#Land Jihad
navinsamachar · 4 days
मोदी सरकार के 100 दिन : अतिक्रमण, जनसांख्यिकी परिवर्तन, लैंड जिहाद, लव जिहाद, रोजगार-स्वरोजगार एवं यूसीसी पर बोले धामी
नवीन समाचार, देहरादून, 17 सितंबर 2024 (Dhami talk about Encroachment-Demographic Change)। केंद्र की मोदी सरकार के तीसरे कार्यकाल के 100 दिन पूरे होने पर मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने देहरादून में एक निजी कार्यक्रम के दौरान अपनी सरकार की उपलब्धियों को जनता के सामने रखा। मुख्यमंत्री धामी ने राज्य में अतिक्रमण, धर्मांतरण, और जनसांख्यिकी परिवर्तन जैसे मुद्दों पर सख्त रुख अपनाने की बात कही। उन्होंने…
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bulletines-news · 4 months
Cow Smuggler Jamiruddin Qureshi Arrested in the Murder Case of Jaunpur Journalist Ashutosh Srivastava
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secular-jew · 3 months
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Who's occupying whose land again?
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gingerswagfreckles · 11 months
It's just as irresponsible to take Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad at their word as it is to take the IDF and US intelligence agents their word. Just FYI.
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eyeoftheheart · 8 months
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oldpoet56 · 11 months
A Few Things For Us To Think About ( #1312 )
A Few Things For Us To Think About ( #1312 ) 1.) My friends, loved ones, please wake up. What really matters in our life? What are we doing with this little peace of time that we are each getting? 2.) We tend to get hurt more by what we worry about than we do by the actual event! 3.) Our past shows us who we have been, not who we are now, nor whom we will become! 4.) Cowards choose the weak to…
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mide404 · 3 months
I write this appeal with a heavy heart, burdened by the weight of the tragedy that has befallen my family in the war-torn land of Gaza. I am Mahmoud Jihad Saleh, a captive soul in the cruel clutches of despair. Holding on to a glimmer of hope.
Today, I implore you to bear witness to the shattered remains of my once-happy family. My father, a beacon of strength, was cruelly snuffed out, and the innocent lives of my niece and nephew were taken by the merciless grip of conflict.
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In the desperate shadows of despair, I beg for your compassion to save my family from the misery sweeping Gaza. They are stranded in Gaza, deprived of the most basic necessities, and enduring the cynicism of life
It is with a heavy heart that I implore you to be the lifeline my family so desperately needs
I am on my knees, not as a supplicant, but as a broken soul longing to avoid further loss. Save my family from the clutches of despair, so they can rebuild their shattered lives. The specter of losing them, as I lost my parents and relatives, haunts me every waking moment. I implore you, kind souls, to heed this cry for help and save my family from the abyss of suffering.
Please donate if you can and share our story widely as you're able to🙏.
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thevardblr · 2 years
Book review and chat with Richard Landes, author of Can 'The Whole World' Be Wrong?
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eratosmusings · 4 months
Stolen Destiny (IV)
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summary: a proposal
warnings: adults only, all characters are over 18, past suicide, misogyny, allusions to murder, dark themes, canon typical violence, smut in future chapters
word count: 2k
previous chapter / dividers / masterlist
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“The spitting image of your mother,” you hear more than once. Anger radiates from your father every time, yet he says nothing. He cannot in front of so many. How could he explain that the ghost of your mother fills him with such rage?
It’s a day spent in a stadium watching physical feats. It’s not all that entertaining in itself, but the guests are plied with drinks and food enough to not care. They place bets amongst themselves and you’re sure a few of them will end their visit here without a solari to their name. You want nothing more than to steal Irulan for the day, but duty kept her bound to the subjects who desired her attention. 
You weave through the crowd and let yourself be distracted by conversation with the lower houses. He watches. You can feel the weight of his gaze every time you smile or laugh or speak or breathe. 
“Looks like you’ve got someone’s attention,” one of the daughters giggles loudly. Others turn their heads. You brush it off and continue the conversation you’d been having about the next day's entertainment—an ancient play written before the Jihad.
The whispers of his attention follow you like his eyes. When it becomes overbearing you avoid it all and focus on the events in the arena. Men striking the ground with long poles to launch themselves over raised bars to see how far they land. The tightness in your shoulders eases when Feyd-Rautha finally breaks from the shadows. His looming figure shields you from the rays of the setting sun and the sight of intruding eyes as he stands beside you. “What uses would such a skill have?” he ponders. 
“Perhaps none,” you say. “But the strength they must build is noteworthy. These men train with swords and spears just as much as their poles.”
He hums in response as one of the men clears the bar. He lands the furthest you’ve seen, but his footing is poor. He doesn’t shout, though from his limp as walks away it’s evident the attempt injured him. “Perhaps they should train more on how they land.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Yes, perhaps.”
Together you watch in silence as the event rolls into the next.
“I must admit my surprise at your appearance today, my lady. I had thought you preferred a more subdued look.”
A man runs with a spear in hand. Inches from a line they’d drawn in the grass he throws it. “That is my father’s preference.” The tip embeds itself in the ground yards away. “Is it yours as well?”
He does not answer. He cannot. Paul invades the space between you. “Giedi Prime is a desolate place, my lady. Color and beauty do not survive under their black sun.” He is wrong. Beauty raised under that sun stands beside him. “You would be at place in Caladan. The sunset would envy your beauty.” That has nothing to do with what you had asked.
“I had not realized you were a poet,” Feyd-Rautha taunts and a smile nearly bends your lips.
“How could one not be in the presence of such a divine creature?”
“You are too kind.” You step away from him, wishing he’d have kept his distance. Had his stares not been enough? Would he not get the opportunity to humiliate you once again in a few hours? “If you’ll excuse me.” That’s all you leave them with. You can bear him no longer.
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Fandral keeps a better eye on you. You’re barely down a flight of stairs before he is at your side. It’s a silent return to the castle. He has something to say, you see it in the way his mouth twitches every so often as he sits across from you in the vehicle, but he lets you enjoy the peace for a bit longer.
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You have no choice in your evening attire. A dress that’s a sister to the ones the other women will wear. Makeup that will be seen from afar. It’s the only thing you don’t mind for the performance.
Despite your early departure, you’re late to the small room off the Great Hall. Fandral doesn’t question the delay. You suspect he knows the reason well enough now. Disapproval colors his cheeks. 
Your tardiness is unnecessary. Paul has not arrived yet. Still, the swordmaster reprimands you for it. You tune it out until you’re free. It’s a small comfort to see the woman with your swords again. She offers encouragement with them before retreating with the others. Enviously you watch. How you wish Irulan were here with you.
Paul arrives only minutes before your set to perform. He doesn’t receive the same scolding you had. He only has time to don his own swords while you and the others begin to file out. A small blessing.
You let your eyes unfocus as you step into the crowded hall. It’s better to not see the faces. Or his. Each pluck of a string and swirl of a skirt brings you closer to the end. As the clang echos when your swords meet for the first time, you think of how easy it would be to stab at his skin. The blade is dull, but with enough speed and force it wouldn’t be of much consequence. He didn’t have his shield.  
The thought ends as the sword once more slips out of your hand. His hand locks around yours and pulls. His chest presses against your back in a mockery of an embrace. Your eyes burn as they come back in focus. Or perhaps it’s the green fire in his as they bore into you from above.
The music wans and the applause rises. You try to escape his arms, but he holds firm. It’s a quick dip of his gaze that signals his intent. Your face moves an inch in time for his lips to brush against your cheek. Whistles echo in the deafening noise.
Feyd-Rautha watches from his seat at the head table. He’s too far to make out his face, but he’s impossible to not recognize. The degradation weighs heavy in your throat. A day ago he’d seen you as a worthy opponent. How must he see you now?
You’re freed from the cage of his arms. You bow with the others but do not stay. You cannot soak in the humiliation a moment longer.
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Paul calls for you. You do not stop. Your name bounces off the walls of the corridor as you hope he’ll end his pursuit. But he does not allow such a reprieve. A hand grips your upper arm.
“Let me go,” you hiss, trying to pull free. He does not.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” He rounds on you, confusion written in the lines of his face. “I was caught up in the moment. I’m sorry.” He means it. You do not care. “Return with me, please. It’s your celebration.”
“I cannot. I must return to my room.”
“Please. Irulan wishes to see you.”
Disgust sours your tongue. How poorly his father had raised him. “I am sure the princess would prefer you to return to her alone. She has had enough humiliation tonight, I think.”
His hand falls away. “Humiliation?” 
You scoff. “I understand it may be hard for you to understand, but no woman wants to see her future husband kiss another. Especially not in front of so many people.”
The bastard laughs. When he sees the unimpressed look on your face, he asks, “Have I not made my intentions obvious?” He smiles. “The dance is an old engagement tradition on Caladan.” He chuckles, shakes his head, and adds, “Well a condensed version. The old one was much longer.”
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Time. That is what you tell him you need. And it is. To reverse it. To retract the knowledge of his impending proposal. To revoke the invitation extended to the Atreides. To undo his very conception. Time is all you need.
He misunderstands your shock for one of pleasure and allows you to return to your room unaccompanied. Fandral waits by the closed door. "Did you know?"
"The young lord mentioned his desire for a marriage yesterday. He asked I not tell you."
"And since when did you serve House Atreides?"
"It is a good match, my lady. You would be safe under his protection."
You push the door open. "You may return to your normal post, Fandral. I require a personal guard no longer."
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Sleep comes only briefly. The wake in the dark, the image of an achromatic silhouette contrasted against the warm hues of sunrise embedded in your vision. You dress quickly and slip through the corridors. The sounds of the party still linger. It's too easy to go unnoticed and begin the hour-long hike. Every step springs forward a new emotion. Frustration. Despair. Disgust. Terror. Fury.
Solace as you hear a rock skitter across the path behind you. You continue on without looking back or calling to him. He knows you know. Nothing more needs to be said yet. You reach the same spot you'd picniced days before in that blissful silence. Only when the sky begins to color does he finally speak. "The sunrise on Geidi Prime is not so colorful."
"Like its people."
He grins that wide, black grin. "Yes, like its people."
The sun begins to crest over the horizon when you guide him to the canoe still tied to the end of the dock. He does not question as the oars break through the still surface. Even as the overgrown and greying marble pavilion comes into view. He eases the canoe onto the shore and gives his hand to help you disembark. How wonderful it is to touch him again. How dreadful to let it go again.
“My father had this built for my mother when they married.” You take the steps up the once grand gift. “He was so infatuated with her in the beginning. At least that’s what she told me.” You rest your hands against the railings and stare over the water. The marble is cool and coated with a layer of damp. “And then she gave birth to me.”
His warmth soaks into your back, hands resting on the rails beside yours. “He’d been promised a son.”
“One who would marry the emperor’s first born daughter and one day ascend the throne.”
His breath fans across your ear. “Your father was displeased.”
“He drove my mother to try again and again. But nothing. It drove her into madness. Tied rocks to her feet and walked into the water.” She hadn’t tied them well. They found her floating only a day after she went missing. “All for nothing. My father is the one incapable. All he has and will ever have is me.”
“More than he deserves.”
You turn in the small space he’s left between him and the railing. There is no more than an inch that separates your chests. The warmth of the sun makes you sweat. Or perhaps that is from his closeness. It would be a simple thing. A small tilt of your head, a gentle push forward. Lips pressing together. Your heart skips at the thought. The wind rustles through the leaves of the trees and breaks the trance.
"Paul Atriedes is going to ask for my hand."
"And it displeases you."
"Has he not taken enough? And now he wants to tie me to him for the remainder of my days? To submit to him and birth his own heir? How could that not displease me?"
"Deny him."
"My father will not allow that."
"Perhaps we needn’t worry what your father thinks. He enjoys his drink, yes? It is rather miraculous he has not had an accident yet."
Your smile, bright and wide, reflects on his face. How easy he is to manipulate. You hadn’t needed to suggest anything, the violence embedded in his blood coming to the conclusion on its own. “He does indeed. I fear his luck may not last much longer.”
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your thoughts & reblogs are appreciated! 💕
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1. Jews are indigenous to the area (just deal with it, maybe crack open a history book, or something educational, not memes)
2. I don't care about your white people issues
3. I am an indigenous Canadian. My family went through so much pain because of your stupid colonizer ancestors.
3. Both sides of my family are victims of horrendous things, genocide, torture, putting people on a rock and expecting them to be okay, while white people and non-aboriginal people can have beautiful land.
4. Residential Schools were a horrible truth.
5. The average age of you is about 20. Think about that. You complained you didn't get a proper education. Well, you sure proved it.
6. Palistine peoples are going through horrendous things FROM THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT daily. This includes torture of children. Kids who defied one order strapped to a wooden post and whipped with electrical cables. They need to be liberated from their oppressive government. A government that brainwashed the entire country to hate Jews. A country teaching their children marytism is the only way to get into heaven. There is fucking proof of this.
7. You don't care about the palestinian-people, you're just an antisemitic hive-mind because none of you can critically think or debate
8. I remember when debates on tumblr took days to result in personal insults
9. You are screaming over the people who are ACTUALLY needing to be heard.
10. This war, this terroist organization is a senseless loss of life.
11. The UN and hamas have admitted "quietly" to lying and exaggerating the civilan count
12. This war has the lowest civilian casualties of any war in modern history. Don't believe me, look it up. USvs. Afghanistan is DISGUSTING
13. Jihad soldiers attack in plain clothes, they are often counted as "inoccent civilians" when they just killed a bunch of innocent civilians
14. Hamas stated many times he will not stop until the Country of Israel is destroyed and every Jew is dead.
15. Antisemitism and antizionism its the same. I love how you won't listen to us but you can make up words and use it as a scapegoat for you to be as antisemitic as you want.
16. Hamas is starving his own people. He was given billions for infrastructure and did not build any bomb shelters? If Israel is killing so many people, why wouldn't you build power plants, food, water, and bomb shelters? Why does Israel provide you with your resources when you constantly attack them? Because they'd rather help the citizens more than hamas wants to.
Are you blind, deaf, and clueless? THINK! GO READ SOME PEER REVIEWED INFO YOU SAD PEOPLE
Now tell me you aren't filled with antisemitism and hate.
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tamamita · 6 months
hey sal feel free to ignore this but i got into an argument with a zionist who claimed that arabs sold their lands to them, is this true
This is interesting, because it ignores a lot of context. Keywords to remember is the Ottoman capitulation, the Felaheen, the Sursock purchase and the eviction of Palestinians that inhabited the area at that time.
The Sursock family was a family of Aristocratic landlords with strong ties to the Turkish and European nobility dating back to the 19th century. The Sursocks were known to have mass purchased land in Palestine from the Ottoman Turks. While they were absentee landlords, they hired Arab labours who inhabited the purchased land at that time. When the Turks capitulated following WW1, the Turks were pressured into allowing the land to be sold to the PLDC, the Palestinan (later Israeli) Land Development Company. The PLDC sought to purchase the Jezreel valley, which consisted of 20-25 Arab villages, from the Sursock. . Keep in mind that the Jezreel valley was the most fertile land of Palestine and close to the economic city of Haifa. Following the mass purchase of land by the PLDC, the Jewish landbuyers expelled Arab tenants and depopulated the Arab villages despite their usufruct, and right to toll on the land. This all came as a surprise to the Arab inhabitants. This was all part of the idea that cheap Arab labour should be replaced with Jewish labour, this despite the fact that Arab labourers had greater expertise on the agricultural field; the settlers were unfamiliar with the land. Keep in mind that according to JNF, the Jewish national fund, only 3% of the Palestinian land were uncultivated, destroying the myth that the land bloomed as a result of its settler colonizers. The Hashomer Hatzaeer would come to be the center of these kibbutzim and would establish over 30 kibbutzim built ontop of the Arab villages before 1948. As a result, the Arabs, or Felaheen (The Arab peasant class) put up a resistance against the JNF out of concrete material reasons and attempted to fight back against the expansion of these kibbutzim. This was the first instance of Arab resistance against Zionism.
All of these lands were purchased before 1948 and the Arabs were expelled and depopulated only for the kibbutzim to be established with the help of the money provided by the Jewish Colonization association and its organs. However, the British mandate did not require the landowners to compensate for the expelled Arab tenants. The Arabs were forced to migrate to slums and towns. In one of these towns, a notable Syrian resistance fighter would rise up, namely, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, and declare jihad on the British. When the Arabs resisted their dispossession by every means necessary, even violence, the Zionists used this as an excuse to fortify their colonizers and expand them due to "escalating security needs". Since the colonizers were too weak to face the resistance, they turned themselves to the British to gain their support in an attempt to expand their lands as means of security for the Kibbutzim. In a memondarium written by the Kibbutz Hazora (a settlement in Jezreel) to the Jewish Agency in 1936: "Our basic demand is for our own instutions to help us ugently in getting the British authorities to expand our territory--this is a vital issue for us.". A similar pretext is used whenever the colonized put up resistance against their colonizers, in which the same excuse is used to further expand and colonize the lands. This is the logic of the oppressor in any context, whether it is colonial or in the class struggle.
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We adhere to the right of our people to resist and its confidence in the victory of our people in this battle, as we fight in defense of our land, our people, and our sanctities, and for the sake of liberation, return, self-determination, and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
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Ok, you want to know from a lawyer why the allegation that Israel is committing genocide is false? 
I prefer to focus on the absurdity of the allegation, especially since it is Hamas that expressly seeks Jewish & Israeli genocide; but it's clear people want this analysis.
Genocide is defined by the 1948 UN Convention on Prevention & Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as: (1) the coordinated; (2) planned; and (3) intentional destruction, in whole or in part, of a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
Let's set aside for a minute the fact that the the #UN Convention regarding #genocide was adopted because of what the #Nazis had done to the #Jewsthereby making its invocation here not only absurdly false, but also unforgivably offensive.
That outrageousness aside, we can analyze the elements of the crime of genocide under the present situation in #Gaza.
The requisite mens rea to find a government guilty of genocide is the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a particular group of people. 
This intent to commit genocide doesn't magically come into being just because people want to believe it exists. There must be actual proof of criminal intent to destroy a particular group of people.
#SouthAfrica cannot possibly carry its burden of showing Israel "intended or intends to commit genocide"; thus, the allegation fails.  
Just some of the obvious reasons intent to commit genocide could not possibly be shown follow:
- 10/7 & Hamas' words since 10/7 have proven the #terror group would, if it could, continue carrying out massacres until it killed every #Israeli & potentially every #Jew on Earth. Israel, like every other UN member state, has the inherent right to self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter. In this case, Israel's right to self-defense continues until it has done everything "necessary" to to ensure #Hamas can never attack Israeli civilians again because of: (1) the genocidal brutality of the #October7Massacre; (2) Hamas' 35+ years of genocidal warfare against Israel & Jews; & (3) Hamas' express & repeated commitment to repeat massacres like 10/7 "again and again." Therefore, Israel's right to self-defense includes both the right to eliminate the threat from Hamas to its civilians & to restore a sense of security to its civilians.
- The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry claims 22,000 #Palestinians have died. Even if that number was reliable (it is not), Hamas claims every one of the deaths was a civilian, not a #HamasTerrorist. That is obviously not the case. Israel claims to have killed ~9,000 Hamas terrorists. Even assuming the Hamas numbers were correct, that would mean about 1.45 civilians have been killed for every 1 "combatant" (Hamas terrorist). As horrible as the loss of any civilian life is, it is simply a fact that civilians suffer disproportionately in war & what Israel has done in protecting civilian lives is unprecedented in the history of urban warfare. In fact, according to the UN statistics of global conflict, the average civilian to combatant killed ratio is 9 civilians killed for every 1 combatant killed. This ratio in and of itself makes the allegation of "genocide" a complete absurdity.
- Even assuming the "worst case scenario" numbers above of ~9,000 terrorists killed & ~13,000 civilians killed still does not take into account the cause of those civilian deaths. We know that somewhere between 20%-35% of all Hamas & #Palestinian #Islamic #Jihad missiles misfire & land in Gaza (like the one that landed at a Gaza hospital that Israel was wrongly accused of bombing). So, how many Gaza civilians were killed by misfired rockets from Palestinian terror groups? Suddenly, that already incredible ratio of civilians:combatants in the annals of warfare is improving even further.
- There are at least dozens of videos of Hamas #terrorists firing at #IDF troops while wearing civilian clothing (which is itself a #WarCrime) to blend in with the civilian population. So, how many Gaza "civilians" who were killed were actually just Hamas terrorists wearing #civilian clothing? That civilian:combatant ratio is improving once again.
- We know from video, reconnaissance, audio, interrogations, & eye-witness accounts (including from #Gazans themselves) that Hamas uses both voluntary & involuntary human shields to protect Hamas terrorists & their weapons (each time they do it, that is also a war crime). So, how many Gaza "civilians" who were killed were voluntarily acting as human shields for Hamas? And while Israel has made significant efforts to limit civilians casualties, those involuntary human shields who die are legally dead at the hands of Hamas. Wow, that civilian:combatant ratio is looking beyond amazing now! 
- There is video, photo, interrogation, & eye-witness accounts that Hamas uses women & children under 18 in combat roles. Therefore, not every allegedly killed woman or child counts as a "civilian." 
- What kind of genocidal army would do what Israel has been doing in engaging in massive warning campaigns before it attacks via hundreds of thousands of phone calls, text messages, leaflets, & via roof knocking? Gazans are actually given so much warning & time to evacuate that the extreme majority of "civilians" who remain in a targeted area are there either because they support Hamas or because they were forced to stay & act as human shields by Hamas. Essentially, not only is Israel obviously not conducting a genocide, it has completely eliminated their own advantage of surprise that would have helped Israel eradicate Hamas much quicker by providing warnings that reach both civilians & Hamas terrorists.
- A large percentage of Palestinian deaths in Gaza have been due to their combined use by Hamas as human shields & by Hamas' refusal to permit Gaza civilians to either to use Hamas tunnels as bomb shelters or to flee via safe corridors provided by the 
 (what kind of genocidal army provides safe corridors for civilians even knowing some Hamas terrorists will manage to escape by blending in with the crowd???). In other words, it is Hamas that is by far the most responsible party for putting #Gazan #civilians in harm's way; and the mere fact that civilians have died is in no way indicative of any deliberate intent on the part of Israel to kill Palestinian civilians - let alone intentionally "destroy" the population, as required to prove genocide.
- A country's intention to destroy a group in whole or in part is typically found in state policy (as it was with the Nazis & as it is with Hamas). However, no such policy in Israel has ever existed. Israel has made clear repeatedly (and its actions, with some examples stated above, show this is more than just words) that its goal is to "operate[] against Hamas & other terrorist groups in Gaza, not against the civilian population ... Israel wishes no harm to civilians & is committed to addressing the humanitarian needs of those suffering ..."
- Simply, the loss of lives in Gaza are reasonably explained by & attributable to Israel's necessary self-defense military goal of eradicating Hamas' ability to make war. The loss of lives in Gaza are not, however, reasonably explained by some claimed genocide on the part of Israel, as there is no actual evidence to support a finding of the type of criminal intent required to prove genocide.
- Israel is a straight-up parliamentary #democracy; thus, it has voices in the Knesset that can be extreme. Those voices, however, are not mainstream; and, more importantly, those voices are not the ones who are responsible for prosecuting the war against Hamas. Therefore, their words (indelicate as they may have been) are irrelevant to a finding of genocide on the part of the government of Israel. The Israeli war cabinet in charge of prosecuting the war to eradicate Hamas consists of only five people: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, unity coalition member, former Deputy PM, & Minister of Defense Benny Gantz, former military Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, & Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer. Attempting to attribute the words of anyone else, especially in the very fringes of Israel's eclectic democratic government, to try to show proof of government intent to commit genocide fails as a matter of both fact & law. Any comments by the five members of the war cabinet at which any dishonest person may wish to point to try to prove "intent to commit genocide," in reality can only be reasonably interpreted as statements referring to the destruction of the Hamas terrorist regime.
So, what is the takeaway? 
It is South Africa's burden to show Israel had/has the intent to carry out a "genocide" of the Palestinian people in Gaza. For the foregoing reasons (among many others - but this is long enough for X), South Africa cannot possibly prove intent to commit genocide. 
South Africa's allegations are defamatory & are an attempt to hold the world's only Jewish State to a different standard than every other state in the history of humankind; and, perhaps worse, to try to turn the victims of a genocide into the alleged committers of a genocide. 
Were the #ICJ to find intent to commit "genocide" here, then no country on Earth would be permitted to act in self-defense in the event it is attacked - no matter how horrible the attack - if any civilians may be killed in the process. 
If that were the case, Hamas & other terrorist organizations would be given carte blanche to attack countries with impunity & then simply hide behind civilians to suddenly become entirely immune from justice. That obviously can never be the law.
Captain Allen
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secular-jew · 3 months
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lowtaperfeyd · 2 months
Hello! May I please request a Paul x reader where reader is struggling to adapt to the heat on Arrakis and needs a bit of love and care? Because they may do horribly in high temperatures but they will follow Paul to the end of the Earth (Sincerely, someone with horrible temperature regulation)
Paul Atreides x Reader
author's note: I hope the heat doesn't get you too badly 😔 and that you enjoy this. STAY SAFEEEE
warnings: effects of heat stroke(nausea, dizziness), mentions of blood but none.
wc: 837
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“Are you alright?” He whispered, bringing them from their trance. His hand was laced with (Y/N)’s as they stood on the ship. They had just landed on Arrakis and the heat began to attack them before they reached the ground. The blood in their face ran away from them and dispersed elsewhere. Sweat was pooling out of pores making the baby hairs on their face stick to their slick skin. 
“Yeah,” (Y/N) said as they let go of Paul’s hand and wiped it on their ceremonial attire, “yeah it’s just a bit warm.” Their voice sounded exhausted and depleted. Even though, hours prior they were fine. 
“Okay,” Paul swallowed. His face was contorted with looks of worry and confusion. They were fine before, he thought, what happened now? 
The procession began with the blaring sound of bagpipes and the marching of feet. But (Y/N) didn’t notice any of it over the sound of blood running through their ears. It was all hazy and unclear as the hours ran by. Until spots that were colorful and dark at the same time raced line of sight. 
“(Y/N),” they heard from somewhere far away in their mind, so far it didn’t feel real. It was a floaty and slow sensation, almost nauseating. It felt like there was excess weight on their shoulders. Too much pressure, too much around. 
“(Y/N)!” Their head rattled backwards and forwards, from an unknown force moving their shoulders. Vision was cloudy and filled with the same spots as before. If songbirds were on Arrakis they would definitely be flying around their head. After what seemed like hours, their eyes cleared and they saw a very concerned brunette in front of them. His eyebrows pierced together so tightly; it created a stitch in the middle of them. His hands were on their shoulders and he was kneeled in front of them as they sat in an armchair in an unfamiliar bedroom.
“Paul…” they breathed out, their voice hoarse from lack of use and dehydration. His hand moved from their shoulder to the junction between their neck and jaw. With his other hand, he grabbed a glass of water that rested on an end table next to the armchair. Slowly and carefully he brought the cup up to their lips. 
“Drink slowly,” he prompted. (Y/N) took a few sips before asking, breathlessly.
“What happened?” 
“Well,” he gulped, “you passed out in the hall as we were exploring.” He set the glass down back on the table. 
“And where am I now?” They whispered. 
“My room, I, I didn't know where else to go.”  
They looked around the desolately empty room, save for a bed, bedside table, desk, wardrobe, and of course the armchair.  He scurried away from the chair and moved to the desk. 
“I had Doctor Yueh check you over, make sure you were okay.” He commented. “He said you have heat stroke. He advised that you shouldn’t stay in your ceremonial clothes, at risk you could overheat again.”
They looked down at the clothes they were wearing. A white linen shirt and a pair of dark pants of the same material. Clothes that looked suspiciously of Paul’s. 
Sure they were close in a certain regard. They had deep discussions about the universe and what could've happened if the Butlerian Jihad hadn’t occurred, they ran through the tall grass that was riddled with wildflowers on Caladan, they had even kissed under the stars one cool summer evening. But nothing more than that ever happened. No one, not even a Bene Gesserit sister or Mentat, could say what was between them, but they all saw the potential.
“That's very smart of him.” they added, a little flustered. (Y/N) began to stand. It all seemed fine before the dreaded spots returned and the blood flushed from them. Paul rushed back over to steady them. A hand was on a hip and an arm. (Y/N)’s hand grabbed his forearm. 
“He also advised that you should rest before trying to do anything strenuous.” he retorted like a stern mother. 
He led them to lay on his bed, a few steps away. The bed was cool and soft beneath them like a personal cloud just for them. Paul gently pulled the covers over them and tucked them over their chest. He sat on the edge of the bed close to them, ready at a moment's notice in case they needed anything. His hand began stroking the top of their head. 
His gentle eyes met theirs, “Just rest, please.” 
(Y/N) stifled a yawn, “okay…” It was cool and comfortable, all too easy to feel into a peaceful slumber. As they laid their dozing, they felt a soft, chaste kiss placed on their forehead. Whose lips belonged with no doubt to Paul.  
 Dr. Yueh: Paul’s friend (Y/N) fainted today.
Lady Jessica: Are they alright? 
Dr. Yueh: Yes... But let’s just say a certain someone was pretty concerned…
Lady Jessica: oh? … OHHHHHH
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matan4il · 3 months
Speech #5, May 14, 2024: “The Role of Holy War in the Persistence of the Conflict.” This conflict has always been a holy war from the perspective of Arab and Muslim leaders and these leaders have continuously fanned the flames of religious fervor in order to mobilize the masses against Israel and the Jews. As Benny Morris concluded in 2010: “What I discovered in the documentation relating to the war, at least from the Arab side, was that the war had a religious character, that the central element in the war was an imperative to launch jihad. The decisive majority in the Arab world saw the war first and foremost as a holy war and Arab rhetoric of the day, universally included religious hatred against the Jews. The meaning is not simple: If this is a religious war, it revolves around absolutes. Out of such absolutes it is extremely difficult to derive any compromise. So, for example, between Israel and Hamas, I strongly doubt there will ever be any compromise. They do not accept us because, from their perspective, this is Islamic land. Allah commanded them to annihilate us, and that’s precisely what they wish to do. Religion is extremely important to them and assassinating the Zionists is also extremely important. The fact that this war was essentially religious is also reflected in the fact that after the war, it was not possible to negotiate peace between Israel and the Arabs as certain individuals thought might happen. Our success in 1948 aroused in the Arab mind a reaction of rejection and a tremendous desire for revenge. The Arab world adamantly refuses to condone our existence. Even if peace treaties have been signed since then, the average Arab, the educated man in his home, and the soldier in his fox hole persistently refuse to recognize Israel. This is a terrible tragedy for both nations. And if peace between the nations is not achieved, one of the nations will end tragically.”
For more on the man who invented the antisemitic libel that the Jews are attacking the al-Aqsa mosque, and therefore a holy war must be waged against them, see this Tumblr post with a documentary about religious Islamist leader and Nazi collaborator Amin al-Husseini.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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