sunderedandundone · 3 months
In which UrSkeks are actually very dramatic
So fam, I’ve been working really hard on the Twice-Nine, and it’s winding up being less of a survey of their crimes against UrSkekdom than it is a survey of UrSkekdom’s crimes against them. XD
SoSu the Philosopher: Was an incredibly psychically-strong and headstrong (probably not unrelated) young UrSkek whose passions often got the better of them, and while this was generally more disruptive than harmful, as we know, UrSkek society tends to consider disruption itself a form of harm. So at an unconscionably young age, they were forced to choose between Exile and Purgation (the editing of their personality and erasure of ‘problem’ memories), and while the therapy certainly seemed to have took, it must not’ve took that well, because they continued over their career (which was in all other aspects illustrious) to maintain a suspect interest in the reconciliation of their society with its discontents, which theories eventually developed into their infamous Heresy…and the Heresy itself committed the incredibly awful crime of proving attractive to a number of UrSkeks, particularly the young ones. Whom SoSu was accused of deliberately corrupting. Oops.
ZokZah the Presbyter: Their ‘crime’ was coming out of the Chorion (the UrSkek-spawning chamber, basically) with a natural tendency toward sadism [with a touch of masochism included] -- which a more tolerant society might have been able to help them better sublimate into their spiritual work, and/or channel into safe/sane/consensual activities; but Homeworld was not that society. As a result, their entire life story was one of ice-cold self-repression and flawless hypocrisy. They thought the Heresy might be their compassionate answer at long last. And it might have been, but obviously we can’t have that.
SilSol the Musician: Wasn’t spawned with anything especially wrong with them, except for being astonishingly talented which arguably is a bit of a flaw; but somewhere along the way they twigged to the fact that their perfect classless harmonious society that totally didn’t have power relations, totally DID have them. So they started studying this interestingly contradictory phenomenon the way most very intelligent people would have, with comparative sociology, which unfortunately involved a lot of consumption of ::whispers:: foreign cultural material from more primitive societies. And while yes we do study primitive societies, we’re not supposed to do it like THAT, and we’re definitely not supposed to put stuff we’re learning from them about how to influence and persuade other people into PRACTICE. And Crystal itself help you if you turn out to be good at it…even when you’re doing it for what you consider the best cause ever, like OH SAY A REVOLUTIONARY HERESY. (SilSol also had quite a fan base as a composer and performing artist, which did kind of the opposite of helping their case when trial time rolled around.)
GraGoh the Explorer: Was an unfortunate case of incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and Crystal knows the Eldest did what they could. When the young former Rigger from the outer colonies proved to be too rough-hewn and jostling for the refined precincts of Homeworld (they thought practical jokes were actually funny, for one thing), the Council decided to spare the rod and try to educate them in the graces by sending them to the Academy, where they were supposed to finally learn to be a proper UrSkek. And what did they learn instead? Heresy! Honestly. They didn’t even try to resist the slide into depravity; indeed, quite the contrary, they decided to become one of SoSu’s most prominent and enthusiastic disciples. So really, what else was there to do?
AyukAmaj and EktUtt: Fell in love. This may seem fearfully pedestrian to the savage likes of the Gelfling (and let’s not even talk humans), but in UrSkek society this is both an incredibly alien, hard-to-imagine aberration, and a crime against the ironclad obligation to love all one’s fellow UrSkeks fairly and equally. Like…absolutely fairly and equally. No matter what. No playing favorites. Yes OF COURSE love and friendship are high virtues among UrSkek, but again -- just not like -- that. What do you two think you’re doing, seriously, you don’t even have physical bodies to conventionally sin with but I guess where there’s a will, etc?
NaNol the Botanist: Was a spy. Not that they knew they were a spy, mind: UrSkeks don’t have spies, and if they did have them, what they were doing would not be spying. In fact the Botanist’s whole problem was they didn’t have any actual name or conceptual box to put the thing in that a few naughty Eldest were making them do -- especially to the plant-stored planetary-memory records they were supposed to be nurturing and protecting. I mean, it must be all right somehow, because it was Eldest asking; but then why did it have to be such a secret; but then why was it even their business, since it was records about stuff that happened eons before anyone they knew was spawned; but then if it didn’t really matter because it was all so long ago, why were they still being asked to -- **melts into quiet gibbering noises** But in any case…such a pity that it was their fellow Heretics that they eventually decided to confess their nameless burning sins to. More normal UrSkeks would have known enough to just shut up and do what they were told.
HakHom the Architect and YiYa the Builder: Didn’t know that the technical term for what they were was frenemies; they thought they were just friends. Who competed for the same non-virtual architectural gigs, which HakHom just happened to win more often than YiYa, which was also why HakHom ended up outranking YiYa. But of course there was never any trouble putting that behind them when it came time for them to work together hand-in-glove on the winning projects; Homeworld is a place of harmony after all, with architecture being one of a very, very few fields where there even was still anything resembling competition. Nor did YiYa carry any grudges against HakHom for dragging them out to these crazy salons and forums this weird Professor SoSu kept holding. As a friend, they were simply looking out for their friend’s mental and spiritual cultivation, and after all these were merely dialogues about how everyone, even the most erring UrSkek, could better be brought back to the bosom of the Crystal and the collective soul of their people through the transforming power of compassion and honesty. What was there to object to? And later, when the Eldest were investigating because apparently there was something to object to -- and they needed someone to infiltrate and report on the increasingly worryingly Heretical gatherings -- who would blame YiYa for assisting them with that high-minded work? Certainly not HakHom, who understood and deeply regretted their grievous sin in doing…well, there must have been something terribly wrong with the whole thing. Even if Professor SoSu did have both a sterling reputation and the high permissions as a Councilmember needed to access the Crystal for experimental rites if they deemed fit! And just because even after giving the Council all that help, YiYa still found themselves exiled right alongside all the unrepentant criminals, that was no reason to take out any frustrations on their old partner, who hadn’t exactly been in control of the proceedings either after all. Surely the Eldest had their good reasons…so…yeah. Definitely nothing there for either the Architect or the Builder to hold against one another in the immediate aftermath of their souls being torn asunder to set all the Twice-Nine’s ids free.
LachSen the Gnostic: Was an ex-cultist. No, I’m not joking. Although they’re scattered and vanishingly few, there are places even yet on Homeworld where some UrSkeks practice Heresies in the much more old-fashioned sense -- that is to say, disapproved spiritual rites and disciplines, which are generally holdovers from pre-Ascension cultures. Young LachSen’s group was no exception: indeed, it dated from that supremely turbulent era just pre-Ascension, when some UrSkeks fervently believed that through the practice of radical enough asceticism and self-lessness, their kind could attain a permanent ecstatic group consciousness, such as they had heard group minds from other worlds speak of with such reverence and serenity. (No wonder SkekLach wasn’t so keen on the Ascendancy…) This belief turned out to be more a denial of the UrSkeks’ own nature than even the ancestors of the Council of Eldest could tolerate. But LachSen’s group still stubbornly clung to this more-or-less impossible ideal, and to an ancient sub-Crystal of their own which gave barely enough energy for them to subsist on; but since privation was what they craved, that was fine. As they matured, LachSen found themselves questioning the group’s ways and eventually ran far away to Crystalgate City on the great peninsula, blending in with the other UrSkeks as best they could. But it was more difficult than they could ever have imagined, blending in with people from so different a worldview -- and they remained always torn in their feelings toward their old kin, their penitent, self-denying monkish side and their newly-discovered love of plenty and peace among the Crystalgaters. Thus, they were prime and easy ‘prey’ for a new Heresy, particularly one that claimed to embrace the lost and lonely, even the strangest of Deviancies…
ShodYod the Mathematician: TBD
SaSan the Marine Biologist: TBD. I’m not sure that Heresy was something she came into in the course of her work. She’s just such a strong personality at base. I expect her to be tricky.
VarMa the Seal-Bearer: TBD, but however they came to it, they definitely they would have been SoSu’s #1 fan and most loyal acolyte.
MalVa the Guide: TBD, although they would have been exposed to a lot of ‘foreign ideas’ in the course of their work, so that may be how they first got into trouble. :-) I have a tiny inkling they may even have been a bit of an anti-colonialist, which would be a problem for other UrSkeks even though other UrSkeks will swear up and down that they’re not even sort of colonialists. ;oP
TekTih the Inventor: TBD. TekTih was an Inventor, which kind of by definition meant they were a bit more ‘interferey’ than the average UrSkek, but that in itself isn’t quite enough to push a sib into Heresy, so I’m going to have to think about it some more.
UngIm the Restorer: TBD. However, there wouldn’t be much call for actual restoring work on other UrSkeks on Homeworld, the species having long since left death, disease and war behind. Therefore, they were likely either more of a veterinarian, or else had a history of traveling around on colony worlds, where again as noted, an UrSkek can run not only into disturbing concepts, but into disturbing events of the sort that flesh-and-blood beings are all too easily prey to. Which provides restoring work, of course, but not only that.
OkAc the Scholar: TBD, though it’s harder to think of places a Scholar couldn’t get themselves into doctrinal trouble than places they could. XD
LiLii: TBD. But – yanno – I mean, it’s LiLii. I have a feeling that like GraGoh, they may just have an unfortunate habit of annoying others, particularly with blurted-out inconvenient truths, and certainly they had a mischievous turn for an UrSkek.
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fountian-of-youth · 10 hours
I just found a gun
And I'm not afraid of use it
Who wants to get fucking shot!!
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nova-starstruck · 8 hours
Made a silly thing w/ Jade, Allo ( @creator-of-creativious 's OC), Seb, and pAinter
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beingsanket · 9 months
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sebbiesolace · 1 month
Ooc: glad ya like the animations ^3^ had fun drawing Sebastian all glowy!
Taking in the words allo couldn't help but agree but human minds and feelings were such complex with nagging thoughts
Allo: wasn't ..who you think *he paused not daring to under the urban shade name as he sighed out his own exhaustion peeking through * some other expandable thought it be oh so funny *he grinds his teeth behind his scuba mask * to randomly give a "shot " to a fellow friend .....tch
His eyes twitched as he made a rough hiss in his throat , he didn't notice his right hand moved to gently reach back . His fingers brushing on Sebastian's extended hand , lightly grasping the massive clawed hand.
Allo: ?? - oh sorry *he was quick to with draw his hand * old habits er...my younger brother had a habit of reaching out to hold hands ....*there was a small warmth in his voice * it was his way of stimming since he was autistic* a look of sadness danced in his eyes as he looked at Sebastian * heh...he would've loved the crown you wore
The tone in his lightly pained voice didn't need explanation on what happened in the past. He really wished he was given the chance to set his brother's favorite flowers and toys at his grave . He would've turned ten , a wrenching thought .
Allo: .....names allo nanol...by the way ..*he felt it was only fair to share at least that part of his identity to not be a stranger or creep*
[His hand closed around Allos, ought but a nanoklik after he made contact, soft and harsh all at the same time. This was nice, wasn't it, Z-13? Your friend is just another FREAK like YOU. ANOTHER victim of URBANSHADE. Neither of you are going to get out. You are both going to DIE down here, and NO ONE WILL FIND THE-]
".... It's... Nice that you had a younger brother. Sorry for... whatever happened.
[He smiled, ducking his head down. Gently, he held the tiara for Allo to look at, holding it just out of reach.]
"Hello, ALLO. I am Sebastian, as you know.. And by god, I hope you get out of here."
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manhinhledhd · 8 months
Tivi công nghệ MicroLED 110 inch đầu tiên của Samsung
Ti Vi microLED đầu tiên của Samsung – công nghệ hiển thị TV mới đầu tiên trong một thập kỷ – rất ấn tượng nhưng không phải là không có lỗi.
TV LED đầu tiên trên thế giới
Đây chính là nó. TV LED đầu tiên trên thế giới. Câu đó nghe có vẻ hơi khó xử sau khi các nhà sản xuất TV đã bán và quảng cáo sai cho TV LCD với đèn nền LED là “TV LED”, “QLED TV”, “ULED TV” và “XLED TV” trong hơn một thập kỷ.
Giống như OLED (LED hữu cơ), màn hình LED (LED vô cơ) không yêu cầu đèn nền. Nó được định nghĩa là tự phát xạ, có nghĩa là mỗi đèn LED tạo ra ánh sáng riêng. Thách thức là làm cho đèn LED đủ nhỏ để phục vụ như pixel. Đối với độ phân giải 4K, bạn cần 24,88 triệu đèn LED – một đèn LED cho mỗi pixel phụ. Với 8K, bạn cần gần 100 triệu. Tâm boggling.
Đó là lý do tại sao ngành công nghiệp thích gọi nó là LED, miniLED, microLED và thậm chí là nanoLED. Có một số điểm khác biệt quan trọng ở đây. Đèn LED thông thường tương đối lớn nên bạn thường chỉ có thể lắp một số ít vào đèn nền phía sau màn hình LCD. Với miniLED, con số đó lên đến hàng nghìn hoặc hàng chục nghìn trong đèn nền LED phía sau màn hình LCD.
Lần đầu tiên nhìn vào TV microLED của Samsung
Ti Vi microLED 110inch của Samsung, được đặt trong môi trường ánh sáng rực rỡ. Mặc dù hiện tại đắt tiền, nhưng nó thể hiện một bước tiếp theo khả thi cho công nghệ hiển thị – không chỉ là TV. Bên cạnh Samsung, các công ty như Apple, LG và Sony cũng đang khám phá công nghệ màn hình microLED.
Chiếc TV cực kỳ ấn tượng nhờ kích thước tuyệt đối, màu sắc phong phú, độ sáng cao, màu đen sâu và thiết kế gần như không có khung. Giống như OLED, microLED có khả năng kiểm soát độ sáng ở cấp độ pixel để các ngôi sao trên bầu trời đêm sẽ lấp lánh với cường độ sáng và cường độ sáng – điều không thể đạt được trên TV LCD “QLED” của Samsung.
Tivi micro LED 110 inch
Giống như tất cả các Ti Vi được đặt ở chế độ Động / Tiêu chuẩn, microLED 110inch có màu sắc quá đậm và tăng cường cài đặt độ tương phản nhưng tất nhiên, tất cả điều này có thể được tinh chỉnh. Điều quan trọng hơn là khả năng hiển thị về mức độ màu đen và độ sáng (độ tương phản) và màu sắc.
MicroLED cũng có tiềm năng là cực kỳ mỏng và không có khung, nhưng TV 110inch của Samsung dày hơn một phần vì nó cần được làm mát thích hợp.
Ngoài ra còn có một lý do khác. Samsung nói rằng màn hình 110inch là màn hình microLED đúc sẵn đầu tiên của hãng thay vì các phiên bản thương mại phải được lắp ráp tại chỗ.
Tuy nhiên, nó vẫn được làm từ các mô-đun nhỏ hơn và nếu bạn di chuyển gần hơn một chút, bạn sẽ nhận thấy rằng các đường nối có thể nhìn thấy, đặc biệt là khi nhìn lệch.
Một lý do cho điều này là ánh sáng từ môi trường phản chiếu trong màn hình, làm nổi bật các đường nối. Điều đó cũng có nghĩa là màu đen có xu hướng mất đi một phần cường độ của nó, một lần nữa chủ yếu là khi bị nhìn lệch.
Đó là một màn hình tuyệt đẹp nhưng không phải là không có lỗi. Một số người muốn nói rằng microLED kết hợp những gì tốt nhất từ màn hình ghép LCD và OLED, nhưng trên thực tế, nó không liên quan rất nhiều đến LCD. Nó giống với OLED hơn, mặc dù có độ sáng cao hơn nhưng cường độ màu đen kém hơn một chút. Vì đèn LED vô cơ thường tồn tại lâu hơn đèn LED hữu cơ (OLED), nguy cơ cháy sáng cũng sẽ được giảm bớt, ngay cả khi đèn LED cũng giảm cường độ ánh sáng theo thời gian.
TV110 inch của Samsung có thể treo tường hoặc đặt trên giá để bàn. Samsung đã tạo ra một mô hình nhỏ về cách thức hoạt động.
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4gspeed · 8 months
Tại CES 2024, Nanosys đã trưng bày một nguyên mẫu màn hình nanoLED với kích thước 12,3 inch. Công nghệ này giúp tạo ra màn hình mỏng hơn, trong khi vẫn đạt được độ sáng và hiệu quả năng lượng tốt hơn so với công nghệ OLED. Hiện tại, công nghệ này chưa thể áp dụng cho các thiết bị với kích thước lớn như TV. Tuy vậy, người dùng có thể chờ đợi các sản phẩm như smartphone, máy tính bảng sẽ sớm tích hợp công nghệ trên.
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7ooo-ru · 10 months
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«Рубин» сыграл «на ноль» в пяти матчах РПЛ подряд впервые с 2009-2010 годов
Казанский «Рубин» провёл пять матчей подряд без пропущенных голов в Российской Премьер-Лиге впервые с 2009-2010 годов. Об этом сообщает телеграм-канал Opta Sports.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/11/13/342-rubin-sygral-nanol-vpyati-matchah-rplpodryad-vpervye-s2009-2010-godov-grss-256317999.html
0 notes
healthcare-domain · 2 years
Live Cell Imaging Market Scope of Current and Future, Key Players Analysis by 2025
According to the new market research report "Live Cell Imaging Market by Product (Instruments, Consumables, Software, Services) Application (Cell Biology, Drug Discovery) Technology (Time-lapse Microscopy, FRET) End User (Contract Research Organization, Research Institutes) - Global Forecast to 2025", published by MarketsandMarkets™, the global market size is projected to reach USD 2.8 billion by 2025 from USD 1.8 billion in 2020, at a CAGR of 8.8% during the forecast period.
Browse in-depth TOC on "Live Cell Imaging Market"
146 – Tables 40 – Figures 212 – Pages
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The growing adoption of high-content screening techniques in drug discovery, rising incidence of cancer, and the growth in funding for research are the major factors driving the growth of this market.
"The reagents segment is expected for the largest share of the live cell imaging market in 2019."
Based on type, the live cell imaging consumables market is segmented into reagents, media, assay kits, and other consumables (microplates, slides, Petri dishes, coverslips, and culture chambers). In 2019, the reagents segment accounted for the largest share of 36.1% of the consumables market. The large share of this segment can primarily be attributed to the growing applications of biosciences and biotechnology within the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields. With advancements in technologies, the demand for high-quality reagents in biomedical research and processing is on the rise. The increasing demand for high-quality reagents and their repeated use in live-cell imaging procedures are also factors driving the growth of this market.
By technology, the high-content screening (HCS) segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period."
Based on technology, the live cell imaging market is segmented into fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), time-lapse microscopy, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), high-content screening (HCS), and other technologies. High-content screening (HCS) segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to the increasing studies on cell behavior and the need to correlate multiple events and markers with cell morphology.
Get 10% Customization on this Research Report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestCustomizationNew.asp?id=163914483
"North America to hold the largest regional market share in 2019."
North America is expected to account for the largest share of the live cell imaging market in 2019, followed by Europe. The large share of North America can be attributed to factors such as the availability of government funding for life science research, drug development regulations, advances in live-cell imaging techniques, growth in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and the rising incidence of cancer.  
The prominent players in this live cell imaging market are Danaher Corporation (US), Carl Zeiss AG (Germany), Nikon Corporation (Japan), Olympus Corporation (Japan), PerkinElmer, Inc. (US), GE Healthcare (US), Bruker Corporation (US), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (US), Sartorius AG (Germany), Oxford Instruments (UK), BioTek Instruments (US), Etaluma, Inc. (US), CytoSMART Technologies (Netherlands), NanoEnTek Inc. (Korea), Phase Focus Limited (UK), Tomocube, Inc. (South Korea), Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (Sweden), BD Biosciences (US), Sony Biotechnology, Inc. (US), Merck KGaA (Germany), KEYENCE Corporation (Japan), ibidi GmbH (Germany), Bio-Rad Laboratories (US), Logos Biosystems (South Korea), and Nanolive SA (Switzerland).
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sunderedandundone · 4 months
Oh, SoSu. Oh, poor SoSu.
So just to back up and provide some context: if you ask me, the great sin of UrSkek culture isn' so much that it's 'collectivist' but that it's just...*so* collectivist that the society can't countenance any person within it needing more than their 'fair share.' And before you say that sounds reasonable, by 'fair share' they really mean it. No UrSkek is supposed to really need more of any resource than any other.
Hold on! What I'm saying is that In other words, *disability is fundamentally not okay.*
Yeah. How you like them apples?
Part of the problem, of course, in their defense, is that they haven't had to think about disability for literal eons. Not on a societal level. Disease, war, and poverty have after all been eliminated, and the species is a product of extensive self-administered genomic engineering. (We are talking here about non-physical/informational 'genetics', of course, given the UrSkek's being Ascended all. But the point is, whatever malformations or birth syndromes the original bio-species might once have been prey to are long gone.) Trauma? Is something that happens very occasionally to off-planet UrSkeks, and off-planet UrSkeks don't really ever count quite as much as Homeworld UrSkeks do. If you are by some wild chance traumatized off-planet UrSkek, you're best advised just not to attempt a homecoming. (I'm sorry nobody mentioned that, GraGoh.)
I knew I had it in my head that SoSu was a Homeworld native, and that they also had a bit of a 'rough patch' in their youth that they had by sheer dint of geological time lived down, to eventually become one of the most respected academics on-world. I knew they had genuinely spent all the intervening eons working to be the very bestest, most unselfish, most not-needing-extra-love UrSkek they could possibly be.
But it wasn't till today that I realized, *they got put through Purgation as well.*
Purgation is the other sentence you can get that's not exile, and when UrSkeks choose exile over Purgation, it's because they're not keen on the idea of having the problematic bits of their body-mind 'genome' copy-pasted over with fresh acceptable code. The idea, in short, of being partly mind-wiped and re-educated. In a sequestered environment. As many times as it takes for them to start behaving rightly again.
It dawned on me today with horror that the first time round, SoSu chose Purgation.
It happened when they were very young. They were an immense psychic talent who -- again in what fairness to the UrSkek I can muster -- had to watch their emotions, which at that time easily escaped control and could manifest in, you know, stuff that could hurt people or the environment.
Or at least, stuff that if it went further, which they worried that it might, could conceivably potentially hurt somebody.
They underwent the psychic surgery to be made better, and again, worked for actual billions of Earth years to become a paragon. (And as NaNol's also-tragic story recounts, probably even benefitted from some of the extremely subtle and slow-moving erasure of history that is a phenomenon among certain UrSkek elders, so that in time, between that and the other UrSkeks that had actually been there voyaging off to other worlds or higher planes and never coming back, as the Eldest of the Eldest do...they could in time enjoy a spotless reputation on Homeworld.)
The second time they were convicted of a crime, all those long Ages later, they......................did *not* choose Purgation.
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fountian-of-youth · 2 days
If anyone dares pick me up like some child
I'll fucking bite the hell out your ankles so you can't walk and stand a foot shorter
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nova-starstruck · 6 days
I drew Allo x3 (2 closeups for better quality) Allo made by @creator-of-creativious
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fantastic4peace · 2 years
65" NanoLED 4320p 120Hz 8K
65″ NanoLED 4320p 120Hz 8K
65″ 8K NanoCell LED, Full Array Diming Pro, ?9 Gen 4 AI Processor 8K, Native 120Hz, Nanocell Motion Pro, HDMI 2.1 (4 Ports)WiSA Ready (5.1 Channel), Hands-free Voice Control, Magic Remote w/ NFC, WiFi 8
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troutpopulation · 4 years
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more young urNol and skekNa being the original GraGoh :Y
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
On UrSkek language and names
As you guys know, I HC what we call Skeksis language/Skeksish is actually UrSkek language. How and why their halves would have come up with a whole language from thin air ? I know UrRu were supposed to have their own language too but UrRu being more spiritual and shamanic we could say UrRu language was the old/more poetic/more lyrical/religious UrSkek language and Skeksis language the current UrSkek language more modern and straight to the point
But I noticed something interesting, 2 actually
In Skeksish/UrSkekish, "retreat" or "stop" is "mala". Kind of sounds like a derivate of "mal", as in "MalVa"/"SkekMal" ?
And "to" is "na". Literally a part of "NaNol"/"SkekNa"'s name ?
So what if UrSkek names, that are composed of 2 halves, are actually composed of 2 words, words supposing having a significance depending of the social middle they weree born in, or to what happened at their birth, or of what parents expected from them or noticed on them ? And all the UrSkek names we know have a 2 word meaning ? Usually 2 names sounding similar for harmony purpose
Up to us to imagine what they mean
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Tried redoing an older drawing I did digitally cause I was in the mood for a sweet family moment (And i was bored in online class). Little NaNol with his mom. I love them, though I don’t have a name for them yet, unfortunately.
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