tanzytechgem · 5 months
ok. dream text edition time
the number 5673 was important. there was a boy, around 7 years old, white, blueish-brown eyes and brown hair, wearing a blue jacket. nobody knew where his parents was, but he was in some sort of… big town? very lavist and decorated, with a golden arch for the entrance. there were lots of other kids there, but there were very few if no adults, except for one, a guy that seemed to be santa. he was bald, and didn't really wear the regular santa 'costume', rather wearing a blue short and denim pants. he was pretty nice. he talked about monkies and bananas a few times, and mentioned how you could give your banana peel to them to eat, "give the monkies your leftovers so they can eat it and crunch it". but later the boy did something? so he had to flee from the town, and everything outisde of a 500m radius from the town was freezing winter cold with snow and ice everywhere. *
the boy ran and ran, until he came across a sort of tent-like things, made out of small interwoven spruce and dark oak branches, with triangular glass being kept together by the branches. there was lady, piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. something about her was… weird. she was wearing a simple yet elegant thin dress [presumably with undergarments], despite all the cold around her - and her gaze was making him uneasy. she invited the boy in and he took refuge, later learning there was a sort of camp nearby that he was lead to, with what seemed like teenagers, around age 16-19.
the boy's 16 now, and has learned he has magic. the lady says something to him and he realises she's the ice queen. of course she is. it was obvious from the start but he didn't notice it until now. he starts shaping weird crystal daggers out of ice, and throwing them with telekinesis at the ice queen, until the other people there also start fighting him so he has to stab them with them too. he defends himself and gets hit in the head with one of his own ice-crystal-daggers, but keeps going. there's blood everywhere in the snow, but eventually he gets away and runs. there's no looking back now, he just runs. some follow him, but not to fight him. they follow him because they don't want to be there anymore either. he's made a few friends it seems.
they travel for a long while. at some point i'm there, and we're travelling across islands. there's palm trees and thin oak and birch trees. the sand on the outer edges of the islands is rather went and uncomfortable to walk in. i point out a cloud that looks like a bear [and i'd be damned if i didn't, that was straight up a realistic bear made by a cloud. black nose and eyes and all], but the clouds seem to move extremely quick, so even if i point at it its gone in under 5 seconds, and only 2 other people see it. i look out at the horizon and see just how quickly the clouds are moving. there's something weird about it, but i don't comment on it. the group moves forward, until we reach an island, where one side of it is cold - not extremely 'im shivering because of how cold it is', think a cold spring breeze, and the other is warm. think summer warmth. it's a very notable difference and we mess around with it a bit until we continue on.
then a man in a yellow water scooter(? i do not know what its called. it looked like a sort of small yellow kayak but it had a motor and could go very fast) drives up to us and i, and the boy, recognise him as santa. he's offering us a ride to go to the town, and we all accept the invitation and are driven there. a short while after, the boy, now 19, walks around in the building santa lives in. he spots a painting, one of the sea and an island, striated clouds abound in the sky above as a wave splashes against the shore. above it is the number 5673. the boy spots santa, laying on those hospital beds they move you around in, right by a window with the curtains up. he uses his magic to pull the curtains down for the sun to shine through. santa looks like he's in a rough state, and he is. he's practically dying. he moves to the room that used to be his office, now with another hospital bed there. he speaks with the boy and then he slowly passes away.
then there's a cut, and we're back on the islands, an hour or so before santa would offer a ride. one of us have a weird feeling about this, and shapeshift into santa and the boat to ride us to santa, and he's alive for longer. the boy gets to talk with him a bit more before he dies. the same painting labelled 5673 is still there. the boy uses his magic to make the bedsheets a bright yellow before santa dies, and it cuts back again. so we do something to get there quicker, someone either teleports or shapeshifts, and the boy gets to have a talk with santa.
"what is this all about?" he says, confused, and slightly frustrated. "what is what about? it's good to see you again." "well, i.. nevermind, i guess. it's nice to see you too. how are you doing?" the boy sits down with a sigh before santa says anything. "well, i've been sick for a while now, i don't think i have much longer. it's a shame, really." hesistantly the boy asks a question. "..do you know about the ice queen?" "oh, her? i haven't heard about her in the last decade or so. i wonder where she went.. do you know anything about her?" and the boy stops dead in his own tracks. he's a bit breathtaken, before he explains he attacked her because she did something to him. santa is a bit taken aback by this, but nods slowly before he goes to lay in his bed again.
and then it cuts again. we get back there faster this time, and then i'm the one talking to santa. "what is this timeloop about? why does this keep happening?" i'm stern and very obviously serious in my tone. all he says in response is "five thousand, six hundred and seventry three." i'm a bit frustrated by this answer before i realise. it's been 5673 loops before we got to this point. the boy then steps in and tries to use his magic. for what i don't know, i'm not longer a simple spectator and neither can i hear his thoughts. the dream ends here.
i clearly remember looking at the lady and thinking that's the ice queen. but it seemed like i was just a spectator for a while..?
THATS WILD. you are going to the time loop. i should tell my dream stories at some point. i don’t dream often but i have at least 3 times appeared in other people’s dreams as an entity of some kind
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sycamorality · 2 months
the number 5673 was important. there was a boy, around 7 years old, white, blueish-brown eyes and brown hair, wearing a blue jacket. nobody knew where his parents was, but he was in some sort of… big town? very lavist and decorated, with a golden arch for the entrance. there were lots of other kids there, but there were very few if no adults, except for one, a guy that seemed to be santa. he was bald, and didn't really wear the regular santa 'costume', rather wearing a blue short and denim pants. he was pretty nice. he talked about monkies and bananas a few times, and mentioned how you could give your banana peel to them to eat, "give the monkies your leftovers so they can eat it and crunch it". but later the boy did something? so he had to flee from the town, and everything outisde of a 500m radius from the town was freezing winter cold with snow and ice everywhere.
the boy ran and ran, until he came across a sort of tent-like things, made out of small interwoven spruce and dark oak branches, with triangular glass being kept together by the branches. there was lady, piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. something about her was… weird. she was wearing a simple yet elegant thin dress [presumably with undergarments], despite all the cold around her - and her gaze was making him uneasy. she invited the boy in and he took refuge, later learning there was a sort of camp nearby that he was lead to, with what seemed like teenagers, around age 16-19.
the boy's 16 now, and has learned he has magic. the lady says something to him and he realises she's the ice queen. of course she is. it was obvious from the start but he didn't notice it until now. he starts shaping weird crystal daggers out of ice, and throwing them with telekinesis at the ice queen, until the other people there also start fighting him so he has to stab them with them too. he defends himself and gets hit in the head with one of his own ice-crystal-daggers, but keeps going. there's blood everywhere in the snow, but eventually he gets away and runs. there's no looking back now, he just runs. some follow him, but not to fight him. they follow him because they don't want to be there anymore either. he's made a few friends it seems.
they travel for a long while. at some point i'm there, and we're travelling across islands. there's palm trees and thin oak and birch trees. the sand on the outer edges of the islands is rather went and uncomfortable to walk in. i point out a cloud that looks like a bear [and i'd be damned if i didn't, that was straight up a realistic bear made by a cloud. black nose and eyes and all], but the clouds seem to move extremely quick, so even if i point at it its gone in under 5 seconds, and only 2 other people see it. i look out at the horizon and see just how quickly the clouds are moving. there's something weird about it, but i don't comment on it. the group moves forward, until we reach an island, where one side of it is cold - not extremely 'im shivering because of how cold it is', think a cold spring breeze, and the other is warm. think summer warmth. it's a very notable difference and we mess around with it a bit until we continue on.
then a man in a yellow water scooter(? i do not know what its called. it looked like a sort of small yellow kayak but it had a motor and could go very fast) drives up to us and i, and the boy, recognise him as santa. he's offering us a ride to go to the town, and we all accept the invitation and are driven there. a short while after, the boy, now 19, walks around in the building santa lives in. he spots a painting, one of the sea and an island, striated clouds abound in the sky above as a wave splashes against the shore. above it is the number 5673. the boy spots santa, laying on those hospital beds they move you around in, right by a window with the curtains up. he uses his magic to pull the curtains down for the sun to shine through. santa looks like he's in a rough state, and he is. he's practically dying. he moves to the room that used to be his office, now with another hospital bed there. he speaks with the boy and then he slowly passes away.
then there's a cut, and we're back on the islands, an hour or so before santa would offer a ride. one of us have a weird feeling about this, and shapeshift into santa and the boat to ride us to santa, and he's alive for longer. the boy gets to talk with him a bit more before he dies. the same painting labelled 5673 is still there. the boy uses his magic to make the bedsheets a bright yellow before santa dies, and it cuts back again. so we do something to get there quicker, someone either teleports or shapeshifts, and the boy gets to have a talk with santa.
"what is this all about?" he says, confused, and slightly frustrated. "what is what about? it's good to see you again." "well, i.. nevermind, i guess. it's nice to see you too. how are you doing?" the boy sits down with a sigh before santa says anything. "well, i've been sick for a while now, i don't think i have much longer. it's a shame, really." hesistantly the boy asks a question. "..do you know about the ice queen?" "oh, her? i haven't heard about her in the last decade or so. i wonder where she went.. do you know anything about her?" and the boy stops dead in his own tracks. he's a bit breathtaken, before he explains he attacked her because she did something to him. santa is a bit taken aback by this, but nods slowly before he goes to lay in his bed again.
and then it cuts again. we get back there faster this time, and then i'm the one talking to santa. "what is this timeloop about? why does this keep happening?" i'm stern and very obviously serious in my tone. all he says in response is "five thousand, six hundred and seventry three." i'm a bit frustrated by this answer before i realise. it's been 5673 loops before we got to this point. the boy then steps in and tries to use his magic. for what i don't know, i'm not longer a simple spectator and neither can i hear his thoughts. the dream ends here.
i clearly remember looking at the lady and thinking that's the ice queen. but it seemed like i was just a spectator for a while..?
dated 29th of april, 2024
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magusdesigns · 4 years
For just $1186.99 A perfect blend of leather & metal coffee table. Features : · Cladded in diamond quilted wine red genuine leather. · Glossy SS mirror finished top with teakwood detailing. · Crome finish tri-pod legs at the bottom. Dimensions :- Width (90) x Depth (90) x Height (45) in cms
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cheescheesy · 7 years
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I thought I was never going to finish this haha... 
The charas are Actias and Lavi, some Ocs of mine :D
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quekorra · 4 years
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Acerca tu nariz al medio de la foto y retírate lentamente. @quekorra . . #memesquesorprenden #imagen #jirafa #verde #laviste #sigodevuelta #siguelasinstrucciones https://www.instagram.com/p/CApo94LnEqM/?igshid=1x6gywby30vka
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
Random OC facts: Morstyn Hollock
Only child of Richart Hollock, Earl of Capenhurst, by his second wife Miriona Raiberts. (Morstyn’s title is “The Honourable.”) The Earl distinguished himself with his work in intelligence during the war with Otionovia, alongside the Duke of Gorchester (the future King Talfrin). As a young woman, the Countess was part of Queen Bethira’s household at the beginning of Talfrin’s reign but left her service after making an advantageous marriage with the Earl, a widower with five teenage/young adult children. 
Grew up at Lavister Hall near the village of Newbold in northwest Corege, in pretty solitary conditions since all his half-siblings were married and had moved out by the time he was old enough to remember. 
Has spent a lot of time exploring the estate both indoors and out and thus has an in-depth knowledge of hiding spots and secret places. He’s so quiet that it’s easy to miss him, and he’s unintentionally spied on a lot of conversations this way.
A very shy and nervous child, with a history of reluctance to engage with anything new. This was initially bothersome to his parents, who eventually gave up trying to push him into anything. He’s the youngest, after all–it’s pointless expecting much out of him when his siblings have already done everything.
However, has a bafflingly bold streak that comes out from time to time. Has taken risks, spoken his mind, stood up to people bigger than himself. There doesn’t seem to be a precise pattern, and it doesn’t come on demand.
Initially did lessons at home with a tutor. Has not been an outstanding pupil, much to his tutor’s disgust, and has come to associate the experience of learning with inadequacy and shame.
Much to his and everyone else’s surprise, received a scholarship to Hollingham College from King Talfrin. Such awards are very rare, and he’s not sure why he of all people was given this. His best guess is that it was a favor to his father for his war service–but his siblings never received anything for their education. Whatever the case, his parents have impressed upon him the magnitude of the responsibilities of this honor, and he’s determined not to forfeit it.
Has found his time at Hollingham to be a struggle, both academically and socially. The lessons are more complicated than he expected, he hasn’t made any friends, the only other pupil whom he knows (his cousin) doesn’t want much to do with him, and he’s been embarrassingly homesick in public. One thing he has learned is all the best hiding places, where he spends most of his time after class.
Despite his best efforts, has been failing most of his classes. Perhaps it’s because of the way they’re being taught, or his negative relationship with the master of his form, or some difficulty of his own. No one knows. But he needs help.
Like all Hollingham boys, is expected to participate in sports. His preference is swimming. Also takes music lessons–flute, which he enjoys.
Worries about not being prepared and carries an assortment of objects in his pockets at all times for emergencies. None of these items seem particularly useful, but he believes they are and finds them comforting.
Has an escape route from his dormitory mapped out. Has put it to use. No one besides himself knows about this.
Doesn’t know yet what he wants to do when he grows up. He’s afraid he won’t be able to get into a university and join one of the usual professions for the younger sons of the nobility. He doesn’t think he would be brave enough for the army or navy. He’s not good at anything in particular (he thinks), and he worries sometimes about what will become of him.
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444names · 2 years
american forenames and surnames + american forenames and surnames encoded with javanais
Aacers Adfan Adfavan Alavoyt Aldentu Alhavily Amanne Amayne Aravina Aravouttes Arkindarks Ayatob Baustavine Bavalaver Bavat Bavawforke Bavay Baveonaomps Baver Baverrinc Bavertsyken Bavet Bavetchers Bavicavol Baviller Baving Bavon Bavondrie Bavood Bavoschns Bavuy Berren Bertavicks Blavorsey Blennavulin Bothra Bravalavine Bravalbava Bravaravow Braves Bravices Bravicker Bravimeggy Bravummy Brell Bryson Bushars Cabracy Caravicary Carbavay Cavame Cavanez Cavars Caver Caversonyd Cavesavon Cavia Cavickirwal Cavie Cavimmey Cavin Cavingle Cavolte Cavon Cavoody Cavuanne Cavush Chava Chaws Chenry Chercava Chertharber Chrambaugh Clard Clavill Clerty Coodgenne Coravam Cravovath Cullavan Cunta Dalmas Dannavitan Darqavuez Davaomb Davap Davark Daven Daverac Daveritne Daves Davilkie Davilly Davimavan Daviver Davodra Davos Davouiz Davoz Derne Dilavo Diner Donavien Dotestavan Dothy Dovarr Duadava Dwalaken Dwavalle Ednavimaver Eilby Elgavon Ellyn Elvarce Emaxton Emell Emick Ershavia Espitz Faeld Farlava Farolfe Favanney Faven Faver Favevez Favie Favolip Ferick Flaveri Flavon Flord Flowley Forbestine Forgie Fravollavo Gaval Gavalath Gavaudia Gavavel Gavavony Gavavorre Gavealie Gavenavall Gavense Gaverez Gavers Gavuilly Gellard Gravene Graving Gravontona Greemaver Gwavan Hanie Havar Havauriste Havavell Havavers Havefarwill Havefavin Haveff Havene Havet Havinez Havings Havioster Havole Havom Havon Havustavez Hawfose Helavec Helsaves Henavadon Hernavickne Hestaven Hilairee Hithavan Hogavebava Hollank Holley Hombs Hubyava Hught Irwavon Isavala Jaravu Javanchoop Javel Javer Javes Javett Javevanne Javez Javie Javiolfan Javis Javistine Javobia Javurie Jendsen Jimavisavo Joandon Joany Joharlavias Johavoody Jonzam Jornton Julary Kavaner Kavevy Kavindet Kavis Kavowavin Kavunney Kavuyers Kettansond Klavanal Knavarrix Kravec Kurne Lasmavard Lavalleo Lavandez Lavap Lavard Lavarrim Lavecks Lavel Laven Lavenn Lavern Laveton Lavie Laviste Lavite Lavochard Lavolavay Lavon Lianeyavis Lottsa Lowavuans Lowellie Lupen Lupett Lynnavon Lynold Lynor Manaverry Mance Manne Mantavo Marde Marke Marlaven Marlee Maval Mavan Mavelavo Maven Mavenastie Maves Mavexavon Mavey Mavie Mavielavant Maving Mavio Mavisamps Mavomaver Mavony Mavooken Mavor Mavorge Mavotavia Mavue Mavuelle Mavurre Mavustras Mayavie Maynne Mcbraviamp Mcbreddarry Mccarlavods Mccliell Mccoon Mcdon Mcgert Mcgestush Mckavis Mclarton Mclavavie Mcphe Mcphews Melvabre Mespea Moningancey Moodorannes Moria Narna Navambenza Navarce Naves Navill Navinold Naviolleon Navobs Navon Nichancoff Ochanne Ollava Opavate Opaver Pamphrava Patkine Paughez Pavatterren Pavay Paveachave Paven Pavesavones Pavetters Pavids Pavoacaveen Penciste Perbavon Piceyer Pittsonn Pored Pravey Pravine Pucaver Qavon Ravace Ravavingen Ravazque Ravehavims Raven Ravett Ravie Ravighare Ravilles Ravine Ravistavee Ravoodon Ravummy Rhava Rhavard River Robavone Roblake Rodwavavan Roshavia Rowles Salpsava Salvacard Savabers Savarry Savas Savelia Saver Savevene Savews Savey Savia Saviamista Savic Savichams Saviffmavey Saviggs Savio Savoel Savon Savong Savord Savorgennie Scolmavibs Shaphavey Shaven Shavuil Shurtley Slavon Snyavistinn Songtavie Sonnaver Stalier Stanavins Stavolins Stavon Stusavon Styravo Sulip Tanick Tantava Tavathel Taveffmava Tavery Taves Tavesavey Tavoldsa Tavons Tavorden Tavott Travarksone Travavey Travecaven Troyd Valsaver Varlavi Vason Vavan Venavay Vinch Visavuckne Wathy Wavackni Wavan Wavanny Wavant Wavaraves Wavarquez Wavarravey Waved Wavelan Wavelphin Waver Wavew Wavey Wavich Wavix Wavoanavoan Wavon Wavows Wavuancer Welbell Westaverry Whithanavon Wiltavez Wiltos Wisavaveggs Witephan Woopacon Yoravon
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abpoli · 5 years
A 42-year-old woman who has battled cancer and overcome multiple surgeries was shamed on Tuesday for parking in an accessible spot at an Edmonton mall.
When Donna Laviste first saw the white paper on her windshield, she thought it was a parking ticket.
The note read: “How disrespectful. You certainly do not look handicapped!!”
The words brought Laviste to tears.
“I’m not the kind of person abusing that placard. I’m just using that placard because I need to,” she said, wiping her eyes.
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If someone has a handicap parking card, a medical professional has deemed it NECESSARY. They may not need it at all times, but they need to have that option. Don't ask why they have/need it. It's not your business. Respect disabled people.
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yebikey · 3 years
Gayle by Alvin Via Flickr: Location: Wuthering Heights Beach Resort, San Jose Negros Oriental 6202 Models: Enrique Pareja Gayle Tatel Makeup Artist : Joan Boro Wardrobe: Gayle Tatel Boutique Co-photographer: Eror Laviste Cusap www.flickr.com/photos/erurokun/ Creative Art Assistant: Archiel
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vuminh198x · 4 years
4 chiến thuật phải biết khi chơi game casino
4 chiến thuật phải biết khi chơi game casino
Post Views: 611 Lý do đâu mà anh em luôn thua rách túi khi chơi game casino tại các sòng mặc dù đã áp dụng rất nhiều bí kíp. Phải chăng anh em đã quá máy móc mà tin tưởng hoàn toàn mà quên mất những yếu tố xung quanh. Một thực tế phũ phàng được đúc kết từ nhà toán học Laviste nghiên cứu và chỉ ra rằng nó chiếm đến 50% khả năng thắng bài của người chơi. Anh em cứ bình tĩnh, ngồi xuống cùng…
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instapicsil1 · 6 years
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Congratulations and best of luck to the 13 Meteors participating in the First Robotics Competition held today, tomorrow and Saturday at the Credit Union 1 Arena on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Representing De La Salle are: Kyle Brown ‘22; Jacquelin Camarena ‘19; Zhi Chen ‘21; Adam Creighton ‘20; Matthew Dixon ‘20; Victor DeAvila ‘20; Branden Goeden ‘22; Enrique Herrera ‘21; Cameron Laviste ‘20; Joshua Moy ‘19; Ashley Naveja ‘21; Louis Nuno ‘20 and Felicity Sierra ‘21. The Meteors are led by faculty member Ian McNair. Best of luck, Meteors! We are very proud of you! #WeAreD https://ift.tt/2IZ6v5Q
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instatrack · 6 years
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Congratulations and best of luck to the 13 Meteors participating in the First Robotics Competition held today, tomorrow and Saturday at the Credit Union 1 Arena on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Representing De La Salle are: Kyle Brown ‘22; Jacquelin Camarena ‘19; Zhi Chen ‘21; Adam Creighton ‘20; Matthew Dixon ‘20; Victor DeAvila ‘20; Branden Goeden ‘22; Enrique Herrera ‘21; Cameron Laviste ‘20; Joshua Moy ‘19; Ashley Naveja ‘21; Louis Nuno ‘20 and Felicity Sierra ‘21. The Meteors are led by faculty member Ian McNair. Best of luck, Meteors! We are very proud of you! #WeAreD https://ift.tt/2IZ6v5Q
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specialistsnearme · 6 years
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Search Engine Optimisation in Lavister #Search #Engine #Optimization #Lavister https://t.co/Db6dEtwTdL
Search Engine Optimisation in Lavister #Search #Engine #Optimization #Lavister https://t.co/Db6dEtwTdL
— Specialists Near Me (@expertsnearbyuk) March 4, 2019
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Tarmac MUGA Painting in Lavister #Tarmac #MUGA #Specialists...
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Tarmac MUGA Painting in Lavister #Tarmac #MUGA #Specialists #Lavister https://t.co/8rWVGznZeu
Tarmac MUGA Painting in Lavister #Tarmac #MUGA #Specialists #Lavister https://t.co/8rWVGznZeu
— Playground Markings (@playgroundmrkg) January 14, 2019
from Playground Markings https://playgroundsmarkings.tumblr.com/post/182009502978 via IFTTT
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playgroundsmarkings · 6 years
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Tarmac MUGA Painting in Lavister #Tarmac #MUGA #Specialists #Lavister https://t.co/8rWVGznZeu
Tarmac MUGA Painting in Lavister #Tarmac #MUGA #Specialists #Lavister https://t.co/8rWVGznZeu
— Playground Markings (@playgroundmrkg) January 14, 2019
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twoglampers · 6 years
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Haven't quite mastered the look. . . . . #lavist #gettymuseum #getty #glampings #twoglamers #look #workingonit #instatravel #travelgram #losangeles #weekendtrip #lookslikehim #history (at Getty Museum)
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