needlefail · 2 months
“Mama doesnt wanna share the bird bath with Mortimer anymore” Hi kelsey.. huh?
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victorxaxvale · 1 year
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saenora · 1 year
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pyropansy · 2 years
Making my dream self in Monstrr Girl Maker 2 because I deserve multiple sets of eyes and horns and also a tail maybe.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
DJ Sihtric Longfic - Ch 1
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"Oh come on, you can't sit around and mope for ever." Says Ragnar firmly. "The bitch does not deserve a second thought." Brida crosses her arms under her breasts and looks down on you without a shred of pity. "It is not about her..." You mumble. You can't hate Aethelflaed. Not even for stealing your man.
You sort of had seen it coming already. You knew Aldhelm was smitten with her all along. You were just a stand-in. The moment Erik was no longer in the picture, Aldhelm moved in for the kill. And of course you were left broken hearted. Because despite it all, Aldhelm had been a good boyfriend. He was good to you and now he is good to Aethelflaed. You can't even fault her for giving him the chance.
"Come out with us." Ragnar says gently. "I'll be no fun." You protest feebly. "Nonsense." Brida replies sarcastically.
Three hours later, you find yourself at the local pub, sitting at the bar, chatting to Leofric, the bartender. Anxiety had you showing up way too early. You haven't agreed to meet Ragnar, Bride and their group in another half hour. Leofric is kind and gives you a fresh mnt tea on the house and ypu talk to him about little nothings.
Ragnar and Brida show up 45 minutes later. There is a whole group of other men and one woman with them. She is holding hands with the guy talking to Ragnar.
"Ah, there you are!" Ragnar shouts at you. "We were waiting for you outside!" One of his friends, a bloke with a surgical eyepatch, hoots. "Knowing Y/N, she was waaaay too early." Says Brida. You fluster, she is so right...
"Better early than late." Says the guy Ragnar has been talking to. You send him a small smile and he smiles widely back at you.
"Go, enjoy yourself." Leofric says encouragingly, handing you a bottle of Koparberg. You hop from your stool and follow Ragnar to a collection of high tables.
You end up seated beside a man who introduces himself as Sihtric.
The other men are called; Uhtred, Ragnar's adoptive brother, whom he was talking with, Knut and Rollo, both cousins of Ragnar, Finan, Uhtred's best friend, Osferth, Finan's Boyfriend and Aethelwold, hte bloke with the eyepatch. The woman, very obviously Uhtred's girlfriend, is called Gisela.
You sip your cider, savouring the sweet elder flower and lime flavour.
Ragnar and Finan talk loudest and the other let them dominate the conversation.
Over the course of the evening, you find out Finan and Osferth are the only Christians in the group and Aethelwold is anti-theistic. Though Aethelwold seems to be a rather fervent contrarian in almost every aspect.
He does try to convince you to 'ditch these supersticious morons' and go home with him. At his words, you briefly touch your mjolnir pendant and you can almost feel your Loki tattoo burn on your inner thigh.
It is Sihtric who gets up, though.
"Listen here, you sour little prick, insulting your friends does not make you cool. It won't make her like you. She wears Thor's hammer, too." He says fiercely. Aethelwold scoffs and glowers at Sihtric. But he does not get up.
You send Sihtric a sweet smile.
Rollo buys you another drink and Ragnar gets a couple plates of loaded nachos.
You let the others do most of the talking, keenly listening to their tall tales and adventures alike. Finan has a good few droll stories about a couple of local Karens that frequent his bakery and Uhtred adds to it by telling of the same group of ladies and their shenanigans in the aerobics class he teaches.
Osferth turns out to be Aethelflaed's halfbrother, the two being all but Irish twins. Of course, Osferth being the affair baby, he grew up away from his half siblings.
Aethelwold has a lot to say about Osferth's situation and no word of it is kind. Not even to Osferth, or Aethelflaed for that matter. Especially not when Ragnar blurts out Aethelflaed stole your boyfriend.
At that point you really want to disappear into the ether.
"You good?" Sihtric asks. Ge okaces a tattood hand on your thigh and your heart skips a beat. "Y-yeah." You stammer.
"Maybe if one-eye stopped being such a negative nancy, we'd all enjoy our eve better." Finan says loudly. Aethelwold glowers at him, too. "Very well then, Baker Bart, make Y/N's night, why don't you." He sneers.
"He's just salty you won't sleep with him." Sihtric whispers in your ear. You shudder a little and fluster. With Sihtric in your personal space like this, you notice how amazing he smells. Though you can't quite name what it is he smells of.
You last it out one more hour before you feel the yearning for the calmth of your own space win out over the delight of hearing Finan sum up all sorts of delicious pastries.
You hop down from your stool and smile apologetically to Ragnar. "I am calling it a night." You say softly. "Don't worry about the tab, your drinks are on me." Ragnar smiles back at you. "Thanks." You mumble.
You put your small bag over your shoulder and say your goodbye's.
Sihtric hips down from his stool. "I'll walk you home." He says with a lazy grin. "Thanks." You murmur.
He puts his warm hand on the small of your back and leads you out of the pub.
"Show me the way, pretty lady." He purrs.
So you head home, Sihtric's hand still on the small of your back. It makes you feel all fluttery inside.
"Well ... This is me." You say, once you have arrived at the low wooden fence of your tiny front garden. "Good night, then." Sihtric's hand slowly slips from your hip to your backpocket, pulling out your phone. You watch him grin and swipe for an emergency call, to put in a number and then his own phone rings.
He hands you your phone back with a wink.
"See you around, pretty one." He murmurs, before turning on his heel. "G-Good night..." You mutter, slightly starstruck. "Text me when you get home safe!" You then cry out to him. "I will!" Sihtric hollers back.
You watch until he has disappeared from sight. Then you head inside.
Your cat is immediately excited to see you. He bowls right over in all his juvenile happiness. You chuckle and pick his lanky form off of the floor. "Come here, you silly creature." You cooe, nuzzling into his fur.
Fifteen minutes later, you get a text from Sihtric.
'Hey there pretty woman. I got home all right!'
Your heart is racing and you curse yourself for it. You aren't some virginal teenager! But Sihtric sure as hell makes you feel like a schoolgirl with a crush.
'I'm glad to hear that.'
'Sweet dreams.'
You stare at your phone, watching as he types his reply.
'You, too.'
'Dream of me.'
The winky face emoji he sends right after makes you throw your phone onto the bed. Remus, the cat, jumps right after it.
You change into your PJs and crawl into bed. Remus curls up on your ankles. You decide to play along.
'Only if you dream of me, too.'
With trembling finger you send along a kissy face emoji.
Sihtric sends back a devil face emoji.
'That's gona be a wet dream, then.'
You blush, even though you are well aware Sihtric can't see you. This is too blatent a flirt and you have no idea how to react.
'Good night...'
You don't want to leave him hanging, though.
You put your phone away and curl up with Remus to drift off to fitful dreamsm which alternate between Aldhelm and Sihtric.
In the morning you find you have gotten Instagram follows from almot all of Ragnar's friends and Aethelwold having slithered into your DMs.
It all pales in comparison to the pic Sihtric sent you via whatsapp though. He's shirtless, in the gym, his chest and abs glistening with chest.
Very impulsively you text him.
'Don't shower, I'll lick the swear off those muscles.'
You spend breakfast going through everyone's instagram profiles.
Finan's page consists almost entirely of baked goods in every shape and form. The baker is evidently a proud tradesman. And his handle @argylecupcakearmy cracks you up. You dish out a few likes and comment on Finan's most recent post. Uhtred seems to travel a lot, posting pictures of far away countries, usually featuring Gisela in beautiful dresses or bikini. He's got a few selfies with Ragnar and Thyrra, but barely any of himself alone. Osferth evidently does not post very often. His pictures are of beautiful churches and old architecture and handletterings of monks long dead.
You have only barely clicked on Sihtric's handle @thegreatdanemusic when he texts you back.
'Now I regret hitting the shower.'
His message is accompanied by another mirror selfie. All he is wearing is a towel. And by the Gods does he look sexy.
'Better luck next time.'
You send your reply with your heart beating in your throat.
Sihtric sure is cheeky. He makes you blush with too much ease. You almost want to end the conversation then and there. But Sihtric's next text puts you at ease as much as it makes your heart race all over again.
'How about we go out first?'
'Like, on a date?'
'Yeah, a date. A date date!'
You squeal from joy and Remus gives you an offended glare. You giggle and reach down to scratch behind his ear. "It's okay, bud." You cooe.
'I'd love to. What are you up to for tomorrow?'
Nervously you await Sihtric's answer.
'I'm free tomorrow, but I got nothing on today, either.'
You ponder on a reply. Is it wisdom to go out with Sihtric right the fuck now?
'Want to go see a film?'
'Yeah, let me get out of my PJs and into something pretty.'
You fluster darkly all over again. This guy barely knows you, yet it is like he knows exactly what to tell you to butter you up.
You only reply with a blushing emoji. Sihtric in turn sends another devil.
'What film are we going to see?'
'Let me surprise you.'
You shower and dress in ripped skinny jeans, a lace tank top and a flannel over top.
The bell rings as you are hopping around to get your socks on. "Hang on!" You yell. "Okay!" Sihtric hollers back. You put your socks on, as quickly as you can. Then you race to the door, opening it for Sihtric.
He looks insanely good. His curls are lightly windswept and he's wearing black cargo jeans under a simple black tee. The shirt makes his mjolnir pendant stand out where it rests over his chest.
"H-hey." You stammer. "Hey beautiful." Sihtric purrs. "You ready?" You nod, toeing into your shoes. "Perfect." He takes you by the hand.
You shut and lock the door and Sihtric leads you to the local cinema. It is not a very long walk, as you live reasonably close to the town center. The cinema is not very large and mostly shows arthouse films, though a few box office films, though you have never been able to understand how those are selected.
"There is a showing of Barbie in an hour." Sihtric says. "Did you get tickets?" You ask. "I absolutely did." He replies. "You are the best." You grin widely and kiss his cheek.
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beebisbeeble · 6 months
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24-guy · 10 months
they do still use the old Waylon place. Because it’s the okace
and max does go back to check
Richie kinda knew he was walking into a prank. After all, even if he is the mascot, so the closest of the nerds to the football team, above that, he’s a smelly nerd with overactive sweat glands. Heck, it’s probably because he dares to be the mascot as well that he gets targettes for this prank.
the bullies were honestly just gonna scare him. Maybe force him to quit being the mascot. Make fun of him for being a weeb. Honest, that’s it
but he snapped back when Max called him a loser. He dared to shout back “I’m not a loser”. Both a statement, and plea. And that’s all it took. He got shoved back, fell over on the floor, and before he could get back up, the floorboards snapped under it. He didn’t even scream as he fell.
max saw the look of sheer terror on his face, as he disappeared down the hole, just for a second. As the jocks run away, Richie grabs one of their legs as they’re running by his body, and just repeats “I’m.. not,, a loser.” And then his hand falls, and they all run away
-not a loser anon
You are so right actually.
Something seemed off for richie and maybe he didn't want to go but since this is a complete role swap, maybe the replacement for convincing pete to go to pasqualis is Peter and Ruth convincing Richie to go to the "party" at the Waylon place. Ruth convinced that he'd get some action there, Pete with the hope that if even one nerd gets in with the popular crowd, that then the rest of the nerds might have a chance.
Oh, and how do the Lords in Black factor into this? Do they come in at all? Do the bullies ever figure out that it's Richie? What about the black book?
Anon these are brilliant ideas and just know that I am keeping them all in my mind.
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shiro-tora3 · 1 year
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Poster that can be found in various places in the underground. It reads:
So many question first who made this was it on like Claras request to get help for others? Was it Svarog being like 'I need parts scavenged, I'll give you food'
Was it other Underworldsers who heard about the Robot Settlement and they were trying to tell people there was a okace to work, get food and shelter and protection?
I love this it's literally his head like
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
i dont wanna disclose anything but uh shits bad like i dont think they'll haul me off to inpatient but my therapist made it seem like its not outside the realm of possibilities and every time i say "you know i think its getting better" i immediately drop one level in okacity. you guys mind if i do a greatest hits tour again?
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nagito-komaeda428 · 2 months
i his the ketter and i raced to her okace screamed how could u in her face she said no sir half dressed apoligetic a mess she looked pathetuc she cries pls domt go sir was ur whole story a set up idk abr any letter stop crying god damn it get up i didnt know any better pls dont leave me i am ruined i am helpless how could i do this just give him what he wants and yiu can have me whatever he wnats if you oay you can stay lord show me how to say no to htps helpless blah biah
Oh I don’t like this one
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naturalflow · 6 months
Might be a good okace to start when I feel like it
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coco6420 · 10 months
in the future when im like 27,can i just rent a super cheap place and work in retail my whole life?no degreee,no uni,no success,but it would be easier.the minimum wage would be enough for some okaces jn my country plus groceries for one.what if i just live like this?i think maybe id be happy.but i buy alot of shit when im sad. and thats often,too.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And yeah in Shaw county there's a lot of houses and we said $200,000 the number might be a little off it's more like 20,000 and they moved about 400 and there's some old ones in a crappy and we don't want them moving old crappy ones so we're coming up with another plan of taking over crappy neighborhoods and getting rid of the houses I'm going to do it now
Thor Freya
Good idea and they're doing it themselves perfect
Mac and for tiny ships too
We're doing what we're doing and that's what we have to do
I'm getting the hell out of here if people don't have a stupid s*** trying to blame him and me
Olympus Arizona's teaming with people no we have an idea to do it down there I'm going to go ahead with it and we're talking about the generic beer company bja is giving us a ton of crap
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YOU YOU YOU YOUUUUUU I'm erasing mysrlf from the narrative my broken you have torn it all apart I'm watching it buurrrrrrrn watching it BUUUURRRRN THE WIRLD HAD NO RUGGT TO MY HEART THE EORKD HAD NO OKACE HERE IM BURNING TYIU FIRGRUTJGYH TKYJYU YOU WEEE MIIIIIIIINE
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shiro-tora3 · 1 year
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Poster that can be found in various places in the underground. It reads:
So many question first who made this was it on like Claras request to get help for others? Was it Svarog being like 'I need parts scavenged, I'll give you food'
Was it other Underworldsers who heard about the Robot Settlement and they were trying to tell people there was a okace to work, get food and shelter and protection?
I love this it's literally his head like
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monsieurlux · 2 years
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am about to give some tutoring hours at the main building of my university, first time here and came half an hour early bc everyone told me the okace was a maze. there are idk how many elevators but i was told to take the green one since i had to get to the 7th floor (???).
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