me, Lex. Not physically, anyway. But I think you already know that."
Lex nodded, once, and focused his attention back on the laces, picking them back up, one in each hand, and wrapping the sturdy ribbon around his fingers for leverage. Clark leaned forward and braced his hands against the wall as Lex began to tug. For all of Clark's apparent resilience, Lex was surprised to see his torso conforming to the reworked shaping of the corset as it pulled his waist in. 
Lex continued tightening the laces until the boning tapered down to just above each leather covered buttock, and tied the ribbons into a neat bow at the small of Clark's back. Clark straightened up, took a breath, and turned around to face him, eyes downcast. 
"Told you you'd look stunning."
Clark's gaze shot up from the floor, lips twitching in a small, shy smile. 
"Clark, you could wear an empty feed sack and still outshine Heidi Klum. You're…" Lex bit his tongue, afraid to confess too much, too soon. 
But Clark, apparently, wasn't going to let that go.
"I'm what, Lex?"
Lex looked him over again, from the way his chest heaved beneath the sturdy fabric, cleavage created from the ample muscle mass, to his waist, now so narrow that even Lex's smaller hands could span the breadth of it, thumbnail to thumbnail at his navel, and curl around the sides of his manipulated torso. He'd always found the sheer bulk of the younger man to be a comforting thing, something that could keep him safe; now, despite those still brawny shoulders, and bulging biceps, he felt the opposite. This was someone he needed to protect. Someone so fragile, so insecure and vulnerable. He yearned to pull Clark into his embrace, to turn him to face the mirror once more and show him how amazing he was, how…
"Beautiful. You're beautiful, Clark." Lex stepped closer to Clark, hand reaching up to his face, palm flat against a warm cheek. Amazed and encouraged that Clark did flinch back at the touch, he let his fingers creep upwards, brushing through silky bangs that were longer than they had been that awful day. "You're really not quite the boy next door that everyone thinks you are, are you?"
Clark closed his eyes and leaned into the gentle touch, his lips turning down into a slight frown.
"I…I'm not quite human, Lex."
The words were uttered so softly, Lex wasn't sure he'd really heard them. His fingers paused in their stroking for a fraction of a second before he recovered, locking away any of his typical reactions to such a discovery of truth. This was Clark. And no matter how badly he wanted Clark's secrets, he would always want Clark more. He waited for Clark to continue on his own, unwilling to push and break this fragile moment between them. 
Clark's eyes opened, sparkling and wary and so very, very young. Lex wanted to clutch the boy to him and soothe away all that fear and uncertainty.
"Did…did you hear what I just said?"
"Yes. Not quite human. So? You're far from the only meteor mutant in town. You're not even the only meteor mutant in this barn."
Clark pulled out of reach of Lex's fingers, face screwed up in a grimace again. The brunette began trembling, looking so much less than his seventeen years.
"No, Lex, that's not what I meant. I'm not a mutant, either. Lex, I-I'm an…I'm an alien!"
Lex kept his face schooled, and slowly stepped back up to Clark, taking hold of his hands, his thumbs brushing over warm, soft skin in an attempt to comfort him. 
"I had my suspicions, when I found that octagonal disk, but I wrote it off as improbable when there was nothing more conclusive. Thank you, Clark. Thank you for telling me." 
"How can you be so calm about this?! I just told you I'm from another planet, and you're thanking me?"
"Clark, I didn't come here tonight for your secret. I came because I needed to get my best friend back. After everything I've seen since I've come to Smallville, after everything we've been through, is it really such a huge leap from meteor mutant to alien? I'm more shocked that you've finally decided to trust me than to learn that you're from another planet."
Clark stared at Lex, eyes wide with surprise at how the older man was taking the revelation. Four years of worry and fear about what Lex might do if he ever learned about what Clark was, and he hadn't even cracked through that businessman façade. Lex had shown more surprise over the corset, and even that had only rattled him the smallest bit. Clark's heart sped as he took in the whole of the man before him, the way he had accepted the crossdressing, the way he just rolled with it when Clark told him the one answer Lex had been searching for all this time, his thumbs still rubbing soothing circles on the backs of his hands. He could always tell when Lex was being less than truthful with him, and all he saw now was open honesty. Without really thinking about it, Clark leaned in towards the slightly shorter man, and pressed his lips to Lex's.
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 10 months ago
You Don't Know Me
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 -> Bucky Barnes x NB Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> Nat’s charity auction doesn’t quite go off without a hitch – but luckily, Buck is on hand to help out, reluctant as he may be. Until he meets you, that is.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Language
𝐀/𝐍 -> I have no idea. Random fluffy oneshot goodness. Utter candyfloss Bucky, sweetly understanding reader.
Prompts fulfilled; ‘Himbo’ and ‘Bachelor Auction– @buckybarnesevents (Build-a-Bucky Bingo); “I Understood Most of That.” – @fandom-free-bingo (Flight Edition); ‘We Can’t Even Compromise or Not Needing to be Told’ – @julybreakbingo (Pre-July Flash); ‘Social Media’ – @fandombingo; ‘Coming out’, “My pronouns are they/them.” and ‘Queer’ – @lgbtqbingo; ‘I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing’ – @multifandom-flash Thanksgiving Flash (7026); ‘Awkwardness’ – Gen Prompt Bingo (Here on Dreamwidth) Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Stagbug sticker used in cards from here.
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“Not a fucking chance.”
Nat turned her emerald eyes on Bucky’s, wide and pleading. “C’mon, James! Steve got called away at the last minute- we promised an Avenger! It’s all over social media, and it’s packed out there. Can’t we compromise?”
“What about Clint?” he grunted, and she fluttered her eyelashes, sidling closer.
“He’s not as popular as you...” she purred, resting her head on his shoulder to gaze up at him adoringly, earning a laugh from the soldier.
“You don’t want to hand over your boyfriend, more like,” he snorted, shaking his head, and letting out a heavy sigh when she simply continued to stare, a fond smile curving the bow of his lip. “Fine, fine... What do I have to do?”
Her face split wide in a broad grin, and she clasped her hands together, shifting excitedly. “Nothing! Just stand there and look pretty.”
He flexed and stretched pointedly, a companionable arm draping over her shoulders as he wondered what he’d gotten himself into. “Fortunately, that comes naturally to me.”
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All of Bucky’s bravado faded as he stood awkwardly on the stage, spotlights shining down on his uncertain grin as his eyes scanned the audience, absently listening to Nat wax lyrical about his many positive attributes (and carefully not mentioning that he was most known in the Tower for his intense nightmares that woke up anyone within three floors). Bucky simply hooked a thumb in the pocket of his jeans, leaning back on his heels, flashing a cocky smirk, his heart pounding a little harder at the sighs and sounds of delight from those in the crowd. He was an attractive man, and he knew it – but that made this process all the more daunting. Since he’d joined the team, the only people he’d managed to date were either chasing the fame, or just interested in one thing.
It seemed that anyone he spent time with had their own expectations of who he was; the problem was, he wasn’t that person. Perhaps he had been, once upon a time, but he’d lived a long life, and times had taught him that just because people found him attractive didn’t mean he had to bed everyone he could.
The unfortunate reality was that nobody seemed to stop and ask; nobody took the time to get to know him, to learn about him and how he worked. Not that he minded, especially – pleasure was pleasure, and if he truly didn’t want to, he made it clear. He simply longed for someone to care.
And yet, here he stood, with dozens of eyes assessing him. It was nice, but…
“Sold! Now, remember the rules, folks. This is a charity auction; keep it clean, or the contract is null and void. Come and collect your prize!” Nat added, gesturing into the blur of faces.
And that’s when his eyes met yours at last, pale blue meeting deep brown, and his smile widened, just a little, as you blushed.
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You stood beside him uncertainly, head ducked and fingers knotted together, and he grinned down at you politely. “So… You won me for the evening, huh? Congratulations. It was a pretty fierce competition.” You nodded, cheeks growing darker, and he bit back a chuckle at your shyness. “What did you have planned?”
“I thought you might like dinner,” you whispered tentatively, and his eyebrows raised.
“I- I mean, I can try, I suppose. I’m not much of a cook, but-”
You cut off his stammering with a quick shake of your head, looking up at last. “No! No, I wouldn’t- I meant that… I’d like to take you for dinner. I imagine you don’t get to just… Have a nice meal and some relaxed company very often, so…” You shrugged, toe scuffing the ground, and his eyes lightened as he smiled.
“That sounds really nice,” he assured you gently, reaching out to squeeze your bicep gently with strong metal fingers. “I’d like that…” He paused, head cocked, and you barked out a laugh.
“Oh. Yeah. Uh- Bug. You can call me Bug… My pronouns are they/them,” you added quickly, brow furrowing just a little. There was an edge of uncertainty to your voice, and you winced as you heard it, but he simply continued to smile, nodding once.
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“- and then that couples the neutral stimulus to the unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. It’s pretty simple, really.”
Your eyes were bright as you explained the basic principles behind – yet another – training method from your work, quickly followed by your cheeks flushing pink and your eyes lowering. “I- Sorry. I could talk about this forever.”
“Feel free,” he replied, chuckling, his head cocked endearingly to one side as he took you in. “I understood… Most of that, and it’s nice to see some enthusiasm; I don’t get a lot of it in my line of work.” Your eyebrow raised in disbelief, and he laughed. “Well, I suppose that’s not quite true. They’re enthusiastic in some ways, but it’s not…” His hand cycled thoughtfully as he hummed. “… Passion, you know? It’s something they do because they kind of have to. They have these gifts, and, one way or another, they ended up in the team, and that’s… Just the way it is.” His brow furrowed a little, lips pursed, and you leant onto your elbows, considering him quietly.
“You said ‘they’. Like you don’t consider yourself one of them.”
Blinking in surprise, he paused for a moment before nodding slowly. “I suppose not. I am, I guess, but… The only one who really knows me is Steve. And even he doesn’t know everything,” he added with a rueful smile, shrugging a shoulder.
“He doesn’t?” you mused aloud, eyes still locked on his. Your focus was entirely on him – there was no glancing around, no checking to see who saw the two of you together. There was no discreet – or not-so-discreet – flicks of your gaze to the muscles of his chest or his exposed forearms. You were paying attention to him, as a person behind the persona, and he was enchanted.
“I’m not... Nobody- I-” He’d begun quickly, but paused as he faltered, blowing air up to clear the hair that was falling into his eyes as they flitted away uncertainly. “I… Guess not. Does anyone ever know anyone else, really?” he added cryptically, offering you a wry smile. “I can’t believe I finished the entire thing…” The redirect was clear as he nodded towards his empty plate, the heaping helping of carbonara having been eagerly eviscerated by his increased metabolism.
You simply watched him in silence for a moment, head cocked curiously, before offering him a reassuring smile of your own. “How about I tell you a little about me?” you prompted softly, hardly waiting for a nod of confirmation before continuing. “I’m non-binary. Folks don’t always understand that – what it means to be outside the societal expectations of male and female. But for me, it just feels… Like me, you know? Like neither of those labels quite fit right. I’m somewhere in between – or something else entirely, I suppose. It’s just who I am.” He nodded again, his brow furrowed slightly with curiosity, and your lips quirked higher. “I’m also bi… And I’m somewhere on the asexual spectrum – though I can never quite settle on where!” You chuckled slightly, resting a chin on your hand, mahogany eyes locked on his diverted pale ones. “Do you know much about asexuality? I’m happy to tell you more, if you like.”
“I’m familiar,” he replied quietly, still unable to meet your gaze,  and you reached out to squeeze his hand gently.
“I think I’d like to get to know you,” you murmured, smiling a little wider when he finally looked up, “if you’d let me, of course. I think we might have some things in common, huh?”
He hesitated for a moment, then frowned, eyes shifting to your hand on his. “You just want to know the Soldier… That’s what everyone wants. The fame. This,” he added, his tone free from ego as he gestured at himself with his free hand, and you quirked an eyebrow.
“While I’m sure you’re very irresistible to the allosexuals of the world – ace, remember? This,” - you mimicked his gesture playfully – “doesn’t do all that much for me. You’re a pretty man, sure. But… I’m most interested in why you do what you do. You risk your life on a daily basis for complete strangers; I’m curious about what makes someone quite so altruistic. I’m interested in you, James. You seem like a good guy, and I think you don’t have too many people in your life who want to hear about you without all the muscle and cameras.”
He could only stare in surprise, stunned into silence by your short speech, and leant forward, just a little. “I think I’m demisexual,” he blurted quickly, his cheeks colouring crimson at the words.
You simply smiled, fingers squeezing gently around his. “It’s nice to meet you, James.”
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wolfnprey · 1 year ago
How Do You Love Me Right Now
The Magicians, Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh, Teen, 10.8k @lgbtqbingo "Free Space" Square (read on ao3)
Eliot's hand flexes around the head of his cane before he forces his way past the others. "It's so good to see you, Quentin."
The Niffin cocks his head, an amused smile playing on his lips. "Is it, Eliot?"
“Always," Eliot vows. "And while I'm furious that you decided to pull the Great Sacrifice Play again without my permission, I'm going to save that scolding for when you're better able to appreciate it."
"Your approval is the last thing I care about anymore," Quentin scoffs with a cruel edge. "I'm not your puppy anymore."
"You were never–"
"Don't insult me. I knew. Another new First Year you wanted to conquer, dropping breadcrumbs for me to follow in my desperation to be seen by someone other than Julia. You had no problem moving on once I let you and Margo fuck me."
The ghost of old betrayal flickers in Alice's face, there and gone, resolved and laid to rest before the loss of magic and key quests and ancient monsters. Margo doesn't carry guilt like Eliot can and glowers at the Niffin.
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andrea1717 · 2 years ago
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New Story Is Online!
Written for:
Stucky Bingo Round Four @stuckybingo Card: R 4089 Square: O2 | Hunter
LGBTQ Bingo @lgbtqbingo andrea1717 Prompt | Shower/Bath Sex
Bucky June -iverse @buckybarnesevents Card: C4041 Square: C4 | First Responder
For @smutconnoisseur <3
read my first attempt at action and zombies The Cure here
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lgbtqbingo · 1 year ago
hello everyone! Due to personnal reasons, the LGBTQ+ bingo will have the sign ups closed temporarily. If you already have a card, you can still fill the prompts and post them, and if you filled the form already, don't worry, your card will get to you! Sorry for the inconvenience, and happy creating to everyone :)
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sivan325 · 2 years ago
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Title: Emotional Powers
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Sterek
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2259
Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Spitefic, Alpha Derek Hale, Emissary Stiles Stilinski, Lonely Stiles Stilinski, Bullied Stiles Stilinski, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, no beta we die like men, Eavesdropping
Summary: “I have a problem picking an emissary,” Derek said, noticing his pack members frowning at him as he explained, “We need one, you know it, and the emissary could help us with plans and negotiating with other packs, it's good for allies.”
A/N: Mind the tags.
Created for @lgbtqbingo / Square(s) Filled: Crying under the rain
Full Moon Prompt #539: Bury
Sterek Weekly: Explore @sterekweekly
Sterek Bingo: Sadness @sterekbingo
Multifandom-Flash: Card 1043 - Emotional Powers @multifandom-lover
Read on AO3
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sapphireginger · 2 years ago
Title: I’ve Been Burned Before - Chapter #2
Characters: Stiles Stilinski & Peter Hale
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
Square Filled: Stiles x Peter For: @lgbtqbingo
WC: 399
Full AO3 Link
The wolf isn’t sure how much time has passed when he finally returns to the land of the living from his time in limbo but what he does see as he wanders around sticking to the shadows is that the one thing–the one person–he wants to see, is nowhere to be found.
Dying is not something Peter ever wanted to experience. Not for a very long time but circumstances beyond his control took hold of fate and twisted it all up. It led to Laura’s death at his hands. It led to the sweet sweet taste of revenge fulfilled. It led to burning alive again with the scent of lavender, cinnamon, and petrichor in his nostrils.
The wolf isn’t sure how much time has passed when he finally returns to the land of the living from his time in limbo but what he does see as he wanders around sticking to the shadows is that the one thing–the one person–he wants to see, is nowhere to be found. None of the wolves, nor the huntress, nor the banshee smell like that one person. The house, the station and the library have no trace of the scent that Peter needs to smell again.
He gets so desperate to find out where this person is that he slips into the station and uses the database to look him up but when he clicks search after typing in the name, all he gets is:
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Without his mate, yes you heard that right, his mate–though Stiles wasn’t aware of that little detail at the time of Peter’s death–Peter is at a loss of what to do. He wants nothing to do with the poor excuse for a pack. He has no desire to waste a single second with the fool of an alpha–the idiot nephew who of course didn’t put two and two together as to why fire was a bad idea and then did it anyway–Peter is still sore about it. 
Although Peter can admit to loving how his mate stood up to the stubborn idiot in Peter’s defense. Then there’s the fact that the puppy of a second, the slut of a huntress, the petulance of a banshee, and the whining of five wimpy wolves just makes him nauseous. They don’t work cohesively, nor do they have actual pack bonds. 
Deciding he has made up his mind, Peter retrieves his things he had in storage, including his car and after ensuring a final time that Stiles is indeed gone, he leaves Beacon Hills behind with the tension fleeing him as he does. Out of hell he goes but where he will go now, he has no idea.
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mushroomfaerieee · 2 years ago
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Just realized my last one had the wrong lesbian flag! Here's the updated version!
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42donotpanic · 2 years ago
LGBTQ Bingo - Masterlist
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Body Dysphoria : Building a Relationship / Chapter 3: Saturday morning / HawkDevil / 1787 / Teen and Up Audiences
Would you be so kind - Dodie : Who even am I? / Chapter 2: Looking Forward / Dumpster Bros / 4541 / Teen and Up Audiences
Coming out Party : Boy Cake / Avocados / 5582 / Teen and Up Audiences
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier : Sleepy Cuddles / Cherik (Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr) / 460 / General Audiences
FREE SPACE : Building a Relationship / Chapter 6: All the talking / HawkDevil (Clint Barton x Matt Murdock) / 1819 / Teen and Up Audiences
Mutual Masturbation : As You Are / WinterHawk (Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes) / 4308 / Mature
Genderfluid!Bruce Banner : It's about feeling pretty / Avengers / 3241 / General Audiences
"Misgendering me on purpose? And You're proud of yourself?" : Building a Relationship / Chapter 12: Fuck Transphobia / HawkDevil (Clint Barton x Matt Murdock) / 5394 / Teen and Up Audiences
Kiss on the Forehead : Building a Relationship / Chapter 9: Baby Agents / HawkDevil (Clint Barton x Matt Murdock) / 3463 / Teen and Up Audiences
0 notes
wild-wanted · 2 years ago
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In case you didn't know, this account is dual run, I am green, and my friend is red. Also I made a mistake, they don't love frogs.
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 5 months ago
Near Misses and Nearly Missed - Chapter One Loved or Lost?
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> James "Bucky" Barnes x Original Nonbinary Character (Soldierbug)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> The soulmate part was just the way the world worked. The car crash? That was a little more unexpected. Sometimes a 'crash-into hello' is a little more... Crash-y.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (E) Smut, Car crash (mild), distress
𝐀/𝐍 -> Less Romance, More Smut. Sorrynotsorry.
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Dividers by us!
Chapter Two ->
Prompts used (boards at the end);
- ‘Obsession’ – Any Fandom Dark Bingo( @anyfandomgoesbingo) ; - ‘First Meeting’ – Build-a-Bucky Bingo (September) ( @buckybarnesevents); - ‘Soulmate AU’ – @eclipsingbingo; - ‘Laughing While Kissing’ – Eclipsing Bingo (Dark); - ‘Wet Dreams’, ‘Scarring’ – @fandom-free-bingo Bingo (Flight); - ‘Double-Ended Dildo’, ‘Walking in the Snow’ – Fandom-Free (Frosty);
- ‘Fleshlight or Dildo’ – @julybreakbingo (5x5); - ‘Car Crash or Trapped in a Burning Building’ – July Break Bingo (6x6); - ‘Accidental Confession or First Kiss’, ‘Meeting someone they’ve been having romantic/sexual dreams about’, ‘Unexpected’ – July Break Bingo (7x7); - ‘Trust or suspicion’ – July Break Bingo (Kofi Exclusive); - “Why Are You Looking at Me Like That?”, ‘Cabin in the Woods or Stranded Without a Signal’ – July Break Bingo (Summer);
- ‘Dom Space’ – Kinky Things Happen Bingo (deactivated?); - “Taste So Good… So Sweet…” – @lgbtqbingo; - ‘Character A's Deepest Thoughts Begin to Mark Character B's Skin Wanting to Do Dirty Things. It Could Be Embarrassing at Times, and Character B Can't Wait to Fuck His Soulmate’ – @multifandom-flash (Soulmates); - ‘Crash-Into Hello’ – Multifandom-Flash (Valentine’s Day); - ‘Fuck Me’ – Sweetheart Bingo ( @sweetspicybingo);
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‘It’ll happen for you one day… Right?’
I slammed my hand against the steering wheel, seething. How dare they? Just because they’re married now, they think they can accuse me of being a… A…
Snarling once more, I jerked hard on the wheel, the tyres skidding on loose asphalt as I skidded around the bend.
Just because I haven’t met them yet doesn’t mean they’re not still out there. I’m twenty-seven – I’m not that old. There’s still time. I’m not Lost. I’m not.
There was nothing in this world society pitied more than the Lost. Everyone had one – at least one – perfect person, a match just for them – be it platonic or romantic, as they needed. Usually in pairs, though triads, quads, or even bigger groups had been known to happen. The only given was that the Older, or Olders, were alive when the Younger turned eighteen. Usually, they met within a few years.
Which meant that either my Soulmate was younger than expected, or…
When the Younger was old enough, each time they thought of touching their Soulmate, the touch would show on the Older’s body, just for a few moments. It was thought to be so the Older knew it was time.
I’d never known a Younger who’d gotten past twenty-five before meeting their soulmate.
But maybe I’m just really unlucky. There’s stories about Soulmates living in different countries and not meeting until they’re both well into their thirties. Sure, it’s really rare, but it’s possible; it’s gotta happen to someone, why not me? Or – yeah, maybe they’re just younger than I thought. But I’d know if they were gone.
That was the other option, of course. The one only hinted at, or whispered about behind cupped hands.
The only guarantee for Soulmates is that they’d both be alive when the Younger turned eighteen.
That didn’t mean they’d live long enough to meet.
And that was the greatest fear for so many of us, increasing steadily as the years ticked by. The Lost weren’t rejected or ostracised from society – but they were very clearly other. As if not meeting your Soulmate wasn’t bad enough, you also lived life as a sad example of the height of loneliness and isolation. There were other Lost, of course – but people just seemed to view that as even worse, because ‘isn’t it just so sad, wanting what they can’t have?’
The Bonded didn’t have Lost friends. It’s just the way it was – no hard feelings. Bonded had weddings and playdates to attend to; how could a Lost understand or fit into that world?
And it was happening to me already. Rhodey and Pepper had been shooting me sympathetic glances all evening – the first time they’d hosted since they married the month before. I was the only Unbonded there – not Lost, not yet, but close. And I suppose she’d tried to be reassuring in a way, implying that there was still time, but…
But I just felt even more like the other; I already knew that it was only because of Steve that I was even still invited at all. We’d been best friends our entire life and served in the 108th together for four years – I’d looked after this scrap of boy, carrying his unconscious body to safety, collapsing from blood loss at the sight of an Allied convoy, my exhausted body finally giving in. I knew he’d argue in my defence, pointing out that I saved his life – but it wouldn’t work forever. Eventually the invitations would stop coming, and that would be that.
I stood in my boxers in front of my mirror every night, hoping against hope that I’d see a glowing palm – or, hell, I’d take a fingertip – brush over my body. Everyone had said you could feel it – a gentle warmth of skin-on-skin - but I checked anyway, just in case.
And when I slunk to bed at last, flesh cold and heart sinking, I sent out a message of my own.
Just in case.
I pictured trailing my thumb gently over a delicate lower lip. I imagined cradling them to my chest, safe and warm. I fantasised about tucking a stray hair behind their ear, pressing a tender kiss to a sleep-warm cheek.
And sometimes, in the dark of night when I couldn’t sleep, I thought about other things, too.
That lip pulled between my teeth, applying gentle pressure until they groaned aloud and held me tighter. My hands holding them tight to me as they panted and gasped euphorically. Fingers tangled in their hair, face buried in their throat, lips pressed to their skin as we finally made love…
I wondered, as I found desperate release, metal fingers clinging frantically to the sheets, if there was someone out there who was shivering in pleasure at the warmth of my touch, driven to mind-numbing climax without ever having to raise a finger, their body glowing in the darkness.
I wondered what it would be like to hold them against me as I drifted off, hoping that someone somewhere, was smiling in their sleep and curling around a strip of soft light at their waist.
All I’d ever wanted was to meet my Soulmate. When I was younger, I’d never even considered the fact that I may not get the chance.
And now others had started to notice I was still Unbonded… It was the first step to being Lost.
Despite my anger and fear, the thought of touching them – in both the most innocent and sensual of ways – acted as the distraction it always did, my hands softening on the wheel.
I was going too fast, and I wasn’t paying attention.
When I rounded the next bend straight into a set of high beam headlights, I hissed and tugged instinctively on the steering wheel, eyes narrowing automatically.
But I was going too fast, and I wasn’t paying attention.
My wheels met the loose gravel at the side of the road once more, and I yelped as my tyres spun in a spray of asphalt, uselessly seeking friction as I fishtailed. My body jerked as the edge of my bumper clipped the passing car, and I pumped the breaks, turning into the skid and coming to a stop, heart pounding.
I sat still for a moment, inhaling a few shaky breaths before I was able to uncurl my fingers from the steering wheel, my mouth dry as it occurred to me just how close I had been to a far more serious accident. Climbing from the car, I intended to take a moment, inhaling the cool night air to let my annoyance dissipate- but the sight of the other car idling 100 metres down the road had me stopping in my tracks, nausea rising.
Fuck. Fuck…
What if they’re hurt?
What if-
The door opened slowly, one muscular, short-clad leg revealed as a foot found the ground uncertainly. Then came another, followed by tanned hands grasping door and frame firmly, the occupant stumbling as they rose from the car.
I stepped closer instinctively, though my concern was somewhat abated by their capacity to stand. “Are you alright?” I called hesitantly, apprehensive about moving my 6ft, well-muscled frame closer to this individual several inches shorter than myself – and likely shaken – on a dark, relatively remote country road. They leant heavily against the hood, poking thoughtfully at the bodywork as I moved nearer in response to their silence. “Hello?” I pressed, concern building once more at their silence and blatant refusal to look at me. “Hey! Are you okay? I’m so sorry; I didn’t even-”
I was ten paces away when they straightened and turned, arms crossing over their chest as they settled dark eyes on me, shining in the low light. “I’m fine,” they snapped, the slight tremor in their voice undermining the ferocity. “What the hell were you doing? Why did you swerve like that?”
I furrowed my brow in confusion, stunned into silence for a moment before shaking my head hard. “Your lights were too high; why didn’t you turn them down when you saw me?”
Their mouth opened furiously, but they paused before it snapped closed with an audible click, cheeks flushing dark. “You shouldn’t have been on the wrong side of the road!”
“I couldn’t fucking see!” I snapped, fists clenching by my sides in irritation. “Why weren’t you paying attention?”
They blushed harder, overwhelmed tears pricking their eyes. “I-… It doesn’t matter. What about you? If you’d seen me coming and not dropping my lights, you should have flashed me! Forget about me; why weren’t you paying attention?”
The question had me casting my mind back, and I couldn’t help but smile softly to myself, thinking once more of my hands resting lightly on my soulmate’s back. The person before me shivered, drawing me reluctantly back to the present once more, and I frowned. “Cold?”
“No, it’s a beautiful evening,” they deadpanned, sparing a glance to the snow falling steadily and rolling their eyes. “Of course I’m cold; I wasn’t expecting to be getting out of my car whilst driving through upstate New York, at night, in November. I didn’t really dress for the weather.”
I took them in once more, eyeing shorts and tee, topped with a thin checked overshirt that did little to keep out the chill. “No,” I agreed, pursing my lips, pausing only briefly before shrugging off my thick leather jacket and offering it to them wordlessly.
Their large, brown eyes remained oblivious to the proffered clothing, fixated instead on trailing the length of my arm, t-shirt offering no covering to hide the segmented metal of my prosthetic from view. The silver shone faintly in the low light of the moon, and I grimaced at their stare, looking away. “… You want the jacket or not?” I quipped, biting back a smirk as they turned crimson, ashamed of having been caught out.
“I- Yes. Sorry. Thank you…” They took the jacket timidly, hardly able to meet my gaze, and I sighed as their cold fingers struggled to manoeuvre the leather into position. My metal hand closed once more around the collar, and they dropped it quickly, earning a frustrated sound and an arched eyebrow.
“Are you going to do that every time you can see my arm?”
They reddened once more, scuffing a foot and looking away uncertainly. “Sorry,” they murmured with a guilty grimace. “I’ve just- I’ve never seen… I mean, I-I’ve not…”
I sighed as I moved around them, helping them slide their arms into my body-warmed leather. “I get it. I’d stare too.” My fingers flexed of their own volition as I smoothed the collar down gently, and my lip curled. “I did, actually. Saw a few guys come back from the front with replacement limbs not twelve months before I shipped out. Damn sure I stared at the first guy I saw; both of his legs were prosthetics. I remember thinking it was… Amazing, in a way, the things we could do now, but…” I shrugged a shoulder, eyes lowering as I took a half-step back. “I also remember thinking how much it sucked that these things were needed.”
They grimaced sympathetically, head half turning. “Yeah… I wish it weren’t necessary.” They paused for a moment, and I watched with curiosity as snowflakes clung to their eyelashes, each dendrite visible at their proximity. “… Does it… Does it hurt?”
Humming thoughtfully, I looked down at the metal fingers, watching those same snowflakes land on the surface without melting. “… It… Sometimes, I guess. Mostly at the shoulder, but…” I shrugged, jaw tight, trying to ignore the searing, insistent discomfort that burned along the line where metal met flesh each time I thought about my injury. With a firm shake of my head, I looked back at their car, and the snow beginning to fall heavier. “We should get out of here. This storm is gonna break soon, and we don’t want to be on the roadside when it does.”
A worried glance to the sky had them frowning a little, and they nodded, pulling out their cell. They sighed as they held up their phone, scowling deeply. “Of course there’s no service… Why would there be service when I need a tow?”
I cocked my head, eyebrow raising. “I only clipped you – surely it’s driveable?”
“Popped a tyre when I hit the loose gravel,” they muttered sullenly.
“No spare?”
They hesitated, blushing once more, feet shifting with embarrassment. “That was the spare. I put it on a few weeks back – guess I figured there’d always be time to pick up a replacement…” The second eyebrow joined the first, and their scowl deepened. “What? I struggle to remember these things; don’t act like you-”
“Who, hey,” I soothed, hands raising defensively. “I’m not acting like anything; I was just thinking what could have happened if you’d blown it while you were up here alone. It’s a little treacherous in the snow – most locals take the longer way, and we don’t get many tourists. It could have been days until anybody passed through,” I added, concern lacing my voice.
They shivered, pulling my jacket closer around themselves and gazing uncertainly into the woods at the dramatically timed howl of a coyote. “Oh…” A think smile flickered at their lips, and their eyes flicked back to mine. “Guess I’m pretty lucky you were here then, huh? Though I am still stranded out here,” they added, chewing  uncertainly on their lower lip.
“You can spend the night at my place, if you like. Or I can call a tow when I get home,” I added quickly, throat bobbing when they eyed me uncertainly. “I get it if you don’t want to crash at a random guy’s house – it’s a dangerous world out there, after all.”
Something in my tone made their taut muscles relax minutely, though they still glanced at me with shy appreciation and apprehension.. “I… That would be good. Thanks.”
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After I’d helped them move their car fully free of the road – and readjusted my slightly misaligned wing mirror – we were on our way, their small, trembling frame seemingly swallowed by the heated seat that cradled them. I drove carefully through the steadily increasing blizzard, sobered of my previous anger by the bizarre turn of events.
“Mars,” they blurted suddenly into the silence, hands extending to be closer to the heater, their fingers flexing with a slight grimace. “That- I mean, that’s my name. Mars.”
I chuckled softly, shaking my head at my own forgetfulness. “Mars… Cool name. I’m James,  but most folk call me Bucky.
They frowned, digits stilling for a moment as they considered me. “Why? Do you hunt deer or something?”
The laugh this time was louder, joined by a grin at the disapproval evident in their tone. “No. My middle name is Buchannan – my friend thought it was cute when we were kids, and it just kinda stuck. I’ve been ‘Bucky’ for way longer than I was ever James – only my mom calls me that now, really.”
They hummed and nodded, relaxing once more at the reassurance – as if my vow that I didn’t kill Bambi was a comment on  the likelihood that they were in danger. “…Won’t your Soulmate mind you bringing back a stranger in the middle of the night?”
The probe was obvious, but I didn’t let it rattle me, simply shrugging light-heartedly. “Unbonded,” I offered before shooting them a wry smile. “What about yours? Didn’t fancy a little near-death experience?”
“I’m Unbonded, too,” they replied readily, scowling when my eyes shifted automatically to the silver flecks in their raven-black hair. “I’m not Lost, even if I am a little older than most. My Soulmate is a Younger, and I know they’re still thinking of me.” I just nodded in response – it was a common lie in the community of the Lost from those desperate to avoid the label, impossible to disprove as it was, and so it was hard to put much faith in without proof – and their frown deepened. “I know you don’t believe me, but just you wait. They think about me all the time, you’ll see. I’m not Lost.”
I nodded again, more firmly this time, hands raised with an imploring expression. “Whoa, hey – whatever you say. I don’t have any particular feeling about it one way or the other.”
They watched me for a moment, eyes narrowed, before turning back to face the snow falling thick and fast against the windscreen. That’s why I’m out here, you know. I’m not from here.”
I snorted softly as I turned into the dirt trail that constituted my driveway. “You don’t say?” I deadpanned. “The English accent definitely didn’t give it away.”
They chuckled. Shaking their head. “I mean, technically, I’m not from England, either. Mum met Dad while she was working as a nurse in Egypt, and he was doing his mandatory service; I was three when her contract expired, and she wanted to move home more than Dad wanted to stay in Egypt, so…” They shrugged, looking out of the window with an inscrutable expression. “I’ve lived in London ever since then. Visited family in Egypt a couple of times, though. It’s pretty fun, even if it is a bit of a culture shock.”
“And now you’re here?” I pressed gently, bringing the car to a halt with the engine idling, too enraptured by their story to consider such mundane practicalities.
“And now I’m here,” they agreed, glancing back to me. “I hit thirty-five, and I just… Couldn’t wait anymore, you know? So I travelled around the UK a bit, hoping to bump into my Soulmate. When that didn’t work, I figured I’d just… Keep going.” They shrugged a little, eyes sliding past e and widening as they focused on the building behind me. “This… You live here?”
I nodded, scratching the back of my neck uncertainly. “Yeah. I know it’s not much, but… It’s quiet, y’know? Out of the way. Keeps me out of trouble, at least,” I added with a wry grin.
“It’s beautiful,” they murmured, still taking in my cabin with wide eyes. “Very cottagecore.”
“I don’t know what that means,” I replied with a snort, shaking my head in amusement. They shot me a broad, impish grin, and I smiled back, captivated by the small dimple that formed in their left cheek.
I wonder if my Soulmate has any cute, unique things like that? I mused to myself, then grinned a little wider, imagining skimming a thumb over a similar dimple as I reached for my doorhandle, looking back as an icy blast of wind sucked the heat from the vehicle immediately. “Jesus, it’s cold – we should get inside befo-”
My voice died at the sight of a brush of warm lift over their cheek, trailing directly over their dimple and making their smile grown ever wider. “See?” they breathed, practically squirming with delight. “I told you. They’re still out there, and they think about me all the time. I’m going to find them,” they added determinedly, fingers knotting together in their lap with barely contained glee.
Coincidence. It – it’s probably just a coincidence. I shouldn’t get my hopes up – not until I know for sure.
But anxiety and fear had stilled my thoughts, and I could only blink dumbly. They all but scampered from the cat, warbling away with passionate energy, their own misgivings forgotten in the excitement as I followed slowly behind.
“I just spent a week in New York – man, is that place busy or what?! – and now I’m heading up to the Northeast for a couple of months; I hear Vermont is beautiful in the fall – does that extend to the winter, too? I hope so; I love the snow. Is it always like this?” They hopped into a snowdrift that covered their bare knees, cackling happily. “I hope my soulmate lives somewhere cool. It’s kind of funny, being half-Egyptian and all, but I really can’t deal with hot weather, not like my sister. Well, she handles it better than me, at least, but my cousins in Egypt handle it best! They came to the UK once, and they-”
Their incessant chattering was cut off with a yelp as they tried to leap from the snowbank, feet landing on a patch of hidden black ice that had their arms wheeling dramatically. I moved instinctively, fingers closing around their wrist to keep them upright, earning me a broad grin when they found their footing once more. “Christ – thanks! I bet it would’ve really hurt if I’d-… I…” Their eyes had dropped to follow my gaze, the glowing of their skin as I released them bold and unmistakable against a monochrome backdrop, finally rendering them silent. It wasn’t until the light began to fade that they blinked at last, oblivious to the snowflakes gathering in their hair.
“… Huh.”
My gaze shifted to their face, our contact finally breaking my mind free of its restraints, and envisioned reaching out to brush a thumb over their jaw - not a faceless stranger, but specifically this stranger, the oddball stood before me with a glowing stripe emerging across their skin.
They blushed, assessing their feet intently, still shyly unable to meet my eye. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You always knew I existed,” I replied with a soft shrug. “You knew I was out there somewhere.” While they struggled to look at me, I found myself quite unable to look away, captivated my small mole on their cheek and the delicate curve of long, dark eyelashes. “I worried that you… That we’d never get to meet.”
Their flush deepened as they glanced at me uncertainly. “But you never gave up hope. You reached out, every single night, holding onto me, and-” They cut themselves off as they turned crimson, teeth digging into their lip when they recalled what often came after. “That- that’s how I knew I had to find you. You were still hoping, even after all this time, and I loved that about you. Figured the lease I could do was help you out, y’know?”
I snorted, shaking my head. “And then I go and almost kill us both by being too busy thinking about you to pay attention to the road.” My eyes immediately lowered to their lips, remembering the fantasies of holding them close, sharing kisses from sweet and chaste to hot and heavy. They grinned shyly as their body glowed in response, and I smirked, one eyebrow raised. “So… Now what?” I pressed uncertainly, barely audible over the swirling of the wind, and they chuckled as they looked about themselves pointedly.
“I’m pretty sure the first step is to go inside; you know… Get out of the blizzard.”
I snorted, shaking my head at my own absent-mindedness. “Good point.” They smiled warmly and moved to take a step forward before crumbling with a whimper. I caught them as they fell, a hand beneath either forearm keeping them upright. “Are you okay?”
They lifted their foot with a wince, lip curling in discomfort. “I think I sprained my ankle when I slipped,” they grumbled, narrowing their eyes at the ground with distaste.
Chuckling, I shook my head once more. “Poor little critter… C’mere.” I offered my arms, and they blushed softly, wrapping their own around my neck obligingly. When I lifted them easily, holding them close to my chest, their body lit up along each inch of contact, casting a warm, comforting glow that set the snow around us aflame with refracted light, and I let out a quiet sound of wonder. “I didn’t expect it to be so… Beautiful,” I breathed, eyes wide, and they grinned, head resting gently against my shoulder as they nodded.
“It’s one of my favourite things in the world,” they agreed, gazing at the scattered illumination with a sense of adoration borne through familiarity. “I, uh… I actually used to have a whole bunch of crystals hanging all around my room, so it looked… Well, kind of like this, whenever you thought of me,” they admitted shyly, cheeks colouring.
I couldn’t help but grin at the confession, one hand shifting to find my keys as I loped up the steps. “That’s deeply adorable,” I chuckled, holding them a little closer while I unlocked the door. They squirmed happily, before becoming immediately distracted as I nudged the door open, head raising to look about themselves.
My cabin wasn’t much, but it was the work of my own two hands – and a few dozen others – and I couldn’t have loved it more. I offered them this information as I placed them gently on the wooden island in the centre of the kitchen, and they smiled, fingers trailing appreciatively over the mahogany.
“It seems idyllic,” they breathed, looking around once more. “You put a lot of work into this, huh?”
I shrugged, face heating a little as I turned away to peer in the cupboard under the sink, distracting myself with searching – far more than necessary – for my first aid kid. “Yeah, well,” I murmured, snagging the green bag. I didn’t say anything more until I was on my knees before them, their boot resting gently on my thigh as I untied their laces. “… I wanted to give my soulmate a beautiful life. I… Built this place for you, I suppose.”
The back of my neck burned as I removed the boot, and they sat silently for a moment. It was until I held their bare foot in my hands that I dared risk a glance up, startled to find them staring down at me, tears shining in their eyes. “… I’m sorry. I- Did I say something wrong?”
They laughed softly, wiping their eyes. “No. God, no. I just- I worried you’d think I was crazy, working so hard to find you. But you were doing a big, beautiful thing all of your own, weren’t you? I love that.”
I chuckled, gaze dropping shyly once more to probe at their slightly swollen ankle with gentle fingers. “It’s not much. I just… I had to do something to keep myself hoping, you know? Everyone was pairing up and finding their soulmates, and it was getting pretty tempting to just give up. I didn’t have any proof, after all. So I guess I… I decided to do something ready for if- when I found you.”
I didn’t look up as I spoke, focusing on wrapping their ankle in a supportive bandage, but the moment I was done, their fingertips brushed my arm, drawing my gaze to their soft smile. “I love it,” they murmured reassuringly, thumb still caressing my bare skin. I found myself blushing once more, clearing my throat as I stood, rubbing the back of my neck uncertainly.
“You’ll be okay. It’s a pretty bad sprain, but nothing’s broken; I’d recommend not driving for a few days, though.”
The words came automatically, and it wasn’t until a heavy silence hung between us that I realised the implications, both of us freezing with our eyes locked on one another uncertainly, before opening our mouths in unison.
“I can call a cab if you-”
“I’m happy to drive you somewhere, if-”
We broke off simultaneously, each letting out a soft chuckle, and they gestured me on, indicating for me to speak first. “I’ll drive you wherever you want to go, if that- I mean, unless you… You’re welcome to stay here, of course - that is, if you’d like to. I built it for you, after all,” I added, grinning sheepishly.
They nodded and blushed, assessing their wrapped ankle intensely. “That sounds nice.” They paused, they let out a short, sharp laugh, startling me. “Man, is it always this awkward? This seems like a terrible way for these things to work! We’ve just met, and we know we’re destined to spend the rest of our lives together? How the hell do we get from A to B? It should come with an instruction manual – I don’t know, icebreaker questions or something, you know? This is a lot of pressure!” They laughed again, and I snorted, shaking my head fondly.
“Okay – icebreakers,” I nodded, hopping up on the counter beside them, humming thoughtfully. “Any other siblings?”
They smiled gratefully and shook their head. “Just the older sister – Alice. You?”
“The same. Rebecca.”
Another nod, and they glanced around, seemingly searching for inspiration. “What do you do for work?”
I glanced down as my shoulder ached pointedly, flexing my metal fingers. “I got a pretty impressive payout from the Army for this, and that paid for a lot of the cabin, but I guess… I mean, I sell some stuff. Enough to get by, I suppose.”
“What kind of stuff?” they pressed, head cocked, and I blushed lightly.
“Photos and paintings, mostly.”
Their eyes widened, and they looked around eagerly as I chuckled. “You’re an artist? That’s awesome! Do you have anything you can show me?”
Snorting, I gestured at the wooden staircase ascending from the lounge. “My studio is upstairs – I’ll give you a tour in a little while, after you’ve rested that foot some. So, what about you?” I added, leaning into the centre of the table to snag a couple of water bottles. They took theirs with a polite smile, taking a long drag before answering.
“I’m a dog trainer,” they replied eventually, their grin stretching a little wider as they spoke.
“You love it,” I noted, and they nodded, eyes alight with joy.
“I do. Dogs are way better than people; there’s always a reason, you know? They’re not malicious for the sake of it; if they’re nervous or reactive, there’s a motivation or a cause behind it, even if we don’t always understand what that is right away. I like trying to find it out.” They paused for a moment, then nodded, as if confirming their thoughts to be accurate.
I couldn’t help but smile at that – the eclectic blend of logic and emotion with which they offered their reasoning. “That’s a beautiful approach to it.”
Their cheeks coloured once more, uninjured leg swinging absently. “Hm…” Their face grew darker, and they lowered their eyes shyly. “… First kiss?”
I barked out a surprised laugh, eyebrow raising. “… Lucy. I was fifteen. You?”
“Marty. Fourteen.” They picked at their fingernails, unable to meet my gaze, lips parted as they prepared to speak once more, held back by their shyness. “… Virgin?”
My jaw opened with my shock this time, and I blinked silently at them for a moment, dumbfounded. Sex before Bonding – or even after – was rarely talked about, regardless of how prevalent it was; most people weren’t too bothered about waiting, and I knew that less than half of people hadn’t had sex before they met their soulmate. I knew Steve had lost his virginity in the Army, but other than that, I had no idea as to the pre-Bonded relations of my friends. The idea that I might one day be answering that question myself had never crossed my mind.
I scraped absently at the label on my water bottle, chewing on my lip. “… Yes. You?”
“No.” I looked up, and they shrugged. “Virginity is a societal construct – I only use it as a convenient shorthand to ask about your experiences. I’m not worth less because I wanted to experience pleasure. People who haven’t had sex before they get designated Lost quite often never do; I wasn’t risking that, and I had several years before I started having Touches. So… Yeah, I had a couple of short things. I wanted to know what it was like, just in case, you know?”
I shook my head quickly, hands upheld. “No judgement. I’d probably have done the same.”
Frowning, they cocked their head to one side. “Why didn’t you?” they probed gently, and I stiffened infinitesimally, looking away. “You don’t have to tell me, not if y-”
“I’m transgender,” I murmured, still fiddling with the plastic in my hands. “I didn’t- I was never… Comfortable. I kissed a friend once, when we were younger, but…” I shrugged, blushing minutely at the memory of Steve and I at sixteen, awkwardly bumping lips in an innocent experiment, before determining we were definitely not attracted to one another. It would have been easy, had my soulmate been him – platonic, but simple. I could have lived that way. And if I’d been attracted to him, I could have had the experiences that being Unbonded, and later Lost, would have denied me, if I never found someone else I trusted so implicitly. But the spark simply wasn’t there, and the only thing that I feared more than never knowing what it was like was ruining my friendship with the man I’d known my entire life by us pushing through a cripplingly awkward experience.
They nodded once, leaning against me lightly. “Yeah, that makes sense. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world for me; no chance in hell of me taking my shirt off! But I don’t regret it; I called the shots, so I did what I could to make myself comfortable, backed out when I realised I wasn’t up for it…” They nodded again, hand finding mine to rub their thumb comfortingly against my own. “I’m sorry you never had anyone you could feel comfortable with like that.”
Smiling gratefully, I rested my head against theirs, soothed by the soft touch and their calming pressure against my side. “Well… I mean, I always hoped you were out there. I figured I’d get the experience one day, if it were true.”
They chuckled quietly as a blush crawled up my neck, turning their head to press their lips lightly against the curve of my throat. “I’d be honoured to show you the things I learned, Buck.”
A low whine escaped me, the heat in my face intensifying at the sound and earning a quiet cackle of amusement in response. “I- hm. That… That might be nice. I mean… I guess you- you’re universally chosen for me, and everything… I’ve never heard of soulmates being anything other than a perfect match, after all… I guess you- we… It…” I fumbled uselessly, and they smiled, squeezing my fingers softly.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to – now, or ever,” they soothed, and I felt my muscles relax, leaning back into them.
“I know. Thank you,” I murmured, squeezing back. “I… Would definitely like to see how it goes.” My face flamed at the admission, but they simply smiled, pressing another tender kiss to my exposed throat.
“Well… I’m here for the next few days – at least,” they added, chuckling under their breath. “And we have… Well, forever, I guess. There’s no rush.”
I blushed and nodded, looking down at the hand entwined with mine, sun-kissed beige and warm olive wrapped together closely, the glow where their skin touched mine casting reverent light over our grip. My eyes dropped to their head, and I couldn’t help but imagine tipping their chin up gently, lips finding theirs in a chaste, perfect moment. I felt myself cringe inwardly from embarrassment as their face reflected my thoughts, and they grinned, glancing up at me. “I’d ask what you’re thinking about, but…” They smiled a little wider, free hand raising to smooth a thumb over their lower lip thoughtfully. “… I remember the things you thought about when I wasn’t in front of you – and this embarrasses you?”
“I didn’t know there was definitely anyone listening then… And you weren’t, you know, right there,” I added, chuckling self-consciously.
They gazed at me for a moment before their eyes dropped to my mouth, lips parting. “… Can I… Can I kiss you?”
I blinked in surprise, stunned to a brief silence by their boldness. “I- Yes. Please.”
I swallowed nervously as their hand shifted to cup my jaw, smoothing the stubble-roughened skin gently. “I can’t believe how beautiful you are,” they murmured, smiling softly. I had no time to formulate a coherent reply before their lips skimmed mine, soft and warm and intoxicating. The feeling of their mouth moving against my own was far more intense than I ever imagined, and I found myself whining softly in pleasure, hands finding their hips to pull them closer needily, letting out a low groan when their teeth skimmed my lower lip.
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fantasised about this,” I breathed when we broke apart to reluctantly drag in lungfuls of air, and they smiled shyly, cheeks tinged dusky pink.
“Pretty sure I know exactly how often you’ve fantasised about it,” they purred teasingly, forehead resting against mine. “You woke me up more than once, thinking about me in the middle of the night.”
“I’m very sorry,” I chuckled insincerely, skimming my lips against theirs once more, unable to help myself.
“Don’t be,” they whispered, hand moving to tangle lightly in the air at the nape of my neck. “The amount of times I wake up just in time for me to- And, I- Sometimes during…” They trailed off at the half-formed admission, cheeks flaming and eyes dropping with embarrassment.
“That’s exactly what I was hoping,” I murmured, a soft, breathless undercurrent to my voice. With a resigned, surrendering sigh. I lifted them easily, depositing them on my lap with a knee either side of my hips as they squeaked in surprise. “The thought of you knowing I was thinking about you – that I couldn’t sleep because I wanted to touch you so badly – and making you moan, wherever you were out there…” I trailed off with a shiver of delight, my fingers tightening on their waist when they squirmed minutely. “It saw me through many a dark and lonely night, imagining what I’d do when I finally had you at my mercy.”
They grinned shyly, arms resting on my shoulders. “Well… I’m here,” they noted, glancing around pointedly before fixing their eyes on me once more. “So… I offer myself up to your mercy, Sergeant.”
The blood thrumming in my veins heated as they pressed themselves to my chest, and I groaned, my hands travelling down to their ass to lift them as I stood, my mouth finding theirs desperately. Fingers knotting in my hair, they crushed themselves against me, mewling needily against my mouth.
“Still wanna see the studio?” I breathed as I climbed the stairs, drawing back just far enough to offer them a teasing grin. They laughed aloud, legs tightening around my waist.
“After,” they murmured, mouth flirting my own once more.
“‘After’, huh?” I whispered playfully, their cheeks turning crimson in realisation, and I nudged open the bedroom door with a shoulder. They sprawled willingly when I gentle deposited them on the bed, arms stretched over their head to offer themselves to me. Rapturously, I trailed kisses up their throat, spurred on and taking direction from their soft gasps and moans of appreciation. My body pressed closer to theirs unconsciously, one hand tangling in their hair as I kissed them again, leg falling instinctively between theirs. They mewled and arched against my thigh, fingers clenched around my biceps as quivered, legs parting eagerly. The movement caused their own short-clad thigh to press against me, and I grunted in surprise, eyelids fluttering at the contact. With a hum of delight, they pressed harder, shifting minutely, gaze lighting up when I moaned softly.
“That’s cheating…” I murmured, blushing infinitesimally, returning my mouth to their skin and leaving a trail of light bruises over the glowing flesh of their throat.
“Hm?” they purred, still rolling a leg against me teasingly, a playful smirk tugging at their lips despite wide, innocent eyes.
“I’m new to this,” I offered with a weak whine, hands shifting to their hips to pull them closer despite my half-hearted complaints. “You already know all the tricks…”
“You’re better than you think you are,” they assured me softly, lips ghosting over mine. “You’ve rendered me speechless a hundred times from a thousand miles away… I’m sure you’ll be even better in person.”
With a faint blush and a slow, steadying breath, I nodded, moving in to kiss them once more. They sighed happily, eyes closing as their lips moved against mine.
They were right, of course. By their own admission, my late-night fantasies had brought them plenty of pleasure. But it was easy to be skilled in my own fantasies… Reality was a different matter.
Nervous though I was, however, there was no way I was letting my performance anxiety getting the way of something I’d wanted for years. One trembling, inexperienced hand inched under the edge of their shirt to brush a thumb over the soft skin of their hip, relishing in their subtle tremble of delight. The way they reacted to my touch spurred me on, and my fingertips worked under their waistband, smirking when they nodded eagerly at my clarifying glance. The fabric travelled easily over their thighs, and I dropped to my chest between their legs, fingers dancing over damp cotton. A quiet sound of need and pleasure radiated in their chest as I trailed my lips over the tender flesh of their inner thigh, thumb pressing against their wetness, earning a sharp gasp. Hands tangled in my hair, and I looked up, silently prompting.
“Please,” they whispered, eyes wide with desperate desire. “Oh God – please, James…” Groaning weakly, I tugged down the thin, black underwear, wetting my lower lip unconsciously at the sight before me.
Their legs fell wider apart as I shuffled closer, driven by an irrepressible need to explore slick folds offered to me so willingly. The instant my tongue grazed over their wetness, they let out a pitiful mewl, pulling me closer unconsciously and eliciting a ragged moan of delight from my parted lips as I buried myself eagerly between their thighs. Their back arched to press nearer to my enthusiastic tongue, intoxicated as I was by their sweetness, one of my hands moving to probe at their entrance as they squirmed in delight.
The feeling of their body stretching and clamping around me frantically had my hips shifting in a futile attempt to ease the ache between my own thighs. With a quiet, breathless chuckle, they tugged gently on my hair, drawing my gaze to theirs. “Good?” they breathed, eyes flicking pointedly to my needy writhing. I could only hum against them in response, refusing to ease my ministrations for even a moment to confirm my pleasure, hand and tongue shifting in unison as they shuddered and twitched. “God, that- that feels- Fuck, Bucky…”
With a soft groan of delight, I buried myself deeper between their eagerly parted thighs, relishing every tremble and moan as their fingers tightened in my hair. “Buck- Bucky, James, fuck, I can’t- I-I’m going to-”
Whimpering desperately, I rutted in vain against the sheets as they arched against me, body tightening and spasming around me, a frantic wail echoing around us as they came undone under my tongue.
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I was quite unable to come to a halt, fingers still moving slowly inside them as my mouth needily chased every last ounce of their wetness, delirious with delight and pleasure. My own core was throbbing and dripping with desire - but I steadfastly continued my ministrations, reluctant to stop before I had to. Eventually, however, they tugged weakly at my hair, guiding me away from their trembling pussy with a soft whimper.
“H-holy… Fuck…” they breathed shaking, a minute wince flickering across their features as one leg stretched out along my side, bones groaning with the effort of movement. I rest my cheek on their thigh, panting as I gazed up at them with wonder and want, relishing the encompassing taste of them still overwhelming my senses.
“You taste like the stars,” I whispered rapturously, eyes fluttering shut for just a moment. “I can’t believe how fucking good you taste.”
They blushed minutes as I looked up once more, flushed pink with pleasure and joy. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
I swallowed dryly, mind whirring at the possibilities, and I froze with indecision. I’d been fantasising about this day for a long time, and I’d covered a hundred different scenarios, each one now flashing before my eyes in a rapid rotation of pleasurable experiences I now had the opportunity to fulfil. “I don’t know where to start,” I admitted softly, and they offered me a tender smile, fingers caressing my hair.
“C’mere,” they murmured, tugging gently to draw me up beside them, oppressing close to my chest, one arm around my neck as the other hand found my hip, dipping lightly under the edge of my shirt to caress my skin tenderly as their mouth found mine. I sighed into the kiss, my own fingers curling into their hair needily.
“I’ve had so many fantasies that I just… I have no idea where to begin,” I breathed, earning a small, coy smile, their now-bare thigh pressing between mine and eliciting a quiet whine and a shuddering jerk of my hips.
“There was this one fantasy,” they mused playfully, slowly kissing along my jaw. “You had it a lot… I could feel your legs around mine, and you were stretching me out so much…”
I gulped, feeling my body tense at the thought. I knew exactly what they were referring to – an act that divided all those who tried, and one I was frantic to attempt. A wide line of light appeared over their thigh, and I blushed as they grinned broadly. “You like that idea, hm?”
Nodding weakly, my fingers flexed with desire, tongue passing over my lower lip dryly. “I love it,” I admitted faintly, and they beamed, fingertips shifting to my fly as they met my eyes, seeking my consent, the sound of my ripper deafening in the tense silence when I nodded.
My heartbeat pounded in my ears as they shed my jeans with tender, patient movements, pressing adoring kisses to the scarred skin of my thighs as each inch was revealed. They didn’t ask, but I knew they understood, each gentle pass of their lips over laddered flash soothing a disquiet anxiety in my soul of which I hadn’t registered the presence.
By the time the material was dropped to the floor with a hushed, heavy thud, my muscles were loose, the ache between my legs more intense than ever as their heavy-lidded gaze met mine. Settling themselves beside me once more, their fingertips danced lightly over my abdomen to tug gently on the hem of my shirt. This time, I found myself only too eager help, shifting upright to pull the clothing over my head with only the barest of thoughts for the scarring at either chest or shoulder, lost in the feeling of their hands mapping my skin attentively.
“You’re so beautiful,” they breathed as I lay back beside them, pressing a gentle kiss to my chest when I blushed, hyperaware of the warmth of their hand resting on my abdomen. “Can I touch you, James?”
I swallowed and nodded, breath catching as their fingers slid under my waistband, passing over short hair to reach between my legs.
The air rushed from my lungs at the first brush of their fingertips against me, the surreal experience of someone else’s touch caressing my wetness eliciting a quiet whine of delight. Reassured, they pressed closer to my side, one leg draping over mine as they trailed their palm along me lightly. “Mm, Bucky…. You’re so-” They cut themselves off, pausing in their ministrations as they looked at me for clarification.
“Wet,” I finished with only the barest hint of a blush, nodding reassuringly and rutting against them. “Fuck- you make my pussy so goddamn soaked…”
They groaned softly, face burying in my throat to nuzzle and kiss the delicate skin they sound there, fingers mercifully resuming their gentle caresses along my slick folds. “So soaked, my beautiful boy… I just want to make you feel so good…”
With a quiet whine, I hooked a thumb into my boxers, pushing them down needily and earning an affectionate chuckle for my desperation. The second I lay nude before them and their hand found me again, I let my legs fall apart, offering my dripping core to them shamelessly. Their purr was pure joy as they stroked and probed, searching for each spot that made me twitch ang groan and mewl pitifully.
My back arched when their finger slid inside me, an exhilarated moan falling readily from my lips, hand tightening in the sheets as I frantically pressed closer. The knowledge that this person, chosen for me by the universe, could make my nerves sing so sweetly – that they’d be able to do so for the rest of our livers together – made my head spin. Emboldened, I licked my lips, leaning over to my bedside table to draw out a long, black length of silicone, the flush barely rising up the back of my neck as I clutched it tightly.
“This what you want, hm?” I purred, my free hand knotting in their hair to kiss them deeply, grinding against their palm. “Best of both worlds, huh – stretching out that gorgeous cunt while I rub my soaked, desperate pussy up against it?” They gasped and nodded, hips already shifting against my thigh once more, the feeling of their juices coating my skin making me only more eager for them. With a reluctant groan, I shifted away from their tender touch, hungrily pulling their legs apart to offer their soaked heat to me once more and earning a shiver of delight at the motion. The  sight of them spread before me, offered and leaking, eyes blown wide with lust and skin shining with ghosts of my thoughts, gave me pause for a moment, enraptured by my good fortune.
I was shameless as I shifted between their knees, my own legs parting, relishing the way their gaze consumed every inch of my exposed flesh just as ravenously as mine did theirs; I could feel myself getting wetter at their eyes on me, and couldn’t help but let out a soft moan of utter bliss.
Their own wetness lit up as I thought about pressing myself against them, and they mewled quietly, shifting closer. “Please… Please, James, fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long, don’t make me wait anymore…”
With a trembling exhale, I shifted the dildo between us, watching with a heavy-lidded gaze as it slowly stretched out their dripping hole. They whimpered and gasped, back arching to force it deeper before their hand took over for mine, eyes moving to my own proffered entrance. The feeling of the toy pressing into me as they moved nearer was more intense than I could ever have imagined, a deafening groan leaving me as I rutted closer, frantically taking more of the thick length in an effort to find some merciful friction.
When their wetness brushed my own, my mind snapped, and almost feral kind of need overcoming me. My arm wrapped around their thigh to jerk them closer and pin them to me, my pussy squarely meeting theirs, our wetness mingling in a lewd cacophony that had my pleasure spiking even higher.
The way the moaned and moved against me, grinding with an urgency that even my wild fantasies couldn’t have predicted, quickly had the blood in my veins fizzing with my impeding release. My hands grasped at them in a futile attempt to hold them closer, fingernails carving rivulets into their flesh, whimpering with desperation as their eyes met mine, hand closing around my metal wrist to cling to me. “Please,” they gasped, somewhere between a cry and a groan, their gaze flat black as their movements against me became irregular.
“Give me everything, sweetheart,” I grunted, sweat beading along the nape of my neck, losing myself in the building tremble of their muscles and the soaked cunt rutting frantically against my own, clit grinding and nudging until their back arched as they wailed.
Their pussy clenched and quivered, jerking the toy inside me, tears rolling freely down my cheeks as they cursed and sobbed, fucking themselves desperately through their climax. The sensation of their wetness intensifying, flowing freely and mixing with mine as they spasmed, dragged me over the edge, and I pressed closer desperately as I groaned, nails breaking skin as I fought to bury myself deeper, to have as much of our bodies in contact as I could.
Their name fell from my lips as a cry of utter ecstasy, vision darkening around the edges as I rocked through my orgasm, hips finally slowing and easing up as Mars’ body fell still, limp and depleted and whimpering softly in pleasure. When I halted at last, they half-lifted their head to meet my faze, aftershocks sending gentle jerks through their body. “I… Oh God, that was…”
I laughed weakly, shivering with the fading adrenaline. “Yes… Yeah, it… Fuck, it really was.” My movements were slow and clumsy as I drew back, relishing in their shaky whimper as the toy left their quivering body and letting out my own soft groan of pleasure and delight at the mess leaking from their stretched hole. “Beautiful,” I breathed, wincing with sensitivity at the drag of the toy over my own overstimulated pussy, dropping it aside to collapse beside them and pull their spent body to my chest carefully. “You okay?” I murmured, trailing a fingertip softly over the delectable curve of their jaw.
They nodded and grinned shakily, releasing a soft sigh of contentment. “I didn’t know it could feel like that,” they admitted quietly, and I pressed a gentle kiss to their hair.
“I didn’t know I could feel like that,” I agreed, my eyes drifting shut of their own volition as Mars burrowed closer into my side, one leg hooking over mine to press themselves nearer. “Stay,” I breathed as my muscles grew sleep-heavy, and they half nodded against me.
“Yes,” they mumbled, fingers tightening a little against my skin. “Yes, please.”
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wolfnprey · 1 year ago
Wave Your Flag High
Shameless US, Gallavich, Teen, 946 words @lgbtqbingo, for my "Rainbow Flag" Square
(Read on ao3)
“What the fuck is that?”
“What the hell do you think it is, Mick?”
“I think, Ian, that it’s a loud ass invitation for our asses to get kicked.”
Ian rolls his eyes at his husband. You can take the man out of South Side, but you can’t take South Side out of Mickey. It’s been a long, painfully suffering road for Ian to travel as the man he loves follows along kicking and screaming. But Ian sticks it out because he knows that Mickey is trying. 
It’s just happening so slowly that Ian thinks throwing Mickey out of the window would be a lot faster.
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Thanks for the tag! This was fun. I kinda fit a bunch of the bi stereotypes💀
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@negative-speedforce @the-feral-gremlin @vexic929 @kindestwalkingmentalbreakdown @alittleflashvibe @stalecabbage
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Reblog with your bingo!
@autistichumannn @artisthedgehog @venusplanetoflove2 @s0lit4ir3
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andrea1717 · 2 years ago
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New story is online!
Written for @stuckybingo
Card: R4089
Square: N1 | Kink Orgasm Delay
andrea1717 | Prompt: Baking
Read Coming Home here!
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newblvotg · 9 months ago
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