#Like I did -but I didn't realize how different the proportions in the face were
mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
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Here's my take on that onneee meme going around
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hongtiddiez · 2 months
my stand in final thoughts, feelings, etc.
what an absolute ride of a show. what a series of ups and downs and downs and downs and up.
i think what i find so charming about this show is that it really exemplifies what it means to be human. each character was flawed in their own way and each made mistakes that at the end of the day were just human mistakes. no one felt like a mustache twirling villain but rather a flawed human being that got caught up in something bigger than themselves, or caught up in their own ego, hubris, etc.
in a show that was clearly framed to be about second chances i really did not expect the wide array of examples of different second chances in life - the obvious being joe and ming, but then there was joe and new!joe's mother, ming and his mother, tong and may, joe and sol, etc. almost everyone experienced a second chance of some kind with one another. almost all second chances worked out towards a positive outcome but i respect that some were neutral outcomes at best; a total reset. a second chance doesn't always mean total forgiveness and absolution but rather a new slate to try again and i really appreciate that MSI made it a point to showcase that.
i am also once again grateful that the show did not fall into the evil mother trope. i was gritting my teeth waiting to see what became of ming's mom and in the end both she and joe's mom were parents doing their best, wanting the best for their children, and stumbling along the way - another perfect example of humanity.
i couldn't even come to fully hate tong by the end. the industry inflated his ego, he felt indestructible, he was able to get anything he wanted with his connections, and he allowed that confidence to turn to hubris and got involved in something far bigger than himself. a scared, cornered beast will almost always lash out and at the end of the day tong was lashing out for any chance of survival. he needed a wake up call of catastrophic proportions to get his head on straight but throughout the show they did show us reminders of how much he loved may, little glimmers of who he was behind all of that, and by the end when he was able to find peace those traits shone through again.
and with ming i appreciated that he still felt like the same person. he was still an asshole, still rough around the edges, still who he was at the beginning of the show but his efforts were channeled elsewhere, his priorities changed, and he learned what he truly values out of life. joe didn't magically change ming, but he did alter his perspective and give him so much to consider.
i still cannot fathom the pain joe has to go through every day looking in the mirror and knowing he will never see his face looking back at him. the show teased little peeks of the affect this would have on his mental health and i wish it had maybe delved into that more but mental health is always a slippery slope.
for the grit and darkness of the show the ending felt a little too fairy tale for me but i was also kind of hoping joe didn't come back. i know, horrible of me, but if i was him? i don't think i would've come back. he had to be so, so tired and he'd been through so much, that part of me wanted to see that happen as a final nail in the coffin, a message that sometimes death comes for us no matter how hard we try to run from it, and sometimes death is a kindness at the end of a long and painful journey.
idk i'm also a slut for angst so ignore me.
i wasn't mad at the ending by any means, i enjoyed the little nods to potential side couples, i loved seeing things come full circle, loved joe's realization that while HE always saw himself as a stand in or someone overlooked everyone else remembers his past self fondly and he made an impression on them. in the end, so much of joe's self worth issues were his own insecurities exacerbated by ming's emotional abuse.
that being said, don't forget to tell people in your life how much they mean to you. it can mean a lot more to them than you can imagine.
definitely think MSI is my fav bl of 2024 so far, it was something unique and a little darker, more mature, all things i've been craving for a while.
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goldfades · 5 months
angsty blurb w/Trevor🤭
you asked and you shall receive…
─ warnings | angsty asf, don’t say i didn’t warn ya! cheating, trevor is a fraternity ASSHOLE, just mean ass shit
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you’d heard the stories about trevor but you’d chose to ignore them — and now, tears streaming down your eyes you really wish you hadn’t. giving him the benefit of the doubt multiple times after he’d shown you exactly who he really was, trying to ignore the warning signs.
as you sat there on his couch, tears cascading down my cheeks, you replayed every moment, every warning sign you had chosen to ignore. it started with little things, subtle remarks that cut deeper than they should have. each time, you brushed them off, convinced that beneath his rough exterior lay a heart of gold. the lies, oh the lies! they wove a web so intricate, so deceptive, that you found yourself trapped before you had even realized. he promised change, redemption, but now you realized it was all just another layer of deceit.
"her, trevor?" your voice came out quiet but fuming. "her?"
she was the complete opposite of you — looks, personality and everything else. and yet, despite the glaring differences between you, trevor had chose her. the realization cut like a knife through your already wounded heart. how could he betray you with someone so unlike you in every aspect?
her presence haunted you, her image etched into your mind like a scar you couldn't erase. you couldn't help but compare yourself to her, picking apart every flaw that made you feel inferior in trevor's eyes.
"i-i didn't mean for it to happen," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "it was a mistake, i swear. you know you're the one i love."
"you don't fuck other people when you're in love, trevor!" you shouted, your voice coming out shaky as you watched his expression change from emotional to slightly agitated, as if you were the one who was inconveniencing him.
"come on, don't be so dramatic," he scoffed, his voice laced with contempt. "it was just a mistake. you're blowing this way out of proportion."
his words hit you like a slap in the face, his lack of remorse fueling the fire of your anger but also deepening the wound. how dare he dismiss your pain so callously, as if his infidelity was something trivial?
"you did it more than once, trevor. you're a fucking traitor," your voice broke as you spoke, feeling all the emotions from the last 8 months come down on you. how did something so perfect, become something so terrible?
eight months of love, laughter, and shared dreams now felt like a cruel joke. the memories of happiness now tainted by the bitter taste of betrayal.
his expression remained indifferent, as if your pain meant nothing to him. it was a cruel realization that he was never the person you thought he was. the man you loved had been nothing but a facade, a mask hiding the true nature of his deceitful character.
with a deep breath, you squared your shoulders, meeting his gaze with determination. "i'm done, trevor," you declared, each word dripping with finality.
"oh trust me, you'll be back. like you always do," trevor's voice came out so bitter, you almost didn't recognize him. is that all you were to him? a mug, a girl who always came back? who was always there?
for a moment, doubt threatened to creep in, whispering its insidious lies in the nooks of your mind. had you really been so blind, so naive to believe in his empty promises over and over again?
but then, something inside you shifted. anger surged forth, fueling the flames. you refused to be reduced to a mere afterthought, a pawn in his selfish games.
"no, i won't," you countered, your voice firm. "i won't be, i deserve more than being treated like an option, like a backup plan for when it's convenient for you."
with that, you turned away, leaving trevor standing there, his words hanging in the air like a bitter echo.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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fragcc · 8 months
The contrast on the loneliness Simon and Wille experience during s1e6
One thing I really loved about the way s1 wraps up is exactly the stark contrast between the loneliness Simon and Wille experience after everything blows out of proportion. In this post, I'll delve a bit on what aspects of their loneliness really differ and how fascinating – although utterly tragic – that is.
Spoiler ahead!
Simon is left alone to deal with the scrutiny and harrassment from the leaked video after Wille not only denies being in it but also affirms he's not emotionally involved with anyone. Simon feels his world crumble down when he finds out through Ayub about the prince’s statement.
It comes as a bullet through his heart because up until that very moment, he had believed Wille wholeheartedly. Wille had said time and time again that he wouldn't say what his mom wanted him to say, that they would face it together, and still. Simon had learned that he was thrown alone to the wolves through his friend and not from Wille himself. Simon feels betrayed by the boy he loves and decides to distance himself from him because he simply can't trust Wille not to hurt him anymore.
Simon is all alone to deal with the exposure of their intimacy, but at very least, he has friends and his mom to support him at home — although the person who mattered the most is missing.
Wille finds safety and protection in denying any involvement with Simon in that video and also basks in the crown's PR management to keep the rumors about him at bay. However, Wille feels extremely lonely in this small secured space he made for himself. He doesn't have friends to comfort him, his beloved brother is dead, his mother only cares about the family's reputation and his cousin is to blame for all of this. And, on top of that, he lost the boy he loves the moment he betrayed his trust, the moment he acted like a prince and not like someone who cares about Simon.
The scene with Wille hanging up on his mom showcases this perfectly. There's a background chilling music as he talks to her, revealing how anxious and distressed he is about finding out it was August who ruined his life. And when his own mother reveals she had known it for days — inadvertently telling us that he could have done things differently if he had known too, that he could have tried being himself for once, that he didn't have to break his word to Simon — he hangs up on her and everything is silent.
Everything is quiet and Wille is alone in the school yard, small and fragile and all by himself.
(Also props to that one lone tear rolling down, really made this scene hurt that much more)
He has literally no one to turn to, not even Simon because he lost him the moment he denied having any emotional bond with him. And because of what? Because his mom said it would be worse if he didn't? The same mom that knew it should be August suffering and taking the blame in his place but decided that it was easier to deny Wille his happiness, claiming it was all a sick way to honor his dead brother?
At the very last scene of the episode, Wille hugs Simon close and apologizes to him. He says he's sorry because he knows he hurt him for nothing. He's sorry because they lost this precious thing they were nurturing together because Wille was scared and did what was best for his mother and not for them.
In that moment Wille had just removed August from his family and he just realized he couldn't trust his mother either.
Simon & Wille
He says he loves Simon, and Simon can't say it back because, in the end, it doesn't matter. Simon was left alone to fend for himself. Wille claiming he loves him won't change that fact. He can't love someone who will leave him the moment push comes to shove.
And, in the very end, Simon is once again walking alone in between all the students that recognizes him from the sex-tape with the prince that denies any involvement with him — although he has his sister by his side, supporting him through it at the moment. Meanwhile, Wille is safely seated inside his ride. There's no prying eyes around him, no distress from being judged by others. He is, however, completely alone in this small box of steel, no one to care for him for who he is.
And the worst part of it all is that he put himself there.
In conclusion, I love how painful it is to watch the way they distance themselves from each other. They both feel terribly lonely, in ways and proportions the other can't even begin to grasp, but both equally harshly. I didn't make this post to try and point out who suffered more in this whole scandal, they both suffered greatly and there's denying that. And it all makes it all the more interesting to watch the way they clash and beat their heads during s2, clumsily finding their way into understanding the other's perspective and realizing that August's revenge porn and everything that came after that doesn't define them.
Wille can right his wrongs. Simon can attempt to trust Wille again. But that shall be an analysis to another post.
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tokiro07 · 1 month
Undead Unluck ch.218 thoughts
[We Have a Title]
(Contents: Immediate reactions - excitement, character analysis - Ruin; thematic analysis - unity; speculation - Ruin/arc progression)
I think I've made it clear that I'm not a fan of hype. I don't like when expectations are constantly being built up and blown out of proportion, as that can only lead to disappointment. I much prefer a pleasant surprise where I can be proportionally excited with what's happening in the moment rather than allowing the pressure to build beyond what can be reasonably maintained
UU doesn't usually have a spoiler problem, at least not in my personal circles, so I was surprised that there was someone passing around leaks for this chapter. I managed to avoid them, and boy am I glad I did, cus this was the hypest god damn chapter in the whole run so far
Ruin's comeback, Fuuko's brutal display, and of course, Andy's return! I've said a thousand times that Tozuka is a master of iconic panel composition, and not only were there a ton of great panels here, but that final two-pager was just absolutely sick!
Fuuko's hair fluttering in the wind, Andy's blazing descent from the sun, the symbol of Fuuko's Unluck pinned to Ruin's back by the symbol of Juiz's Unjustice, the Sun and Moon both positioned at the top of the page as if watching on as everything unfolds. This is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one - no longer is Fuuko the lone leader of the Union, her right hand is returning to usher in the final phase, and everyone is bearing witness, the heavens themselves shining a spotlight on this momentous occasion
I kid you not, I was shaking when I realized what Fuuko was doing, and it took everything I had not to scream and jump with excitement when Fuuko dropped what will no doubt become her most iconic line in the series (my wife was still asleep, I didn't want to wake her). If I'd seen any spoilers, my realtime reaction would have been split up between knowing what happens out of context and then seeing it in context, and neither would have been nearly as fun, so I'm so glad I got to have the experience I did
Onto the chapter itself, I definitely wasn't expecting to see Ruin this soon. I thought for sure we'd get a breather chapter or two to hang out with Tatiana, but I think Ruin is a character we can make an exception for
The first time Ruin showed up during the falling action of an arc, it felt a little like drama for drama's sake at first; I got over it pretty quickly, since it was clearly being used as a narrative device for transitioning into the next phase, but I could understand if people felt like a new character being introduced as a game changer is a bit of an asspull
This time, though, Ruin doing that is a callback to his introduction, an established modus operandi for the character to serve as an explicit agent of the narrative towards...well, ruin. Frankly I would have been disappointed if he'd come back any other way, as this way allows us to see the difference in how the Union responds to him
Before, no one saw him coming, and Fuuko got killed for it. Now, while no one was "ready" for him, Fuuko was able to react in time to make sure that no one died and then even got to retaliate in a way that demonstrated shocking level-headedness in the face of her own killer. Whereas Andy struck in a blind rage without any concern for what kind of ability Ruin might have, Fuuko immediately and brutally removed his head with the intention of inhibiting his regeneration. She was wrong, of course, but she made a conscious effort to win the fight rather than simply reacting on instinct as Andy did
While Chikara and Gina did end up getting hurt, they're not dead and likely not permanently wounded either (corneal damage is perfectly healable, it's retinal damage we'd need to worry about). Ruin is still very much a credible threat, but the Union of today is not the Union of yesterday, and they're definitely fit to overcome the so-called King of Negators
Ruin's Redesign
That said, I am left to wonder if the Ruin of today is the one of yesterday. His design has undergone some interesting changes, all of which completely incongruent with his own ability
Not only is his hair shorter, it's also lost color on one side, and the scar over his left eye has started to spread down his torso and arm, almost like it's metastisizing. Unruin's name implies it's supposed to keep its user perfect and pristine, but Ruin himself has only gotten worse for ware over the course of the loop. I'm wondering if this is a side effect of Unruin, like the more he uses it the more corrupt his body becomes, and it isn't negated by Unruin specifically because it's the cost of the ability and therefore the proper judgment of God or something
The fact that his hair has started to lose color further cements the parallels between him and Andy. Previously he just had the scar over the same eye, but now his hair has become short and slicked back, split between black and white while his scar creates a delineation in his skin tone, not unlike when Andy's personality reemerged from his Remember wound when Victor was in control of their body. The scar moving down the left side of his body also means it now covers the areas of Andy's 1985 and DEAD END tattoos, suggesting that perhaps his personal journey that we haven't been privy to is a parallel to Andy's after waking up from his own grave
Speaking of tattoos...I haven't seen anyone mention that Ruin is missing his Sun tattoo. What this means is unclear, but if I had to guess, it's a sign that Ruin does not currently occupy the role of Regulator. He hasn't been "chosen" by God yet, which I think suggests that this isn't L100 Ruin crossing between loops, it's L101 Ruin, whose life hasn't quite taken the same path as it did before. This might even explain his body - L100 Ruin told us he was sickly, so perhaps L101 Ruin simply got Unruin later this time around. Perhaps that scar is the deterioration of his body from his illness prior to gaining Unruin, and therefore either outside of the ability's purview or, again, seen as God's will and therefore not an imperfection
Ruin's fighting style also seems to be a bit different, as not only does he not seem to be making blood claws or moving through shadows, he also removed his shirt (which was UMA Blood last time) without turning it into some kind of construct first, suggesting that he doesn't have Blood or Shadow with him this time around. Instead, he seems to be fighting more like Andy, using his Soul to fire his own blood as a weapon, as evidenced by the fact that his fingernails were bleeding after attacking the Union
It's definitely possible that I'm misinterpreting it, but I have to imagine that this is a new Ruin being manipulated by Soul rather than the same Ruin going about business as usual. We'll most likely get that answered for us next week, so I wanted to get my speculations out of the way now
Ruin's Future
So if Ruin doesn't have his UMA friends with him and isn't a Regulator, what does that mean for his role going forward?
I don't think any of you will be surprised to hear that my thinking is that he's going to join the Union, as I've been speculating that for a long time and other folks have definitely followed suit since. I am saddened by the idea that he won't have his companions with him, but they could easily serve as an upgrade/character moment for him later, so I'll take it for now
The main crux of my thinking right now is that Ruin is clearly poised to undergo a character arc. As I said, he's starting to resemble Andy more and more and Victor less and less, suggesting that he's going to transition from being the one Negator that serves God and become the final Negator that opposes him
If the Union is a collective of the oppressed rising up against their oppressor, then Ruin is a bootlicker who fell for the propaganda that there was nothing he could do to resist the powers that be and joined them out of a sense of learned helplessness. The idea that Tozuka or Fuuko would see someone so brainwashed that they embrace their own enslavement and just leave them to blissfully suffer their fate runs pretty antithetical to the story we've been told so far, so I think it's far more likely that the coming chapters will be used a way to change Ruin's mind and teach him that he has the agency to live for himself and not live as the cultish servitude of a God he's never met and who clearly is willing to sacrifice him at a moment's notice
When Fuuko said there was still one member left to recruit, obviously she meant Andy, but the timing of that statement immediately preceding her noticing Ruin seems quite deliberate. Andy isn't present, sure, but for all intents and purposes, he's already part of the Union. He doesn't need to be recruited, just retrieved, and that could feasibly happen at any time since Andy could probably just decide to come back on his own. Instead, Ruin is the only Negator that still needs to be shown which side is correct, so while Fuuko may not know it, she was most likely talking about him, not Andy
Even her line about completing the Union with Andy's return can be left open to interpretation, as the act of his returning could either complete the Union with his arrival or with his help in proving the lie that Ruin believes in to be wrong
Of course, I don't think that can happen with just Andy showing up; rather, I think that the most recent additions of Tatiana and Kururu ideally would play a part to help flesh out their inclusions, though I wouldn't object to Julia getting Unjustice here. If absolutely nothing else, I'm banking on Chikara using Unmove, eyes or no eyes. What better time to learn how to use his soul to overcome his weaknesses than when he literally doesn't have eyes?
Whoever participates in fighting Ruin, I'm kind of hoping it ends up being a Summer or a Sick situation, where the group is so well coordinated that they basically just combo Ruin to hell and back. While the alternative of either Andy soloing Ruin or Andy and Fuuko tag-teaming him would be sick as hell, it wouldn't do much to further the themes of unity overcoming oppression, so it'd be much better for everyone involved to get to participate
Like I said before, the Union serves as a symbol of overcoming oppression through unification, so we can't have one or two members carrying everyone else - they all need to contribute to the whole, at least in some small way. After all, that's what Soul is afraid of, the Union having enough members to overcome anything that's thrown at them
Given the current political climate, Fuuko's retort to Ruin's claim that humanity has no hope of beating God struck a chord with me.
"It's the opposite. They're afraid of the Union being complete. The Ten Superior Rules normally only intervene during Quests. The mere fact that they've sent you here as an assassin is proof that they're panicking."
Union-busting, voter suppression, gerrymandering; those in power make a concerted effort to ensure that the masses believe that opposition is useless by removing every means of opposition available to them, but the message it should send is actually the reverse. Why are they taking away the means of opposition if opposition is useless? If it wouldn't work, why do they care? Why not let us struggle in vain until we learn on our own that it's pointless to try, that we're wasting our time?
Because we're not wasting our time. Our struggles may seem pointless, taking years and years, generation after generation, but change is inevitable. A stone is not split in two by the final blow, but the hundred that had gone before. So long as humanity perseveres, we move ever closer to happiness, even if the path there is arduous
Every loop, the Union has managed to hold back Sun from destroying Ark. And yet, the Regulators were new to Juiz in the 100th. Sun's most direct agents, with the ability to permanently remove players from the game, only became a problem at the end. Why? Because the Union isn't the only one running out of time
If Sun managed to destroy Ark even once in the last 100 loops, the game would be over, just as it would be if Juiz had managed to kill Sun, but neither of them have succeeded. Which is to say, both sides have reason to be desperate, to be feeling the pressure now. And between the two, only one has been getting stronger, by amassing more allies
Meanwhile, Soul's the only one who seems to think of his team as friends. He mourned the loss of Beast and Language, he offered to keep major enemies alive for the sake of Change and War's whims, and he tried to enable his entire team to escape Andy's defenses by rallying them to work together. The rest of the Master Rules, though?
Infighting for who gets which seat, abandoning Soul when he was trying to benefit everyone, insisting on taking glory for themselves. Everything that God designed the Roundtable system to do to the Union, it ended up doing to the Master Rules instead; it divided them, when it should have unified them
Just like Ruin is a demonstration of the Negators falling for God's propaganda, the Master Rules are a demonstration of the Union falling prey to the rigged system. Fortunately, the Union are Negators; the Rules were never going to be a problem for them in the first place, now were they?
Of course, since Soul is the only one to actually be trying to operate as a team player, naturally he's taken all of this into account already. Sure, the Union's about to be complete, but we all saw him smiling as Andy finally left his post
Soul's plan was never to have Ruin kill off the Union, though it would have been nice if he had; no, his plan was to get Andy's crispy, bare ass off of his goddamn house!
With Ruin attacking, Andy is a must for fending him off, so Fuuko was forced to bring him back. Now that he's gone, the Master Rules aren't restricted by his soul, and can leave the Master Room whenever they please (though they may still be restricted to acting during Quests, it's somewhat unclear). What this means that while the Union is complete, so too is their opposition
Really that's the perfect scenario, though. The Union has to beat back all of the Master Rules sooner or later anyway, so why not just make it a battle royale, huh? A bit more of a traditional shonen battle format, like with the fight against Under during the Spring Arc. And I'm willing to bet Fuuko considered that when deciding to bring back Andy
With Andy's return and the Master Rules set free, we're just about to enter what I presume to be the penultimate phase of the story, as all that will be left after defeating the MRs is to face the Gods. I don't know how Tozuka plans to pace this, whether it's going to be a free-for-all like I said or if the MRs are going to have individual arcs with some breather chapters in between, but it's clear that we're moving into the endgame
Personally, I'm hoping for the latter. I shudder to think that that brief moment of Tatiana looking at Chikara's photo of her is the last bit of downtime we'll get before the epilogue, but it's definitely possible. After all, after Spring we had the Final Cherry Blossom Viewing, and then suddenly we were dealing with Revolution and Ragnarok. If we're going to have another high-tension, no-breaks stretch like that, Ruin's return is the most appropriate time for it
That said, I wouldn't hate it. That was a super exciting time, and some of the best story beats in the whole series came up during that storyline, so I have faith Tozuka can handle it just fine. I just want to see some more chill moments, y'know? Especially since Andy's coming back! No one knows him yet! We need him to reestablish his dynamics with everyone!
I want him to be happy to see everyone! I want memories to stir in Yusai's soul of a love long lost! I want Gina to see what her past self saw and angle for a triad with Fuuko! I want Julia to see Victor in Andy and form a bond with him as an altered soul!
Rip, Billy, Shen, Feng, Nico, hell even Void - there's so many opportunities for resolving rivalries and grudges, I need Tozuka to give us at least a couple of them before we hurtle into the endgame and no one has time to say anything fun to each other ever again!
But I suppose I'm looking a little too far ahead. We still need to deal with Ruin right now, and after that we should be seeing how everyone reacts to Remember. Hm, I wonder if maybe we're going to have an entire Remember Arc, actually, like a macro-version of Gina going into Fuuko's book and meeting her past self? I'm not gonna hold my breath for that, but that'd be a neat way to extend the runtime while also finding a perfect excuse to get some more characterization for everyone
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I've been into the ARG/Unfiction genre since like. 2015. And literally I've understood the hype around almost every unfiction project to some degree, EXCEPT for Mandela catalogue. Like. I've never understood the hype. Maybe it's just because I found it to feel very formulaic but like. Some of the faces used for this that are meant to be slightly unsettling are just,, not perfectly proportional and are badly lit?? Like literally that's it. Like there are real people who look like that. Fix the lighting and it's just gonna look like your neighbor of something. It's not very scary
But also like, for real? On your points abt how the series itself gives off A Lot if proto-fascistic messaging,
when I first watched it I was like "oh! That's the point! This is abt how fascist governments use media like TV to influence and misinform the public in service to facism and paranoia. Like these doppelgangers aren't actually real! They're just made up boogiemen to incentivize the public to turn on their neighbors/to attack people who are disfigured or disabled" and I thought that I finally was maybe getting why people found it interesting and that I had judged it too harshly
And then it wasn't that and instead was like "yeah no. There IS a secret boogeyman group who aren't (side eye to that) who are gonna steal your children via television (even Bigger side eye), and nearly off of them are just like, slightly photoshopped pictures of Real People but now they're just disfigured/disabled/literally just slightly non proportional features
This series could be very cool, but its just a thematic mess and is (intentionally or not) communicating a lot of facistic/eugenic sentiments
Idk if this anon is well phrased but like. You're so right it's unreal
LIKE. what is the POINT. half the "scary" ppl look like someone I'd see on the bus. the intruder looks like the homeless guy who asked me for bus fair a while back.
CRUCIALLY I don't think any of the bigotry was intentional, however it's SO thoroughly interwoven into Alex's worldview and the world he's created that it's like. at the fucking center of everything. it's insane to me how full grown adults analyze it on youtube and somehow manage to do that without comparing and compiling all the tropes it uses to make its point (whatever it's point even IS)
whenever me & my friend talk about it we somehow manage to keep tripping into different kinds of bigotry!! we'll be talking about ableism and how Adam's arc is very similar to many changeling tropes, which were (and to some extent still are, see: Star Children/Indigo Children) often used to abuse neurodivergent or mentally ill/disabled children. and we'll realize that Adam arc ALSO mirrors the Tragic Mulatto storyline too and it's like wow!! Two in one! you've done it so bad!!
a lot of the issues with it are small little things that could be excused as a coincidence- EXCEPT THERE'S SO MANY LITTLE THINGS THAT IT BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE.
it's like- ok imagine this: you're having an interaction with someone and they do a microaggression at you, right? not outwardly bigoted, just kind of ignorant. and you're like, ok. fine. nobody is perfect, they probably didn't mean any harm. it's not worth kicking up a fuss about.
but if it keeps happening EVERY SINGLE TIME you talk to this person, it starts to build inside you and it's like. it's hard to even say why you hate them because you'd need to drag out every shitty tiny thing they've said and at that point you feel like maybe you're just being petty- BUT IT'S NOT PETTY IF IT HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE TIME AAA
ok sorry i started writing an essay again. i think my bud's gonna like this tho he's gonna be so happy other people did actually notice
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1yyyyyy1 · 5 months
How do you act like you already have the appearance you want? Would you purchase things (ie clothes) that would fit the body type you want, or is it purely mental?
Sorry if this is intrusive. LOA has been on my mind for a while.
Personally, it was a purely mental thing for me at first, mainly because the only thing I knew at the time was that I simply disliked my appearance, I didn't know what I wanted it to be and what changes I wanted to make to be at peace with it. What I knew was that these changes had to be major, like dyeing my hair and completely changing my wardrobe, and that I was not ready to take these steps in the real world because I didn't want to be spending money on something I was unlikely to wear again or ruining my hair. Another thing I noticed about myself back then was that I had been gravitating towards a specific look for a while, that was the clue I needed to figure out the direction I wanted to take my style to and how I started to piece it together by working out color palettes and saving pictures that were similar to the vision I had for myself. I did end up buying some accessories to make it easier for myself, but this process was for the most part mental for me because my goal was mental as well.
If you are anything like myself, you are still in the process of figuring out which features you like and dislike about yourself and it can be difficult for you to understand your own preferences or feel like you are embodying attractiveness by being yourself, and I have resolved this by projecting my personality on the women I find attractive and "complete" fashion-wise to try and see what it would be like for me to embody their appearance. It has actually taken me just a few minutes to realize that I was right about my unwillingness to be around men and that it was not coming from a place of insecurity; if anything, I was even more protective of the image of my preferred self... I would continue to imagine myself in different social settings that way to understand which features I was being drawn the most to and to make it clear to myself that my aversion towards male company was about my boundaries and not some kind of self-hatred because, as I always mention, imaginary scenarios are an authentic experience to your brain even if it does not seem that way and is a safe way to figure out your priorities. At some point, your sense of self will take over and you will start implementing the traits that have resonated the most with you into your own appearance!
My overall advice would be to worry about your body features less and to focus on your personal style instead, for the simple reason that you might end up liking some of the features you find unsavory through a change in clothing or hairstyle — a fitting haircut can make for a shocking change and absolve you of the negative perceptions you have about your face, which is miles better than wondering about whether or not you should be going for a cosmetic procedure. A similar thing goes for clothes and you might end up finding out that you do not dislike your body as much as you think you do, you could simply be invested in shapes and proportions that do not suit you. I should say that creating an image board is the best and the fastest way to visualize your preferred look, it is likely that you will be drawn to a specific style and set of features even if you are overall undecided and you can take your decision from there.
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spaceyderg · 1 year
*climbs onto the driftwood with you* that hugging doodle is so cute???? My heart
Venom's hug looks so comfy??? He's so cute??? The hearts??? I really like the two-colour lines (did not realize the venom design was your own but holy that made it even more impressive???)
Miguel is such a loveable grumpy cat, and its so refreshing to see him be the smaller one in a ship.
Admittedly I mainly watch the movies and only a few comics, but Venom has a ranking system??? Eddie is the only one to get full stars???? Thats. Thats true love right there. Also whats this about Eddie being in charge of a whole venom-society?? Did not know about that (also hard to imagine) but feel free to talk about it. Imagine Miguel and Eddie bonding over being the de facto leader (leading the spiders must be a lot harder than leading the symbiote hivemind)
My Venom design is mostly inspired by the '94 Spiderman the animated series Venom, Ivan Fiorelli, Rian Gonzales, Gurihiru and overall orcas in general.
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If I were to describe my design rules for Venom he'd have a big bulky body with stylized proportions, an orca styled face with a bigger lower jaw to fit more then 1 row of teeth, and his color is a solid black with bright colorful pencil textured highlights.
I have this headcanon Miguel might have discomfort in his current height, according to the wiki he's 5'10 but in ATSV he's 6'9 so I wonder if he ever misses being his old height. Like there's not that many ppl that exists that can fully envelop him a hug and make him feel comforted. Plus I can imagine how often he needs to remember to duck under a doorway or else he'll bonk his forehead, or when he's at a hotel and the showerhead is like at his chin level.
Oh that makes me happy to hear, my first intro to Venom was the infamous '07 Spiderman 3 movie, so I'm glad to hear new fans get this fun intro to this character via the 2018 Venom movie. While I've been a lowkey fan of Venom I didn't do a full deep dive into his comics until 2021 with the comic Venom Verse as the first one. I've read a ton but I haven't read any of the early issues since those comics are v outdated by now and some of the info might have been retconned/rewritten. I'd recommend finding a reading list if you'd like to read more self contained stories or a full saga line of connected stories. Feel free to pick/choose what comics you consider as canon or not, cause not all comics are great and sometimes one doesn't like a specific writer for a run 🤷‍♀️
The ranking system is a compatibility rank it's seen in Venom: The End (A warning there is body horror/ imagery of Eddie withering away which made me uncomfy so I'm letting you know) I didn't much care for the plot of that comic but I do enjoy this ranking system as it shows Venom's preference when it comes to hosts. He sees most hosts as pretty good but Eddie is the perfect host according to him u wu 💕
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As for Eddie being the head of the symbiote hivemind it's seen in the aftermath of the MASSIVE King in Black saga. After defeating the old head/creator of symbiotes Knull ,Eddie takes his role as the head. It's moreso a hivemind where he can control of any symbiote with consent and can communicate across all of them no matter where they are. However this does strain his physical body and he ages quickly and he dies via explosion. Venom is currently with his son Dylan atm while Eddie is in some sort of space/time limbo. I did fall off a bit on my reading towards the newer comics so here's where my knowledge on this run ends. I'd find pics but I'm feeling lazy rn
Miguel def has a tough job as he has to manage all these different versions of Spiderman and maintain the multiverse on top of making sure none glitch out of existence if those bands get messed up. He can't just up and leave he feels personally responsible due to his past actions. Eddie at this point is like in charge of running the universe but he's stuck in that position he can't quit or else the cosmos ends and he'll be replaced by another King in Black. They explain no matter what Eddie will always end up here someway or another.
Miguel is bound by his sense of duty, his responsibility to ensure the another universe will not end in the same way like his daughter's did. Eddie is bound by The Eventuality, he will always end up as the next King in Black even though he knows he can not handle it. To me it sounds like a lonely and stressful existence to be such a position of power yet they don't have the power to just go home and live a peaceful life with their loved ones like everyone else.
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bisluthq · 7 months
I saw her live in Mexico City twice and the second time I was pretty close to the stage. She's definitely tall, like noticeably so but not in a way that makes her feel like a giant or anything bc the rest of her features are like, delicate and like, dainty? Idk what the proper word would be lol, her wrists and hands and neck seem small and like, smooth. Irl her face looks much more like a 34 year old than she does in pics where her face looks soooo young. I genuinely don't mean that in a mean way at all it's just, she looks like a real person who's 34 in spite of all the make up she wears for the show. I didn't feel that her head was tiny in proportion to her body at all buuut take into account that we were at significantly different heights, she was on stage and I was on the floor so that probably affected my perception. Makes sense that people who see her up close in M&Gs notice that and not those who've just seen her on stage. The other thing that I noticed and was surprised by because I've never seen anyone mention it is that her speaking voice is slightly higher pitched in person. Her singing voice sounds the same as it does when you stream her music or live performances, but her speaking voice does sound slightly different from what she sounds on interviews from talk shows etc. I initially thought it was bc she was a bit nervous the first night (which she was lol it was so cute, it was good/excited nervous) but I quickly realized that's just how she sounds. Like her speaking voice irl sounds like her speaking voice from Speak Now era sounds in videos, if that makes sense lol.
Not "tea" or anything but the first night I was in nosebleeds and my best view was the b-stage where she sings the surprise songs. She poured her soul out in the piano with Sweet Nothing, was fighting tears and her voice broke a little during the bridge but it was such a beautiful performance idk. She smiled and waved to the crowd at the end but I did see (from a distance but it was evident) her wipe her eyes quickly when she wasn't shown on the screens before she stood up from the piano. The other show I went to (N3) she was the opposite of nervous, and was even happier than the first night.
Also she's ridiculously pretty and cute and funny but y'all know that already. Her eyes are very very blue, not to quote her own songs but damn genuinely I'd never seen eyes so blue. She looked my way on night 3 a couple of times and I was mesmerized lol, but tbf I live in Latin America where blue eyes are not very common
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spacexseven · 2 years
dream (of me)
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as mentioned in an ask before, this fic was inspired by a video of a life sized sculpture. also this is very very self-indulgent :> (actually i really don't like the title, but i couldn't think of anything else. one of these days i'll finally learn how to write a proper title)
—the line between fantasy and reality is thin
cw: breaking in, stalking, imprisonment
you didn't think you'd be spending your long-awaited break on making this—disregarding the money you spent on the boxes and boxes of clay; the same money you were saving for a fun little trip—you never considered yourself much of an artist. but who would have thought that things would turn out in such a way, ending in your trip getting canceled, and you picking up sculpting? you never really tried it before, simply because of how daunting the challenge was—not only did you have to give depth and color to your sculpture, you'd have to gently mold it to the perfect shape, painstakingly carve out the details and smoothen the surface. you couldn't slack on any part of the process despite how irritating it would become. you'd have to give it life, the kind that art gives, with your own hands, changing the inanimate lump of clay into a part of an almost realistic image.
maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration—you had only made a few small things with modeling clay before this, and it was unlikely you'd do as good as a job as you'd like. today marked the start of your first big project, a life-sized sculpture. after spending hours glued to your screen as countless videos played, and finally deciding to go for it a week ago, you were obstructed by what should have been a simple decision—stumped about what to sculpt. making one of yourself felt a little awkward, and you didn't really want to try recreating a celebrity. just when you were about to settle for making an animal, strangely enough, the answer came to you in a dream.
when you went to sleep a few nights ago, you had a strangely vivid dream of an ethereal person—someone so mystical that it felt otherworldly. that unexpected vision seized your mind and you decided—that was who you'd sculpt. despite it having been days since that dream, even the most minute details were still fresh in your memory. the gleaming fangs, sharp and delicate, the glossy, dark hair, the smooth voice that wrapped around a single word—too muddled to decipher—the shaky echoes of which reverberated within every corner of your mind, the unreadable expression in his eyes, glowing lowly in the dark, and the unmistakable pair of horns. he was not human; you were sure of it. even before catching a glimpse of those beautiful horns, you felt it, deep inside, that he was something very different from you. the moment his hand, manicured black nails contrasting with fair skin, gripped your forearm firmly, right before he uttered that word, a peculiar sensation overcame you. a sense of dread and fear washed over you, but at the moment you were unable to move or to wake up.
whoever he was, whatever he was—regardless of whether he was even real in the first place, you knew you were going to sculpt him. if your mind was clear, you wouldn't have attempted to make this, knowing you'd probably just mess up the picture of someone so beautiful, but you felt like that vision had bewitched you. you couldn't stop yourself from following through with it once the idea settled in your mind. muttering a quick word of encouragement to yourself, you finally start, eyeing the boxes of clay and heap of wires nervously.
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it had been a couple weeks since you started your little project, and you had made considerable progress. the proportions surprisingly worked out right, and despite the uncontrollable slight trembling of your hands, the features you began carving were mostly realistic. you quickly realized you probably wouldn't be able to work on anything below the shoulders, not having enough clay or energy, but that helped you focus on the face. you could have sworn, though, that last night the nose looked a little high and the eyes a little too wide apart from your recollection of the man, yet when you had woken up, it was perfect. an eerily splitting image of the man from your dreams except for the fact that it was gray and pliable.it had been a couple weeks since you started your little project, and you had made considerable progress. the proportions surprisingly worked out right, and despite the uncontrollable slight trembling of your hands, the features you began carving were mostly realistic. you quickly realized you probably wouldn't be able to work on anything below the shoulders, not having enough clay or energy, but that helped you focus on the face. you could have sworn, though, that last night the nose looked a little high and the eyes a little too wide apart from your recollection of the man, yet when you had woken up, it was perfect. an eerily splitting image of the man from your dreams except for the fact that it was gray and pliable.
as you firmly reshaped the jaw with your fingers, you thought back to your dream. honestly, it was impressive how accurate you had gotten the image so far. the sharp lines that made the eyes, if colored, would look just like those from your memory. could you make these glow, too? the slope of the nose, looking perfectly natural, and the pointed ears—somehow, you just knew the exact shape of them despite how much of it was blocked by his hair. speaking of, his locks, although they were made of clay, fell just as gracefully on his forehead and splayed over his shoulders in that effortless way he had it.
honestly, you were impressed by your own work. you couldn't believe you did all this by yourself.
you try to think back to the shape of his mouth, the fangs inside of it—how did something so deadly look so elegant? it suited him. on him, the feature that should have your instincts kicking in and forcing you to run, made him look all the more charming and drew you in. you can remember he was wearing something quite outlandish, a finely crafted outfit, though one very different from your usual clothes, with something resembling a wide collar around his neck—you'd have to remember to make that.
although you had never made anything remotely similar to its shape, it was surprisingly easy to make the curved horns that rested on his head. while you could've sworn you initially made them a little smaller and smoother, the slightly bigger size and ridged texture did resemble the real thing better. of course, since your sleeping hours were so inconsistent, it was normal to have blanks in your memory. you probably worked on it when you were half asleep in the dead of the night.
after finally finishing up the details, you put aside the paint you mixed earlier for the last part of the project. the shades were a little unlike what you were expecting, but you had to make do. you were actually quite disappointed with it, thinking it might ruin the overall sculpture if the colors looked wrong, but even if you wanted to do it again, it would be a waste of money to get more. these were close enough, you supposed. under the right lighting, it would be somewhat accurate, and nobody but you had seen that mystery man anyway. with that thought, and one last, lingering look at the gray creation that sat on your working table, you switched off the lights and left the room.
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there was no way this was your work.
you squint at the little bottles of paint, confused by what you were seeing. no, you remember, when you left these last night, the colors were different. the green for the eyes was dull, the dark array of green, blue, and black for the hair was drab and unnatural, and the colors you picked to paint the skin were all tinted with gray. the mixed paints you were seeing now, however, were anything but. the colors were rich and vibrant, an exact match, and if you looked closely enough, it was almost as if they were glowing.
you're sure the paint didn't look like this last night. at first, there wasn't even an inkling of doubt in you, because you could remember your dilemma last night, worrying about the color and not being able to fix it. but then, what happened? there was no logical explanation for this phenomenon—unless the paint was supposed to turn lighter over time, even then, that wouldn't explain the completely different shades. The vibrant, rich colors were nothing close to the abomination you had last night.
a small part of you was worried, fretting about what this could mean, but a larger, louder part of you insisted there wasn't any need to look too deeply into this. even if someone broke in, why would they have stopped by to mix paint for you? and how would they have known the exact colors you needed? it was very possible that under the dim lighting and through your tired eyes, the color seemed a lot more different than it actually was, but now, well-rested and energized, you saw it for what it always was.
deciding to put your doubts behind you for now, you prepare to paint. you've come this far, and you desperately prayed you wouldn't mess up this next part, fearing that all your efforts would be in vain otherwise.
slowly, you begin to see it come together. it took tediously long for each layer to be completed, mainly due to your increasingly frequent breaks. even then, by the end of the day, you were mostly completed. with painting the face. you took a break and had your dinner, glancing back at the sculpture with exhaustion obvious on your face. you weren't sure what you were subconsciously expecting from making this, slaving away for weeks by now, but you were relieved it was almost over and mostly accurate.
although you knew you should leave the details for last, you had a strong urge to paint the eyes. you felt like painting the eyes would bring the work to life. those vivid, glowing eyes were forever burned into your memory, and you thought it to be one of the most beautiful things about that man. well...even if you messed up, it was alright. after all, it wasn't like you were making this to be evaluated by others. seized by the idea, you quickly grabbed the airbrush and set to work, the paint glowing unusually bright, ominously in its container.
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until you entered the room, your morning had been perfectly normal. nothing was out of place, and nothing felt different. but once you glanced over at where the sculpture was resting overnight, you were taken aback by the sudden extra presence in the room with you. looming over your desk, cradling the almost finished sculpture to their chest, was a mysterious cloaked figure. you watched, mesmerized by the scene as the stranger held your weeks' worth of hard work to their eye, closely studying it. they turned the sculpture around to further observe the details, and when they raised it up to the light, you recognized the hand that caressed the stained clay, the sight of glossy black nails still fresh in your memory. as you stand, frozen in place, the intruder slowly turns around. after a few moments pass in silence, he finally spoke.
"i see," his eyes and tone betray no emotion to you, "that you received it."
you're not sure what it he's referring to here. the initial dream you had of him, perhaps? or the convenient, unacknowledged help throughout the process—the meticulously mixed colors, and the little modifications? was that his work, after all? the lingering question of what you had gotten yourself into echoed in your mind. regardless, you can't manage a response yet, still unable to completely process what was unfolding.
"i appreciate your efforts very much. this is a truly wonderful creation, and almost identical to me. it is only right that i give you something in return, yes?" your lack of response doesn't seem to bother him, "well, what should you like? or would you prefer it if i were to pick out something for you?"
"you can leave."
you're not sure where the courage to say that came from, but you force yourself to hold back anything that would break your fragile facade and fix the scowl on your face. even if he was beautiful and something otherworldly, this wasn't right, or safe. how did he even get inside? why was he here?
he seems to think over your reply and takes a few, slow steps towards the door but stops to glance back at you, heavy cloak brushing the floor with every slight movement, "that wasn't what you really wish for, right? i can only give you something you wholeheartedly desire. in order to respect the thought and effort put behind this," he gestures at the statue, and it only occurs to you now that he was still holding it. strangely enough, the thing seemed to be glowing a faint green, "i should give you something just as meaningful. if you're too shy to say anything, i can just as easily find out myself."
"the only thing i want is for you to leave," you feel a tinge of regret as you look at the sculpture, thinking back to the painstaking process of making it, "take that if you want, but leave me alone now."
"you don't want to let go of it," he smiles wryly, "you want something more than just that..."
he's making his way over to you, yet you can't hear a thing. even as you can see his heeled boots landing sharply on the tiles, his cloak sweeping over them right after, you can't make out a single click of the heels, or anything else, for the matter. it's as though your head was underwater, ears waterlogged and unable to capture any sound coming your way. it didn't help that your head felt heavier, too, as he came closer and closer, glowing pupils locked onto your cowering frame. you knew he was tall already, but with the way you were sinking onto the floor, he felt, and looked, like he was towering over you, above you—as though emphasizing the difference between you and him, in both power and position, if his demeanor so far told you anything so far.
"dearest, there is nothing wrong with desiring," although he was speaking softly, his words seemed to echo around the room, bouncing off one wall to the other and slamming back into you, "even if the...subject of your desire seems impossibly far away—i would know better than anyone else. what i'm trying to say is, if you were to accept your true desires, you would only be reciprocating mine."
you blink owlishly up at the stranger, feeling something stirring in your stomach. he was so beautiful but dangerous. how ironic was it that there was something so alluring about that danger, that darkness that surrounds him? it only added to his mesmerizing beauty.
"we've never met before, have we?"
"not that you might be aware of, but i have caught a glimpse of you before. can you imagine, for me to be so taken with you by just the fleeting moment that you walked past, how deeply you have struck me? how devoted i am to you, who knows not of my existence?" there's a wistful expression on his face as he answers your question, a faraway look in his eyes before he grounds himself again, watching you once more.
"i would like to bring you somewhere," he finally breaks the building silence, gesturing to the empty air beside him, "perhaps, we will find something that suits your tastes there, if you can't find it in me."
"i don't even know your name," you protest weakly. deep down, you were already convinced. you had a feeling he knew that you were, too.
"my dearest," there's a slight frown threatening to mar the perfectly balanced expression he adorned, and despite yourself, you feel upset at disappointing him, "my name would not be familiar to you. but if it pleases you, you may call me malleus. now, would you follow me for a while? i want to show you everything i am, and everything i can be for you."
he has, you note, a manner of speaking that never failed in captivating you, almost hypnotizingly. you had to force yourself to not get deceived by the syrupy tone and the tempting offer. you were already so bored, and a trip to some mystical, unknown place was oddly enticing, more than it should have been. the dangers and the risks associated with it flew over your head, so bewitched by the person in front of you. and when he peered into your eyes, something so raw and desperate, yearning shining in his orbs—or was that just the natural glowing color it had? still, when he was looking at you so deeply, a forlorn expression on display—
"if only you open your heart to me, my love, you'll see that mine was always in your hands."
—how could you say no after that?
he conjures a mirror from behind his back, large and gleaming. you don't even stop to consider how such a feat was possible. suddenly, the bright surface turns dark, a murky shade of green, and he reaches out to grab your hand. blindly—foolishly, you stumble behind him, into the darkness. around the two of you little green lights, bright and hypnotizing, fly around, as though creating an invisible barrier. even with the numerous little lights surrounding you, you find that you can't see a thing apart from him. you can feel his hand still wrapped around yours, and for some reason, you haven't tried to pull away. or maybe, you did try, but he wouldn't let go. you can't quite tell what was happening.
his honeyed words, his gentle voice, his firm grip, all of it hid from you from the cruel reality, and the impending aftermath. as you step out again, him close by your side and your hands still held in his, you're far too mystified by what feels like a whole new world you've walked into, to notice the mirror quickly shattering into pieces at his feet, turning into dust moments later. within an instant, it disappeared into nothingness, as though it was never there in the first place. who could blame you for not noticing, when the world stretched out in front of you was so different from anything you had ever seen before? the colors and the lights illuminated something beyond your understanding, and you were so taken by the sight that you hadn't stopped to consider what this all meant, being brought to a foreign world. you hadn't even thought about how you might return or when—naively believing your companion would bring you back.
how could you, as a regular person unaware of his world and its rules, have known that the mirror was your only way home?
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edit: new lineup here
(nov28.21) some rough timeskip sketches of the mad dogz - my current interpretations of what they could look like 4 years after the show
idk how to draw gear lol, my main priority was trying to make them look more visibly different from when they were all (collectively) 14 than just having them wear different clothes - some notes under the cut:
key features(?):
leo: bigger chin, stripes extend out to wrap around his face
donnie: longer face, eyes are set further up, slightly longer neck
mikey: overall body shape gets a little stockier and rounder, freckles/"acne" markings on his face
raph: slightly wider face, plastron grows out to extend past his shoulders, spikes get longer
april: face is a little longer
leo goes from being 5'5 -> 5'8
don 5'3 -> 5'10 because he probably made growth supplements
mikey 4'7 -> 5'7 cause i think it'd be hilarious
raph 6'0 -> 6'9 because he deserves it
april 4'8 -> 4'10 (i say this with such affection and as someone who's 5'4...god she's short. also i just realized even in this i didn't make her short enough i love her sm)
other stuff in my head rn:
as you may have noticed, i've given the boys actual shorts/pants. i have to.
mikey has slippers because don in the concept art wore socks and sandals, so i stole don's shoes and gave it to mikey
april has her own "mask tails" to match with the boys. she also wears circle glasses frames now.
raph i gave gloves and boots so he could at least protect himself a little bit during fights
don definitely becomes less reliant on his tech over the years so his battleshell's slimmed up quite a bit
mikey's braces were spur of the moment and i think potentially blasphemous cause i do love his tooth gap - but still cute so they might stay
it was so hard for me to figure out leo's face shape, i kept giving him canon!donnie's proportions by extending his forehead but then i looked at concept art!leo and saw his big ol' chin, plus thought about his stripes getting longer as he aged and suddenly it Clicked (sketches here!)
leo's face also makes me very happy bc i realized by shifting his face this way he's the most reminiscent of lou/splinter's face when he was still human ;; HE REALLY HIS DAD'S BOY HUH-
i also struggled to figure out mikey's overall change - i was gonna make him lankier at first and make his head more vertically egg-like. then, ofc, i looked at his concept art which made the boy wide and loved that more, so! mikey grows to be bigger and more buff cause he deserves it
mikey probably eats the best out of his brothers anyway so it makes sense puberty just did That to him lmao
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opinated-user · 2 years
I don't think lily realizes that people don't belive her because she constantly over exaggerates. Like she just pretty much said lizzy was racist again.
Because I know nothing about lizzy I would belive lily if I didn't already know that lily throws around that insult like it means nothing. She does this with everything, fascist, racist, far-right, nazi, and more. Like I've seen her call people these words just because they didn't like a character she did. It's like she doesn't actually know what these words mean and is just using them as a gotcha.
Which means, yeah, I don't belive her when she makes these claims anymore.
anon means this post:
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1. LO stopped using this other avatar years ago, the people who would complain about the new one maybe didn't even know who LO was back then. and even then, i did remember at least some comments about how tiny and dainty was the waist of this one and how the one that came after was a relief because it was less exagerated. she's lying.
2. the eyes of this avatar are proportional to the face, especially compared with the new one.
3. the context is missing as always. to make it very brief: a friend of LO had some takes about character design being male gazey and LO intervened, which prompted some people to point out that the avatar of LO is a literal example of the kind of character design her friend was criticizing in the start. people were pointing out a very obvious sign of lack of self awareness from her part.
4. the response to LO recieving comments about her avatar is to try to put down other avatar, that she choose and paid for, instead of trying to explain anyone how her avatar is not male gazey. self report much?
(i don't think it is, just like the designs she complained about weren't either. male gaze is about how a character is treated and viewed through the camera of the assumed viewer, not just characters having hour glass figures and tight clothing. just pointing out that according to her own logic LO is guilty of the same thing and she has no way to defend herself of that. the avatar still is cultural aporopiation and that is a real criticism that she also ignores.)
5. even if you only know about LO and never once even saw Lizzy, you'd still have a hard time to believe LO because:
-LO's stories about what was wrong with her relationship keep changing. while it was happening she complained that Lizzy wasn't as sexual as she wanted. now that they broke Lizzy actually wanted sex all the time and would get it wether LO wanted it to or not.
-LO could never provide any evidence of Lizzy being racist. she had one or two anons of someone claiming to be Lizzy and using racial slurs, but we have no way of knowing who actually send those messages. plus the testimony of LO that once Lizzy used a racial slur during a videocall, again without evidence. remember too that LO is the woman who admitted to keep repeating a song with a racial slur on it because it was catchy, for days or a entire month since she changed the time of that too. on top of showing over and over her own ignorance about black people while creating a black character whose race she used constantly to deflect criticism, plus her own cultural aporopiation of Cherokee culture that she has no business taking without being claimed by the Nation.
-LO is the one who has previous allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse and manipulation against her, coming from multiple people at different points of her life, and even without that, it doesn't take long to see her being abusive with her audience and never own up to it. that's a pattern, not little accidents that don't mean anything. meanwhile Lizzy never has anything of the sort on her side or LO would be the first one to tell us.
-everyone who ever had a disagreement with LO turned out to be a secret kind of bigot. very rarely they just part ways. one time can be but almost every time is bound to be suspicious for anyone.
-LO is the one who has been smearing Lizzy for two full years uninterrupted, using videos, comic and so many Tumblr posts for it, which eventually caused Lizzy to abandon this platform after being harassed by her fans. meanwhile Lizzy doesn't mention LO by her name and only came out with her own allegations, that just so happened to match the previous ones by other people she has no relationship with, after years of the fact. the lack of any name gives Lizzy plausible deniability but also it decress the chances of sending anyone to bother LO, who had no issue to send two of her girlfriends for her. this on itself is not proof of anything necesarily, but it does stand out.
-the timing of her relationships is noteworthy. she was engaged to Lizzy rather quickly considering how long they were dating and then changed her name legally just as quickly, without even waiting to be legally married. when Lizzy broke up with her, it took LO a few months to get back to have three relationship (one with someone that was 19 back then, just like Lizzy was when they started dating) and less than a year later another engagement that resulted on an actual marriage shortly after. the only thing that LO doesn't seem to be on any rush for is sponsoring MO so they can live together but regardless, she did rushed through everything else. that's a red flag.
-LO claims about her own life can get so ridiculous and bizarre (like being a dispenser of tampons at her highschool) that's actually hard to believe on her in general.
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Lin x Mako: Helping the other with some form of apparel (Mako's tie) in a closet, they stop and notice for the first time small details about the other ( like freckles, detailed eye colours, etc), unconsciously getting closer to the other without realizing it: the other notices. Can you also make it nsfw?
Slightly NSFW beneath the cut.
Just a PSA to all: the more specific and detailed your prompts are, the harder it is for me to write because it leaves very little room for creativity. Writing stops being fun when my creativity is being curbed. So please keep this is mind for future prompts! As of now, this will be the last one in this series.
Thank you so much for participating!
This was the fourth time Mako undid and redid his tie in front of the mirror. Speeches had never been his forte, but now that he was representing the Republic City Police Department it wasn't about him anymore. It was about something larger.
She was counting on him. And with how much he admired her, he could never let her down.
Lin swung the door open without so much as knock, bringing him back to the room mentally.
"Ready?" She asked, peeking inside.
"I am," He gave her a slight smile through the mirror, "But my tie isn't."
"Let me get that for you." She made her way inside the closet. It was a tiny space- but the only one with a decent full mirror in all of the police station.
Lin fiddled with his tie, pulling it completely off before starting from scratch. She had to go up on her tiptoes to reach around his neck, but she didn't mind.
This was, after all, for the police department.
She glanced over at his face to make sure the tie was indeed in the center, when she noticed the squareness of his jaw that was adorned by something that barely qualified as a stubble.
Her breathing hitched when she noted the tiny flame shaped freckle by his neck. She'd never observed him so closely and it was suffice to say that there was some exchange of heat between them.
On Mako's side of the heat, her fingers fidgeting under his face did wonders to storm a forest in his belly. As if he wasn't already a ball of nerves, to be tormented with butterflies in his stomach was just the cherry on top.
From his view above her, her luscious silver locks tempted him to run his fingers through them. Her twin scars on her cheek, just there as always, telling a different story everyday until he'd learn their true origins. And she was tiny by proportion too- he knew she was on her toes and he had this urge to just scoop her up into his arms.
"There." She pressed his tie down his torso with a gentle touch.
Lin finally looked into his eyes affectionately. She wanted to tell him how well he was going to do, how proud he was going to make her, when she fell slightly forward off her toes.
Mako instinctively placed his hands on her waist to break her fall.
He ended up inching in closer, with his lips directly in front of her eyes.
He chanced his hand upwards, feeling at her sides until he found her rib cage while Lin brought her hands over his shoulders, bringing his mouth down her face at a slow pace.
When her lips were finally aligned with his, Mako pulled her closer and just touched her mouth with his. A greeting of sorts. A welcome experiment.
It was Lin who deepened the kiss by threading her fingers through his hair.
Mako, for his part, ran his hand over her back and down her back side. He squeezed her behind softly, forcing an audible gasp out of Lin, straight into his mouth.
His body burned with desire.
He kissed her jaw and slowly trailed down her neck, nipping and biting at the soft skin.
Lin's mouth flew agape, melting under his touch as his other hand massaged her breasts carefully.
Mako's lips were back on hers while his hands now freely roamed her body. She was engulfed by him, body and mind, and it wasn't until she chanced an eye open and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror that she put an end to this seduction.
"Mako," She whimpered, not quite certain she wanted to put an end to this, "Are you relaxed enough for your speech now?"
He slowly peeled himself from her skin, "I am less nervous, yes. But Lin, you've left me speechless."
"Good." She winked.
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☆ I'm stupid but finally I have proof!!! ☆
orz or not/// urrrkkkk I thought I did, but somehow I can't feel convinced.
I dunno who all remembers my post asking if anyone knew Yoosung's canonical height in the Valentine's after story and that I'd found a couple images circulating the internet stating that he had grown to 5'11'' or something, which I've still never seen proven.
See, I've come back to this tangent because my loser meticulous ass decided to start making a character style sheet of him for essentially no real reason only excused by "research" for my art, when I already know my mind just sometimes demands to study data points and overanalyze everything.
Anyway, originally my brain clicked and I realized Yoosung's arms are present in both his sprite images. I measured his wingspan because I remembered wingspan roughly equates to the height of that same person, and the arm lengths were the same.
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Of course the thought that they just.. used Yoosung's old sprite when they made his older version sprite.. Made me want to keep looking. I thought to myself, man I need to find a point of reference. Is everyone's skulls roughly the same height? No, right? The 7 1/2 to 8 heads rule... did not work for Zen's full body reference... orz He ended up being like... 9 1/2 of his own heads. Then I thought, "What age does one's skull stop growing in height size?" Google didn't have much for satisfactory answers, merely alluding to the idea that the skull stops growing to it's full size capacity at around 16-18, but will keep changing otherwise throughout life. But that 16-18 just kinda sounds like it grows in proportion to the rest of you, full body height included. Then, I thoght "Eye balls?? Don't they pretty much stay the same size all your life?" I think this would be the closest indicator if he grew, and they do match up one to one when sized up.
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Somehow, still didn't feel secure in my findings. I had another click moment while google searching Mystic Messenger heights images. I remembered the visual novel mode has the heights comparable to the other characters. Then I giggled jovially as I set up the visual novel reference of Yoosung standing next to Seven, then him in the Valentine's After Story. ohohohoho I got it this time, I thought to myself.
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I'd also say this is some pretty solid proof that he didn't grow any taller, but I still had to keep in mind that they very obviously used the same base. I thought about how his face seemed narrower, but then I realized they copied and flipped the side of his face that showed his ear to accommodate his hair change, though.. the neck from the other side was copied and flipped too actually...
On that thought, I became somehow curious about his dimensions again, "for research", trying to find his waist line under all the baggy clothing he tends to wear. I think back to how he said he used to be fat, and considering... For one, he weighs almost 20 lbs more than Saeran (Y 149 -> S 130) who is actually an inch taller than him (Y 5'7''-> S 5'8'', an inch shorter than his own twin.), but also Saeran is pretty frail. Saeyoung is 2 inches taller than Yoosung, but only a kg heavier, which is potentially muscle (Potentially *le shrug*). To my knowledge Yoosung doesn't do much for exercise or weight training, if not a sufficient amount at all. Of course we all carry our weight differently, so that's absolutely a thing.
If you take BMI into account, which is a bit more accurate if you don't do weight training, honestly, I'm not entirely sure where he is carrying the weight. lol
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I did actually look into examples of real people with the same sizes as Yoosung, and yeah, not a single one of them was without some softness, especially around the mid section, which could explain the baggy clothes... Yoosung's calculated BMI was 23.2, which according to asian BMI charts is pretty much at the cusp of normal and overweight (It does matter, supposedly Asians carry weight differently than western ethnicities and are susceptible to weight related illness at lesser weight/ body fat indexes than western people as well. Says medicine. On average. Apparently their bone mass tends to be less dense as well.) Of course, based on this data, I'd say Yoosung is pretty safe, but of course the sedentary lifestyle and consumption of not so healthy foods could be a cause for concern. I kind of came to a soft conclusion that Yoosung did used to be in what would be considered "over weight" territory before, but considering how beauty standards can be over there, I venture to wonder if it was like... 10 to 20 lbs heavier. If I were to guess, the weight pretty evenly distributed throughout his body, probably mostly in the mid section, as it tends to more so in men, then a bit more in the thighs, and a bit more in the upper arms. Of course to the pinchable cheeks. :9 I dunno man, his full body sprite looks so skinny to me lol.
If I were to consider the waistline I originally came up with, which was mainly based on his Valentine's after story, it does seem like he potentially lost more weight since getting into a relationship. That makes sense to me, as it was insinuated that together with his partner, he became more active and most probably ate more healthy foods. (I cry, it seemed like he doesn't really play games anymore by the Valentines after ending. T__T I'll just choose to believe he'll still game from time to time if his partner is also a gamer.) Come to think of it, looking at that gif comparing his VN sprites, his face really is narrower...
Personally, I embrace soft Yoosung. I'd bet he'd still be just as cute as he always is, and squish♥. :"3 But mostly of all, I'd want him to be as healthy as he can be and happy for a very long time (forever!) ♥
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haikwritings · 4 years
Haikyuu setters saying ‘I love you’ for the first time
Characters Mention: Kageyama, Kenma, Oikawa, Atsumu, Akaashi, Semi.
Warning: One scene of smut, angst (maybe?)
Tobio Kageyama
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Y/n had come home from work to find her boyfriend lying on the couch watching his match against MSBY Black Jackals for the fourth time this month.
“Babe.” Y/n called sweetly as soon as she saw him.
Kageyama looked at her and smiled while holding a small carton of milk.
“Hey.” Kageyama answered sweetly.
Y/n walked over to the couch and lay down on his lap, she was exhausted from work— she wanted to find comfort on her sweet boyfriend.
“Hard day?” Kageyama asked worried.
“Y-yeah.” Y/n said very tiredly while closing her eyes.
He began to rub and massage her head, trying to give her as much comfort as possible.
He knew she had a hard day.
And he wanted to be there for her.
“Babe?” Kageyama called softly.
Y/n had heard him, but was too tired to answer.
‘S-She’s asleep.’ Kageyama thought as he smiled.
Seeing this as the best opportunity to tell her that he loved her.
“I- I love you.” Kageyama stutter whispering.
He just couldn’t believe that he was her boyfriend, she was so beautiful and smart...
And he was just him, that’s what he always thought.
“I- I love you so much.” Kageyama stutter as he stroke her hair.
His heart stopped when he felt her move on his lap.
“I- I love you too, babe.” Y/n whispered sweetly while looking at him.
Making him smile and blush.
Kenma Kozume
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Kenma had been very distracted with his thoughts for a week. It all started with something his best friend Kuroo had told him.
“Pudding head.” Kuroo said while drinking a can of soda.
Kenma looked at him while playing his video game.
“What?” Kenma asked annoyed.
“Since when are you with Y/n?” Kuroo asked curiously.
“One year and forty-five days.” Kenma answered.
‘Oh, Damn, he counts the days.’ Kuroo thought.
“Why?” Kenma asked confused.
“H-Have you told her that you love her?” Kuroo asked curiously.
Kenma looked at him and shake his head.
“I guess she knows that I love her.” Kenma answered.
“But how? You haven’t told her.” Kuroo asked curiously.
Without noticing and realizing the panic he was lying to his best friend.
“I- I— I don’t know.” Kenma answered.
“Oh, forget I said anything. It was a dumb thi—” Kuroo was saying but was interrupted by Kenma.
“What if she thinks I don’t love her?” Kenma said while dropping his video game.
‘Oh fuck, I broke him.’ Kuroo thought.
So that's how he was now, in panic. He didn't know how to tell the girl he loved that he loved her.
He just thought that she should know— magically?
“Babe, are you okay?” Y/n asked worried as she saw him looking at her.
“Y-Yeah.” Kenma answered nervously.
She had noticed how he was acting different all week, he didn't even have his video game on him.
“Are you sure? You have been acting differen—” Y/n was saying but was interrupted by Kenma.
“I love you.” Kenma said out of the bloom.
Y/n looked at him surprised. She had been waiting to hear those words for a while.
She thought she wouldn’t never hear it from him.
She thought that maybe he wasn’t expressive?
“I- I love you too.” Y/n said sweetly.
Kenma looked at her and smile, walking towards her and hugging her.
Tōru Oikawa
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“What’s your problem?” Oikawa asked confused.
“Nothing.” Y/n answered coldly.
He knew something was wrong with her, he wasn’t stupid.
“Stop.” Oikawa said.
Y/n stopped walking and looked at him.
“You either tell me or I will find out eventually.” Oikawa warned.
But that was the thing, she didn't want him to find out how jealous she was of his fans.
“I-Is nothing.” Y/n answered.
But of course, he didn’t believed her.
Again, he isn’t stupid.
“J-Just tell me.” Oikawa said desperately.
She knew she needed to be honest with him.
Even thought it was embarrassing.
“I- I’m sorry.” Y/n said softly.
Oikawa looked at her and frowned in confusion.
“I- I’m just... jealous.” Y/n muttered.
“What?” Oikawa asked confused.
“Y-Your fan was all over you.” Y/n pointed out.
‘Oh.’ Oikawa thought.
Now he understands, she was jealous of the fan girl who was flirting with him moments ago.
“I- I’m sorry I took things out of proportion.” Y/n said softly.
She was afraid that her boyfriend would leave her for one of his fans. She felt insecure and hated to think that she wasn't enough for him.
“I’m sorry.” Y/n apologize sadly.
He knew how his fans crossed the lines sometimes—
And he understood her.
He knew it wasn’t easy seeing all those girls all over him.
“I love you, Y/n.” Oikawa confessed out of the bloom.
Making her flinch at the sudden comment.
“Y-You do?” Y/n asked.
Oikawa smiled and nodded.
“You’re the only girl that I love.” Oikawa added, making her smile and blush.
“I- I love you too.” Y/n answered softly.
Atsumu Miya
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“A-Atsumu.” Y/n moaned while riding him.
“T-That’s it baby, just like that.” Atsumu grunted pleasurably.
He knew she was on the verge of cumming by the way her hips were moving slowly and the way she was clenching around him.
“I-I’m so close baby.” Y/n managed to say.
She was making him feel so good, he couldn't help himself either.
“I- I’m close, just hold on.” Atsumu grunted pleasurably.
His trusts were starting to become harsher and faster.
“T-Tsumu.” Y/n managed to squeal pleasurably.
If he kept going like that, she was going to cum in seconds.
“I- I’m g-going to cum!” Y/n squeal pleasurably while holding tightly onto his back.
“Cum for me, be a good girl.” Atsumu whispered softly in her ear.
The pleasure and excitement was too much for her, which left her without strength. She hadn't realized that she had let go of her boyfriend's back. But lucky for her, he caught her on time—holding her tightly.
“I-Is okay, I got you.” Atsumu whispered.
Thrusting a few more times until he was cumming hard.
“Ah fuck!” Atsumu whispered pleasurably.
They were both out of breath but it was obvious that they were both more than satisfied.
“I- I love you.” Atsumu confessed as he came from his high.
He wanted to say it for a long time, but he never knew how to.
“I- I love you so much.” Atsumu said as he kissed her.
Both of them looked at each other and chuckled.
“I- I love you too, ‘Tsumu.” Y/n confessed almost out of breath.
Atsumu looked at her and smiled.
“L-Let’s go take a bath.” Atsumu said while taking her, carrying her to the bathroom with him.
Keiji Akaashi
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“Why are you so fucking mad?” Akaashi yelled not understanding his girlfriend mood swing.
Y/n looked at him in disbelief.
“Unbelievable.” Y/n said disappointedly.
Akaashi looked her up and down, noticing how well dressed she was. Did he—did he forget his date with her?
‘Shit’ Akaashi thought.
“You can’t even remember? Am I not important to you anymore?” Y/n asked angrily.
This was the third time he had forgotten about their date.
Her anger was understandable.
“Shit, baby I forgot.” Akaashi said.
Y/n looked at him and rolled her eyes.
“Y-You can’t even spend time with me.” Y/n said sadly.
She was sad. She was looking foward to have a calmly and relaxing date with her boyfriend.
“B-Baby, I’m sorry.” Akaashi said.
He has been busy the past three months due to his new job as an editor. He spent so much time working that he was forgetting about his girlfriend.
“I’m leaving.” Y/n said as she walked towards the door, but was immediately stopped by her boyfriend.
“B-Baby, fuck. I’m sorry.” Akaashi pleaded.
“I- I can’t do this, Keiji. I feel that I’m the only one making an effort in this relationship.” Y/n said as she hid her face on his shoulders.
He knew she was hurting.
But he knew it was time to say it.
“I- I love you.” Akaashi confessed as he hugged her, feeling her tears on his shoulder.
Y/n had been waiting for those sincere words from him.
She thought he didn’t love her.
“I- I love you.” Y/n said sobbing while holding him tightly.
Akaashi looked at her and wiped her tears with his thumb.
“L-Let’s go to eat.” Akaashi said as he smiled at her.
They both knew they had a lot to talk about.
Eita Semi
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Things have been weird between Semi and his girlfriend. She had told him a few nights ago how she loved him, but he never really answered back to her confession— leaving both of them uncomfortable.
“I- I made Tekka Maki, your favorite.” Y/n said as she saw him entering to the kitchen.
She was embarrassed by her confession and wanted to make up for how uncomfortable she thought she had made him feel.
“I- I’m sorry for what I said...” Y/n apologized.
The two of them had been together for two years now and they had never said they loved each other —until she had taken the initiative, which it turned out to be awful.
“Y-You don’t have to say that you love me...” Y/n said sadly.
She didn't want to admit it but she felt a little sad about what had happened.
She thought he loved her.
“I- I will wait for you.” Y/n said, faking her smile.
And she was right, he did love her.
What she didn't know is that he didn't know how to tell her. He was so surprised when she had confessed to him the immense love she had for him, that it left him speechless.
“I- I will in bed.” Y/n said while trying to hide her flushed face.
He felt guilty; she didn’t have to apologize for sharing the feelings she felt for him, her boyfriend. He felt stupid, worse yet... like an idiot.
‘How could I be so stupid?’ Semi thought.
He couldn't even eat the food that she had prepared for him.
Too guilty to eat.
So he decided it was time to confess the love he felt.
‘I need to tell her.’ Semi thought.
He walk towards the room they both shared, seeing her lying on the bed in the dark. He knew that everything that had happened had affected her.
“Babe.” Semi called softly.
He knew she was awake, but she was too sad to answer.
So he decided to lie down next to her, trying to make her feel better.
“Babe?” Semi said as he heard her sniffed.
He began to draw circles on her back, he knew that calmed her down.
“I- I love you.” Semi confessed.
He felt her heart stop from her back.
“I- I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Semi said embarrassed.
Causing her to move to his side, looking at him face to face.
“I love you.” Semi whispered to her ear, feeling her skin bristle.
“I love you.” Y/n whispered while hiding her face on his shoulder.
He smiled at those words, while stroking softly her hair.
But still, he felt like an idiot.
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nakachuchu · 3 years
The Private Tutor | Sub! Oikawa Tooru (nsfw)
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SYNOPSIS: AU - He's your private tutor, but there's not much tutoring happening behind locked doors.
READER: rich! female
INCLUDES: femdom, seduction, small age gap, mommy kink, overstimulation, edging, bit gag, bondage, blindfold, vibrator, anal plug, dog ears, handjob, choking, saliva, dacryphilia
WORDS: 1364
WRITTEN: 05/22/2021
NOTES: This is for @tobios-housewife femdom event! Make sure to check out everyone's work for the event! This fic didn't turn out as rough as I originally planned but my moods change too often lol. I was also debating between a milf reader or young adult, but I thought it was fun to see Oikawa submitting to someone even younger than him.
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You came from a rich family, so your parents had the money to hire a private tutor for you. You had gone through many tutors because you were picky when you were younger.
When you were eighteen, in your last year of high school, you got a new private tutor to help you with your exams. His name was Oikawa Tooru and you were infatuated with him as a teenager.
It had started with simple touches to his upper thigh whenever he sat next to you. His glasses would start sliding down the bridge of his nose because of how hot and nervous he was.
He knew it was wrong. He was six years older than you, after all. But you were so alluring that it was hard for him to not be excited by the thought of you having your way with him.
You were all nice and bubbly on the outside with your family, so proper and elegant, but when you were with him, you were a seductress.
Of course, you never did anything, even though you were of age. You'd tease him and stop right before anything got too serious, but you didn't do it to be nice. You did it to get him riled up, trying to rope him further into your web.
Well, it seemed to work. Years later after you had gotten into college, Tooru had finally submitted to you.
Your parents were thrilled to hear that he was a tutor that you liked, so they still kept him around. If only they know what the two of you got up to during your tutoring sessions.
Tooru was underneath you with a bit gag in his mouth. There was a cloth blindfold tied over his eyes. His tears dampened the cloth and you could see his tears staining his cheeks.
He was tied to the bed in a starfish position, completely naked. There were fluffy dog ears on his head and a dog tail anal plug stuffed into his ass.
You were holding a vibrator to his cock, cooing and awing at how purple and swollen it was, only to take it away right before he was about to cum.
"How many times has that been? The third time?"
He cried out, muffled by the gag.
"I know, Tooru. It must be frustrating. When was the last time we saw each other? Hmm, two weeks ago? You must have been so eager to see me. Well, that's what I thought, but you seemed to be having fun with that girl today."
"Mhm, hmph—"
"Sorry, I couldn't quite catch that," you said as you turned up the level on the vibrator.
He tensed up, back arching off the bed and arms pulling against the ropes around his wrists for a moment before falling back onto the bed.
"Mother says I have a bad temper sometimes," you said with a wistful sigh. "That I'm spoiled. I'm not spoiled, right? I'm entitled to my own thoughts and opinions. Oops."
You quickly tore off the vibrator from his throbbing cock before he could cum. He cried out for you, thrashing and pulling against the restraints placed on him.
You turned off the vibrator and sat down on your ass, letting out a loud sigh. Tooru strained his ears, trying to listen to what you were going to do next.
"Maybe we should call it a day. You must be tired from your other tutoring sessions."
He clenched his fists, shaking his head in denial of your words. He didn't want to stop, even if you were mad at him today.
He didn't mean to make you jealous. She was just another student he was tutoring for money, but you were different. You were his and he was yours.
You crawled over him and sat on his chest, then undid the bit gag. You pulled it away from his mouth, watching the way his saliva stretched until falling.
"M-Mommy, d-don't," he cried. "I'm s-sorry."
"Really now?"
You got off being called ‘Mommy.’ You liked being the one in charge—the one with authority.
He sniffled and nodded. "I didn't—didn't mean to. Mommy's the only one for me. P-Please, I wanna see you."
Tooru wasn't this submissive usually. To the public eye, he was an energetic and dominant playboy. Of course, he stopped his playboy ways after starting a relationship with you but old habits died hard. Occasionally, his mouth would accidentally say something flirty to someone else without realizing it.
"You wanna see me? Do you deserve that?" you asked.
"I-I'm sorry. P-Please!"
You were a sucker for tears and he had given enough of that today. You brushed your knuckles against his tear-stained cheeks.
"What would you do if my parents saw you like this? Aren't you supposed to be the tutor to their sweet daughter?"
"Teach me something, baby."
You could see his Adam's apple move as he swallowed. Your knuckles wiped away his tears and your fingers played with the hem of the blindfold.
"The—The p-value is a p-proportion: if your p-value is 0.05, that means that—that 5% of the time, you would see a test statistic at least as extreme as the one you found if the null hypothesis was t-true."
"Really? How interesting," you murmured as you lifted the blindfold over his head.
You readjusted the dog ears on his head before finally looking at him. His teary eyes were blinking at you, drawn up sadly as he begged for your kindness.
You reached back and squeezed his cock with one hand. He bit down on his lip, forcing back his moan. Your other hand reached forward to tug his lip from his teeth.
"You'll ruin your pretty face," you said. "It's the only part of you I like right now."
You wrapped your hand around his neck and squeezed it. He whimpered and you could feel his cock throb in your hand.
Your thumb pulled his jaw down by the chin, opening his mouth. You leaned over and gathered your spit in your mouth before spitting it into his mouth.
"I bet you're thirsty, dog."
He swallowed it eagerly, making you chuckle at how obedient he was. You turned around, facing his cock. He whined at not being able to see you, even though he had a good view of your ass pressed against his lower abdomen from behind.
You stroked his cock in one hand while your other hand slightly tugged on the anal plug. He moaned, hips arching and turning to tell you he wanted more.
You played with the plug stuffed in his ass, pulling it until it nearly came out, only to let his backside suck it back in like the slut he was.
"M-Mommy, p-please," he cried.
"I don't recall the phrase 'Mommy, please' being part of statistics," you said as you wrapped both hands around his cock.
Your hands felt hot around him. Your thumb swiped over the sensitive head of his cock. He hoped you would find some kindness in your heart to allow him to cum this time.
“Cumming already, baby?”
“Y-Yes, f-fuck, M-Mommy,” he cried.
“It's okay, baby. I'll let you cum this time.”
“Th-Thank y-you—G-God—Nngh—”
His cum shot out, and if your face had been any closer, you were sure it would have splattered onto your cheeks.
He was panting heavily beneath you. A trail of drool escaping the corner of his lips as your hands slowed down. He occasionally twitched and whimpered, hips shifting to throw your hands off him.
Your hands slipped away from his cock gently, then you turned around to face him with a soft smile on your face.
“What a good boy,” you cooed, a hand reaching out to pinch his cheek.
He leaned into your hand, nuzzling his cheek against it as you opened your palm out to him. You smiled and leaned in to kiss his tears away.
“If you had been good from the start, this would have never happened.”
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“It's all right, Tooru. Now, let's get started on the second round. Let's start off with a chemistry fact, okay?”
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