#Lightfoot beats
hiphopheadspodcast · 1 year
I Hit The Low Lights Tour Last Night
Beat showcases have been a thing I been hitting a lot in 2023. The production scene is crazy in Boston right now with so many beatmakers, producers and lofi heads that are killing it, it’s hard to keep up. But, going to these showcases really put a light on these artists and their craft and how they’re getting busy. I find these spots awesome if you’re an MC, creative, or just a fan you can…
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weird not seeing any nat'l coverage of the chicago mayoral election. maybe it's just too far away and i'm not a national news junkie anymore but compared to the NY mayoral race, or the attention paid to SF/DC local politics, it seems like nothing for the third-biggest city in the US
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zonetrente-trois · 1 year
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raointean · 2 months
Elrond Week Day 2 - Grief and Growth
Elros could hear nothing but the blood roaring in his ears and his own panicked breaths as he stuffed himself deeper inside the craggy rock hollow he and Elrond had always used as a hiding place during play. They were not playing anymore. Elros had followed his nanneth’s instructions and ran for the woods as soon as he was out the window.
He had lingered there on the forest’s edge, waiting for nearly a minute, but his mother had not come out of the house. Nor had Elrond.
He tried to quiet his breathing lest someone come across his hiding place and discover him and did his best to quell his tears. Nanneth and Elrond were almost certainly killed, Ada was away at sea, and Elros was entirely alone. No one to protect him, no one to pull him out of the spiral he had fallen into.
Just as he was about to lose the battle with his tears, he heard a scuffling outside of the hollow. His heart skipped a beat and he clamped a hand over his mouth to stop his squeak of fear from escaping, but as he listened more closely, the scuffling sounded… strange. Unsteady, lightfooted, not accompanied by any clank of armor or weapons.
Elros chanced a glance out of his hiding spot only to see Elrond! He called to him in a harsh whisper, beckoning him towards the hollow. As soon as he was within reach, Elros pulled him inside and pushed the both of them as deep in as they could go, so that they could only be seen from above.
“What happened?” he asked in a soft whisper. “Where is Nana?”
Elrond didn’t react, staring directly at him with wide eyes and uneven pupils, not registering a thing in front of his face. A cursory glance revealed the probable cause of his brother’s condition: a massive bruise blooming in the middle of his forehead to complement his still sluggishly bleeding nose. That wasn’t good. If Elrond was hurt so obviously, he could be hurt elsewhere. But if he could not speak, he couldn’t tell Elros where and how he was hurt.
Gently, Elros took Elrond’s hand and pushed his sleeve up, checking for injuries like Nana had taught them. As he searched, he spoke to Elrond, trying to get some kind of response from him. “We’ll be alright. We are outside of the village and away from the kinslayers where they cannot find us.”
No response. Elros tried a different tactic. “What… is your favorite plant today? I know that changes all the time. Is it something edible? Something pretty? Something… venomous?”
Still nothing. The damage was clearly far beyond anything Elros could treat if Elrond would not even correct his simple mistake of poisonous vs. venomous. He needed a healer
Elros kept up a constant stream of quiet chatter as he finished checking Elrond for wounds and made plans for how to get him to a healer. They would sneak out of the hollow at nightfall - surely the kinslayers would be gone by then - and find other survivors. But what if there were no other survivors? Elros immediately pushed the thought away- it was unhelpful and, if it were true, they were doomed.
All of a sudden, a shadow fell over them. Elros fell silent immediately, praying it was just a cloud or some large bird.
His prayer went unheard.
Above him loomed a monstrous figure, stained with blood and impossibly tall, staring hardly down at him. Elros hit, kicked, and bit as he was dragged out by the scruff of his neck and handed off to another kinslayer, but was unable to do any real damage.
He took no notice as he was handed to yet another murderer, this one on a horse, and taken to the nearby Fëanorian camp. He took no notice of his home burning behind him. He took no notice of the dark-haired Fëanorian’s calls for a healer.
He did take notice when Elrond began to scream as if stabbed when they passed a stretcher bearing a redheaded corpse.
What would become of them?
I also wrote what happened to Elrond (this is technically chapter 2) but it was a little gory for this challenge week. If you want to read it though, you can find it here.
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anonfanfic · 6 months
Write whichever ship you want! (Unless someone else suggests one. Or you could always do a random one)
Clexa it is! (haha)
"This trip is meant for mending fences and coming together!" The Raiders coach yelled above the din of the two teams disembarking from their buses and walking into the makeshift summer camp. 
“After you have found your bags, come to me for your room assignments!” The Hawks assistant coach yelled, her clipboard pressed tightly to her chest.
Clarke grabbed her backpack and single suitcase and walked over to figure out which Raider she would have to tolerate for three days of bonding.
“Griffin, Room 13 with Woods!” The coach announced so loudly that Clarke’s heart felt like it had stuttered over several beats. Both teams stopped what they were doing. Putting Clarke with the other captain was like putting oil and water together as far as they were concerned. They despised each other and it would be hard to make any bonding happen if the leaders tried to kill each other in their sleep. Clarke felt a strong and bright heat creep up to her cheeks and neck as she took the key from her outstretched hand.
Clarke walked toward the mess of cabins at the center of the grass field without looking back at the group. She had no desire to lock eyes with her cabinmate. The two teams that were involved in this little bonding trip did not like each other. That hatred was fueled mainly by the two leaders of either team. 
The Raiders and Hawks had always been rivals. But once Lexa Woods and Clarke Griffin took captain spots last year, the rivalry had intensified to nuclear standards.
Clarke heard lightfoot falls running behind her and didn’t have to turn around to know that Lexa was jogging to catch up.
“Clarke, wait up!” Lexa called and Clarke heard howls and jeering from the group.
“What the fuck, Lexa!” Clarke spun around on her heels, her face still red and her jaw now clenched tightly. “Do you have to make this more of a spectacle than it already is?” 
“Lexa stopped just short of where Clarke stood and lifted her arms up defensively. “Whoa, I was just trying to get out of this heat. Sorry, didn't know it was a whole thing to get to my bed.” 
Clarke rolled her eyes and turned back to continue her walk to their cabin. She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a quick breath. 
“Bullshit, you knew what you were doing.” Clarke grumbled, fumbling with the old key and lock system. “I just want to survive this and finish my senior year so I can get the fuck out of this place.”
The door finally creaked open and Clarke walked in taking the bunk on the far right side.
“Hate it that bad here?” Lexa asked, walking in and avoiding the other beds that were further from Clarke’s and putting her bag on the one right next to where she had chosen. 
“Fuck you. You made me hate it here.” Clarke growled, getting up and moving over the the bed on the far left.
Lexa got up and followed Clarke, this time not sitting on the bed next to Clarke but jumping down next to her on the same bed. 
A loud crack echoed inside the cabin and the center of the mattress they were sitting on buckled and fell in.
Both girls jumped up and Lexa moved over to sit on the bed across from the broken bed.
“Because I didn’t want to be hidden away for four years?” Lexa asked, slamming herself down on the bed and looking up at Clarke.
Clarke’s fists were balled up at her side as she walked over to Lexa. “You didn’t fucking care when it mattered to you, too.” Clarke sat down on the bed with such force that the wooden side of the bed frame splintered, sending both of them to the ground.
Lexa jumped up and without pausing walked over to the bed on the right closest to the door.
“It never fucking mattered to me, Clarke. I loved you more than all this shit.” Lexa sat on the bed and crossed her arms over her chest. The sting of tears on the edges of her words.
Clarke got up and walked over to Lexa. She stood in front of her and looked down with intense eyes. “Everything in my life has come with a condition. How the fuck am I suppose to know this god damn relationship wasn’t going to cost me more than I had?” Clarke almost jumped off her feet before landing next to Lexa on the bed. The old frame basically buckled on the stress. Both girls got up and eyed the only other bed left in the small wooden cabin.
“I don’t know what else I can say to make you understand how much I love you.” Lexa got up from the destroyed bed and gently sat on the last remaining bed in the cabin.
Clarke got up and moved to the only door out and turned the brass lock. She moved toward the bed Lexa was sitting on and sat next to her.
“Why don’t you show me?” Clarke whispered, leaning in close to her ex.
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in-our-special-place · 7 months
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The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the night and the empty skies my love
To the night and the empty skies
The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth turn in my hand
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command
The first time ever I lay with you
And felt your heart beat close to mine
I thought our joy would fill the earth
And would last 'till the end of time my love
And would last 'till the end of time
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the night and the empty skies my love
To the night and the empty skies
-The First Time ever I saw your face Gordon Lightfoot
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
Haven't actually got around to gnome history yet, but since I doubt I will anytime soon and flicking through the timelines reminded me so I figured I'd just mention it: The Netherese once enslaved gnomes (and performed horrific experiments on them - some sages try to claim the Netherese invented gnomes, but others point out that gnomish artefacts predate Netheril), which is probably a large contributor to why they like hiding so much (illusion magic and hidden communities 'the Talls' don't have access to.
It's actually an interesting element for svirfneblin characters, what with the two-for-one enemy threat with an artefact of the empire that enslaved their ancestors and the illithid who are a present day threat that tends to enslave them.
The halflings are also aware of this danger where their small stature makes others think they can overpower them and get around it by either having a military and a war deity who will personally show up to beat the shit out of you if you invade their kingdom while ensuring that said bread basket nation is too valuable a trade partner to risk (Strongheart), or by breeding and training giant fuck-off guard dogs to protect their families (Lightfoot).
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jiraiya has something dangerous to check out so he left naruto in a cushy bodygard job until he retuns. it had been a nice chance from all the spying and combat training they'd been doing lately but nothing's happening and naruto's bored out of his mind. until he isn't. there's a masked intrudor on the second level sneaking around and naruto plops his own mask onto his face - annoyingly jiraiya hadn't let him use a henge this time he was supposed to train on disguised without chakra - and is out of his bed and at the window they endered through within seconds. guarding the client would probably be smarter than stalking the intruder but naruto's bored and his shadow clone will tell him if he's needed anyways. the intruder is clad in complete black and their face and hair completely obscured. they're maybe of naruto's height and dangerously lightfooted. they dance through the traps without setting them off and their steps make no sound. had naruto not seen the shadow of the open window he wouldn't have noticed them. there's a sword strapped around the intruder's waist and while naruto's armed it's only a couple of kunai and some ninja wire. in a fight he'd be outmatched. especially since he isn't supposed to reveal his identity. slowly, the intruder winds their way deeper into the complex until they come to some sealed room. the door is carelessly, with a slash of the sword, cut apart and they step through. all seals destroyed before they can activate. it's a beautiful desplay of restrained violence and precision. naruto is in awe. as the intruder searches the room naruto ponders what he should do. normally he would just barge in and stop the thief but he isn't really naruto right now, he's a disguise. and while preventing thiefery isn't technically part of his contract preventing harm to the client is and one could argue either case. naruto decides to do the less boring option that bears the less likelyhood of him getting yelled at by the client in the morning and makes himself known. the intruder startles so bad he throws the scrolls he's holding in the air, then in a practiced motion kicks them at naruto. the paper scolls flutter hamlessly, if not a bit torn up, to the ground but the wooden ones embedd themselves into the wall. the intruder, meanwhile, seems to have found what he's looking for because there's something in his hand as he goes for naruto's throat. his kunai stops the other's blade but he's at a huge disadvantage in range. he snaps his other arm foward and the ninja wire, rasor sharp and whip strong, tears into his opponent's side revealing pale skin and a line of blood. taking a step back, then summersaulting themselves over naruto's head, the intruder is almost to fast to follow. gone are the quiet steps but they're as fast and agile as before. naruto grabs one of the katana the guards summoned by the noise carry and continues his persuit until they're outside. the stolen scroll has vanished within the intruder's clothing and both their hands are free as they turn to face naruto again. they don't plan to be followed and if naruto wants the scroll back he needs to take it by force after beating them. the situation is painfully familiar. naruto doesn't plan to loose. a grin splits his face and at once they spring towards eachother. only, instead of clashing with him like sasuke does in his memories the intruder doges to the side and wire he had stolen is wrapped around naruto's legs. naruto stares into the sky, pondering just living in the dirt from now on, while the intruder is surely long gone. "bastard!" he yells out into nothingness, startling the guard that had finally made their way outside.
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dollarbin · 13 days
Nickel Bin #20:
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings' Hashtag
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A week or so back I reveled in the untapped and humble greatness still to be found in this duo's second Bootleg collection. At the time I promised to dedicate my future self to their new record, Woodland.
Well, I encountered that future self yesterday while moving a little less than half of my sprawling record collection around my house; my son's gone back to college so I'm claiming a corner of his bedroom as my own for the fall. Here's the current state of affairs:
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Anyway, maybe it was me missing them, or maybe it was getting my hands on all my old titles, or maybe it was the 100 degrees and rising temperatures beating in on our unairconditioned home, but I played Woodland through twice yesterday and each time I got to Hashtag, a mostly Rawlings number in his thoughtful, here's-something-I've-been-meaning-to-tell-you guise, sung with his increasingly trademark quaver, I burst into tears.
How about those yearning strings? How about the harmony coming in on "when will we..." Man, I'm tearing up again!
As he ages, Dave's voice increasingly sounds wise and soulful to me; twenty or more years ago, in the rare initial moments when he sang without Gillian, Rawlings vocals struck me as sophomoric and pimply. Gillian's voice was rich, strong and unique on one day one: they both knew it, so her name, face and singing graced their records. But something exciting is happening for them now; Dave's coming into his own.
I should have seen this coming. After all, his cut off take of Dylan's Abandoned Love from the duo's Covid cover toss off record made his rising confidence and tone clear.
Hashtag was apparently written for Guy Clark, a guy they once opened for, who penned for Jerry Jeff Walker and many others one of the greatest songs of all time.
But the song could just as well be for John Prine, Gordon Lightfoot, Tom Petty or Johnny Cash; five, ten or twenty years from now they could dedicate to Neil, Bob, Joni or, gulp, Lucinda.
And us? When will we become ourselves? I don't know. But I'm gonna wipe these tears away and go get to work on it right now.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Scandal-ridden Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard faced waves of jeers and booing throughout a raucous meeting where she faced fed-up constituents.
Henyard, the self-described "supermayor" of Dolton, a Chicago suburb, and Thornton Township Supervisor, has recently been dubbed the "worst mayor in America" by critics after being accused of misdeeds ranging from weaponizing police raids to spending taxpayer money on luxuries in Las Vegas. Most recently she has also come under fire for an alleged sexual assault by one of her allies during the Vegas trip, where the alleged victim claims to have been fired after speaking out.
Earlier in April, Henyard made headlines for being condemned by local Dolton residents, but this Tuesday, she was similarly skewered by residents of the Thornton township in a town hall meeting. "Everybody wanted to continue to be a s---show and not really show facts as it relates to what's really going on in our township," she responded.
The mayor, holding a golden microphone, sparked outrage when she argued, "We’re here to help each other and not hurt each other. And it’s a shame that us — us, I’m talking to my Black and Brown communities — would sit here and fight."
The audience could be heard loudly jeering and booing in response and Henyard went on to add, "Guess what? I am the youth, I am the future, no matter what you think or may say."
Residents slammed Henyard for the alleged scandals and accused her of lacking transparency about them.
"When you don’t answer questions, there’s something to hide," Dolton resident Mary Avon said at the meeting.
While Henyard has repeatedly condemned media coverage for allegedly misrepresenting her conduct to the country, one South Holland resident, Curtis Watts, said, "No, ‘madam supervisor,’ we are not brainwashed. We are fed up."
Multiple people spoke about the sexual assault allegations, arguing that it demonstrates that Henyard fails to protect women. 
Trina Downs was one such resident who said, "As a Black woman, I wanna see you protect Black women, and I haven’t seen that, Tiffany."
Henyard has made headlines for appealing to racial politics amid her scandals before, proclaiming during a previous meeting, "Y’all got false narratives out there, and y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves. Y’all Black. Y’all are Black! And y’all sitting up here beating and attacking on a Black woman that’s in power. Y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves."
Fox News Digital previously reported that Henyard has been living like a royal with a combined salary of nearly $300,000 — more than the state's governor — and frequent use of beauty vendors, despite the 23,000 residents of the Illinois town having a median income of $24,000.
The Village of Dolton in Illinois voted Monday to hire former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot as a "Special Investigator" to look into Henyard's conduct. On Tuesday, Lightfoot began to be paid $400 an hour to gather information on Henyard’s alleged spending and finance mismanagement as well as "any state and federal violations." 
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
List of Pixar Protagonists and whether or not I can kick their ass
Flick from Bugs life: Yes. He is an ant, I am a man. Now if we were the same size, thats a different story. But I still think I got him beat
Marlon and Dori: They are fish. I would eat him for dinner.
Mike Wazowski: I wouldnt want to fight him, but I could beat his ass
Sully: No... He would rip me in half like a sheet of Paper
Woody and Buzz: If its a one v one no issue. I would probably so freaked out toys are alive I would smash them to pieces. But if they tag team I might get overwhelmed. I have seen the Toy story movies
Wall-e: I would not fight Wall-e. He is too cute. I would walk away.
Remy: If he gets on my head its over, but considering how easily he has been caught... I think I can take him
Mr.Incredible: No... f*** no. This is basically Hercules all over again.
Mrs.Incredible/Elastagirl: I stand no chance.
Lightning McQueen: He is a car and I have watched Man vs Car. Car always wins
Mater: He is really stupid. I could probably trick him into not fighting me. But if I gotta fight him no... I would probably get Tetanus anyway
Carl: I would beat that old man's ASS.
Russel: I would punt that child
Merida: No... I would not beat merida, she would riddle me with arrow wounds before I even got close
Joy: The concept of Happiness... I mean probably. Mainly because Riley was beating it most of the movie (Lol)
Arlo: He is a dinosaur... but he is a small dino... hmmm 60/40 on who would win that
Miguel: I could beat him up... but that movie already did so much to him I couldnt do it
Ian and Barley Lightfoot: No magic... I could beat them easy. With Magic.... no
Joe Gardner: He does seem scrawny... I think I could beat his ass
Luca: As long as we arent in the water I think he's an easy fight
Meilin lee: She can turn into a giant Red Panda... so no
Buzz lightyear (Light year) : Buzz is supposed to be a peak astronaut… but I will not lie. I would win because of my unyielding rage regarding the film he is in. I would BEAT HIS ASS
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cheetour · 8 months
whichever or however many from 1-30 you wanna answer, I'd really love to hear you gush about your characters
Bahahaha, I don't think I have all 30 questions in me!!! But let me take the first 6 and gush a bit about the mechanics of how I built Eve!!!
what's your tav's name, class, and race?
which background do they have? how does it play into their story? (and if you're doing a durge playthrough, how did your tav come to be the haunted one?)
what feats have you picked for them?
favourite weapon type to beat away goblins with?
for the spellcasters, what's their favourite spell?
Evening Tavernsong is a Lightfoot Halfling Bard with the Acoloyte background (although I think an argument could be made for Guild Artisan or Performer). Her subclass in-game was Lore, but I think Glamour would be a closer fit.
Eve spent most of the game carrying the Blood of Lathander and never using it. In Stepdaughter, she has a dirk, which is a sort of everyday dagger that can be used for both self-defence but also, like, cooking, which I don't think she ever uses to fight; Eve hates to get her hands dirty.
Gameplay-wise, I created her to be absolutely, hilariously, piteously useless in direct combat, which is reflected in Stepdaughter. Eve's spell list is entirely made up of shit like Friends and Feather Fall and Enhance Ability. In my BG3 campaign enemies don't even target her, she's so useless. For most of the game, her singular offensive spell was Vicious Mockery.
Also, because at my core I am a 5e bitch, this is Eve's current in-universe spell list (in addition to Vicious Mockery and Friends):
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Absolutely none of these are offensive spells and most of them don't even appear in BG3. She really does just run around on her little legs while everyone else is fighting.
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frogcabbage · 6 months
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Frogcabbage March favourites
Nobody asked for this but I thought I'd share some of the great albums I've been listening to a lot in March.
Coldplay - Parachutes (2000) - Forever a favourite album, it never fails to invoke such a sense of melancholy and nostalgia. Best song: Trouble.
Keane - Strangeland (2012) - Another one of my absolute favourite albums of all time. I've been listening to Keane a lot recently because I find they're really great for dealing with 'big' feelings. This album is wonderfully nostalgic and forlorn. Best song: Watch how you go.
Gordon Lightfoot - If you could read my mind (1970) - Such an underrated artist and album! It's got all the tenderness of John Denver with the wonderful acoustic talent of Bob Dylan. Best song: If you could read my mind.
The Fynches - Live from the Field (2022) - A really great find that I came across in a large acoustic playlist. They're super underrated as a band and I love their retro feel. Best song: Absent worlds.
Simon and Garfunkel - Sounds of Silence (1966) - Ok you got me, I'm a mega S&G fan - I LOVE this album and I will never be beating the acoustic/folk loving allegations. Best song: Leaves that are green.
Infinity Song - Metamorphosis (2023) - SUPER UNDERRATED. This band is incredible. Their harmonies work together so wonderfully and the lyrics are so poignant and deep. Best song: Metamorphosis.
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a mirrored picture of my old man a plato fanmix  [listen]
01. Little Shadow - yeah yeah yeahs | 02. Bitter Milk - ibi | 03. Such a Shame - talk talk | 04. Payback - jan hammer  |  05. Deformative  - black eyes | 06. A Chronicle of Early Failures - Part 1 - the dead texan | 07. Mis-Shapes - pulp | 08. Haunted (Instrumental) - radical face | 09. Disarm - the smashing pumpkins | 10. Smalltown Boy - bronski beat | 11. II. Largo assai ed espressivo (excerpt) from Piano Trio No. 4 in D Major, Op. 70, No. 1 "Ghost" - ludwig van beethovan | 12. My Eyes - the lumineers | 13. Vivaldi Variation (Arr. for Piano from Concerto for Strings in G Minor, RV 156) - florian christl  | 14. Unwell - matchbox twenty | 15. Once Upon a Dream - invadable harmony | 16. I’ve Just Seen a Face (Acoustic Cover) - the moon loungers  | 17. Memory of That Waltz - frozen silence | 18. Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want - the dream academy | 19. They Move on Tracks of Never Ending Light -  this will destroy you | 20. Cambodia - Single Version - kim wilde |  21. "Happy End" (ハッピー・エンド) -  yellow light orchestra |   22. Superstitious Feeling - harlequin | 23. Masquerade (Suite): 1. Waltz Excerpt - aram khachaturian, london symphony orchestra, stanley black  | 24. The Family Jewels - marina  | 25. The Nutcracker, “A Pine Forest In Winter” - pyotr illyich tchaikovsky, heribert beissel, bonn classcal philharmonic |  26. Seventeen Going Under - sam fender | 27. Serenade for Strings in E Major, “II. Tempo di valse” - anton dvorak, prague chamber orchestra, petr skvor  | 28. Release - michael nesmith | 29. Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, “Moonlight” - ludwig van beethoven, brodsky quartet | 30.  Race Among the Ruins - gordon lightfoot | 31. Pavane, Op. 50  - gabriel faure, sinfonieorchester basel, ivor bolten | 32. Man Made Lake - donovan woods | 33. Unflappable - vampire step-dad  | 34. Keep Up The Fight - gowan
#Plato#fanmix#my fanmix#whoops#a lot of angst a little bit of rock and roll#alright context time because i never make any of this bs without context - plato is the son of macavity#plato's path to recovery isn't always the smoothest one#there are plenty of instrumentals on here because plato is mostly mute due to trauma#i have associated a mechanical sound with macavity so to *connect* plato with macavity#while showing that there is better-ness in him i associated a lot of 80s synth pop-ish type things#so it's partially mechanical but there is a rhythmic nature to it associating him with both sides#plato's time in the mouser's palace was spent mostly alone and starving until socrates showed up#plato did a big bad in self defense#they run run run#plato's mind place aint a great place to be for a long time - there are bad things in there#he feels big and awkward and out of place and he feels like other cats look at him#plato falls in love with victoria but is still stuck in his own head a lot - frightened of himself#what he could do#how he was always considered such a useless waste of space#relapse happens quite a few times - macavity still whispers through his kids sometimes#cambodia doesn't fully make sense in context but some of the lyrics and vibe are meant to imply a little of what victoria sees#(he doesn't leave or anything shh just pretend it's that little part)#eventually the instrumentals and musics start changing as plato becomes more comfortable in his own skin#the instruments changing reflect more of a classic jellicle feel - plato starts to fit in but slowly#he ends with another 80s synth vibe but these are positive - a willingness to be better#does that make any sense i feel like it doesn't#my idea of these characters exist in my mind palace
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a34trgv2 · 2 years
Top 10 Best Cartoon Siblings
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#10. Bunny (The Powerpuff Girls): Bunny may have appeared in 1 episode, but she still made for a great character. She has all the best aspects of each of the main 3 girls including the innocence of Bubbles, the determination of Blossom and the unhinged temper of Buttercup. When her sisters need her most, she did not hesitate to beat the bad guys and save their lives. If Bunny had been more stable, she could've been a lovely addition to the team.
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#9. Ducky and Spike (The Land Before Time series): The sweet, bubbly, and playful Saurolophus (aka Big Mouth) found the stegasaurus, Spike, as a lonesome egg and almost immediately adopted him as her new brother. While Spike doesn't talk much, Ducky understands him completely and encourages him to be brave and helpful. They have their disagreements, but ever since they first met they couldn't imagine life without one another.
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#8. Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb): A dynamic duo through thick and thin, these 2 inventive boys find genius ways to make their day exciting and fun. In addition to getting along with each other, they also get along well with their sister Candace. Despite her constantly trying to get them in trouble, they never hold it against her and, in fact, encourage her to join in the fun.
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#7. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh): Seto is egotistical, narcissistic, a showoff, and a more than worth rival for Yugi. But the one thing he most certainly is NOT is a bad older brother to Mokuba. Seto is caring, fair, kind, and helpful to Mokuba whenever they're together. Kaiba did everything in his power to try and save Mokuba after the latter was kidnapped by Pegasus and protected him from bullies when they were younger. He may never be Yugi's best friend, but he's the best brother Mokuba could've asked for.
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#6. The 7 Little Monsters (Seven Little Monsters): I couldn't single out one of the 7 Little Monsters as they're all likable, funny and well rounded characters that get along really well as siblings. One is athletic and caring, Two is smart and helpful, Three is a master of disguise and a really good tracher, Four is reasonable and relatable, Five is playful and innocent, Six is funny and energetic, and Seven is so sweet and kind. They all have great chemistry with one another and with their Mom they make one monster-sized happy family.
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#5. Moses and Rameses (The Prince of Egypt): Before becoming enemies, Moses and Rameses had a wonderful relationship as brothers. Moses was fun, playful and charming while Rameses was more responsible but still just as fun. When Moses returned to Egypt from his self-imposed exile, Rameses was overjoyed to see him again and even pardoned him for killing a man. Moses and Rameses had such a great relationship and if it wasn't for the latter's stubbornness and pride, they could've worked together to bring the Hebrews to the Promised Land.
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#4. Anna of Arendelle (Frozen 1&2): The central core of both Frozen films is the sistethood of Anna and Elsa, and without Anna, there'd be no Frozen. Anna is funny, caring, determined, and really smart and does whatever she can for her sister. Even when they are separated, Anna never stops thinking about Elsa and wants nothing more than for them to be as close as they were when they were kids.
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#3. Bluey Heeler (Bluey): Bluey and Bingo have such a cute and believable relationship as sisters. Bluey is funny, smart, very playful and comes up with fun games to play with her sister. Bluey is also there to comfort her when she's feeling down and bring out the best in her by playing fair. They disagree on how games are played at times, but they get along so well and always come to a compromise.
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#2. Barley Lightfoot (Onward): Barley is the ideal brother for Ian, whether he knows it or not. Barley is brave, smart, funny and caring as he continually pushes Ian to be the best he can be. I also really appreciated that he's actually happy that Ian's a wizard rather than being jealous about it. What puts Barley so high on the list, though, was him being genuinely afraid Ian might fall to his death over the raveen and is overjoyed when he made it across.
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#1. Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch): A surprise to no one reading this list, Nani is the best showcase of all the qualities for a great sibling. She's brave, smart, funny, caring and willing to sacrifice her job and time with her friends to make sure Lilo is safe. What makes her go above and beyond in being a great sister is how she never once thinks Lilo is weird and actually plays along with her theories and quirks. Lilo is absolutely blessed to have a sister like Nani and siblings everywhere are blessed to have a role model like her.
Conclusion: Cartoon siblings are at their best not only when they get along but also when they work through their differences and compromise. Some honorable mentions include Sitka from Brother Bear (like the shaman woman said, he left too soon), Margo Gru from Despicable Me (would've been #11 for sure), and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender (what was Sokka on with his sexist bologna? 🤦‍♂️). Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ;)
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cafffine · 2 years
Chicago !!!!
Our Mayoral election is a mess and so is this post, but please vote for Brandon Johnson if you’re eligible.
Yes, Johnson is walking back his previous goals to defund the police, but he's doing it because we're going to a runoff, and Paul Vallas - the voice of our police union - is the frontrunner.
To point, here's an update on Vallas' stance on policing from the most recent debate. This is dangerous, and this will get people killed:
“Smart policing is not defunding the police. // Smart policing is filling the vacancies and pushing the police officers down to local beats, so they can respond in minutes to a 911 call,” Vallas said. (Chicago Sun Times, March 16th, 2023)
Meanwhile, while not perfect, Johnson is still pushing to cut millions from the police budget, invest in community-based emergency response, and remove the deeply harmful and racist gang database. He's also explicitly pro-abortion, plans to protect queer and trans Chicagoans, he's backed by the teachers union, supports the rights of the disabled, and so much more (this is a source to nearly all the points in this paragraph, the rest is in the sun times article linked above). We need him.
Lightfoot did terrible damage to our city, and if Vallas wins, I can only see things getting worse, or at best, staying the same. Chicago's police and the system of violence and white supremacy that they uphold have done enough damage, please, please vote for Brandon Johnson if you can.
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