#Lauren rants
whiskeyncoke-redux · 11 months
Let me just start by saying I don't really feel any kinda way about Taylor Swift. Don't love her, don't hate her. She has some good songs, whatever...
But I am tired of them mentioning her every other sentence when they talk about the Kansas City Chiefs or Travis Kelce.
I'm trying to watch the game but there she is. All the time. Like it's not that serious? Focus on the football!
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That scene in season 16 where Emily says “I’m giving him what he wants, Mommy” is all fun and games bc Prentiss calling herself mommy is just… so on the nose. But it’s also so much deeper than that.
When she was fairly new to the team, she was almost always the one they would use if someone had to seduce/attract an unsub. Even when she didn’t want to (in ‘52 Pickup’ when the boys all look at her expectantly and she says ‘oh, this is really gonna suck’). She didn’t want to do it but she knew their best chance of catching the guy was if she used herself as bait. She even puts herself in danger in that one bar scene in a different episode. Basically, the team expected her to use her looks and flirt with dangerous men.
Then, flashback to her days as Lauren Reynolds… I don’t even need to get into all of that because we all know how much that cost her mentally and psychologically. And then you have Derek essentially slutshaming her for it, even though the team expects that of her when it’s to their benefit.
Even if you want to take it further, when she was 15 she felt she had to sleep with someone to feel accepted, again using her body as a tool to please others. It’s something she’s been taught to do from a very young age, and was consistently reinforced throughout her career.
So yeah, I get why it felt like the natural next step during that interrogation. Without even thinking about it that hard she just starts unbuttoning her blouse and making herself more attractive to get information out of the suspect. I honestly think Douglas Bailey was the first man to ever tell her not to do it.
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rockrosethistle · 7 months
nothing is funnier to me than the headcanon that Ruth and Ted are just besties. She's over at the Spankoffski house so often it's like she's part of the family at this point. She gets to ride shotgun on car trips because according to Ted, she's the only one with aux privileges. Ted is rushing off after work and his coworkers are like 'where are you going?' and he says "oh I made a deal with my brother's friend so I have to drive her to the Starlight for a dress rehearsal. In exchange she's lending me her Rocky Horror DVD for the weekend, no biggie." Meanwhile Pete is dying on the inside.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 10 months
That scene where Richie is encouraging Pete to bang Ruth is made about 20× funnier when you remember that their actors, Joey Richter and Lauren Lopez, are literally married in real life.
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livelaughlovelams · 6 months
Just saw someone on Quora saying that there weren't any queer figures in the American Revolution, and oh mah GAWD I yapped on for so long that my phone gained 67% more battery in that time.
Me and mah lil ol' yassified Steuben pfp yapped about lams and all the other ga-*GUYS for so, so so long😭
Anyways, tags go brr.
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crazy-shits-post · 6 months
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 2x15 (Part 3)
Getting back to that rant. Interesting he goes to her and really lets loose like that. And I was, you know, I was sitting there actually just trying to, you know, I was getting judgy with my acting and judging with the choices I was making. And, but, you know, and the thing that was amazing me and we'll, we'll get a little wonky here on, on acting technique a little bit. I was amazed at how with such, you know, it's a very difficult assignment for Lauren because she can't throw off my timing because I'm just going like a million miles an hour. You know, every, every movement is connected to something, you know, I've got to hit all those beats through that speech and she can't mess me up. Right. She's got to keep the balls in the air the same way I am. And if she hesitates a little bit on one line, cause she had these like, well, what'd you say in the, you know, this kind of thing, that's hard. It's really hard To do. Go watch that scene again and look how relaxed she is and how with what such ease she gets through that scene. It's wonderful...And it's just like, she's really there for you as a partner, as a scene partner. And she's like, she's saying to you, I'm not gonna let you fall. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hit my cues. Your timing's going to be perfect. Don't worry. Just go. And I remember every single take, it was like, it was, it was magic. I mean, she, it's really hard to do really hard to do that. And usually it takes a long time, but with her, it was just, it's just easy, you know? -Scott 
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xo-zozo · 3 months
reckless ending. what. the. heck.
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rae-unbeloved · 5 months
Chat i think i have an unhealthy obsession with tumblr.
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
Things that I want in the AGGGTM show!
This idea is inspired by @/pippasheadphones video on tiktok!
Warning: this contains spoilers for the entire book series!
Obviously I’m not expecting everything in the books to be adapted in the show, especially because the show has a limited screen time and there are a lot of more important plots/scenes they need to focus on but there are a few scenes/stuff that I really want to see in the show!
Pip and Cara comforting Lauren after her breakup with Tom (I think that was his name).
Flashbacks of 5 years ago. Not just the night Andie went missing but everything else too. Especially the fight with Mr. Ward and Becca!
I really would like it if they included Kill Joy in the adaptation.
Pip’s monologues!!!!!!!
Cara and Lauren giving Pip a makeover before the calamity.
Whatever happens after Ravi sent that text to Pip (if they reach that point in the adaptation ofc)!
More PipCara!
Actually more Pip and the girls in general!
More Jamie and Nat!!! (They’re literally my beloveds)
Becca and Pip friendship.
More of Cara and Steph!
No Ant!
Sal and Ravi flashbacks!
Sal and Andie flashbacks!
More of Ravi’s POV.
Victor and Leanne.
Ravi forgetting to shake Pip’s hand and just holding it.
Max trial scenes (the first one because I want people to hate him more!)
Taylor Swift on the track list (esp No Body No Crime)
More PipRavi (their first kiss, how they got together, everything!!!!)
The hotel owner telling Pip that she’s lucky and Ravi’s handsome!
The rain kiss and confession!
More Ravi teasing Pip!
A scene where Ravi puts the AGGGTM sticker on Pip’s headphones (iykyk)!
Ravi and Pip recording the podcast!
Cara’s “can’t relate”
A scene where one of Pip’s parents ask her why she always skips the third step (iykyk pt.2)!
Connor my beloved!
The “maybe she’ll be interested in you if you were homework or Ravi Singh”
Naomi and Cara!
Andie and Becca!
The group at the calamity
Joe King (he is so silly😭)
The Pip meme that went viral
More iconic scenes of the other girls!!
Can’t think of more stuff but I’ll definitely keep adding when I remember!
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delulu-for-norman · 4 months
Not that I’m ever going to be team negan but Rick kept him alive. Then Michonne and the others decided to allow negan to just live and help out. So who tf does Maggie think she is coming in an assuming she gets to run shit when she left her “family” years ago.
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
HUFWULF acoustic (kind of lmao) via Ai FM
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unicornsaures · 5 months
Divinity lams AU?
Alex is some divine, etheral being and John is just a pathetic and lost fallen angel who swears his devotion to this 'otherworldly being' for the privilege of following him around and being with him for eternity because it gives him a purpose. And at first, Alex just sees him as this sad soul whos's lost and doesnt know what to do and genuinely takes pity on him; but eventually it goes from a 'worshiped and worshiper' relationship to a relationship in which Alex see's him as an equal despite being nothing but.
And even before this, John had been searching for guidance through other people because he never fully trusted his instincts and yet this had only led him to be distrusting because the very reason he had 'fallen' was because he had followed anothers lead. In turn, he turned to etheral 'gods' who he knows cant do him wrong because they'll always view themselves as above him, and with pledging his devotion, they cant turn on him because he will forever be their faithful subject.
Unfortunately for John his devotion borders more on obsession. He loves looking up to see someone so majestic staring back down at him with such a soft smile in contrast to piercing eyes and to know Alex would be looking at him makes his heart flutter and insides melt and skin on In fire(figuratively..) and makes him just want to cut off his wings and give them to Alex as a sign of his true adoration he holds for him. And obviously this concerns Alex. I mean, his poor devotee is willing to do anything for him but theres a line, right? Alex still cares for him of course, what kind of being would he be if he allowed someone to sacrifice their own peace for him?
Cue emotional outburst number one! John would be rambling softly about how if he had the strength he would just rip out his wings and alex has to lean down and gently rest his palm on John's cheek to tell him not to ruin his beautiful wings and that being with him is devotion enough for him and that physical pain in his name would only cause harm. And then tears, of course, in natural angst fashion.
Oh, and John has an immense fear of corrupting Alex the entire time due to the fact hes a 'sinner' (by his own standards) and being in the presence of such divinity as a 'corrupted being' puts Alex at risk to fall from his stance of power. But even despite his fear he can't leave not only due to this eternal soul-binding agreement, but because being in his presence makes him feel alive and as though he can feel love again even after he had failed in doing so for so many years. But in the end Alex doesnt see himself as higher or with more power but as an equal.
John would have 'given up' his ability to feel love for another in order to be fully devoted to Alex, and yet he was convinced he didnt have it in the first place so he decided he wouldnt be giving it up if he never had it. But in turn he discovered that he did have the ability to love, but it had to be discovered through giving up the ability to love anyone other than Alex, and in a way hes happier with that.
But even so, John doesnt think hes worthy enough to be so close to someone so much better than he is, and he does view it as a privilege to be there until Alex tells him to stand up in which he physically has to look down at alex(he would stand at other points, of course, but he would never physically look down. If alex would speak to him he would physically attempt to lower his height to keep Alex above him by his own personal will.) But that is the point where he would cup johns face and then tell him that he's wonderful and the most faithful devotee hes had the 'honor' of being with and then tears. so many tears. so many pent up tears form years john has been telling himself that he cant feel love and to even be in the vicinity of Alex is a privilege that he doesnt deserve just to be told to his face that this divine being loves him and appreciates everything hes done and he doesnt want John to be hurt for him.
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swiftspoet · 2 years
you know what? I hope anyone going to tour has a great time. I hope if you started liking taylor yesterday you have a great time. I hope if you have seen every tour of hers you have a great time. I hope if you don’t know all of her songs you have a great time. drama over who is a “better” fan is so draining and pointless because at the end of the day we are all fans.
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controversialcoven · 5 months
Being a homestuck fan and an amrev fan can be so confusing sometimes, especially when they’re only referred to by their first names
“Why is john egbert talking to Meade- oh wait john LAURENS”
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crowsintheforest · 10 days
I lasted 15 minutes longer for this debate than last time! fuck this makes me so angry and sad that this utter buffoon is up on stage yelling horrible things, so we can't even consider how to potentially move forward when we're busy shoveling shit out of his mouth
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