#Lady Luck Alt. Plan
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rannadylin · 1 year ago
Welcome to Wendelind's!
So I splurged and bought a Lyndelby house on LOTRO...and I ended up getting the Stately Deluxe because I was just kind of non-committally visiting the neighborhood and thinking about eventually getting one for Wendelind, my River Hobbit, until I saw the secret underground waterfalls in the basement of that one and then it was a NOW! BUY NOW! MUST HAVE INDOOR FISHING! situation... :-D
I've been decorating it for the past week (goodness that takes a while, even with all the housing decorations saved up in my storage it took a concerted effort of parking alts at the housing furnishers in the various regions to ship Wendy the floor tiles and wall paints and things that she needed...) and it's about ready for visitors! So...Welcome to Wendy's! (I feel like I need to insert a 🍔 here for...some reason... XD)
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Lots of (lovely!) pics are going behind the cut, click to take the full tour of 2 Glenmouth Path, Lywel, Lyndelby Homesteads on Evernight. :-D
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A convenient place for visitors to hitch their steeds, featuring Lennidhren's Rivendell horse on the left, Cerphedis' Sporting Steed on the right, a couple others that just looked cool in between, and Corbous' Mathom pony snacking on the hay.
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Statues lining the path to the house. Not sure if I'll keep them there; the elf statues seem a little out of place in Lyndelby, but I had them from an expansion pack and hadn't found anywhere else to put them yet so we're trying them at Wendy's.
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In the decorating process I found out that you can take pet skills! And make them into housing decorations! Either with mithril coins or with a pet harness from the Curator, and WHAT LUCK! The Curator was in town. So Willem Whiskers and his cub are visiting, and frolicking near Wendy's grape vines. Wendelind, who, as a River Hobbit, is currently questing in Cardolan, doesn't even know who Bingo Boffin is; so I suppose the lynx friends came to visit with Lennidhren!
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She may be tall for a Hobbit, but it's still hard for this wee lady to see over the grapevines, so she has a very out-of-place Arnorian dais and bench to give her a slightly better view of the gorgeous landscape beyond her yard.
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Just inside the house, she has a cozy reading room with a window seat, stack of well-loved books, and raspberries! The window seats were the second selling-point of this house, other than the waterfalls. Window seats, Waterfalls, and Wendelind. It must be the alliteration.
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Candaith is another NPC that Wendy hasn't even met yet; nevertheless her house features a small Grey Company shrine. Gotta plan ahead for when she gets to those levels, after all!
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The dining room is almost ready for visitors! Lunch is currently roasting on the fire pit. Tallfolk visiting will fit better at this table than Wendy does, though...
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A couple of bedrooms! I think the first is the master bedroom and the second is the guest bedroom...
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This little closet...might be haunted?
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Some mementos of...places Wendy hasn't even been to yet. XD I suppose Lennidhren may have set up this room!
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And last but very far from least is the underground waterfall swimming/fishing room!
Thank you for joining us on this tour of Wendelind's Wee Warren. Dinner is at 1, but if you are early enough for second breakfast...wait, this isn't the Shire. Do they have second breakfast in Lyndelby? Well, if they don't, Corbous probably (enthusiastically) introduced her to the tradition anyway!
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dykepuffs · 1 year ago
More good times with the Rancid Vibes Cards!
Having a deck of Kipperkarten and a deck of Zigeunerwahrsagekarten and a deck of Rancid Vibes Cards, and a 1-metre cutting mat to work on, I am comparing my decks:
First, the cards in all three decks, either with the exact same names or with very very close names (eg "Falsehoods" and "A false person")
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I also threw in some Lenormands with the same names, where they really stood out to me, and then I gave up because the board is only so big and my patience is only so finite:
Geschenk//gift, Tod//death, Kind//child, Richter//judge, Falschheit//falsehood, Traurigkeit//sadness, Glück//luck, Reise//journey, Offizier//officer, Haus//house (I will ramble about this later!), Gedank//thoughts, Brief//letter
Then the cards in two decks, with the same or similar names and a couple of interesting thematic contrasts:
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The Zigeunerwahrsagekarten and Rancid Vibes Cards share the following:
Geld//cash, Liebe//love, Eifersucht//jealousy, Treue//truth, Frohlichkeit//Happiness, Botschäft//message, Witwe//widow (And then the Zigeunerwahrsagekarten also has Witwer//widower)
Kipperkarten and Rancid Vibes Cards share only (Wohn)Zimmer//parlour uncomplicatedly, without the card also appearing in the ZWK.
And Kipperkarten and Zigeunerwahrsagekarten share Dieb//thief, Krankheit//sickness and Hoffnung//hope (using the same anchor/water motif as the Lenormand too)
But then there's these interesting half-shares:
Both Rancid Vibes and Kipper have a "Change" card where the Zigeunerwahrsagekarten have a "Stability" card: Unbestandigkeit//bestandigkeit//Veränderung
And then the Money cards in Rancid Vibes and Kipper - There was already a Geld card in both, but Reichtum//riches and "Unverhofftes Geld//Unexpected Money" and "Viel Geld Gewinnen//Winning a lot of money" feel very different - Riches could be anything, could be the result of a plan working out, but both of the ones in Kipper sound like just unexpected passive luck.
And finally, in this section, the love cards:
Rancid Vibes' "Liebesverhältnis//Love affair" is very different from both Zigeunerwahrsagekarten and Kipperkarten's Ehestandigskarte//Wedlock Card and Heirat//Marriage, but is maybe closer to Kipper's "Gute ausgang in der Liebe//Good Outcome In Love" and "Zusammenkunft//togetherness" - That's another thing that points me towards this being a Weimar era deck: The fashionable thing to want isn't marriage and a baby, it's a passionate affair. Notably absent is any card explicitly about marriage, at all, even though there is Love, Jealousy and Affair.
More of the near-matches and conversations:
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Baldigst//Soon and the Lange Weg//Long Way and Erwartung//Waiting - The Rancid Vibes' promise of something imminent and fast, feels like the opposite of the Kipperkarten's reminder to be patient.
Likewise Geschäft//Business, contrasted with the blue collar Arbeit//work, illustrated with farmers digging the earth, and The ambiguous Gericht//Focus on a business in a town.
And finally Haus/house, of both Rancid Vibes and Zigeunerwahrsagekarten, which I keep mentally relating to the Big House, the Gefangnis//prison of Kipper in contrast to the comfort or privacy of the Zimmer//room.
And the querents, or the other people who might appear in the Große Tafel: The Lover and Beloved or Hauptperson 1&2, the Querent and their other half, are consistent, but the others aren't, exactly - The ZWK don't have more cards for more people, other than the Widow and Widower, but both the RVC and the Kipper both have six total people:
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The Witwe//widow in RVC and ZWK, which also has Witwer//widower, but then the RVC has the Alte Dame//Old Lady - Is the Blonde Dame the twin of the Rich Girl or the Good Lady, or neither? Likewise the Grosser Herr - Is he a Guter Herr//Good Man or a Reiches Herr//Rich Man?
Then there's the cards that don't quite match up at all between decks:
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In the Kipper: Kummer//Grief, Traube Gedanken//Cloudy thoughts (Which could be related to the Gedanken that all three decks already have), and "Zu hohes Ehren kommen//To come into hogh honours"
In the Rancid Vibes: The very ambiguous Gewinn//Win and Schicksal//Fate
And the Zigeunerwahrsagekarten has eight: Loss, Desire, Visit, Unexpected Joy (Potentially related to the Unverhofftes Geld//Unexpected Money of the Kipper?), Misfortune (One possible reading of that Schicksal//Fate above, actually), Enemy, Ecclesiastic (Perhaps he's a spiritual Judge?) and Anger.
In total:
The RVC has more cards in common with the ZWK than with the Kipper, but the setup of the Querents and people is more like in the Kipper, and then the ZWK has more cards that completely don't match either the Kipper or the RVC.
So... I still don't know! I'd expected to find that it would be very similar to one of the existing two decks, just missing a few cards, not that it would be a weird synthesis of the two. I wish I had the instruction book that came with it, to explain how it was meant to be read - I assume a Große Tafel, reading all the cards at once in a grid, because of all those people cards, but I just don't know.
If anyone else does - or can think of other decks to compare it to - Give me a shout!
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dancingthesambaa · 5 years ago
Lady Luck Alternative Plan
So I just watched the Season Finale, and it was amazing!! Though the one thing that really bothered me was Donald not having a big of a role in the finale, soooo this is my take! Enjoy!! Also forgive me for my grammar🙏
Also to those who have not watch Moonvasion SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!
The Duck Family, excluding Scrooge who was currently in the grasp of the insane leader and Donald who was still nowhere to be seen, could only hold onto Mitzy and hope that she can break the beam to topple the ship, but it wasn’t enough.
Looking at this Gladstone sighed in defeat “It looks like we’re out of luck.” And it would have ended like that, if not for Spear of Selene barreling it’s way towards the beam and completely smashing straight through it, sending the rocket tumbling downwards.
Everyone, even Lunaris who was now even more confused as ever, stared in shock as they watched the smaller of the golden ship land onto the frozen tundra and when the ship had opened up they clearly saw Donald step out.
Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby all shouted out “Uncle Donald!”, in glee, but it quickly turn into fear when they had a closer look at him.
Gladstone and Fethry were about to call out as well, but their faces went slack when they saw him.
Scrooge and Della, one who was about to smile warmly at his nephew lucky appearance and the other enthusiastically wanting to finally reach out to her twin for the first time in years, faces quickly went into rage when they looked at him, and they knew who had caused...that.
They saw Donald step out with a very torn sailor suit, his entire body littered with fading brusies and cuts and bluish bandage wrapped firmly around his stomach and in the center was a very large dark spot.
When Donald saw his family on Mitzy, Fethry introduced them a while back though it took a while to convince the both of them that his boathouse was not a toy, his face lighted up in pure joy especially when he caught sight of his twin, and they will be having words when this whole invasion is dealt with, up their with them. His eyes went downward and his entire expression became blank as he saw his uncle beaten and bruised by the same man who trapped him and Penumbra in the Gold Mines.
“Impossible! The both of you were suppose to have died when I stabbed you through and collapsed the mines on the both of you!” Lunaris yelled out in frustration, his entire plan was falling apart in front of his face. The Duck family, barring Donald who face was still eeriely blank, all gasped and quickly became enraged as they heard Lunaris confession.
Donald felt a soft presence stand by him, the same one who had help bandage him up using her emergency bandages she always kept on her and led him out of the mines and to her ship. Penumbra looks at her gen-former general in pure disgust and her lips curled upwards, but she didn’t say a word, that came from another source.
“I get that a lot you oversized washout blueberry, but here’s the thing.” Donald entire face quickly became red in rage as he leaped at Lunaris shouting out, “I TOLD YOU DO NOT MESS WITH MY FAMILY!” It soon quickly became a brawl between the two of them, with Donald getting the upper hand despite his shorter size and his exhaustion.
Scrooge had landed backwards due to Donald ripping Lunaris grip from him and he could only watch in fond amusement as Donald put the Moon leader in a chokehold.
“Go Mr. D!” Launchpad, who had fallen off the ship, happily cheered out the best he could in a meteor outfit.
“Lady Luck, once again you are quite the women.” Gladstone sighs in relief as he watches the battle.
“Woohoo!! Go Cuz!” Fethry cries out alongside Mitzy, who bellows out in cheer as well.
“Go Uncle Donald!” Dewey, Louie, Webby and Huey yelled out in excitement. “Kick his alien butt back to the moon!”
Della did not yell nor did she scream, in fact she had quickly leaped off Mitzy to join her brother in battling Lunaris, she has ten years worth of frustration that she would just love to pummeled him with and that not even touching the fact that this monster dare to try to kill her kids and almost succeed with her twin. Oh yeah, he will learn the meaning of pain today.
Lunaris was quickly realized that his original plan had quickly was a failure as he felt an iron foot smash into the side of his face and a scratched up fist punch his stomach. He could only kneel down in complete agony.
Donald looked to his left to meet Della eyes, while Della looked at the right to meet Donald eyes. Both expression told a lot from worry about the state the other is in, to fear of that one wrong hit or blast could harm the other or the family their desperatly trying to protect, to relief that their other half is finally with them after all this time. But when they look towards Lunaris everyone could clearly see the same thing that burned into both of their eyes.
Lunaris, in fear of knowing what will happen if they get to him, quickly grabs his laser and shot towards the two of them while he makes his way back into his ship.
The two of them dodge the blasts and when Della saw him about to enter the ship, she quickly made way to follow him when she was stopped by Donald.
Della quickly looked at her brother, about to shout when she saw that he was smirking as he watch the ship fly off.
“He won’t go far as I destroyed all of his guns, lasers, engines, control systems and drained out most of his fuel tanks.” Everyone watched as they saw Penumbra walked towards them with a satisfied smirk on her face. “My guess is that by the time he realizes he’s out of fuel, he will be stuck out in space with no way back, excellent plan by the way Donald.”
Donald nodded with a small smile and it grew softer when finally had a good chance to see his sister. They both looked at each other and when the both of them reached out their hands, they had quickly punched each other.
“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” They both simultaneously shouted out at each other.
“I was on the moon after I saw your ship crash and I tried to find you Dumbella!” Donald shouted back and braced himself when Della leaped at him screaming, “I was on the moon before you big palooka and don’t call me DUMBELLA!!” The two quickly began the wrestle the other, despite their numerous injuries.
“Ah bless me bagpipes, I missed this.” Scrooge sighed in fond remeberance their squabbling said as the rest of the family made their way down of Mitzy to watch the reunion/wrestle match.
“Alright, alright lets break it up, some of us shouldn’t even be fighting in their condition.” Penny grasped on the back of Della jacket, only for her to shimmy her way out of it and haul her brother up to shake him.
“Arghhh!! I mean seriously I am so mad right now, but I missed you so much!” She cried out in agitiation.
“So am I and I missed you too!” He yelled back with equal intensity.
They both stopped at once and when they finally had enough of their anger, they began to hug the other fiercely as tears stream down their faces.
“I missed you so much” Della whispered.
“Me too” Donald softly relplied. He looked towards the side the see the rest of his family and he motioned for them to join in as well.
Scrooge was the one to join in first as he fiercely hugged both his nephew and niece tightly as if they will disappear from his life a second time. Dewey, Louie, Webby and Huey quickly join in after as they tried their best to hug both Donald and Della at the same time. Fethry and Gladstone soon came after with a hug and a ruffle of the heads respectively. Launchpad even joined the fray as he bear hugged them all together as he cried out in joy.
After a while they broke it up, though the Family still stayed near to each other as close as possible.
“Alright, I think it’s time we made our way back to Duckburg and spread the word of what actually transpired and it seems as if some of us needs a proper rest.” Scrooge said as he stared at the bandage wrapped around his nephew stomach.
Donald snorted “I could say the same thing.” As he looked a his uncle bruised as well.
As they say their way back on Mitzy and Gladstone blimp Donald asks “So what happened while I was away?”
The triplets, Webby and Della all had an eager look on their faces as they began to loudly tell him at the same time what happen.
“We met a cave Duck and did you know-”
“-and then the inside doomsday vault was crazy-”
“Violet and I managed to get Lena back, but that wasn’t the last time we saw Magica in fact-
“-after I tricked Glomgold I then became one of the richest Duck, though their were some drawbacks-”
“Seriously Donald how did you even manage parenting? Cause let me tell you-”
Donald just continue to let them talk with a fond expression on his face and when he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked to Uncle Scrooge.
“We missed ya laddie.”
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idanwyn-et-al · 3 years ago
(XIV||22) Masterpost!
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Last year, I challenged myself to write round-robin about four of my alts. This year I’m going to attempt to write an ongoing story about my three main ladies! I’m planning on doing ten prompts in a row for each of them. If that fails, I’ll still write something...so if that ends up being the case, challenge hopefully failed successfully! Good luck to everyone; this is always one of my favorite times of year. 
Submission Form || Links to each entry behind the cut! Temporarily pinning this for the month since it's easier to edit daily that way.
Prompt 1.)  Cross. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 2.) Bolt. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 3.) Temper. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 4.) Flourish. (Extra Credit) (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 5.) Cutting Corners. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 6.) Onerous. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 7.) Pawn. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 8.) Tepid. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 9.) Yawn. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 10.) Channel. (Idanwyn Lluanswys)
Prompt 11.) Meander. (Extra Credit) (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 12.) Miss the Boat. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 13.) Confluence. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 14.) Attrition. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 15.) Row. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 16.) Deiform. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 17.) Novel. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 18.) Lurid. (Extra Credit) (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 19.) Turn a Blind Eye. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 20.) Anon. (Oakmoss Vithsyna)
Prompt 21.) Solution. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 22.) Veracity. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 23.) Pitch. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 24.) Vicissitudes. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 25.) Soliloquy. (Extra Credit) (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 26.) Break a Leg. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 27.) Hail. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 28.) Vainglory. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 29.) Fuse. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Prompt 30.) Sojourn. (Anne-Sophie Bale)
Finale: Iamb-ish Pentameter. (All three!)
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witcher-trash · 4 years ago
Horror themed geraskier fic recs
all that was good, all that was fair (all that was me is gone) Somewhere, deep in a forest, a man drags himself from his grave by sheer power of will. He lies gasping on the forest floor and does not know who or what he is. The world is wide and wonderful, though, and there is so much to see.-Or, Jaskier is so stubborn that he literally comes back from the dead.
An All-Consuming Creature Following the events on the mountain top, Jaskier and Geralt have parted ways. Months pass and winter comes, brining with it stillness and the ever-pressing silence to remind Geralt that someone is missing. But spring is late in coming. Worry and work pours in through every part of the country as the people consult every power available: witchers, sorceresses, kings, and countrymen, for nothing is growing in the fields. Nothing flowers. What can be the cause? And why in all this time has he heard not a single note from that familiar lute, whatever tavern or pub he's come upon? Rumors abound of the terrifying prospect that spring may not return and the bard's disappearance is lost in the shuffle. When the witcher lost his dandelion, had the world lost so much more?alt — Jaskier gets kidnapped by a strange entity that calls itself Love who attempts to woo him. Meanwhile, the world is dying and no one has answers. Therein lies a mystery and a connection.
A Twist in Time When Jaskier looks over the witcher has his eyes shut tight, his whole body seeming pained. Jaskier realises he wants to soothe him, and the strength of feeling surprises him. He’s been too long without company.“What happened?” the witcher says finally.Jaskier blinks. “That’s quite a big question. I’m afraid you’ll need to be more specific.”“With Nilfgaard,” the witcher clarifies, growling slightly. “It shouldn’t – it didn’t happen like this.”In 1240, Jaskier the bard leaves Posada earlier than planned because of a devil in the mountains.In 1263, three years after Nilfgaard conquers the north, Julian Pankratz, viscount of Lettenhove, hires a witcher and learns about the path his life should have taken.This is not an AU.
ghosting “Why are you doing this,” Geralt asks- he is tired. He has not had the time to mourn Jaskier with him right there at his side. “Jaskier. Why are you here?” “Where else would I go?” Jaskier says- bloody teeth. 
Hibernating with Ghosts Getting stuck in Kaedwen in winter had never been on Jaskier's plan. It's cold, they don't appreciate his music and nobody likes their national beverage anyway. The only redeeming thing Kaedwen has is Kaer Morhen, so Jaskier does what any reasonable bard would do in this situation: he decides to charm his way into Kaer Morhen to hibernate with Geralt and the other witchers. If nothing it will be an experience no human has ever had, fuel for songs and poems for years to come, while finally teaching him a thing or two about witchers he's just dying to know.Curiosity tended to kill the cat, but Jasker had always seen himself as more of a bird anyway.
Him In his time as a witcher, Geralt has killed just about everything that can be killed: monsters, beasts, constructs, men, even the undead can die again if you know the trick to it. Wraiths, he knows, are the lingering troubled spirits of people who died tragically, violently, unjustly and unavenged. Their unfair fate spawns in them a jealousy and hatred of everything living that quickly drives them mad and makes them dangerous and deadly, driven to torment those responsible for their plight. Usually he feels no more than a twinge of pity as he sends them off again with silver and fire, but then again usually they aren’t haunting him. Usually they aren’t Jaskier.Geralt learns that Jaskier never made it off the mountain after the dragon hunt and, if that’s what it takes to appease the monster that now wears his face, neither will Geralt.
I'd Be the Choiceless Hope “Such a nice, beautiful sound,” the fae crooned. “If only he were this way always.”Julian’s mother stood up. She claimed she was prepared to stop the fae, to protect her baby, but in Julian’s darkest moments he doubted this part of the story. His mother loved him, of that he had no doubt, but she had been young and weary, and even years later, she couldn’t quite get the twinge of exhaustion out of her eyes when she recalled Julian’s infancy. Even if she had been keen on protecting him, the fae was too close, too fast, too set on his plan.“A gift, for the new mother,” the fae continued. He leaned a hand in to stroke Julian’s cheek. “I give you the gift of obedience.”As a baby, Jaskier was visited by a fae, who gifted Jaskier's mother with Jaskier's obedience. As Jaskier grew older, the "gift" became more of a curse.
Silver and Copper Geralt is just supposed to pass through the quiet Lettenhove area. He's not anticipating being begged by its people to help save their viscount from a curse that keeps him from daylight. Lord Jaskier, they call him, and he's likely dying.As Geralt struggles to untangle the ugly web of history that has lead to the increasingly complicated curse, he finds himself spending more and more time with the strange young viscount and wondering just what he might have been before the curse, and who he might be after. But things are not always as they seem, and as the curse tightens its grip on Jaskier, Geralt is forced to face the fear of failing yet another person whose choices were stolen from them.Or-Jaskier is kept from becoming a bard. Geralt finds him anyway.
Singing Silver Jaskier had not noticed that he was falling apart until he found himself looking into Geralt’s golden eyes and realized that he had no defense.“I don’t play for the dead,” he said. Geralt’s gaze held him fast. His heart sped and he wondered if the Witcher could hear it. He wondered if Geralt knew the exhilaration and terror that burned the dread away like flame to oil. “Not anymore.”
The House of Gwyn Carraigh (geralt x eskel x jaskier) A curious boast of luck sees Eskel into the nowhere town of White Stone, the promise of Geralt and Jaskier's company quickly souring with what he finds: Jaskier, alone and half-mad in a nightmarish torment, and Geralt gone missing on a contract. Trying to keep a cool head, Eskel's window to save both Jaskier and Geralt quickly closes.A tale in two acts.
The skin that crawls from you The contract seemed like any at the beginning. But it turned out to be much more.Jaskier would never describe himself as a coward. However, he couldn't help but feel afraid when he found the monster before Geralt, if one could even call it a monster.
Where the Hearts Are Rotted Out Taking the route through Crookback Bog has its risks. So does Jaskier's making fun of the shrine to the Ladies of the Wood. Illness, curses, wraiths, and ancient hags lurk in the fog.Or it could be a regular human cold.
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sevman49 · 4 years ago
What Are The Odds?
I've been on an alt lifestyle dating site for some time now and have been talking to three very interesting ladies. No, I'm not playing one against the others. I don't know that ANY of them will be the one for me but I'd be happy with either of them. The only reason I mention this is all three of them have told me they don't want me to keep searching on the site, so I promised them I wouldn't. And I haven't. I haven't been on the site for 2 months.
Today, out of sheer curiousity I went to my profile. I had, since I quit looking, 503 likes and 460 messages. That seemed like a lot, I must really be a catch! Then I thought of my past history on this site and stepped down from my little fucking pedestal and broke it down to reality. Here's how I see it, using 460 as a starting point. Keep in mind, it's an alt site and I clearly ID myself as submissive.
Of the 460, I'm gonna wipe out 200 of them right away. They are players and wannabe mistresses, and very young ones at that, that are in it for a chance to cash in. This includes the Findom fans who come right out and tell you that.
Out of the 260, there are 40 who I have written before who never responded after their initial contact and my response to them. If I didn't get their attention last time (or two) I won't get it this time either.
Out of the 220, 100 will be very nice ladies who want what I can't give them, children and a nice house in the burbs with a country club membership. I'm too old to start a new family.
Out of the 120, 30 are submissive themselves and that's no good for me. I wish them luck finding their Dom's but it's sure not me.
Out of the 90 left, 40 are those who survived the first cut will finally tip their hand with the oft repeated phrase " I feel like I can trust you...."" Then introduce their scam.
Of the 50 left 20 will live too far away and the distance is too daunting to overcome. If I can't reach them in a days drive, it's too costly to deal with.
Of the remaining 30, I'll find 10 that I'm just not attracted to. There are plenty not attracted to me either, it goes both ways.
20 possibilities, 10 have already hooked up with someone else. Good for them.
Down to the top ten list. 5 will finally tire of my long rambling bullshit and fade away after negotiations.
I'll be disappointed but not surprised.
That leaves me with 5 chances to find happiness, to find the woman I can serve who will dominate me and allow me to worship her and please her.
2 will make plans to meet me then never show up after I send them travelling money. ( They were really good at this. I hate them but salute them.)
3 left.
I don't know how it will play out from day to day. I hope fate steps in and decides for me. I hope nobody gets hurt. I'd be in Nirvana with any of the three. I hope one claims me. Everyday that passes with me not serving my superior partner is a wasted day.
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baebeyza · 4 years ago
Heya! ~
First of all, thank you for everyone who voted! Didn’t expect 44 people and it sure helped me in places to decide on things and being able to think of more plot :D
Lemme just go through all the questions under the cut:
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1. Big or small cast?  Big cast but only caring about few does suit me! If it were a small cast, I’d probably have gone with a plot structure similar to Beast Wars. Like this, I can make the premise more like TFA (the premise is like TFA in a lot of ways btw).
And it does suit me as well to not have to figure out an arc for too many characters, I don’t want this whole thing to be too long. 
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2. From which continuity would you like characters? This is a little hard to decipher, but suffice to say, most people want more G1 characters. Beast Wars and Japanese G1 have more votes as well! To Beast Wars: I love Beast Wars and its characters, however, I do not like to draw them. Their designs are cool and it’s not like I can’t draw them, I just prefer not to. So if I were to bring Beast Wars characters into this, I would change their designs for me to feel more comfortable drawing them. On another note, I also don’t like drawing animals (at all) so I’d probably give them a mechanic alt-mode with animal features in their robot mode (like the Breast Force in Victory)
As for Japanese G1, I do have quite a few planned! ~ As for G1 characters which never appear in another show...gotta say, most of those I don’t care for either. Some I do, but most not. Might bring them in somehow, but don’t expect them to have bigger roles. (exceptions exist, like Springer, love me the dude!)
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3. Choose a dead Prime who ruled before Optimus! Sentinel won! Did like some of the extra choices as well though, like Prowl. Also noteworthy to me, no one voted for Arcee xD Guess no one wanted her dead.
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4. Choose an Optimus Prime squad! So, for this I wanted to pick the two most voted guys and girls! And coincidentally, those happen to be the most of voted of them all! For guys, we have Jazz (not surprised by this) and Hot Rod, and for the girls, Elita and Arcee.
Guess that’ll be the squad.
Also, note here: A few people voted Ratchet as a custom answer and do not fret! He will be in this! This Optimus squad is simply a little group of Optimus and his close friends, and since I want to have a young Oppy, I want his friends to be in the same age range. On the same note, just because some characters aren’t in the friend group, doesn’t mean they won’t appear at all. Windblade and Jetfire for example are gonna be in this!
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5. Choose a Megatron squad! This is about Megatron’s generals btw - characters who aren’t in this group can still appear! (examples are Cyclonus, Megaempress and Sixshot)
And again I want to choose equal part guys and girls, so for the guys, it’s Soundwave (boy getting loved I see), Starscream and Shockwave, and for the ladies, we have Nightbird, Blackarachnia and Strika.
A little note here: Because a friend commented on this I wanna make it clear: Drift/Deadlock will be based on the Aligned version, NOT on the IDW version. I had made it clear in the poll that I don’t like IDW1. (which I guess some people didn’t read, given that Tarn was given as a custom answer)
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6. One love is story is planned, want any more?
I feel like I should have specified who the love story is about - It is about Megatron and Ultra Magnus. Big time. As for the answers, yes I can live them all! They don’t contradict each other anyway :D
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7. Any ships you wanna see in this? Okay, the tricky stuff - as I said, the main love story is Megatron x Ultra Magnus, so any ship-wish that includes Megatron or Magnus here, sorry, not happening. I mean most don’t care, but for those who do:
- Dratchet: I know it’s an IDW thing, I can still think of something with the versions I have in mind if you still want that. - Windstream: Friends of mine wanted this, and I will try my best to make something nice out of it!
- JazzWave: Gotta see, so far I wouldn’t know how to include it
- Giving Arcee love: Got something nice and sapphic planned for her!
- Optimus/Elita: Again a friend wanted this, and I too would like to see them in a truly romantic light, so I’m going to include it!
- Happy ones, for the bad guys as well: Hell yeah! - Simpatico: I do not have Percy or Brainstorm planned in this
- Hot Rod/Arcee: I had another idea for Arcee, sorry! - Anything with Jazz: Good to know, if I can’t make it work with Soundwave, I’ll try with someone else (Hot Rod perhaps)
- Strika/Lugnut: Why not? Something in the background, as I have no plans for Lugnut - Windscream: Thing is, there are people who had this ship in the “Do not want” question that follows. Personally, I am indifferent to this ship, but since more people don’t want it (and because I have plans for Windstream), I’m going to pass on this. WaveWave: Gonna see how it goes with Jazz!
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8. Anything you don’t want? Most people don’t care, which is nice, as for the things people listed: - Sparklings: Never planned them anyway, I want to go for something else to get parent/child dynamics. - Windscream, MegaStar, MegOP: See upwards, not going to happen here, same with DooP, since I wanna go with OpLita - “If functionalism exists, please don’t make the oppressed characters the villains for fighting back”: NO WORRIES, IS NOT PLANNED! Megatron’s backstory has no freedom fighter motive whatsoever. - Manipulative/abusive ships: Not planned - Bumblebee: Good luck, buddy, I didn’t have him planned either! xD - Slash: Tough luck, buddy, this will be one hell of a MagsMegs ride!
- Negativity directed at me: Thanks, pal! I do not wish for that either! :>
ALRIGHT, that would be it!
Again thanks for everyone who voted! I do hope to start with this in the near future and I hope it will be something enjoyable! <3 If there are questions about this, go ahead! <3 I’d be delighted :>
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spnfanficpond · 5 years ago
May 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
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Nominated by @focusonspn
A Night on the Town (oneshot) by @supernatural-jackles
I completely love this fic!! Jensen is a total sweetheart, it’s really easy to read and all those words felt like only five minutes. This is everything a Jensen!girl could’ve asked for!!
Hunger (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
HOLY. MOTHER. OF. HOTNESS. It was a fucking pleasure for my eyes to read every single word of this fic!! hot as hell, dark, Demon!Dean and in character as always.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis 
Handkerchief (oneshot) by @babypieandwhiskey
I don’t usually read RPF, but this is an AU, so I dove in. Mechanic!Jensen with a magical supply of handkerchiefs, ready and willing to clean up whatever mess I find myself in? SOLD. Sweet, appeals to my love of Jensen’s back-pocket bandannas, and it activates my competence kink! Excuse me while I go wibble in the corner.
Nominated by @supernatural-jackles
Still The One (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
I have a lot of respect for the way Michelle writes such difficult topics. She approaches them with such grace and accuracy, that makes it all the more realistic. This series is no exception. I deeply enjoy this series and the way things are playing out between Dean and the reader. It’s an extremely heartbreaking story that most of us don’t really think about until it’s put into this kind of perspective. This one is still ongoing, and I’m extremely excited to see how she handles the rest of the story. I highly recommend checking this one out. Just heed the warnings beforehand.
Nominated by @peridottea91
Healthy Competition (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
This! Omg this series! I love it so much!! It’s slower moving but keeps you itching for the next chapter and is oh so relatable. What woman hasn’t had body image issues? And what plus sized woman hasn’t had to deal with rude jerks and bullying? This fic is actually super realistic and hits all those relatable issues. Can’t wait to read the rest!!
Dangerous Signs (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
Ok, let me start by saying that I am a sucker for a good “character transported to alt. universe/world” fic. That said, I got soooooooooo addicted to this fic! It was so well written and you could just feel the reader’s hesitation and torn emotions. Should she stay? Should go? Ugh! Fantastic!! Also, kudos for the Norse mythology!! *chef’s kiss*
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
Cotton Candy (oneshot) by @ellewritesfix05
“It was always nice knowing [...] you could always find ways to bring light into Dean’s life.”
And he damn well deserves it! This was so sweet. No one can resist that “I didn’t do it” smile of his ;)
The Oath (Series) by @thecleverdame 
This series is definitely dark, but it’s so so good. If you’re okay with reading about the heavy subjects covered in these chapters, you won’t regret giving this series a try. I can’t seem to stop diving into all of this author’s content. She’s just too good.
Choices (CYOE) by @talesmaniac89 
I’ve been excited about this impressive project since I first saw the announcement post. Though I’m ashamed to say I haven’t gotten into reading the full thing yet, I plan on making time for reading ALL the different endings. I’m excited to see the different ways in which the story plays out, depending on the brothers’ personalities. For now, I’m recommending this first chapter, the starting point, which was already a beauty of its own. If you haven’t started yet yourself, prepare to be amazed.
Not Safe (Oneshot) by @torn-and-frayed
I love this. Spicy but sweet… Is that a cringy enough way for me to try and put my thoughts into words? I also just really miss Bobby, man.
nominated by @impala-dreamer
Safe Here (series) by @because-imma-lady-assface
This is one of the greatest Dean series. Ashley writes Dean amazingly well, too well sometimes, and this series gives him exactly what he needs; a place to feel safe and find comfort. I love this one so much!
Losing You (series) by @idreamofhazel
This is a superbly done Sam series that has stuck with me for a long time. I literally can’t go into Bed, Bath & Beyond without thinking about the ending <3
nominated by @kittenofdoomage
Blind Luck (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
A great Sam x reader that hits the holy trifecta of smut, fluff, and angst.
 Blood And Water (series) by @crashdevlin
Pretty sure I’ve recc’d this before but it’s such a good series, so twisted and angsty, my dark little heart loves it. Heed the warnings!
Just Sam (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
This might not be everyone’s cup of tea but for me, it’s perfection, because I am a kinky bitch and any other kinky bitches out there would definitely enjoy this XD
nominated by @deanwanddamons
Private Party With A Rockstar (oneshot) by @mummybear
@mummybear Has been working her butt off this month for her RolePlay May. She wrote this story for me and put me in it (my name is Sian). Rockstar!Jensen is one of my weakness’s, and she knows that, and clearly knows me very well too, as included everything I like 😉
She’s Not You by @winchest09
@winchest09 is one of my fave authors. This is a super cute, super fluffy fic which really cheered me up.
Dangerous Signs (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
I LOVED this series. it was so good and lots of fun with some very sexy going’s on. Rhi’s work is just fantastic 💕
Wedding Bells (oneshot) by @katehuntington
This one shot is super cute and fluffy! I love her writing so much and this is not exception 💕 
Not Much Left (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Demon!Dean is another of my weakness’s and fic really hit the spot 🥵🔥
Dear Dean (series) by @smol-and-grumpy
This series made me laugh, made me cry, made me horny and made me gasp. One of the best series I have read 💕
nominated by @emilyshurley
Jensen’s Self Care Routine (oneshot) - @luci-in-trenchcoats
It is just adorable. People taking care of themselves for their loved ones. You can’t get more fluffy.
The Proposal (series) - @katymacsupernatural (Ongoing)
If you love fake dating fics, you’ll definitely love this one. Really like the character of “the reader”.
Private Party with a Rockstar (oneshot) - @mummybear
This one is both hot and adorable at the same time
You shook me (oneshot) @myinconnelly1
It’s Myin writing Demon!Dean what more do you want? No seriously that’s the perfect combination
Dancing the Spiral (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1
One of the only times I genuinely felt like a fic was creepy in a good way. And the passing of the whole thing is great. Am I little biased because its Myin, yes but that doesn’t make the fic any less good. sure it’s on the longer side but definitely worth it.
The only exception (series) - @ne-gans and @negans-lucille-tblr
I have only read the first part so far but I had to mention it. It is a serial killer AU so read the trigger warnings just in case.
Make it Big (series)- @negans-lucille-tblr
Again I’m still catching up It’s one of those fics I thought I won’t like reading but was really glad that I started.
Cast no Shadow (series) @kittenofdoomage
It’s Rhi, I can fangirl a lot about her fics. Really enjoyed (?) (that might not be the right word) the whole fitting a new relationship in existing ones. Felt to real in a weird way. It might seem like I don’t like the fic because of how I’m wording this but that’s really not the case.
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
Sunshine (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
If you like angst, this is the fic for you. It is utterly captivating and heart wrenching. It’s a cut your heart out with a dull centuries-old wooden spoon style hurt. The use of the song lines in this fic is well thought out and poetic. Make sure to have a box of tissues handy. If you don’t at least tear up while reading this, then you don’t have a heart to cut out, and your soul is already in hell.
Choices (CYOE) by @talesmaniac89
A clever interactive series where you get to choose your favorite Winchester, and the ending of the story. This is so detailed and intriguing. I loved the story I ended up with the first time, and excitedly went back in to pick the other options. Each story was unique and well written. 
Babe I’m Gonna Leave You (oneshot) by @waywardbaby
This one shot is an absolutely stunning piece of smut. The lack of dialogue makes it that much better. All you’re left with is the option to feel the detailed emotions—sexual tension to the max.
No Words (oneshot) by @because-imma-lady-assface​
Beautiful, detailed, and heartbreaking. Dean’s pain and need for comfort are palpable, and I cried while reading it. I can’t find the proper words to describe how this fic made me feel, but man did it ever make me feel.
Sky Full of Stars (oneshot) by @smol-and-grumpy​​
This is the sequel to Something Just Like This and is just as exciting as the first series. A roller coaster of suspense. The characters continue on their journey of love, dealing with the good and bad that comes with every relationship—the perfect combination of angst and fluff with a healthy dose of smut.
Something Just Like This (oneshot) by @smol-and-grumpy
A perfect combination of big badass Dean and soft, fluffy Dean, along with all the incredible smut your little heart could desire. I usually don’t like to read a series until it is complete, because I am impatient and don’t want to wait for the next chapter to post. However, this story was intriguing and sexy, and I couldn’t keep from reading each chapter as soon as it posted and then eagerly anticipating the next.
Nominated by anon
Request 42 (oneshot) by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
This was super-duper cute!! I love frustrated soon to be parents especially when one of those parents is Dean! Great work, well worth the read!
Just A Daydream (onesho) by @maddiepants
This fic is refreshing with its canon-ness! I love Sam's little dream, and you get so wrapped up in it, you forget. Absolutely masterful and HOT AS HELL! Also, Tall People, WTF? 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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lets-steal-an-archive · 5 years ago
TVLine Fall TV Spoilers, retrospective edition (s8-s15)
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Fall TV Spoiler Spectacular: Exclusive Scoop and Photos on 47 Returning Favorites! [September 06, 2012]
PREVIOUSLY ON… | After taking out Leviathan boss Dick Roman, Dean and Cas disappeared to a monster-filled purgatory while Sam was left on his own back on Earth. Ghost Bobby finally moved on to the other side.
COMING UP NEXT | Dean and Sam will reunite in the season premiere, but lots will have changed while they were separated. For one, after a “not very cute meet” with Amelia (recurring guest star Liane Balaban), Sam struck up a romance with the damaged woman during the Winchesters’ hiatus from each other, previews new showrunner Jeremy Carver. Dean’s side of the story will be told in flashbacks, which will answer the mystery of why Castiel vanished and how the elder brother got out of purgatory. Hint: He’s now indebted to the vamp Benny, “who is a super cool, super complex character who is a force to be reckoned with unto himself,” says Carver. “That is something that applies above ground and below ground.”
TVLINE BONUS SPOILER | Prepare for a major new recurring character in Naomi, who’s all business – complete with a serious pulled back hairdo – and very private. But underneath that no-nonsense suit exterior, she’s not quite so together.
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Fall TV Spoiler Spectacular: Exclusive Scoop and Photos on 45 Returning Favorites! [September 03, 2013]
PREVIOUSLY ON… | Metatron expelled all the angels from Heaven and turned Castiel into a human. Sam continued his efforts to close the gates of Hell by curing Crowley, but Dean discovered that completing the trials would kill him, and begged his brother not to go through with it. Unfortunately, Sammy didn’t know how to stop what he started and collapsed in agony.
COMING UP NEXT | No surprise here: Sam survives. But why he does is a secret that the elder Winchester will hold on to — and one which may cause a rift between the brothers. “You’re going to find Dean, in the beginning of this season, in a slightly different position, one where it’s his decision driving great importance and weight on their relationship,” previews executive producer Jeremy Carver. “It’s a heavy weight to bear, and it has a great effect on their relationship.” There’s also angel mayhem on Earth for the brothers to contend with, including “a lot of players for the throne of who’s going to rise to the fore here,” including Battlestar Galactica alum Tahmoh Penikett’s injured warrior angel. Cas, meanwhile, is adjusting to life as a human by “eating, defecating and fornicating,” deadpans his portrayer Misha Collins. On the more quirky side, Felicia Day’s Charlie returns in Episode 4, which goes back in time to reveal “the first Men of Letters ever to occupy the bunker,” teases Carver. So what were they up to? You know, the usual — like “learning the truth behind the events that lead to The Wizard of Oz books. It’s a lot of fun and heartfelt.”
TVLINE BONUS SPOILER | Penikett’s Ezekiel isn’t the only heavenly creature we’ll be meeting. “We’re really delving into the individual characters here, and we found really interesting, really neat angels,” says Carver. “Wherever we can dive into Biblical references, we do and then we turn that the way that we need. Some of the angels that we see…have deep roots in angel mythology.”
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Fall TV Spoilers 2014: Exclusive Scoops On 42 Season Premieres [September 02, 2014]
As a newly turned supernatural creature, Dean will have to decide “how dark and what kind of demon he’s going to be,” executive producer Jeremy Carver previews. So what’s the verdict? Per star Jensen Ackles, “[He’s] an ultra version of a womanizing party animal.” Considering how wild and fun his new life is – he even becomes too much for Crowley to handle! – it’s no wonder then that Dean doesn’t want to be found. But Sam, unaware of what’s happened to his brother, will try his darnedest, leading the younger Winchester ���to do some questionable things that will make him, and certainly the audience, wonder which one of these guys is the true monster,” Carver notes. Meanwhile, Castiel is back on Earth and struggling with the moral dilemma of how to get his angelic grace back without being a burden.
BONUS SPOILER | Cas will be the harsh “voice of reason” when it comes to Dean’s situation, says Ackles. “Even though it might be hard to hear, it might be hard to say, he tells Sam, ‘Listen, you know what you have to do if things don’t go right.’”
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Fall TV Spoilers 2015: Exclusive Scoop On 44 Season Premieres [September 08, 2015]
The Winchesters will need all the help they can get battling The Darkness, which brings us to Season 11’s theme: “You can’t outrun your past.” Dean and Sam “have to make some unexpected and unholy alliances involving folks from their past, which will have personal ramifications,” exec producer Jeremy Carver reveals. Will any of said people be fan faves who died? “We’re talking about a fight that is going to incorporate the likes of Heaven and Hell and those on Earth. So there’s certainly opportunity to see folks that have departed,” the EP replies. Perhaps one of them can provide some answers, because “there’s a lot of mystery to not only what or who The Darkness is” – maybe it’s a she? – “but what The Darkness wants,” Carver says. And while Castiel will be working alongside the brothers, he first needs to “find a way out of this spell that Rowena has cast.”
BONUS SPOILER!: Praise be! “We’re going to see more of a vintage Crowley in terms of scheming, less caring about Dean and Sam,” Carver shares.)
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Fall TV Spoilers 2016: Exclusive Scoop On 42 Season Premieres [September 07, 2016]
“Dean, Mary and Cas are on the ‘Save Sam train,’ and that really drives them for the first three episodes,” executive producer Andrew Dabb previews. Once reunited, the Winchesters find themselves “pulled in two different directions” thanks to the dual threat of the British Men of Letters and Lucifer, who has taken on the vessel of a down-on-his-luck rock star (Rick Springfield). Everyone wants a piece of the fallen angel, including Crowley, who is looking to reclaim Hell and get payback for being humiliated. Lady Toni’s brethren, however, may turn out to be occasional allies in addition to stirring up trouble. “Sometimes, Sam and Dean will be working with them. Sometimes, they’ll be working against them,” Dabb hints. Meanwhile, the miraculous return of Mama Winchester has the brothers feeling “happy and conflicted” as she adjusts to a world that includes modern technology and angels. Speaking of heavenly creatures: Season 12 will spin “more personal” Cas stories and dig into his past a bit.
BONUS SPOILER!: “We’re putting the focus more on the world of hunters, so some of our past fan favorite hunters will, hopefully, swing through the show,” Dabb teases.
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Fall TV Spoilers 2017: Scoop on 35+ Returning Favorites [September 07, 2017]
Cutting to the chase, “death is not the end for Castiel,” executive producer Andrew Dabb reports. “That being said, when we pick up our season he’s more dead than people usually get on our show. Castiel has a big role to play for us, but that may not be as soon as some people are hoping.” Meanwhile, the Winchester brothers, Dean especially, are reeling from the double whammy of losing their friend and their mom Mary. “There’s no one they can call,” Dabb notes, “so our guys are a bit on their own, a little spun out, both emotionally and in terms of the plot.” On top of that, they’re “acting as parents” to Lucifer’s “walking atomic bomb” offspring. “There are parts of him and things he does that they really love,” Dabb shares, “and there are parts of him and things he does that worry them a bit.” In the alt apocalypse world, Mary’s attempt to run away from Lucifer doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, while the fallen archangel finds that he “may not be the most powerful” creature over there.
BONUS SPOILER!: “Even if it’s not played by an actor that we recognize, there are certain characters that are going to come back in different bodies,” Dabb hints.
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Fall TV Spoilers 2018: Scoop on 40 Returning Favorites [September 05, 2018]
Michael still wants to purify the world, but now that he’s loose on our earth — in Dean’s body, no less! — “his method is going to change,” executive producer Andrew Dabb previews. Back at the bunker, little bro Sam and heavenly pal Castiel are “extremely driven to find Dean,” with the latter even seeking help from “certain people, possibly with black eyes, who he would not normally contact.” Despite their efforts, “Sam, ultimately, and even Cas, to a degree, are a little pessimistic,” the EP says. “They’re not sure if it’s going to work out.” The Winchesters’ mom, Mary, however, “is optimistic, but sometimes that optimism can be very annoying.” Meanwhile, powerless Jack is back to hunter basics, “learning how to throw a punch [and] decapitate a vampire,” with the help of Bobby. Up in Heaven, Naomi and the few remaining angels are “trying to hold everything together.” As for the dark side, “we’re going to get a really good preview of what’s going on in Hell, actually, in the first episode,” Dabb teases.
BONUS SPOILER!: In Episode 4, “Sam and Dean and our whole crew get involved in our homage to ’80s slasher movies,” Dabb shares. “We’ve got some really cool gory stuff planned for that.”
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Fall TV Preview 2019: Spoilers on 37 Returning Favorites [September 4 2019]
After finding out that God has been manipulating them, Dean and Sam are facing an “existential crisis” in the 15th and final season. “They’re realizing, ‘Well, we’re the Winchesters, but were we really doing this Chuck’s way?'” co-showrunner Andrew Dabb previews. “Part of reclaiming that agency is a big part of the season for them.” Plus, the brothers are “going to start to lose people who, in past seasons, we would’ve never lost — and lose them in a very real way. Our guys are going to realize there’s a certain finality, and some of the things they’ve relied on to get through the day — people, talents, things like that — they are no longer going to be able to roll out. And that’s going to throw them for a loop.” The show’s swan song will also welcome back some departed faces, including the Winchesters’ half-brother Adam (Jake Abel), God’s sister Amara (Emily Swallow) and deceased hunter Eileen (Shoshannah Stern).
BONUS SPOILER!: Jack is still in The Empty when Season 15 starts, and “he’s not coming back in the near future,” Dabb reveals. As for the deal Cas made to save Lucifer’s offspring, “when The Empty becomes more active, a lot of things are going to come to a head.”
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qlistening · 5 years ago
UNC: An Average Man’s Paradise
Idea creds: Frances and Kate
Title creds: Carson
Sobriety status: less high than intended, but can’t complain
Alright UNC ladies, I think this post right here very well could be considered my passion piece. Today I am going to break down for you the different categories of men that have graced us with their presence at this university, and how to spot them if you’re out and about.
I’m just going to rip the bandage off and start with all of our favorite: fraternity boys. 
Ah frat boys, God’s gift to the world and our gift to UNC. What would our college experience be like without them? It’s impossible to fathom. I refuse to even try. After all, they’ve given us so much, and asked for so little in return. Only, the humble bone sesh after a long night of diligently managing festivities in their lovely estates. True, they are occasionally known to break the condom or nut before even making it inside of you, but throwing it to them is really the least we can do with all that they’ve done for us. Plus, you’re sure to be in and out of there in under ten minutes, so what’s the harm? They come to use from Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, Pinehurst, and other respectable southern cities, with the occasional northerner slipping through the cracks. No matter where they’re from, they have somehow adopted a common way of speech before arriving at UNC in which their mouths are left frozen in place at the end of each of their sentences. I am not sure how this group has achieved such an intense level of homogeneity over the years, but I can’t say I’m not impressed.
You can spot them in class sporting baseball caps (forwards or backwards depending on their respective frat’s gpa), neckbeards, sorority cocktail t-shirts (tiers zeta and above), and the ever popular flip flops. They tend to move in packs on campus and appear somewhat frightened when seen alone. Most likely, they will not make eye contact with you, especially if you have hooked up. As far as eateries go, expect to see them in lenoir for lunch and the agora for dinner (and again for late night), with respective meal plans at both. On Friday mornings, after dollar drink night at MAW, some stray from the pack and populate Wendys, Chickfila, and occasionally, Alpine. At nightfall, there will always be some guarding their basecamp, Bob’s, as well as some out on the prowl at La Res and MAW. Approach these men between the hours of 2 and 3 AM and you will get laid. Attempt any earlier, and the only thing that you’re getting is a spot at the back of the line in McDonalds. I personally don’t recommend approaching them at all, as you are sure to incur emotional damage, and awkward eye contact at the C-Square pool on a day you look kind of fat.
The next largest population on deck is the ever illusive: south campus boy.
Your only shot at seeing them is in class. Otherwise, they rotate exclusively between their beloved dining hall, dorm room, and Ms. Mongs. They don’t care that it’s stricter territory for drugs and alcohol down there. They weren’t looking to get messed up with that stuff anyways, except for the occasional nights they decide to drink an entire fifth of Svedka and throw up in the shower. Usually they’re much too busy actually doing their assignments or playing video games. If you see a cute one, don’t bother approaching him. The thirstiest ranks of the south campus girls have already sunk their teeth and adidas superstars into him. He is a lost cause. With limited access to parties and bars, getting to these men requires you to perform the dreaded classroom flirtation, followed by the dreaded orchestrating some organic situation where it makes sense to hook up. Fair warning: it is critical to screen these boys before putting yourself through either of those tasks, as many are weirder than you might think.
Third is a UNC crowd favorite. The student athletes.
Sitting in the back of the classroom every day in their giant parkas, members of this elite group certainly aren’t hard to spot. They’re best known for zipping around on mopeds and ignoring their role in group projects. They don’t tend to be extremely warm or receptive when approached on a night out, as their pursuit of women takes place primarily in the dms. I know I sound like a broken record here, but I wouldn’t recommend pursuing. Most of the time, they’ve really been around the block and aren’t making up for it in the skill department. If you do bag one, tell your story and most girls at this school will get jealous. Probably even the virgins. 
Last and maybe not least? Carrboro boys.
They’re the ones that are really tucked away. I didn’t even know they existed until like junior year. Oh, but they’re out there. They’re ordering coffee with alternative milks at the meantime cafe, reshelving records in the WXYC studio, smoking cigs by the flagpole, and reading on the steps of Wilson Library. Yes, reading. They are really still on that shit. They’re into music that my parents listen to and vintage clothing that can only be understood by fellow members of the Carrboro clan. These boys tend to be more sensitive than the rest I’ve mentioned and, in many cases, more sensitive than you. Oh, but don’t you go feeling bad for them. These sensitive boys are probably racking up bodies at the same rate as their emotionally deficient fraternity counterparts. Think about all of the bandana wearing biddies over in Carrboro looking for a man who finally gets them. There just simply aren’t enough alt guys to meet their demand. I’m guessing scarcity is working out just as well over there as it is around these parts. And with that, we’ve come full circle with the title of this post and the primary reason I tend to outsource my boys. Good luck to anyone still out there clawing it out with this selection. Good luck and Godspeed.
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maeskia · 6 years ago
In the old room of Dalaran sat a weary soul.  This was once a place she called home between her travels. Now it was a temporary spot until she could move all her current clothing to the lounge.
Maeskia sat at her vanity picking up bottles of crimson colors.  A good swirl of each was given as she waited for the other to stir awake in the bed.    The clinks of the bottles being set down on the wood brought an odd peace to her.
The Sin’dorei had been through a rough week, but in the arms of a wolf, she formulated a plan.  A place to hide and create a safe haven.  One where hopefully others would not follow. A public place would be to busy dangerous for them to even attempt an attack on her life.
Those who were after her had their reasons. There was another hidden home Maeskia had once occupied. In it rested a sweet mage, induced to sleep until her time was needed.  Isendre was the source of Mae’s growing power.  The young mage was known for her chaotic magic, the power had caught Mae’s eyes more than once.  Now she was able to harvest it as she pleased.  Well almost, for Sylrissa had gotten in the way of her full plans.
The priestess know as Sylrissa had found out about it her sister was up to something. A simple trick crafted by the light welding woman had locked Mae away for several weeks. Many vain attempts were made by Syl to find where the young innocent mage had been hidden.  All of them fruitless, but by luck, Mae had been freed.  
Yet with Theron and Sylrissa now on her heels, Mae did not bother to go check on Isendre.   The mark given by Theron would lead him right to the power source she worked so hard to capture.  She could not allow that.
Lucky for Mae, she had struck a deal with a man named Percy.  A wicked human she barely knew was sent to find another source, her own daughter.  The timing of her daughter being brought to her could not have been better.
“Where... LET ME GO!”  A sudden cried came from the bed as the precious said daughter woke to shake at her bonds.  The one called Ravenmourn to her friends had no clue that was not her true name.  The spell breaker fought with all her might against the leather straps that held her to the bed.
“Melarue, is that any way to greet your mother?”  Maeskia purred but did not rise from her vanity.  She instead picked up a vial of clear liquid.  The witch took a sniff of the ‘prefume’ inside to make sure it was the right one.  “It has been a long time since I have seen you, child. I am rather disappointed in you.  I offered you to a place where you could have ruled.  Instead, they are no more and you sit in taverns drinking your life away.”
“What the fuck lady!  I dunno who Melarue is but let me go.  I have friends who will hunt you down and skin you alive.”  Raven yelled at the top of her lungs. It was a total lie, after her transformation to a Ren’dorei from Sin’dorei the warrior had done nothing but what her mother had said.  She drank away her time unless she was playing a lowly sellsword.
Annoyed Maeskia rose from her bench with the bottle in hand.  Right over to Raven she walked and grasped ahold of the daughter's chin.  By force, she poured the potion down the throat of her own blood.  
“Ravenmourn *was* my surname.  Duskwhisper is your last name and Melarue was your birth name.” Mae carried on as Raven sputtered and choked on the vile taste in her mouth.  For whatever reasons she felt the need to correct her daughter on the name she went by.  “I was tempted to end your life but see I can no longer walk among the Sin’dorei. So I need your blood alive and well.  I will take what is mine and let you live but this is your one chance to make yourself something foolish girl.”
Before long the bonded woman fell silent back into sleep.  Maeskia frowned, for she could not get a good collection of blood with the poison in it to keep the other calm.  There was always some prick that kept her plans at slow progress.
The Sin’dorei stood in the middle of her room to summon forth the most trusted demon.   Sylia her succubus. The creature stepped forth from the ritual circle to look about the room.  The demon wrapped arms and wings around Maeskia for she had not seen her mistress for far too long.
“You no longer carry my mark Lady Mae, what has happened to you.”  Sylia tone full of worried as she tried to smother the other woman.  Skin once covered in runes, worn nothing now but one on the back of her hand and another fresh on her shoulder.
Never one to return the affection, Maeskia pushed Sylia back.  “My sister happens, now my daughter is here, and I have no one to tend to Isendre.  Theron put a mark on me where I cannot lie to him.  So I have a favor for you.  Take this woman here to Isendre.  Collect blood from them both and bring it back to me.”
“I need to take part in a new elf, a Ren’dorei.  No longer this game of half there and a half here.  I need the change to be full but I can’t do it without their blood for it is the key to keep the voices away.”
“I would like them both kept alive but not to remember me and I need them in reach.  How you go about that don’t tell me.  Theron might ask me where to find them at any point now.”  Mae shivered at that name, he could be a true challenge for her.
“Of course Mistress.  I will do your bidding and we can talk once I am done.”  Sylia asked as she turned to free the Ravenmourn from her bed.
“Two nights, then I am moving to the lace lounge.  Hurry, for I have to pack and need that blood.”  Mae shooed on her succubus with the sleeping daughter in her arms.
Mentions my alts @isendrehighvale @laceandhalos @isendrehighvale
Rp stories blending together @waroftwowolves @theron-darksunder @thalsianiii
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beatricebidelaire · 6 years ago
sugar honey ice & tea
featuring: Kit Snicket, R, the Duchess of Winnipeg, Bertrand Baudelaire, Frank Denouement, Ernest Denouement
summary: Kit, R, Bertrand and Frank (or Ernest) play bridge in a room in the Hotel Denouement.
word count: ~2.6K
title from Bring Me The Horizon’s song
alt: ao3
Frank and Bertrand reached 5D, and Bertrand laid out his cards as R led the King of Hearts.
“Thanks,” Frank said curtly, frowning a little.
“Good luck. I considered trying for slam,” Bertrand admitted, and then studied Frank for a moment. “And your expression is making me thinking I should have.”
“I’m just planning on how to play this hand,” Frank replied evenly. “Low, please.”
“Yeah, that’s just his usual thinking expression,” Kit assured Bertrand. “It’s close, though I might’ve cuebid the spades.”
“I think you meant certainly,” R raised an eyebrow. “And the results might’ve paid out.”
“Only when I’m feeling bold,” Kit laughed. “Which I guess, when playing bridge, is fairly often.”
They continued with the hand, and 5D made eventually.
“6 Diamonds is cold, isn’t it?” R questioned, counting the tricks in her head.
“If I finesse the right side for the club queen, then I’ll be making 6,” Frank said. “There’s not enough clues though.”
“I always feel like you’re great at finding the queens at times that matter,” Kit sipped the ice tea and chewed on the ice cubes while R redealt the cards. “Like, not when it’s just overtricks, like now, but if it’s a matter of make or going down, then you guess the correct side more often than not.”
“Sometimes it’s also because when the contract’s on the line, you could only finesse for a certain side, though,” Bertrand said, thoughtfully. “By the way, stop stealing my tea, K.”
“Mine ran out of ice cubes,” Kit shrugged.
“I’m half-convinced that Frank’s just great at peeking,” R handed out the newly dealt cards to everyone.  Her face lit up slightly at her cards, and opened 2NT.
“Please,” Frank rolled his eyes, “if anyone ever saw me doing that, then it’s Ernest they saw.”
“You really need to stop using that line every time someone accuses you of something,” R said, unimpressed. “No one else does that.”
“Yeah, not even me, and I have a twin,” Kit shook her head. She responded to R’s 2NT with a 3C, and looked glad to see the 3H response.
“Because no one confuses you and Jacques,” Frank argued. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Ernest does that.”
“Technically, I don’t think he ever said ‘if anyone ever saw me doing that, then it’s Ernest they saw’,” Bertrand countered.
“Actually, he might’ve when he’s pretending to be Frank,” R said thoughtfully. “But I guess that still files this under Frank’s unique traits if people are only doing this when pretending to be him.”
R and Kit reached a small slam of hearts after a series of cuebids and asks, and Bertrand considered over which card to lead.  
“Though I suppose in a similar situation, I could say that ‘if anyone saw me doing that, that’s Beatrice disguised as me’,” Kit mused, laying down her cards for R. “Good luck, I think this one has great chance.  Don’t you love my nice club suit?”
“Ohhh, thanks, that definitely looks helpful,” R grinned as she studied Kit’s hand. “In all honesty, that does sound like something Beatrice would do.”
“I disagree, B wouldn’t want to do some action that K doesn’t want to be associated with as K --  not for K’s sake, but just because it’s probably something she would love to be attached with her name and won’t want someone else taking the credit.”
“Classic Beatrice,” Frank shook his head roughly.
“What latest thing in the hotel has she broken lately?” Kit asked, half-amused.
“Well, not lately, and let’s hope it stays this way,” Frank sighed, and Kit laughed.
“Well, I suppose Bertrand have a point,” R tilted her head, pausing a bit after throwing in Frank with the Ace of Spades, looking a little dreamy.  “She is rather bold and iconic that way.  It’s her charm.  Very delightful in her own style.”
The other three people stared her, and R flushed. “I’m just stating a fact!  Anyway, whatever Frank returns, you’re either giving me a ruff and discard or leading into the table’s Ace and Queen. Making six.”
“I suppose it makes it so much possible for things to happen the other way, like Kit doing something and later claiming it was Beatrice,” Frank said logically.
“Except I don’t do high profile dramatic stuff like she does and if something didn’t look dramatic enough, nobody’s going to believe it’s her, so it won’t work,” Kit said. “Beatrice and I would make great partners in crime though, balancing each other out this way.  All elements of personality traits there.”
Frank and R exchanged a look, the expressions on their faces indicating they’re thinking about the same thing.  Bertrand, on the other hand, teased directly, “Ah, your favorite brand of romance, isn’t it, K?”
“Shut up, B,” Kit glared at him.
“She’s not here now, you don’t need to tell her to shut up,” Bertrand said slyly, and R’s and Frank’s smiles turned into outright laughter.
“Shut up, all of you,” Kit huffed.  She turned her attention to the bidding sequence, ignoring them, and then studied the hand she had.  After some consideration, she doubled the 3NT.
“Wow,” Frank said, raising an eyebrow. “there’s no need for that.”
“Oh, this is absolutely just about the cards,” Kit smiled, a little sweet and a little menacing. “I compartmentalize well.  You’re going down, boys.” She drank the ice tea from Frank’s glass this time, crunching on the ice cubes.  All others passed, and Kit led the Diamond King.
Frank laid out the Dummy’s hand and Bertrand studied it in concentration, planning out his route. “Well,” he said slowly, deliberately, “game on, Snicket.”
R and Kit settled in 3S, and Bertrand led a small diamond.
“How are things in the hotel lately?” R asked. “King please.” She directed Kit.
“We finally got a new popcorn machine,” Frank said, covering the K with Ace.   He surveyed the Dummy, and decided to switch to a heart.
“This is a hotel, not a movie theater,” R pointed out, reasonably. “What do you need it for?”  She counted the number of hearts in both dummy and in hand, and frowned at the card Frank returned, then looked at Bertrand suspiciously.
Bertrand met her gaze and calmly ruffed the heart.
“Good thing I didn’t go game, though it seems like 3S is in danger as well,” Kit commented. “Also it’s for movie night. By the way, I think it’s my turn to pick what to watch again.”
Frank tried to remember who picked the movie for the past couple of times. “... I’m quite certain you just like, skipped Ernest.”  He paused a little, studied the cards, and then played the King as Bertrand led a club, looking relieved when it held, then returned a heart ready for Bertrand to ruff again.
“Oh yeah, that was intentional,” Kit informed Frank. “He has bad tastes in movies.”
3S went down one at the end, and Bertrand gathered the cards together and shuffled them.  The next hand was dealt, and R preempted a 3H at the first seat. Bertrand looked conflicted for a while, but eventually decided on 3NT.
“Well, this looks like it could be fun,” Kit said as everyone else passed.  She led a heart dutifully, and grinned at R, “as the lady requested.”
“Good luck,” Frank said, “don’t know if my hand’s going to be much of use.”
“Thanks, well, it -- ”
“Might be more useful if we’re in a different contract?” Frank guessed.
“Yeah,” Bertrand admitted, “doesn’t mean this doesn’t have a chance though.  Play the jack.”
After some struggles, 3NT eventually went down 2. “Perhaps double would’ve been better,” Bertrand mused. “We could get to 5C that way.”
“Well, for this hand, probably, though 3NT could easily be the better choice if my hand my club King and Queen were hearts, so it’s really hard to say,” Frank shrugged. “Better luck next time.”
“Did you guys change the ice tea recipe?” R asked, putting down her glass after drinking it. “It tastes differently today -- oh, it’s honey, isn’t it?”
“City’s latest fashion at the moment, so I’ve been told,” Kit said wryly. “It’s very in, apparently.”
“At Hotel Denouement, we cater to our guests’ ever-changing fashion choices.” Frank said smoothly.
“Well,” Kit said archly, “I prefer my tea bitter.”
“Unfortunately,” he countered easily. “You’re not a guest here.”
The two of them engaged in some silent fight of frowns and challenging stares while Bertrand and R focused on the cards in hand.  Bertrand opened 1C, and Kit took a break from the silent fight to cover with 1S.  Frank bid 2H almost immediately.
They reached 4H fairly easily, and it was a straightforward contract that eventually went over one. Kit dealt the next hand, then opened 1H.  Frank overcalled 1NT.  R bid 2H and ended up as the final contract.
R watched in interest as Kit played, feeling something was off.  Kit should be finessing Frank for all the high spots cards, considering his overcall, yet she wasn’t doing that. And Bertrand did turn out to have some of those spot cards too, which was … interesting. “That’s a really light overcall,” she said as they finished up the board, the clues clicking in.
“We’re nonvul,” “Frank” said, as if that explained the situation. It did sounded like a legit explanation, but also an evasive enough one.
“True,” Bertrand agreed easily, “pass the sugar, will you, E? Hope both honey and sugar are enough to stop K from drinking my tea after she finished all her ice cubes.”
“Frank” -- well, Ernest, really -- blinked for a moment and then shrugged. “Fine, I guess the light overcall really gave it away.  Frank doesn’t do that, does he?”
“Frank might lean on the aggressive side when trying for game, but he sticks to certain principles,” R said, “And Dewey bids more conservatively, so I’ve started suspecting it’s you halfway through this board.”
“Amateur,” Kit scoffed, “I noticed the moment he sat down, try to keep up.”
“Me too,” Bertrand chimed in. “Though admittedly it was only because K gave him a deathly glare. Why did you think I just passed 2H?”
“Good decision,” Ernest smirked. “We cooperate so nicely.  I should come play with you guys more often.”
The bidding for the next board got really competitive, everyone having something to bid.  The contracted ended up as R declaring 5H doubled, though she wondered if she should’ve doubled Ernest’s 4S instead, considering the difference between E and F’s style.
Ernest doubled R’s 5H immediately when it was his turn, giving R a sharp grin, and the fact that Kit didn’t redouble made R feel like the contract was definitely going down.
It did.
“Would 4S have make?” R asked, already suspecting the answer.
“Absolutely not, with the hand E has,” Bertrand said, amused. “Thanks for saving us from that.”
“Sorry,” R told Kit, and Kit waved it away.
“It’s fine,” she said, “hmm, I feel like you’re always quite hesitant to double though. You should try a little more, it adds to the fun.”
“Like playing with knives,” Ernest added, “figuratively.”
“Speaking of literally and figuratively, I heard about what happened last week to Gustav’s script, did Beatrice and Olaf really changed all the ‘literally’ and ‘figuratively’ in the script because they didn’t like their roles?” Kit asked.
“They did,” R said. “Crossing out everyone one of those in the script from typewriter by pen.  Like … read through the whole script in one night and finished changing all of them.”
“That requires some dedication,” Ernest commented. “Wish they do these kind of things more often instead of experimenting with, I don’t know, our new hotel popcorn machine. I don’t want it to explode.”
“Dedication? More like pettiness and too much time on hand,” Kit shook her head.  She saw R’s expression, and said drily, “and now R’s thinking that it’s dedication on Beatrice’s part and pettiness and too much free time on Olaf’s part.”
“Well, am I wrong?” R asked defiantly.
“Only 50%,” Ernest said smoothly. “The Beatrice part, in case you’re wondering.”
Frank and Bertrand reached 3NT, and Kit tried to get Bertrand to tell her why he and Beatrice got briefed with a secret mission last week.
“I don’t even need to know what the mission is, I’m just, out of professional, non-personal interest, want to know why they choose you and Beatrice to work on it. Well, and knowing what it is would be a bonus too, but not strictly necessary.”
“And people said I’m the one who couldn’t get over Beatrice,” R whispered to Frank.
“Not mutually exclusive,” Frank told her, in an equally low voice.
“No offense but that,” Bertrand said drily, “sounds like the exact opposite of professional and non-personal.”
Kit considered a bit, then said slowly, “You know how J still thinks you’re the model driver you let him think you are on your first date? Like, no clue at all about how you actually drive?  And I can rectify this situation any second?”
Bertrand narrowed his eyes slightly, “Don’t play your trump card too early, K, you never know what you’ll force out.”
“This is a notrump contract, there are no trump cards to play,” R interrupted them.
“Did Gustav convince you to join in the literally versus figuratively agenda?” Frank asked, hiding a laugh.
Kit and Bertrand ignored them, and R told Frank, “we should get some popcorn, this looks like it’ll take a while.”
“It’s right next door, I’ll go grab it really quick,” Frank said quickly, hurrying out of the room.  When he came back, someone else was with him.
“I heard there’s drama and popcorn and I don’t want to miss it,” Ernest said cheerfully, grabbing a chair.
“I’m just saying, I’ve got secrets on you too,” Bertrand said to Kit calmly.
“Can I interrupt? Because if this is in reference to Beatrice, then we all knew about it, not just you,” Ernest pointed out, then grabbed a bite of popcorn.
“To be fair, isn’t Jacques still the only who doesn’t know how he drives either?” R said.
“Ah, so everyone’s just keeping quiet for potential blackmail material, my favorite kind of scene,” Ernest nodded sagely. “Continue.”
“Frank, hand me some popcorn so I can throw it at your brother,” Kit said.
“Does Beatrice really not know?” Frank asked sceptically, ignoring Kit’s request.
“Beatrice is … surprisingly unobservant in certain aspects, all things considering,” R said neutrally.  Everyone turned to stare at her. She blinked. “I mean like, just in general, you know, not particularly referencing anything.”
“Makes one wonder if she would believe it coming from someone else, doesn’t it? She must’ve already heard all sorts of rumors about people having a crush on her.” Ernest mused. “Which might turn Bertrand’s leverage into nothing substantial.”
Kit slowly grinned. “Wow, I’m hiring you as my next scheming consultant.”
Ernest raised an eyebrow, and saluted her half-mockingly, “Ernest Denouement, at your service, Ma’am.”
Bertrand turned his gaze on Frank, “Why did you have to bring him in?”
“I’m wounded, and we partnered so well together last time,” Ernest said, shaking his head, putting one hand on his chest dramatically.
Kit looked at Bertrand, a smile playing on her lips. “So?”
“Okay,” Bertrand sighed. “You win, I’ll tell you about the mission later, alright? Just. Don’t tell Jacques ….. Please. And I don’t just mean the mission.”
“Deal,” Kit said immediately. She picked surveyed the table and the already played cards. “Well, let’s get back to the board, shall we?”
One of the Denouement triplets stood up, “I’ll leave you guys to it, then.  I should get back to work.”
“So,” R said brightly, “who wants more ice tea?”
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italicwatches · 7 years ago
Animal Sentai Zyuohger - Episode 01
That’s right, lords and ladies. It’s time. We have journeyed far and wide, we have seen many things…But at last, it is TIME, TO, DO A TOKUSATSU SERIES AGAIN! And we’re picking up right where we left off with 2016’s Super Sentai series, Zyuohger! It’s Animal Sentai Zyuohger, episode 01! Here we GO!
-Some educational stuff about how there are estimated to be as many as 8 million animal species on Earth, but only 1.2-ish have been discovered…Then into the woods, where one Kazakiri Yamato is leading a group of children and families in watching some animals…I mean, until his colleague Mario is sneaking around in a deer costume. And we get to see Yamato put an egg back into a nest way up in a tree to show he is a Good Guy.
-Oh no, his good luck charm fell out of his bag! And sends him flying down the side of the hill to try and retrieve it…Only for the odd cube to start to glow. And then there’s a massive one floating over the water, with an opening for his cube in turn! IN a flash, this giant thing spins, tumbles, and cracks open, sucking him in…!
-And spilling him out in front of a bunch of animal-headed people.
-…So the background animal folks are wearing those internet horse masks.
-I’m just gonna…I’m just gonna put that out there. So these four color coded noteworthy people are…Leo the lion, Sela the shark, Tusk the elephant, and Amu the tigress. Talking animal people! And that’s when Yamato realizes that all their structures are very cuboid. Is he in Minecraft?!
-Man, I missed translated lyrics so much.
-Episode 01: Thrills in Animal Land!
-Cut to…A giant space station…That’s a bow and arrow.
-DAMN, these villains don’t fuck around. So we’ve got Genis, the man in charge, and then each of his generals…And they’re looking to Earth as their 100th conquest…Damn it’s just celebratory numbers all around.
-Meanwhile, Yamato is getting to see Zealand, the land of zyumans. And also that giant box gets the name the Link Cube. These four protect it. But without the Champion’s Symbol, they cannot open it…Ever since that symbol was stolen…And that’s when Yamato remembers. When he got his lucky charm…A figure put it into his hands when he was but a child…
-Which Tusk promptly pulls out, having plucked out of his things, to ask where the hell Yamato got it. But back on Earth, hey, it’s one of the villains! Who summons up mooks, called Moebas, and starts kicking up fire! Ohhh dear.
-Back in Zyuland, Leo is furious…When the Link Cube starts to react viciously! This is bad. This has to be bad. But Yamato, with no other options on the board, grabs his cube back and shoves it into the slot just as he did to end up here…
-Which sends him, and the four guardians, through the portal, where they find the forest being attacked and lit aflame…And the guardians feel the fury, the hate, deep in their bones. It locks them up, puts terror deep into them…While Yamato sees one of the kids from his tour group go down, and get cornered. His legs are moving before he can think, and he snatches the boy right out of the line of fire…
-And the monster introduces himself. They are the Deathgaliens, and this planet is the site of his people’s new Blood Game…He fires wildly, viciously, and one of his shots hits the Link Cube, damaging it! The guardians, faced with no choice, take up their remaining Champion’s Symbols…
-And they react to their will, ancient shells shattering to reveal incredibly toyetic transformation devices! Which even snap open to reveal phone screens! INSTINCTS AWAKENED! With a turn, they bring them to life, and are forged in armor!
-Champion of the surging waves, ZYUOH SHARK! Champion of the savannah, ZYUOH LION! Champion of the forest, ZYUOH ELEPHANT! Champion of the snowy drifts, ZYUOH TIGER! Animal Sentai, ZYUOHGER! Out go the mooks…
-And with roars, the four leap in, unleashing their wrath upon those who would threaten innocent life! Wrath sufficient to quickly kick something on…Namely, BEASTS UNLEASHED! A weapon born of their inherent power as zyumans. For Shark, a fin to cut through the air like water. For Lion and Tiger, claws as sharp as any blade. And for Elephant, mighty boots that can shatter the ground underfoot!
-Of course, we also have the Zyuoh Buster, the nifty combination sword/gun with toyetic gimmicks. You’re gonna hear that a lot here if you’ve never seen a Super Sentai series. And Yamato grabs up his own Champion’s Symbol, deciding he can’t let them fight alone…While a sixth is recovered by a hooded figure…
-Some of the Moebas have gotten up into the air on jetpacks, and they manage to throw enough chaos into the fray that the villain can blast all four Zyuohgers right in the chest…Until Yamato races in, grabbing his cannon and forcing it off-mark! He of course gets beaten for his trouble…But dammit, innocent people, innocent lives, are in danger. Humans, animals, there are lives at stake…And he doesn’t dare stand idly by while that’s happening!
-Please…Please, let him fight. Let this damn thing WORK! What’s the difference between a human and a zyuman?! Humans are but animals, evolved apes…
And that’s all they need to be. Yamato’s will reaches into the core of the Symbol, and it too breaks its shell, forming into his own transformation device…! With a turn, it activates, and grants him the power of the EAGLE! Just as the figure who granted it to him….INSTINCTS AWAKENED! Champion of the soaring sky, ZYUOH EAGLE!
-BEAST UNLEASHED! With crimson wings he soars, going after the airborne Moebas and carving them out of his skies! The power is overwhelming, like nothing he’s ever felt before…A freedom like none other.
-By the time he’s grounded, Eagle’s got his Eagle Riser, a classic Red-style extendomatic sword with some slick whip action. In seconds, he’s bound the villain, the monster of the week, unleashing a RISER SPINNING SLASH to cut him apart! He shatters into nothing but colorful squares and explosions, and Eagle has made his claim clear. The Earth, is under his protection.
-Back up in the ship, Genis has suddenly found himself intrigued. He cracks a Continue, and passes it to the one lady of the team, Naria. Go deliver this to him. See what he does with it.
-And indeed she arrives, popping the token in the slot…Aaand he gets big! In the first episode?! Jeez, we’re not fucking around. The Symbols react, and when given the go-ahead by the Zyuohgers, begin to glow, summoning massive cubes! ZYUOH CUBE! Cubes that unfurl into Minecraft-looking giant animals, with the Zyuohgers piloting them! CUBE EAGLE, CUBE SHARK, CUBE LION, CUBE ELEPHANT, CUBE TIGER!
-More and more arrowhead-ships come pouring out of the Big Bow, firing upon the Cube Animals…This whole fight is a new scale, as they have everything from disaster rescue to raw combat to worry about…Until three flaming portals appear, more strength from the Link Cube’s power. In go Eagle, Shark and Lion, hyper-charging their Cube Animals…For a three-way Animal Combination!
-EAGLE, SHARK, LION! The cubeslink…THREE, TWO, ONE! And a post is driven through their cores, as they unreal into a very minecraft-looking ZYUOH KING! Fuck yeah giant robots. Zyuoh King strides forth, no-selling everything this Monster of the Week-ass fucker can throw at them, until it’s blade versus cannon…And the cannon just doesn’t have enough to match up to a sword ablaze with three wills! They charge, and unleash the ZYUOH SLASH! One solid strike through the core, and this MotW falls!
-And when it’s over…Well, they still can’t go back to Zyuland. Because now a different Symbol is missing. So, Leo’s not happy. Like, at all. Yamato volunteers to try and help them figure out a plan…And Leo finally comes around to the guy.
-Oh, and they also have one more useful trick from their Symbols…A disguise. Human forms. Well, mostly human. Ignore the tails. …And then Tusk dramatically refuses Yamato’s help, not wanting to be in this human’s debt?! …Well shit, guess we got out first plot arc.
-Credits! Gather around, animals! Here on Mother Earth!
Ohhh man I missed this shit. Just big ol’ goofy melodrama and fun. Of course, any toku series is a big commitment, often around 50 episodes…So strap in for a long ride, my friends. We’re gonna be here a while. But first, we’ve got to make Tusk quit being such a prick, next time in episode TWO of Animal Sentai Zyuohger! Wait for it!
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siliconpalms · 4 years ago
Stone Town on Zanzibar the Spice Island
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The name “Stone Town” comes from the ubiquitous use of coral stone as the main construction material; this stone gives the town a characteristic, reddish warm colour. Zanzibar exudes mystique in it’s name and earned it’s place in the collective consciousness as the Spice Island.
Lady Luck has given me another winning combo with an invitation to participate in the development of a Cannabis…
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bantamsquash · 5 years ago
Humankind Be Both Shirt
Humankind Be Both Shirt
Humankind Be Both Shirts Since ancient times, there has been a popular saying in China that: “The horse is unobtrusive, the rich man has no wealth.” This sentence means that if a horse doesn’t eat the night grass, it will not be fat. Having a working plan, making money will not be rich.
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The poor often expect luck and trust in the opportunity to change their lives in the blink of an eye. Humankind…
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gaypornshack1 · 5 years ago
New Gay Profile Alert!
What’s up all you guys and gals out there! We have some exciting news and wanted to share it with our community because it’s fun (really no other reason… LOL)!
Today’s Extravaganza
So, today I thought to myself… why not create a new profile on pornhub.com. After all, it is one of the best porn platforms on the planet. They have amazing gay videos AND their premium plan is free right now. “Why not?” I asked myself.
The Process
I wondered over to their site and it was really simple to find how to create my profile. I filled out the form and WALLAH! All said and done. Now, I may or may not start posting videos (tickler alert… hehe). If anyone wants to check that out or, hell, maybe this article inspires someone out there to create a free profile. WHY NOT?
A New Profile is Born
Anyways, here’s the link to my new profile:
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Super easy and free to make a profile at pornhub!
Ladies and gentlemen, it was easy as pie. I highly recommend doing it and becoming a free premium member for the time being. Good luck out there and happy porn time!
from WordPress https://gaypornshack.wordpress.com/2020/05/06/new-gay-profile-alert/
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