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Genesis 4
4:1 This is the first real mention of Eve, before it was just "wife." Now it mentions that "Adam knew Eve," In this connotation, it means they had intercourse. The result is Cain, the firstborn son.
4:2 Abel born after Cain. Both of them played different roles. Cain was a "tiller of the ground" while Abel was "shepard of sheep."
4:3-5 Both offer sacrifices related to their expertise. God respected Abel's offering but not Cain's. Abel's offering was the "firstborn of his flock and of their fat" while Cain's offering was from the "fruits of the ground." Why would God dislike one person's offering if they both provided from what they specialized in? From how it is worded, we can be sure that Abel's sacrifice was significant because it was the firstborn and fatty. Cain's sacrifice could be interpreted in different ways. "From the fruits of the ground" could imply that the fruits were from the plants nourished from the ground. This verse could also mean that the fruits he offered for sacrifice were the rotten fruits that had already fallen to the ground. Because the verse states that they are "fruits OF the ground" rather than fruits ON the ground, I assume the former interpretation where Cain offered good fruits from his work.
Also, this is the first instance of sacrifice we see in the Bible. Why do we need to sacrifice? It was never a decree stated by God to offer sacrifices. Are sacrifices man's way of trying to appease God, when before our fall our pure existence was enough to appease Him?
4:6-7 God confronts Cain and asks why he should be sad. God says that although you brought the sacrifice rightly, it was not divided properly. What does that mean? Where do we find sacrificial rules if this is the first instance? This next part of the verse states that Abel should find recourse in Cain and that Cain should rule over Abel. Why have the roles seemingly switched here? Also, when seeing sad Cain, God says, "Be still." This must mean controlling the fluctuations in your head and emotions.
4:8 Cain kills Abel in seclusion. They talked beforehand. I'm wondering if that was to entice Abel to come to the fields or if it was to discuss what had happened at the sacrifice. Also, I'm curious as it says that they were in the fields: does this mean garden fields (Cain's territory) or sheep fields (Abel's territory)?
4:9 God here asks a question again to man. Since God already knows what is happening, this might be the second instance of opportunity for repentence seen in the Bible. Instead of repenting, Cain replies with arrogance: "Am I my brother's keeper?"
4:10 This sounds almost poetic, "The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground." This is the first instance of where we see death and the fact of life after death. If there was no life after death, then it would be impossible for Abel to cry out to God.
4:11-12 Cain is cursed, the grounds should be hard and it is no longer easy to garden.
4:13 I find it mature and humbling to see Cain recognize his position he found himself in, or that just might be despair: "My guilt is too great to be forgiven!"
4:14-15 Cain worries that since he has been driven out from the face of the Earth and sorrowful, he is in danger of being killed by whoever comes across him. Why should someone be condemned to death for being sorrowful? Maybe because they see the impurity of a person, which has no place in God's creation? But that doesn't make sense because the first people were impure for eating the forbidden fruit. God calms Cain's worries by giving Cain a mark that ensures that if anyone kills Cain shall face a 7x vengeance. This is the second instance we see the number 7, in this context it seems arbitrary, but it also appears in the 7 days of creation.
Side note: Cain is worried about someone finding him and killing him. By name, the only people we know are Cain, Abel, Adam, and Eve. Since Abel is out of the picture, that means there is only Adam and Eve. It wouldn't make sense that Cain would be worried about his parents trying to kill him. Also if Cain was just worried about his parents trying to kill him, I feel like he would have phrased his concerns differently. Which means that there must have been other people living at the same time. Where did these other people come from? I am assuming that Adam and Eve had other children that were not explicitly mentioned by name. Also, it was never stated that Cain was the firstborn from Adam and Eve.
Side note pt.2: The fact that God does not leave Cain for himself but imparts a mark on him that if anyone else were to harm Cain, they would be harmed 7x. This is another instance of love we see, unconditional love. Even when the child has committed murder, the Father still looks after him and wishes the best for him. Don't get me wrong, God might still be mad, and that is perfectly normal, but above that anger lies love.
4:16 Cain leaves the "presence of the Lord" and lives in Nod. So this. is the official leaving of Eden. First, man was in paradise in Eden. Then, man was cast out of paradise but still in Eden (?). Now man leaves Eden. I wonder what 'Nod' means. Also mentions that Cain leaves the presence of the Lord. This probably means that Cain left the physical presence of God, not God's omnipresent watch.
4:17 Cain knew his wife, wife is left unnamed. Cain had a son with his wife named Enoch. Cain built a city and named it after his son. I wonder what a "city" was like back then, especially with significantly fewer people. Also, if Cain built a city, then what happened to Nod? Is it rather the name of the land? I would think Nod is the name of the land and Enoch is now a city in Nod.
4:18 Statment of lineage: Enoch to Irad to Mehujael to Methushael to Lamech.
4:19 First mention of a man having two wives. Lamech has Adah and Zillah.
4:20-21 Adah bore Jabal, who was the father of the people who dwelled in tents and had livestock. Adah also bore Jubal who played instruments. This is the first instance we see animal farming and musical art. Art previously was comprised of God's work, while this example of music is human-derived.
4:22 Zillah bore Tubal-Cain who was a smith. Zillah also bore Naamah. Naamah is the only female offspring and the only one who was not given any role or title.
Side Note: When lineage is portrayed, it is always listed under the name of the Father. This shows patriarchal lineage. This statement is also supported by the mention of the contribution of each of Lamech's sons but not his only daughter.
4:23 Lamech speaks to his wives. Interestingly he says "wives of Lamech" rather than 'my wives.' Is this because of the grammatical structure of the language they used? He attests that he killed a man for "wounding" him and a young man for "hurting" him. It is as if Lamech is basing his authority on his ability to do cruelty. This might be the first instance of rule by fear. Although previously God had instructed man not to do things in fear of death, God did not leverage death so that man had no choice but to listen to His word. Lamech on the other hand is leveraging death for any form of denial to his requests. Lamech seems to be following the principle of if you do me harm then I will give it back to you manyfold.
4:24 Lamech states his status over Cain, stating that Lamech should have 77x avengement if Cain had 7x avengement. Lamech is probably basing this claim on the action of human harm. In Lamech's mind, the stronger and more able one is to inflict harm on other humans, the more power and divine retribution received from God. If God had loved violence and harm, why would God have offered man opportunities of repentence for both Adam and Cain? I think God does not focus on harm and power for one human over another (other than what was mentioned about Adam over Eve).
4:25 Adam and Eve bore another son named Seth. It's surprising that Adam and Eve are still around and able to produce children after many generations from Cain. Maybe the span of life was different back then. Seth is created in a position to essentially be Abel's successor of purity, rather than letting just Cain's lineage live.
Side note: Adam says that he finally has another seed aside from Cain and Abel. This statement provides evidence that Adam did not have any other sons. But that does not discount that Adam might have had many daughters that were not named. Otherwise, where did all the humans come from? If daughters were never named then that would follow the theme of the importance of men for lineage. But also if females were never named, then why was Naamah named?
4:26 Seth had a son named Enosh. It is stated that "he hoped in the Lord God and called upon His name." Who is "he" in this instance? Is it referring to Enosh or Seth? Since the comma is before "and" in the sentence, I am assuming it is Seth. Also this is the first explicit reference to prayer in the Bible. Interestingly, those descendants of Cain lived lives that were Earthly while those descendants of Seth seemed to have a Godly focus. For context, Cain's lineage was also raised in Nod while Seth probably never left Eden, where Adam and Eve were. So that is one argument for the nurture aspect of personality.
Other Remarks:
If Cain, Abel, and Seth were the only sons of Adam and Eve, then that would imply that Cain was afraid of being killed by a daughter of Adam and Eve. This is interesting because it contradicts the power of man over woman.
Cain's sorrow did not ask for repentance. The root of Cain's anger was grief at the disappointment and humiliation of his sacrifice not being accepted by God. The lesson that we must take from this is that we need to process our emotions and ground them. Leaving emotions unchecked can manifest themselves in different and malicious ways, both for others and for ourselves.
Why are sacrifices necessary?
Why was God not appeased with Cain's offering? What does it mean that Cain's offering was not "divided" properly?
Where did the other humans that are unnamed come from?
What did Seth call out to God for?
Things to Add to Prayer:
Help us to "be still" in times of sorrow and anguish.
Help us acknowledge our arrogance and shortcomings
Help us to unconditionally love, like you loved your creation.
Help us not to view the world through the lens of self-fulfillment but rather the fulfillment of your will.
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northemoonduringthenight · 2 months ago
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Lamech had two wives: one named Adah and the other named Zillah.
Adah bore Jabal, who was the forefather of those who live in tents and herd cattle. 
His brother was named Jubal. He was the forefather of those who play the lyre and the flute.
 Zillah bore Tubalcain, the forger, and forefather of those who forge things made of bronze and iron.
The sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
Genesis 4:19:22
Artwork: Lamech harassed by his two wives. https://jenikirbyhistory.getarchive.net/topics/ulb+darmstadt+hs+2505
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madewithonerib · 3 months ago
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Apparently this life in reverse is much like the Narnia Chronicles where we start out in a wintry landscape, which remains cold & sullen in perpetuity due to the curse placed on the entire world.
You may prefer Winter to Summer at this point in the global state of affairs, however, don't forget that during wintertime not much can grow—so despite the respite from the heatwaves & forest fires, it is an apt symbol for death & darkness bc depression & listlessness sets in when the days are shortened. But more importantly, in the Bible, being enshrouded in darkness is shorthand for saying we have been rendered incapable of appreciating GOD or any of HIS life saving truths—which are encoded into everything we see/hear/taste/smell/feel. We know HE exists but we will naturally assume HE only wants to do us harm, hence our natural aversion to all things overtly GOD.
Today I learned this is how our hope in GOD gets sparked, the same way Moses' eyes caught sight of the burning bush under the heavy cloak of night���he is beckoned irresistibly toward this impossible light. Something which has guided him & his people through the most unrelentingly deadly landscape, where it doesn't pay to be the smallest clan in the world. Another marker demonstrating GOD's favour on HIS people is the obvious protection HE provides them; something the devil gripes about when asked to consider Job.
So unlike the rest of the world which starts out in daylight, a life full of hopes & dreams, unbelievers only move in one direction toward death & decay & total darkness & annihilation [i.e. sunset years].
Cosmically speaking, GOD's chosen ppl's lives start at its worst possible tilt—but then HE moves us progressively toward a brighter future with HIM at the helm of our lives, something HE coaxes us to in conjunction with a tight knit relational communion with HIM.
It has been said that our dysfunctional quirks like introversion & obsessions/addictions stem from the spiritual corruption of sin, where our propensity towards these traits/habits are killing us on every level; meaning we are all serving out a death sentence despite being given seeming freedom, we are enslaved to our inner bent. So in reality, we are all individually standing on a one-way conveyor belt to being stamped with our time of death, and this fact makes us realize that our existence is both pointless & tragic; where we can never truly go from being downcast toward a progressively more lasting joyful disposition.
Our existential angst either gets buried by our incessant need to find a solution to avoid this outcome, or to become less aware of the impending demise we know we are desperate to not deserve.
I think that is why Christmas is such an important holiday, the day the world was given it's ray of hope to escaping utter destruction; and why my childhood was filled with movies depicting alien invasions that pitted the entire world against a super intelligent force that is both unstoppable & incomprehensible to the human race.
But as I have already mentioned before, I've only recently begun to trust this alien superpower, known as GOD, WHO enters my life in ways I have not always fully understood whether HIS intentions were for my good or not. I admit I still from time to time pull out whatever arsenal I have with me to either hurt HIM or try to wipe HIM out entirely so I do not have to comply with whatever HE asks of me.
The problem with that is, when I do I inevitably re-enter some version of the gloom when I never had HIS light shining & leading towards this incredible promise of a hope filled future w/ endless possibilities.
It's like the most important person in the world has befriended us & suddenly we don't feel our life is a repetitive act of futility and thus a complete waste of our time. That was the key take away from the other day:
It's not the fact that anything has changed in our lives, we did nothing to achieve/earn HIS attention/care, and yet somehow we sense that something has ever so slightly shifted us out of the appalling outlook we had on life.
Some days HIS Presence seems barely noticeable, on other days markedly in the same room; but most astonishingly HE never leaves us to stew on our own for too long, despite being at our worst most days. I guess this is how it has to be, in order to break any possible mistaken link we may draw from the world & permanently degenerate toward idolizing created things—rather than growing in worshipful adoration of GOD, for HIS mercy & grace to redeem us from our darkened & hopeless existence. This base level giving glory to another, s/t GOD vowed HE would never allow HIS ppl to do in Isaiah 42:8.
Likely what David learned by the time he wrote: "Against YOU, and YOU alone, have I sinned" [Psalm 51:4]
I think most of us has heard the revulsion preachers have had over David failing to regret his vile acts against Bathsheba/Uriah & their extended family; when they clearly suffered irreparable damage under his misguided desire to "have his cake & eat it too."
Meaning possession of said item is lost the moment it is consumed—losing something we can't replace is priceless, we have forever lost it. And I think that is what was being communicated to me earlier this morning, as I was listening to a recording about how we react or treat others is essentially what we are doing to ourselves bc we all are linked together through GOD. And rn I can't truly quite see the link bc it sounds a lot like Buddhism, which has this concept of achieving Enlightenment as being likened to becoming a drop of water that is being absorbed back into this heavenly oceanic end.
But this concept feels undeniably abstract to me, like they don't really go together but out of convenience we have jammed it in the same junk drawer as all the other things that have cluttered our lives full of misfits we've come across & rendered us incapable of knowing what else to do with it.
The closest I can come to, this idea that we hurt/help ourselves when we hurt/help others, is it seemed to be alluding to something similar to where we don't pour poison into a teapot bc we could never take a sip without killing ourselves too.
This is one of the accusations made in a British murder mystery I watched a few months ago, it was very odd: In the story, one of the housemaids had written a ghost letter to the secret illegitimate heiress, who is easily fooled into thinking that she has a long lost Aunt in Australia.
The young lady was kept in the dark as to her true lineage to the kind elderly benefactor, who "adopted her" when she was a baby. But in actuality was her mother, who was heartbroken when her lover walked out on her when she revealed she was pregnant with their first child. And so to protect the family name from being tarnished, her mother was never allowed to acknowledge her child as her own & instead was stuck pretending it was all an act of altruism.
Throughout the movie her mother is in ill health, wishing for death, but is slowly being poisoned by her maid. And I guess the saddest part is, this woman went through all her life keeping her beloved daughter at arm's length, never to embrace her in public or in private bc her reputation among men was more important to her than true familial love. The haunting aspect being how closely aligned this choice is with the pretension of a compromised faith causes us to live all our lives in a total farce, having to force a smile & pretend everything we do is a selfless act of altruism.. kind of like that maid, who befriended the unwitting heiress & feigning interest in her life just so she could have something to write back as her beleaguered & doting Aunt.
Maybe that's why JESUS says HE will deny them to their face, calling them children of the devil, the father of lies. No one in this world is capable of the good required to enter GOD's Kingdom, the forgiveness & atonement offered through JESUS is no light matter: We cannot fake it till we make it.
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Though I still struggle with not being a complete douche bag to those who rub me the wrong way, it is no wonder I have difficulty appreciating GOD's goodness in the presence of mine enemies [Psalm 23].. good has nothing to do with bad fruit. I mean a good tree does not produce bad fruit, so the pruning off of the diseased areas is ongoing. It's like that environmental safety video at work, made in the UK where a civil engineer was taking final measurements on the old bridge when a powerful gush of wind blew his measuring tape over the edge. But when he reflexively rushed to save it from being lost, he grabbed it at the exact moment his measuring tape made contact with a live wire which had escaped his notice. What resulted was a plume of red mushroom cloud, according to a witness on the road he saw what looked like a tiny nuclear bomb had gone off. The tragedy was back in his day, doctors would try to save as much of the body to help the victim resume a normal life, and in the video it was made explicitly clear to everyone that bc some of the necrotic tissue was left attached to the healthy parts of his body, though he appeared to be recovering from the severe burns—he eventually hit a point where the toxicity in his blood killed his vital organs, and he succumbed to his injuries. Lock, stock, & barrel guys, we cannot have anything to do with evil, and it has to all go or we will die in our sins.
That worksafe video is seared into my mind, it was so poignant. Our knowledge only grows with time, as with everything else, so don't lose hope.
Still, I don't find it natural to assume treating someone badly hurts us as well, though there is the law of reaping what you sow..but now that I'm thinking about it again, GOD said we are to do everything as unto the LORD—something that has helped in the past, but when the carrot vanishes & all that is left is the stick, this donkey is not moving an inch no matter how much YOU beat it. [Colossians 3:23]
I'm terrible at this phase where GOD is zeroing out all value from the world, where threats or even actual shame is being levied on me repeatedly. It's really brutal, great yet another person I want to avoid with everything within me.
Sometimes it is evident that hope is only a prayer away; but in the heat of the moment—it is impossible to avoid exacting revenge like Lamech when he said to his wives: "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me." [Genesis 4:23-24]
Sometimes I feel like I'm progressing in the wrong direction & I don't even want to talk to GOD. I don't know how many feel that way, bc I always think of Cain & how GOD also spoke to him & advised him against the evil he had already intended & later denied altogether.
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Sebastian Scheichl | @zeppaio  | Rory McMahon | via delta-breezes
On a related note, I think that is why GOD encouraged us to pray without ceasing, because the moment A&E failed to follow GOD when HE walked off in the cool of the evening they fell into sin & ceased to be perfect, which really demonstrated the basic purpose of prayer is to dialog with GOD. This is something I experience firsthand on a weekly basis.
It's really like a conversation where we hear HIM say something then we ask for clarification or ad lib based on what we think HE meant. Then HE will bring things into our lives to help us understand HIM better, it's pretty cute to be able to have this constant conversation with HIM bc HE is not someone we can actually run away from or avoid. Plus HE knows how to rock the boat, and get us thrown over board. Tonight you swim with the fish, for real.. no gangster pulls that off without actually ending us & the conversation. I like the adage that we can't receive from GOD if we are too filled with unforgiveness, anger, bitter resentment, and/or pride; so it’s no wonder HE said only the empty vessel is ready for holy use.
I know what you guys are all thinking, this is far off from being mistaken as worshipful devotion to GOD: Put a pin on it guys, this is a lifelong journey not an overnight red eye to Hawaii. We will never arrive at the point of true worship of GOD, HE tops us off every time, or maybe I should say HE fills us up every time instead. lol
RE [10:10] Religious Fervor Which Stems From Hypocrisy
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graceintorah · 2 years ago
The Unforgiving Servant
The vast mercy, grace, and abounding chesed (lovingkindness) of our Father and King culminates in His willingness to forgive. So, as recipients of His lavish love, why do we often prefer vengeance, pay back, and punishment when wrongs have been committed against us? The parable of the unforgiving servant demonstrates this truth perfectly; and yet, I wonder if we really can see just how much we…
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ppscrmnctprt · 4 months ago
[!Warning!] Suggestive Clothing
Lamech has been alive for 1,000+ slutty, slutty years
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 years ago
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~ Baby you’re the one You can do no wrong You can make me Whole Again ~
- Whole Again, Play, RePlay (June 10 2003), July 8, 2003
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shadowland · 1 day ago
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PLAY + music videos (2001-2003)
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tom4jc · 1 year ago
Noah: Man Of Resolve (book review)
Title: Noah Man of ResolveAuthors: Tim Chaffey & K. Marie AdamsPublisher: Master BooksDate: 2017Pages: 296 Noah Man of Resolve (book review) In this second book of the trilogy on the life of Noah, the authors, Tim Chaffey and K. Marie Adams, pick up the story right where the first book (Noah Man of Destiny) left off. Noah begins to see the corruption of the world in the city in which he…
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cryptotheism · 6 months ago
what's the book of abramelin??
Its one of those "All-in-one" texts that serves as a primer to all esotericism up to when it was published.
Notably, it is epistolary, written as a series of letters from Abramelin of Worms to his son Lamech. Its basically a mage telling his son everything he has learned.
We don't really know WHEN it was written. The earliest manuscript is from around 1700. Gershom Scholem says the original was probably in German.
Its one of the most influential texts in western esotericism, partially bc it shows evidence of some pretty serious synthetic thought. Its got evidence of translation from Hebrew books of psalms, the Latin Vulgate, and lots of little touches from Islamic neoplatonist thought. Whoever wrote it had an impressive understanding of multiple obscure theologies. To the point where some scholars say it might have been written by a posek.
But perhaps most important: its pretty. The author is a good writer. Even English translations have a sense of poetry to it. There are plenty of pretty occult texts, but they're pretty like the bible is pretty. They're fables yk? But the book of Abramelin is one of the first occult texts to participate in a literary tradition.
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jollmaster · 5 months ago
(re)design trivia: Cain
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looks like father in appearance
actually, it's more accurate to say "both parents", since Adam and Eve are technically closer than siblings
lanky and gruff
with spikes in hair
a habit of holding a stalk in mouth
permanently chafed feet from farming
how to be cheerful when you were conceived in Eden and then born in the middle of wild wastelands
was an ancestor of the tribes of East
killed Abel by slitting his throat with a sickle and pouring the blood on the ground like an altar
shot by his own great-grandson while hunting: Lamech was almost blind and mistook Cain for a mountain ram
CHARLIE'S GANG: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty, sir Pentious (and egg boiz), Cherri Bomb, Husk, Alastor (+ gang as humans)
HEAVEN: Adam, Eve, Lute, Emily, Sera
ADAM AND EVE'S CHILDREN: Abel, Seth, Awan, Azura
HELL: Lilith, Lucifer, Seviathan, Helsa, Razzle and Dazzle, Baxter
SINS: Asmodeus [Lust], Beelzebub [Gluttony], Satan [Wrath], Mammon [Greed] (and Fizz), Belphegor [Sloth]
LUCIFER'S WIVES: Eisheth Zenunim, Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat
VEES: Vox, Valentino, Velvette
OVERLORDS: Zestial, Rosie, Carmilla Carmine (and her daughters, Odette and Clara), Flaming Skull Guy
FRIENDS AND RELATIVES: Mimzy, Arackniss, Molly, Alastor's mom, Alastor's father
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evilmenshoe80 · 6 days ago
Okay, more headcanons are coming your way.
If Adam had never eaten the forbidden fruit, life in the Garden of Eden would have remained profoundly different from the world outside it. Pain might still have existed but would likely have been much less intense, functioning as a mild warning system rather than the severe and enduring agony experienced in a fallen world. Perhaps the purity of their state allowed their bodies to heal quickly, minimizing the impact of injury or discomfort. Without the curse of childbirth, reproduction might have been free of pain and physical strain, occurring through a more harmonious and effortless biological process.
Life in Eden could have paralleled modern professions but with a profound respect for nature. Scientific curiosity might have flourished without the need for cruelty, with humans and animals working in mutual harmony—perhaps even communicating, as if humanity's connection to creation were akin to a Disney princess speaking with animals. It’s an intriguing idea that the untainted might possess unique abilities like these, further underscoring their connection to Eden's perfection.
However since Mika, accidentally stepping on Adam's foot and experiencing pain, suggests a unique blend of vulnerability and resilience within Eden. If pain were softer, paired with faster healing, it would make the transition to humanity even more striking for someone like Mika. His struggle with mortality and the loss of divine powers would undoubtedly have been jarring, especially within a world where nothing could truly harm him.
Seth and Abel, as the firstborn sons of humanity, I'd imagine they might have titles such as the "Blessed Sons," considering they're the first two humans to ever be born in Eden. If Abel's tragic story were altered, perhaps Cain’s grandson Lamech would be elevated from the status as the world second murderer to the world's first murder. Meanwhile, Seth could emerge as a leader of the Exterminators or Exorcists, bridging the divine and human realms. Hmm,Seth kind of looks like Adam. Wouldn't it be funny if the first time Lucifer met him, he mistaken him for Adam and tried to kidnap him? Or maybe he constantly bother him with information about Adam since
No one ,( Seth probably: why is this thirsty idiot trying to get with his mom)
In some some headcanons, the exterminator angels, crafted from Michael's feathers, could be seen as his children in a spiritual sense. Imagine Adam doting on them as if they were his own, they are the children of his husband he's practically adopting them on the spot .Eve, with her role as a sin of Wrath I can imagine her having a more active role when it comes to the Sinners and their treatment by the Exorcist and how does Eve react now that she's practically living with the people that she hates the most?
Hehe. I also have a small headcanon that if Seth and Cain were to meet and Hell. They'd basically do their version of "Hell's Greatest Dad."
bring it! i love headcanons!
pain is a thing on both sides, both physical and emotional buuuut the untainted's side handle it better, while the untainted don't have agressive deseases like the tainted's side they can still get hurt, will it feel the same as the tainted's side? I don't know, I think the untainted already have too many advantages over the tainted
and yep, not pain at giving birth for the untainted
the untainted can communicate with the animals of eden but not really talk to them, I imagine something similar to us talking to our pets and they being able to understand despite not really being able to talk and yep, there will be no animal cruelty on the untainted's side, they love and respect their fluffy friends too much
oooohooo mika will struggle to adapt to being a human but the real question is, once he had accepted it and embrace it, will he be able to go back to his angelic life like nothing happened? 👀
"Seth and Abel, as the firstborn sons of humanity, I'd imagine they might have titles such as the "Blessed Sons," considering they're the first two humans to ever be born in Eden"
maybe the angels would give them that title, they are more than happy that adam will give birth to two babies soooo, yep I think it fits that heaven gives them a formal title, for adam and mika they are their "little miracles", deeply loved and pampered in paradise without a worry in the world......unlike their "siblings" on the other side....
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"If Abel's tragic story were altered, perhaps Cain’s grandson Lamech would be elevated from the status as the world second murderer to the world's first murder. Meanwhile, Seth could emerge as a leader of the Exterminators or Exorcists, bridging the divine and human realms."
mmmmmm soooorry, but I won't elaborate here, too much spoilers
"Hmm,Seth kind of looks like Adam. Wouldn't it be funny if the first time Lucifer met him, he mistaken him for Adam and tried to kidnap him? Or maybe he constantly bother him with information about Adam since no one ( Seth probably: why is this thirsty idiot trying to get with his mom)"
ajdjadfjadadsh lucifer would have all of heaven behind his ass if he tried that, but realistically, lucifer would inmediatly notice that seth isn't adam, seth is blond and his skin colour is slightly lighter sooooo yeh, no addy booty for the naughty devil...buuuut he would definitely try to get information from him 😂
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"In some some headcanons, the exterminator angels, crafted from Michael's feathers, could be seen as his children in a spiritual sense. Imagine Adam doting on them as if they were his own, they are the children of his husband he's practically adopting them on the spot"
aaaawwwwww I didn't knew that hc, that's so cute 🥰 i'm already a fan of adam being a father figure for the exorcists so, totally! Adam would definitely act like a mom towards his husband's feather babies!
"Eve, with her role as a sin of Wrath I can imagine her having a more active role when it comes to the Sinners and their treatment by the Exorcist and how does Eve react now that she's practically living with the people that she hates the most?"
totally, eve would and will advocate for her descendants, while she knows not all of them deserve forgiveness she wants to help the ones that are REALLY sorry for their sins on earth
she's not amused to live close to the people that in her eyes ruined her life, she acts "polite" but oooooohoho my girl is full of wrath and will be veeeeery passive agressive if pushed
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"Hehe. I also have a small headcanon that if Seth and Cain were to meet and Hell. They'd basically do their version of "Hell's Greatest Dad."
I won't spoil much but yeeeeeeeah, cain and seth don't have the best relationship 🫣
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tomicscomics · 1 year ago
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For-give me a break!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. In this story, Jesus is telling the disciples about forgiveness.  He starts by telling them how to handle a sinner in their community.  First, meet him alone and explain his fault.  If he repents, you've won back your brother.  If not, bring some friends and try again.  If he still won't repent, bring in the church (the local congregation).  If he still won't repent, treat him as you would a Gentile or tax-collector (that is, shun him).  Essentially, an arrogantly sinful person damages their community and must be excommunicated. 2. Now Jesus has told the apostles what to do if someone doesn't repent.  What if they DO repent, but then fall to sin again?  Peter asks Jesus how many times they should be willing to forgive a sinner.  He offers the number seven, but Jesus says, "Not seven times, but seventy-seven times."  This seems to be an allusion to Lamech's boast in Genesis: "I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for bruising me.  If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times."  While Lamech uses this number to express infinite vengeance, Jesus turns it on its head and uses it to express infinite mercy.  While an unrepentant sinner must be turned away until his pride yields, a repentant sinner must always be welcomed back to the fold. 3. In this cartoon, Peter makes the "seven times" suggestion, as in the Bible, but he also manifests the number seven to illustrate his suggestion, as a Sesame Street character might do.  Jesus tells him it should be more than seven, so Peter, logically, suggests the next number: eight.  Jesus tilts the physically manifested integer onto its side then gives His approval.  The joke, dear reader, is not that Jesus is a cat Who topples things, willy OR nilly.  Nay, the joke, most beautiful literate, is that an eight on its side looks like the symbol for infinity.  By doing this, Jesus implies that forgiveness should be infinite.  The same lesson as the Bible story, but with HUMOR. 4. This is funny.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hold onto your keisters, boys and girls.  The oldest of you might've recognized this cartoon.  That's because it's another Tomics Resurrection, where I've breached the forbidden crypts of cartoons past, smashed open a sarcophagus, dragged its ancient denizen onto a stone altar, and chanted terrible dark words among foul-smelling candles until the old cartoon's husk twitched and cracked its way back to colorful life!  How does the new compare to the old?  Tell me the price was worth it!  TELL ME IT WAS WORTH IT!!!
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walkswithmyfather · 1 month ago
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Genesis 5:21-25 (AMP). [21] “When Enoch was sixty-five years old, he became the father of Methuselah. [22] Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah and had other sons and daughters. [23] So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. [24] And [in reverent fear and obedience] Enoch walked with God; and he was not [found among men], because God took him [away to be home with Him]. [Heb 11:5] [25] When Methuselah was a hundred and eighty-seven years old, he became the father of Lamech.”
Matthew 6:33 (KJV). “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
“How to Walk With God” by In Touch Ministries:
“If a relationship with God is our priority, we can rest, knowing He will direct our path.”
Scripture tells us that Enoch’s walk with the Father was so close that “God took him” (Gen. 5:24). This implies Enoch didn’t die but was taken directly into the Lord’s presence. It pleases God when His children seek to follow Him with this same closeness. Consider these aspects of a vibrant walk with the Lord:
• Reconciliation. This term essentially means “God moving toward us.” We can be joyful because the responsibility is all His. Through the cross of Christ, God has already made His move in our direction. 2 Corinthians 5:18 says, “Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”
• Trusting God. We must have faith that, through Jesus, God provides all we need in order to walk intimately with Him.
• Agreement. To appreciate the closeness God longs to have with us, we must agree with what Scripture teaches about His Son, His Word, the church, and sin.
• Fellowship. Just as human relationships fall apart without regular interaction, our intimacy with God weakens when we don’t spend time with Him.
The walk of faith is a beautiful journey. When we seek the Lord above all else, He’ll direct our path (Proverbs 3:5-6).
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I really am sick of this whole "God doesn't make mistakes" attitude towards trans people/people with gender dysphoria. Now, I am not trans nor do i have dysphoria, and what you think the scripture does or does not say about that is your business and not something I wish to talk about.
But what I do wish to talk about is this "absolute sovereignty of God" thing that's going on. Do I believe God makes mistakes? No. I believe that the God as represented in the Scriptures is infallible, whole and pure. I believe that everything in God's will is good. But that does not mean everything happened in accordance with God's will. And if you think it was, I am genuinely concerned about your theology.
Did God want "the Fall"? Did God want Cain to murder Abel? Did God want Lamech to accumulate wives like property and to murder men for insulting him? Did God want the Sons of God to violate human women? Did God want Ham to (possibly?) rape his mom or dad (very unclear what happened. Def sexual sin tho)? Did God want Abram to bring a curse upon Egypt? Did God want Abram and Sarai to abuse Hagar? Did God want Sodom to be a city of rapists who abuse widows and the poor? Did God want Isaac to be a liar like his father? Did God want Jacob to be a worse liar than his father and grandfather combined? Did God want Jacob and Esau to have enmity? Did God want Judah to mistreat Tamar? Did God want Joseph to become a slave and almost get assaulted (read that passage carefully. She did try to assault him)?
And I'm only in the first book of the bible! What about the enslavement of the Hebrews? What about the sex cult the make on Sinai? What about the countless rebellions? What about Saul? What about poor Bathsheba? What about the idolatry of Israel and Judah?God brings good out of evil, but God by no means desires evil, and to say that would be heresy because if God desires evil he cannot be completely Good.
God doesn't make mistakes. But the world is fallen. Wars happen. Rapes happen. Children lie to the parents. Parents abuse their children. People are enslaved. There are wars and rumors of wars. There are abominations of desolation. Sacred places are destroyed. Innocent people are taken into exile. These things are not signs of "the end times" but signs of the hell that is earth.
Tl;dr: If you're gonna be anti-trans or transphobic, go ahead, do it. But by all means do not try to say "God does not make mistakes" because the second someone is born gay, it's a mistake that they're gay. Your logic is failing; your theology is heretical.
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 years ago
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I wanna go left, but they tell me, "Go right" (I wanna, I wanna, I wanna be) Don't wanna be the little girl they're kissing goodnight (I wanna, I wanna, I wanna be) The moral of the story is I got no choice I must not chase the boys
- I Must Not Chase The Boys, Play, RePlay (June 10 2003), April 29th 2003
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shadowland · 3 days ago
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