#Late Halloween Special
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No Rest for the Wicked
(Slasher AU | SFW | Yandere Sabo x Reader x Yandere Koala)
You're a goth student at a small university, and end up the victim of a Halloween prank gone wrong. Luckily, the Grad Student Instructor and his partner are awfully eager to help you out.
Haven't written for fun in 4+ years and what was meant to be my silly little Halloween debut oneshot became a 6871 word monster. This is the first part of at least three, things get sketchy as we go :') Gender neutral, but Reader is meant to be goth so there are mentions of corsets and makeup. Still kept the appearance vague bc I kept thinking of the My Immortal opener whenever I started describing outfits </3
TW for: Reader injury/head trauma, bullying uuhhhhhhhhhhh the length of this damn thing. Sorry if your name is Emily. Lmk if I missed anything
You don't like Halloween much, anymore.
Granted, you dressed like it was Halloween every day, but that had always been the case. Leather, carhartt, ripped skirts and jeans, and layer upon layer of black fabric was how you liked to roll. Sometimes a corset if you felt up to it. And eclectic jewelry, because of course. You went to college somewhere small, where that sort of thing was really only seen on TV or grimy band posters. Your style alienated you but you weren’t willing to compromise, so you spent a lot of time alone. This didn’t help the general impression your peers had of you.
So you really should have questioned it when Emily, a sorority girl, suddenly started to try and befriend you. She just sat herself next to you in the library one day and introduced herself. It was strange, but you were strange too, and you didn’t want to judge based on looks. So you accepted it- and soon you struck up an awkward, but nice friendship.
You liked it.
She got you to watch one of her archetypal chick flicks, and you got her to watch a horror movie. You picked a tame one, but it still freaked her out, so you said she never had to watch those with you again. You helped her study, went to the mall, even managed to win some radio lottery for tickets to a band you didn’t care about but she adored. You didn’t end up going, but you gave the three tickets to Emily, who went with two other friends.
And then October came. And you were invited to the yearly Halloween party, at some rich guy’s house out in the woods somewhere. You thought it would be great, your everyday attire was already suitable- but you went the extra mile. You hadn’t been invited to a party like this before. You were surprised you found yourself excited to go in the first place.
And at first, it was fun. Emily gave you a ride- her costume was some cheap, bloody nurse’s dress. “I feel kinda lame standing next to you,” she had said, looking at your black platform boots, torn stockings, corset, and tastefully unbuttoned top. You had eyeball earrings and various chains around your neck and waist, and of course you’d painted your nails black. You had laughed.
“Hey, I could lend you some pieces if you want. It would be nice to not be the only freak.” It was her turn to laugh.
A little too hard, you thought, but pushed it to the back of your mind.
When you arrived at the house- a gorgeous, three-story place with a wraparound porch and a 2nd floor balcony with a staircase down into the side yard and a fortune in kitschy Halloween decorations like face webs, blood, and plenty of jack-o-lanterns of course- you could hear how loud everything was before Emily even cut the engine. She turned to you- bleached tresses catching what little light there was. “Are you nervous?” She asked, voice giddy with excitement.
“Y-yeah,” You confessed, chuckling nervously. “I don’t think I’ve been to a party since I was a kid,” you muse. You’re both quiet, for a moment. “Thank you, by the way. Not just for the party invite, but uh- the everything. It’s been nice.” Your voice is soft. Looking back, the earnestness you’d shown her makes you nauseous. She had smiled at you.
“Aw, don’t get sappy on me now. You’re my lucky charm! I couldn’t get into that concert without you!”
Your memories after that were fuzzy. You remembered the crisp night air as you crossed the lawn with Emily. You remembered the way the warmth and light of the house and enveloped you when you stepped inside. You remembered everybody staring as soon as you walked in, and the pleasant burn of whatever alcohol you had been offered- you remembered idle chatter but nothing specific-
And you remembered the costume contest Emily had urged you to participate in. You tried to say you weren’t exactly in costume, just ambiguously goth. Lots of other weak arguments too, but she insisted. You remembered that. How insistent she was. How she said this was your chance to leave your little shell and open up. That everyone there would love you. Their makeshift stage sat beneath an indoor balcony, and you’d thought it was just so party-goers on the second floor could see. A wooden table with a number of goofy props had been set off to the side. You had stood there, before a sea of drunk faces, and in the blink of an eye-
A sharp, quick strike to the top of your head.
And then you woke up gasping, sobbing, a splitting pain in your skull and oh god, oh god oh god- Blood. So much of it. Covering you, covering the floor, and a strangled, warbling shriek clawed its way up and out of your throat- was it yours?! Was all of this- all of it yours?!
You’re- you’re dying.
Overlapping voices, Emily- “B-but it’s a joke! It w-was just a joke, wait-!”
Everything’s blurry, but there’s so much violent, viscous red, you’re dying.
You sob, trying to lurch to your feet, but someone stops you-
It’s loud. It’s so fucking loud and it hurts. Everything is blurry and bright and the screaming- you can’t process any of it- two figures in blue with tophats sit in front of you, saying something, but you don’t understand. They reach for you- both at once, and you scramble backwards into someone else- hands on your shoulders, trying to gently push you down.
Everything from then on was a whirl of pain and color and sound- no Emily. No… anybody that you could recognize. You’re lifted by the blue figures- carried through a parting crowd, into the cold sting of the night air, and into the wrong car.
“No, no,” You tried to say- this wasn’t your ride, this isn’t how you got here, but your voice didn’t feel right in your skull and it scared you, so you stopped. You end up in the backseat with the blue men, another figure driving. Was that the one you backed into?
“-you hear me?” The blue men say. It sounds like you’re underwater.
“H-huh wha- what?” You offer pathetically.
“Okay, good, that’s an actual word out of them,” A woman’s voice says from the front.
“Pretty slurred though,” The blue men respond, holding up their overlapping gloved hands and pointing four fingers skyward. “How many fingers am I holding up?” He asks you.
“Y-you’ve both guh-got four,” you say, leaning back with a whimper. Speaking hurts your head. You hear the men swear.
“Okay. A lot less good,” the woman upfront says. “Keep them awake, Sabo.”
“Yes, I know the drill,” the brothers(?) say, before turning back to you.
“You twins?” You whisper out, and get a light huff in response.
“You’re in shock,” they tell you gently. “It’s going to be alright, though. Can you tell me your name and birthday?”
You squint, stumbling through the answers to various questions. You’re slow- each word reverberating through your skull, rattling your teeth and adding to the pressure behind your eyes. But it does keep you awake until they get you to the hospital.
You woke up in a dimmed hospital room, all dull grays and white. Two people in well-made (but now bloodied) steampunk costumes sitting in chairs at your bedside. A blonde man with a blue vest and black coat, leaning on the shoulder of a smaller, ginger woman in pink, who’s reading a book. You can’t make out the title, your vision is still a bit blurry.
“Hello..?” You croak out, earning a jump from the woman before you. You squint. You think her eyes might be green.
“Oh good, you’re awake! How do you feel?” She asks softly.
“Um, bad,” you rasp. God, you feel awful. Worse than any hangover you’d ever had. “Who are you..? What… happened?” You ask, voice trailing into a scratchy whisper.
You hear her sigh softly. You wish you could tell what kind of face she was making. “My name’s Koala. My partner Sabo and I brought you here after an… accident.” She pauses, for something- you aren’t sure what. A dull pulse throbs in your head. “Do you… remember anything?”
You squint. “Um… Emily was t-taking me to a… party. I was at a party.” God, your head hurts. Just thinking about the loud music and overlapping voices makes you nauseous, and you groan. “Koala… Sabo… heard those, somewhere…” Maybe you’d met- maybe they just said their names while you were out of it. And it’s hard to tell if someone’s familiar when they just look like fuzzy shapes to you.
“It’s okay, take your time. You’ve… had a rough night. Oh- I should probably call the nurse, hold on.” You see her reach for something, and hear the soft click of a button. Then she turns to her side, shaking the figure leaning on her shoulder. “Sabo- Sabo, get up idiot, they’re awake,” she hisses, the warmth she addressed you with now replaced with irritation. The man, Sabo, sighs, sitting up with a groan. He stretches, earning a flinch from you when his back cracks loudly.
“Ah, that’s good to hear,” a gentle, sleepy voice intones, and even with the blur in your vision you can see his grin. “How are you feeling?”
“... Bad.” You repeat, earning a snort from Koala. “Weren’t there three people with me..?”
“Ah��� no, you are… quite concussed, my friend.”
“Oh…” you pause, trying to focus on the fuzzy folk before you, but it’s useless. “I’ve… heard of you before, I think…”
A soft chuckle bubbles out of the man’s chest. “We’ve spoken a few times. I’m a grad student instructor, and Koala’s my partner. Does that ring a bell..?” The concerned lilt in his voice is soothing.
“I… think so…”
“Well, no need to worry about it,” Koala pipes up, crossing her arms. “You’ve got plenty of time to get your bearings.”
Shortly after that, a nurse arrived, and you went through a standard physical exam. Your reflexes were a bit slow and your vision wasn’t great, but you were far more coherent. You were exhausted though, arms trembling after just drinking a little bit of water.
The two had to gently break the news that you had been a setup, deliberately lured to that party so you could be pranked Carrie style with a bucket of fake blood. Except the bucket itself was rather heavy, striking you on the head and making you fall just right, resulting in you bashing your head once more against that stupid prop table. The woman, Koala, told you that you’d been unconscious for around ten seconds, give or take. They had rushed to your side, the room silent, until you woke up and screamed.
It was bad. Sabo and Koala both worked to get your jewelry off you, since you’d likely need an x-ray- but the biggest issue was that the fake blood dumped on you made it hard to tell where the real injury was, and how much real blood you were losing. The workers had to clean you up and your entire outfit was ruined. Your family was called, but they lived out of state and couldn’t make it to you. The hospital kept you for a few more hours, running tests and making sure there were no further complications- your benevolent saviors remaining with you the whole time. That part gave you pause. You didn’t think strangers were even allowed to do that, but you didn’t mention it. You felt wrong questioning these people.
The nurse was a kind but stern woman, making sure to speak very clearly for you. “Alright, sweetheart, here’s how this is gonna work. You clearly can’t drive, but luckily your friends here can. Once you’re home, you need to be supervised for at least three days. We’re giving you the good stuff, for pain- take one every 4-6 hours, as needed.”
“O-oh, that’s okay,” you stammer. Supervision? You live alone in a single-person dorm room. “I c-can… manage on my own, none of that is hard,” you try to assure her, despite how wrong it still felt just to talk. Your mouth doesn’t feel like it was yours, the delay between thought, intention, and execution of speech unsettling. The nurse clearly isn’t impressed, either.
“No. This is a head wound. If you have nobody to look after you, we will not discharge you.”
“Well, I suppose that’s where we come in. We’re already driving you home, aren’t we?” Sabo gently pipes up.
And that’s how you find yourself pushed out to the car in a wheelchair. A little excessive, you think, feeling heat rise to your cheeks at the idea of just how much these strangers- well, acquaintances, you suppose- are doing for you. When Sabo opened the door for you, you winced, seeing the dark, sticky mess you had left in his backseat. “I’m sorry about b-bleeding all over your car,” you mumble, but he waves you off.
“Please, don’t worry yourself over something like that,” he chides. “Most of that isn't even real, anyway. I can get it cleaned, it’s alright. Let’s get you home, okay?” He says, ushering you into the clean side of the backseat.
The three of you stand in front of the door to your tiny dorm room, you leaning heavily on Sabo while you struggle with your keys. He has an arm around your waist to steady you, but you still feel like you’re gonna tip over. At least it’s too early for any other students to see you- most of them are still probably sleeping off whatever parties they went through. The splitting ache in your skull made you wish the same. After a good twenty seconds of struggling with the rusted lock of your front door, Koala sighs, taking the keys from you and doing it herself in one smooth motion. You can’t help but deflate a little bit. You’re ushered inside the little space, a twin sized bed across from a couch and a single window between them. You’ve got a crappy old wardrobe that houses the clothes you wear most often, while the rest is kept in a bin that normally lay beneath your bed- but with a shaky sigh, you take in the sight of it pulled out into the open from when you had been excitedly planning your outfit last night. Dark, cobwebby drapings of tattered cloth and worn leather, both faux and authentic, haphazardly scattered about.
You set down the plastic bag your soaked clothes had been placed in, sinking to your knees with the intention of packing things up, but a hand on your shoulder stops you.
“Just leave it for now,” says Sabo, voice soft as ever. “We can get that for you later. Why don't you just lie down, hmm?” Warm gloved hands guide you to your bed, and you sigh as you sink into the comforter.
Your two guests look around your room, and you suddenly flush. Your walls are littered with flyers, artwork, band and movie posters, the latter of which are mostly pulpy horror flicks. You haven't had anyone in here in ages except-
Your stomach lurches. You'd somehow managed not to think about her.
Koala turns to you, about to say something, but stops when she sees the tears welling up in your eyes. You don’t want to break down in front of these people. You curl in on yourself, wiping your tears frantically, willing yourself not to start bawling. Sabo and Koala are muttering something to each other, but you can’t make it out. “Sorry…” You mutter, voice thick and wobbly. “You two have, um- thank you. I’m sorry about all this. Probably not how you wanted to spend your Halloween.”
“Oh none of that now,” chides Sabo, who has made himself at home on your couch. “It certainly wasn’t part of our plan- Ow!” He winces when Koala elbows him in the ribs. “As I was saying, some things are a bit more important than crashing a party. And I’m sure you didn’t plan on having your head cracked open, so don’t talk like it’s your fault.”
“Th… thank you. Really. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” They’re so… nice to you. It feels different from Emily, in a way you can’t quite articulate. Something about them just makes you feel relaxed and at ease… part of that could also be the exhaustion seeping into your bones, like water being soaked up by a thick blanket of cotton. “But what happens now..? Are you really gonna… babysit me for three days? Don’t you two have things to do? Besides, this place is tiny.”
You feel a dip in the mattress as Koala comes to sit by you, and it makes your head spin for a second. “We definitely have a few calls to make,” she sighs. “But your couch is perfectly fine- and Sabo can take the floor, because he’s such a gentleman, isn’t he?” The sly lilt has you giggling, and Sabo just huffs, taking the playful jab in stride.
“Naturally,” he tells her, and you think he might have winked.
You yawn, eyelids fluttering. “That’s… still not great. Seriously, th-this place… kind of sucks. I don’t even have a kitchen in here…”
That seems to give them pause. Koala hums. “Well… Sabo’s place has a couple guest rooms, but sometimes his brothers stay there too…”
“Wait, n-no, I c-can’t just um, intrude like that-!”
Your guests share a look. You wish you could tell what kind. “Well, we’re not leaving you here alone. It’s just not an option.” Koala asserts. You open your mouth to protest, but Sabo beats you to it.
“Look, I know we aren’t close, and this is all… very sudden. You don’t know us very well, it’s weird to stay at a stranger’s house. But…” He rubs the back of his neck. “There’s a good chance you could hurt yourself. And I wouldn’t be a very good GSI if you missed Professor Silver’s lecture next week because I left you alone.” You snort, then wince at the bolt of pain that shoots through your muddled head. “A lot has happened to you in the past twelve hours. This isn’t ideal for anyone, believe me- but we’re worried about you.”
You should have had more questions, honestly- but oversights abound when one has a traumatic brain injury. Sabo steps out to make a call, and Koala helps you pack an overnight bag. A couple changes of casual, comfortable clothes- mostly black, of course. And you finally change out of the off-white spares provided by the hospital, from loose thin overshirt and pants to some pajamas with a sweater thrown over it. Nothing particularly interesting but unfortunately, you had more pressing concerns. Sabo comes back in shortly after, nodding to his partner.
This time, instead of helping you hobble your way back down to the parking lot, Sabo just picks you up. You sputter, but he just hushes you, and Koala locks the door behind you all with your black coffin-shaped backpack slung over her shoulder.
That thing rules, you think to yourself, allowing your body to relax against Sabo. Your cheek squishes against his chest, and you catch a faint scent- the sweet, chemical tang of the fake slop that was dumped on you. Despite your discomfort, you quickly find it hard to keep yourself awake. You’re in the hallway- early morning sunlight casting a golden glow through the old dorm building. Your eyes flutter shut- then back open- you’re in the parking lot, and Koala is shuffling around in the backseat. When she moves away, you see that an old, ratty, dark brown blanket has been draped over the recently stained polyester. You hum as Sabo buckles you in, then gently lays you down, adjusting the seatbelt so it doesn’t bite into you uncomfortably.
“Poor thing,” you hear Koala coo. “So, you’re sure it was him? And what did everyone say about rescheduling..?” She continues as you drift off.
You wake up with a groan, in an unfamiliar room. The walls are a pleasant tawny color, with one cream accent wall. You’ve been tucked in underneath a comforter topped with a quilt- the scattered geometric pattern comprised of black, white, and shades of gray. It brings a smile to your face, that they went through the trouble of finding you a quilt that matched your aesthetic. You sit up slowly, groaning at the throbbing ache in your head. You blink, smacking your lips, trying to get rid of the dry, scratchy feeling in your throat. Turning to the right, there’s a bedside table- a glass of water and one of your pills left out for you, along with a small note. They’ve also been kind enough to plug your phone in for you. Extending a trembling hand, you pick up the little scrap of paper and squint at the clean, rounded handwriting.
Sabo will be back later, he’s running some errands. If you wake up before I come check on you, please take the pill I left out. I’m in the living room, which is down the hall to your right if you need anything. - Koala
You sniff, placing the note down and doing as instructed. You wince at the feeling of the sizable white pill catching on the inside of your throat on the way down, even with the water. Rubbing your throat you reach for your phone without a thought, and-
The first thing you do is wince when the light of the screen meets your eyes. When the blurriness subsides a little, you blink away the not-quite-tears of eyestrain to find 24 missed calls, and 99+ messages, the unlock screen preview shows you. You grimace, turning your attention to the time. A little over half past one, November 1st. You take a deep breath. You don’t want to think about all this. At least not alone.
You stumble to your feet to go find Koala like the note said, but you don’t really need to. She hears your door open, and comes to fetch you herself and guide you to the leather sofa. You sit sideways, with your feet up on the cushions. You’re trying to take in your surroundings when a folded knit blanket is plopped onto your lap, and she sits down with you with her knees up to her chest. You take a moment to relax, kneading the soft, blue fibers in your tired hands. “... Hi,” you rasp, then clear your throat. “Uh… this is a nice place. Thanks for letting me stay…”
“Mmm. Don’t mention it. Wasn’t really up to you, anyway.” The woman tilts her head slightly, regarding you. “... Are you feeling any better? I’m guessing you read the note?”
“Yeah, I did. And I’m mostly just… tired and sore, now. I was worried I’d be nauseous, but I’m not, so… that’s nice.”
“That is good,” she agrees, “We were a little worried you’d have trouble eating.”
“Mmmhmm.” You’re both quiet for a moment. Koala has changed into something more casual as well- a sky blue sweater that looks too big on her and loose reddish brown pants. You unfold the blanket she gave you, sighing. “Um… so, should I inform the school somehow-”
“Sabo is speaking to the faculty on your behalf, so don’t worry about that.” She has a… blunt way of speaking that sometimes takes you off guard, but you’re getting used to it quickly. Overall she’s nice. “That girl-” she spits, and you can make out a grimace- “Emily, she blew up Sabo’s school email when you didn’t answer her.”
“Oh.” You breathe. “What… did she say..?”
You hear Koala inhale, hear her start to say something, but she looks at you and pauses for a moment. Then she sighs and shakes her head, shoulders slumping. “It’s not important. Don’t worry about her.” Your brows furrow a little bit. You think that if it’s about you, you should get to know, but whatever.
“... Anything she’s got to say is probably already on my phone, anyway,” you groan, pressing your palms against your eyes.
“I thought as much,” she mumbles bitterly. “Well, listen- I’m sure your family should hear from you directly at some point today. Do you feel up to that?”
“... I don’t know.”
“Fair enough. The hospital was sure to mention that you’re stable when they contacted your parents, so at least they aren’t completely in the dark.” There’s another silence, but it’s not uncomfortable. Or maybe your head is still too muddled to feel awkward. You find yourself wishing you’d had a chance to meet under better circumstances, though, rather than ending up as a burden to these two. “Well…” she starts, “do you like tea? I know Sabo usually keeps a couple different kinds in the house.”
You nod, a soft smile quirking the corners of your mouth upwards. “Thank you, that sounds lovely,” you say, absentmindedly reaching up to trace the stitches in your head, only for Koala to lurch forward to slap your hand away.
“Don’t touch it, idiot! It’ll get worse!” She scolds you, but it doesn’t feel mean-spirited. You gingerly lower your hand and sit on it, earning a snort from her. “If that’s what it takes,” she quips, a smile in her voice. She stands, stretches, and settles with her hands on her hips. “Can I trust you not to start prying your stitches out if I leave to go put some water on?”
“Probably not.” That gets another little huff from her.
“Might have to tie your hands, then,” she muses. “Alright, listen. I’m going to go make tea. Then I’m gonna help you clean up a bit more- get the excess gunk off your face. We’ll see how you’re feeling after that. If you aren’t too out of it, I’ll help you make that phone call.”
You end up making that call after the tea is finished, opting not to keep anyone waiting. Koala has it on speaker phone, and is able to elaborate where you can’t. You don’t tell your family about… the prank, yet. You can feel Koala’s gaze on you, but she follows your lead, being vague on the details and focusing on your condition. You tell your mother there was an accident at a party, and you’re with a friend right now.
“Oh, that Emily girl, right?” Your mom asks.
You’re glad you can’t audibly wince, but you can’t really fault her for asking. “No, i-it’s someone else.”
“You’ve made other friends? Oh that’s wonderful, I’m so glad you’re finally coming out of your shell!” You lock up, eye twitching. This is a comment you do fault her for. Really? She’s on about this now? The rest of the conversation is a blur- you sit, curled up on the couch and sipping your tea while Koala takes over for you. She talks a little about herself and Sabo, and a little about you, too- mentioning some student art exhibit you’d submitted a piece to at the beginning of your time on campus, back when you were still trying to be sociable. You find heat rising to your cheeks. She was there? She remembered it? You feel guilty for not recognizing her sooner. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, Sabo gets home, setting down some brown paper grocery bags and walking over to quietly press a kiss to Koala’s temple. The conversation ends shortly after Sabo introduces himself, winning them over just as easily as Koala had. They exchange contact info with your parents, assuring them that they would be updated. It leaves you feeling a bit… infantilized, truthfully, but everyone involved means well.
When all that is said and done, Sabo addresses you personally. “Glad to see you awake and alert. I’ve got everything for a light soup. Does that sound good?”
You nod. “Yes, thank you. L-let me know if I can help p-pay for anythi-” you’re interrupted by light, airy laughter.
“Nonsense, I’m used to paying for whatever crazy shenanigans my brothers get into, food for a couple days is nothing. And I’m willing to bet their appetites are way bigger than yours, anyway.”
Koala saunters over, wrapping an arm around his waist. “You talk like you aren’t just as bad as those two,” she says, jabbing a finger into his chest and turning her head to you. “Don’t let the clean student-faculty sweetheart image fool you, he gets into all sorts of shit,” she huffs, earning a laugh from her partner. You’re sure the smile on your face is rather dopey, but these two are cute together.
“Seeing as he’s got a concussed stranger sleeping over, yeah I’d say that tracks,” you tell her, earning a pout from the man.
“Aw, we’re not strangers anymore, are we?” Koala asks with a faux tearfulness.
“I… guess not…”
“Good,” she says, detangling herself from Sabo and pressing a kiss to his jaw before turning back to you. “Now lay back- I’m gonna clean the rest of that shit off your face now.”
“H-huh?” You sputter. She’d already mentioned doing this, but the firmness of her statement takes you off-guard. Sabo just laughs.
“Koala is very strong-willed. You won’t be winning any arguments with her, just give in now,” he says sympathetically.
There’s a sharp exhale from the woman. “I wouldn’t have to be strong-willed if you'd just listen to me the first time,” she quips, already applying drops of liquid makeup remover to a cotton ball. When had she even gotten those out?
You sit as still as possible for Koala, leaning back against the pillows piled behind you as your new friend slides onto the couch. She slots herself between your knees and looms over you, her brows furrowed as she begins to carefully, gently dab away the remnants of faux, syrupy blood still clinging to your hairline, behind your ears, and other creases in your face. Most of your makeup and the blood had been washed off in the hospital, but the priority was of course your injury. The details were left for later. She knows what she’s doing, featherlight touches soothing your frazzled mind. It just feels right- your eyes flutter shut as she reaches for your face, cool dampness of the cotton balls and makeup wipes running over your eyelids, down the sides of your nose… heart fluttering at the chuckle Koala lets out when the sharp scent of the cleaning solution makes your face scrunch up. You smile softly when you open your eyes again, earning a pause from her. She tilts her head quizzically, short ginger hair framing her round eyes…
Your vision is a little clearer now. You can see a lot better than you could when you were still in the hospital, barely coherent with a head full of static. “I was right,” you giggle, dazed voice weighed by fatigue, but the fear, anxiety, sadness- the hurt- is all finally gone. “Your eyes are green. You’re really pretty, Koala.” She jolts, face going red, turning to glare at Sabo when he laughs.
“You’re still out of it,” she hushes, but you don’t miss the shaky smile poorly hidden behind her hand.
It’s a pleasant night. Sabo starts on the food shortly after Koala finishes, and you nap on the couch as the pleasant smell of chicken and rice soup fills the house. It’s an open kitchen, so most of what Sabo does is visible the few times you drift back into consciousness. The final time you wake up, it’s to Sabo gently shaking your shoulder with a bowl of soup ready for you, along with another one of your pills. The three of you eat together in the living room, small talk petering off as it becomes clear just how tired you are. But it’s pleasant- warmth filling you as you slowly eat, eyelids growing heavier and heavier, until you find everything but the flavor of light soup and dull pulse in your skull fading away.
You’d be perfectly content to just pass out here on the couch, but Koala is insistent you get to bed properly. You’re in the bathroom, struggling to brush your teeth- the harsh scratching sound of a toothbrush resonating through your entire skull with a dizzying buzz. You aren’t looking forward to doing this again… maybe you could get away with just using mouthwash for a couple days..? Ugh, probably not… You’re leaning in close to the mirror, examining the sutures on your head. When you had struck the table, it had pulled your skin back, tearing the wound open wider. Part of it pokes down through your hairline, about two inches visibly protruding past your temple, earning a frown from you. You gingerly run your fingers over the rough stitching-
“Please don’t do that.” Despite the softness of Sabo’s voice, his sudden appearance makes you jump. “Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” You sound a little wobbly, but that’s mostly because you’re tired.
He pushes off from where he’s resting against the doorframe, stepping into the room to assess his own reflection beside you. “It will likely scar,” he says after a moment. You look at Sabo- actual Sabo, instead of his reflection- and he turns to look at you as well. The dramatic sunburst of scarring around his eye makes yours look like nothing in comparison- you feel a little self-conscious about silently fussing over yours with him right there. “But it could be worse. Easier to cover with certain hairstyles, or makeup, should you so choose.” You manage to suppress your wince. You don’t actually know how Sabo feels about his scars- you think they’re cool, but he might not. But you also don’t want to assume he’s hinting at any of his own insecurities and say something weird.
“More worried about lingering brain damage, honestly,” you eventually settle on, turning back to the mirror. “Might look kinda cool, once it heals up a bit… but it came from something really stupid.”
“You could just make something up, like I do,” he offers, earning a shaky smile from you.
“Thanks, Sabo, but I’m pretty sure everyone’s gossiping about it. By the time I get back on campus, everyone will already know…”
“Well…” he starts, your gaze following his hand as it moves up to rub your shoulder. “Good thing we won’t be here forever, hmm..?” He purrs quietly. You look to him, and any retort you had dies on your tongue. There’s an intense look in his wide eyes, paired with a small polite smile that doesn't quite match up.
“H-Huh?” You’re quiet, confused.
He takes in your response, blinking and pulling his hand away from you to rub the back of his neck. “I just mean we won’t be students here, forever… didn’t mean to sound alarming. Plenty of people out in the world you could tell a fun little lie to,” he clarifies, and you relax again. “Though you are right, it’s an oversight on my part not to consider how much people talk.”
The tension deflates immediately, and you feel a little bad. Your mind is just playing tricks on you- it’s been a rough 24 hours, after all. “Oh, haha, i-it’s fine… sorry for being jumpy. B-besides, I’m used to dumb gossip already, I-I should probably just…” You falter. His eyes aren’t as intense, but you feel like his focus is. He’s just trying to be a good listener, you tell yourself. You’re the one making things weird. You clear your throat, trying to ignore the funny feeling in your chest. “Sorry. I don’t know w-why I’m so worried, it’s all the same shit,” you try to joke. Your attempt at a chuckle is thin and reedy. The face of the man before you softens- and you realize you don’t like it. You don’t like the disdain, the laughter, the frankly juvenile way your peers treat you, but you don’t like this, either. The pitying look, like you’re a stray puppy left out in the rain. With a black, spiked collar, maybe. What’s wrong with you? Why are you so upset? Seconds after you notice the first small, watery hints of tears welling up in your eyes, you just break down.
Sabo moves swiftly, seemingly on autopilot, wrapping you up in a hug, warm hand pressing your head against his chest. It’s nice. It feels so, so nice- he’s steady and reliable, firm chest and arms keeping you snug and secure against him and you can’t help but think have I ever been held like this before? You’re embarrassed- you don’t want to behave like this, it feels so childish. But your body shudders with a cracked sob despite yourself, hands tightly balling themselves up in his shirt as he slowly sinks the both of you to the floor. “Sorry, m’sorry,” you whine into his chest. Why? Why now? The look he gave you didn’t rattle you that hard, did it? God, the pressure behind your eyes, that constricting tightness in your throat- it all makes the ache in your head bloom all the worse. He rubs your back, settling you in his lap. “I don’t know why- I d-don’t get it,” you gasp, clinging to him. The firm, hurried sound of approaching footsteps meet your ears, stopping at the doorway.
“It’s okay. Shhh, it’s alright, you don’t have to,” coos Sabo, and you feel him turning to look at Koala, no doubt coming to check on the racket you were making. “I’m sure it’s a little bit of everything. It was bound to happen at some point. You’ve been through a lot, just let it out, alright? It’s okay.” Koala approaches, shuffling past Sabo in the narrow space so she can sit adjacent to two of you.
“We expected something like this, so don’t worry. I’m glad you aren’t bottling things up,” she says, leaning forward to wrap her arms around you both. They’re both so warm. Leaning against Sabo’s chest, Koala’s head comes to rest on your shoulder as Sabo readjusts, momentarily removing an arm to embrace his partner in return. A little bit awkward, all three of you piled onto the floor like that, but it still just feels so nice. Pleasant. You don’t know why these two have your back, but you have absolutely no doubts that they do. “Let's get you to the bedroom, alright? Much more comfortable there than a bathroom floor.” That comment is probably as much for Sabo as it is for you. You nod against his chest, and he wastes no time in sliding an arm under your knees and securing your back with the other. You sniffle and whine pathetically as he walks you back to the guest room, setting you on the bed, sitting up. You blink, hiccuping as your host pulls the covers over you. Koala approaches with a glass of water- when did she get that? And two pills. “The second is just some melatonin,” she soothes, handing the tiny puck of medicine alongside your prescribed painkiller. “You’ve been falling asleep well enough, but we thought… Well, just in case.” When had they talked about that? When you were napping? You didn’t care very much at the moment.
“Th-thank you,” you choke out, reaching your shaking hands out for the water and the medicine. You would very much like to leave the waking world- everything is suddenly so overwhelming for no reason at all. “I’m so s-sorry for the trouble.” You pop the pills into your mouth, and when you go to drink, Koala’s hands clasp themselves over yours, assisting you in raising the glass to your mouth. The cool liquid soothes your throat, and your cries taper off into sniffles.
You take a shaky breath. Both of them are looking at you, but you don’t want to meet their eyes. “It’s okay. You’re tired and hurt, it’s to be expected.” Sabo comforts you, yet again. Your stomach twists. They’re adamant that everything is okay, that you aren’t imposing, but how couldn’t you be? If everything Emily supposedly felt for you was fake, who knows what these people could be up to? You set the glass down, Koala’s hands sliding away as you brace it between your thighs. You briefly notice a roughness to her palms- they’re callused.
… You’re tired.
“Thank you,” you rasp, looking back up to your hosts. They both nod.
“Is there anything you need?” Koala asks, voice soft. None of the edge it normally carries.
“I think… I-I just want to sleep.”
“Of course,” she says, but doesn’t move. She… hovers for a moment, looking you over before standing and turning to Sabo. You can’t see her face, but there’s something unreadable in the smile Sabo gives her.
You thank them again. They bid you goodnight, and you return it.
Your consciousness fades almost as quickly as their footsteps.
#reader insert#yandere#one piece x reader#yandere Sabo#Yandere Koala#Late Halloween Special#fanfiction#blatant overuse of elipses dashes and sleep-based time skips#slasher au#but like. no slashing yet. Or the next- at least not onscreen#they're discreet :)#thanks to hannahbarberra162 for beta reading and also suggesting the title :)
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To Have a Crush: Skully J. Graves [Special]

Warning(s): JP Spoilers, Gender-neutral reader, not proof-read, OOC
Notes: That moment when you’re casually just scrolling through Tumblr and then this guy shows up face first on your For You page. In other words, I got distracted and made this. Whoopsie. (٥⁀▽⁀ ) This is gonna be following a slightly different format from my other ones since there’s not much info on him but I hope it works!
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Special
Skully J. Graves
𓉸 A kiss of love placed atop a living hand. As you laid there on his lap, chest heaving up and down peacefully as if in a beautiful dream, Skully couldn’t help but think that perhaps true love was real after all. Love at first sight always sounded like a ridiculous notion in his head. Like really? Who instantly falls for someone by taking one look at them? Doesn’t that just mean they’re scared? Whatever it was, Skully didn’t believe in it…until he met you. Witnessing by your side as your pure eyes filled with curiosity, excitement, and a little fear at what was happening around, only made him fall harder. How beautiful, how wonderful, how…well it’s nothing to dwell too much on. Even if the time he spent with you was but a fleeting dream, the warmth he felt as his hands rested above yours was truly real.
𓉸 The fanatic of Halloween, a weirdo with a stranger fixation, a foolish man who knows nothing. Skully knows those names well, too well in fact, but it’s pointless to understand those who only have the intellect to judge others. Not once did he think there’d be anyone who’d understand him. Not once did he think he’ll ever gain a friend. That’s why you, who blooms so brightly against the night he adores, captured his wounded heart. Perhaps ‘Halloween’, with those piercing eyes of yours holding their own against his red who are so cowardly, could be something more than solemn and cold. Reminiscing on the conversations that were held, the rowdiness of a unique group of friends claiming they were not friends, and a journey of nightmarish delights, Skully couldn’t help but want this night of screams to last a little while longer.
𓉸 Ah…but should this continue for any longer, it would no longer be called ‘Halloween’, no?
𓉸 Yes, he loves you so and yes, holding tightly onto that love, he’ll let you go. Under the gentle light of the full moon, surrounded by friends and heroes alike, a revelation was realized and a hope was crushed. Sitting with you at lunch, languishing over upcoming tests, and attempting to skip out on physical education class with you…haha, it’s not good to be too greedy, right? With the words he wanted to say held dearly to his heart, never once leaving his lips, Skully bows and takes your hand in his once again. This dream of a nightmare shall come to an end but he hopes, even if it’s a cruel wish to have, that this encounter shall forever be embedded in your heart.
“I give a kiss to this fateful farewell…and a Happy Halloween to my dearest friend.”
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#twst imagines#twst skully#skully j graves#skully j graves x reader#guess who got spoiled?#I did!#I’m gonna go cry now#I am working on Octavinelle still#it’s just…yeah I got no excuse#late late late Halloween special!!
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Beautiful Creatures | Preview

❝We’re all beautiful creatures of the night, vampires and witches.❞
PAIRING! vampire!kim seonwoo x witch!female reader
GENRES! fluff, angst, vampire au, witch au, kinda strangers to lovers, second chance romance?, a sprinkle of forbidden love, reincarnation au
WORD COUNT! almost 3k
WARNINGS! mc is an orphan, physical violence, prejudiced behaviors from the town’s people, death, suicide? (this will make sense later), i think that’s it? lmk if i missed anything
SYNOPSIS! in the gloomy town of Eldritch Cove, a coven of witches resides deep in the marsh, never to make contact with outsiders, it's safer this way. But when a mysterious young man passes through town everything changes
AUTHOR’S NOTE! hi! please note that every setting and character in the story is of my own creation therefore i have copyright so please do not steal my ideas and claim them as your own! hope you enjoy the preview for my upcoming fic!

The fog clung low to the ground, swirling around your ankles as you moved carefully through the marsh, your basket half-filled with herbs. The air was heavy with the scent of wet earth and the distant hum of cicadas. The marsh was a place of silence and secrets, where even the wind dared not whisper too loudly.
Beside you, Winnifred, with her wild, curly red hair, bounded through the mist like a fox on the hunt, her bright green eyes gleaming with curiosity. She was the youngest in the coven, her energy and playfulness a stark contrast to your more cautious demeanor.
“Winnie, slow down. You’ll scare off the moonwort,” you called softly, your gaze scanning the ground for the pale silver leaves of the plant you and her sought.
Winnifred stopped mid-step, a mischievous smile spreading across her freckled face. “It’s not going anywhere, Y/N! The moonwort isn’t afraid of me. Look, I’ve already found some!” She darted forward, pulling up a clump of the shimmering herb with a triumphant grin, holding it up for you to see.
You sighed, though a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. “You’re lucky Mother isn’t here to see you uprooting the plants like that.”
Winnifred rolled her eyes. “Mother always says to respect the marsh, but I swear, sometimes I think it respects me more than I respect it.” She winked, dropping the moonwort into your basket.
As you reached down to gather your own handful, a sudden chill ran up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. The marsh grew eerily still, and the familiar sounds of insects and croaking frogs faded into silence. Something was different.
“Winnie,” you said, your voice barely a whisper. “Do you feel that?”
Winnifred straightened, her playful expression faltering as she glanced around. “Feel what?”
You couldn’t quite explain it, but the marsh—the very air around you—felt charged, like a storm about to break. There was a presence, something close, something ancient. Your heart quickened, though you didn’t know why.
Without a word, you rose to your feet, your eyes scanning the fog. Then, through the thick mist, you saw it: a figure standing at the edge of the marsh, half-hidden by the shadows of the trees. He stood unnaturally still, too still, like a predator waiting for its prey.
Winnifred saw him too. “Who’s that?” she whispered, her tone no longer playful.
You didn’t answer. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the man—tall, but not too tall, and draped in black clothing that seemed to blend into the surrounding mist. His hair was dark, his face pale against the shadowy backdrop. But it was his eyes—sharp, deep, and old, far older than the body they belonged to—that caught your breath. They were fixed on you, as though he had been waiting for this very moment.
Your heart pounded in your chest, a strange mix of fear and…something else. A flicker of recognition, though you had never seen him before in your life.
“Come on, let’s go,” Winnifred urged, tugging at your sleeve. “He’s giving me the creeps.”
You didn’t move, your gaze locked with his. Something in those eyes tugged at the edges of your memory, a sensation you couldn’t explain. The air between you felt electric, like the space itself was charged with something ancient, something that had always been there but just now revealed itself.
The man took a step forward, and you instinctively stepped back, your breath catching.
“Who are you?” you asked, your voice steadier than you felt.
For a moment, the man said nothing, his lips curving into the faintest hint of a smile, as though your question amused him. “I could ask you the same,” he replied, his voice mellifluous, smooth, and strangely familiar, like the echo of a dream you couldn’t quite place.
You frowned, confused. There was something unsettling in his presence, but there was also an undeniable pull, like a thread that connected you to him, a thread you didn’t know existed until now.
“I’m Y/N,” you said, unsure why you were compelled to answer at all.
“Y/N…” The way he said your name sent a shiver down your spine, as though he had spoken it a thousand times before. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Again?” your confusion deepened. You had never seen him before in your life, and yet…there was that flicker of recognition, as though a part of you knew him, a part buried deep within you, hidden beneath layers of forgotten memories.
“Who are you?” you asked again, more insistent this time.
The man’s smile faded, replaced by something softer, almost melancholic. He stepped closer, his dark eyes never leaving yours. “I’ve been searching for you.”
Winnifred stepped in front of you, her red hair flaming in the dim light. “You need to stay back,” she warned, though her voice trembled. “We’re not afraid of you.”
The man’s gaze flicked briefly to Winnifred, then back to you, almost as if he hadn’t heard the younger witch’s warning. “I mean you no harm,” he said softly. “But we need to talk… do you—”
Your mind raced. Who was this stranger, and why did he speak to you as if you had known each other for lifetimes? The strange connection, the way your heart seemed to leap into your throat at the sight of him—none of it made sense.
But before you could ask another question, Winnifred grabbed your arm, pulling you back. “Y/N, let’s go. Now.”
The fog seemed to thicken as the tension in the air grew. You hesitated for a moment longer, staring into the man’s eyes. There was a sadness there, a longing that felt as old as the marsh itself, but something in you told you to trust your sister’s instincts. This was too much, too strange.
Without another word, you allowed Winnifred to pull you away, your heart pounding as you retreated into the mist. But even as you fled, you could still feel the man’s gaze on you, lingering like a shadow.
And somewhere deep within you, a memory stirred—faint, fleeting, but unmistakable.
As you and Winifred disappeared into the safety of the trees, the man remained still, his eyes fixed on the place where you had stood. He could feel it—the stirring of your power, the faintest glimmer of recognition in your eyes.
You didn’t remember him. Not yet.
But you would.
The mist began to lift slightly as you and Winnifred made your way back through the winding paths of the marsh. The air was still heavy with moisture, and the twilight sky was slowly darkening, casting long shadows between the trees. Winnifred walked ahead, her pace faster than usual, her usually playful nature subdued as she kept glancing back at you.
You, for your part, were quiet, still shaken by the encounter but not afraid—more curious, unsettled by the strange man and the unexplainable pull you’d felt in his presence. You couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something familiar about him, though you didn't know what.
“Who do you think he was?” Winnifred asked, breaking the silence. Her voice was softer now, laced with worry. “He didn’t seem like just a normal person. Not from around here, that’s for sure.”
You shook your head, your brows furrowed. “I don’t know, Winnie. He wasn’t like anyone I’ve met before. There was something different about him.”
Winnifred chewed her lip thoughtfully, slowing her pace so she could walk beside you. “Different how?”
You hesitated, struggling to put your feelings into words. “He felt… familiar, but not in a way I can explain. Like I should know him, but I don’t.”
“Maybe he’s from another coven and he’s just passing through town?” Winnifred suggested, her eyes bright with curiosity.
“Maybe,” you murmured, but you didn’t believe that. There was something far older, far deeper in the way he had looked at you. Not just like someone passing through, but someone who had been searching for you.
Winnifred frowned, casting a sidelong glance at you. “He didn’t scare you, did he?”
You shook your head. “No, not really. But we don’t know him, and that makes him dangerous enough.” you didn’t want to admit how calm you had felt around the stranger, even as your instincts had warned you to stay away.
By the time you reached the large wooden cabin nestled deep within the marsh, the sun had dipped below the horizon. The soft glow of lanterns illuminated the windows, and the scent of sage and rosemary drifted from the porch, where dried herbs hung in bundles.
Winnifred opened the door first, her tension easing slightly as the familiar warmth of the home welcomed you both in. The sound of quiet conversation drifted from the kitchen, where your other sisters were likely preparing dinner, but it was Mother who stood in the hallway, her tall frame draped in a dark cloak as though she had been waiting for you.
Mother’s sharp eyes instantly fell on you two girls, her lips curving into a small, knowing smile. “You’re late,” she said, her voice calm but always carrying an undercurrent of authority. “I trust you found what you were looking for.”
“We did,” you answered, holding up your basket of herbs.
But Winnifred, ever eager to share news, didn’t wait another moment. “Mother, we saw someone in the marsh! A man! He was just standing there, staring at Y/N! He was strange! He had these dark clothes, and these weird eyes, and—”
The moment Winnifred said it, Mother’s smile faltered, her expression tightening as she fixed her gaze on you. “A man?” she repeated, her voice strained. “Where?”
“In the deeper part of the marsh,” you said cautiously. “Near the black pool. He didn’t try to harm us, but—”
Mother stepped forward, cutting you off with a sharp look. “And what did he look like, exactly?” Her voice, though controlled, had an edge to it that sent a cold shiver down your spine.
Winnifred, oblivious to the shift in mood, eagerly described him. “Average height, dark hair, pale skin. He was wearing black, and his eyes were kind of… intense. He looked like he knew Y/N, or something.”
At this, Mother’s expression grew even more severe. She stared hard at you, as though searching your face for some hidden truth. “And you didn’t recognize him?”
You shook your head, your stomach tightening. “No. But there was something strange about him. It didn’t feel like the first time I’d seen him, but I don’t know why.”
Mother’s lips thinned, and for a moment, you thought you saw fear flicker in her eyes—a rare and unsettling sight. But just as quickly as it appeared, Mother’s face smoothed into an unreadable mask. She turned away, busying herself with adjusting the herbs hanging by the doorway.
“I don’t like strangers wandering around the marsh,” Mother said, her voice clipped. “Especially not near the black pool. It’s a dangerous place.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly. “Mother, is something wrong? You’ve always said the marsh belongs to us. Why would anyone else be here?”
Mother turned to face you again, her expression unreadable. “The marsh is our home, yes, but it draws many things—creatures, spirits, people—things we can’t always control. You should be more careful. This man could be dangerous. We don’t know who he is, or what he wants.”
“But he didn’t feel dangerous,” you pressed, your instincts telling you there was more to this than Mother was letting on. “You seem upset.”
“I don’t like strangers here,” Mother repeated firmly, her voice closing off the conversation. She stepped forward, placing her hands on your shoulders, her touch firm but comforting. “Promise me you’ll stay away from him if you see him again. I don’t care who he is, or what he says. He doesn’t belong here.”
You searched your mother’s face, but all you saw was a hard resolve and a trace of something else—fear, or maybe something deeper. You nodded slowly, though you didn’t believe for a second that Mother was telling you the full truth. “I’ll be careful.”
“Good,” Mother said, releasing you and turning away. “Now, both of you get cleaned up for dinner.”
As Mother disappeared down the hallway, Winnifred leaned closer to you, her voice low. “That was weird, right? She seemed really upset.”
“Yeah,” you whispered back, your mind racing. “She’s hiding something. I don’t know what, but she knows more about that man than she’s letting on.”
Winnifred’s wide eyes were full of curiosity. “Do you think she’s met him before?”
You shook your head, but doubt gnawed at you. “I don’t know. But I intend to find out.”
As you made your way to the kitchen to join your sisters, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the encounter in the marsh was only the beginning of something much bigger. And whoever that man was, he had stirred something within you—something that even Mother couldn’t protect you from.
You had to know the truth.

© 2024 hoonven, all rights reserved. i do not give permission to modify, repost, translate, or plagiarize my works on any platform
NETWORK! @kstrucknet

#⸺ THIS IS HOONVEN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS ☘︎.ᐟ#i’m actually so late to posting this lmao it was supposed to be posted in september#but i just decided i’ll make it a halloween special so hopefully it’s out by then#kstrucknet#kim sunoo#sunoo scenarios#sunoo drabbles#sunoo angst#sunoo soft hours#sunoo imagines#sunoo x reader#sunoo fluff#enhypen sunoo#sunoo#enha sunoo#kim sunoo x reader#kim sunoo x you#kim sunoo fluff#kim sunoo imagines
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Itadori chose the costumes this year🎃🎃
#pippi art#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu megumi#jujutsu itadori#jjk itadori#jjk megumi#megumi fushiguro#itafushi fanart#yuji itadori#itafushi#jujutsu kaisen fanart#if you know their costumes then kudos to you✨✨#also sorry I’ve been inactive so much#I’ve been busy lately :P#but I wanted to draw something for Halloween#hashtag me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a dumbass#they’re special to me and to me only <3<3#coloring Yujis eyes was fun lol#also sorry if this isn’t my best work. this was originally a shit post >-<#it still is a shit post but I digress#ANYWAY I HOPE YALL LIKE IT BYE LOVE YOUUUUU
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WNUF Halloween Special, Ghostwatch, and Late Night with the Devil (in that specific order) triple feature.
#wnuf halloween special#ghostwatch#late night with the devil#i just saw the last one#and holy shit is it as good as i was hoping#horror movies
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Don't blame the ghosts that haunt you. For they have been wronged to want revenge.
~ A little too late for Halloween 🎃
#poems and poetry#original poem#poetic#poem#poetry#writing inspiration#writers#creative writing#writers on tumblr#writing#writeblr#writers and poets#A little late for a Halloween special#poets on tumblr#poems on tumblr#halloween quotes#quotes#daily quotes#daily poem#beautiful words#life quotes#old poem#spilled thoughts#spilled ink#spilled words#spilled poetry#spilled writing#prose#literature#words
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every day i wish that Rats SMP was a cartoon bc it would make the greatest show ever i think
#I've been watching Arietty and the Rescuers a lot lately;;;;;;;;;;;#i just think it would make the cutest fucking cartoon with the funniest plotlines#it would be so perfect#with the ensemble cast you can swap out characters as much as you need/want to#the different animals breaking into the house later in the series would make a fucking BANGER season 2#(like can you fucking imagine. season 2 pilot. theres a BADGER IN THE HOUSE NOW?)#they've even got a halloween special AND christmas special episode it's PERFECT#the whole first season could cover the rats getting used to the house and getting settled in#maybe the season 1 finale is the mum and others coming home#I would absolutely fucking want Owen to be played by David Tennant bc his tenth doctor voice gives me rat owen vibes#rats smp cartoon would be so so so good#cannot fucking WAIT for Rats In Paris#i have a whole scene in my head of like. that episode where Jimmy gets locked in a room all night and is miserable abt it 😭#where he's trapped in the room with the son and the boy is just chasing him around the room for hours#set to the song A Haunted House! from the totoro soundtrack#trying to catch jimmy in a little bug net#there's also this whole wild chase scene in my head with one of the cats chasing Owen Martyn and Scott and the janitor gets involved as well#set to Cat Chase from the Suzume soundtrack#i actually have a whole spotify playlist titled Rats SMP But As A Wholesome Kids Cartoon it has so many ghibli movie songs#(willing to share if anyone is curious i love sharing playlists)#i fucking LOVE imagining Hey Let's Go from the totoro opening credits as a Mitchiri-Neko style marching rats credits sequence#with each verse more characters join the march until all the animal guests and humans are there too#Do the Impossible from Chicory would make such a fucking cute anime style opening showing little clips of all the chaos of the house#i love this idea so goddamn much i fucking wish i could animate ;-;#i would infodump about this idea for hours if i had infinite tag space but alas. maximum of 30
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Pick a SPOOKY Song (with only a bad description!)
It's been a while since I've done this, so hopefully my bad descriptions aren't that terrible.
Same rules as always. Pick a song that appeals to you based on my really bad descriptions. Some of the songs you might be able to guess what they are, others probably not so much. If you want to know what a song is and don't want to wait a week, send me an ask and I will tell you!
At the end of a week, I will take the poll results and make a playlist in that order, from the song that gets the least votes to the song that gets the most votes. Should there be ties, then I'll pick the order of those songs, but I always kind of feel like that defeats the purpose of having the poll in the first place, so please please reblog this poll. I know trying to get proper sample size on social media isn't gonna happen, and that's fine. I just don't want to have another six-way tie situation.
If you would like to be notified when the playlist is posted, please leave a comment or put it in the tags -- I will keep a list so I can @ you when the time is right.
Playlist will be posted in a week, which works out brilliantly because that's Halloween.
And that's it! See you guys in a week! (except not because I'll reblog it a few times; I always do.)
#playlist#polls#halloween#special spooky halloween playlist#sorry no citi zēni this time#i love them but spooky's not really their thing#also god i could've done another five of these with the songs i didn't put on#i've been listening to some cheerful stuff lately but i always have my spooky stuff on reserve#and i have a lot of it
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Big doggy
#i don’t have any special art for halloween#but here’s a wip of a late inscryptober prompt#some of you probably already know what i’m doing#i wanted an excuse to finally do it but as it tends to happen things got busy for me out of nowhere#i will finish it i swear#magnificus#inscryption
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local artist just learned about pen weight, very appalled they were not aware of it before
#art#digital art#my art#drawing#my drawing#artists on tumblr#digital art based from traditional art#vampire#vampire aesthetic#vamp#vampy#vampyrw#vampyre#halloween#very very late halloween#but halloween nonetheless#art prompt was used#i legit did not know i could do pen weight#like i thought people just used?? special pens or smthg???#ibis paint was used#i have desecrated the dip pen and put it on it's extremes#it will be utilized often
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🧁I was so tempted to add an apple in a nature’s candy way but decided not to be a dick at the last minute
now I want an apple and cupcakes...
swinging to a different WIP, I don't believe I've shared the beginning of red line fic here yet 👀
Kim’s in danger.
This is supposed to be a tutoring session. And, by all metrics, it is one--he and Chay are sitting in Chay’s living room, on opposite ends of the couch, with a guitar in Chay’s lap and Kim coaching him through a tricky transition. Just like they agreed to do last week, when Chay had asked if he could help him with some things he’s been struggling with, and Kim had immediately made space in his schedule to tutor him, because he is Chay’s guitar tutor.
This does not feel like a tutoring session.
“Oh!” Chay gasps as he tries the bridge again. And he nearly gets it, fingers moving across the fretboard beautifully until he gets halfway through and his fingers cramp and falter from the unfamiliar movement.
“Oh…” Chay says with a pout. He shakes out his hand and tries the awkward finger movement again, frowning cutely as he can’t quite get his fingers to move the way he wants them to.
Chay looks to Kim, eyes big and adorable and dangerous. “Show me again?”
Thud thud thud, goes Kim’s heart, which is a stupid thing for it to do, because this is just tutoring.
#kinnporsche#kimchay#fic: red line#*rattles brain* i am soooooo close to finishing this one#i want to finish it by halloween VERY BADLY#wish me luck the writing gods have not been on my side lately#trick or treat special#heads up peeps pls keep sending asks and I'll keep looking for decent snippets#but also might possibly probably swing to posting headcanons or fic chatter#lmk if theres something specific of interest that would help me very much 😂
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#idw halloween special#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sth#team chaotix#team chaotix idw halloween#vector the crocodile#espio the chameleon#charmy bee#IM GOING TO BE LATE TO MY CLASS#MORE POSTS WILL COME LATER
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↳ day one: a movie you watch every spooky season
it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown (1966)
#so i know this is like 4 days late#but this event is too fun and i wanted to partake in it lol#this movie is EVERYTHING TO ME#i watch every charlie brown holiday special#its the great pumpkin charlie brown#peanuts#mine*#edits*#halloween 2023#halloweenedit#usertj#peanutsedit#charliebrownedit#animationedit#chewieblog#userbbelcher#dailyflicks#dailymedia#cinemapix#userstream#usercreate#animationsdaily#animationsource
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late trick or treat? 🥺👉👈
[shows up 2 months late with just one week to go before christmas] HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! 🎃🕸️👻
here's your treat <3
#ask#aomitois#omg sorry this is so late tem askdjhadha#i wanted to make a whole event for halloween but didn't have enough time rip.......#so you ended up being my only trick or treater and i wanted to do something extra special :3#hope you like it <33 i got the idea after seeing your faves list!
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My birthday presents! Thank you to @professorsaber for WNUF! My household is in quarantine due to Covid and my grandma is positive with it again.
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This is my intro post. Yeah idk.
I'M A MINOR!! but, you can still talk, reblog, stuff like that! You can call me Kildren. I go By It/He, or they if you want. I'm Transmasc/Boyflux, and Unlabled/A-spec. I'm Audhd peer and self diagnosed.
☆《Roadkill》☆ over on Spotify
☆《Roadkill》☆ on Pinterest
I am a Furry and Alterhuman
Theriotypes: European Hare & Spotten Hyena
Kintypes: Demon(Imp & Baphomet), Forest Elf, (& possibly Polymorph but idk rn)
Fictionkin: Igor(Ttc) (possibly Looey from DW)
Things I really like:
Sonic(mostly Satam/Archie)
A bunch of different Musicals
A few different animes
The Revolutionary War
Roaring 20s
Ghosts CBS
Tim Burton Films
Old rubberhose cartoons
Dandy's World
Tyler, The Creator
Studio Ghibli
Goblincore/Fantasycore stuff
My music Taste:
Muscial soundtracks
Tyler, the Creator
The Smashing Pumpkins
The Cure
The Offspring
The Crane Wives
Modest Mouse
Noah Kahan
Alex G
Crush 40(what' you expect I'm a sonic fan)
TW: I often Swear and talk about horror elements
DNI: Basic Criteria, NSFW blogs, Radqueer, Proship, anti furs, anti alter human, media glazers, age play, annoying people, Donation accounts, Vivziepop stans(you can like her shows just dni if you support her)
Check them out!!
#meow#about myself#Tw#Dni#introduction#sorry this is late#Media I like#yuh#alterhuman#therian#otherkin#fictionkin#sonic satam#sonic the hedgehog#yaelokre#roaring 20s#the revolutionary war#special interest#art#ghosts cbs#cartoon#rubberhose style#dandys world#tyler the creator#studio ghibli#halloween#tim burton#hamilton musical#mean girls#wicked
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