#Laura Haddock
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periodcostumefantasylover · 7 months ago
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Period Drama Appreciation Week 2024
Day 3: Costume Design: Da Vinci's Demons
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limeskye · 1 month ago
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andreabaideas · 2 months ago
Djats ships
As a part of a popular ask from my mutuals @jesstasticvoyage and @mzannthropy
I'm making this a post.
It all started on the comments section of this post :
So now i'm making It a post :
Daisy Jones and the Six show Its very cool,but I find It like that because It has 5 of my otps at once and also (just like with Twilight) for Its unexplored - I refuse to say wasted because thats what fics on ao3 are for XD- potential.
My 5 otps are :
Daisybilly or Daisily or Daisy x Billy
Camibilly or Camilly or Camila x Billy
Karengraham or Karen x Graham
Simornie or Simone x Bernie
Warrenlisa or Warren x Lisa
So i was moderately happy with the show (happier than with book on ships, because It has a lesbian couple, to me in a story no gays = no fun. And karengraham and Daisily are better done on the show too.)
But , thinking about that potential...
Being true to the 70's spirit , thus ignoring the book canon...Who cares anymore I ignore already canon for mostly everything XD The whole group + Camila + Simone and Bernie and Lisa should've been a polycule.
The 60's & 70's were are about experimentation and free love so, I find Its an interesting dynamic to explore. And , as no one on the fandom before had suggested It , I find It very surprising that it's not more popular, being the 70's.
(But , absolutely excluding any kind of incest between the Dunne brothers obviously- i'm saying this cause sadly i've seen It on ao3 and i'm scarred for life 🤢... I only tolerate incest on horror stories because Its horrible and horrific, which IS like the whole point of a great horror story tbh. Horror belongs in horror. )
Continuing with the polycule and as @mzannthropy said : " Dracula polycule became quite popular with Dracula daily , so you'd have thought people would all over it" (on Djats show), but no dice.
Its like they dont know or read how the 70's were...And in 70's they were popular, so i think It would've worked, i guess people nowadays is more conservative than I thought?...I don't mean conservative in a political or economical way, but in a "sexually oppresed pearl clutching praying church going righteous 50's era wife" sorta way XD . (In spanish we call them "rancios" , It means old fashioned , It literally mean spoiled food XD).
Even with my otps being my otps (mentioned above) i truly feel that they could be better written too, which i'll talk about later and fix them, if needed.
The thing that botters me is that even with my otps, I can also see the potential with other ships, then i'll Talk my otps ones.
To make things work, imagine everyone on Djats that IS heterosexual Its bisexual.
I'm excluding: Julia (Its a kid, and as Adult I don't have enough info of her Life) & Rod cause he IS smarter than to mess romantically with any of them dumb bitches (affectionately).
Keep in my that My Warren recasts are (right now) undecided between Aaron Domínguez or Michael Trevino , they keep being latino - hispanic. You all know why I do recasts.
Let's start with the Madness :
Daisy x Warren (Dairren/ Warsy)
They could be explosive ,both funny in a very different way, so refreshing and cool. Bonus point for mixed race couple, that isn't as common on fandoms because... why? (Answer: racism).
Daisy x Graham (Daiham/Graisy) is a cool dynamic: "dark girl" with a Heart of gold who wants to becomes good... but doesn't know how x Selfless "light guy" who can help her...and they fall, imagine the scenarios. Redemption and love for her , being edgier and love for him. Billy scarred for life of his sister-in law XD.
Eddie x Daisy (Edaisy/Daiddie) are cool too, as both deserved to be chosen not used (yes I think Camila used Eddie's feelings for her, for revenge).
Then they (Daisy and Eddie) fall hard for each other and they choose each other, self-steem is praised with this ship. Also imagine Billy and Camila reactions, It would be priceless XD. Also in book Eddie liked Daisy (and gushed about her looks and her everything), not Camila. And blond ft Redhead looks pretty (shallow I know but looks influence shipping too).
Warren x Eddie (Warie/ Wardie/ Edren)
I feel they could be a chaotic funny gay one. They listen and DO judge...and mock the shit out the other couples. Plus for mixed race couple.
Karen x Billy (Kally/ Biren) :
They feel more like fuck buddies/ Friends with benefits than anything romantic, but could have a good development of independent close awkward people that sleep together so much... that somehow fall in love in between . Awkward indie movie ensues.
Camila x Graham (Camham / Gramila) :
I like the idea of them, my cousin ships them cause Will Harrison and Camila Morrone look "tan monos juntos"= sooo cuuuteee together, in the behind the scenes pics). Graham and Camila are too pure for this world and deserved better, they could find that better with each other. Plus the brothers with the same girl drama has being explored a lot , so Its possible and fun (Vampire Diaries comes to mind).
Daisy x Simone (Daimone / Simaisy):
Its a no brainer, like Simone treats Daisy the best , out of all the characters (including Bernie, her actual girlfriend!!). Daisy and Simone would be super cute. Also bonus for being a mixed race couple , which is always cool to see (and receive vitriol from fandoms, i'm looking at you The Bear and The Walking Dead fandoms!!! 😡)
Karen x Daisy ( Kaisy/ Dairen/ Karaisy /Daisen) : Two female musicians that rebel against machism in a male dominated work??? Who break molds??? And do what The fuck they wanna?? The ship writes itself . Also they look hot as fuck together.
Daisy x Bernie (Dainie/ Baisy/Beisy)
Again two female musicians, sarcastic, Rebel and groundbreaking. And plus for being a mixed couple, again i'm tired to see hate towards mixed couples...Stop racism. And you have a super feminine one (Daisy) and a tomboyish one (Bernie) for which I have a soft spot.
Karen x Simone (Karone/ Siren/ Simren) or
Simone Its softer, so you have the badass mean one (Karen) with the softie one (Simone). They have the "women breaking rules sterotypes and molds", that I dig a lot.
Karen x Bernie (Karnie/ Berren).
Bernie and Karen would be your perfect sarcastic bitchy lesbian couple Who listen and DO judge the toxic heterosexual couples while eyerolling , the force of the eyeroll would be intense on that ship. They both has the "women breaking rules sterotypes and molds", that I dig a lot.
Karen x Camila (Camren/ Karmila)
Mean tough one + soft nice one dynamic. The Blonde + brunette couple. They are besties already. They get along. They would be awesome. Camila treats Karen like a queen. Karen could be better, but Its okay.
Also they would be "Barbie couple" goals. And gets points for being mixed race couple (white + latina).
Lisa x Karen (Liren), Bernie x Lisa (Linie) , Simone x Lisa (Sisa/ Line) or Daisy x Lisa (Daisa/ Laisy/ Lisy) to explore both the cinema and the music scenes (and their fondational machism) and the fame issues with gossip press too.
Eddie x Billy (Edilly) would be epically hilarious and Hot too?? The dinamics would be: Friends to enemies -or directly frenemies- then frenemies to lovers at its finest XD . And It should be more popular here at Tumblr tbh, like Its the lgbtaq+ safe Space on Internet?? You all love gay otps being antagonistic towards each other then falling in love and then fucking each other senseless examples: Hannigram, Loustat, Daniel x Armand... hello? Did I miss something?
Billy x Nicky (Bicky/ Nilly). The amount of times i've seen here at Tumblr pairing actual enemies that would kill each other on sight , like Moriarty and Sherlock or Jonathan and Drácula or Harry Potter and Voldemort, or Robin and the Sheriff... all of them without even half a chemistry scene or anything remotely romantic between them , just puré hate, and Its too alarming to be ignored , so i leave this one here if anything for the lolz XD
Its enemies to lovers at its finest. It would be dark romance (so loved by Booktok 🙄), a dark romance so dark It would end in homicide (probably).
At least they would look hot while at It, as Sam Claflin and Gavin Drea are Hot.
Camila x Simone (Camone/ Simila) They are too pure for this world and deserved better, they could find that better with each other, they would be wholesome, cute, loving and also super well dressed. One of the few non toxic ones.
They would be "Barbie couple" goals. And gets points for being mixed race and being both POC , Its super rare seeing mixed race couples with both members being POC (not involving anyone white) and also gay, and even more rare if their WOC. So yeah bonus for being original.
Camila x Daisy (Daimila/ Camaisy) would work awesome, they could be couple goals, like if Camila can deal with Billy worst side, then she can bear with Daisy worst side.
Daisy is more selfdestructive and less grumpy dominant than Billy, so yeah, with Camila's saintly patience and Daisy vivacious Spirit they would live without much conflict (their only issue with each other was liking Billy, erase that and you have a perfect couple). They would be the perfect "Barbie style" couple, too cute and both would look super Hot. And also extra point for being mixed race couple (latina + redhead). This ship works better if you have It in a Edilly Au situation. Just imagine It XD :
" Eddie and Billy shouting"
The Girls:
C : why are they like that ? they should kiss :(
D : Yeah, too dramatic those dudes. XD Their makeup sessions must be awesome ;) "
Camila x Eddie (Edmila/Caddie) would work actually!!!! ....If well written, but sadly It was written catastrophically Bad, like...
I think Camila used Eddie's feelings for her, to avenge herself of Billy's infidelities on the show, that many people considered It Queen behaviour 🙄, but to me Its not : If you can't forgive him then dump him, Its one of my mottos.
Its one of the few times I truly felt sorry for Eddie, cause It was obvious that his love for her was true, Camila was wrong , I'm sorry not sorry with that plot point, go argue with a wall, if you want to cheat on your husband, at the very least be smart about It and don't do It with someone Who loves you (and that you don't love) especially knowing that he does love you... Choose an ex or a hot stranger ffs!!! (Like she did in the book...Way better).
To fix It : Camila and Eddie are Friends (they met on class if dont remember wrong). Eddie loves Camila (what else is new/ Who wouldn't). Camila liked Eddie too but both were too shy to admit it, dont wanting to lose each other as Friends, then Billy appeared and Cami fell before she and Eddie could be a real romantic thing, so she fell in love for Billy faster and harder, but Eddie Crush feelings are still there hidden...That way you have a good romantic link "The one that got away trope". Then their feelings explode after the Daisily affair. Then you can have whatever in this Au, either a divorce and everyone is Happy (or you do not have It and then you enter on Edaisy zone...)
See? That's how you do It, there I would've rotten for Edmila, create a cute crush/friendship previous link, (you can develop It with like 2 flashback scenes!!! Its not that hard), then the show scenario with them would be awesome! But It was sooo bad developed, and I think It was made on purpose to show Camila on a bad side, cause she hurt both Billy and Eddie in the process and the viewer perception about her too. It spoils her character. Ugh.
Thats why my Edmila Au its way better than canon 🤗.
Warren x Billy (Wally)
That one was hilarious to imagine XD. The serious grumpy one and the funny light-hearted one. It could work. Bonus for mixed couple. Warren can relax Billy. Billy can make Warren focus.
Teddy x Marlene (Telene/ Mardy) : He is lonely she is lonely (Hank can go fuck himself) so they start liking each other and date. In the end Billy and Graham are officially adopted by him. Everything is perfect.
And last but not least of the Au ships :
DaisyxBillyxCamilla , the love triangle
Here i'm turning a love triangle 💔 💔💔 into a throuple❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 (Daillyla/ Dailyla).
Also the three of them being together, loving each other equally, I think would be a great hippie 60's-70's scenario (well written and handled) It could be ground breaking , like The Laureate aka Laura Haddock's (Sam's ex wife) threesome/throuple movie *spoilers for that movie from here: It began awesome but the ending sucked, It was a real story btw, so nothing to do about It, sadly. End of spoilers*
In a Djats throuple Au It would have a happy ending... Because I say so.
It would be perfect and I actually dig It more and more, everyone involved would be happy (no cheap early deaths, no band breakup, getting clean sooner, awesome character dinamics : Camila : the tender love giving one learning to get things she wants, Billy : the insecure love needing leader end learning how to be vulnerable and soft giving truthfull love , Daisy : the one who defies him and who needs lots of love and self-steem learn love ,self steem and to be more empathic . There's also threesomes ...What's not to love?
And -if It had been done by the actual show- I think that they would have had more attention and audiences than they had tbh "The flesh sells" sigh XD . And maybe more nominations and God heavens...even Awards!...They lacked the imagination, or were too faithfull to the book (at least on that account).
Now with my otps :
Warrenlisa : perfect, nothing to fix. Only they should have more scenes, but that's it.
Simornie : perfect, nothing to fix. Only should have more scenes, but that's it.
Karengraham: Only issue was family wanting, they both loved each other well.
1- Make Karen change her mind about family, and then they are having family (i've met women in real life Who said they didn't want family and then got it, so Its possible). But then i'm making Graham a stay at home dad , just like Camila, but in male. Karen keeps singing (like Billy did).
Here you can, if you want , erase the whole abortion scenario in an even more Au land, but first they think It and even discuss it (you totally recover the erased/non shoot scene of Daisy's abortion post teen SA created on the show, It should've been kept tbh) creating an interesting (and still relevant) debate .
2- Or you keep canon abortion but you make Graham be a good boy as he IS, but one that IS so Not wanting kids either just like Karen, so everything Its fine; now they fit better, and stay together. They keep being together and making music too. They are couple goals and a power couple in the music industry.
Camilly : more love/romantic/tender scenes, more cute scenes (the chessier the better) more passion (yes sex scenes), and more obvious visible conection between them. No Billy-ing (sorry I couldn't resist It XD) . No secrets. Camila truly acknowdledging Billy's dark side and not putting Pink colored glasses about It.
Daisily: more physical action (yes sex scenes) , more cute tender scenes (the chessier the better), Daisy being slightly less mean (some spice its fine too much burns), Billy-ing no more (I couldn't resist It again XD), Billy admiting he loves them both way sooner, or at least being less salty about It. Daisy acknowdledging Billy loves Camila too and that he isn't with her just for Julia, but because Camila is loveable and awesome. Both trying to being the light of the other even if they feel like shit. They love each other and themselves as result.
That's It !!!
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jesstasticvoyage · 3 months ago
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Sam and his kids writing a letter to Santa!
posted via Laura’s insta stories
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deepinthelight · 1 year ago
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Santiago & actresses
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weclassybouquetfun · 5 months ago
The pain over DEAD BOY DETECTIVES not getting a second season has only been compounded by seeing Kassius Nelson
Who is so lovely
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reuniting with some of her former WHITE LINES co-stars - another Netflix series that didn't receive a second season.
Then: Tom Rhys Harries, Kassius, Ceallach "Cel" Spellman and Jonny Green.
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Now: Kassius, Cel and Tom with others.
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What was WHITE LINES you ask?
WHITE LINES was a fantastic mystery series created by Álex Pina, creator of LA CASA DE PAPEL / MONEY HEIST told across two timelines, twenty years apart. It starred Laura Haddock as the unassuming Zoe Walker who is summoned to Spain where the body of her brother Axel (Tom Rhys Harries) - who has been missing for 20 years - has been found.
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With no police investigation forthcoming, Zoe sticks around to question his friends who he moved there with (Cel Spellman and Daniel Mays playing younger and older Marcus; Kassius and Angela Griffin playing younger and older Anna) and Jonny Green and Laurence Fox playing younger and older David).
Great fun, great writing, great cast. And while a number of the cast lives in Spain, there have been times when they reconnect. Laura Haddock and Marta Milans who played the older version of Axel's girlfriend have remained friends and have visited each other, Marta and Daniel Mays have reconnected.
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Cel is the spoke who connects them all - he has gone to Daniel's plays and still hangs out with Laura.
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He's not going to let the fact that Laura and Tom broke up make him choose sides!
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Laura saying goodbye to the house she and Tom shared since lockdown.
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Tom with his new gal pal.
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They loved the experience so much.
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benjaminaldridge · 1 year ago
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The Release Date Of The Film T Y G E R Is Due 12 Feb 2024
Available on Apple Amazon & Google
Starring Ben Aldridge Dylan Edwards Natasha O’Keeffe Shaun Dooley Laura Haddock Pearl Mackie Alfie Stewart
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bombshell-manual · 29 days ago
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foxyandfamous · 1 month ago
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horny4highheels · 1 month ago
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Laura Haddock in Transformers The Last Knight
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stylestream · 2 months ago
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Laura Haddock | Emilia Wickstead Resort 2018 gown | Transformers: The Last Knight London Premiere | 2017
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amissguided · 1 year ago
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Minisa Tully, lady de Aguasdulces
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luegootravez · 10 months ago
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Laura Haddock by © Carla Guler
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movie--posters · 5 months ago
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hjbirthdaywishes · 7 months ago
August 21, 2024
Happy 39 Birthday to Laura Haddock.
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benjaminaldridge · 1 year ago
✨Teaser Of The Film T Y G E R✨
T Y G E R Is Due 12 Feb 2024
Available On Apple Amazon & Google
Starring Ben Aldridge Dylan Edwards Natasha O’Keeffe Shaun Dooley Laura Haddock Pearl Mackie Alfie Stewart
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