#Libra in the 8th House
gloomingblossomousia · 8 months
Every zodiac sign has its own spirituality within their particular individuality.
I will, however, leave here a miniscule conclusion I have reached through developing a series of thoughts about my own Sun placement - Libra Sun in the 8th house.
Libra, the mediator, the democrat, the spokesperson for whichever side, placed in the 8th house, dives into the esoteric, the spiritual, the occult. Here, Libra becomes the philosopher of both Light and Darkness. The question mark on a set statement. This can indicate a person who will find themselves curious about each point of view, finding a middle term, often considered improbable.
Libra Sun in the 8th house is the intensified karmic mediator in between the Devil and God, standing right in the middle - the mundane world of the Earth.
This placement might indicate a person who freely and open mindedly navigates through topics which may be considered taboo, even having the willingness to meet controversial people - writers, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, occultists - as a means to find the balance in between the above mentioned, the wide concept of Light and Darkness.
I believe Libra Sun in the 8th house can be a rather mystical placement with the shade of neutrality Libra can have.
In resume, Libra Sun in the 8th house is, when dedicated to develop the trait I am pointing out, the turning point for each philosophical mindset.
This placement is an extremely delicate one. When reckless and unaware, becomes calculated, manipulative, seductive, selfish and destructive.
Libra Sun in the 8th house might achieve great occult knowledge - a tool for the conquest of peace or a meticulously constructed weapon.
You may find yourself, having this placement, calculating every move and manipulating every single thought of yours with the purpose of achieving an undeniably selfish goal.
You may also find yourself, having this placement, being capable of conquering many, many forms of knowledge which will allow you to have a deep understanding of the human nature and all that lies both within and beneath.
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cazshmere · 10 days
Astrology Placements & Aspects that are likely to be stalked or attract obsessive people 🩸🕷️
(TW / MINORS DNI⚠️ : mentions of stalking and sexual content)
materialist 🔖
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DEFINITION + DISCLAIMER : Stalking is persistent, unwanted attention or surveillance by an individual toward another person, often involving repeated following, contacting, or monitoring in ways that make the person feel threatened, harassed, or unsafe. It typically includes obsessive behavior aimed at controlling or staying close to the person, even without their consent. These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!! 🕷️🩸
🩸All Water Sign Placements (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Water signs are deeply emotional and intuitive, often forming intense bonds with others. Their empathetic nature can attract people who feel misunderstood or who have obsessive tendencies, as they believe only these individuals can truly understand them. This connection to the water signs' emotional depth can lead to feelings of obsession.
🩸Neptune in the 1st House: Ahh I think everyone’s heard of how much of a blessing and curse this placement is. Neptune in the 1st creates a mysterious or ethereal aura around the person. This makes them hard to read, which can magnetize those who idealize or obsess over mystery. Their ability to project fantasies onto others can lead stalkers to feel as if they’re connected on a deeper, almost spiritual level. A lot of celebrities with this placement have PSYCHOTIC FANS💀.
🩸Moon in the 1st House: These individuals are extremely attuned with their surroundings and can easily empathise and pick up on energies. They may unknowingly attract others who become fixated on their vulnerability or nurturing qualities.
🩸Pluto in the 1st House: Omg this placement is scary ngl because people notice how much power and magnetism this individual possesses and people just can’t help but be amazed and intrigued by these individuals. This intrigue makes them want to know more and more about the person which then leads to obsessive tendencies, such as following them around, stalking their social media page or just keeping tabs on them. These individuals surely have a strong, sometimes mysterious presence that can fascinate or captivate others, leading to obsessive behavior from admirers or stalkers.
🩸Chiron in the 1st House: Chiron in the 1st house can make someone appear vulnerable or wounded, which can attract individuals who want to "fix" or control them. This placement often draws people who are compelled to heal or dominate the person’s perceived weaknesses.
🩸Lilith in the 1st House: Lilith represents our shadow selves and repressed desires. In the 1st house, it can give off an aura of raw power and sexuality, attracting people who are drawn to what they perceive as forbidden or unattainable.
🩸Pluto-Ascendant Aspects (esp harsh aspects) : When the ascendant comes in contact with pluto, pluto intensifies its characteristics. This could indicate that these individuals have something super striking about their appearance. Pluto is also the planet of mystery and uncertainty so these individuals exude a sense of mystery which attracts people to them because they want to know more about this individual. These individuals attract people who want to control, or “possess” them which leads to stalking tendencies.
🩸Pluto-MC Aspects (esp harsh aspects) : People can easily retort to stalking tendencies when it comes to these individuals as MC represents their public persona and people get obsessed with the way the individual portrays or presents themselves to the world. This reminds me of stalker fans that celebrities have that would go to any and every extent to see them or be near them because they are so fascinated with how they “appear” in public. If you follow kpop there’s a term for these type of fans called as sasaeng fans (please go and look it up, it’s actually so scary) who also possess obsessive and super CONCERNING qualities which resonate with how stalking and obsession can occur in respect to this aspect.
🩸Pluto-Moon Aspects: This aspect gives rise to others becoming emotionally obsessed, attached and dependent on the individual. This attachment or dependence leads to obsession as other people feel they NEED this individual in order to survive and this causes obsession. These individuals may attract obsessive or controlling partners who are drawn to their emotional depth and vulnerability.
🩸Pluto-Venus Aspects (esp harsh aspects): Omg individuals with this aspect, PLEASE PLEASE be really careful with who you trust or share your information with, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Your partner could become super possessive of you and would want to monitor you 24/7, so creepy omg. These individuals also attract really insecure and possessive people. So please be mindful when you’re letting your guard down with others. These individuals attract obsessive partners who are unable to let go, often experiencing power struggles or possessive behavior.
🩸Pluto-Mars Aspects (esp harsh aspects) This aspect heightens the individuals sexual energy which in return tends to attract attention of A LOT of perverts or people who just want to sleep with you. They see you as a way to sexually satisfy their needs and they become obsessed with the fact that you might sleep with them and slowly start getting creepy and stalking you till you give in and sleep with them (PLEASE RUN AWAY IMMEDIATELY). If you have this aspect and feel like partners are just using you for sexual activities, PLEASE LEAVE because I’m sure when the attraction is genuine you will know it. This aspect induces a lot of LUSTFUL intentions in others towards you.
🩸Neptune-Mars Aspects (mainly the square and conjunction) : Oh god the amount of times people with this aspect get sexualised is so sickening. Literally people fantasise about you in their sexual scenarios and get obsessed with these scenarios and desperately want it to happen in real life. This desperation gives rise to obsession and stalking. TOXIC ASF.
🩸Venus Square/Opposite Saturn: Individuals with these aspects usually tend to have low self esteem so they can mistake obsession as love because they think this is exactly how love is supposed to feel like and this is all they’re going to get. This aspect also often suggests struggles in love and relationships, which can manifest as attracting partners who are emotionally unavailable or controlling. The difficulties in achieving healthy relationships may attract obsessive behaviour from others who know that the individual is easily controlled and can be manipulated. This power that these toxic people have over the individuals is what makes them obsessed because they just NEED to control and possess the native. Even if the native cuts ties with these toxic people, these people would stalk them and somehow try manipulating their way back into the natives lives.
🩸Scorpio Venus: OKAY this placement takes the winner title for getting stalked. Literally every single scorpio venus I have encountered has one or the other story of how their partner or someone who liked them OUTRIGHT stalked them. The people who are into these natives are SUPER possessive and observant over these individuals. They stalk their social media, probably have a secret folder of their pics and somehow “magically” appear in the same places as the native is in. I’ve noticed that sometimes people with this placement do enjoy this kind of attention, as long as the other person is respecting your boundaries and the actions in the relationship are both consensual, then it’s all good. If you guys have watched the show “You”, there’s this character called Beck and I feel like she probably had this placement and that’s why Joe was so freakin OBSESSED with her and the amount of times and the ways in which he has stalked her is crazy💀
🩸Scorpio Mars: These people attract ATTENTION everywhere they go. A lot of staring from others too because it’s hard NOT to notice these individuals. Their powerful sexual energy and ability to dive deep into relationships can attract obsessive or controlling individuals who want to dominate or consume them.
🩸Pluto/Scorpio in the 7th House: Oh god, these people can’t help but not attract intense and controlling people. Their partners have a need to KNOW every single thing about them - where they are, who they’re with, what they’re doing. Basically 0 privacy. A lot of intrusive partners are attracted. Well the native itself could possess these obsessive tendencies and sometimes they might enjoy a little bit of obsession from their partners side but eventually it gets toxic wherein it gets hard to cut ties with their partners and this obsession turns into something detrimental.
🩸Venus in the 8th House: SO MANY STALKERS, SO MANY SECRET ADMIRERS. Trust me if you think people aren’t watching you, THEY DEFINITELY ARE. For some reason people tend to notice even the tiniest amount of change in your physical appearance. This is scary honestly because there are eyes on you always because honestly your energy is so POWERFUL and MAGNETIC that people just can’t seem to get enough of you. These individuals attract bitchy friends who want to know everything about the native and always try to ONE up them. Please be super careful with who you engage with and share your energy with. I feel like just because this is a super intense placement, your intentions might not be clearly understood by others. For instance if you’re just acting friendly with a guy he might mistake it as flirting and then develop feelings for you and become obsessed 💀💀. Scary asf.
🩸Mars in the 8th House: Just like venus in the 8th house your sexual energy and presence is very high. Honestly this placement is SO MUCH more than just intense sexual energy but what to do, these individuals inevitably exude this type of energy. So if these individuals are being friendly with someone, the person might mistake this friendliness as something more and try and make a move because these individuals do come off as slightly more sexual than other people. This could also mean that people who have sex with these individuals ALWAYS want to come back to them because it was probably the best sex they ever had. They basically become sexually obsessed with the natives and keep coming for more and more.
🩸Mars in the 10th House: Mars in the 10th house can make a person’s career or public life a focal point of their energy, which can attract admirers or stalkers who become obsessed with their achievements or public image. For instance Jungkook from BTS has this placement and his fans are feral and superrr obsessed with everything he does and as a fellow army it’s honestly concerning to see 😭💀.
🩸Pluto in the 10th House: I feel like this placement attracts more of haters who are OBSESSED with the power these natives hold and want to either possess the same amount of power or overtake the native. This obsession stems more from hatred and envy. This intense, sometimes intimidating energy can draw admirers or obsessive followers who are either fascinated by their authority or want to undermine it.
🩸Neptune in the 10th House: Neptune in the 10th house can make a person’s public persona appear glamorous or unreachable, drawing people who project fantasies or illusions onto them. These individuals may find that others become obsessed with their perceived image rather than their true self.
🩸Venus in the 12th House: Venus in the 12th house can create secretive or unspoken love affairs, which may attract admirers who remain hidden or watch from afar. This placement can sometimes make it difficult to see a person’s true intentions.
‼️Of course, there are likely other placements that may experience similar things, but these are the aspects and placements I can recall off the top of my head. It’s important to note that having any of these placements doesn’t guarantee that such experiences will occur. This is merely a possibility and may be nothing more‼️
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msmysticfail · 4 months
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observation: No.24 (18+ Only)
No minors! Adults only pls
Just based on my opinions only take what resonates
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-Water moons/mars are the most likely to just say they love you during s*x (they may mean it too !); Can happen to fire moon/mars too but they may not mean it after the moment; Earth Moon/Mars will not be saying anything without planning well in advance (Earth moon AND Mars, you will not catch them slip lmao); I’d assume Air Moon/Mars would be the most likely to tease the other person(s) and say just about anything but I love you
-Venus aspects to Mars/ Taurus/Libra mars/ Venus and/or Mars in 2nd could really enjoy dressing up in lingerie and setting up a s*xy atmosphere in general (and your partner would enjoy this too !)
-1st/2nd /7th/8th house Venus, Scorpio Venus, Venus conjunct Pluto/ sometimes 12th house venus you may get compliments on your genitals from people during s*x (like told you have a pretty p*ssy lol yea fr)
-1st /8th house mars, Aries mars, Scorpio mars/Mars conjunct Pluto/sometimes 12th house mars would also be this for those in their masc energy (instead of pretty someone might admire the aggressive look of your junk instead)
-Imo the easiest sexual partners to discuss boundaries and such with will be partners that have easy (conjunct/trine/Sextile) mars aspects to your Mercury and/or moon
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-I know we’d assume that mars in 8th is the most s*xual but I’d argue that mars in 12th is also super s*xual. Intimacy tends to be heavy on the mind, and there’s a higher chance of mirroring s*xual energy back to others. Especially if the native acts out of their masc/mars energy
-i’d think Aries, Leo, and Scorpio mars would be the most into their partner being SO attracted to them they can’t keep their hands off of them and/or finish too fast (least likely with Scorpio unless you’re just really over stimulating them, most likely with Aries- the most veracious Aries mars go rounds imo)
-I’d argue and assume that air mars/3rd house mars are spacing out the hardest during s*x, and I bet it’s not on purpose (just bouncing between thoughts and coming back to what’s going on)(also if you keep their attention, you’re doing something right)
-Water mars could mean you sleep around for emotional validation (…Imma say it… cancer mars has the strongest chances lol)
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-I think your Venus and mars together can show if you’re more of a sub or dom imo (like if they’re both cardinal you’re probably a dom, if they’re mutable then you may be a switch/sub, and if they’re fixed I’d think you’d be hard set on being a sub or dom — and then results may vary depending on the combination of signs and how much of your feminine or masculine energy you act out of.)
-I think Scorpio Venus/Mars makes someone more dominant in s*x than Aries mars/Venus imo (they’re not here to win, they’re here to posses you- that’s so intense man)
-Understated praise kink placements? Virgo moon/mars. They need to hear praises for how well they did or they’re gonna overthink it. Libra/Taurus mars also would like this. And Venus square/opposition Mars would too in a tell me how much you want me sort of way (it makes them feel really desired)
-Tumblr ruined me bc now every time I look up a dudes birth chart and see Sagittarius mars/Jupiter positively aspecting mars I’m like damn, do they just have bde or actually have a big d*ck and I feel bad for guessing lmao but now it’s so automatic
-Strong Lilith placements (1st/7th/8th/10th) can show guys pressuring you to perform their like shadow side fantasies (which is not cool, because where’s the consent? We always need to discuss things beforehand and map out a plan otherwise it’s skeezy behavior -unless you’re into being surprised but even then lol)
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-Gemini placements (the big 6, but especially mars) make you louder in bed. And more open to trying new things and switching up positions.
-5th house synastry is really s*xy and fun. Some of the best dates and relationships imo. It also allows you to open up and experiment in a way you never have before. Can keep a long term relationship exciting as well depending on the overall synastry. (Be careful bc this is the pregnancy overlay too oml)
-I think north node in 5th can (depending on the sign and aspects ofc) can point to indulging in the senses, partying, breakin hearts and hookin up a bunch— especially if you’re unbalanced/still learning to balance this with your south node energy
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-(in sing songy voice) Scorpio synastry is someone telling you s*x with you makes them f*cking crazy (No they are not kidding ! Lilith synastry is this on steroids but it feels more like you’re lighting this fire in the more masc person - and they’re afraid of burning imo (I’m not singing any more lol)
-I hold to the fact that Lilith in 1st/7th/8th/10th can make someone jump into bed with you way faster than they usually would even if they have like an earth or water mars, if you have Lilith synastry with them this is amplified
-Masc folks/Men with Taurus and/or Cancer in their big 6 (especially mars/venus) are very attracted to women/femmes that are curvy and have an hourglass figure. Aries placements tend to be attracted to athletic figures. Leo placements are likely to jump at figures they find attention grabbing. Libra/Scorpio placement men are more likely to be attracted to figures that they’re socialized to find s*xy. I find that Sagittarius/Pisces is the least likely to have a set type. Aquarius and Gemini are also pretty dependent on personality and conversation skills.
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cosmicplexus · 7 months
Astrology Notes...
🌻The house your Neptune is in, is the area your prophetic dreams are usually centered around i.e. Neptune in 6th house can be insight on career or health.
🌻8th house natives may not enjoy sex as commonly believed, but may merely view it as their best escape from deep seated issues(especially applies to moon, venus or mars in 8th house).
🌻Moon square Jupiter natives can heavily struggle with being consistent in their lives.
🌻Having a Cancer or Libra Mars at Aries 1°,13°,25° degrees can ease off the passive aggressive energy.
🌻Gemini moons are some of the most intelligent people you'll ever meet.
🌻Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn is the aspect of geniuses.
🌻8° and 20° personal placements tend to be more mysterious than Scorpio placements...insane if you have both.
🌻A 6th house, 6° or 18° Jupiter or Neptune can indicate the gift of being a healer.
🌻Saturn afflictions are a blessing in disguise as Saturn isn't just a life sentence of anguish, but a testimony that beautiful things take time. Don't feel unlucky over those personal placement-Saturn squares/oppositions.
🌻The degree your Saturn is in can either be an indicator of the area of your life that takes time to yield amazing results or is the things that reward you for a long time e.g a 29° Saturn can mean being in the spotlight for a long time.
🌻Moon in 8th house synastry may have an uncomfortable element if both people aren't ready to fully let each other in. This is because the partners seem to always know what's going on with the other or seem to have an awareness of the other's vices, past etc and this may be uncomfortable without mutual consent to access these things.
-Authors Note...Thank you all so much for the love you've shown me🤍🌻
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pearlprincess02 · 1 month
moon signs and your mommy issues
aries moon
as an aries moon, your mom likely sees you as a fiercely independent and bold individual, someone who thrives on challenges and isn't afraid to stand up for yourself. she might admire your strength but also feel frustrated by your impulsive nature and desire for autonomy, sometimes leading to clashes. this dynamic can create a push-pull effect, where you crave her approval yet resist her control, sparking deep-seated mommy issues. you might struggle with feeling misunderstood or unsupported emotionally, leading to a strong desire to prove yourself.
taurus moon
with a taurus moon, your mom likely views you as a stable, reliable presence who brings comfort and security to her life. she probably appreciates your grounded nature and the way you create a sense of peace and routine in your relationship. however, this steadfastness might sometimes lead to her perceiving you as resistant to change or overly focused on material stability, causing friction. you may struggle with feeling that your emotional needs aren't fully recognized or that you're expected to always be the rock, leading to unresolved mommy issues surrounding your self-worth and independence.
gemini moon
as a gemini moon, your mom likely sees you as intellectually curious and highly communicative, with a knack for keeping things lively and engaging. she probably values your quick wit and adaptability but might struggle with your tendency to be changeable or emotionally detached. this can lead to her perceiving you as unreliable or inconsistent, which could create tension in your relationship. your mommy issues may revolve around feeling misunderstood or neglected emotionally, as you might have a hard time balancing your need for emotional depth with your natural inclination toward mental stimulation and variety.
cancer moon
with a cancer moon, your mom likely sees you as deeply nurturing and emotionally sensitive, someone who provides a comforting and caring presence. she probably appreciates your intuitive understanding and ability to create a sense of home. however, your intense emotional needs and occasional mood swings might challenge her, leading to misunderstandings or feelings of being overwhelmed. this dynamic can result in mommy issues related to feeling either overly protected or inadequately supported, as you navigate the balance between your vulnerability and your desire for emotional security.
leo moon
as a leo moon, your mom likely sees you as a vibrant, confident individual who brings warmth and joy into her life. she probably admires your strong sense of self and creative flair, celebrating your ability to shine and seek attention. however, she might struggle with your need for validation and occasional dramatic tendencies, leading to occasional clashes. this dynamic can result in mommy issues related to feeling either overly praised or inadequately acknowledged, as you grapple with balancing your need for recognition with your desire for genuine emotional connection.
virgo moon
with a virgo moon, your mom likely views you as meticulous and reliable, someone who excels in problem-solving and offers practical support. she probably appreciates your attention to detail and your ability to maintain order, valuing your helpful and service-oriented nature. however, she might also feel that your critical eye or perfectionist tendencies create distance, leading to misunderstandings. this dynamic can spark mommy issues around feeling either overly scrutinized or undervalued, as you navigate the balance between your desire for approval and your need for emotional reassurance.
libra moon
as a libra moon, your mom likely sees you as a harmonious and charming individual who values balance and fairness in relationships. she probably admires your diplomatic nature and your ability to bring people together. however, she might struggle with your tendency to avoid conflict or make decisions based on others' expectations, leading to moments of frustration. this dynamic can result in mommy issues related to feeling either excessively pressured to maintain harmony or disconnected from your own needs, as you try to navigate your desire for peace and acceptance.
scorpio moon
with a scorpio moon, your mom likely sees you as intensely passionate and deeply intuitive, someone who isn't afraid to explore the depths of emotions. she probably respects your strength and resilience but may also find your emotional intensity and need for privacy challenging to navigate. this can lead to her feeling uncertain about how to connect with you or support you fully. your mommy issues might revolve around feeling misunderstood or overly controlled, as you struggle to balance your profound emotional depth with a desire for independence and acceptance.
sagittarius moon
as a sagittarius moon, your mom likely sees you as adventurous and optimistic, always eager to explore new ideas and experiences. she probably admires your enthusiasm and your ability to bring a sense of freedom and excitement into her life. however, she might find your restlessness and tendency to avoid routine challenging, leading to occasional frustration. this dynamic can create mommy issues related to feeling either misunderstood or unsupported, as you navigate the balance between your need for independence and your desire for emotional stability and understanding.
capricorn moon
with a capricorn moon, your mom likely views you as disciplined and responsible, someone who approaches life with a serious and practical mindset. she probably admires your ability to handle challenges with determination and to set high standards for yourself. however, she might find your emotional reserve and tendency to prioritize work over personal connection challenging, leading to occasional feelings of distance. this dynamic can result in mommy issues related to feeling either overly pressured to meet expectations or emotionally unsupported, as you strive to balance your need for achievement with your desire for genuine emotional closeness.
aquarius moon
as an aquarius moon, your mom likely sees you as innovative and unconventional, someone who brings a unique perspective and a strong sense of individuality to her life. she probably appreciates your open-mindedness and your ability to think outside the box. however, she might struggle with your emotional detachment or tendency to prioritize intellectual pursuits over personal connections, leading to occasional misunderstandings. this dynamic can create mommy issues related to feeling either disconnected or inadequately understood, as you balance your need for independence with your desire for emotional intimacy.
pisces moon
with a pisces moon, your mom likely views you as deeply empathetic and imaginative, someone who brings a sense of compassion and dreaminess to her life. she probably admires your ability to intuitively connect with others and your creative spirit. however, she might find your emotional sensitivity and tendency to escape into fantasy challenging, leading to moments of confusion or frustration. this dynamic can create mommy issues related to feeling either overwhelmed by emotional demands or misunderstood, as you navigate the balance between your need for emotional depth and your desire for personal space and clarity.
in houses
moon in 1st house: emotional sensitivity, attachment style, nurturing vs. overprotective, identity formation, self-image conflict, dependency issues, maternal influence, emotional outbursts, rebellion, unmet needs, boundary struggles, validation seeking, trauma response, independence vs. clinginess, healing wounds, emotional intensity, identity crisis, parental expectations, self-discovery journey, emotional healing
moon in 2nd house: self-worth issues, security needs, material comfort, emotional value, dependency on stability, financial anxiety, nurturing needs, self-esteem struggles, attachment to possessions, parental influence on values, validation through achievement, emotional resourcefulness, boundaries & control, trauma bonding, self-sufficiency vs. dependency, emotional insecurity, comfort seeking, trust issues, parental expectations on success, healing from financial stress
moon in 3rd house: communication struggles, emotional expression, sibling dynamics, parental communication styles, intellectual nurturing, mental health challenges, dependency on approval, emotional sharing, verbal disputes, learning from trauma, emotional conflicts, social anxiety, childhood conversations, cognitive dissonance, emotional intellect, family narratives, overthinking issues, memory & trauma, influence of siblings, validation through words
moon in 4th house: home life dynamics, emotional foundations, parental influence, childhood memories, family secrets, dependency on family, nurturing vs. neglect, security needs, emotional root issues, domestic conflicts, trauma in the home, parental expectations, unresolved family issues, emotional legacy, sense of belonging, domestic stability, ancestral patterns, attachment to home, emotional vulnerability, healing family trauma
moon in 5th house: creative expression, emotional validation, parental approval, self-esteem through creativity, nurturing through play, childhood joy vs. trauma, validation through performance, emotional drama, need for attention, unfulfilled desires, emotional risk-taking, parent-child bonding, playfulness vs. seriousness, self-worth through achievement, trauma & self-expression, emotional need for fun, artistic healing, parental expectations of success, romanticized childhood, emotional ups and downs
moon in 6th house: daily routine struggles, emotional workaholism, nurturing through service, parental influence on work ethic, health anxiety, perfectionism, self-care challenges, emotional responsibility, dependency on routine, workplace conflicts, trauma & health issues, emotional self-criticism, parental expectations of productivity, overwork & burnout, healing through work, emotional patterns in daily life, service as a coping mechanism, routine vs. emotional needs, emotional resilience, trauma impact on daily functioning
moon in 7th house: relationship dynamics, emotional dependency, partner validation, nurturing through relationships, conflict in partnerships, trauma bonding, seeking emotional security, marriage & emotional needs, projection onto partners, intimacy issues, partnership expectations, healing through relationships, relationship patterns, fear of abandonment, emotional compromise, idealizing partners, codependency, emotional balance in relationships, trauma & partnership conflicts, influence of parental relationship models
moon in 8th house: emotional intensity, deep-seated trauma, dependency on transformation, parental influence on power dynamics, fear of vulnerability, control issues, unresolved emotional wounds, intimacy & boundaries, psychological depth, emotional secrets, healing through crisis, power struggles, transformative relationships, dependency on emotional security, fear of abandonment, financial & emotional ties, inherited trauma, emotional rebirth, shadow work, trauma & control
moon in 9th house: emotional beliefs, search for meaning, dependency on ideals, parental influence on worldview, long-distance emotional connections, idealization of knowledge, trauma & belief systems, need for emotional freedom, struggles with expansion, educational trauma, emotional exploration, influence of culture, spiritual nurturing, unmet aspirations, emotional journeys, freedom vs. security, parental expectations on success, emotional disconnect from beliefs, trauma & philosophical views, healing through Exploration
moon in 10th house: public image, parental expectations, emotional career ambitions, authority figures, professional validation, parental influence on success, emotional responsibility, need for recognition, career-related trauma, authority struggles, emotional control issues, public vs. private self, ambition & emotional needs, professional identity conflicts, pressure to achieve, emotional legacy, work-life balance, healing through achievement, parental approval & success, emotional fulfillment in career
moon in 11th house: social connections, emotional needs in friendships, group dynamics, parental influence on social life, idealization of groups, dependency on social validation, trauma in social settings, emotional freedom through friendships, community support, emotional rejection, influence of peers, healing through social networks, expectations of social roles, loneliness vs. belonging, emotional impact of group activities, unfulfilled social aspirations, social security needs, trauma & group dynamics, friendships as emotional refuge, parental influence on social values
moon in 12th house: emotional isolation, unconscious patterns, hidden trauma, parental influence on subconscious, emotional retreat, self-sabotage, healing through solitude, dependency on solitude, repressed emotions, isolation vs. connection, spiritual nurturing, parental secrets, trauma & spiritual growth, emotional boundaries, unresolved past wounds, emotional escape, inner conflict, influence of dreams, emotional vulnerability in seclusion, healing through reflection
all observations are done by me !!! @pearlprincess02
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deepmochi · 8 months
SYNASTRY: Venus in the houses (7th-12th) part 2
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Note: Honestly, I had a draft for the 2nd part, but probably I deleted by mistake, or tumblr did it (idk). Maybe, That's why I thought I already posted the 2nd part, but I was wrong.
Part 1 🩷
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♡ Venus in the 7th house ♡
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These couple usually views commitment as all or nothing, are you in or not? They have strong values about true love, and they will follow them. Love is viewed as a contract by their souls or hearts. If they break any aspect proposed, they know it's the end. They can be reflections of themselves either the good or the bad. When the contract is done, it's over. The Venusian sees the house person as a very stable being. They feel safe and prepared for them. These two may live together before the year of knowing each other romantically. The pair just feel ready when it's about commitment. The house natives perceive the Venusian as very "wife/husband" material for them. With this overlay, their personalities blend well and work together. It feels natural for both of you to be close and intimate together. For others is moving too fast, and for them is easy to become intimate with each other. The seventh house person fits well for the planet native. These two feel like it's a soulmate connection, very easy. You’re both drawn to please each other. It's a very strong connection for long-term relationships. It takes time for them to move on if they ever break up. If Venus has bad aspects, it can be a toxic relationship. The reason for this, it's that they prefer to stay together instead of being alone or start something new. Intimate gesture like hugs and someone hand guiding the other. Cooking dates and going out at night the most. "Here, I bought this?";morning texts: " how are you today? My day...." "Can I call you, I miss your voice"; " My mom ask if we can go to her party?" ; "we should go to that restaurant"; Formal clothes; "hey, look me, they don't know how worthy you are". They like to spend time with people they love. Balance. If Venus cooks today, the house will do it tomorrow. Wearing nice clothes and a good perfume to impress the other. Compliments and physical touches, especially kisses in the cheek. Cheesy things like love letters. Having "the song" or the place.
♡ Venus in the 8th house ♡
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These two have a different kind of love. The Venusian feels like the house person bring something in them that they can explain. Sometimes, these people have taboos to share. Death has impact their lives. The house person may become obssess with the planet person. Sex isn't a way emerger together. Usually, they possess the same interest in taboo topics. In the beginning, Venus feels attracted to the house, but it's also scared of them. Their sexual energy is intense. The 8th house person wants to know the Venusian's secrets and fears. Both are possessive, but the house win the round. They detest when their partner don't respect them. Their relationship status will remain a secret for the public eye (in the beginning). They would share many things even traumas (if hardly aspected). The house native will protect the Planet from the world. Sex can be very intimate or aggressive (bsdm stuff). These people will not be the same they were when they met. For them, love is intense and transformational. The house feels that the Venus native is trustworthy, but they need to see their actions. Holding hands during intimate times. During sex they will talk and have intense stares. "I don't like that person, be aware of them", "Here, use this for yourself"; "if you need money, just let me know"; "don't lie to me, I know you are sad"; his/her hand on your thing while eyes are on the road; taking notes of your gestures. They have weird hobbies together and enjoy dark humor too. Moonlight sex and long sessions.
♡ Venus in the 9th house♡
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These individuals perceive love as a new adventure and try to go with the flow. If they're mature, they prefer to maintain a very healthy relationship. Both prefer to travel and know about new places and cultures. Love is not as other say. They may prefer to do things their way. Venusian isn't instantly involve, but they see the house as interesting. For the house native, the planet is nice an attractive, but they will not force things. The house native could be older than the Venusian. The house person likes the planet manners and life vision the most. They see the commitment as an experience. Sometimes, marriage isn't obligatory requirement. They may enjoy walks, museum, and play board games. One could be from another country or have a different culture. Their relationship presents a new chapter in their lives and their families. Besides, they like to engage in intellectual debates, maybe they are into philosophy. If they broke up, they will try to be professional or move on. They can meet later in life after maturing. It's likely that you will work together or in the same environment. Having a child or more is possible, so use protection. "Look at here, we can travel here"; "aww, baby, you were right they declare that"; ["I really want to buy that book" / "baby, you have that book already"]; Saving for vacations; buying each other souvenirs or antique objects as gifts; reading books and doing small debates about it; *knowing each other during trips, universities, conferences, cultural events, and religious activities" Buying new book editions. They love to try new foods or learn about new places together. They could meet while traveling or in college.
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♡ Venus in the 10th house♡
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Coworkers to lover vibes. They are comfy with being mature. Similarly to the previous combo, the house partner is the older one or has more experience. This partner also has more dominant energy. They could meet in different levels. The negative aspect is that they could be very nitpicking and too logical when it comes to love. The planet individual sees the house person as straightforward and mature. Partnership is very important; it's like a contract. If one of the part broke a part of the deal, it's done. They can work together or met during college (last year), conference or work related things. They are straightforward and mature when approaching the other. If badly aspect it, they have an issue with power imbalance (not good at all). Big egos over emotions, this is the start of arguments. They plan their dates. The planet person accepts that the house individual cares for their image and professional life. The Venusian isn't afraid of being a home stayed wife. Here the Venusian knows and appreciates the house efforts to balance their stability. Nonetheless, the house person must value the venusian support. Doing plans after they leave the work; caring for the other in profesional settings; making food or leaving notes in the stuff *you can do it* in their computer. Making each other feel valuable "Here, i make you favorite food"; let's celebrate your new position"; *making time to luch together*; naming the other whenever they can "I'm grateful for my wife meals and support"; giving gifts and showing their s/o in public. Even thought people think they aren't super romantic, they will try to match things. It could be rings, watches or wearing the same brand. Looking good.
♡ Venus in the 11th house♡
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Love depicts a friend to lover storyline where both care for dreams and humanity. It's very possible that they met when they were helping other people. The Venusian fits the house's ideal type. They seem more friendlier than other couples. You wouldn't think they were dating at first. They prefer to joke around, but they love each other. The Venusian share the dreams the house native have for life. It's also likely that they like each other in the future, even if they met since birth. They prefer to have experience with love before settling down. Its common to see them as "I thought they were only friends". The Venusian sees the house person as humanitarian, reliable and interesting. Stay protected because big family can be a thing. Moreover, the must clarify about what is a family. The house perceives the planet native as beautiful and too much to some people. Together, they will form a very unique pair and family. Regardless Venusian feel the planet as hopeful person. The eleventh house person sees a future with the venusian because they feel understood. Love for the house is independent, and the venusian can see this as as a relief. Making fun of the other in a non hurtful way. "I can't deal with you right now *kiss them*"; "Alexa plays titanic's song" *grabs the venusian and starts dancing*; *hugs their s/o when they're cooking*; being romantic when they're alone; sending spicy texts "come home, I'm ready"; talking about the future; matching devices or wallpapers; a lot of trust, they share passwords. Having the same or similar friends. They like to help other people. Donating for other people as a hobby or helping to people who need. Dates in the nature. Cleaning beaches, rivers or places.
♡ Venus in the 12th house♡
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Love is simple but blurry. They can't get confused in how they love. The house sees the Venusian see them as the real deal. The planet perceive the house native as too good for them. There are some blurry aspects that they don't understand. When this synastry happens, it can feel too blurry for outsiders. Sometimes, they feel as friends and others as partners. At times, they hide their feelings without realizing or because they don't want to hurt the other. The house may hide their crush for the planet (too well). The Venus feel like the house person hides things for them. The house native don't want to bother the venusian. The house wants to give all they have to the venusian without having a concrete reason (maybe they are friends, but they are their #1 friend). This connection feel very special even divinely guided. The house is very observant with the Venusian Different backgrounds, it's possible that the house person has faith or not. One (usually the venusian) is more intuitive. Venus comes to open the house's eyes to other knowledge. The house will do all they can, so the venusian is happy. They can be soulmates (even non platonic). On the negative side, they don't have good communication because they avoid confronting each other. Both have experience paranormal activity, but only one believes more. The Venus person will try to invite the house to their home (pure opening of their soul). The Venusian can be quite delulu, but the house see it as funny or special. They met when something is ending for the Venusian. Romantic times, home dates, asking the other about things or traumas carefully, a special vibe around them. *Big smiles and shiny eyes*, "I buy you this; you tell me two months ago around 9pm" "aww thank you", "are you sleeping well?" - "yes" , *astrology or tarot talks* "can you give your birth time?" - "12:34 am" " it was bad?" "No, we match". Talk about paranormal activities like any other topic, special dates, random celebrations, secret spots, discreet dates, spirtual conection, they may understand the other, but can't explain it.
Take what resonates only. 💚
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oopbangtan · 4 months
Hello everyone! It has been a while, but don't worry, my research has never stopped. So ofc I am back with:
Astrology Observations- Pt.4
I want to start by asking: Who gave Sagittarius Venus the reputation of being nonchalant when it comes to the one they love?? This rumor must have started from a Sagittarius Venus, 'cause most like to pretend that they don't care, that they are not affected by anything, but LORD how good at pretending they can be. Keep in mind, I am not throwing any shade, though you show your feelings the least out of all the fire signs. But after all, I have also noticed Sagittarius Venus likes to observe, take notes, and learn about the one they truly love. They will observe and adapt to the one they truly want. Of course, that only applies if you're interesting enough for them and always give them something to think of, something new to understand and feel.
Libra/ Cancer/Pisces/ Taurus Moons tend to have this weird habit of romanticizing their past relationships. This also applies to 8H and 4H moons/ stelliums.
CANCER VENUS MEN DO NOT GET OVER THEIR EX EVER. I mean, in general, Cancer Venus individuals prefer to try again for the 14th time with an ex than to give someone new a chance. But I have noticed that in particular, these men have this ultimate fantasy of having their ex reach out to them, IF they're not the one reaching out, of course.
11H stelliums will almost always be those people who are known by everyone for some reason. They could literally do nothing and somehow have people in their business. They also have the biggest chance of becoming well known on the internet.
Cancer placements women like to nurture, Cancer placements men like to be nurtured. No one wants to cry in a woman's arms more than a Cancer sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars man. They like to be big babies.
I know everyone likes to sleep, but no one seems to be prioritizing their sleep as much as Taurus placements do. Especially Taurus Venus. BUT, when it comes to sleeping their problems away, definitely Pisces placements stand out, especially Pisces Mars.
It is 3AM, so I might as well get some sleep. Hope you like and relate to my discoveries <3
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lilacstro · 3 months
Astro observation pt 6
well, here it is, as I got the results from the poll. hope you enjoy :))
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1.People with 8th/12th house stellium often have some kind of thing of hiding. If you have Moon in 8th house too, its like, hiding but wanting to be seen at the same time. You may see these people have a social media, delete it, then probably see them posting a lot and suddenly they are gone. Its conflicting in some sense.
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2. Continuing on 8th/12th house moons, apart from the cliche they dont trust people, these kinds of people have a desire to connect on a soul level to people they like, but something holds them down, I would like to guess most likely past experiences or own solid opinions on how it is or very huge inner conflict. It is very touching to them if you actually understand such people. Giving me vibes of Sia's song lyrics
"Break down, only alone I will cry out loud You'll never see what's hiding out Hiding out deep down Yeah, yeah I know, I've heard that to let your feelings show It's the only way to make friendships grow But I'm too afraid now Yeah, yeah"
I would like to add this for scorpio/capricorn/leo moons
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3. Your moon sign can show how you like to relax and unwind. Infact if you are unsure on how to lift your spirits up when you are down, go to your moon sign, it works quite well imo. Example, Gemini moons may like to have a talk with friends, someone/something who can make them laugh, Leo moons may like getting a full glam time or watching some kind of entertainment, Libra moons may like doing some self care shopping/routine, retail therapy or just thinking and admiring their fav people lol or seeing pretty things scrolling pintrest
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4. people with Saturn in 10th house, Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn at capricorn degrees have some kind of unbelievable drive and will for what they want. Gives me "Unstoppable" vibes.
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5.I read this somewhere but I cant exactly remember where. If someone's Jupiter sign matches your moon signs or vice versa, you both have the ability to lift each others spirits. It holds 200% for me and my sister. She is libra moon and I am libra jupiter.
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6. People with Saturn conjunct Jupiter/harmonious aspects often dream the big, the unachievable and are actually ready to lay the plan out and work. Somehow, they should even find the luck they need to support what they need. I would even say, if they find some kind of redirection or change in their "big plans", its often for the good.
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7. As cliché as it may sound, people with major Scorpio placements/scorpio stellium have something on with black going on. Either they like black clothes, using black and white filters on their pictures often, liking nighttime, some romanticizing of melancholy through poems or sad songs, or looking good in black somehow.
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8. I would say, the 12th house in someones chart can reveal a lot. Someone can lie, their birth chart cannot. The planets in 12th house or sign or the degree your 12th house can show what are your unguarded deepest thoughts. 12th house scorpios (Sag risings) can carry trauma/ resentment for the past, 12th house Venus may like to fantasize about future lovers or happy times, 12th house at Leo degrees can show you are very creative and loud at creating scenarios in your head or thinking.
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9. people with moon in 9th house might pursue higher education of what they actually wanted to do since childhood. Could also be there was some influence of childhood that leads to the choice of further education. This placement also makes me think that you are studying what you actually want and connect to and most likely wont despise it.
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10. I think, i read someone saying the 8th sign from your Venus placement can show what actually ends your relationship. For example 8th sign for someone with Venus in Sag would be Cancer. So making decisions when you are extremely high on emotions, the thoughts or warnings of breakups or withdrawal and not really opening up or caring about someone to a fault can ruin your relationships. I checked this for a few people and think this is actually very accurate for some reasons. If you want I can make a post on this one.
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11. Mars in a women's chart can show what "bad boyfriend" she may fall for or thinks about. Mars in Taurus, someone who has money/luxury, Mars in Sagittarius? Someone who is free and adventurous and reckless kind of, Mars in Aries? Someone who is high on thrills and adventures and passion. Consider the house Mars is in for more info.
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12.I again have another theory. I kind of believe that though Part of Fortune can show where you are lucky and things like that, the house /sign it may be in can show what is kind of fated in your life. In 9th house it can be your higher education, in 11th house it could be the people you meet, in 4th house could be the family you were born into. I can make another post again if y'all like.
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13.Saturn conjunct moon is kind of a hard placement imo. It can again have several meanings, some of them being, having to raise your parents, your childhood was restrictive and did not allow you to show your emotions fully or an emotionally unavailable non-understanding mom. If this placement falls into your 8th/12th/4th house, it can show you carry some kind of trauma from both your parents.
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14. Eros in someone's chart can show what they get turned on by. Eros in 1st house could mean you find looks very attractive at first sight HOWEVER it could be, that people find you super sexy at first sight too. Applies to other houses too.
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15. People with Uranus in 3rd could change multiple schools when young. Could also be early education was very unstable and unpredictable due to multiple reasons. Maybe unavailable parents, finance issues etc.
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leave post suggestions and feedbacks if you like<33 if there is something you would like to add, please do it in comments/asks/reblogs. I love you all
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lifeonmarz-blog · 4 months
“IT GIRL” natal alignments
an attractive young woman who is perceived to have both sex appeal and a personality that is especially engaging.
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Moon/Venus The emotional world is expressed in a pleasing way. You understand what a person needs without them having to communicate it with you. Very expressive with love nature your ok with expressing it to the world.
Mercury/Venus *Major Indicator* This is the most common aspect with popular attractive women. People relate to you through the way you communicate. They love to hear you talk even if it’s about basic things. Watching your social media just to see what your up too. This placement gives you a sexy rememberable voice.
Sun 10th Your personality is easier to read your view points may be more agreeable to the mass so it’s easier to create relationships. You enjoy being likable and agreeable. You know how to present yourself in a way that will get the best desired results. It may also be very easy for you to get jobs people may feel like they know you even if they don’t.
Sun/Asc loves being the center of attention and people enjoy giving you the attention. This aspect makes a person come across as very interesting with a busy life. People enjoy being around you because of your childlike bubblyness that just expresses whatever you want when you want. Others feel more confident being around you because of the confidence you exude.
Sun/pluto polarizing, magnetic and alluring is how I would describe this. Others have a curiosity about you. You may keep a lot of your thoughts and personal life to yourself and people pay attention to your life closing because they want to learn things about you. Everyone listens when you speak because you probably stay to yourself and don’t contribute in group conversations as much as others. The real appeal here comes from people not being able to have access to you.
Sun/neptune giving hope to the hopeless. You see the bright side to anything and make for a great person to share with. You listen and give the best advice you can. Your mind is very creative and others love when you share your visions with them. You can provide many creative solutions to problems.
Asc in libra you enjoy a simple life living the lap of luxury you prefer to keep a light hearted nature. You’re like a spa in human form.
Asc in Sagittarius you make the plans for your friend group because you know how to create the fun. Others love your spontaneity and ability to make friends with anyone. You have the gift of gab and it’s very charming.
Asc in Aquarius you’re really funny in a random who thinks of that kind of way. You don’t mind bluntly telling the truth and you shock others by doing that. People view you as someone that doesn’t mind sharing the information you know. You’re willing to try anything once and it’s inspiring.
Asc in Pisces you can adapt to any environment. You know how to connect with many types of people so you attract a lot of opportunities to you. The way you express your emotions has an addictive quality about it. Attracting people with your rawness in emotion or expressing emotions in a creative way. You know what to say to soften anger in others.
Moon in cancer your caring nature is easily felt. People feel at home around you. You know how to make others feel welcomed. You don’t put much pressure on others on how to behave and that allows them to drop their guard with you and just be.
Moon in Virgo reliability is a virtue you have. Reliability builds the foundation to long lasting relationships because trust is so important. You hold support to a high regard and that allows you to build sturdy relationships and that’s make people want to offer you the same support in return.
Moon in Capricorn being blunt and bout your business is what wins people over. Its refreshing to hear someone speak their mind so freely. You accomplish goals you never speak on and people are amazed when they see what you've been creating behind closed doors. This placement also gives clean girl aesthetic. Also you probably love black clothing.
Moon in Pisces Dreamy ofc, with a quirky sense of humor. You don't mind laughing at yourself so its easy for people to let their guard down around you. You look approachable and usually are. There is so many ideas in your head and people love to hear them. Your very self motivated and it rubs off on the people around you. Because you don't have ulterior motives and its easy to see in you, its very easy for you to make friends quickly.
Venus in 9th Redefining what love looks like, you may be unconventional in expressing the way you love but it cant be denied that you do love. People admire the way you can blend in with many different groups. When you travel people can wonder how you got to have certain experiences in a country you just got to.
Venus 10th You meet traditional beauty standards. Being conventionally attractive brings in attention from a mass amount of people. People love the way you dress and copy your outfits. This is the girl that is saved in a lot of Pinterest boards.
Venus in 11th Popularity comes to you easily. People see you and want to be your friend. Venus hear gives you the gift of gab. Your voice is disincentive and draws people in. You come across friendly and bubbly full of energy and fun.
Venus in 12th Mystery is how you captivate. People unconsciously try to get your love and attention. Your personal life is private and people feel like you live a interesting secret life, rather that's true or not its assumed and they want to get close to you because they see not a lot of people can. They want to know what happens in your world.
How many did you have?
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astroismypassion · 5 months
Astrology observations 🏕🚐⛺️
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🚐🏕 Pisces Juno can outlive their committed partner, marriage spouse.
⛺️🚐 Libra MC might be well-known for promoting self-love, wellness and well-being. These are the natives that remind those around them to take care of themselves in a caring, compassionate way.
🏕🚐 Wherever there is Gemini over your Natal chart is very duality is present. If you have Gemini over the 5th house, you could crush or develop a romantic interest on two people. If you have Gemini over the 7th house, you could feel tempted to be in a partnership with two people. If you have Gemini over the 4th house, you could have two mothers or mother figures. If you have Gemini over the 3rd house, you may not be able to choose between two best friends to make one your true best friend, so you could have two best friends instead. If you have Gemini over the 9th house you could have 2 marriage partners in your life. If you have Gemini over the 1st house, you could be consciously or not put in situations in your life where you are the second person in some scenario. If you have Gemini over the 8th house, you could have 2 people you are physically intimate with or/and you share a deep trusted bond. If you have Gemini over the 11th house you could belong to two friend groups. If you have Gemini over the 2nd house, you attract people that could date two people at once.
🏕🚐 Libra Chiron or Chiron in the 7th house, even some Venus Chiron aspects are sometimes trying to “buy” love by overextending themselves, such as doing acts of service, giving gifts in attempt to win a romantic interest over.
🚐⛺️ Sagittarius Ascendant either is overdoing it in a romantic partnership or »underperforming«. These natives either give a lof attention, affection, care, gifts to their partner or they are withdrawing that energy and not doing enough.
🏕🚐 Based on real life patterns, I noticed that often you make fun of your Jupiter sign, house, degree, even Jupiter aspects to other planets. So if you have Jupiter in the 2nd house, you may try to mimic words, gestures, actions in a humorous manner and make fun of Taurus Sun.
🚐⛺️ If you have Taurus Juno, you could attract a committed partner, spouse that collects things just in case they will use it later. Huge »hoarder spouse« placement.
🏕🚐 I mentioned before in answers to mailbox questions, but 4th house Synastry really is much more clingy than 12th house. With 12th house Synastry there is occasional ghosting, you're ignoring each other due to misinterpreted actions or words, you forget to answer the other person or you pretend you didn't see them or you are just a bit oblivious or unaware. But with 4th house is non-stop clingy energy. People you have 4th house Synastry will want you attention, be in your energy or around you daily. So it can really get tiring, much more than it is with 12th house Synastry.
⛺️🚐 I think it's not talked enough how Libra Chiron people attract a lot of people who abuse substances or/and narcissistic romantic partners.
🚐🏕 Gemini Juno people get very, very quickly embarassed by something their partner did or said. But to be fair, Gemini Juno natives quite often do or say something to embarass themselves too.
⛺️🚐 Pisces North Node and North Node in the 12th house people often sacrifice their own health and well-being by being dedicated to something, which can in the long run cause them ilness or health issue, condition.
🚐🏕 In Composite charts, the woman and how she feels about the connection, acts is represented by the Moon placement. The man, the more masculine energy is represented by the Sun placement. But the second thing I noticed interpreting Composite charts is also that Venus placement serves as »a second Composite Moon« which also shows further the traits of the woman, feminine in the connection. And Mars placement is »the second Composite Sun« which shows the traits of the man more in-depth.
🚐⛺️ I think Juno house really shows more the location of meeting your partner rather than their traits. Juno house shows circumstances, where you meet them, what was happening around. So Juno in the 6th house would point to meeting at work. I would say Juno sign more so indicates traits rather than getting along with person who has planets in that sign. For example, you could have Gemini Juno and wish for a talkative partner who is active and present in conversations, but you may prefer more stability than person with Gemini placements can offer. Most often I think people don't really like the typically personality of their Juno sign, but more so just bits of it. So if you have Gemini Juno, you may not like someone who gossips, but more so you like that they are able to keep the conversation going with stimulating topics.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
Astro observations pt.III 🐼LONER EDITION🐼
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All my observations are based on *personal* experiences
By- tarotenchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
I decided to make this post cause i too dont have alot of friends and decided to astro analyse
Here are some placements that indicate not having alot of friends, having a tough time making friends, feeling left out or sticking out in groups, not being able to stay in groups in general.
🐼saturn in 11th house, 10th house, 7th house, 1st house, 5th house, 6th house 3rd house, making aspects with personal planets like sun moon venus or with ascendant or mc, saturn in libra, aquarius, capricorn, cancer, gemini, scorpio, saturn in degree of 7°, 19°, 11°, 23°, saturn retrograde.
[Saturn restricts and creates a lack in the area it occupies. It also tends to create a harsher environment which may mean that you may sometimes feel as jf the peoplw around you dont show much care or concern towards you in comparison to others. You may also constantly feel as if you have to work harder to win them over or to be recognised.]
🐼neptune in 4th house, 3rd house, 1st house, making aspects with ascendant, sun, mc, in the houses 6th house 10th house, 5th house, 11th house, in the signs of libra, aquarius, gemini, capricorn in degrees of 7°, 19°,23°,11° degree
[ neptune tends to create haze in whatever area it occupies which means that even though you may undertsand others on a deeper level, you may feel like others dont, or you may feel as if others tend to forget about you or dont feel recognised enough, on occasions people may not even notice you or know you enough. People may also project on you alot and if you dont live upto their expectations they may reject you or you may try very hard trying to mold yourself into whatever they want. You may also feel a bit hesitant to stand up for youself]
🐼 uranus in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[ uranus is by nature erratic and tends to create a bit of instability in whatever house it occupies. You may have friends one day and the next day they are gone. Like?? Poof.]
🐼 mars in 1st, 7th, 11th, 10th, 3rd, 6th house, making aspects with these houses, in the sign of aries, leo, scorp, cap, aqua, libra, in the degrees of 11°,19°,7°,23°
[Whatever house mars occupies or touches tends to creste a sense of hostility and competition, it may mean that people may be a bit hostile towards you or may view you as hostile or competitive or make you their competition, people with these placements may experience others putting you down in front of others or may experience that friends turned into enemies trope also jealousy is a common theme.]
🐼pluto in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Whatever house pluto touches or occupies creates an intense relation no matter what. You may feel as if people view you in a sexual manner, people may initially avoid you or stare at you as if theyre sensing you energetically, you may also experience people approaching you with manipulative sentiments or intentions, alsoo you may experience it that when you reject someone as friends or partner, the rejected party may start spreading rumours about you or become obsessed with trying to put you down or humble you and this may be a secret intention. People you dont know or notice know you and notice you. I have it in my 3rd house which also governs neighbourhod/neighbours and it squares my venus in 6th house and istg people idk know me and observe me but i keep my guards up. The people you befriend may also be jealous of you or become possessive over you and brooo.... its not a good thing so dont romanticise it like a pillowfucker♡]
🐼lilith in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Creates a similar theme to pluto but here you'll be shamed even more]
🐼 12th house personal placements
🐼sun and moon, mercury in 4th, 8th house.
🐼 4th, 12th, 8th hluse stellium
🐼mercury in aquarius or capricorn or pisces or scorpio
[May make you more private with your thoughts and you may feel as if others dont understand your ideas or you dont have anyone to talk too. It may also create trust issues.
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cazshmere · 28 days
8th house sign in the natal chart and what you fear ❤️‍🩹
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!! 🥀✨
🥀 Aries in the 8th House:
1. Fear of losing control or appearing weak in front of others.
2. Fear of taking initiative in unfamiliar situations.
3. Anxiety about asserting themselves or putting their needs first.
4. Worry about competing with others, especially when their abilities might be challenged.
5. Concern about having to do things alone without support from others.
6. Fear of not being able to maintain their usual level of confidence and independence.
🥀 Taurus in the 8th House:
1. Fear of instability, especially financial loss or material insecurity.
2. Fear of not having comfort or stability in their life.
3. Anxiety over changes that disrupt their sense of security or routine.
4. Worry about losing possessions that provide a sense of comfort or status.
5. Concern about not having access to luxury or material abundance.
6. Fear of being perceived as "lazy" or "materialistic" due to their desire for comfort.
🥀 Gemini in the 8th House:
1. Fear of being misunderstood or having their ideas dismissed.
2. Fear of communicating their thoughts, especially if they might be misunderstood.
3. Anxiety about being ignored or overlooked in important conversations.
4. Worry about not having enough mental stimulation in life, leading to boredom.
5. Concern about being seen as unreliable due to their versatile nature.
6. Fear of being labeled as "two-faced" or insincere by others.
🥀 Cancer in the 8th House:
1. Fear of emotional vulnerability or being abandoned by loved ones.
2. Anxiety about exposing deep emotions and being hurt or rejected.
3. Worry about being perceived as overly sensitive or dependent.
4. Concern about emotional betrayal or being taken advantage of.
5. Fear of losing the emotional security provided by close relationships.
6. Unease with situations that force them to confront their own emotional depth.
🥀 Leo in the 8th House:
1. Fear of being overshadowed or not receiving recognition.
2. Fear of not receiving the attention they desire or being forgotten by others.
3. Anxiety about not getting validation from others for their efforts or achievements.
4. Worry about not being able to truly express themselves in a way that is appreciated.
5. Concern about not being recognized for their talents and hard work.
6. Fear of being outshined by others, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
🥀 Virgo in the 8th House:
1. Fear of making mistakes or being seen as imperfect.
2. Anxiety about revealing flaws or weaknesses, especially in high-pressure situations.
3. Worry about not meeting the high standards they set for themselves or others.
4. Concern about being perceived as overly critical, which might alienate people.
5. Fear of being seen as less competent or reliable, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
6. Unease with situations where their attention to detail might be overlooked or undervalued.
🥀 Libra in the 8th House:
1. Fear of conflict, imbalance, or being judged harshly by others.
2. Fear of intimacy or being vulnerable with loved ones, leading to emotional exposure.
3. Anxiety about conflicts in relationships that disrupt harmony or balance.
4. Worry about being judged harshly for their decisions or behaviors, particularly in social settings.
5. Concern about being perceived as "rude" if they assert themselves or disagree with others.
6. Fear of not being able to maintain the peace and harmony they strive for in their relationships.
🥀 Scorpio in the 8th House:
1. Fear of betrayal, losing power, or having their secrets exposed.
2. Anxiety about losing control or being manipulated by others.
3. Worry about others uncovering their deepest fears, desires, or secrets.
4. Concern about not being able to maintain their usual level of intensity and focus and sometimes hiding their intensity because they don’t know if others would accept them if they did show it.
5. Fear of emotional vulnerability, which might lead to feelings of powerlessness.
6. Unease with situations that force them to confront their own darker impulses.
🥀 Sagittarius in the 8th House:
1. Fear of being restricted, losing freedom, or facing the unknown.
2. Anxiety about being confined or trapped in situations that limit their independence.
3. Worry about not being able to explore or pursue their personal beliefs and interests.
4. Concern about being forced to conform to rules or structures that limit their autonomy.
5. Fear of losing their sense of optimism or faith in challenging circumstances.
6. Unease with situations that require commitment or settling down, which might limit their opportunities for growth.
🥀 Capricorn in the 8th House:
1. Fear of failure, losing status, or not achieving their goals.
2. Anxiety about not reaching the level of success or stability they aspire to.
3. Worry about losing their reputation or standing in society, especially in professional settings.
4. Concern about not being able to achieve the long-term goals they set for themselves.
5. Fear of being overwhelmed by responsibilities that exceed their capacity to manage.
6. Unease with situations where their sense of structure or control is threatened.
🥀 Aquarius in the 8th House:
1. Fear of conformity, losing individuality, or being rejected by society.
2. Anxiety about losing their uniqueness or being forced to conform to societal norms.
3. Worry about not being able to fully express their innovative or unconventional ideas.
4. Concern about being rejected or ostracized for their differences or their ability to try out new ways of doing things.
5. Fear of losing their sense of freedom or independence in group settings.
6. Unease with situations where they feel pressured to fit in or compromise their values.
🥀 Pisces in the 8th House:
1. Fear of being overwhelmed by emotions, losing their sense of self, or facing harsh realities.
2. Anxiety about being consumed by their own or others' emotions, leading to feelings of instability.
3. Worry about losing their sense of self or identity in relationships, especially if they become overly dependent.
4. Concern about facing harsh or unpleasant realities they'd rather avoid, leading to escapist tendencies.
5. Fear of being perceived as too sensitive or overly emotional by others.
6. Unease with situations that require them to be practical, grounded, or confront life's harsh realities.
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banner & photo credits: @/kiaa-chin
© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
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ferie-anon · 10 months
🐬 Astro observations🐬
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🧺 fire moons being in a earth house is very balanced, making them responsible yet passionate and understanding
🧺 sag risings or having rising in a sag degree may grow out their hair
🧺 scorpio moon in 12th house may listen to rock and punk music to maximize feeling their deep emotions
🧺 mercury in 11th house are viewed as friendly or chill, often seen as a person who is a social butterfly
🧺 gemini sun with fire or air rising being into pop culture. They know the ins and out with the internet and celebrity tea. They live in a burrow on the internet 🫡
🧺 capricorn mercury will not hesitate to ask questions. They be the type to be direct and ask for stuff if they are confused. I like their honest and direct approach.
🧺 Sag + scorpio or leo + scorpio in birthchart = rockstar/musician vibes 🎸
🧺 My friend and I notice scorpio/8th house placements in a guy’s chart tend to do boxing 🥊
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🧺 In general heavy scorpio energy in the chart or mars scorpio may tend to work out in general, being physically active due to scorpio’s traditional planet ruler being mars.
🧺 I notice mercury in cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra) tend to use emojis and gifs a lot to emote in their text messages or to put more meaning into their text.
🧺 It seems like virgo mars tend to try out ballet or pick it up as a hobby. I find it interesting that most of my friends with virgo mars have taken ballet classes before as a child.
🧺 Cancer risings could be seen as nurturing, or having a compassionate and understanding nature, ppl may at times open up to them easily or become friends with them and start talking ab themselves to these individuals becuz they feel comfortable with them.
🧺 Aries moon always seems to have so many mini talents stacked away. It can be anything creative such as music, editing, or artistic. They’re very down to explore hobbies that allow them to express themselves and indulge in creatively.
🧺 I notice the ones with very friendly and bright smiles tend to have heavy gemini energy in their chart. Gemini rising, gemini stellium, 3rd house stellium, etc
🧺 Moon conjunct moon synastry in friends is cute and funny, you guys naturally gravitate towards each others presence and notice any emotions or actions. Like sometimes you guys just stare at each other like 👁️-👁️ and observe each other, and stick together most of the time.
🧺 I notice fire suns with leo in their big 3 sorta give off a “hot cheeto girl” vibe or aura. They may prefer a fierce and bold look, via makeup or clothing style.
🧺 Virgo moon in 4th individuals could be very intuitive, or an intuitive gut instinct.
🧺 Pisces mars/cancer mars, cancer stellium/pisces stellium in men could give off momma’s boy vibes, or they have a close relationship with their mom. Just from wut I’ve observed tho. 👁️^👁️
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cosmicpuzzle · 11 months
Weak Side of Mars 🔴 in Each House
1st House: You have difficulty in waiting and you may take actions without considering the consequences.
2nd House: You have difficulty controlling your spending and may spend without considering the price tag.
3rd house: You have difficulty controlling your mind and you speak without diplomacy. You come to conclusions quickly.
4th House: You have difficulty controlling your intense emotions and you last out easily.
5th House: You have difficulty controlling your pride and you are a sore loser. You can also be selfish in love.
6th House: You have difficulty cooperating with other workers and you are a nitpicker. You also have difficulty with changes.
7th House: You have difficulty cooperating in personal intimate relationships. You are not soft with partners.
8th House: You have difficulty controlling your jealousy and vengeance. You are also sexually overactive.
9th House: You are a fundamentalist and have difficulty tolerating other viewpoints and opinions.
10th House: You are selfish in your career and will do anything to uproot who is ahead of you.
11th House: You cut off your contacts once your work is done. You are also selfish with your goals and ambitions.
12th House: You have difficulty taking action and being motivated for long periods.
Readings are open. DM.
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perpetualcosmos · 6 months
Mini Astrology observations
*please note that these are my personal observations, not yet coming from a professional opinion*
❃ Most Virgo placements tend to be into music/art/digital art and will definitely have something related to stomach issues or issues regarding their health. Hence we see most people with these usually have a focus on their health (subject to change with the aspects involved in the chart).
❃ saturn/Capricorn placements have been through many lessons during their lifetime, especially their childhood. Most of them have had to grow early and take charge of their life, these lessons sometimes being harsh that it affects their mental health as well. They also work hard and learn to stand on their own feet early on but they struggle through a lot. Delays could've happened in their career but when they reached a quotient, they truly do shine when they have learned from the trauma and lessons.
❃ People with Venus in 12th/8th house, do sometimes attract partners who might have toxic traits around them and could be very insecure of their success or happiness. You will always have a strong intuition about this, but you might also excuse your persons/partner's behavior when you are w.r.t. underdeveloped.
---> As 12H is the house of hidden enemies, along with idealized standards of these individual, they truly have to learn to assert boundaries and learn to balance out a connection/relationship. As well as you might also have a strong intuition, knowing it might not end well or have a "feeling" That the connection might not work but would stick because of this love with the idealised side of the person. For ---> 8H - you don't love easily, but when you fall, you fall hard. Your relationship would bring out alot of triggers for you in general, alot of the suppressed underdevelopment might start coming out through your relationships/connections. It's always taken to extremes, either very happy or very chaotic. Many lessons, could be that your person might also be insecure of your financial stability.
Let me know if you would like more posts like this!
A/N: thank you for checking this post 🫶
With grace & love ✨
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