#hyakushiki momoko
thenanbakacorner · 3 months
Can you write the reaction of Momoko, Hitoshi and Enki when their partner, who is usually very cold and not affectionate, finally is affectionate and sweet towards them kissing and hugging them in public or private?
Oooohh, yis! Lets give these folks some lovins!
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💎 Momoko 💎
Momoko loves her partner dearly, but secretly, she longed for a more affectionate behavior
She understood it wasn't her place to try and demand anything from them, that they just weren't a very affectionate person
For a good few months into the relationship she was alone with her thoughts on wondering if her lover would ever give her the extra loving she desired
She was caught at a loss for words when her partner came into her office one day and stole a kiss and a big hug from her
She gladly returned the kiss and hug eagerly. Probably a bit too eagerly and she was silently thankful that it was just the two of them in her office at the moment
Once pulled away she had the most lovestruck look on her face and thanked them for their affections, that it was much-needed
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🐇 Hitoshi 🐇
Like Momoko, Hitoshi wished his partner was even just a smidge more affectionate. Even a little hug every now and then would suffice
But he still cared for his partner more than anything in the world and wouldn't argue with their personality and physical touch preferences
After all, he can still cuddle and dote on his lover in his dreams
Then, one day, they wrap their arms around him from behind while he's on the job and kiss his cheek, and he's practically swept off his feet
Turns around so fast one could wonder how the boy didn't get whiplash, cups their cheeks, and smashes his lips to theirs
Playfully asks what the occasion was with the most giddy and loving smile
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🗻 Enki 🗻
Being a cold, distant type as well and one to not be that affectionate himself, Enki was content with his partner not desiring any physical affection
Though if they ever were to want it, he wouldn't deny them
He was on the job, making his rounds, when his partner suddenly showed up and spoke his name to get his attention
He's quite stunned when they take him into a hug and kiss him, staring at them for a moment wordlessly
He gives a soft huff of a chuckle after the shock wears off and wraps his own arms around them, kissing them in return
Maybe this whole "affection" and "lovey dovey" stuff isn't that bad. He could get used to it should his partner would do it more often
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indigosabyss · 3 months
The Not-A-Curse (JJK x Nanbaka Crossover) AU: Kyoto Goodwill Event – Possible Track for Nanba?
The Goodwill Event was a collaboration between the three major jujutsu education organizations in Japan: Tokyo Jujutsu High, Kyoto Jujutsu High, and... Nanba Training Academy.
"Why'd you say that weird?" Yuuji asked, immediately picking up on Megumi's reticence on the subject.
Gojo tapped his chin, "Well, how to put this? Even compared to sorcerers, they're weird."
"The Goodwill Event only happens either here or Kyoto because they literally will not tell us where their secret island base is." Megumi explained sourly.
"An island?!" Nobara screeched, "So unfair! I'd throw the match so we can get an island vacation next year."
"Which is exactly why we let them not host." Gojo tutted, "Otherwise, everyone has an incentive to not do their best!"
Then above them, a loud 'POOF' rang out, followed by a cloud of white smoke. When it cleared, there was a man dangling upside down from the ceiling right in front of Gojo, using a belt that resembled more of a tail wound around a lighting fixture to keep him there.
Bright red markings around his eyes heightened the dry glare leveled at their teacher from mere inches away, who smiled beatifically.
"Heard you were talking shit." The guy drawled finally. Yuuji thought he was really cool.
Gojo grinned, turning to look at his students and pointing at the interloper, "See? Weird."
(more excerpts thru the entire arc under cut)
"'Goodwill Event'." Principal Hyakushiki - nicknamed 'The Warden' - scoffed as she marched in front of the chosen six students for the event. They all straightened their spines as she continued to lecture, "Don't let your hearts soften. Don't lose sight of the target. Remember: this is war."
Zakuro gulped, leaning to whisper to his trainer, "Doctor, isn't this a bit dramat-?"
He was cut off by the Principal bellowed, "WHAT IS THIS?"
"WAR!" The rest of the group readily yelled. The Department Five duo he expected to like that sentiment, but the Dreams track guy said it with way more bloodthirst than was normal.
Jyugo didn't want to invite the Kyoto group to the school. He just happened to be passing by with Inumaki and Panda who wanted him to break into Kusakabe's car.
And now he had been cornered by this scary guy with a topknot.
"You. What's your type in women?" He asked, towering over him.
Jyugo blinked, struggling to understand how they had gone from carjacking plans to this.
"I... don't like women." He settled on saying.
"Men, then!" The interrogater switched tracks easily.
"I don't like men either." This finally hit a dead end for the guy. Was it really that strange?
"Complete emotional unattachment is his entire identity." Panda backed him up.
Mai waved a hand over the weird guy's eyes, to no reaction, "Woah, you broke Todo."
"Hey, Number Fifteen. Want to watch the event from the screen us staff get?" Gojo asked, half-distracted by a strawberry popsicle, "Your old supervisors have great taste in snacks!"
Number Fifteen shook his head, looking listlessly at the book the blind fire-cursed man had given him, "Kinda busy right now."
"Okay then, have fun staring holes into a book you clearly can't stand!" He ducked back out, beating the bad thoughts back with a stick.
Zakuro's hands were shaking lightly as he pulled Jyugo's hand into a handshake, "Holy shit, you're the original Cursed Shackles user."
Funnily enough, the Cursed Shackles were the last thing people pointed out as weird about him, in jujutsu spaces. Everyone was more excited by the Hollow Spirit aspect.
"Thanks." He managed, extracting his hand from the grip, "Should you be down here?"
"We should run away." Zakuro suggested, already thinking about the future, "This world, these chains, we don't deserve it. Let's get out of here."
Jyugo considered it. He looked back at his room, still covered with deadbolts on the outside.
The idea wasn't too unappealing.
The curse with tree roots growing out of its eyes flexed its cursed energy, facing down the young sorcerers surrounding him.
The tiny boy with plaster-white skin flickered his cursed energy wildly. His classmate in the red jumpsuit started moving back.
"Brace yourselves." He warned, "Upa is unleashing his technique."
Everyone backed away as the boy fell into a stance, waiting in anticipation as he concentrated higher and higher cursed energy into his palms. Until finally he released a blinding beam of it directly at the curse.
Smoke rose up from the spot, eviscerating the creature previously standing there.
"Your secret technique," Megumi said with withering disappointment, "was just hypercharged cursed energy blast."
"Yes." Upa said simply, "It is a talent treasured in Department Five."
Megumi fucking hated Nanba Academy.
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ciaossu-imagines · 8 months
Could you write something, you’re allowed to choose the format, of Namba going through a zombie apocalypse?
Of course I can! Thank you for sending this in, since I mentioned having a lot of ideas for this that I never thought I'd get the chance to rant about and now I can! I hope you'll all enjoy the ranting!
So, the zombie apocalypse comes to Nanba Prison. There's a couple ways I could see it happening. One way it could go is that a visitor, or even one of the prison staff or guards, could unknowingly have gotten infected on the mainland. Maybe they had a random and bizarre experience with someone already zombified and they blamed the encounter on someone just being high on bath salts. Maybe the food they ate carried the virus needed to create zombies. Whatever way it happened, they unwittingly got exposed to whatever makes people turn into zombies and then, when they did get onto the island, the virus really took hold and they went full zombie and started attacking. While that initial zombie was probably put down and put down relatively quickly, they managed to do some damage and spread the virus to at least a couple more people, who then spread it to a couple more before they could be killed and so on and so forth until it's getting more and more difficult to keep up with putting them out of their misery.
Another way it could happen? It could definitely be an experiment the Otogi's were working on together that went terribly, terribly wrong. I think I prefer the first one a little better, just because in this kind of scenario, the Otogi's would either become some of the first to go zombie or just straight up get killed and that really puts Nanba in a real tight spot as to whether anyone survives because they really need their healers and researchers.
Now, in a way, Nanba is the perfect place for the zombie apocalypse to really break out. It's not only inescapable but it's pretty impenetrable, not only with the high walls and security feature but by the simple fact that it is an island. There's only one way on, one way off really. I think that's something that was banked upon during the first initial outbreak, when things were getting bad but still seemed to be under control. Momo ordered all forms of transportation to the island to cease temporarily but overall, the guards figured their strength and diligence alone could prevent it from spreading.
When things started to spin and the zombies started getting more plentiful in number, too much to easily control and take down, Nanba goes into full lockdown mode. Each building is quarantined, much like how we saw Building 5 during the Enki arc. Travel between different buildings is forbidden and the guards are given the orders. Squash this zombie uprising, protect your prisoners, and prevent any prisoners from trying to escape.
In headquarters, Momoko is in charge, overseeing everything, and really tries to keep a handle on the situation. She plans and oversees this as the commanding chief of an army would and believe me, she puts her army to good use.
Of course, she's only able to do that because Mitsuru is also locked safely in headquarters with her. If it wasn't for Mitsuru's communications and technological skills keeping all the different buildings connected and updates kept coming at hourly intervals, Nanba would likely have fallen completely.
Of course, the Otogi's and KAGU-8 are also within headquarters, commanding their teams in a joint effort operation to figure out what the hell is causing all this, to find a cure for it, and to figure the best way to get that cure out to everyone who might need it.
KAGU-8 actually comes in incredibly useful as well because, as a robot, she is immune to becoming a zombie. She goes out of the building whenever it's deemed safe (as in, she won't let anything in and they know she can't transmit the virus back to them as it's not anything skin to skin contact), acting in a variety of manners. Not only can she give them a better view of the actual situation outside of their building, but she can act as a go-between and aid various buildings in need of support.
Because animals also seem to be completely immune to being turned zombie, Kyakuya, Hiiragi, Tsubaki, Sazanka, and Kikiyou also help KAGU-8 in those kind of roles and they're also a valuable source of intel for Building 4.
And Building 4? It makes itself useful. Not only is Yozakura exceptionally strong and more than capable of taking down a single zombie, but he is a very smart man and knows how to research and investigate. Musashi actually is allowed out of his cell, though he must still be closely supervised every minute, under the orders of the Warden, to help as that is something Musashi excels at as well. Building 4 really dedicates itself to helping Headquarters' research and investigation team as much as they possibly can. Even though Hitoshi isn't really the most skilled at research, they help by taking care of the others, rationing out food while still making sure everyone is fed, and really taking over the supervising of the other guards and the overseeing of the prisoners.
Speaking of food, it becomes clear after the first week or so that travel must be established between the different buildings so that rations and provisions can be shared. Not only that, but after the first building or two fell due to zombies, it became apparent that staff needed to have a way for backup to reach them in case things did start to go bad inside a building.
While Momoko and Hajime will definitely need to have a meeting after this whole thing is over, it's really Building 13's time to shine when it comes to finding ways for the Buildings to safely travel between each other. While Jyugo and the others normally keep their travelling within Building 13, Jyugo has probably snuck around to other buildings without Hajime or the boys noticing, just because he could. And with the inmates of Building 13 really being given a little leniency, and the blueprints to Nanba, it's a walk in the park for them to figure out, test, and secure safe passage between the various buildings. Anyone going between the buildings must be accompanied by a Guard, and honestly Building 13's supervisors and guards have the best reputation and everyone wants them to accompany them. The pure amount of just stupid levels of strength and combat that both Yamato and Hajime have make them more than capable of taking on any zombies that come their way. Seitarou and Tsukumo, meanwhile, actually have really fast reflexes and a kind of stealth that makes them really talented at going safely in between the different buildings and at leading groups between buildings.
Building 3 finds their purpose during the apocalypse in several ways. Not only do Honey and Trois team up but they also team up with Ruka under the supervision of Kiji and start to produce various weapons and battle plans and tactics. Honey often collaborates with Building 4, Uno, and even the Warden herself on one occasion when it comes to tactics and plans. But they also do something else that proves useful as the apocalypse wears on. The communications channel gets turned over to Building 3 once a day, where Kiji or other staff from Building 3 just spread positivity, remind everyone of why they're fighting, assure them that things will return to normal, and remind everyone that they also need to take care of themselves. Shower as often as you can, make sure you get your beauty rest, don't forget good skin-care and little mindfulness breaks, just to keep yourself looking and feeling the best you can. After all, if you look and feel good, you can conquer anything, even a horde of zombies.
Building 5 tends to be the building most everyone counts on to actually go out and put those plans and tactics into action. They're really the front-line soldiers of this battle and not without very good reason. Not only are the guards of Building 5 exceptionally physically and mentally strong, but it's inmates are normally quite physically strong and talented fighters in their own rights. Even Qi gets drafted, becoming a sort of combat medic and he's the one to test the zombie antidote, each time the Research Team thinks they have perfected it, out in the field. Other inmates and guards from different buildings do back them up whenever possible, but they are really the ones in charge down on the ground.
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redrage71890 · 8 months
HEY NANBAKA FANS!!! Has anyone ever thought about the linguistic skills everyone has? Concerning the fact that the cast is largely international with the inmates primarily besides the guards since majority of them are Japanese (except for Building 5 that's mainly Chinese).
Big Note: I'm not fully caught up in the manga and just basically started it, so this is all coming from an anime watcher. If its somehow explained in the manga then someone tell me please...
Though staying with the primary cast of Building 13, 3/4 of cell 13 are foreigners from specifically English speaking countries being America and Britain. So are the three of them fluent in Japanese? I guess they would because Nanba Prison is in Japanese waters with majority of everyone being Japanese. I understand that the foreign guards would have to know Japanese for obvious reasons.
So here are my personal headcanons/thoughts for the each of the primary characters in the anime (because I haven't finished the manga):
I think it depends on the pasts and learning abilities of the inmates for them to have a better understandings of learning another language and retaining that.
Jyugo: I find it hard to believe he would be able to learn another language easily or even moderately. He probably tries to copy how someone pronounces something but he struggles with reading and writing. From all the prisons he's been to internationally, he probably has basic English that was kind of refined from Uno helping.
Uno: Out of everyone in cell 13, Uno would most likely be bilingual with English and Japanese. I don't think he would be completely fluent however, he might struggle with more complex sentences or words he's unfamiliar with. (Also who doesn't think Uno might slip into some angry British English or something...)
Nico: I think Nico would be able to speak more Japanese than English because of watching anime. He can't read so he's going off hearing, so he might have picked up on words from how they're used in phrases and puts them in his everyday. Along with all the guards and Jyugo probably teaching him in some way.
Rock: Honestly, I see Rock using more English than the other three. Using it more emotively especially when he's angry or frustrated, mainly to himself. His Japanese I'd say is decent but not as fluent.
Tsukumo: Definitely bilingual and possibly trilingual. Japanese and English and I'll say Chinese that his 'mum' encouraged him to learn because of possible roles. Probably maintains them by trying them with English and Chinese speaking inmates.
Liang: Japanese and Chinese straight up. Doesn't know English well at all because of the environment and situation he grew up in, but he probably doesn't care about learning another language and just keeps Japanese and Chinese. Too busy training anyway.
Upa: Same thing with Liang. Don't really care and too busy training. English? I think he'd be really competitive against like Liang to see who's better at English.
Qi: Trilingual. Qi is pretty smart so I'm not surprised he would know three languages or so. He might've had foreign clients before he went to prison so he'd have to know English at least. Its Japanese, Chinese and English he knows to spell it out.
Musashi: Most likely the most knowledgeable out of the inmates, considering Musashi went to college so I'm saying trilingual. For all I know he might not be fluent in Japanese but he’s certainly fluent in German and English for obvious reasons (he’s German if anyone forgot).
Honey: Bilingual. He’s half Japanese and American but we don’t know anything about his family so who knows if he was actually taught Japanese at a young age. But Honey is quite smart with his bullets and the thread so I’d say he knows English and Japanese well to near fluency.
Trois: Most likely also bilingual but possibly trilingual. Trois is very intelligent considering his somewhat sadistic self with machinery, in my mind he probably has enough brain space for two at least languages. French is one and the other is Japanese, I said trilingual because I'm not sure if he would know English somehow.
They gotta be smart in a way and physically strong enough to keep these inmates from escaping. Not to mention the foreign guards having to learn another language to work at Nanba.
Hajime: Strikes me as a man that at least knows decent English but not fluent. I think he's very knowledgeable in other languages but he's too busy to study them or learn them.
Yamato: I don't think Yamato knows a lot of English or any other language besides Japanese. I'm not sure how he met his wife since she's Russian but I think she's bilingual while he isn't really.
Seitarou: Shy English speaker and isn't that confident in his skills, but he knows it decently. Though he doesn't give a vibe that he knows anything other than Japanese or English.
Samon: For obvious reasons he's bilingual with Japanese and Chinese. I like to think that the Chinese inmates and guards talk to each other in Chinese as a way of retaining the language. I see Samon helping some inmates retain their Chinese if some happen to forget like writing.
Inori: Again, bilingual. Highly doubt he would try to learn another language. Would he speak it at Nanba with anyone else? Honestly, he might but probably not often at all yet he somehow still remembers his Chinese.
Kenshirou: I'll be honest here, Kenshirou most likely knows the basics for a bunch of languages from his years in the police and he might of had to pick up basics for other languages for situations or so. Currently, I see his linguistics being a bit broken from not using it and or he forgets because of his work.
Hitoshi: Probably really knowledgeable on linguistics and other cultures but might have trouble speaking. Is very curious about other cultures and actually wouldn't mind learning from the people and feeling a great amount of appreciation for them. Considering the fact that he remembers that Hajime told him that Germans like beer a lot so I think Hitoshi wouldn't mind learning about other languages.
Kiji: This is hard. But I don't think Kiji would be extremely good with learning another language but I think he would know a few words. Like random words he can use and say in the correct times, though he probably would be too busy with his duties
Mitsuru: Ironically, probably knows many languages and surprisingly doesn't butcher any of them. Most likely favours English the most and is most likely fluent. Reason I'd say is from music he listens to or just saying shit for the jokes and memes.
Momoko: Relatively knowledgeable on other languages but isn't fluent in those languages. I'd say as the warden she'd have to encounter many foreigners so she'd know other languages for conversation and what's necessary.
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vanillaxxzy · 23 days
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SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN A BIT!! I finally finished her! Hope you have been fed from this (;´д`)ゞ it took me a while, I've more drawings but I'll post em another time. Although, I'll be back, I'm just gaining my motivation !! _ _
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silvertrashpanda · 3 months
Momoko: If anyone has any questions, ask me.
Mitsuru: If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?
Momoko: ...If anyone has any RELEVANT questions, ask me.
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ashybonic · 6 months
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Oomf watched Nanbaka (and I semi-watched) and made a request
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r0yalqueen · 1 year
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Momoko 💙✨
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zombiesama · 1 year
the "sometimes i wonder how i taste" meme but it's Hajime Sugoroku and Momoko Hyakushiki.
Hajime: Sometimes I wonder how I taste.
Momoko: I can help.
Hajime imagines Momoko biting him. Momoko imagines them kissing.
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unicornblossom13 · 6 months
Momoko: Number 15, do you have any idea why I called you here?
Jyugo: Nople dople.
Momoko: Those words don’t exist.
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thenanbakacorner · 1 month
Can I request some headcanons of Jyugo, Musashi, Momoko and Upa from a fem reader who controls lava and is very strong?
Sure thing!! ( ゚▽゚)/ Lava powers are so neatttt
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
Jyugo first heard of you from a rumor of a block of Building 13 getting shut down after a female inmate had filled the area with ankle-deep lava
One day while breaking out, they run into you, having broken out of your own cell
Everyone introduces themselves and you all decided to continue your breakouts together
The first thing that surprises them is your sheer strength, being able to hold open two closing walls with just your hands long enough for everyone to get through
The walls end up crumbling from the pressure, and the boys are left speechless
Sometime soon, guards find you all, and when you shoot lava out toward the guards' feet, the boys are even more stunned, realizing that rumor wasn't just a rumor after all
Jyugo comments that you'll have to join them on their breakouts more often-- things just got a lot more interesting!
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🔥 Musashi 🔥
You and Musashi knew each other for a while; you'd met him back in one of your old prisons as cellmates and friends.
However, while you were aware of Musashi's powers, he didn't know of your own for a while
At one point during your incarceration together, two guards were being very abusive, physically harming both you and Musashi
One day you had enough and punched one guard's skull in, then more or less melted the other with a blast of lava
Musashi- having one of his two eyes at the time- wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it
After that incident, you were sent to another prison, and you and Musashi missed each other quite a bit
You met again after the two of you were sent to Nanba, and though you weren't cellmates this time, you still kept in touch, chatting whenever you met during meal or recreation time
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💎 Momoko 💎
Your sheer strength is what got you hired as a guard at Nanba, and Momoko praised you for it
Many inmates didn't dare to misbehave when you were on duty, greatly reducing everyone's workloads
However, when you were put on duty in Building 13 for the day, you ended up needing to whip out your lava powers to stop a runaway Cell 13 in their tracks
Of course, it left a huge mess and a half to be cleaned up, and Hajime was pissed
He brought you to the warden's office to inform her about the situation, and she was thoroughly stunned
She lectures you about the danger your ability poses to yourself, your coworkers as well as inmates, and warns you to only use it in emergencies from then on out
She does make note of your powers, and keeps it in mind for if it may be useful for possible situations in the future
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🧘🏻‍♂️ Upa 🧘🏻‍♂️
You were put in cell 8 with Upa and his cellmates, and Upa was indifferent to you from the start
He did commend you for your brute strength, though-- you were very well up there with his own abilities
When Enki escapes, you are trapped in the underground with Upa and Liang till Jyugo frees you all
Your strength is a great help with cutting down the numbers of the surveillance dolls, and keeping everyone else as safe as possible under the current circumstances
Once Jyugo, Uno, Honey and Trois split off, and you run into Hachiman, you finally use your lava powers to aid your cellmates in the fight
Liang and Upa are stunned by your power, while Nico is more or less fanboying on the sidelines by how cool it is
After Hachiman is dealt with, Upa praises you for a job well done, but does lecture you a bit for being a little "careless" with it
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loserbedo · 1 year
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messing with lighting cause i need to get better at color theory
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Enki Gokuu
Hajime Suguroku
Assorted headcanons
What would he sell his soul for
Celebrating his s/o's birthday
Do he and Hitoshi give out Halloween candy?
Assorted headcanons
Reaction to walking in on reader masturbating
Reaction to being told he's cute by a stranger
Kenshirou Yozakura
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Does he give out Halloween candy?
Kiji Mitsuba
Mitsuru Hitokoe
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Dating headcanons
Celebrating his s/o's birthday
Momoko Hyakushiki
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Blowjob NSFW drabble
Favourite holiday dish
Assorted headcanons
Walking in on the reader masturbating
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Sharing a bed
Assorted headcanons
Reaction to walking in on the reader masturbating
Yamato Godai
Assorted headcanons
Does he give out Halloween candy?
Youriki Daisen
Do they wake up hungry?
Do the Daisen brothers give out Halloween candy?
Assorted headcanons
Stupidest thing he's ever done
Reaction to walking in on the reader masturbating
Dealing with the zombie apocalypse
Seitarou Tanabata
Samon Gokuu
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Soulmate AU! headcanons
Taking care of a sick s/o
Does he pass out candy or go out on Halloween?
Helping his partner through their period
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miyavanderboom · 1 year
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Nanbaka / Nambaka
Season 1 Episode 2 
Cute Momoko
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silvertrashpanda · 3 months
Mitsuru, texting Momoko: *sends a voice message*
Momoko, texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent?
Mitsuru: No, don’t worry, just listen later.
Momoko: *presses play*
Mitsuru (voice message): THERE’S A FIRE-
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howlingday · 1 year
hey howlingday i wonder if hajime sugoroku and momoko from nanbaka are the grandsparents for the part of papa's arc and they decide visting jaune
Hajime Sugoroku and Momoko Hyakushiki...
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An interesting pair to be sure, but unfortunately they do not meet the requirements to become an Arc. Or, at least, from what I can tell, one of them doesn't. The other, uh, may or may not possess that quality. Hard to tell.
Not in Jaune's Family, anyway.
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