#Like I can barely put out anything cuz of my phone so when I get a comment and it’s THAT it makes me what to bang my head against the wall
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Rant incoming!!
Don’t get me wrong I love all my followers, but some of y’all got me acting like Emily in this clip.
I will not hesitate to delete your comment(or even block people if necessary) if I feel like y’all are being too pushy about my writing.
Some people be forgetting that fanfic writers are doing this FOR FREE and if the only comment we get are “part 2?” “Next part?” “Tag me.” “Can you make this longer?” “Next update?” Without any other sort of appreciation for the work,or just asking nicely, we aren’t gonna want to write anymore!
I’m gonna start ignoring and deleting comments like that because it makes me sooo frustrated.
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sillymommy6969 · 2 months ago
Sophia Laforteza x fem!reader
summary: everyone’s obsessed with how girlfriend material sophia is, but only for a certain member of katseye. for scientific research, eyekons have made a video of moments sophia naturally acts like the gentlewoman she is
warnings: touchy!sophia, protective!sophia, fluff
pt. 2, pt. 3 (chatgpted the tagalog guys im so sorry!)
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17.2k likes | 330k views | 18th Dec, 24
*Loud technical difficulty transition* [ KATSEYE VLOG ] Day in the Life of KATSEYE | KATSEYE
Sophia was sporting a cool, black Drew jersey. The one you got her for her birthday after weeks of wanting it. Throughout the day, you’ve been growing tired of having the camera follow you around. Awoken by Megan and Sophia turning all the lights on in you, Daniela and Manon’s room, the blankets were yanked off your body and a kneeling Sophia tried nudging you awake.
Though Sophia’s soft voice motivated you to drag yourself out of bed, you already knew it was going to be a long day. Thank God for the breakfast the leader had made, or else you would never have been able to keep up with your PR training.
When dance rehearsal was over, your manager softly reminded all of you it was time to film tiktok’s for the Katseye instagram to promote the release of “Pop Star Academy: Katseye” on Netflix. Megan and Lara actually had a couple ideas to pitch this time around, but ultimately, the trend all seven of you seemed satisfied with was the water dumping on. Though you were staying on the more silent end of the discussion—your social battery draining rapidly with each moment your actions are streamed on video—you seemed to be voluntold.
[ Poor Y/N, she looks so tired… let my baby sleep please ]
“I think Y/N should do this one ‘cuz I’ve always wanted to dump water on her for fun,” Megan squealed, “Like I’ll do it to, but I definitely think Y/N should go first.”
You raised an eyebrow at the statement, your lips curving into a questioning smile. “Yeah, I mean… I don’t really mind it, but I wanted to do the ‘texting my sister’ one.”
The members began bickering which person should do which tiktok, and Sophia noticed you weren’t really engaged in the conversation. As the group discussed the pros and cons of hopping on certain tiktok trends, you remained silent, staring at the phone screens being shoved into the middle of the group. You nodded along with your lips pursed, uninterested in the brewing debate that was taking too long.
Eventually, Lara turned toward Y/N. "What do you think, Y/N? You’ve barely said anything. Would you be up for it?"
You hesitated, your head tilting in thought. "Um... I don’t know. I’m not really comfortable with getting soaked."
Manon frowned, raising an eyebrow. "Babe, you can do crazy ass splits and flips on a stage in front of hundreds and thousands of people, but you can’t get water chucked at you for a tiktok? What’s the difference?"
You opened your mouth to reply, but with the way your fingers had begun fidgeting with the hem of your tank, it was obvious to Sophia you were beginning to feel put on the spot. Before you could respond, Sophia interjected, her tone sharper than usual. "The difference is that it’s not the same. Y/N doesn’t owe anyone a tiktok performance, we can do another one."
Daniela being a mediator, stepped in to stop any conflict before people could take the situation out of context to fit certain narratives set during dream academy. "We’re just brainstorming, Sophia. No one’s forcing anyone."
"Good," Sophia shot back, her gaze unwavering. "Y/N can do one of the silly ones, no need to push."
[ She’s so protective of her gf it’s so AHHHHHHHHH ]
The room fell quiet for a moment, tension thick in the air. Y/N looked up at Sophia, her lips parting slightly in surprise.
"It’s fine," Y/N murmured softly. "I don’t mind doing it.”
[ She’s so cute protect her at all costs please ]
Sophia shook her head. "No, N/N, you don’t have to do it just ‘cuz eyekons want you to, okay? There’s tons of other ones we need to do, definitely no pressure."
Throughout the rest of the vlog, it was obvious Sophia had made it her mission to keep the others’—who had a significant amount more energy than you did—from walking all over you. They might not do it consciously, but the diverse personalities in this group can sometimes make things very chaotic and complicated. Sometime during the video’s dinner portion, the clip of Sophia’s hand resting on your thigh, holding you closer to her on the couch was cut into this video. The leader didn’t seem to notice, clearly actively involved in the conversations.
Megan, sitting beside you on the other side kept side-eyeing the hand on your thigh, shooting the camera a knowing look before trying to play it off like she hadn’t noticed.
[ Poor meiyok always caught third wheeling :// ]
*Loud technical difficulty transition* iheartradio Youtube video of KATSEYE’s podcast episode, where the Katz all sat around a table with the host at the head. Sat in order from eldest to youngest, you were sat between Sophia and Dani
“—That’s a very nice way to think about it, Y/N.” The host chuckled, earning a ring of soft laughter from the girls as well. Your cheeks were a little warm from the attention being pinned onto you, as the last couple questions seemed to be more directed towards you—one of the better singers who were also passionate about the songwriting.
“Yeah, it helps to stay positive, especially when we’re working late and health and morale can get really low.” you mumbled into the microphone, “But I love these girls, I try and make sure everybody’s doing okay as often as I can.”
The girls cooed, Daniela reaching over to rub the older’s shoulder with a dimpled smile. The cameras were separated into four angels, one on every two member and one on the host. The one focused on Y/N and Sophia filled the screen, Daniela’s hand peeking from the right side as the older sent her a smile. Sophia just stared, her eyes soft and her smile relaxed. Not the picture-perfect one she always sported for the cameras, and the subtle way her smile grew just a little bigger when Y/N looked down in fluster didn’t escape eyekons’ eyes.
“That’s amazing, the girls are lucky to have you.” The man said, “So here’s one more question, since ‘My Way’ has absolutely blown up recently, You were one of the writers credited for the song, and have gained multiple critic praises for the unique touch it added to your debut album. Can you tell us what inspired you to write the song?”
You nodded along with the question, and just as you were about to answer, soft fingertips came in contact with your temple, brushing your hair out of your face and behind your ear. There was a brief moment of silence for a second, before the girls began giggling at the abrupt pause.
“Y/N… you okay there?” Lara asked between chuckles.
“Yeah, babe, you’re looking a little red.” Daniela teased.
You caressed the strand of hair Sophia tucked back, your tongue darting across your lip as you tried steadying out your nervous breath. As the others laughed and joked about your reaction to the older woman’s habitual affection, you hid your face behind your hands. You could tell by the way heat flushed to your cheeks you were getting pink. Manon playfully shoved Sophia in the shoulder.
“Sorry, I wanted to fix Y/N’s hair.”
“Oh my God, Sophia, you broke Y/N,” the Ghanaian woman snorted, “Really did that your way, huh?”
“Mhm, stream ‘My Way’ on Soft is Strong, guys, so Sophia can keep doing things her way.” Megan added, the members humming and nodding in response to the not so subtle segway into promoting their album.
You were thankful the attention seemed to pull away from you. Running a hand through your hair and recollecting yourself.
“Anyway, Y/N, you good to answer the question—?”
*Loud technical difficulty transition* Daniela and Manon’s Weverse live started off in their own hotel room, but after some freakouts and close-faced segments to hide their rooms from the camera, they somehow found their way to you and Sophia’s, where the other girls were hanging about
“No, wait, please! There’s no wifi!” Daniela screamed, the phone filming from under her face as she ran across the halls to another room. She pounded her fist against the door, impatiently humming before she knocked harshly again. “Guys, open up, there’s no wifi out here!”
The door clicked open to reveal a very confused Lara, who glanced between Daniela and the phone. “Wha—?”
Daniela pushes past Lara to enter the room, and as she sets it down on the TV cabinet, Megan could be seen playing roblox with Yoonchae on one bed, the two of them focused on their own phones as they bickered about the game. You and Sophia were snuggled up on the other bed, her hand over the pillow behind your head with her hood up. You laid under her arm, your phone in your hands. You were wearing some really high shorts, a lacey top and some socks, so your instinctive reaction was immediately to adjust the way you were sitting before you accidentally flashed everybody.
Sophia eyed the Latina bursting into the room, immediately catching the familiar Weverse live setup on her phone screen. The first thing she did was set her phone down, moving the blanket from under the both of you to cover your legs up. Her expression was hard, focused on protecting your body first.
The clip was edited to zoom in on the two of you in the background the split moment you were seen before Daniela moved to cover the both of you up after catching the look Lara was shooting her to the side (not that y’all could see). Sophia’s face looked murderous though.
“Daniela, you’re gonna get us doxxed.” Sophia barked from behind, still shielded away from the cameras, “Did you just run down the hall with the camera on?”
The blonde shook her head, “No, no, I had the camera up close to my face like this.” She grabbed the phone, pulling it close to her nose before setting it back down. “Manon had an emergency call, so I had to leave the room, but I made sure they couldn’t see anything other than me.”
[ Dani definitely got yelled at by Sophia after this… ]
user01 am i crazy or was laforl/n cuddling in the back jn
user03 The way they immediately moved apart like they were caught red handed
user04 dani just saw her life flash before her eyes
Eventually, everybody seemed to join in on the live. And even though Sophia was reserved at first, still sporting her grey hoodie and some basketball shorts, she came to sit behind Daniela and Megan who were on the floor. After changing into some sweats, you took a seat behind Megan, wrapping your arms around the girl as you rested your cheek atop her head.
Sophia’s hand instinctively found the small of your back, running up and down your spine as she argued with Lara about which Mik Mik about was better. You joined the conversation, telling Yoonchae and Megan the milk one was better than the chocolate before you and Megan began playfully fighting.
“Whatever, I don’t like you or your taste in Mik Mik.” Megan huffed, holding a hand up to your face.
“Is this because you think I’m ugly?” you bit back, pouting.
Sophia’s head immediately snapped towards you, her hand ceasing its comforting pattern along your back.
“Who said you were ugly?” Her head turning to the girls, narrowing her eyes. “Who made her say that about herself?”
Megan’s hands flew up in defence, but the immediate reaction gave Sophia the answer she needed before she hooked an arm around the younger’s neck, leaning down so her lips were just beside Megan’s ear to whisper, “Do you think she’s ugly, Skiendiel?”
The Indian woman shook her head, “No, ma’am.”
Sophia nodded, humming. Her arm noosed around Megan’s neck tighter. “So what do you have to say to Y/N, hm?”
user06 Y/N pop them legs open-
Megan grabbed your hands, looking deep into the older member’s eyes. “Y/N, baby, you are the most beautiful and precious being I have ever laid my eyes on and I’m sorry if, even for one second, made you think anything less, that is a hundred percent my fault and I am so deeply sorry.”
With a kiss to your forehead, Megan looks back at Sophia, who nodded with a satisfied hum. Her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched. She slung her arm over your shoulder.
“That’s much better.” Sophia said, leaning to whisper in your ear, “Never ever, ever call yourself ugly, you understand?”
[ Love that she’s whispering like it’s just them ]
You nod, a hand over her shorts on her thigh. Her breath tickled the curve of your ear, the two of you sitting close and personal the whole live, which the eyekons ate up.
user08 nobody talk to me please
user09 sophia for being the responsible one you’re forgetting your pr training really hard rn
user10 Get me a woman who’d choke someone out if they called me ugly
*Loud technical difficulty transition* [ WEVERSE LIVE ] Sophia’s sitting on the floor of her room and asking eyekons how she should place stickers on her laptop
“I feel like the anchor should go next to the hibiscus (your charm) like this, y’know?” Sophia propped her laptop up, holding the stickers in place with her fingers before placing it down. Her face scrunched in thought, “I don’t know though, what do you guys think?”
[ She even wants their charms together hold my tea- ]
user01 yes laforty/n should be together in every universe
user02 Put the Katseye logo in the middle!!
user03 Doesn’t Y/N have your charm in her phone case
A knock sounded through the room before Sophia could answer any of the fans’ comments. Her head snapped towards the noise, seeing a translucent figure through the door. “Yeah? Who is it?”
“It’s me. Sophia, sweetie, I have a question.”
user05 the way i could recognize y/n’s voice is criminal
user06 Their PR team sweatin rn
Sophia got up to unlock her door quickly, sitting back down with her head turned towards Y/N. You were slightly onscreen, but not fully in view for everybody. You had on one of Lara’s tops, a pair of flare y2k jeans and a bandana wrapped around your hair. Even in the side, eyekons could see you twirling and spinning in place as Sophia’s eyes raked over your figure.
“Does this outfit look stupid? Megan said I should lose the bandana and wear sunnies, but I think this gives more of my vibe, y’know?” You said, smoothing out your shirt.
Sophia’s lips slowly curled into a smile, her eyes still darting up and down to take in your whole outfit. She especially liked the hoops you were wearing, the ones you and Daniela bought to match. God, she absolutely loved being your fashion critic. “I think you look hot,” she smirked, “Why don’t you ask eyekons.”
It was only then did you catch the phone sitting before her, the hearts and likes on live spiked immediately at your arrival.
“Sophia, I look so bad right now, you could’ve given me a warning!” You yelped, jumping out of frame in surprise. Sophia chuckled, looking back at her phone before turning back to you. She scootched closer, holding an arm out. “You never look bad, bebe. Don’t be shy, come say ‘hi’ to everybody.”
user08 my filipino dad just asked if someone called me baby
You walked into her open arm, letting her hand rest on the other side of your hip. You waved at the camera, smiling. “Sorry to interrupt, guys, I didn’t know Sophia was on live.”
“No, no, you didn’t interrupt,” Sophia immediately interrupted, “If anything, the eyekons were probably getting bored of me.” She pointed at the view count, as it rose from 13k to now a hefty 21k, everybody’s tuning in just ‘cuz you walked in.”
user10 quick to comfort her girlfriend i see
user11 Uhm nobody talking abt how fine y/n looks rn??
user12 i want laforty/n crumbs or i’ll starve
“Sounds like everybody likes the outfit,” Sophia snorted, instinctively fixing your jeans up higher so you wouldn’t flash anything you wouldn’t want to. “I’d say trust the eyekons’s sense of fashion more than Megan’s, ‘cuz between us, the girl gets mistaken for Adam Sandler way too often.”
You nodded, adjusting the bandana on your head.
“Completely agree. You guys are always glammed up and ready for a runway whenever we see you in person. There’s so many pretty eyekons out there, I can fill a book with the amount of compliments I don’t get to say at shows.” You scanned the comments, keeping a poker face as you glanced over the amount of Laforty/n comments. “Anyways, I should go. Manon and I are getting ready to leave.”
Sophia raised an eyebrow, silently asking you where the two of you were heading. You took a step offscreen to tell her you were going to pick up some booze for the girls. She nodded.
[ Sophia’s hand placement hello? ]
You waved to the camera, blowing the live a kiss before you got up to leave. “I’ll see you soon, eyekons. I love you!”
“I’ll miss you, bebe.” Sophia called after your disappearing figure, watching you close the door off camera. “Come back home on time for dinner, Yoonchae and I are making jjigae.”
*Loud technical difficulty transition* [ KATSEYE VLOG ] Yoonchae’s Graduation Party (KATZ EDITION) | KATSEYE
Daniela and Manon were quickly put in charge of decorations for the party they were throwing for Yoonchae’s high school graduation. While Megan was out distracting their maknae, the rest of Katseye buzzed on with their respective roles for the party. Lara was asked to help set up some partitions and strings for Manon and Daniela to hang things on. Leaving you and Sophia in charge of food.
“Y/N, can you hand me the chocolate chips?” the Filipina asked, focused on mixing up the dough in her bowl. She stuck a finger in, tasting some off the tip of her pinkie. “Hm, I think Yoonchae will want these a little sweeter, can you help me grab more sugar too, bebe?”
[ I looked it up guys ‘bebe’ literally means baby—SOPHIA LAFORTEZA CALLS Y/N L/N BABY IN TAGALOG ]
You hummed, moving around the kitchen to grab whatever the leader asked for. The editors of the video added some really cute lofi music to the two of you working cohesively, adding some adorable effects and cute captions here and there.
“Is it tasting okay?” you asked, your chin on her shoulder. She was taller so you peeked over her down at the bowl.
Sophia didn’t reply, instead, she grabbed the spoon to the side, taking a big scoop of cookie dough onto the spoon nicely. She didn’t move her body, finding comfort in the warmth of you against her. Her head turned, her hand raising to carefully stick the spoon into your mouth, her other hand held under your lips to catch whatever dough didn’t make it to your lips.
You moan softly at the sweet taste, eyes fluttering shut.
“Good then?” Sophia chuckled at the way you melted into her, “You’re eating more than you’re making.” She teased softly, glancing at you with a small smile.
You shrugged, “Quality control. You want some kimbap?”
She hummed in response. You returned to your kimbap, rolling the seaweed tightly and slicing it into neat rounds. A moment later, your concentration is cut and you held up one.
“Open up,” you said, fingers coming in contact with her lips gently as you set the food into her mouth.
She nodded, a hand up to her mouth to hide her chewing from the cameras. The editors added a sparkle effect to her eyes, as she eyed your growing smile. “It’s perfect,” she complimented, the tangy and salty taste lingering in her mouth.
“Does that mean I get more cookie dough?” you asked, feeling a bit bolder. You pouted, looking at her with hopeful eyes.
Her tilted her head. “We can’t eat all the food, it’s supposed to be for Yoonchae…” It took one look at your expression for her to immediately change her mind. “I’ll give you one more bite and that’s it until these are done, okay?”
You smiled, “Yes, ma’am.”
Once you had your second spoonful of dough, Manon and Daniela came in to check on the two of you. Upon spotting the bowl of dough Sophia was setting into small scoops on a tray, she gasped, immediately jogging over to hover over the leader.
“Sophia, can I have a bite, please? Pretty please!” she begged, bouncing on her feet, “That looks so good, oh my God.”
Sophia wagged a finger, focused on setting the dough down on the tray. “No, Dani, last time you wanted a bite you finished half the bowl. Nobody touches these until they’re done.”
The blonde whined, “Come on, just one… please?”
“You’ll get one when they’re done, Daniela Avanzini.”
You eyed the camera with a guilty smile, knowing you were the only one Sophia had trouble saying ‘no’ to.
[ Sophia has a soft spot for y/n… so real ]
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hellokittykookies · 1 month ago
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Dentist appointment - J.JK - Mini
Sypnosis : you’re scared of the dentist and jungkook comes with you to cheer you up. Unexpected words come out of you after the appointment.
Genre : just fluff. I’m too lazy to write smut.
Notes : this fic was actually last year july and i just wanted to post this cuz i wanted to.
“What’s up with you?” Jungkook asked, nudging your side.
You groaned, tossing your phone onto the coffee table. “I have to get my wisdom tooth out this week.”
“Ohhh,” he said, drawing out the sound. “That’s not so bad.”
“Not so bad?” you repeated, turning to glare at him. “It’s awful. What if it’s one of those dentists who sells teeth to the black market? Or what if they leave something in my gums, and I end up in one of those medical mystery documentaries?!”
Jungkook blinked at you, his lips twitching as he tried to suppress a laugh. “Baby,” he said slowly, “I don’t think your dentist is running an underground tooth operation.”
“You don’t know that,” you shot back, narrowing your eyes at him. “What if they take out the wrong tooth? Or worse- what if they put me to sleep and I wake up in a completely different city?”
He finally burst out laughing, throwing his head back. “You’ve been watching way too many conspiracy videos, babe.”
“I’m serious!” you exclaimed, though the corners of your lips were twitching. “I don’t trust dentists. They’re always too calm. It’s suspicious.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, raising his hands in surrender. “I’ll come with you. That way, if anything shady happens, I’ll be there to save you from the black-market tooth thieves.”
You stared at him for a moment before breaking into a reluctant smile. “Promise you won’t laugh at me if I freak out?”
“Promise,” he said, leaning over to kiss your forehead. “I’ve got your back.”
The day of your appointment came too quickly for your liking. Jungkook drove you there, listening patiently as you rambled about all the things that could go wrong.
“What if they don’t numb me properly, and I feel everything?” you asked, staring at him wide-eyed from the passenger seat.
“Then you scream, and I sue,” Jungkook said calmly, keeping his eyes on the road.
“What if the dentist is actually a mad scientist, and they’re using my teeth for experiments?”
“Then we’ll keep an eye out for a secret lab in the back,” he said, barely holding back a laugh.
You glared at him. “You’re not taking me seriously.”
“Babe,” he said, glancing over at you with a smile. “You’re gonna be fine. I’ll be right there the whole time, okay?”
You sighed, slumping back in your seat. “Fine. But if I disappear, tell the police it was the dentist.”
When you arrived, Jungkook stayed true to his word and came in with you, holding your hand as you waited in the lobby.
“Y/N?” the dental assistant called, and your stomach dropped.
“That’s me,” you muttered, standing up reluctantly. Jungkook squeezed your hand reassuringly and followed you into the room.
The dentist greeted you with a friendly smile, but you were too busy scanning the room for suspicious tools to notice.
“Alright, Y/N,” the dentist said cheerfully. “We’re just going to numb the area first, and then we’ll get started.”
You nodded stiffly, gripping Jungkook’s hand like your life depended on it. “If this goes wrong,” you whispered to him, “burn all my embarrassing journals before my mom finds them.”
Jungkook bit back a laugh. “Stop thinking those things, babe,” he said softly. “You’re gonna be fine.”
As the dentist started the procedure, you tried to focus on Jungkook instead of the sound of the tools.
“Babe,” he said, leaning down so only you could hear him, “did you know that if you keep clenching your butt like that, it’s gonna fall asleep?”
You glared at him, though you couldn’t reply because your mouth was full of instruments.
He grinned, clearly enjoying himself. “I’m just saying. You’re so tense, I can feel the stress from here.”
You gave him a pointed look, and he laughed softly. “Alright, alright. I’ll behave.”
But he didn’t, of course. He kept whispering little jokes and comments to keep your mind off the procedure. At one point, he started humming a random tune, and even the dentist chuckled.
“You’ve got a great support system,” the dentist said, glancing at Jungkook.
You managed a small, muffled noise of agreement, grateful for his presence even as he continued to make fun of you.
The procedure was over before you knew it, and Jungkook helped you back to the car. The anesthesia had kicked in hard, leaving you groggy and a little too honest.
“Alright, baby,” Jungkook said as he helped you into the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt for you. “Let’s get you home.”
You nodded lazily, blinking up at him with a goofy smile. “You’re so handsome,” you mumbled.
Jungkook grinned, leaning down to brush a strand of hair out of your face. “Thank you, baby.”
As he started driving, you turned to look at him, your face lighting up. “Baby,” you said, your voice slightly slurred. “I love you so much, you know that?”
He glanced at you, his smile growing. “Yes, I do,” he replied, amused.
You reached out, your hand brushing against his arm. “No, but like… really love you. Like, wanna-keep-you-forever love you.”
Jungkook laughed softly. “I love you too,” he said.
You leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You’re the best boyfriend in the world.”
“Thank you,” he said, trying to keep his focus on the road.
“I wanna have your babies someday,” you said suddenly, your tone serious.
Jungkook’s eyes widened, and he nearly choked on his breath. “What?”
“I wanna have your babies,” you repeated, nodding sagely.
His ears turned red, and he cleared his throat. “Uh… okay. Good to know.”
You tilted your head, studying him. “You’d make such a good dad. You’re cute, and you’re strong, and you’re so nice.”
Jungkook laughed nervously, his grip on the wheel tightening. “Thanks, baby.”
“You wanna have babies with me, right?” you asked, your voice filled with curiosity.
“Of course, I do,” he said quickly.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You’re not saying that just to shut me up, are you?”
“No!” he said, shaking his head. “I mean it.”
You smiled, satisfied with his answer. Then, after a moment, you added, “We should get married first, though.”
Jungkook’s jaw dropped slightly, and he glanced at you before turning back to the road. “Married?” he repeated, his voice higher than usual.
“Yeah,” you said, nodding again. “Don’t you wanna marry me, Kookie?”
He swallowed hard, glancing at you nervously. “I mean… yeah. I do.”
You gave him a playful look. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”
“I’m not,” he said firmly. “I dont wanna marry you. Because I will marry you, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your cheeks warm despite the anesthesia. “Okay, okay,” you said, waving a hand. “Go focus on driving.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, laughing softly.
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unknownati · 2 months ago
xii. never lose me
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a/n: (i lost the ask so sorry to that anon, hope u still find this 💀 but the ask was like: can you make a fic based off never lose me by flo milli? with smut)
happy new year my loves!
sorry this took so long im such a slow writer. plus im braindead asf. ik i said i had to proofread this in my last post but i lied i didnt 😬
nooobody ask me where he got all this money cuz baby idk. i hope some of this stuff is correct bc i am not rich 😭
warnings/tags: smut 👻, fem!black!reader, no use of y/n, no desc of reader's physical features BUT reader dresses feminine (think aliyahsinterlude), modern!ekko, boat sex yay, semi-public(?), risky, backshots 🎉, oral (e! recieving), reader getting spoiled, soft dom!ekko, so loosely inspired by the song, not proofread. raw vibe
ekko goes above and beyond treating you right.
anything you want, all yours. that new purse? check your mailbox. you need your nails done? here's $300, keep the change, don't worry about it. he always makes sure you're pleased, even if you don't ask. he knows everything about you by heart. favorite flowers, favorite foods, plus your usual orders, so it's not uncommon to come home to food on the table with a fresh vase of florals seated next to it.
of course, nothing about this relationship was ever one sided. there is no one who prances around announcing that ekko is your man quite like you do. you make sure ekko knows that if he ever needs you, no matter what, you're there.
in return, you get whatever you want.
"ekko," you sing, putting your phone down in the cup holder. your hand rests over ekko's, which has a gentle grip on your thigh. crickets chirp outside, veiled beneath the dark sky and lack of light. you're speeding down an empty backroad on your way back home from a little shopping spree at a mall an hour and some change away. "i wanna go somewhere."
he hums. "where were you thinking?"
"dunno yet," you lean your weight onto the center console, maybe somewhere in asia."
"yeah?" he asks, squeezing the fat of your thigh. you smile wide. "sure. let me know when you decide."
"i will, thanks baby," you chirp, gently pulling his hand up your thigh and closer to your center. his fingers catch on the hem, pushing your denim skirt up and gently pressing his thumb into your clit. he's rubbing featherlight circles into it, running over the lacy underwear he bought for you a while back. your gasp is barely heard beneath the music.
the engine whirrs, and you see the speedometer shoot up.
so impatient.
it truly didn't take long for ekko to book that flight. you said the place, and about 30 minutes later everything was set in stone.
excitement rushed through your body as you packed, making sure to tuck your matching sets beneath your clothes. he deserved some type of reward, right?
when you finally arrived at your hotel, late into the night, jet-lagged to all hell, you couldn't help but ask ekko if he needed some help. he did everything, all you did was walk around, complain about your feet hurting a bit, and cling to his arm. regardless, he insisted you worried about nothing and just got comfy for the night because he had something big planned tomorrow.
never would you have ever guessed that you'd end up on a cruiser yacht.
he had you blindfolded after you returned to the hotel from eating and shopping, promising that you'd love it and that you just needed to be patient and trust him. you did; no hesitation there.
and once he slipped it off after your minor freak-out wondering what you're stepping onto that has to be so wobbly, it took your breath away.
the sun sinks below the horizon, yellow rays glittering off of the water. your hands met his, perched on your hips, looking back to find his prideful grin.
"ekko..." you pout.
"iii know, i'm a great boyfriend, you love me, i know," he jokes, chuckling as you walk around the cockpit, marveling the fact that you're on one. "it'll leave soon, there's a cooler with drinks, and i can take pictures for you."
you smile wide. "my personal photographer. in fact, take some of me right now before the sun sets," you rush to hand him your phone, quickly posing yourself in front of the scene.
ekko took taking photos for you so seriously, genuinely telling you how to switch your posing and expression, and without missing a beat always hyping you up to the third degree.
so when you heard nothing from ekko, no 'oooh's or 'mhm's, you turned to him.
"sorry, you're just..." he laughs sheepishly, avoiding your gaze as if he wasn't the key to your heart. "so pretty."
you roll your eyes. "you're so corny."
the tone of your voice completely betrayed your words, honeyed and bashful. he catches it, shaking his head and raising the camera again.
"right—okay, let's try this again."
the pictures came out great. you wanted to wait until you got home to pick your favorites to post, but all of them were so good that you didn't know which one to pick.
you leaned against the railing, staring out into deep night, city lights twinkling in the distance. the cool sea breeze rushes against your skin, the salty scent of the ocean flooding around you. it was too good of an opportunity to not take more.
"ekko, take a few more for me?"
he hums, not a moment of protest, finding your phone and settling into the seat opposite of you.
you take your seat as well, your torso twisted and legs crossed. his mouth opens—'move your leg a little' rests on his tongue, until he inspects your gaze through the phone. you weren't quite looking at the camera, but rather...behind it.
"you okay?"
you nod. "yeah...you look good as fuck over there."
he fumbles over his words for a moment, looking down at his attire. "in my spiderman shirt?"
"mhm, especially in your spiderman shirt," you look him up and down, eyes sliding over his muscles. "come back over here real quick?"
he's surprised he didn't trip from how quickly he scrambled over to you, sitting in the seat beside you. his smile is poorly hidden as you crawl into his lap. his hands find your waist, pulling you closer.
you direct his face up, fingers gently pushing at his chin, leaning down to lock your lips together.
his hands roam your body—clearly too impatient—fingers pushing beneath your shirt, pulling up and revealing your bra. intricate lace, almost in a floral pattern, dyed a dusty pink that was barely visible under the moonlight. the cups had a deep cut, plunging down from your collar bone to the bottom of your sternum with a dainty little decorative bow.
you literally feel him getting hard. he looks up, fingers running along the band. "this for me?"
"sure is." you nod, reaching down to tug your skirt down. the hem of your matching panties peek out. "you like 'em?"
"do i?" he glances above the short barrier at the captain, who isn't paying an ounce of attention. just humming in his own world, only focused on the path they were going on. perfect.
"shit..." his lips reconnect with yours before trailing down, sucking hickies into your skin, tightly squeezing your thighs, brows furrowing.
you can already tell he's going to find a way to seat you right on his face so you stop him—not because you don't want that, but you've been spoiled enough for one day—pushing his shoulders back and getting off of him.
he looked like a kicked puppy when you separated from him and you just roll your eyes, sinking down onto your knees with a wide smile. it all connects for him and he relaxes against the seat, lips parting as you quickly unbutton his pants, your nail hooking at the band of his trunks. you tug, down, down, down, until his dick springs free and lightly taps his naval.
you waste no time, your lips meeting the base, then parting to let your tongue run up a vein that lead you to the sensitive tip.
ekko shivers, eyes shifting from the arch in your back to your lips, leaving glossy stamps all along his length.
you, on the other hand, kept your eyes locked onto his. he kept averting his gaze. for what, you weren't sure. but you tapped his tip against your tongue, capturing his attention. finally, his eyes meet yours. now you feel like you can continue.
you kiss the tip again, smiling up at him as you allow it to breach your lips, sliding into your mouth agonizingly slow.
"fuuuck," he drags, watching you slowly sink down, taking almost all of it yet stopping where your lips met your fingers.
you get acquainted with the feeling, adjusting your tongue to press against the skin. your cheeks hollow, your head slowly falling into a bobbing movement, stroking him alongside your movements.
he struggles to not thrust straight up into your mouth, gripping the edge of the leather cushions. one hand meets the back of your head but doesn't push or pull, just rests there.
his hips twitch, torso relaxing against the back of the seat, growing rigid whenever your tongue ran across just the right spot. his chest rises and falls rapidly, quickly drawing in breaths then moaning them right out.
your jaw already started to ache, but looking up at him as he falls apart from just your mouth is beyond worth it. he shakes his head, eyes leaving yours, squeezing shut, and you can tell he's already close.
his hand leaves your head, forearm laying against his forehead. you tap him, a reminder. look at me. he peeks down, a breathy chuckle pushing through.
"doin' so good for me, yeah? 'm close—" he warns you—you nod in acknowledgment.
you unhinge your jaw, sticking your tongue out so he can watch his cum spill all over it,
he sucks air in through his teeth, and before you know it you're bent over the seat, looking out onto the horizon. you start to speak and he just shushes you, tugging your skirt up and pulling your panties to the side. soaked.
maybe you were just too impatient, because before he could even get comfortable you were reaching back to put it in. his laugh rings behind you, shooing your hand away so he can finish sinking all the way inside you.
his pelvis meets your ass and you almost caught a glimpse of the back of your skull. he started slow, gripping your waist and bringing you back to meet his strokes.
you're squeezing around him so tight, and all he can do is stare in awe at it. his length glistens, coated in your juices. then he couldn't take it, his pace quickening, watching the fat of your ass recoil against his movements.
it feels euphoric, almost unreal. staring out into the night sky, stars twinkling above you, ocean swaying below you, and ekko thrusting into your heat, moaning behind you—it was overwhelming, it had your flesh running hot.
"feels good?" he questions, though your gasps and mewls answer loud and clear.
"fuck, yes."
"mhm, you're mine, right?"
"a-all yours." you nod.
"all mine?" he asks, and it's rhetorical. not like you could reply anyway, because your moans caught in your throat, rendering any chance you had at words useless.
your noises drowned beneath the whirring of the motor paired with the water swaying beneath you, which you're endlessly grateful for. you're lucky that driver pays almost no attention to what's happening behind him.
you were especially loud, and it only got worse as you felt your orgasm building. ekko knew it too, the way your voice shook, the way you tightened around him, the way you begged him not to stop—it was pushing him over the edge too.
"fuck, that's it. just like that. i got you, okay? good."
your cries overlap ekko's softer groans as you came, your form trembling, jolts of pleasure coursing throughout your body as he fucked you through it.
he had to hold back from coming inside you, letting you ride out your high before pulling out to release all over your back.
he gives you no time to recover, immediately diving in for another round, intoxicated with the way you gasps caught in your throat, holding onto the seat for dear life.
he leans down, his lips meeting your shoulder, his brows furrowed. it did not take long for the two of you to get close again, still sensitive from your previous release. within a few minutes, your juices coat his length and another load lands on your back, seeping down and settling into the dip of your spine.
you're both catching your breath, ekko presses a kiss to the shell of your ear, and you have to stop him from kissing you more. "we're almost there," you hiss, and he huffs, lifting off of you to get himself together,
thank god there were paper towels on board. he cleans his release off of your back and skirt, managing to get the both of your appearances together by the time the yacht met the docks.
the moment the captain comes back to thank you for riding with him, ekko's giving him the quickest thank you possible along with his tip and rushing you off of the boat.
"let's get back to the room? i just wanna see that set you have on a little better."
you know that the second that door closes behind you in the hotel, there is not a chance you'll be stopping.
pssst!: not the most confident in this one.,. i will make up for this one i swear 😔 locking in!
maybe a part 2 with what happens at the hotel cough cough
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thema-nr-2 · 8 months ago
hi pooks i love ur writing so much i cum everytime i read, can you do like a jealous subby bill?? no pressure obviously look after yoirself ❤️
that's not fair - B.K
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✮ synopsis - that pouty little bitch cant wait a few hours for your return from your friends
✮ genre - smut
✮ word count - 2.4k
✮ content warning - nsfw duh, handjob, oral (m recieving), sub!bill, dom!reader (i guess reader's gender isnt really specifed), begging, degredation, use of pet names (slut, whore, baby, etc), cuffs, edging, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, spit, let me know what i missed
“Bill, I’m going out with my friends, I’ll be home around 5.” You yelled out from downstairs.
You heard not a response, but the sound of Bill’s footsteps running down to meet you. “Again? Really?” He said in dismay.
“Yes, again. What’s the issue now?” You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, pissed off at his jealous attitude that he didn’t even try to hide.
“Who knows.” Bill also crossed his arms at you, sticking his nose in the air and pouting.
“Whatever, Bill, I’m not putting up with this shit. Bye.” With that, you walked out the door without a single word. 
For the past 3 hours Bill could only think about you, and what a fun time you must have been having without him. He wished you’d pay more attention to him, rather than always going out with your friends. He didn’t like how jealous he got, but he just couldn’t help it! He always tried so hard to get your attention, but it never landed him anything but a harsh “stop being so needy, you brat.” 
Another hour or so and Bill still can’t shake you off his mind. As he lies on the bed, staring mindlessly at the high ceiling, his thoughts gradually grow more vulgar. Bill could barely go a day without your touch in some form, and having you leave first thing in the morning was setting him off. He needed you home and he needed you home right now. 
Bill hesitantly picked up his phone and texted your number.
Meine Liebe 🫶 
i miss you :(
come home :) 
no bill i’m not coming home
but :( i need youuu
i don’t care bill wait it out.
that’s not fair :(((
Attachment: 1 image.
you stared at the notification, oddly creeped out and wondering if you should open it. You turned your brightness down and tilted your phone screen away from your friends, who were all too busy eating and talking to even notice. 
“That fucking slut!” You gasp, a little louder than you thought you were being. Your eyes widen as you view the photo of your boyfriend’s dick, his hand grasping the base tightly. “What does he think he’s doing?” 
Your friend looked up at you with a look of worry. “What’s wrong Y/N?” She asked.
“Nothing, I just… I have to go home. Bill’s sick.” You lied. Your friends shrugged it off, already aware of how needy your boyfriend could get; it was nothing new. 
Just before you left you quickly shot him one more text.
Billy ❤️ 
i’m on my way, don’t you dare do anything else before i’m back.
read 3:20pm
You knew you shouldn’t have given in so quick, this was only teaching Bill he could get away with shit like this and not face any consequences, but you just… couldn’t help it any longer. And there’d sure as hell be a consequence either way when you finally got your hands on him.
You sped down the street as fast as you could without risk of getting pulled over, though not really caring about that. As you finally pulled into your driveway, you sat in your car in contemplation. What were you gonna do with him? Though you were mad, you couldn’t help but feel the wetness in your panties get worse and worse the more you thought about him.
“Bill.” You called sternly. Bill’s head shot up when he heard your (clearly more than pissed off) voice echo from across the house, but still he stayed silent. You scoffed at his lack of response and you made your way upstairs, the loud clacking of your heels on the wooden floor making your presence known. 
You slowly opened the door to find Bill lying on the bed in just his boxers and a loose shirt hanging off his right shoulder. He seemed to be just playing on his phone like he always would. “Bill what the fuck.” Bill didn’t reply, he didn’t even look up. He had a stupid pouty expression on his face. Was he still pulling this? This fake mad act to get you riled up? “Bill, answer me.” He averted his gaze further away from you, fueling your annoyance more. You knew that’s what he wanted, you were just giving the reaction he wanted. 
You walked over to him, leaning over the side of the bed to grab his face tightly, forcing it towards you. “Look at me when I’m fucking talking to you, whore.” You glared at him. Bill finally met your eyes, there was no emotion whatsoever behind your gaze. “I was gone for a few hours, Bill, a few hours. How needy are you!” 
Bill’s pout faded and turned into a scared expression. He looked up at you with the best puppy eyes he could manage, in hopes to make you go a bit easier on him. “I was just jealo-”
“So you send me a photo of your dick in your hand? You know you shouldn’t be touching yourself without my permission, could you really not wait til I got home?” 
“I-I’m sorry…” He frowned. 
“Don’t give me that shit right now. If you want me so bad you can have me.” You wasted no time pushing his legs apart and crawling in between them. You pulled his boxers down quickly, seeing how hard he still was. You grabbed his dick, running your thumb gently over his leaking tip. 
Bill let out a moan as he hid his face. You grabbed his chin with your other hand. “Look at me, you slut.” You let go of his dick, putting your hand out in front of him. “Spit.” You said, firmly. 
Bill did as he was told and spat in your hand. You ran your hand up and down his throbbing dick at an agonisingly slow pace. Bill lulled his head back, the warmth of your saliva coated hand around him sending needles of pleasure down his spine. He squirmed under your touch, biting back his whines as best he could. “Mmh, Y/N.. faster please…” 
You look up at him, raising one eyebrow. “You think you deserve that?” 
Bill went to nod, but stops himself.
“That’s what I thought. You’ve been a brat all day just because you can’t handle my attention being on somebody else for more than 10 minutes. This needy slut doesn’t even deserve my hand around his dick.”
Bill bit his lip harder at your words, not wanting to give away how much they turned him on. (Though you already knew damn well) A mix of desperation and guilt shot through Bill as that stupid pout appeared once again. “Don’t pout at me. You wanted this, didn’t you?” Your hand speeds up slightly, finally giving into what he wanted. 
He arched his back, hips bucking into your hand slightly. You pushed his hips back down with your other hand, shooting him an irritated look. Bill looked down in guilt again, his long, dark, hair covering his face perfectly. 
He whimpered loudly as your other hand caressed his tip, running your fingers over the slit. “Shit.. mmmh..” His mouth hung low as he threw his head back against the headboard of the bed. His hands clutched the sheets as you felt his dick twitch in your hand. 
“Aww, is my poor gonna cum already? How pathetic, getting so close so quickly.” You laughed. Bill’s face was heated up a dark shade of red at your degrading words, embarrassment written all over it. 
“Y-yes oh god let me cum.. please… I need it so bad…” He begged. 
“You can beg harder than that, Bill.” You denied him. 
“B-baby, please, I wanna cum for you.. Let me cum, I swear I’ll never be a brat again. Please!” He whined, his cries getting more and more desperate as he tried to hold back his orgasm. 
You gave him a look of sympathy as you sped your hand up as much as you could, your wrist now starting to hurt. “That‘s it, Bill, cum for me like the slut you are.” 
Bill couldn’t even get a response out, all he could do was moan and hold the sheets tightly in his fists. His hips instinctively jolt into your hand again as he cums in your hand. He pants heavily, understanding that he finally got the release he wanted, and now he could relax with you. But you didn’t stop your movements.
Bill was pulled from his euphoric state at the feeling of you leaning down and pressing your tongue against his dick, holding him down by his thighs. “A-ah, Y/N I can’t take m-more…” He said as his hands flew to grab your hair. 
“You can, and you fucking will. Take what I give you. Don’t you wanna be a good boy? I thought you said you wouldn’t brat anymore?” 
Bill tried to close his thighs in reflex, his sensitive dick already getting hard again. You licked a stripe up his dick before softly wrapping your lips around his tip. Bill gasped in response, shutting his eyes tightly and tugging a fistfull of your hair.
You winced, lifting your head off and glaring at him. “You need to learn how to take it better dont you?” Bill nodded. You leaned over to grab a pair of handcuffs from the bedside table, firmly cuffing his wrists to the bed. Bill shook his head in protest as he strained against the cold metal that was sure to leave marks. “Aww, does my darling boy not like being restrained? Too bad.” He pouted as you took fake pity on him, wanting to say something mean in response but the overstimulation when you went back down on him had him at a loss for words.
You started to fully take him into your mouth, flattening your tongue as you bobbed your head up and down. Bill whined in pleasure, tears threatening to fall down his pale face. His wrists strained against the cuffs once again as he so badly needed to touch you. He tried to hold back, he really did, but the poor boy was too sensitive. Already knowing he shouldn’t, he bucked his hips into your mouth. You felt his tip hit the back of your throat and you gagged slightly. You pushed his thighs back down to restrain him further as you kept sucking him off, stroking whatever you couldn’t fit. 
Bill felt the tears prick the corner of his eyes and slowly fall down his cheeks as he whined loudly. Due to how sensitive he was already, he could feel himself getting closer to his second orgasm already. “Y/N, bitte, I’m gonna cum again…” He moaned out loudly. You sped up, trying to bring him as close to the edge as possible without letting him let go. “F-fuck I’m right th-”
You cut him off by lifting your head off slowly. 
Bill’s eyes widened at the sudden loss of contact. The pleasure leaving his body as he met your innocent smile. “W-what the fuck, I was so close…”
“That’s what you get for being a brat, baby.” You said simply, as if it were common sense he don’t get to cum.
“B-but… Y/N, schatz…” 
“Don’t try to ‘b-b-but�� your way out of this.” You mocked.
Bill’s head sunk down low as he felt his face heat up with embarrassment again. “Please, Y/N, please! I’ll take it, I’ll take as much as you give me, please… just let me cum! This isn’t fair.” 
“Hmm…” You ponder to yourself. Part of you wanted to cave. His big doe eyes and his pouty expression as he breathed in and out heavily in desperation were enough to convince you. Another part wanted to leave him there, helplessly tied up, begging for your touch once more. You gave him another fake look of pity as you finally gave into his excessive begging. “Alright baby, but absolutely no complaining about how you can’t take it. Got it? You’ll take what I give you.”
“Yes fuck yes, I understand. Please just let me cum…” He begged again. 
You wasted no time, immediately going back down on him at the same pace. He threw his head back in pure ecstasy, mumbling a mix of swears and also thank yous at the feeling of your mouth wrapped around him again. You hollowed your cheeks as you took him all the way down your throat, trying not to gag. You dug your nails into his thighs, causing him to whimper in pain. 
His dick, now coated completely in salvia, twitched inside your mouth as his orgasm neared him again. This time, you didn’t stop nor slow down. You kept going at the fastest pace you could take. You knew your jaw would hurt like hell later, but hearing Bill whimper under you like a slut was enough reward for you. You flattened your tongue against him, letting him hit the back of your throat again. 
“R-right there… god don’t stop please, don’t fucking stop…” He whispered, his voice breaking with every moan he let out. As a mix of salty tears and smudged eyeliner continued to roll down his face, his jaw dropped as he hit his second climax. You didn’t pull off, enjoying the feeling of letting his cum run down your throat. He shivered under you, panting like a dog. “F-fuck…” He tilted his head towards you in euphoria as he took in the sight of him. You finally pulled your head off, swallowing every drop of his cum you could, as well as bringing your hand up to lick your fingers. 
“That was…” He said, stunned.
“That was what, hmm?” You replied with a smug expression on your face.
“Incredible… I’m sorry for being a brat today…”
You have him a pitiful look, leaning over to stroke his hair gently. “It’s okay, schatz. We all have our jealous moments. Some more than others.” You added, chuckling at him. 
“Shut up..” He whispered.
You crawled on top of him, finally undoing the handcuffs around his wrists. You admired the red marks along them, knowing they’d stay for a while. 
“You really hated being tied up like that, didn’t you?” You said, pointing to his wrists.
Bill giggled as he nodded slowly. He lied down, his breathing still heavy and ragged. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too Billy.”
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i dunno what happened here i just woke up and started writing my ass off so now my hands hurt really bad but its ok cuz im spoiling yall rn!!!! anyways enjoy ahhh ill try to write more because im on school break i sweaaaaar
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gloomyluvr · 2 years ago
in which miles unexpectedly sleeps over
fem!reader x e-42! miles morales
fluff / kinda angst??
warnings!: none
a/n: hiii ! i promised a post. and even tho it's a week or two late, it's here!! i loved this one btw. heavily inspired by ari's song. it's one of my faves. this took me forever cuz i had so many ideas and versions of it and i couldnt decide which route i wanted to go with it. idk hope y'all like it ig. oh and miles is ooc cuz like... idk how he is.
“im sorry for coming over last minute.” it was almost midnight when miles had called you asking for a place to stay the night. you were the only person he knew who lived around this unfamiliar area. 
“no, it’s alright. don’t worry.” you looked down at the floor, avoiding miles’ gaze. admittedly, you were nervous. it was your first time seeing miles after your breakup. which didn’t go all too well, but it’s in the past now. 
“if you’re not comfortable with me staying here, i get it. i’ll find some other place.” miles had noticed your uneasy manner. 
“no! it’s fine! it’s late and i don’t want you out there by yourself” you finally looked up at him, “what are you doing here anyways?” 
“oh uhm, there’s this like robotics competition around here, good prize money y’know?” miles hesitated. 
you knew miles better than anyone, you know when he’s lying. he’s making it so painfully obvious that he’s lying. he was probably here for prowler business. but, it wasn’t your place to worry anymore.
“oh, sounds fun.” 
“your mom won't mind?”
“your mom wont mind that i'm staying the night?”
“oh uhm, probably not. she’s at her boyfriends house so…” you shrugged
 miles stood stiffly in front of you waiting for anything to happen. and you stood, well, also stiffly looking around your living room. god, this was so fucking awkward.
“um well, you can set your bag in my room and i’ll get you some old clothes of yours that i… still have.” you admitted, very very embarrassingly. miles slightly smiled, amused by your behavior. 
you led the way to your room, and miles trailed behind you. as he was walking, he looked around the apartment he once knew so well. he took notice of anything new, whether it was recent photos in frames or decorations your mother put up to match the season. 
once in your room, miles gently set his bag next to your bed. he observed you as you got clothes from your drawer. you were dressed in some graphic tee and christmas pajama pants. which miles so happened to have an exact pair of (maybe because you insisted on matching for the holidays and well, who was miles to deny you?)
“here you go.”
“thanks.” miles took the clothes from your hands and walked to the bathroom.
you let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding in. why were you so nervous? a couple months ago you guys could act freely around each other and now you guys can barely even make eye contact. there was no denying that you missed miles. you missed the calls that would last for hours. you missed laying together in bed. you missed his laugh. you missed everything and anything about miles. 
you weren’t expecting his call at all. he was the one who decided on no contact after all. and if you were being honest you were mad that he had the balls to ask to spend the night after not talking to you for months. but you didn’t have it in you to say no to miles. 
when miles came back, you were lying on a makeshift bed on the floor scrolling through your phone. it couldn’t have been comfortable. 
“you’re not sleeping on that.” miles immediately advised you. you looked up from your phone with a grin. 
“oh i know. you’re sleeping that.” you got up from the floor and climbed on top of your bed. miles watched your antics with a hand on his hips. you looked at him and he rolled his eyes. 
“well at least i was tryna be a gentleman.” he huffed as he laid down on the floor. you rolled over to the edge of your bed to look at miles who was getting comfy on the floor (which was surprisingly comfortable.)
you wanted him to say something. anything. ask how you’ve been, what you’ve been up to. you wanted to talk to him, tell him the latest drama from your school. anything that would break this god-awful silence. but, nothing ever came. it was late, and if he wasn’t gonna try anything, neither were you. 
you looked at miles’ face, admiring your favorite features of his. he quickly took notice and looked back at you. miles smiled nervously, hoping you wouldn’t notice how his cheeks turned red because of your gaze. fortunately for him, you were as giddy as him, if not more. your cheeks also blushed up and you just couldn’t handle it.
“stop looking at me like that!” you cried before hiding your face in your covers.
“what! ¿qué hice?” miles chuckled, throwing his hands in the air in defense. 
“you know what you did!” you insisted with your face still buried in your covers.
“ ‘m sorry i can’t help it.” he whispered. you shifted to your lay on your side, facing miles.
“miles you can’t say that.” you whispered back. 
“why not?”
“i know, i’m sorry.” miles mumbled. 
and once again, silence filled the room. you could hear miles’ soft breaths and you were sure he could hear yours.
“k pues, goodnight.” 
“goodnight, y/n/n.” 
15 or so minutes had passed and you still couldn’t sleep. you were tossing and turning on your bed. why couldn’t you sleep? is it because it’s so cold even though it’s august? or was it the fact that your ex was sleeping on your bedroom floor? probably the first one. you shivered, trying to find some warmth within your blankets. why was it so fucking cold? you sigh, there was only one way you were gonna be able to sleep tonight. 
“you awake?”
“yeah, can’t sleep. why?” miles waited for a response but all he heard was shuffling. then, he saw you standing over him with your pillow and an extra blanket.
“can i sleep with you?” miles nearly jumped at the offer. how could he ever reject you? 
“yeah of course.” miles made space for you on the ground and you quickly set your pillow down next to his. you got under the same covers as him with the extra you brought being quickly discarded. 
it wasn’t until you were fully settled in that you realized your position. your face was merely inches away from miles’. though it didn’t bother you like you thought it would and miles didn’t seem bothered either. in habit, you rested one of your legs over miles’. instinctively miles wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. you brought your hand up to caress miles’ cheek. you closed your eyes as miles rubbed circles on your waist with his thumb.
you missed this. so did miles. but as long as he was the prowler, he couldn’t be with you. despite how much he wanted to. 
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dilfl0v3rss · 2 years ago
painter!Onyankopon 🧐🧐🧐🧐wat do we thinkkkkkkkk
who wanna paint his pretty lil girlfriend up as a bday gift but thingz start escalating-
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“you done?” you asked excitedly as you laid naked on the bed. ony sitting in front of you with a chair and painting set while he gave you a petty eye roll. “mama you only been sitting here for ten minutes. what you think?” he sighed, pencil in hand as he sketched your pretty body onto his cavas. your boyfriend was a very talented and well known artist. he’s had his work shown in many different art museums around the world and you couldn’t be any prouder of him.
people have paid unbelievable prices for his beautiful paintings and even more for customs. you’ve been with him through it all and even though you never said it, ony could always see how entranced you’d look when he’d bring you with him as his “assistant” and decided there was no better time to finally let you shine than your birthday.
“m’almost done wit the first part sexy. just need you to stay still f’me so i get get it done and start mixing my colors for your pretty skin ‘kay?” you nodded your head, apologizing for the movement as you sat as still as you could on your knees. back facing him as you kept your head to the side so he could get your side profile. another ten minutes when by and ony was finally done with the sketch. quietly pulling his paints out to mix them together for your beautiful complexion. “red? maybe lighter like orange? ma you know the color of your undertones?” he asked, while holding up the red and orange paint bottles.
you turned your head a little more so he could see your face, quizzical look already telling him everything he needed to know. “can you put on some music tho? if ima be sitting here like this, i wanna at least have sum playing” ony nodded his head before opening your phone and going to the first playlist he saw, but you already know what he chose when poison by brent faiyaz began to play through the speaker on the bed. the sex playlist.
you didn’t mind it though, humming along to the music as ony continued to work behind his large canvas.
as your music played it was suddenly getting harder for your man to focus. hands beginning to sweat at just the slightest glance of your oiled back. ‘wonder if she oiled the front of her body too’ dirty thoughts clouded ony’s brain as he watched you mindlessly move your hips to the music. “stay still mama. you making this hard f’me” he mumbled as he eyed your neck, then your beautiful shoulders down to your smooth back, stopping at the sight of your beautifully brown ass.
before he knew it, ony was slowly walking up behind you. lightly pushing your back down before rubbing with the swell of your ass. “you changed your mind againnn? now how long is it gon take for you to sketch thissss?” you whined, not thinking anything of his actions until you felt his print brush against your bare pussy. “you so pretty mama” his hands rubbed all over your back, letting the oil spread to his fingers and clothes as he leaned down to kiss from your back to your neck. “wanna put my dick in you, jus the tip ‘cause i still got work t’do”
you nodded your head, already in a lust filled daze as you felt him continue to rub against you with his clothed dick. ony lifted you off the bed slightly by the front of your neck. “can i mama? you gon let me make you feel good?” his whispers went straight to your core. legs already growing weak as you moaned out a weak “yes”. with that ony lightly bent you back over, freeing his dick from his sweats before lining up with your wet entrance.
“j-just the tip right?” your voice was small as you looked back at him. a small smirk made its way to his face as he watched your pretty face contort, dick sinking deep into you before he started thrusting at a steady pace. “you know better than to be believing shit like that ma. pussy too good for me to only let my tip fuck” ony chuckled as he listened to you whine into the sheets. hips already moving hungrily so you can fuck him back.
“seems like you agree wit me, don’t you baby? pussy so fucking wet” his pace quickened, making your moans become louder and more frequent as you reached your arm back. not for him to stop, but for him to hold to keep you grounded while he pounded away at your pretty pussy. “feel so good daddyyy…fuck go harder” ony smiled at the action, eagerly holding your hand in his while he started fucking into you deeper.
the both of your voices harmonized with each other as you continued to fuck each other the way you liked. bodies working together so both of you can reach the orgasms you’ve been wanting since you laid your naked body on the bed. “you so fucking sexy mama. got the most beautiful body i swear” his inked hands ran all over your back, thighs and neck. massaging you as he gave you words of love. “no painting can ever be enough to portray how beautiful you are baby. so glad you mine.”
his dick curved just right, hitting all the places you needed to make you a blabbering mess below him. “l-love you so much…so much daddy. happy t’be yours….yours forever” ony couldn’t help but smile as he listened to you run your pretty mouth. your walls sucking him in as you spoke, like the fact that you were saying you were his turned you on even more. “love you more, h-happy..fuck…happy birthday princess. sorry i can’t finish your painting.”
your body was getting to him. strong arm pushing your back down as he squeezed your hand a little tighter. “want you to fill me up daddy” you moaned, the feeling of his dick twitching already telling you that he was going to cum. ony’s brown eyes rolled to the back of his head, hips pistonning into you even harder as he felt his release on the tip of his tongue.
“gotta show you how much i love you right now”
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pixie-felix · 9 days ago
*holds your hand* Hey, you never have to apologize for not replying right away or at all. We all have lives and a responsibility to take care of ourselves. You gotta put you first. I'm happy you had fun reading tho. I'm just rambling and letting the thots run free xD Hey, I can still read it and understand whether you punctuate or not. Feel free to post what you want. Anything your heart desires. It was a shared project. Much like when I used to rp, we both contributed and fed off each others' input. Elaborate as much as you want because the possibilities are endless. (And I'm gonna read it anyway) I like dragon because I've been hoarding these thoughts and building my own collections in google docs.
brat!Hyunjin? Oh, he's definitely jaw-dropping shocked at first and it turns into an angry pout when he's hung up on. He goes back to pumping Jisung with the fleshlight but he's furiously blowing up mine and Innie's phones because how very DARE we have fun without them and barely give him time to register it before hanging up?! He's angry and upset, speeding up his motions on Jisung who cums not long after that. But Ji joins him when he gets to the pouty sulky phase. Surely I'll be back soon, right? WRONG. Of course they grow remorseful and apologetic and desperate so the messages and calls continue (JiJi is once again on all the apps). I.N's update does NOT help things, but they are extremely sorry. It shows upon my return that afternoon after my phone is finally turned on and I finish a movie with Innie.
---And yes, we love a tied up Han. Love tying Jinnie up too with cute designs in the ropes and pleasuring him as well---
I think this might be my favourite thing so far. I mean, apart from everything else you've ever written...
Honestly, I think about this scenario we're building here at least once per day. I say we but it very much feels like you're doing the heavy lifting now 😅 It is amazing and I love you and I love us and I love the Han/Hyunjin vs Innie.
I have thoughts on Innie, but I've already read your next message and I'm saving my thoughts to add to that.
Pissy, pouty Jinnie going feral on Jisung with a fleshlight has got me equally feral. Just taking out his frustration on Hannie's unlucky cock (if that's not a crack fic title staring at me right there I don't know what is.)
What if Hyunjin is feeling particularly cruel, and keeps Jisung tied up after that first orgasm?
He knows you can't be mean to Hannie for long, because he's your precious quokka angel, so he decides to just... torture Hannie. Just a bit. For the greater good, of course: a few videos of your needy sweetheart getting overstimulated to tears with a fleshlight, and you'll come running home, right?
If it has been a bad mood Hyunjin= bad luck Hannie scenario, Jisung is getting SO pampered when you get home. And Jinnie? Well. He won't be. I don't know what Jinnie's punishment is yet. Is it a mirror thing?
I originally meant that in a mirror image/mirror move sense, as in tying him up and overstimming him like he did to Hannie... but hang on, if we add a mirror to that... cuz he sent videos of Hannie, and now he has to watch himself get wrecked... hrm 🤔 thoughts. Science and thoughts.
In related news, may I suggest, for tying up Jinnie: ribbons. Pretty, silky ribbons. They might not be the tightest/most secure bonds, but that only adds to the fun. Because now he has to use his own self restraint and not thrash himself free, because if he comes out of those ribbons he's not getting ANYTHING. Muwahahahahahaha. Ha.
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mxdimitrescu · 10 months ago
Late Night Fun
Synopsis: A late night texting leads to something steamy.
Genre: Pure filthy smut
Pairing: Vanessa x GP!Reece Johnson
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I sat in the corner of the couch and clicked through the Netflix menu, searching for a movie to watch.
"There's never anything good on here anymore. Why do I still pay for this?" I muttered. I felt the phone buzz in the pocket of my hoodie, and pulled it out. I smiled when I saw the text.
Reece: This night is dragging. I can't wait to come home :(
I shook my head as I texted back.
Vanessa: Aw babe. You don't have much longer. You get off at 2 right?
I tossed the Playstation controller to the side and waited for her to text back.
Reece: Yeah but Im gonna ask if i can leave early. It's so dead tonight. I miss you.
Vanessa: I miss you too baby. you only have another hour tho. You'll be okay lol be patient
Reece: Well I'm gonna text you till I leave cuz there's nothing else to do. I already cleaned up.
I laid down on the couch and sighed as I smiled at the phone.
Vanessa: that's fine. I'm not doing anything anyways. oh shit, can you stop at the store before you come home and get me some oreos? i'm craving some bad.
Reece: okay. imma bring you something else too ;)
I smirked as I read the text.
Vanessa: oh yeah? what's that
I put the phone down and stood from the couch, stretching as I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I took a long drink as I walked back to the living room and grabbed my phone.
I bit my lip as I opened the picture message Reece sent. She was standing in front of the mirror in the dimly lit bathroom of the bar. She held the phone with one hand, and was lifting her shirt slightly with the other so I could see her abs. My eyes drifted down, and I raised a brow when she noticed the slight bulge of her hardened member in Reece's jeans. I quickly texted her back.
Vanessa: Lol, are you hard at work?
Reece: Yup ;)
Vanessa: You're hot. Stop playing with me lol
Reece: I'm hard for you babe.
Vanessa: Smh I bet you are.. hurry up and get home.
Reece: Lol what happened to being patient?
Vanessa: Lol bye! You're really rude. Why would you turn me on like that when you know you aren't gonna be home anytime soon? Now I gotta wait!
Reece: Lol stop whining.. just be ready when I get there.
Vanessa: I've been ready since you left.
Reece: Oh really? Did I not satisfy you well enough earlier?
Vanessa: Baby, you know you did. But I swear every time you walk out that door.. my body just starts aching for you again..
Reece: Mmm. What part of your body.. specifically lol
Vanessa: Lol smh guess
Reece: Hmm.. can I buy a vowel lol
Vanessa: Lmao.. you play entirely too much
Reece: Lol. I know that pussy is aching for me baby.
I bit my lower lip and sighed before texting back.
Vanessa: You gonna handle it when you get home?
Reece: Mhm. Soon as  walk in the door it's getting handled.
Vanessa: Oh yeah? Tell me what you're gonna do
Reece: Well first of all, I need you naked before I even get there
Vanessa: That can be arranged.. I'm barely wearing anything now.
Reece: Pants or no pants?
Vanessa: No pants.
Reece: Shirt?
Vanessa: I'm wearing your red hoodie.. no bra.. no shirt.
Reece: Shorts?
Vanessa: Just those black panties you like.
Reece: You're fucking killing me. You can keep the panties on
Vanessa: Lol.. tell me what you're gonna do to me baby.
Reece: I'm picking you up and laying you on the couch
Vanessa: Damn, we ain't even makin it to the bedroom huh?
Reece: No. We're skipping a couple of steps lol
Vanessa: lol I can see that
Reece: so, you'll be on the couch. I'll be on top of you, kissing you. I'm not gonna be able to keep my hands off of you
Reece: I'm gonna bite that spot on your neck that I know makes you soak your panties
Vanessa: Fuck you're turning me on so much
Reece: I can't wait to suck on your hard nipples. Are they hard right now?
I slid a hand underneath the hoodie, and moaned as my fingers brushed over a rock hard nipple. I played with it gently as I texted back.
Vanessa: Yes baby
Reece: I thought so.. I wanna kiss you everywhere
Reece: I wanna spread your perfect thighs so I can see that wet pussy. Touch yourself and tell me how wet you are.
My hand slipped down my body and beneath my panties. I gasped quietly when I felt how wet I was.
Vanessa: Baby I'm so fucking wet for you right now. I can't believe this shit
Reece: You're still touching yourself aren't you?
Vanessa: Yes baby
Reece: stop. I don't want you cuming before I get there.
Vanessa: babyyyyyy you're wylin right now!
Reece: Lol. I'll be there soon. You gonna let me eat that pussy?
I groaned and closed my eyes after reading the text. I let out a frustrated sigh before texting back
Vanessa: That's all I want right now baby. Ugh I need to feel your tongue on me, sucking my clit
Reece: That's what you want?
Vanessa: Yesss please I want it so bad
Reece: Is that all you want?
Vanessa: No.. that's not all..
Reece: What else do you want?
Vanessa: I want you inside of me.. I want you to fuck me baby
Reece: Yeah? You want me to pull on your hair while I fuck you from behind?
Vanessa: Yes baby please
Reece: You want me deep inside of you? Hittin that spot while you scream?
Vanessa: God baby please hurry
Reece: I'm gonna wear that pussy out when I get home. Take off that hoodie
I dropped the phone and quickly tore off the hoodie before throwing it to the floor. I heard the phone buzz again.
Reece: I've been thinking about you all night. I can still taste you from earlier. You came sooo much baby. I love that I can make you cum like that with just my tongue
Reece: If you were here right now I would bend you over this bar and eat that pussy from the back. I wouldn't even care who was watching
I moaned quietly as I read her texts, trying my hardest not to touch myself.
Vanessa: You gotta stop baby lol.. you're making me so wet
Reece: Can you do me a favor really quick?
Vanessa: Anything
Reece: Push two fingers inside of your pussy
Reece: Pull them out and taste yourself.
I groaned and pushed my hand under my panties again, moaning softly as I fingered myself. I heard the phone buzz again.
Reece: Don't get carried away.. I know you're over there fucking yourself. Stop. Put your fingers in your mouth
Reece: Suck them clean
I closed my eyes again and stuck my fingers into my mouth, moaning as I sucked on them greedily. I reached back down to touch myself again when I got another text.
Reece: You better stop. Save some for me.
I laughed softly as I texted back.
Vanessa: You know me too well.
Reece: Tastes good, doesn't it?
Vanessa: Mmhm, I can't wait till you get here. I want you to eat me till I cum
Reece: Don't I always? i love it when you cum in my mouth. It's such a turn on.
A sudden knock at the door broke me out of my spell and I sat up.
Vanessa: Someone's at the door. Are you expecting company?
Reece: It's me. I got off early and took a Lyft home.
Reece: Open this door.
I stood from the couch and quickly walked to the door.
"Open up, honey," I heard Reece say sweetly before I unlocked the door.
I pulled it open and saw her standing on the other side. Reece leaned against the door frame with her backpack slung over her shoulder. She stared hungrily at me, and took a step inside of the apartment.
"They let you leave early?" I asked Reece nodded as she dropped her bag and closed the door.
She lifted me into her arms and walked toward the couch slowly.
"Yeah. Stopped at the gas station across the street and got your Oreos. They're in my bag," Reece said in a low voice.
She lowered me onto the couch, and kissed me softly.
"You can have them later."
I grinned coyly as Reece pulled back and looked at my body.
"Later?" I asked.
She raised an eyebrow.
"Did you think I was joking in those texts?" she asked seriously, "Spread your legs."
Reece kissed me deeply as she lay between my legs on the couch.
"Why do I get the feeling you knew you were getting off early this entire time," I smirked as Reece kissed her way down my body.
"Cause you're the smartest woman in the world," Reece said, kissing the side of my breast.
"But also because when I'm horny, I'm very predictable." I chuckled, then moaned softly as Reece licked my nipple before sucking it gently.
"Thank God for that," I breathed as she switched breasts.
"Thank fucking God."
Reece continued to make her way down my body, raking her short fingernails across my stomach, and grinning when I shivered.
"I have been waiting for this all night," She husked as she ran her thumb across the front of my panties.
She pulled the panties to the side, and I bit my lower lip, watching as Reece dragged her tongue through my soaked pussy. She raised an eyebrow. I sucked in a breath as she licked at her clit.
"You taste super sweet," Reece said observantly.
I giggled, then let out a deep moan as Reece's tongue swept through my folds again.
"Oh shit," I whispered.
I put one hand behind her head and the other on my own breast and played with my nipple gently as Reece watched.
"Keep doing that," She said breathlessly before sucking my hard clit into her mouth. I moaned and closed my eyes.
"Don't fucking stop," I said quietly.
She pushed my thighs further apart as she worked her tongue over me. I let out a shaky breath at the sound of Reece's lips sucking at me as she went faster. Reece moaned against my swollen lips, sucking each one into her mouth before delving her tongue into my entrance. She then pulled back slightly and kissed my inner thigh.
"Sit up," She said as she lifted her head. She took my hands and pulled me into a sitting position on the couch.
"Baby what are you doing," I whined as she pushed the coffee table further away. When she turned back around, I was sitting with her back against the couch, pouting making her smiled.
"I need space," she said as she knelt in front of the couch, pulling my panties off and pushing my thighs apart again. She bit her lip and stared down at my body.
"Play with yourself."
I slid a hand down my body as she watched. I moaned as my fingers slipped between the wet folds and across my aching clit.
"You see how wet you make me," I breathed as I stroked herself.
Her breathing grew heavy as she watched my fingers glide through my soaked center. I pushed her fingers back inside of me, moaning softly. "I need you, baby. I need you to fuck me right now."
"Oh yeah? Right this second?"
"Right now baby, please," I moaned, fingering faster.
Reece let go of my legs and unbuttoned her pants. She pushed them down, revealing her hardened member. I moaned and sucked my fingers as Y/n stared down at me.
"On your knees," Reece said quietly.
I did as I was told, turning my back to her as I knelt on the couch. I rested my head against the back of the couch as Reece pushed her member into me.
"Yes," I moaned as she thrusted into me again.
She bit her lower lip held my waist as she worked her member deeper. She leaned over me and bit into my neck roughly. I dug my fingernails into the couch cushion and cried out as she went faster.
"Yes baby fuck my pussy."
"Yours? I thought it was mine," Reece growled into my ear as she fucked me hard. "Tell me it's mine, Vanessa."
"It's yours baby, this pussy is yours," I whimpered as she pushed one hand into my hair and tugged it hard.
I felt my knees began to buckle, but Reece wrapped her arms around me and kept me from collapsing into the couch. She smiled slightly as she angled her hips and buried herself even deeper inside me.
"Fuck daddy," I cried and pressed my hand against her stomach, pushing her back. "Hold on, stop." She stopped and pulled back.
"You okay?" she asked. I nodded and let out a deep breath. I reached for her and pulled her in for a firm kiss.
"We need to try a different position because I'm about to pass out," I said. Reece smirked as she stepped out of her pants.
"Does that mean I'm doing a good job?" she asked as she sat on the couch next to me. I climbed on top of her and rested my arms on her shoulders.
"Yes, it does." I leaned forward and kissed her softly. She reached in between us and grabbed her member.
"Wanna stay on top?" She asked in a low voice.
I nodded and lowered myself onto her. I moaned softly as she wrapped her arms around my back and kissed my exposed neck. I furrowed my brow and placed one hand on the back of her neck, while pushing the other through her dark tresses. She pressed her lips against my throat as I rode her slowly.
"Mmm you feel so good," I moaned as I lifted off her member slightly before lowering my hips again. Reece sighed as I arched, tipping backwards, but she held me tight as I rode her slowly.
"Come here," Reece mumbled, pulling me against her again. She pressed her forehead to my bare chest and breathed heavily as I rose and fell in her lap.
"Reece," I choked out as I pushed myself down on her. She moaned and kissed my chest in response, making me shiver. I rocked against her, my hips jerking slightly as my orgasm approached.
"Baby I'm so close."
She moved one hand from my back and slid it between her legs to stroke her clit.
"I'm close too baby. I wanna see you cum," Reece said before biting her lower lip and looking up at me. I groaned as pressed one hand into the back of the couch, the other still in her hair. I leaned down and kissed her hungrily before I tensed slightly.
"Daddy, baby," I let out a soft sob as Reece stroked me faster.
She held me trembling body as I came hard in her lap, whimpering her name with each wave of my orgasm.
Reece thrusted faster until she stiffened and let out a moan as white jets of cum painted my walls. I ran my hands through her hair as she slowly died down from her intense orgasm.
"God you're so beautiful," Reece whispered tenderly, removing her hand from between my legs and wrapping it around my waist.
I still moved slightly on top of her, grinding down on her member to ride out the last bit of my orgasm. She kissed under my chin, then neck and collarbone as I slowed down.
"Stay here. Don't get off yet." I moaned quietly, not ready to move yet anyway.
"Can't we just stay like this forever," I mumbled tiredly, leaning fully against Reece, unable to support myself. She continued to kiss me anywhere her lips could reach.
"Yes, we can," she said between kisses.
"Lies," I said, smiling as she laughed and looked up at me again.
"Well, I wish we could," Reece said quietly as I pressed my forehead to hers.
"I love you."
"I love you too," I said then yawned loudly, making her laugh again.
"You tired baby?" she asked, making me nod.
"You ready to get up?" I nodded.
"You know you're carrying me to bed, right?" I asked.
Reece rolled her eyes and smiled at me.
"Yeah, I kind of figured."
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wordsmithwhumpsandfluff · 1 month ago
i look forward to reading the migraine fic when you finish it!!! :)
Be ready, cuz this is a lengthy one😭 And lowkey, I went a bit heavy on the angst🥲.
TW: Angst, childhood neglect
In all her life, Spirit never thought she’d EVER wind up on a double date. And yet, here she was, picking out an outfit to wear to some new downtown restaurant that Oliver had been dying to go to. When he gave her his signature puppy dog eyes, it became physically impossible to refuse.
With a frustrated sigh, Spirit grabbed a red t-shirt and a black bomber jacket, and some black ripped jeans that she adorned with a belt and chains. She tied her hair into a low ponytail, pulled on her sneakers, and left her dorm.
As she made her way to her car, her phone began to ring in her pocket. Annoyed, she hung up without answering. Her mom couldn’t get the hint, and called right back, so Spirit hung up again and put her phone on mute. She couldn’t get why the woman was being to adamant today. It’s not like she cared to call over the holidays. Did she want to give a half-assed apology like usually? Maybe give some dumb excuses? Or maybe ask if Spirit had decided to send her a gift, even though she knows damn well that Spirit can’t afford anything up to her standards.
A low, uncomfortable pulsing was starting to form at the base of Spirit’s nape. Not in the mood to handle a migraine, Spirit closed her eyes and breathed deep till the feeling vanished before pulling out of the parking lot.
By the time she got to Aiden’s place, he was waiting outside, looking adorable as he moved bit by bit from side to side as he barely lifted his feet to jog in place, trying to stay warm. With a smile on his face, he speed-walked to Spirit’s car and quickly got in, chuckling shakily with his teeth chattering a bit.
Spirit stared at him with an amused yet disbelieving look, scoffing. “It’s sixty degrees. There’s no way you’re that cold.”
He chuckled again. “I washed my hair, and it’s still a bit damp. That’s why I’m so cold.”
“Why didn’t you dry it? And why were you waiting outside if you—”
She was cut off when he leaned forward and kissed her, smiling against her lips. He pulled away, seeing her clearly trying to suppress a smile. “You’re still an idiot.”
“I can live with that,” he said, kissing her again. She kissed him back, and he felt as if the warmth of her affection was helping him thaw.
By the time they got downtown and to the restaurant, Issac and Oliver were waiting outside, and the sight of them made Spirit chuckle. Oliver was hugging Isaac under the blonde’s jacket, and Isaac was obviously keeping him warm that way. Obviously, neither of them were the least bit anxious about PDA, seeming oblivious to anyone who looked at them. Even though they’ve only been together for a few weeks, they look as if they’ve been dating for years.
With his chin on top of Oliver’s head, Isaac spotted Spirit and Aiden and smiled. “Hey!”
Oliver pulled back, his face slightly splotchy from being pressed against Isaac’s chest, and smiled and said hi as well.
“We’re not late, are we?” Aiden asked.
Oliver stepped out of the warmth of Isaac’s jacket and pulled out his phone. “Right on time, actually.”
Spirit looked at the restaurant and felt her stomach twist uneasily a bit. “This is the place? It looks really. . . fancy.”
“It’s not too fancy, don’t worry,” Oliver assured her. And then, probably understanding the slight hesitance in Spirit’s voice, he said, “It’s not too expensive either. Everyone raving about this place on social media has been talking about the great food and prices, and how it’s a ‘must-visit place in Tucson’.”
Spirit felt relief to hear that.
They all made their way inside, jingling the dangly bells by the door, and all of them were immediately in awe. It was a multi-cultural restaurant, clearly mixing Hispanic, African, and Korean culture together. Spirit was prepared to take mental notes, wondering what dishes she could try to re-create for her culinary class.
Obviously, it was a popular spot. Especially for influencers. As a waitress led them to their table, they passed many people taking pictures of the food or recording themselves.
Isaac and Oliver sat on one side of the table, and Spirit and Aiden sat on the other.
“This place is so cool”, Oliver said, still looking mesmerized by the decor. “Getting a reservation was so lucky.”
“It smells incredible in here,” Spirit said, grabbing a menu. Her eyes widened at the selection. Never in her life had she seen Dominican Fried Yuca and Korean Kimbap Rolls right next to each other on a menu.
There was K-pop music playing, but the sound of it was drowned out by the sound of people talking in the restaurant.
“What’s this?” Aiden asked Spirit, pointing at one of the menu’s Spanish dishes.
“Mofongo,” Spirit stated. “Puerto Rican mashed and fried plantains, mixed with oil and meat.”
“Interesting,” Aiden said, looking at the types of Mofongo on the menu.
It wasn’t long before they each decided on a dish. Oliver got Bibimbap with North African Spiced chicken, Isaac got Dominican Rice and Beans with garlic chicken, Aiden got the Beef Mofongo, and Spirit got jjajangmeyon with Kimchi and pickled radish.
Judging by the business of the place, it was clear their orders would take a while, so conversation filled the waiting time.
“I’m gonna kill that ginger prick if he doesn’t stop kicking my seat in class,” Isaac stated dramatically. “He’s driving me insane!”
“Can’t you just sit somewhere else?” Spirit asked.
“And let him win? Hell no. He does it cuz I get to class early and take the best spot in the middle, by the aisle. He’s a jealous and petty pretty-boy-bitch, but I’m not backing down first!”
Aiden chuckled. “In theaters now, ladies and gentlemen. The Seat Wars: A heartbreaking saga of betrayal and murder.”
Oliver laughed; a contagious sound that made them all start laughing as well.
Spirit was enjoying herself enough that the previous pulsing in her brain was merely a distant memory now.
But, suddenly, nature was calling.
“I’ll be right back,” Spirit said to the others, standing and making her way towards the restrooms. Once again, Spirit noticed the many influencers in the restaurant. Some taking pictures, some recording themselves, some typing on their phones.
Spirit heard the bells by the entrance, and though she knew it was just another person entering the restaurant, she glimpsed anyway and—
She froze.
Her eyes widened.
Suddenly, Spirit wondered if she was seeing things. But the blonde hair, the obnoxiously bright outfit that likely cost more than her beaten-up car, and the air which the woman carried herself with were all too familiar.
Mom, Spirit thought to herself, her stomach dropping.
Abruptly, in just a blink of an eye, the pulsing in the base of Spirit’s head returned tenfold, causing her to wince and rush into the bathroom. All the stalls were empty—shockingly since the restaurant was packed—and Spirit rushed into the nearest stall, locking it and leaning against the wall, trying to catch her breath and control her spiraling thoughts.
My mom is here. Is that why she kept calling me? If she’s here, it’s probably for her blog. Did she want to dress me up and parade me in one of her stupid videos like she used to? ‘Perfect mom’ my ass. I can’t stay here. I don’t want to talk to her. I have to get out of here.
But then Spirit’s scrambled mind recalled how much Oliver had been looking forward to this. How much fun they were all having. How badly she didn’t want to ruin this for her friends or her boyfriend, just because she doesn’t want to speak to her obnoxious mother.
The pulsing began spreading quickly, making Spirit clench her teeth and lean further against the side of the stall, pressing her temple against it hard. Tears burned behind her eyes from the sharp pains all throughout her head. It felt as if her brain was being squeezed by something that had little needles on all sides.
In just a few seconds, Spirit felt like she could barely stand, so she slid down to the floor, her hands reaching up to tug at her hair. Still, the spiraling thoughts never let up. There was a feeling in her gut—a mix of anger and hatred and fear and anxiety—that she hadn’t felt since the last time she saw her mom face-to-face, before she even started college two whole years before. It wasn’t a particularly happy face-to-face.
Spirit reached into her pocket, opening up her messages to Isaac but hesitating. The feeling in her gut began to swirl with an overwhelming feeling of guilt for ruining their fun double date. Sure, she could just go out there and act like normal and pretend she hadn’t seen her mom, but the fact that her vision was starting to blur in and out due to the pain was a massive warning sign that she needed to leave.
Spirit shut her eyes, breathing deeply, trying her best to push back the pain of the migraine, at least for a few minutes. The fingers pulling at her hair began to rub her scalp instead, trying to relieve the pressure.
After about five minutes, the pain was eased enough for her to tough through it a bit. She quickly did her business in the bathroom, washed her hands, fixed her mussed hair, and left. She kept herself from looking around as she made her way back towards the others, seeing them all still smiling and chatting.
I can’t ruin the mood, she thought suddenly. So, she put on a smile and made her way back over, sitting again. “Hey.”
“Spirit, perfect,” Isaac said quickly. “We’re having a debate here. You see, Aiden and Oliver are both trying to tell me that strawberry is a better candy flavor than cherry.”
“It is,” Oliver insists, giggling.
“Personally,” Aiden says, “I can’t tell the difference between two flavors when it comes to candy, but subconsciously, when given a choice between the two, I do pick strawberry since it’s my favorite fruit.”
Isaac scoffs, gesturing to himself dramatically. “I feel offended, attacked, ganged up on, and I need someone on my side here.”
Smirking, working up the energy and mental strength to be her usual self and act normal, Spirit shrugs. “Sorry, Isaac, but I’ve gotta agree that strawberry is the better candy flavor.”
Isaac groans dramatically, dropping his head on the table. “Y’all suck.”
Spirit laughed with Oliver and Aiden, but it felt forced.
The others continued talking, but Spirit began to not pay attention to the conversation. Anxiously, she glimpsed around, unsure whether she did or didn’t want to know where her mom was.
Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to not run into her. I can just keep ignoring her calls. But what do I do if she does talk to me? She’ll make some kind of scene, that’s for sure. God, my head is killing me.
Spirit startled, realizing she’d been asked a question by Oliver. “S-sorry. What did you ask?”
Oliver slightly narrowed his eyes. “I just wanted to know if you were okay with catching a movie after we eat.” He looks around to where Spirit was looking before looking back at her. “You alright?”
Spirit then realized that Aiden and Issac were both looking at her strangely.
“Yeah, of course,” she said, a little too quickly.
None of the others looked convinced.
“You sure about that?” Isaac asked. “You look a little pale. Are you sick?”
Dammit, Spirit thought, that guilt twisting in her stomach like a knife. “No, I’m not sick,” she insisted. “Just a little headache, but I’m fine.” On accident, seeing a flash of blonde in the corner of her eye, Spirit looked that way, only to realize it was a different blonde woman. She let out a little sigh of relief.
“You’re on edge about something,” Aiden stated, his knuckles gently touching her knee under the table, and Spirit realized she was bouncing her leg.
With a sigh, Spirit realized they’d already noticed something was off, and there was no convincing them otherwise.
Biting her cheek, Spirit looked around one more time before looking at her friends.
“My mom is here.”
Isaac’s eyes widen. “What?!”
Also looking surprised, Oliver looks around again, no doubt looking for the woman.
Aiden, recalling what Spirit told him about the woman’s insane neglect, and remembering the sadness on her face when she talked about the woman, he grabbed Spirit’s hand and squeezed. “You okay? Do you want to get out of here?”
As much as Spirit did want to leave, guilt for ruining what was supposed to be a fun outing made her shake her head.
“We were having fun. I didn’t mean to—” she was cut off by a grimace when a wave of pain in her head hit her like a truck.
Oliver sighed. “You have a migraine, don’t you.” It was an observation, not a question. Her friends were too good at reading her.
“You get migraines?” Aiden asked softly, looking concerned.
Spirit clenched her jaw, silently cursing at herself for not hiding everything better. Now, their fun was ruined. Just knowing that made her head hurt worse, her vision once again doing that blurring thing.
“Let’s get out of here,” Aiden said, squeezing Spirit’s hand again. As if sensing how guilty she was, Aiden kissed her cheek, making her look at him. “It’s fine. We can eat here another time. If what you need is to get out of here, then that’s my main concern. Okay?” He kissed her forehead. “Let’s go.”
Spirit and her friends got up and started towards the front.
“I’ll cancel our orders,” Isaac said, but before he could break away from the group to go do so, Spirit froze, looking nervously at a table near the front corner of the restaurant. The woman had a literal camera guy sitting across from her while she talked, using that fake overly-sweet voice Spirit hates.
There was no way they could leave without her seeing them.
“That’s her?” Aiden asked Spirit quietly.
She nodded, resisting the urge to sink to the ground and pull at her hair. She rolled her neck a bit, bothered greatly by the headache. Without a word, Aiden let go of her hand and instead put it on her upper back, using his thumb to massage her nape, easing some of the pain. “Let’s go. Quickly.”
They sped up their pace a bit, and Spirit kept her head down. Isaac went to the front to cancel their orders, and Aiden and Oliver went outside with Spirit.
As soon at the cold January air hit her, she sighed heavily, allowing the cold to relax her nerves a bit. Aiden’s hand remained on her back, and Oliver touched her arm gently. “Spir—”
Spirit cut off her friend with a retch, doubling over. She heaved, and the dizzying force of it almost made her fall if it weren’t for Aiden wrapping his arms around her.
“Crap,” Aiden gasped, his concern growing as Spirit continued to heave. “You’re okay. Just let it up.”
Spirit dry-heaved again, but knew nothing would come up since her stomach was empty. She took a shuddering breath, steadying her legs and standing up straight again.
“I’m fine,” she mumbled, rubbing her temple. Her fingers started to creep into her hair, but Oliver pulled her arm down gently before she could start pulling at it.
Aiden kept an arm around her waist, looking her in the eye worriedly. Before he could say anything, Spirit assured him again, “I’m fine, I promise. The stress just got to me a bit.” She then turned to Oliver. “I’m sorry—”
“We can always come another time,” he interrupted, smiling softly. “I get it. That woman certainly does have a knack for popping in and out of your life when you least expect it.”
Isaac came out of the restaurant then. “You okay, Spirit?” he asked.
Spirit nodded. “Yeah, I’m f—” She stopped when the restaurant doors opened again.
The others all turned around, frowning. Aiden looked disappointed, and both Oliver and Isaac looked hateful.
“So, you ignore my calls, and then you don’t bother to stop and say hi to me? You can’t take a second out of your life to say hello to your own mom?” Spirit’s mother walked over with her hands on her hips, one of her perfectly-plucked eyebrows raised, and her snobbish nose turned up at her daughter and her daughter’s friends.
Spirit said nothing, glaring at the woman.
“Leave her alone,” Isaac said, his tone cold and angered. “And don’t act like she owes you anything.”
The woman ignored him. “Spirit, I would appreciate it if I could post you in my blog, just to show the viewers how well you’re doing in college.” She then looks Spirit up and down, her lip curling slightly. “I brought you a good-looking outfit for the video and pictures. Okay? I can give it to you now, and we can meet up later. And maybe you could first get a hair appointment to get some decently colored blonde highli—”
“Shut up!” Spirit raised her voice at the woman, all but shaking with rage and drawing the attention of other people around. “I’m not gonna pose like your ‘perfect little girl’ in your stupid blog, just so you can feed your ego and feel good about yourself! You’ve done nothing for me!” Tears started to burn behind her eyes. Her temper was rising, bubbling and spilling over.
“Spirit-” Oliver started worriedly, putting a hand on her arm, but she shrugged him off and stepped walked towards her mom, Aiden’s arm falling from her waist.
“How many times do we have to have this conversation before you understand?!” She yelled, pointing a finger at her mother who seemed entirely unfazed. “I HATE YOU! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE!!!”
The woman said nothing at first. Then she scoffed, slapping Spirit’s hand away. “You’re exactly like your dad. . . was.”
Spirit flinched as if slapped, her stomach dropping. The woman certainly knew how to twist Spirit’s deepest knife.
Spirit just stood there as the woman turned and walked back into the restaurant, no doubt ready to put that fake smile and personality back on.
Frozen, Spirit heard the words in her head again.
like your dad. . . was.
Her ears started ringing. It felt like her skull was closing in on her brain.
Was she breathing? She could feel air coming in and out of her lungs, but she felt dizzy and lightheaded.
She could hear her friends around her, but it was like hearing them through water. She hear Aiden, and she could also see him right in front of her, his hands on her shoulders. He looked worried.
. . . was.
Spirit felt her knees give out, and the ground rushed up to meet her.
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soupzardous · 5 months ago
i would love a detalied lore drop on are they smarter than a first grader :3 i genuinely adore all these characters youve written i would gladly take any brain vomit like just screenshots of you and ur friend brainrotting i would eat it alllll up!! just anything honestly
I’m not even gonna lie I did not deliver at all. But what I will give you is that I know for sure that Quackity had like been super anxious for the sleep over. As usual Wilbur was late. Literally not shocking. But basically I hadnot planned much for that chapter I had lots of ideas tho. I did want to have them maybe build a pillow fort in Slimes room cuz I thought that would be silly and also cuz Quackity would’ve lost his marbles. I also think I intended on writing a moment that chapter where Quackity wants to read Fundy and Slime a bed time story since it was routine but Fundy doesn’t know how to react and Slime shoos Quackity away because Fundy can just read to him. Quackity would’ve gone back to the living room grumbling and prob would’ve poured himself a glass of wine cuz he can’t handle not being in charge of things.
Since him and Wilbur were fighting before hand (from what I remember) I wanted it to be sort of tense and awkward. I know in the previous chapter, Slime had green marker on his face and that was how i planned on getting them to start talking. Wilbur would’ve also been drinking wine and all that jazz. However, the plan was for Wilbur to suggest to Quackity that he get Slime some tattoo markers so Slime can draw on himself without it becoming a problem, and that was gonna lead into them being fucking weird or whatever. I really hardcore believed that atstafg!Quackity had a trampstamp (there is concept art and everything). Anyways, back then i did actually write out all the dialogue as kind of a bare bones draft, so I’ll just insert that screen shot here:
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Then they probably were freaks and kissed. And this time no one interrupted them for realzies.
The next morning was gonna go one of two ways.
1. Quackity was gonna wake up and realize it was almost 8:30 am (he usually woke up around 5) an get worried that the kids hadn’t eaten. In this scenario he didn’t even remember the whole thing with Wilbur because he is more worried abt the kids. He would’ve winded up walking into the living area and seeing that Wilbur was in his bath robe due to being the one who’d woken Wilbur up, and Wilbur had to find something to put on because he wanted to let Quackity keep sleeping (he knew Quackity was sleep deprived)
2. They would’ve woken up at the same time and kind of opted to ignore what had happened. Wilbur wouldn’t have been able to find his glasses and he probably would’ve said something along the lines of “Well it isn’t my fault you probably recklessly put them somewhere. If they’re broken you’re paying for it.” And they would’ve bickered before Wilbur rolled his eyes and said he didn’t need them that bad and they would’ve headed into the kitchen.
Either way, they would’ve wound up finding Slime and Fundy at the kitchen table with some books that him and Fundy were reading together. Once again, I had this vaguely written in old dms i sent so I’ll just insert those here
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I did initially want Quackity to do that thing he does where he was more focused on being a parent than how he was feeling, so he was gonna be too busy with trying to schedule Slime an optometrist appointment to worry about whatever happened with Wilbur. However, Wilbur is not trying to leave in a rush cause he would rather be uncomfortable around Quackity while Fundy had fun than back at his apartment with Phil there. Eventually, when Quackity gets off the phone Wilbur finally asks why Quackity isn’t bringing up what happened, and Quackity woudlve been all like “because I have a life to live I can’t just pause everytime there is a minor accident. You just have to keep doing what you have to do, so sorry if I don’t wanna get into all that” and Wilbur would’ve been offended but not willing to walk away. He does wind up giving up the fight and saying he was gonna stay a little bit longer but just because Fundy was having a fun time. he probably says something about how he’s only staying because he’s not as bad of a parent as Quackity thinks. because truly, they never get past that.
By the way Quackity does blame himself heavily for not even thinking that Slime might have really bad eye sight and just trying to force slime to read when he couldn’t see very well to be begin with. I know a lot of people did theorize that he had dyslexia or was truly just never taught to read, but it was more so due to a lack of proper caregivers in his infant and toddler years and shockingly bad eyesight for being a six year old.
Quackity tries to get Wilbur to go home by telling Slime his friend was gonna have to go home so that he could take Slime to the eye doctor, but Slime tells Quackity “you can’t take me to an eye doctor. Your eyes are healthy. Can Fundy’s dad go instead his eyes aren’t healthy so he would be better” (thats really ooc forgive me please). Anyways, Quackity is a sucker for anything Slime wants especially since his feels really guilty in the moment. So he does say yes.
I have a much more detailed version of the whole glasses debacle, if you want that, but tbh I do not expect this post to be something anyone is actively waiting for anymore. Once again my bad for waiting so long. There were a lot of little things I hc abt Wilbur and his childhood that related to glasses that would’ve served as a bonding type of moment nd i believe i have all of that written down somewhere in my discord dms.
Anyways. I am kind of struggling to remember it all, but I did plan on Quackity and Wilbur trying to keep things professional for a chapter after that, as they were nearing the class Christmas party i believe. Maybe I don’t remember my own fics current time line but it’s fine it’s so chill. But basically when they do set up and help run the class Christmas party since they are co room moms. One of the activities is making a little handmade ornament. It’s meant to be like a gift the kids make to bring home to their parents. However, during the party Slime winds up giving his to Wilbur instead of Quackity. Quackity is not happy about this to say the least, especially since him and wilbur aren’t on the best of terms. Quackity expected Wilbur to shove it in Quackitys face and brag about winning, but instead he just awkwardly tried to give it to Quackity because he felt really bad about the fact that it happened. Quackity refuses to accept it and just kind of keeps to himself the whole time.
When the class party ends, Nikki thanks the two for how much they did and for collaborating. She mentions that Slime had been talking about how Wilbur and Quackity had a sleepover with him and Fundy all week in their morning circle, and to top it off, there had even been a day or two where Fundy talked during the morning circle too. As Quackity and Wilbur leave the school, Wilbur attempts to check in on Quackity. usually Quackity was more vocal of what was bothering him.
When he asks what’s wrong Quackity just kinda quietly says something about how it isn’t fair that Slime likes Wilbur more than him.
Wilbur goes “thats not true. he hardly knows me”
And Quackity just says that he wouldn’t get it. And it is heavily related to the fact that Quackity has tried super hard to avoid letting anyone into his life because he didn’t wanna bring someone into Slimes life that would stick around for a while but inevitably leave. After a bit of back and forth Wilbur probably mentions something like “I dont get it. You act like I’m going anywhere. You act like you aren’t incredibly aware that I can’t leave if I want to. If either of us are the type to run away, it’s you, Quackity. You always say it’s what’s best for Slime, but I don’t know if theres a single selfless reason why you act the way you do. I know I’m selfish, but I never asked to be in this situation. And I’m not saying you did. But for someone who always looks so miserable, you sure have no problem pushing me away. I may not have been the best friend you could have, but it’s not like you have any others. Our kids are friends, and I wont let this be the reason they can’t hang out anymore. But you have a lot of nerve pretending we don’t know too much about each other. I thought we would’ve worked out just fine together. I liked you, Quackity. And maybe I’m just an idiot, but feel like you might have liked me too”
Quackity tells him he doesn’t get it, and Wilbur decides to count his losses and drive home.
The next chapter I planned on having Wilbur being up late at night. School has gone on break and it is Christmas Eve now. For the first time in years Wilbur had actually put out a small decorative tree. He wasn’t sure why, neither him nor fundy were very enthusiastic about holidays. Fundy was in bed and Phil was sleeping too. He winds up getting out some craft supplies that he had left over from a while back, and makes his own version of a shitty ornament. In all honesty it isn’t that much better than the one Slime had made. He puts it in a bag along with a cheap botttle of wine he bought the day before. A part of him wanted to write “to replace the last of the things I took from you” on the card, but he settled on writing “merry Christmas, hope you like it” despite how much he wanted to say. The next morning after Fundy opens his gifts, he asks if Fundy wants to go have a play date with Slime, and Fundy says yes because he wants to tell Slime about the cool books he got.
The goal was for Wilbur to give Quackity the gift and for Quackity to attempt to act indifferent/frustrated but eventually crumble cuz he was really upset with himself. I did at the time plan on just figuring out this part when i got there, however it was gonna be kinda mushy with like them finally talking about it. I prob would’ve done some fuckass mistletoe cliche or something. I also thought it would’ve been funny to have Slime and Fundy see it and try and turn their Christmas Chinese takeout dinner into a surprise date to set their parents up. I don’t really know.
It is a little funny cuz i actually really dont like Christmas but it was going to become a Christmas fic due to pacing.
The epilogue would’ve been a fast forward to Wilbur and Quackity roughly 8 months later being fluffy and silly while coparenting and getting both Slime and Fundy ready for school. I wasn’t sure whether they’d be living together or not at that point, but either way it wasn’t like they wouldn’t have sleep overs pretty often. I thought it would be kinda silly if like Wilbur was helping get the kids ready so Quackity could get an extra hour of sleep since Wilbur usually was working until after Quackity had already picked up the kids from school. There would be some days where Quackity packed the kids lunches and some where they got to buy it at school. Some days Quackity would worry about what the kids were gonna wear and others Wilbur just let them pick whatever they wanted. Essentially just illustrating the balance that would be achieved after they got together with both families benefiting from the best of both worlds. Wilbur would’ve learned to be a more involved and responsible parent and Quackity would’ve learned to not micro manage every little thing that happened. And from that point on they both became co room moms until Fundy and Slime got sick of their parents wanting to be involved with every school function
I have more things i saved in case y’all want anymore!! So just let me know and i will actually get back to you in a timely manner I promise this time !!! Hope this all made sense it has been so long since I talked abt atstafg
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inconsideratekidney · 5 months ago
hey guys,
something's wrong with my computer. it can barely run all my chrome tabs anymore like it used to. it still functions i suppose, but its very slow and doesn't charge with this one charger i have--my backup charger. i bring this one around so i don't have to bring my big one. the big one that is like my only dependable charger apparently. this backup charger works on my phone and my tablet, but my laptop just won't accept it as a charger for whatever reason. it's super cool and lights up when it's plugged into a power source. it's got 3 different offshoots for usb-c, lightning cable, and something else idk what it's called but it's like an hdmi-shaped version of the lightning cable sized one. anyway, who cares about all that. my laptop has not turned on while the cable is plugged in and it pisses me off so much. i wish my laptop would finally explode like it wants to so i can get a new one.
im not really sure what kind of audience is actually reading my blogs. i know most don't keep up, cuz its a blog and no one wants to read about someones personal life go on and on, but it is very therapeutic for me. i honestly dgaf who reads it or doesn't. just that i have a place to put my thoughts. i would love feedback or any kind of response literally, like idc what, i like to have conversations with ppl so if u want to go ahead. ill try to stop asking, but i feel like ppl don't feel right doing it or are straight up just not reading any of this. who knows. womp womp.
speaking of which, the things i write about are the kinds of topics i want to talk about with ppl, but are the ones that ppl dont stay on for too long. what i mean to say is that i can bring something up and not have the time to say it all, or the interest of the other person to listen; wait; then let me finish my thoughts, and then actually want a response from them. i often find myself wanting someone to just listen to me go on and on, and most ppl can't stand that or can't stay on the same topic i want to talk about. if i ever do find myself with someone who will let me talk, i'm so conditioned to change the subject for fear that i'm bothering them and sub-consciously/consciously change the subject so i don't lose ppl in conversation.
i had no idea how to recruit "fans" or whatever lol. i had no idea who really wanted to read these blogs. i just find them fun--i'd like to think i'm funny sometimes and that people enjoy what i have to say, so that they can read into what i'm thinking about on their own time. i don't have to bother people with my existence in a conversation back and forth if they don't want to. if you can't stand my writing u can just click away. it's not a big deal. my whole thing is that if you really did want to respond, i'd be down to have a chat with you. i feel satisfied after getting this all out that i can decide to respond or not once i'm done because i've already gotten my thoughts out without being interrupted. you don't watch me type or see my edits, you only see the final product and that puts me at ease a bit. when i speak out loud, i typically say everything i'm thinking or not enough. often i say the wrong thing and people are quick to jump in and ask for clarification or even correct me. i'm not finished. many ppl aren't patient anymore and it's frustrating when my brain doesn't function the way most peoples brains do.
i think of something, then i think "why the hell did that pop into my head? what on earth is this related to?" trick question--its never related to anything most times. my brain just picks up on slight things in my environment and misconstrues them as something relevant to some memory and brings one up, or comes up with something new. i'd assume most people think like that. i just don't know how to explain that to ppl in conversation when were talking about one thing, or we're not talking at all and i just bring something up. that's when it makes sense to me. typically i think of everything at once so it's all relevant to me.
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i like this shark. going in circles endlessly in one small space. he knows he can't go anywhere, but maybe he likes it. it's safe, reliable, and cushiony. i put the shark here for our entertainment, but i wont release him (cuz i will forget) but he shall remain happy or maybe he's hitting his head against the walls, thinking "when will she stop yapping" idk.
im sweating like a madwoman. make it stoppppp. i was trying to experiment by not wearing deodorant/antiperspirant to see if it was all in my head and it is not. it's quite real and i hate it. i hate sweating so much. i don't sweat in my hands or back. just my armpits and private bits (it's really just my thighs lol). i wanna lose weight tbh. i hate my thighs rubbing together, it hurts when i'm wearing shorts and they just slide up and chafe. ugh i get so uncomfortable thinking about it. also my body just gets hot. it's just so annoying. i feel like this hyperhydrosis condition really spiked when i entered college. that's when i really noticed it first a least. my mom has it and i've been trying all different deodorants and antiperspirants with her, but i still sweat regardless. i think she said some work for her for a bit, but then don't again. i think lumē worked for her but just smells weird. who knows. maybe i'll try mens deodorant or antiperspirant. i don't want to throw out my current one cuz yk, money, but it ain't working...
in the time i've written this, the charger still isn't working and even when i hold down the power button there's no response from my conputer to even tell me it's dead. i'm concerned but still couldn't care less. its not fanning bc i let it stop before it turned off. i think it just died and this charger isn't working. i sure hope it works when i get home tho. fuck this shit.
this body positivity movement related to hair on women is progressing more i think. i haven't researched it or anything, but i notice more ppl than i did before who seem female presenting or have feminine features to have body hair and i love to see it. it's still very scarce, but this is only one place in the world. ofc my hometown there's like no one and my mother makes fun of me all the damn time, so i never forget it. i just wish it didn't look so bad. like i don't care about it cosmetically in the sense that women shouldn't have it cuz it looks bad or cuz its not feminine, but i just don't think it ever matches my outfits. it pisses me off kinda. i don't feel like i give off hairy vibes. maybe i do. those aren't the vibes i wanna put out there. but see in that mindset, i'm stereotyping myself and still have the same schema. "what they're wearing is weird that doesn't match what i assume their style is!" type shit. i don't enjoy this mindset and it comes along with other stereotypical, generalizing mindsets i still have from growing up and am still trying to eradicate, but dang its hard.
i also study peoples behavior and people watch to learn and copy whats socially acceptable. so believe me when i say, it's fucking hard having hairy legs when it's still not common everywhere i go. it's kind of a fucking nightmare sometimes. and i know i sound like "oh, woe is me!" and sometimes i do feel like that, but its because i don't see enough representation--thats another reason why i do it. my real reason is that i don't care to keep up with shaving and i don't want to do it bc i feel like i have to. i don't feel like i want to, so i just don't. if one day i wake up and feel like shaving, then damnit i will. but i don't need anyone's approval or advice on it. i'm angry bc of what my mother says to me, so this is mainly directed towards the comments she's made, and my father, hell, both of em. i'm not taking this outta thin air. there are ppl attacking me, it's my family...
that's the funny thing. i haven't gotten any backlash from a single other person. funny... if they keep it to themselves, wonderful! i honestly don't care what they think, but do care that they are being considerate.
anyshways, thats why i don't love socks that pull on the hair and why i feel awkward in tank tops and short shirts cuz i still haven't gotten over the socially different part yet. this is revolutionizing for me even if it isn't for anyone else.
if you actually read everything so far, you're cool, but if you're at the end and readin this, you're still cool but u just don't know what i said. i'll sum it up for you-
tdlr (i hate myself):
- computer bout to shit itself
- i have social anxiety and am a clinical yapper
- computer still boutta die
- ahh scary! hair on woman!!
youre here now.
i'll try to post Tuesdays through Thursdays i have decided. try to check then if u can....
love yall,
kD :p
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raccoonface · 2 years ago
It’s a classic
I’m a little new to this. It here it is (and yes this is mine it’s just one that I made on Wattpad first)
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Y/n's POV
I was walking to school when I accidentally bumped into shorty Cavell "Hey short-stuff" She then hits me playfully and says 
"hey douche" we both laugh 
"what are you doing?" 
"Walking to school"
 "huh douche knows how to walk" 
"I'm not bad at everything. Anyways I got to head to school, don't wanna be late"
 "cuz your slow when walking" She says sarcastically 
"yeah right, whatever"
 "bye douche" 
"bye shorty"
 and then I got back to the journey of walking right into the pits of hell.
Time skip to school
I was at my locker when the first bell rang getting my things, then I walked to my first period class bored as hell.
 Everything was fine until third period... when the shooting happened, it was a class I always skipped so I was waiting in the bathroom for the period to be done but then Vada came 
 "hey douche" I jumped a little bit
 "Jesus," I whispered
 "Hey shorty" I said back to her
 "what are you doing in here?" 
"Skipping class, what about you?" 
"My sister had to call me, so I thought about coming to the bathroom, and here I am."
 We were both chuckling until we heard a gunshot Vada's eyes were wide open same as mine she asked me 
"what was that??" 
"Somebody probably just tripped-" 
and another one "-never mind" 
"quick douche get into a stall" 
She pulls me to one of the stalls on the opposite side of where the doors at and we both get onto the toilet so our feet aren't able to be seen. Vada was shaking a lot so I quickly grabbed her hand and heard more gun shots you couldn't hear anything other than the gunshots and the sound of me and Vada whimpering, she tried getting her phone on to text or call someone but her phone dropped into the toilet.
 When she got it out she just put in into her pocket then we heard someone coming into the bathroom, then they got into the other stall. "Is someone in there?" 
The other person whispered "Your not the shooter right?" 
Vada got out barely "no, no I'm not." 
"Come over to the stall."
 The guy goes underneath the stall and comes back up "is that your blood?" 
"My brother" the guy sobs 
"m-my brothers dead." 
We all are quiet for the last minutes of the shooting until police came into the bathroom saying we can come out. After that we all went home traumatized by it all.
Time skip to night
When I was trying to sleep I got a notification on my phone it was Vada she was trying to talk to me
(Vada - Shorty )(y/n - douche)
Hey Y/n
Hi Vada
Uhm.. I kinda need some help from the whole shooting and stuff I'm really just not okay, and I really need your help
Alright, what do you need help with, like you want me to help calm you down or something?
Yeah, yeah something like that
Alright take a breather
Breathe in
breathe out
This is sorta helping thank you
Uhm I have a quick question before I leave you alone.
Well what is it?
Would it be alright if I came over tomorrow?
Of course it would be alright dude I mean we're friends after all
All right so tomorrow when I'm about to come over I'll call you
Alright, see you then!
Okay goodnight
When I went to sleep I had a small smile on my face not knowing why it was there but all I was thinking about is when Vadas coming over tomorrow.
Time skip (again) 
While I was sitting on the couch relaxing I got a call from Vada. I answer and talk to her and she said "I'll be over there in about five minutes " 
"alright see you then" 
when she hung up I started cleaning the mess I had made from trying to make lunch earlier. 
When I heard knocks on the door I went and opened it and came straight into Vadas arms hugging her. 
"Hey douche"
 "Hey shorty"
 "missed me much?"
 "Yeah,yeah whatever. Come on in"
 "what are we gonna do?"
 "Why don't you tell me your the one who asked to come here." 
"Alright douche let's have a movie night."
 "I love movie nights" 
"alright let's see if you like my kinda movie nights with horror films" 
"alright we'll see" 
"I'll go get the popcorn, you want some"
 "why are you even asking. Of course I want some, oh and with butter and salt please"
 "of course"
 "alright thanks" 
"no problem"
 I went out to make the popcorn and came back out with Vada who had chosen to watch Halloween which I've never watched before. 
"Alright shorty here's your popcorn."
 "Thanks douche"
 I grab a blanket and put it over both of us 
"you ready?"
 after about half the movie I started getting scared and getting closer to Vada. Once there was a jump scare I went fully into Vadas arms and she just laughed and said
 "scared douche?”
 "hah hah shut up" I quipped back 
"alright I think it's time to turn it off"
 "why not douche, if your scared"
 "I wanna finish it"
 "alright if you say so"
 we continued watching it but a couple minutes after she turned it back I fell asleep on her chest.
 When I woke up she was asleep as well so I got up put the blanket on her and carried her to my room and got into the bed with her.
 She started turning around looking for something but when she got a hold on me she started to cuddle into me. I cuddled with her until I fell asleep again.
 We both woke up around the same time. When I woke up Vada said 
"morning beautiful" 
then her eyes got wide but my eyebrows were the only thing that I moved. Then she started rambling saying
 "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that- I mean I'm not saying your not beautiful I just didn't want to say it like that and I know we're friends and I don't want to mess that up and all so I-"
 "Vada!" I yelled
“Calm down I think your beautiful too" 
"Yeah I mean I don't just think your beautiful your also super smart, and kind, and hot but you get the gist. All I'm trying to say is that I like you."
 "Well I like you too"
 "that's nice to know"
 we both giggled a little bit and then stared into each other's eyes for a little bit but then Vada looked down at my lips for a split second then up t my eyes again then started moving toward me. While she was doing that I started moving as well to meet her in the middle.
 Then when our lips were together it was like magic , both of our lips fit perfectly together
________________________________________* If you want me to do some of your requests please send them in.
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ludrii-shenanigins · 3 months ago
lud i cant copy it on mobile but answer all asks from that ask game pls
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? tea cups, though wine glasses are fun too if you put other stuff than wine in it
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate 100%
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? neither xD
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? aither as the perfect student, or as the lazy problematic child, depending on whether or not my neurodivergency inconvenienced them
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? I don't drink soda lol
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? hmmm, pastel, tomboy, goth
7. earbuds or headphones? headphones 100%
8. movies or tv shows? Both. Both is good
9. favorite smell in the summer? sea
10. game you were best at in p.e.? uhh, none lmao, I was the worst in everything xD
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Pie of some sort (my mom makes them), or a yogurt
12. name of your favorite playlist? "songs" xDD
13. lanyard or key ring? key ring, lanyards are annoying
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? licorice <3
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? hmm, Spalovač mrtvol (a Czech book)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? changes constantly lol
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? crocs at home, sneakers outside if it's warm or boots if it's cold
18. ideal weather? 18-22°C, sunny, with a gentle breeze
19. sleeping position? on the side, hands crossed on my chest like I'm buried in a tomb
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? on my laptop
21. obsession from childhood? dinosaurs xD and collecting random crap
22. role model? none I can think of tbh
23. strange habits? Clicking my tongue randomly, growling when getting out of bed, baring my teeth at myself in the mirror for no reason, sniffing the air if I'm looking for something ..am I an animal? xD
24. favorite crystal? I guess amethyst, it ourple
25. first song you remember hearing? I don't remember a thing xD
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? hole up in my room and game or draw
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? hole up in my room and game or draw
28. five songs to describe you? Yes I'm a Mess Psycho Oh no! Masochism Tango The Code
29. best way to bond with you? hang out doing the most random crap lol
30. places that you find sacred? tops of mountains, graveyards, tombs, other planets
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? black dress with ouija board on it, chains, fingerless gloves, fishnets, metal claws
32. top five favorite vines? 1. "..and they were roommates" "Oh my god they were roommates" 2. "Two bros chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they're not gay" 3. "Road work ahead? I sure hope it does" 4. "Even the babies are one of the most dangerous animals in the world, so I build this cage to keep them secure so there's no possible- oh my god" 5. Completely Giving Up, starring: Me, Me, Me, Me, and introducing Me
33. most used phrase in your phone? either "I don't remember" or "btw you're cute" lol
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? Bobika
35. average time you fall asleep? around 22:30, though on the weekends it can go all the way up to 2:00 xD
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I don't remember anything xD
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? both. both are good
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? both. both are good
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? hmm, a band of boys bought pink girl underwear and put it around the school xDDD
41. last person you texted? you Noodle lol
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? BOTH. BOTH IS GOOD
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? hoodie, leather jacket, jean jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? lavender
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? sci-fi or fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? pajamas
47. favorite type of cheese? uhhhh, string cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? mandarin? brain said ananas though
49. what saying or quote do you live by? well, I don't live by it, but I try "Take it easy, but take it"
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? I can't recall
51. current stresses? school exams, Christmas, school exams
52. favorite font? comic sans B]
53. what is the current state of your hands? dirty from drawing xD and dry
54. what did you learn from your first job? I never had a job
55. favorite fairy tale? About the 7 ravens
56. favorite tradition? hmm, I really don't know, sorry xD
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? finishing high school, reaching out to a therapist on my own, uhhhh surviving uni so far??
58. four talents you’re proud of having? drawing, poetry, making stuff from random crap like cardboard and wires, understanding computery stuff
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? "Anyhoo- " "I don't remember" "Sorry, I zoned out" "See ya later, alligator!"
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? something with powers and stuff
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? hmm I have the high ground
62. seven characters you relate to? William (Who's Lila?) Stolas (Helluva Boss) Hiccup (HTTYD) Ranboo (DSMP) Alphys (Undertale) Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
63. five songs that would play in your club? oughhh these song questions xD literally the same 5 as before lmao, although switch Yes I'm a mess for My way
64. favorite website from your childhood? uhh, Friv.com lol, gamez
65. any permanent scars? one on my knee
66. favorite flower(s)? allium, sunflower, lilac, rose, dandelion
67. good luck charms? a necklace from my girlfriend, a handmade bee from England (I wear it on my pants)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? beer. HATE that stuff, never having another sip. Closely followed by dill
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? I got a lot of fun facts but with all of them I know how I learned them so xD
70. left or right handed? both handed lol
71. least favorite pattern? dots, I hate them for some reason, and vertical stripes
72. worst subject? P.E.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? cheese and chocolate
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 4 or 5
75. when did you lose your first tooth? When I was like uhhhh 7?? my first year in elementary school lol
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? baked I think
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? any and all, I love plants
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? I don't drink coffee so ig sushi it is xD
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? I don't have either so uh yeah lmao
80. earth tones or jewel tones? What language is this?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies
82. pc or console? pc pc pc, but I love me some good PS2 gaming every now and then
83. writing or drawing? Drawinggg although I love writinggg although I love drawinggg although...
84. podcasts or talk radio? Neither, it distracts me xD
84. barbie or polly pocket? Huh? What's a polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology? Both. Both is good
86. cookies or cupcakes? BOTH. BOTH IS GOOD.
87. your greatest fear? That nobody cares about me and will end up leaving me behind when things get tough and I'll die alone and lonely
88. your greatest wish? Peace and love on planet Earth and end to capitalism. I just wanna live a nice life without the looming threat of not being able to pay rent and stuff
89. who would you put before everyone else? Either myself or my girlfriend
90. luckiest mistake? I don't remember xD
91. boxes or bags? BOXESSS *crawls into one*
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight is great but FAIRY LIGHTSSSS
93. nicknames? In kindergarten they called me a crybaby, in elementary school this one dude called me a "Makyman" which was a mix o superman and my name, in high school one of my friends called me midget (am smol ok), and rn one of my other friends calls me Moonling And my girlfriend calles me Birdie :}
94. favorite season? I'd say spring Not too cold, not too warm, flowers bloom and everything gets back to life..
95. favorite app on your phone? uhhh, my beloved camera I think. I love taking pictures
96. desktop background? Screenshot from Ori and the Blind Forest (Definitive Edition)
Tumblr media
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? 1. My own xD and barely at that
98. favorite historical era? Dinosaurs!!!! Closely followed by Victorian era, and I also got a soft spot for 1920s
this took way too long xDDD
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lopezpierce · 1 year ago
Brittana Thanksgiving
"Quinn, I can't go back home without a date for dinner. My parents are still friends with my ex's parents…we've all been going to church together since I was like three. " Santana huffed out as she rolled to her side and batted her eyelashes at her. "Pretend to be my girlfriend for the next 3 holidays and I'll do your biology home work all next semester."
Quinn just rolled her eyes as she turned around in her desk chair, "I don't trust you enough with my GPA. I also will get murdered by my mother if I don't go to Columbus for Thanksgiving and meet her new boyfriend."
The brunette just sighed, "This four day break is going to be such a god damn disaster. I don't even want to go home."
"I bet you my cousin Brittany would pretend to be your date," Quinn smirked a little when she saw Santana's face turn a little red.
"Your tall, beautiful, legs for days cousin Brittany?" The Latina said almost shyly.
"Yeah," Quinn laughed a little bit at her roommates dream like state. "Our grandparents I've in Bellefontaine it's halfway between Lima and my mom. We aren't doing family Thanksgiving until Saturday."
"Brittany has better things to do then go with me," Santana pushed her glasses up and focused back on her organic chemistry book.
"I told you she thought you were cute and was asking about you after you came home with me Halloween weekend," Quinn just shrugged. "I don't know why you never texted her."
"She has a boyfriend at that party," The brunette stated matter of factly.
"I'm going to text her now!" Quinn squealed as a pillow wizzed by her head.
"You better not!" Santana rushed out of her seat towards Quinn.
Santana narrowly avoided having Quinn text Brittany. Not that she wouldn't love to bring the tall beautiful blonde home for dinner, but she had a boyfriend last time Santana checked. She finished brushing her wet hair just as Quinn walked into their dorm room. "What's with the sly as smirk, Fabray?"
Quinn just shrugged as she sat back down at her computer desk. "I texted Brittany while you were in the shower. She said she would LOVE to spend Thanksgiving with you and your parents."
Santana threw her brush lightly across the towards her best friend, "You've got to be kidding me…" The brunette breathed in deeply. "She has a boyfriend."
Quinn laughed a little bit, "You're going to be thanking me after the long weekend and you have someone hot to bring home." Quinn put her hair up in a ponytail and smiled at Santana in the mirror. "She also HAD a boyfriend. She very interested in my geeky side kick."
"Fuck off, Q." Santana huffed a little bit as she crossed her arms over her superman shirt. "If anything you're the fucking side kick."
"I also gave her your number so you guys can iron out the details," The blonde shot her best friend a small smirk. "You can also thank me with your grandmother's pie!"
Santana knew being this nervous about a text conversation was ridiculous, but she couldn't help it. It was even the potential of lying to her family, that didn't bother her so much. It was this conversation with Brittany. She met her about a month ago when she went home with Quinn. She was tall, beautiful, incredibly smart, and funny. All those qualities were hard to find separate, finding them together was a gold mine. This was also just a rouse…it's not like it was going to go anywhere. Brittany probably just wanted some entertainment away from her family. Santana's phone chimed and she felt her chest tighten up a little. Panic attacks weren't something new for her…
Brittany: Hey Santana it's Quinn's cuz Britt. She told me bout ur little idea. I think it could be a blast
Santana: Hi, Brittany. I don't know what she actually told you. I just don't think I can bare going home without a date when I know my ex is going to be at my parents for Thanksgiving.
Santana looked over Brittany's text again, almost panicked about what Quinn might have said. She also realized Brittany was short texting. Her lengthily novel would make to be an even bigger nerd then she was.
Brittany: Basically free food and hanging out w a hot girl. Seems like a good deal to me :) BTW Y would your ex be there?
Santana felt her face heat up a little bit at Brittany's passive flirting. Quinn had mentioned a couple times Brittany had said she thought the Latina was cute. But it coming from Brittany, made it a little more real.
Santana: I'm not bragging but Mami and Abuela can cook! My ex is a childhood friend as well…My parents spend every Thanksgiving with them
Brittany: So free food a little hand holding maybe a hug and play nice with your parents is about the gig?
Brittany: That sux…is ur ex at least nice?
Santana smiled a little at Brittany's cute 'job description.' She stared at her phone for a second trying to think of a good way to describe Rachel. She was very nice and really was a good person, but she was too self-evolved and experimental for Santana.
Santana: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. She actually is a good person. We just wanted different things. She's an…over achiever to say the least. I just worry everything she has done in school this year will be great grand and wonderful. I'll feel like I've not nothing going for me.
Brittany: Ohhhh….So I should lay on the 'girlfriend' thang on real thiccccc just to annoy her?
Santana let out a small laugh and smiled a bit. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so light, just from a texting conversation.
Santana: I wouldn't say real thick…but maybe a little.
Brittany: K. Sounds good. Got dance in 5. Txt you after class, cutie.
True to her word, Brittany did text Santana a couple hours later after she got out of dance class. They stayed up most of the night texting. Santana almost missed her 8 am physics class. They still had a week to go before Thanksgiving break.
Santana drowned herself in expresso, redbull, and chewing gum to make her way through her day. She didn't know how they had stayed up all night talking about…nothing. Well, what seemed like nothing. They talked about her relationship with Rachel and what buttons Brittany could push if she became unbearable. Just little things in between. She felt her phone vibrate on her.
Brittany: Idek how I am making it thru the day.
Santana couldn't help but smile a little at Brittany's text. She felt exactly the same way. She was a little surprised Brittany texted her first. Although she did have to fight the urge more than once today to text Brittany. The blonde was just doing a favor for her.
Santana: I know exactly what you mean. I almost missed my 8 am and I feel asleep in my 10:15 this morning.
Brittany: I slept through my alarm…I missed my 10 a.m. I have an A in there anyway so it's fine.
Santana shuffled through the hall way making her way to her dorm room. She threw her bag down on her bed exhausted from the day. She wanted to talk to Brittany more but she knew she was in desperate need of a nap.
Santana: I'm sorry you missed your class. I'm in a desperate need of a nap before I start an English paper. Can I text you later?
Brittany: Going 2 nap 2. U txting me is always welcome.
Santana smiled at her phone before she laid it down on her bed and closed her eyes. It was going to be a long week waiting to go home.
Santana talked to Brittany a little bit over the next couple days. It hadn't been like it had been as much before. Santana didn't push talking to her more even though she wanted too. She had texted Brittany a couple times a few hours apart without a response, so she left it alone for the day. From what Brittany said she had a busy week.
Santana woke with an abrupt start when her cell phone vibrated continuously. She looked at her phone. 3:27 am. Brittany was calling her.
Santana tried to clear her throat so she didn't sound completely groggy. "Hello," She spoke softly trying not to wake Quinn.
"Hey, sorry for calling you at such a crazy hour. I literally just got done with my quantum physics project. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you all afternoon. I left my phone in my dorm room while I was in the library." Brittany yawned a little, "How was your day?"
Santana smiled to herself a little bit. Talking to Brittany so much the last week has made her extremely happy. "Ohh. I understand. You could have just texted me," she sighed out of softly as she pulled her blanket over her head. Logically she knew it would really drown out much of the noise. But it made her feel a little be less like a bad roommate. "I am glad you called though. My day was pretty standard. Class, homework, food, more class, more work, shower, then bed time. How was yours beside your project?"
"I honestly thought it would go to voicemail," The blonde let out a small giggle. "It was about the same as yours. School work, more work, food, more work. Nothing terribly exciting, " Brittany huffed out a little bit. "I guess the exciting part is next week. Is there anything I really have to worry about besides being bored to death by your ex?"
Santana just shrugged to herself even though she knew Brittany could see it. "I leave it on in case my parents were to call. My abuela has had a few rough spells the last couple months. Nothing too serious, honestly. I just like to be on the safe side." Santana rolled onto her side resting her phone on her ear, "Ummm…I am an only child which we talked about. But we didn't talk about how Papi is a little over protective."
"I'm sorry she has been sick on and off. Grandparents are special regardless of how long we get them in our lives," Brittany let out a small yawn. "How protective are we talking? Like sit on the porch with a shot gun?"
"Did you lose your grandparents when you were young?" Santana felt her heart start to ache a little for her before she even really had an answer. "No not that bad. But he will flash the lights from the living room if I'm on the porch one minute past my curfew. He also likes to ask a million questions. So be prepared for that."
"I never met my dad's parents. They died before I was born, but my mom's are alive though. I spent every summer with them growing up. I'm excited to see them at Thanksgiving." Brittany yawned a little from the other side of the line. "I can handle a million questions. Speaking of that, we need to take time to figure out our 'love story' for all the questions I'm sure we'll get asked.'
"I'm glad you get to spend time with them. It will be fun for sure," The Latina let out a big sigh, "I can't believe I didn't really think about that."
"Well, it's almost 4 am and I'm exhausted. We still have a few days to get a story together. Talk to you tomorrow?" Brittany asked softly before another yawn came out.
"Absolutely," Santana yawned herself. "Sounds good. Goodnight, Britt."
Brittany started to call Santana every evening after that first after that first 4 a.m. phone call. The phone calls usually weren't too long, but they did put a little pep in Santana's step. Thanksgiving was only a few days away now.
"So have you and Brittany decided how to introduce her to your family?" Quinn looked up from her laptop at her roommate.
"We're just going to tell them we've been dating a little while and she can't go with your family until Saturday," Santana just shrugged a little. "So some of it what be the truth."
"Ohhh! Now I want to go so bad to see you squirm," Quinn let out a small laugh as Santana just flipped her off.
"It's going to be fine. I just really don't want to hear Rachel drone on about all her first year college achievements," The brunette smiled a little bit as her phone lit up.
"You are like a fifteen year-old with a crush," Quinn scurried across the room and grabbed Santana's phone out of her hand. "She better not be sending you nudes!"
Santana squealed at Quinn and tried to get her phone back, "She's not! We are just talking about our days is all."
"Sry I didn't call U yet. I've been busy with school work." Quinn read the text and laughed at herself a little. "You guys really are putting this thing on for real. Putting it on thick!"
"Hey, this was your idea!" The Latina grabbed her phone back and flipped Quinn off again. "One of the better ones you've had I think."
Quinn just rolled her eyes about AGAIN. "I guess we'll see about that."
Santana nearly dropped her phone when Brittany Facetime called her. She wasn't prepared for this at all. She was supposed to have all of tonight, all of tomorrow and the whole way home the day after tomorrow to prep for 'seeing' Brittany.
She ran her fingers through her hair really quick and answered the call. She couldn't help the huge smile that came across her face when she saw Brittany for the first time. "Hey," She said softly shuffling across her bed. "How was your day?"
Brittany had a huge smile on her face, "Hey yourself." The math student sat down at her desk, keeping her eyes on her screen. "It was good, just super busy. I know it's not finals week yet, but it's almost as bad. How was your day?"
The brunette offered a small laugh giggle, "I know the feeling. My day was busy and full as well."
"I've got a paper to do tonight and a quiz to take," Brittany sighed a little and shook her head. "I'm so ready for a long weekend. Double majoring is a pain in the ass. I also really like the glasses."
Santana groaned a little bit, "Oh that sounds terrible. I only have some reading to do. I'm excited to have four days off too." Santana could feel her face heat up a little bit from the comment. "I….I didn't even realize I had them on."
"What's your favorite thing about going home?" The blonde asked quizzically, "Well, I like them. I didn't even realize you wore them."
"I'll be honest and it might be lame," The Latina said sheepishly, "Mami's cooking and Sunday's watching terrible telenovelas with my Abuela. I really only wear them at night. I wear contacts during the day."
"You've been raving about your moms cooking the last couple weeks she better cook as good as you say," Brittany teased a little. "I don't miss my mom's cooking. She's a terrible cook, but my dad's I do miss. I really miss my cat. I can't have him until I live off campus next semester."
"Don't worry, you will be impressed by their cooking. That's something I can promise," Santana picked her phone up and laid back on her bed. "I'm sorry you can't have him. I'm sure that's hard."
"It's literally the worst. He's my best friend," Brittany stopped talking suddenly. "I have to do my online quiz is due within the next two hours. But I'll text you later if that's okay."
"Ohh, sure." Santana nodded quickly, "You can text me whenever you want."
Thanksgiving was here. The last couple days of class went smooth. Brittany and Santana had talked on the phone each night with each other. Today was THE day. Santana was going to meet Brittany then heading to her parents.
Santana was a nervous wreck. She was tapping all her feet impatiently to the beat of the music. Brittany was late…well, she wasn't late. She just wasn't on Santana time. Which is to be fifteen minutes early for EVERYTHING. She was being a little over dramatic. Brittany had GPS so finding the Lima bean wasn't an issue. What if Brittany actually decided to bail and didn't tell her? Or what if Quinn told her how over bearing her father could be…
She squealed when there was a tap on her window. Brittany was outside her door with a big smile on her face. The Latina took the hint and got out of the car, "Hey, I was starting to wonder if you got lost."
Brittany rubbed the back of her neck and gave her a shy smile. "Well, I know you said I didn't have to bring anything, but my grandma always says never go somewhere empty handed. So I stopped and got wine…But then I thought I didn't know what or if your parents drank." She motioned to the bag on her arm, "So I got red wine, white wine, champagne, and sparkling cider just in case."
Santana couldn't help but smile at Brittany trying to be a good date. "Thank you for getting those. They will drink some of each of it. If they don't, I'm sure my Abuela will kill the bottle of red wine," The brunette giggled as she motioned Brittany to follow her around the car. "Let me get the door for you and we can go to my parents." Santana opened the door for Brittany, "I promise this won't too painful. "
"Santana, don't worry about it." The blonde smiled at her, "Good! It's not a real holiday without a little buzzed grandmother action." Brittany got into the passenger seat and settled in. "I'm really glad you wore your glasses. You look beautiful."
The brunette giggled at her friend's comment, "She's hilarious regardless. But she's extra sassy when she's been drinking." She nearly tripped over her feet on the way back around the car. Brittany texted her she was cute all the time, but seeing the smile on Brittany's face made it all the more real. "Thank you. You look dashing."
The math student was in a dark blue button up with the sleeves rolled up, khaki pants, black shoes and cute suspenders. "Thank you. I wanted to look nice for dinner. Meeting the in-laws for the first time and all." Brittany chuckled a little and patted Santana's leg, "I guess this is it."
Santana smiled at the blonde's joke. "The in-laws can be a little nuts. I have been warning you. But I guess this will be the moment of truth."
Brittany got out of the car first grabbing her bag of drinks along the way. She made her way around the car and opened the door for Santana. "From here on out we have to act like we're dating if you want them to believe it. I will lay it on as THICK as you want." She offered her hand to the brunette to help her out of the car.
The brunette took the other girl's hand and stood up. "I know. I guess here goes the show." She took a deep breath as she messed with her keys getting ready to open the door to her parent's house. "This is it, Brittany."
Brittany put her hand on the small of Santana's back and patted gently. "It's okay, honey. I'm sure your parents will love me."
"Santana," Maribel squealed as she saw her come through the door. "Oh mi amor. Te he echado de menos."
"I missed you too, Mami." Santana hugged her mother tightly. She pulled away and motioned to Brittany. "Mami, this is Brittany. She's the one I was telling you about."
Brittany offered her hand for a hand shake. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Lopez. Thank you for inviting me into your home."
Before Maribel could reply, Alma came into the room and threw her arms around her granddaughter. She poked her in the sides. "Are they not feeding you at your fancy school?"
"Abuela, they are feeding me plenty," She hugged her grandmother tightly. "I've missed you so much." She grabbed Brittany's hand just as she pulled away from her grandmother. "Abuela, this is Brittany. We talked about her on the phone last week."
Maribel looked at Santana with a sly smile, "Just a week? You've been talking to me about Brittany for almost a month."
Alma looked at Brittany up and down and smiled at her softly, "Nunca me dijiste que era tan hermosa." She grabbed Brittany's hand and pulled her towards the kitchen, "Let's get those beverages into the fridge. You can tell me how you've been taking care of my Santana."
Santana groaned at both of the elder women in her family. "Could you please stop trying to embarrass me? We've literally been here for 5 minutes. You have all day to do that…"
"It's so nice to meet you," Brittany smiled at Santana's grandmother. She motioned for Santana to follow as she was getting pulled away. "You should come help in the kitchen, honey."
Santana felt a little chill down her spine when Brittany called her by a pet name. She knew it wasn't real, but it still felt good. "I'm right behind you guys," She reached out for her mom's hand and pulled her into the kitchen. "I want to go taste everything before dinner."
Maribel just rolled her eyes at her daughter, "I usually only let you do that when you've helped me cook."
"Maribel," Her mother just waved her hand at her dismissively, "They came here early to spend time with us before everyone else comes. They also need to eat. So Skinny!" She ushered them all into the kitchen. "I also need to hear how you met!"
The girls weren't in the house long before Miguel Lopez's voice came booming through the house. "Is my little girl home?" He walked into the kitchen as he hung his jacket on the back of one of the dining room chairs.
Santana squealed breaking away from her mom and grandmother's interrogation of Brittany, "PAPI!" The young Latina jumped to her father's arms and hugged him tightly. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, sweetheart." He picked her up a little and kissed the top of her head. "So, you must be Brittany."
The mathematics major stood up from the bar stool, "Yes, Sir. I am Brittany Pierce. It's a pleasure to meet you." She offered her hand for a firm hand shake. "You have a lovely home."
He shook her hand gently and offered a small smile, "And a lovely daughter. But I'm sure you noticed that."
Santana smacked him in the arm and groaned at him, "Papi…Don't scare her off. We've literally been here an hour."
"Honey, if Mami and Abuela haven't scared her off yet I'm sure I won't," He motioned to them cackling like hens in their mother tongue. Brittany was about ever fifth word coming out of their mouths. "Did you know that my Santana is pre-law…I would rather her be pre-med. But, I couldn't convince her otherwise."
Brittany smiled softly at his obvious admiration for his daughter. Santana's reaction to him entering the house showed their bond deeply mutual. "Yes, Mr. Lopez I did. It's one of my favorite things about her. She wants to do as much good for the world as she can."
"What's your major, Brittany? Santana said you've been in several dance recitals," He grabbed a wine class out of the cupboard, "It's a beautiful art, but I'm not sure how lucrative it would be for a career."
Santana wanted to crawl into her own body and disappear. She knew her dad was going to give Brittany the fifth degree, but going her right out of the gate was a little much. "Papi…" She said with a slightly warning tone.
"Mi amour," He said sternly, "It was just a simple question. I'm just trying to get to know Brittany better is all."
Brittany put her hand on the small of Santana's back and offered her father a smile. "San, It's okay." She nudged her in the hip softly with hers. She turned her attention to her father, "Actually, Mr. Lopez, dance is just my stress relief and my cardio. I am double majoring math and organic chemistry. I'll be pre-med for pharmacy school."
"That's excellent, Brittany," Miguel nodded in approval. He looked over at the clock and smiled a little. "Santana, Rachel and her Dads should be her soon. I know you haven't seen her since you've been at school."
Santana grabbed Brittany away from her dad just as the Berry family was knocking on the front door. "So, this is the real deal," The brunette took in a deep breath tried to collect her thoughts for a second. "This isn't at all because I still have feelings for Rachel. She was my first…a lot of things. First friend, first girlfriend, first love and so on. I know she cared about me, but she treated our relationship like an experiment. Like…it was some kind of life experience merit badge. She's majoring in preforming arts and vocal performance. So I think for her the added drama and attention to our relationship was part of the thrill."
"So the break up hurt you and your friendship and you want her to see you're getting over it just fine," Brittany tried to pick her words carefully so she didn't over step. They had talked a little bit about the break up and the reasoning Santana needed a date, but she hadn't heard Santana's voice so pensive.
"That's actually fairly accurate," The brunette let out a soft sigh. "The worst part was she acted like us breaking up wasn't a big deal and that I should act like our friendship should be the same." The Latina put her hand on Brittany's arm and smiled at her. "I appreciate you doing this for me."
The blonde frowned a little bit at the explanation that her 'girlfriend' just gave. "People react different for different reasons. But if you guys had been friends for so long she should know you and how you process things better." She put her hands on the side of the brunette's check, "I'm glad I can help. But I also don't mind spending time with a beautiful girl."
"I don't mean to make her sound all bad either. She really was my best friend for a long time. She's a little over the top but her heart is in the right place," Santana felt goosebumps start go up and down her arms when Brittany touched her face. "You are putting it on really thick…"
Brittany just smiled at her softly, "I'm not putting anything on right now. I really did want to spend time with you. I was bugging Quinn before your 'masterplan' to try and get you to come home with her again soon."
The law student was a loss for words. She knew she and Brittany had started to connect a little, but she thought it was just her wishful thinking. Hearing Brittany say so much herself made her stomach flutter. "Quinn never really said that much, just that you had given her permission to give me your number. But you had a boyfriend at the time, so I didn't want to text you while you were in a relationship."
Brittany stalled for a second a little confused. "Boyfriend…," The blonde's nose crinkled up and she stuck her tongue out kind of disgusted. "Oh, that wasn't a boyfriend. A friend set us up and it was kind of a blind date. I had met him at a party before but was very brief, a friend of a friend kind of situation. I was also fairly drunk at the Halloween party. I remember making out with him."
Santana just laughed a little bit, "Ohhh, yeah. You were making out with him, but you also threw a drink in his face. Then brought him a caramel apple to say you were sorry."
"Ohhh," Brittany rubbed the back of her neck slightly embarrassed. "I don't remember the drink in the face. I remember the candy apple. But I ate most of it after I gave it to him."
"You're so cute when your nervous," the brunette said softly as she reached out and gave Brittany's hand a soft squeeze. "Well, I honestly think you're cute all the time."
Just as Brittany was about to respond the door to the office opened, "Santana I've been…" There was stalled silence between the three young women in the room. "I'm sorry I interrupted your moment."
Both girls turned towards the room's new occupant. Santana shook her head quickly trying to gather her thoughts. Brittany closed the space between her and Santana. She put her arm around the shorter girl's waist. "It's alright. I'm Brittany." She offered her hand out for a handshake.
Rachel's eyes darted between Brittany and Santana trying to judge their interaction. "Ohhh, that was so rude of me," The vocalist shook the blonde's had a little too excitedly. "I'm Rachel Berry. Long-time friend of Santana's."
Hiram and LeRoy Berry were chatting with Maribel and Miguel as they all helped set the table. Brittany and Santana joined them in the dining room.
"Oh, Santana!" LeRoy sat the dish down on the table and cross the room to hug the young Latina. "The first semester is treating you good! Your mom told me everything has been going good."
"Hey, Roy." Santana teased a little bit and gave him a big hug. "It's been going great. I've been busy so I haven't come that much. My classes have been…"
"We know you haven't been coming home, Santana!" Her grandmother calls as she comes from the kitchen was a bowl in her hands. "That's why you are getting so skinny." She poked her side just as she set down the bowl.
"Abuela," Santana huffed at her softly. "I'm not getting skinny. School is feeding me enough."
"Santana Marie," Alma said in a warning tone as she grabbed her granddaughter's cheeks, "You shouldn't be sassing me on a holiday." She teased softly.
"Respect your elders, Santana." Brittany teased her a little before put her arm around Santana's waist and kissed her on the cheek. "Honey, don't sass your Abuela."
Santana felt her whole body start to get warm. She knew that gestures like this were bound to happen over the course of the night, but she was still not prepared for it. "Britt, stop…" She knew her face was red.
Hiram watched the exchange between the ladies. He walked around to room to the little group and offered a hand to Brittany. "I'm Hiram Berry. I know you already met my daughter Rachel. "
Brittany took his extended hand shook it gently, "It's nice to meet you. Santana told me so much about the whole Berry family. I'm Brittany Pierce."
Rachel came from the bathroom just as Brittany introduced herself to her father. "I'm so glad you could join us Brittany. It will be so nice to have a new person at our traditional get together." Rachel pulled a chair out around the table and sat down, "I wish I would have known Santana was bringing a guest. She didn't mention it in our weekly email chain."
"I'm really glad I could be here too," Brittany pulled a chair out on the side of the table for Santana. She motioned for her to sit down. "I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to come today. But my aunt and uncle can't come in until the weekend. So my family is doing our Thanksgiving this weekend." Brittany looked over to Santana's mom and grandmother. "Do you ladies need any help bringing anything in from the kitchen?"
Maribel waved Brittany away, "You're a guest. That is nonsense. You sit down and get to know Rachel. We are just have a few things to bring in."
"That sounds like a fantastic idea, Mr. Berry," Brittany said softly as she but her arm around the back of Santana's chair, rubbing her shoulder softly. The duo of parents walked into the kitchen to finish getting everything prepped for the table.
"How's school been going Rachel?" Santana shifted a little nervously in her seat a little. She felt Brittany's fingers running across her shoulder and towards her neck softly. The Latina tried not to shiver at the blonde's soft touch. She did notice a slight flare in Rachel's nostril. The one that she got when she wasn't the center of attention.
"School has been fantastic," She clapped her hands together in excitement. "I am the first freshmen to ever be invited to sing at the winter showcase. It's always been strictly an upper classman's affair. Which you would know if you would have read or responded to my last two emails…" The short brunette pulled her phone out and starting scrolling through pages of different sheet music. "Do you think I should do classic Christmas or should I do a newer up to date song?" Rachel droned on for another few minutes. "I was leaning towards a classic ."
Santana just nodded through the whole slew of information Rachel has been spatting out. "That is fantastic, Rachel. How did you manage to get that honor?"
"Well, I was doing my normal early morning warm ups in one of the practice rooms and you'd never believe what happened," Rachel threw her hands up with enthusiasm.
"Excuse me, Rachel," Brittany held her hand up softly. "I'm sorry to interrupt you." Brittany ran her hand over Santana's. "Honey, do you want me to get you a drink?"
Santana was a bit surprised that Brittany had stopped Rachel mid-sentence. She was even more shocked that Rachel stammered for second and closed her mouth, only offering a small nod as a reply. "No, I'm okay. I can wait until we are all settled and sitting for dinner."
"Okay," Brittany spoke softly to her girlfriend and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry Rachel. I'm curious about your mind-blowing method of getting so much attention."
Santana squeezed Brittany's leg tightly under the table almost as if try and keep her from poking too much. "I did read your emails. I've just been really busy the last couple weeks. But Brittany doesn't know the story. Please continue."
"You have been busy," The blonde teased Santana openly. She brushed a piece of hair out of her face, barely touching her cheek. "I love when you wear your glasses."
Rachel cleared her throat, making it clear she was unamused by the two lovebirds. "So, Brittany," Rachel said pointed as she folded her napkin up and put it in her lap. "How did you and Santana meet?"
Santana started to panic a little. She and Brittany had briefly discussed what they were going to tell her parents, but dad coming back early saved her from the embarrassment of fumbling through a lie with her mom and grandmother. "Rachel, we don't really have to do this now."
"Oh, honey. It's alright," Brittany rubbed Santana's shoulder more and gave it a small squeeze. "Santana will swear to this day that my cousin, Quinn dragged her to that early Halloween party." She poked Santana in the side a little and smiled at her. "I think it's because she thought her costume was over done. She was Wonder Woman and Quinn was…well Harley Quinn."
"Santana always has liked Superheroes," Rachel slyly commented as she gave a little satisfied smile. She wasn't sure she liked someone else having Santana's attention. Not that it had to be of the romantic verity. "Batman has always been her favorite."
"Batman was her favorite until she watched Smallville reruns and fell in love with Lana Lang, now it's Superman," Brittany tried not to laugh when she saw the annoyance on Rachel's face. "Anyway, I was at the party with a blind date. Kind of a friend of a friend. I met Santana while she was with my cousin. The date and the party ended badly for me. Puking, making out with a dude, and a hang over the next day." Brittany just laughed a bit, "But apparently someone took pity on me. Quinn gave Santana my number because apparently my drunk mumbling was all about Wonder Woman. It did take Santana a week to get back to me. But we did hit it off. We've been kind of annoyingly cute ever since."
"So you've only been seeing each other around a month?" Rachel asked skeptically. Santana was a very sweet girl, but she was also kind of defensive. She had always been polite enough but rarely let anyone really close. The vocalist was very surprised and maybe a little bothered by the obvious attention to detail Brittany was knew and remembered.
"Yeah, I'd say that's close to right." Santana spoke up softly still a little surprised at how good of an actress Brittany was. She knew the blonde could dance, but she had no idea she would be this believable. She thought they would have stumbled through dinner. But Brittany wasn't missing a beat.
Just as Rachel was about to speak up, all the parents flooded into the dining room with hands full of dishes. Brittany pushed her chair out quickly and grabbed a dish from Maribel. "Por favor, Déjame ayudarte con eso."
Maribel was taken a little by surprise at Brittany's Spanish. "Thank you, Brittany." She looked over at Santana who looked as equally as stunned. "Santana, es ella fluida?"
Brittany spoke for herself before Santana answered. "I wouldn't say fluent. But, I'm pretty close." The blonde winked at her girlfriend. "This all looks so wonderful. Seems like it's time for dinner."
The conversation through dinner flowed easier then Santana thought it would. Her parents didn't poke and prod Brittany too much about their relationship. She just assumed her Abuela and mom would do it once it was time for dessert.
Rachel was being as self-involved as usual pretty much controlled the conversation for the first half hour of dinner. The two families were used to it, but Alma didn't always keep her mouth shut. She was making snide comments in Spanish to Santana and Maribel. Brittany was catching almost all of the side conversation.
Hiram picked up his glass of wine and took a small swig of it, "So Brittany, we've known Santana since she could walk basically. So what about you? What's your major? Do you go to the same school as Santana?"
Brittany covered her mouth with her hand softly and nodded for a second as she finished chewing, "I don't go to school with Santana. She's my cousin's roommate and we meet one weekend when she came home Quinn." She folded her napkin and put it in her lap, "I am actually double majoring in organic chemistry and applied mathematics."
Leroy nodded with approval and chimed in on the conversation, "I'm sure that makes for crazy semesters for you. How do you find time for a social life?"
"Actually grad-school isn't as bad," Brittany just shrugged a little bit. "Under-grad was much worse."
Maribel just laughed a little bit and sipped her wine. "Already done with round one of college and picks good wine," The older Latina just laughed a little topping of her class. "Santana, cásate con ella."
Santana almost spit out her mashed potatoes, "Mami!" Santana scolded her softly and pushed her hand softly.
Rachel's mouth was just hung opened for a few seconds, "You brought wine and you're in grad-school. So you're like 25?"
Brittany shook her head no quickly, "Not even close. I turned 21 in June. I was dually enrolled in high-school and community college. A lot of my advanced placement classes transferred as general education credits. I finished my undergrad in May. It's my first year of grad-school. I didn't have much of a summer my junior or senior year of high school."
Santana was surprised that most of the things coming out of Brittany's mouth were things she already knew…Well, with the exception of her excellent Spanish. She didn't realize that had been talking that much about real life over the last couple weeks. Now she didn't want the dinner to end. Not that she did before, but her family seemed to like Brittany. She was starting to like her more and more…Boy was she in trouble…
Alma smiled at across the table at her granddaughter and her girlfriend, "Brittany, ¿Cómo aprendiste tan bien el español?" She watched Brittany's hand slide across the table and grab Santana's free hand softly. She couldn't help her smile from growing even larger.
"I wasn't born in Ohio," She stated matter of factly, "My dad was a mechanic in the army. So when he and my mom got married he was stationed in Texas. The demographic was very blended. I was lucky to have the opportunity to learn Spanish from friends I made as a young age and also take it in school at an early age."
Santana opened her hand and ran her fingers across Brittany's palm, "That was one of the biggest surprises I got of the day."
"I can't tell you all my secrets early on, honey." Brittany teased a little as she pulled Santana's hand to her lips and kissed her knuckles. "I've got to keep you interested."
Rachel had excused herself to make a phone call right after dinner. The short brunette got a text message or email that made her extremely flustered. The men were doing the clean up as per family tradition.
"Jesucristo, mami, ¿por qué me harías esto?" Santana nearly dropped the plate of brownies when she walked into the living room. Her mother and grandmother had family photo albums spread out across the coffee table. "Britt…You don't have to entertain them and look through all of that old stuff…"
"Mija," Her mother said sternly and grabbed brownie off the plate. "We are not trying to embarrass you which is obviously what you think. We just want to share you our favorite memories of you with Brittany."
"Esta es la primera vez que traes a alguien para que nos conozca." Alma said pointedly, "So this is a new experience for us. You are also an old child and only grandchild. So you're pretty much screwed, Santana." Her grandmother smiled broadly as she sipped her wine a little more.
Brittany listened at the whole conversation with amusement, "San, I really like learning all this stuff about you. I also get an unbiased telling of childhood stories that I'm sure you would have skewed in your favor." The blonde teased the younger girl a little and patted the spot on the floor beside her. "Come sit with us."
Santana sat the plate down on the table and made her way towards the couch, "You have to promise not to tell ALL the stories…" She peddled back toward the couch to sit and nearly squealed when Brittany grabbed her hips and pulled her into her lap.
"Sit with me so I can hear your side of the stories," Brittany put her head on Santana's shoulder leaning over looking at the photos. "Ohh..Ohh," She pointed at one of Santana dressed as Batman, "That must have been before the Smallville reruns." Brittany teased her gently and tickled her sides a little.
"I don't even remember telling you about that," She had been replaying their conversations through her mind ever since Brittany had shut Rachel down at dinner about the superhero comment. "How did you know that?"
"One of the times we were up until all hours of the morning, you were mumbling about why you put on the Wonder Woman costume and then told me if you dressed as Lana Lang no one would have known who you were." She gave the brunette's hand a squeeze, "So which Halloween as this?"
Maribel laughed out loudly and shook her head quickly, "It wasn't Halloween…"
"MAMI!" Santana hissed at her and put her head in her hands, "I wore that costume for almost the whole summer before first grade."
"And you were how old when you figured out you were gay," Brittany poked her sides again a little teasing her. She felt Santana start to shake in her lap a little bit. She was more ticklish that she thought. The blonde decided to let it go.
Rachel walked back in to the room pushing the swinging door open dramatically, "Apparently the winter show case music selections are due as soon as we return from Thanksgiving break." She threw her hands up for flare, "How will I ever decide in four days?"
Santana just rolled her eyes a little at her childhood friend, "Rachel…Don't act like you haven't decided which you want to sing. You have a song ready on the fly for ANY possible event," Santana turned to her head to look at Brittany, "I mean she has a list of appropriate songs picked if she's ever asked to sing at Barbra Streisand's funeral."
Rachel just pointed at Santana, "Don't ever say those 3 words in the same sentence again. Barbra Streisand will find a way to live forever." She took a second out of her own self-indulgence to notice what everyone was actually doing. "Ohh, some of the younger years were my favorite. There are so many pictures of us."
Brittany turned a couple of pages and pointed one of the two of them out, "Awe, honey. Look at you in a to-to. Your silver leotard is so cute. Was this a Christmas recital?"
Rachel sat down on the other open seat on the couch and pointed at the difference in their leotards, "Oh no. It was just the leads were in pink," She pointed to herself proudly. "I was one of the youngest in the troupe that year that got to dance with the ten and eleven years old." Rachel laced her fingers back and leaned against the couch, "I'm what you call a triple threat. Singing, Dancing and acting. I can do it all. Well, that's what the industry calls it."
"Oh yeah. I'm a terrible singer," Brittany said softly and shrugged a little bit. "I got accepted to Juilliard, but as much as I love to dance, I knew a professional education was more practical. I can always teach a dance class at a local YMCA whenever I get settled after pharmacy school."
The Berry family had made their exit not long after desert. After another hour of looking through photo albums and a little more wine everyone was starting to settle in to the living room.
Miguel leaned the recliner back and cracked open a beer, "Brittany, in case Santana hasn't told you, it is a Lopez family tradition to watch The Grinch on Thanksgiving evening."
Maribel just laughed at her husband, "It's really just an excuse for us all to take a nap after the big day. We feel less guilty if we are all napping in the same place." Maribel waved her hand at Brittany to get her attention. "It's also Lopez women family tradition to do Black Friday shopping. Since your family Thanksgiving is Saturday you are more than welcome to come with us."
Santana stammered a little bit and put her hands up, "It's not fair for Brittany to drive almost an hour back to her grandparents tonight to drive an hour back here tomorrow."
Alma just rolled her eyes and her granddaughter and waved her excuse off, "It's not like Brittany can't spend the night here. Her driving all that way especially if she plan on getting up early tomorrow to come with us is nonsense isn't it Brittany?"
Brittany was actually taken a little by surprise by both of the older Lopez women. Santana had warned her they don't warm up to very many people easily. She felt kind of obligated to accept the invitation. "I think it sounds like a great time. I really don't mind the drive to and from."
Miguel leaned up from his reclining position and looked at the blonde, "That is not happening. You will stay here tonight. There's no need for you to do all that traveling. I'll make you all breakfast tomorrow, too."
Santana started to panic. This was not part of the plan. She just wanted Brittany to razzle Rachel some then head back to her grandparents…not that she didn't want Brittany around, but this was getting deep and very quickly. "Britt, let's go put some popcorn on." She didn't even give the blonde a chance to answer before she pulled her into the kitchen.
"You really don't have to stay and come do this with us tomorrow." She grabbed a microwave bag of popcorn out of the cupboard. "It's mostly my mom shopping for the toys for tots for the church and Abuela saying things really aren't that much cheaper." She started the timer on the microwave and let out a sigh, "Don't feel pressured to do any of that stuff. It's more than dinner and conversation which I'm sure is all you bargained for."
"Santana," Brittany said softly catching the brunette's attention, "I'm having a great time with you and your family. Tomorrow actually sounds like a really good time," Brittany rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I know this is really the first time we've hung out, but after talking so much the couple weeks before and now this. I'd really like to go and get to spend more time with you."
Santana felt the faint blush cross her face at Brittany's admission. She also couldn't help but notice how cute she looked when she was nervous. The blonde had kept it together and on point all night. "I'd really like it if you would come with us. We can cool it on the girlfriend thing while we are going out shopping if you want. I don't want any of this to be any weirder for you."
"Santana," Brittany stepped closer to the shorter girl and grabbed her hand gently. "It's weird that it's not weird…" The blonde tried to think of a logical way to put it. They knew each other better than most people probably did by several dates in. "I'm trying to figure out a good way to say this without sounding…I don't know. Crazy." Brittany sighed a little, "Quinn talks about you a lot. She says you're a good friend. Funny, smart, caring, sometimes a little sassy but she adores you. Quinn basically hates everyone. As I've gotten to know you even if it only has been over the last few weeks, I do know I want to get to know you better. I know it all sounds so…"
Brittany was cut off when Santana put her hand over her mouth, "It doesn't sound crazy or weird. Maybe seems a little too good to be true," The brunette took her hand away from Brittany's mouth and rubbed her cheek softly. "I want to get to know you better too. I'd love it if you spent tomorrow with Mami, Abuela and me."
Brittany leaned forward and kissed Santana on the cheek gently, "I think we are going to get along just fine, Ms. Lopez." The brunette opened the microwave and pulled the bag out, "I suppose we should go back out there with this and talk to your parents some more."
"I'm pretty sure they are all three asleep by now," Santana grabbed a bowl down from the cupboard and poured the popcorn in it. "I'll be right back." Santana was right parents and grandmother were asleep. She grabbed a quilt off the couch and made her way back into the kitchen. "Let's go sit on the porch swing and hear embarrassing stories about you since you got some freebies today."
Brittany grabbed Santana's hand and followed her through the front door, "Best Thanksgiving ever."
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ms-cartoon · 2 years ago
New HB Episode! (Jesus...)
Alright... So I seen the new episode - can't say this show gradually gets any better. I can fairly say there was only one decent thing about this episode, and that was the backstory with Moxxie and why he has daddy issues. Seriously though, why does almost EVERYBODY in this goddamn show have daddy issues??? And why are all these dads a**holes?? And yes, I'm going to include Millie's father. Of course, he's no abusive dad, but he (nor his wife) wasn't kind to Moxxie at all, and all because he was considered a weakling who uses guns as a choice for weapons. Which sounds like a pretty stupid reason. There are people who are scared to even pick up a gun, let alone pull a trigger.
I couldn't tell if I was skimming through this episode, or if the episode was just skimming itself and I just couldn't keep up. I think it's mostly the latter, cuz MY GOD, this was so rushed! I had to watch this twice to process whatever was going on. Everything just feels so crammed into this episode There's also Moxxie's ex-boyfriend, but I'll get to that in a minute.
⦁ So the first start of the episode, we start with Moxxie and Loona in the room. I just love how Loona is just there, lol!! She's just sitting at the table on her phone and has no speaking lines whatsoever. She might as well have not even appeared in this episode, for real. What's bad about this is that she was only there for another "Moxxie is fat!" joke. I really don't get what's so funny about this gag. Why is it even a gag? Moxxie is not fat! He don't even look it. I highly doubt he's even heavy. Loona and Blitzo are just being d*cks to him. It doesn't even help that he mentions he lost a few pounds just so they stop making fun of him. Now it's just sad!!! They body-shamed Moxxie so much, he felt he had to lose a few pounds so they would leave him alone about it. They did not make this funny, they just made it worse. PLZ STOP with the unfunny fat jokes!!
⦁ This seems to be the most try-hard horniest episode compared to the ones that have Stolas in it. Seriously, what in the gracious hell is with these dildos popping up from chairs and walls!!!??? 
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Then there's Blitzo who has photos of porn in the drawers in his office (why would he even put those where people can open it up and take stuff out anyway??)!!! And then you got this perverted fish (who's the most annoying out of everybody in this episode) tryna bang everybody in IMP! He's literally just another Stolas, Blitzo, and Angel Dust character put in one: an LGBT horny mess who just wants to get his mack on anyone around him or just certain people, sexually harassing them in the process. Plus, anything that comes out of his mouth is a literal sex joke and it's just uncomforting.
⦁ So Moxxie's family is in the mafia and they're rich...... But why??? I thought Imps were of lower class and practically poor compared to the other species of demons.
  ⦁ You mean to tell me Millie and Moxxie dated the same guy at one point in their lifetime before getting together? Okay, but it seems to be too much of a coincidence. Idk, it just comes off as odd.
⦁ So Moxxie and Chaz had a thing going on before he met up with Millie. But when they were together, their relationship seemed to be more centered around lust than there was genuine love. Obviously considering when Chaz was quick to take the money and abandoned Moxxie when he needed help during the heist. Now this, amongst other parts of this series, just keeps up the stereotypical nonsense that all gay dudes are horny for each other and want nothing but to get it on. I don't understand what Moxxie even sees in his perverted a**. What makes no sense about this is that Moxxie isn't the type of guy that just get's horny like that. He's not perverted and doesn't get turned on over the slightest of things, yet he's shown stroking a gun while cleaning it while at the same time feeling pleasure. Chaz is more vulgar than Blitzo, and Moxxie barely tolerates him! So, wtf??
⦁ So in hell, you can pretty much get away with anything illegal with no consequences. Whether it'd be robbing a bank, murdering someone, sexual harassment, etc. So why in THE HELL is there a prison???!!
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⦁ Blitzo and Moxxie's meeting makes no sense to me. So #1, I was under the assumption Moxxie met Blitzo after he met and married Millie, but now they're telling us they met in jail right after Chaz abandoned Moxxie. #2, Why is Blitzo quick to let Moxxie join IMP after only saying a few words to him? He didn't even ask him for his name or let him speak or anything - he was just like, "Hey let's bust outta here and you can join my company!" #3 Why is Moxxie even smiling? What has Blitzo said to make him feel better so quickly after basically being dumped?? Does he feel like he's being accepted or something? Like bro, you just met this dude and you didn't even say a word to him.
⦁ Millie's more pissed at Chaz for abandoning Moxxie at one point. Why is Millie getting so angry and quick to kill Chaz over something that happened she wasn't even present for!? She never even met Moxxie around that time. Plus, it's not like that situation is bothering Moxxie now. There was no need for her to get so triggered here. Not saying she's not right to get upset about it, but the sudden rage was a little extra.
  ⦁ If Blitzo and Moxxie were considered friends when they met, then why is Blitzo such an ass to him all the time?? Are we supposed to give Blitzo props for acknowledging or being nice to Moxxie?
⦁ Crimson seems to make a better villain than any other antagonist introduced in this series. Mainly because he has motivation. From what I can gather from this, from Crim's perspective, Moxxie was turning soft because of his wife. It seems that he was extremely pissed off that the mother disagreed with how he raised Moxxie, going as far as to kill her. Granted it was too far and for a petty reason, but it's better than just doing things and having no motivation for them, unlike Stella.
⦁ A priest.... in hell...?
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⦁ They only have Moxxie stand up for himself ONCE in this episode, and it's not even enough. His whole life from when he was a kid, he was pushed around by his father and put up with his abuse. The second he meets him after a long time, he's still afraid of him. The only time he puts his foot down is when he says he's not gonna go along with whatever his father plans for him and refuses his commands.... and that was it. It seemed like he was threatening his dad initially, saying how good he was at his job, and not even a second later he gets tased and knocked out, becoming a damsel in distress. That was the most brave we get out of him. If anything, his freakin WIFE was doing the most out of him once more, becoming the man of the relationship as always!! Wouldn't it have been better if Moxxie tried to get out of the knot and fought his dad or Chaz? Maybe he could have helped out Millie and they could make it to where Millie was having difficulties fighting all those gang members.
⦁ Speaking of that; Millie is only useful in battle only when the plot deems it necessary. It kinda seems like she's falling in and out of being a talented fighter. She gets taken down at one point and then the next she'll beat everybody's ass with no sweat! Sure - defeat an entire mob whether it be a mafia or a bunch of agents and take down a whole damn sea monster, but get knocked out by a freakin glass bottle and your leg ruptured by a bear trap...Yeah, I can totally buy that. I feel like they were being a little extra with Millie taking down all those gang members anyway. As I said, she could've had some difficulty fighting all those dudes and Moxxie could've helped her.
⦁ I swear- the women in this show get no respect not just in the show itself, but from the writers. Millie is once again only existing to be just a woman who's married to Moxxie and only gets angry and violent just for Moxxie. There's at least one episode that should've been about her, but it was mostly about her husband and she was just there as his moral support. Literally, the only thing we get outta her in this episode is her extremely hot temper, and all because of Chaz, who she dated at one point. Why is she so upset with Chaz? Why did she hate him so much before she knew about his relationship with Moxxie? What did he do to make her dump him? Or did he dump her? How did she even end up with a guy like him?? We don't know!! We only get to know about Moxxie's past relationship with him and how it faltered, and that is such a letdown! This could've been our chance to explore Millie as a character, even if it's a little flashback of her love life.
  ⦁ I'm not gonna disclude Moxxie's mother in this. Honestly, I don't think it was necessary for her to get killed off just so we could feel more sympathy for Moxxie. We can already see how his father treats him. Can't forget Loona or Blitzo. Not even Millie's parents liked him.
⦁ I'm I the only one who feels like Millie and Moxxie as a couple is boring? Yeah they love each other and would probably die for each other and that's nice n all, but wouldn't it be interesting to have Millie and Moxxie have a slight argument at least once? We all know these two love each other to death. They're sweeter and more loving towards each other than anybody else around them, and that's why it would be interesting to see a quarrel. Sometimes, you can't be a married couple without having an argument or two at one point. Millie clearly felt upset that she was kept in the dark about Moxxie's family. She kept on questioning Moxxie; "Why haven't I met dad before? Are you okay? You know you can tell me anything, right?" And Moxxie would just continuously dodge the questions and not tell her anything. This actually could've been another opportunity for Millie's character. Not that she has to lash out at him, but maybe she could've told him how she felt about him not saying anything about Crimson, his ex, his mother, or how he feeling in general while also having an upset attitude y'know. Maybe Moxxie could've argued back and said he just didn't wanna worry her or something.
  ⦁ I don't think Moxxie and Chaz necessarily have to marry just so Chaz could be a part of the family. If this is just about financial issues then why can't Crim and Chaz come to an agreement or something? How did Crim not know that Chaz was actually not rich?
⦁ I just know people are triggered over the fact that Blitzo slept Chaz and are like "BLITZO NO!! YOU BELONG TO STOLAS!!" or some whiny sh*t like that, even though Stolas and Blitzo aren't even an official couple. When did Blitzo suddenly become an imp version of Stolas? Why was he so quick to get horny and sleep with Chaz and he JUST MET HIM! This might as well be the same situation he had with Stolas, except he's Stolas and Chaz is Blitzo. Not to mention Blitzo ended up sneaking around and snooping through his stuff.
⦁ Why is Blitzo the one to get suspicious of Chaz anyway? He is mostly just there for comic relief and mostly seems more goofy and lovable compared to his behavior in the latest episode. It's kinda a good thing I guess, but I'm not gonna hope for the better of him. I wouldn't say he changed completely since there was a moment he lashed out at Moxxie for a split second. I don't even think he has any motive for trying to get him caught in a lie cuz he doesn't even know him, other than the fact that he wants to be the only one who ruptures Moxxie and Millie's relationship (I'm sorry... are we supposed to be rooting for him still?) If anything, I think it makes more sense if Millie was the one to figure out was Chaz was up to considering her history with him (if there was any. We don't know.... it was never shown!)
⦁ I can't believe Crimson easily let Millie walk away with Moxxie scott free without putting up a fight! Bro killed dozens of people!! He wasn't even afraid to kill his own wife. He even threatened to harm Moxxie and Millie! Why is he backing down so easily!?
Uh, yeah... this certainly wasn't the greatest episode. I think the only thing good about it was Moxxie's childhood. That was certainly interesting (and dark). Apart from that, I was expecting something outta nothing. We could've seen some potential from Millie, but we didn't. This show just can't exist without sex jokes. It's alright if they wanna be funny like that, but at this point, it's just uncomforting. Wondering how they're gonna screw up the next episode.
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