evilmenshoe80 ¡ 22 hours
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Michael’s going to be a dad (yes it’s preggy Adam)
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 24 hours
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
hey guys! sooooooo, I'll be direct, since some days ago I've been wondering in changing the adam & mika story into (free) comic format, I don't dislike/mind writing but it isn't really my strong point 😅 so, what do you think?
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
Adamsapple Month Harvest
this will have a part 2 much later! i ran out of time and need to get going! i thought i could get it done in time, but nope! i might be able to write a little during my vacination but can't promise anything! i will be back sometime around the 8th of October!
thank you everyone and hope you like what i have written for harvest so far!
Adam would never admit it to a living soul—hell, not even a dead one. Never. But he had a peculiar talent, a secret skill woven into the fibres of his very being. He could knit. Stitch. Weave. It wasn’t just something he did for his children and grandchildren back on Earth; no, even in Heaven, where time was endless, he found his hands restless, creating. Scarves, mittens, sweaters, coats—each one a masterpiece crafted in the shadows. He loved it, revelled in seeing what his fingers could create, but it was a skill he buried deep, wrapped in shame. It wasn’t manly, not for the first man, the father of humanity, to be doing something so... soft. So, he hid it, tucked it away like a forbidden treasure. No one could ever see. Adam’s hands might have shaped the destiny of mankind, but they would never be seen knitting by the fireside in public.
But then Hell happened.
After the battle, everything shifted. He woke, gasping for air, his body weak, his vision clouded like a newborn fumbling through its first moments of life. The taste of dirt and blood clung to his tongue as he clawed his way out of the grave he'd been tossed into, scrambling like a beast toward the faint outline of a dumpster. Hell's atmosphere—thick, stifling, and bitter—pressed down on him, and when his golden eyes finally adjusted, he realized just how far he had fallen.
The Hazbin Hotel loomed in the distance; its massive red eye glaring down at him like some twisted sentinel of judgment. His wings—once radiant gold and silver—hung limp at his sides, dull, useless. Panic wrapped its icy fingers around his chest, his heart thudding painfully against his ribs. He wasn’t just Adam, the first man anymore. He was a Sinner. One of them. A walking target, prey for the vile creatures who hunted for sport in this wretched pit. His skin tingled with the rawness of fear, a sensation he hadn’t felt since Eden. He was the first man, but now... now he was nothing more than a hunted thing.
Crawling, desperate, he dragged himself toward the gates of the hotel. It wasn’t like he had a choice. There was nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to. That bizarre rainbow-haired girl and the smug bastard who ran the place—they’d help him, wouldn’t they? They had to. After all, wasn’t their whole pathetic mission about redeeming Sinners? Forgiveness and second chances, all that righteous crap? His trembling hands gripped the iron bars of the gate as he hauled himself up, eyes wide and staring at the tower before him.
But then he hesitated, his heart skipping a beat. Something... felt wrong. A cold shiver danced up his spine, his instincts screaming at him to stop. Think, his mind whispered. He could seek refuge here, but that smug, pompous devil—Lucifer—would take great pleasure in seeing him suffer. Adam could practically see that sharp, wicked grin, those cruel eyes glinting with amusement as he tortured him, making him grovel, forcing him to bow at his feet like a broken dog. The mere thought made Adam’s stomach churn. His hands tightened around the bars, knuckles whitening as a bitter frown twisted his face.
Lucifer had already taken everything from him once—his paradise, his peace—and now, he would undoubtedly come for his soul, trapping him in some wretched contract like a puppet on strings. Adam could feel it, deep in his bones, and it made his skin crawl. He wasn’t about to let that smug bastard have the satisfaction. Not again. He was done being a pawn, done letting others dictate his fate.
Blinking, his golden eyes fixed once more on the hotel. No. He wouldn’t grovel. He wouldn’t beg for their scraps of mercy. He didn’t need them. He didn’t need anyone. He would carve his own path, as he had done before, back when he was cast out of Eden. He’d find his way here, too, in this infernal nightmare. Hell couldn’t be worse than the world above had been, could it? He was Adam, the first man—he could survive anything. He would survive this.
His stomach twisted with unease as he stepped away from the gate, his gaze turning toward the sprawling hellscape of Pentagram City. The air was thick, smoky, suffocating, but he breathed it in deeply. He could do this. He had to. He had already been damned once, and he'd survived. He’d make something of this new life, something that was his and his alone. No contracts, no deals, no bending to anyone’s will. He wouldn’t sink to the level of the others down here, the Overlords and Sinners who bartered for souls like they were currency.
A sharp nod to himself, Adam set his jaw, determination burning in his veins as he began to walk away from the looming shadow of Hazbin Hotel. He didn’t care anymore about Heaven, or redemption, or even humanity. He was done with it all. Now, it was about him. About finding some sliver of happiness in this forsaken pit. And maybe... just maybe... he’d finally be able to do the things he’d always been too ashamed to do.
Like knitting.
It was… maybe too easy. A bit unsettling, really, how quickly Adam had carved out a little space for himself. Almost as if Hell wasn’t paying attention. He’d learned fast—keep out of the sleazy, grimy parts of Pentagram City and no one gave a damn about him. No leering stares, no whispers behind his back. But the moment he stepped into a bar or a nightclub, the Sinners’ eyes would snap to him like sharks catching the scent of blood. If he kept to the cleaner side of the city, though? It was like he was invisible. It was weird. It was wrong. Adam could smell the bullshit from a mile away, like the sulfur in the air.
Still, he wandered the streets, lost in thought. Knitting, weaving, stitching—it had always come naturally to him, almost as if it was stitched into his soul. He enjoyed it, truly. The quiet, the focus, the satisfaction of seeing something beautiful emerge from nothing but thread. It was one of the few things he had ever really loved doing, but shame had buried that love deep inside him. Now, though, he wanted to take that passion, that secret talent, and make something of it. Here, in Hell, where shame was a joke and sins were currency, maybe he could finally embrace what he'd always been too afraid to show.
He didn’t want to deal with anyone anymore. Not Sera, not Lute, not Emily. Certainly not Lucifer. And Charlie? Hell, no. Lilith could rot. Eve… Eve was nothing but a distant memory, a ghost from another life. And God? Adam laughed bitterly to himself. No, he didn’t need any of them. Not their pity, their help, their judgment. He could be alone. He wanted to be alone, free from all the burdens they had piled onto him for centuries. He’d done it on Earth, hadn’t he? Found a way to survive, to make something out of nothing. He could do it again, here, in this damned city of the damned. He didn’t need anyone’s help. He could make a life on his own terms.
His feet carried him down the pink and red pavement as his golden eyes swept across the streets, taking in the sights of Hell’s vibrant monotony. The same damn colour everywhere. Red. So much red. It was as if Hell itself only had one brushstroke, painting everything in that bloody hue. He sighed, the weight of it all pressing down on him. Why the hell did everything have to look like it had been dunked in a bucket of crimson paint?
It didn’t matter. He’d adapt. He always had. Adam’s steps slowed as he mulled over his next move, the tension in his body easing as resolve crept back in. He’d find his start, his beginning. He could do this. He didn’t need them. Any of them. Not anymore.
As Adam wandered deeper into the heart of Pentagram City, he stumbled upon a curious scene unfolding in a clearing, just past a dilapidated building that once held the promise of pastries and warmth. Now, it stood in ruin, the faded sign hanging askew—a ghost of a bakery, a relic of a more innocent time. Around it, a handful of Sinners had gathered, their voices a chaotic symphony of bravado and greed.
An auction was taking place.
The atmosphere crackled with tension, thick enough to slice with a blade. Adam hovered at the edge of the gathering, watching with a mixture of intrigue and apprehension. The bidders, an eclectic mix of ragged figures, eyed one another with a blend of disdain and desperation. One particularly burly Sinner, his tattoos snaking up his neck, slammed his fist against a nearby crate, bellowing as he lost his temper at a rival. The ensuing scuffle sent a ripple of excitement through the crowd, laughter mingling with shouts as the tension escalated into chaos. Adam's heart raced—he felt the pulse of this world around him, dark and twisted.
After a few moments of escalating voices and clashing bodies, the auctioneer—a wiry figure with a crooked grin—called for silence. With a sharp snap of his fingers, he brought order back to the scene. The building had found a new owner amidst the din, and the crowd began to disperse like smoke in the wind. Adam seized his chance, stepping forward as the last few Sinners left, lingering in the space between them and the auctioneer.
“Hey!” he called, his voice cutting through the air, low and steady. “I need a house. A small one—like a box.”
The auctioneer regarded him coolly, his brow arching in amusement.
“Should’ve bidded then,” he replied, a teasing lilt in his voice. “You’re shit outta luck, buddy.”
Adam’s fists clenched at his sides, frustration boiling beneath his skin. He had no money, no resources, and yet the ache for a home—a space to call his own—gnawed at him. As the auctioneer turned to leave, Adam stepped into his path, determination lighting his golden eyes.
 “I’m a new Sinner,” he said, words tumbling out in a rush. “I don’t know how to get money, but there has to be something else I can offer.”
The auctioneer opened his mouth to respond, but Adam cut him off, a sneer curling his lips. “And I swear to whatever hell you believe in; it won’t involve my body.”
The Sinner threw back his head and laughed, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth that gleamed in the muted light. He shrugged, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. “Alright, then! What do you think you’ve got that’s valuable?”
Adam paused, the weight of the question pressing down on him. His mind raced, and then, like a spark igniting in the darkness, an idea bloomed.
“My feathers,” he said, voice steady but laced with uncertainty.
The auctioneer stared for a moment, eyebrows climbing higher with each passing second.  
“Why the hell would I want your feathers?” he asked, scepticism lacing his tone.
Without hesitation, Adam reached into his wing and plucked a feather free. He hissed softly, the pain sharp but fleeting, and twirled the feather between his fingers. It shimmered, a dazzling blend of gold and silver, glinting like precious metal caught in the light. Holding it close, he leaned in slightly. “Have you ever seen a Sinner with gold and silver wings?”
The auctioneer’s expression shifted, curiosity igniting in his eyes. He squinted, inspecting the feather as if it held the secrets of the universe. Adam leaned into the moment, his heart pounding in anticipation. “I know for a fact that golden feathers are rare. Not even the archangels of Heaven have them. And let’s be real—the King of Hell doesn’t have gold wings, either.”
The Sinner was quiet, mulling over”the ’mplications as Adam's words hung in the air. Finally, he nodded slowly. “Alright, I’ll look at it. Let me see how much it’s worth.”
With a gesture of his hand, he signalled that he’d return. Adam nodded, feeling a spark of hope igniting within him as he handed the feather over.
As the auctioneer scrambled off to his partners, Adam watched, his heart racing. The feather changed hands, passing through the fingers of curious Sinners, each one muttering and gasping with delight at the shimmering prize. One of them pulled out a small box, carefully placing the feather inside. The murmurs of excitement and intrigue crescendo, each Sinner leaning in closer as if it held the power to change their fates.
Moments later, the auctioneer returned, his grin wider than before.
“Good news, kid,” he said, eyes gleaming with a mix of greed and exhilaration. “We can get you a house by the end of the day! But here’s the catch—you’ll pay rent in feathers.”
Adam’s brows knitted together, scepticism flaring. “I’ll pay five feathers a month,” he countered, crossing his arms defiantly.
The auctioneer scoffed, laughter bubbling from his lips. “Fifteen.”
“Ten,” Adam shot back, unwavering.
The auctioneer paused, weighing the offer, then relented with a chuckle. “Fine. Ten it is.” They shook hands, the pact sealing Adam’s fate, his heart racing at the thought of finally having a place to call home.
And just like that, Adam had secured a small house, a box of his own amidst the chaos of Hell. As he walked away, a small smile crept across his face. His feathers would grow back quickly, after all, and now he had a fresh start, a chance to build a life. No longer just a fallen angel, he could finally pursue the craft he loved without fear or shame. It was a new beginning, and Adam felt the stirring of hope within him, mingling with the tension of uncertainty that came with each step into this strange, vibrant world.
The process of settling into his new life was achingly slow at first. The small building he’d secured was a peculiar gem, nestled in a perfect location within the chaotic sprawl of Pentagram City, yet also the worst spot imaginable. From his windows, he had a direct view of the damn Hazbin Hotel, looming like a twisted monolith against the horizon. Its presence gnawed at him, a constant reminder of the world he was trying to escape. He hated it—hated the way the hotel shimmered under the infernal light, casting eerie shadows that danced like specters across the pavement. To distract himself, Adam busied his hands with the colorful threads, trying to forget the sight.
But to truly establish his business, he needed to make connections—forge deals that didn’t involve his soul, but rather his precious feathers. What he didn’t realize was how incredibly valuable those feathers were in Hell’s economy. He felt a nagging sense of unease, grateful that no Sinner had yet attempted to cut them off or kidnap him. He had made friends, or at least acquaintances, with the Sinners who came through his door, and astonishingly, they genuinely liked him. Perhaps they sensed that he was, despite the darkness surrounding them, a decent guy just trying to find his way.
Adam had acquired everything he needed: electricity, gas, materials, the works. The day he opened his small shop was a whirlwind of excitement. His heart pounded like a drum as he turned the sign from “Closed” to “Open.”
To his surprise, no Sinner made a mocking comment about a man who knitted; instead, they rushed in like starving creatures drawn to a feast. Requests poured in like rain: scarves with intricate designs, mittens, boots, sweaters. Adam was stunned. By the end of his first month, the influx of Hell-bucks was overwhelming—more than he ever imagined he could earn in this twisted paradise.
Regulars appeared almost immediately, one standing out from the rest. Rosie, a vibrant Sinner from the cannibal town, caught his attention. She came in daily, placing orders or purchasing whatever items were on display. Her enthusiasm was infectious, her laughter a bright spot in the otherwise grim world. Conversations with her felt like sunlight breaking through the eternal gloom, and Adam found himself looking forward to her visits.
As the weeks rolled by, Adam observed something peculiar: none of the Sinners had access to the kind of clothing he provided. They dove in and out of his shop, marvelling at the sweaters and scarves as if they were precious artifacts. Adam initially guessed it was because Hell was often too hot for such things, but the freezing cold nights quickly dispelled that notion. It turned out Hell’s nightlife was a vibrant affair, with many Sinners active after sundown, desperately in need of warmth. It worked out well for him, and he relished the bustling atmosphere, but a creeping sense of foreboding lingered just beneath the surface.
One fateful day, about a month after his arrival, an order popped up on his computer screen that sent shivers down his spine. Adam blinked in disbelief, his eyebrows shooting up as he processed the words. His mouth went dry, and a shudder ran through him, his wings flapping in displeasure. At first, he tried to ignore it, burying himself in the avalanche of new customers who flooded in daily. But no matter how hard he worked, that order nagged at him like an itch he couldn’t scratch.
He grimaced deeply as he finally surrendered to the truth. The day came to a close, and after locking the door and flipping the sign to “Closed,” he straightened his black and gold sweater, a piece he had crafted himself.
He felt a pang of pride, tugging at the hem before wiggling his feet into his Ugg boots. With a deep groan, he turned back to the computer, running his hands down his face in frustration. Maybe it was within his rights to reject the order? After all, it was a little too much. So, he decided to do just that. He cancelled it and thought that would be the end of it.
But the next day, the order reappeared—this time with a higher sum of money offered. Adam practically screamed when it flashed back onto the screen. Why was this happening? He had fought so hard to create a small life for himself, one without anyone poking their fat noses into his business. This wasn’t supposed to be complicated! Sure, he could just fill the order, pocket the money, and wash his hands of the whole ordeal.
As he rubbed his chin thoughtfully and leaned closer to the screen, curiosity gnawed at him. He blinked in surprise when he saw who the order was for: seven sweaters, each adorned with specific patterns and colours that made his stomach twist in a way he didn’t want to acknowledge. He swallowed thickly, dread pooling in his gut. He knew who the fucking duck sweaters were meant for. Ugh! He didn’t want to do this—didn’t want to bend to their whims ever again!
With a deep breath, he braced himself against the inevitable frustration rising in his chest. Maybe I can just ignore it, brush it off like the rest of the bullshit that comes with this hellhole, he thought.
But even as he willed himself to dismiss the order, the familiar flutter of his wings reminded him of the delicate balance he had to maintain in this world. In a place as treacherous as Hell, ignoring a royal request might not just be a mistake—it could lead to consequences he wasn’t prepared to face.
Tension clung to him like a cloak as he weighed his options, the prospect of wrestling with fate hanging heavy in the air. He was determined to forge his own path, but the thought of crossing the Princess of Hell felt like tempting fate itself. His fingers twitched over the keyboard, caught between the urge to fill the order and the yearning to reclaim his autonomy. Whatever the outcome, he knew one thing for sure: this battle wasn’t over yet.
After eight long, agonizing days, Adam finally completed the order, boxing it up with meticulous care. Each sweater was a labor of love, infused with his creativity and skill, every stitch carefully crafted despite the tempest of his emotions. As tempting as it was to cut corners—maybe even slip something in, a little surprise or a bit of sabotage—he refrained. No, he had to prove himself, show that he was worthy of respect in this twisted underworld. He wrapped each piece in delicate, shimmering tissue paper and nestled a small card inside that thanked them for ordering from his store. It felt almost absurd, like he was playing house in a world that didn’t care about pleasantries.
The day dragged on like molasses, and he found himself fidgeting with anticipation, glancing at the door every few minutes for the delivery Sinner. Time slipped away, however, and as the sun began to sink into a blood-red horizon, he received the news that the Sinner was sick. A deep groan escaped him. Now he had to deliver it himself.
Adam lifted the box with a resigned sigh, stepping outside onto the pavement. Locking the door behind him, he shot a venomous glare at the Hazbin Hotel in the distance. Maybe he could just drop it off and vanish before anyone noticed him. He had no desire to engage with any of those insufferable Sinners, especially not today. But a nagging thought reminded him that he needed someone to sign for the parcel—proof that he had fulfilled the order. It wasn’t worth the risk to his hard-earned reputation, even if Charlie wouldn’t screw him over.
With that determination steeling his resolve, he made the tedious trek through Pentagram City toward the hotel. His golden eyes remained downcast, his thoughts a swirling mess, feet dragging against the pavement. As he approached the gates, a familiar wave of anxiety washed over him. Adam halted, memories flooding back to a year ago, standing before these very gates, teetering on the edge of seeking help. He snorted at his past self; relief coursed through him that he hadn’t walked through those doors back then. Look at him now—his own small business thriving, creating the very things he loved without a shred of shame. Sure, some orders were challenging, but he relished the test.
But as he pushed the iron black gates open, the pounding of his heart began to echo in his ears, anxious and insistent. The moment he stepped inside, dread coiled tightly in his chest. Adam forced himself to move past the grotesque golden statue of the goat monster and shuffled his feet to the doors, his entire body trembling as the air thickened around him. It felt as if the hotel itself were alive, watching him, waiting for him to make a mistake. Panic gripped him, his breath hitching in his throat. He took a step back, ready to bolt, when suddenly the doors swung open with a creak that echoed like thunder.
Charlie stood there, mid-conversation, her radiant grin momentarily frozen as her eyes landed on him.
“Adam?” she squealed, shock painting her features. It was like the world around them fell silent, and all the eyes in the hotel seemed to turn toward him.
His skin prickled under the weight of their stares, and he squirmed, feeling exposed. Vaggie appeared next to Charlie, her arms crossed, and her expression pinched, as if she’d just bitten into something sour.
“You’re back as a Sinner now?” she scoffed, disbelief dripping from her words.
Charlie’s expression shifted from surprise to concern, her eyes wide with worry.
“Why are you here?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly, as if she feared the answer.
Adam could sense her apprehension; she was worried he might have come to the hotel seeking refuge, like he once had. A small part of him wished he could lay that burden down, but that wasn’t why he stood there now. It was a good thing, too, considering he didn’t need their help anymore.
Before he could gather his thoughts and respond, Vaggie huffed, shaking her head in exasperation.
 “Unbelievable! You think just because you’re a Sinner now, you can waltz in here and demand our help?” The accusation stung, a jagged edge to her tone that made him want to shrink back into the shadows.
Charlie stepped forward, her face reddening as she tried to smooth the tension.
“Vaggie, please—” she began, but the weight of her words hung in the air, heavy and taut. Charlie clearly didn’t want to turn anyone away, even if it was Adam. “I can’t just close the door on anyone, even if it’s... Adam.”
Vaggie shot him a disbelieving glare, her expression twisted with suspicion. “You think we can just trust him now?”
Adam opened his mouth to speak, to set the record straight, but the weight of the moment crashed down on him. The tension crackled in the air, heavy with unspoken words and old wounds. The hotel felt like a cage, closing in around him, and he fought the urge to flee. All those eyes—those judgmental, curious eyes—made his skin crawl, and the box in his hands felt like a ticking time bomb.
Adam’s heart raced, his breath catching in his throat as he fought to find the words.
“No, I’m not here to stay,” he started, determination hardening his voice. “I just wanted to—”
But he was abruptly cut off by a voice that slithered into his thoughts like poison.
“Why, if it isn’t the first man!” The tone was dripping with mockery, and Adam felt his skin crawl in disbelief. Lucifer stepped into view, stepping around Charlie and Vaggie as they instinctively moved aside, like planets yielding to a sun. The King of Hell’s smug expression was a sight Adam had dreaded. The gleam in Lucifer’s eyes, the sharp-toothed smirk curling at his lips—it was all too familiar.
“Look how far you’ve fallen, Adam,” Lucifer continued, taking a step forward, the corners of his mouth twitching as if he were relishing the moment. “You’ve become a Sinner! Shocking!”
Adam felt his grip tighten around the box, the sharp edge digging into his chest like a brand. He pressed his lips into a thin line, fury bubbling beneath the surface.
“What do you want, Lucifer?” he shot back, trying to inject his voice with some semblance of strength, but it trembled slightly.
Lucifer straightened, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe, radiating a confidence that made Adam’s stomach churn. “Let me guess—you’ve come here for protection? For help? Because now you’re scared and alone in this hellhole?” He laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the air. “That’s rich! You’re one of the things you despised the most!”
Adam opened his mouth to snap back, to assert that he didn’t need their help, but once again, Lucifer cut him off.
“Why should we help you?” he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. “Why should we let you in?”
Behind Lucifer, a few Sinners peeked out, their curious faces illuminated by the dim light of the hotel. Adam’s eyes darted to them, feeling like a specimen under a microscope, as his fingers dug deeper into the box, desperately trying to maintain his composure.
Lucifer, seeing the discomfort etched on Adam’s face, grinned wider. “Alright, I’ll tell you what. We’ll help you. We’ll even let you stay with us. But first, you need to get on your knees and beg.”
“Fuck you!” Adam hissed, his anger flaring like a wildfire.
“Beg like the dog you are,” Lucifer continued, ignoring Adam’s outburst.
Charlie gasped, her eyes wide with shock as she interjected, “Adam doesn’t need to do that!”
Lucifer shook his head, a playful disapproval dancing in his features. Vaggie’s expression brightened, clearly enjoying this spectacle. “No, no! He needs to do that and more! Otherwise, we’ll just close the door in his face.”
Adam’s heart raced, relief washing over him for the choices he’d made months prior. The prospect of having to bow before Lucifer was beyond humiliating.
“Fuck this,” he muttered under his breath, meeting Charlie’s bewildered gaze. “Sorry, Charlie.”
“Wait—” Charlie began, confusion flickering in her eyes.
“That’s a start!” Lucifer interjected, his smirk widening.
But Adam was done. He raised his chin defiantly, cutting Lucifer off mid-sentence. “Sorry, Charlie. I think I’m going to need to cancel your order.”
“I’ll refund you when I get back to my shop.” He spun on his heels, striding toward the exit, fuelled by a mix of anger and resolve.
“Adam, please!” Charlie called after him, her voice tinged with desperation. “I don’t understand!”
“I thought I could take your order,” he shouted back, “but I clearly can’t! It was a bad idea to accept it after the first time I cancelled!” He paused to glance back at them, his heart hammering in his chest. “I can’t accept any of your orders in the future. I apologize for that.”
With that, he continued toward the gates, head held high, ignoring the stunned stares and heavy silence that followed him. But just as he reached the exit, a rough hand clamped around his elbow, pulling him back with a jolt.
“Stop fucking around and just get inside the hotel,” Lucifer growled, his grip fierce and unyielding. “Before I change my mind.”
Adam yelped, yanking his arm away, his heart pounding with indignation. “I would never come to this hotel looking for help, I especially would not come looking for protection and help from you—the guy who ruined my life! I woke up as a Sinner more than nine months ago, and I’ve been doing fine without Lucifer fucking Morningstar!”
Lucifer blinked, taken aback. “Are you serious? You’ve survived a whole year without me? Fine?”
“Of course! What, did you think I couldn’t last a single day without your special help?” Adam laughed bitterly; each syllable laced with defiance. “I’m not as stupid as everyone thinks I am! I’m doing just fine with my business!”
The King of Hell’s eyes widened, disbelief etched on his face. “What business? What sketchy, fucked-up shit are you doing?”
That question ignited a fire within Adam. He slammed the box into Lucifer’s chest, pushing the King of Hell back with surprising force. “Why don’t you look and find out?” he hissed, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
With that, Adam stormed away, a wave of liberation washing over him as he made his way out of the damned Hazbin Hotel. He could almost taste freedom, the sweet air of possibility waiting for him beyond those iron gates.
“Fuck Lucifer and all his assholeness!” he thought, heart racing with a mix of triumph and exhilaration.
As he stepped through the gates and back into the chaotic streets of Pentagram City, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders, the shadows of the hotel fading behind him. This was his life now, and he would not let anyone—especially not Lucifer—dictate how he lived it.
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
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I have deep love for the cat.
78K notes ¡ View notes
evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
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Chucklefuck pt.2 + Bonus
17K notes ¡ View notes
evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
Swap AU Part: 8
Adam had been rather fidgety and tense today, Michael noticed. The first man was usually more affectionate and tactile, always sticking close to him and dragging him around the garden to show him something new. And yet, today out of nowhere, Adam seemed to make sure to maintain some sort of distance between them, looking away as his mind seemed preoccupied with something. Like right now, Adam sat at least a metre apart from him as they have their daily shared lunches. The human was mindlessly nibbling on a slice of melon, his thoughts clearly far and away from where he was right now. The only relief that Michael had was that, at the very least, Adam didn’t seem to be avoiding him, though he was still acting weirdly towards him.
Having enough of being purposely ignored along with not being able to hide his concern any longer, Michael placed his own slice of melon down and confronted Adam. “What’s bothering you?”
“Huh?” Adam looked up from his slice of fruit and finally looked directly at Michael for the first time today.
“You’ve been rather distant today,” Michael clarified. “And you seem to be distracted by something. You know you can always tell me what’s bothering you.”
Adam fidgeted uneasily on his seat, his gaze back down on his barely eaten melon as he twiddled his fingers while he considered Michael’s suggestion. His brows furrowed and lips downturned, uncertainty painted upon his features as he weighed his options carefully in his mind. 
“Oh, it’s nothing really…”
That…didn’t look good for Michael. “Have I done something to upset you?,” he asked. Michael knew that despite his efforts, he always seemed to put off others; apparently something to do with the atmosphere he exuded, whatever Lucifer meant. But now he was carefully considering his brother’s words, had he somehow been unkind to Adam? If so, it was something he wanted to quickly apologise for and rectify.
“What?” Adam quickly glanced back at the angel. “Oh nonono! That’s not..! It isn’t..!,” Adam paused to gather his thoughts. “You’re not at fault Michael,” he smiled softly albeit still anxiously. 
He shouldn’t pry, Michael knew he really shouldn’t, but damn if he wasn’t curious now, still concerned, but definitely on the more curious side now. That, and Adam’s answer just wasn’t satisfactory enough to deter his curious wondering, especially when the first man didn’t seem to be wholly honest with his response. 
“So how come you’ve been avoiding being direct with me today?,” he inquired. 
Adam opened his mouth to try and refute, but before any words came out, Michael continued his questioning. 
“You’ve been keeping a certain distance from me, you keep looking away from me, and you’ve been keeping our conversations short,” Michael listed the oddities he noticed today, counting them one by one with his fingers. Three pale fingers were held up accusingly towards Adam.
“I– uhm.” Adam’s throat suddenly felt very dry, having his actions listed like that made him feel caught out. “Are you really going to make me tell you?,” he asked with wide pleading eyes, lower lip bitten. 
Well, now Michael just felt awful. Perhaps he had pushed too much. He sighed, “No, you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. I’m just worried I did something wrong.” Deep blue eyes held Adam’s golden ones, as Michael expressed his sincere apology. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you like that.”
And that just sent Adam’s heart aflutter even more as the warmth in his soul spread aglow throughout his being, spreading such giddy happiness all over. He just couldn’t help it; the more he spent time with the angel, the more deeply fell into this whirlpool of pink flowers and light fluttering wings of blue butterflies. It felt inescapable, and honestly, he didn’t want to leave at all as he enjoyed the sweet scents and the soft brush of it against his bare skin while he stood at its epicentre. It was like being in a completely new world, separate from Heaven and Eden, and more beautiful than both combined. It was his paradise within paradise. 
Slowly, he moved closer to the angel, sitting at a distance he normally used to be in. It was odd, for him to act so boldly now that he was keenly aware of what his heart contained. Adam glanced down at the angel beside him, long lashes shading his golden eyes that held an uncharacteristic seriousness behind them. “I’ll offer you the same deal like last time,” he proposed, his voice almost a whisper. “I’ll tell you, only if you keep it a secret.”
Suddenly, it was Michael himself who felt like he needed more space between him and Adam. Such closeness and the way Adam currently looked under the sun’s bright glow, it was like the man himself was made of the purest of gold; more divine than anything in Heaven, and yet completely whole with the earth. It was as if the gold had seeped into his very being, the liquid quickly solidifying within him, leaving him stiff and unable to move a single muscle within such a pure presence. Somehow, perhaps through divine help, his voice finally managed to find its way out of his lips. “I promise.”
The air was still around them, the playful banter between the ripples of the lake quieted down, the garden’s residents moved more gently and softly all to listen in on the words about to be said aloud by the first man. Adam took a deep breath, his nerves set alight, heart pounded against his chest demanding to be freed. And so, he did. “Michael, I… You’re the reason that I look forward to seeing the sun rise high up in the sky everyday.” 
Adam paused, trying to maintain his composure; though his eyes wanted to look away and his body to run far away, he kept his gaze at the angel who had his heart and anchored his body to remain beside him. “You were by my side when I needed it most, and even now you still remain.” He gently held Michael’s hands between his and confessed, “I would like to be the one to remain by your side, Michael.”
The confessed words lingered in the air in anticipation of what was to come next. Michael felt himself drawn into such beautiful eyes, that held such vulnerability and anxiety, but most of all love. His gaze moved down to the first man’s lips, and unconsciously, Michael leaned up towards Adam, slowly closing the gap between them.
“Michael–,” Adam gasped.
But before the distance between was closed, Michael stopped his advance, suddenly becoming very aware of the situation they were in. Out in the open in broad daylight, he was about to…to… He pulled away from Adam and turned away, untangling their hands in the process. Shame and alarm washed over him like a wave of freezing water as the reality of what he had almost done sank into him. 
“Michael?,” asked Adam as he tried to look over the angel, confused at the sudden change in his behaviour.
Michael kept his back turned to Adam, unable to face the human. “I’m sorry Adam.”
Three words, and Adam felt his heart shatter into a million jagged shards. What had happened? One moment Michael seemed to reciprocate his feelings, and then pushed him away in the next. Had he read things wrong? 
“I don’t understand. You were about to–”
“Make a mistake,” Michael cut in. 
Adam could feel tears well up in his eyes and his lips quiver despite his efforts not to cry. “So I would’ve just been a mistake to you…”
Upon hearing this, Michael quickly turned around to face a sniffling Adam. “What? No! That’s not what I meant,” he grasped Adam’s face between his hands, forcing the human to look him directly in the eyes. “You’re not a mistake Adam, you won’t ever be.”
“Then why?”
“Because you are the first man, and I’m an archangel. It just cannot be, you know that,” answered Michael. 
Adam removed Michael’s hands away from his face, but kept his gaze held. “But how do you feel?”
“I…care for you, Adam,” he replied, breaking his gaze away from the first man as he looked down at their intertwined hands. 
“But not enough to follow through with it.” Adam tried to pull his hands away, but Michael held them firm between his.
“It doesn’t matter how much I care for you. It’s not allowed. The consequences could be dire, especially for you.” He looked back up at Adam, his eyes begging the first man to please understand what he was trying to convey. “Please understand, Adam. I can’t risk you.”
With a resigned sigh, Adam slowly nodded, “I understand. It couldn’t be helped, I suppose.” He pulled his hands away from Michael, this time the angel letting it go, and placed them over his broken heart. He needed some distance between the two of them, and not in the same way he had felt just mere minutes earlier. Space. He needed space between them. 
“You should go,” he suggested. “It’s getting late.”
The sun was still at its highest point in the sky, and the lunch they had prepared together barely eaten, there was still plenty of time before Michael had to go back to Heaven. But when he attempted to reach out towards Adam and the man pulled further away from him, he knew that it was getting late. 
“I…guess it is getting late…,” he hesitantly agreed. Michael stood up, patting his robes off of any dirt before unfurling his three pairs of white-blue wings. He glanced one last time at Adam, “I’ll be off then.” And then flew back to Heaven, leaving only dust behind from where he last stood. 
Adam watched the now empty spot beside, and before he knew it, tears finally flowed down his cheeks. He understood where Michael was coming from, which was precisely why he felt so stupid right now. What exactly was he thinking? How could it have possibly ended any other way? He knew Michael, and how steadfast and loyal the angel was towards Heaven. He was lucky that Michael was even doing him such favours in the first place. He knew that, and yet he still… It seemed like Lilith got it all wrong.
Adam remained seated on the rock by the lake, tucking his legs close to his chest as the midday sun’s warmth seemed to have stopped reaching him. He broke the slices of melon into smaller chunks, tossing them into the lake as fishes from big to small rushed to gather where the fruit sank. Some smaller fish stayed further behind as fish that looked similar to them swam back to them with a chunk of fruit in their mouth. Waterfowls of different kinds also gathered by the lake, hoping to get some fruit as well. Many came in pairs, flying and swimming together, feeding and grooming one another. Meanwhile, Adam sat by his lonesome on the rock as he watched the animals care for one another. 
The drakes had their hens, the bucks with their does, the boars and their sows. Even the dragonflies by the reeds danced in pairs as they playfully chased one another, their iridescent wings shimmering under the morning’s light. It wasn’t fair. Adam hugged his legs even closer to himself as he buried his face in his arms, hiding the enviable sight away from his eyes. He tried to stop the tears from flowing out by pressing his eyes against his arms, but it seemed like a fruitless task as the pain that was seeded in his chest just kept growing and growing until they blossomed as tears that trickled down his cheeks. His mind understood Michael’s reason; logically, it made absolute sense, but his heart just couldn’t seem to cooperate and accept the fact. 
Even Lilith, his supposed equal, had a partner, even if that someone was Lucifer. Every resident of the garden seemed to have someone who remained by their side, pairs who were meant to be together for eternity. And yet, here he was, made to have an equal and companion in mind, without someone to call his. 
Part 7
Part 9
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
Guitarhero playing guitarhero
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Or more like Adam catching Michael playing guitarhero behind his back
Adam introduced him to guitarhero as his first game and he fell in love. He resisted at first until he snuck around and found the game to play. Freaked out about cuz he almost broke the console because he’s never played before.
I like to think that Mike would initially be against gaming till he actually played a video game. After that it was over for him. He likes the challenge even if he doesn’t really know how to play. At first he was irked at the game because he failed. Mike used to get irked when he didn’t pick up things the first time, but he eventually grew to like the challenge and finds it fun later on. He won’t say, but he really likes beating others at things, even Adam. No exceptions.
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
I ask this out of pure respect and aw at your art have you ever thought of making a yaoi/comic/manga of any kind? I need Rafael Fluffing the living sh** out of Adam
And because you awaken this in me in your last post disciplining Adam.
I have and maybe one day I’ll produce a comic.
I’ve attempted it before but mostly guitarhero stuff. I drop most of it bcz I don’t actually have a deadline to think about. I have attempted one with Raphael once.
Ill think about it but I usualls stay bcz I like making pieces rather than comics
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
Trying to draw some decent preggy Adam art but failing miserably…guess i need some ideas?please?
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188 notes ¡ View notes
evilmenshoe80 ¡ 2 days
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‼️Finished Chibi Commission‼️
Lucifer and Ada from the fic "From Adam to Ada"
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 3 days
I love your recent fic Adam and Mika! Though you might want to add “Keep Reading” in it. It’s quite ling after all. Adding “Keep Reading” will shorten it.
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thanks for the tip!! ☺️ I though the "keep reading" thing would appear automatically lol
and thank yooooouuuu!!! 😭🥰 I love creating things for my little au!!! and I hope you enjoy the next chapters too!!🫶
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 3 days
Ok, better question:
If God had to choose between loving Lucifer, loving Charlie, or loving them both, what would he choose?
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GOD: "We all have to face the consequences of our acts, Even if we had the best intentions.....just like my morningstar"
"......I love them both, that's my answer"
(hey! sorry for answering until now 😅)
(also, keep in mind that this are my opinions about god, I have my own thoughs about them and how they may act, we all have our own opinions about the big boss so, please let's keep all this polite, thanks! <3)
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 3 days
Time Travel AU Part: 15
[Thank you @inubaki for idea for this chapter!
Also, feel free to listen to the video below to know the kind of music Michael and Adam were playing.]
“Say Michael, do you play any instruments at all?,” asked Adam as he laid on his stomach watching the angel panic as the garlic got burnt in his apparently new invention, the pan. Michael scrapped the blackened garlic off of the pan with Adam’s other new invention, the spatula, but ended up using magic to clear the pan of the burnt seasoning. 
“Oh that’s because your fire’s too hot and you put the garlic too early,” pointed out Adam casually.
The angel expressed interest in Adam’s daily routine, and had initially thought that the first man mainly ate fruits and nuts. And so, Adam had reminded Michael when he first taught him how to cook some sort of soup when he was unwell. 
‘Oh, so you ‘cook’ everyday?,” asked Michael curiously. 
“Yup. Fruits and nuts are nice, but some variety is also nice, you know?,” Adam replied as he picked vegetables and mushrooms to have for breakfast. He was planning on some nice fried eggs, but then the angel suddenly visited him so early in the morning, and that would be something he didn’t want to explain to the angel. So it was a veggie breakfast for today.  Why was Michael even visiting him this early? He liked having someone to talk to, but he swore the angel was acting more and more odd.
Michael hovered behind Adam, wings fluttering lightly as he watched him do his morning tasks. “Can I help?”
Adam remembered the disaster that was the vegetable soup and how long it took Michael to make one that was edible and mentally snorted to himself. “Sure, if you want.” Adam thought it would be funny to watch such a respected angel fail miserably at such simple tasks. 
And it was funny, at least for the first 20 minutes but the sun was almost at its highest point in the sky and Michael had restarted over four times already, and yet here was Adam with no breakfast. He didn’t realise how much of a perfectionist Michael was and was now reaping the consequences of his actions. 
“Every angel knows how to play an instrument,” answered Michael. “It’s a skill we’re all born with,” he continued as he grabbed three more cloves of garlic and minced them with such speed and finesse one would think he was a great cook.
“And what do you play?” Adam got up from his spot and walked over to Michael. It was nice to have someone cook for him, but he was starving at this point and if he were to watch and let Michael fail one more time he was definitely going to die of starvation.
Michael hesitated for a moment before answering, “Well, I can play many instruments, but the violin is my favourite...” The words died in Michael’s throat as Adam pushed close beside him and grabbed the minced garlic from the angel and tossed them into the pan. “W-what are you doing?,” he stammered, his heart gradually beating faster. Such close proximity was sending his mind into a spiral. Were Adam’s eyes always that shimmery? Such deep golden hue, it reminded him of when the Sun was first brought into existence. A sudden bright spark in never ending darkness, glowing hot gases swirling all around it, and he couldn’t help but want to keep staring. Then there was his beautifully sun-kissed skin that seemed to glow whenever light hit it. Unmarred and untainted, it emitted such youthful warmth that pervaded every place Adam was in. And then there was also his soft brown hair; he bet it would feel so silky and smooth between his fingers–
“Can you pass me mushrooms?” Adam reached out and pointed towards the chopped mushrooms on Michael’s side, moving even closer into the angel’s space. 
“Ah, yes,” Michael coughed into his fist. “Here you go.” He quickly handed the requested item, a yellow blush quickly spread on his face as he looked down and away from Adam, though he could still distinctly feel the first man’s warmth so close to him. 
“Okay, so.” Adam grabbed Michael’s hand that was holding the wooden spatula and directed it towards the hot pan. “After you toss it in there you…” 
Adam’s careful instructions were reduced to unintelligible background noise to Michael, his mind distracted by the feel of Adam’s hand on his and his body pressed flush against his. His body went into autopilot, letting Adam guide his hands on what to do as his mind took a break from reality lest he risk overheating.
“Aaand just like that, breakfast is served!,” announced Adam. “Pretty easy, right?”
Before Michael even knew it, two wooden plates of sauteed mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, stir fried vegetables and sliced avocados were in front of him. Apparently, he had assembled them together with Adam, though he vaguely remembered doing so. “Um, sure…,” mumbled Michael as he stood there seemingly lost. He wasn’t sure what had happened, but he wouldn’t mind receiving more cooking lessons from Adam. 
On the other hand, Adam was just so happy and relieved to finally have something nice to eat. He hoped that what he just taught Michael now would stick, but he guessed from the angel’s dumbfounded expression that it would probably take a while and many more attempts for that to happen. 
“So, you play the violin?,” asked Adam between chewing, his fork pointing towards Michael, who was sitting across from him, also eating their hard earned breakfast.
The question lowered Michael’s mood a tiny bit, not too obvious of a change, but perceptible to those who were keen. “I…don’t play it as much anymore.”
“Why not?”
Michael hesitated, but in the end didn’t mind sharing a piece of himself to Adam. “Reminds me too much of my brother,” he finally answered. “Though he preferred to call them his fiddle,” he chuckled as a fond memory of him and Lucifer playfully debating which music style was better to play the violin (or the fiddle) with. Michael preferred the more classical approach, a bit slower where notes were sustained and with more vibratos. Lucifer, on the other hand, liked playful dancing rhythms, fast paced with swift changes in notes.
Now, he had no one to competitively play music with, no one to chase around and reproach for pulling silly pranks on everyone even though he knew he would do it again. Despite everything, Lucifer was still his brother, born from the same stardust as he was. 
“I just wish things could’ve ended differently,” Michael sighed as put down his plate of food, having already lost his appetite. 
“Well…do you want to play music with me instead?,” blurted out Adam. He didn’t what the fuck he was trying to do. Comfort him? Make him feel better? Preach about the beauty of music and all that shit? Really, he didn’t know, all he knew was that he didn’t like the idea of someone giving up music because it brought up bitter memories. Music was there to soothe the soul, dance and sing with it, not tear it to shreds. “I mean, you made me a guitar so…”
Michael looked up from his plate to Adam, a little wide eyed from the man’s suggestion. He tossed the idea back and forth in his mind, and the more thought he gave it, the more he realised he liked it. Adam himself was gifted with amazing musical talent, and to create music together with him…it would be breathtaking, Michael imagined. 
“I would love to, Adam.”
“Great! Let me just quickly grab my guitar.” Adam placed his plate down to jump over Amora, who was napping, and grab his guitar from behind her. 
“Oh, you mean right now?,” asked Michael, surprised at the suddenness, but conjured a violin regardless.
“What better time than now?” Adam jumped over the sleeping jaguar again and sat beside Michael. He slowly strummed the strings of his guitar, leading for the angel to join him. 
And Michael did, he positioned the violin between his chin and shoulder and slowly ran the bow up and down over the strings. Together, the two filled the air with a melody of serene beauty and elegance reminiscent of silken clouds at dawn, gold touching blue in the beginning of time. The life around them paused to watch in awe the concert between Heaven and Earth, a painting of the relationship between the two, loving yet formal, its complexity hidden by apparent simplicity. Its divine charm captured all as its enchanted audience.
Michael closed his eyes, fully immersing himself in the sweet sentimental tones, almost heart piercing to him. The notes clash like waves of love and loneliness, lost distant echoes and happiness in your grasp. Memories of the past resurfacing on the shores only to be washed away by slow sublime notes, leaving the shores smooth and bare ready to be meaningfully decorated again. 
The notes lessened, the music eased down, the melody softened to a whisper as the curtains closed and the concert between Heaven and Earth reached its conclusion. Michael and Adam met each other’s gazes, a new understanding between them.
Adam lied on the grass as he watched the stars decorate the dark canvas of the night sky. Each one shining as brightly as they could in order to brighten the darkness that surrounded it. The song he had created with Michael earlier in the morning still playing in his mind. It was normally what he preferred to play or listen to, but specifically that one, he truly loved. 
“You’re still humming that song?,” asked Michael, who was lying beside him to watch the stars as well. It was odd, to see such enormous spheres of burning gas look so small and glistening like those shiny stones Adam had shown him before.
“I can’t help it,” Adam replied, eyes still glued to the night sky. “It was such a beautiful song,” he smiled, contentment filling his heart.
Michael shifted his gaze towards the human beside him. “It was,” he agreed. 
If he wasn’t sure of it before, Michael was definitely sure now. It was something he could happily admit at this point. There weren't any grand plans he’d end up ruining anything or someone’s trust he’d end up breaking. There was nothing in the way, nothing to stop and hold him back. He had waited long enough, hadn’t he? He looked back up towards the night sky. “Would you take offence if I brought action to my desires, Father?,” he wondered. Michael was answered with the tranquillity of the night, the loving kiss of the breeze, the soft lullabies of swaying trees, the quiet snores of sleeping animals, bedtime stories from running streams, and the cool embrace of the glowing moon as she looked down at the earnest angel who sought for permission. 
Michael had expressed his wishes upon Heaven and Earth, both God’s most beautiful works, and still they remained beautiful in their serenity. And so, Michael turned to his side and plucked a single blue feather near the base of his wings, and tied a silken gold thread around one end of the feather.
“Thank you Adam, for creating music with me,” said Michael softly, his tone filled with genuine appreciation and tender care. “It was wonderful. You were wonderful.”
Adam carelessly waved him off. “Psh, you did most of the playing. I was just there to back you up.”
“And I’m grateful for that,” Michael took a deep breath, here goes. He turned his body to fully face the first man beside him. “So, if you would allow me, I’d like to back you up too.” 
Michael slowly offered the blue feather to Adam, his heart on a platter, exposed and vulnerable just for him. 
Adam took his gaze off the night sky to see what Michael was talking about and was greeted by a feather on a golden thread. He knew what that meant. It was an oath. His heart and entire being offered to him unconditionally. An oath of everlasting love, to remain at one’s side until the end of time. 
For angels, it was a happy, beautiful thing. Something to cause celebration over. 
For Adam, it was a nightmare. A disaster in disguise.
Part 14
Part 16
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 3 days
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Sometimes i think they didn’t want Adam back to Heaven that much…
ANYWAY GUYS anybody wants a commission for 25$ bc I need @breedtheseed’s comic for my mental health but as you know….im broke (exept the ipad money but they’re for ipad only lol) :D
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 3 days
Heat 4/4
Comic Links here
Full Comic
No Mpreg Version
Picture down below
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evilmenshoe80 ¡ 3 days
An Adam is a Shapeshifter Sinner story
Lucifer mewed as he rolled onto his fluffy kitten back.
Adam knew it was a trap.
No matter how innocent those eyes looked, how soft the fluffy fur was, how cute it was that Lucifer was pawing at the air and making little kitten noises. Adam was not falling for it.
KeeKee hopped down from the couch and joined Lucifer in the sunbeam. She purred as she licked Lucifer’s head.
His mewling became less inviting and more annoyed. Lucifer tried to bat at KeeKee to shoo her away, but his kitten legs couldn’t do more than touch her whiskers. He turned over to get up and she licked his side.
Lucifer couldn’t do much unless he turned back into himself, as KeeKee was determined that he needed a bath.
Adam grinned watching Lucifer be all but sat on by KeeKee to keep him from running off.
He mewled in distress. Those big eyes begging Adam to do something.
So Adam did. He petted Lucifer’s exposed belly.
Lucifer hissed and Adam yanked his hand away before a kitten claw could catch him.
KeeKee turned on the spot, picked up Lucifer by the scruff. And scampered off with him.
Adam laughed, stood himself up, and slowly followed.
KeeKee always went to the same spot when she did this. You’d think Lucifer would stop turning into a kitten. Although, KeeKee was mean if they turned into adult cats. The one time they had KeeKee was scarier than the devil himself.
She didn’t need keys to get into places, she was the key. So the open door to his and Lucifer’s suite was expected.
Adam shut the door behind him. He slipped off his shoes to avoid getting any dirt or mud on his paws. As he walked through the open bedroom door he shifted himself.
He sat down on his fluffy butt and mewled.
Out from under the bed KeeKee poked her head. She padded over, picked him up, and carried him into the cat bed they kept under their bed for her.
Like a bad comedy, Lucifer likely was trying to escape the bed, but one of his claws was stuck in the fabric. By the time he was freed Adam was dropped on him.
Lucifer’s fur was still wet and disheveled from his bath. He wiggled out from under Adam as Adam let KeeKee bathe him. Trying to scamper out of the bed, KeeKee only paused in Adam’s bath to pick Lucifer back up and place him into the bed again.
Once KeeKee was satisfied that her strange, adopted kittens that came and went and seemed to spend more of their time as not kittens, were clean, she curled up around them both and purred.
“You were supposed to rescue me, not join us.” Lucifer grumbled, his eyes already half closed as the warmth and the rhythmic, calming purring was already making him sleepy.
Adam licked Lucifer’s head and purred. “You deserve it for trying to trick me into petting your belly so you could attack my hand.”
Naps with KeeKee were nice. Even if sometimes they had to wait for her to go downstairs to eat before turning back into themselves. Otherwise, she just followed them around meowing at them as she tried to figure out how to get her now giant babies back into her bed to keep them safe.
She was a little confused by the whole thing, but a sweet mama cat.
Lucifer snorted. “So why did you turn into a kitten?”
Even as a kitten, Adam was bigger than Lucifer, so he stood up and flopped down on top of Lucifer. Earning a squeak from Lucifer.
“And miss out on cuddles? Never.”
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