#Leonardo Rosa
thou-babbling-brook · 4 months
Made this at 2 am last night with nothing but a vision and an empty water bottle
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mimjandoodlesstuff · 2 months
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(Click for better quality)
This project has been something I've wanted to do for a while but only now got around to actually making it.
The real painting's name is The Defense of the Sampo in English (by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1896). Yes, the Sampo is golden pizzas in this "AU", because obviously! And the pike jaw kantele is April's video camera.
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teenagedirtstache · 10 months
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1681
TW/CW: Death, Stillbirth
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With the new year, Giovanni Cesare and Vivienne's marriage remained turbulent as the pair would alternate between hushed arguing and passionate apologies when they weren't caring for their daughter.
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Between his work and family, Giovanni Cesare was happy for the respite swimming brought him.
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Back in Tartosa, Iseppo grew into a darling little boy who was more than happy to follow his siblings around.
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But sadly, in late February, Leonardo Ludovici drifted in from a swim leaving his expectant wife a widow.
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Katharine was distraught after losing her son and now her husband but with her unborn child to think of she did her best to push through and on March 5th, she delivered her second son, Luca.
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At the Collari household, Salvador became a toddler to the delight of the household especially his mother who had already lost two young children recently.
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Luca grew into a sweet baby and Benetta was happy to dote on her little nephew especially since after her wedding in February, she suspected that she too was with child as the months passed.
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Camilla became a little toddler as well and while her parent's were no longer around to see her grow up, her extended family was overjoyed to see her growth.
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Sadly back at the Bailey home, while Vivienne bonded with Elisabetta, her mother was devastated when July brought with it labor pains and a stillborn son.
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As the Bailey household reeled from their loss, Orelia in her crew's encampment, went into labor in early September. On the ninth of the month she delivered a healthy daughter she named Rosa.
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Though it didn't take long until Orelia was spending more time with her ship's captain both in and out of his quarters.
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As the year drew to a close, Mr.Bailey discussed with Giovanni Cesare that once the original end of Giovanni Cesare's now extended contract was up, his remaining time would be spent at with a different employer so as to add some more separation between the households. Giovanni Cesare was shocked and worried about how Vivienne would react to the news since even 'disowned' she was living a life of relative luxury at her family home but when the contract was up her lifestyle would reflect his and not hers anymore but that was still a ways off.
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Little Rosa grew into herself as news of Marcello and his wife welcoming their own daughter spread and young Juliette received the belated news that her brother had also had a daughter that May. Orsetta was happy to close out the year with her cousin being happy at the safe delivery of both of her nieces and her little sister growing up even if she was too young to play with properly.
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(The lot that Orelia lives on with her girls is made by @greatbritishsimchallenge)
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historysgaze-a · 1 year
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ozpin / leonardo lionheart / james ironwood / reyna de la rosa — headmasters aesthetic (cred.)
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thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición “Territorial: Aire”, Colectiva
Exposición “Territorial: Aire” Colectiva 04.11.2022 Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales ¿Qué es la decolonización del poder y del conocimiento, por qué este es un tema importante hoy y cuál es su relación con las prácticas artísticas y las instituciones culturales? Es la pregunta que el grupo Enlace –Proyecto de Gestión Cultural-, quieren responder a través de la obra de varios…
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clingyduoapologist · 11 months
See the problem is I can acknowledge that Ezio is probably a better written character than Altair and his interactions with other characters like Leonardo and Rosa are all handled fairly well but also there’s just something about Altair being such a fucking idiot that he basically has to run around the Holy Lands sulking while Malik calls him a little bitch that I don’t think any other ac protagonist has ever matched
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The participating authors for the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament: the general list + a google form to add other proposals
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Podesti Francesco - Torquato Tasso reading Jerusalem Delivered to the Estensi court
The start of the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament (first edition) is getting closer, but first I want to post the general list of the authors partecipants.
The principal issue is that every literary canon is constantly changing, with more critical studies over the years. I've thought about it, read and searched, and the solution I found has two parts:
I will take the principal authors from this list, which in turn is based from the studies of Gianfranco Contini and Asor Rosa. The list is too long and many names are only chronicles and essayists, so I'll chose the principal ones, trying to balance between north/south Italy and male/female authors (taking into account that many authors that we study are men). As you will see below under the cut, the list is already pretty long, doing some math the challenge will be 2/3 months long.
Still, I recognise that this isn't 100% unbiased and fair, so I opened a free and quick google form when you can add a maximum of two authors that you don't see in the list. This considerable limit is to avoid having too many names - if in some answers I see more than 2 names, I'll take into account only the first 2 listed.
After much thoughts, I also chose to don't include living authors or authors death only recently (before January 2023). The reason is simply to avoid potential issues in the community, like bashing between fandom or admirers of some specific author, or going too far like offending some people near the author still alive or recently deceased. Maybe if this tournament will end well, a second edition could be made next year and maybe with the addition of living authors! (I'm already thinking to do an italian or european cinema tournament in the future but this is still in the draft).
Under the cut, you will find the list of the authors already part of the challenge, name-surname with the surname in alphabetical order. If you don't see a name that you want to see, use the form to add it!
edit: I added the ones from the surbey so far, all in italics. There are names that have been sent but already on the list.
Dante Alighieri
Sibilla Aleramo
Vittorio Alfieri
Cecco Angiolieri
Pietro Aretino
Ludovico Ariosto
Matteo Bandello
Anna Banti
Giambattista Basile
Giorgio Bassani
Cesare Beccaria
Maria Bellonci
Pietro Bembo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giordano Bruno
Dino Buzzati
Italo Calvino
Andrea Camilleri
Giosuè Carducci
Guido Cavalcanti
Carlo Collodi
Vittoria Colonna
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Giacomo da Lentini
Caterina da Siena
Alba de Céspedes
Cielo (Ciullo) d'Alcamo
Edoardo De Filippo
Federico de Roberto
Grazia Deledda
Umberto Eco
Beppe Fenoglio
Marsilio Ficino
Dario Fo
Ugo Foscolo
Veronica Franco
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Natalia Ginzburg
Carlo Goldoni
Antonio Gramsci
Francesco Guicciardini
Tommaso Landolfi
Giacomo Leopardi
Carlo Levi
Primo Levi
Carla Lonzi
Niccolò Machiavelli
Alessandro Manzoni
Giovanbattista Marino
Giovanni Meli
Pietro Metastasio
Eugenio Montale
Elsa Morante
Alberto Moravia
Anna Maria Ortese
Giuseppe Parini
Goffredo Parise
Giovanni Pascoli
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Cesare Pavese
Francesco Petrarca
Luigi Pirandello
Angelo Poliziano
Luigi Pulci
Salvator Quasimodo
Gianni Rodari
Lalla Romano
Amelia Rosselli
Umberto Saba
Emilio Salgari
Jacopo Sannazaro
Goliarda Sapienza
Leonardo Sciascia
Matilde Serao
Gaspara Stampa
Mario Rigoni Stern
Italo Svevo
Antonio Tabucchi
Torquato Tasso
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Giovanni Verga
Giambattista Vico
Renata Viganò
Elio Vittorini
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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hefestotv · 4 months
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Bem-vindos ao TOPTVE onde cada melodia é um convite para se apaixonar, eu sou Eros e vou te fazer flutuar nas nuances do amor até o final do programa!
Ah, o amor! Quem nunca se perdeu em um olhar ou encontrou poesia em um simples gesto? Nosso programa de hoje está recheado de MVs e dicas de músicas que vão aquecer seu coração e te fazer suspirar. Vamos embarcar juntos nessa jornada musical que nos lembra que, mesmo nas noites mais escuras, sempre há uma canção para nos guiar.
Semideuses, convido vocês a se prepararem para cantar junto comigo, dançar coladinho com a pessoa amada ou simplesmente deixar que a música leve você para aquele momento especial com alguém que você ama. No TOPTVE, o amor está no ar e, com certeza, na sua playlist! Basta apontar seu celular para o QR code que aparece no cantinho esquerdo de sua tela, sim, do mesmo lado onde fica seu coração, e mergulhe comigo nessa experiência. Então, aumente o volume, abra o coração e deixe o amor entrar.
Love is in the Air: Para os apaixonados clássicos! Aqui você encontrará as maiores letras românticas do mundo mortal. Nomes como: Lionel Ritchie, Elvis Presley, Elton John, Whitney Houston, Cindy Lauper e muitos outros!
I Will Survive: Para os corações quebrados, para aqueles que sentem que o amor está em seu momento mais difícil e precisam se recuperar de uma perda. Deixe que Troye Sivan, Olívia Rodrigo, Sam Smith, Lewis Capaldi e muitos outros acalentam seu coração... pois você não está só!
My Dirty Secret: Ah, a luxúria! O amor não é apenas calmaria e tranquilidade, é também fogo! Paixão! Luxúria! Aqui você encontrará Anitta, Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, Camilla Cabelo e muitos outros para embalar sua noite sexy.
Arrasta!! O chifre no asfalto: Como nem tudo são flores no amor, também temos uma programação especial para os... cornos. Não há jeito melhor de dizer isso. Para os que a testa está coçando e o cotovelo doendo, também vamos dividir a atenção com Priscila Senna, Marília Mendonça, Matheus e Kauan e outros sofredores!
Fallin' for each other: E claro, para aqueles que ainda estão no caminho para se apaixonar. Onde tudo é novo e bom, onde o mundo parece cor de rosa e o sentimento é tão jovem que tudo o que você consegue fazer... é flutuar nesse amor. McFly, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Meghan Trainor e outros irão te guiar por esse arco-íris fantástico.
E o melhor de tudo? Você pode nos enviar sugestões que elas serão adicionadas às playlists do programa! Ouça tudo e respire fundo pois O Amor Está no Ar!
ATENÇÃO: Para não atrapalhar a dinâmica, o conhecimento dos casais que estão em encontros são apenas em OOC, em IC, os personagens só sabem quem foram se os colegas contarem.
Alina e Raynar: Campo de tiro ao alvo
Fahriye e Alexander: Cachoeira mágica
Sawyer e Victor: Lago com pedalinhos
Evelyn e Leonardo: Corrida de Pegasos
Kerim e Candace: Jantar perto do lago
Styx e Charlotte: Observatório Astronômico
Donna Jo e Stevie: Passeio no lago
Kitty e Veronica: Arena
Marlowe e James: Anfiteatro
Junho e Kit: Campos de morango
Pietra e Liam: Cozinha
Olivia e Amarantha: Canoagem
Indigo e Yeon: Observatório Astronômico
Estelle e Bishop: Caverna dos deuses
Hwon e Brooklyn: Cerâmica
Tadeu e Sasha: Passeio a cavalo
Aurora e Duncan: Riacho zéfiro
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occhietti · 12 days
Che cosa avrei voluto sentirmi dire il primo giorno di scuola dai miei professori o cosa vorrei che mi dicessero se potessi tornare studente?
Il racconto delle vacanze? No. Quelle dei miei compagni? No. Saprei già tutto. Devi studiare? Sarà difficile? Bisognerà impegnarsi di più? No, no grazie. Lo so. Per questo sto qui, e poi dall’orecchio dei doveri non ci sento.
Ditemi qualcosa di diverso, di nuovo, perché io non cominci ad annoiarmi da subito, ma mi venga almeno un po’ voglia di cominciarlo quest’anno scolastico. Dall’orecchio della passione ci sento benissimo.
Dimostratemi che vale la pena stare qui per un anno intero ad ascoltarvi.
Ditemi per favore che tutto questo c’entra con la vita di tutti i giorni, che mi aiuterà a capire meglio il mondo e me stesso, che insomma ne vale la pena di stare qua.
Dimostratemi, soprattutto con le vostre vite, che lo sforzo che devo fare potrebbe riempire la mia vita come riempie la vostra. Avete dedicato studi, sforzi e sogni per insegnarmi la vostra materia, adesso dimostratemi che è tutto vero, che voi siete i mediatori di qualcosa di desiderabile e indispensabile, che voi possedete e volete regalarmi.
Dimostratemi che perdete il sonno per insegnare quelle cose che – dite – valgono i miei sforzi. Voglio guardarli bene i vostri occhi e se non brillano mi annoierò, ve lo dico prima, e farò altro. Non potete mentirmi. Se non ci credete voi, perché dovrei farlo io?
E non mi parlate dei vostri stipendi, del sindacato, delle vostre beghe familiari e sentimentali, dei vostri fallimenti e delle vostre ossessioni. No.
Parlatemi di quanto amate la forza del sole che brucia da 5 miliardi di anni e trasforma il suo idrogeno in luce, vita, energia.
Ditemi come accade questo miracolo che durerà almeno altri 5 miliardi di anni.
Ditemi perché la luna mi dà sempre la stessa faccia e insegnatemi a interrogarla come il pastore errante di Leopardi.
Ditemi come è possibile che la rosa abbia i petali disposti secondo una proporzione divina infallibile e perché il cuore è un muscolo che batte involontariamente e come fa l’occhio a trasformare la luce in immagini.
Ci sono così tante cose in questo mondo che non so e che voi potreste spiegarmi, con gli occhi che vi brillano, perché solo lo stupore conosce.
E ditemi il segreto dell’uomo che crea bellezza e costringe tutti a migliorarsi al solo respirarla.
Ditemi come ha fatto Leonardo, come ha fatto Dante, come ha fatto Magellano.
Ditemi il segreto di Einstein, di Gaudì e di Mozart. Se lo sapete ditemelo.
Ditemi come faccio a decidere che farci della mia vita, se non conosco quelle degli altri?
Ditemi come fare a trovare la mia storia, se non ho un briciolo di passione per quelle che hanno lasciato il segno?
Ditemi per cosa posso giocarmi la mia vita. Anzi no, non me lo dite, voglio deciderlo io, voi fatemi vedere il ventaglio di possibilità.
Aiutatemi a scovare i miei talenti, le mie passioni e i miei sogni.
E ricordatevi che ci riuscirete solo se li avete anche voi i vostri sogni, progetti, passioni. Altrimenti come farò a credervi?
E ricordatemi che la mia vita è una vita irripetibile, fatta per la grandezza, e aiutatemi a non accontentarmi di consumare piccoli piaceri reali e virtuali, che sul momento mi soddisfano, ma sotto sotto sotto mi annoiano…
Sfidatemi, mettete alla prova le mie qualità migliori, segnatevele su un registro, oltre a quei voti che poi rimangono sempre gli stessi.
Aiutatemi a non illudermi, a non vivere di sogni campati in aria, ma allo stesso tempo insegnatemi a sognare e ad acquisire la pazienza per realizzarli quei sogni, facendoli diventare progetti.
Insegnatemi a ragionare, perché non prenda le mie idee dai luoghi comuni, dal pensiero dominante, dal pensiero non pensato.
Aiutatemi a essere libero. Ricordatemi l’unità del sapere e non mi raccontate l’unità d’Italia, ma siate uniti voi dello stesso consiglio di classe: non parlate male l’uno dell’altro, vi prego.
E ricordatemelo quanto è bello questo Paese, parlatemene, fatemi venire voglia di scoprire tutto quello che nasconde prima ancora di desiderare una vacanza a Miami.
Insegnatemi i luoghi prima dei non luoghi.
E per favore, un ultimo favore, tenete ben chiuso il cinismo nel girone dei traditori. Non nascondetemi le battaglie, ma rendetemi forte per poterle affrontare e non avvelenate le mie speranze, prima ancora che io le abbia concepite.
Per questo, un giorno, vi ricorderò.
- Alessandro D'Avenia
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inspiredwriter · 20 days
*En la mañana siguiente*
Leonardo! Diamante and Stefany :*salen de la tienda*
Stefany :*estira los brazos*Mmmhm, que lindo hicimos el amor anoche Lee 😄🥰🌌💝💞💘💖
Leonardo! Diamante :*abraza a Stefany por espalda* Claro amor fue muy divertido que hicimos por primera vez 😏🤗💖💕🩷💞¿Pero por qué teníamos que levantarnos más temprano? 🤨😟🌄
Stefany :*acaricia a Leo en en la mejilla* Bueno tuve que hacerlo te esperamos primero temprano y Llévate el bosque🥰😉🌳🍃💓💘❣️💕 no quiero que mis amigos te vean que eres una alienígena que salió del reloj y unos dones que intentaron atacarnos 😅😬⌚🤖💥
Leonardo! Diamante : bueno Tal vez tenga razón gatita 😌😄💗💕🩷❣️*mira la tienda derecha*¿veo que esa tienda se está moviendo? 😕😟⛺
Stefany : ¡Ay, es Anastasia y Mikey ya se despertaron! 😲😨💦rápido Lee ve al Bosque yo te alcanzo😄😉🌳🌿💕💓🩷💗
Leonardo! Diamante : cómo me gustes querida ☺️🫡🏃‍♂️💨❣️💖💞🩷*sale corriendo hacia el bosque*
Anastasia and Miguel Angel :*salen de la tienda y mira a Stefany* bueno días Stefany 😃😄🌄⛺
Stefany :*esconde el reloj de su espalda*Oh si buenos días chicos 😅😁👋☀️
Anastasia :*acerca a Stefany* vaya amiga veo que te despertaste muy temprano 😊😏☀️
Stefany : bueno, ya sabes hay que levantarse temprano para estirar el cuerpo 😉😅💦🤸‍♀️*se rasca la cabeza*Bueno si me disculpan iré a dar un paseo por el bosque un rato😁😌🏃‍♀️‍➡️🌲🍃
Miguel Angel : Stefany, te acabas de levantar no quieres desayunar mientras se levantan los demás 🤨😟🥞🏕️
Stefany : No gracias no tengo hambre si me disculpam tengo que irme 😉😅🏃‍♀️‍➡️💨*sale corriendo*
Anastasia :*abraza a Mikey del brazo* mi príncipe está hay algo que le sucede Stefany me preocupa mi amiga 😟🥺💗💕🩷
Miguel Angel : No lo sé amor pero vi que escondido algo de su espalda está ocultando algo 🤨🤔💗💖💝❣️*toma la mano de Anastasia y van al bosque*mejor vamos a seguirla para ver qué le sucede😟😕
*En el otro lado del bosque*
Stefany :*camina por el bosque y mira a Leo* al fin te encontré tortuguita 🥰😄💗💕💝
Leonardo! Diamante :*crea una rosa de diamante*Ya era hora gatita y mira te hice una rosa de diamante 😏😉🌹💎💖🩷💕💘*entrega la rosa a Stefany*
Stefany :* se sonroja* Oh muchas gracias mi lindo diamante es hermoso 🥰😍🌹💎❣️💝💘*besa a Leo en la mejilla* Muah~😚💋💞💖🩷*mira el reloj*pero ahora tengo que seguir averiguando funcionado el reloj 😊🤔⌚💕❣️💗
Leonardo! Diamante : Está bien Stefany😄😉💝🩷💖💞 ¿Pero en serio tú sabes cómo funciona Bueno tú me llamaste ayer? 😀☺️💗❣️💘
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Stefany :*mirá el reloj y mira los alienígena* Bueno sí fuiste el primero que te llamé pero hay varios Aliens 🤔😄👽¿Qué pasará si sale otro? 🤨😏⌚*preciona el reloj*
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Leo! Fuego :*sale de reloj que aparece en frente de Stefany* Hola belleza sentí que me llamaste y estoy a tu servicio 😁😉💗🩷💕💗
Stefany :*mirá a Leo fuego*Woah~😲😃💖💕❣️ eres una alienígena tortuga de fuego es genial🤩😁🔥✨
Leo! Fuego : en serio dices que soy genial pues te lo agradezco belleza 😏😘💓💕🩷💗 *abraza a Stefany en la cintura* Y sabes Tú también eres genial haces que mis llamas se enciendan😉🤗🔥❤️‍🔥💞💗💝
Stefany :*se sonroja* Oh gracias Qué dulce eres decir cosas hermosas😳🤭💗💕💖
Leonardo! Demonio :*enpuja a Leo fuego de Stefany*Oye qué te pasa no toques a Stefany la quieres quemar 😠🤨🔥
Stefany : Leo, por favor tranquilo no pelees con el 😟😣💓💕💖*abraza el brazo de Leo* Espera un segundo cuando me abrazó no sentí quemaduras 🤨😕🚫🔥
Leo! Fuego : claro que no me programaron mis llamas para no quemarte mientras usas el lovetrix tortuga😊😤⌚💖❤️‍🔥💓💞
Anastasia :*grita en los arbustos* Stefany ¿estás aquí en los arbustos? 🤨😟🌿🍃 Mikey y yo te escuchamos qué estás hablando con alguien? 😕🫤🔊
Stefany: *Whispers* Oh God, it's my friends!..😧😰 Boys, quickly hide in my wristwatch😥⌚💗💞💝
Leonardo!Diamond: Let Fire do it first😒🤜 *Pushes Leo!Fire in the shoulder*
Leo!Fire: Oh, yeah, when I do this, you'll be left alone with this beauty, right?😠😡🔥 No way, you go first😤💓💖💞
Stefany: Boys, please, we don't have time...🥺😖💦💗🩷💕
Leonardo!Diamond: *Embraces Leo!Fire's neck with one hand* Don't worry, my little flower, we'll hide in the bushes...🥰😤🌳🌿💖💘💞 *Runs away*
Stefany: Boys, wait!..😨💦💝💖💕💗
Anastasia and Michelangelo: *Walks out into the clearing and approaches Stefany*
Anastasia: Stefany, dear, why didn’t you answer me when we called you?🤨😟💖💞🩷
Stefany: *Hides his wristwatch behind his back* Ohh, sorry, guys, I was just very carried away...😅💦 ..When I was rehearsing a play for a school play😀😁💦🏫🎭
Michelangelo: How strange, you didn’t tell us that you would participate in the play😕🤨🏫🎭 And I clearly heard men’s voices when Anastasia and I walked here🤔🗣️👥
Stefany: Ah, that's because I watched the video on my phone to get a better feel for the acting...😅💦📱🔉 It would be better if I stayed here and rehearsed a little more😉😁💦
Anastasia: Maybe, you're right..- *Looks behind the bushes* Oh, Stefany, do you see this fire behind the bushes?😯😨🌿🔥✨ Did a forest fire start there?!😰😫🌳🔥
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literally-just-there · 2 months
Hi Gate! ♡ I have. A question. What's Seeker and your f/os' favorite classic paintings? Or statues etc! 👀🎨🖼
(Putting this under a cut... Not doing just classic... No I did not do every f/o or I would still be here in a week. I just did paintings because that's what I'm more knowledgeable about)
🖌 • For Seeker :
She looks a lot at the eyes and facial expressions, and loves a good romantic scene like the pre-raphaelites do. We got "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" by Frank Dicksee, and "The Shadow" by Edmund Blair Leighton for example.
Strangely enough, she is also captivated by paintings that can be considered haunting, I'm thinking of John Martin's works that depict biblical, historical and other legendary apocalypses. She does not enjoy them per say, but she is captivated, especially since she is not religious but is herself a legendary being. I'm thinking of "The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah" and the triptych of "The Last Judgement".
She also likes "Christ in the House of His Parents" by Millais because it humanizes what is usually seen as only divine and otherworldly, and she relates to this paradox of being some kind of human god (I suggest reading the critics on the painting at the time).
🖌 • For the Informant :
Keywords are emotion and interactions. He loves when the painting displays interactions and especially love, whatever the kind. I have quite miscellaneous painting ideas for him ;
Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne", Karl Gussow's "Old Man's Treasure", but also the more tragic "Tristan and Isolde" paintings by Rogelio de Egusquiza, "Romeo and Juliet" by Millais, or "The Meeting on the Turret Stairs" by Frederic William Burton.
🖌 • For Helen :
She loves paintings with soft vibes and that depict nature. I'm thinking of Rosa Bonheur as I type this. I love the cows she paints. Also pretty paintings like those of Sophie Gengembre Anderson, "The Turtle Dove", "It's Touch and Go to Laugh or No", "Little Helper", "Her Favourite Pets" or "A Fairy Is Made Of Most Beautiful Things" which is one of my favourites too.
🖌 • For Smallcat :
He does look like someone who would like grandiose official portraits. However he is more of a landscape type of guy. He paints some himself actually !! For me Monet is the absolute best, I'm of course thinking about his Nymphéas. And Pissarro !! Pissarro's landscapes !! Can we talk about "Le Grand noyer dans le pré, Éragny" ??!! Pretty !?!?!
🖌 • For Delacroix :
That arse head on the other hand LOVES a good lavish official portrait. It does make sense because he is a noble but also : the more gold, more jewels, more expensive fabric, more symbols of power displayed, the more he is eating this up like his eye dinner. I am thinking of Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud or Napoléon Ist by François Gérard, the good old coronation portraits.
🖌 • For Anna :
Most of all she wants to have something to say about the art piece. It has to make her THINK. So she prefers paintings that have intense facial expressions, and / or that tell a story that makes you THINK. I'm thinking of paintings about societal struggles, like "Burning the Brushwood" by Eero Järnefelt, or paintings that are sticking their chin at institutions, like Frank Cadogan Cowper's "Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in the Absence of Pope Alexander VI" including more tragic ones like "The Martyr of Solway" by Millais.
But she is also a romantic at heart and appreciates paintings that display romantic interactions. There are the ones I mentioned for Seeker but I would add "God Speed" by Edmund Blair Leighton.
🖌 • For Wei :
MARINES. Anything that has to do with the sea. One name, Monet, again, yes, BUT !! The paintings he did when he was in Belle-Ile-en-mer !! The Port Coton ones !! He did so many !! And Turner !! Depicting the immensity of the sea !!
He would also love Chinese paintings, since this is what he grew up with. I am sadly not knowledgeable about this yet so I can't really go into details.
🖌 • For Hoggarth :
History is the key word, he prefers paintings that interpret historical events, that imagine the people's emotions at the time, especially when it is grave events. I'm thinking of "The Last Day of Pompeii" by Karl Bryullov or "Faithful Unto Death" by Edward John Poynter. Also "The Execution of Lady Jane Grey" by Paul Delaroche or "A Huguenot" by Millais.
Also, paintings that represent people feeling small before the higher powers they believe in, like "The Two Crowns" by Dicksee, or being powerless before them, like "The Ballad of Lenore" by Horace Vernet.
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Players & their families of Spain Nt for EURO 2024
Alex Remiro - girlfriend, Ainhoa Andonegui
David Raya - girlfriend, Tatiana Trouboul
Unai Simón - girlfriend, Carmen Orcajo
Alejandro Grimaldo - girlfriend, Ana Fuster > Lucía
Aymeric Laporte - wife, Sara Botello > Lucay & Ayla
Dani Carvajal - wife, Daphne Cañizares > Martín & Mauro
Dani Vivian - girlfriend, María Labeaga
Jesús Navas - wife, Alejandra Moral > Jesús & Romeo
Marc Cucurella - girlfriend, Claudia Rodríguez > Mateo, Río & Bella
Nacho Fernández - wife, María Cortés > Alejandra, Nacho, Guile & Lola
Robin Le Normand - single
Alex Baena - single
Dani Olmo - girlfriend, Laura Abla
Fabián Ruiz - girlfriend, Rosa Pereira
Fermín López - girlfriend, Berta Gallardo
Lamine Yamal - single
Martín Zubimendi - single
Mikel Merino - wife, Lola Liberal
Nico Williams - single
Pedri - single
Rodrigo Hernández - girlfriend, Laura Iglesias
Álvaro Morata - wife, Alice Campello > Alessandro, Leonardo, Edoardo & Bella
Ayoze Pérez - single
Ferrán Torres - single
Joselu - wife, Melanie Cañizares > Leo & Lucas
Mikel Oyarzábal - girlfriend, Ainhoa Larra > Luken
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ducklooney · 1 year
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On April 15, 1938, Donald's nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie, appeared for the first time in the classic Donald Duck short. And they become some of the most popular Disney kids in general. And not only in animation, but also in comics. They first appeared in the comic on October 17, 1937 under the title "Donald's Nephews" and were created by authors Al Taliaferro and Ted Obsorne. Carl Barks shapes them and they also become members of the Junior Woodchucks.
Sad how most people think there are only two versions when there are more than two versions and not only in cartoons but also in comics and video games. Yes, they are also after Donald and Goofy, one of my favorite fictional characters. Yes, my favorite versions are from Carl Barks comics, some from Don Rosa comics, Italian and Dutch comics, from OG Ducktales, from Area 15, Spookyzone, Duckscares and Quack Pack. What are your favorite versions and favorite triplet?
Also, Leonardo da Vinci was born on this day in 1452, a genius innovator and painter from the Renaissance period. And on that occasion, Topolino released a picture of Donald and his nephews flying one of Da Vinci's inventions. Happy birthday, Leonardo! And Happy Birthday Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck!
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haganezukawaifu · 4 months
Rosa Dolce Chapter 3
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~ Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next ~
The dream starts the same. It put me here in the same hallway. But somehow, it was different. The picture wasn't the same as before. They were filled with classics. Among them were Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Vincent van Gosh, and the door was very different. And I felt it pulling me in, telling me to open it. But every time I do, I wake up and never know why. Who's calling me? Why can't I open that door? Why can't I see them? Why. Am. I. So. Afraid?
"Hmm." I snap out of my thoughts. I saw Bella concerned about me. "Are you okay? You just drifted into a daze while I was talking to you," Bella asked, concerned. I nodded my head. "Yeah. I have just been having weird dreams lately, and I can't get them out of my head, and I don't know what they mean." "Like what?" she asked curiously. I froze. I didn't know what to say. I mean, what do you expect me to say?
'Oh well, throughout the night, I dreamed of a 15th-century palace. I have been walking down the same halls, looking at the same pictures, and standing in front of doors I'm afraid to open. I can't seem to understand why I'm here or what's there. Oh, and some voices call out to me every night in my dream.' 
She will probably think I'm crazy or freaked out. So... "It's nothing." I lied. She nodded her head. "But continue. You were talking about Edward." "Yeah. He's-," she continued. I can't believe that she has been here for a week and sitting with me at the same table. I can say Cordelia was ecstatic to see her. She couldn't ever let her go. If I remember correctly, she said, "Oh my gosh. It's little bells. All grown up. Look at you. Isn't she just precious, Christine?" Yeah, those were the words. Her first week was weird, especially in biology. Edward was acting odd, to say the least, and she wanted to know why. She thought she smelled terrible, but that wasn't it. Or maybe she did something wrong, but that wasn't the problem either. So why was he acting odd? He almost missed a week of school. Must have been sick if it was serious.
"It was just weird," Bella said as she tapped her tray. "Maybe he was unwell," I speculated. "I don't know," Bella muttered as she shook her head. Then the bell rang, but before I stood up from my seat, I leaned in and said, "Well, try asking him when you see him. I'll see you later." I stood up and walked to my next class, Spanish. Soon, the day carried on as it should as school ended. Now it was time to go to the garden and work. I had to work on a few batch orders while Cordelia attended a conference call. The order consisted of nothing but simple table décor for newly constructed homes as well as centerpieces and wedding bouquets for winter. Why must people get married in January? After finishing orders and handling customers, it was time to close the shop for the day. Cordelia offered to cook chicken pesto pasta, which was my favorite. After dinner, I took my shower and dressed in an oversized band t-shirt belonging to Anthony that he left behind and sweatpants. I figured I would check over my assignment before bed. As soon as I did that, I slipped under my comforter and fell asleep, expecting the same dream. But as I slept, I noticed something different about this dream.
The darkness enveloped me. The air was cold. It doesn't seem like there is a single speck of snow emanating from the sky. The ground was slick with ice. This is not the same dream. This is a novelty. I could hear a sound. The sound of a car, but where was it coming from? Despite turning in every direction, I could not locate the sound. Until I froze, the sound came from behind. I turned around and stood there. The engine was loud and came closer and closer. I couldn't see the car until I saw the headlights. It was a gray van, and from the look of it, it wasn't stopping. It was heading straight toward me at high speed and coming out of control. I couldn't move as I stood there in shock. I raised my arm to defend myself, but
I jumped up in fear as I panted. Just when I expected to feel the impact, I awakened from my sleep. I check the clock on my dresser by my bed. 2 am. I sigh as I flop back on my bed. It was a nightmare. I haven't had those since I was 9 years old, but the question I ask myself is: why did that happen? Why did I dream of a crash? Am I in danger of getting hurt—or someone else? After that nightmare, I was unable to sleep, so I got dressed for school instead. Today's weather was different. The temperature had dropped, and the ground was slick. Talk about coincidence. Time passed, and the day proceeded as it normally did. I had trouble focusing on class due to the nightmare. Even during my conversation with Bella, I barely focused. I never expected a nightmare to make me lose focus like this before. 
"You look tired," Bella mentioned. Resting my head on my knuckles, I said, "I didn't have a good sleep last night. " How come?" she asked.
'Don't tell her about the car crash.'
"I um.. forgot to start my project. It's due Friday, and I'm worried about it." I lied, and she nodded her head. "Oh. I'm sure it will be okay. You'll finish it," she said. "Yeah, me too." Soon, the bell rang. "I have to get to class. I'll see you after school in the parking lot," I said as I gathered my belongings. "Hey. I was thinking, Do you want to hang out today? I'm heading to the bookstore after school," Bella replied. I stood there and thought about it. I didn't have to work today at Aphrodite, so technically, I am free. I nodded my head in response.
"Sure, I'll come with."
I began to walk down the hall to Spanish class. Maybe I overreacted to this nightmare; maybe it's just nothing but my imagination. As soon as Spanish ended, gym class began. We had to play volleyball. Hate volleyball with a passion. If I hit the ball, I always end up hitting someone in the back of the head. I would stand there and apologize in response. I got changed out of my gym uniform and left the gym. I saw Bella waiting for me as we walked towards the parking lot, talking about the bookstore in Port Angeles.
"You mind if we use your car? I don't think my truck would make it," Bella suggested. "Sure. That would be fine with me. I'll meet you at your place." "Sounds like a plan," she replies. I nodded my head. I told her I had to return home and change before heading over, which she responded to with a nod. We parted ways as I headed to my car, which was 3 cars away from her truck. Grabbing my key to press the unlock button, I heard an odd sound. A familiar sound.
I turn toward the sound, and my eyes widen in shock. There it was. A dark blue van skidded out of control on the ice road in the parking lot. You could hear the brakes squealing loudly. But the thing I noticed about the van was its direction toward Bella. What do I do? Am I just willing to stand here and do nothing while my friend gets hurt? I dropped my bag and keys instantly and ran straight toward her. Please. Not my friend. Anyone but her. However, as I heard the shattered crunch of the van hitting the truck, I thought I was too late. I continued my pace as I went around her truck.
'God, please be okay. Please be alright.'
As I reached the passenger side, I worried about her being squished between the van and the truck. I was also worried about her bleeding out an arm or leg or being unconscious. She was lying on the pavement as she slowly sat up, but Edward was sitting there.... by Bella. His hands were on each side of the truck and the van. How did he get there so fast? He was four cars away, and yet he was there to prevent it as the accident occurred. A hundred, maybe a thousand questions were running through my head, but all I could think about was Bella as I kneeled beside her.
"Bella. Bella. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked, worried. "I'm fine," she said, nodding her head as she tried to sit up. I noticed that Edward held her against him by her side. Edward warned Bella, "I think you hit your head pretty hard. Be careful." I examined her as she questioned him, and she didn't look injured, but as I touched her head, she hissed in pain. She has a bump on her head. There was something that caught my attention from the corner of my eye...
The dent on her truck. Strange; that wasn't there before.
but the van was in worse condition. Finally, Bella could sit up as Edward let go of her waist. I could hear the siren in the distance. It took six EMTs and two teachers to move the van far away from us to get the stretcher in. Of course, Chief Swan arrived before they could get her away safely, but she reassured him that she was fine. Edward insists that he didn't need a stretcher and that Bella needed one because she might have a concussion. As soon as she was loaded into the ambulance and Edward rode in the front, I saw them drive off. I sped off to my car, got in, started up, and followed them. All I could think about was how Edward got there so fast. I just couldn't shake the feeling that there was really something off about him.
I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about him—something not quite human. As I weaved through traffic, my mind raced with questions. How did he manage to reach Bella so quickly? And why did he seem so protective of her? The pieces of the puzzle didn't quite fit together, and I was determined to find out the truth. As I followed the ambulance to the hospital, my curiosity only grew stronger. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a series of events that would change everything I thought I knew.
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noodlefluid · 2 years
Rottmnt with an S/O that speak spanish (and kinda sucks at english lol)
I'm hispanic and suck at english, that the whole context of this
Tw: spanish lol (also curses and possible OOC)
The first time they heard his S/O speaking spanish his brain stop working for a whole 10 seconds
He usually helps them get better at english and correct them in a subtle way, like whispering or texting them if they're not close enough
He loves hearing them speaking his mother language, specially if it isn't on purpose, like when they are really mad and start cursing in spanish, he doesn't like curses but he don't know what they're saying
He tries to learn a little bit of spanish, he know a few words thanks to Leo and ghostbear, but it isn't enough to keep a conversation, and he really wants to start a conversation in spanish with his S/O
He use spanish lessons as an excuse to hang out even more with his S/O, sometimes even try to get his brothers into them, so they can all practice later
Onces he finds out that 'hijueputa' wasn't just a nickname he goes *gasp >:0 and give them a well deserve 'zape'
He'll be so into telenovelas, there is no context, I know he would just love them, 'La rosa de guadalupe' is his favorite, and make the other watch it cause it would give them "life lessons"
Starts making chores with bachata or any hispanic song really, bachata is just his favorite
He's pronunciation is really bad, but he still try to call them a few spanish nickname or saying "te quiero", this is usually on alone time cause he know his brother are gonna make fun of his horrible pronunciation
Would use spanish nicknames but they are more like literal translation of english ones "miel" "guisante dulce" "insecto" "azucar", that kind of stuff, S/O probably never correct him cause they know what they meant and also because it's just to funny lol
He thinks it's funny when their S/O says a word wrong and just go with it, if they say it that way it's pronounce that way
He beg his S/O to teach him spanish curses, and once they agree he would go to Donnie's room stare at him, go "hijoeputa" and just leave
Likes to talk in spanish with his S/O, he find spanish such a romantic tonge, and could listen them for hours just talking and talking in spanish
Leo now speak spanish a lot more than before, he knew the language, but now he can talk so fluid that sometimes he can start something in english and finish it in spanish, his brothers have to stop him cause they can't understand anything and Leo doesn't really realized when he does it
Practice a lot with señor Huesos, he wants to impress his S/O and receive praises from them, only the tough of them giving him compliments make him giggle
Start using spanish nickname like "mi amor" "mi vida" "dulzura", etc
He would say "estoy embarazado" when making a mistake a lot, he know what it's mean, he know how to say it correctly, but he would say it just because it's funny
Absolutely would talk about how smart his S/O is for speaking two languages
Would absolutely perform "propuesta indecente" in the most dramatic way posible just for S/O, at least 3x a week
He found the fact that S/O was hispanic fascinating, he would study their culture and ask him question about their impression of US, if they were born in US then he would probably ask about their parent of it they ever went to their parent's country, and ask about how they feel about the difference between both cultures, language, food, just everything
Inmediately starts to learn spanish, cause he doesn't wants to interrupt S/O while talking when they change lenguage without realizing, and also found the lenguage fascinating
Once he learn spanish he would say "te amo" more than "I love you", cause it give him a little more of a emotional barrier, like, he knows it the same thing, but it still make it easier for him
There's mandatory dance class, cause let's be honest hispanic dances are the best and this is just the perfect excuse, it would depends of where S/O is from, but he would learn every traditional dance from that country
He would laugh at his S/O when they pronounce something wrong and correct them, he's and asshole
Pick a few words as stim and sometimes says them out of no where, specially songs (Idk why but I really like the idea of Donnie singnig torero out of nowhere)
Goes :0 when he hears his S/O speaking spanish for the first time
Start searching for traditional recipes and ask S/O what are their favorites one so he can make them
Fall in love with dulce de leche/manjar, and try every recipe possible with it
He try to learn spanish with Leo but fails, still learned a few words and kinda connect the dots when S/O goes hispanic mode, but sometimes he has to stop them cause his brain goes numb
He mainly pick up insults and curses, so when he's angry he says a few curses so his brothers can't understand him, his favorite is "puto" cause it kinda sound cute if you don't know what it mean
He would whisper when his S/O says a word wrong, and then laugh a little, and sometimes calls the thing in the way they do it cause it sounds way cooler that the right way
Still hasn't give up with spanish class he's getting better, despacito pero seguro
Really enjoy hispanic music, he loves art and thinks that music is an international lenguage, I think he would be really into caporal he just love the rythm and dance
Duolingo is this close 🤏 to kidnap his family, c'mon Michel, be consistent
He usually use the short spanish version of his S/O's name (ex.in english Raphael is short as Raph while in spanish is Rapha/Rafa), sometimes he just add the -ito or -ita. Really loves those silly nickname that look like have nothing to do with the name (like Pancho for Francisco or Chabe for Isabella)
I like the idea of them dancing bachata, so they all know how to cause I say so /hj
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