#Liang Nanbaka
thenanbakacorner · 4 months
Can I request a one-shot of Liang being complimented by a fem reader? His wiki says that he hates being called cute or compared to a woman because of his beauty and that just makes me want to see how he would react to his partner calling him cute while kissing his face or pampering him in some way. Forgive me but this man is too handsome to ignore
Absolutely!! Let us praise this handsome fellow ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ
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🍑 I’m not Cute! - Liang x F!Reader 🍑
You, Upa and Liang had just wrapped up training out on the track, and were standing off to the side in the shade to cool off. It would be at least a few more minutes until Qi finished as well-- the lazy grub.
Upa had wandered off to seek out and speak to Samon, which you assumed would be about their next sparring match, leaving you and Liang to yourselves.
You glanced up at your partner, who ran a hand through his sweat-slicked hair as he lightly huffed to catch his breath. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of your handsome man in all his glory.
You just had to give that beautiful face a kiss.
So, you reached up, cupping his cheek. This made him hum in question and meet your gaze. When he saw the look on your face-- your "kiss me" face-- he smiled lightly and leaned down to lock your lips.
It was short but ever so sweet, and when Liang pulled away, he huffed a soft laugh.
"What was that for, rosebud?"
He playfully asked, teasing you lightly for the sudden need to kiss him as he reached up his own hand to cup over your hand on his cheek You laughed back, tilting your head and giving him a sweet grin.
"I can't help it. You're just so handsome. And cute, too."
Liang almost choked on his own breath at your last comment, eyes widening.
He sputtered, making you burst out laughing. Your let go of his cheek, and shrugged your shoulders in question.
"What? You are!"
Liang turned away a little and practically pouted, crossing his arms and furrowing his brows as he looked up at the sky to avoid eye contact with you. And though he tried to fight it, his cheeks lit up with a rosy blush.
"I am not cute. Handsome I'll take, but not that."
You 'awwed' at him, reaching to pet his shoulder. He glanced back at you from the corners of his eyes as you did.
"C'mon, Liang! I know you hate being called that cause of how a certain two compared you to a woman, but I say it with all my love! You don't need to see being "cute" as a negative."
Liang fought back a shudder of displeasure at remembering how Honey and Trois mistook him for a woman. The creeps.
"Don't even remind me.." He started, closing his eyes for a moment, before sighing and looking down at you. "But.. I suppose you're right."
You smiled, glad he found it in himself to push aside his anxieties even if for a moment. You moved to kiss him again, which he happily returned, and he lifted a hand to run it through your own hair, pushing it back behind your ear.
"I love you, Qīn'ài de."
He murmured against your lips, and you hummed happily, lifting your face a bit to nuzzle your nose to his.
"I love you too, cutie."
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indigosabyss · 3 months
The Not-A-Curse (JJK x Nanbaka Crossover) AU: Kyoto Goodwill Event – Possible Track for Nanba?
The Goodwill Event was a collaboration between the three major jujutsu education organizations in Japan: Tokyo Jujutsu High, Kyoto Jujutsu High, and... Nanba Training Academy.
"Why'd you say that weird?" Yuuji asked, immediately picking up on Megumi's reticence on the subject.
Gojo tapped his chin, "Well, how to put this? Even compared to sorcerers, they're weird."
"The Goodwill Event only happens either here or Kyoto because they literally will not tell us where their secret island base is." Megumi explained sourly.
"An island?!" Nobara screeched, "So unfair! I'd throw the match so we can get an island vacation next year."
"Which is exactly why we let them not host." Gojo tutted, "Otherwise, everyone has an incentive to not do their best!"
Then above them, a loud 'POOF' rang out, followed by a cloud of white smoke. When it cleared, there was a man dangling upside down from the ceiling right in front of Gojo, using a belt that resembled more of a tail wound around a lighting fixture to keep him there.
Bright red markings around his eyes heightened the dry glare leveled at their teacher from mere inches away, who smiled beatifically.
"Heard you were talking shit." The guy drawled finally. Yuuji thought he was really cool.
Gojo grinned, turning to look at his students and pointing at the interloper, "See? Weird."
(more excerpts thru the entire arc under cut)
"'Goodwill Event'." Principal Hyakushiki - nicknamed 'The Warden' - scoffed as she marched in front of the chosen six students for the event. They all straightened their spines as she continued to lecture, "Don't let your hearts soften. Don't lose sight of the target. Remember: this is war."
Zakuro gulped, leaning to whisper to his trainer, "Doctor, isn't this a bit dramat-?"
He was cut off by the Principal bellowed, "WHAT IS THIS?"
"WAR!" The rest of the group readily yelled. The Department Five duo he expected to like that sentiment, but the Dreams track guy said it with way more bloodthirst than was normal.
Jyugo didn't want to invite the Kyoto group to the school. He just happened to be passing by with Inumaki and Panda who wanted him to break into Kusakabe's car.
And now he had been cornered by this scary guy with a topknot.
"You. What's your type in women?" He asked, towering over him.
Jyugo blinked, struggling to understand how they had gone from carjacking plans to this.
"I... don't like women." He settled on saying.
"Men, then!" The interrogater switched tracks easily.
"I don't like men either." This finally hit a dead end for the guy. Was it really that strange?
"Complete emotional unattachment is his entire identity." Panda backed him up.
Mai waved a hand over the weird guy's eyes, to no reaction, "Woah, you broke Todo."
"Hey, Number Fifteen. Want to watch the event from the screen us staff get?" Gojo asked, half-distracted by a strawberry popsicle, "Your old supervisors have great taste in snacks!"
Number Fifteen shook his head, looking listlessly at the book the blind fire-cursed man had given him, "Kinda busy right now."
"Okay then, have fun staring holes into a book you clearly can't stand!" He ducked back out, beating the bad thoughts back with a stick.
Zakuro's hands were shaking lightly as he pulled Jyugo's hand into a handshake, "Holy shit, you're the original Cursed Shackles user."
Funnily enough, the Cursed Shackles were the last thing people pointed out as weird about him, in jujutsu spaces. Everyone was more excited by the Hollow Spirit aspect.
"Thanks." He managed, extracting his hand from the grip, "Should you be down here?"
"We should run away." Zakuro suggested, already thinking about the future, "This world, these chains, we don't deserve it. Let's get out of here."
Jyugo considered it. He looked back at his room, still covered with deadbolts on the outside.
The idea wasn't too unappealing.
The curse with tree roots growing out of its eyes flexed its cursed energy, facing down the young sorcerers surrounding him.
The tiny boy with plaster-white skin flickered his cursed energy wildly. His classmate in the red jumpsuit started moving back.
"Brace yourselves." He warned, "Upa is unleashing his technique."
Everyone backed away as the boy fell into a stance, waiting in anticipation as he concentrated higher and higher cursed energy into his palms. Until finally he released a blinding beam of it directly at the curse.
Smoke rose up from the spot, eviscerating the creature previously standing there.
"Your secret technique," Megumi said with withering disappointment, "was just hypercharged cursed energy blast."
"Yes." Upa said simply, "It is a talent treasured in Department Five."
Megumi fucking hated Nanba Academy.
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wolfieskies-25 · 1 month
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Rediscovered a bunch of art from a phase I had and completely forgot about; Nanbaka 2nd Gen XD I remember being obsessed with these fankids. (And poor Liu- my Liang X Upa kid- had a whole arc of a near death experience during the Hachiman fight, my poor baby boi) I should draw more of them sometime,, I miss them
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ems-ru5 · 2 years
come join the nanbaka fandom! we have:
drag queens
sparkles everywhere
gorgeous nails
definitely straight characters
so. many. colors.
zebra print everything
prison guard cats!!!!!
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nectariii · 5 months
struggling to come up with ideas for this liang fic AGHHHHHH
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feffy-draws · 2 years
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Some traditional Art I did a while ago :D I really liked these two in Nanbaka
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Hi there I saw your Queue Building Event and was wondering on sorting which Nanbaka characters which suit each Hogwarts house. Thank you
This...this made me so excited! Nobody I know gets my love for Nanbaka and it's another fandom I rarely get to write for! Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you'll enjoy, my lovely anon!
Jyugo is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Jyugo - all of his teacher's feel that if he put as much effort into their classes as he does into escaping the frequent detentions he gets, that he'd be their star student! It's the skill he shows in getting out of detentions that actually help him pass the year!
Uno is in Gryffindor! Fun fact about Uno - the Sorting Hat debated for almost three whole minutes on which house to sort him into between Gryffindor and Slytherin! He's very glad it picked Gryffindor! He finds the dungeons very, very creepy!
Rock is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Rock - he's on first name basis with all of the kitchen elves and has a very good relationship with them as he frequently praises their cooking and makes a big deal out of how delicious the snacks they give him are!
Nico is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Nico - he's gotten countless detentions for destroying the hospital ward of Hogwarts, which he is terrified of, to the point where his Boggart takes the shape of the nurse!
Tsukumo is in Slytherin! Fun fact about Tsukumo - he keeps trying and failing to start an acting club to put on plays for the other students! His habit of brutally correcting everyone's acting who joins, even though he doesn't mean to be mean or rude, makes people drop out as quickly as they join!
Hajime is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Hajime - he has a bad tendency of smoking in the Prefect's bath and is always a little nervous that one of the other Prefect's are going to rat him out one of these days and he'll get put in detention alongside all the trouble-makers who insist on making his day's that much harder!
Honey is a Slytherin! Fun fact about Honey - he is extremely talented at Charms, with his favourite spell being the Windy Spell. Shame he uses it for untoward means, such as blowing up the skirts of girls he considers attractive so he can sneak a peek at their underwear.
Trois is a Ravenclaw! Fun fact about Trois - he's notorious in his common room for the amount of dangerous machines he builds and has caused significant damage to his dormitory and common room with his machines, including once setting a dorm-mate's bed on fire with one, with the unfortunate dorm-mate asleep in it. Of course, there was no apology from Trois, who was more angry about the curse his dorm-mate threw at his machine, causing it to break.
Musashi is a Ravenclaw! Fun fact about Musashi - he's the best student not only in his year but in all the different years attending Hogwarts with him and the only thing that keeps him from being a prefect is the frequency he has to use the hospital ward or visit St. Mungo's because of his spontaneous combustion issues.
Liang is a Slytherin! Fun fact about Liang - he can see the Thestrals, hates them and fears them a little, and the carriage rides to Hogwarts always make him feel uncomfortable.
Qi is a Ravenclaw! Fun fact about Qi - he actually graduates Hogwarts and returns to become the Herbology teacher, despite having had many offers from St. Mungo's for his skill in using magical plants to develop new medicines!
Upa is a Slytherin! Fun fact about Upa - he is very talented at the Levitation Spell and uses it frequently on himself to get himself around Hogwarts easier!
Enki is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Enki - he is one of only a scant few students to have been expelled from Hogwarts.
Ruka is a Slytherin! Fun fact about Ruka - nobody knows how he does it and he never officially lays claim to it, but Ruka puts out a secret newsletter around Hogwarts every week full of the latest gossip. People are positively baffled at how he knows any of the information he gets, as it should be impossible for him to know some of what he knows!
Hachiman is a Squib. He never actually got to attend Hogwarts!
Kiji is a Slytherin! Fun fact about Kiji - he was a Slytherin prefect and abused that priviledge slightly! One of his rules as prefect was that everyone had to go through uniform checks before they left the common room to make sure everyone represented Slytherin well and looked up to Kiji's standards. To be fair, he'd often help out anyone he felt failed and his classmates were often the prettiest students.
Kenshirou is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Kenshirou - he excels in Care of Magical creatures and has a dog that is kept in the caretaker's cottage he visits everyday, since it's not allowed in the castle!
Hitoshi is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Hitoshi - he wears the female Hogwarts uniform and is actually considered one of the best-looking in the year, to the point he has an active fan-base!
Samon is a Slytherin! Fun fact about Samon - he's the first of his family to not be sorted into Gryffindor and constantly feels inadequate or bad because of that and holds a grudge against the Sorting Hat!
Inori is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Inori - he tried to join the Dueling Club but got kicked out due to getting frustrated and resolving all the duels physically!
Rokuriki is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Rokuriki - he's the Beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and has never missed a shot in all his years of playing!
Kokoriki is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Kokoriki - he wants to go on to be part of a famous Wizard Rock band!
Youriki is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Youriki - he ends up getting Howlers from his parents anytime his younger brothers get into trouble!
Yamato is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Yamato - he's an amazingly talented Beater and goes on to play Quidditch professionally.
Seitarou is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Seitarou - he tends to be the one everyone in his House comes to for help, despite also being a frequent target of their bullying!
Momoko is a Gryffindor! Fun fact about Momoko - she absolutely adores Divination class, surprising everyone around!
Mitsuru is a Hufflepuff! Fun fact about Mitsuru - he is the commentator for all of the Quidditch games and his commentary is known to be very loud and very colourful...most times even a little distracting! The teachers keep saying they're going to replace him as commentator but for some reason (Mitsuru, despite his behaviour, is wickedly talent, particularly at potions), all the students who show in interest in replacing him find themselves uninterested after a meal with him.
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qeggyinjail · 1 year
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“Thank you everyone . . . for being my friends.”
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redrage71890 · 8 months
HEY NANBAKA FANS!!! Has anyone ever thought about the linguistic skills everyone has? Concerning the fact that the cast is largely international with the inmates primarily besides the guards since majority of them are Japanese (except for Building 5 that's mainly Chinese).
Big Note: I'm not fully caught up in the manga and just basically started it, so this is all coming from an anime watcher. If its somehow explained in the manga then someone tell me please...
Though staying with the primary cast of Building 13, 3/4 of cell 13 are foreigners from specifically English speaking countries being America and Britain. So are the three of them fluent in Japanese? I guess they would because Nanba Prison is in Japanese waters with majority of everyone being Japanese. I understand that the foreign guards would have to know Japanese for obvious reasons.
So here are my personal headcanons/thoughts for the each of the primary characters in the anime (because I haven't finished the manga):
I think it depends on the pasts and learning abilities of the inmates for them to have a better understandings of learning another language and retaining that.
Jyugo: I find it hard to believe he would be able to learn another language easily or even moderately. He probably tries to copy how someone pronounces something but he struggles with reading and writing. From all the prisons he's been to internationally, he probably has basic English that was kind of refined from Uno helping.
Uno: Out of everyone in cell 13, Uno would most likely be bilingual with English and Japanese. I don't think he would be completely fluent however, he might struggle with more complex sentences or words he's unfamiliar with. (Also who doesn't think Uno might slip into some angry British English or something...)
Nico: I think Nico would be able to speak more Japanese than English because of watching anime. He can't read so he's going off hearing, so he might have picked up on words from how they're used in phrases and puts them in his everyday. Along with all the guards and Jyugo probably teaching him in some way.
Rock: Honestly, I see Rock using more English than the other three. Using it more emotively especially when he's angry or frustrated, mainly to himself. His Japanese I'd say is decent but not as fluent.
Tsukumo: Definitely bilingual and possibly trilingual. Japanese and English and I'll say Chinese that his 'mum' encouraged him to learn because of possible roles. Probably maintains them by trying them with English and Chinese speaking inmates.
Liang: Japanese and Chinese straight up. Doesn't know English well at all because of the environment and situation he grew up in, but he probably doesn't care about learning another language and just keeps Japanese and Chinese. Too busy training anyway.
Upa: Same thing with Liang. Don't really care and too busy training. English? I think he'd be really competitive against like Liang to see who's better at English.
Qi: Trilingual. Qi is pretty smart so I'm not surprised he would know three languages or so. He might've had foreign clients before he went to prison so he'd have to know English at least. Its Japanese, Chinese and English he knows to spell it out.
Musashi: Most likely the most knowledgeable out of the inmates, considering Musashi went to college so I'm saying trilingual. For all I know he might not be fluent in Japanese but he’s certainly fluent in German and English for obvious reasons (he’s German if anyone forgot).
Honey: Bilingual. He’s half Japanese and American but we don’t know anything about his family so who knows if he was actually taught Japanese at a young age. But Honey is quite smart with his bullets and the thread so I’d say he knows English and Japanese well to near fluency.
Trois: Most likely also bilingual but possibly trilingual. Trois is very intelligent considering his somewhat sadistic self with machinery, in my mind he probably has enough brain space for two at least languages. French is one and the other is Japanese, I said trilingual because I'm not sure if he would know English somehow.
They gotta be smart in a way and physically strong enough to keep these inmates from escaping. Not to mention the foreign guards having to learn another language to work at Nanba.
Hajime: Strikes me as a man that at least knows decent English but not fluent. I think he's very knowledgeable in other languages but he's too busy to study them or learn them.
Yamato: I don't think Yamato knows a lot of English or any other language besides Japanese. I'm not sure how he met his wife since she's Russian but I think she's bilingual while he isn't really.
Seitarou: Shy English speaker and isn't that confident in his skills, but he knows it decently. Though he doesn't give a vibe that he knows anything other than Japanese or English.
Samon: For obvious reasons he's bilingual with Japanese and Chinese. I like to think that the Chinese inmates and guards talk to each other in Chinese as a way of retaining the language. I see Samon helping some inmates retain their Chinese if some happen to forget like writing.
Inori: Again, bilingual. Highly doubt he would try to learn another language. Would he speak it at Nanba with anyone else? Honestly, he might but probably not often at all yet he somehow still remembers his Chinese.
Kenshirou: I'll be honest here, Kenshirou most likely knows the basics for a bunch of languages from his years in the police and he might of had to pick up basics for other languages for situations or so. Currently, I see his linguistics being a bit broken from not using it and or he forgets because of his work.
Hitoshi: Probably really knowledgeable on linguistics and other cultures but might have trouble speaking. Is very curious about other cultures and actually wouldn't mind learning from the people and feeling a great amount of appreciation for them. Considering the fact that he remembers that Hajime told him that Germans like beer a lot so I think Hitoshi wouldn't mind learning about other languages.
Kiji: This is hard. But I don't think Kiji would be extremely good with learning another language but I think he would know a few words. Like random words he can use and say in the correct times, though he probably would be too busy with his duties
Mitsuru: Ironically, probably knows many languages and surprisingly doesn't butcher any of them. Most likely favours English the most and is most likely fluent. Reason I'd say is from music he listens to or just saying shit for the jokes and memes.
Momoko: Relatively knowledgeable on other languages but isn't fluent in those languages. I'd say as the warden she'd have to encounter many foreigners so she'd know other languages for conversation and what's necessary.
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lolis1n · 1 year
My favorite Jyugo panels
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rosalind-hawkins · 4 months
One love triangle/polyship that I've never talked about is from Nanbaka. Samon Gokuu, Rokuriki Daisen, and Liang create a very complicated and delicious love triangle.
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Samon, as the head supervisor of Building Five, has the most power in the relationship. Liang absolutely adores Samon as his mentor and inspiration, wanting to make him proud and learn everything that he's willing to teach.
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Liang also has great respect for Rokuriki and his unique fighting style, and was genuinely upset and offput to see him under the control of the talisman, so much so that it affected his ability to defend himself.
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Meanwhile Rokuriki is also respectful and admiring of Samon, accepting his more merciful, recovery-focused leadership style over Enki's brutality.
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Even if you remove the romance and platonize it into a broship, it's still a very fascinating, enriching dynamic that the three of them share together: Rokuriki bringing some fun into their lives while Liang sees Samon as his only chance at ever being rejuvenated and being able to rejoin society.
And Samon feels fulfilled by the respect he receives and seeing the fruits of his leadership through both his guard and his inmate. They're both his apprentices, but in different ways. They're all learning and being fulfilled and training hard and achieving their potential.
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It's just so wholesome and healthy. UNTIL you consider that this is an inmate working with two prison guards, one of whom is the other's boss. They might all keep things platonic purely because the power imbalance is too precarious, and getting involved any deeper than that is just a recipe for trouble, because these men all still have their pride. Imagine these intense, tryhard boys all pining for each other and being desperate for a hug or a kiss or a touch, and they have to hold back because all three of those relationships are terribly forbidden: a guard with an inmate or a guard with his superior. Both are a big no.
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thenanbakacorner · 1 month
Can you write some headcanons of Liang, Trois, Honey and Kiji with a fem reader who has a mesmerizing song that can put anyone to sleep and that she uses to relax them after they went through a stressful situation? I just want something fluff 😔😔
Daww absolutely! Lez get sum fluff up in here (♡^▽^♡)
With the inmates you are their cellmate, and with Kiji, you are a guard!
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🍑 Liang 🍑
Liang had a rough day of training, nothing seeming to go his way. First he failed to beat Samon, then he tripped up while pulling tires, then he pulled a muscle..
He was beyond upset and stressed. What was with him today? He's better than this mess he's been!
When you offer to help him calm down, he's hesitant, but agrees-- anything to help him feel better, he guesses
You lay his head on your lap and start to quietly sing, and he finds himself quickly relaxing
His eyes fall shut and he practically melts into your lap, starting to doze off as he feels the stress melting away with each note of your song
When he wakes up, you have him settled on the bed, and for a moment he misses laying on your lap
He makes a mental note to turn to you for assistance when he's stressed the next time around.. and every time after that
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🎱 Trois 🎱
Trois had a bit of a headache from stress and irritation; there was a big argument at the mess hall between a few bickering inmates and he got caught in the crossfire of thrown food
His perfectly good, freshly cleaned outfit was soiled with gravy, rice grains and other mystery stains
Kiji got on his case about it, complaining about how many things he'd have to do to prevent the stains from being permanent
When you offered to help him de-stress, his only reply was a sullen nod and a soft "Please."
You pulled him against you, letting his head rest on your shoulder, and as you started to sing, you could feel him relax against you, going almost bonelessly limp
It didn't take long for him to pass out, almost falling down as he did, so you carefully moved him to be laying on the bed, though he muttered a little objection as you moved him
He may or may not lie about headaches and stress in the future when he feels like cuddling up to you and falling asleep to your singing voice
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🎯 Honey 🎯
After losing several games with Uno in the game room, and being the victim of some pointed teasing and taunts, he was practically ripping his beautiful purple hair out
Before you offered to calm him down, he was stomping around your cell, muttering under his breath and huffing out curses and bad will on Uno
You end up grabbing him by the wrist to snap him out of his rage and calmly tell him to relax, before leading him to the bunk so you can sit down with him
As you start singing, his breathing slows slowly but surely, and he crease in his brows soften
Eventually he sags a bit, and leans to rest against your shoulder, finding it hard to stay infuriated under such a soothing song that had him feeling drowsy
As he dozes further, you move him to be resting against your lap, and you run your fingers through his hair, only making him more sleepy with each drag of your fingers
Even as he sleeps, he has a hold on your wrist as you go to move away, pretty much forcing you to stay by him as he slept off his irritation
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🦚 Kiji 🦚
Hajime had gotten himself suspended again after he broke an inmate's teeth for getting sassy with him, leaving Kiji and some of his fellow supervisors to pick up the slack
Kiji was sat at his desk as he filled out paperwork, a hand in his hair as he sighed wearily; this was the 3rd stack he'd gone through.
You were known amongst the guards as a "song bird", being able to sooth anyone's worries with your singing, so Kiji had no hesitation to ring you up to his office
You pulled up a chair to sit next to him, and while he worked, you worked your own magic; singing to him quietly while rubbing his shoulder in a comforting manner
What Kiji didn't expect though was to be so enamored by your voice that as you sang to him, he'd start to drift off, his eyes getting heavy
Eventually he ends up letting his eyes fall shut, resulting in him slumping over his desk and starting to snore
Not wanting to bother him when he very clearly needed a power nap, you take the paperwork out from under his chin and work on it yourself, getting the majority of it done to save Kiji anymore trouble
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nanbafreak · 4 months
Qi about to visit b4 and trying to have a nice normal day:- See you later alligator!
Liang:-Doubt that, sewer rat
Upa:-I don't care, panda bear
Liang:-I hate you, kangaroo
Upa:-Curl up and die, butterfly
Qi puts his hand down:-Why are you guys like this?....
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kusafujifae · 6 months
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❀ { kiss the kitsune } ❀
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54745114 koinosuke x reader • romantic fluff • gift for @notnezzy <3
Finally, the workday was over. Your job had been more demanding than usual today and had left you with an overwhelming sense of fatigue. You wanted nothing more than to change into some comfy clothes, grab a snack, and feel your loving partner's arms wrap around you. Unfortunately, Koinosuke's hours at Nanba Prison were lengthy and unpredictable, which meant you'd be left to your own devices for at least a few more hours.
As you fiddled with the keys to the apartment you both shared and turned the handle, you were greeted with a sight that evaporated all the day's stress in an instant. There in the corner of the kitchen, with a ladle in hand and the other resting on his hip, was your boyfriend Koinosuke. His white hair was tied loosely behind him with a thin ribbon and he was wearing the customized "Kiss the Kitsune" apron you had gifted him for Valentine's Day. As you set your bag down, Koinosuke turned at the gentle noise and immediately set down his cooking utensils with a smile. He quickly glided past the dining room and scooped you into a tight, warm embrace. You both sighed happily in unison.
"My dear, I have missed you all day." He spoke with an airiness to his voice. His hands shifted to better cradle you while his eyes met yours. You couldn't help but melt into his touch and laugh quietly.
"What are you doing here, babe? Thought you had work."
"I decided to take the day off to treat you, love. And by the looks of it, I made the right decision." His eyebrows drew partly together, indicating his concern as his dark eyes scanned your features for more signs of weariness. "Long day?"
"How could you tell?" You remarked with a wry grin as Koinosuke's head tilted knowingly to the side.
"Are you really asking me that? I know you better than anyone, and I pride myself on that fact." The man exhaled as he took his hair down, letting it cascade down his shoulders and back, taking full advantage of how much he knew you adored the sight. "Which is exactly why I've already centered the evening around you and your comfort. Just let me take care of everything."
With that, he planted a supple kiss on your lips and twirled you around, leading you to the sofa in the living room. He motioned for you to sit down, and as you did he could be seen lighting the candles that were perched on the console and end tables in front of you. The smell of cardamom and amber swirled through the atmosphere while Koinosuke stood up behind you and rested his lithe hands on your shoulders. You let out a deep breath and allowed yourself to sink into the plush fabric of the couch, tilting your head back to look at your partner through lidded eyes.
A chuckle escaped from your lips almost in disbelief. "Are you an angel?"
"I should be the one asking you that." Koinosuke leaned forward and whispered into your neck in between kisses. "You are what I've been waiting for my entire life, the sole reason I can sleep in peace and wake in bliss. As close to perfection as a human could ever be."
Everyone knew Koinosuke was a romantic, you more than anyone, but this was different...this love bordered on veneration. His careful grip on your shoulders stiffened and slacked with the rhythm one would use to recite a prayer. His deft fingers ghosted over your collarbone with affection and reverence, the kind Galatea surely experienced from humble Pygmalion. Although, instead of being a creation of his own, you were a work of art solely by your own efforts. For someone like you to be in his life, to be in his home, to be his...was a miracle in and of itself. Surely he must have done something right to have been blessed to share his existence with you, and now that he had you Koinosuke would make sure to worship you forever.
Once all of your achiness had been rubbed away and you were lying comfortably on your back, Koinosuke unrolled the oversized crimson blanket that was at your feet. He had insisted on buying it when you both went shopping for the apartment, and even though it was somewhat impractical you were glad he got it. It was a beautiful cashmere that effortlessly covered both of your bodies, and the color only added to its luxury. You watched as your partner was swathed by its velvety fabric and as he crawled over your frame on the couch. God, he was so weak for you. You could see it in the way his pupils dilated and hear it in the way his breath picked up. You could smell it in the shampoo he switched to because it was your favorite and taste it on his lips that spoke your name like an orison. You could even feel it as your hand reached up to his chest to feel just how madly his heart was beating for you.
He closed his eyes and shuddered as his head fell forward, causing a few pale strands to gently slide onto your face. You laughed at the ticklish sensation and tucked some of his hair behind his ear to better view the blush creeping onto his features. Koinosuke was just about to go in for another kiss and cuddle you for the rest of the evening when you noticed that his apron was still tied securely around his waist.
"Koinosuke? Weren't you making something when I came home?"
The man paused and laughed but with a slight sense of nervousness. "I was...but I was already finished by the time you came back, you see. Besides, I can't focus on anything other than you when you're with me, so it was only natural that I stopped."
You swooned for probably the thousandth time that evening but managed to focus the conversation back on your boyfriend's cooking before you forgot again. "Sooo...what's on tonight's menu then?"
Koinosuke leaned back so he was no longer on top of you and averted his eyes. "Well, it was supposed to be miso soup but-"
"Oh, that sounds delicious!" You beamed before rising and slipping out of the blanket. "Warm soup and snuggles with my partner after work? I must be the luckiest person on the planet, hehe."
"I was thinking the same thing..." Koinosuke gulped as he trailed after you and into the kitchen.
"You really didn't have to treat me to all this, Koinosuke." You spoke as you grabbed a bowl from the overhead cabinet. "It's enough that I get to come home to you every night, but I can't say I don't enjoy the extra pampering, hehe."
Your boyfriend nodded in anxious agreement as the pit in his stomach got heavier, and he couldn't help but shut his eyes and turn away as you lifted the pot lid.
"Um, is this it or...?" Your eyebrow quirked upwards in confusion. What sat before you was a murky, brown concoction that had no vegetables, no tofu, and miraculously no moisture anywhere in its composition. You picked the pot up and shifted it from side to side, watching as the sludge oozed along and stuck to the sides of the container. "I take it this isn't exactly what you were going for-"
"Please, love. I'm embarrassed enough." Koinosuke whimpered as he held the neatly folded apron an arm's length away. "I don't deserve this treasure anymore, I'm unworthy of it. In fact, I'll never set foot in our kitchen ever again-"
"Woah woah woah, slow down babe!" You panicked as you put the pot back onto the stovetop. "No one is mad, okay? I could never be upset at you, especially after all the trouble you went through for me today."
The pitiful man in front of you sniveled as his shoulders slumped in defeat. "But it's not even soup anymore! I thought I was following the recipe down to a tee but it ended in disaster..."
"And that's fine! Koinosuke please, it's going to be alright, I promise." Your hands outstretched to cup his dejected face and only then did his woeful eyes meet yours. Before he could get another word in, you pressed a deep kiss to his lips that had his eyebrows knitting together and his hands clutching at the apron he now held close. It was breathy and drawn out, but you knew this was the only way for him to stop degrading himself and actually listen to what you had to say. When you finally broke the kiss, Koinosuke was a blushing mess with a vulnerable expression and a rapid heart rate to match.
"Listen. I know you wanted this dish to be perfect, but just because it wasn't doesn't mean that this evening was any less enjoyable. It's moments like these that make our nights especially memorable, and I wouldn't trade this experience or you for the world."
"But, dear I..." Koinosuke started but paused as he saw a pout begin to form on your face. His heart ached at the sight, so he decided to choose a better set of words for you.
"...Thanks. For everything, for all of this." He sighed, setting the apron on the counter behind him and wrapping his arms around your torso. "I tried my best and it didn't work out, but you help to remind me every day that it's human nature to make mistakes, and that that's okay." His eyes fluttered shut as he pulled you closer so that your forms were flush against each other. He nuzzled into your skin and peppered kisses wherever he was able, all the while running his thumbs on your back in a soothing rhythm. You had never felt safer, and while your hearts' had begun to beat at the same time, something else had synchronized between you.
A mortifyingly loud grumble erupted from your stomachs simultaneously, and you both couldn't help but let a few giggles escape.
"Wanna get takeout, tonight?" You said in between chuckles.
Koinosuke looked at you through watery eyes with a grin so wide that it made his cheeks sore. Whether those tears were from laughter or his love for you wasn't important right now. What did matter was that you were his and he was yours. He wiped his eyes and kissed you before cracking up again.
"Yeah, takeout sounds perfect."
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ems-ru5 · 2 years
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baby liang is so precious
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applesauce-drawz · 1 year
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Cactus Upa…
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