#Laced Ultramarine
fantastic-fr-scries · 5 months
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Aether Female
Ultramarine / Cherry / Twilight , Petals / Blaze / Lace
Plague Faceted
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lemon-russ · 2 months
the girls are fighting
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Part 11/ ???
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Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Mentions of sex, sexism
Summary: Titus does not enjoy his beach episode
word count: 1,894
Titus paces the lobby of the visitor’s quarters. The Ambassador had run off emperor knows where with Captain Sicarius hours ago, and he’s getting antsy. Why did she want to be alone with him? They had just been talking about how awful he could be. They were just starting to talk like normal people. And why was the Captain here out of nowhere? out of armor and uniform of all things. It makes no sense.
Demetrian isn’t usually a stickler for the rules, But he does not get along with his captain, and he gets along very well with the Lady Ambassador. So it rubbed him the wrong way when Sicarius showed up and ran off with his charge. He's supposed to be guarding the ambassador but he doesn't even know where she is. If Guilliman finds out he let her leave without guards- sure, Captain Sicarius was technically there, but he wasn't even supposed to he here at all. And commands from a primarch outweigh commands from his Captain.
He goes back outside, frowning at the setting double suns of this world. He does not like his gut intuition about the situation. Sicarius had been outright hostile to Demetrian earlier, and hovering over the Ambassador possessively. He has a though but shakes it away. No, that was impossible. The captain wouldn't be… involved with the Ambassador. That's absurd. That would be the scandal of the decade, of the century. Captain of the second company, having a fling with his primarch's personal diplomat?
But Demetrian isn’t a fool. He saw how they looked at each other, and the Ambassador had called Sicarius Cato, then corrected herself. She knows it's inappropriate to be using Sicarius’ first name enough to correct herself, but is comfortable enough doing so it slips out on accident. His captain has a temper, but the venom he spit at Titus today was like nothing else. They are usually at least professional with each other. He shakes his head again, pacing the grounds of the resort. If she isn't back soon he'll go find them. She's supposed to be his charge, and he feels like Guilliman especially wouldn't like him lapsing in his duties if what he worries is happening is happening.
Cato was in nirvana. Him and his little ambassador- his- had spent the afternoon making love by a hot spring, kissing, speaking sweet nothings, and just enjoying each other’s company. She currently lay on his chest, watching the setting double sunset with him. He runs a hand up and down her back, head propped up on his other arm. He never knew life could be this good. That the galaxy held something besides unending battles- which to be fair, he loves- and horrors. That there was something, someone, so radiant and warm in the Imperium.
The Ambassador snuggles up under his chin, and he lets out a contented sigh. “Guilliman was right. This is basically honeymoon planet.” He chuckles, petting her hair.
She giggles back, humming as she runs her hands over his body. “It really is romantic, huh?” She murmurs. She is quiet a moment as they take in the sunset.
“So… when we go home…” she starts softly. He frowns. He'd been avoiding this conversation.
“What about it…?” He says gruffly, holding her closer.
She leans up on her elbows to pout down at him. “We can't like… be together, right? That feels… illegal. Or at least incredibly improper.” She says nervously.
He frowns and his expression tightens. “It is… certainly frowned upon. Not illegal per se…” he admits. He was most afraid of his father finding out. He was incredibly protective of the ambassador, shown not even in full by him sending three fully armored Ultramarines to guard her on her forced vacation. He shuddered. If he found out what he'd snuck out to do to her…
“Cato?” She asks, tone laced with worry. He snaps back to reality, giving her a small frown.
“We'll need to… be discreet, I think.” He says. “I could get in a lot of trouble with, well, basically everyone.” He says with a grimace.
It didn't feel fair. He had done so much for humanity. He was one of the greatest legends of the entirety of the Imperium, let alone of the Ultramarines. He was second only to his genefather, and maybe, maybe Calgar. Yet for all he does for them, they would snap away the one thing he's decided he wants. This tiny mortal woman. He moves to roll on his side, curling around her.
She hums and cuddles up to him, sighing as he rubs her bare back. All he wants is one small baseline human woman. That feels like a reasonable request. Maybe he could frame it like that to his father. He wouldn't take her from her duties. He just wanted to be with her on them. Or be the bed she comes home to. Just… to have her.
She looks up at him, setting suns casting a rainbow of warm colors over them, the nearby hot spring pool sparkling reflections on to the leaves of the trees around them.
“I want to ask Guilliman to give us his blessing.” She says softly. His hand stops on her back, and he looks down at her wide eyed.
“You… want to ask him?” That would… certainly help, honestly. If he does it, it would seem like he's preying on her, since Guilliman was so protective. But if his own little diplomat asked instead…
He pulls her close, a tiny glimmer of hope sparkling in his hearts. “That sounds like a great idea, little ambassador.” He says, smiling down at her. He smirks. “I'm surprised, your brain actually cooked up and produced a tangible good idea. Maybe you're evolving.” He teases, making her pout and give his chest a light smack.
“Really? You're still going to be like that?” She giggles at him. “What does it say about you, sleeping with a creature so un-evolved?” She chuckles.
He frowns a bit. “Hm. You're right. When you put it that way, no one must ever learn of this.” He playfully pushes her away, into the spring water, making her squeak and laugh as she splashes in.
“Cato!” She laughs as she shakes the water out of her hair. “I was almost dry! Now I have to go back to the visitor’s hall soaked!” She says, a little exasperated as she drags herself out of the water.
He smiles up at her from the ground. “And who forgot to bring towels along, so excited to get me alone?” He chuckles.
She blushes and crosses her arms. “I wasn't thinking…” she mumbles.
He grins. “When are you ever?”, and laughed as she kicked water at him.
They got redress into soaked clothes and bathing suit, and start trudging their way back to the central hall. They giggle and sneak kisses and walk side to side as the walk back, but as they draw close enough to hear people, they are forced to break apart and act somewhat more unfamiliar.
Titus is pacing the front of the hall, and he snaps his head up when he hears them, looking agitate. “And where in holy Terra have you two been? It’s been hours, Captain! I may be below you, but I was given orders from Guilliman himself-” he starts tearing into them.
Cato rolls his eyes and walks passed him. “We went swimming.” he says casually.
Titus scowls. “I can see that- but why did you have to go swimming alone for four hours?” He snaps.
The ambassador frowns at Titus. “I’m sorry Commander, I just lost track of the time, but Cat- Captain Sicarius was there, so I was perfectly safe” She smiled up at him.
Titus scowls down at the little ambassador. She was seriously trying to pull this twice? He was embarrassed she got him once batting her eyes. And there she goes, almost calling Sicarius Cato again.
“My Lady, I was worried sick. What would I tell the primarch if something had happened to you?” He says frustratedly. “I cannot let this happen again. You must take at least one guard with you if you’re going to be going off with the captain again.” he insists. They will second as a chaperon, he thinks.
He eyes their wet, disheveled clothes and hair. The way they are standing just far enough a part that they aren’t obvious, but orbiting each other at that distance like they don’t dare go a step farther. He grimaces again.
The Ambassador pouts. “I don’t understand why that is necessary, Commander…” she says nervously.
He huffs, raising a brow. “Ah, I just got an idea.” he says, smirking. “I will simply send a message over to Lord Guilliman, and double check that it is alright that only Captain Sicarius guards you-”
He is interrupted by Cato. “That is unnecessary, Commander.” he says quickly. “We will stay in the vicinity of you and the other guards, less you lose anymore of your hairline to fretting needlessly.” He says in a mocking tone.
Titus’ mouth twitches down, and he runs an hand through his hair. His hairline is… fine. But he must have hit a nerve, and he smiles. Clearly Cato was lying about being allowed to come here. And as long as he didn’t want to be caught in that lie, he’d comply with whatever Titus demanded. He glances over to the Ambassador, and for a second feels a little bad. She looks upset at the Captain, pouting with her little brow scrunched. His hearts stutter a beat. Maybe it is cruel of him to break up her little love fest…
He shakes the thought. It is for her own good. A little mortal woman does not have the faculties to actually consent to whatever she was doing with Sicarius. It was a power imbalance, not to mention an intelligence imbalance, and she was naive and innocent, and wouldn’t know Cato is taking advantage of her. No, he had a duty to his father to protect the Ambassador, and a duty as a reasonable person to protect her from herself and from the Captain.
Titus smiles at Sicarius. “I’m glad we have an agreement. Now, shall we all head to the dining hall and get dinner?” He asked politely. He glances at the ambassador. “Ah, maybe after you put on some… more clothes that is, My Lady…” he adds, frowning.
She frowns and blushes a bit, crossing her arms over her mostly exposed chest. “Ah, right…” she mumbles, heading back towards her quarters.
He smiles and watches her go, eyes lingering a bit on her frame. Politely, of course. Sicarius gets his attention with a noise though.
“Enjoying the view, Commander?” He growls a bit. Titus raises his brow.
“I have no idea what you mean, Captain.” He retorts, returning the glare.
Cato grits his teeth, jaw twitching. “I would prefer you keep your eye’s on the Ambassadors face, Titus.” he says in a low voice.
Titus quirks a brow and frowns. “And I’d prefer you keep your cock in your pants, Sicarius.” he says, walking passed him to the dining hall.
Cato’s face pales and his mouth drops open a bit, before he scowls and clenches his fists at his side, watching Titus go.
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hanakoofthejungle · 5 months
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HuskerDust watercolor fanart based on the fanfiction, Casino of Love by @artwaterfall. The fanfiction, in turn, was inspired by the Overlord Husk AU created by @celestialalpacaron.
Drawing timelapse 
This scene comes from Chapter 15 where Husk and Angel went on their first date at Fizzmodeus' restaurant. They had lobsters. Angel did not know how to eat a lobster so Husk came to the rescue. Basically, they just abused the hell out of that poor dead creature. (It occurred to me: Where does the lobster's soul go? Does it end up in hell, watching its body being consumed?)
Angel tried again to pry the shell off still looking over to the side. “Am I doing it?”
Husk barked a laugh so loud the pianist looked up frowning.
“Ya gotta look at what ya doing.”
“Ugh,” Angel deflated and let the lobster rest on the plate, “ maybe I shouldn't have lobster.”
“Here,” Husk got up and walked behind his chair. He laid his hand over Angel's and resumed trying to pry the poor crustacean body.
Angel blushed at the proximity, Husk was practically whispering into his ear about the damn lobster but Angel had trouble focusing with the overlord's hand on his own.
Still Angel butchered the first half of his lobster and screamed in joy a little too loud at having half of it done. People downstairs looked up at them again, frowning.
Husk was still helping him with the second half, juices and lobster bits flying everywhere at Angel clumsiness but every time they joined stares at each other, he would find the cat laughing along with him.
Now why did I choose this scene to draw? Because it is fun, simple, wholesome couple interaction and very relatable. It reminds me of the time when I had lobster for the first time in Brussels, spending more time to crack open the lobster than actually enjoying the dish. Turns out lobster did not taste that great, but at the least the group of elderly American at the next table got a good laugh out of watching me and my friend absolutely butcher that lobster :)))
Having never watched Helluva Boss, I had to look up what the inside of that place looks like, but mistakes ensure due to that very wrong heart shape and lack of patterns on the wallpaper. I was lazy but hey at least I got that lamp thingy on the table right :))) As usual, the clothes are the focal point of my fanarts, "a beautiful deep blue, floor length dress, there was only one shoulder strap and a lace veil came from it all the way to the floor behind his shoulder" and "freshly pressed black suit with a deep blue tie that matched Angel's dress". Husk's suit in this drawing is not actually black but a mix of ultramarine and sepia. I usually don't use colors straight out of the pan, but mixing them. I made an exception in this with the lake red color of Husk's wing. I forgot to draw the wings before I did the line art, so I need the color at its strongest to cover the line art which was not supposed to be there.  
My tools still include pencil and Leningrad watercolor. I have been using that watercolor set for over 10 years and it is still the best watercolor set I have ever had. This time I use the Blue Uni-ball pen by Mitsubishi Pencil instead of black M&G gel pen. The line art looks much smoother and the waterproof blue ink added a nice touch to the drawing. I expect nothing less from one of the best pen manufacturers out there. 
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ludcake · 11 months
I take it you don't think of dany as an colonizer or imperialist either
I do not. She's not engaging in a project of colonisation in metropolis-colony terms, nor one of empire-building in the terms of late 19th, early 20th century construction of capital - which is what those words mean.
Is Dany's story laced with themes of white saviourism? Yeah, absolutely. Even if you don't think of her as *white*, the themes and imagery are still very much taken from orientalist fiction.
Is Dany a good ruler? Not really, and I think that the crux of her story in A Dance With Dragons is meant to mirror Jon's, of both of them failing their projects of power and retreating towards magic again after being touched by a whole book of counting beets and negotiating with the elites. Jon dies, and Dany is left stranded and captured by the khalasar. They are failure points, contrasting where they leave A Storm of Swords in triumph.
But she's not really starting up the British Empire or the Portuguese Ultramarine Empire in Meereen.
Oh, also. She's 14.
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bunnywip · 10 months
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jungle-angel · 1 year
"You bought this lingerie set just for me?" with jake, please and thank you!!🫶🏻
(In Don Corleone's voice) My most loyal friend, why must you make me an offer I can't refuse?? (lol).
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"Babes?!" Jake called, setting his duffel bag down at the door. "Oh wifey of mine! Where are you?!"
"I'm upstairs!" you answered.
Jake made his way upstairs, exhausted from the day's work and with only the thought of you on his mind. It was all he could think about in a day, coming home to you and seeing the look on your face as you greeted him at the door.
Up the stairs he went to your shared bedroom, his jaw dropping at the sight of you in nothing but the blue and white lace lingerie set you had bought for the start of winter. Jake was a blubbering mess at the sight of you in the white lace, dotted with little ultramarine blue rosettes and a pair of matching lace fingerless gloves.
"Oh my God!" he exclaimed.
"What's the matter Jakey?" you teased.
"I don't....I......just......" he stammered. "Babes you look amazing!!"
"Good because this is all yours," you said, running your hand up your bare thigh.
"You.....you bought this lingerie set just for me?"
"I figured that today was the start of your vacation," you purred. "And that a little trip to Victoria's Secret couldn't hurt."
Jake let out the most obscene groan you had ever heard. You squealed a little when he jumped into the bed with you, slowly pulling off your brand new set with his teeth. Amidst the flurry of nipping, curses and the sloppy dragging of his tongue across your body, you knew this was going to be one hell of a night and one that you surely wouldn't forget.
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colorfuldragons · 5 months
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ultramarine/mantis/fern - flaunt/striation/lace
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harrison-abbott · 2 months
All day had there been inky clouds in the sky.
And with the clouds there had been a dimness
Over the land, as if it were evening when it
Was late afternoon, and night when evening
Were it not for the brave remnants of sun
Above and beyond. The trees were all in a
Hazy ultramarine, and the bouts of rain sought
Up the scents from the soil and the foliage
Laced with midsummer pollen. The river was
Fast and loud and you could hear it from a
Long way off – especially at night, as it is
Now, when all the birds are asleep, and there
Is no other sound save that of the rushing
Burn, broken only by a worried dog some
Place off in the suburb, with a shrill random
Bark that settles into nothing and has no echo.
And throughout all of this, it’s humid and
Warm – the air with a thick, tangible sense
To your face as you walk around the woody
Paths. This is dense summer and to look
Around at the woodland floor in full greenery
You wouldn’t ever imagine possibilities for
Frost, or snow, or for the trees to lose all
Of their colour, come four months away.
This summer might be a totally different
World. For it feels as if it may never end.
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crmsnmth · 5 months
A Short Walk Around The Block
Walking in the night, fingers laced together I stop and steal a rose from someone's garden And hand it to you with my sly little grin You smell it's sweet and scent and smile With your shining ultramarine eyes I'm so addicted to the feel of your skin on mine I'm always jonesing for the fix of your kiss I love you is not enough for me to say to you I love you is not enough to explain this I love you is not enough It doesn't even come close to the feelings that twirl in my heart like black swan ballet's I don't want to end this moment I want to live here in the safety of your hands with red painted nails to hold my home on it's feet
As we walk the sounds around us become faded by the light that is your laugh You're brighter then the sun in the day Shining like my own personal galaxy A fiery beacon in a world that's been pitch black I can't remember the days before you took me Into your heart and into your life as your partner in crime And your partner against time With you standing here by my side I feel like we conquer the whole damn universe And my stomach still flutters just from you quietly saying my name It's never sounded as great as it does slipping from your lips I could listen to you talk about nothing talk about everything talk about anything And I'd still take your voice as sweet nourishment
Some say good things don't last for bad people And I've lived my life as a criminal But you stole my heart so we're one in the same I'd press charges if I can hold them against you Let the still summer night be our cell For you I'll gladly walk to the fires of hell And share with the devil all my tells You are worth it
You were worth it Remember when I said I'd die for you? I still stand by that as my truth
All you have to do is ask
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Imperial Female
Ultramarine / Saffron / Twilight , Savannah / Safari / Lace
Lightning Glowing
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snkrcollctn · 1 year
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Action Bronson and New Balance collaborate to present the 'Lapis Lazuli' iteration of the Made in USA 990v6, the creative's second interpretation of the lifestyle runner. The upper consists of a navy mesh foundation with a seamless tonal suede mudguard and a front overlay in microperforated teal suede. Bi-colored rope laces provide optimal fit, and energetic accents come alive at the shoe's rear, via a lavender mesh back tab and a powder blue heel clip inscribed with 'NB Made in the USA.’ The ENCAP midsole receives a vibrant touch with an infusion of ultramarine at the heel. The tongue patch and sockliner display the Baklava emblem of Action Bronson.
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Volume 15: Technology Alert! 1995 Indie Rock / Downtempo / Alternative Rock / Indie Electronic / Trip Hop
Alright, let's talk about Volume! Volume was a UK music publication that was focused on quality. Every few months or so, between the years of 1991 and 1997, their readership would get supplied with a brand new 192-page-thick issue in the shape of a CD booklet that was packed with biographies and interviews with artists from all across Britain's wide-ranging and very eclectic indie spectrum. And along with each issue came a CD too, but not just some cheap, little sampler; no, these CDs were solely comprised of exclusives. Every song that was included on a Volume album had never officially appeared on any other release beforehand, and every act that appeared on a Volume CD received coverage in that CD's respective issue; proper context was being provided for each artist you were listening to as you perused through the mag itself.
And while sometimes that meant that you were gonna get cutting-room floor material, because artists preferred to save their best stuff for their own releases, it also opened up opportunities for these Volume CDs to come laced with some rare, beautiful gems as well.
And this 15th volume of Volume from 1995 happens to have a handful of those gems on it, while also managing to serve as a neat, little snapshot of a mid-90s UK indie landscape, overall, that was far more diverse than the US' own at the time, due in large part to its complete openness to, and indulgence in, electronic and dance music. A lot of indie fans and writers in the US simply turned up their noses at a lot of that stuff at the time, but the Brits had a history of embracing it, from their late 80s and early 90s days of pirate radio, acid warehouses, and the Madchester scene that soon followed, which saw bands like The Stone Roses and Happy Mondays fusing their alternative rock sounds with psychedelic dance beats.
And as this CD shows, electronic music—either as standalone genres like downtempo, trip hop, breakbeat, or techno, or used in order to be combined with rock— was still very much sewn into the UK's own indie fabric in 1995, whereas in the US, it was far less embraced and much less incorporated by indie bands themselves. It still existed stateside, of course, but electronic music at that point was more or less regarded as its own cloistered off, peculiar, little sideshow, rather than the wellspring of unique creativity and sonic ingenuity that the UK took it for. The only ones who *really* managed to effectively break through that US-made firewall at that time were Björk and Moby. So, Brits really got down with what electronic music had to offer, while Americans largely side-eyed it, and as a result, the UK continues to be, by far, the most musically eclectic country in the entire world.
So, with all that in mind, let's get into some of the sweet mid-90s indie gems that you can find on this ephemeral CD here. First is a song that comes courtesy of the reigning champions of that far-ahead-of-its-time ethereal dream pop sound: Scotland's very own Cocteau Twins. They bring forth an enthralling tune in "Circling Girl," which never ended up appearing on any of their albums, but was included on their single, Violaine, the following year. Then there's a futuristically jangly piece of alternative folk-rock from a band called Babybird, who've now gone on to release gobs of music since, but this "Alan Ladd" song of theirs doesn't appear to have ever been included on any other release, and seems to actually be their debut song 🤔?! And after that is an Icelandic indie-trip hop group who call themselves LHOOQ, whose "Vanishing" predates their official debut album on London's Echo Records by a few years, and smacks deeply of a band like Portishead.
Then in the second half, we're treated to a couple sweet bits of purely electronic music too. One comes from the duo of Ultramarine, whose "Altered Ego" makes for a nice and somewhat minimal acid-dubby downtempo groove, and the other comes from a London duo called Joi, whose "Everybody Say Yeah" gets a remix treatment from another London duo called Spring Heel Jack, resulting in a spectacular piece of Asian Underground breakbeat that feels like it was made for a balmy South Asian summer sunrise 😌.
There's a lot of other fine songs on this comp too, but those five are the absolute cream of the crop to me. And an honorable mention goes out to State of Grace's "Perfect and Wild" as well. It's a new wave-synthpop stunner of sorts, as it lays down a thick slab of intensely glimmering synths in the choruses, but its overall lack of ample audio quality ultimately ends up betraying it, relegating it from what could've been perhaps the best song on this album, to not even making it to my own coveted list of highlights for this post 😔.
Unfortunately, I don't currently have any more of these Volume CDs on hand, but if this particular installment is any indication, then this whole series appears to be a really rich treasure trove of underheard and cutting-edge 90s UK indie ephemera. Rare cuts from critically acclaimed entities alongside super cool songs from acts that only ended up existing for a few fleeting seconds.
Cocteau Twins - "Circling Girl" Baby Bird - "Alan Ladd" LHOOQ - "Vanishing" Ultramarine - "Altered Ego" Joi - "Everybody Say Yeah (Spring Heel Jack  remix)"
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
Hi! Disclosure: I love your fics, and would love to know more about them. 🤡, 🧐 and/or 💞 for the fanfic ask, if you like? <3
Aww thank you!! <3 I'm so glad you like my stuff.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? Ooooh hm! I don't really laugh too much while writing, I think. I smiling to myself up a little with the saga of "should Fingon keep his shirt off" in EoG, and I did cackle a little bit when making Sauron slip on the ice in sometime.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories? Some yes! I definitely feel like my knowledge of Tolkien stuff is... not as broad as I would like it to be (I have only read the Silmarillion, LoTR, and CoH in full, though I'm currently working my way through other stuff). Big shoutout to other fandom creators (thinking of @outofangband's breakdowns of things like LaCE and @thelordofgifs doing actual math for things) because they're extremely helpful to my understanding of the world.
I think most of my research goes to figuring out craft techniques and looking at maps. I went down a really cool little rabbithole of how pigments were made in medieval times just recently for ultramarine!
💞 Who's your comfort character?
I do really love Fingon. The way I imagine him he has a very specific sense of humor that is just very... soothing to write.
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
Breathing raggedly under him, her maid uniform a disheveled mess from how it's been carelessly opened at the front, and how her skirt has been shoved up. Feeling his gloved fingers laced with hers whilst his other hand kept a firm grip of her hips, her thighs were shaking as her legs remained loosely wrapped around his waist. She could feel his cum leaking out of her, having long lost count of how many times he's filled her up. All she knew is that she was overflowing and feeling her lucidity rapidly slipping out of her grasp.
"Master--Kaeya, p-please--"
Her voice is weak, still heavy with want after how much he's taken her. Red marks littered her pale skin, ultramarine eyes dark as she looked up at him with parted lips. She could feel him throbbing inside of her, enough that she knew well what was coming. It was enough to make her whimper, biting the inside of her mouth as she tried to string her words together coherently.
"Please--Don't, not--inside anymore--"
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A Forgotten NSFW Meme -- Not Accepting -- @getofflikeagun​
"And if I don't want to stop?"
The sound of skin hitting skin echoed in the small room he's decided to take her in today. His stamina held no bounds, and that was especially true when he decided it was Aedre's turn. Which, frankly, has been ever since she was hired on as a maid within the manor. Tightening his grip on her hand, he felt her walls tighten around his cock. The smirk that he had on his face only grew from her words, a sweet toxin dripping from the words he said next.
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"You're able to keep up so well. I have to keep rewarding you."
The way her body bounced with each thrust, how his length budged out of her stomach as the tip pushed just enough against her cervix. It was amusing as much as it was a turn-on. He wanted to see how much - ah, no, that's not right. He wanted to see how much she could take before she could break. It was adorable whenever she did, only able to moan out his name as he railed her into abyssal pleasure. How she clung to him as he didn't give her an ounce of a break, playing into her kinks to push her further over the edge.
Diluc must be pissed.
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Leaning closer so his forehead touched hers as she was seated on the edge of the table, the captain drank in the look in her eyes. Without another word, he captured her lips in a heated kiss, forcing his tongue past to explore her mouth and start the dance they were familiar with. As he did, his hips jerked forward with a hard thrust. Hot seed filled her all over again, pushing out their combined fluids from the last time he came. Not breaking the kiss, he continued to pound her through their orgasms. The hand on her hip pushed her harder against the table, and he followed through. Now on top of her, he had her just where he wanted.
And he wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied and she has broken apart. The only thing he wanted to hear from her lips was his name, broken and in shambles.
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livvinonaprayer · 1 month
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Some of my favourite babies so far 🤗
Parents on the bottom are Noctiluca on the left and Terana on the right.
A bit about the names:
Noctiluca is a really pretty blue glowing algae, and terana caerulea is a pretty blue fungus.
Top left: Sky Savannah | Stonewash Constellation | Overcast Lace
Top right: Ultramarine Savannah | Cobalt Constellation | Steel Lace | Bright eyes
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giggle: what’s more important in an s.o.: intelligence or humour?
lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?
cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?
lovebirds: at what point in a relationship would you make it ‘public’?
Giggle: I suppose it depends on the kind of intelligence shown. Typically, someone who likes to share information and talk about the new things they learned is wonderful - I love when you can do that with someone as a love language.
But if they are doing it in a "oh, you can tell how smart I am can't you?" Way instead of actually wanting to share things, then I will always take someone who will make me laugh over that.
Lace: My favourite colour(s) are Teal and ultramarine blue. Both of these can look quite nice on pretty much anyone, as long as the shading of those colours isn't too similar to their skin tone (darker teal would look better on lighter tones, lighter teal would look a m a z i n g on darker tones). I like to think it's versatile enough to look good on anyone.
Cupid: Can't be set up by people if you've only dated one person in highschool and havent tried in person for over 7 years 👌
(I haven't been set up, no, and I would never do that to someone else deliberately)
Lovebirds: 90% of the time, they announce we are dating to someone before I even realise they think that we're dating. So ... Im not really sure. If given the choice ... probably wait until we feel comfortable doing such things in public together, then telling someone whats up if they ask.
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