#Libra Aries eclipse cycle
asanee44 · 4 days
Solar Eclipse October 2024 in Libra: Preparing for New Beginnings
On October 2, 2024, we experience a new moon solar eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra. This transit impacts individuals with planets and aspects between 5-15 degrees of this sign the most. But it likewise influences individuals with planets and aspects in Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn at the same degrees.   This eclipse follows the lunar eclipse in Pisces in September 2024. Libra’s…
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 months
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sensualnoiree · 6 months
astro notes- libra full moon & eclipse 🌕
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MARCH 25TH- The Libra full moon shines a light on our relationships, urging us to release doubt and uncertainty. As we transition from the Equinox into Aries season, a new cycle begins, marked by the fast-approaching total eclipse on the Aries new moon. This eclipse season acts as a powerful catalyst for change, offering us the opportunity to realign and detoxify our energy.
The Aries-Libra axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-expression and cooperation. These opposing forces challenge us to find balance within ourselves and in our connections with others. It's a time for deep introspection and transformation, as we navigate the delicate dance between independence and interdependence.
Eclipses are not to be feared but embraced as gateways to resolution and new beginnings. They offer us a chance to shed past karma and step into our higher purpose. As Carl Jung teaches, life emerges from the spark of opposites, and the Lunar Eclipse in Libra reminds us to harmonize polarities to experience a more vibrant existence.
During this eclipse cycle, observe your experiences and reflections, noting any shifts or realizations that occur. Embrace change and complexity, turning problems into powers and paradoxes into pathways to growth. As we navigate these cosmic currents, may we find balance, harmony, and a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness.
Aries Rising (Libra 7th House - Aries 1st House): This eclipse highlights the need to find balance in your relationships (7th house) while asserting your individuality (1st house). You may experience shifts in your partnerships that encourage you to take a more assertive stance in expressing your needs and desires.
Taurus Rising (Libra 6th House - Aries 12th House): The eclipse brings attention to your health and daily routines (6th house) as well as your spiritual and subconscious realms (12th house). You may feel a need to prioritize self-care and introspection, letting go of old habits that no longer serve you.
Gemini Rising (Libra 5th House - Aries 11th House): This eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression (5th house) as well as your social circles and aspirations (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or reassess your social connections to align them with your true desires.
Cancer Rising (Libra 4th House - Aries 10th House): Home, family, and emotional security (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities.
Leo Rising (Libra 3rd House - Aries 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth.
Virgo Rising (Libra 2nd House - Aries 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a more profound understanding of your own worth.
Libra Rising (Libra 1st House - Aries 7th House): This eclipse highlights your identity and self-expression (1st house) as well as your partnerships and relationships (7th house). You may experience a shift in how you perceive yourself in relation to others, leading to a greater sense of balance and harmony in your relationships.
Scorpio Rising (Aries 6th House - Libra 12th House): Health, work, and service to others (6th house) are emphasized, along with spirituality and subconscious patterns (12th house). You may feel a need to take better care of your physical and mental well-being, leading to a deeper understanding of your own inner workings.
Sagittarius Rising (Aries 5th House - Libra 11th House): The eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and children (5th house) as well as friendships and social connections (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or connect with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations.
Capricorn Rising (Aries 4th House - Libra 10th House): Home, family, and emotional foundations (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment in both areas.
Aquarius Rising (Aries 3rd House - Libra 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth and understanding.
Pisces Rising (Aries 2nd House - Libra 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a deeper understanding of your own worth and values.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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astroa3h · 8 months
the shadow side of juno ✨💔
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Does your Juno placement have hard aspects? You could be dealing with the shadow side of Juno, where all that glitters isn't gold. For years I wondered why things didn't work out with my astrological soulmate, why things turned so sour? 😪
The further I studied my placement the further I realised I was dealing with the shadow side of Juno. A wolf in sheeps clothing. A faux soulmate so to speak. Look toward your corresponding sign and stay away from anyone that gives off these red flags. They are not your soulmate. ⬇️
Juno in Aries: Impulsive to a fault, your faux soulmate could be a ticking time bomb of anger and aggression. This is a love that can quickly spiral into a cycle of heated fights and reckless decisions. Their fiery nature can lead to dominance and ego battles, where love feels more like a war zone.
Juno in Taurus: Your faux soulmate might be the embodiment of stubbornness and material obsession. They can become so fixated on comfort and possessions that they suffocate the relationship. Their fear of change can lead to a stagnant, lifeless love, where both of you feel trapped in a golden cage.
Juno in Gemini: Charm morphs into manipulation. Your faux soulmate could be a master of words but a novice in honesty, leading you through a labyrinth of half-truths and flirtations. Their fear of depth can leave you feeling alone in a relationship filled with superficial connections and empty conversations.
Juno in Cancer: Overprotective to the point of being smothering, your faux soulmate might have a love that feels more like quicksand. Their emotional turbulence can create a stormy home life, where you feel constantly on edge, trying to navigate their unpredictable moods and possessiveness.
Juno in Leo: Your faux soulmate’s need for attention could eclipse everything, including you. Their pride and demand for admiration can lead to a one-sided relationship where your needs are overshadowed by their endless quest for the spotlight, leaving you in the shadows of their grandeur.
Juno in Virgo: Perfectionism turns into relentless criticism. Your faux soulmate’s desire for order can create an oppressive environment, where you feel constantly judged and never good enough. Their obsession with details can choke the spontaneity and joy out of your relationship.
Juno in Libra: Their need for harmony transforms into a paralyzing indecision and fear of confrontation. Your faux soulmate might avoid important issues, letting problems fester until the relationship is riddled with unspoken resentments and passive-aggressive behavior.
Juno in Scorpio: Here, love borders on obsession. Your faux soulmate’s intensity can manifest as jealousy, manipulation, and a desire for control that can feel suffocating. The relationship might often feel more like a power struggle than a partnership, filled with secrets and silent battles.
Juno in Sagittarius: Restlessness to the extreme. Your faux soulmate’s love for freedom can mean a refusal to commit, leaving you in a perpetual state of uncertainty. Their bluntness can be hurtful, and their constant need for new experiences can make you feel like you’re never enough.
Juno in Capricorn: Cold and authoritarian, your faux soulmate might prioritize status and success over the relationship. Their emotional unavailability and relentless ambition can leave you feeling lonely and undervalued, as if you’re more of a trophy than a partner.
Juno in Aquarius: Your faux soulmate’s unconventional nature can mean emotional detachment and a refusal to engage in the traditional aspects of a relationship. Their rebellious streak might make you feel like you’re living with a constant revolutionary, where intimacy takes a backseat to ideals.
Juno in Pisces: Escape turns to neglect. Your faux soulmate might retreat into a fantasy world, leaving you to deal with the harsh realities of life alone. Their tendency to play the martyr can lead to a relationship where you’re always the villain, no matter how hard you try. Yikes!
xox astro ash
Get your own Juno Soulmate Reading @ astroash.net
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kakiastro · 6 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse: A time for healing & moving on
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The first big event is upon us friends! I wanted to really break down what this solar eclipse can mean for us collectively. There’s so much fear lingering, misinformation and people just talking crazy about this.
First and foremost, eclipse happens every year so there’s no need to fear it but you should learn to respect its significance and spiritual backgrounds.
The reason this eclipse is getting widespread attention because subconsciously it’s calling us all to heal and step into a brand new chapter. This eclipse is conj Chiron exact and the NN(North Node). I’ll explain, keep reading.
Eclipse has always been symbolic for the endings and ushering a new beginning in your life. The etymology of the word eclipse means “fail to appear” and “to leave” things that no longer is good for us and is exiting out our lives whether we like it or not. Soul growth is at play here.
Solar(Sun) has always been related to leaders. now in our personal lives, it effects a certain part of our life. Depends on the house(area in life) the sign Aries is ruling for you.
Aries is the first zodiac sign, it’s the start of the spring season and always represents the start of new beginnings. Aries also rules over our actions, motivations. Aries rules over Men and masculine dom people. Aries rules the head, aggression, fighting. Leadership is also ruled by this sign.
The solar eclipse will be happening at the 19°(Libra degree)
Now we just had a Lunar Eclipse in Libra so this is just a continuation story.
19° is known as a karmic degree
Now the SN was conj this Lunar eclipse which means we started removing what no longer serves. This will be a theme for all of us for the next 4 years.
Now the Solar eclipse will conj the NN, so we’re in the phase of letting go while also starting new and trying to find ourselves.
Chiron will conj thiss eclipse exact. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” but it’s also a teacher. We, as a collective is healing our wounds that we may have been holding on for a long time. Purge and release baby! Use this energy to purge and release so you can step into the new you and life!
Now whenever a planet enters a sign, we have to look a the signs planetary ruler to get a better glimpse of the energy.
Aries is ruled by Mars which is currently in Pisces. So this eclipse in a way is spiritual. Pisces is also the last zodiac and represents end of cycles, so this rotates back to Chiron and healing. A lot of subconscious things are being brought to the surface.
This is also a mental eclipse because Mercury is Rx in Aries. We are going to be communicating that hurt out loud. You may have moments of feeling triggered or what the tarot community calls a tower moment. Honey, I’m here to tell yall to let that tower fall and crumble because it’s time to start building that castle you hear me! 🗣️
We are healing mind, body and soul. Will it be easy? Nope! Will it be rewarding in the long run? You bet!
This solar eclipse energy will last for 2 years and including the lunar eclipse which is 4 years so a total of 6 years of this cycle of Aries/Libra storyline will wrote. Both eclipse heaviest energy last for 6month-year.
If you’re wondering how I calculated this, I did it based on how long each eclipse last. Solar is 2 hours and the lunar was 4 hours. Then I just added it together.
The only advice I would give anyone regarding this eclipse is to not look up at the eclipse without some type of solar sunglasses or you could mess up your eyesight. I personally don’t in believe looking at the sun at all during eclipse, but just soak in the energy, meditate, heal, write out your goals. I know some people are curious and there’s free will but I wouldn’t be a good astrologer if I didn’t tell you to please take eye precautions before yall do look up!
Also since this energy will be intense, headaches may happen so get some Tylenol or just a cold towel over your head!
No need to be scared, I know change is hella uncomfortable but it’s necessary! I’m wishing everyone the best with this energy!
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calmwaterstarot · 9 months
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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elminx · 12 days
Energy Update: Lunar Eclipse 9/17/24
Note: all dates and times are in EDT
We are fast approaching our lunar eclipse, which will occur at 10:45PM on Tuesday, 9/17, at 25° Pisces. This eclipse is an off-element eclipse, which means that although our lunar nodes are still on the Aries-Libra axis, this eclipse will occur while the Sun is in Virgo and the Moon is in Pisces.
We are nearing the end of this lunar cycle (the nodes switch over to the Pisces-Virgo axis in January), and this eclipse can be viewed as a preview of the next cycle.
Pisces-Virgo (the North Node is always listed first) is a 12-6 cycle, with our North Node focused on Piscean matters and our South Node pointing away from Virgoic matters. Both Pisces and Virgo have a shared interest in serving humanity - Virgo serves humanity in the physical realm, and Pisces serves humanity in the spiritual realm. As the North node turns towards Pisces, we cross the cosmic line between sign number 1 (Aries) backward into sign number 12 (Pisces).
In a way, this first early Pisces lunar eclipse may seem like a de-evolution, but it's an important part of the process. This entire year (and 2025 as well) is one of transition. We are in the in-between, the liminal if you will. Many of us are being forced to walk forward in the unknown, but others are hanging back and clinging to what was.
Astrology is, at its most base form, a study of the cycles of life. We all know that winter follows autumn and eventually leads into spring. Likewise, monumental changes (like a worldwide pandemic) have a ripple effect that slowly morphs the world. There is no going backward. We all need to adapt. This cycle began in January 2020 when most of our planets (except for Neptune and Uranus) all met up in Capricorn simultaneously.
We have gone through the physical side of things (Taurus), and we were forced to face ourselves and what it meant for each of us individually as people (Aries). Now, we all need to deal with the spiritual side of how it impacted us (Pisces).
Pisces can be a really wise sign, but it can also be highly immature. The 12th sign in the zodiac can be seen as an amagym of all the wisdom of the signs that have come before it. Alternatively, it can also be the purest seed of a child yet to be born at dawn in Aries. Expect this lunation to bring up some major birthing pains or death pains, depending on your outlook and stage of life.
Standard eclipse advice applies: Eclipse season carries with it wild card energy but it is often referred to as the hand of fate reaching into our lives. At times, it can seem like anything is possible during and between our eclipse pairs, but a wise astrology student knows what comes and goes during the eclipse is meant to be. Eclipses don't so much erase what has come before; they tend to realign us with where we are supposed to be.
I think this is what people find the most unsettling about eclipses. Our Western culture has a pretty iffy opinion about fate and free choice. I want to be clear here that astrology does not take away your personal choice or control your life; it is merely a guideline that shows - with a high deal of accuracy - how your life will likely play out.
The first place one would look in a natal birth chart to determine this is (you guessed it) the lunar nodes. Each of us was born under particular nodal energy, symbolized by one of the six astrological Sun sign pairs. How much any individual eclipse cycle will affect you will be determined in part by your lunar nodal pairs and how the current eclipse cycle interacts with your natal chart.
Allowing for a 5° orb, we can say that next Tuesday's eclipse will affect the following groups of people in order of significance:
Anyone with a planet at 25° in a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) firstly or any sign secondly
Anyone with a personal planet from 20-29° Pisces or Virgo (Conjunction and Opposition)
Anyone with a personal planet from 20-29° Gemini or Sagittarius (square)
Anyone with a personal planet from 20-29° Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces (trine and sextile)
Anyone with the lunar nodes on the Virgo/Pisces axis
Anyone with the Sun or Moon in Virgo or Pisces
Anyone with a personal planet, Jupiter, or Saturn between 20-29° in any sign
I want to reiterate here that eclipses do not have to have negative or harmful effects. Some eclipses visit us as great epiphanies about what we should do with our lives.
Eclipses seem to rock our worlds when we are holding on to something we are not meant to be anymore. Because we are all imperfect, stupid, fragile, egoic humans (affectionate), this happens far more often than we would like to admit.
If it happens to you, it's okay. Surviving these moments is a part of living our stupid human lives. Astrology is a huge cosmic sign in the sky saying: sometimes it isn't you. Sometimes you couldn't have done any better. Sometimes everything sucks, and it's okay to not be okay. Part of being human is getting knocked down, crying over the spilled milk until you can't cry anymore, and then getting the fuck back up again.
Life hasn't been fair to us. Like all of us. Collectively. Every single human that has been living on this planet had a fucking sucky four years.
This is a watery eclipse, and it's going to bring some serious 12th house unconscious shit. That's what a Pisces moon is made to do.
You are probably going to cry over it even if you do it in the shower so that the sound is and nobody hears you. As your friendly neighborhood astrologer, let me tell you: it's okay not to be okay.
Those of you who are afraid of the darkness may have a really hard time. That's okay, too. If that's you, do your best and maybe lie low early next week. Practice your best self-care often and early.
For those of you who live here, have planets in Pisces or the 12th house, or are drawn to working with and in the shadows, if you have the bandwidth, now is the time to pay attention.
This crossover point between Pisces and Aries will be very important next year (much like the cross-over from Capricorn to Aquarius featured heavily in the energy of 2024). In January, the North Node will move from Aries to Pisces. In March, Neptune will move from Pisces to Aries. In October, retrograde Neptune moves from Aries into Pisces.
I've already discussed the starting/stopping/backtracking/starting/stopping pattern we've been in all year.
The easiest way forward is to allow the 12th house of Pisces to show you what you need to see. It's as simple as that. (ironic)
Oh yeah, it's a Pisces full moon, so you should clean your house.
Wash, wash, wash it all away.
Do you like my work? Kofi
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talonabraxas · 6 days
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Pisces Portal Talon Abraxas Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse September 2024
September 17th, 2024, brings both a Lunar Eclipse and a Super Moon, making it a rare and special Super Moon Lunar Eclipse! This will be a partial Eclipse, so we will still be able to see the Moon bright and strong in our night sky. Take a moment to look up at Mother Moon in all her strength – what message is she sharing with you?
Themes of the Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse
Falling at 23 degrees of Pisces, this Lunar Eclipse holds the theme of breakthroughs and endings. As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, we may see this mirrored in our experience of it. Something may come to an endpoint in our lives, or we may find that something is illuminated, allowing us to see things we didn’t see before. Alternatively, we may reach a point of wholeness, allowing us to recognize the full story or cycle of whatever we have been going through.
Lunar Eclipses tend to close doors that we have had difficulty closing ourselves. Sometimes, the endings they bring come as no surprise and simply give us a little push in a direction we were already hoping to travel. Other times however, they can bring swift endings that shake up our lives in an unseen way!
As this is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, and one of the weakest Eclipses we can experience, for most of us, the ending we experience may be one that we have seen coming for a while. Any breakthroughs are also likely to point us in the direction of closure, even if things feel uncomfortable at first.
It’s always worthwhile remembering that Eclipses tend to bring fated events and always put us where we need to be, even if we don’t like it at first!
As Pisces is ruled by water, we may be feeling extra emotional and sensitive at this time. Whatever unfolds under this September Eclipse may also result in a deep and long healing period, where we will have to be patient and allow things time to regenerate.
Pisces energy moves slowly as it works on the deepest fabrics of our being, so there is this sense that whatever unfolds will take time to process and digest.
Welcome to a New Eclipse Cycle
The position of the Lunar Nodes is what gives us our Eclipse cycle. Since 2023, the Lunar Nodes have been traveling in Aries and Libra, giving us Eclipses in these two signs. But this September Eclipse doesn’t fall in alignment with the Nodes, instead it falls in Pisces.
This happens when we are at a transitionary point. We are now wrapping up the Aries-Libra Eclipses and getting ready to enter the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle.
While this Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle won’t really spring into action until next year, this is our first taste of what’s to come.
The last time we experienced the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle was back in November 2015- May 2017, so you can think back to this time to see what themes may have been showing up for you. Remember, it’s not that the same things will happen again, but you can think of it as reaching a new evolution of whatever was going on for you at that time.
While this Eclipse is connected to the Eclipses we had back in March and April of this year, it is more of an introduction to what is ahead for the new Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle, which will run until February 2027.
The Virgo-Pisces Eclipses tend to stir matters relating to our health, wellbeing, and spirituality. We are guided to focus on the finer details and to get organized. It is also a highly creative Eclipse cycle that can stir new innovations, inspirations, and visions.
A Super Moon Eclipse is our Portal to the Divine
Super Moons happen when the Moon is nice and close to Earth, and we feel the lunar effects more strongly. Partial Lunar Eclipses are the weakest type of Eclipse we can have, but with the Super Moon in operation, we are getting a strong boost of lunar energy.
The Moon represents our feelings of safety and security, but under an Eclipse, we may feel exposed or vulnerable. Our sense of security and safety may be challenged in some way, or we may feel unsure of ourselves.
Working with the Pisces energy, we can come back to our intuition under this Eclipse. Our intuition, that soft, still voice within, is what we can rely on. That is where we will need to turn for our strength and reassurance.
Lean in to your spiritual connection, remember that you are connected to all and that there is a Divine plan at play.
Having a Super Moon and an Eclipse together is a rare and magical interplay of lunar energy to work with that can really allow us to feel her power! Full Moons, but especially Super Moons, have a way of drawing things out of us, so draw out your intuitive powers! Draw out all that you no longer wish to hold.
Following this Pisces Lunar Eclipse, we have a Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2nd. This Eclipse is the stronger of the two and will be the one we are likely to all feel a little more. Stay tuned for this Eclipse and what you can expect!
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of april 7th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the season of flux rages on. this week, though, features mars, your ruling planet, conjoining saturn. that can definitely feel like frustration or being restricted too much, but it's quite temporary and it's also really good for self-discipline/self-control if those things are needed or helpful. a meditation practice can be auspicious.
taurus: after the eclipse, a taurus moon does you a lot of good and jupiter and uranus continue to inch closer the the perfection of their conjunction in a couple of weeks. taureans aren't known to love change but admit it, you like a good surprise right? expect to be pleasantly delighted, even if some stuff goes a bit amok.
gemini: of course, the first order of business is the eclipse. but within a day or so, the effects start to calm down and you can focus on the antics of mercury, still retrograde, at the halfway point in that cycle meeting up with the sun. in some old forms of astrology this conjunction was quite feared but you are equipped with the knowledge that it makes you brilliantly powerful. sometimes it is scary to have knowledge! but it is also power, right?
cancerians: most people move on from the eclipse pretty quickly, in a day or so. not you, lunar one. you have it all week, maybe longer. the event, then the aftermath. but the moon then goes through taurus and your own sign, and those periods will be regenerative if you let them be.
leo: people often see solar golden you as the opposite of lunar silver cancer. it is not so. you are complements to each other. especially when it comes to lunar phases, which require both the sun and the moon to be involved! this eclipse, peaking tomorrow and fading through the week is no exception. do not expect yourself to be operating at full speed for some time! or, if you are operating at full speed, don't expect it to be simple or calm.
virgo: if you have a relationship you have perhaps tended to view in an overly romantic light, or a situation you have projected delusionally upon, saturn and mars will bring you back down to earth this week and they won't exactly be gentle about it. but before that you are still dealing with eclipse stuff and its aftermath. it's not the best time for you to be sharing. do hermit mode if you can.
libra: your day to day routines are a good place to be disciplined and structured this week, although not so rigidly that you break yourself. meanwhile your relationships will be much better off as flexible, even fluid, as possible. no expectations, not demands, just wait and see for a week or two.
scorpio: if you're doing eclipse season right you're very much just going with the flow, letting the chips fall where they may and trying to not freak out when you see where it all ends up, whether it's good or bad. meanwhile saturn being conjoined by mars in pisces can make you feel like you want something so bad you need it, but you're just being held back. consider it is divinity holding you back for your safety. you'll be let go of soon enough.
sagittarius: you may want to be anywhere but home right now. that's fine, all the aries energy suits you and going out and having fun. it is volatile from now through the end of the week, so still be careful, but do have fun! not everyone has the potential to thrive on chaos like you do.
capricorn: it's not that you don't feel the eclipse, you definitely do. but mars-saturn in pisces likely affects/interests you more. it is that hard work, work hard play hard, overcome any obstacle vibe. so scaling the eclipse that seems like everest to some is a cute little hike for you. take your time and enjoy the scenery.
aquarius: watch your budget. hopefully you have a budget... maybe this is a good time to make, revise, or reconsider yours. you don't have to be a miser, indeed generosity benefits you! but a little frugality really goes a long way at this time. if you can volunteer close to home it's a great idea to do so as well.
pisces: these eclipses certainly involve financial concerns and this week's later mars-saturn conjunction in your sign helps. this way you really know what's important, the worth and value of things, and of virtues like hard work, discipline, and labors of love.
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ms-m-astrologer · 18 days
The Shadow of the Eclipse
Sunday, September 8, 02:34 UT - Saturday, October 5, 18:49 UT, 2024
The shadow of the eclipse is a time period beginning ten days before the first eclipse of a series, and ending three days after the final eclipse. It’s recommended that people not start new projects or schedule important things during these shadows, as the eclipse energies -if they don’t outright doom the endeavor - can give the process some very dramatic twists and turns.
In Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook, astrologer Debbi Kempton-Smith explained:
Those old eclipses will stir you up, all right. All sorts of feelings leap out of you. And if you regard an eclipse as a period of instability where new attitudes come up into view, you’ll find they’re wonderful for getting rid of old muck inside you.
The trick is not to act more than necessary when an eclipse is operating. It may be necessary to act more than you would during normal times because of outside changes, but do not do more than you must. People are stirred up now.
For an eclipse to have a strong personal effect, it really has to be at the exact degree of a placement - and conjunct that placement - even then, it doesn’t always “do” much. They’re a little like the Lunar Nodes in such seemingly capricious effects - now they zap you, now they don’t.
A couple of things to keep in mind: first, the upcoming eclipse is on the lunar South Node, which strongly emphasizes “getting rid of old muck inside you.” There is a sense that the more problematic Libra behaviors (manipulation, peace-keeping when we should be fighting, etc.) need to stop. There’s also a sense that we’ve “hit max level” in the more positive Libra traits (diplomacy, aesthetics, etc.) and can make no more progress. If we need to learn and grow, we need to direct that to the Aries experience.
The second thing: solar eclipses run in what are called Saros Cycles. They repeat in cycles of 18 years, 10-12 days, 8 hours. They can be grouped into families, Saros Series. This upcoming solar eclipse, at 10°04’ Libra, is part of S.S. 8 South. (Remember, it’s on the lunar South Node.)
Astrologer Bernadette Brady, in The Eagle and the Lark, has an appendix devoted to brief delineations of each Saros Series. Some of them are beneficial, but others - like S.S. 8 South - are not:
Separation and loss. To be parted. To finish something, and to feel sad at its completion. Physical energy is also possible through over-straining one’s strength. This is not the time to undertake strenuous physical activities.
Ugh. Previous eclipses in this series (for those of us old enough to remember what happened!) were in
2006 (29°20’ Virgo)
1988 (18°40’ Virgo)
1970 (8°04’ Virgo)
This shadow involves some pretty icky stuff - maybe. You may not be personally affected at all, particularly if you don’t have a placement at 10°+ Libra. Be sensitive to and cautious about what’s happening around you, don’t overdo anything, and be ready to rid yourself of some useless baggage if the opportunity arises.
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
☀️🌛 Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2023 Astrology horoscope for all Rising Signs 🌜☀️
[Ps. Personal reading are open. Here's the link to the how-to book one, and my Astrology Masterlist.]
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Wherever South Node is transiting in your natal chart, you will experience a dramatic decrease in that area of life. Our human nature of dwelling on the negative side makes us unable to see what the North Node is offering in the place of that House's reduced appearance.
The solar eclipse on the 14th of October might enhance this anxiety of feeling like you aren't fulfilling the expectations of your Libra house.
Currently, South Node is in Libra, so depending on what house Libra sits in your chart, you will feel like roadblocks just keep on happening and as if the Universe is guiding you towards something completely different. More than often this can manifest as anxiety and feeling like something is wrong, having constant doubts about your own abilities in that area of life, etc. Bonus w/ South Node in Libra: Feeling like you aren't friendly or social enough.
The thing is, you can relax and instead focus on the thing that is gaining a large amount of momentum in your life, aka the House, North Node is transiting. North Node is in Aries right now and it gives you independent control over your life. This is the time to be individualistic and put yourself first, fiercely and fearlessly. Bonus w/ North Node in Aires: You will excel when you lead yourself with full belief that you absolutely deserve what you want.
Sagittarius Risings have been thinking if they are social enough right now, because they been spending a lot of time with their passion projects, almost shutting out the world. Oh yes girl, the social world doesn't matter right now, do your thang right now.
Aries Risings wondering if they are being mean or selfish, because they just have been in that self love space right now. Yesss, girl, you don't have to care about anyone. YOU, are the moment.
Leo Risings are fiercely pursuing their greater meaning of life, but are left wondering if it's okay that they aren't catching up and being updated on the latest gossip. Damn, girl, it's all good. You don't have to catch up with anyone other than yourself right now.
Virgo Risings are courageously declaring their authority and position to everybody else. They aren't going to let anybody walk over themselves anymore. As long as you are bold and upfront with people using your giving nature, you are gold baby!
Capricorn Risings are taking time out and getting more private than ever. Don't be afraid of not letting other people know about your business, and if you see your career taking a bit of break now. It's time to relax babes.
Taurus Risings are having major psychic realisations. They are ending major karmic cycles, healing and putting their instincts first. It's no issue if you feel a bit unproductive or behind doing certain tasks. Take it easy.
Pisces Risings are putting their boundaries up, bichh. Girl, don't be afraid to cut people off that absolutely don't contribute anything to your life. This is the time to rely on no one, but yourself. Help yourself and don't you dare feel guilty about it.
Cancer Risings are getting that bag and reaching those milestones. This is your time to shine in the world out there. Family matters and the concern for privacy might have kept you from your full potential, but not anymore. This is one of the most prominent times to be achieving your goals.
Scorpio Risings are getting real grounded and productive. It's an amazing time for them to work on their health, take a new workout routine and get all active. Trust your primal instincts and make sure you ground your energy first and foremost.
Gemini Risings are making those connections, being more social than before and build their networks. Don't worry if you happen to ignore some creative projects and private fun time due to being the social butterfly. It's your time to hope and plan for the future now!
Libra Risings are learning to manage their relationships better. It's that time to actually be that good partner, that good friend, that good listener. More than this, focus on building healthy relationships with healthy minded people.
Aquarius Risings are becoming more intellectual than they usually are. With all the knowledge they have been accumulating they are finally having mental breakthroughs. It's your time to build your own opinions and define the world on your own terms. Don't worry if you feel less of a lawful person. We all are allowed to be chaotic sometimes.
Hope yall have a lovely October 🎃👻🍬🧣🍂
Stay tuned for more Astrology content 🏹✨️!!
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esshetic · 6 months
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Hey hey hey, we have made it to spring, the first quarter of the year. Through the death cycle of wisdom and reincarnation, are we the same? Yes, but a little different also.
For this month, I want us to enjoy the present and not really plan for the future. There is too much going on outside that is beyond our control, so please ignore those quarterly reviews of goals and such. Those goals may have been set during a time when you had limited knowledge of what you wanted, or perhaps they may not be achievable in a year, and you need to spread them out over 3 or 5 years.
Nevertheless, it's not a failure to have not achieved what you set out to do within a specific timeframe. Having a goal and dream is like cosmic mail, a message from the future, giving you breadcrumbs on your path to where you will eventually get to.
The full Moon eclipse has opened up energetic awareness and brought things to light that you needed to pay attention to. This month is asking you to not bury your head in the sand but to keep paying attention to what was revealed. I see a cavalry, a holy cavalry, arriving. The solutions won’t be created by you; they will be received by you.
Life goes on, baby girl!
For the Signs:
Aries: April showers bring May flowers. This month will be emotionally draining. Ease up on yourself and go with the theme and mood of each day. You don’t need to have it all figured out and together in order to move forward.
Taurus: Weather is rain, rain, and more rain. April, for the most part, is in the fire of Aries, which is too harsh for right now. The energy is trying to keep you awake as you have a propensity to fall back to sleep. The energy is still going to be harsh, and it's time to face the music with how you really feel.
Gemini: I, I, I will, I do, I am. April for you is warming you up for your season as the sun is moving from your 11th to embark on your 12th house transit. Whatever comes this month, you got this. Every hit, you counter punch. The more the hits come, the better you get at counter punching. Finally, you feel alive!
Cancer: April will be sweet for you, sweet and steady. The moon, your domain, is at its highest performance of a solar eclipse, and it will be business as usual for you. You don’t scare easily and take everything as it comes.
Leo: In April, you are a star, girl! I don’t know what this means; it just came to me. I see an idea coming together with friends or people you admire. The sun is moving through your 8th and 9th house, and it's about someone coming to you with an idea that will make you feel excited. Dust off that note book of dreams and Ideas, its is in there!
Virgo: April showers for you too. I am seeing some sadness in the romantic department, perhaps someone not meeting your high expectations. If not romance-related, I am also seeing something falling apart that you are trying to keep together. It's already fallen apart, and you have to let the pieces that are missing go. You didn't really need them.
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Libra: April will bring you some much-needed relief and guidance from a good spirit. Someone has your back and is in your corner, fighting for you right now. This guidance is coming through as career-related; a promotion or career recognition is coming your way.
Scorpio: April will also be pretty sweet for you, like Cancer. There is peace around you while you wait for your illumination at the end of the month. The worst that could have happened has already happened, and it does not feel as devastating as you thought it would. Now, let's wait and see.
Sagittarius: April will feel confusing for you, with conflicting energies trying to influence you. You don’t know what to think or what to do. It will feel uncomfortable to sit in this confusing energy, so if you can’t ignore it, move your body! Get away from the stress around you.
Capricorn: April is looking like a good month for movement, physically. If you are getting ready to move house, then the one you pick is the one you should move to. Don’t wait; there is not something better. April will also be a joyous month for you and your family.
Aquarius: April will be fine for you. I can see that you are worried about a few things, but it's all going to be okay in the end. I sense a lot of worry coming through about various things going on in your world that has you losing sleep. I just want to let you know that everything is going to be okay.
Pisces: April showers fertilize the ground for the next sowing and future reaping. There is disappointment with things as they are showing right now, but it's for the better in the long run. I see that you are settling for less, what is practical and easy, and not what your heart truly desires. The tears are to break open your heart and reveal your truth to you.
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growwithmeastrology · 5 months
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Friday, April 12th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon inGemini ♊️💨
I’ve had a hard time putting today’s forecast together. The Gemini Moon is quite busy and each interaction requires a detailed explanation. But I digress and will break this down as best as I can.
The important part in understanding what’s happening, involves the conjunctions between the major player planets. The Moon is the emotional interaction with those planets and it’s currently in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury. We have the Moon squaring both Mars and Saturn in Pisces, and the Moon also sextile the Sun, Mercury and Chiron in Aries. The center point being the Mercury, Sun conjunction acting like a Mercurial eclipse.
This is another “new cycle” jumping off point. We are receiving new information that has been delayed due to the retrograde. Information that is needed to make decisions for the future. Because this is all happening in Aries, Mars’ current state is involved being Aries’ planetary ruler. In conjunction with Saturn, the planet of lessons for the long haul, this is yet another “new cycle” point. Those guys are all hanging out in Pisces which indicates endings. Sooo, this is kinda like having 3 eclipses in one week.
Today is a good day to assess what’s truly in its final stages within your life. Reference points being things that occurred between the end of August last year to the end of January this year but started shifting or changing at the end of February. That’s what been playing out since and this week will reach its ending. It’s all focusing on our thought process around everything that’s occurred.
With endings come new beginnings. And since we have yet another conjunction with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus forming, these changes are actually adding abundance into our lives. Where Pisces, Aries and Taurus are in your chart, will give you an idea of where in your life, this is all happening in.
Astrologically, we’ve been saying that April was gonna be a huge month for us all. What’s new in your life since the March 25th eclipse in Libra? There’s your clue towards this new path for abundance!
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visiblenostalgia · 5 months
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🥱The POST-Aries Eclipse…😑✨
19° Aries: (Libra Degree) from [Sabian Symbologist],
“Only Your Soul Knows For Sure”
“…a symbol of periodic expansion of man’s freedom of spirit and soul through his widely winging interest far removed from his normal promise,” What comes from this understanding yourself before understanding others. Being YOURSELF in the CROWD. A standout.
However, they even state that detaching too much (dissociation) may lead to “scorn” from responsibilities. Healthy detachment is okay. Just be careful to dissociate yourself from everything. Feeling too much of nothing can STILL be feeling something.
(More of my experiences under the cut)
It’s like ever since this eclipse on Monday the 8th, the energy around me has been much more light and open to my energy. Like I can move on and get stuff done. I no longer feel hunkered down as I feel like I can let grudges, bygones, fucked interactions with people (mind the Aries Mercury retrograde) and forgetfulness go.
Not to mention that when I just look forward and keep on keeping on, do I “breathe in” revitalizing energy. I feel like I can take in something new as my friends and career shift to both of what’s needed of me and what are my desires.
Another thing to note was the Eclipse occurred right on my 11th house cusp. If I could call it my Secondhand Midhaven I would. My SM. Cause that’s made my work and creative life so much more passionate and enjoyable. All because of letting things, emotions, and people that did not suit me at all….go.
It feels like that first rainy day after a long brutal heatwave. I can finally feel at ease and hop onto my work.
Extra little notes of what my latest experiences were like:
I started roleplays that go episode by episode in a show and we’ve been doing our own spins on it (creative juices a’flowing babyyyyy)
Spiritual downloads of ideologies that currently don’t exist but may come these next few decades. Something aligned with (again,) Creativity, Chaos, Common Knowledge, Sensibility, Laughter, Understanding divine timing…. TRUE Healing too (not running away or asking too much from therapy. Cause if you’re not growing yourself day by day (of course with a little advice but not too much to over rely) there’s no way).
Just being around friends who understand me. Being around people who are just here for a good time. Fighting only takes so much out of the human spirit. Gotta remember that night will hit and the hay needs someone to rest against it.
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Some music I found that matched what it feels like coming out of that eclipse.
This one mainly being the sole reason why I love my state (and how lucky we are to get totality even if it was cloudy as fuck. PEOPLE STILL GOT TOGETHER TO HANG OUT)
I salute to you Texas. May the lone star state shine forever in our proud favor.
I’ve also dabbled in more Nu Metal because of the crazy war vibes from Aries alone.
Another song from Cowboy Carter that just makes me feel so ready to jump out there and smile:
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😵‍💫Pre-Solar: in between…🤬
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Now that I think more on some stuff:
This is a side track where it was IN-BETWEEN the two eclipses from Libra Lunar and Aries Solar.
I saw The First Omen and good god did it make me feel the uncomfortableness of it all within that eclipse cycle. It scared me five times not gonna lie. And I haven’t cringed harder than I have since then.
What surprised me was that the Astrology for WHEN EXACTLY I went also lined up with something.
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Moon (Emotions/Feelings) conjunct with Mars (Intensity/Drive) and Saturn (Structure/Discipline + Nihilism/Realism). Saturn tends to put pressure on systems it seems unfit or not suitable for the others around. A “YOU BEST GIT YOUR ACT TOGETHER” energy. ESPECIALLY WITH MARS. Not to mention Pisces rules religious beliefs and ideologies that are overwhelmingly large and complex. Combining all four……also added onto the fact that said movie watched was The First Omen…
It made me understand something….
That movie was about Religious Dogmatism and you couldn’t tell me otherwise! (Do tell me otherwise LMAO)
Much love to the astrology community guys. Hope you guys have been eating well and doing your best to protect your energy cause the world wants to bring yours down every day no matter what form.
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saturniandevil · 6 months
April 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's April forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Diana Rose Harper (Austin is away on paternity leave). This is one of the most astrologically active months in the year. In addition to planetary movements, there's a comet that will be visible soon in the night sky and a nova.
We're going into the month right off the tail of a Libra lunar eclipse on March 25th. We're in "eclipse season," the time between eclipses, with much activity to report. Starting off, Baltimore's Key Bridge collapsed after a container ship crashed into it, which Austin called last forecast when he said that Mars's entry into Pisces (approaching a conjunction to Saturn) would involve a sudden halt in maritime trade. Astrologically it's quite on the nose, with a Libra (associated with trade/commerce) moon conjunct the South Node (symbolizing lack and decrease). We even have a chart for the opening of this bridge: it was an exact Mars return for this bridge, as well as its Uranus opposition and nodal opposition. Also on the Libra eclipse was the UN Security Council's vote for a ceasefire in Gaza. The April 8th eclipse will show us whether this resolution is successful, and a final Libra eclipse in October will tie these events together.
In celebrity news, we had obviously doctored photos of Kate Middleton prompting increasingly wild speculation on what the British royal family was hiding, culminating in Kate announcing her cancer diagnosis & chemotherapy plans on the March 22nd Venus(women, exalted in Pisces = royalty)-Saturn (slow illnesses) conjunction. She was also born on a lunar eclipse & announced this right before one. Just 3 days after the eclipse, on March 28th, Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX was sentenced to 25 years in prison, the newest development in a story that began on an eclipse when BitCoin crashed and revealed his role in one of the biggest instances of financial fraud in US history.
In smaller news, a nova in the T Coronae Borealis system will be visible as a new star in the night sky this year. This nova is visible every 76 years or so (the last time was 1946), and has been observed as far back as the Middle Ages. Add this to the eclipses and the comet, and Chris hasn't seen such an astrological buildup since forecasting 2020. As the eclipse hit his 3rd house Donald Trump published a book combining the Bible and the US Constitution, while in other news an orca was stranded in British Columbia, another dolphin & orca-related development in the (Mars-)Saturn in Pisces in cycle and Arizona announced Pluto as their state planet.
April Overview: with significant activity in Pisces, Aries, and Taurus simultaneously, we'll be getting hard aspects to every modality (and trines to every element)--everyone will be getting hit with some kind of change (but will have opportunities for growth as well). Chris makes a distinction between the challenging first half of the month, and a second half which will see more clarity.
April 1st - Mercury stations retrograde By time of posting this retrograde is in full swing: disruptions in communication, plans, travel and technology. Diana describes this as especially frustrating in Aries, trying to go one way but some huge miscommunication gets in the way. We may have to walk back on words spoken in anger and renegotiate situations where we identified the wrong target as our enemy. With the eclipse's ruler Mars conjoining Saturn on the 10th, anyone who travels for the eclipse and hangs around for a few days may run into blockages, likely due to rain and floods. Other general Mercury retrograde significations: people come back into your life, unfinished projects become relevant again, and situations from the past resurface. For example, Sagittarius risings often see the "duderang" effect where male lovers come back into their lives, as Mercury rules their Gemini 7th house. Mercury rx also brings delays and slowdowns, and is generally a good time for introspection and "emotional alchemy."
April 3rd - Venus conjoins Neptune This occurs right as she leaves the sign of Pisces. Venus-Neptune keywords: dreamy, fantastical, imaginative (especially with art), compassionate, and opportunities to find new avenues of enjoyment and pleasure. Saturn's copresence in Pisces can bring us some grounding and reality. This can also bring unclear boundaries, uncertain relationships, and idealizing one's lover--like using the soft lens. In events, AI images and videos and toxic synthetic dyes also fall under Venus-Neptune. Is the siren's call too good to be true?
April 4th - Venus enters Aries Chris hopes that Venus's copresence to the eclipse will mitigate some of its effects, but on the flipside this means she's left Mars and Saturn alone with each other in the Pisces chart of our house.
April 8th - Total Solar Eclipse in Aries This eclipse will be visible over much of the (particularly eastern) continental US:
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Diana calls it a chiron eclipse, so here's the chart with chiron:
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The Moon will eclipse the Sun at 19 Aries, which is where Chiron will be as well. Mythologically, Hercules brings back the head (North Node, Aries) of the hydra to Chiron, whose poison causes him incredible pain because he is immortal and cannot die from it. He eventually trades his immortality for Prometheus and Zeus puts him in the heavens as a constellation. Narratively, eclipses invert what we expect: it becomes dark in the middle of the day! Prominent people fall suddenly from grace and new rulers skyrocket to power during eclipses. Because the eclipse occurs in the sign of the Sun's exaltation, leaders and heads of state/organization/etc will be especially affected. A similar Chiron-influenced Aries solar eclipse occurred in 1968 when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Nelson Mandela was sent to jail under an eclipse, but was also freed under another eclipse and elected to office under yet another eclipse.
For individuals, make note of what house this occurs in for you; this will be the end of one chapter and the opening of a new one in this area of life. Anything close to 19° of Aries will definitely feel it, as will any placements at that degree of Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn (hard aspects to the cardinal signs), while 19 Leo and Sagittarius (trine to fire signs) may feel some support. Generally, this series of events in Aries-Libra began a year ago, and will have its final eclipse on this axis in March of 2025.
This eclipse is ruled by a Mars (♓) who's just about conjunct with Saturn (♓), grinding things to a halt. Whatever's happening in the Aries and Pisces place is going to take some extra time. Other keywords: the end of a life cycle, matters of great importance & turning points in world history, major disasters as well as scientific discoveries. Eclipses highlight just how much is out of our control, like being on a teacup ride that's going too fast and being unable to stop unless something hits you. 6 months later, we'll get an eclipse that connects to some of these events:
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Diana also points out that there will be an influx of tourists to rural areas of the US, advising travelers to stay courteous and noting that many local municipalities advise residents to stock up on basic supplies so they won't be lacking when a small area is flooded with new people & their needs. Generally, the eclipse will be a very creepy experience, with the Sun going completely dark, colors becoming muted, and stars may even be visible--some cultures have warnings against going outside during eclipses. Back to metaphors, Chris points out that the small seeds of much larger events are often planted during eclipses. Sometimes you don't know until later just how important this obscured implantation is because, like the Sun, our vision is occulted. Take notes, even of subtle things.
April 10th - Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces We expect the two malefics to bring us challenges: their conjunctions in late Capricorn & early Aquarius heralded the first COVID lockdowns, and other hard aspects brought new variants and similar pandemic news. In 2022 a Mars-Saturn conjunction occurred with an epidemic of ebola. However, note that these are all airborne viruses, and these movements occurred with Saturn in the air sign of Aquarius. What will this look like in Pisces, a water sign? Chris predicts that existing Saturn-Pisces issues with water pollution and maritime trade/travel will have destructive moments as Mars comes in, while Diana thinks about water as a vector of disease, such as cholera & sewage treatment. Now that deep permafrost is melting due to climate change, we may also see new pathogens or substances released, as well as complications from farm water runoff. We'll definitely see the effects of this Baltimore bridge collapse, and, with the outbreak of dengue fever in Latin America, may see developments around diseases borne of insect bites. We may also hear about the ill effects of microplastics, lead, and asbestos as a result of this conjunction. More generally: pollution, ocean, liquids, extremes of hot and cold, feelings of constraint (and literal constraint), and spiritual or emotional burnout. Pisces is a sign of inescapable enmeshment with each other, so we'll likely deal with compassion fatigue and emotional isolation (especially involving social media). Questions of whether or not something is "real" remain relevant as ever.
On the positive side, Mars-Saturn brings discipline and self-control. Sometimes Mars and Saturn can temper each other to give us self-sustaining focus. We can combine hard-won wisdom with the drive we need to achieve it, like a martial arts training montage. Do we have the belief and conviction to achieve mastery? With determination we can reach heights we once only imagined. There's also stamina, resilience, and rigidity. Overlapping with the Mercury retrograde, we can also see delays and obstructions. If there are boundaries you've been meaning to enact, now is the time. We can see potential pitfalls, but beware of pessimism and not believing in yourself. Resentment and pent-up anger can also come into play as Mars's impulse butts up against Saturn's inaction, but incremental progress adds up.
April 11th - Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury (Cazimi) This marks a turning point in the retrograde. Diana uses a spelunking metaphor: during the retrograde we're diving into the cave, and at the cazimi we've found our treasure...but we still have to make our way back out. Our personal eclipse stories may become clearer during this time as well.
April 19th - Sun enters Taurus, Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus Venus will help sweeten communications during the last week of Mercury's regression.
April 20th - Jupiter conjunct Uranus This brings freedom, liberation, and sudden rapid growth--completely different from the Mars-Saturn activity earlier this month. This may also set us up for the Jupiter-Mars conjunction later this summer. The Uranus in Taurus story has brought labor organizing and unions to prominence, so expect those stories to intensify during this conjunction. General keywords: technological breakthroughs and scientific discoveries, sudden revelations and growth, revolutions, rupture, and unexpected shifts. This conjunction takes place every 14 years, so Chris expects new discoveries, optimism and "quantum leaps" or new precedents in some fields. In Taurus this is related to food and agriculture--in addition to new technologies we'll likely see further developments with the farmer's protests in India and Europe. Finance and money is another Taurus signification, so disruptions in banks & questions about decentralizing currency may arise. Freedom, rebellion, and general eccentricity become important. We'll feel like anything is possible, but in disregarding the rules and refusing to compromise we may make rash decisions.
The comet Pons-Brooks may also start to become visible during this time. It comes by about every 80 years and is named for its 18th century discoverers. Ancient literature on comets is similar to that of eclipse: an ominous phenomenon heralding the deaths of rulers and falls of kingdoms. However, they note the color and appearance as indicating some positive effects when associated with Jupiter, and the planets whose path it crosses are relevant as well. Pons-Brooks passes closely by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, putting an exclamation point on the planetary significations.
April 23rd - Scorpio Full Moon
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We're finally out of eclipse season, so things are starting to calm down. However, this lunation (04♏) squares Pluto (02♒), bringing some conflict in. It'll be stabilizing, but not necessarily comforting. Acceptance is bittersweet medicine. The full moon illuminates the deep transformative experiences Pluto brings to the early degrees of fixed signs in our charts. We're really getting to the bedrock of things. When Venus enters Taurus she'll square Pluto, and Mars will trine Pluto when he enters Aries. With those personal planets in domicile, it'll feel like coming home, but home is a little different. Pluto will retrograde soon and Chris predicts this station will bring major events in AI and related technologies. Mars is also quickly nearing his conjunction with Neptune, bringing the weaponization of these technologies.
April 25th - Mercury stations direct
April 28th - Mars conjunct Neptune (typo in image) Aside from weaponization of AI and social media, Mars-Neptune also connotes the manipulation of reality for political purposes. Revealing that a shocking news story was actually false wont necessarily diffuse the feelings it arose. Even if it didn't happen, you may still hold resentment towards the wrong target. Think the "fog of war" or shadowboxing. Other keywords include conflicts in or about water, idealism & ideologically-charged conflicts, confusion, acid, corrosion, lethargy, sapped vitality, and unnecessary martyrdom.
April 29th - Venus enters Taurus She immediately squares Pluto. Venus in domicile brings us to the election for the month:
April 29th - Selected auspicious election (not pictured)
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Set the chart for about 12:55PM local time, which gets you Leo rising with the Ascendant ruler Sun in the 10th whole sign house in Taurus, where it's copresent with Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus. This chart is good for 10th house matters like career, reputation, social standing, overall life direction and accomplishing goals. The Moon is in Capricorn, applying to a trine with Jupiter, bringing support. Mercury has stationed direct, bringing us away from some of the delays and issues we experienced earlier. Even the Mars-Saturn conjunction is about as far away as we can get, and a day chart Jupiter conjunct Uranus brings creativity to our efforts. Diana associates the 10th house with the gestating parent and thus recommends doing something nice for your mom now.
April 30th - Mars enters Aries Entering firey and decisive Aries, Mars is no longer encumbered by slow Saturn and diffuse Neptune. This complete chapter change comes with a sextile to Pluto--the tone shift will feel like getting our oxygen back. This opens us up for a lot of quick movements through Aries and Gemini in May.
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nico-esoterica · 6 months
tw: mentions of sexual abuse and trauma
More on Diddy - He's currently in a 7H profection and will be entering an 8H one this year. News about everything w/ him kicked off around his birthday in '23. So this tells me that house ruler was obviously significant and the repercussions following flow into the 8th. That house, natally, also deals with where we feel shame. Having planets in the 8H exacerbates it. It can translate into shame over one's identity, emotions, sexuality, beliefs, etc. Exceptions of this will be if the ruler's dignified in some way by sect, triplicity, etc.
Since he's known for inflicting intense sexual abuse and trauma, imo, this is sometimes due to similar trauma experienced. Refusing to break a cycle, but that's speculative on my part. W/o that, in the chart of a sexual abuser (remember it's the PERSON--the chart provides the framework if it applies), it leads me to think there's 7th and 8th house issues. In Sasha Grey's chart, a former adult entertainment star, she had 8H planets and suffered abuse in that industry.
This isn't to say 8H planets INHERENTLY mean this. Plenty of people lead happy lives with them. But the relationship between the 7th and 8th house translates in a mundane sense to what we transactionally owe or are 'owed.' This is why there's many cases of people who inherit money being in 8H profection year when a family member passes (derivative 5th from the 4th--a child receiving benefits). And in other cases, those transactions translate emotionally into someone's boundaries being eroded through abuse and coercion. This is why w/ 8H synastry, there's this feeling of one or both parties involved feeling as if they have 'power over the other.' That dynamic can be healing and welcomed or oppressive.
When this translates physically, this is where sexual abuse can be on the table. Because an abuser who's familiar with power dynamics can use them to their advantage. The eclipses last year clue us in. This is why I'm reconsidering if he's an Aries or Taurus rising because it'd shift that Libra-Scorpio emphasis to his 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th. But I personally feel as if he has 8H planets because it'd better illustrate the image of him being this monster who drags beautiful women away into the depths to 'punish' them for being beautiful and out of his reach via abuse and unspeakable horrors. Both Diddy and Cassie have a Venus-Venus conjunction in Libra. And since the SN in Libra is playing a major role here, this tells me that that sign was impacted for her and trapped in his chart somewhere.
Under threat of blackmail and further violence (death included), there's a contract in place. In an Aries Rising chart for Diddy, this would place her in his 7th. Since it's on an angle, it'd paint the public image of being very visible to those around him and it'd fit because her Virgo Sun would be in his 6H of work and it's known that that's how their relationship appeared at first/on the surface. But in her progressed chart it'd move her to a Scorpio Venus and would fall in his 8th. Meaning it starting off as a work relationship turned romantic/sexual one and it being abusive or starting off that way when she thought it'd be something different. So Aries Rising def fits. Esp with a late (double dignified) Mars in Capricorn looking down on his empire in his 10H and having free reign to harm others irreparably as he sees fit. Elevated in the 10th, he'd be super protected unless the rulers of his 12th or 7th (jupiter and venus) are under threat in his houses relating to enemies. I def wanna elaborate on this more later.
And if we look at it from this angle, it means that the upcoming Saturn and Neptune transits moving into Aries can put him under fire. But idk about a 1H Neptune transit. I like the idea of Pluto transiting his 12th for a Pisces rising permanently knocking him out.
My thoughts on this will develop.
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