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sunderedandundone · 6 months ago
In which UrSkeks are actually very dramatic
So fam, I’ve been working really hard on the Twice-Nine, and it’s winding up being less of a survey of their crimes against UrSkekdom than it is a survey of UrSkekdom’s crimes against them. XD
SoSu the Philosopher: Was an incredibly psychically-strong and headstrong (probably not unrelated) young UrSkek whose passions often got the better of them, and while this was generally more disruptive than harmful, as we know, UrSkek society tends to consider disruption itself a form of harm. So at an unconscionably young age, they were forced to choose between Exile and Purgation (the editing of their personality and erasure of ‘problem’ memories), and while the therapy certainly seemed to have took, it must not’ve took that well, because they continued over their career (which was in all other aspects illustrious) to maintain a suspect interest in the reconciliation of their society with its discontents, which theories eventually developed into their infamous Heresy…and the Heresy itself committed the incredibly awful crime of proving attractive to a number of UrSkeks, particularly the young ones. Whom SoSu was accused of deliberately corrupting. Oops.
ZokZah the Presbyter: Their ‘crime’ was coming out of the Chorion (the UrSkek-spawning chamber, basically) with a natural tendency toward sadism [with a touch of masochism included] -- which a more tolerant society might have been able to help them better sublimate into their spiritual work, and/or channel into safe/sane/consensual activities; but Homeworld was not that society. As a result, their entire life story was one of ice-cold self-repression and flawless hypocrisy. They thought the Heresy might be their compassionate answer at long last. And it might have been, but obviously we can’t have that.
SilSol the Musician: Wasn’t spawned with anything especially wrong with them, except for being astonishingly talented which arguably is a bit of a flaw; but somewhere along the way they twigged to the fact that their perfect classless harmonious society that totally didn’t have power relations, totally DID have them. So they started studying this interestingly contradictory phenomenon the way most very intelligent people would have, with comparative sociology, which unfortunately involved a lot of consumption of ::whispers:: foreign cultural material from more primitive societies. And while yes we do study primitive societies, we’re not supposed to do it like THAT, and we’re definitely not supposed to put stuff we’re learning from them about how to influence and persuade other people into PRACTICE. And Crystal itself help you if you turn out to be good at it…even when you’re doing it for what you consider the best cause ever, like OH SAY A REVOLUTIONARY HERESY. (SilSol also had quite a fan base as a composer and performing artist, which did kind of the opposite of helping their case when trial time rolled around.)
GraGoh the Explorer: Was an unfortunate case of incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and Crystal knows the Eldest did what they could. When the young former Rigger from the outer colonies proved to be too rough-hewn and jostling for the refined precincts of Homeworld (they thought practical jokes were actually funny, for one thing), the Council decided to spare the rod and try to educate them in the graces by sending them to the Academy, where they were supposed to finally learn to be a proper UrSkek. And what did they learn instead? Heresy! Honestly. They didn’t even try to resist the slide into depravity; indeed, quite the contrary, they decided to become one of SoSu’s most prominent and enthusiastic disciples. So really, what else was there to do?
AyukAmaj and EktUtt: Fell in love. This may seem fearfully pedestrian to the savage likes of the Gelfling (and let’s not even talk humans), but in UrSkek society this is both an incredibly alien, hard-to-imagine aberration, and a crime against the ironclad obligation to love all one’s fellow UrSkeks fairly and equally. Like…absolutely fairly and equally. No matter what. No playing favorites. Yes OF COURSE love and friendship are high virtues among UrSkek, but again -- just not like -- that. What do you two think you’re doing, seriously, you don’t even have physical bodies to conventionally sin with but I guess where there’s a will, etc?
NaNol the Botanist: Was a spy. Not that they knew they were a spy, mind: UrSkeks don’t have spies, and if they did have them, what they were doing would not be spying. In fact the Botanist’s whole problem was they didn’t have any actual name or conceptual box to put the thing in that a few naughty Eldest were making them do -- especially to the plant-stored planetary-memory records they were supposed to be nurturing and protecting. I mean, it must be all right somehow, because it was Eldest asking; but then why did it have to be such a secret; but then why was it even their business, since it was records about stuff that happened eons before anyone they knew was spawned; but then if it didn’t really matter because it was all so long ago, why were they still being asked to -- **melts into quiet gibbering noises** But in any case…such a pity that it was their fellow Heretics that they eventually decided to confess their nameless burning sins to. More normal UrSkeks would have known enough to just shut up and do what they were told.
HakHom the Architect and YiYa the Builder: Didn’t know that the technical term for what they were was frenemies; they thought they were just friends. Who competed for the same non-virtual architectural gigs, which HakHom just happened to win more often than YiYa, which was also why HakHom ended up outranking YiYa. But of course there was never any trouble putting that behind them when it came time for them to work together hand-in-glove on the winning projects; Homeworld is a place of harmony after all, with architecture being one of a very, very few fields where there even was still anything resembling competition. Nor did YiYa carry any grudges against HakHom for dragging them out to these crazy salons and forums this weird Professor SoSu kept holding. As a friend, they were simply looking out for their friend’s mental and spiritual cultivation, and after all these were merely dialogues about how everyone, even the most erring UrSkek, could better be brought back to the bosom of the Crystal and the collective soul of their people through the transforming power of compassion and honesty. What was there to object to? And later, when the Eldest were investigating because apparently there was something to object to -- and they needed someone to infiltrate and report on the increasingly worryingly Heretical gatherings -- who would blame YiYa for assisting them with that high-minded work? Certainly not HakHom, who understood and deeply regretted their grievous sin in doing…well, there must have been something terribly wrong with the whole thing. Even if Professor SoSu did have both a sterling reputation and the high permissions as a Councilmember needed to access the Crystal for experimental rites if they deemed fit! And just because even after giving the Council all that help, YiYa still found themselves exiled right alongside all the unrepentant criminals, that was no reason to take out any frustrations on their old partner, who hadn’t exactly been in control of the proceedings either after all. Surely the Eldest had their good reasons…so…yeah. Definitely nothing there for either the Architect or the Builder to hold against one another in the immediate aftermath of their souls being torn asunder to set all the Twice-Nine’s ids free.
LachSen the Gnostic: Was an ex-cultist. No, I’m not joking. Although they’re scattered and vanishingly few, there are places even yet on Homeworld where some UrSkeks practice Heresies in the much more old-fashioned sense -- that is to say, disapproved spiritual rites and disciplines, which are generally holdovers from pre-Ascension cultures. Young LachSen’s group was no exception: indeed, it dated from that supremely turbulent era just pre-Ascension, when some UrSkeks fervently believed that through the practice of radical enough asceticism and self-lessness, their kind could attain a permanent ecstatic group consciousness, such as they had heard group minds from other worlds speak of with such reverence and serenity. (No wonder SkekLach wasn’t so keen on the Ascendancy…) This belief turned out to be more a denial of the UrSkeks’ own nature than even the ancestors of the Council of Eldest could tolerate. But LachSen’s group still stubbornly clung to this more-or-less impossible ideal, and to an ancient sub-Crystal of their own which gave barely enough energy for them to subsist on; but since privation was what they craved, that was fine. As they matured, LachSen found themselves questioning the group’s ways and eventually ran far away to Crystalgate City on the great peninsula, blending in with the other UrSkeks as best they could. But it was more difficult than they could ever have imagined, blending in with people from so different a worldview -- and they remained always torn in their feelings toward their old kin, their penitent, self-denying monkish side and their newly-discovered love of plenty and peace among the Crystalgaters. Thus, they were prime and easy ‘prey’ for a new Heresy, particularly one that claimed to embrace the lost and lonely, even the strangest of Deviancies…
ShodYod the Mathematician: TBD
SaSan the Marine Biologist: TBD. I’m not sure that Heresy was something she came into in the course of her work. She’s just such a strong personality at base. I expect her to be tricky.
VarMa the Seal-Bearer: TBD, but however they came to it, they definitely they would have been SoSu’s #1 fan and most loyal acolyte.
MalVa the Guide: TBD, although they would have been exposed to a lot of ‘foreign ideas’ in the course of their work, so that may be how they first got into trouble. :-) I have a tiny inkling they may even have been a bit of an anti-colonialist, which would be a problem for other UrSkeks even though other UrSkeks will swear up and down that they’re not even sort of colonialists. ;oP
TekTih the Inventor: TBD. TekTih was an Inventor, which kind of by definition meant they were a bit more ‘interferey’ than the average UrSkek, but that in itself isn’t quite enough to push a sib into Heresy, so I’m going to have to think about it some more.
UngIm the Restorer: TBD. However, there wouldn’t be much call for actual restoring work on other UrSkeks on Homeworld, the species having long since left death, disease and war behind. Therefore, they were likely either more of a veterinarian, or else had a history of traveling around on colony worlds, where again as noted, an UrSkek can run not only into disturbing concepts, but into disturbing events of the sort that flesh-and-blood beings are all too easily prey to. Which provides restoring work, of course, but not only that.
OkAc the Scholar: TBD, though it’s harder to think of places a Scholar couldn’t get themselves into doctrinal trouble than places they could. XD
LiLii: TBD. But – yanno – I mean, it’s LiLii. I have a feeling that like GraGoh, they may just have an unfortunate habit of annoying others, particularly with blurted-out inconvenient truths, and certainly they had a mischievous turn for an UrSkek.
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wohingehtes · 7 months ago
11. Juni, Dienstag
Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir zum Mashu hinauf. Dieser Kratersee soll die höchste Wasserklarheit der Welt haben. Die Berge und Wolken spiegeln sich darin, er ist unglaublich blau. - Dann "besichtigen" wir den Ort Kawayuonsen. Letztes Jahr sind 4 Häuser zusammengebrochen, am belebtesten ist das Altenheim. In den Souvenirläden lagert ausgeblichener Ramsch. - Dann rattern wir über Feldwege zum Kaminoko-Ike, der durch irgendwelche Algen türkis leuchtet. - Weiter gehts zum Sakura-Wasserfall, wo wir den Lachsen beim vergeblichen Springen zugucken. - Am Kussharo-See, Sanayu-Onsen stecken wir die Füsse in den heißen Sand am Ufer und kühlen sie mit Seewasser. - Den Abend verbringen wir mit den Wirtsleuten Aki und Taka und einem koreanischen Anwalt.
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artikelalex · 1 year ago
Chancen durch Gletscherschmelze: Neue Lebensräume - für Lachse oder den Bergbau?
In vielen Regionen der Welt schwinden die Gletscher – die dadurch entstehenden Flüsse und Bäche könnten Lachsen als neue Laichreviere dienen. Aber auch der Bergbau lauert schon auf das freiwerdende Land und hofft auf den Zugang zu wertvollen Bodenschätzen. Weiterlesen…
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schadenfreudich · 1 year ago
Franz is significantly more likely to use "thou" like it's normal but I'm more likely to use it when I have to make a bad joke. Like "I can prove that 'du lachst' (ks sound, based on lachsen (made up) and not lachen(real)) also works in english. Thou salmonst!"
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reikiajakoiranruohoja · 3 years ago
TDC Headcanon: The Twice-Nine and Urskekia
Since I've been working on the background and history of the canon urskeks for a good while, yet I have done nothing to publish this setting for others to use, here is my urskek headcanon post.
WARNING: The society I'm describing is extremely flawed and includes a lot of things that are traumatic in real life. Please take care.
Some of these headcanons come from conversations between @bogprincess-kira and me. So credit to her.
The Society
Society in Urskekia is best described as a recovering theocratic communistic state. While most current urskeks have grown in the collectivist society, many older ones still remember the old nobility.
Though the planet is now ruled by a council of urskeks of great renown, the old noble houses still have seats. The council is hoping the nobility will soon die out.
To replace the old monarchy and totalitarianism, the council has instituted mandatory orgies to produce new urskeks. This method ensures that family lines get mixed and the noble caste's blood purity is lost. This is why most of the noble houses still standing have resorted to more insular methods.
Outside the higher up politics, urskeks' are divided into castes. Though everyone, in theory, has equal treatment, there are distinct lower and middle classes born from the remnants of the old monarchy. This divide goes into the castes as well, with the Religious and Governmental castes being the highest. The vast majority of urskeks are in the Worker caste and are thus middle-class. There is no pariah caste officially, but Expendable Soldiers and Explorers often fill that role. Though everyone can in theory join any caste, the lower class rarely rise above the worker caste.
Though the urskek society prides itself on equality, it is only equal for those of able body. As the urskek ideal is collectivist, there is a strong push for unified looks and behaviours. The Great Crystal shines the same for everyone, so everyone must mirror its perfection. The urskek society practises eugenics as a matter of course, this practice dates to the days of the old monarchs. Being born disabled or becoming disabled are both markers of the Great Crystal's disfavour. There can not be a dissenting chord in the harmony and so many young urskeks are either culled or exiled.
Exile in general has become an alternative to the death penalty. Most exiles are expected to die, but those who survive or even thrive on new planets serve as canaries for society at large. Many formerly untamed worlds have become colonies of the urskeks. If the local aliens prove hostile, the army is sent. Though some noble families boast trained warriors, the bulk of the urskek army is made up of expendable soldiers thrown into the grinder. The modern urskek society considers itself above violence, thus most who fight in the armies are criminals or those with no other option.
As a theocracy, the urskek society reveres the Great Crystal which is the heart of their home planet. The Priest caste is seen as the voice of the Great Crystal and so holds a lot of political power. Many on the council are of the Priest caste. Any deviation from this faith is naturally seen as heresy and punished harshly.
Even though the society is harsh and there are many pitfalls, the vast majority of the urskeks live in relative comfort and keep their heads down.
The Education System
(Ages listed are equivalent to human ages.)
Urskeks spend most of their childhood with their parent(s), before being sent to learn a profession at a guild at age 7-10. Some youths go through entrance exams, while others are sponsored. Those who fail at exams or are seen as unfit for finer work are sent to become explorers or soldiers.
Regardless of the path, most young urskeks have a mentor they learn from. Only those in the designer or sustenance guilds learn from a collection of teachers.
At age 14, most urskeks are considered old enough to go into the workforce. The Priest caste remains acolytes until there is a need for another Priest.
After age 14, an urskek is generally expected to be self-sufficient and learn on their own. Though they are not considered adults until age 20, the graduate urskeks are not barred from most vices or events.
The Twice-Nine
Exiled 1950 trine ago from the capital city, the Twice-Nine are an eclectic bunch of urskeks from all walks of life and ages. What unites them, aside from their division and connection to the planet Thra, is that these exiles have formed a close-knit family with each other.
Twice-Nine in reverse order of age (given in human years);
YiYa (age of exile: 71)- YiYa was a high-ranking member of the council who was rumoured to be of old noble blood, though no house claimed him. YiYa was thoroughly corrupt and obsessed with his lineage. He was exiled when his crimes were brought to the public by SilSol.
GraGoh (age of exile:57)- A renowned explorer who grew jaded with the constant expansion of the urskeks. Never feeling part of the society, he took part in the resistance movement started by SoSu. GraGoh was exiled with his apprentices for the crime of heresy.
UngIm: (age of exile: 53)- A jaded field medic tired of the eternal war and wounds, UngIm joined GraGoh in heresy. He and his apprentice VarMa were exiled for this.
NaNol (age of exile: 41)- Already a sketchy figure as a sanitation worker, NaNol's poor impulse control caused him to 'accidentally' murder a friend. Seeing the signs of a serial killer, NaNol was promptly exiled.
ShodYod (age of exile:32)- A mild-mannered math teacher who ended up in a money-laundering racket. Mostly to feed his family. This was enough for an exile.
SaSan (age of exile; 20-ish)- One of GraGoh's apprentices, specializing in water planets. SaSan has deemed an acceptable loss due to her rebellious nature.
MalVa (age of exile:19)- the other apprentice of GraGoh, MalVa was deemed a lost cause due to his love of nature and feral behaviour.
ZokZah (age of exile:18)- A lower-class born acolyte, ZokZah was the second-in-command of SoSu's little resistance. Generally a sardonic and rebellious youth, ZokZah clawed his way up to the Priest caste by sheer determination. Harbouring a deep dislike of the noble class, ZokZha still stayed loyal to the highborn SoSu.
SoSu (age of exile:17)- A highborn child of an old noble house, SoSu's life was predetermined for him. That is until he and ZokZha butted heads and earned each other's respect. Being essentially a nothing to his parents and house, SoSu started espousing a philosophy of personal freedom. This led to his exile as a heretic.
LiLii (age of exile: 15)- One of YiYa's offspring, LiLii earned his exile by insulting one of the councillors to their face. During a mass.
SilSol (age of exile: 14-ish)- A war orphan who grew up in a 'naturalistic' orphanage outside the capital, SilSol was a gifted performer that took part in many religious masses as the head composer. An unfortunate encounter with YiYa and his public exposing of the councillor led SilSol to exile to quiet him.
EktUtt (age of exile: 14)- EktUtt was sent early to a prestigious school for designers and tailors. Though he was gifted in practical arts, he lacked a strong magic ability. Thus his education took much longer, long enough that EktUtt saw his more magical fellows burn out before graduating. EktUtt started to tutor these classmates in practical arts and was caught. For daring to think better than his teachers, EktUtt was exiled.
AyukAmaj (age of exile:14)- A rather average sustenance worker, AyukAmaj was exiled when he fed the poor more than their allotted amount.
VarMa (age of exile:13)- VarMa was seen as a dumb but strong idiot long before his exile. Thus he was tasked with helping UngIm on the field. He was exiled along with UngIm.
HakHom (age of exile: 13)- A young potential lawyer, HakHom was seen as too iconoclastic and rebellious to serve her role. Her interest in SoSu's resistance did not help. Grew up in the same orphanage as SilSol.
OkAc (age of exile:12)- OkAc was not only born a runt but also with a severely flawed vision. His parent tried to hide him, but he was eventually found out and exiled due to his disability.
TekTih (age of exile: 12)- Born a runt and after failing to put up muscle, was exiled for his disability.
LachSen (age of exile: 11)- LachSen suffered severe skin conditions and a weakened immune system. Once it was clear they failed to kick off the diseases, they were exiled. (OC-CelLoy (age of exile: 5)- SoSu's younger brother. Raised solely by SoSu. Exiled for leuticism as no creature that baulked from light could be an urskek.)
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candythemew · 4 years ago
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Assorted doodles. Gotta Pracice my Gelfs! In Order: {skekLach and skekOk as skeklings} {LachSen} {ARE YOU WINNING SON?!} {Kira and Fizzgig} Done in Aggie.io and MS Paint.
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bogprincess-kira · 5 years ago
Response to @dork-crystal
Urskek Pokémon Types
This version is based on a lot of headcanon/AU, but I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring. Maybe the ones that don't match up to the original are secondary types?
SoSu: Dark
SilSol: Psychic
UngIm: Rock
TekTih: Electric
ZokZah: Ghost
VarMa: Fighting
EktUtt: Flying
AyukAmaj: Grass
OkAc: Ice
LachSen: Poison
NaNol: Steel
GraGoh: Fire
MalVa: Bug
SaSan: Water
ShodYod: Ground
LiLii: Normal
YiYa: Dragon
HakHom: Fairy
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years ago
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Everyone's out there redesigning the UrSkeks because they rightfully think it's lame to have them like clones while their halves are all unique so I had to too. However I did love the fact they looked primate-feline like so I played with it inspired by Xxtabay's gallery. I really love how they all came out. But I didn't color them because their eyes aside, I had no idea how to color them. Also sadly the pen died at LiLii so I had to finish with a writing pen not made for drawing... also HC they all look like that but in the end of the movie Jen and Kira see them all alike not only because they all wear the same white prisonner clothes they must wear now they come back to their world but also because the 2 Gelflings are blinded by how much the UrSkeks glow white, glowing out of intense emotion now they are whole again. Anatomically wise, we know they have elf ears and fangs in the comics, but also HC they have 8 teats, 4 arms, a tail, feathers, blue blood and a vagina and 2 penises with 3 heads each
See my older post of them for their bios : https://ben-the-hyena.tumblr.com/post/189652579387/my-personnal-take-on-the-urskek-world-an
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years ago
Since Manga!Lach has male pronouns, I can see both Lach and Sen going with both pronouns !
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crystalsundered · 5 years ago
send 🐢 for a mental health headcanon
i know i’ve hinted to this in threads, but i’d like to solidify this as a headcanon. one of the main reasons that skekLach started experimenting with poisonous and venomous specimens was to purposefully grow ill in \ hope that the increasingly self-centered court would pay more attention to them. they were the youngest of the twice-nine. although the urSkek have no concept of parental figures, they had come to embrace the gelfling and podling concept of family. they wanted their work to be acknowledged and valued. they wanted to feel loved. but the laboratory wasn’t their place, and neither was the court. they were just a rambunctious youngling whom the Emperor wanted silent and out of the way. so, they grew sullen and silent. and when their silent cries for help went unanswered, when they lost their beauty and became an object of disgust, a part of them gave up all hope of being happy. 
of course, LachSen was also partly created by TekTih, so they very much have their creator’s penchant for seeking knowledge above all else. hence the parallels between their experiments and skekTek’s self-mutilations. 
skekMara often experiences sensory over-stimulation. whenever such occurs, urLae leads her back to their cottage and closes all the curtains. then she holds her as she hums a podling lullaby. the sound of her other half’s heart beat eventually calms her down. 
skekVar secretly has generalized anxiety and intense PTSD from his time in the skeksis’ many wars. he does his best to hide such behind anger, however, or else isolates himself for a while. 
as i’ve stated in previous posts, skekUng has a major fear of attachment due to the memories of the scrutiny he faced on the homeworld, as well as the general nastiness he saw play out at court. he’s secretly touch-starved, though, and loves it when people take the time to listen to him and enjoy his work. he has fond memories of gelfling craftsman ooing and aweing over his metalwork. 
unfortunately, however, due to his increased paranoia, skekUng has a hard time distinguishing between malicious manipulation and actual kindness. so, he has a habit of destroying any close relationships before they can bloom. he’s terrified of being used and having his aspirations usurped. 
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unscharf-an-den-raendern · 3 years ago
Normaler Familienwahnsinn im Oktober, November und Dezember
Jetzt im Fernsehen “Bitte melde dich nie wieder”: Julia Leischik sucht Leute, mit denen Leute nie wieder Kontakt haben wollen.
Höcke hat nicht den Rhein begradigt.
Lebt man länger wenn man Lebkuchen isst?
Thaddäus ist kein Rumäne.
Das ist der Bundeswehr-Song “Ich geh in meine Kaserne und meine Kaserne mit mir”
Es kann sein, dass noch drei Leute dazukommen, im Abteil. - Die kriegen wir schon raus, wir müssen nur anfangen zu husten.
Du kannst dich nicht von Bela B impfen lassen!
Die neue Impfkampagne: “Impfen, morgens, mittags, abends, ich will impfen”
Das ist wie bei den Lachsen. Die ziehen ja auch den Fluss hinauf zum Laichen und dann sterben sie. - Deswegen heißt es ja auch Leiche.
Was hat Gott am siebten Tag gemacht? - Da hat er gesoffen und hat das Schnabeltier erfunden.
DDR. Was heißt das? - Deutscher Dinosaurierring
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plummyplums · 4 years ago
Some UrSkek thoughts/ideas, cut cuz it's long
skekOk the Scrollkeeper + urAk the Scribe = OkAk the Historian
These roles are quite similar; people who write and record things. Thus, this one was easy for me. OkAk would be the one who recorded and knew all of UrSkek history, and would likely have a large library.
skekAyuk the Gourmand + urAmaj the Cook = AyukAmaj the Chef
These roles go hand-in-hand, one who eats and one who cooks. Thus, I went with the logical mix; a Chef, one who improves and creates new dishes. They would obviously be the chef of the UrSkeks, providing meals for the others.
skekGra the Conqueror/Heretic + urGoh the Wanderer = GraGoh the Explorer
While I was tempted to make GraGoh an artist due to their shared interests during AoR, I went with their official titles, both known for traveling. I think GraGoh would be the type to be constantly finding new places, meeting new creatures, and relaying the things they learn to the other UrSkeks.
skekHak the ??? + urHom the Carpenter = HakHom the ???
Unfortunately, we don't know what skekHak's role was. Thus, I can't combine their roles as I did with the others. For them, I speculate that skekHak would have ended up being some sort of craftsman or builder, and it would have extended to HakHom.
skekUng the General/Garthim Master/Emperor + urIm the Healer = UngIm the Leader
After the deaths of skekSo and urSu, skekUng took over as Emperor of the Skeksis. I'm not sure what their role would have been before this, as I can't find any real comparison between them. Maybe a Medic? Like, a battle medic.
skekLi the Satirist + urLii the Storyteller = LiLii the Entertainer
Though we've never seen them, these two were also easy for me. In my mind, Lilii was the one who would come up with humor and stories to entertain the other UrSkeks, based on the halves' titles.
skekVar the General + urMa the Peacemaker = VarMa the Strategist
In the case that the UrSkeks would ever have to fight, it would come down to VarMa to figure out what to do. They're a master negotiator, but also skilled in battle when need be. All in all, they would be the one to figure out how to best face a conflict.
skekNa the Slave Master + urNol the Herbalist = NaNol the ???
Honestly, I have no idea what to do with these two. Their roles seem completely unrelated to me. If y'all can come up with something for them, let me know, I'd be excited to see.
skekSa the Mariner + urSan the Swimmer = SaSan the Sailor
Similarly to GraGoh, SaSan would be a constant traveler, the only difference being that they focused on the sea.
skekLach the Collector + urSen the Monk = LachSen the ???
These two seem like complete opposites. Honestly, I'm not sure what to do with them. Maybe something to do with sorting or rating.
skekSil the Chamberlain + urSol the Chanter = SilSol the ???
While I can't quite figure out exactly what I'd want their role to be, with their titles being so different, but I know that they were likely an assistant to whoever bore the title of Leader. Perhaps something to do with speaking, due to skekSil's tendency to mess with people through words.
skekSo the Emporer + urSu the Master = SoSu the Leader.
They were the original leader of the UrSkeks, before the role was passed to UngIm with their death.
skekTek the Scientist + urTih the Alchemist = TekTih the Researcher
They spend all of their time trying to learn new things, trying to find information about the world around them. Unlike GraGoh and SaSol, however, they don't travel, instead researching through books and experimentation.
skekEkt the Ornamentalist + urUtt the Weaver = EktUtt the Tailor
EktUtt was likely the one who provided clothing for all of the UrSkeks, and in my mind, were the most materialistic UrSkek. They like high-quality clothing that tells a story and expresses the wearer.
skekMal the Hunter and urVa the Archer = MalVa the Warrior
MalVa was likely one of the physically strongest UrSkeks, fighting/killing for food and to protect the others when needed. They likely worked closely with ValMa, both dealing with battle more than the other UrSkeks.
skekYi the ??? + urYa the ??? = YiYa the ???
Legit have no info on either of them. No idea what they could've done.
skekShod the Treasurer + urYod the Numerologist = ShodYod the Mathematician
They're a master of math, with their accounting skills moving to skekShod. If UrSkeks had a system of currency, they totally were the one who handled it.
skekZok the Ritual Master + urZah the Ritual Guardian = ZokZah the High Priest
Their titles are near exactly the same, so I treated that as ZokZah being extremely ritualistic and focusing on tradition, moreso than any other UrSkek.
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schadenfreudich · 1 year ago
Franz is still trying to make "lachsen" a word but the best definition he can currently think of is "pretend to be a salmon" which is also described by "einen Lachs nachahmen" because there are not enough people who pretend to be a salmon to make a word out of it.
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skekshroom · 5 years ago
People of Thra reacting to Tostino’s Hot Pizza Rolls
thank you
Loves them, breathes them, regards them as the elixir of life: skekSo, skekVar, skekSil, skekZok, skekOk,skekLach, skekEkt, skekAyuk, skekTek, skekGra, skekUng, skekShod, skekNa, skekMal, skekSa, skekLi, skekHak, skekYi, urGoh, urAc, urSen, urSan, urSu, urZah, urSol, urVa, urHom, urYa, urMa, urUtt, urAmaj, urNol, urYod, urTih, Brea, Seladon, Mayrin, Tavra, Onica, Deet, Hup, Rian, Gurjin, Naia, Amri, Kylan, Rek’yr, Periss, Tae, Seethi, Ethri, Laesid, Mera, Fara, Argot, Krychk, Cadia, Ydra, Jen, Kira, Hup, Aughra, Raunip, SoSu, VarMa, MalVa, SilSol, ZokZah, ShodYod, EktUtt, AyukAmaj, LachSen, OkAc, TekTih, GraGoh, NaNol, SaSan, LiLii, HakHom, YiYa, UngIm, Leto, Freckles, Ordon, Shoni, Kensho, Thurma, Vala, Lolly, Adeth, Belleg, Lahr, Danevay, Aiyanna, Neffi, Hana, Erimon, Harle, Saluna, Jarra-Jen, Toolah, Fiola, Asheka, Cindrah, Nita, Fire That Stays, Fizzgig, Bennu, The Peeper Beetle
doesn’t like them: tolyn, who is immediately executed for this transgression
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blueberryblowfly · 5 years ago
Why do you think the 18 were exiled together? Why on Thra? Were all exiled as adults or were there kiddo urskeks?
They might've been exiled to thra specifically because theres a nice big powerful crystal there, or they might've traveled there after being exiled for the same reason, but it's hard to say for sure,, thra might be significant and/or powerful in some way? Idk @ jim henson co Please.
I dont have many specific headcannons about why they were exiled Together,, maybe they just do that sort of thing in groups as a rule or something? If they all got exiled together and already knew eachother, it's not unreasonable that theyd stick together.
As for their ages I actually headcannon that they varied greatly! I was gonna make a post abt the order of their ages at some point, but I'm,, to indecisive to make a proper order,,, I headcanon silsol, tektih, ektutt, and lachsen being among the youngest, with sosu, ocac, and zokzah being among the oldest, with the oldest being Pretty dang old, but nowhere near the "Old As Shit" category nsbxhshxbshdjsb, and the youngest being abt young adult ages. No kids on the exile train I hope lol
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candythemew · 4 years ago
You know what would absolutely kill me? A Fanfic with a Reunited OkAc, now completely whole again sifts through his now split memories. Specifically those His Mystic and Skeksis halves. Contemplating them. Only to realize just how much time he spent with SkekLach as SkekOk. He Loved her. He knew everything about her and yet... nothing at all. As UrAc, he only knew her mystic counterpart UrSen on a surface level in compairison. There was a longing there as UrAc, no doubt in response to the strong feelings SkekOk felt, but he never acted on them. How come he know so much, yet so little about LachSen at the same time?
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