#Lifestyle Insights
viralbeyinspector · 6 months
Dive into a world of health awareness with "Viral Bey Inspector" in our latest short video, "Why You Should Not Eat Like This?" 🥗🚫 Explore the impact of certain eating habits on your well-being and uncover the secrets to making healthier choices. Join us for a quick dose of insightful content that aims to empower you with knowledge for a more mindful and nourishing lifestyle. Subscribe for more short videos on health, wellness, and lifestyle tips! 🌟 #ViralBeyInspector #HealthyEating #DietaryHabits #WellnessJourney #MindfulEating #NutritionTips #HealthAwareness #FoodChoices #NutritionEducation #EmpowerYourHealth #LifestyleInsights #WellnessWednesday #EatMindfully #HealthyLivingTips #FoodImpact #NourishYourBody #HealthJourney #DietaryAwareness #SmartFoodChoices #SubscribeNow #ShortVideoInsights #HealthyHabitsVBI
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killabeeblog · 16 days
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 months
Humans have an evolved mechanism to eat whenever food is available. -Mark Leary Duke University
--Developed countries don't currently deal with the kind of food scarcity of our past. This is a reminder to check yourself-- you may not need to eat just because your body or mind is telling you to.
Be self aware. Cultivate that in yourself.
Have you eaten enough? When will food be available again?
If you haven't, go ahead. Eat. Be mindful of portions and eat for your goals.
If you have, it is ok to say no. It is ok to skip eating something that does not align with your goals. Especially if you have more nutritive or mindful options at home.
Writing this to myself as a personal note to stop over consumption. The people pleasing. The resources I am taking could be used for someone else. I don't need to eat multiple meals when others are going hungry.
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letsberealgenz · 4 months
3 Keys To Success You Must Know About
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3 keys. These are the keys that would elevate your growth to an entirely different level only if you understand this. What are you waiting for? Let’s dive into it!
Time is our biggest asset of life and with the fast pace of technology it has definitely reduce our reading retention span. So I am going to do you a big favor by keeping this short, simple and sweet. (YOU CAN SAVE THIS AS YOUR “READING LIST” FOR FUTURE REFERENCE)
Grow 1% better each day
Yes I know we have been hearing this a lot lately. But there’s always 1 question that lingers which is “how-to” do it. Spilling the magic portion.
Read for a couple of minutes. Even if time is constrained for you but there’s always time to at least read 1 page. Right?
Oh yes I have to say this. If you can’t read, listen to audiobooks/podcasts then. Life savior for real (alternative for reading.)
Learn a new skill/tool/technology that would help you to improve your productivity and get you closer to your goals.
3 steps to grow 1% better each day.
Just do it
The Nike slogan fits so well for our 2nd key to success. I believe more than ever today we live in a paralysis analysis society where we ALL can really make use of our research skill to the fullest.
Hey, I mean that’s great! I do this too all the time but the key is this. You have to know when to STOP collecting data/information and to just START executing your plan. For instance let me share with you a real-life scenario:
If you’re planning to grow your business digitally utilizing social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. It would make sense for you to research the do’s and don’ts for the platform. The algorithm and hacks for boosting your content. The best time to schedule your posts and a lot more that goes with the online tech.
But here’s the thing. Once you start digging into these articles there won’t be a “STOP” sign for real. It would take you down into a rabbit hole of links where you just wish to know more and more about what you’re researching about. You would reach to a point of even though you have everything that you need yet you still feel there’s something more for you out there.
So please avoid this and save yourself a ton of time and effort by just executing your plan. Just do it. You can only learn best when you just do it.
“Your action is the greatest teacher.”
Here’s the hack. Once you start executing your plan, with every post and step of yours you are going to extract the most valuable lesson which is your data. Every post of yours have its in-built data analytics where it greatly helps you to track on what’s working best for your business and what’s not.
So this gives you a room to improvise your next step. That's’ how you achieve tremendous success in a short span!
I should highlight this as the main key of success. Reflection is the game-changer for real. It gives you the room to:
Identify what works best for your growth.
Eliminate the unnecessary.
Improvise your current method.
Jot down your biggest achievement for the day.
Reflect on what you’ve learnt throughout the day.
Plan your next step strategically.
Gives you the idea on what to focus on.
These are just some of the main questions you can ask yourself or your team at the end of the day. Personally for me I insert this during my night journal. Here’s how you do it. Now it’s time to realize that it’s not only how you start your day but how you end it is way more important too!
Start applying these 3 keys into your life and comment your go-to key for success!
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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reinacrbers · 2 years
Marisol Yotta ~ biography Plus size model body measurements, age, relationships fashion nova 2022 Home&Women
Marisol Yotta ~ biography Plus size model body measurements, age, relationships fashion nova 2022 Home&Women
Marisol Yotta ~ biography Plus size model body measurements, age, relationships fashion nova 2022 Home&Women #fashionnovajeanshaul, #fashionnovahaul2022, #fashionnovafallhaul2022, #fashionnovatryonhaul, #fashionnovahaul, #fashionnovajeans, #fashionnovaplussizehaul, #fashionnovadresshaul, #fashionnovamen, #fashionnovahalloweencostumes, #fashionnovahalloweencostumes2022, #fashionnova,…
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dkettchen · 1 year
not me adding literal buddhist monk shaolin masters to my very short list of ppl I’ve ever strongly related to the philosophy/mentality/approach to life of oh boy
#anthony padilla#buddhist monks#philosophy#trans#Idk what this says abt me for any of you who don't know me that well yet lmao#but it is fascinating to me at least that between the discipline of language learning since childhood#my shonen protagonist energy and slight megalomania#and my nonbinary trans thoughts about physical change and self improvement etc etc etc#despite coming from such vastly different backgrounds (not just culturally just in the like- I'm a queer artist n educator n stuff#and they're literal monks in an organised religion/belief system)#we have still somehow arrived at so many similar not only beliefs but also just like ways of living and discipline and worldview#something something outsider perspective that queer people will be more prone to due to being an eternal minority in any part of the world#while ppl like monks/nuns take up the lifestyle they lead in order to alienate themselves from the rest of society for religion's sake#something something the historic connection between ppl who dedicate their life to religion (monks/nuns/priests/etc) and the queer community#and various cultures where genderqueer ppl's role is/was that of religious leaders#something something maybe in a changing world that is not as religious anymore we can still be advisors and wise ppl to consult#like I think that's literally the conclusion I've arrived at for my pitch to the feminists is#you will never truly manage to include us as equals for sheer numbers reasons so you might as well use us and our skills and insights#for the gender lib movement in other more distinct ways that neither need you to fully equate us to you nor to limit us to your part of it#pay the transfemmes to teach y'all coding karlie kloss can't do it all on her own#and pay me to come teach you abt transmasc inclusion and internalised misandry and the terfs#and you'll find plenty of use from having us around
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radio-charlie · 1 year
Non politically correct + lighthearted post incoming, but if it were me in charge, as soon as i see some bitch on here going “the secret to life is to always find a little smile in everything... i always want to remember this” and then they e-beg for shit that they blow on online shopping and throw petulant hissy fits whenever someone puts smth mildly critical on their posts - here’s a shovel. stop talking and go move some goat poop around. lol
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cafe-au-lait-21 · 10 months
Ants - Cloud Bread Bakery Oneshot
“it wasn’t me!”
Creampuff came marching out of the kitchen, steam practically pouring out of his skull, eye sockets narrowing at the figure who had hidden behind the couch. He huffed, barely containing his frustration as he watched his second smallest brother duck behind the couch again.
“WELL IF IT WASN’T YOU, THEN WHO LEFT THE TRAIL OF CRUMBS TO LEAD THE ANTS IN??” He had his ungloved, scarred, hands placed on his hip bones, tapping his socked foot on the carpeted floor to vent his irritation.
Cloud peaked out from behind the white and purple couch they had in their living room. He had dived behind it the second he heard the steam audibly coming from the kitchen. “uhh… did you ask sansy?” He asked nervously, grin strained and sheepish.
Creampuff deadpanned, groaned dramatically and threw his hands up, making his way upstairs with a loud call of “OH SANSYYYYYYYYY!” That was in that infamous tone that was far too sweet for what he had planned.
The moment he was out of view, Cloud let out a long sigh, grin hiking up a little as he hurried his way around the couch again. He couldn’t help the string of mischievous giggles that fell out of his teeth as he shuffled into the kitchen. He was quick to rush up to the counter that had a long and uniform trail of ants on it leading up to the pile of cupcake crumbs that he had left out.
Yeah, ok - Loaf would likely be dragged by his hood downstairs to prove his innocence against Cloud’s ‘alibi’, but it would be fine. After all, Rocky had been lonely lately.
Their little rock companion rolled out from behind the cookie jar, shaking its little googly eyes around with a mischievous scratch of the counter. “shhh.” Cloud couldn’t help but snicker for himself. “c’mon. let’s get out of here before paps catches us.” He hurriedly scooped up their little pet rock, who was no doubt getting a little heavier everyday, and cradled them close.
He had planned to teleport out of the house, perhaps spend some time at Merlot’s again, claiming that he was just… redoing some design ideas to the merchandise or something of the sort… but as soon as he finished wiping up the counter, he turned around, and he was face to chest with his brother.
Sprinkle stared down at him, cross-armed, bone brow raised, and body language (and voice) that screamed “AND WHERE DID YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?”
Cloud began to sweat and tap the toe of his shoe against the tile floor of their kitchen floor - a nervous tick. “n-nowhere important.” He stuttered out.
“uhh… i plead the 5th..?” Cloud tried.
“WE’RE NOT EVEN FROM A WORLD WITH THOSE LAWS.” Sprinkle deadpanned… There was a long silence between the two of them, and it wasn’t broken until a loud “NYEH!!!” came from upstairs. “Alright, Fine.” He finally caved. “Check On Coffee For Me And Make More Of Those Shooting Star Sprinkles This Week And I’ll Cover For You.” He whispered.
“deal!” And with that, Cloud disappeared with a trail of stardust and an audible ‘poof!’
It wasn’t long after that Sprinkle had swept up the stardust Cloud left behind and closed the window that had been letting the ants in, saying that it could have been Rocky that had left the trail of crumbs… Creampuff simply sighed and was glad that the insects were exterminated and cut off from the house’s extremely large supply of sugar.
Another summer without an infestation of bugs avoided, all thanks to Rocky and Cloud.
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perfectuu · 2 years
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It's almost New Year's Eve, which means it's time to reflect, reset, and resolve to become the healthiest version of yourself by making changes that will give you renewed vitality.
In this post, we will discuss 7 ways that you can improve your overall health in 2023!
1. Go for a walk
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According to research, just 10 minutes of daily walking is a simple way to boost energy levels and overall health, contributing to greater vitality.
2. Make contact with others
More than 90% of people who report high vitality say they make time for relationships.
3. Take care of your mental health
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Everyone understands the importance of maintaining one's physical health. But what about your mental well-being? Your mental health, like your physical health, is an important component of your overall well-being and health.
Unfortunately, mental health is frequently ignored or overlooked. This can have serious consequences, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts or attempts.
Suggestions for mental health:
Make time for things that make you happy.
Maintain regular contact with friends and family.
Get enough sleep and exercise to take care of yourself.
Consume nutritious, well-balanced meals.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, talk to someone about it, whether it's a doctor, therapist, or a friend.
Practice relaxation and mindfulness techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.
Consider going to therapy.
4. Reduce sitting and screen time
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It's difficult to avoid the endless hours we spend staring at screens in this digital age. Too much screen time can be harmful to your health, whether you're scrolling through your phone, watching television, or working on a laptop.
Take frequent breaks from screens and get up and move around during the day. Take a walk, perform some stretching exercises, or simply stand up and move around.
When it comes to screens, it's also important to set limits. Limit your blue light exposure before bedtime and try to turn off screens an hour or two before bedtime. This will aid in the promotion of better sleep quality and overall health.
5. Manage stress levels
Sleep deprivation can result in a weakened immune system, poor academic or occupational performance, and even an increased risk of certain chronic diseases. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to keep your body and mind refreshed.
6. Exercise regularly
It is critical to include physical activity in your daily routine. Choose activities that you will enjoy so that it will feel like something you are looking forward to! Regular physical activity can help you improve your mood, reduce stress, and lower your risk of certain diseases.
Exercise doesn't have to be difficult; even a simple walk around the block or a yoga class can help improve your overall health.
7. Get enough sleep
Sleep deprivation can result in a weakened immune system, poor academic or occupational performance, and even an increased risk of certain chronic diseases. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to keep your body and mind refreshed.
8. Learn something new
Learning engages both your mind and body, and research shows that it can reduce stress and anxiety, resulting in increased vitality.
Thank you!!
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killabeeblog · 16 days
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kajmasterclass · 27 days
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lucyglad · 29 days
💎Bliss Blueprint: Unveiling the Fab Five
Believe in yourself always.
Let go of negativity, embrace positivity.
Stay serene, amidst life's storms.
Tranquility leads to remarkable destinations.
You are deserving of self-acceptance.
Tap now for free motivation-boosting gift.💕
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brickellbabe · 1 month
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nomadman108 · 2 months
Flee, Be Silent, and Pray Always
A few days ago I began a new work to study and contemplate in my not quite daily Lectio Divina practice. It’s actually a spiritual classic that, although I’ve read it before, I felt the need to explore it a little more, dig a little deeper, rather than simply reading through it as I did the first time. It is The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers by Henri…
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luxeloreinsights · 2 months
Camping Memories: Adventures with My Youth Church Group
Have you ever been camping? Camping, for many, evokes memories of campfires, starry nights, and the tranquil sound of nature. For me, it brings to mind cherished adventures from my childhood, when I went camping multiple times with my youth church group. Those experiences not only shaped my appreciation for the great outdoors but also left me with indelible memories of friendship, community, and…
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igate777 · 3 months
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