#Lanolin for hair
beevean · 1 month
Surge gets more inconsistent every issue, now she just flinched to Clutch's cane hitting the floor??? Like why? It's not like she ever felt intimidated by him, she joined his plan out of sheer convenience. Also Clutch is NOT intimidating for anyone who's above 6 yo.
I'm foreseeing someone trying to defend by saying "But maybe the sound triggered on her subconscious/unconscious because of Starline's experiments and hypnosis sessions", but Starline NEVER had a cane or anything that could produce a similar thud. Maybe he snapped his fingers once? I don't recall if he did it, so I'm pretty sure and confident that even if he ever did it it was not recurrent, then we can't count on the fact he done that around Surge frequently enough to the sound become a trigger.
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I'll be fair: this doesn't look like they were intimidated by the sound. It simply looks like they were surprised. After all, they were just rudely woken up by Mimic lol
(source: i'm not traumatized but loud sounds make me flinch all the time because they catch me off guard)
I'm all for clowning on Surge, but I want my clowning to have proper sources :P
So, to compensate, let me clown on this:
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I don't believe for a second that Eggman can go around and eat breakfast undisturbed. No way the people in there, waitress included, wouldn't panic. I know that maybe they wouldn't call the police on Eggman, but, like. A reaction to the world's most dangerous terrorist, please? I wouldn't insist on this, if there wasn't a long pattern of IDW downplaying Eggman after the MV mess.
(also he explains that he took a "sabbatical" after they destroyed the Eggperial City. Sure, let's go with that)
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bees-with-swords · 10 months
Windswept walk in the woods in the rain :]
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seelanmarket · 1 year
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DAX Super Lanolin – 213g from Seelan market
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alizalayne · 4 months
Whats the ventilation and heat like in the suit head? I can't tell if it would be warmer or more cool to wear in compaison to a faux fur fursuit head. The only thing I worry abt is how durable needlefelting is and if it can be cleaned like a traditional fursuit head. That being said I really hope you continue making these, they're cool as hell 👍🔥👍
Okay first of all I'm super jazzed to be able to talk about this with people, and I kind of went overboard answering this, but thanks for asking! Putting this up in case anyone else is curious.
The main answers to your questions are 1: wool is cooler than acrylic fur and less stinky
2: A fursuit head is a swamp and i am snorkling in it.
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I mentioned this in my behind the scenes post and there are pictures there but I literally just made a snorkel out of a snorkel mouthpiece and two collapsible automotive funnels, the kind that you can bend into a shape so that you can get goo into a weird part of your car.
that snorkel piece goes straight out of a vent hole in the inside of the ear and I felted a pink skin flap in front of it and then felted white fiber into that so it just looked like a tuft. it worked perfectly, it's just that I couldn't talk in it that well. But I'm definitely going to keep using it if I can't think of a better mouthpiece for it because as SOON as I breathed inside the head instead of through the snorkel I was like oh my god everyone is living in hell.
You can see it in this picture a little bit. nobody noticed it at all!
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My friend had made a much more traditional head with a bigass electric fan in it and he was having more heat issues than I was, because I cannot stress enough that acrylic fur is like, one of the most horrifically hot fabrics you can wear. I don't know how everybody is even alive!! and there's a layer of ACRYLIC BACKING on it! Also check out how "short-pile" my fur is, most of the head is only an inch thick, it's a half-inch bucket head made out of foam covered in maybe 1/3 of an inch of wool? the less space you have between the fibers the less heat gets trapped. I was shocked by how comfortable I was, and I was having migraine symptoms that day and was extra sensitive to heat. The con where we were had the air turned down and it was chilly outside, but I was shocked when I took the head off and shook my hair out and I wasn't even sweating. I had long hair in a wig cap under that thing and I wasn't sweating. It was crazy.
As for cleaning the wool, I cannot find anyone else who has done this who has cleaning tips for me, but the foam is what I'm worried about. After a few hours of wear there's nothing wrong with the wool at all, but i can TELL the foam is ever so slightly nasty, because the foam is polyurethane and wool is what you make hiking socks out of. I have some wool cleaner coming in the mail that's made for delicate needlefelted items like scarves and deposits lanolin, which is what keeps wool "alive" kind of like how you have to care for leather. It's definitely an experiment! Nothing ventured nothing gained!
I don't have an idea in mind for a second head right now and the next thing I want to make is a cowl so I can wear lower-cut tops with this head, but I might try something else if I think of an idea! I'm probably never gonna sell these because I'm weird about selling sculptures for whatever reason. They're like my living beasts.
But I definitely hope this encourages other people who might be interested in bringing needlefelt or other fiber art sensibilities to this space, that would be a massive complement and a high honor to give people a new way to enjoy a hobby that I know means a ton to a lot of people.
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mauricehawkman · 3 months
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Sketched Lanolin putting her “hair” up cause I felt like it…
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Lamb OC: 'Woolhelmina' masterpost
Wilhelmina (english Guillaumine (lol))
"will helmet" or "willing to protect"
Woolhelmina's cult is one of safety and protection, the protection that her people never received.
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Current design, it's changed a lot but I've slowed down iterating it. Her character is pretty cemented at this point.
Learn more about her below!
 Woollamina is the twin sister of the canon lamb, Lambert. She was taken as a baby and raised Ratau on TOWWs command. Because she was a twin, is wasn't certain which of them was the prophesied Lamb, so TOWW ordered her to be taken and kept hidden. 'If she was not then at least she would be able to bear more lambs' was his reasoning. 
Lambert was left to their fate as decoy for the bishops to believe they'd killed the last lamb and prevented the prophecy from happening. Thus giving Woollamine time to grow and develop as TOWW's chosen vessel.
Mina's story revolves around her keeping her status as the God of Death hidden. She spent entire life serving TOWW but she never got to be a regular person. When he's "gone" she can actually start living her life. But then another thing stopped her. She's a god now, with new responsibilities and obligations.
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Some magic stave designs
Vessel of Red Crown
 Mina saw TOWW as a secondary father figure rather than a god and sought his approval constantly. The reason she wears her wool in ringlets is because it's what she thought he would like. Having that much wool is actually dangerous for irl sheep and is a fire and drowning hazard. She's risking her safety and wellbeing for a crumb of his approval.
TOWW and the dynamic with his followers is one big unhealthy family lol. Ratau is the useful disappointment
Aym and Baal are the golden children who are sorta useless but TOWW favors them because they look the most like him.
Mina is the scapegoat only daughter who bears the brunt of the responsibility for freeing TOWW but gets none of the accolades. 
TOWW is the overbearing patriarch that everyone tries to please but he's too far up his own ass to see that they actually do care about him. He has a new 'family' of sorts that actually loves him to some degree but is too emotionally unavailable to acknowledge that. His failed sibling relationship caused him to keep his new 'found family' at an emotional distance.
Woolhelmina's Wool
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The reason Woollamina grows her 'hair' and 'skirt' long is because she believed TOWW liked the way it looked on her. Specifically because he commented on it once when visiting him. It was during a particularly bad winter and Mina decided it was best to keep her wool long for extra insulation. Mina is a wensleydale sheep so her wool grew long already but she never kept it because wool is hot and heavy. TOWW rarely if ever made comments about anything not related to his goals of attaining freedom so his little remark meant alot to Mina.
 The thing is, having such long wool all the time is very dangerous for a sheep because it makes it hard for them to cool down and is a drowning hazard. Even though she can swim, her wool will weigh her down. I like to think of this as a reflection of her devotion to TOWW.
Wool Care
Because Woollamina's is a longwool breed, her wool requires special care to maintain its crimp and luster. She can't use soaps or shampoo on her wool as they would strip her skin and wool of its natural lanolin. She does use it sparingly to maintain proper hygiene, though.
Because of the extensive care that goes into her long, white wool and hairstyle, Mina is *very* hesitant to get dirty. Bathing excessively runs the risk of ruining her wool and drying completely, with all her wool takes ***days***.
She's cold and damp, and weighed down by wet wool, but she has to let it all dry or risk fungas and unwanted plant growth. ( Seeds will readily sprouts on sufficiently moist wool, whether it's attached to a sheep or not lol.)
Most of, if not all, of Mina's clothes and bedsheets are made with silk to protect her wool from friction damage. (I'm thinking about adding silk bloomers to her wardrobe and fit. They are awesome for chub rub lol)
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bumpsyp1ains · 4 months
*tangle is hosting a sleepover with the gals*
tangle: okay, lanolin! truth or dare?
lanolin: mmm… dare
tangle: i dare you to let us look at your search history!
everyone: ooooooooh~!
lanolin, shoving her phone in tangle’s hand: go for it. i don’t see what the big deal is
*tangle opens her internet browser and looks through the history, everyone else looking over her shoulder*
whisper: “rarest flavor of coffee in the world”
jewel: “drinking coffee asmr”
surge: “how to sneak cups of coffee in your hair”
tangle: “coffee kettle asmr”
jewel: …you should really be put on a limit
lanolin: ha! easiest dare i’ve ever done.
tangle: that’s… not the point
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aloysiavirgata · 3 months
So lately I’ve been very grateful for friends and read something that likened good ones to someone holding an umbrella over you in a downpour. Even when it’s just a silly text that gives you a smile on a shit day.
Anyway, thinking of that made me hanker for a prompt: AU, either Mulder or Scully stuck in a downpour when suddenly a handsome/pretty stranger opens an umbrella over their head.
Cheers to the real ones.
It’s raining.
It’s been raining forever, she thinks. Since she buried him, her belly like a full moon. Her belly pulling at her hips. Since she delivered his son and put lanolin on her chapped nipples and went shh, shh, through endless colicky nights full of Mylicon drops.
Since she handed the stranger - Vanessa, but still a stranger - her son and thought Eili, eili, lama sabachtani?
Raining since then, somewhere. Cold and grey and numbingly staccato. Raining, raining. The sky so fleecy and low.
She’s looking up at his apartment, as she does now; her belly flat as a Midwest highway.
“Jesus,” the man says, canting his umbrella over her as well. It’s a big golf umbrella, pied, as the most beautiful things are. “You look cold in this rain,” he says, tall and handsome as the surgeon she planned to marry once.
“I left it at work,” she says, a little breathless.
The man smiles down. “Jacob,” he says, and holds out his hand. He’s heterochromatic; one eye as blue as her own, as William’s. One eye as strange as Mulder’s.
“Dana,” she says, a little hitch in her voice. A little sob.
She’s cold and cold and cold, even with her hair grown out around her hollow face. Even with Doggett, who says “Agent Scully.”
Even with Skinner, who says, “Scully. Dana, DANA.”
Jacob, didn’t he fight an angel? Didn’t he wait fourteen years for the woman he loved? She’s drunk on a mid-range Beaujolais, can’t remember.
Fucks Jacob so she doesn’t freeze. Doesn’t burn. It’s good and warm and honest and she’s so very sorry. She’s so sorry, his lashes like the fringe on a velvet lampshade.
Scully sees his umbrella against the wall, wet and black and white. Furled like the wings of a bat as she leaves. The moon outside is a crescent. A rib. scythe.
“I love you,” she gasps, to no one. “I love you always.”
Grief is love with nowhere to go.
It’s drizzling, noncommittal and misty. “Spitting,” Mulder would say. Oxford.
He would say it, if he were here.
Jacob calls, even when the sun is shining.
She doesn’t answer. She looks away.
He calls less.
He doesn’t call.
“All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.”
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head---ache · 9 months
I know this is my third request but can you draw Surge brushing Lanolin's hair?
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You're lucky I currently have surgolin brain rot nsksmwoakqlq
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themightyhumanbroom · 9 months
Tangle: Boss, we need to talk.
Lanolin: About what?
Whisper: You've clearly been secretly dating Surge.
Lanolin: (nervous) W-what makes you guys think that?
Tangle: For the past week you've been extra staticy. Every physical interaction ends with us getting an electric shock. And there's socks constantly stuck to you by static cling.
Whisper: Surge has also been in a really good mood lately and Sonic isn't actively on fire.
Lanolin: (defensive) those things have no correlation-
Tangle: Lanny there is a pair of pants stuck in your hair!
Whisper: They're not your pants.
Lanolin: Please don't judge me.
Tangle: Oh don't worry I won't!
Whisper: I will
Tangle: WHISPER!
Whisper: Sweetie, ONE of us has to.
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howlingday · 7 months
Lancaster Labor IX
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII
Ruby: So I know I kinda made it seem like breastfeeding was going smoother a while ago, and for a while, it did. I mean, my nipples got tougher, and I started falling into a routine, but to be honest, it still wasn't going really great. I still had to breastfeed every three hours, and then I had to measure her, and then I had to make up for the weight with formula. Then I had to wash the bottles, sterilize them, do my chores and then, ONLY THEN, could I find the time to relax! Finally get some rest...
Ruby: I get anemic from the feeding because my body produces the milk, my joints hurt because of my mommy hormones, and my vagina STILL hasn't fully healed yet! It's starting to feel like I got the raw end of the deal!
Ruby: I remember thinking motherhood would feel like a dream. Like, I'd be the picture-perfect image of a mother, with beautiful, almost angelic hair as my baby laid calmly against my breast. Instead, I look like something Zwei pulled out from the garden and my baby is sucking on my boob like she's a vacuum nozzle!
Ruby: At least I have Jaune here to help me out. I couldn't imagine going it alone like some mothers out there! They're way stronger than I ever could be!
Jaune: I'm gonna get started on dinner, so why don't you take a break?
Ruby: Thank you~! (Flops onto the bed) Finally... Rest...
Ruby: Hm?
Ruby: (Looks in the mirror, Robe open)
Ruby: (Thinking) When did I start looking like a mammal?.
Ruby: It only got worse, too. At some point, she started getting fussy about feeding, and she'd only drink from one nipple! But things really changed when I started feeling sick. Jaune said,
Jaune: Maybe you should take a break until you feel better.
Ruby: And so I did, and I was out for, like two whole weeks! Two weeks without my baby latching onto me and suddenly, she's too used to drinking from the bottle now! I mean, I was already going halfway with how little I was making myself, but to think that all my hard work would be for nothing!
Ruby: But she'd have to start nursery school soon, so it was time for us to start weaning. We gave it one last try on me, and then we were done. And I'd just gotten used to the feeling of breastfeeding, too.
Ruby: A huge part of me started to break. It really felt like the two of us were really connecting, and now it's gone. It's so sad, that... I started crying. And I couldn't stop for a whole week. Until...
Ruby: I'M SO GLAD WE WEANED~! (Eating her weight in whatever she wants)
BONUS! Ruby was recommended by her friends to use nipple ointment containing lanolin, which is a fluid produced by sheep to condition their wool. Unfortunately, Ruby couldn't find any nearby, so she used horse oil instead. Ruby's Nipple - Battered, Bruied, Licked by horse and not sheep
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maurofonseca · 1 year
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here's my cover for IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog #61
don't have much commentary here, struggled for a good while with this one oddly enough until I randomly threw an image of the master system's palette as an overlay and it gave the image energy
seen people say it reminds them of sonic chronicles' promo art which wasn't intentional but is a flattering comparison
that said next time might try a different style I like the shinkiro-wannabe mucha-wannabe "soft render hard black outline" stuff but I wanna experiment
don't normally add WIP stuff to these uploads but why not
here's the thumb (you can see sonic and lanolin switched places since her hair was covering everyone else lol) and an in-progress I found of when I just plonked the master system palette on the image
it's been long enough I don't fully remember the steps and mindset but I was just really not feeling the colours in the cover, iirc, until I placed the MS palette as an overlay and wobbled it about and so on and suddenly it looked interesting and I had something to work from
also yes that this was thumb F implies there were thumbs A B C D and E also G H I J K and L I force myself to do way too many thumbnails and need to cut back on that lol
(not posting them bc there might be spoilers on the other thumbs)
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lanolin headcanons bc im in a sheep mood rn
summer heat is unbearable for her because of her wooly pigtails (trust me long or thick hair makes your body heat SKYROCKET), so she sheathes her wool towards the end of may. it gives her a puffy pixie cut, which is cute but not too heavy or hot.
as she gets older, her horns will grow longer and start to twist backwards until they curl back to her chin and frame her face. this will make physical combat against her much or difficult and painful, but her smaller horns are already sharp.
follow up to the last one, but lanolin's fighting style (other than using her bell wispon and maggie) is a mix of a few farm animals. head butting because she's a sheep with sharp horns, as well as powerful kicks like donkeys and quick dashes like horses.
bleats when startled. though making animal sounds when scared is a headcanon i have for virtually all mobians, i think about lanolin doing it more than any other character because the most authoritative and calm character just going BAAAA is hilarious to me
bonus rougolin headcanon because i'm so normal abt my rarepair:
somehow better at flirting than rouge. rouge flirts all the time and she's almost unaffected, but occasionally lanolin hits her with the smoothest line and leaves her blushing and screaming into a wall
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seelanmarket · 1 year
DAX Super Lanolin – 213g
Experience the Power of DAX Super Lanolin – Unleash Your Hair’s True Potential!
Unlock the secret to luxuriously soft and nourished hair with our DAX Super Lanolin – 213g. Say goodbye to dry and dull locks!
Infused with the richness of lanolin for intense hydration
Restores moisture and seals in essential nutrients
Promotes hair growth and enhances hair strength
Adds a natural sheen and lustrous finish
Tames frizz and flyaways for smooth and manageable hair
Provides long-lasting protection against environmental damage
Ideal for all hair types and textures
Trusted by professionals
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Postpartum Depression
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Celebrimbor x Reader
1.8k words
Request: I absolutely love your work. Was wondering about a Celebrimbor x reader where they are new parents in valinor. (Family barging in is a bonus, lol)
A/N: So I know you were probably looking for something that was more sappy and affectionate but to break the monotony around writing the same thing over again, I wanted to share what it is like to have PPD and shed some light on that. As someone who has had it, I don't think it's talked about enough. I thought this would be a good prompt for Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Something was wrong, and you knew it from the moment the high of your child being placed on your chest from delivery wore off. 
Yet you hadn’t said anything to Celebrimbor, at first it made you happy and filled your heart with joy to see him holding your little one. The way he cradled them close to his chest and the way he whispered and spoke so softly to them. Fawning over everything about them, their black wispy hair, the stork bites on their forehead, their tiny fingers and toes. 
He loved to watch you nurse and hovered, and though the experience was painful Celebrimbor was on board and ready to help you with any and everything- lanolin application, massaging your chest to help break up the rock hard pain of engorgement, bringing you water and snacks often to keep up with your supply. 
You couldn’t have asked for a better partner, one who didn’t cringe at the sight of the blood when you leaked through pads who helped mix the remedies to ease the dull pain in a place… well that you couldn’t have thought were possible to experience there. Let alone he took your little one the moment it was clear you needed rest and they were satisfied. 
Admittedly in those moments when he left the room to let you sleep you could do everything but sleep. Finding yourself openly weeping in silence over the fact that everything felt so wrong. 
You weren’t happy to be a new parent. 
You cringed at every cry your sweet little one made, you feared constantly you were hurting them, you wondered why you couldn’t nurse correctly and without pain. You wished nothing more to be a good parent. But you felt as if you weren’t capable of that. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to smile when you were handed the baby, all you could do was stare at them and wonder why you were their parent. Wondering why it was you Eru chose to give this blessing, when you were struggling to feel grateful for the gift you had for them. 
You loved them immensely and for that reason it felt like you should just leave. Leave them and Celebrimbor, it was selfish. But you felt like staying when you couldn’t be a good parent was even worse, you didn’t understand what was wrong with you. 
Why you were always so sad and questioning your every move, you felt like an utter failure and like you wouldn’t be able to raise a capable elf in society if you couldn’t get it together. You felt as though you couldn’t tell Celebrimbor what was going on with you, in fear that he’d judge you and you suspected in fear that he’d take the baby from you. That he’d think that you were crazy and incapable of being a parent, and you didn’t want to face that reality of someone else confirming what you already knew. 
Unbeknownst to you, Celebrimbor was no fool when it came to your strange behavior. He saw the constant sadness in your eyes, the way you looked at the child you two shared. The fear, the hurt, the confusion. It was no secret no matter how hard you tried to hide it from him… And try as you might to cry in silence in your room… Celebrimbor would sit at the door unsure how to comfort you and what to do to help you.
So he did the only thing he knew to do, and ask his father and mother for help. 
You were sitting on the sofa in your sitting room, the little one nursing on your chest as you leaned back and stared quietly at the ceiling. You clutched the little one close to your chest, scared if you loosened your grip you’d drop them, before Celebrimbor came around into the room with a glass of water and fresh cut up fruit. 
Your elfling made a little grunt before pulling off your chest and Celebrimbor reached over to help you cover up as he took his seat next to you. Suddenly his arm came around you when he finished and he pulled you in close to his chest. Allowing for you to readjust how you held the baby, before he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Y/N.” Celebrimbor began to speak to you in a gentle voice, it felt like it had been so long since he had been so tender and gentle in speaking with you. Oft times you felt like you were two passing ships in the night that only had time for one another if it involved the baby. 
“Can I be honest with you?” He asked softly, as his hand gently caressed your arm watching as you brought the blanket a little higher on the baby. Making sure to keep them warm, only to hear them grunt out a little bit and shift before they sighed against your chest. 
You on the other hand felt fear course through you at his words. Oh no you thought, he noticed how bad of a parent you were, how awful you were to them and clearly unable to tend to them correctly and struggled. He was going to take the baby from you, but you were quiet. Not saying anything before you finally nodded. 
“I am worried about you mírë.” He whispered softly to you and he felt you tense up underneath his touch. 
“What do you mean?” You asked in a whisper, trying not to get defensive with him. You didn’t want him to know anything was wrong with you. But Celebrimbor continued to hold you, remembering some of what his mother had instructed him to do to help comfort you, along with the fact that they’d be there soon enough to help. 
“Y/N, mírë, I know something is wrong. You barely sleep or eat, you are never happy… I have heard you weep at times you are supposed to be napping… You barely take care of yourself, my love.” There wasn’t a tone of judgment or harsh criticism in his voice as he spoke to you, only giving you a snug squeeze and it made tears well in your eyes. 
It had been so obvious that you were a failure, he noticed all of it. And now you feared he’d leave you over it, so you sniffled trying to keep from being any more of a mess than you felt like you were.
“I’m sorry…” Was all you could think to say as you began to cry, and Celebrimbor was quick to gently get down on his knees in front of you. His hands coming to cup your face, with his thumbs gently swiping away the tears that kept coming. 
“It is alright, Y/N…” Celebrimbor whispered out in a soft coo, 
“Everything is going to be alright.” He said to you gently, which only made you cry harder. How could anything be alright when you couldn’t be a good parent or partner? How could he possibly thing that anything was going to be okay? Especially when you couldn’t see anything good that could happen. 
“How?” You whimpered out softly, trying not to take in a shing inhale. 
“Everything feels so wrong, I don’t feel like a good parent. Like I am incapable, I am just going to mess up everything, Tyelpë.” You began in a sob, and Celebrimbor ached to hear you admit that you were struggling so badly. 
“I am a terrible parent, I can’t even be happy that we had a baby.” You sobbed out to him, and Celebrimbor felt his heart break for you. Gently he stood on his knees to lean over and kiss you on the forehead. Lingering for a long moment as he closed his eyes, trying to reassure himself that everything was going to be fixed an it was all going to be okay. 
“You are not a terrible parent, mírë… I promise.” He whispered against your skin before he finally pulled away to sit back down to look at you and offer you a small smile. Trying to reassure you it would all be okay and that it would get better. 
“Ammë and Atya are going to come and help. Ammë has been through what you are going through, Y/N. She will be able to help and get you set up with a Healer okay?” Celebrimbor said to you in a soft voice, and no sooner than he said the words did his parents seem to appear out of thin air. 
His mother looked at you with sympathy as she could see the tears staining your cheeks,
“Tyelpë, take the baby.” His mother said to him softly, and without second guessing it he did so, you gently let him. Not fighting him on it at all, while his mother gently pushed him out of the way, coming down to grab your hands and pull you off the couch gently and into an embrace. You could hear your father in law walking around to Celebrimbor, mumbling something about seeing his grandchild. 
You buried your face into his mother’s arms, resting your head on her shoulder as you cried. Her hands rubbing your back, before you felt Celebrimbor’s hand come to your shoulder. 
“It’s okay, it’s going to be okay, Y/N.” His mother said gently before kissing your hair. Giving you a warm and loving squeeze, 
“We will stay for a few days, help you get on your feet okay?” She said to you, and you nodded against her shoulder holding close to her, while Celebrimbor continued to rub your shoulder. For a moment you felt okay, like everything was going to be okay again and you sighed out in relief. Knowing that you and Celebrimbor wouldn’t be doing this all by yourself. 
“Come on, let me help get you into a hot shower… That always made me feel better. Curvo and Tyelpë can tend to the baby, and help pick up some so you aren’t scrambling to do it when you get out okay?” She said as you pulled away from her nodding your head at her words, sniffling as your tears finally started to come to a halt. 
“Okay.” You looked up at his mother see her give you a soft smile her hands coming to your arms to rub lovingly. It wasn’t that Celebrimbor wasn’t good enough, it was that you didn’t feel good enough for him, and to suddenly have his and his families support… It well… meant everything to you. And to hear that his mother had been through something like this? 
Well you thought everything was perfectly fine for her… But you could see it got better. 
“And tomorrow we will get a healer here so we can get started on your care, now come let me help you into the shower.” She said to you gently putting her arm around you and beginning to pull you along towards the main bathroom. 
Finally there was a light at the end of this painful tunnel, and you felt like you could breathe with their support. You couldn’t be anymore grateful and were more than ready to get to feeling better so you could enjoy your husband and your newborn. 
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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