wanderingnork · 2 months
Hi! Loved the lore dump yesterday and it got me really curious:
Githyanki worship Vlaakith, right? But do the githzerai have any religion (I'm not entirely sure how faith features into the monk class in D&D)? And do you know anything more about that long-dead goddess whom they used to worship?
What did the illithids use the githyanki for exactly? Just food? Manual labor? As soldiers?
Also, the Penumbran's "alien sheep" made me wonder what kind of livestock (if any) the gith keep nowadays and if you know whether they might also keep pets?
Which THEN got me wondering whether the gith are into music, performative arts, and poetry aside from the art you've described in that lovely one shot with the artist and the solider on AO3? /very long ask over And thank you so much for sharing all this lore with the rest of us! I'm really enjoying learning from your blog.
Starting off with worship: Back in the 2nd Edition D&D Monstrous Manual, Zerthimon is portrayed as a prophet-like figure, who died fighting Gith but will eventually return to lead the githzerai into a paradise. In Dragon magazine #390, which is a 4th edition publication, there's a sect of githzerai who carved their residence out of the petrified body of a dead god and live by its religious tenets. But the closest the githzerai have to an active deity in 5th Edition sources is their king, Zaerith Menyar-Ag Gith. Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes depicts him as a transcendent monk with incredible psionic powers, who looks like he's dead and just exists in a coffin projecting his thoughts.
What did the illithids use the githyanki for? All of the above. In the Mind Flayer Trilogy, we see them used as gardeners, food, manual labor, and eventually psionic supersoldiers (the illithids' final downfall). In all accounts, Gith was a bodyguard and soldier. According to the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon from Planescape: Torment, he worked in fields where bodies of gith used for food were turned to fertilizer for illithid crops.
Livestock and pets: The githyanki have an entire caste devoted to farming, the g'lathk (which has two apostrophes in earlier editions). The most detailed description of the g'lathk I've found is the web supplement for Dungeon #100 (Lich-Queen's Beloved), which goes in-depth on Tu'narath's farming district. To quote the article: "everything from rothé to chained humanoid captives (goblins, kobolds, gnomes, dwarves, halflings, elves, humans, bariaurs, and other “cattle”)." More recent editions have seriously downplayed or eliminated the idea of the githyanki keeping slaves this way (4th Edition's "Secrets of the Astral Sea" goes as far as saying that githyanki abhor slavery as hypocrisy when they themselves were slaves), but yeah. That's the livestock situation.
AS FOR PETS, that's MUCH more fun. Githyanki are frequently accompanied by spectral hounds, or ride interesting mounts like nightmares or the hybrids of dinosaurs and red dragons. However, in Dragon magazine #117, there's the wonderful article "Hounds of Space and Darkness." Here we learn about the dogs specially bred by the githyanki and githzerai. The githyanki breed guard dogs called kaoulgrim which are essentially super aggressive Russian bear-hunting dogs, huge and fluffy. The githzerai breed the szarkel, which are Extremely Extremely Cursed borzoi that have some limited shapechanging ability.
Finally, art: The githyanki have always been portrayed as a highly artistic group. In their earliest AD&D incarnations, they wear a great deal of jewelry and beautiful armor. By 2nd Edition, especially in the Planescape books, we see the craftsmen (mlar or m'lar) popping up. Planescape's Faction War supplement discusses beautiful and magical jewelry being sold in the city of Sigil. A Guide to the Astral Plane (also 2E) presents glorious artwork by Tony diTerlizzi of githyanki arms and armor and clothes. The Black Spine adventure for the 2nd Edition Dark Sun campaign setting offers the chance to visit a githyanki palace and includes a palace with whole wings devoted to music and art. In the 3rd Edition Tome of Battle, we get the entire story of a famous githyanki smith who made a legendary and (from the accompanying art) beautiful sword. The same Dungeon web supplement above details the mlar district of Tu'narath, where artists live in studios to create spectacular and often magical works of art.
In 5th Edition, going back to Mordenkainen, this takes a sour turn. That book portrays the githyanki as a society of bored, semi-immortal dilettantes, who get halfway through works of art or other creative projects before abandoning them for something new. I don't particularly like that, considering just how much has gone before about the githyanki being an artistic society.
I suspect that Larian agrees with me. In a banter between Gale and Lae'zel, she informs him that the githyanki paint frescoes, write symphonies, and make wine. Given how much Larian has already diverged from mainline D&D githyanki lore in their game, I think that it's a safe bet that the githyanki of Baldur's Gate 3 are more in line with the previous editions of D&D in terms of art.
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darlingdollhousevn · 6 months
Helloo, hope your doing well😄😄 could we have more lore about Lowell, pretty please 🥹 i feel like it’s been a while since hearing from the blog (ofc if not then i still hope you have a great day😁😁)
You sure can !! I miss my og blorbo and I'm always so happy to get a chance to talk about lore!
Lowell went to culinary school but ended up having to drop out in the last couple of months due to medical and financial complications- he hates his current job and believes he is overqualified and deserves to work in a much more elevated environment
He has a younger sister that he's kept tabs on over the years, but he hasn't had contact with his family in a long time.
Lowell learned to sew from his mother, who was a seamstress while he was growing up in Massachusetts.
His very first ever collection was frog statues, the kind you'd find in a garden store. They all had names, personalities, and intricate backstories. He kept notes on them in a Lisa Frank notebook, and would rearrange their positions in his room frequently.
He's not a natural redhead!
Lowell was a smoker for a very long time, and while he no longer chainsmokes, he'll still light up a cigarette if he's particularly exhausted, stressed, or needs a little treat.
He can't swim :(
He has pretty poor wound healing, and he scars and bruises really easily.
He met you first through your job! MC will have a position in an art store and he saw you while looking for a specialty fabric dye.
He has killed people before.
Lowell would love a wax museum date!
He's already got all your measurements :) it won't stop him from taking them again when he gets you alone though. He finds it kind of romantic!
He will get mad if you touch/break a lot of his stuff- he's very protective of his collections and has object hyperempathy. it can be genuinely painful to him when things break, go missing, or are touched/displayed "wrong".
His favorite food is soup.
On top of being an insomniac he doesn't really like sleeping in beds- when he sleeps it's usually on the couch or floor or something.
His favorite thing to knit is shawls! He does some pretty interesting things with them, sometimes with intricate lace, beading, colorwork, or other details.
He has a secret petplay kink (recieving). He would deny it to the ends of the earth but being called kitten gives him an instant boner. Extremely unlikely to allow himself to actually submit but he MIGHT be a mean kitty dom, if you convince him hard enough :3c he'd be on high alert to make sure he doesn't end up in subspace though.
He had an intense scene phase. Full on raccoon stripes, under eye liner, hot topic cash carrying, get scared listening ass emo. Still has his well loved busted up ipod nano from when he initially got really into the subculture.
His first crush was on Brent Spiner. Quickly followed by Tilda Swinton.
Has a washi tape collection but has never actually used any of the tape.
He owns a pair of The Chanel Boots™️
Hopefully this is enough to keep yall fed a moment ;-; sorry this project has taken a lapse BUT I'm putting together something to introduce the five whole other characters that will be included in this game, and my schedule just got cleared for a few more days a week so hopefully I'll have some more stuff for you guys soon!
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herbalsingularitea · 2 years
If I have time today I wanna clean up my notes about the legendary figures and lay out em out here cause I have ✨thoughts✨
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ofglories · 3 months
"We are taught that there was once a hero, beloved by the gods above all others," Silas closed his eyes, the tale falling from his lips with ease. A tradition memorized until he would make no mistakes to his audience in the temple's inner courtyard. With a quiet inhale the priest took his seat at the fountain and began in full.
This was, after all, a tale of history instead of mere fable.
"This hero, whose name has long been lost to time, was the greatest of all to ever bear the title. The specifics of his deeds are as lost as his name, tragically, but we do know that it was these acts that gained the adoration of both gods and us who walk the mortal plane. Eventually, as was the ways of men in those days, the hero founded a kingdom in the heart of the western seas." As expected there was a rustle of confused whispers among his audience. Silas opened his eyes a crack, smiling as he watched their faces through his lashes before continuing. "Yes, the heart of the western seas. There was a lush land, surrounded by peaceful waters and tall mountains. All who lived there were blessed, living in prosperity beneath their wise and just king. It was a veritable paradise where none lived without."
Silas chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment, then spoke again.
"Hubris is ever the greatest flaw of men and gods. And heroes are as susceptible as any other person. The hero king had all he could have ever wished for with the love of the gods and the adoration of his people, but it was not enough in his mind. For he was a hero, one said to be as great as the gods Themselves, but he was aging. Slowly but surely as all mortals do. And so he began to listen to the flattery of those he should have turned a deaf ear towards." Ah, how he hated this next part. "Decadence took hold. The kingdom began to worship the hero-king as a god. And the gods took notice. Repeatedly They sent warnings to the hero, to the people. Warning them of their folly, of their mistakes. But a fever had taken hold and could not be staunched. Palaces were built higher and greater than ever before. Temples were turned from the gods to the hero-king, decorated in gold and jewels. Evil was growing in what had once been a land of good. So action was taken.
There was, after all, only one way for such evil that was warping the very land and people to be contained.
"...The gods sealed the kingdom and all inhabitants. Impenetrable storm clouds blocked the very skies above it, and the mountains grew jagged and reached high above the clouds as they closed in on the land. The seas, once peaceful and calm, became wracked with eternal storms to deter sailors. And, finally, a blinding fog surrounds it alfl." Understanding now dawned on the faces of his audience. "It is the Forbidden Land now. And priests of the gods such as myself now spread this history to you. So you will know why ships must take such care, and why we teach to not give in to pride and envy. Nor to reach beyond the skies to the greatness of the gods."
A clap of his hands, breaking the gloomy atmosphere with a smile.
"Now, who would like to join me inside where it is blessedly cool and we can have a good meal?"
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ditzybat · 3 months
tim: ugh, i can’t go into the sewers to follow croc, can’t risk an infection
jason: what, are the sewers not good enough for your bristol bred sensibilities?
tim: i have no fucking spleen jason, of course i’m not gonna go into the fucking sewers - i’ll literally die
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hitokiri-izou · 5 months
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I'm sorry but ena the order is NOT beating the gaiathra triclops allegations
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majunju · 8 months
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the little mermaid (?)
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Damian Wayne was like a duckling. A violent, stab-happy, danger-prone duckling, yes, but a duckling all the same. Which means when Danny almost got stabbed by a sleepy, instinct driven Damian, he was able to wave it off with a laugh. Damian, on the other hand, stared in horror at the butter knife firmly lodged in Danny’s arm.
“PENNYWORTH!” Danny jerked back at Damian’s scream. “RICHARD! FATHER!”
God damn, the kid had a pair of lungs on him. Danny’s wince was interpreted as pain to Damian, who gently grabbed his injured arm and started to pull him towards the kitchen’s marble island.
Danny blinked, non plussed as his hearing picked up a thundering of feet as the present family members scrambled towards Damian’s distress call.
“Wait, Damian, I’m fine. It’s-”
“You have been impaled, you imbecile! Had it been any of the other simpletons, they would have-!”
“Ouch.” Danny put his other hand in mock hurt over his slow-beating heart. He literally doesn’t care about the butter knife. He’s just impressed there was enough force in there to impale him. “Are you calling me names now? After- gasp- stabbing me?”
Before Damian could reply, the beginnings of regret, remorse, and guilt on his face, Alfred, Dick, and Bruce burst into the kitchen.
“What happened?!”
“My word, master Danny!”
“What is it?!”
“I’m fine. It’s like a small stab. Not even a big stab. I’m good.”
Dick paled, seeing Danny’s arm clutched in Damian’s hand.
“That’s- that’s a knife. In your arm. How is that ‘fine’?!”
“What happened.” Bruce asked Damian, gently removing Danny’s arm from Damian’s death clutch.
“I- I did not mean to,” Damian starts, guilt coloring his voice.
“He didn’t,” Danny cuts in. “I startled him and got stabbed for being dumb. I won’t fault him for having a defense mechanism like that, ancient knows what I might do if you guys startled me.”
The awkward silence that settled at his words made Danny twitch awkwardly.
“Uh, so, can I add this knife to my collection? Even if I didn’t get mugged?”
“Bruce.” Danny stared stubbornly back. With his uninsured hand, he patted Damian on the head. He was going to enjoy the fluffiness before Damian’s guilt was no longer enough to hold him back from snapping at Danny’s hand like a grumpy alligator. Bruce loses, obviously. He’s a teenager who was also an ex-vigilante. Batman’s got nothing on a determined halfa.
“Master Danny, I must insist you refrain from getting stabbed. There is only so much gauze and antiseptic cream in the house.” Alfred returned- huh, when did he leave?- with a med kit.
Danny called bullshit because he knows there’s a whole ass medical bay beneath the manor.
“No need to apologize.” Alfred said, promptly beginning the extraction of the butter knife.
“Are you okay?” Dick asked, hovering worriedly. “He- are you…?”
Damian was allowing Danny to ruffle his hair, so…
“Yep, I’m good. This isn’t even on my top thirty most painful stabbings,” and it really wasn’t. That honor was given to the GIW and that one time Jazz accidentally stabbed him with her earrings. “That was pretty impressive, actually. It’s like, a butter knife. The other ones had pointy ends.”
“Do not clump me with those pathetic wastes of spaces. I am naturally superior and would… would never harm you on purpose.” Damian said, getting quiet at the end like he was trying to plead to Danny to believe him.
“Of course not. But- if you want help me keep the knife, you can hit me with a mug, it would technically be a mugging.”
The pun got the desired effect. Damian leaned away with a disgruntled look and Dick stopped hovering as close in order to let out a small cackle.
“You should go get changed, kiddo. We’re going to see Tim’s photography at the Gotham Gallery today.”
“Oh, for real?” Danny patted Damian’s fluffy hair one last time, pushing away from the counter. “Oh, I’ll clean up here first and-”
“That will not be necessary,” Alfred scolded, a mop somehow already in his hands. “Please see to it you are prepared for the day.”
“Thanks, Alfred. Can I keep the knife.”
“Very well.”
“Sweet. See you guys later?” Danny pranced off after seeing the nods.
“He’s… he got stabbed a lot. Before us, I mean.” Dick tapped a furious rhythm onto the counter. “Not that we’ve stabbed him until now but even once is concerning for a civilian.”
“He was used to it.” Bruce replied.
“Perhaps we should join Todd in his endeavor and ensure that his worthless tormentors are permanently out of the picture.”
“God, he said top thirty. He was counting.”
Damian silently withdrew a kitchen knife.
“No murder with my quality chef’s knives, Master Damian.”
“Master Jason follows the same rules. Now, out of the kitchen. I may be old, but I remember the last time master Bruce and master Dick stepped foot in here and I will not have a repeat.”
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eldritch-ace · 3 months
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The Leading Man
I love how after watching Nightmare Time, TGWDLM implies that all the powerhouses of Hatchetfield were infected before the CCRP crew (also that Pokey plays favorites)
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lara-cairncross · 3 months
yesterday's scribbles pt 2
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sunderwight · 3 months
Cumplane where Airplane, in a fit of either bravery or insanity or positive or negative self-esteem (he's not totally sure) decides to cosplay as Luo Binghe and post the pictures online.
Of course, he doesn't do it as "Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky", he knows he has some questionable fans and doesn't really want to hand them a picture of his face. So he posts the images under one of the pseudonyms he uses for lurking around the comment section and social media tags. It's just a handful of images of him looking like the protagonist in his head, attempting to strike cool poses in a wig and some period clothes (he rented both).
The reception is... mixed. Airplane does not have abs, after all, nor a flawless complexion or much skill with makeup. He is fat, freckled, and awkward. The PIDW readership is not known for being particularly supportive either. In fact they're mostly a crab bucket of negativity and masculine posturing, so he gets a lot of mean-spirited commentary.
It's fine. Nothing he hadn't expected. Really solidifies for him that posting was a fit of madness, actually! What did he even expect? He's bracing himself for the worst when he sees that Peerless Cucumber, notorious hate-reader and defender of Luo Binghe's honor, has commented. Ah, shit. He's probably going to rip into Airplane for daring to sully his precious Binghe's reputation by dressing up like that, isn't he?
The comment is long, too. Fuck. Airplane's not sure if his self-esteem can take a comprehensive beating from the champion hater himself, but he's too curious not to look.
Shen Yuan, in the meanwhile, is just pleased that there has FINALLY been a Luo Binghe cosplayer who looks the part. Of course Luo Binghe wouldn't have exaggerated muscles, those are just a product of dehydration. Binghe spent most of his disciple years running around chopping wood and hauling laundry, and then later doing whatever he could to pack on the calories in order to make it through the Abyss. A hefty workman's build would only make sense for him, anything else would be nonsense. Airplane also described Luo Binghe as having a beautiful face, which Shen Yuan won't blame most cosplayers for not being able to just make happen, but a beautiful face doesn't mean "covered in so much makeup it looks like an anime character"! When would Luo Binghe have the time or inclination to put on makeup? A natural beauty with some inevitable blemishes would make more sense and be much more appealing, and this "Airplane Crashing to the Ground" (funny play on the author's name, Shen Yuan approves) has very pretty features! Everyone hating on this cosplay is just an idiot, the only actual problem is that his wig is poorly fitted.
So in true Peerless Cucumber fashion, he lays this all out.
This gets him embroiled in arguments with several other fans, who even accuse him of actually being the guy in the photos, claiming that there's no other reason why he would defend them. Shen Yuan doesn't care if people think that's him, because that's still the best Luo Binghe cosplay he's ever seen, but he doesn't want them doubting the sincerity of his arguments. So, he decides that the only reasonable thing to do is dress himself up in cosplay as well and then post the actual photos of himself.
While he'd like to dress up as one of Luo Binghe's allies like Mobei Jun, or maybe someone cool like Yue Qingyuan, he is too pedantic to think he could pull that off. Those guys are all strong warrior types, and Shen Yuan is a scrawny pale rich kid who looks like he'd probably lose a fight with a wet paper towel. The only characters he could plausibly pull off would be some of the more consumptive members of Binghe's harem and maybe, maybe, one of the weaker villains like Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Yuan is NOT posting pictures of himself crossplaying to the central nexus of toxic masculinity itself, so... Shen Qingqiu it is!
Poor Airplane has to go sit and stare at a while for a while. Peerless Cucumber likes his cosplay. Peerless Cucumber, ardent defender of Shang Qinghua's sellout crappy main character mary-sue, thinks Airplane is good-looking enough to cosplay as him. And said so. Repeatedly. And then posted borderline thirst-trap villain cosplay of himself, inadvertently revealing in the process that he is hot.
What the. What. What?!
Anyway, Shen Yuan suggests that they attend the next convention both cosplaying together because Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky is supposed to be doing a meet & greet at that one, and wouldn't it be fun to go as a pair? And Airplane agrees before his brain catches up and he realizes that might present a problem.
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siobhans-roy · 4 months
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succession + random glimpses into the roy's childhoods
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passerinesoncaffeine · 2 months
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Achilles writing the codex:
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ditzybat · 3 months
tim: nah man, i stay away from drugs, last time i touched that stuff i killed someone
jason: you… killed someone?
tim: i mean, she was resuscitated after and definitely set it up so i would kill her (i think), but you know it’s the principle of the matter right?
jason: that’s an original experience i fear
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moondwellerthatdwells · 6 months
I know i am a disney blog, but as someone who's been in multiple fandom including outside of disney i just have to okay???
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Here is spider danno animated, happy dannypocalypse
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enderpawu · 4 months
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walking through the city and dying inside ! (hes so real for that)
this time wanted to make more of a comic cus i am silly like that :3 also for anyone who doesnt know, this is for my hc au! its called "time magic" and if u like this then consider checking out my page, still a work in progress but arent we all.
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