#Las Dos Torres
andrewckeeper · 1 year
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LIDMF AI "Morgandalf Freeman" www.andrewckeeper.com
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- No temo al dolor ni a la muerte.
- ¿A qué le temes, mi señora?
- A las jaulas. A permanecer tras barrotes hasta que la rutina y la edad los acepten, y cualquier posibilidad de valor haya desaparecido más allá del recuerdo o el deseo.
El Señor de los Anillos - Las Dos Torres
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nupaintings · 2 months
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zsorosebudphoto · 6 months
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Mar, Far de la Torre d'en Beu, Mallorca, 08-12-23
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blokettte · 2 months
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Rosa and Jayden were too busy getting it on to realise they forgot it was Persephone's birthday, so she ended up celebrating all alone...
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glee españa as a concept is so fun cause imagine if everytime they sung a number from a musical they sung a famous copla instead
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minglana · 5 days
almost had a heart attack seeing this like wdym we had a torre nueva in the 2010s.
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aperint · 8 months
Chicharito, Guardado y alguna prensa en México
Chicharito, Guardado y alguna prensa en México #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
30 DE ENERO DE 2024 Chicharito, Guardado y alguna prensa en México POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ Por primera ocasión, que recuerde, quiero hablar de deportes y me meteré en un tema del cual confieso no tener mucho conocimiento; sin embargo, me llama profundamente la atención los reflectores que ha acaparado el tema del regreso de dos jugadores a nuestra liga mexicana de fútbol y me refiero al…
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ripkord-sims · 2 years
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my contributions to the NSFT 2023 Calendar!!
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antonioarchangelo · 1 year
No clima de "já ganhou", vereadores de Rio Claro querem aumentar salários em até 112%
No clima de “já vencemos”, a Câmara Municipal de Rio Claro deve deixar para o próximo governo e para a próxima legislatura um bom presente: o aumento de salários do prefeito, vice-prefeito, secretários municipais e dos subsídios dos próprios vereadores. Aproveitando a calmaria e a ausência de oposição tato na Câmara Municipal quanto na sociedade organizada, os édis colocaram na Ordem do Dia para…
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mate-y-viajecito · 1 year
Not me crying when Treebeard recites his poem and says "come back to me and say my land is best"
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somosorigen · 2 years
PARTE I Es increíble como vuela el tiempo, como nos llenamos de nuevas cosas, como avanza el pensamiento, la tecnología y el mundo en general. Y el mundo del cine no es ajeno, nuestros gustos van cambiando conforme descubrimos nuevas cosas. Es entonces que hace 11 años  más menos, había publicado un listado de las películas favoritas de mi vida, y es curioso, pues ahora hay algunas que con el…
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elbiotipo · 4 months
So, remember the 5000 TONS OF FOOD that were supposed to go to community kitchens that Milei's administration refused to give (even though legally the Argentine state should?) Here's the very, very abridged story so far:
When Milei was inagurated, because of his anti-state spending fanaticism, he concentrated the ministries of education, health, science and technology and others into a single mega "human capital" ministry. The name is dystopian enough, but he also put his personal "friend" Sandra Pettovello in charge. Pettovello has just a 2-years degree in "family science" and no experience at all with administration and she was left with all that. Predictably, things are turning to shit, universities and science are defunded (which as you can imagine has affected me very personally), cancer patients have already died because of lack of medicine, and basically everything related to education health and social justice in Argentina is being defunded and in crisis.
The Human Capital (literally 1984) ministry was also supposed to support community kitchens (comedores) which provide for poor people are often administered by popular associations. These associations, being left-leaning and anti-Milei are often hit with accussations of corruption, which are sometimes true, but never to the extent that they're accussed of. So Milei and Pettovello retained, again, 5000 TONS OF FOOD that were supposed to feed hungry people until they 'investigated' these popular associations. Of the hundreds and hundreds of acussations, less than two dozens are currently being investigated. Pettovello insulted the people who said they were going hungry saying that they could queque in the Human Capital ministry and she'll recieve them (and they did as a sort of protest).
Many activists like Grabois (the evil leftist zurdo kirchnerist) demanded through the justice that the food was released. The government and its trolls called them thieves, corrupt, etc. etc. and they started lying (as in the official spokesman, the puppet Adorni) that the food was reserved for emergencies (it was requested for recent emergencies and denied) then that it was of poor quality (it wasn't), and Grabois and other denounced that the food was going to expire, and it should be released NOW. Even pro-Milei right-wing journalists had to recognize that Grabois was right, and hell is freezing over. Meanwhile the chief of cabinet, head of ministers, whatever the translation, was fired for spying and likely insulting Milei's sister. How did Milei respond to this political crisis? He went in honeymoon with his sister to visit some shitty tech CEO forum. He cannot stop visiting shitty right-wing forums.
Finally Pettovello and the government (not Milei, he's busy sucking CEO cock in the US) admited that the food, especially powdered milk, was about to expire and should be distributed by the army (which has no idea what to do but that's how the right thinks), and to cover herself, she threw one of her secretaries, De La Torre, to the anti-corruption office. However, she cannot save herself because everything that De La Torre did was under HER signature, and what's worse it was recently discovered De La Torre had over 100 employees that were cashing millions of pesos without a single day of work, and THAT was also approved by Pettovello. This is probably just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in Milei's government, which has been just a circus of personal friends and incompetents. What's funny is that people like Grabois were acussed to be corrupt wasters of state money, by De La Torre, and now HE'S likely going to prison for being a corrupt waster of state money.
Speaking of which, Pettovello, by all accounts, is not capable or ready to holding the ministry, she often breaks down crying (too bad, but people are dying because of her incompetence), and most of her subordinates are resigning in droves. Milei remains ironclad in his support for her, though. In fact, he might have REJECTED her resignation when she presented it. Why? Well, when you look at the register of visits to the presidential residence, Pettovello has spent several nights there. It might be that she's really Milei's 'therapeutical companion' with her 'reiki sessions'. At least it's not his sister Karina? Well, while his government and the country is in flames, Milei was taking selfies with Mark Zuckerberg and now is visiting Bukele while Karina (again, his sister) acts like the first lady, and is basically treated as such by libertarians.
It would be all so chaotic and funny if people weren't deprived of education, health and food because of this.
Milei has been president for 6 months, by the way.
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lostyesterday · 6 months
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oldsardens · 2 months
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Julio Romero de Torres - Las dos sendas
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