#Cloud (Outertale Sans)
cafe-au-lait-21 · 11 months
Ants - Cloud Bread Bakery Oneshot
“it wasn’t me!”
Creampuff came marching out of the kitchen, steam practically pouring out of his skull, eye sockets narrowing at the figure who had hidden behind the couch. He huffed, barely containing his frustration as he watched his second smallest brother duck behind the couch again.
“WELL IF IT WASN’T YOU, THEN WHO LEFT THE TRAIL OF CRUMBS TO LEAD THE ANTS IN??” He had his ungloved, scarred, hands placed on his hip bones, tapping his socked foot on the carpeted floor to vent his irritation.
Cloud peaked out from behind the white and purple couch they had in their living room. He had dived behind it the second he heard the steam audibly coming from the kitchen. “uhh… did you ask sansy?” He asked nervously, grin strained and sheepish.
Creampuff deadpanned, groaned dramatically and threw his hands up, making his way upstairs with a loud call of “OH SANSYYYYYYYYY!” That was in that infamous tone that was far too sweet for what he had planned.
The moment he was out of view, Cloud let out a long sigh, grin hiking up a little as he hurried his way around the couch again. He couldn’t help the string of mischievous giggles that fell out of his teeth as he shuffled into the kitchen. He was quick to rush up to the counter that had a long and uniform trail of ants on it leading up to the pile of cupcake crumbs that he had left out.
Yeah, ok - Loaf would likely be dragged by his hood downstairs to prove his innocence against Cloud’s ‘alibi’, but it would be fine. After all, Rocky had been lonely lately.
Their little rock companion rolled out from behind the cookie jar, shaking its little googly eyes around with a mischievous scratch of the counter. “shhh.” Cloud couldn’t help but snicker for himself. “c’mon. let’s get out of here before paps catches us.” He hurriedly scooped up their little pet rock, who was no doubt getting a little heavier everyday, and cradled them close.
He had planned to teleport out of the house, perhaps spend some time at Merlot’s again, claiming that he was just… redoing some design ideas to the merchandise or something of the sort… but as soon as he finished wiping up the counter, he turned around, and he was face to chest with his brother.
Sprinkle stared down at him, cross-armed, bone brow raised, and body language (and voice) that screamed “AND WHERE DID YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?”
Cloud began to sweat and tap the toe of his shoe against the tile floor of their kitchen floor - a nervous tick. “n-nowhere important.” He stuttered out.
“uhh… i plead the 5th..?” Cloud tried.
“WE’RE NOT EVEN FROM A WORLD WITH THOSE LAWS.” Sprinkle deadpanned… There was a long silence between the two of them, and it wasn’t broken until a loud “NYEH!!!” came from upstairs. “Alright, Fine.” He finally caved. “Check On Coffee For Me And Make More Of Those Shooting Star Sprinkles This Week And I’ll Cover For You.” He whispered.
“deal!” And with that, Cloud disappeared with a trail of stardust and an audible ‘poof!’
It wasn’t long after that Sprinkle had swept up the stardust Cloud left behind and closed the window that had been letting the ants in, saying that it could have been Rocky that had left the trail of crumbs… Creampuff simply sighed and was glad that the insects were exterminated and cut off from the house’s extremely large supply of sugar.
Another summer without an infestation of bugs avoided, all thanks to Rocky and Cloud.
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randooffthestreet99 · 11 months
So, this is the fic I was talking about the other day. It can be x reader, or x oc, it doesn't matter. It also includes bad sans poly, so be warned.
"-----, Come on!" The young girl in the white dress laughed, her skirts billowing in the wind. He laughed as well, chasing after her, his lover.
He finally caught up to her, tackling her, and they rolled down the grassy hill, falling into the field of wildflowers. They lay there, giggling and smiling at each other. He took her hand into his own, grinning. "I love you."
She beamed at him, scooting closer. "I love you too, -----." They lay there together, watching the fluffy clouds in the summer haze. Suddenly, the sky grew dark, and she sat up.
"We need to go." He sat up too. "Yeah, looks like it's going to rain." The air was growing thick and heavy, like tar.
She appeared frightened as she looked into the distance, before looking back at him, gripping his hands. "No, you need to leave. You can't be here."
He looked confused. "What do you mean?" She squeezed his hands reassuringly. "Go. I'll be okay." His eyebrows furrowed. "Why can't you come with me?" She gave him a sad smile before leaning in and whispering in a much deeper voice.
"Nightmare. Wake up."
He sat up in his bed, gasping for air. Where...where was she? There was a gentle hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly. "Deep breaths, Mare....deep breaths...." His lover?
He finally regained his senses, taking in his surroundings. The familiar large bed, the dark silken sheets, the heavy tendrils on his back. This was home now. Had been for hundreds of years. He turned around to face his lover, who had come to wake him up.
"Are you alright, Nightmare?" It was Dust, worry shining in his eyelights. "Normally it's us having bad dreams, not you." Nightmare sighed softly. "Quite alright, thank you." He stood up. "Has Horror made our breakfast?"
Dust nodded. "Yeah. H sent me up to get you." Nightmare hummed and walked to his closet, pulling out his nicer suit, and Dust raised an eyebrow. "That time of year?" He let out a soft breath, changing into it. "Yes."
They went downstairs, joining the others at the dining table. Their other three lovers made note of Nightmare’s outfit, but didn't say anything. Nightmare quickly finished his meal, putting away his plate and kissing Horror's head.
"Breakfast was lovely. Thank you." Horror smiled warmly at him. " 'f course, Boss." Killer pouted. "What, no kiss for the rest of us?" Nightmare chuckled fondly, walking over and pressing his teeth to Killer's head as well. Killer grinned up at him. "Aw, now Crossy and Dustbin are missing out."
Nightmare sighed and quickly pecked the other two on the cheek. "Better?" Killer nodded, looking smug. He began to walk away, but Cross stopped him. "Tell her we say hi and to come visit?"
Nightmare smiled affectionately at him. "Of course." He opened a portal to Outertale.
He walked into Waterfall's caverns, picking the more beautiful echo flowers. He knew she would like them, and their star adorned petals. Only the best for her. He opened the next portal, unstable and glitchy as it was.
He stepped in, inhaling the familiar scent of tress long gone and slightly burnt apple pie. He wandered to the hill he'd spent most of his childhood on, and sat down in front of the stump of his mother.
He lay the flowers at the girl's feet, her beauty timeless, encased in stone.
"I thought you'd like these. You always loved the stars, the nighttime. Saw beauty in the darker things, in me." He laughed, sounding sad.
"The others can't wait to meet you. I'm sure you'll adore them..." He hung his head. "I cannot wait for you to be by my side, my queen. I...I miss you." He sighed shakily.
"Does Dream still visit? I hope he does, you two were great friends. Perhaps he'll come after I leave. I had a dream about you, love. Was that you? Perhaps... I do apologize for not visiting last year. I was incapacitated." He chuckled.
"Can I stay here with you, darling? Just...for a while?" He shut his eyes, leaning against the tree stump. "Thank you...
You were always too kind to me."
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pinkwavybubbles · 9 months
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Batlyn and her alts!!!
Meet Batlyn and her AU selfs. These feisty and playful bats can’t wait to spend time with you and have all kinds of adventures
Now heres their names and small informations about them in order from top to bottom. Note that these girls are based on different types of deres too!
Batlyn (Undertale)
This one is the original Batlyn from the original Universe. She has a Tsundere personality, she’s definitely the grumpiest Bat but is super sweet when she wants to be. Batlyn has a lot of value in life, she finds a lot of value in everyone and is scared to lose those she loves and cares for. Batlyn grew up alone after losing her parents during the war as she kept herself away from being near anyone due to her fear of getting close to someone and losing them to experience the same pain as she did with her mum and dad. However she’s grown better and has friends now, she’s extremely close to Sans and Papyrus specifically as they were the ones who approach her first with no hesitation or wanting to fight her. She’s happier now thanks to them. Same can be said for the other Batlyns.
Candy (Underswap)
The shyest and sweetest girl out of the butch. Her personality is the Dandere type. She was so timid and scared of everyone until she met the right people and gains confidence though their support and love. Despite her timid nature, she will approach a deadly situation and try to defuse it. Candy actually enjoys puns, she’ll literally laugh at any pun even if it doesn’t make sense at all. Her sense of humour is broken but she has a nice laugh according to Stretch. She likes pastel colours a lot and anything cute. She definitely has a bed full of cute plush toys.
Ruth (Underfell)
Rude, Inappropriate and just down right nasty. Ruth is the Kitikudere of the group, a bully who picks on those who are weaker or even stronger then her. She loves to pick a fight with nearly everyone. Her wings are destroyed due to her challenging wolves and they “tore” her a new one. But she can have some softer moments like Batlyn, but she lowkey hates it. People tend to tell her that it must suck to have lost her ability of flight but she tells them that she doesn’t need her wings as long she has her claws to destroy her enemies. She’s a extremely messy eater too.
Bane (Swapfell)
The one who rarely changes her expression. This one is a Kuudere, she’s calm and collected and shows little to no emotions. Bane spends most of her time playing video games and snack. She also has attachment issues, she likes being with those she feels safe and comfort with. Bane has a high alcohol tolerance and has drank extremely high levels of it, it’s a wonder how she hasn’t gotten poisoned from it, it could be because Bane is the only Batlyn who does actually spit out acid on command. Gross but powerful. She rarely does it though since she’s pretty chill and doesn’t care half of the time.
Twinkle (Outertale)
Fun, fun and Silly! This bat is the DereDere one of the group! She’s full of energy and just loves to play! Twinkle’s hair actually lost gravity from being in space for so long that it’s always floating. This Bat is the happiest and positive one out of everyone and she just loves to see the good side of everyone and situation. She will pick you up and spin you in the air if you are very close to her. Just ask Orion. Twinkle is a sucker for sweet candies like star candy or rock candy, give her a piece and she goes crazy for it. She can also summon cosmic clouds to lay or sit on and even ride them. This Bat is just full of surprises and excitement for every day and night.
Ginger (Farmtale)
The newest addition to the group. Ginger is a Hiyakasudere type, Meaning she’s a teaser and likes to flirt. Ginger is extremely charming and caring to others around her. She owns a chicken farm and is pretty proud of her girls but she also has a small apple orchid where she likes to take breaks and munch on some apples. She rarely speaks sometimes and speaks only when she’s spoken to or if she’s along with her chickens and talks to them. Just like Oira, Japanese is her primary language but she does speak good English. She’s also taller then the other bats and has more muscle then Ruth as Ginger can lift 600 lbs of hay.
Annnnd that’s all of them!! Of course I have other OCs but some of them need some working first. But just have these girls first! I hope you enjoy them
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rileesartstudio · 1 year
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Outertale sans sleeping on a cloud
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OuterTale Sans Koi
Name: Constellation,
Species: Kōhaku Koi
Size: 4 - 5 inches tall, 1 - 2 feet long(mini), 9 -10 inches tall, 3 - 4 feet long(fullsize), 1 - 2 feet tall, 5 - 6 feet long(Bara)
Personality: Affectionate, laid back, friendly, lazy, caring,
Likes: Naps, other bitties, stars, clouds, astrology, space,
Dislikes: Aggressive bitties/people, being alone, being ignored, dirty water, saltwater,
Compatibility: They can be a little skittish at first but once they get to know you they will come to you for attention, food, and to just talk,
They do best in large groups and need at least 2 other bitties to be happy,
They get pretty big, and are often over eaters so they need to be watched to make sure they don’t over feed themselves,
They are not a super active type either, so may need to have an exercise schedule,
They love to swim with their owners and housemates, though they prefer to float with them,
Constellations are a more lazy koi bitty and tend to warm up to others faster,
They will often sunbath and nap when they feel safe, so when your Constellation comes up and lazes on the bank/on a ledge its a good sign!
They love to cloud watch/star gaze and can entertain themselves for hours on end,
Constellations do best when they can be in a large fresh water pond outside, though as long as they have a large and properly filtered tank they can manage just fine inside!
Feeding habits: Constellation's arent picky eaters and will eat pretty much everything,
Additional info: All Koi bitties need their tails to be hydrated though can be out of water for short periods of time, but its recommended to let them stay in water for as long as possible when transporting,
Koi bitties are fresh water! and can become dehydrated and ill if in salt water for to long! though salt water baths can help kill off fresh water parasites,
Zone: Lake,
In Universe: They are seen as very beginner friendly merbitties!
Difficulty: Beginner
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cowtale-utau · 2 years
This time it's lyrics from songs on my “current replays” playlist.
Undertale Sans/Ace - “Cloud is hangin' over my mind, Sippin' somethin' bittersweet, Tired of feeling tired” (Xylo - Chlorine)
Undertale Papyrus/Lief - “Put on a happy face, Make a scene and leave a permanent trace” (Shinedown - Hope)
Underfell Sans/Chisel - “Go on, make my day, Go get high on my mistakes” (Palaye Royale - Punching Bag)
Underfell Papyrus/Spur - “Is there composure in the pain? Can I ever find my peace? Will I ever balance me?” (Rivals - Alkaline)
Underswap Sans/Scout - “I don't need lessons, I do what I want, it's refreshing, As soon as you taste independence, you start living life in the present” (Yonaka - Seize the Power)
Underswap Papyrus/Piper - “But in the end I learned it rains in hell, And angels could be bad” (Vicetone - Angels)
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip - “Level up, She wanna fight, bitch, huddle up” (ppcocaine - Level Up)
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote - “Run away and lead a life without consequence, Reaching for a book of matches, Strike a light and you'll see the real mess that I am” (Des Rocs - Nothing Personal)
Horrortale Sans/Tender - “I would feed you all my pleasures just to drown in all of yours, Have you heard of me? Are you hurting me?” (Slipknot - Yen)
Horrortale Papyrus/Cook - “Wanna stand up and scream, what do I care? Sing this shit like a mantra, Middle finger's up, I got ya” (New Medicine - Fuck It)
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc - “Believe there's freedom, took my soul, I'll burn your shit alive and take the throne” (Saint Mesa - Throne)
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint - “Never give them, No respect, Because all authority, Have told me, You're just a lost cause” (KennyHoopla - lost cause//)
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze - “I'm a boss bitch, I can't argue with mutts, Headed straight to the bank, I been addin' it up” (Flo Milli and Monaleo - We Not Humpin’)
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus - “It's getting too loud, I want to lay down” (Anavae - Human)
Underlust Sans/Shine - “I don’t want you, baby, Just your attention” (Picturesque - ATTN)
Underlust Papyrus/Calico - “I'm not your princess, I'm a motherfucking queen” (Emlyn - Rapunzel)
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – “We convince ourselves that we are free, we are free, But we tread the same routine, We wake up to the same face day by day, day by day” (Anavae - High)
Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot - “Your babydoll has got a wandering eye, And she keeps looking at me” (LUNA AURA - BABYDOLL)
Outertale Sans/Saturn – “Don't get me in trouble now, let's not pretend, That you're the good guy and I just lost my patience” (Yonaka - Clique)
Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – “You inspire me beautiful genius, Conquering the world no sign of weakness” (Snowblood - Crazy Fucking Robot Body)
Farmtale Sans/Sage – “Cuz I've been looking, but I've yet to see, Where do all these men find the audacity” (Emlyn - Audacity) 
Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – “So figure it out, or don't figure it out, I figured it out, The bigger the river, The bigger the drought” (Highly Suspect - My Name is Human) 
G!Sans/Aurum - “We've gone so far, we have passed the horizon, Can't look back, we're beyond any reason” (Normandie - Babylon)
G!Papyrus/Viridis – “One of the lost ones, The one without a name, Without an honest heart as compass” (Nightwish - Nemo)
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skltnglttr · 2 years
hiii your blog is very cute!! :o 💕 i saw your tags saying you wanted to draw different versions of sans so may i suggest outertale sans? :] or maybe nightmare before being corrupted idk i'm very indecisive sldjhdkf
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I’ve never drawn outer sans before but he’s so cute and fun to draw!!! ☆ ☆ ☆
I wanted to give him more of a pastel look bc he reminds me a lot of Sanrio’s little twin stars ☆
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Undertale Asks
If you have any questions for any of the undertale guys or AU’S just tell me! I’m real excited to get this started and going >w<
I made a kofi!
The ones that I write for, the aus, are under the cut cause it’s long.
Undertale- Sans, Papyrus
Underswap- Blueberry, Stretch
Underfell- Red, Edge
Horrortale- Axe, Noodle
Fellswap- Lord, Mutt
Swapfell- King, Alpha
Fellswap Pink- Overlord and Pup
Swapfell Emerald- Commander and Hound
Fellswap Gold- Chief and Wolf
Swapfell Silver- Royal and Fang
Fellswap White- Prince and Canine
Swapfell Rainbow- Leader and Beast
Fellswap Sugar- Grandeur and Behemoth
Swapfell Spice- Tycoon and Brute
Fellswap Sky- Cloud and Bat
Swapfell Wood- Superior and Exo
Fellswap Night- Brilliance and Werewolf
Swapfell Day- Vivid and Lycan
Fellswap Kindness- Ruler and Pooch
Swapfell Justice- Sheriff and K9
Fellswap Steam- Crowned and Whelp
Swapfell Tears- Dynast and Mongrel
Fellswapkiller Pink- Rebel
Swapfelldust Emerald- Shards
Horrorfellswap- Regicide and Cur
Fellswap Fire: Luce and Hellhound
Swapfell Freeze: Baron and Pawls
Fellswap Blush: Palace and Cad
Swapfell Rose: Duke and Bull
Fellswap Anchor: Captain and Dogfish
Swapfell Ocean: Regent and Coyote
Outertale- Cosmos, Galaxy
Dreamtale- Nightmare Sans, Dream Sans, Passive
Horrordream- Oxi and Sleeper
Dreamfell- Coma and Gloom
Mafiatale- Wiseguy and Bones
Mafiafell- Clip and Boss
Mafiaswap- Books and Crank
Dreammafia- Envy and Pride
Killermafia- Calamity
Dustmafia- Tragedy
Errormafia- Crisis
XMafia- Misfortune
Horrormafia: Scourge
Farmmafia- Field and Crop
Lustmafia- Diva and Charm
Inkmafia: Vibrant
Farmtale- Corn and Harvest
Farmswap: Sheep and Duster
Farmkiller: Shot
Farmdust: Soil
Echoflower Sans- Repeat. 
Underlust- Lover and Hearts.
Unlust Sans- Heartbreak
Lustswap- Beau and Dreamboat
Reapertale- Reap
Dreamspirit: David and Wraith
Tubetale: Screen and Keys
Merkiller- Mimic
Merdust- Ringer
Horrordragon- Burn
Killerdragon- Arman
Dustdragon- Levi
Dreamdragon- Chua and Dracul
Swaplust: Maiden and Vestal
Lust!Ink: Eros
Lust!Error: Aphro
Lust!Geno: Venus
Killerlust- Cuddles
Outerlust- Astra and Alioth
Sugartale: Sugar and Sweetie
Dancetale- Hop and Sway
Dancefell- Stomper and Jazz
Danceswap- Flamenco and Uprock
Outerdance- Ballet and Taps
Dancelust- Waltz and Boogie
Ink and Error Swap- Drain and Glitchy
Freshdust- Fairy
Inkkiller- Splat
Unfresh Sans- Rad
Fresh Ink
Dusttale- Dusty
Dustswap- Powder
Dustlust: Cupid
Swapdust- Fragment
Outerdust- Stardust
Outerkiller- Shooting Star
Aftertale- Echo
Yandere Swap Sans- Yanberry
Merlust- Pinks
Lustfell- Passion and Desire
Horrorfell- Feral and Sharp
Horrorfarm- Oak and Sunflower
Outerhorror- Supernova and Sunspot
Horrorswap- Snackers and Butcher
Foresthorror- Timber
Foresthorrorswap- Bark
Horrorflower- Bud and Vine
Forestlust: Strawberry
Horrormer- Chum
Outerhorrorswap- Rigel and Vega
Dreammer- Light and Deep
Dreamswap- Daydream, Delusion
Dreamswap Killer- Mur
Outerdream- Solar, Nightfall
Dreamtale Two: Trance and Oblivion
Mothtale- Sunset
Mothfell- Scarlet 
Horrormoth- Leopard
Mothlust- Rosy
Mothkiller- Shadow
Aftermoth- Lace
Dreammoth: Lamp and Shade
Dustmoth- Luna
Outermoth: Moonshine
Outerkillermoth: Lunar
Outerdustmoth: Moondust
Swapfellmoth- Droplets
Farmmoth- Leaf
Crossmoth- Halfa
Fellswapmoth- Vio
Frozentale: Chills and Shiver
Swapkiller- Slay
Farmlust- Nymph and Fae 
Pastryverse: Sprinkles, Crumble, Sticky, Mallow.
Outermer: Cielo and Comet 
Outerhorrormer: Badar
Soultale: Soul
Dustfell: Chains
Swapdream: Moonlight and Suns
Underfreak: Breaker and Undertaker
Dustkiller: Corpse
Errormer: Inker
Inkmer: Angel
Nightmare!Papyrus: Bane
Error!Papyrus: Defect
Nightmare Blueberry Fusion:  Paradox
Dream and Axe Fusion: Fever
Dreamact: Fable and Thorn
Star Sans Fusion: Starshot
Bad Sanses Fusion: Guts
Murder Time Trio Fusion: Mask
mutt and oxi fusion: Bubby
Ruler and Screen fusion: Acid Bunny
boulder and mallow fusion: Charmer
Mallow and Shimmer fusion: Vegas
Yanberry and swap fusion: Punch
Theo and Sprinkles fusion: Baker
Prince and Calamity fusion: Blank
Dream and Nightmare Fusion: Tranquility
any questions are fine, but if I don’t like it, I most likely won’t answer but I most likely will. No smut, sorry :( 
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capricioussun · 3 years
A5 with outertale sans? Or any other bone boio works too!
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I like the cloud brush =^)
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cafe-au-lait-21 · 11 months
Who is the most likely to kidnap and get kidnapped of the Moonlight, Treehouse, and CBB peepos?
“Wow, really getting right into the important questions, huh? You guys are lucky I’m not bound by any contract to keep my mouth shut. I think it’s pretty obvious though that Drip, Joe, and Bicerin are… the most likely candidates to kidnap someone. But you didn’t hear that from me!
From Treehouse though? Definitely Sweet Pea. Although, with how genuine and sweet he usually is, it was probably an accident. Emphasis on the probably…
As for the bakery, well you’re in luck, none of them would kidnap you… but don’t make Creampuff mad, he has a way of making people disappear from the city. At the same time, Cloud’s been kidnapped before, mostly because he fell asleep and drifted off and someone mistook him for their own Sans, hah!” - DW. C.
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secret-time-is-here · 2 years
An Error's Journey
Chapter 72
Previous - First - Next
Warnings: Verbal abuse, manipulation, memory loss.
He struggles to stay in place. To relax. Why was Outertale not helping? It always helped him to calm down. With a sigh, he attempts again, but he still feels uneasy. It doesn’t feel right. He can’t shake the feeling, and the more he thinks the more he can’t explain.
Finally, he stands up, opening a portal, and walks through, but the new place doesn’t feel right either. He doesn’t even bother to sit down. Portal after portal he tries again and again until it ultimately landed somewhere that felt right.
He would’ve never expected a place so dreary as this to be enjoyable to him. So dead. Just the destroyed sounds of nature, broken breezes, and clouds rumbling as they made their cross-country adventure. The grass had long since grown a deathly yellow, pale as eggshells. It swayed with the wind and followed the music of the crumbling creek nearby. The rubble of a village was nearby, left to decay. Moss overtaking the stone and bugs rotting the wood.
Overlooking it all stood a tall hill, a large dead tree with the cuts of an ax at the bottom. It towered overall, even the stone statue next to it. He cautiously sat at the base of the old apple tree, sitting huddled to himself, looking out at the dark landscape. It felt like a home, but it didn’t feel right. People were missing. A body or two next to him. Yet, he still shivered at the thought of someone touching him.
He looked back over to the statue, the detailed and horrified expression of someone he felt like he knew, yet no memories rang true. He carefully walked over to the short statue. Leaning down to see the face of the skeleton. It felt far too familiar to not be from his past.
“I would recommend you to back off. That is not yours.” He flinched back, the hand that had nearly caressed the small cheek flying to his pocket. He turned and glared at the newcomer.
“What’s it to you, abomination?” The odd creature practically chortles, “The fuck do you want?”
“That’s the best nickname I’ve heard by far… but I’ve already made my demands clear. Back away from that statue, now. That is my sworn enemy, not yours.” A graceful charming voice responds, deep and rumbling. But the words were smooth and cut easily.
“Uhuh, sworn enemy–yada yada, if he’s your enemy why don’t you just kill him and get it over with?”
“Well, that’d be killing myself, he and I are not so simple, you see.” The slithering creature stalks closer, slanted eyes piercing. Cyan glazed with the faintest purple. Uncatchable if it weren’t for the cloudy light.
A tendril suddenly extends out, and he cringes back from it, backing up against the tree. The dark figure stands between him and the statue. “Now, I believe you’d best be leaving now, and never return. Do you understand, pest?” The monster that could barely be called a skeleton stands tall, head angled up and looking down on him despite being shorter.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck me I guess.” He huffs, inching around the trunk of the tree.
“Oh no, friend. Haha… I would hardly do such a thing.” The voice laughs as he turns his back, “Good day now, Destroyer.”
Error just shakes his head, moving back into the antivoid, his captive already forgotten for the weirdness of that foul negativity radiating creature.
“Er… ror…?” A glitching voice calls out, distant, weak. He turns to the source, a writhing mess on the ground.
“Help…” They cry softly, hands scratching at their skull, tearing through their gloves. Error tries to step closer, but at each step, the other cringes at the sound. Shaking further.
The pure agony rolls off in waves, hitting his soul like a tidal wave. For the first time in ages, it beats fast. “Help me!” Sans cries, sobbing now. He witnesses the other crash, a loading bar appear above their head. Glitches cover the other, and they return lazily.
“Error…?” Blue eyes look back at him, stars around their faces. A disgusting abomination. Just like him. “Error! No- No! Get away from me!” They quickly stand, cowering away, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry–sorry, sorry, sorry-” The next crash comes on even faster, pixels all over for only a moment before Sans returns.
Terrified eyes land on him, and they slowly back away, like a deer caught in headlights. They run into the void, and Error still can’t find his voice.
“How sad…”
“He was such a nice plaything too.”
“Good thing you’re back now though!”
“Yeah… yeah.” Is all he can muster, still staring at where Sans ran off too. Their figure had disappeared at some point. When had they learned portal magic? Had someone else done it for them?
“Welcome back!” A much more cheerful voice calls, one of the few nice ones, he tears his eyes away staring at the ground.
“Oh, come on. He wasn’t that important.”
“Yeah, just like you said. Just some little brat.”
“Serves him right! Now he’s just as bad as you!”
“Then… then what happened to me…?”
“Oh, that’s not important. You were just as bad. You deserve this. I hope you know.”
“Yeah… I- I know.” He can feel phantom, shadowy hands snake into his, and he clutches them tight. The crash comes on quickly.
Silence. More silence.
Where had the voices gone? Has he been bad again?
They don’t return. It all hurts. Overwhelming. What had he done wrong?
Where was he? Why was he here? Why so much white? It hurt his eyes.
Where was everyone?
He was still alone.
IT TOOK A FUCKING YEAR BUT THE MEMORIES ARE OVER HOLY SHIT, finally Error actually gets his arch. Oh, you thought this had been his arch? Nah. This is the introduction to the story. The real shit happens now.
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Let the Show Begin!
[Wanting to organize a surprise date for CB, Weaver decides to show her a meteor shower. With some help from Ink, and an Outertale Sans, Weaver finds out when the next meteor shower will occur.]
[CB belongs to @idiot-arih!!]
[And thanks to @breezy-squiggles for helping with some of the writing, along with proof reading this~]
The sun was setting, casting its golden light across Ebbot City. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and one could see Mount Ebbot looming in the distance. Two figures were standing on top of a towering building, facing towards the mountain.
“Here we are,” Weaver announced, holding a folded blanket in his arms. CB stood besides him, staring in awe at the colorful sky. A teal scarf was wrapped around her neck, fluttering in the wind. “It’s so pretty…” she murmured.
Weaver smiled. “I was hoping you would enjoy the view.” He unfolded the blanket, spreading it on the building’s roof. “Now, let’s take a seat. In a few moments, the show will begin.”
The brilliant warmth of the sunset faded as night settled and the stars appeared, like black velvet being poked with a needle. All of a sudden, a bright flash streaked across the sky. Several more soon followed, like cosmic drops of rain.
“Weaver! Weaver, look!” CB exclaimed, her voice barely above a whisper. “Do you want to make a wish?” He asked softly, equally mesmerized by the display. His partner nodded, and they both turned back to the night sky.
I wish…
I wish we can stay like this for a long time.
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skeletons-and-dnd · 3 years
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@ratsoh-writes​ @underfell-crystal​
How about just names and types for now? I will put up full profiles for each of them on here later!
1. Cecil the Krait / Lamia Gaster (from Vex-bittys)
2. Vincent the Boss / Fell!paps(???)
3. Cloud the Baby Blue / Swap!Sans(???)
4. Shine the Horror!Paps
And the fifth one I want to do is an Outertale Sans I think I will name Orias.
As for why Vincent and Cloud have question marks, you’ll just have to wait and see~
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OuterTale Sans Lamia
Name: Paradise
Species: (Chrysopelea paradisi)
Size: 5'6 - 8'6 feet total, 2'6 - 3'6 feet standing(fullsize)  12 - 20 inches total, 5 - 9 inches standing(mini) 16 - 3-0 feet total, 7 - 9 feet tall(bara)
Venom: Yes
Personality: Lazy, laid back, adventurous,
Likes: Naps, jokes/puns, toys, clouds, sunsets/sunrises, being high up, sunbathing,
Dislikes: Aggressive bitties/people, not being able to see the stars/clouds, being stuck on the ground, being overwhelmed or overstimulated, the cold,
Compatibility: Paradise bitties love to be high up, and can get into some strange places if they don't have things like cat trees or shelves they can climb on,
Paradise bitties to best in smaller households and can overstimulated and irritated when the house is to loud,
In the wild, Paradise bitties can snatch birds out of the sky with easy, and can even jump up grab them and gild back down to safety!
Similarly to Ornates, they love the day and the clouds, and also similarly to Ornates, need to be reminded to not stare directly at the sun!
Paradise bitties are known to be more sentimental type, and a very empathetic one as well,
Paradise bitties can often get very itchy and their extra stretchy skin(that helps with gliding) and sand baths can help them get those hard to reach spots!
Feeding habits: Paradise bitties are not super picky, though they do enjoy easy access to snacks!
Additional info: They have extra levitation magic and can easily use it to float/fly around and even make themselves lighter if they want,
Zone: Inside, Jungle, Ruins,
In Universe: Since Paradise bitties are known for wandering off an can get overstimulated easily, as well as needing extra care due to their stretcher skin, they are not recommended for beginners,
Difficulty: Intermediate
Main colors: Orange, red, blue, purple,
Secondary colors: Orange, red, blue, purple, black, white, green,
Extra: N/A
Additional info: Galaxy like patterns with star like speckles,
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
A break from our regularly scheduled (ha) emo lyrics to take a moment for Florence + the Machine, one of my absolute favorites.
Undertale Sans/Ace - “And oh poor Atlas, the world's beast of burden” (What the Water Gave Me - Ceremonials) Undertale Papyrus/Lief - “And I'm ready to suffer, and I'm ready to hope” (Shake it Out - Ceremonials)
Underfell Sans/Chisel - Cut down, but the battle won, Oh, what is it worth, When all that's left is hurt? (Queen of Peace – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Underfell Papyrus/Spur - “And the only solution was to stand and fight” (Only If For a Night - Ceremonials)
Underswap Sans/Scout - “Cause I'm gonna be free and I'm gonna be fine” (Deliliah – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Underswap Papyrus/Piper - “At some point in the party I thought my heart was failing You said, Hey, you're ok. You seem to be still standing" (Light of Love – No Album)
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip - “Did I build this ship to wreck?” (Ship to Wreck – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote - “A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night, May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright” (Howl - Lungs)
Horrortale Sans/Tender -”It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth” (Lungs B-Sides – Hardest of Hearts) Horrortale Papyrus/Cook - “But I like to think at least things can't get any worse” (Hurricane Drunk - Lungs)
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc - “Want me to love you in moderation, Do I look moderate to you?” (Moderation – No Album) Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint - “I start spinning, slipping out of time, Was that the wrong pill to take?” (Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) - Lungs)
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze - “Another battle; never won, And each side is a loser, So who cares who fired the gun?” (St Jude – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus - “From what I've seen so far, the good ones always seem to break” (Sky Full of Song – High as Hope)
Underlust Sans/Shine - “I'm not here looking for absolution, because I found myself an old solution” (Bedroom Hymns - Ceremonials) Underlust Papyrus/Calico - “I'm gonna leave my body, I'm gonna lose my mind” (Leave My Body - Ceremonials)
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – “As I move my feet towards your body, I can hear this beat it fills my head up” (Drumming Song - Lungs) Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot - “The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me” (Hunger – High as Hope)
Outertale Sans/Saturn – “The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out, You left me in the dark” (Cosmic Love - Lungs) Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – “I was born in a big gray cloud, Screaming out a love song” (Remain Nameless - Ceremonials)
Farmtale Sans/Sage – “I want a space to watch things grow, But did I dream too big?” (South London Forever – High as Hope) Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – “From you the flowers grow, And do you understand with every seed you sow you make this cold world, Beautiful” (Patricia – High as Hope)
G!Sans/Aurum - “In those heavy days in June, When love became an act of defiance” (June – High as Hope) G!Papyrus/Viridis – “This fantasy, this fallacy, this tumbling stone, Echoes of a city that's long overgrown.” (Heartlines - Ceremonials)
Bonus ; Normally I am dead-set against reusing a track, but this line it too perfect
Frisk - “You think you need it, you think you want love, You wouldn't want it if you knew what it was” (Moderation – No Album)
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Bitty Type and AU: Outertale Sans
Level: 1 out of 5 (Beginner level)
Appearance: The most identifying feature for these bitties is their magic, which tends to have an odd, shimmering effect which looks like the magic has stars in it. They are also one of the three species I have that get freckles as a mutation! (theirs looks like a smattering of dark blue stars). When happy or really surprised, their eyes will light up blue and little stars will fill their eyes.
Heights Ranges: The typical Bitties sizes, 3-6 inches, most standing about 5-5.5 inches
Heats: Adult Comets have heats twice a year, 6 months between them. They get oddly hyper during their heats, but will try and distract themselves with whatever they like until it's too hard to deal with. If they are not mated with anyone, expect a frustrated bitty who just wants to chill and it to be over. Be warned, they have a sweet magic effect that attracts other bitties like moths to a flame, and that might trigger other bitties' heats, or at least cause the Comet to get unwanted suitors vying for his affection.
Health- *Relatively well healthiness. They tend to have gravity issues, as in in moments of emotion or occasionally when sleeping, they will float. Most are able to control this relatively well, but sometimes they will lose control.
Diet- *These Bitties, like all bitties, can eat both human and monster food (in small portions ofc). They tend to like savory and sour foods. *Like my other bitties, they have a correlating Monster Candy specially made for them. Star Bites have a slight pop to them when eaten (like pop rocks), and help the Outertale bitties keep their magic up and are great for healing in case there are no users with green magic around.
Personality Stuff- *Very smart bitties *Claustrophobic *Comets really love space and often know a lot about it, sometimes down to a scientific level. Don't be surprised to see your Comet idly searching astrophysics or exploring the NASA indexes. However, it's pretty common for them to hyperfixate on other stuff too. But whatever they choose to like, you will notice that they are super knowledgeable about it! *Expect a lot of space puns *Might have issues connecting to other bitties at first if they don't have much in common interest wise. *That being said, they’r great mediators between bittes and helping out in fights.  *They, like Sansys, are pretty laid back but unlike them, these guys tend to be pretty hyperactive mentally, and will act accordingly as long as it correlates with that mental activity (so a Comet with a love for plants will have you run all over town with them to find the perfect seed and will search all the stores for plants, but too lazy to go grocery shopping or help you clean up) *Comets are super smart and like science and fiddling with things. Make sure you get toys that will stimulate their minds! Because a board Comet will result in ruined stuff and pranks. *Be warned, they love to collect bits of their interests. So if they like flowers, be expected to have little flowers painted and pinned everywhere. If they like animals, same thing, etc. *They like star-shaped stuff. Star shaped decorations, star shaped food, star shaped everything. *They love high places *Most like space and love the sky, and love to star watch during the night or cloud watch during the day. *Comets love Space and everything connected to it *They enjoy indulging in their hyperfixations, especially if you or other bitties express interest in it. They can ramble about it for hours *They like sky watching (at all hours of the days), Puns and pranks, and Collecting stuff that has to do with their interest *Also messing with people, usually with dropping fake facts or jokes and waiting for you to notice with an amused grin. *One of their favorite adoption tactics is to float down onto peoples heads they like and pretend to sleep, including loud fake snores.  *They really don't do it often, but they do like showing their intelligence from time to time. Be sure to praise them for this, as they can feel like they are bragging and feel bad about it. *Likes making people smile, especially kids. Will use his starry magic to make pretty shapes for people. *They hate being smothered, tight spaces, small cramped spaces, and crowds. It's recommended you transport them out of a carrier but if you must (such as for safety), it's recommended you get one a few sizes larger then you normally would to prevent claustrophobia. *They also Hate being made fun of for their intelligence or getting called out on being smart. They will most likely play dumb afterwards, which will be hard to break them out of. *Due to their intelligence, they are prone to over thinking and spiraling into dark thoughts if depressed or left alone.
Other- *Outertale Skelebitties are mostly nocturnal and are most active during the night. *Comets need a lot of sleep and will do so during the day, usually for 4-6 hours in the early morning and in bursts of naps during the rest of the day. They can be trained to move their schedules back a bit, but Comets will still nap during the day. *They will cover your house in Star stickers and glitter if your not careful. Try to get them to contain it to their own private spaces if this bugs you. *They are also great mediators! They don't really like being in fights, as it just aint worth it to them normally, but they are great at keeping the peace. *They get tired out and overwhelmed by hyperactive bitties if the other bitty is in the Comet’s spaces for too long.
Magic- *When happy or really surprised, their eyes will light up blue and little stars will fill their eyes. (A bunch of little blue stars, not one large one like Baby Blues) *Comets can and will float. They will usually just float a few milla inches off the ground (Just enough so they are not touching the ground) but can float much higher. Don't be surprised to have a little skeleton hand attach itself to the back of your shirt as you walk so they don't have to move themselves. *They can't teleport like most Sans types.
These bitties have 18+ qualities but aren't 18+ necessarily. Feel free to ignore their heats if you so choose They are also completely free to adopt, no need to ask!
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